Biased BBC busily running two versions of Project Fear – Brexit no deal and Covid Lock Down – meanwhile the BBC thinks President Biden is only a couple of weeks away …
ISIS gloats over the murder of Paris teacher who showed Mohammed cartoon and publish photo of his severed head while calling for the death of anyone who commits ‘blasphemy’
An ISIS magazine displayed Samuel Paty’s head underneath an image of a sword
The jihadists vowed that ‘our swords will not stop defending’ the Prophet’s name
Paty’s killer Aboulakh Anzorov is thought to have distributed the graphic images
French authorities are shutting down two Islamic organisations and a mosque
Thousands of boys are kept in chains, tortured and abused in Islamic schools across Sudan – with younger children raped by older students, investigation reveals
Boys as young as five are routinely shackled and beaten by teachers in ‘khalwas’
There are nearly 30,000 of the religious schools across the whole of Sudan
There have been reports of older pupils raping and sexually assaulting others
An 18-month investigation by BBC News Arabic uncovered extent of the abuses
Wow Labour MP Chris Bryant on TalkRadio last night .. got kicked off the show , and the presenter banned him.
Presenter Dan Wootton had always set his stall out
“Lockdowns don’t generally work, cos you end up with lots of deaths due to lack of cancer care .etc. 26,000 the ONS say
The Great Barrington Declaration is the way to go”
Bryant was just rude from the start
When asked for evidence he said his local ICU is at 75% occupancy & growing whereas last year it was half that
(I can’t believe that, surely most wards run at nearly full all the time)
If I go to tweets by the Labour MP’s friends they show thousands support his pro lockdown, pro Ferguson stance and portray Wootton as an idiot.
One of the 2 men sends selfies of himself in his knickers.
Guess which one.
Abusing someone because I disagree with a policy of national lockdowns. On a day when figures show 26,000 poor souls died at home between March and September because they couldn’t or wouldn’t go to hospital. Right…
Just like to add that Chris Bryant managed to flood half of Somerset as he was in charge of the Environmental Agency (an EU Quango body) that replaced local maintenance and knowledge of flooding since the Romans. It is the same Chris Bryant? Surely there cannot be more than one?
Ah at 10am Mike Graham began his show by calling Bryant out
People quickly dug up the chart for the Royal Glamogan hospital
showing both ICU and High dependency ward are typically 80% occupancy pre Covid
37% is not likely
Bryant’s new Tweet is slippery
\\ I have just spoken to my local health board medic who tells me the ITU locally is running at 160% capacity – so if anything I was understating the case //
\\ The Govt talks about beds rather than staffed beds – and a bed without a nurse is just a bed //
What’s he saying ?
If 4 beds are allocated to ICU and you are using just 3
It is at 75% bed capacity
If each patient needs 4 nurses, then you need 12 nurses
but if for those 3 patients you get by on 7 or 8 nurses
you could say you are running at about 160% nurse capacity
Jane Garvey made no attempt to hide her pro-Democrat sentiments on Wimmin’s Hour this morning, and sounded particularly keen on the fact that Biden is elderly, might ‘go’ and thus make way for Kamala Harris.
No surprises there from the ‘impartial’ bbc and ‘Wimmin’s Hour’.
Its lefts ‘ second attempt to get a woman in the White House – hillary managed to defeat herself through force of her dreadful personality –
Now they are using the old dementing corrupt biden to get the coloured girl in there in 2021 .
I really dont think theyll do it …. but of they do i think the world will become an even more dangerous place and we ll run out of popcorn…. 4 november looks sleepless!?
Code-breaking hub Bletchley Park’s contribution to World War Two is often over-rated by the public, an official history of UK spy agency GCHQ says.
“Bletchley is not the war winner that a lot of Brits think it is,” the author, Professor John Ferris of the University of Calgary, told the BBC.
It never was over-rated until the BBC & similar media decided it was Alan Turing wot won it, more because of his sexuality than his mathematical skill.
Against certain opinions I support Andy Burnham in his objection against 3tier lockdown for his area-indeed many people will suffer financially-as he points out many low paid workers will undoubtedly loose their jobs- so who will pick up that bill? Government over control-part of the great re-set plan to subjugate us all-only absolute complaince will be the cost of our total acquiescence in future-no I don’t like what is happening here and in the rest of the world-all dreamed up at Davos last year by the powerful wealthy elite whose monetary power is beyond measure-the rest needed to enslave us will follow .
Beeb has done a wonderful job of ignoring atrocities in South Africa, and I’m sure they will ignore the latest outrage too: the setting of fire to grazing land, burning the cattle thereon alive, all part of the campaign to drive farmers from their land.
But then, we didn’t hear from beeb when countless farmers and their employees were brutally murdered, so I don’t suppose a few incinerated cows matter?
On the BBC web-site last week the BBC did helpfully have an article about Eugene de Koch (not sure if I got name or its spelling correct) who murdered some Africans some years ago.
I’m not sure how the BBC’s one-sided coverage meets the BBC Charter requirements. Perhaps the new DG would care to comment?
"Television was the only palliative for my son’s boredom, but – as with any addiction – it merely exacerbated the symptoms" From @1843mag
Am i the only one getting seriously pi–ed off at the the main news channels constantly interviewing the same individuals ie, Andy Burnham etc. All lefties who are obviously using this awful pandemic
for political gain. Its always the same 4 Mayors they go to and all Labour…Why are they not going to the majority who believe this pandemic is a pain in the proverbial but also realise what is being done is necessary and needed.
My brother lives in Stockport Manchester and he says that most believe what Burnham is doing is unbelievable and politically driven….Of course the majority views will not be heard because it does not meet the broadcasters agenda
A triumph of diversity and equality for the Institution of Engineering and Technology on the Isle of Man!
“Our first ever, all-female team of Education Officers: Inspiring the next generation with STEMfest”
No doubt ensuring a ready supply of compliance-orientated**, non-risk taking, part-time women engineers and un-employable drop-out boys and men with no future prospects.
[** Companies love them! They work to the rules, producing reams of ticked-boxes for which the company gets paid. Then the project fails, but it was all done ‘by the book’, so they get paid to do it all again!]
Does anyone have any info on the viewing figures for this black tv month where we are bombarded with all this black history and other black stuff.
Have the viewing figures gone up, down or what?
It never used to bother me having blacks in films. To sir with love or Pulp fiction for example, both good, enjoyable films.
Now, it’s been spoiled by the pc, forced inclusion such as a foreign David Copperfield or Little John where the story takes second place to the virtue signalling.
By the way, I saw an advert on the tv a few days ago where the white woman had, wait for it…….a white husband. Whatever next!
Thanks Stew.
I thought it might be something like that, not that it will make any difference to those in charge.
When I was in the Army I had loads of friends from all over, bame’s as they are now labelled, and at no time was race or colour a problem.
It’s only recently (last 10-15 years) since they’ve been pushing them into everything that I’ve started to think ‘enough’
It used to be (in the 80’s and 90’s) a bit of a joke that every USA police Captain and President was black in every film and tv series.
Maybe we’ll get a black Hitler or Saville one of these days (if Mel Brookes wants a sequel to The Producers), Springtime at the bbbc starring Sambo M’Bingo as the irrepressible Jimmy Saville.
I agree Emmanuel.
It has never worried me or Mrs Swarm having black actors in films or plays. Up until recently, they have been excellent actors, but seem to have deteriorated somewhat into suspiciously box ticking status.
Over the years, we have acquired quite a few black friends and until recently never thought it to be a problem. With all the lunacy of BLM etc we are now starting to question their friendship.
1️⃣ New on #BritBox#BritBoxuk as part of #BlackHistoryMonth ????Nelson Mandela: From Prison to President ITV 1994 ???? DESMONDS Ch4 1989 all 6 seasons ????Fighting for King and Empire: Britain's Caribbean Heroes BBC 2015 ????Africa with Ade Adepitan BBC 2019 ????Lenny Go Home ITV 1991
2️⃣ New on #BritBox#BritBoxuk as part of #BlackHistoryMonth ????An Audience with Shirley Bassey ITV 1995 ????Walter's War BBC 2008 ????Mo Farah: Race of his Life BBC 2016 ????Shirley BBC 2011 ???? In the Shadow of Mary Seacole ITV 2016 ???? The Murder of Stephen Lawrence ITV 1999
Despite PantsBryant’s claims it doesn’t look like Welsh hospitals are overwhelmed
In Wales at the moment there are an average of around 30 confirmed #COVID19 patients occupying an invasive ventilated bed. This has not increased for two weeks. At the height of the pandemic in Wales it was 150.
If they say the beds are critical now, how was it in March/April when there were 10-20 times more in hospitals, in intensive care and dying.
Did they get rid of them into the care homes, killing two birds with one stone.
The good news is on two fronts
1. In fact almost as many kids are at school as are usually at school (not in the headline needless to say but is buried in the text)
2. The comments section cannot only be defined as #CCBGB
but more that word really is getting around more about the doom and gloom bias of the BBC.
The BBC apart from being biased seems also to be incredibly thick and totally out of touch as surely to goodness it would not have had such a headline and yet so badly anticipated the real views about it from ordinary people.
Weirdly Cbeebies the tots channel gets 4 times as many viewers
even #15 show gets 321K
I guess the Channel is used as a baby sitter
Let’s see what he gets for removing the cross.
Piece of bacon near a mosk, going rate is about a year (or life) in prison.
Whatever the going rate is, will it be the same if a ‘far right’ rips a crescent off a mosk?
BBBC champagne socialists / marxists springs to mind protecting their 6 figure salaries by threatening pensioners:
“BBC ‘terrifies’ the elderly with ‘threatening’ licence fee letters warning viewers of a £1,000 fine if they do not stump up the £157.50-a-year cost”
Letters say property has no TV licence, adding: ‘I visited today, to find out why’
It goes on to detail the potential fines and prosecution the recipient could face
BBC giving full coverage of Andrew Burnham in Manchester challenging the national government . Perhaps the level of restriction should not be imposed on Manchester – and leave the hospitals and undertakers to deal with his consequences….
I always thought have city mayors was an expensive mistake because they’ll all be high spending socialists … I don’t think I’m wrong …
Just before the 5pm briefing the BBC have Dan Johnson sounding like Andy Burnham’s representative. He might as well have been one of the thugs standing with Burnham spouting their rubbish. I don’t know who the speakers were but they did sound like bolshie union people arguing over the number of days leave they were demanding for their members.
This is more than messy now… Andy Burnham getting applauded by members of the public in Manchester, he + local leaders finding out from their phones during press conf what the govt is actually planning for the region on TV, visibly furious at what's happened
I presume Laura means the half dozen of Andy’s mates carefully surrounding him at a social distance whilst the cameras whirred and applauded him. One of them spoilt the image as, unmasked, he walked up close to Andy to share a text message which confirmed that level 3 would be implemented.
For what it's worth, Downing Street insists the £60m for supporting Greater Manchester businesses is still on offer ("it is still there") but they can't hand it over if Andy Burnham won't accept it! Paging Mr Dali
I see the BBC have rolled out reporter Dan Johnson to sort out the Manchester bun-fight and support Mr Burnam.
Dan of course of Cliff Richard stitch-up fame which cost the BBC and S Yorks police rather a lot of money… our money…
Maybe he will get helicopters and S Yorks police to raid Boris’s house to look for some dirt on him?
I do find this attempt to bring Dan back into the BBC National fold after being posted to the Northern outback for some time rather interesting to say the least. Perhaps they think we all have the memory of goldfish?
Tonight’s Telly
10pm BBC 4 Play for Today
All black actors with black director
A Hole In Babylon about black robbery gang screwing up.
As ever The Times Guide always pics the black photos to use
So it’s film choice is on Film4 9pm
Set in Camden a woman has a relationship with an ex-prisoner
Allie, Faisal and Simon with yet more BBC ‘leaders’.
More via @faisalislam – PM’s meeting with business leaders this afternoon lasted 21 mins in total.. Prime Minister said ‘people weren’t prepared for the Single Market in 1992 either!’
Saturday’s Times Review is a bit less BAME
Julie Walters is the cover and main article, then Joan Bakewell
.. The recommended film is the one about Greta
Big book review : nasty cartoon and photo used to illustrate review of nasty biography of Boris
TV review page : The Bridge The Channel4
The prog pic shows 3 women 2 BAME from the 10 competitors
(The amplifying the non whites effect)
pg 17 Review if the Malcolm X biography
The book does mythbusting
#1 He fell out with the Nation Of Islam and its leader send the black men who murdered him
#2 MX always told a story that he’d seen his father get killed by a white group… testimony says that’s false.
#3 The Nation of Islam was a made up cult by a New Zealand white guy
.. their story evolved to wild fantasy .. ‘blacks used to rule the Earth, but then got enslaved by whites 6,000 years ago
.. so modern whites are devils’
… Real Muslims regarded the cult as blasphemous
The leader Elijah Muhammad was seducing the female staff
and then sent X to talk to KKK about forming a black state.
#4 X gloated about Kennedy getting shot
#5 Mad statement that after a Nation of Islam guy was shot by police, he said God had in revenge killed 120 white southerners in a Paris air crash.
#6 EM banned X from. speaking,
X founded his own Muslim org, went to Mecca and realised that NI wasn’t real Islam
… but he was killed within 12 months
Book is described as boring to read
One imagines that, for fairness, it will need to be run by independent overseers, like the debate commission? Maybe overseas experts, like Jon Sopel, Katty and Nick Bryant.
In other news, how are things going for the no of color farming community in SA?
Like the BBC, The Times not only amplifies the black
it amplifies the green.
Times Review
Week’s highlights
In Cinemas : I am Greta
“won’t win her any converts… but jaw dropping bravery”
Recommended museum exhibition 2 pages
“Culture and Climate” about Arctic people, British Museum
1000 words in
“retreating sea ice causes an increase in sea levels” (school boy error of course)
“permafrost melting and sinking …teetering to the point of no return” ..pure dramaqueening words, not science.
Radio3 Sunday 6:45pm
“The dramatic effects of Climate Change evoked in words,
sounds and new music”
Back cover of the Times
You paid for a full page smart meter advert.
I’ve said before how I cannot abide Andy Burnham , I live in the area covered by North West news and he is never off our screens ,spouting his lefty, union leader style tripe !!!
He wanted £90 million off Boris, said he would accept £65 million , Boris offered £60 million, Burnham walked away to carry on his student politics . PATHETIC.
As per usual, BBC take Burnham’s side .
Like the brexit negotiations with the EU . No matter what happens in the talks, it’s always the Government in the wrong according to the BBC . Never the EU.
Same with this Burnham row, it’s nothing to do with hi m and his political point scoring, his petty games and general need to gob off, it’s all Boris Johnson’s fault.
For goodness sake, don’t think of asking him about Mid Staffs Hospital Trust’s confusion of deceit, lies and general crookedness when Labour were ‘in power’.
I’m sure he’d like to avoid questions about that little story…
(I said DON’T ASK HIM!
Oh well, alright then, but only while he’s even more out of his depth than he was then!
BBC fake news alert.
Big news is that half of seconday schools have had to send a pupil home with coronavirus.
They interview a Headteacher who has had to send home a third of his pupils.
Cue shouts of unfairness and inequality. Other school pupils with lower rates can keep going to school. Shock. Horror.
Not mentioned. The school was in Crosby, which if I remember correctly is near Liverpool and in tier 3. So maybe the solution is to obey the rules rather than indulge in the traditional Liverpool pastime of grievance-seeking.
Also not mentioned. National School attendance is around 90% which is not much lower than the normal rate.
The BBC. Where fake news is just a political tactic.
A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys Police told the Herald in an emailed statement: “We were called to a disturbance involving a small group of people within the Penally Asylum Accommodation Centre at around 1.45pm on Tuesday (Oct 20).
“One person has been arrested.
By 7pm back to normal.
Hows the virus being spread ?
There are
#1 rule obeyers being super cautious
#2 The elites who break rules now and then
#3 People who don’t act very cautiously
It’s like speed limits
– rule obeyers keep to them.
– The elites who break them now and then, but get off
– Regular speeders every so often cause big accidents
Boris’s solution would be to half the speed limit.
What would happen ?
The regular speeders would carry on as normal.
category #3 I bet come from particular communities who also have a high prison rate.
The purpose of this appears to be to mark the cards of Trump supporters and staff so that action can be taken against them including calling on Companies to refuse future employment etc. at very least.
In effect this is actually a Western style Fatwa intended to extinguish people from society who are not of their faith and belief.
I cannot believe I am hearing this from citizens of the biggest democracy in the World. It is worse than Fascism it is the mantra of Joe Stalin designed to create a World where there can only ever be one belief and anyone dissenting is cancelled or worse.
We have seen the effect of the cancel culture growing like fungi in the universities and this is what it looks like when it gets out into the mainstream.
If it comes to pass in any shape or form I predict civil war for the USA and that war will infect the entire Western World eventually.
I hope the ordinary citizens of the USA realise what is happening before their eyes and consign it to the dustbin where it belongs.
It has now reached a point where if Trump falls, the USA will fall and if the USA falls Western Europe will follow and I don’t need to tell anyone who will step in to fill the void.
This approach was instigated in a number of African Countries following Independence and the bloodshed which followed is clear as well as the corruption that holding powers such as these provide to the instigator. It certainly is NOT democracy and the democrat party in the USA is fast becoming anything but democratic with these threats.
“Jeffrey Toobin, a long-time legal expert and staff writer for the New Yorker,
has been suspended from the magazine after he was allegedly caught masturbating on a work Zoom call.”
That’s weird but not same league as years of Savile tolerance and cover up.
Daily Mail US
“Zoom masturbator Jeffrey Toobin has history of sex scandals” 1995, 2010 etc.
“Jeffery Toobin knocked up his co workers daughter, tried to get her to have an abortion then refused to pay child support in full until lawyers threatened to notify his employers & garnish his wages all while being married.”
Mr & Mrs Sparkle have kindly informed me that there is a global crisis of misinformation. In return, I would like to observe that they themselves have been responsible for much of it. Did they not express a desire last year to move from the UK and to live quietly and anonymously somewhere away from the public gaze?
Since that time they have invaded my internet space constantly and have also appeared regularly on the front pages of UK newspapers and thus on the BBC web-site. In addition, BBC Radio and the web-site have carried news and pictures of their activities.
I think they misinformed me and everyone else in the UK.
Saturday Labour activists staged a support demo outside Napier Barracks Dover
The police regarded it as exempt from the Rule of 6
One was arrested ” on suspicion of criminal damage”. the anti-open border guys put up drone video, but kept back for fear of Police enforcing Rule of 6 against them.
BBC corporation tax (pays just 0.4% of its turnover) ‘The BBC paid corporation tax of £22m (0.4% of its turnover*) last year (2013). Even if you express tax as a proportion only of commercial turnover (which is debatable – after all a pound of turnover is a pound of turnover), the BBC paid tax of about 1.2% of turnover. In other words Google pays more tax on its turnover than the BBC by a factor of nearly two’.
Note: The Corporate Tax Rate in the United Kingdom stands at 19 percent.
According to the Sunday Times 2019 tax list, the top ten ‘taxpayers’ in Britain contributed an estimated £1 billion pounds to the government last year (2019).
Corporate high payers (2019) (Top of the list should be the BBC.… but it isn’t)
BBC; £190 million (but they declare only £22m)**
–JD Sports;£181.6 million
–Bet365;£156 million
–Dyson; £127.8 million
–Easyjet founder; £20.7 million
–Warburons (bread maker); 12.7 million
–The Beckhams (family); £12.7 million
**The BBC relies on the TV license at £3.8 billion. In addition commercial sales to other broadcaster (Amazon and Netflix) earns an extra (£1 billion) so in total it earns £4.8 billion in total And that excludes private companies it owns selling BBC property for luxury flats and rentals to other broadcaster (former White City HQ being developed as luxury flats conversion and private hire of TV facilities (for ITV) are profitable but not included in private BBC hire companies.
At just 25% profit it should be paying £190 million corporate tax. It should be paying the largest corporate tax in the country. It should be TOP OF THE LIST (above) But its just 0.4% of its vast (almost tax free) turnover, relying totally on the TV license for all revenue – including all its commercial operations. BBC worldwide is totally reliant on the ‘telly tax’.
For TV **excellence** that is (hidden) T-A-L-E-N-T in case we failed to notice, that they are all exceedingly well paid and in large part unemployable anywhere else in the UK, all 23,000 of them claiming to be journalists.
You don’t pay tax on turnover
You pay it on commercial ventures PROFIT, minus what deductions you allowed to claim.
Only a small part of the BBC are commercial ventures.
Mr Wild said he walked away from Abedi, and approached Showsec steward Mohammed Agha, who was standing on the main floor of the foyer, below the mezzanine.
I’m sure there are good ethnic Muslims in the intelligence services who have saved lives.
Here a Muslim security guard failed to head of a Muslim terrorist guy.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 “I do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
ISIS gloats over the murder of Paris teacher who showed Mohammed cartoon and publish photo of his severed head while calling for the death of anyone who commits ‘blasphemy’
An ISIS magazine displayed Samuel Paty’s head underneath an image of a sword
The jihadists vowed that ‘our swords will not stop defending’ the Prophet’s name
Paty’s killer Aboulakh Anzorov is thought to have distributed the graphic images
French authorities are shutting down two Islamic organisations and a mosque
Thousands of boys are kept in chains, tortured and abused in Islamic schools across Sudan – with younger children raped by older students, investigation reveals
Boys as young as five are routinely shackled and beaten by teachers in ‘khalwas’
There are nearly 30,000 of the religious schools across the whole of Sudan
There have been reports of older pupils raping and sexually assaulting others
An 18-month investigation by BBC News Arabic uncovered extent of the abuses
Wow Labour MP Chris Bryant on TalkRadio last night .. got kicked off the show , and the presenter banned him.
Presenter Dan Wootton had always set his stall out
“Lockdowns don’t generally work, cos you end up with lots of deaths due to lack of cancer care .etc. 26,000 the ONS say
The Great Barrington Declaration is the way to go”
Bryant was just rude from the start
When asked for evidence he said his local ICU is at 75% occupancy & growing whereas last year it was half that
(I can’t believe that, surely most wards run at nearly full all the time)
If I go to tweets by the Labour MP’s friends they show thousands support his pro lockdown, pro Ferguson stance and portray Wootton as an idiot.
One of the 2 men sends selfies of himself in his knickers.
Guess which one.
And to think Mr Bryant put himself foward to be Speaker of their Commons – modelling himself on the last one- who remains a pleb …
Just like to add that Chris Bryant managed to flood half of Somerset as he was in charge of the Environmental Agency (an EU Quango body) that replaced local maintenance and knowledge of flooding since the Romans. It is the same Chris Bryant? Surely there cannot be more than one?
2014 Somerset floods : Environment Agency chief Lord (Chris) Smith was warned in 2009 that his flood plans were useless
Ah at 10am Mike Graham began his show by calling Bryant out
People quickly dug up the chart for the Royal Glamogan hospital
showing both ICU and High dependency ward are typically 80% occupancy pre Covid
37% is not likely
Bryant’s new Tweet is slippery
\\ I have just spoken to my local health board medic who tells me the ITU locally is running at 160% capacity – so if anything I was understating the case //
\\ The Govt talks about beds rather than staffed beds – and a bed without a nurse is just a bed //
What’s he saying ?
If 4 beds are allocated to ICU and you are using just 3
It is at 75% bed capacity
If each patient needs 4 nurses, then you need 12 nurses
but if for those 3 patients you get by on 7 or 8 nurses
you could say you are running at about 160% nurse capacity
BFFs. Eliza knows little.
Guess where she works?
Both might check the output of colleagues.
Jane Garvey made no attempt to hide her pro-Democrat sentiments on Wimmin’s Hour this morning, and sounded particularly keen on the fact that Biden is elderly, might ‘go’ and thus make way for Kamala Harris.
No surprises there from the ‘impartial’ bbc and ‘Wimmin’s Hour’.
Its lefts ‘ second attempt to get a woman in the White House – hillary managed to defeat herself through force of her dreadful personality –
Now they are using the old dementing corrupt biden to get the coloured girl in there in 2021 .
I really dont think theyll do it …. but of they do i think the world will become an even more dangerous place and we ll run out of popcorn…. 4 november looks sleepless!?
Code-breaking hub Bletchley Park’s contribution to World War Two is often over-rated by the public, an official history of UK spy agency GCHQ says.
“Bletchley is not the war winner that a lot of Brits think it is,” the author, Professor John Ferris of the University of Calgary, told the BBC.
It never was over-rated until the BBC & similar media decided it was Alan Turing wot won it, more because of his sexuality than his mathematical skill.
Against certain opinions I support Andy Burnham in his objection against 3tier lockdown for his area-indeed many people will suffer financially-as he points out many low paid workers will undoubtedly loose their jobs- so who will pick up that bill? Government over control-part of the great re-set plan to subjugate us all-only absolute complaince will be the cost of our total acquiescence in future-no I don’t like what is happening here and in the rest of the world-all dreamed up at Davos last year by the powerful wealthy elite whose monetary power is beyond measure-the rest needed to enslave us will follow .
Any news from Halifax?
Haven’t read it.
If anyone can be bothered, share if Manuela is impartial.
Beeb has done a wonderful job of ignoring atrocities in South Africa, and I’m sure they will ignore the latest outrage too: the setting of fire to grazing land, burning the cattle thereon alive, all part of the campaign to drive farmers from their land.
But then, we didn’t hear from beeb when countless farmers and their employees were brutally murdered, so I don’t suppose a few incinerated cows matter?
On the BBC web-site last week the BBC did helpfully have an article about Eugene de Koch (not sure if I got name or its spelling correct) who murdered some Africans some years ago.
I’m not sure how the BBC’s one-sided coverage meets the BBC Charter requirements. Perhaps the new DG would care to comment?
Bet FT kids’ parents watch a lot of bbc too.
Am i the only one getting seriously pi–ed off at the the main news channels constantly interviewing the same individuals ie, Andy Burnham etc. All lefties who are obviously using this awful pandemic
for political gain. Its always the same 4 Mayors they go to and all Labour…Why are they not going to the majority who believe this pandemic is a pain in the proverbial but also realise what is being done is necessary and needed.
My brother lives in Stockport Manchester and he says that most believe what Burnham is doing is unbelievable and politically driven….Of course the majority views will not be heard because it does not meet the broadcasters agenda
A triumph of diversity and equality for the Institution of Engineering and Technology on the Isle of Man!
“Our first ever, all-female team of Education Officers: Inspiring the next generation with STEMfest”
No doubt ensuring a ready supply of compliance-orientated**, non-risk taking, part-time women engineers and un-employable drop-out boys and men with no future prospects.
[** Companies love them! They work to the rules, producing reams of ticked-boxes for which the company gets paid. Then the project fails, but it was all done ‘by the book’, so they get paid to do it all again!]
What is this knob head on?
Does anyone have any info on the viewing figures for this black tv month where we are bombarded with all this black history and other black stuff.
Have the viewing figures gone up, down or what?
It never used to bother me having blacks in films. To sir with love or Pulp fiction for example, both good, enjoyable films.
Now, it’s been spoiled by the pc, forced inclusion such as a foreign David Copperfield or Little John where the story takes second place to the virtue signalling.
By the way, I saw an advert on the tv a few days ago where the white woman had, wait for it…….a white husband. Whatever next!
No BHM progs in top 15 of any channel
except one episode of Enslaved on BBC2, 2.5% of UK population watched
My stats are all platforms combined
ITV last week
#1 was BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT 7 million viewers
the rest was Coronation St/Emmerdale/Millionaire/Chase
BBC1 mostly local news with 5.2m
surprisingly Have I Got A Pile Of Poos was #15 with 3.9m
BBC2 Quizzes make 2.8m
followed by cooking/gardening
BBC4 Its #1 show is MONTALBANO with just over a million
other shows typically get half that. Not even 1% of UK population
Likewise Channel4 Its most popular show gets 4 times the #3 show
#1 Bake Off 10.7m
Thanks Stew.
I thought it might be something like that, not that it will make any difference to those in charge.
When I was in the Army I had loads of friends from all over, bame’s as they are now labelled, and at no time was race or colour a problem.
It’s only recently (last 10-15 years) since they’ve been pushing them into everything that I’ve started to think ‘enough’
It used to be (in the 80’s and 90’s) a bit of a joke that every USA police Captain and President was black in every film and tv series.
Maybe we’ll get a black Hitler or Saville one of these days (if Mel Brookes wants a sequel to The Producers), Springtime at the bbbc starring Sambo M’Bingo as the irrepressible Jimmy Saville.
I agree Emmanuel.
It has never worried me or Mrs Swarm having black actors in films or plays. Up until recently, they have been excellent actors, but seem to have deteriorated somewhat into suspiciously box ticking status.
Over the years, we have acquired quite a few black friends and until recently never thought it to be a problem. With all the lunacy of BLM etc we are now starting to question their friendship.
BritBox Black month
Despite PantsBryant’s claims it doesn’t look like Welsh hospitals are overwhelmed
If they say the beds are critical now, how was it in March/April when there were 10-20 times more in hospitals, in intensive care and dying.
Did they get rid of them into the care homes, killing two birds with one stone.
Here’s some good news on a BBC webshite page
Pupils sent home in half of Englan’s secondary schools
The good news is on two fronts
1. In fact almost as many kids are at school as are usually at school (not in the headline needless to say but is buried in the text)
2. The comments section cannot only be defined as #CCBGB
but more that word really is getting around more about the doom and gloom bias of the BBC.
The BBC apart from being biased seems also to be incredibly thick and totally out of touch as surely to goodness it would not have had such a headline and yet so badly anticipated the real views about it from ordinary people.
My God CBBC !
There are 11.1m under 15s in UK .. that’s 17.6% of population
What do you reckon, does the top CBBC show get 10% of them ?
Guess how many ?
Weirdly Cbeebies the tots channel gets 4 times as many viewers
even #15 show gets 321K
I guess the Channel is used as a baby sitter
Blimey – family and friends watching them on kiddie TV ….what a waste … imagine running it commercially – it would be gone ..
Time to abolish Al Beeb, The House of Lords and the Remoaner Terry Christian.
All will be revealed on Al Beeb shortly.
Mental Health news : Yussef Alwali, 19, “from Basildon” charged with religiously aggravated criminal damage after crucifix torn off Chadwell Heath Baptist Church.
Religiously aggravated ‘Hate Crime’ surely?
There is nothing extra in the local paper
Let’s see what he gets for removing the cross.
Piece of bacon near a mosk, going rate is about a year (or life) in prison.
Whatever the going rate is, will it be the same if a ‘far right’ rips a crescent off a mosk?
No answers required as we all know what happens.
Nowt on Al Beeb ?
Although hidden away we learn a 16 year old girl was stabbed at a North West London tube station.
BBBC champagne socialists / marxists springs to mind protecting their 6 figure salaries by threatening pensioners:
“BBC ‘terrifies’ the elderly with ‘threatening’ licence fee letters warning viewers of a £1,000 fine if they do not stump up the £157.50-a-year cost”
Letters say property has no TV licence, adding: ‘I visited today, to find out why’
It goes on to detail the potential fines and prosecution the recipient could face
BBC giving full coverage of Andrew Burnham in Manchester challenging the national government . Perhaps the level of restriction should not be imposed on Manchester – and leave the hospitals and undertakers to deal with his consequences….
I always thought have city mayors was an expensive mistake because they’ll all be high spending socialists … I don’t think I’m wrong …
Just before the 5pm briefing the BBC have Dan Johnson sounding like Andy Burnham’s representative. He might as well have been one of the thugs standing with Burnham spouting their rubbish. I don’t know who the speakers were but they did sound like bolshie union people arguing over the number of days leave they were demanding for their members.
Cause and effect, with the bbc the lowest common denominator.
I presume Laura means the half dozen of Andy’s mates carefully surrounding him at a social distance whilst the cameras whirred and applauded him. One of them spoilt the image as, unmasked, he walked up close to Andy to share a text message which confirmed that level 3 would be implemented.
Not an Eton Mess.
Purely a BBC Labour one.
Pesto is on it.
I see the BBC have rolled out reporter Dan Johnson to sort out the Manchester bun-fight and support Mr Burnam.
Dan of course of Cliff Richard stitch-up fame which cost the BBC and S Yorks police rather a lot of money… our money…
Maybe he will get helicopters and S Yorks police to raid Boris’s house to look for some dirt on him?
I do find this attempt to bring Dan back into the BBC National fold after being posted to the Northern outback for some time rather interesting to say the least. Perhaps they think we all have the memory of goldfish?
Tonight’s Telly
10pm BBC 4 Play for Today
All black actors with black director
A Hole In Babylon about black robbery gang screwing up.
As ever The Times Guide always pics the black photos to use
So it’s film choice is on Film4 9pm
Set in Camden a woman has a relationship with an ex-prisoner
Allie, Faisal and Simon with yet more BBC ‘leaders’.
Well, PM’s 21mins with business leaders is a lot more than I have heard from Faisal on BBC R4 in the past week.
Faisal Islam makes Laura ‘Part-time’ Kuenssberg look like a workaholic.
Saturday’s Times Review is a bit less BAME
Julie Walters is the cover and main article, then Joan Bakewell
.. The recommended film is the one about Greta
Big book review : nasty cartoon and photo used to illustrate review of nasty biography of Boris
TV review page : The Bridge The Channel4
The prog pic shows 3 women 2 BAME from the 10 competitors
(The amplifying the non whites effect)
pg 17 Review if the Malcolm X biography
The book does mythbusting
#1 He fell out with the Nation Of Islam and its leader send the black men who murdered him
#2 MX always told a story that he’d seen his father get killed by a white group… testimony says that’s false.
#3 The Nation of Islam was a made up cult by a New Zealand white guy
.. their story evolved to wild fantasy .. ‘blacks used to rule the Earth, but then got enslaved by whites 6,000 years ago
.. so modern whites are devils’
… Real Muslims regarded the cult as blasphemous
The leader Elijah Muhammad was seducing the female staff
and then sent X to talk to KKK about forming a black state.
#4 X gloated about Kennedy getting shot
#5 Mad statement that after a Nation of Islam guy was shot by police, he said God had in revenge killed 120 white southerners in a Paris air crash.
#6 EM banned X from. speaking,
X founded his own Muslim org, went to Mecca and realised that NI wasn’t real Islam
… but he was killed within 12 months
Book is described as boring to read
Saturday’s Radio4 Fooc went around the world reporting on views about Trump
Beeboid repeated the fakenews “when he told people to inject bleach”
Reports from Africa/China basically said only bad people want Trump to win
Like the Chinese government believe he is destroying America.
Actually in many African and Middle Eastern countries they really respect strongman leaders.
One imagines that, for fairness, it will need to be run by independent overseers, like the debate commission? Maybe overseas experts, like Jon Sopel, Katty and Nick Bryant.
In other news, how are things going for the no of color farming community in SA?
Like the BBC, The Times not only amplifies the black
it amplifies the green.
Times Review
Week’s highlights
In Cinemas : I am Greta
“won’t win her any converts… but jaw dropping bravery”
Recommended museum exhibition 2 pages
“Culture and Climate” about Arctic people, British Museum
1000 words in
“retreating sea ice causes an increase in sea levels” (school boy error of course)
“permafrost melting and sinking …teetering to the point of no return” ..pure dramaqueening words, not science.
Radio3 Sunday 6:45pm
“The dramatic effects of Climate Change evoked in words,
sounds and new music”
Back cover of the Times
You paid for a full page smart meter advert.
Sir Far Lefty news
I wonder ….
…… who might RatioWATCH be?
Ummmmhhh …..
I’ve said before how I cannot abide Andy Burnham , I live in the area covered by North West news and he is never off our screens ,spouting his lefty, union leader style tripe !!!
He wanted £90 million off Boris, said he would accept £65 million , Boris offered £60 million, Burnham walked away to carry on his student politics . PATHETIC.
As per usual, BBC take Burnham’s side .
Like the brexit negotiations with the EU . No matter what happens in the talks, it’s always the Government in the wrong according to the BBC . Never the EU.
Same with this Burnham row, it’s nothing to do with hi m and his political point scoring, his petty games and general need to gob off, it’s all Boris Johnson’s fault.
Well done Boris. Do not pander to that idiot.
For goodness sake, don’t think of asking him about Mid Staffs Hospital Trust’s confusion of deceit, lies and general crookedness when Labour were ‘in power’.
I’m sure he’d like to avoid questions about that little story…
(I said DON’T ASK HIM!
Oh well, alright then, but only while he’s even more out of his depth than he was then!
Do Emily, Jon, Mishal, Matt, Roger, Justin fall under ‘expertise’.
Bletchley Park
Someone has a new book to sell
The BBC using a clickbait title provides them with good PR
BBC fake news alert.
Big news is that half of seconday schools have had to send a pupil home with coronavirus.
They interview a Headteacher who has had to send home a third of his pupils.
Cue shouts of unfairness and inequality. Other school pupils with lower rates can keep going to school. Shock. Horror.
Not mentioned. The school was in Crosby, which if I remember correctly is near Liverpool and in tier 3. So maybe the solution is to obey the rules rather than indulge in the traditional Liverpool pastime of grievance-seeking.
Also not mentioned. National School attendance is around 90% which is not much lower than the normal rate.
The BBC. Where fake news is just a political tactic.
Penally migrant barracks in Tenby : kicking off
Police in riot gear can be seen standing around
as if deeper inside something is happening.
Video labels say there has been fights within
..there is no video proof yet.
A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys Police told the Herald in an emailed statement: “We were called to a disturbance involving a small group of people within the Penally Asylum Accommodation Centre at around 1.45pm on Tuesday (Oct 20).
“One person has been arrested.
By 7pm back to normal.
Hows the virus being spread ?
There are
#1 rule obeyers being super cautious
#2 The elites who break rules now and then
#3 People who don’t act very cautiously
It’s like speed limits
– rule obeyers keep to them.
– The elites who break them now and then, but get off
– Regular speeders every so often cause big accidents
Boris’s solution would be to half the speed limit.
What would happen ?
The regular speeders would carry on as normal.
category #3 I bet come from particular communities who also have a high prison rate.
According to Tucker on Fox News, some democrats are now calling for the establishment of a “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” after the election.
The purpose of this appears to be to mark the cards of Trump supporters and staff so that action can be taken against them including calling on Companies to refuse future employment etc. at very least.
In effect this is actually a Western style Fatwa intended to extinguish people from society who are not of their faith and belief.
I cannot believe I am hearing this from citizens of the biggest democracy in the World. It is worse than Fascism it is the mantra of Joe Stalin designed to create a World where there can only ever be one belief and anyone dissenting is cancelled or worse.
We have seen the effect of the cancel culture growing like fungi in the universities and this is what it looks like when it gets out into the mainstream.
If it comes to pass in any shape or form I predict civil war for the USA and that war will infect the entire Western World eventually.
I hope the ordinary citizens of the USA realise what is happening before their eyes and consign it to the dustbin where it belongs.
It has now reached a point where if Trump falls, the USA will fall and if the USA falls Western Europe will follow and I don’t need to tell anyone who will step in to fill the void.
This approach was instigated in a number of African Countries following Independence and the bloodshed which followed is clear as well as the corruption that holding powers such as these provide to the instigator. It certainly is NOT democracy and the democrat party in the USA is fast becoming anything but democratic with these threats.
Peroxide. Dodgy stuff.
Bannon / Gorka discuss the avalanche of explosive revelations a-comin’ on the crooked Biden dynasty.
Soon even the corrupt BBC won’t be able to ignore it any longer.
PS. A grim prediction / warning starts at the 40 minute mark.
“It’s gonna be Fort Apache… every day is gonna be Stalingrad… a permanent civil war!”
Steve Bannon: always interesting!
Both of them know their stuff, and from the inside.
Somebody at the BBC will try to top this …. I hope
“Jeffrey Toobin, a long-time legal expert and staff writer for the New Yorker,
has been suspended from the magazine after he was allegedly caught masturbating on a work Zoom call.”
That’s weird but not same league as years of Savile tolerance and cover up.
Daily Mail US
“Zoom masturbator Jeffrey Toobin has history of sex scandals” 1995, 2010 etc.
“Jeffery Toobin knocked up his co workers daughter, tried to get her to have an abortion then refused to pay child support in full until lawyers threatened to notify his employers & garnish his wages all while being married.”
Actually he mostly works at CNN these days
They suspended him.
Mr & Mrs Sparkle have kindly informed me that there is a global crisis of misinformation. In return, I would like to observe that they themselves have been responsible for much of it. Did they not express a desire last year to move from the UK and to live quietly and anonymously somewhere away from the public gaze?
Since that time they have invaded my internet space constantly and have also appeared regularly on the front pages of UK newspapers and thus on the BBC web-site. In addition, BBC Radio and the web-site have carried news and pictures of their activities.
I think they misinformed me and everyone else in the UK.
An apology from them would be welcome.
Apparently Mr Markle is hoping for a return to some role in the military, perhaps in a desperate attempt to get back some testes.
If he really wants to play soldiers, how about joining the California National Guard where he could crack some BLM/ Antifa skulls next time they riot.
Oh I forgot, he’s now on their side.
The Duchess of Wokecess has Mr Meghan-Markle’s testes in a full Tier 4 lockdown
Saturday Labour activists staged a support demo outside Napier Barracks Dover
The police regarded it as exempt from the Rule of 6
One was arrested ” on suspicion of criminal damage”.
the anti-open border guys put up drone video, but kept back for fear of Police enforcing Rule of 6 against them.
Apparently it was felt this would not look mental.
She knows she’s minted.
So Newsnight editor moves to PM
‘Toad jumps to similar fetid pond”
Leading TV broadcasters in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019, by audience share*
BBC has just 31% of the UK audience.
Quarterly reach of BBC News in the United Kingdom (UK) from 1st quarter 2012 to 2nd quarter 2019 BBC has sharply falling market share of ‘news’….
BBC corporation tax (pays just 0.4% of its turnover)
‘The BBC paid corporation tax of £22m (0.4% of its turnover*) last year (2013). Even if you express tax as a proportion only of commercial turnover (which is debatable – after all a pound of turnover is a pound of turnover), the BBC paid tax of about 1.2% of turnover. In other words Google pays more tax on its turnover than the BBC by a factor of nearly two’.
Note: The Corporate Tax Rate in the United Kingdom stands at 19 percent.
According to the Sunday Times 2019 tax list, the top ten ‘taxpayers’ in Britain contributed an estimated £1 billion pounds to the government last year (2019).
Corporate high payers (2019)
(Top of the list should be the BBC.… but it isn’t)
BBC; £190 million (but they declare only £22m)**
–JD Sports;£181.6 million
–Bet365;£156 million
–Dyson; £127.8 million
–Easyjet founder; £20.7 million
–Warburons (bread maker); 12.7 million
–The Beckhams (family); £12.7 million
**The BBC relies on the TV license at £3.8 billion. In addition commercial sales to other broadcaster (Amazon and Netflix) earns an extra (£1 billion) so in total it earns £4.8 billion in total And that excludes private companies it owns selling BBC property for luxury flats and rentals to other broadcaster (former White City HQ being developed as luxury flats conversion and private hire of TV facilities (for ITV) are profitable but not included in private BBC hire companies.
At just 25% profit it should be paying £190 million corporate tax. It should be paying the largest corporate tax in the country. It should be TOP OF THE LIST (above) But its just 0.4% of its vast (almost tax free) turnover, relying totally on the TV license for all revenue – including all its commercial operations. BBC worldwide is totally reliant on the ‘telly tax’.
For TV **excellence** that is (hidden) T-A-L-E-N-T in case we failed to notice, that they are all exceedingly well paid and in large part unemployable anywhere else in the UK, all 23,000 of them claiming to be journalists.
BBC pay 2020 – full list of salaries and highest-paid stars announced
Money means everything at the BBC.
Its hard to believe that The Beckhams pay more than half as much tax as the entire BBC media empire here in the UK.
You don’t pay tax on turnover
You pay it on commercial ventures PROFIT, minus what deductions you allowed to claim.
Only a small part of the BBC are commercial ventures.
Mr Wild said he walked away from Abedi, and approached Showsec steward Mohammed Agha, who was standing on the main floor of the foyer, below the mezzanine.
fox and hen house come to mind
I’m sure there are good ethnic Muslims in the intelligence services who have saved lives.
Here a Muslim security guard failed to head of a Muslim terrorist guy.