Do you notice how those people and things the BBC approve of get uncritical coverage – eg Obama and the EU . Yet something or someone the Biased Far Left BBC disapproves of – President Trump and Brexit – received unrestricted criticism and condescension- without reference to their democratic legitimacy or otherwise?
This site bears witness every day . Defund the BBC now .
Midweek Thread 7 October 2020
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I notice that on 5 October the Daily Mail carried an article on farm attacks and the brutal torture and murder of whites in South Africa. (2 recent highlighted).
It did not want to spell out that these vicious attacks are the ultimate racist hate crimes.
No such item on the bbc and other British MSM. If there were, it would focus on black victims, and indeed there are far too many of these. However, the perpetrators are not white, and it would not be spelled out that the SA government and its allies encourage this sort of thing with songs like ‘Kill the boer, kill the farmer’.
So hate speech/singing is officially allowed, even in parliament. As long as the targets are whites.
It took only the death of 1 US drug-dealer and wanted criminal GF, who was resisting arrest, to give birth to BLM. What would it take for even a tenth of that publicity to be given to the farm murders?
10,000 dead white farmers in 1 day?
Larger numbers required for beeb to report?
Deep in their black hearts the beeb think it serves them right for being white.
vlad – I think there is a lot of black on black violence, but this does not have an explicitly political agenda, which can even be voiced in parliament.
Driving farmers off the land is an old Communist trick. It seems there is actually a lot of arable land, state-owned, available.
Likely, once farmers have been driven off, the land will go to ruin (see Zimbabwe).
Either way, black brutality is simply a fact, which a huge PR machine in ‘the West’ is now attempting to gloss over. They should realise that -unfortunately – brutality is a human trait, just like hate and envy, love and compassion, etc. Depends on context, conditions and motives. The first thing is normally to identify crime i.e. the breaking of the law. The example of George Floyd suggests that this no longer applies. ANC dancing in South Africa singing ‘kill’ songs are equally exempt.
But, we know all this. I heard all the ‘black is beautiful’ stuff in the sixties. Didn’t have a problem with that, but now the context has changed, and there is a different flavour to things. So, my question is: what are we in the UK being conditioned for?
Not on the BBC home page, just a single sentence halfway down the BBC Europe page:
“Spain’s government imposed a partial lockdown on 4.78 million people in Madrid last Friday night but a court has overturned it, intensifying a political row with the capital’s political leaders.”
El Pais report: “The court reached its decision on the basis that the measures infringe on citizens’ fundamental rights”.
A court overturning a government decision, human rights – so many BBC favourites, and so little coverage.
BBC live page
Posted at 7:36 Madrid lockdown tussle as infections rise in Europe
“partial lockdown Madrid last Friday night but a court has overturned it”
Posted at 9:38 : Tug-of-war over Madrid region lockdown
by Guy Hedgecoe
But, with a public holiday on Monday, the authorities want to introduce new travel restrictions
The central government is threatening to declare a localised state of emergency in Madrid
.. so there might be a compromise.
Sketch : speeding motorist stopped by police
PC Maitlis “I would like to ask you why you were doing double the peed limit ?”
Motorist “Yes, what a good question, under a Labour government the UK had twice as many farming jobs as it does now, waffle waffle”
PC Maitlis “ah I see you are a politician choosing to answer a completely different question to the one I asked. Let me say … blah , blah blah ” clock symbol ticks by for 20 mins whilst PC Maitlis gives her lecture which itself never mentions speeding.
Then tough Cop Andrew Neil drives up to the motorist “Right you, I’m not going to let you get away another question why you were doing double the peed limit ?”
Police commander Tim Davies drives up, fires PC Neil and awards PC Maitlis a payrise.
Oh the team Ferguson view that only MODERN adjuvant vaccines give herd immunity
#1 Jenner’ original smallpox vaccine was really just pure smallpox
#2 100 years ago when Mum’ sent kids in your neighbourhood over to houses to catch measles from infected kids.
Once they were over it your own neighbourhood did have a high degree of herd immunity.
Expert is saying Covid is ONE long segment of code
Flu has 8, that’s why you get the many mutations, and no significant ones have been been with Covid.
Might be time to think about getting some popcorn
I more and more suspect that the free Western World is being attacked over Covid.
Bearing in mind that there are three major issues right now that the left-wing Globalists hate and are doggedly fighting against tooth and nail, namely Republicanism in the USA (and especially the devil incarnate Trump), Conservatism in the UK and Brexit.
Bearing in mind that the prophecies of increasing doom and danger are largely officially coming from the scientific community including the medical profession, WHO and the UN, all largely very left-wing by nature.
I am beginning to suspect that we are being conditioned to believe that the current leaders and systems including Trump and Boris are failing and thus need to be replaced with a more authoritarian system and that the hysteria we are getting from the press who are largely aligned with them and desire the same outcomes are all part of the same plot.
We are being duped, imprisoned and robbed of our democracy and it has all been set up so that “denial” is evil and thus wrong! A typical left-wing mantra….
I live in a Town of over 80,000 souls and the daily covid infection reports for the town are in very low single figures, often none at all, how many of these are very frail and elderly and why are the other 79,990 not dropping like flies?
I still know no-one who even knows anyone who has succumbed or even had Covid since the “pandemic” began months ago yet we are all walking around meekly with muzzles and standing on placemats in queues.
This is only the start in my opinion, we can expect this tactic to be applied increasingly until they have the total control they seek.
They can then start to fashion the World as they want it, re. populations, finance, global systems, types of punishable crime and etc.
This will not end well as parts of Eastern Europe are waking up to right now!
“I still know no-one who even knows anyone who has succumbed or even had Covid since the “pandemic” began months ago ……….”
Me too, I don’t actually KNOW anyone either, but I’ve heard of two who were positive, – one barely knew they had it, but the other became seriously ill and was hospitalised. Mind you, most of my circle are over 60, so perhaps have been more mindful of steering clear of others, therefore the risk of contacting it is zero.
Yes, I think its down to common sense, which clearly a lot of the young dont have, so let them live their lives normally on the understanding that contact with their vintage relatives is minimal, because us oldies are a lot more savvy in sticking to the rules.
One more interesting question. In our village of about 2000, no one knows anyone who has caught the chinese virus. However, our one and only surgery confess that all the staff have caught and subsequently overcome it. Highly suspicious if you ask me. If true, who is transmitting it locally to that intensity unless there is a dedicated transmitter who visits premises where people congregate – like the small supermarket – simply to infect other people…………………
420 infected in 100K people this week
This being now respun as “one in 240” cos it sounds worse
Look only another 239 weeks and we’ll all have had it.
0.42% is not like saying 10% of us have it.
In fact 99.58% of us DON’T have it this week
To catch it you’d have to go out and meet 240 people and get a full viral load off the one that is infected ie be in a small room with them for 20 minutes or have them directly cough on you.
So in practice you could go in 1,000 shops and still not pick it up.
BTW the average positive tests 68/100K/week
OK each person might be infected for 10 days
But it’s a hell of a guess to get to that 420 number at any one time
In my local area last week 109/100K tested positive
which is double 10 days ago but still only 0.11%
The death rate is still less than 1 in a 1000 population.
I know 2 young women with long covid, having caught the bug late March, early April. I also know friends of friends who have died of it (maybe with it, but they were not due to die imminently). But Mr D has a couple of friends who have survived it and both described it as very very nasty, plus several young people, all doctors in hospitals who caught it and probably took a month to get back to work. It is there, it is not very nice, even for younger people who show symptoms. I am glad I am not part of a government having to make decisions. But for most people it does mean survival after a very nasty episode.
An elderly family friend died with , or because of, who knows, Covid back in June. My wife is on the vulnerable list owing to her medication. We are ‘shielding’ just in case and keeping our fingers crossed for the vaccine.
He’s still tweetin 3-4 times an hour
I’ve just physically seen my first, ‘mixed race’ couple: black woman / white supremacist, complete with a coffee coloured infant in a supermarket. It came as a surprise. As clearly THE ‘mixed race’ couple fictionally ubiquitous for advertisers/MSM/Broadcasters should I have asked for their autographs as clearly they are in much demand and thereby famous?
Were they filming an advert for DFS?
I saw an advert last night for British Gas, which featured a gay couple. A gay mixed race couple must be next. They must be laughing over their lines of coke in adland as they rub our noses in diversity.
G, LOL !!!
That ‘sort’ of relationship is as rare as hens teeth where I live, so the ads in recent years, – particularly in the last 12 months or so, have no relevance to me whatsover. BUT BUT BUT its always a strictly white audience that the Funeral ads are aimed at ! Funny that. Perhaps I should complain to the Advertising Authority.
What Channel4’s chosen anti-skeptic expert Devi Sridhar* has no medical qualifications ?
(I think she is used by Sturgeon, cos she i based in Edinburgh)
#Newsnight last night
“MPs have been told (by the CMO Chris Witty) hospitals in England will be overwhelmed in 21 days if action isn’t taken,
so why isn’t the government acting straight away”
There is probably some mathematical rule about the fallacy of endless extrapolation. “slippery slope” ? maybe
Paul Joseph Watson has a post on Parler I am sure Stew can convert readably over here (from Summit News?) pointing out a retweet from a DM from the next presidential debate moderator to the FORMER WH Comms Director, Scaramucci asking for advice.
He calls it ‘strange’. I’d say more than that.
Maybe Jon or Lurch can ‘analyse’?
Her’s the link
#1 It’s jut been edited, the timestamp was “1 minute ago”
#2 It’ weird but doesn’t make sense
If it were true dark stuff , they would do it in a secure PRIVATE way ie encrypted WhatsApp not PUBLIC Twitter
SteveScully sent a public tweet
“@Scaramucci should I respond to trump”
It’ just about possible an intern operating the account might mix up a tweet with a private msg
but then @Scaramucci does a quote tweet back which doesn’t look like an accident
cos you have to click a few more buttons to do that.
Rather it says hey people look at this.
His words are
“Ignore. He is having a hard enough time. Some more bad stuff about to go down.”
But then why would they both delete there tweets ?
It has succeeded in spreading the idea “bad stuff” is about to happen to Trump campaign.
Luckily Jim Acosta has investigated and all is now clear. At least he avoided ‘Boom!’.
Oh, sorry… just read the comments. It’s worse than that, Jim.
Maybe not.
Funny t’ing dat GW, whenever they get caught one of two things happen
1) “Ohmygod, I’ve been hacked!”, or
2) ” I offer my deepest, most sincere apology” (for having been caught out)
RT essay about Boris at Tory Conference
When I heard Johnson utter those words I thought, ‘where have I heard this stuff before?’
Well, the answer is in the book ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’ by Klaus Schwab,
the executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
The other day I opined that the eyewatering monies blown on ads is driving media narratives.
By coincidence two email articles arrived back to back.
Another for the BBC to ‘analyse’, or not, given their clear dog in this fight.
TalkRadio woman is talking about her father he’s had Covid early on
tested positive and got over it as far as he is concerned he is not likely to ever be a spreader like someone who’s newly infected.
But the thing is every few week he has to leave the nursing home to go to hospital for his heart
then when he returns the home insist that is government policy that he be fully isolated for 14 days
meaning no visit and he can’t even see his wife who is in the same home.
She claims he i super deteriorating.. which could be her imagination
and then claim it’s all Bill Gates.
(Well that last bit is wacky Conspiracy Theory)
Can’t stand the guy, or JKR, but good on ’em.
Don’t know him personally, and not interested, but he was one of the writers of Father Ted, and the IT Crowd.
At the time (early 2000s), the IT Crowd was just one of a number of quite funny things on TV, looking back, compared to what’s around now it seems hilarious.
The ‘transphobic’ episode is rather amusing actually. For those who wouldn’t watch that sort of thing, it’s all set in a big company, which is owned by the lazy, sex-crazed millionaire son of the founder (who threw himself out of a 20 storey window, rather than face the consequences of having been caught swindling his staff out of their pensions). Anyway, the son has a relationship with a ‘woman’ reporter, who tells him she’s a transexual, but he doesn’t listen because he ‘doesn’t listen to women’, and thinks she said she’s ‘from Iran’. They have a great time together doing blokey stuff: drinking beer, watching the footy, playing darts etc… and then he finds out she’s a transexual and dumps her (humiliatingly), so ‘she’ punches him in the face, and they end up having a brawl which smashes through the wall into the middle of a conference… it is funny, and not at all politically correct (which may be, like a lot of comedy, WHY it is funny).
Channel 4 are just being pathetic, but what’s new?
You are right. The IT Crowd was funny, which is why it couldn’t be made today. This particular episode was good because it played on the crass and sexist behaviour of the MD, which had been a running gag in the series.
It wasn’t transphobic, homophobic or any kind of phobic. It was funny, which is why the prissy little commissars at Channel 4 don’t get it.
I have signed the Barrington declaration. Also have seen no cases of Covid in both my family and friends in over 6 months. It has been grossly overexaggerated in my opinion and like me do not believe the nonsense the MSM (especially the BBC) and the goverment are putting into the public domain.
I have signed the Barrington declaration. Also have seen no cases of Covid in both my family and friends in over 6 months. It has been grossly overexaggerated in my opinion and like me do not believe the nonsense the MSM (especially the BBC) and the goverment are putting into the public domain.
I have signed the Barrington declaration. Also have seen no cases of Covid in both my family and friends in over 6 months. It has been grossly overexaggerated in my opinion and l do not believe the nonsense the MSM (especially the BBC) and the goverment are putting into the public domain.
Are you going for the Rule of 6 Doc ????
Sorry Brissles. Not sure what happened there.
‘Boy, 15, found not guilty of terror plot’
An interesting read.
I feel sorry for the young lad, but why wasn’t he removed from that environment years ago? Has he been now? What is going to stop it happening again, but with real bombs this time?
Not much point in ‘urging’ his ‘parents to be vigilant’ is there? Mum and stepdad clearly don’t give a ****, or maybe they’re in on it as well?
So many unanswered questions, such inadequate reporting.
‘Notes on his phone described “the extinction of the western race”, prosecutors said.’
Possibly quite a few MPs and BBC managers have something quite similar on their phones…
I wonder if this is correct ? The BBC house newspaper says that the premier league has done a deal with Sky and BT to charge punters £15 pay per view to see a live footy match – on top of the £34 a month sky charges and £25 BT charge .
Are these numbers right ? Insane sums of money …
They’re greedy bastards
It’s still cheaper than going to an actual match in normal times, so I might be interested in paying £15. Oh wait… are the players still bending their knees for Black Knives Matter just before kickoff? Think I’ll give it a miss, then. Getting the message yet, Premier League and Sky?
Ian – I suppose the prem , Sky and BT know there are sufficient number of mugs willing to pay that kind of money .
As for the frankly dumb kneeling down thing – will the supporters at the stadium do the same , boo or something else .
And how will the authorities respond to the stick players will get for such a vacuous act .
Fedup2… I have been informed by a reliable source that the authorities are expecting fans to boo during the act of submission, but that the broadcasters will cut out any such acts of dissent. UK broadcasters use a broadcast delay (known as ‘deferred live’) of 7 seconds when transmitting live TV and radio, enabling them to quickly pull the plug when things go ‘off narrative’.
I’m abroad a lot and watch live footy on pirate Arab broadcasts which , when the time comes ,might show ‘ uncut ‘ footage – although they’d probably claim the idiots ad kneeling to the false prophet ….
Steve also reported two suspected dead ‘migrants’ pulled ashore at Hastings yesterday but the press reported two men were taken to hospital in a serious condition after an emergency incident on Hastings sea front.
The Marxist front groups are organising Welcome Days
Does Hastings welcome people looking to have sex with underage girls? Maybe they do.
My mum, bless her soul, was born in Hastings, went to war in the Signals, in Palestine and Egypt, came home and ended her days a little over ten years ago, in Bexhill. Her mum was also a Hastings resident.
They would be heartbroken if they witnessed today’s shenanigans.
Also via Steve Laws : police harassment stop of a blacked man
Where is Desperate Dan ? What’s he or Priti doing about this invasion? What about the French Connection ?
The BBC seem to have invested more TV licence money into African news over the past month including fomenting and organising civil unrest. Today on their World and African news section they have included a ton of tweeted videos showing these protests in Nigeria. The BBC have taken their campaigning and promotion of civil unrest world wide.
The Home Office have opened a new Talking Tough twitter account
Scary. They managed to arrest a whole 3 people!
It reminds me of Dr Evil asking for his ransom of “One million dollars!”.
Why are foreigners who enter the country illegally entitled to legal aid?
The Legal Aid system was decimated a few years ago ….so how come they have money available for the greedy lawyers to stop the Illegal Scum being sent back ?
Because Black Lives Matter?
Tony Blair signed us up to this sort of thing. His legacy is still doing untold damage to our country , exactly as he knew it would.
Nobel Peace Prize: UN World Food Programme wins for efforts to combat hunger.
At least it wasn’t the WHO or St Greta. Small mercies.
The NHS is in crisis. No, not because of Covid-19, but because of racism. That was the verdict of senior health chiefs, who have vowed to tackle ‘white privilege’ in the NHS.
it’s high time (and beyond) that the woke idiots (sorry for the tautology) who push this garbage are told to sling their hooks.
The NHS should be concentrating on its core function (which it doesn’t perform nearly as well as it should, IMO) rather than spend its time trying to embrace whatever happens to be the latest moronically-generated paradigm.
Chris Whitty is not all he seems:
I wonder if there is a ‘woke’ virus? Unlike normal viruses though, the authorities would like us to catch it, to establish a sort of herd affliction.
Unfortunately for them there isn’t enough live virus out in the wild so BBC Radio 4 seeks out made-up woke stories, a sort of ‘dead’ vaccine, to trigger a reaction in the uninfected and top-up those who already have woke disease.
Today’s example:
Samurai by Fatima Bhutto – Short Works
Acclaimed Pakistani writer Fatima Bhutto reads her own specially commissioned story, Samurai, a poignant portrait of a father and child in exile, caught in the anonymous limbo of airport lounges as they are shunted from one country to another.
In an attempt to shield his daughter from the traumas of their ever-darkening predicament the father reminisces about the world they have left behind and quizzes her on what she would like to be when she grows up.
There seem to be two anti-Trump trends in the international MSM at the moment.
One is to try and associate him with the Michigan militia.
The other is to paint him as a virus spreader. Therefore possibly also a little loopy.
Take your pick.
A while ago the weakness on pandemic handling was noted as a point of attack. I think by the bbc. Or the Dems. Or the bbc and the Dems. Don has not helped himself much here.
On the bbc fave of guilt by association, this one is as daft as it gets. For a start what happens in states is often about zero to do with the President. And outside of the black and white, or red and blue worlds of the MSM, political fealties or hostilities go beyond not supporting one thing meaning you must therefore support another.
Best I can gather these clowns don’t like ‘the guvmint’, especially imposing draconian measures. And the clown at the top locally is not Don.
The media of course has stirred as only it knows how, but with reporting so erratic it’s hard to pin down what the truth is.
That media types can get their heads round this is no longer a surprise.
I know from Big Bother Corporation’s 24 hours of HATE
“Orange man bad !
.. Green girl good !”
The Remainiac Paradox
Then “Save the economy fromBoris’s Brexit !”
… Now “Stuff the economy we’re backing Boris with more lockdowns”
Crikey, Lurch seems to have noticed that slavishly ignoring excesses or outright boosting lunatic Dems might boomerang down the line.
Hope his condo has decent shutters.
It’s just the tip of the Coup d’Etat iceberg
This , coupled with the video I saw on this site a few weeks ago about how suspicious the opinion polls are , is scary. The elite seem to have got away with the Russian collusion coup and they are teeing up another one. This is scary and if it happens it is certainly the end of democracy , not just in the USA but across the West as a whole.
Weekend thread about to go up ….
John Lewi adverts now that Sharon White is the boss
Meanwhile The National Lottery is saying it will use “charity” fund to buy up empty pantomime seats
In the screenshot more than half the panto actors are BAME
I note that in the Telegraph today there is an article about English Rugby by the chief correspondent. His argument is that Swing High must be banned by the RFU . Interestingly no comments are allowed under this article . I suspect that this is because the editor knows that they will be overwhelmingly hostile to the numpty who produced it. Increasingly in both the Times and the Telegraph the editorial policy , judging by the comments under articles , when they are allowed, is at odds with the majority of the readership.
It seems that MSM by and large doesn’t give a toss what we the general public think they are going to have their way regardless.
Good share, Lurch.
As opposed to…
‘Not all there‘ could apply to bbc editorial integrity.
Guest, I don’t have twitter but has anyone pointed out that this Zurcher thing is a basically an utter cockwomble?
ITV Local news long item in their In conversation with #ITVblackVoices
.. the woman banging on about great Ashley Banjo’s BGT talent George Floyd dance.
Switch over to BBC news ..item on National Lottery charity being used to SUBSIDISE London pantomime
.. touch your forelock non-London people
..whose it star ?
Ashley Banjo and his tickbox BAME team with Julian gay icon Clary
Oh BBC local news 6:45pm “Is the justice system too white ?”
speaking to Anton…where all the police and all the judges are white (98%)
…. the pastor complains that in Hull prison he’s never met a black prison officer.
The presenter says “only 3% of UK prisoners are black”
FFS blacks are only 3% population is black and that is mostly in London
Now over to a London black barrister girl
“Black people are over criminalised”
… She’s the same race baiter from the other day.
Nooo, the prison system has it, (sorry hackneyed), “just about right”
“26% of the prison population, 22,683 people, are from a minority ethnic group.
If our prison population reflected the make-up of England and Wale s, we would have over 9,000 fewer people in prison—the equivalent of 12 average-sized prisons.”
The Lincoln police LGBT worker has been charged with having a fake gun and real explosives
8:35pm PBSamerica 2.5 Black Panther special
Absolutely stinks !!!!
Did Brexit ever happen?
See in the DM that Priti has lost the case that tried to deport a Nigerian drugs lord.
3 useless/treacherous ‘judges’ thwarted her, using the ‘human rights’ laws that Blair foisted on this country. Once again, one thinks: ‘why does government tolerate this nonsense?’.
Why are we still subject to a European Court of Human Rights? The entire Brexit exercise seems to have been totally pointless? And what is the point of the ‘Conservative’ 80 seat majority? Might as well have voted Labour?
It appears one merely has to spin the ‘judges’ a good yarn…
Back in 1998, Professor David Walker, QC, described the ECHR as “A charter for crooks and cranks.” In all the years since, I’ve neither seen nor heard anything that challenges the verity of his assessment.
Back in 1998, Professor David Walker, QC, described the ECHR as “A charter for crooks and cranks.” In all the years since, I’ve neither seen nor heard anything that challenges the verity of his assessment.
@FNW …see next thread 22 of 100 ECHR judges are heavily funded by Soros.
That would explain a lot. Next thought: how many of our politicians have been ‘bought’?
VH – Our ‘Conservative’ politicians haven’t noticed?! Say what you will about the personage of DT, he would sort it out. But alas…
Elsewhere in the courts – woke judges have ordered a police discipline tribunal to prosecute a firearms officer who shot an armed criminal ……
…………………this one may well go to the Blair supreme but we know what they will do …..
I’m sure if this copper is dismissed from the force a lot of armed cops will down guns …
Thread ended, Weekend threat is up.