Home Office video “HM Government Police Recruitment campaign – Being a Muslim officer.” (58 seconds long)
Oh, go on – give it a watch! It’s been on YouTube since 9th June and only had 8 views! (I don’t understand this – you’d think at least her family would watch it)
In fact, if you look at the YouTube Home Office videos page, many of them get so few views it makes you wonder why they bother.
Gotta spend our money somehow.
It also marked “unlisted”
ie it doesn’t show up on searches.
It’s even hidden from the Home Office video list
You can only find the video if someone sends you the link.
That video list is metroliberal compliant in that it avoids having straight white males
As far as I can tell youtube (google) have an AI algorithm that monitors every single youtube account holder and ranks and labels that account holder. Depending on the algorithm your comments may be ghosted (not made public) and your downticks or upticks privileges may be removed. It depends on the account holder, the text posted, your search history, the youtube video.
Google also has a habit of collating individual data so it wants to know what other devices you use and will combine data from say Google Search Engine as well as your Youtube Searches and upticks and downticks as well as Gmail (etc). The main function of the collection of all this personal data is for targeted advertisement, which is where they make most of their money, but it can also be used to monitor you for hate speech, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism etc.
I found the video while idly looking at the Joining The Police website to see what their recruitment policies were. I had no idea that such videos could be unsearchable on YouTube.
The video is on this page:
Laura K is pretty pleased to announce, on the beeb 6 news, that -while Boris had an 80 seat majority, this was no longer reliable or united behind ‘ministers’.
Surkeer surfaced briefly to criticise that the lockdown was only in certain places, but did not enlighten us as to what he thought should happen.
He’s learning.
So are we. Of the meaninglessness of an 80 seat majority when leadership is lacking. Laura got that right.
To see an 80 loyal majority melting away is pretty impressive . But the media performance of the government is dreadful – an a bet a lot of red Tory MP s are getting it in the neck over mad or badly founded local lockdowns .
Add the violent comments by a reasonable speaker and the current regime has problems . One wonders what would happen if another ‘black swan’ event came along to further pressure the red tories …..
Black swan theory being an event no one saw coming ….Pearl harbour – 9/11 – Leicester winning the prem.
Not al-beeb but hopefully still informative; from a friend about the shitstorm about to unfold across the pond
The Electoral Ballot-Count Cannot be Delayed
By law (3 USC §7) the Electoral College votes must be tallied on the Monday following the 2nd Wednesday of December. That day falls on 14 Dec this year.
There is NO PROVISION in the law for extending that date. Congress could amend the law to create such a provision but it does not presently exist.
There IS, however, ESTABLISHED PRECEDENT for PROCEEDING WITHOUT electors of any states unable or unwilling to perform the timely election processes that produce certified electors from their states.
In the election of 1864, eleven states’ electoral votes were omitted; these states did not submit any electoral votes.
That the election proceeded in their absence clearly establishes that any state which does not certify and submit its electoral votes on the required date cannot be included in the count.
What if some states allow an error-riddled, “junk-mailed” and corrupted process within their states to prevent certification of their electors in time to be counted? Do we all just wait indefinitely under the banner of “Every vote counts”?
No. That’s not what we do.
Electors that cannot be certified by the statutory deadline are simply omitted from the count. The omission of state electors reduces the total number of electoral votes cast, which then lowers the number needed to select the president.
The Constitution provides but does not require that all states participate in the selection of the president. It prescribes the process to which those participating must conform.
The Constitution, the governing statute and established precedent all allow that states may abstain (either intentionally or through incompetence) without disrupting the peaceful, timely and orderly conduct of the presidential election.
Were it otherwise; were there no codified deadline for casting electoral votes, but instead, an obligation to wait until all 50 states have certified their electors without any commonly observed deadline, elections would extend endlessly. The nation would have been subjected to chaos-inducing uncertainty in nearly every cycle.
But this has NOT been the case, has it?
The peaceful transition of power in which Americans have taken just pride is a function of a CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS process for selecting the president.
The D-party is doing its level best to undermine subscription to this Constitutional process. They seem to believe that their only hope of regaining the White House lies in sowing chaos, generating distrust in the outcome and then litigating it for as long as possible.
Note the D-Party strategy:
* Push the idea that election day is the beginning rather than the end of the “campaign.” Get every media and tech giant preaching this refrain:
“The prescribed election process can no longer produce a knowable result, no matter how decisively one side wins on election day. For ‘every vote to count’ will require removal of all time and procedural constraints. It may take many weeks and intervention by the Supreme Court.”
* Accuse any who demand that we adhere to the Constitutional process of “disenfranchising voters.” “Every vote counts” will be used as the justification for “junk-mailing” unsolicited ballots, eroding timelines and other CORRUPTIONS to the integrity of the process.
* Treat ballots like grocery-coupons; junk-mailing them out in bulk to poorly-maintained registered voter lists.
* Permit “ballot-harvesting” – the casting of ballots “for” others by political operatives.
* Complain bitterly about the inevitable chaos created by these tactics and then file lawsuits.
Having appointed over 300 Constitutionally-bound Federal judges, Trump has assured that legal challenges from the Left will face a brick WALL of Constitutionally-prescribed process, adherence to statutes governing the process and the validity of established precedent. The illicit tactics of the Marxist Revolutionaries will not be affirmed by today’s judiciary.
So Parliament have succeeded in forcing Boris to have a vote on any changes to the lock-down regulations.
I cannot imagine a worse scenario.
Gina Miller wil be in court to oppose any changes that disproportional affect ethnic communities.
The Lords will try to scupper anything the Government proposes that might affect their shareholding and send it back to the House.
The street screamers will go into full howling mode just to attack the Conservatives complete with their banners etc…
Lady spider’s successor will eventually get involved and it will be back to square one.
Meanwhile time will pass by and possibly many more people will get sick and die.
The only shaft of light is that we will all know how our local MP voted and act accordingly at the next election.
Imagine if this situation was demanded when Hitler was pushing to the English Channel, would we have had to have a vote on whether to send an invasion force to stop him?
Committees are always just about the worst possible way to handle a crisis because you need to be well-informed and nimble in response.
“Imagine if this situation was demanded when Hitler was pushing to the English Channel, would we have had to have a vote on whether to send an invasion force to stop him?”
Except if Hitler is already here, hiding in plain sight and calling himself Boris.
How many new laws and powers do we grant him without scrutiny, all under his new executive powers, before the coin drops.
“Imagine if this situation was demanded when Hitler was pushing to the English Channel, would we have had to have a vote on whether to send an invasion force to stop him?”
So you think Boris can declare war on a bad flu virus… and win?
Of course some people, mainly the very elderly and those with serious health conditions, have died. Essentially the virus has the same transmission nature of the flu or the common cold – you think we can ever eradicate those?
My point being that coronavirus is a medical threat and thus better tackled by experts rather than hooray Henry’s in the HOC where party political dogma will be the main factor.
“I’m dreaming of a light Christmas,
not like the ones I used to know,
where the rooftops glisten, and neighbours listen,
to report more than six mates on the go”……….
Same everywhere, authorities think they can film us but not vice versa.
Guess it’s the modern version of a prison where the guards can look at the inmates but not the other way around.
From The Zombie Nun a For Britain guy
The testing site gate staff seem to be all recent immigrants probably hired by a security contractor.
All they know is that filming is illegal on site.
(That will be to keep the privacy of people, and so to not discourage them from getting tested)
but they don’t know they have no right to stop anyone filming the entrance nor any right to march in the public street threatening to seize people’s camera.
search reveals quite a few people have tested the “no filming rule” example
.. if I can simply explain the privacy concern I don’t see why normal security can’t.
I see one of ZombieNun’s mates has done a special BBC TV guide based in reality.
Many people feel they do not want to become the pariah of the neighbourhood
with people pointing at their house or biz and saying “look that’s where the Covid lurgee is ..stay away”
.. especially if you are celebrity or own a local business
so it is important that who has tested positive for Covid remains private.
BTW saying “I’m sorry but that makes no sense at all.”
is the sort of passive aggressive *intimidation* I expect from lib mob Twitter accounts.
.. I will offer whatever opinions I like , ta.
“I’m sorry but that makes no sense at all.” – clearly is a request for you to explain your previous bold assertions which… make no sense to me.
“the sort of passive aggressive *intimidation* I expect from lib mob Twitter accounts… I will offer whatever opinions I like , ta.”
What better example of passive aggression could there be?
I’m frankly intrigued by your putting the case for ‘celebrities’ and ‘local businesses’ supposedly frightened of the fact that they have taken a covid test and been found positive and that anyone should then discover the fact. Are they not supposed to self-quarantine?
I really am lost in your arguement and suspect you haven’t really thought it through but just fired off some vaguely plausible pedantic-sounding piffle.
It’s as simple as anything
If Jack Tan operates a takeaway with lots of employees
then it is not right for local Facebook to be plastered with photos “Here’s Jack Tan getting a Covid test” etc.
People’s medical status has always been private, and this was explained when they set up the test centres.
Was I aggressive ? Too right I was
I am not going to put up with hands on hips behaviour from the BBC nor anyone else.
I am sick of people posting videos *giving no explanation*
but rather standing with their hands on their hips, saying “look at that”
which forces me to waste my time checking and finding that the narrative doesn’t hold.
BTW There is a similar video where a white soldier also firmly told people to stop filming a test centre entrance
but you didn’t post that.
To save your time and mine I refer you to all or any of my posts – make of them what you will – it’s not compulsory, you know.
You seem to have an imaginary bee in your bonnet.
Either that or you’re doing the thing they call trolling.
@AsISeeIt who’s trolling ?
You posted the video without telling us context that it comes from the For Britain guy called Zombie Nun.
Then when I EXPLAINED why filming is not allowed .. you just tersely DISMISSED me.
Are we a cross purposes here?
It may well be linked to by the guy you mention, I don’t know, and don’t know who he is…
I linked to the You Tube channel of a guy under the name Auditing Britain. I find him amusing and his videos often fascinating. I did include a warning that it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea. The narrative – obviously – is that jumped up semi-public employees (probably private security company hirees) are making up laws on the hoof from some garbled instructions they have been fed.
Nothing personal but I don’t really understand your negative reaction. Am I missing something?
Asiseeit – if you put up some video without giving the source or context then it may well be taken off this site – particularly if does not relate to BBC bias . It is compulsory .in fact – I will look at the video and it may be coming down…
Are you actively trying to drive away posters?
On the basis a video is fit for viewing on You Tube with their restrictions I don’t see the problem here. Is it a guilt by association thing because StewGreen has seen it also posted somewhere by some dubious personality? I read that The Lives Of A Bengal Lancer was the favourite movie of a former German leader – come to think of it… that, plus other objections, would likely get it a ban from somewhere.
People post all kinds of videos. Sometimes one watches – sometimes through to the end. Narratives? One draws one’s own conclusions – which is what it’s all about, No?
I know moderation is thankless task but have some moderation in your moderation.
“This may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I find it provides a fascinating sidelight on modern Britain.”
That seems a fair statement to me. Rather like those Pathe Pictorial films of old it is a snapshot of contemporary life in the UK. Why did Pathe Pictorial film what they filmed, who were they? I bet most people never asked those questions.
The videos that really are pointless are those that abound on Twitter, shaky mobile phone stuff that could be of anything from anywhere at anytime and with the ‘sound’ a string of ‘beeps’.
As to the subject video the ‘punch line’, as usual, is right at the end, when the police turn up and tell the filmer that what he is doing is legal and, in a friendly way, alerts him to avoid getting into a ‘public order’ situation.
If I had an objection to this video it would be that it is boring and not BBC related. The quality is a lot better than a lot of what makes it to the BBC now though!
A bit of advice: When BLM kicked off a house near to me became plastered in BLM posters. I wanted to take a photograph of it. I didn’t stand outside the gate, I walked around the park opposite and when I was on the far side took the photo from there. Three walls, one road and 200 metres of grass keeps the confrontations away!
No – I’m trying to control the focus of the site . There is plenty of latitude – but putting up a 24 minute video by some bloke with a gripe in Milton Keynes a]hasn’t much to do with the bias of the BBC has it ?
As is said – you did not put it in context – or the source – which is poor form . If you don’t like it or want to carry on moaning why not find another better site .. there is no commercial interest here so it doesn’t matter how many people do or do not use it . It’s just a small part of a grow campaign ….. got it ?
As for the videos – I try to watch all of them – often having to Wade through 24 minutes of dross like that one – which can be summarised as ‘when some thicko put on a reflective jacket the power can go to their head ‘…..
Now please leave it as I’m not engaging on thr subject any more – I’m back to the BBC
( and yes the Hugh power of moderating has clearly gone to my head )
Without Fedup and some others we wouldn’t have this site.
I think it has been explained that as moderator (and administrator) Fedup and maybe others have to check every link posted on this site or at least those that include playable videos that can be played on this site – and this takes up an incredible amount of their time. They could save time by just deleting unexplained / uncontextualised videos.
Everybody has to think what would they do if they were moderator / adminstrator of this site, an entirely voluntary position, but having to burden the responsibility of what goes onto this site.
When I first found this site it was being run by David Vance and someone called “Allen”. But Allen disappeared and so did David Vance. I think David Vance was aiming at founding an alternative platform or news channel (not sure how that turned out).
At the time FedUp was just a poster on here like you and me but he stepped up to keep this site going.
Time for another NHS dance routine – imagine how many people that is happening too – but at least those 1.7 million NHS employees are getting their freebies and 20 % off … some might say it’s sick….
Cheers caliphate – I don’t want to use any more time on this . There is disagreement on content which is unlikely to be resolved . I try not to take stuff down – when. I Do I say so and explain why .
BBC blondes starting ‘reporting’ with ‘the problem with…‘:
The problem with the PM saying he is confident the UK can drive down the virus because 'we did it before' is that we did it before when govt introduced a national lockdown when nearly everything ground to a halt
The problem with the “ it was all a shitshow “ take on the #Debates2020 is that it ignores the real possibility it was a deliberate attempt to undermine democratic process. If you make everyone believe it’s pointless to listen/ vote / count when you are trailing – it’s job done.
You’d expect me to say this…but I think this is a really good listen. And interviews with a couple of undecided voters post debate are super interesting….if you haven’t subscribed do join us @maitlis and @awzurcherhttps://t.co/vbr2nQ8zGY
Nasty piece of work that Sopel individual-very much in the Democrats camp as one can gauge from his slithery report on the Trump/Biden debate. Really cannot understand why the BBC are keeping him in America-is he married to an American? Rather hear an American journalist on the subject, but maybe that would grate on ones nerves!
The @bbcstrictly wardrobe, hair and makeup teams are genius. Here’s a little tease of things to come! (Of course I look like this every weekend when recording @forthemanypod and that @IainDale is a fiend for the sequins) pic.twitter.com/w4ZQ3BUOAI
Give that lady a bath plug . She claimed 99p ? ( I’m sure stew will correct me and it was only 95p )?for one before the porn DVD expense claim finished her ….
Team Crimebodge have had a £10,000 court payout aginst a bailiff firm abusing their powers
And it seems from the way the firm refused to submit evidence to the court that they may be routinely systematically acting outside the law YouTube video
Formerly he had had to take a private prosecution against a police officer on the account of the way the Derbyshire Police had fudged their internal investigation to let the officer off.
In the end the CPS have taken over the case and are bringing it to court in Dec.
In my neighbouring small town there is an independent cinema, and I’ve been emailed letting me know that 2-28 Oct has been designated as Black History month film season. Well, seeing how there is a small community of Muslims/Sikhs in the area who have their own Bollywood films, I cant see what audience they are targeting, but it never ends.
‘Season’s, black or otherwise, always seem to be for the benefit of the producers rather than the customers.
If one was interested in stamp collecting it might be nice to have a film about it, but two would be too much. If, like most, one wasn’t interested in stamp collecting then for the season there will be no films worth watching.
As a producer though it’s just a case of chucking into the programme anything that fits the theme, no need to consider quality or anything else.
In the UK ‘Asians’ aren’t ‘Black’, indeed in general they regard ‘Africans’ with contempt. It must be pretty tough being grouped in with the ‘Blacks’ as an ‘also-ran’ partner in the BAME brand and excluded from all adverts except those for book-keeping software. (Anyone would think they ran corner shops and sub-Post Offices, but that would be stereotyping!)
Meanwhile down in South Wales…………………..
“Penally asylum seekers criticise military camp housing”
How can they be “asylum seekers” from France?
They are illegal. Our Tory government is treating us with contempt and the French are emptying their camps. I suspect there will be trouble ahead .
It’s all smoke and mirrors and (illogical) semantics.
IF the illegals are ‘intercepted’ the HO stooges fill out asylum claim forms for them.
The HO then claim (to us) that the invaders are ‘asylum seekers’, and once that term has been misapplied they conveniently (for the authorities) become ‘legal’ and ‘vulnerable’ and entitled to all manner of benefits.
Taff, heard this on the radio early doors, the report finished with quotes from the bleeding hearts (Labour) saying the proposals were inhuman, obscene, costly, bizarre, degrading, expensive……….
Shows just how much the political scum on these islands really care about protecting this country and its indigenous population.
Still, strong winds and weather in the Channel is f’cast for the next 48hrs.
It seems unavoidable the numbers being brought into hospital will continue to climb. This always happens for respiratory illnesses during this period. And the same, sadly, happens with deaths. Some winters are, of course, worse than others. December 2017 to March 2018 saw an extra 50,000 “winter deaths” in England and Wales – that is above what was being seen during the rest of the year.
When you compare it with the winters before, there were 15,000 more deaths. It was cold, there was a virulent strain of flu, and the vaccine that year was not particularly effective. Given there is a new virus circulating that has a disproportionate effect on the most frail in society, most expect this winter to be worse than that.
After the first televised US presidential debate was peppered with insults and interruptions, prompting dismay among many voters and disdain from the world’s media, changes are afoot. The commission that oversees the debates says it will alter the format to ensure the remaining two encounters between Donald Trump and Joe Biden are more orderly. And reports in America suggest the candidates’ microphones could be cut if they try to interrupt each other
Guest, Expectation management, project fear, propaganda even, it goes by many names and will continue for as long as those in power allow the national broadcaster to get away with it.
Someone should tell Nick Triggle we (the great British public) spent the last lockdown under house arrest with the goal of saving ‘R anychess’ and the Nightingale hospitals can be utilised to full effect to now protect and serve those being brought in.
The bbc has a handy guide to ‘fringe movements’. Apparently.
“Proud Boys – stand back and stand by.”
During the first election debate, President Trump name-checked this right-wing fringe movement. So who are the Proud Boys, and what do they stand for?
Another good day for those who have suddenly discovered all the world to be a Petri dish.
The BBC’s newspaper front page line up prioritises the FT: ‘Johnson “will not hesitate” to impose new new Covid restrictions’
‘Keep calm, curfew on’ says the Metro: ‘PM urges us to follow rules with the threat of tougher measures’
The Mirror gratefully accepts the Johnson family’s gift to them of breaking the daft rules Boris himself imposed inevitably with a large dose of hypocrisy: ‘Another fine mess, Stanley. So when’s your dad getting fined then Boris? PM vows to get tough as father shops without mask’
In the Telegraph Michael Deacon asks: ‘Will a ban on laughter be next?’
For any form of sane non-covid-obsessive view of the world we’ll need to search elsewhere.
‘Cad, Bonk, Brill’ – no, not a new Boris Johnson biography. As the Telegraph catches up with yesterday’s Times feature: ‘Age-old words millenials just don’t get’
Try them on “Work, Borders, Responsibility” some rock-ribbed old Tory like Stanley Johnson might retort.
The FT proposes: ‘After the debate’ their anaylsis of the US Presidential match up. Pundit Janan Ganesh (he’s a pundit – that’s not part of his name) reckons: ‘Biden is right to target class, rather than the culture war’
Not so our own National Trust. The ‘i’ reminds us of: ‘Country houses and colonialism. Britain’s war with its history’ – you see this culture war thing is a ratchet, only permitted to shift in one leftward direction.
The Guardian welcomes: ‘Funding surge. Cash haul for Biden after fiery debate’ – good old Scanton Joe, man of the people, eh?
There was a time when our lefty press scoffed at too much cash buying the US elections – that was before Hillary became the Wall Street candidate, her funding dwarfing Trump’s self-financed candidature.
Talk about nailing your colours to the masthead – Andrew Marr takes the top left corner position on the Guardian front page doing little to persuade the nation of the BBC’s impartiality: ‘There is a drive on to destroy the BBC’ he pleads.
The Guardian front apge further regrets: ‘French Open. Blow as Serena Williams quits with injury’ – I guess, if your main interest in the competition, in some Guardianista condescending way, was simply for a black person to win.
It took me a minute to read the ‘interview ‘ of Andy marrrrr by his paper – the guardian … it was more of a chat …. anyway …it mentions that he is on £360 000 a year and is very concerned that his BBC is under attack by people who use this site and others . Good . Clock is ticking Mr Marr. Never a shortage of ‘journalists’ /cum propagandists …..
AISI, that pic of Stanley Johnson was up on the BBC w-s a while ago and it clearly showed another customer in the same photo from behind who was also not wearing a face-mask. Someone must have complained because the BBC has changed the photo now to show only Stan Johnson possibly from a slightly different angle or with the second person ‘photoshopped’ out of the shop as well as the pic.
“We left Lebanon so my son would have a future.” The 2- year-old victim of Lebanon’s devastating economic crisis. Soufian’s parents paid smugglers to take them to Cyprus. He died at sea. Camera: Robbie Wright; Producer @nourmatragi Our latest report: pic.twitter.com/1Apri9pASh
Judging by recent PMQs redtory MPs are banned from askin questions about the daily south coast invasion …..or whether the letter ‘g’ is be banned when speakin’…
On R4 Toady, Toenails is at it again, trying to take down Trump (so this bizarre, self-important little creature imagines in his fevered, largely empty brain). (He did manage an apology on another issue he got wrong, repeatedly referring to Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the Leader of the opposition’.)
The ‘white supremacists’, also known as ‘Proud Boys’, were told by Pres Trump to ‘stand down and stand by’, in the recent debate. What you are meant to take from this is that the President foments unrest and ‘racism’. When I think of Nick now, I invariably have to think of Steve Turley’s definition: ” the extreme Left-wing activists, posing as journalists’, or something like that. Thousands, we are told, were to arrive in Antifa/BLM wracked Portland to restore order, but ‘only a few hundred arrived’.
This is actually a multicultural group, not a ‘white supremacist’ group, but when did a few facts ever stop Toady/R4?
Clearly, we are now in for a hatchet job a day from Toady, as they scavange in the entrails of the debate.
A very disturbing video from The New Culture Forum. Just over 5.5 minutes long.
Confirmation from a objective student of the UN’s Agenda 21 outed in the UK in all its glory. Not really anything that most here have always understood to be the case.
“Teachers Shouldn’t Be Political Agents of Social Change. They Must Nurture Intellectual Aspiration.”
Hmmmnn, I value my old (secondary) school precisely because it gave me a political education as well as a lot more besides. Sure, there were some ‘lefty’ teachers there, but there were others who were strictly neutral and taught us to think and choose for ourselves. There were also some who were ‘prototype-Thatchers’ (think she was a new Minister but still unknown) and teachers who were even somewhere to the right of Ghenghis Khan.
Well, I’ve just found out, via the BBC (of course) that it’s Black History Month.
That’s right, the whole of October, will be given over to celebrate black achievements.
I guess they’ll be looking at literature, music, science, politics, oh, you name it…
We’ll have plenty of time to admire the fabulous inventions that black people have given the world.
No doubt we’ll be discussing all the superb works of art that so enrich our society.
We can talk about our favourite ethnic composers; indeed Lenny Henry has already started the ball rolling.
And let’s not forget the fabulous black authors we all enjoy.
You know, all of a sudden…
A month seems a very long time.
Jeff – Indeed. A ‘black history day’ would have sufficed. But, as with all things black, the virtue-signallers have had to go way OTT.
There is some good, but also some very, very nasty black history about. Also, some very nasty stuff happening at present. Wonder whether they’ll be giving us any of that?
Noticed a black face on George Washington (or was it Mozart?) on Google this morning, to kick off.
Nay, looking it up, it was that well-known seafarer, Ignatius Sancho. Nay, I see he was a composer and writer. Come the next Proms/ Booker Prize, we know what to expect.
Brissles, my dear old thing, (the cricket’s finished now but England’s Wimmin won a series. Yayy!) “and how many black Santas will be popping up”
Then I can see some competition between Ainsley Harriott and a Knight who cannot be mentioned coming up. Perhaps they will have a ‘Joust Off’ for the job?
I am and no doubt like many of you subcribers on this exceelent site, sick of hearing daily on the News or through other media outlets/BBC, of the number of people who have tested positive with a coronavirus, added with those that have contacted Covid19 and then to hit home the point of how clever the PTB (powers that be)are as to how many people have died as a result of Covid19-often and perhaps deliberately not informing the number that have died from other causes. Its a hash, the testing has been using PCR (The Polymerase Chain Reaction ) as the gold standard in testing Covid19 basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.
The problem is the test is known not to work.
It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.
Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if an osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.
And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
The media frighten everyone with new positive PCR tests, without any nuance or context, wrongly assimilating this information with a second wave of COVID-19. Better in view of what I have said that, testing the standard RT-PCR test used to “detect” the insidious Virus, “cannnot identify the Virus”. Let us not forget that last time we dealt with a pandemic so mysterious, uncontained and far-reaching was in 1918, when influenza devastated populations around the globe, but NO LOCKDOWNS.
tarien – “The media frighten everyone…”
A large part of our problem may well lie here. I know there is a bad virus about, but nothing remotely like Spanish Flu or the plague. But the media frightening us, sells papers, draws clicks. Project Fear, in short, is a media darling, whatever the context.
Some sober, factual, low-key reporting may benefit all media consumers. But that’s not gonna make the media money, is it?
Yes Fakennews, Project Fear all the way-small piece appears to sum it up well enough-
I never expected to witness my country of birth being taken-over by a government of occupation. Powerful interests in the banking and corporate sector, tied-in with US and other international power brokers, have colluded with political leaders to usurp power while other supposedly ‘responsible parties’ have resorted to an eerie and arrogant silence. A refusal to engage with humanity.
Covid-19’s arrival on the scene was not by chance, and the criminal imposition of a plethora of draconian rules and regulations concerning its supposed containment – accompanied by intense media fear mongering – has simply capped the inescapable truth that a treasonous regime change is at hand. A change that is laying the ground for the establishment of a New World Order under the title World Economic Forum’s planned ‘Great Reset’.
Make the media money? No but eventually it could if allowed make the Pharma boys £billions. Good bye human civil liberties.
Rob, still proudly gunning for the Thommo look, but managing only ‘cat dragged in’, has again secured the creme of political intellect to share wisdom..
BBC News website says Covid infections are receding. So they use a picture of 2 muslim women one in a burka and one in a mask. They are basically associating good news with a) women and b) Muslims. When the infection rates rise they use pictures of predominantly white males (beer garden) to associate with negative news.
Its ceaseless and its propaganda it needs calling out. What ive said above is a fact and its discrimination. No ifs or buts.
“…… who was the first known person of African descent to vote in a UK general election.”
Wow! what an absolute hero! Is there a family somewhere needing compensation?
Looks more akin to what, until lately, came from off a marmalade jar.
Law abiding American citizens have the right to bear arms which is the final protection of the people, a right upheld by their constitution. Law abiding Britains don’t have that right.
This HnH Muslim Council of Britain LIST of Conservative MPs who need to be sent to the gulags .. for wrongThink about Islam.
“20 Conservative councillors reported by the Hatey No Hopers”
MV “This is the ruling party and ISLAMOPHOBIA is embedded in its culture ….. we have 300 in our dossier …”
IC ‘Where was your community when the grooming gang stuff was going on ?
There is a feeling that the Islamic hierachy drew a circle of wagons’
MV “Ah Tommy Robinson used ….”
IC “No put him to one side he is not relevant here, where was your community ?”
MV “That type of VICTIM BLAMING is ……”
IC “No, this is victim blaming, YOU are not the victim… the children”
MV “I take that back” (good on him)
.. that’s not true ..not a Muslim specific issue”
“people found it difficult to talk about it
.. I don’t think that is true now
..let’s put it aside
.. The Conservative party and it’s membership as a whole have .. towards Islam”
IC “But look Duncan smith is not like that ,…”
IC “Panorama 12 years ago went to a divided town, and 12 years later found it was still the same
.. some people not speaking English etc.”
MV “yeh, but yeh” ..End
@miqdaad can't help playing the victim can he, even when addressing this horrendous issue? It is the natural default position and comes naturally.
It does seem to be that HnH & MCB are DEFLECTING
“don’t look at us, we are the VICTIMS,
…. look over there at those Tories they are the BAD GUYS.”
If anyone pulls a girls headscarf or demeans an ethnic Pakistani by calling him the P word, well that is wrong.
but to it’s wrong to concentrate on that
instead of the rather big things connected to British Islamic culture
like ten of thousands of rapes, thousands of child marriages, FGM, like terrorism threats/deaths
all of which are connected to the “don’t question the big man” culture.
When Tory activists do step forward and show they care, they might do it clumsily ..but to try and make out they are the evil ones is wrong.
Someone in the Tory party needs to step up and defend those people.
(There are a lot of comments in ActivePatriot’s twitter thread)
I think that we all know that a major factor in the BBC rejecting the series would have been the difficulty of including BAME characters in pre war Yorkshire Dales. Even the most Woke BBC executive would realise that casting any of the main or supporting characters as BAME would be so incongruous that it would become a nationwide joke .
I hope that TV producers realise that force fitting BAME actors into every programme may satisfy their own Woke inclinations but it is annoys the audience who are fed up of having Wokeness forced down their throats 24/7.
I am sure under the BBC 1930s North Yorkshire would have been a veritable multicultural melting pot, so I think we dodged a bullet there.
As an aside, the Daily Mail website is absolutely unviewable. There are so many pop ups that you are reduced to reading it as if through a letterbox (or if you were from the North Riding in 1936, a burqa).
Microsoft’s browser used to have a button, to ban newspaper pop up videos
but now Edge has a button in the URL “Immersive reader” that switches off all graphics
Altenatively you can use Pressreader.co.uk and your library card to read the print version online.
Em, there was an obvious BAME character in episode 1
The owner of the opposition vets is an ethnic-Indian guy Kriss Dosanjh (Punjabi Sikh name)
(In Emmerdale he was Dr Khan in 1998 and Amar in 2014.)
The character George Pandhi seems to have been specially created for this new series photo
From the DM text
Sir Colin Callender of Playground, the production company behind the remake, said the BBC ‘had concerns about whether it would speak to a younger audience and, I think, whether or not the show could emerge from the shadow of the first series’.
A later episode of the current All Creatures series will feature a new storyline centring on the experience of a black character.
I did notice that chap in episode one but thought he had just returned from his annual holiday in Scarbados (Scarborough) . 1936 was a particularly good summer in those parts.
"Why do they think they're better than anyone else? Jeremy Corbyn proving once and for all he doesn't have the common sense to avoid paying a £200 fine."
I wonder if the BBC will ever introduce the US Vice Presidential contender, Kamala Harris, as being a ‘lady of a certain type of talent’ who ‘banged, blew, sucked and squeezed’ her way to the top (to paraphrase the old combustion engine description beloved of bikers), or anything even daring to approach the truth about how she got to where she is today ?
Probably not – but then she has everything going for her – colour, gender, and political affiliations, meaning she is virtually untouchable (figuratively, of course, in the case of the last description……physically, apparently, not so much).
If you have a sky box, where do you find Politics Live.
It’s on at 12:15 each weekday and hosted by Jo ‘lefty’ Corbyn.
I watched it today (I found it on search – watch again) but I went through every sky channel to find it on the epg but it’s nowhere to be seen yet on my schedule it’s there to be recorded tomorrow at 12:15
It’s only marked as bbc, not ch5 or anything like that. (On the program planner menu)
It’s not marked bbc2 or bbc Parliament.
So, anyone know where it is on bbbc or is it some kind of catch-up.
I’ve seen a couple of posts saying it’s on bbc2 or bbc Parliament but on my box it’s not there on those channels.
Anybody got the actual channel number it’s on?
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens https://twitter.com/RupertLowe10/status/1898839071050403877
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea… https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1897800687565861081
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe https://dailysceptic.org/2025/03/08/five-years-on-the-uk-refuses-to-learn-the-lessons-of-the-covid-catastrophe/ The US has changed direction…
Lurch shares.
Gives Biden a sign for the exit
Then channels his inner Bri.
Home Office video “HM Government Police Recruitment campaign – Being a Muslim officer.” (58 seconds long)
Oh, go on – give it a watch! It’s been on YouTube since 9th June and only had 8 views! (I don’t understand this – you’d think at least her family would watch it)
In fact, if you look at the YouTube Home Office videos page, many of them get so few views it makes you wonder why they bother.
Gotta spend our money somehow.
comments off , likes off
its almost as if they expect bad feedback
Likes are on, I just tested it
It also marked “unlisted”
ie it doesn’t show up on searches.
It’s even hidden from the Home Office video list
You can only find the video if someone sends you the link.
That video list is metroliberal compliant in that it avoids having straight white males
Likes off for me , just a fake thumb to click ?
Eddy, That’s weird, that it works for me but not for you.
Did you watch the video on YouTube ?
maybe it only lets you click Like if you’ve watched it.
As far as I can tell youtube (google) have an AI algorithm that monitors every single youtube account holder and ranks and labels that account holder. Depending on the algorithm your comments may be ghosted (not made public) and your downticks or upticks privileges may be removed. It depends on the account holder, the text posted, your search history, the youtube video.
Google also has a habit of collating individual data so it wants to know what other devices you use and will combine data from say Google Search Engine as well as your Youtube Searches and upticks and downticks as well as Gmail (etc). The main function of the collection of all this personal data is for targeted advertisement, which is where they make most of their money, but it can also be used to monitor you for hate speech, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism etc.
I found the video while idly looking at the Joining The Police website to see what their recruitment policies were. I had no idea that such videos could be unsearchable on YouTube.
The video is on this page:
A walking law suit
Laura K is pretty pleased to announce, on the beeb 6 news, that -while Boris had an 80 seat majority, this was no longer reliable or united behind ‘ministers’.
Surkeer surfaced briefly to criticise that the lockdown was only in certain places, but did not enlighten us as to what he thought should happen.
He’s learning.
So are we. Of the meaninglessness of an 80 seat majority when leadership is lacking. Laura got that right.
To see an 80 loyal majority melting away is pretty impressive . But the media performance of the government is dreadful – an a bet a lot of red Tory MP s are getting it in the neck over mad or badly founded local lockdowns .
Add the violent comments by a reasonable speaker and the current regime has problems . One wonders what would happen if another ‘black swan’ event came along to further pressure the red tories …..
Black swan theory being an event no one saw coming ….Pearl harbour – 9/11 – Leicester winning the prem.
Not al-beeb but hopefully still informative; from a friend about the shitstorm about to unfold across the pond
The Electoral Ballot-Count Cannot be Delayed
By law (3 USC §7) the Electoral College votes must be tallied on the Monday following the 2nd Wednesday of December. That day falls on 14 Dec this year.
There is NO PROVISION in the law for extending that date. Congress could amend the law to create such a provision but it does not presently exist.
There IS, however, ESTABLISHED PRECEDENT for PROCEEDING WITHOUT electors of any states unable or unwilling to perform the timely election processes that produce certified electors from their states.
In the election of 1864, eleven states’ electoral votes were omitted; these states did not submit any electoral votes.
That the election proceeded in their absence clearly establishes that any state which does not certify and submit its electoral votes on the required date cannot be included in the count.
What if some states allow an error-riddled, “junk-mailed” and corrupted process within their states to prevent certification of their electors in time to be counted? Do we all just wait indefinitely under the banner of “Every vote counts”?
No. That’s not what we do.
Electors that cannot be certified by the statutory deadline are simply omitted from the count. The omission of state electors reduces the total number of electoral votes cast, which then lowers the number needed to select the president.
The Constitution provides but does not require that all states participate in the selection of the president. It prescribes the process to which those participating must conform.
The Constitution, the governing statute and established precedent all allow that states may abstain (either intentionally or through incompetence) without disrupting the peaceful, timely and orderly conduct of the presidential election.
Were it otherwise; were there no codified deadline for casting electoral votes, but instead, an obligation to wait until all 50 states have certified their electors without any commonly observed deadline, elections would extend endlessly. The nation would have been subjected to chaos-inducing uncertainty in nearly every cycle.
But this has NOT been the case, has it?
The peaceful transition of power in which Americans have taken just pride is a function of a CLEAR and UNAMBIGUOUS process for selecting the president.
The D-party is doing its level best to undermine subscription to this Constitutional process. They seem to believe that their only hope of regaining the White House lies in sowing chaos, generating distrust in the outcome and then litigating it for as long as possible.
Note the D-Party strategy:
* Push the idea that election day is the beginning rather than the end of the “campaign.” Get every media and tech giant preaching this refrain:
“The prescribed election process can no longer produce a knowable result, no matter how decisively one side wins on election day. For ‘every vote to count’ will require removal of all time and procedural constraints. It may take many weeks and intervention by the Supreme Court.”
* Accuse any who demand that we adhere to the Constitutional process of “disenfranchising voters.” “Every vote counts” will be used as the justification for “junk-mailing” unsolicited ballots, eroding timelines and other CORRUPTIONS to the integrity of the process.
* Treat ballots like grocery-coupons; junk-mailing them out in bulk to poorly-maintained registered voter lists.
* Permit “ballot-harvesting” – the casting of ballots “for” others by political operatives.
* Complain bitterly about the inevitable chaos created by these tactics and then file lawsuits.
Having appointed over 300 Constitutionally-bound Federal judges, Trump has assured that legal challenges from the Left will face a brick WALL of Constitutionally-prescribed process, adherence to statutes governing the process and the validity of established precedent. The illicit tactics of the Marxist Revolutionaries will not be affirmed by today’s judiciary.
So Parliament have succeeded in forcing Boris to have a vote on any changes to the lock-down regulations.
I cannot imagine a worse scenario.
Gina Miller wil be in court to oppose any changes that disproportional affect ethnic communities.
The Lords will try to scupper anything the Government proposes that might affect their shareholding and send it back to the House.
The street screamers will go into full howling mode just to attack the Conservatives complete with their banners etc…
Lady spider’s successor will eventually get involved and it will be back to square one.
Meanwhile time will pass by and possibly many more people will get sick and die.
The only shaft of light is that we will all know how our local MP voted and act accordingly at the next election.
Imagine if this situation was demanded when Hitler was pushing to the English Channel, would we have had to have a vote on whether to send an invasion force to stop him?
Committees are always just about the worst possible way to handle a crisis because you need to be well-informed and nimble in response.
The inmates are trying to run the Asylum.
“Imagine if this situation was demanded when Hitler was pushing to the English Channel, would we have had to have a vote on whether to send an invasion force to stop him?”
Except if Hitler is already here, hiding in plain sight and calling himself Boris.
How many new laws and powers do we grant him without scrutiny, all under his new executive powers, before the coin drops.
“Imagine if this situation was demanded when Hitler was pushing to the English Channel, would we have had to have a vote on whether to send an invasion force to stop him?”
So you think Boris can declare war on a bad flu virus… and win?
Of course some people, mainly the very elderly and those with serious health conditions, have died. Essentially the virus has the same transmission nature of the flu or the common cold – you think we can ever eradicate those?
Likening lockdown to wartime is ludicurous.
My point being that coronavirus is a medical threat and thus better tackled by experts rather than hooray Henry’s in the HOC where party political dogma will be the main factor.
“Gina Miller will be in court to oppose any changes….”
‘Gina Miller – aka George Soros – will be in court……..’
The new BBC will broadcast speeches like this.
The new Christmas anthem……………….
“I’m dreaming of a light Christmas,
not like the ones I used to know,
where the rooftops glisten, and neighbours listen,
to report more than six mates on the go”……….
Could be a #1
This may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I find it provides a fascinating sidelight on modern Britain.
Milton Keynes covid 19 drive through testing site
Same everywhere, authorities think they can film us but not vice versa.
Guess it’s the modern version of a prison where the guards can look at the inmates but not the other way around.
Soon we will be like Turkmenistan. Got stopped for taking a photo of a photo of the President.
Google doesn’t seem to have been that way since 2014.
Milton Keynes or Mogadishu?
From The Zombie Nun a For Britain guy
The testing site gate staff seem to be all recent immigrants probably hired by a security contractor.
All they know is that filming is illegal on site.
(That will be to keep the privacy of people, and so to not discourage them from getting tested)
but they don’t know they have no right to stop anyone filming the entrance nor any right to march in the public street threatening to seize people’s camera.
search reveals quite a few people have tested the “no filming rule” example
.. if I can simply explain the privacy concern I don’t see why normal security can’t.
I see one of ZombieNun’s mates has done a special BBC TV guide based in reality.
‘That will be to keep the privacy of people, and so to not discourage them from getting tested’
I’m sorry but that makes no sense at all.
It’s not an STD clinic
the privacy of people,
Maybe working whilst claiming welfare and not wanting to get caught.
Wearing a 99p yellow vest can go to a man’s head
Many people feel they do not want to become the pariah of the neighbourhood
with people pointing at their house or biz and saying “look that’s where the Covid lurgee is ..stay away”
.. especially if you are celebrity or own a local business
so it is important that who has tested positive for Covid remains private.
BTW saying “I’m sorry but that makes no sense at all.”
is the sort of passive aggressive *intimidation* I expect from lib mob Twitter accounts.
.. I will offer whatever opinions I like , ta.
“I’m sorry but that makes no sense at all.” – clearly is a request for you to explain your previous bold assertions which… make no sense to me.
“the sort of passive aggressive *intimidation* I expect from lib mob Twitter accounts… I will offer whatever opinions I like , ta.”
What better example of passive aggression could there be?
I’m frankly intrigued by your putting the case for ‘celebrities’ and ‘local businesses’ supposedly frightened of the fact that they have taken a covid test and been found positive and that anyone should then discover the fact. Are they not supposed to self-quarantine?
I really am lost in your arguement and suspect you haven’t really thought it through but just fired off some vaguely plausible pedantic-sounding piffle.
Having a bad day, mate?
It’s as simple as anything
If Jack Tan operates a takeaway with lots of employees
then it is not right for local Facebook to be plastered with photos “Here’s Jack Tan getting a Covid test” etc.
People’s medical status has always been private, and this was explained when they set up the test centres.
Was I aggressive ? Too right I was
I am not going to put up with hands on hips behaviour from the BBC nor anyone else.
I am sick of people posting videos *giving no explanation*
but rather standing with their hands on their hips, saying “look at that”
which forces me to waste my time checking and finding that the narrative doesn’t hold.
BTW There is a similar video where a white soldier also firmly told people to stop filming a test centre entrance
but you didn’t post that.
To save your time and mine I refer you to all or any of my posts – make of them what you will – it’s not compulsory, you know.
You seem to have an imaginary bee in your bonnet.
Either that or you’re doing the thing they call trolling.
@AsISeeIt who’s trolling ?
You posted the video without telling us context that it comes from the For Britain guy called Zombie Nun.
Then when I EXPLAINED why filming is not allowed .. you just tersely DISMISSED me.
Are we a cross purposes here?
It may well be linked to by the guy you mention, I don’t know, and don’t know who he is…
I linked to the You Tube channel of a guy under the name Auditing Britain. I find him amusing and his videos often fascinating. I did include a warning that it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea. The narrative – obviously – is that jumped up semi-public employees (probably private security company hirees) are making up laws on the hoof from some garbled instructions they have been fed.
Nothing personal but I don’t really understand your negative reaction. Am I missing something?
Asiseeit – if you put up some video without giving the source or context then it may well be taken off this site – particularly if does not relate to BBC bias . It is compulsory .in fact – I will look at the video and it may be coming down…
Mr Fedup2
Are you actively trying to drive away posters?
On the basis a video is fit for viewing on You Tube with their restrictions I don’t see the problem here. Is it a guilt by association thing because StewGreen has seen it also posted somewhere by some dubious personality? I read that The Lives Of A Bengal Lancer was the favourite movie of a former German leader – come to think of it… that, plus other objections, would likely get it a ban from somewhere.
People post all kinds of videos. Sometimes one watches – sometimes through to the end. Narratives? One draws one’s own conclusions – which is what it’s all about, No?
I know moderation is thankless task but have some moderation in your moderation.
“This may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I find it provides a fascinating sidelight on modern Britain.”
That seems a fair statement to me. Rather like those Pathe Pictorial films of old it is a snapshot of contemporary life in the UK. Why did Pathe Pictorial film what they filmed, who were they? I bet most people never asked those questions.
The videos that really are pointless are those that abound on Twitter, shaky mobile phone stuff that could be of anything from anywhere at anytime and with the ‘sound’ a string of ‘beeps’.
As to the subject video the ‘punch line’, as usual, is right at the end, when the police turn up and tell the filmer that what he is doing is legal and, in a friendly way, alerts him to avoid getting into a ‘public order’ situation.
If I had an objection to this video it would be that it is boring and not BBC related. The quality is a lot better than a lot of what makes it to the BBC now though!
A bit of advice: When BLM kicked off a house near to me became plastered in BLM posters. I wanted to take a photograph of it. I didn’t stand outside the gate, I walked around the park opposite and when I was on the far side took the photo from there. Three walls, one road and 200 metres of grass keeps the confrontations away!
P.S. No-one being tested for Covid was filmed.
No – I’m trying to control the focus of the site . There is plenty of latitude – but putting up a 24 minute video by some bloke with a gripe in Milton Keynes a]hasn’t much to do with the bias of the BBC has it ?
As is said – you did not put it in context – or the source – which is poor form . If you don’t like it or want to carry on moaning why not find another better site .. there is no commercial interest here so it doesn’t matter how many people do or do not use it . It’s just a small part of a grow campaign ….. got it ?
As for the videos – I try to watch all of them – often having to Wade through 24 minutes of dross like that one – which can be summarised as ‘when some thicko put on a reflective jacket the power can go to their head ‘…..
Now please leave it as I’m not engaging on thr subject any more – I’m back to the BBC
( and yes the Hugh power of moderating has clearly gone to my head )
Without Fedup and some others we wouldn’t have this site.
I think it has been explained that as moderator (and administrator) Fedup and maybe others have to check every link posted on this site or at least those that include playable videos that can be played on this site – and this takes up an incredible amount of their time. They could save time by just deleting unexplained / uncontextualised videos.
Everybody has to think what would they do if they were moderator / adminstrator of this site, an entirely voluntary position, but having to burden the responsibility of what goes onto this site.
When I first found this site it was being run by David Vance and someone called “Allen”. But Allen disappeared and so did David Vance. I think David Vance was aiming at founding an alternative platform or news channel (not sure how that turned out).
At the time FedUp was just a poster on here like you and me but he stepped up to keep this site going.
I suppose “I have no dog in this fight”, but I found the video of Auditing Britain fascinating and horrifying, and I am glad it was posted.
Meanwhile at Royal Glamorgan Hospital.
Eight patients without Coronavirus went into the hospital and……died in the hospital of Coronavirus.
Another triumph for our NHS heroes.
And you can’t even blame Boris, as Health is a devolved responsibility.
Time for another NHS dance routine – imagine how many people that is happening too – but at least those 1.7 million NHS employees are getting their freebies and 20 % off … some might say it’s sick….
“With Covid” or “of Covid” ?
Cheers caliphate – I don’t want to use any more time on this . There is disagreement on content which is unlikely to be resolved . I try not to take stuff down – when. I Do I say so and explain why .
BBC blondes starting ‘reporting’ with ‘the problem with…‘:
Laura has lost it.
Meanwhile, BS and the rest RT each other.
Of course, she got what she wanted.
Nasty piece of work that Sopel individual-very much in the Democrats camp as one can gauge from his slithery report on the Trump/Biden debate. Really cannot understand why the BBC are keeping him in America-is he married to an American? Rather hear an American journalist on the subject, but maybe that would grate on ones nerves!
Will it be on vhs?
Give that lady a bath plug . She claimed 99p ? ( I’m sure stew will correct me and it was only 95p )?for one before the porn DVD expense claim finished her ….
As Gillette might say, is that ‘The Best A Woman Can Get’?
It’s the peroxide, I tells ya!
\\Manchester Arena Inquiry: Bomber linked to six MI5 ‘subjects of interest’//
This looks interesting ? How many will turn out to be asylum seekers?
Team Crimebodge have had a £10,000 court payout aginst a bailiff firm abusing their powers
And it seems from the way the firm refused to submit evidence to the court that they may be routinely systematically acting outside the law
YouTube video
Formerly he had had to take a private prosecution against a police officer on the account of the way the Derbyshire Police had fudged their internal investigation to let the officer off.
In the end the CPS have taken over the case and are bringing it to court in Dec.
In my neighbouring small town there is an independent cinema, and I’ve been emailed letting me know that 2-28 Oct has been designated as Black History month film season. Well, seeing how there is a small community of Muslims/Sikhs in the area who have their own Bollywood films, I cant see what audience they are targeting, but it never ends.
‘Season’s, black or otherwise, always seem to be for the benefit of the producers rather than the customers.
If one was interested in stamp collecting it might be nice to have a film about it, but two would be too much. If, like most, one wasn’t interested in stamp collecting then for the season there will be no films worth watching.
As a producer though it’s just a case of chucking into the programme anything that fits the theme, no need to consider quality or anything else.
In the UK ‘Asians’ aren’t ‘Black’, indeed in general they regard ‘Africans’ with contempt. It must be pretty tough being grouped in with the ‘Blacks’ as an ‘also-ran’ partner in the BAME brand and excluded from all adverts except those for book-keeping software. (Anyone would think they ran corner shops and sub-Post Offices, but that would be stereotyping!)
How can it benefit the producers if the consumers don’t want it?
Meanwhile down in South Wales…………………..
“Penally asylum seekers criticise military camp housing”
How can they be “asylum seekers” from France?
They are illegal. Our Tory government is treating us with contempt and the French are emptying their camps. I suspect there will be trouble ahead .
It’s all smoke and mirrors and (illogical) semantics.
IF the illegals are ‘intercepted’ the HO stooges fill out asylum claim forms for them.
The HO then claim (to us) that the invaders are ‘asylum seekers’, and once that term has been misapplied they conveniently (for the authorities) become ‘legal’ and ‘vulnerable’ and entitled to all manner of benefits.
There are no illegal immigrants in Penally, Home Office confirms
“Asylum seekers could be processed on old ferries”
Operative word “could “.
Horse , stable door .
Taff, heard this on the radio early doors, the report finished with quotes from the bleeding hearts (Labour) saying the proposals were inhuman, obscene, costly, bizarre, degrading, expensive……….
Shows just how much the political scum on these islands really care about protecting this country and its indigenous population.
Still, strong winds and weather in the Channel is f’cast for the next 48hrs.
Good. Dinghies tend to capsize in stormy water.
BBC Moaning Emole goes bad.
Covid’s second wave: how bad will it be?
It seems unavoidable the numbers being brought into hospital will continue to climb. This always happens for respiratory illnesses during this period. And the same, sadly, happens with deaths. Some winters are, of course, worse than others. December 2017 to March 2018 saw an extra 50,000 “winter deaths” in England and Wales – that is above what was being seen during the rest of the year.
When you compare it with the winters before, there were 15,000 more deaths. It was cold, there was a virulent strain of flu, and the vaccine that year was not particularly effective. Given there is a new virus circulating that has a disproportionate effect on the most frail in society, most expect this winter to be worse than that.
Read full analysis >
Nick Triggle
Health correspondent, BBC News
Expectation management?
Lucky this does not happen in the Today studio.
US debate rules to change
After the first televised US presidential debate was peppered with insults and interruptions, prompting dismay among many voters and disdain from the world’s media, changes are afoot. The commission that oversees the debates says it will alter the format to ensure the remaining two encounters between Donald Trump and Joe Biden are more orderly. And reports in America suggest the candidates’ microphones could be cut if they try to interrupt each other
Jon on the TDS plug? Lurch on Sleepy duty?
So, the blob is going to change the rules?
Imagine she got into politics to make things better.
Guest, Expectation management, project fear, propaganda even, it goes by many names and will continue for as long as those in power allow the national broadcaster to get away with it.
Someone should tell Nick Triggle we (the great British public) spent the last lockdown under house arrest with the goal of saving ‘R anychess’ and the Nightingale hospitals can be utilised to full effect to now protect and serve those being brought in.
So like Surkeer, only without the oil slick wig?
Media use a PR trick
Trump repeatedly disavows white supremacists
& To SMEAR HIM they plough on as if he didn’t.
Stew, Dave Rubin? Any relation to James Rubin?
James Rubin was a sidekick of Bill Clinton.
Does that also make Dave Rubin a Democratic Party supporter and voter?
The bbc has a handy guide to ‘fringe movements’. Apparently.
“Proud Boys – stand back and stand by.”
During the first election debate, President Trump name-checked this right-wing fringe movement. So who are the Proud Boys, and what do they stand for?
First BBC edit… Antifa appears once you click on:
US Election 2020: Who are the Proud Boys – and who are antifa?
BLM ✊???? to come?
Another good day for those who have suddenly discovered all the world to be a Petri dish.
The BBC’s newspaper front page line up prioritises the FT: ‘Johnson “will not hesitate” to impose new new Covid restrictions’
‘Keep calm, curfew on’ says the Metro: ‘PM urges us to follow rules with the threat of tougher measures’
The Mirror gratefully accepts the Johnson family’s gift to them of breaking the daft rules Boris himself imposed inevitably with a large dose of hypocrisy: ‘Another fine mess, Stanley. So when’s your dad getting fined then Boris? PM vows to get tough as father shops without mask’
In the Telegraph Michael Deacon asks: ‘Will a ban on laughter be next?’
For any form of sane non-covid-obsessive view of the world we’ll need to search elsewhere.
‘Cad, Bonk, Brill’ – no, not a new Boris Johnson biography. As the Telegraph catches up with yesterday’s Times feature: ‘Age-old words millenials just don’t get’
Try them on “Work, Borders, Responsibility” some rock-ribbed old Tory like Stanley Johnson might retort.
The FT proposes: ‘After the debate’ their anaylsis of the US Presidential match up. Pundit Janan Ganesh (he’s a pundit – that’s not part of his name) reckons: ‘Biden is right to target class, rather than the culture war’
Not so our own National Trust. The ‘i’ reminds us of: ‘Country houses and colonialism. Britain’s war with its history’ – you see this culture war thing is a ratchet, only permitted to shift in one leftward direction.
The Guardian welcomes: ‘Funding surge. Cash haul for Biden after fiery debate’ – good old Scanton Joe, man of the people, eh?
There was a time when our lefty press scoffed at too much cash buying the US elections – that was before Hillary became the Wall Street candidate, her funding dwarfing Trump’s self-financed candidature.
Talk about nailing your colours to the masthead – Andrew Marr takes the top left corner position on the Guardian front page doing little to persuade the nation of the BBC’s impartiality: ‘There is a drive on to destroy the BBC’ he pleads.
The Guardian front apge further regrets: ‘French Open. Blow as Serena Williams quits with injury’ – I guess, if your main interest in the competition, in some Guardianista condescending way, was simply for a black person to win.
It took me a minute to read the ‘interview ‘ of Andy marrrrr by his paper – the guardian … it was more of a chat …. anyway …it mentions that he is on £360 000 a year and is very concerned that his BBC is under attack by people who use this site and others . Good . Clock is ticking Mr Marr. Never a shortage of ‘journalists’ /cum propagandists …..
‘Journalists’? See Stew‘s link above.
AISI, that pic of Stanley Johnson was up on the BBC w-s a while ago and it clearly showed another customer in the same photo from behind who was also not wearing a face-mask. Someone must have complained because the BBC has changed the photo now to show only Stan Johnson possibly from a slightly different angle or with the second person ‘photoshopped’ out of the shop as well as the pic.
Started watching, but a few things started to niggle.
Lovely kid enjoying a beach. Now bbc propaganda flotsam.
Then Dad, who made it….?
Judging by recent PMQs redtory MPs are banned from askin questions about the daily south coast invasion …..or whether the letter ‘g’ is be banned when speakin’…
London Marathon 2020: Athletes to wear social-distancing tech, reports the bBC
The Bump device, which makes an audible alert when the wearer is too close to others…
I’m wondering if it bleeps when its the person in front, or on the left or the person on the right, or maybe was it too close from behind??
BBC News and diversity
The device uses radio-frequency technology, allowing organisers to track when athletes and staff get too close to each other.
Surely they could have had a blonde chick peeing under a tree at least?
On R4 Toady, Toenails is at it again, trying to take down Trump (so this bizarre, self-important little creature imagines in his fevered, largely empty brain). (He did manage an apology on another issue he got wrong, repeatedly referring to Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the Leader of the opposition’.)
The ‘white supremacists’, also known as ‘Proud Boys’, were told by Pres Trump to ‘stand down and stand by’, in the recent debate. What you are meant to take from this is that the President foments unrest and ‘racism’. When I think of Nick now, I invariably have to think of Steve Turley’s definition: ” the extreme Left-wing activists, posing as journalists’, or something like that. Thousands, we are told, were to arrive in Antifa/BLM wracked Portland to restore order, but ‘only a few hundred arrived’.
This is actually a multicultural group, not a ‘white supremacist’ group, but when did a few facts ever stop Toady/R4?
Clearly, we are now in for a hatchet job a day from Toady, as they scavange in the entrails of the debate.
A very disturbing video from The New Culture Forum. Just over 5.5 minutes long.
Confirmation from a objective student of the UN’s Agenda 21 outed in the UK in all its glory. Not really anything that most here have always understood to be the case.
“Teachers Shouldn’t Be Political Agents of Social Change. They Must Nurture Intellectual Aspiration.”
Hmmmnn, I value my old (secondary) school precisely because it gave me a political education as well as a lot more besides. Sure, there were some ‘lefty’ teachers there, but there were others who were strictly neutral and taught us to think and choose for ourselves. There were also some who were ‘prototype-Thatchers’ (think she was a new Minister but still unknown) and teachers who were even somewhere to the right of Ghenghis Khan.
Our Fed would have liked them!
Joe.co.uk makes Champion Ash seem like a sane Ghengis Khan.
Here they try and go full bbc.
You may have heard Joe Biden say ‘Inshallah’ in the Presidential debate with Donald Trump – here’s just a few things it could mean ????
Never go full bbc.
Well, I’ve just found out, via the BBC (of course) that it’s Black History Month.
That’s right, the whole of October, will be given over to celebrate black achievements.
I guess they’ll be looking at literature, music, science, politics, oh, you name it…
We’ll have plenty of time to admire the fabulous inventions that black people have given the world.
No doubt we’ll be discussing all the superb works of art that so enrich our society.
We can talk about our favourite ethnic composers; indeed Lenny Henry has already started the ball rolling.
And let’s not forget the fabulous black authors we all enjoy.
You know, all of a sudden…
A month seems a very long time.
Jeff – Indeed. A ‘black history day’ would have sufficed. But, as with all things black, the virtue-signallers have had to go way OTT.
There is some good, but also some very, very nasty black history about. Also, some very nasty stuff happening at present. Wonder whether they’ll be giving us any of that?
Noticed a black face on George Washington (or was it Mozart?) on Google this morning, to kick off.
Nay, looking it up, it was that well-known seafarer, Ignatius Sancho. Nay, I see he was a composer and writer. Come the next Proms/ Booker Prize, we know what to expect.
Let everyone read Dr Thomas Sowell in Black History Month .
Oh hold on , that`ll mean no victims of white oppression .
No worries, the growing gulf between black and white can only end in tears. Sooner the better to resolve things.
Hasn’t it been the black ‘everything’ season since Floyd was grounded ? it certainly feels like it as far as the BBC and advertising is concerned.
Wait until we get nearer Christmas, and how many black Santas will be popping up.
Brissles, my dear old thing, (the cricket’s finished now but England’s Wimmin won a series. Yayy!) “and how many black Santas will be popping up”
Then I can see some competition between Ainsley Harriott and a Knight who cannot be mentioned coming up. Perhaps they will have a ‘Joust Off’ for the job?
When I read the headline I thought the BBC was working through BAME month letter by letter.
Seems not.
Nice one Timmeh!
I have just seen a post predicting changes to hignify,, including departure of comrade Hislop. Can this tragic prediction be verified?
Nish hitting Fifth Avenue tranny shops to be in with a shot?
Apparently there is an end of season sale on.
“… people traffickers have slashed prices of Channel crossings to Britain from around £4,500 to £450, the National Crime Agency said yesterday.”
Three Britons are among 12 arrested in bust on suspected people smuggling ring – as other traffickers slash Channel crossing prices by up to 90 per cent because of ‘overcrowding on vessels’
Define “Britons”.
No doubt we shall have to ‘compensate’ those who paid a higher price to get here.
I am and no doubt like many of you subcribers on this exceelent site, sick of hearing daily on the News or through other media outlets/BBC, of the number of people who have tested positive with a coronavirus, added with those that have contacted Covid19 and then to hit home the point of how clever the PTB (powers that be)are as to how many people have died as a result of Covid19-often and perhaps deliberately not informing the number that have died from other causes. Its a hash, the testing has been using PCR (The Polymerase Chain Reaction ) as the gold standard in testing Covid19 basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.
The problem is the test is known not to work.
It uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery.
Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. For a virus to sicken you need a lot of it, a massive amount of it. But PCR does not test viral load and therefore can’t determine if an osteogenesis is present in sufficient quantities to sicken you.
If you feel sick and get a PCR test any random virus DNA might be identified even if they aren’t at all involved in your sickness which leads to false diagnosis.
And coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen.
The media frighten everyone with new positive PCR tests, without any nuance or context, wrongly assimilating this information with a second wave of COVID-19. Better in view of what I have said that, testing the standard RT-PCR test used to “detect” the insidious Virus, “cannnot identify the Virus”. Let us not forget that last time we dealt with a pandemic so mysterious, uncontained and far-reaching was in 1918, when influenza devastated populations around the globe, but NO LOCKDOWNS.
tarien – “The media frighten everyone…”
A large part of our problem may well lie here. I know there is a bad virus about, but nothing remotely like Spanish Flu or the plague. But the media frightening us, sells papers, draws clicks. Project Fear, in short, is a media darling, whatever the context.
Some sober, factual, low-key reporting may benefit all media consumers. But that’s not gonna make the media money, is it?
Yes Fakennews, Project Fear all the way-small piece appears to sum it up well enough-
I never expected to witness my country of birth being taken-over by a government of occupation. Powerful interests in the banking and corporate sector, tied-in with US and other international power brokers, have colluded with political leaders to usurp power while other supposedly ‘responsible parties’ have resorted to an eerie and arrogant silence. A refusal to engage with humanity.
Covid-19’s arrival on the scene was not by chance, and the criminal imposition of a plethora of draconian rules and regulations concerning its supposed containment – accompanied by intense media fear mongering – has simply capped the inescapable truth that a treasonous regime change is at hand. A change that is laying the ground for the establishment of a New World Order under the title World Economic Forum’s planned ‘Great Reset’.
Make the media money? No but eventually it could if allowed make the Pharma boys £billions. Good bye human civil liberties.
Rob, still proudly gunning for the Thommo look, but managing only ‘cat dragged in’, has again secured the creme of political intellect to share wisdom..
BBC News website says Covid infections are receding. So they use a picture of 2 muslim women one in a burka and one in a mask. They are basically associating good news with a) women and b) Muslims. When the infection rates rise they use pictures of predominantly white males (beer garden) to associate with negative news.
Its ceaseless and its propaganda it needs calling out. What ive said above is a fact and its discrimination. No ifs or buts.
The white hand clutching a knife. How many times have we seen that on the MSM.
Everyday racism in plain sight, employing people cos of their skin colour.
By the way today is Lincolnshire Day
According to an email I just got from Maplin, it is also ‘National Security month’.
Possibly not in Kent.
Thanks for that GW!
I thought Maplin had gone for good but at least the name survives.
Somewhere I still have my four-digit membership card!
Their earlier catalogues fantasised that Maplin Sands would become a London airport and eventually a spaceport! Que sera.
“By the way today is Lincolnshire Day”
Hi Stewgreen – this is what others call “white genocide” (the erasing of a certain history and replacing it with something else).
However the term “white genocide” is now a verbotten phrase and the person using it automatically labelled a white supremacist and racist.
Stew, three cheers for Lincolnshire!
We may soon be longing for a sight of some Lincoln Green soon coming to the rescue, to rid of us of the evil Sherriff of Covidingham.
Ah, yellowbellies!
“…… who was the first known person of African descent to vote in a UK general election.”
Wow! what an absolute hero! Is there a family somewhere needing compensation?
Looks more akin to what, until lately, came from off a marmalade jar.
I am starting a new campaign for the GLM
Gibson Labrador Month !
Have been BBC FREE for weeks now ..its so calming and comes highly recommended
Sky News has appointed Inzamam Rashid as North of England correspondent. Inzamam was previously a correspondent for Sky News based in London.
Unique insights to bring to bear there, clearly.
Wonder what the quota situation at the vacant London slot will see?
JHB on Channel taxi service ..with Bella Sankey their supporter claiming it’s all legal
Note her contradictory words “There is no safe LEGAL route”
BTW refugees do come in on LEGAL programmes
Can we not bust Captain Francesco Schettino out of his Italian prison cell and get him doing the ferrying ???
I see Amazon are joining in with the black history month with this book.
Law abiding American citizens have the right to bear arms which is the final protection of the people, a right upheld by their constitution. Law abiding Britains don’t have that right.
This HnH Muslim Council of Britain LIST of Conservative MPs who need to be sent to the gulags .. for wrongThink about Islam.
“20 Conservative councillors reported by the Hatey No Hopers”
Yesterday at 14:05 pm Ian Collins gave MCB’s Miqdaad Versi proper questions until 14:20pm
MV “This is the ruling party and ISLAMOPHOBIA is embedded in its culture ….. we have 300 in our dossier …”
IC ‘Where was your community when the grooming gang stuff was going on ?
There is a feeling that the Islamic hierachy drew a circle of wagons’
MV “Ah Tommy Robinson used ….”
IC “No put him to one side he is not relevant here, where was your community ?”
MV “That type of VICTIM BLAMING is ……”
IC “No, this is victim blaming, YOU are not the victim… the children”
MV “I take that back” (good on him)
.. that’s not true ..not a Muslim specific issue”
“people found it difficult to talk about it
.. I don’t think that is true now
..let’s put it aside
.. The Conservative party and it’s membership as a whole have .. towards Islam”
IC “But look Duncan smith is not like that ,…”
IC “Panorama 12 years ago went to a divided town, and 12 years later found it was still the same
.. some people not speaking English etc.”
MV “yeh, but yeh” ..End
It does seem to be that HnH & MCB are DEFLECTING
“don’t look at us, we are the VICTIMS,
…. look over there at those Tories they are the BAD GUYS.”
If anyone pulls a girls headscarf or demeans an ethnic Pakistani by calling him the P word, well that is wrong.
but to it’s wrong to concentrate on that
instead of the rather big things connected to British Islamic culture
like ten of thousands of rapes, thousands of child marriages, FGM, like terrorism threats/deaths
all of which are connected to the “don’t question the big man” culture.
When Tory activists do step forward and show they care, they might do it clumsily ..but to try and make out they are the evil ones is wrong.
Someone in the Tory party needs to step up and defend those people.
(There are a lot of comments in ActivePatriot’s twitter thread)
Meanwhile, on Channel 5.
I think that we all know that a major factor in the BBC rejecting the series would have been the difficulty of including BAME characters in pre war Yorkshire Dales. Even the most Woke BBC executive would realise that casting any of the main or supporting characters as BAME would be so incongruous that it would become a nationwide joke .
I hope that TV producers realise that force fitting BAME actors into every programme may satisfy their own Woke inclinations but it is annoys the audience who are fed up of having Wokeness forced down their throats 24/7.
had to laugh. took a peek at C5 at Thirsk and was inundated with woke ads. A certain large department store kicked off with the wokest of all.
I am sure under the BBC 1930s North Yorkshire would have been a veritable multicultural melting pot, so I think we dodged a bullet there.
As an aside, the Daily Mail website is absolutely unviewable. There are so many pop ups that you are reduced to reading it as if through a letterbox (or if you were from the North Riding in 1936, a burqa).
@Rob The DM renders better in Android
Microsoft’s browser used to have a button, to ban newspaper pop up videos
but now Edge has a button in the URL “Immersive reader” that switches off all graphics
Altenatively you can use Pressreader.co.uk and your library card to read the print version online.
Good tips, thanks.
Em, there was an obvious BAME character in episode 1
The owner of the opposition vets is an ethnic-Indian guy Kriss Dosanjh (Punjabi Sikh name)
(In Emmerdale he was Dr Khan in 1998 and Amar in 2014.)
The character George Pandhi seems to have been specially created for this new series photo
Full series crew list includes
Sheraz Ahmed … casting associate (7 episodes, 2020)
Associate Editor an Indian guy
PA Indian guy
From the DM text
Sir Colin Callender of Playground, the production company behind the remake, said the BBC ‘had concerns about whether it would speak to a younger audience and, I think, whether or not the show could emerge from the shadow of the first series’.
A later episode of the current All Creatures series will feature a new storyline centring on the experience of a black character.
Oh well I can give that one a miss.
I did notice that chap in episode one but thought he had just returned from his annual holiday in Scarbados (Scarborough) . 1936 was a particularly good summer in those parts.
So much to choose from from my little tour of the BBC website. I’ve decided to go with the lead story on BBC 3:
A good news story on the BBC website but did anyone hear about it on BBC Radio or TV ? This could be the new BBC in action ?
Seems the next moderator will be Meghan. And Harry. For balance.
Is there anyone left in media with an ounce of professional integrity?
“Professional Integrity” is an oxymoron when referencing the media
there are a few with integrity – but they are being weeded out. MSM corporates in general might as well use random partisan gobbledegook generators.
Corbyn the rule breaker
8 people sitting 1 person taking the photo.
try again
As the BBC are ever so impartial, its really difficult to tell from the opening gambit (not), just what THEY think of Mr Abbott !!!!!
I wonder if the BBC will ever introduce the US Vice Presidential contender, Kamala Harris, as being a ‘lady of a certain type of talent’ who ‘banged, blew, sucked and squeezed’ her way to the top (to paraphrase the old combustion engine description beloved of bikers), or anything even daring to approach the truth about how she got to where she is today ?
Probably not – but then she has everything going for her – colour, gender, and political affiliations, meaning she is virtually untouchable (figuratively, of course, in the case of the last description……physically, apparently, not so much).
Trump ads push baseless Biden earpiece conspiracy, “reports” bBC
I’m still unsure which side the bBC wants to win in the US elections lol, its definatley NOT obvious
If you have a sky box, where do you find Politics Live.
It’s on at 12:15 each weekday and hosted by Jo ‘lefty’ Corbyn.
I watched it today (I found it on search – watch again) but I went through every sky channel to find it on the epg but it’s nowhere to be seen yet on my schedule it’s there to be recorded tomorrow at 12:15
It’s only marked as bbc, not ch5 or anything like that. (On the program planner menu)
It’s not marked bbc2 or bbc Parliament.
So, anyone know where it is on bbbc or is it some kind of catch-up.
I’ve seen a couple of posts saying it’s on bbc2 or bbc Parliament but on my box it’s not there on those channels.
Anybody got the actual channel number it’s on?