Sky reporter doing her bottle blond bit before the presidents doctor up date – text book bias
‘Many have said ‘
‘Critics are saying ‘
And the classic ‘some have said ..’
‘There have been reports ‘
Followed by how great Biden is . Glad I rarely hear this biased poison .
In order to report negatively on mr trump. MSM just want him dead – sopel must be drafting the obituary to sound like a senior journalist instead of a poisonous ‘beauty ‘….
Lewis really taking the professional integrity aspect of twitter opinion that Timmeh! was concerned about, to heart.
Am so struck by the numbers I’ve spoken to (not eccentric conspiracy theorists), who have expressed doubt that Trump actually has Covid. In some ways this is the apotheosis of these years. He’s helped invent a post-truth world and now so many don’t even believe he’s really ill.
Are we sure President Trump & his wife have Coronavirus? Has it been verified by an independent medical expert? The level of distrust is awful but there has been so much fake health news from this man @Cornell
A MAN arrested for arson at the Penally Training Camp after setting fire to his bedding is being dealt with internally by ‘adult community resolution’ therefore no further charges will be brought.
“An individual was arrested after setting fire to a pillow case.
“Nobody was injured and there was very minor damage to property.”
Community resolution provides an opportunity for the police to deal with appropriate low level offences and offenders without recourse to formal criminal justice sanctions.
This could include a simple apology, an offer of compensation or a promise to clear up any graffiti or criminal damage.
They are used to deal with lower level crime remorse has been expressed and the victim does not wish for the police to take formal action, a government website states.
Aaah, bless.
However I think we are the ‘victims’ and I for one demand justice.
Have the Tories signed a secret deal with the EU to let all these illegals on to our shores that they are afraid the news will get out that they are responsible and have betrayed us ?
They know full well that the if true, people Britain will never vote for them again . Hence the timid Tory MPs silence and inactivity in stopping the invasion. They care more for their jobs .
Having the UK in lockdown is a good time to hide the invasion. UKIP and the Brexit Party should now unite and prepare for government .
Hurly Burley having trouble getting anyone other than desperate pols on Groper’s risible programme, so has had to draft in a blonde to ‘review’ the ‘news’.
Shelagh no real reason why it should. If you are using an iPhone you can check which apps are using battery and there’s a similar setting on Android. As you can see for me it’s Twitter (!) and the COVID app isn’t even in the top 10
To save you the time
Fogarty admits “I had left screen on 24/7. Check that. Auto lock.”
then also found that her phone recorded that Twitter usage accounted for 38% of power.
They have a debate about ultra low energy bluetooth
The first thing is that energy usage is not logged cos it part of the system operation.
I’ve seen cellphone’s in buildings which were on the edge of cellphone tower range, use massive energy
What happens is that instead of sitting doing nothing by waiting for a signal from the tower, ..they sit their continually handshaking with the tower as the signal appears, then drops then comes back.
I can imagine being in a office where through a wall another phone is also on edge of Bluetooth range so the handshaking keeps happening.
The positive coronavirus test for a high-profile Air Force One passenger has raised the possibility that the virus can easily spread inside a confined aircraft cabin.
I’ve mentioned on here previously that my brother is a Labour councillor. It seems many of his colleagues are also getting heartily fed up with the incessant BLM coverage of late. One council member is black, and objects (cue a lot of eye rolling) to being categorised as a BAME. Which led another c/member to proclaim that the B in BAME stands for black. This did not go down well, which was met with a lot of ‘heads in hands’, so even in the august atmosphere of council chambers, our elected representatives are having strifes of their own to contend with 🙂
Reporting on disinformation and conspiracy theories about the pandemic and US Election all day every day!
Get in touch if you spot dodgy posts about vaccines, QAnon, coronavirus on social media – or someone you know has gone down the rabbit hole ???? DM or ????
The WH TV pool just received this quote from “a source familiar with the President's health…” – “The President's vitals over last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We are still not on a clear path to a full recovery."
My sources from the purple yum yum tree tell me Jim Acosta’s nose is wooden and now three feet long. He is nearly as slimy and any of the beeb’s US correspondents. But has a long way to go the beat the lurch.
Source close to the WH confirmed Trump has received supplemental oxygen Friday. Trump “definitely has had oxygen,” the source said. Last night CNN reported Trump had been having trouble breathing.
'I left Womans Hour due to the trans issue. I said I rejected the word cis and wanted single-sex spaces to be maintained. As a result, I received threats of violence. The BBC responded by telling me I must not talk about this issue again'
MSM Saturday night spoilt as medics gave an up beat report on the health of POTUS – and it doesn’t look like he is going to die – however much they pray for it.
I hadn’t seen sky news for a long time and the witches -sorry Bottle blonds were enjoying spouting Democrat poison with great enthusiasm – curse them
Isn’t it funny how the leftist journalists and media outlets who are praying for the Donald to die all have “sources” who claim that he is at death’s door? The left really are a nasty lot, aren’t they? Wishing death on their political opponent. Well I hope the Donald recovers in the next couple of weeks and goes on to beat Sleepy Joe next month. Seeing the likes of Michael Moore driven absolutely mad by Trump Derangement Syndrome will be something to savour.
Glanced at South Africa Today News to find that farm foreman, Brendin Horner (21), was tortured and murdered on the farm De Rots, near Paul Roux, in the Free State, on 1 October.
This is nothing unusual, sadly. In fact, a daily event.
ANC cabinet minister, Bheki Cele said recently that ‘farmers must not complain if they get hurt’, the paper further reports.
In the Province of Gauteng, 445 farm attacks were committed in the last financial year, with only 3 arrests.
We seem to be looking at a repeat of Zimbabwe here, but with far more brutality, and far greater numbers of racist attacks and tortures. SA Government seems to approve.
From the beeb, only deafening silence about these events, for many years. One wonders why?
The entire MSM, in fact, keen to look the other way.
RIP Brendin Horner.
taffman – I can see where you’re coming from, but I suspect they would not be producing much food for that sorry nation.
Above all, one should not let that government off the hook. They still enjoy being celebrated under the ‘Mandela legacy’. In fact, racism seems to be as strong as ever, albeit in reverse, and it has been joined by massive corruption. Apparently SAG not being held to account though.
And, talking about being held to account, Priti seems to be all words and no action, as far as our illegals are concerned.
I would suspect that there are many Tories voters very angry with Priti especially those down in Penally and I would guess they are not happy with this MP either ?
President Trump seems to be doing so far, so good. I can hear many groans of disappointment from the Marxist MSM.
Well done, Mr Biden, for striking a bipartisan note. What a pity you are only a puppet of the radical element in your party, who are anything but bipartisan.
Weird BBC Race Theory
In the real world there are good and bad people of all skin colours. It’s not decided by skin colour
But in BBC Guardian Race Theory status is dependent on skin colour
: Non-whites are CONSTANT VICTIMS of white people racism.
: Whites are CONSTANT PERPS of racism against non-whites just by virtue of their skin colour… even if they are nice or even continually favour non-whites.
There are studies where corps deliberately recruited more female managers to engineer gender balance
..and then it was found those female bosses recruited even less females than the previous male bosses had.
If this post offends you (or you think it’s aimed at you) then you’re essentially self-identifying as a racist. Maybe take a look at yourself rather than the retailer?
Looked at the daily death rate: I believe its about 1,600 a day with 1,000 due to flu and other types of pneumonia. With only 70 due to COVID-19. So as usual with other facts, the evidence shows that the “second wave” is BBC propaganda and mainstream media fake news.
Watched a BBC program in which the editor of the now Pro- BBC/Establishment rag Private Eye, Ian Hislop, moaned about Charles Moore being an Anti-Establishment rebel, even though he went to Eton. Pointing out that unlike the new law abiding editor of Private Eye, Ian Hislop, Moore broke the law of the land, by not paying the BBC licence fee. Something admittedly, Private Eye once did as an anti-establishment magazine under Peter Cook and Christopher Booker, who once said that the BBC had been guilty of abusing the trust of its audience. But the now establishment friendly Private Eye editor was very angry at the prospect of someone threatening his job at the BBC. Ian Hislop made it very clear that Private Eye would never attack the BBC in the same way as such an anti-establishment rebel like Charles Moore is doing.
Hislop was very angry indeed. It was more like Boo, Hoo I need the licence fee money, rather than Ho, Ho.
Mixed reports about President Trump. Is he seriously ill, requiring oxygen, why was he moved out of the White House, his HQ?
Trump tweets, indicating he is well.
Experts are predicting how he might be replaced.
Perhaps his opponents have found a way of arresting him, followed by a replacement. And Trump is fighting back with tweets.
Naw, the doctors say he is doing well. Yes, I believe them. But in a day or two will he decline and die?
It can happen you know.
Noticed the way the BBC on 6pm news mangled the sound in an interview with a legal expert and cut him off in order to show a distance shot of the hospital.
Trump ‘doing very well ‘ in Hospital.
I would bet that there are a lot of sighs in the studios of Al Beeb.
My money is still on Trump despite the hopes and aspirations of the MSM.
What happens happens, as ever waiting is better than speculating.
…pity Boris is not the same man he was before.
But I think even before he was a bumbler with rare occasions of clarity.
I try to avoid listening to many BBC progs cos they live in this fantasy world
But this week I caught Lawrie Taylors prog on car ownership
Who did he bring on ?
Local Bradford Pakistani made good, now working as a sociology lecturer at Bradford university.
And this Yunis Alam was promoting his book ‘Race, Taste, Class and Cars’ about car ownership in Bradford
He explained ‘Bradford Asians are not merely drivers
not neutral not holding a CENTRED POSITION like WHITE people are’
Pakistanis didn’t fit in in wealthy neighborhoods if they drove a flash car, cos such cars are usually driven by white professionals
And then they don’t fit in in a working class suburb cos no one drives a flash car there.
What so they are *double victims* ?
Tosh if an Asian top medic or top lawyer drives a flash car no one bats an eyelid.
What they do notice is if a young kid drives gangsterlike car in a gangsterlike way.
When a good black driver’s car gets mistaken for gangster car
it is connected to the way that in the past actual black gangsters have used that type of car.
Do orthodox Jews driving big Volvos get mistaken for gangsters ?
No cos there is no prior tradition of Volvo driving orthodox Jew gangsters.
“You can see supercars like Lamborghinis and Ferraris fairly frequently in certain parts of the city”
.. what you don’t think some of those owners are connected to crime.
Those guys that were shot by police had supercars .
“There is a large community of custom car people”
He only interviewed 100 people
‘When there was a terrorist events or at the end of the Brexit there seemed to a spike in road rage events with those dressed in a Muslim way.’
.. So, when US cops accidentally kill a black man, don’t similarly dressed officers observe a backlash of belligerence on the street ?
Yunis “Non-whiteness” blah blah
“those oppressed buy into the language of the oppressors”
Then Lawrie moved onto the Chinese expert, she like the Bradford guy said fossil fueled cars won’t be ending soon.
Chinese middle class are the ones with cars
And they drive alone to work, but using a big car, cos they want to be able to driver the extended family at weekends.
Jon the beauty has now been rattled. He is tweeting furiously !!!!
Extraordinary, astonishing unbelievable and crazy !!!!
Clarification from
physician on 72 hours from diagnosis statement. How can this have been handled so clumsily? Really astonishing
This is the extraordinary letter released by
physician pre-2016 election, suggesting that Mr Trump might have had a hand in writing it. Not inconceivable that president has told his physician today what he could and couldn’t say over receiving oxygen
Unbelievable – so the ‘source’ for the statement that president’s vitals being ‘very concerning’ I’m going to guess is Mark Meadows, the chief of staff – seen here briefing my colleagues, straight after the press conference by
This is crazy. Very important addition to this. This is a senior WH ‘source’ who has said this to ALL the pool reporters who are at Walter Reed. So at same time as dr is saying one thing, a senior official is painting a v different picture.
Why would you do that?
Meanwhile hordes from Central America have been activated [by I wonder who?] in time for the US election. A 2000-strong migrant ‘caravan’ is heading for America.
island -Salvini – it is a sign of the times when someone trying to ENFORCE THE LAW has to go to court for that “crime”!
He is guilty of offending against PEOPLE TRAFFICKERS -usually German ‘NGO’ vessels, heavy on virtue signalling, frequently wimmin run, pals of ‘no-borders’ Merkel. They ‘rescue’ the so-called ‘migrants’ in the Med and take them to Italy, usually via Lampedusa. All this will be enforced by Merkel buddy, Ursula v d Leyen. (Spot any pattern yet?)
Some of them will likely have the Channel as their next crossing on water, to be picked up by, let’s say, the lady in Kent who runs a similar service, welcoming ‘migrants’ to Dover. The taxi will have been provided by HM Border Farce, accompanied by rhythmic chants of disapproval from Priti.
Of course, if you view this critically and approve of Salvini, you will be accused of ‘lacking compassion’. So, how many will come? Thousands? Millions?
Heavily-guarded and well-housed Merkel won’t mind.
The situation is not dissimilar in Mexico, headed for the US. This time the naughty party is currently in hospital.
I should add that encouraging/aiding/abetting ‘migrants’ who are ILLEGAL under the law, is not the preserve of the female of the species. Witness Anthony Blair esq. quietly letting in a few million to give the Tories ‘one in the eye’.
Comrade Keir, anyone? An ‘enforcer (or non-enforcer) of the law’, heading up the CPS, until recently, I believe?
Hopefully both Matteo and Donald will be back in action shortly, working on behalf of the people of their respective nations, rather than encouraging their invasion.
Doctors, Nurses and ALL at the GREAT Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from likewise incredible institutions who have joined them, are AMAZING!!!Tremendous progress has been made over the last 6 months in fighting this PLAGUE. With their help, I am feeling well!
Channel4 have a special Inclusive Twitter account to promote that stuff
Here’s their Black season promo video
BTW Their trailer tonight was promoting the BLM season shows, shown in June and available on catchup
One series is called “Take Your Knee Off My Neck”
Mind you they are often just 3 minute films ..making it look like a tick box exercise.
Think about it ..There are one million black men in Britain
How many times a day is there an item about them on TV ?
Lincolnshire has a population of 1.1million
Name a TV series that features Lincolnshire
… the odd episode of Cash In The Attic ..maybe
Go on then name some Lincolnshire people on TV .. besides Guy Martin
The Times preview of Attenborough’s new Netflix doco is hyperbolic
(Friday Netflix tweeted a 1m46s trailer ..they’ve deleted it, but not the tweet) .. Here’s a copy
“It is the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake
– and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right ”
Times : Most of the film is devoted to Attenborough’s “witness statement” of our crimes against the Earth.
Each stop on the timeline gets an intertitle of statistics charting human population and carbon emissions — both shooting up
— and the percentage of the planet covered by wilderness, plunging in the opposite direction.
Some of it is less pretty: walruses plummeting off overcrowded cliffs after being forced there by melting ice. (That’s fakenews)
.. ending.. Attenborough … suggest solutions ..
Above all, he says, we need to “rewild the world”
It is very sad what atheism does to the human brain. The lack of faith in a Creator God who is wise and loving and cares for the planet and the humans that He created – and will do so until the end of time – means that Attenborough has to make himself and others into small ‘g’ gods. It is that ol’ Genesis 3 thing with the shameless lizard in the garden.
Also in Genesis, God said, instructed even, “Be fruitful and multiply”
A question for Attenborough and all those of his ilk and inclination: ‘Which animals, in all your observations, care most for other animals and the environment.?’
On beeb TV news at ten Soapy Sopel is very excited because the President’s doctor seems evasive about whether the President received oxygen.
Soapy says there may have been ‘a breach of the guidelines’. Complains that the doctor sounds more like a lawyer. Soapy should know about linguistic tricks -his job, after all.
Can we guess what Soapy is hoping?
What other sugar-coated pill are the American people expected to swallow, Soapy demands to know.
Something nasty inside, Soapy?
You can avoid being a mansplainer by asking yourself these questions:
(1) Did she indicate any desire to hear this information? Answer: Only if she wasn’t working for the BBC.
(2) Is it possible that she knows more about this topic than I do? Answer: Only if it was someone not working at the BBC like Melanie Phillips.
(3) Did I read the room before starting to speak? Answer: No, I read the scientific paper I found free on Google Scholar, usually written by a man explaining the physics of the Atmosphere.
If there’s one thing that’s been shown clearly by Trump’s illness, it’s that the mainstream media is utterly useless for finding out the facts. They’re all saying different things and I am none the wiser as to the President’s health.
Perhaps it was always so but the internet has brought it into the open. I like to think, however, that previous generations of journalists were actually interested, to some extent at least, in reporting the truth even if it was with their particular slant. This generation of journalists is barely stopping short of hoping he dies.
Alistair trying to remind the kids to be less excitable.
Just a thought. Who do you think is more likely to grasp what is actually going on? A Trump-less Trump White House or the medical team at Walter Reed Hospital?
Sopel’s developed Twitter Tourette’s over this. Perhaps worrying he’d have to do some proper journalism if the worst happened and he had no Trump to write about, whilst hoping it does.
It seems the French for #unprecedentedsincethelasttime is ‘Nayvairbefourseine’.
BbC News
Homes, roads and bridges have been swept away in “never-before-seen” floods in southern France and north-western Italy. Hundreds of aid workers have been sent to help rescue efforts in cut-off villages in the Piedmont region.
Oct 22, 2019
RT: Italy – Flash Floods and Landslides After 250mm of Rain in 12 Hours: Heavy rain in northern Italy has caused floods and landslides in the regions of Lombardy, Piedmont and Liguria.
Nov 11, 2014
#italy Genoa prosecutors to probe flood deaths: As Liguria, Piedmont continue on alert
Boris used to tall about Climate Change with Piers Corbyn, noting that his forty day weather forecast, starting from a solar Coronal mass ejection, was better than the fortnight weather forecast of the Met Office, based on Carbonic acid gas. But apart from Brexit, he is now getting most of his policy ideas from Jeremy Corbyn. So we continue with a very expensive railway to Birmingham that nobody now wants, except those receiving the massive amount of money from the taxpayer. We continue with loony left-wing policies on foreign aid and state aid to brainwash small children on LGBT sex change politics and to fear none existent problems such as Global Warming.
On the Atmospheric Physics of net zero Carbonic acid gas causing future electricity power cuts due to expensive wet wood chips, dirty solar panels and rusty windmills. Boris makes the Chinese Communist party seem very sensibly right-wing on cheap coal powered electricity generation.
Also, Boris wont even save Rolls Royce by replacing the very expensive Chinese communist built nuclear reactors with patriotic British Rolls Royce super value and highly advanced, small modular reactors.
Working for an organisation that acts as credulous PR for the Anychess yet provides private health to the top floors, and has a bunker in the basement in case things get iffy outside.
Boasting that you will show America the disease can be beaten when you have your own team of physicians and a suite at a hospital….
Having just trawled around press sites I find a desperate desire to just stop . There is little by way of ‘positive ‘ news . Until a couple of days ago a daily ‘review ‘/ summary of the papers was put up . That has now stopped .
Anyway the main headline thar caught me is that Charles Moore has ruled himself out of chairmanship of the BBC – leaving the way clear for someone more colourful –
And a piece in the telegraph describing how ‘lefty luvvies ‘ can say bad things without punishment ( margolys / brand ‘ west et al ) whilst some of the Right has their career destroyed via a couple of sane comments ) .
Comments noted how the luvvie world is falling apart as covid continues to bite and even the big outfits such as Netflix is discovering that there are consequences to going ‘woke ‘…..
The left (and the media) are not proactive. They use their energy trying to pull people and ideas down, to subvert whatever doesn't fit their ideology of destruction. They think they want to build a new world on the ruins but their new world will be just more pulling down.
One day the Abis, Sharons, Junes, etc will ponder the irony of the positions they are in here vs. where the might have been, and how they are propelled there by saying how terrible it is for them here.
I have no problem with hard working talent, no matter what their demographic self-identification, improving their lot in this country, but am less happy with them doing so by disparaging it and/or paving the way to advocacy of bringing what has failed elsewhere here to drag us all further down.
“Patel to promise ‘overhaul’ of broken’ UK asylum system”
Ha, promises, promises, promises………
I recollect David Cameron promising to cut immigration . Boris, we have been invaded!
Trump put out an upbeat video
…now Democrat Twitter is full of conspiracy theories
eg “Several video experts now assert that Trump’s cough was manually edited out from his video tonight”
Has Lurch not yet retweeted a WH pool demand that Don Frenches Katty in front of them all, and Jim Acosta then personally rams the multi use C-47 cotton bud up the blonde team player’s hooter before being tested by experts Rog Harrabin and Don Lemon in front of a QT audience selected by bbc producers?
The 6:30am Radio4 Paper review was surreal
… It came after the actual news bulletin had reported on the upbeat video.
“Now the papers , which were all printed before the President’s new video”
She then proceeded to read out a list stories thst clearly the press had made up
“The Mirror says ..”
UpDATe : Peter Hitchens coming up on Radio4 on the paper review panel
It is interesting to see that on Twitter a lot of the wokists are ultra-lockdowners “we have to keep Covid out”
.. Yet their stance on immigration is “let em all in”
Hattie’s catering company folded after events dropped off a cliff – one of the many businesses that struggled amid Covid restrictions.
One wonders how Hattie, smiling, in a massive home kitchen, came to the attention of bbc editorial to be featured?
Still, at least they are now moving to professions that keep Frankie Howerd in avocado French soldiers when pulling a long one discussing lines to take on Trans issues drawing a full, essential salary.
To what extent are we still following – and understanding – the rules designed to stop the spread of Covid-19?
What is the key factor determining whether we decide to adhere to the rules, or not? @DAaronovitch investigates on The Briefing Room podcast.
“M.Sc. in International Project Management from Glasgow Caledonian University”
Is that another course principally covering Marxism techniques of World domination?
Questions that will not be asked – again and again – by the BBC: “Woz it the Democrats wot dunnit?”
Done what? Infected the White House and the President with Covid-19 (or-20) as they have rather given their game away with the statement from the USA overnight that the Senate Confirmation Hearing for the President’s nominee for the Supreme Court “puts the whole Senate at risk.”
“Or are the Democrats just shameless opportunists?” < That's a very Soapy style question to ask, actually. But he will not do it.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Worth checking Osama’s feed. Scotland is lucky to have him.
Sky reporter doing her bottle blond bit before the presidents doctor up date – text book bias
‘Many have said ‘
‘Critics are saying ‘
And the classic ‘some have said ..’
‘There have been reports ‘
Followed by how great Biden is . Glad I rarely hear this biased poison .
In order to report negatively on mr trump. MSM just want him dead – sopel must be drafting the obituary to sound like a senior journalist instead of a poisonous ‘beauty ‘….
Did this crop up during the blonde moments of Amerifarce?
This ‘tell it often enough’ lark would be funny if it did not work.
Watch the whole 49mins Brexit Unlocked: Episode 4 – Fishing Special here – it is well worth it.
Lewis really taking the professional integrity aspect of twitter opinion that Timmeh! was concerned about, to heart.
Earlier in the programme.
Perhaps he does not have the virus, maybe he is ‘biden his time’.
“Crime commissioner demands Home Office APOLOGISES to residents for housing hundreds of asylum seekers at army barracks in west Wales”
Where is Priti ? Nowt on Al Beeb?
Apparently there has been a fire there . Is there a news blackout ?
A MAN arrested for arson at the Penally Training Camp after setting fire to his bedding is being dealt with internally by ‘adult community resolution’ therefore no further charges will be brought.
“An individual was arrested after setting fire to a pillow case.
“Nobody was injured and there was very minor damage to property.”
Community resolution provides an opportunity for the police to deal with appropriate low level offences and offenders without recourse to formal criminal justice sanctions.
This could include a simple apology, an offer of compensation or a promise to clear up any graffiti or criminal damage.
They are used to deal with lower level crime remorse has been expressed and the victim does not wish for the police to take formal action, a government website states.
Aaah, bless.
However I think we are the ‘victims’ and I for one demand justice.
Thank you Sir.
Have the Tories signed a secret deal with the EU to let all these illegals on to our shores that they are afraid the news will get out that they are responsible and have betrayed us ?
They know full well that the if true, people Britain will never vote for them again . Hence the timid Tory MPs silence and inactivity in stopping the invasion. They care more for their jobs .
Having the UK in lockdown is a good time to hide the invasion. UKIP and the Brexit Party should now unite and prepare for government .
Hurly Burley having trouble getting anyone other than desperate pols on Groper’s risible programme, so has had to draft in a blonde to ‘review’ the ‘news’.
My earlier opinion on bbc and twitter. QED.
Why would anyone download a nhs app ?
To save you the time
Fogarty admits “I had left screen on 24/7. Check that. Auto lock.”
then also found that her phone recorded that Twitter usage accounted for 38% of power.
They have a debate about ultra low energy bluetooth
The first thing is that energy usage is not logged cos it part of the system operation.
I’ve seen cellphone’s in buildings which were on the edge of cellphone tower range, use massive energy
What happens is that instead of sitting doing nothing by waiting for a signal from the tower, ..they sit their continually handshaking with the tower as the signal appears, then drops then comes back.
I can imagine being in a office where through a wall another phone is also on edge of Bluetooth range so the handshaking keeps happening.
Has Nick Triggle been scrambled?
I’ve been on 10 planes since covid started and no covid yet – cough
I’ve mentioned on here previously that my brother is a Labour councillor. It seems many of his colleagues are also getting heartily fed up with the incessant BLM coverage of late. One council member is black, and objects (cue a lot of eye rolling) to being categorised as a BAME. Which led another c/member to proclaim that the B in BAME stands for black. This did not go down well, which was met with a lot of ‘heads in hands’, so even in the august atmosphere of council chambers, our elected representatives are having strifes of their own to contend with 🙂
‘Dodgy posts’ about Antifa, BLM, XR exempted?
I note the conspiracy theory expert pointing to the right
… whilst 3 posts below we see lefty anti-Trump journos going all conspiracy theory.
BS in ‘no, you’ loop with industry mate.
Maybe he’ll put her up for a Nobel?
Guess who just RTd this?
My sources from the purple yum yum tree tell me Jim Acosta’s nose is wooden and now three feet long. He is nearly as slimy and any of the beeb’s US correspondents. But has a long way to go the beat the lurch.
Or, if BS, rely on one degree of separation.
You hope he dies don’t you Jim ????
Give that man a truth pill and ask him that question ????
Lurch has been activated.
Meanwhile, more sauce.
There ain’t nothing like a Dame?
It is… notable how many staff cling on until cut loose, and then suddenly discover how bbc management is not like other folk.
MSM Saturday night spoilt as medics gave an up beat report on the health of POTUS – and it doesn’t look like he is going to die – however much they pray for it.
I hadn’t seen sky news for a long time and the witches -sorry Bottle blonds were enjoying spouting Democrat poison with great enthusiasm – curse them
Isn’t it funny how the leftist journalists and media outlets who are praying for the Donald to die all have “sources” who claim that he is at death’s door? The left really are a nasty lot, aren’t they? Wishing death on their political opponent. Well I hope the Donald recovers in the next couple of weeks and goes on to beat Sleepy Joe next month. Seeing the likes of Michael Moore driven absolutely mad by Trump Derangement Syndrome will be something to savour.
Glanced at South Africa Today News to find that farm foreman, Brendin Horner (21), was tortured and murdered on the farm De Rots, near Paul Roux, in the Free State, on 1 October.
This is nothing unusual, sadly. In fact, a daily event.
ANC cabinet minister, Bheki Cele said recently that ‘farmers must not complain if they get hurt’, the paper further reports.
In the Province of Gauteng, 445 farm attacks were committed in the last financial year, with only 3 arrests.
We seem to be looking at a repeat of Zimbabwe here, but with far more brutality, and far greater numbers of racist attacks and tortures. SA Government seems to approve.
From the beeb, only deafening silence about these events, for many years. One wonders why?
The entire MSM, in fact, keen to look the other way.
RIP Brendin Horner.
We should take our illegals to South Africa and swap them for the hard-working farmers that are being slaughtered there .
Job done .
taffman – I can see where you’re coming from, but I suspect they would not be producing much food for that sorry nation.
Above all, one should not let that government off the hook. They still enjoy being celebrated under the ‘Mandela legacy’. In fact, racism seems to be as strong as ever, albeit in reverse, and it has been joined by massive corruption. Apparently SAG not being held to account though.
And, talking about being held to account, Priti seems to be all words and no action, as far as our illegals are concerned.
I would suspect that there are many Tories voters very angry with Priti especially those down in Penally and I would guess they are not happy with this MP either ?
“Mr. Hart said that it would have ‘minimal impact on the local community.”
Sadly, because a great chum in SA had moved to a new home there, I ‘Googled’ his address on Maps.
Ten feet of solid brick wall, topped with razor wire, double entrance gates, and a whole street of prison-like security.
He tells me that it’s not that bad, they all have recorders in their cars, I’m not sure about a gun, but traffic lights can be a problem…
So, a bit like parts of the USA, unreported critically until the mob breaches the gates of the community or condo security?
BBC North America is mostly risible.
President Trump seems to be doing so far, so good. I can hear many groans of disappointment from the Marxist MSM.
Well done, Mr Biden, for striking a bipartisan note. What a pity you are only a puppet of the radical element in your party, who are anything but bipartisan.
The TDS brigade, which includes the bbc, cannot seem to decide if he is faking it for votes or about to croak.
Oh, and here’s Emily’s CNN ‘source’ transmitting device.
‘Men’… with… ‘an axe’.
Police statement says more than just “men”
“The robbers were described by witnesses as having dark skin”
Weird BBC Race Theory
In the real world there are good and bad people of all skin colours. It’s not decided by skin colour
But in BBC Guardian Race Theory status is dependent on skin colour
: Non-whites are CONSTANT VICTIMS of white people racism.
: Whites are CONSTANT PERPS of racism against non-whites just by virtue of their skin colour… even if they are nice or even continually favour non-whites.
There are studies where corps deliberately recruited more female managers to engineer gender balance
..and then it was found those female bosses recruited even less females than the previous male bosses had.
Mad Al’s homies telling it like it is.
AN now h/ting Tallbloke.
Odds of Harrabin doing so, even if shafted in favour of a BAME munchkin from the cubicle gardens with an XR plastic badge…. ?
Looked at the daily death rate: I believe its about 1,600 a day with 1,000 due to flu and other types of pneumonia. With only 70 due to COVID-19. So as usual with other facts, the evidence shows that the “second wave” is BBC propaganda and mainstream media fake news.
Watched a BBC program in which the editor of the now Pro- BBC/Establishment rag Private Eye, Ian Hislop, moaned about Charles Moore being an Anti-Establishment rebel, even though he went to Eton. Pointing out that unlike the new law abiding editor of Private Eye, Ian Hislop, Moore broke the law of the land, by not paying the BBC licence fee. Something admittedly, Private Eye once did as an anti-establishment magazine under Peter Cook and Christopher Booker, who once said that the BBC had been guilty of abusing the trust of its audience. But the now establishment friendly Private Eye editor was very angry at the prospect of someone threatening his job at the BBC. Ian Hislop made it very clear that Private Eye would never attack the BBC in the same way as such an anti-establishment rebel like Charles Moore is doing.
Hislop was very angry indeed. It was more like Boo, Hoo I need the licence fee money, rather than Ho, Ho.
Mixed reports about President Trump. Is he seriously ill, requiring oxygen, why was he moved out of the White House, his HQ?
Trump tweets, indicating he is well.
Experts are predicting how he might be replaced.
Perhaps his opponents have found a way of arresting him, followed by a replacement. And Trump is fighting back with tweets.
Naw, the doctors say he is doing well. Yes, I believe them. But in a day or two will he decline and die?
It can happen you know.
Noticed the way the BBC on 6pm news mangled the sound in an interview with a legal expert and cut him off in order to show a distance shot of the hospital.
Trump ‘doing very well ‘ in Hospital.
I would bet that there are a lot of sighs in the studios of Al Beeb.
My money is still on Trump despite the hopes and aspirations of the MSM.
What happens happens, as ever waiting is better than speculating.
…pity Boris is not the same man he was before.
But I think even before he was a bumbler with rare occasions of clarity.
I doubt it will come to matter, but betting Trump win or Republican win makes a huge difference ❎
Surely the POTUS catching the chinese virus is the ultimate impeachable offence?
I try to avoid listening to many BBC progs cos they live in this fantasy world
But this week I caught Lawrie Taylors prog on car ownership
Who did he bring on ?
Local Bradford Pakistani made good, now working as a sociology lecturer at Bradford university.
And this Yunis Alam was promoting his book ‘Race, Taste, Class and Cars’ about car ownership in Bradford
He explained ‘Bradford Asians are not merely drivers
not neutral not holding a CENTRED POSITION like WHITE people are’
Pakistanis didn’t fit in in wealthy neighborhoods if they drove a flash car, cos such cars are usually driven by white professionals
And then they don’t fit in in a working class suburb cos no one drives a flash car there.
What so they are *double victims* ?
Tosh if an Asian top medic or top lawyer drives a flash car no one bats an eyelid.
What they do notice is if a young kid drives gangsterlike car in a gangsterlike way.
When a good black driver’s car gets mistaken for gangster car
it is connected to the way that in the past actual black gangsters have used that type of car.
Do orthodox Jews driving big Volvos get mistaken for gangsters ?
No cos there is no prior tradition of Volvo driving orthodox Jew gangsters.
“You can see supercars like Lamborghinis and Ferraris fairly frequently in certain parts of the city”
.. what you don’t think some of those owners are connected to crime.
Those guys that were shot by police had supercars .
“There is a large community of custom car people”
He only interviewed 100 people
‘When there was a terrorist events or at the end of the Brexit there seemed to a spike in road rage events with those dressed in a Muslim way.’
.. So, when US cops accidentally kill a black man, don’t similarly dressed officers observe a backlash of belligerence on the street ?
Yunis “Non-whiteness” blah blah
“those oppressed buy into the language of the oppressors”
Then Lawrie moved onto the Chinese expert, she like the Bradford guy said fossil fueled cars won’t be ending soon.
Chinese middle class are the ones with cars
And they drive alone to work, but using a big car, cos they want to be able to driver the extended family at weekends.
Jon the beauty has now been rattled. He is tweeting furiously !!!!
Extraordinary, astonishing unbelievable and crazy !!!!
Clarification from
physician on 72 hours from diagnosis statement. How can this have been handled so clumsily? Really astonishing
This is the extraordinary letter released by
physician pre-2016 election, suggesting that Mr Trump might have had a hand in writing it. Not inconceivable that president has told his physician today what he could and couldn’t say over receiving oxygen
Unbelievable – so the ‘source’ for the statement that president’s vitals being ‘very concerning’ I’m going to guess is Mark Meadows, the chief of staff – seen here briefing my colleagues, straight after the press conference by
This is crazy. Very important addition to this. This is a senior WH ‘source’ who has said this to ALL the pool reporters who are at Walter Reed. So at same time as dr is saying one thing, a senior official is painting a v different picture.
Why would you do that?
Meanwhile hordes from Central America have been activated [by I wonder who?] in time for the US election. A 2000-strong migrant ‘caravan’ is heading for America.
In Italy Salvini appeared in in court today for his fake ‘Kidnapping’ Trial.
His ‘crime’ was he stopped a SOROS-NGO Ship from dumping illegals in Italy last year.
c/o @AmyMek
island -Salvini – it is a sign of the times when someone trying to ENFORCE THE LAW has to go to court for that “crime”!
He is guilty of offending against PEOPLE TRAFFICKERS -usually German ‘NGO’ vessels, heavy on virtue signalling, frequently wimmin run, pals of ‘no-borders’ Merkel. They ‘rescue’ the so-called ‘migrants’ in the Med and take them to Italy, usually via Lampedusa. All this will be enforced by Merkel buddy, Ursula v d Leyen. (Spot any pattern yet?)
Some of them will likely have the Channel as their next crossing on water, to be picked up by, let’s say, the lady in Kent who runs a similar service, welcoming ‘migrants’ to Dover. The taxi will have been provided by HM Border Farce, accompanied by rhythmic chants of disapproval from Priti.
Of course, if you view this critically and approve of Salvini, you will be accused of ‘lacking compassion’. So, how many will come? Thousands? Millions?
Heavily-guarded and well-housed Merkel won’t mind.
The situation is not dissimilar in Mexico, headed for the US. This time the naughty party is currently in hospital.
I should add that encouraging/aiding/abetting ‘migrants’ who are ILLEGAL under the law, is not the preserve of the female of the species. Witness Anthony Blair esq. quietly letting in a few million to give the Tories ‘one in the eye’.
Comrade Keir, anyone? An ‘enforcer (or non-enforcer) of the law’, heading up the CPS, until recently, I believe?
Hopefully both Matteo and Donald will be back in action shortly, working on behalf of the people of their respective nations, rather than encouraging their invasion.
The Times Films of the Day
9pm Channel4 12 Years a Slave
9:45pm BBC2 Yardie ..with Idris Elba
The next big black film is 1am on Friday night
All the best Mr President !!
Channel4 have a special Inclusive Twitter account to promote that stuff
Here’s their Black season promo video
BTW Their trailer tonight was promoting the BLM season shows, shown in June and available on catchup
One series is called “Take Your Knee Off My Neck”
Mind you they are often just 3 minute films ..making it look like a tick box exercise.
Think about it ..There are one million black men in Britain
How many times a day is there an item about them on TV ?
Lincolnshire has a population of 1.1million
Name a TV series that features Lincolnshire
… the odd episode of Cash In The Attic ..maybe
Go on then name some Lincolnshire people on TV .. besides Guy Martin
The Times preview of Attenborough’s new Netflix doco is hyperbolic
(Friday Netflix tweeted a 1m46s trailer ..they’ve deleted it, but not the tweet) .. Here’s a copy
“It is the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake
– and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right ”
Times : Most of the film is devoted to Attenborough’s “witness statement”
of our crimes against the Earth.
Each stop on the timeline gets an intertitle of statistics charting human population
and carbon emissions — both shooting up
— and the percentage of the planet covered by wilderness, plunging in the opposite direction.
Some of it is less pretty: walruses plummeting off overcrowded cliffs after being forced there by melting ice. (That’s fakenews)
.. ending.. Attenborough … suggest solutions ..
Above all, he says, we need to “rewild the world”
It is very sad what atheism does to the human brain. The lack of faith in a Creator God who is wise and loving and cares for the planet and the humans that He created – and will do so until the end of time – means that Attenborough has to make himself and others into small ‘g’ gods. It is that ol’ Genesis 3 thing with the shameless lizard in the garden.
Also in Genesis, God said, instructed even, “Be fruitful and multiply”
A question for Attenborough and all those of his ilk and inclination: ‘Which animals, in all your observations, care most for other animals and the environment.?’
Stew – Channel4 – there seems to be an inferiority complex about, as well as a virus?
And what does the campaign for ‘inclusion’ mean, when there never was an ‘exclusion’?
Maybe ‘inclusion’ is code for something else?
On beeb TV news at ten Soapy Sopel is very excited because the President’s doctor seems evasive about whether the President received oxygen.
Soapy says there may have been ‘a breach of the guidelines’. Complains that the doctor sounds more like a lawyer. Soapy should know about linguistic tricks -his job, after all.
Can we guess what Soapy is hoping?
What other sugar-coated pill are the American people expected to swallow, Soapy demands to know.
Something nasty inside, Soapy?
Not BBC.
Not a spoof. At least…
But it could be.
You can avoid being a mansplainer by asking yourself these questions:
(1) Did she indicate any desire to hear this information? Answer: Only if she wasn’t working for the BBC.
(2) Is it possible that she knows more about this topic than I do? Answer: Only if it was someone not working at the BBC like Melanie Phillips.
(3) Did I read the room before starting to speak? Answer: No, I read the scientific paper I found free on Google Scholar, usually written by a man explaining the physics of the Atmosphere.
Simples! Don’t talk to them and certainly don’t hold any door open for them.
Patient confidentiality is so last integrity when you have to satisfy blondes who can sink a foot long black chocolate tube in a single slurp.
Seems the BBC feels safe with… ‘others’ when guessing wildly.
And with this gem, Bon nuit.
BBC News
Here we debunk some of the most common rumours flying around after the president’s coronavirus diagnosis.
If there’s one thing that’s been shown clearly by Trump’s illness, it’s that the mainstream media is utterly useless for finding out the facts. They’re all saying different things and I am none the wiser as to the President’s health.
Perhaps it was always so but the internet has brought it into the open. I like to think, however, that previous generations of journalists were actually interested, to some extent at least, in reporting the truth even if it was with their particular slant. This generation of journalists is barely stopping short of hoping he dies.
Alistair trying to remind the kids to be less excitable.
Looking at the American BS output, as effective as a Franny email.
Sopel’s developed Twitter Tourette’s over this. Perhaps worrying he’d have to do some proper journalism if the worst happened and he had no Trump to write about, whilst hoping it does.
‘The facts…. you surely know we are not interested in handling FACTS!’.
™️ ‘A Few Awful Hacks‘
It seems the French for #unprecedentedsincethelasttime is ‘Nayvairbefourseine’.
BbC News
Homes, roads and bridges have been swept away in “never-before-seen” floods in southern France and north-western Italy. Hundreds of aid workers have been sent to help rescue efforts in cut-off villages in the Piedmont region.
Aug 28th floods in the Piedmont capital Turin
Oct 22, 2019
RT: Italy – Flash Floods and Landslides After 250mm of Rain in 12 Hours: Heavy rain in northern Italy has caused floods and landslides in the regions of Lombardy, Piedmont and Liguria.
Nov 11, 2014
#italy Genoa prosecutors to probe flood deaths: As Liguria, Piedmont continue on alert
Nov 6, 2011
Hundreds to be evacuated in #Piedmont as #po river waters rise #Italy #floods
more previous floods
Mad Tory Party Conference
“Net Zero” is mentioned 48 times on the schedule page for Saturday alone
All the Green Hedgefund spivs talking up stuff so they can get subsidies and have their competitors blocked etc.
Boris used to tall about Climate Change with Piers Corbyn, noting that his forty day weather forecast, starting from a solar Coronal mass ejection, was better than the fortnight weather forecast of the Met Office, based on Carbonic acid gas. But apart from Brexit, he is now getting most of his policy ideas from Jeremy Corbyn. So we continue with a very expensive railway to Birmingham that nobody now wants, except those receiving the massive amount of money from the taxpayer. We continue with loony left-wing policies on foreign aid and state aid to brainwash small children on LGBT sex change politics and to fear none existent problems such as Global Warming.
On the Atmospheric Physics of net zero Carbonic acid gas causing future electricity power cuts due to expensive wet wood chips, dirty solar panels and rusty windmills. Boris makes the Chinese Communist party seem very sensibly right-wing on cheap coal powered electricity generation.
Also, Boris wont even save Rolls Royce by replacing the very expensive Chinese communist built nuclear reactors with patriotic British Rolls Royce super value and highly advanced, small modular reactors.
Working for an organisation that acts as credulous PR for the Anychess yet provides private health to the top floors, and has a bunker in the basement in case things get iffy outside.
What is it with women with stove in front gnashers and media ECUs?
You can’t say that, as Kay Burley is wont to offer.
The country pays billions for this….
Quote From BBC news
That includes expediting the removal of those “who have no claim for protection”, she will say.
It comes after it emerged this week the UK has considered sending asylum seekers to the South Pacific………
FFS she considered sending bogus asylum seekers to Ascension Island which is in the South Atlantic !!! You cannot trust a word they come out with.
Having just trawled around press sites I find a desperate desire to just stop . There is little by way of ‘positive ‘ news . Until a couple of days ago a daily ‘review ‘/ summary of the papers was put up . That has now stopped .
Anyway the main headline thar caught me is that Charles Moore has ruled himself out of chairmanship of the BBC – leaving the way clear for someone more colourful –
And a piece in the telegraph describing how ‘lefty luvvies ‘ can say bad things without punishment ( margolys / brand ‘ west et al ) whilst some of the Right has their career destroyed via a couple of sane comments ) .
Comments noted how the luvvie world is falling apart as covid continues to bite and even the big outfits such as Netflix is discovering that there are consequences to going ‘woke ‘…..
Good comment.
One day the Abis, Sharons, Junes, etc will ponder the irony of the positions they are in here vs. where the might have been, and how they are propelled there by saying how terrible it is for them here.
I have no problem with hard working talent, no matter what their demographic self-identification, improving their lot in this country, but am less happy with them doing so by disparaging it and/or paving the way to advocacy of bringing what has failed elsewhere here to drag us all further down.
“Patel to promise ‘overhaul’ of broken’ UK asylum system”
Ha, promises, promises, promises………
I recollect David Cameron promising to cut immigration . Boris, we have been invaded!
Well , it looks like President Trump is back to “make America great again”.
Trump put out an upbeat video
…now Democrat Twitter is full of conspiracy theories
eg “Several video experts now assert that Trump’s cough was manually edited out from his video tonight”
Has Lurch not yet retweeted a WH pool demand that Don Frenches Katty in front of them all, and Jim Acosta then personally rams the multi use C-47 cotton bud up the blonde team player’s hooter before being tested by experts Rog Harrabin and Don Lemon in front of a QT audience selected by bbc producers?
The 6:30am Radio4 Paper review was surreal
… It came after the actual news bulletin had reported on the upbeat video.
“Now the papers , which were all printed before the President’s new video”
She then proceeded to read out a list stories thst clearly the press had made up
“The Mirror says ..”
UpDATe : Peter Hitchens coming up on Radio4 on the paper review panel
The Trump video has 545,000 likes .. that is a hell of a lot
Why is there no immigration lockdown ?
It is interesting to see that on Twitter a lot of the wokists are ultra-lockdowners “we have to keep Covid out”
.. Yet their stance on immigration is “let em all in”
This week each day ‘Prayer for the Day’ will be presented by the head of The Jesuit Refugee Service.
Bradley “the figures don’t lie”
BBC News
Hattie’s catering company folded after events dropped off a cliff – one of the many businesses that struggled amid Covid restrictions.
One wonders how Hattie, smiling, in a massive home kitchen, came to the attention of bbc editorial to be featured?
Still, at least they are now moving to professions that keep Frankie Howerd in avocado French soldiers when pulling a long one discussing lines to take on Trans issues drawing a full, essential salary.
BBC News
Businesses in England can no longer sell or supply the single-use items as part of efforts to reduce pollution.
Vietnamese ladies in bullet and condom reuse sweatshops in big demand.
BBC wheels on a safe degree of separation investigator as they have no staff free not tweeting TDS theories.
“‘The Cambridge Companion to British Black and Asian Literature (1945–2010)’”
I wonder how many pages the, ‘Companion’ runs too………..
“M.Sc. in International Project Management from Glasgow Caledonian University”
Is that another course principally covering Marxism techniques of World domination?
Questions that will not be asked – again and again – by the BBC: “Woz it the Democrats wot dunnit?”
Done what? Infected the White House and the President with Covid-19 (or-20) as they have rather given their game away with the statement from the USA overnight that the Senate Confirmation Hearing for the President’s nominee for the Supreme Court “puts the whole Senate at risk.”
“Or are the Democrats just shameless opportunists?” < That's a very Soapy style question to ask, actually. But he will not do it.