8:10 Sunday worship
.. That’ll be about Jesus and stuff, won’t it ?
.. You wish
“Marking Black History Month, exploring the theme that Black Lives Matter everywhere
through the lens of climate injustice, poverty and inequality around the world”
Speaker #1 is CEO of Christian Aid one of those charities that spends donation money on lefty POLITICAL lobbying rather than actually helping the needy.
Speaker #2 Professor Robert Beckford’s sermon
“was excellent about the link between climate change and our desire for acquisition”
This Sunday! We're delighted to be hosting Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4, presented by our CEO @amukwashi, featuring Professor Robert Beckford, and colleagues from around the world reflecting on climate justice and #BlackHistoryMonth. Tune in at 8.10amhttps://t.co/JUH8pAHtRT
Stew – there are, in fact, many black Christians around, whom the bbc could have chosen to bring a Christ-centred message of Redemption and Salvation, on a Sunday.
But the bbc interest is only in bringing a fashionable political message or two. It is thus dishonest to pretend that this is about ‘Sunday Worship’.
If dishonesty is rife on the bbc, it’s actually rampant on R4, where almost every second programme is designed to convey their political narrative of the day.
Academic qualifications are also not what is needed. The disciples included simple fishermen, not single a DD or PhD among them.
R4 now shoehorns in most programmes to convey its political agenda, anyway. It has lost its way bigtime.
You can also expect such inane comments that they attribute to the stabbing bruvverhood, like “He loved to play football’, or ‘his mates used to meet up wiv him every Saturday, and he was the life and soul etc etc’…
‘Thoughts and prayers’ are the usual euphemism for ‘yeah whatever’ and much of this came from that fat, pink bald bloke who used to wear a babygro on a silly quiz show twenty years ago.
Reminds me of the activities of the pencil moustached chaps during rationing in the war who would knock at the door offering illicit stockings, meat and butter at huge prices!
Sarah Nicolls tweeted
I am thrilled to be on @BBCFrontRow
Weds 30th Sept, 7.15-7.45,
talking about #12yearspiano,
my upcoming digital tour, a piano show about the climate & ecological emergency
” 12Years : inspired by the 2018 IPCC report that said we have 12 years to prevent irreversible climate change.
Sarah performs the narrative work that includes newspaper headlines and invented characters on her unique Inside-Out Piano, a vertical grand designed so that she can play the strings directly to create an array of incredible sounds https://www.sounduk.net/events/12-Years-Sarah-Nicolls-12-Streams
Summary : Thursday’s Radio 4 Art’s show promoted a piano show about the “Climate Emergency”
a fakenews narrative , since today’s weather is no more disastrous than historical weather so not an “emergency”.
(Accepting that records show temperatures this century are a fraction of a degree higher than at the start of the 20th Century)
…… and amazingly, Stew Green, no-one in the mainstream media ever seems to mention the exponential growth in worldwide populations as being a major contributor to the so-called ‘climate emergency’. The obvious major exclusions to this population growth are, of course, indigenous Western, Northern hemisphere, populations – i.e. the ones they are determined to fleece to pay for all the change the alarmists want to see. .
Earlier I mentioned how the bbbc twist and manipulate the news to suit their lefty political position.
This morning I caught an example of how they put in unnecessary words to change a news item’s meaning.
They said Trump INSISTED that he was feeling better.
Why put in the word ‘insisted’
It’s put there to imply that he’s lying.
It’s snide tricks like this that the bbbc get away with when they can plead a kind of ignorance where they can say ‘we didn’t mean it to sound like that’ or something similar.
Guest. Sad to see this. Guess it won’t make it onto beeb though, it would completely undermine their narrative on race, possibly even bring into question the reputation of certain saintly figures who are apparently beyond reproach.
Talking about which, noticed a certain bust this week at the South Bank centre, and fists raised high with wristbands bearing the yellow, green and black ANC colours, so I don’t think the wearers would sympathise with the victims displayed in your video…
Au contraire!
Much foreign news now instead about Ngorno Karabach! Pretty remote territory to say the least, but safer to tread i.t.o. the big message.
Yep #LoadedWord
Often you can trace a BBC headline to one they’ve copied from the Guardian
but not this time ..no one else on twitter is saying .
But a few news sources recently used that loaded term when reporting other things
New from Mail “Boris Johnson *insisted* Donald Trump is ‘going to be fine’ ..”
Telegraph : Mr Trump’s doctor *insisted* on Saturday that he was doing “very well”
Last night
Th Times : “A masked Trump *insisted* on being filmed walking to the chopper”
Yup, EG, like so many other dirty little verbal tricks up the Beeboids’ sleeves, e.g. “It has emerged that…..”, “The BBC has uncovered/discovered…..”, “So-and-so has admitted…..”, etc., etc. These are commonly applied by the BBC to simple news items arising in the normal course of events….. and are designed to infer that someone has been hiding things, covering things up, and so forth. No prizes for guessing which part of the political spectrum these little barbs are usually aimed at.
The BBC – bias by insertion (phrases above), ommission (excerpts from political speeches, conveying the opposite of what was actually being said) , obscuration (‘men’ are doing nasty things), sheer mis-representation (the ‘peaceful’ protests by BLM/Antifa), and so on. They must have a little icon at each beeboid’s desk dedicated to Joseph Goebells.
When I was in primary school I was taught that a Roman, looking at a fresh batch of (white) slaves, remarked that some blonde ones ‘looked like angels’.
We were told that this was how England got its name – Angels, Anglia, England. Rather the reverse of, say, Liberia, an American settlement to provide freedom and prosperity for black Americans with a heritage of slavery.
If that is true then far from being the land of slavers England is the land of slaves!
It was Bede who first articulated the idea of the English people. In 732, he wrote his ‘History of the English Church and People’, in which he treated the inhabitants of lowland Britain, whether Saxons, Jutes or Angles, as one English nation.
He traces the name back to a tale from the 590s. The story goes that Pope Gregory the Great saw some fair-haired and fair-skinned slaves in a slave market in Italy, and was told that they were Angles. ‘Not Angles but angels,’ he replied.
It was a lovely pun, and somehow created an idea, which one senses in Bede, that the English were a chosen race.
Latest COVID-19 hospital admissions and deaths data for England has been published.
Daily admissions have been increasing much more slowly in the last couple of weeks, with little increase in the 7-day moving average in recent days. 1/3 pic.twitter.com/ld78kRM6Cf
The thing that is always missing is context. What do hospital admissions usually do at this time of year? I’d assume they normally go up as the weather gets colder, but I could be wrong.
To an extent daily deaths are not so interesting
Cos of the way people who got over covid 3 weeks ago and then died of cancer today, get logged as Covid deaths.
What would be interesting is the recovery rate and severity of the hospitalisations. Has it become more treatable?
Something like this (Singapore)
New cases announced on October 4 12
Confirmed cases so far 57,812
Discharged 57,562
Still in hospital 46
In isolation 165
Deaths 27
I’ve proffered this solution before. Tow one or maybe two down to the Dover area.
“The covid cruise ship graveyard: Passenger liners are stripped for scrap at Turkish dock after the multi-billion pound industry was smashed by the coronavirus crisis”
Its bad enough that Kenneth Branagh is involved in anything that involves acting, but I see he’s up for murdering (directing) yet another Agatha Christie novel. He has his eyes set on crucifying Death on the Nile, and yep, the main cast list has its fair share of BAME’s. The character of Salome Otterburn played brilliantly in the past by Angela Lansbury, has Sophie Okonedo in the role – she too is a good actress, but the world has not yet become colour blind no matter how hard the Arts try to enforce it on us.
He probably still hasn’t forgiven my mate Andy who got the role of Romeo in the Meadway (Reading) school play ahead of him when he was just another council estate kid.
I’m guessing the President Trump crew will continue to disinform the MSM / democrats out his condition with leaks and rumours in order to feed the Beast ,
Heard some ‘expert’ enjoying the idea that mr trump will suffer in the second phase of covid which ‘some people ‘ get of breathing difficulty –
I was waiting for the journo / medic to say maybe we ll get lucky and that will kill him but they went off to some other poison .
You know – I’m so glad I don’t take much of this MSM stuff anymore – how anyone can watch TV news is beyond me …but I take my hat off to them…
I’m well conditioned now. Had Classic FM running in the background for some hours with no focus of attention. I didn’t realise at 1500 a certain John Humphreys took over and, without a thought, I turned Classic FM off. I woke up to what I had done 10 minutes later. Should I seek counselling having clearly previously suffered mental abuse by the BBC which has had a profound effect on my behaviour.
I’ve switched to music streaming and get an end of month ‘account ‘of how much I use fo 9.99 a month – for me it is money well spent – not to have to put up with woke Adverts of repulsive creatures like Vine ….. or another other BBC production company ‘talent ‘ now on commercial radio – …..supplementing their pension …..
I wish him well and will vote for his party. I hope that his candidates will not stand down in order to give the Tories a chance to beat Labour. When the Brexit party did this it put Corbyn in with a whopping majority.
“BBC Truth” vs the real world re The Mayflower
Today was part 2 of the Radio Lincolnshire history show to CELEBRATE 400 years of the Mayflower arriving in America
with people originated from Lincolnshire.
Except Hortin the BBC presenter has got the slavery guilt bug and wants to inject that into the story.
Last week he claimed the Pilgrim Fathers captured Indians as slaves.
As I said he he has almost certainly mixed up the case of an earlier English Trader who had a bungled attempt at grabbing 20 Indians and selling them as slaves in Malaga. The Spanish Friars in Gibraltar put a stop to that. Squanto was the most famous he stayed with the monks, then to London then back home to America where he already was before the Mayflower arrived and soon worked as their interpreter.
This week Hortin was keen to inject slavery again
He told the local Mayflower expert #1
“You know when the Mayflower arrived in 1620
there were already slaves at the Jamestown colony much further south. They’d come the year earlier”
.. You could hear the expert thinking ..’what the heck , I can’t contradict the presenter, I’ll keep shtum”
As ever it’s a bit grey, there was no official slavery until 1640 or 1662
Yeh there had been Africans working since Jamestown in 1619, and they had originated as slaves held on a Portuguese ship, but when a British merchant captured the ship and brought the cargo to Jamestown he didn’t sell them as slaves, he sold them as indentured labourers to work among the British indentured labourers. AFAIK they gained their freedom after the contract, but one didn’t John Punch had escaped so in 1640 he was sentenced to be enslaved for life. He is counted as the first slave.
The unfair thing is that 2 whites indentured labourers who’d escaped with him had only been given one extra year in servitude.
In 1662 a law was passed recognising slavery . https://www.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/african-americans-at-jamestown.htm https://www.ferris.edu/htmls/news/jimcrow/timeline/slavery.htm
The presenter then also told local Mayflower expert #2
He himself is of Caribbean descent and had just written a pamphlet about the Mayflower. But he too, was hesitant, and didn’t want to contradict,
‘oh I haven’t included that in my work maybe I should go back and include it’
Do you understand the BBC presenter had a “truth” in his head
“white men bad ..slave owners”
and that what was broadcast
cos the two experts felt unable to contradict & correct him.
I bet that happens with other topics based on faith
like global warming.
And I bet that usually the presenter gets to choose his experts
and doesn’t accept the ones that contradict his narrative.
His obsession with slavery detracts from true point of why the Americans focus on the Mayflower
that is the beginning of a cultural revolution that created a new country like no other ..one of freedom and enterprise ..a utopia
And it hadn’t come to that over the thousands of years under the indigenous neither were other new countries like Brazil or Argentina achieving it.
I never cease to marvel at what comes to the attention of the American Beauty and inspires a “Woah”.
Woah. This is big. Though taken after debate and before @realDonaldTrump was taken ill. I think the polling among seniors is also really interesting – a demographic Trump won in 2016 https://t.co/ZRymZH6QCZ
I am not an American and don’t have a vote for their president. But choosing not to listen to the BBC I thought I would go to YouTube for my information. I searched for Bill O*Reilly and instead of his recent opinions I got 3 year old pieces on CNN about why he was sacked. I searched for Tucker Carlson and got his pieces from a couple of years ago. I then realised I hadn’t been directed to Judge Jeannine recently. I wondered if she wasn’t doing her opinion pieces at the moment. She was but I had to add a date to the search to find anything recent.
It is obvious that YouTube is making anything from the Right difficult to find. I still get my cooking advice from Food Wishes.
Deborah, I will grant you he’s partisan but Dan Bongino gives some good info as do Tom Hatton and Judicial Watch. Have a look at the Washington Examiner too – a refreshing alternative to the WashPo
More agenda pushing on Friday’s Gardeners’ World on BBC2.
Monty’s outdoor tomatoes were looking splendid, apart from a little late season blight, but those in the greenhouse hadn’t fared quite so well. Mrs Trotter and I helpfully shout at the TV that it’s the bloody great grape vine he’s got growing in there, blocking out all the light.
Monty can’t work it out: the seeds, compost, watering and feeding are all the same, so what could it be? (The vine, the vine!). He tells us he’s thought it through and there are two elements that have changed. The first (no Monty, please don’t say it) ‘affects us all and that’s climate change’. Apparently the June/July period of the last few years ‘has been warm but not terrible sunny’, which is ‘becoming a trend’, so his crop ‘isn’t getting the sunshine it needs when it needs it’. Really? Why are your outdoor tomatoes looking great then, old chap? And then to the second point, where we’re told that to compound matters, he’s growing them in the greenhouse with a vine blocking out the light (no sh1t, Sherlock). And ‘of course the vine has been getting bigger every year’ – well there’s your trend in reducing light levels then.
I’ve almost got used to the usual agendas being woven into the presenters’ scripts, but I still can’t grasp how these supposed experts put hard-won reputations on the line by reciting such utter cobblers. I can only think that the groupthink must seem so plausible from within the BBC bubble that it doesn’t occur that they are being made to look like complete pillocks.
Lest we forget ‘Brexit’, time is running out to achieve the right outcome.
https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1342749/brexit-news-boris-johnson-withdrawal-agreement-eib-ecj-internal-market-bill A new report published by the Centre for Brexit Policy think tank has set out an alarming timetable of events which they say will unfold if Mr Johnson does not scrap the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and Northern Ireland protocol (NIP).
The report explains: “Recent events have increasingly questioned the acceptability of the concluded and ratified Withdrawal Agreement and Northern Ireland Protocol that encroach on UK sovereignty by imposing EU law, European Court of Justice jurisdiction, uncapped liabilities and other EU demands on the UK.
“It might be thought, in the event of a ‘no’ or a ‘limited’ deal at the end of this year, that these EU imposed legal constraints would simply fall away when the Transition Period ends. However, this is not the case.
The CBP report from September is long but there is an ‘Executive Summary’ giving the gist, which is that the government must terminate the WA and NIP – or declare them void – before 31 December.
A list of possible outcomes for 2021-2024 if this does not happen start on page 28 of the report, including us being on the hook for a European Investment Bank (EIB) bailout.
Countryfile , “next Thursday is Air Pollution Day”
Tom Heap keeps quoting FoE Friends Of The Earth, which means they actually wrote this BBC piece.
First village Chideock
claims about NO2
They spoke to village woman with an asthma problem
.. doh actually doctors say asthma attacks correlate to grass pollen, and when people move to towns they get LESS attacks
then PM2.5
say woodburners cause that
‘oh you have to dry your wood properly’
Back to Friends Of The Earth man
Finish up with another Friends of the Earth woman
– What counts is not air at the road, but air that reaches your lungs.
– Road air is often just washed out by the rain.
– If you leave laws out of it roads will still continue to get ever less polluted, cos tech always gets cleaner with time.
They failed to mention that a lot of road dust comes from tyre abrasion and electric cars make that worse, cos they are heavier due to the battery.
Oh that was #CleanAirDay
Then had a Devon cider item
– Then plugged their Calendar competition winner
– Then long item on city children helped by their charity ramble next week
– Now Adam’s rare breed cattle.
They did actually mention brake and tyre wear. I noticed because I fell off my chair with surprise.
But they failed as the Left always do, to follow the logic. That’s because the Left agenda is pro- collectivist public transport. How else do you explain the insane introduction of new bus lanes on dual carriageways at the same time as we are told to avoid public transport.
All traffic departments of councils irrespective of their political control have had the same anti-car brainwashing. Cars are evil is their basic position. So policies must be devised to move away. Safety is a good one, enshrined in section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act. Pollution is another. Overall health is another, such as NO 2 emissions. Then we have the insane fixation on cycling. The new untouchables. Not to mention the deliberate policy of creating traffic jams so as to discourage us. Reduction of lanes, road closures, out-of-sync traffic lights.
What an irony that the biggest cause of road particulates is indeed brake and tyre wear.
Guess what?
Electric cars also have tyres and brakes.
What’s the betting that the currently in-favour Electric car will become the personification of evil to the traffic officials in a few years time. I
Did everyone miss that Tom Heap had two woodburners to cut his gas burn?
The woman with the ‘dry’ wood didn’t make sense either. She must have spent most of her time in that house growing some trees that might just see her through a couple of winters.
I have heard that ground source heat pumps eventually give you a very cold garden, not good for the vegetables then.
Funny how Adam had some of the whitest cows going but his bull was all black! (The semen collector looked like he might have been fathered from bull semen, but then maybe it is like pets, we start to look like them?)
Countryfile seem to have sacked their Twitter Jockey
He used to tweet along with the show and respond to viewers
they thought they were curating the audience.
but obviously this was dangerous, cos if he said something “right on” he would get a backlash.
I wonder if that is the reason or whether it was purely a cash saving thing.
Trump is furious with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows after the top West Wing official contradicted WH physician Dr, Sean Conley’s assessment of the president on Saturday, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.
Rob got his starring role on the next Newswatch with $amira down pat.
I thought today’s interview with PM by Andrew Marr was well judged: good questions, answers able to be heard, Andrew interrupting when necessary. Critics saying either “you were too soft” or “you interrupted too much”, which critique they opt for tends to split down party lines.
How much confidence can we have in what we’re being told about the US president’s health?@BBCJonSopel and @maitlis discuss the comments from President Trump's physician on the latest episode of #Americast
Guest – mr trump will be well aware of how much the likes of BS , sopel and the rest want him to die to he is playing the ‘uncertainty’ MSM …. they will hate – hate – him even more when he returns to the White House and continues campaigning …….
Not long to that election – and I think the American mentality likes a fighter and winner more than the wet Anglo Saxon liberal psyche ….
via @NYTimes This news from Nth Carolina worth paying attention to. Dems working really hard to take this Senate seat – it’s one of the keys to them retaking control of the Senate. https://t.co/P7Lq1iAmtJ
The monsters of 2016 – Brexit, Trump, the far right – don't look so frightening in late 2020. Some of us saw through them then but… Trump is down 14 points…
And without Trump, Brexit is a gimp in a gimp suit.
One of them is President of the United States winning it astoundingly against the odds.
The other is sat home unemployed.
I think Sweeney is projecting
Who behaves like a “monster” on Twitter ?
Michael Palin’s recollections, that will be good .. But I forgot, its the modern BBC. About 90 seconds in and there is some black BBC personality being interviewed saying how ‘ he set the tone for tv today’ .. There is no escape ..
Aha I just looked him up. He is Nigerian. A wheelchair user as well. Double points !! Quite what he has got to do with Michael Palin I have no idea. Great to see Michael Palin again though. Excellent program that did not need anyone else being slotted into it to tick boxes.
Trump will lose. Brexit may happen but it will be an economic disaster on top of COVID. Those who argued for it, like you @andywigmore, will be discredited.
To be fair, you already are. I'd get a Russian passport if I were you. But watch out for @navalny. He's my mate. https://t.co/iIT4J0jPQZ
The media seem to have moved on to a whole new set of obscure number dickwaddery after crunching mask numbers an’ stuff, that also concerns normal folk… not. one. bit.
Yesterday. The same day that Dr Conley said the president was doing "very well" and they were "extremely happy" with the progress he was making. https://t.co/8rmAYN66P5
Sunday catch up on More or Less. Banging on about Covid again – twice. Still too hard to make sense listening on the radio.
Another go at the refugees too. Is that the third or fourth now? Whatever else the implication is that refugees are good and we should take more. (No discussion that culture is an important factor both for the well-being of the refugee and the host).
Money Box goes all political, pushing sharia compliant finance (a lie, like the catholic church selling indulgences). Nearly crashed the car when they asked about fossil fuel investments! Arabs, Oil, Islam – any connections Paul?
Edinburgh is going to solve ‘poverty’. Any new ideas? No! Pay people more, build subsidised houses and pay more for council contracts, (won’t that put up council taxes?).
An African woman, who could barely speak English and who had somehow obtained two clearly useless degrees demanded that jobs be created for ‘black people’. Also she needed night-time childcare for her fatherless children so that she could go to her low-paid job which, having two degrees, she must be over-qualified for. That is unless English language is a requirement.
Not a lot about money, just standard extreme left-wing politics – import lots of angry people, keep them poor, collect their votes – then swan around on high salaries and travel ‘on expenses’.
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
8:10 Sunday worship
.. That’ll be about Jesus and stuff, won’t it ?
.. You wish
“Marking Black History Month, exploring the theme that Black Lives Matter everywhere
through the lens of climate injustice, poverty and inequality around the world”
Speaker #1 is CEO of Christian Aid one of those charities that spends donation money on lefty POLITICAL lobbying rather than actually helping the needy.
Speaker #2 Professor Robert Beckford’s sermon
“was excellent about the link between climate change and our desire for acquisition”
Stew – there are, in fact, many black Christians around, whom the bbc could have chosen to bring a Christ-centred message of Redemption and Salvation, on a Sunday.
But the bbc interest is only in bringing a fashionable political message or two. It is thus dishonest to pretend that this is about ‘Sunday Worship’.
If dishonesty is rife on the bbc, it’s actually rampant on R4, where almost every second programme is designed to convey their political narrative of the day.
Academic qualifications are also not what is needed. The disciples included simple fishermen, not single a DD or PhD among them.
R4 now shoehorns in most programmes to convey its political agenda, anyway. It has lost its way bigtime.
You can also expect such inane comments that they attribute to the stabbing bruvverhood, like “He loved to play football’, or ‘his mates used to meet up wiv him every Saturday, and he was the life and soul etc etc’…
‘Thoughts and prayers’ are the usual euphemism for ‘yeah whatever’ and much of this came from that fat, pink bald bloke who used to wear a babygro on a silly quiz show twenty years ago.
With delicious irony the BBC run with side-by-side articles on their ho9me page.
Being Gay and Christian was an impossible puzzle.
(Violinist Caroline Pether talks about her experience as a gay Christian.)
My Purpose is for positive change in Islamic society.
(How Muslim women are using their platforms to raise awareness about female Qur’an reciters)
I’ll leave you to to work out the BBC blind spots here.
BS and American Booty have an EXCLUSIVE! they RTd from Jim Acosta’s Deep Sniffle with footage from the POTUS hospital suite…
Clearly showing his son, sources close to someone of color say.
I think you will find its PRESIDENT Trump !!!! Show some bloody respect BBC !!!!!!!
Sure it was always President Obama, President Clinton etc but the way the BBC just use “Trump” is so disrespectful !!!!
I see some entrepreneurial companies are leaping on the opportunities offered by the Pandemic re designer face masks at inflated prices.
Now it’s toilet rolls!
Reminds me of the activities of the pencil moustached chaps during rationing in the war who would knock at the door offering illicit stockings, meat and butter at huge prices!
Sarah Nicolls tweeted
I am thrilled to be on @BBCFrontRow
Weds 30th Sept, 7.15-7.45,
talking about #12yearspiano,
my upcoming digital tour, a piano show about the climate & ecological emergency
” 12Years : inspired by the 2018 IPCC report that said we have 12 years to prevent irreversible climate change.
Sarah performs the narrative work that includes newspaper headlines and invented characters on her unique Inside-Out Piano, a vertical grand designed so that she can play the strings directly to create an array of incredible sounds
Summary : Thursday’s Radio 4 Art’s show promoted a piano show about the “Climate Emergency”
a fakenews narrative , since today’s weather is no more disastrous than historical weather so not an “emergency”.
(Accepting that records show temperatures this century are a fraction of a degree higher than at the start of the 20th Century)
…… and amazingly, Stew Green, no-one in the mainstream media ever seems to mention the exponential growth in worldwide populations as being a major contributor to the so-called ‘climate emergency’. The obvious major exclusions to this population growth are, of course, indigenous Western, Northern hemisphere, populations – i.e. the ones they are determined to fleece to pay for all the change the alarmists want to see. .
Earlier I mentioned how the bbbc twist and manipulate the news to suit their lefty political position.
This morning I caught an example of how they put in unnecessary words to change a news item’s meaning.
They said Trump INSISTED that he was feeling better.
Why put in the word ‘insisted’
It’s put there to imply that he’s lying.
It’s snide tricks like this that the bbbc get away with when they can plead a kind of ignorance where they can say ‘we didn’t mean it to sound like that’ or something similar.
This is a bone the bbc cannot but to gnaw until they have bitten off more than they can chew.
Meanwhile, elsewhere….
Some claim to be guardians of what is news, and what is not.
Guest. Sad to see this. Guess it won’t make it onto beeb though, it would completely undermine their narrative on race, possibly even bring into question the reputation of certain saintly figures who are apparently beyond reproach.
Talking about which, noticed a certain bust this week at the South Bank centre, and fists raised high with wristbands bearing the yellow, green and black ANC colours, so I don’t think the wearers would sympathise with the victims displayed in your video…
Au contraire!
Much foreign news now instead about Ngorno Karabach! Pretty remote territory to say the least, but safer to tread i.t.o. the big message.
Yep #LoadedWord
Often you can trace a BBC headline to one they’ve copied from the Guardian
but not this time ..no one else on twitter is saying .
But a few news sources recently used that loaded term when reporting other things
New from Mail “Boris Johnson *insisted* Donald Trump is ‘going to be fine’ ..”
Telegraph : Mr Trump’s doctor *insisted* on Saturday that he was doing “very well”
Last night
Th Times : “A masked Trump *insisted* on being filmed walking to the chopper”
Another one
Yup, EG, like so many other dirty little verbal tricks up the Beeboids’ sleeves, e.g. “It has emerged that…..”, “The BBC has uncovered/discovered…..”, “So-and-so has admitted…..”, etc., etc. These are commonly applied by the BBC to simple news items arising in the normal course of events….. and are designed to infer that someone has been hiding things, covering things up, and so forth. No prizes for guessing which part of the political spectrum these little barbs are usually aimed at.
The BBC – bias by insertion (phrases above), ommission (excerpts from political speeches, conveying the opposite of what was actually being said) , obscuration (‘men’ are doing nasty things), sheer mis-representation (the ‘peaceful’ protests by BLM/Antifa), and so on. They must have a little icon at each beeboid’s desk dedicated to Joseph Goebells.
When I was in primary school I was taught that a Roman, looking at a fresh batch of (white) slaves, remarked that some blonde ones ‘looked like angels’.
We were told that this was how England got its name – Angels, Anglia, England. Rather the reverse of, say, Liberia, an American settlement to provide freedom and prosperity for black Americans with a heritage of slavery.
If that is true then far from being the land of slavers England is the land of slaves!
Although this is a bBC link originally from 2004?, Michael Wood is far more reliable than some we could name (even though he sometimes gets others to do research for his programmes).
It was Bede who first articulated the idea of the English people. In 732, he wrote his ‘History of the English Church and People’, in which he treated the inhabitants of lowland Britain, whether Saxons, Jutes or Angles, as one English nation.
He traces the name back to a tale from the 590s. The story goes that Pope Gregory the Great saw some fair-haired and fair-skinned slaves in a slave market in Italy, and was told that they were Angles. ‘Not Angles but angels,’ he replied.
It was a lovely pun, and somehow created an idea, which one senses in Bede, that the English were a chosen race.
Hospital admissions are not rising expnentially
The thing that is always missing is context. What do hospital admissions usually do at this time of year? I’d assume they normally go up as the weather gets colder, but I could be wrong.
I may be getting past it, but where’s the, “deaths data”?
To an extent daily deaths are not so interesting
Cos of the way people who got over covid 3 weeks ago and then died of cancer today, get logged as Covid deaths.
What would be interesting is the recovery rate and severity of the hospitalisations. Has it become more treatable?
Something like this (Singapore)
New cases announced on October 4 12
Confirmed cases so far 57,812
Discharged 57,562
Still in hospital 46
In isolation 165
Deaths 27
I’ve proffered this solution before. Tow one or maybe two down to the Dover area.
“The covid cruise ship graveyard: Passenger liners are stripped for scrap at Turkish dock after the multi-billion pound industry was smashed by the coronavirus crisis”
[video src="https://video.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2020/10/02/3476769960805878930/1024x576_MP4_3476769960805878930.mp4" /]
Over to my embroidery expert………….
Another apparent non native English speaking Radio 4 ‘analyst’.
There’s clearly something missing in her English Language schooling.
Guest Who
This reminds me of Aristotle’s golden mean. Not too much courage, but not cowardice.
Its bad enough that Kenneth Branagh is involved in anything that involves acting, but I see he’s up for murdering (directing) yet another Agatha Christie novel. He has his eyes set on crucifying Death on the Nile, and yep, the main cast list has its fair share of BAME’s. The character of Salome Otterburn played brilliantly in the past by Angela Lansbury, has Sophie Okonedo in the role – she too is a good actress, but the world has not yet become colour blind no matter how hard the Arts try to enforce it on us.
Maybe he really wants that knighthood. He is getting on a bit .
He probably still hasn’t forgiven my mate Andy who got the role of Romeo in the Meadway (Reading) school play ahead of him when he was just another council estate kid.
This likely falls under ‘not news’ for bbc EdGuds.
Despite being the NYT.
On the BBC’s fitness to judge anything, ITBB has a few new, thoroughly composed posts, of which this is one.
If a BBC fact checker and a BBC disinformation spook meet in the woods, can anyone hear you scream?
I’m guessing the President Trump crew will continue to disinform the MSM / democrats out his condition with leaks and rumours in order to feed the Beast ,
Heard some ‘expert’ enjoying the idea that mr trump will suffer in the second phase of covid which ‘some people ‘ get of breathing difficulty –
I was waiting for the journo / medic to say maybe we ll get lucky and that will kill him but they went off to some other poison .
You know – I’m so glad I don’t take much of this MSM stuff anymore – how anyone can watch TV news is beyond me …but I take my hat off to them…
And Jon Sopel will be along shortly to explain why this can’t be right because reasons.
I’m well conditioned now. Had Classic FM running in the background for some hours with no focus of attention. I didn’t realise at 1500 a certain John Humphreys took over and, without a thought, I turned Classic FM off. I woke up to what I had done 10 minutes later. Should I seek counselling having clearly previously suffered mental abuse by the BBC which has had a profound effect on my behaviour.
I’ve switched to music streaming and get an end of month ‘account ‘of how much I use fo 9.99 a month – for me it is money well spent – not to have to put up with woke Adverts of repulsive creatures like Vine ….. or another other BBC production company ‘talent ‘ now on commercial radio – …..supplementing their pension …..
I wish him well and will vote for his party. I hope that his candidates will not stand down in order to give the Tories a chance to beat Labour. When the Brexit party did this it put Corbyn in with a whopping majority.
“BBC Truth” vs the real world re The Mayflower
Today was part 2 of the Radio Lincolnshire history show to CELEBRATE 400 years of the Mayflower arriving in America
with people originated from Lincolnshire.
Except Hortin the BBC presenter has got the slavery guilt bug and wants to inject that into the story.
Last week he claimed the Pilgrim Fathers captured Indians as slaves.
As I said he he has almost certainly mixed up the case of an earlier English Trader who had a bungled attempt at grabbing 20 Indians and selling them as slaves in Malaga. The Spanish Friars in Gibraltar put a stop to that. Squanto was the most famous he stayed with the monks, then to London then back home to America where he already was before the Mayflower arrived and soon worked as their interpreter.
This week Hortin was keen to inject slavery again
He told the local Mayflower expert #1
“You know when the Mayflower arrived in 1620
there were already slaves at the Jamestown colony much further south. They’d come the year earlier”
.. You could hear the expert thinking ..’what the heck , I can’t contradict the presenter, I’ll keep shtum”
As ever it’s a bit grey, there was no official slavery until 1640 or 1662
Yeh there had been Africans working since Jamestown in 1619, and they had originated as slaves held on a Portuguese ship, but when a British merchant captured the ship and brought the cargo to Jamestown he didn’t sell them as slaves, he sold them as indentured labourers to work among the British indentured labourers. AFAIK they gained their freedom after the contract, but one didn’t John Punch had escaped so in 1640 he was sentenced to be enslaved for life. He is counted as the first slave.
The unfair thing is that 2 whites indentured labourers who’d escaped with him had only been given one extra year in servitude.
In 1662 a law was passed recognising slavery .
The presenter then also told local Mayflower expert #2
He himself is of Caribbean descent and had just written a pamphlet about the Mayflower. But he too, was hesitant, and didn’t want to contradict,
‘oh I haven’t included that in my work maybe I should go back and include it’
Item is about 3h30m into the show
Do you understand the BBC presenter had a “truth” in his head
“white men bad ..slave owners”
and that what was broadcast
cos the two experts felt unable to contradict & correct him.
I bet that happens with other topics based on faith
like global warming.
And I bet that usually the presenter gets to choose his experts
and doesn’t accept the ones that contradict his narrative.
His obsession with slavery detracts from true point of why the Americans focus on the Mayflower
that is the beginning of a cultural revolution that created a new country like no other ..one of freedom and enterprise ..a utopia
And it hadn’t come to that over the thousands of years under the indigenous neither were other new countries like Brazil or Argentina achieving it.
I never cease to marvel at what comes to the attention of the American Beauty and inspires a “Woah”.
And what doesn’t.
I am not an American and don’t have a vote for their president. But choosing not to listen to the BBC I thought I would go to YouTube for my information. I searched for Bill O*Reilly and instead of his recent opinions I got 3 year old pieces on CNN about why he was sacked. I searched for Tucker Carlson and got his pieces from a couple of years ago. I then realised I hadn’t been directed to Judge Jeannine recently. I wondered if she wasn’t doing her opinion pieces at the moment. She was but I had to add a date to the search to find anything recent.
It is obvious that YouTube is making anything from the Right difficult to find. I still get my cooking advice from Food Wishes.
I think they’ll censor recipes soon – no meat – taking the knee every time you mash a potato – quorn on the cob ….
Deborah, I will grant you he’s partisan but Dan Bongino gives some good info as do Tom Hatton and Judicial Watch. Have a look at the Washington Examiner too – a refreshing alternative to the WashPo
Thanks Dobyns
More agenda pushing on Friday’s Gardeners’ World on BBC2.
Monty’s outdoor tomatoes were looking splendid, apart from a little late season blight, but those in the greenhouse hadn’t fared quite so well. Mrs Trotter and I helpfully shout at the TV that it’s the bloody great grape vine he’s got growing in there, blocking out all the light.
Monty can’t work it out: the seeds, compost, watering and feeding are all the same, so what could it be? (The vine, the vine!). He tells us he’s thought it through and there are two elements that have changed. The first (no Monty, please don’t say it) ‘affects us all and that’s climate change’. Apparently the June/July period of the last few years ‘has been warm but not terrible sunny’, which is ‘becoming a trend’, so his crop ‘isn’t getting the sunshine it needs when it needs it’. Really? Why are your outdoor tomatoes looking great then, old chap? And then to the second point, where we’re told that to compound matters, he’s growing them in the greenhouse with a vine blocking out the light (no sh1t, Sherlock). And ‘of course the vine has been getting bigger every year’ – well there’s your trend in reducing light levels then.
I’ve almost got used to the usual agendas being woven into the presenters’ scripts, but I still can’t grasp how these supposed experts put hard-won reputations on the line by reciting such utter cobblers. I can only think that the groupthink must seem so plausible from within the BBC bubble that it doesn’t occur that they are being made to look like complete pillocks.
Lest we forget ‘Brexit’, time is running out to achieve the right outcome.
A new report published by the Centre for Brexit Policy think tank has set out an alarming timetable of events which they say will unfold if Mr Johnson does not scrap the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and Northern Ireland protocol (NIP).
The report explains: “Recent events have increasingly questioned the acceptability of the concluded and ratified Withdrawal Agreement and Northern Ireland Protocol that encroach on UK sovereignty by imposing EU law, European Court of Justice jurisdiction, uncapped liabilities and other EU demands on the UK.
“It might be thought, in the event of a ‘no’ or a ‘limited’ deal at the end of this year, that these EU imposed legal constraints would simply fall away when the Transition Period ends. However, this is not the case.
The CBP report from September is long but there is an ‘Executive Summary’ giving the gist, which is that the government must terminate the WA and NIP – or declare them void – before 31 December.
A list of possible outcomes for 2021-2024 if this does not happen start on page 28 of the report, including us being on the hook for a European Investment Bank (EIB) bailout.
I wonder how many years footballers will be taking the knee for – ? Maybe they’ll be eating the grass next ….
Fedup2, time to go to artificial turf
Dobyns – thoughts and prayers with Man U supporters Sunday night …
Would that be lady footie players?
Hooray, if Hislop goes.
But I cannot agree with Belfield’s evaluation of Hislop.
Countryfile , “next Thursday is Air Pollution Day”
Tom Heap keeps quoting FoE Friends Of The Earth, which means they actually wrote this BBC piece.
First village Chideock
claims about NO2
They spoke to village woman with an asthma problem
.. doh actually doctors say asthma attacks correlate to grass pollen, and when people move to towns they get LESS attacks
then PM2.5
say woodburners cause that
‘oh you have to dry your wood properly’
Back to Friends Of The Earth man
Finish up with another Friends of the Earth woman
– What counts is not air at the road, but air that reaches your lungs.
– Road air is often just washed out by the rain.
– If you leave laws out of it roads will still continue to get ever less polluted, cos tech always gets cleaner with time.
They failed to mention that a lot of road dust comes from tyre abrasion and electric cars make that worse, cos they are heavier due to the battery.
Oh that was #CleanAirDay
Then had a Devon cider item
– Then plugged their Calendar competition winner
– Then long item on city children helped by their charity ramble next week
– Now Adam’s rare breed cattle.
They did actually mention brake and tyre wear. I noticed because I fell off my chair with surprise.
But they failed as the Left always do, to follow the logic. That’s because the Left agenda is pro- collectivist public transport. How else do you explain the insane introduction of new bus lanes on dual carriageways at the same time as we are told to avoid public transport.
All traffic departments of councils irrespective of their political control have had the same anti-car brainwashing. Cars are evil is their basic position. So policies must be devised to move away. Safety is a good one, enshrined in section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act. Pollution is another. Overall health is another, such as NO 2 emissions. Then we have the insane fixation on cycling. The new untouchables. Not to mention the deliberate policy of creating traffic jams so as to discourage us. Reduction of lanes, road closures, out-of-sync traffic lights.
What an irony that the biggest cause of road particulates is indeed brake and tyre wear.
Guess what?
Electric cars also have tyres and brakes.
What’s the betting that the currently in-favour Electric car will become the personification of evil to the traffic officials in a few years time. I
Oh filling the country with ever more immigrants doesn’t cause more pollution…/sarc
Oh they suggested you use your woodburner less and invest “£20K in a ground source heat pump instead.
Did everyone miss that Tom Heap had two woodburners to cut his gas burn?
The woman with the ‘dry’ wood didn’t make sense either. She must have spent most of her time in that house growing some trees that might just see her through a couple of winters.
I have heard that ground source heat pumps eventually give you a very cold garden, not good for the vegetables then.
Funny how Adam had some of the whitest cows going but his bull was all black! (The semen collector looked like he might have been fathered from bull semen, but then maybe it is like pets, we start to look like them?)
Countryfile seem to have sacked their Twitter Jockey
He used to tweet along with the show and respond to viewers
they thought they were curating the audience.
but obviously this was dangerous, cos if he said something “right on” he would get a backlash.
I wonder if that is the reason or whether it was purely a cash saving thing.
Another government advert
Perhaps they are targetting a group that they know complies with the rules…..ahem……less well than others.
As indeed was implied by a spokesman for Tower Hamlets Council this evening on BBC London news. Something about not understanding English….
I’m not sure they thought that through.

Jim has cake. Eats it. Barfs. Eats that.
Wonder where Jim gets that misinformation from? Played .
Rob got his starring role on the next Newswatch with $amira down pat.
That or he’s moonlighting as an ECU Director.
Dr. Lurch will see you now.
How much confidence can we have in what we’re being told about ANYTHING by the BBC?
Answer: Zero.
Guest – mr trump will be well aware of how much the likes of BS , sopel and the rest want him to die to he is playing the ‘uncertainty’ MSM …. they will hate – hate – him even more when he returns to the White House and continues campaigning …….
Not long to that election – and I think the American mentality likes a fighter and winner more than the wet Anglo Saxon liberal psyche ….
Katty says the Dems are trying really hard.
That is so sweet.
A real shame he is no longer fully on staff.
One of them is President of the United States winning it astoundingly against the odds.
The other is sat home unemployed.
I think Sweeney is projecting
Who behaves like a “monster” on Twitter ?
Michael Palin’s recollections, that will be good .. But I forgot, its the modern BBC. About 90 seconds in and there is some black BBC personality being interviewed saying how ‘ he set the tone for tv today’ .. There is no escape ..
Aha I just looked him up. He is Nigerian. A wheelchair user as well. Double points !! Quite what he has got to do with Michael Palin I have no idea. Great to see Michael Palin again though. Excellent program that did not need anyone else being slotted into it to tick boxes.
Let’s talk about SIX Fedup ????
In case you you have not found it?
What are the odds?
A bloke from Ch 4 has this exclusive from The Telegraph.
Developing… as anticipated….
The media seem to have moved on to a whole new set of obscure number dickwaddery after crunching mask numbers an’ stuff, that also concerns normal folk… not. one. bit.
Sunday catch up on More or Less. Banging on about Covid again – twice. Still too hard to make sense listening on the radio.
Another go at the refugees too. Is that the third or fourth now? Whatever else the implication is that refugees are good and we should take more. (No discussion that culture is an important factor both for the well-being of the refugee and the host).
Money Box goes all political, pushing sharia compliant finance (a lie, like the catholic church selling indulgences). Nearly crashed the car when they asked about fossil fuel investments! Arabs, Oil, Islam – any connections Paul?
Edinburgh is going to solve ‘poverty’. Any new ideas? No! Pay people more, build subsidised houses and pay more for council contracts, (won’t that put up council taxes?).
An African woman, who could barely speak English and who had somehow obtained two clearly useless degrees demanded that jobs be created for ‘black people’. Also she needed night-time childcare for her fatherless children so that she could go to her low-paid job which, having two degrees, she must be over-qualified for. That is unless English language is a requirement.
Not a lot about money, just standard extreme left-wing politics – import lots of angry people, keep them poor, collect their votes – then swan around on high salaries and travel ‘on expenses’.
Cue The Red Flag.
OT, but, well…. golly… Just got this:
Racism is Killing the Planet: Why Sierra Club engages on racial justice
Thinking sending Don a ‘Get Well Real Soon’ card.