Biased BBC busily running two versions of Project Fear – Brexit no deal and Covid Lock Down – meanwhile the BBC thinks President Biden is only a couple of weeks away …
Not on their website today
When Google scammed BBC webpages yesterday a couple had a link “From other local news sites : Suspect filmed trying to rip huge cross off Chadwell Heath church tackled by vicar
External Source
London Evening Standard”
@POS Interesting that Belfield cut off a caller last night and ended the show *
Caller “Hey their church cross tory I want to talk about how YouTube closed down 15,000 account over it”
Belfield “And that is why we won’t be talking about it, Youtube have their rules about doing speculating and until more info comes out about this guy I won’t be doing an item, I can only peaking when I am quoting the police or court
we have to play by YouTube’s rules ” He explains
* Belfield is inclined to such dramaqueen behaviour
Thanks for that. He was very clear about what he does to ensure his channel doesn’t get pulled but I agree he was overly dramatic which may have been frustrated pettiness on his part. He could have just cut the person off, explained to the viewers what he had done, and then continued with the live show.
Archbishop’s priorities churches being attacked, French teacher being beheaded ?no
.. promoting EU politic YES
It's funny, because I can't see anything on your timeline about a Christian place of worship being attacked or a French teacher being beheaded. It's almost like you aren't a real Christian @JustinWelby#BewareFalseProphets#RatioWatch ????
I think Belfield had this last week
Yesterday he put up a new one about RAF relaxing dress rules to accommodate BAME Ponytails & Dreadlocks Now Allowed
A little piece of light relief from a genius-
‘THE NEWS’ – from the Two Ronnies
“And finally…It is with great sadness that I have to mention the loss of a few local businesses.
A local Bra Shop has gone bust.
A mining Company has gone under.
A manufacturer of food blenders has gone into liquidation.
A Dog Kennels has had to call in the retrievers.
An origami book company has folded.
An Aerial Installation company has called in the receivers.
A Key Company has gone into lockdown.
A watch-smith has wound down and called time.
An Iceland store has had its assets frozen.
A shoe factory has been ‘soled’ and employees given the boot.
The Heinz factory has been canned as they couldn’t ketchup with orders.
The Tarmac company has reached the end of the road.
The bread company has run out of dough.
The laundrette has been taken to the cleaners.
And finally the AA Recovery Service are on their way to a breakdown.
That’s all from me and……” You know the rest.
Apparently the French Police are hunting down up to 80 people who posted messages of support for the piece of filth who beheaded the French teacher.
What now needs to happen is that every last one of these animals are immediately thrown out of France and returned to the shit-holes that they came from.
They have no right to remain in the Country they hate and are trying to destroy. If this happens, I hope it becomes a trend right across Europe.
Let them fester in their barbaric and mediaeval origins.
This innocent teachers blood is on the hands of the Merkel crowd who kick-started this horror.
When will they realise that Oil and Water don’t mix?
digg – No one will be thrown out of France. Nothing will be done about barbarism. Sadly, we both know this.
Another farm murder in South Africa today, plus someone assaulted in a farm attack on 1 September passed away. ‘South Africa Today’ talks about a ‘slow war on whites’. Since this is not the right kind of ‘racism’, beeb won’t be reporting on it.
Sadly, this too, will simply continue.
Not until Europe shifts away from allowing Islam to flourish Fakenewswatcher, but with perhaps 20 million of the b… already in residence in Europe, that task will be very difficult. None should be allowed to hold positions of authority or any degree of power that might adversly affect the lives of the indigenous peoples. Just look at the site ‘Gates of Vienna,’ to see the heinous crimes the immigrants have inflicted on the countries they have entered, legally but many illegally and yet little has been done to counteract this disgusting behaviour. Apart from the Chancellor of Germany, nobody else has invited these Arabs to come into Europe-pressure from the EU for years has determined the so called equal distribution of such. Britain is now swamped with those that follow the teachings of Islam-they will reproduce at a rate 2.5 times that of white folk-not difficult to see which way the wind is blowing.
This is from 2018. While parts may seem outlandish, it strikes me there’s more than a jot of truth here – particularly since George Soros is behind things
RE beheading : The Durham Uni Muslim guy is still putting out mad tweets which he or Twitter delete … eg
.. thread
BTW despite the intro he is no longer affiliated with Durham
He had also promised to delete his Twitter account by Sepember 20th, but didn’t
As the various sensational revelations about the Biden crime syndicate gather momentum, the Democrat Broadcasting Corporation seems quite indifferent to the multi-headed scandals of dirty Joe and Hunter’s business corruption, the FBI’s stifling the story, the US media and Big Tech’s complicity and bias, and now new suggestions of paedophilia emerging daily.
This is ten Watergates rolled into one.
The BBC reaction? Tumbleweed.
Rotherham 15 arrests
only Express and a French channel covered so far.
Rotherham not hitting the headlines once again as another gang of 'alleged' rape jihadis are hauled in by the NCA, wonder if any of them are serving police officers ????????????????NFSE!
Rotherham child sex abuse probe: Police arrest 15 men in Operation Stovewood
Ps: I only checked the Yorkshire regional news sections. I see below that The Mouse checked also the Tees regional news section. A quick look reveals the article has also been posted there:
The following on the BBC website a moment ago for my region Tees. Note this is not on news websites UK BBC, not on England BBC, not on Yorkshire BBC but well hidden on a less frequented place.
Rotherham child sex abuse inquiry: 15 arrests in Operation Stovewood.
Obviously the BBC would sooner not too many people read it. I guess it will soon disappear. Sickening and corrupt.
Claim about BBC Northern Ireland over 2017 family murder suicide
Not sure if you’re aware of this case Jean but there was a concerted effort to paint this man ????????as a loving husband/father. BBC NI were very sympathetic to him at the time also. He was even buried alongside the family he murdered. Then the truth emerged :
— The Non Binary Net Curtain Vandal DanielRadcliffe (@HotHandLuke1) October 16, 2020
I wonder how the stealth editing evolved
Despite the title the story now says
There is an exemption for chauffeur-driven cars, but Downing Street said it had advised all its ministers to wear coverings..
The picture was first published on the Daily Mirror website .
The BBC understands Mr Hancock had been wearing a mask on the journey, but removed it as his car approached the department.
So story is minister probably removed his mask in the last few seconds before getting out of the car,
no law came close to being broken.
Fully signed up to the ‘Great reset’, no doubt. The climate will do whatever the **** it wants to do, despite all of our good (and not so good Marxist) intentions. Solar activity will be the driver and there’s sod all that they can do about that. Emptying our bank accounts will be their predictable ‘solution’.
Jon hot on all this Biden scandal …..oh no, silly me ….Just knocking the President as per …………idiot.
Impossible for anyone at the BBC to say a bad word against Biden. PATHETIC outfit
.@realDonaldTrump goes after #DrFauci in campaign call with staff, saying "People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots….he's been here 500 years" Risky strategy: polls have shown Fauci far more trusted on #covid than the president
Doob – Don’t hink Fauci is standing for President. Jon hasn’t been to any Trump rallies, it seems. The size and enthusiasm of the crowds everywhere should give him pause for thought. They don’t look as if any comments about Fauci would put them off! There could, of course, be a lot of very quiet, low-key Biden voters lying in wait, but somehow…
Mary Seacole
11:40pm “Funny and Black and on TV” repeat
Check out ‘In the shadow of Mary Seacole’ tonight on @ITV Well worth a watch to learn more about this incredible woman. ✊????
Would that be Mary Seacole, the black nurse who was the equal of Florence Nightingale? Or Mary Seacole, the woman who described herself as ‘yellow’ and ran a hotel for officers during the Crimean War?
Here’s the story of Seacole, thoroughly debunked by the historian Simon Webb:
She wasn’t even a nurse. This is a longstanding historical lie. She followed the troops flogging things like food and drink.
When I was at school we had a hot dog van that used to pull up (actually in the school yard) and we kids would congregate for a healthy meal of beef burger with lashings of ketchup.
No one ever suggested this bloke was in charge of the domestic science department, but that’s what they’re suggesting with Seacole.
There’s a brilliant site on You Tube, History Debunked, with historian Simon Webb. He’s covered Mary’s “nursing” in considerable detail.
And the truth is…
Seacole was definitely honoured by returned soldiers in London for her help on the field
..but she didn’t change the face of modern medicine
That doesn’t mean she’s a lesser person, but history is made by the character meeting the opportunity.
Like many schoolkids, I belonged to a ‘house’, and mine was Florence Nightingale (the others were Elizabeth Fry / Edith Cavell / Grace Darling – bet kids today haven’t a clue !), and we were taught a great deal about the Crimean War – no mention of Seacole though, I’m in my 70’s and this is the first I’ve heard of her.
Gary Lineker hypocrisy: BBC star flouts COVID rules as he shops in M&S without face mask
BBC PRESENTER Gary Lineker has been accused of “hypocrisy” and forced to apologise after he was spotted flouting coronavirus rules by not wearing a face mask in a supermarket.
In my old age, I went into a store and forgot to put my mask on. Was wondering why people were giving me daggers. Realised after a couple of minutes and hastily put it on. Felt awful and embarrassed. Apologies to those present.
Mr Christie, a Trump administration ally, revealed on Thursday he had recovered from the disease.
He was one of several virus cases confirmed at the same time as President Donald Trump in early October.
Mr Christie said he attended the event, a ceremony where Mr Trump formally announced his nomination of the conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett for a Supreme Court vacancy, believing he had “entered a safe zone”
@Darcy3 Yes if it’s legal not to or it was a momentary mistake
Like with Hancock and Lineker it’s not newsworthy.
If someone did it for a long time and then made an apology
it’s interesting, but still not really newsworthy to me.
I think mr Lineker was ‘getting daggers’ for another reason as well as no mask . At least he can afford over prices Marks and Sparks food … how much for a baked potato these days -? Still over a £1?
( confession – I used to wander into the Victoria st Westminster shop to wonder at the prices -…sad eh?)
And so the merry cycle continues…
I’m afraid things are looking decidedly grim on the lockdown front.
Wales is “circuit breaking” for 17 days…
Ireland have gone for a 6 weeks lockdown! FFS.
I think we all know what’s going to happen, don’t we? We’ve seen how the wobbly waffler of Downing Street normally behaves when he’s confronted by hostile questioning. He bottles it…
There will be some well rehearsed shrieking from those two media harpies, Laura and Beth. Boris (as per usual) will bluster and bluff and then we’ll find ourselves in another, utterly pointless, imprisonment, probably for a month.
And then, with her usual one-upmanship, that gruesome, vindictive little gnome, Krankie, will let it be known that Scotland is going into a 6 month lockdown, people will only be fed on bread and water and if they set foot outdoors it’s off to the salt mines.
9pm BBC2 Terror doco
after the first 2 episodes focused on Islamic terrorism
this one concentrates on the Christchurch attack
.. a terrible slaughter of 51 innocents
apparently in revenge for dozens of attacks done in the name of Islam.
Interesting this is the episode British police promote
..they mention online forums as if this too had #NothingToDoWithIslam
????Watch "In The Face Of Terror" at 9pm on @BBCTwo tonight.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon will feature talking about the threat of online terrorist content.
It has become apparent to me that any murders by Islamists is ONLY classed as ‘terrorist related’ when they find evidence they did it under the instruction of someone like ISIS. Otherwise it is a ‘lone wolf’ with mental issues.
If you are white on the other hand – any kind of attack against someone of different colour is classed as terrorism. Just search for ‘Finsbury Park terrorist’ and see our 2 friends The Guardian and The BBC right at the top of the list.
It’s the blatent and shameless hypocrisy of the Left which annoys me the most.
Bet he sticks with the lie that so called ‘right wing terrorism ‘ is a ‘bigger threat ‘ than Islam – when if one digs into the fact it turns out that the ‘right wing’ motivation is more like an attempt to defend Blighty from those third world monsters ( they could go ask teachers in Paris ) …..
Those ‘top cops ‘ learn to make same noises as politicians to get the next promotion – disgrace )
Any utterance from Theresa May must be viewed in the context that her government would have surrendered British defence sovereignty to the EU via the EU’s new web of political-military schemes and policies and this would have been as close to permanent as it is possible to get.
I would suggest that we have the best Intelligence Source, that is “The 5 Eyes”. q.v.
If the EU wont cooperate, we wont cooperate.
Does the EU want that ‘cooperation’ cut off ?
I think not . Surely, Theresa knows this .
We d land being tied to some EU defence pack dragging us into an Eastern European mess again for no gain to the UK and needless loss of good people coming back in boxes . Stick with the US and a reformed NATO …….
Ah Trump has had a few with Likes over 700K and his Getting Better tweet got 1.2million
His Getting sick tweet got 1.8million, but that might have been from nasty liberals
I don’t really see a pattern of Biden getting multiple times more likes than Trump
Trump makes so many tweets
and Biden makes few , but generally PR polished so ends up with 400K each time
I think the democrats are dumb enough to think that if they win a ‘Twitter war ‘ they win the real election . The polls are wrong – the real danger is postal voting fraud and turn out …..
Quick quote from Harry Truman-‘You don’t rich in Politics unless your’e a crook.’ Trump was already very rich before he entered Polictics, so they can’t hang that one on him-not sure about Biden.
1) Pet hate: the idea that polls in 2016 US election were "wrong" and how this informs this year. The final 2016 @FiveThirtyEight polling average had Clinton up by 3.9% which was 1.8% more than she actually achieved when she won the popular vote. So wrong but only by 1.8%
Only a dumbass would pay attention to whole country vote poll
It has to be done state by state
It’s battleground states that matter
It doesn’t matter if Biden gets 99% in NY and California.
I had a blood test last Friday. Nothing really untoward. Today the doctor rang me up. Very weird. He seemed to be very keen for me to go to hospital for tests . Almost pleading. What is going on?
I suspect the GPs have nobody much to refer and are under pressure. I will be very wary of going and will tell them so. Hospitals are the main vectors of infection. Aerolised spread via the liftshafts and stairwells.
The whole thing is falling apart. So many deaths because of NHS failure to treat. I guess they are now trying to massage the figures.
Dave – this is not BBC – so others may want to look away now .
There is a history of Prostate cancer in my family . My elder brother told me to get tested regularly . So last year I asked my GP for a blood test and got refused as one had been done in 2017 and was ‘ok’ … so I appealed to the NHS … and got refused again . I was told to try again a year later ……
So last week I had a ‘telephone interview ‘ which I had to wait 2 weeks for – with some quack I’d never met – who basically tried to bounce me again .
He accused me of being ‘adversarial ‘ and closed the call – after grudgingly authorising a blood test …..
A day later I read in a national paper that NE London health authority – one of the worst in the country across all areas – has a 21 week backlog ( worst in country )for blood sample analysis because they stopped Back in March …..
So Dave – another side of a coin …..
Good luck with your hospital visit – wear gloves …wash often
Meanwhile the GP’s are all sat in the staff room drinking tea. FACT. I spoke to 2 nurses in different surgeries, and while they are doing blood tests and treating boils, while covered head to toe in protective gear, the doctors are doing bugger all except make a few phone calls to patients when they feel like it, so the nurses are naturally pissed off at this.
No, the situation is rapidly changing. I don’t know where in the country you are but if your hospital is running semi normal services then your sensible GP is probably trying to get you assessed before you become too unwell. If it is not done now then the goalposts may move and new delays. We are not trying to “massage the figures”, we are trying to safely see and treat as many people as possible in the midst of a global pandemic. Do you think a few claps make up for the fact that there are people I know will die because of the past few months?
I am a hospital consultant. We managed to see 2 week wait urgent referrals throughout, but are trying desperately to see and sort our other referrals before a second wave.
Not directly BBC but one for them and their fellow LeftMob travellers to…ahem……..bury.
On ITV we hear that South Africa has built a new razor wire border to keep out Zimbabweans.
Wow. A country trying to protect its border. How racist and extremist is that.
The Zimbabweans are fleeing as they have for several years because of hyperinflation, no jobs, and no food. All due to the disastrous policies of their one party state, black majority rule, anti-white government.
But don’t expect the BBC to cover that. Far, far too embarrassing and illustrative of the abject failure of their philosophy.
\\ Former Blue Peter presenter John Leslie has been cleared of sexual assault at his trial
It took 23 minutes to clear him.
The CPS made him wait for this decision, and the destruction that goes without it, for over a decade. //
Judge Deborah Taylor ‘This is the second time you’re leaving court without a stain on your character.
I hope it will be the last time you have to attend.’
Belfield is angry at what he says are false claimants
\\ So apparently it took 23mins to clear John Leslie which 2 me speaks volumes.
Why only 23 minutes because its utter nonsense & had no right having thousands of tax payers money spent on a case that should’ve been thrown out by CPS at beginning. //
On Newshite they cover the Manchester non lockdown.
The Labour council leader points out that Bolton has had local lockdown measures for weeks yet the infection rate has gone up.
Just 3 minutes later Kirsty goes on to cover the imminent Welsh lockdown with a Welsh labour spokesperson who is given a free rein to justify the policy.
Yet Kirsty manages to fail to remember and reference what she has just been told about Bolton.
With such short term memory loss I strongly advise some Hospital dementia tests. If of course it is still possible to access such services.
BIG BROTHER at the BBC diversity department must be shitting
itself on news that France is set to deport hundreds from
the religion of peace from France.
Can you imagine in a million years a UK government having
the bottle to do this with foreign born Islamist terrorist
sympathizers in the UK?
Guest – isn’t it really all about freedom ? If a chap chooses to spank the monkey whilst doing a zoom – whatever that is – shouldn’t he be able to ?
If only the BBC would have such ‘entertainment ‘ on ‘the one show ‘ …. whata guy ._ ha ha
THANK YOU for posting this . It is 22.22 minutes long . I didn’t want to spend that time on it – but – dear reader – watch it . I had no idea .
I thought – trump scam – but …. the fact that the Biden lawyer is involved and Biden has not challenged the authenticity suggests a ‘truth ‘ – which as bannen says at the end –
If this had come out in autumn 2019 Bernie sanders would be the candidate and China virus might be a different story now …
In a rather convoluted article the BBC set out a fanciful argument claiming the Chinese want Donald Trump to win because Donald Trump will weaken America, whereas Joe Biden will strengthen it. The BBC also claim that Donald Trump supports the genocide of the Uyghurs.
They have a touching article in their special ‘Full Story’ section today titled ‘My Asian family could not accept my black boyfriend’. Nearly pulled my heartstrings as much as ‘How do I convince the Home Office I’m a black lesbian’ they ran for weeks and weeks a while back.
All o-so relevant to the daily lives of 90% of the population who pay them to produce it.
The BBC tell us that John Ferris, a professor from Calgary (yes that’s Calgary in Canada!) has published a book basically rubbishing the importance of Bletchley Park’s contribution during the war.
This is front page featured news, so very obviously important to the BBC!
A quick look on shows some interesting feedback on the Prof from past students….
“I took HTST 300, the practice of history with him and for such an important class, I felt robbed of my education. He taught us nothing useful and is extremely vain. He put absolutely no care into providing clear instructions for the assignment and when COVID-19 he went AWOL for 3 weeks. He then sent us to lecture links that expired after a week!
“Very interesting prof to say the least. He obviously enjoys teaching but is very hard to follow. His lectures are terrible and discusses the most random things that have nothing to do with the class. He is very random and it almost seems like he is reading from a Wikipedia page. Honestly the lectures were a waste of time.”
The Prof also questions the part Bletchley Park played in the Argentine invasion…
“The book provides new details on the controversial sinking of the Argentine warship Belgrano and over whether enough was done to warn of the invasion.”
I wonder if the prof thinks we should also have warned Hitler of the Normandy landings to prevent German deaths?
So this BBC article is probably the first in a series trying to take apart the actions of the UK in WW2. and the role of the UK in general What a surprise!
Doing what the BBC does best, rubbishing their own Country by chipping away at it’s history and achievements.
Digg -This is very interesting because it says a lot about
the BBC.In particular the anarchist Marxist controlled
BBC internet pages.A professor from the 8th ranked university
in Canada and the 184th ranked in the World, So we are
talking about an English championship side writes a damning
revelation that Alan Turing and his fellow code breakers were
not as clever at breaking the German codes as we thought.
So all the information we gave to the Russians about the
German troop positions at the major land battle of the second world war the battle of Kursk during July to August 1943 were
not so important.Informing General Montgomery exactly
what Rommel was going to do at El Alamein. The winning of
the war against the U Boats in the Atlantic which at one
time looked like that we were going to be starved to death.
The knowledge we knew about exactly what the Germans
were going to do in Normandy. In fact if “Monty” had
followed all that Bletchley had told him, the Falaise gap would
of been closed and the war may well of ended 6 months
earlier than it did with thousands of more lives saved.
This” revelation” from the BBC shows us once again that
our main media broadcaster is almost telling us that it
despises the country it serves. An enemy of the state ? You tell me that.
Fedup-thanks. Somebody inform if I am wrong, because I
don’t honestly know. But is it possible that the
BBC were looking for a story about an ethnic codebreaker?
Yes of course there were plenty of Poles etc. But were
there any black ones? The BBC have managed to find in it’s
search ethnic composers from history , ethnic artists etc
and of course this is a good thing,but codebreakers? Yes I
know the story and saw the film about the brilliant
Indian mathematician Ramanujan. BUT I reiterate were
there any black codebreakers at Bletchley? And if there
were not . Isn’t a good reason for the BBC in their present
state of mind about all things black to give prominence to
a book with a negative attitude to Bletchley? Yes I have also seen that great film about the black women mathematicians “Hidden figures” But this is about Bletchley.
Not forgetting the Battle of Cape Matapan where, thanks to a partial decrypt of the Italian Naval Enigma by 19, yes 19 year old Mavis Lever, part of the Italian fleet was ambushed and sunk and so pretty much stayed in port for the rest of the war.
Digg – let’s face it – people like the ‘prof’ need a niche to flog their book at Christmas – so giving out a message which he know the MSM will ‘trigger ‘ hits the spot.
I guess the only people who really know are those on the inside . But sometimes stuff comes out … I caught some documentary about ‘Rommel ‘ recently which showed that the reason he was so good was because he acted on intercepted decrypted british communications ….. he was no greater general than anyone else – apart from using the intel to pre empt and defeat british operations ….
With out the intel he was defeated – as in ‘overlord ‘.
I heard recently that in Libya Rommel only took serious action against Operation Crusader in 1941 after he was told it was a real British offensive. Up until that point he thought it was just a faint – his inteligence source…? BBC news in Cairo.
Yes FedUp2, and I suspect the good professor waited until most if not all of the folk who actually worked at Bletchley Park had died off to give him a clear run to push his “novel” unopposed.
And the BBC fell for it hook-line-and-sinker cos it’s what they want to hear!
For the BBC facts simply get in the way of the mission!
Even the words used in the link to the story say a lot about the way the BBC want to spin this.
“Bletchley Parks WW2 contribution ‘overrated'”.
….missing from this was “…says obscure book-writing Canadian Professor”
There is always a dilemma when handling good ‘intelligence’. Acting on it might provide a one-time gain but that might alert the enemy that their security has been compromised.
That can mean not acting on the intelligence unless there is a plausible alternative reason for the action. If the enemy has circumstantial evidence that his communications are being intercepted then he will change his methods and then there will be no intelligence to act on at all.
One can’t help but look askew at the Times front page this morning: ‘UK thwarted Russian plot to disrupt Olympics. British cybersecurity experts stopped hacking attack on 2020 games’ – what 2020 Olympics were those, we ask? Pity our cloak and dagger chaps missed the apparently rather successful Chinese-originated virus that completely scuppered the Tokyo games. While we’ve been busy bear-baiting perhaps we ought to have been chasing the dragon?
Most of our media have very easily come to accept Chinese-style social controls here in the UK. The only game in town for our compliant journos has been to catch out our lockdown-keen elite when they err in their behaviour. However, we can have little sympathy for dear old Gary Lineker getting caught off side. The Daily Star splashes with: ‘Spot the tool. Gary Lineker made a right wally of himself after slating people who don’t wear masks in shops… then forgetting to put one on’ – can we look forward to endless action replays of the supermarket CCTV and some ex-player pundit analysis on the BBC’s Match of the Day? So, do tell us Gary, is Video Assisted Refereeing catching every minor infraction of the rules spoiling the game for you?
The Times tells us: ‘One-hour covid test at airports set to re-open travel. Passengers will undergo a one-hour test before flying out of Britain…’ – heaven forbid we prioritise testing of people coming in!
The ‘i’ admits the inevitable: ‘UK heading to lockdown by “back door”‘ – meanwhile just about every UK title is now ready with the self-same six week free home delivery offer, making our press look somewhat as though they are a cartel – with various small print caveats. The Mirror: ‘Free home delivery for 6 weeks’, The Mail: ‘Get the Mail delivered for free when you take a newspaper subscription*… *terms apply’ The Express: ‘Free home delivery. Payment for newspaper still required’ The Star appears a little more friendly with their 6 week offer: ‘Your favourite paper direct to your door’ – so we’re all lockdown ready then – apart from the poor saps who have to do the actual delivering.
Bubble blonde headed Channel 4 social justice warrior and sometime news presenter Cathy Newman has a gig in the Telegraph talking about celeb duos: ‘The making of a power couple’ – I shan’t be going out of my way to read the details but if the pics on the front page of the Telegraph are anything to go by she’s comparing the Richard Burton Elizabeth Taylor pairing with Schofield and Willoughby – preposterous and.. oh, where to begin?
The ‘i’ suggests: ‘Air pollution increases dementia risk’ – which, if true, could explain a lot.
Thanks I hope some intrepid reporter find out that mr Lineker bought m and s crisps …..
As for testing at airports … I flew out of heathrow on monday using a plane . No test – fullish Plane – at arrivals in foreign parts – temp tested …. yet not done in UK since March – absolutely dumb – dumb – yet I will have to do house arrest again for 14 long days when /if ‘ I return . ,,,…
BBBC* bigging up the “High Noon” duel between Johnson and Burnam
Big splash screen with a defiant and firm, positive photo of their “Andy” next to a dejected downcast photo of Boris.
I think the BBBC* having realised that Starmer is pretty much useless as their left-wing figurehead have decided to “adopt” Burnam.
I wonder what would happen if Boris said…,”OK Mr Mayor, we won’t impose the tier 3 thing if you take personal responsibility for the outcome and promise to resign if the figures go through the roof”
Have you noticed that, similar to the US, its the Socialist/Communists that are holding out against a ‘Right-wing’ (claimed) Government and standing against all they insist upon?
Where will Burnham & Co go next. Whatever, it’ll be challenging the Government over everything.
Fact is, socialism will always move further left. Pity conservatism currently doesn’t move in the opposite direction.
Andy Burnham is making a play for what he hopes will become, for him, the leadership of the Labour Party. Keir Starmer has not covered himself in glory since becoming leader and his idea of a total lockdown for two or three weeks for England has gone down like a lead balloon in communities that are relatively free of Covid-19. There are also said to be rumblings of discontent on the two extremes of the Labour Party.
So. my aunt died, alone, in a “care home” from Covid 19, just been informed that she also has to somehow pay a massive bill from said home for weeks of rent after dying since her possesions could not be accessed “coz of the virus”
Darcy – I’m so sorry . A lifetime family friend died in May in a care home and I could not visit to say ‘goodbye ‘…. awful . I know it’s difficult but I’d try and fight the bill – Age UK – or similar might help . Local councillor -MP – such awful admin theft must be stopped . RIP.
Rather tired of hearing so many times “coz of Covid” read an article recently about various customer service arms af organisations who use this as an excuse for, well, everything you can imagine,
It is the new “data protection” excuse or “compuha says no” it seems
Captain just announced the passengers wouldn’t leave the jetway after leaving the plane so that’s why it took another hour before we could push back. Says he’s never seen anything like it in 33 years of flying!
The shoddy service backlash: Two weeks ago we called time on firms using Covid 19 as an excuse… now we name and shame the worst offenders
In September we found 50 major firms still blaming their problems on Covid
Since then readers have flooded our postbag with tales of woeful service
Virgin Media, Easylife, Currys, British Gas and Iglu Cruise among worst offenders
“The Prof also questions the part Bletchley Park played in the Argentine invasion…
“The book provides new details on the controversial sinking of the Argentine warship Belgrano and over whether enough was done to warn of the invasion.”“
I’m in total agreement that Bletchley Park certainly didn’t do enough to warn of the Argentine invasion. It ceased operations in 1946!
Grumbler – the piece in the Tekegraph today about a book about GCHQ suggests the government ignored the warnings that the Falklands could be attacked – although these may have come during a UK election and perhaps got lost – in any event I will wait for the tome to be discounted …
nothing to do with current flow but an observation..the BBC children in need advert seems to have a 66% Black kids…no Chinese or Sikh and one sort of white ….odd statistics
..then R4 this morning we have a Hashi Mohamed on about race and before that (now) Anjula Mutanda on bringing up kids…
What is it with the BBC and representation? No problem with a diverse set of backgrounds but BBC seems to have forgotten white people….and who their audience is..glad I stopped paying their fee….
The tiny country mentioned is what Orson Welles once famously opinioned in ‘The Third Man’:-
.. ‘for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.’..
BTW, why the weird figurines, looks like Flavourless is talking out of her ar…
“Our individual rights are not at the mercy of a tender hearted elite. Our individual rights are repected among our states, we can move around freely on this continent. They are not exposed to the whims of authoritarian leaders. Not exposed to whoever got the grip of power.”
Court rules Muslim doctor who refused to shake woman’s hand as she presented him with citizenship certificate has lost the right to become a German
The Lebanese man passed a citizenship test after living in Germany for 13 years
But he failed at the final hurdle after refusing to shake the female official’s hand
State authorities denied him citizenship and a court has now upheld their ruling
Not in the least bit surprised. The Muslim surgeon who operated on me for a replacement hip, didn’t shake my hand either when I offered it to him after my first appointment. Strange that, he touched a part of my body rarely seen, but their religion stops them from being in contact with one of the most visible parts of a woman.
Hand shaking is more of a signal of mutuality rather than superiority. So, your muslim surgeon probably only sees you as a kafir aka infidel – a person beneath him. Perhaps while he was operating he was thinking, ‘wish this person was dead, along with all the rest of the Kafirs’. Alternatively, surgeons like skilled musicians, dislike hand shaking in case, in the process, their hand becomes damaged.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
I may have missed it. But I see no coverage of the guy pulling down the cross from a church in East London on the BBC
Not on their website today
When Google scammed BBC webpages yesterday a couple had a link
“From other local news sites : Suspect filmed trying to rip huge cross off Chadwell Heath church tackled by vicar
External Source
London Evening Standard”
@POS Interesting that Belfield cut off a caller last night and ended the show *
Caller “Hey their church cross tory I want to talk about how YouTube closed down 15,000 account over it”
Belfield “And that is why we won’t be talking about it, Youtube have their rules about doing speculating and until more info comes out about this guy I won’t be doing an item, I can only peaking when I am quoting the police or court
we have to play by YouTube’s rules ”
He explains
* Belfield is inclined to such dramaqueen behaviour
Thanks for that. He was very clear about what he does to ensure his channel doesn’t get pulled but I agree he was overly dramatic which may have been frustrated pettiness on his part. He could have just cut the person off, explained to the viewers what he had done, and then continued with the live show.
Archbishop’s priorities churches being attacked, French teacher being beheaded ?no
.. promoting EU politic YES
So, “Peace and stability within and between the UK and Ireland” depends on the Good Friday Agreement.
What a load of disingenuous and duplicitous bullshit.
Yo Archbitch, how’s about you stick to preaching to your empty locked down churches and sorting out all your paedophile priests?
Not seen this on bBC yet..
But i’m sure they will be keen to promote
PS when will all this cr*p end
Listen. Do you hear that sound? It’s the ghost of Hermann Goring wailing: “If only they’d been like that 80 years ago…”
I think Belfield had this last week
Yesterday he put up a new one about RAF relaxing dress rules to accommodate BAME
Ponytails & Dreadlocks Now Allowed
My error the piece last week was from Sargon
‘….GUIDENCE’ ?? sigh
A little piece of light relief from a genius-
‘THE NEWS’ – from the Two Ronnies
“And finally…It is with great sadness that I have to mention the loss of a few local businesses.
A local Bra Shop has gone bust.
A mining Company has gone under.
A manufacturer of food blenders has gone into liquidation.
A Dog Kennels has had to call in the retrievers.
An origami book company has folded.
An Aerial Installation company has called in the receivers.
A Key Company has gone into lockdown.
A watch-smith has wound down and called time.
An Iceland store has had its assets frozen.
A shoe factory has been ‘soled’ and employees given the boot.
The Heinz factory has been canned as they couldn’t ketchup with orders.
The Tarmac company has reached the end of the road.
The bread company has run out of dough.
The laundrette has been taken to the cleaners.
And finally the AA Recovery Service are on their way to a breakdown.
That’s all from me and……” You know the rest.
Apparently the French Police are hunting down up to 80 people who posted messages of support for the piece of filth who beheaded the French teacher.
What now needs to happen is that every last one of these animals are immediately thrown out of France and returned to the shit-holes that they came from.
They have no right to remain in the Country they hate and are trying to destroy. If this happens, I hope it becomes a trend right across Europe.
Let them fester in their barbaric and mediaeval origins.
This innocent teachers blood is on the hands of the Merkel crowd who kick-started this horror.
When will they realise that Oil and Water don’t mix?
digg – No one will be thrown out of France. Nothing will be done about barbarism. Sadly, we both know this.
Another farm murder in South Africa today, plus someone assaulted in a farm attack on 1 September passed away. ‘South Africa Today’ talks about a ‘slow war on whites’. Since this is not the right kind of ‘racism’, beeb won’t be reporting on it.
Sadly, this too, will simply continue.
Not until Europe shifts away from allowing Islam to flourish Fakenewswatcher, but with perhaps 20 million of the b… already in residence in Europe, that task will be very difficult. None should be allowed to hold positions of authority or any degree of power that might adversly affect the lives of the indigenous peoples. Just look at the site ‘Gates of Vienna,’ to see the heinous crimes the immigrants have inflicted on the countries they have entered, legally but many illegally and yet little has been done to counteract this disgusting behaviour. Apart from the Chancellor of Germany, nobody else has invited these Arabs to come into Europe-pressure from the EU for years has determined the so called equal distribution of such. Britain is now swamped with those that follow the teachings of Islam-they will reproduce at a rate 2.5 times that of white folk-not difficult to see which way the wind is blowing.
Another 80 refugees about to take a dinghy from France to momma priti’s paradise
Well said that woman ????????????
Not the bbbc
This is from 2018. While parts may seem outlandish, it strikes me there’s more than a jot of truth here – particularly since George Soros is behind things
For people interested in conspiracy and Agenda 21 stuff there is
RE beheading : The Durham Uni Muslim guy is still putting out mad tweets which he or Twitter delete … eg
.. thread
BTW despite the intro he is no longer affiliated with Durham
He had also promised to delete his Twitter account by Sepember 20th, but didn’t
As the various sensational revelations about the Biden crime syndicate gather momentum, the Democrat Broadcasting Corporation seems quite indifferent to the multi-headed scandals of dirty Joe and Hunter’s business corruption, the FBI’s stifling the story, the US media and Big Tech’s complicity and bias, and now new suggestions of paedophilia emerging daily.
This is ten Watergates rolled into one.
The BBC reaction? Tumbleweed.
Promise to release second laptop info tonight
Rotherham 15 arrests
only Express and a French channel covered so far.
No chance of getting a mini cab in Rotherham tonight then…
BBC Website: Appeared as rolling news at 11.58 in:
• England news section
• Leeds & W Yorkshire news section
• Sheffield & S Yorkshire news section
“Fixed” short article appeared at 12.00 on Sheffield & S Yorkshire news section (currently is second story)
The short article hasn’t been updated.
Ps: I only checked the Yorkshire regional news sections. I see below that The Mouse checked also the Tees regional news section. A quick look reveals the article has also been posted there:
The following on the BBC website a moment ago for my region Tees. Note this is not on news websites UK BBC, not on England BBC, not on Yorkshire BBC but well hidden on a less frequented place.
Rotherham child sex abuse inquiry: 15 arrests in Operation Stovewood.
Obviously the BBC would sooner not too many people read it. I guess it will soon disappear. Sickening and corrupt.
Claim about BBC Northern Ireland over 2017 family murder suicide
Is that maxi ?
I doubt it. That’s entry-level stuff for the likes of him. There would be animals and rude shaped vegetables involved if it was.
FFS !!! Fasten your seatbelts .
MSM about to go 24\7 overkill about this trying to force a resignation. This will be sickening to watch .
If I know that chauffeur driven cars are EXEMPT from mask rule
why don’t journos ?
It only applies to taxis, whereas your limo driver counts as being in your work colleague bubble
I wonder how the stealth editing evolved
Despite the title the story now says
There is an exemption for chauffeur-driven cars, but Downing Street said it had advised all its ministers to wear coverings..
The picture was first published on the Daily Mirror website .
The BBC understands Mr Hancock had been wearing a mask on the journey, but removed it as his car approached the department.
So story is minister probably removed his mask in the last few seconds before getting out of the car,
no law came close to being broken.
Local ITV doing PR for Hull ONLINE climate summit
… WTF did they go in person to do an item about an online summit ?
Presenter parrotted Boris’s 2030 ridiculous idea ‘powering every home by wind’
Fully signed up to the ‘Great reset’, no doubt. The climate will do whatever the **** it wants to do, despite all of our good (and not so good Marxist) intentions. Solar activity will be the driver and there’s sod all that they can do about that. Emptying our bank accounts will be their predictable ‘solution’.
Jon hot on all this Biden scandal …..oh no, silly me ….Just knocking the President as per …………idiot.
Impossible for anyone at the BBC to say a bad word against Biden. PATHETIC outfit
Doob – Don’t hink Fauci is standing for President. Jon hasn’t been to any Trump rallies, it seems. The size and enthusiasm of the crowds everywhere should give him pause for thought. They don’t look as if any comments about Fauci would put them off! There could, of course, be a lot of very quiet, low-key Biden voters lying in wait, but somehow…
Local BBC news we went from item about PR for saving the Hull FGM survivor’s centre
to a cursory item on the Hull Black History month exhibition.
End viewer comments
all in favour of tougher lockdown.
If you ask them if they are in favour of a personal extended period of unemployment, their reaction is often somewhat different.
10:45pm ITV’s Black History prigramming
Mary Seacole
11:40pm “Funny and Black and on TV” repeat
Would that be Mary Seacole, the black nurse who was the equal of Florence Nightingale? Or Mary Seacole, the woman who described herself as ‘yellow’ and ran a hotel for officers during the Crimean War?
Here’s the story of Seacole, thoroughly debunked by the historian Simon Webb:
Or better still, read her autobiography. And yes, she was quite an incredible woman, but not in the way they want you to think.
Ian, I’d just penned my diatribe and then glanced above and I see you’ve beaten me to it.
BTW, he’s good, isn’t he?
Betsi Cadwaladr?
She was from Taffland and I bet that she could fit the bill to be on a ‘tenner’ …………………
Excellent, Ian – thank you!
She wasn’t even a nurse. This is a longstanding historical lie. She followed the troops flogging things like food and drink.
When I was at school we had a hot dog van that used to pull up (actually in the school yard) and we kids would congregate for a healthy meal of beef burger with lashings of ketchup.
No one ever suggested this bloke was in charge of the domestic science department, but that’s what they’re suggesting with Seacole.
There’s a brilliant site on You Tube, History Debunked, with historian Simon Webb. He’s covered Mary’s “nursing” in considerable detail.
And the truth is…
It’s utter crap.
Seacole was definitely honoured by returned soldiers in London for her help on the field
..but she didn’t change the face of modern medicine
That doesn’t mean she’s a lesser person, but history is made by the character meeting the opportunity.
Like many schoolkids, I belonged to a ‘house’, and mine was Florence Nightingale (the others were Elizabeth Fry / Edith Cavell / Grace Darling – bet kids today haven’t a clue !), and we were taught a great deal about the Crimean War – no mention of Seacole though, I’m in my 70’s and this is the first I’ve heard of her.
BBC presenter:
Gary Lineker hypocrisy: BBC star flouts COVID rules as he shops in M&S without face mask
BBC PRESENTER Gary Lineker has been accused of “hypocrisy” and forced to apologise after he was spotted flouting coronavirus rules by not wearing a face mask in a supermarket.
Next thing you know he will be puncturing dinghys in the channel ?
I agree with him
It’s not really a story
The fact that he’s such a sanctimonious creep makes it a story.
@VH yep here’s a screenshot of Lineker sneering that people failing to wear a mask in a shop are SNOWFLAKES

Really Mr Green not a story ? tell that to the bbc, it depends who you are :
Sammy Wilson MP pictured not wearing mask on tube
A photo has emerged of DUP MP Sammy Wilson not wearing a face mask on public transport in London.
“Listen to the laws’
Covid: Chris Christie ‘was wrong’ to not wear masks
Mr Christie, a Trump administration ally, revealed on Thursday he had recovered from the disease.
He was one of several virus cases confirmed at the same time as President Donald Trump in early October.
Mr Christie said he attended the event, a ceremony where Mr Trump formally announced his nomination of the conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett for a Supreme Court vacancy, believing he had “entered a safe zone”
Matt Hancock seen in chauffeur-driven car without mask
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has been seen travelling in his chauffeur-driven car without wearing a mask, against the advice of No 10.
Covid: Chris Christie ‘was wrong’ to not wear masks
Mr Christie, a Trump administration ally, revealed on Thursday he had recovered from the disease.
Matt Hancock seen in chauffeur-driven car without mask
@Darcy3 Yes if it’s legal not to or it was a momentary mistake
Like with Hancock and Lineker it’s not newsworthy.
If someone did it for a long time and then made an apology
it’s interesting, but still not really newsworthy to me.
I think mr Lineker was ‘getting daggers’ for another reason as well as no mask . At least he can afford over prices Marks and Sparks food … how much for a baked potato these days -? Still over a £1?
( confession – I used to wander into the Victoria st Westminster shop to wonder at the prices -…sad eh?)
As a confirmed goalhanger did he run straight to the front of the queue also ? we need to know
Darcy – lol – a VAR job where the ref / BBC doesn’t look at the screen…. I wonder why it is there …?
And so the merry cycle continues…
I’m afraid things are looking decidedly grim on the lockdown front.
Wales is “circuit breaking” for 17 days…
Ireland have gone for a 6 weeks lockdown! FFS.
I think we all know what’s going to happen, don’t we? We’ve seen how the wobbly waffler of Downing Street normally behaves when he’s confronted by hostile questioning. He bottles it…
There will be some well rehearsed shrieking from those two media harpies, Laura and Beth. Boris (as per usual) will bluster and bluff and then we’ll find ourselves in another, utterly pointless, imprisonment, probably for a month.
And then, with her usual one-upmanship, that gruesome, vindictive little gnome, Krankie, will let it be known that Scotland is going into a 6 month lockdown, people will only be fed on bread and water and if they set foot outdoors it’s off to the salt mines.
And then Laura and Beth…
I take it you mean Beff 🙂
9pm BBC2 Terror doco
after the first 2 episodes focused on Islamic terrorism
this one concentrates on the Christchurch attack
.. a terrible slaughter of 51 innocents
apparently in revenge for dozens of attacks done in the name of Islam.
Interesting this is the episode British police promote
..they mention online forums as if this too had #NothingToDoWithIslam
It has become apparent to me that any murders by Islamists is ONLY classed as ‘terrorist related’ when they find evidence they did it under the instruction of someone like ISIS. Otherwise it is a ‘lone wolf’ with mental issues.
If you are white on the other hand – any kind of attack against someone of different colour is classed as terrorism. Just search for ‘Finsbury Park terrorist’ and see our 2 friends The Guardian and The BBC right at the top of the list.
It’s the blatent and shameless hypocrisy of the Left which annoys me the most.
Bet he sticks with the lie that so called ‘right wing terrorism ‘ is a ‘bigger threat ‘ than Islam – when if one digs into the fact it turns out that the ‘right wing’ motivation is more like an attempt to defend Blighty from those third world monsters ( they could go ask teachers in Paris ) …..
Those ‘top cops ‘ learn to make same noises as politicians to get the next promotion – disgrace )
Since when has the bBC been interested in security?
“Brexit: Theresa May seems unimpressed with Michael Gove’s security plan.”
Treezer should be in prison. We haven’t forgotten.
I would suggest that we have the best Intelligence Source, that is “The 5 Eyes”. q.v.
If the EU wont cooperate, we wont cooperate.
Does the EU want that ‘cooperation’ cut off ?
I think not . Surely, Theresa knows this .
We d land being tied to some EU defence pack dragging us into an Eastern European mess again for no gain to the UK and needless loss of good people coming back in boxes . Stick with the US and a reformed NATO …….
OK Trump gets 300K Likes for a tweet dissing Biden
but Biden just got 900K Likes for a retweet of “Biden will “listen to the scientists”
If Twitter was the world , which it isn’t
it might indicate that Biden has 3 times the support of Trump
Ah Trump has had a few with Likes over 700K and his Getting Better tweet got 1.2million
His Getting sick tweet got 1.8million, but that might have been from nasty liberals
I don’t really see a pattern of Biden getting multiple times more likes than Trump
Trump makes so many tweets
and Biden makes few , but generally PR polished so ends up with 400K each time
I think the democrats are dumb enough to think that if they win a ‘Twitter war ‘ they win the real election . The polls are wrong – the real danger is postal voting fraud and turn out …..
Quick quote from Harry Truman-‘You don’t rich in Politics unless your’e a crook.’ Trump was already very rich before he entered Polictics, so they can’t hang that one on him-not sure about Biden.
The hate with this one strong is.
Who is he trying to reassure?
Only a dumbass would pay attention to whole country vote poll
It has to be done state by state
It’s battleground states that matter
It doesn’t matter if Biden gets 99% in NY and California.
This is Rob Burley.
Might have caught something off American BS via Newsnight BS.
Guest Who
Himself and BBC viewers?
And 19,999 colleagues in the office.
Meanwhile Laura K shares…. ‘news’.
Frankly sucking up to May sucking a lemon seems brave, professionally.
Alistair Campbell likes this.
Laura clearly in with the in crowd.
They make quite the foursome.
Thick, dick, prick and schtick.
The red Tory party’s answer to Gordon brown
Awesome. Newsnight does, um, ‘balance’.
Have they re-made The Shining?
Heeeeeer’s Diane !!!!!!!!!
Looks like Diane getting ready for the ‘shut up and have a peerage ‘ offer – wonder how her mad druggies criminal son is – the ‘high flier ‘?
100 extra deaths at home per day
Hey let’s lock people at home, even more
I had a blood test last Friday. Nothing really untoward. Today the doctor rang me up. Very weird. He seemed to be very keen for me to go to hospital for tests . Almost pleading. What is going on?
I suspect the GPs have nobody much to refer and are under pressure. I will be very wary of going and will tell them so. Hospitals are the main vectors of infection. Aerolised spread via the liftshafts and stairwells.
The whole thing is falling apart. So many deaths because of NHS failure to treat. I guess they are now trying to massage the figures.
Dave – this is not BBC – so others may want to look away now .
There is a history of Prostate cancer in my family . My elder brother told me to get tested regularly . So last year I asked my GP for a blood test and got refused as one had been done in 2017 and was ‘ok’ … so I appealed to the NHS … and got refused again . I was told to try again a year later ……
So last week I had a ‘telephone interview ‘ which I had to wait 2 weeks for – with some quack I’d never met – who basically tried to bounce me again .
He accused me of being ‘adversarial ‘ and closed the call – after grudgingly authorising a blood test …..
A day later I read in a national paper that NE London health authority – one of the worst in the country across all areas – has a 21 week backlog ( worst in country )for blood sample analysis because they stopped Back in March …..
So Dave – another side of a coin …..
Good luck with your hospital visit – wear gloves …wash often
Meanwhile the GP’s are all sat in the staff room drinking tea. FACT. I spoke to 2 nurses in different surgeries, and while they are doing blood tests and treating boils, while covered head to toe in protective gear, the doctors are doing bugger all except make a few phone calls to patients when they feel like it, so the nurses are naturally pissed off at this.
No, the situation is rapidly changing. I don’t know where in the country you are but if your hospital is running semi normal services then your sensible GP is probably trying to get you assessed before you become too unwell. If it is not done now then the goalposts may move and new delays. We are not trying to “massage the figures”, we are trying to safely see and treat as many people as possible in the midst of a global pandemic. Do you think a few claps make up for the fact that there are people I know will die because of the past few months?
I am a hospital consultant. We managed to see 2 week wait urgent referrals throughout, but are trying desperately to see and sort our other referrals before a second wave.
Not directly BBC but one for them and their fellow LeftMob travellers to…ahem……..bury.
On ITV we hear that South Africa has built a new razor wire border to keep out Zimbabweans.
Wow. A country trying to protect its border. How racist and extremist is that.
The Zimbabweans are fleeing as they have for several years because of hyperinflation, no jobs, and no food. All due to the disastrous policies of their one party state, black majority rule, anti-white government.
But don’t expect the BBC to cover that. Far, far too embarrassing and illustrative of the abject failure of their philosophy.
Maybe the bbc can wheel out a religious weirdo of color with a representation of a wall to comment?
\\ Former Blue Peter presenter John Leslie has been cleared of sexual assault at his trial
It took 23 minutes to clear him.
The CPS made him wait for this decision, and the destruction that goes without it, for over a decade. //
Judge Deborah Taylor ‘This is the second time you’re leaving court without a stain on your character.
I hope it will be the last time you have to attend.’
Belfield is angry at what he says are false claimants
\\ So apparently it took 23mins to clear John Leslie which 2 me speaks volumes.
Why only 23 minutes because its utter nonsense & had no right having thousands of tax payers money spent on a case that should’ve been thrown out by CPS at beginning. //
First proof of Dementia at the BBC.
On Newshite they cover the Manchester non lockdown.
The Labour council leader points out that Bolton has had local lockdown measures for weeks yet the infection rate has gone up.
Just 3 minutes later Kirsty goes on to cover the imminent Welsh lockdown with a Welsh labour spokesperson who is given a free rein to justify the policy.
Yet Kirsty manages to fail to remember and reference what she has just been told about Bolton.
With such short term memory loss I strongly advise some Hospital dementia tests. If of course it is still possible to access such services.
Institutional dementia at the bbc has spread far and wide since the top floor outbreak post Savile.
BIG BROTHER at the BBC diversity department must be shitting
itself on news that France is set to deport hundreds from
the religion of peace from France.
Can you imagine in a million years a UK government having
the bottle to do this with foreign born Islamist terrorist
sympathizers in the UK?
Are they deporting them to , wait for it …………………..
The UK?
Can we expect more ‘asylum’ seekers coming across the Channel ?
Where did this news source come from ?
Once again Sky News Aus has the scoop, where our lying biased BBC daren’t go, as Steve Bannon reveals more on Biden-gate.
And once again Jon Sopel will mention anything but Hunter Biden. I’m sure he’s going to block me, because I keep taunting him about it.
I’d fear for his sanity if Trump prevails, but it would be hard to tell the difference.
One for Jon not to RT from CNN?
Like Hunter’s activities, probably not relevant in bbc news terms.
Or maybe he just had a picture of Brian Stelzer in his pocket?
New Yorker//CNN analyst.
Pretty much BBC American BS guest expert heaven.
Guest – isn’t it really all about freedom ? If a chap chooses to spank the monkey whilst doing a zoom – whatever that is – shouldn’t he be able to ?
If only the BBC would have such ‘entertainment ‘ on ‘the one show ‘ …. whata guy ._ ha ha
THANK YOU for posting this . It is 22.22 minutes long . I didn’t want to spend that time on it – but – dear reader – watch it . I had no idea .
I thought – trump scam – but …. the fact that the Biden lawyer is involved and Biden has not challenged the authenticity suggests a ‘truth ‘ – which as bannen says at the end –
If this had come out in autumn 2019 Bernie sanders would be the candidate and China virus might be a different story now …
Do watch it …..
The latest BBC anti-Trump smear is the following:
In a rather convoluted article the BBC set out a fanciful argument claiming the Chinese want Donald Trump to win because Donald Trump will weaken America, whereas Joe Biden will strengthen it. The BBC also claim that Donald Trump supports the genocide of the Uyghurs.
‘John Sudworth’ – the voice of the people!
But which people?
They have a touching article in their special ‘Full Story’ section today titled ‘My Asian family could not accept my black boyfriend’. Nearly pulled my heartstrings as much as ‘How do I convince the Home Office I’m a black lesbian’ they ran for weeks and weeks a while back.
All o-so relevant to the daily lives of 90% of the population who pay them to produce it.
The BBC tell us that John Ferris, a professor from Calgary (yes that’s Calgary in Canada!) has published a book basically rubbishing the importance of Bletchley Park’s contribution during the war.
This is front page featured news, so very obviously important to the BBC!
Bletchley Park’s contribution to WW2 ‘over-rated’
So what do we know about John Ferris?
A quick look on shows some interesting feedback on the Prof from past students….
“I took HTST 300, the practice of history with him and for such an important class, I felt robbed of my education. He taught us nothing useful and is extremely vain. He put absolutely no care into providing clear instructions for the assignment and when COVID-19 he went AWOL for 3 weeks. He then sent us to lecture links that expired after a week!
“Very interesting prof to say the least. He obviously enjoys teaching but is very hard to follow. His lectures are terrible and discusses the most random things that have nothing to do with the class. He is very random and it almost seems like he is reading from a Wikipedia page. Honestly the lectures were a waste of time.”
The Prof also questions the part Bletchley Park played in the Argentine invasion…
“The book provides new details on the controversial sinking of the Argentine warship Belgrano and over whether enough was done to warn of the invasion.”
I wonder if the prof thinks we should also have warned Hitler of the Normandy landings to prevent German deaths?
So this BBC article is probably the first in a series trying to take apart the actions of the UK in WW2. and the role of the UK in general What a surprise!
Doing what the BBC does best, rubbishing their own Country by chipping away at it’s history and achievements.
Expected but just disgusting as usual!
They really do cast far and wide to find the alleged dirt, don’t they?
Almost as much as they studiously avoid what is relevant and accurate closer to home.
Digg -This is very interesting because it says a lot about
the BBC.In particular the anarchist Marxist controlled
BBC internet pages.A professor from the 8th ranked university
in Canada and the 184th ranked in the World, So we are
talking about an English championship side writes a damning
revelation that Alan Turing and his fellow code breakers were
not as clever at breaking the German codes as we thought.
So all the information we gave to the Russians about the
German troop positions at the major land battle of the second world war the battle of Kursk during July to August 1943 were
not so important.Informing General Montgomery exactly
what Rommel was going to do at El Alamein. The winning of
the war against the U Boats in the Atlantic which at one
time looked like that we were going to be starved to death.
The knowledge we knew about exactly what the Germans
were going to do in Normandy. In fact if “Monty” had
followed all that Bletchley had told him, the Falaise gap would
of been closed and the war may well of ended 6 months
earlier than it did with thousands of more lives saved.
This” revelation” from the BBC shows us once again that
our main media broadcaster is almost telling us that it
despises the country it serves. An enemy of the state ? You tell me that.
Fos – a powerful comment – thanks
Fedup-thanks. Somebody inform if I am wrong, because I
don’t honestly know. But is it possible that the
BBC were looking for a story about an ethnic codebreaker?
Yes of course there were plenty of Poles etc. But were
there any black ones? The BBC have managed to find in it’s
search ethnic composers from history , ethnic artists etc
and of course this is a good thing,but codebreakers? Yes I
know the story and saw the film about the brilliant
Indian mathematician Ramanujan. BUT I reiterate were
there any black codebreakers at Bletchley? And if there
were not . Isn’t a good reason for the BBC in their present
state of mind about all things black to give prominence to
a book with a negative attitude to Bletchley? Yes I have also seen that great film about the black women mathematicians “Hidden figures” But this is about Bletchley.
Not forgetting the Battle of Cape Matapan where, thanks to a partial decrypt of the Italian Naval Enigma by 19, yes 19 year old Mavis Lever, part of the Italian fleet was ambushed and sunk and so pretty much stayed in port for the rest of the war.
Digg – let’s face it – people like the ‘prof’ need a niche to flog their book at Christmas – so giving out a message which he know the MSM will ‘trigger ‘ hits the spot.
I guess the only people who really know are those on the inside . But sometimes stuff comes out … I caught some documentary about ‘Rommel ‘ recently which showed that the reason he was so good was because he acted on intercepted decrypted british communications ….. he was no greater general than anyone else – apart from using the intel to pre empt and defeat british operations ….
With out the intel he was defeated – as in ‘overlord ‘.
I heard recently that in Libya Rommel only took serious action against Operation Crusader in 1941 after he was told it was a real British offensive. Up until that point he thought it was just a faint – his inteligence source…? BBC news in Cairo.
Plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose.
Yes FedUp2, and I suspect the good professor waited until most if not all of the folk who actually worked at Bletchley Park had died off to give him a clear run to push his “novel” unopposed.
And the BBC fell for it hook-line-and-sinker cos it’s what they want to hear!
For the BBC facts simply get in the way of the mission!
Even the words used in the link to the story say a lot about the way the BBC want to spin this.
“Bletchley Parks WW2 contribution ‘overrated'”.
….missing from this was “…says obscure book-writing Canadian Professor”
There is always a dilemma when handling good ‘intelligence’. Acting on it might provide a one-time gain but that might alert the enemy that their security has been compromised.
That can mean not acting on the intelligence unless there is a plausible alternative reason for the action. If the enemy has circumstantial evidence that his communications are being intercepted then he will change his methods and then there will be no intelligence to act on at all.
One can’t help but look askew at the Times front page this morning: ‘UK thwarted Russian plot to disrupt Olympics. British cybersecurity experts stopped hacking attack on 2020 games’ – what 2020 Olympics were those, we ask? Pity our cloak and dagger chaps missed the apparently rather successful Chinese-originated virus that completely scuppered the Tokyo games. While we’ve been busy bear-baiting perhaps we ought to have been chasing the dragon?
Most of our media have very easily come to accept Chinese-style social controls here in the UK. The only game in town for our compliant journos has been to catch out our lockdown-keen elite when they err in their behaviour. However, we can have little sympathy for dear old Gary Lineker getting caught off side. The Daily Star splashes with: ‘Spot the tool. Gary Lineker made a right wally of himself after slating people who don’t wear masks in shops… then forgetting to put one on’ – can we look forward to endless action replays of the supermarket CCTV and some ex-player pundit analysis on the BBC’s Match of the Day? So, do tell us Gary, is Video Assisted Refereeing catching every minor infraction of the rules spoiling the game for you?
The Times tells us: ‘One-hour covid test at airports set to re-open travel. Passengers will undergo a one-hour test before flying out of Britain…’ – heaven forbid we prioritise testing of people coming in!
The ‘i’ admits the inevitable: ‘UK heading to lockdown by “back door”‘ – meanwhile just about every UK title is now ready with the self-same six week free home delivery offer, making our press look somewhat as though they are a cartel – with various small print caveats. The Mirror: ‘Free home delivery for 6 weeks’, The Mail: ‘Get the Mail delivered for free when you take a newspaper subscription*… *terms apply’ The Express: ‘Free home delivery. Payment for newspaper still required’ The Star appears a little more friendly with their 6 week offer: ‘Your favourite paper direct to your door’ – so we’re all lockdown ready then – apart from the poor saps who have to do the actual delivering.
Bubble blonde headed Channel 4 social justice warrior and sometime news presenter Cathy Newman has a gig in the Telegraph talking about celeb duos: ‘The making of a power couple’ – I shan’t be going out of my way to read the details but if the pics on the front page of the Telegraph are anything to go by she’s comparing the Richard Burton Elizabeth Taylor pairing with Schofield and Willoughby – preposterous and.. oh, where to begin?
The ‘i’ suggests: ‘Air pollution increases dementia risk’ – which, if true, could explain a lot.
Thanks I hope some intrepid reporter find out that mr Lineker bought m and s crisps …..
As for testing at airports … I flew out of heathrow on monday using a plane . No test – fullish Plane – at arrivals in foreign parts – temp tested …. yet not done in UK since March – absolutely dumb – dumb – yet I will have to do house arrest again for 14 long days when /if ‘ I return . ,,,…
Starring no less than Our Lewis.
Still tweeting away on the tvl teat.
BBBC* bigging up the “High Noon” duel between Johnson and Burnam
Big splash screen with a defiant and firm, positive photo of their “Andy” next to a dejected downcast photo of Boris.
I think the BBBC* having realised that Starmer is pretty much useless as their left-wing figurehead have decided to “adopt” Burnam.
I wonder what would happen if Boris said…,”OK Mr Mayor, we won’t impose the tier 3 thing if you take personal responsibility for the outcome and promise to resign if the figures go through the roof”
Maybe Mr Burnam would become Mr Burn-em?
* British Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation
Have you noticed that, similar to the US, its the Socialist/Communists that are holding out against a ‘Right-wing’ (claimed) Government and standing against all they insist upon?
Where will Burnham & Co go next. Whatever, it’ll be challenging the Government over everything.
Fact is, socialism will always move further left. Pity conservatism currently doesn’t move in the opposite direction.
Is this why Newsnight and Lewis the Activist are undermining Surkeer?
Have they given up on the $600k globetrotting MiliSr who knows a bad gig when he has a barge pole?
… as a footnote to this I just overheard a middle-aged woman at the tills in Morrisons say “…and as for the pillock Burnam!”
I might of expected it in Waitrose but Morrisons FFS!
Maybe it’s not all going quite according to plan?
Andy Burnham is making a play for what he hopes will become, for him, the leadership of the Labour Party. Keir Starmer has not covered himself in glory since becoming leader and his idea of a total lockdown for two or three weeks for England has gone down like a lead balloon in communities that are relatively free of Covid-19. There are also said to be rumblings of discontent on the two extremes of the Labour Party.
Loyal Mark Drakeford notwithstanding.
Care home Covid
So. my aunt died, alone, in a “care home” from Covid 19, just been informed that she also has to somehow pay a massive bill from said home for weeks of rent after dying since her possesions could not be accessed “coz of the virus”
Darcy – I’m so sorry . A lifetime family friend died in May in a care home and I could not visit to say ‘goodbye ‘…. awful . I know it’s difficult but I’d try and fight the bill – Age UK – or similar might help . Local councillor -MP – such awful admin theft must be stopped . RIP.
Thanks F2 it makes me so angry, such a mercenary attitude to something that happened under their care
That’s a no.
My mum’s first care home tried that on when we removed her the instant we discovered she had been allowed to develop bed sores.
Owned by a GP of the local surgery that oversaw it. CQC, LGO, NHS, PHSO, MP, Health Sec… all useless.
Social media… worked the trick.
Given their potentially culpability an odd fight to engage in on their part.
Lucky to get the balance of the advance on the month.
Rather tired of hearing so many times “coz of Covid” read an article recently about various customer service arms af organisations who use this as an excuse for, well, everything you can imagine,
It is the new “data protection” excuse or “compuha says no” it seems
So, out of her bunker with Jr., and surrounded by scores in a closed aluminium tube for hours.
Maybe she passed on dumb blondeism to Jon?
The shoddy service backlash: Two weeks ago we called time on firms using Covid 19 as an excuse… now we name and shame the worst offenders
In September we found 50 major firms still blaming their problems on Covid
Since then readers have flooded our postbag with tales of woeful service
Virgin Media, Easylife, Currys, British Gas and Iglu Cruise among worst offenders
Iglu cruises ????? the mind boggles as to where they go.
“The Prof also questions the part Bletchley Park played in the Argentine invasion…
“The book provides new details on the controversial sinking of the Argentine warship Belgrano and over whether enough was done to warn of the invasion.”“
I’m in total agreement that Bletchley Park certainly didn’t do enough to warn of the Argentine invasion. It ceased operations in 1946!
Who is she giving that salute too? Lurch?
Katty still stuck, Jon won’t leave the duty free and Nick on a zoom call to Sydney.
Grumbler – the piece in the Tekegraph today about a book about GCHQ suggests the government ignored the warnings that the Falklands could be attacked – although these may have come during a UK election and perhaps got lost – in any event I will wait for the tome to be discounted …
nothing to do with current flow but an observation..the BBC children in need advert seems to have a 66% Black kids…no Chinese or Sikh and one sort of white ….odd statistics
..then R4 this morning we have a Hashi Mohamed on about race and before that (now) Anjula Mutanda on bringing up kids…
What is it with the BBC and representation? No problem with a diverse set of backgrounds but BBC seems to have forgotten white people….and who their audience is..glad I stopped paying their fee….
Not a problem, loves.
“…we’re doing one big whinge, er binge…”
Our Nadiya’s mind not quite connecting with the mouth there – or was it?
OT, but cheered me up, even though I now need to clear coffee off the iPad.
Why did you put this up ! I need to know what the airhead ‘flavia ‘ said now …. ‘ I tiny campaign in a tiny country ‘ ouch … lol
Nice pick up from Guest, here is a link:-
The tiny country mentioned is what Orson Welles once famously opinioned in ‘The Third Man’:-
.. ‘for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.’..
BTW, why the weird figurines, looks like Flavourless is talking out of her ar…
Twenty minutes in Flavia says:
“Our individual rights are not at the mercy of a tender hearted elite. Our individual rights are repected among our states, we can move around freely on this continent. They are not exposed to the whims of authoritarian leaders. Not exposed to whoever got the grip of power.”
Doesn’t sound like the Europe that we know.
I see the abc have managed to find a picture of your average Welshman!
Talking of cheering news…..
Court rules Muslim doctor who refused to shake woman’s hand as she presented him with citizenship certificate has lost the right to become a German
The Lebanese man passed a citizenship test after living in Germany for 13 years
But he failed at the final hurdle after refusing to shake the female official’s hand
State authorities denied him citizenship and a court has now upheld their ruling
Not in the least bit surprised. The Muslim surgeon who operated on me for a replacement hip, didn’t shake my hand either when I offered it to him after my first appointment. Strange that, he touched a part of my body rarely seen, but their religion stops them from being in contact with one of the most visible parts of a woman.
Hand shaking is more of a signal of mutuality rather than superiority. So, your muslim surgeon probably only sees you as a kafir aka infidel – a person beneath him. Perhaps while he was operating he was thinking, ‘wish this person was dead, along with all the rest of the Kafirs’. Alternatively, surgeons like skilled musicians, dislike hand shaking in case, in the process, their hand becomes damaged.