Jon and co STILL not heard about the Biden story despite actually being in the USA !!! Quite amazing.
Still time for anti Trump guff tho
In a sophisticated, 1st world country, this is horrifying. It is one thing to separate mothers from their children – and people will have their own views on that – but to do so without the necessary paperwork and bureaucratic measures so they later can be reunited is shameful
The Emperor Has Absolutely No Clothes Left: The pure denial of science and common sense regarding lockdowns, masking, social distancing and testing has exposed what is either mass corruption, complete incompetence or gun-to-their-head servitude on the part of politicians, media especially the BBC and the medical system.
A year ago people didn’t even know what a coronavirus was or how to spell totalitarianism. Now, lay people are delving into scientific studies, studying history and developing analytic abilities; as they try to separate truth from fiction in this information war. They are heeding evidence instead of experts-I certainly am.
The member of sage who has predicted many thousands of deaths and inferred that it is now inevitable is at the least guilty of the deliberate spreading of fear among the people. This will get headlines and really terrify the vulnerable. The mental state of millions is in this country is fragile. I see it daily. Today I have discussed the matter of a man who is threatening to kill himself . He might just do it, Anything could tip him over the edge. Isolation and fear are toxic,
There is a spirit of wickedness abroad now and it is in our ruling elites. We do not know what will happen and to terrify people who are unable to do anything about it is as low as it gets.
I had thought that we could manage this crisis and see some form of sense emerge. It is looking as if that is now unlikely.
Leadership is needed . it is not enough to say follow the science and the scientists. They can only advise. . A leader is responsible for the fate of a nation. He or she must have that focus 100% at all times. Above all the leader must have the trust of the people.
Johnson needs to go. He is not the man for the job. The greatest service he can now perform for his country is to understand this and go.
Totally agreed. “The pure denial of science….” and I would add, ‘and fact’. Just ponder: in (what was it?) 10 years we will be totally supported by Green energy. What planet?
“Southall: Two people killed in shop gas explosion”
“Earlier, the Metropolitan Police said one man was found injured. The blast is not being treated as suspicious, the force said.”
Perhaps ‘A flying gas main’?
A white (male) person is not allowed to challenge critical race theory nor the “decolonization” programme (which has been primarily led by white radical feminist academics) because they would be cancelled as mansplaining or whitesplaining (terms invented by white radical feminist academics).
It is more difficult to cancel black people when they don’t toe the “progressive” line but terms such as Uncle Toms and a term I have just forgotten (that describes somebody with a black skin but being white inside) are being used to discredit them by claiming they are either race-traiters and that their minds have been white colonized.
This is all happening in the universities, which contain a lot of educated middle class people with time on their hands.
The irony is that Kemi Badenoch, speaking sense (as she usually does), achieves far more for the goal of racial and gender equality in the UK, on her own, than 20, or 30 stupid sacks of lard weighing down the benches opposite, as a result of ‘positive discrimination’, ever will.
Amidst all the rap and crap that kids today listen to, its comforting to know that (according to the news), a boogie woogie pianist from my youth has now been discovered by a new generation of fans. Winifred Atwell no less ! such memories, Poor People of Paris, Black & White Rag etc etc. When having my piano lessons in the late 50’s she was a bit of an icon, along with Russ Conway (don’t groan).
Whoo hooo, my dear old thing. I remember Winnie Atwell from my childhood. Surprising that the Beeb should overlook her as she is BAME and a wimmin.
Could it be that she enjoyed fame a long time ago, seventy years (when the UK was horribly racist) and that she was loved by all peoples whatever their skin colour? That doesn’t really fit with the BBC + BLM narrative, does it?
I also enjoyed Russ Conway’s ‘drawing pins in the hammers’ style of piano. The Billy Cotton Band Show. Ooops! Probably shouldn’t mention that as a certain group of minstrels used to appear regularly as well as Russ Conway.
Russ Conway had one little finger shortened after an accident in his youth.
This amazing piece of news was gasped at by all budding pianists, and ‘Sidesaddle’ was never the same again!
While trashy squealing diversity-shrieking is allowed these days, where were the BBC when Billie Holiday sang ‘Strange fruit’, back in the late thirties?
Russ Conway had ‘a style’ and it was unmistakeable. It wasn’t classical concert hall but who cares? It was enjoyable to those who like a Beethoven piano sonata and Bach piano concerto as well as those who would like pop and rock music. It was ‘go’ey.
I have to say that a lot of young modern artistes are indistinguishable from their peers. And the work of some of those artistes seems to me to be like having your head banged against a wall.
Can we believe that? Have the Chinese released any daily figures now that autumn is here and winter is on the way? It can be really severe in northern China, too.
You have only got to look at the face of the leader of Chinese Communist Party-inscrutable-‘tell the world anything, they will believe it all’, he would claim, believe nothing that may come from the mouths of the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP right now are endeavouring to supress the rise of the now weathlier middle class, which they the CCP, see as undermining the very policies of CCP-will they survive?
Consider the power coming out of Beijing-even now during the Chinese made pandemic, USA politicians, mainly the Democrats are continuing the dangerous dance with Beijing. Just consider that 43 law-enforcement agencies operating in 22 USA states are enforcing social-distancing orders by using drones — donated by a Chinese company! Those drones maybe tranferring information back to China-forget not that China still honours Mao Tse-tung, history’s most prolific mass murderer (body count: approximately 60 million). The West must tread carefully with this lot, the party will do anything to keep in power.
Go live in China Tessa Dunlop you complete hypocrite.
Her Twitter account reveals her to be yet another peroxide blonde white feminist.
New book on @GCHQ#behindtheenigma@BBCr4today this morning. Claims its new thinking that @bletchleypark underperformed in 1st half of WWII. No. That is common knowledge. Great gains only made from ‘42 onwards, when it just so happened women out numbered men! ????#bletchleygirls
I m saddened that the investigation has been closed because it should face full public examination so that more people become aware of what is being done by the uk stazi .
Perhaps the review should be reviewed to see it it was proprtionate in seeing whether the investigation was proportionate …
Meanwhile – who cares about time and money and who made the first allegation …. and their accountability …
Peeved, but not surprised. Apologies its not the BBC, but the rest of the channels are getting as bad. I love Sky Arts, Portrait / Landscape Artist of the Year in particular. Just watched tonights edition. In my humble opinion, the worst artist was a black fella who’s offering just resembled a child’s scribble with a red and blue pen. His sitter was one of the drag artists in some sort of Race programme, so was clearly colourful. Some terrific paintings, but do you really need me to tell you who won ?? Travesty doesn’t begin to cover it.
WTF he quoted her tweet thatsaid Labour should exploit Covid
and she screamed out “scum”
FFS she’s bringing her council estate precinct to the House Of Commons
… what next ? she gonna start headbutting ?
Today’s attempts to suppress, regulate, and control free speech using political correctness and “hate speech” as a justification brings to mind Henry VIII’s Treason Act of 1534
I see that Channel 4 are to produce a play about Peter Sutcliffe, I wonder if the women of the night that he killed will all be BAME and will he in fact turn out to be a far right killer. The truth matters, doesn’t it?
Thank goodness the weather is on the turn as it seems to be the only factor slowing the rate of illegals into the country. Suggestions such as nets, the Navy, sharks and jellyfish have all failed to materialise.
Another migrant was apparently found dead on a beach in France a day ago, but very much kept out of national news by the Beeb. Probably an adult and therefore not newsworthy enough for the Beeb, who would otherwise scream endlessly about our unsympathetic and nasty attitudes towards those, particularly children, seeking a safe haven here, after thousands of miles of exhausting travel.
The Beeb does say ‘380 people have successfully (maybe medals should be given out with a Mars bar and a space blanket for those succeeding) made the crossing so far this month, compared to a record 1,951 in September’.
‘More than 7,294 people have crossed the English Channel in about 565 boats in 2020’. These are, of course, those located and just in boats, not hidden under lorries, in horse trailers, in roof boxes, disguised as car seats (true) etc
Perhaps in these rather unusual and trying times we should celebrate something we are obviously very good at. Maybe a ‘Migrant Month’ or ‘Sponsor a dingy day’.
I used to buy things like CDs from, which traded under a lower VAT regime than mainland UK.
I have now received an email telling me that they have re-launched as Club Rakuten.
Visiting their new website I observe two things:
1. they don’t recognise my email address, even though they emailed me!
2. Judging by the website illustrations they expect to exclusively serve people of colour.
The island of Jersey must have changed a lot from Bergerac days! Gerald Ratner must be coining it as a marketing consultant.
Not BBC but what a breath of fresh air it was on Peston to hear Andrea Jenkyns unashamedly standing up for the private sector against some usual politics-of-envy Labour loudmouth.
Also of note on the show BAME people are reluctant to take a CV vaccine. Only 28% would go for it straight away. Versus 40% plus for whities.
It is presumably all due to us white racists and nothing to do with BAME personal responsibility.
The member of sage who has predicted many thousands of deaths and inferred that it is now inevitable is at the least guilty of the deliberate spreading of fear among the people. This will get headlines and really terrify the vulnerable. The mental state of millions is in this country is fragile. I see it daily. Today I have discussed the matter of a man who is threatening to kill himself . He might just do it, Anything could tip him over the edge. Isolation and fear are toxic,
There is a spirit of wickedness abroad now and it is in our ruling elites. We do not know what will happen and to terrify people who are unable to do anything about it is as low as it gets.
I had thought that we could manage this crisis and see some form of sense emerge. It is looking as if that is now unlikely.
Leadership is needed . it is not enough to say follow the science and the scientists. They can only advise. . A leader is responsible for the fate of a nation. He or she must have that focus 100% at all times. Above all the leader must have the trust of the people.
Johnson needs to go. He is not the man for the job. The greatest service he can now perform for his country is to understand this and go.
Rather than engage in scaremongering, the members of SAGE should consider why they’ve got it so badly wrong in comparison with the likes of Singapore (28 deaths out of nearly 58,000 cases) and New Zealand. Moreover, they should also be looking at the use of other treatments, such as an Ivermectin, zinc and antibiotic cocktail, because what we’re doing now isn’t working.
In my opinion Van, which maybe not be worth much as I am not a medical scientist or virologist, nevertheless I consider that by imposing a lockdown of any kind, will only supress the virus for a while, but once the lockdwon is released, the virus’s will return. This virus Covid 19 & Sars Cov 2 will not go away for sometime, and therefore provided the vunerable and very elderly are taken care of by our social and health care, the remainder of the population must be left to get on with life and use as much common sense as possible, using all the earlier instructions. Covid 19 is the disease and Sars Cov 2, is the virus. Covid 19 is the dangerous one of the two, and it is on this issue that the Government continue to lump both together, in a way increase the number of cases-this then gives them the opportunity to enforce further lockdowns. Purpose? Far too many have allowed the moral, ethical and spiritual values that underpin the existence of a healthy society – to be undermined by intellectual laziness, material comforts and the prioritising of the virtual gadgets of ‘convenience’. That is what has opened the door for rule by dictatorship and that my friends is on its way.
Something weird has happened to the above comment, when I try to upvote it it sends me to the link. It suggests the link hasn’t been properly terminated and that the upvote is part of the link. If you place the cursor over the upvote sign the text “the dictator compulsion” changes colour (goes red).
Ps I am also having intermittent problems with this site which might have contributed to the above.
You are right, the closing ‘A’ tag is sitting beyond the ‘like’ box in the HTML.
Perhaps it is a consequence of pasting in directly a WordPress URL? (There are lots of ‘strong’ and ‘p’ tags within that ‘link’ too – not something that we usually do).
Across the pond, the mudslinging continues in the election campaign. Former US President Barack Obama used a Pennsylvania drive-in rally in support of Democratic nominee Joe Biden to attack Donald Trump’s handling of both the coronavirus pandemic and the economy. He likened the Republican to a “crazy uncle”, saying his actions “embolden other people to be cruel… divisive… and racist”. In North Carolina, Mr Trump mocked Mr Obama for being wrong about the 2016 election outcome. “The only one more unhappy than crooked Hillary that night was Barack Hussein Obama,” he said.
Getting folk to vote for Obama is not new for the bbc, but possibly counter productive.
I’m just worried about the number of enlightened individuals, who like their KFC raw, and how many of them will be ‘Up before the beak’, before too long!
Any BBC autocue-reader will have a feather in their cap if they cover that particular story!
If the BBC had an American President in perpetuity, he would look, and say stuff in the honeyed tones of the Glory that is Saint Obama of the Beachfront.
Another Dem pol with curiously vast amounts of money given career salary.
The ability to broaden or narrow indictments does technically allow for grand juries to open new avenues of investigation, although since it is dependent on prosecutors for facts, this is very rarely done. Rules of confidentiality that apply to Kentucky grand jurors are similar to those that apply to federal grand juries. [From Wikipedia]
So it would seem that in this case jurors can (but rarely do) ‘bring extra charges’. I suspect, as with our juries, they are required to keep their mouths shut outside the court.
Here here Doobster-My wife didn’t get any child benefit for our first born 1970-and a pittance later, however my wife is a dam cook cook and so with very little she could make a great meal-taught as they all were back then by their Mothers. The local greengrocer had large bowls full of veg of many different kinds, which could make wonderful nourishing soup for £1.00 enough to feed a number of children. Laziness has now taken over, and laziness is a spounger off the Government with support from the likes of the BBC that just don’t want people to use their common or to think away from what they encourage those to think and blindly action.
I think benefits should be inversely proportional to the size of your big screen HDTV telly and the trampolines that are proliferating around every single mums garden in this area
Not to mention the King-sized fags, road-kill take-aways, tattoos to join in with the mates, free legal advice on where the ‘father’ is now, about seven ear rings and nose studs, funny-coloured hair, a pram built like a BMW, a pushchair from the same garage, (more fags), three bikes, and an electric scooter ‘obtained online’ (care of Google Earth).
My Great Uncle had a small business in Guildford around the turn of the last century. He joined with a group of like-minded colleagues to distribute alms and food to the really badly-off.
On one occasion, he knocked on a door, where it was known that the people were hard up. When there was no answer, they walked round and looked in the windows at the back.
The whole family of two parents and several children were seen, kneeling around an empty table in prayer. He tapped on the window to ask if he could help, and when ushered in, he found that there wasn’t a single scrap of food in the house.
You can keep giving these too poor to eat narratives
.. but supermarket food is super cheap in this country
I’m on the market today
.. and I never get foodbank people showing up for left over food etc.
Today’s bargains are 25p for 400g packets of bourbons
35p for 600g of meatballs
… and they’ll be more later
It has long been the private contention of left-leaning supporters of the BBC that it was only fair if our national broadcaster bent the impartiality rules a little toward the left because our press was so outrageously pro-Tory.
Frankly, taking a daily survey of the national newspaper front pages it is somewhat hard to find much of this supposed conservative opinion reflected, whereas the promotion of leftism seems to go from strength to strength.
Today both the Guardian and the Times publish the exact same photo on their front pages. The story is the city of Sheffield having more covid restrictions imposed from this weekend. The duplicated picture is of an asian pedestrian woman, purposefully going about her business, in a mask, on her cell phone, passing an eye-catching advertising hording featuring the colourful image (almost Warhol-like pop-art in style) of a pouting young female in fashion sunglasses. This tells me both that our press are outsourcing their photojournalism to the same freelancers and have some identical editorial instincts about how they should portray contemporary Britain. I hardly need to read the text of their articals to guess how both Guardian and Times will express similiar mainstream views on the lockdown.
On a lighter note, author Jilly Cooper in the Daily Mail tells us: ‘It’s so hard for men to flirt now’
No such self-imposed restraint from BBC veteran Jenni Murray in the Mail who tells us: ‘Why I’m going topless on TV’
The tabloid Star today side-steps the taint of male chauvanism, playing it safe with the pet-friendly feature: ‘Vote for the best doggie pin-up’ – Ah-hum… moving swifty on…
I don’t like the look of yours will likely be the comment of many a white van man to his mate at tea break this morning as the image of Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard is splashed across the Star’s front page: ‘Yeah but no but’ – the reason is that panic buying has depleated clothing store shelves of track suit bottoms. Why bother to dress up for lockdown home working?
Buried at the bottom of the BBC’s list of newspaper front pages in the spot where the Star is usually tucked away we find the Express: ‘Finally, the penny drops! EU agrees to respect our sovereignty’ – were Brexit talks inevitably going to drag on and on, Boris breaking his own deadlines and the EU forcing it to go down to the eleventh hour? Is the Pope Catholic!
Well apparently not. The Pontiff I mean. The Telegraph announces: ‘Pope endorces same-sex unions for first time’
The election of a new Pope is a complex, esoteric and rather arcane affair – as it turns out is the appointment of a new BBC top dog. The Times reports: ‘Sunak’s former boss in line for BBC Chairmanship’ – 1978 was a year of three Popes, that’s three names put forward for the BBC already.
The Mirror is dismayed that the Government have been so mean as to reject footballer Marcus Rashford’s demand for more free food money for kids: ‘So Cruel’ is the headline on their front page broadside against Boris and the Tories.
Beneath which Tesco supermarket run an advert drawing our attention to some mouth watering and nurishing looking grub with generous discounts when purchased with their clubcard: ‘Discover the power to lower prices…’ Gosh, if only there were some solution to the crisis of our hungry children, some way parents could earn a living and feed their kids.
Asiseeit – I fear that the ‘talks’ on the EU will be frozen at a minute to midnight on 31 December…. we should be seeing rabid preparations to leave without a deal now
Down south with some friends so took an opportunity to watch a bit of Breakfast BBC. I had forgotten what a load of inane tripe it is…
however I see it hasn’t changed..piece about Poppy day – great, they talked to an old veteran.
Then who did they interview . 1. young black girl. 2. young white girl . 3. young white girl. The first girl was at least in the reserves and spoke intelligently unlike the other two.
But oh so representative of our armed forces..and the people who support Poppy day.
“Glad to be black”….hmmm, 24 billion spent otherwise….
(not to mention the BLM mob with lightened / straightened hair including our Megan)
skin bleaching is the process by which substances are used to reduce melanin concentration in the skin to lighten it. It’s an ancient process that can be traced back all the way to the 1500s and continues to be a thriving business, coming in the form of soaps, creams, pills, and injectables. Per a recent World Health Organization report (WHO), half of the population in Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines uses some kind of skin lightening treatment. And it’s even higher in India (60%) and African countries, such as Nigeria (77%). It’s also more common in the U.S. than many realize, with bleaching agents such as hydroquinone commonly used in products that treat discoloration and hyperpigmentation. By 2027, the skin whitening industry is projected to be worth over $24 billion
DT Pat McFadden: RT Jonathan Coe: The intelligence services never investigated the possibility of Russian interference, because there was no evidence for it…
Looking at the BBC website – now wash your hands – one feels the BBC had to cover the apology letter issued by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party – a girl called Angie Rayner .
Ms Rayner used the word ‘ scum ‘ as in ‘tory scum ‘ during some debate in their Commons .
Now let me get this right – a woman – MP – former applicant for Labour Leader
1 has that view
2 verbally expressed it
Now as a chap i thought one of the reasons used to justify more girls in politics was to ‘ increase quality and understanding ‘ – clearly not for Angie .
I mean – it wouldnt be so bad if these Labour bints were even a bit clever –
But look at them – i could do a list starting at D Abbot through to Jess Phillips – as thick as lard and about as useful … sad
Unlike bbc staff, I have no skin in this game, nor do I profess to have special insights on results based on history, polls, riots, protests, petitions and panel show conclusions, but it does still seem much depends on who votes what in a secret ballot.
Now, were I part of an ethnic majority continually served in your face insults and outright threats by a minority of fellows of color or press badge, I might err out of self interest, financially and physical familial security, silently for… not these lunatic creeps, or the forces seeking power they control.
Guest – they is a collective group amnesia about pre election polling on both sides of the Atlantic – where is the reporting on reliability – if the lefty BBC dream of a career corrupt politician getting into the White House – what will they say or do ?
I guess it will be more denial – allegations of ‘interference ‘ and ‘cheating …. they can hardly talk about money as I understand Democrat spending s far more than Republicans – but they’ll find an excuse .
No Deluded BBC journalist who is found to have been telling lies to the people who look at their stuff – will be fired …
Listened to the case for Scottish independence on Toady (about 4/5 voices for, 2 against) in a discussion on Toady R4 run by Sarah Smith. To my astonishment, she said at the end that tomorrow beeb would be presenting the case FOR independence! So, I had been listening to the case against!
Beeb at their dishonest, manipulative, “impartial” best.
I have long ago thought that beeb, through their constant high level of cover of everything Wee Crankie did and said, were trying to build her up into a sort of Prime Minister of an all but independent Scotland. This morning it sounded suspiciously like “impartial” beeb were also partial to another Scottish Referendum, regardless of what London said.
But, let us listen and watch beeb together closely on this one, to see whether we can detect a subtle pro second Referendum build-up from beeb over the coming months.
And, if we can gather enough evidence, let’s try to nail the b……s.
Why is the Government doing everything it can to increase reports of Covid? (I refuse to call them ‘cases’ – never in medical history have people not needing treatment or without symptoms been labelled as cases.) Some of these new ‘cases’ you hear about could already have been reported.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“Brexit: UK ‘ready to welcome EU’ to continue trade talks”
Why waste time we could have solved it all by going WTO months ago.
Is it Boris straining every sinew to avoid blame for discontinuing the, “negotiations”? (ha ha) or he’s about to cave in.
Suspect the latter.
Jon and co STILL not heard about the Biden story despite actually being in the USA !!! Quite amazing.
Still time for anti Trump guff tho
Wonder what sopel thinks about the woman who cut a baby out of an 8month pregnancy getting topped fairly soon …?
The only thing shameful is Jon Sopel and the BBC and the fact they are misappropriating the TV tax to line their pockets and to push out propaganda.
The Emperor Has Absolutely No Clothes Left: The pure denial of science and common sense regarding lockdowns, masking, social distancing and testing has exposed what is either mass corruption, complete incompetence or gun-to-their-head servitude on the part of politicians, media especially the BBC and the medical system.
A year ago people didn’t even know what a coronavirus was or how to spell totalitarianism. Now, lay people are delving into scientific studies, studying history and developing analytic abilities; as they try to separate truth from fiction in this information war. They are heeding evidence instead of experts-I certainly am.
The member of sage who has predicted many thousands of deaths and inferred that it is now inevitable is at the least guilty of the deliberate spreading of fear among the people. This will get headlines and really terrify the vulnerable. The mental state of millions is in this country is fragile. I see it daily. Today I have discussed the matter of a man who is threatening to kill himself . He might just do it, Anything could tip him over the edge. Isolation and fear are toxic,
There is a spirit of wickedness abroad now and it is in our ruling elites. We do not know what will happen and to terrify people who are unable to do anything about it is as low as it gets.
I had thought that we could manage this crisis and see some form of sense emerge. It is looking as if that is now unlikely.
Leadership is needed . it is not enough to say follow the science and the scientists. They can only advise. . A leader is responsible for the fate of a nation. He or she must have that focus 100% at all times. Above all the leader must have the trust of the people.
Johnson needs to go. He is not the man for the job. The greatest service he can now perform for his country is to understand this and go.
Totally agreed. “The pure denial of science….” and I would add, ‘and fact’. Just ponder: in (what was it?) 10 years we will be totally supported by Green energy. What planet?
tarien and g, and now the Pope has joined in – in denying science!
Funny, it wasn’t so long ago that the Pope was really keen on upholding what a claimed 97% or 98% of the world’s scientists had all agreed on.
“Southall: Two people killed in shop gas explosion”
“Earlier, the Metropolitan Police said one man was found injured. The blast is not being treated as suspicious, the force said.”
Perhaps ‘A flying gas main’?
“Penally: Two banned after ‘disturbance’ at asylum centre”
Is Al Beeb telling us all the story?
Angie reminding us and the country of the true nature and hate of the Corbyn Left . Shame the Deputy Speaker is so soft …,
I’m no snob, but it can’t just be me who feels Ange’s natural place is behind a bar somewhere, rather than in the HOC.
It’s not she’s a woman, or where she comes from, it’s her complete lack of tact and… brains, really. Can you imagine her as PM?!
Wow – that was a great 9 minutes – please make time to watch . I bet Corbyn ran off to his trophy girlfriend for a sob afterward…
A star in the making me thinks
A white (male) person is not allowed to challenge critical race theory nor the “decolonization” programme (which has been primarily led by white radical feminist academics) because they would be cancelled as mansplaining or whitesplaining (terms invented by white radical feminist academics).
It is more difficult to cancel black people when they don’t toe the “progressive” line but terms such as Uncle Toms and a term I have just forgotten (that describes somebody with a black skin but being white inside) are being used to discredit them by claiming they are either race-traiters and that their minds have been white colonized.
This is all happening in the universities, which contain a lot of educated middle class people with time on their hands.
The irony is that Kemi Badenoch, speaking sense (as she usually does), achieves far more for the goal of racial and gender equality in the UK, on her own, than 20, or 30 stupid sacks of lard weighing down the benches opposite, as a result of ‘positive discrimination’, ever will.
Amidst all the rap and crap that kids today listen to, its comforting to know that (according to the news), a boogie woogie pianist from my youth has now been discovered by a new generation of fans. Winifred Atwell no less ! such memories, Poor People of Paris, Black & White Rag etc etc. When having my piano lessons in the late 50’s she was a bit of an icon, along with Russ Conway (don’t groan).
Whoo hooo, my dear old thing. I remember Winnie Atwell from my childhood. Surprising that the Beeb should overlook her as she is BAME and a wimmin.
Could it be that she enjoyed fame a long time ago, seventy years (when the UK was horribly racist) and that she was loved by all peoples whatever their skin colour? That doesn’t really fit with the BBC + BLM narrative, does it?
I also enjoyed Russ Conway’s ‘drawing pins in the hammers’ style of piano. The Billy Cotton Band Show. Ooops! Probably shouldn’t mention that as a certain group of minstrels used to appear regularly as well as Russ Conway.
Russ Conway had one little finger shortened after an accident in his youth.
This amazing piece of news was gasped at by all budding pianists, and ‘Sidesaddle’ was never the same again!
While trashy squealing diversity-shrieking is allowed these days, where were the BBC when Billie Holiday sang ‘Strange fruit’, back in the late thirties?
Bet they ignored it.
Russ Conway had ‘a style’ and it was unmistakeable. It wasn’t classical concert hall but who cares? It was enjoyable to those who like a Beethoven piano sonata and Bach piano concerto as well as those who would like pop and rock music. It was ‘go’ey.
I have to say that a lot of young modern artistes are indistinguishable from their peers. And the work of some of those artistes seems to me to be like having your head banged against a wall.
BBC presenter
Can we believe that? Have the Chinese released any daily figures now that autumn is here and winter is on the way? It can be really severe in northern China, too.
You have only got to look at the face of the leader of Chinese Communist Party-inscrutable-‘tell the world anything, they will believe it all’, he would claim, believe nothing that may come from the mouths of the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP right now are endeavouring to supress the rise of the now weathlier middle class, which they the CCP, see as undermining the very policies of CCP-will they survive?
Consider the power coming out of Beijing-even now during the Chinese made pandemic, USA politicians, mainly the Democrats are continuing the dangerous dance with Beijing. Just consider that 43 law-enforcement agencies operating in 22 USA states are enforcing social-distancing orders by using drones — donated by a Chinese company! Those drones maybe tranferring information back to China-forget not that China still honours Mao Tse-tung, history’s most prolific mass murderer (body count: approximately 60 million). The West must tread carefully with this lot, the party will do anything to keep in power.
Agree tarien. One sign to watch for: when the CCP really sign up wholeheartedly to the Anthropogenic Global Warming and Climate Change thing.
Go live in China Tessa Dunlop you complete hypocrite.
Her Twitter account reveals her to be yet another peroxide blonde white feminist.
Someone should send her a copy of Hugh Sebag-Montefiore’s excellent book on Enigma.
Second thoughts: best make that the colouring-in version…
The women didn’t know what they were doing or why they were doing it.
Nothing much has changed.
Look – didnt i caution about putting up tweets by loons on this site a while ago ?
But there is an upside – that one made me laugh out loud – which is unusual for anthong relating to the BBC .
I dont know who ms Donlop is but her hatred for 50% of humanity is very BBC … apart from the coloured ones – of course .
Got to go look this loon kidult up now…
incredible. I expect she prefers China. You cannot begin to reason with these people
Off you go!
Wrong sort of journo …
I m saddened that the investigation has been closed because it should face full public examination so that more people become aware of what is being done by the uk stazi .
Perhaps the review should be reviewed to see it it was proprtionate in seeing whether the investigation was proportionate …
Meanwhile – who cares about time and money and who made the first allegation …. and their accountability …
Hiding behind the NYT, just in case.
BBC News
Donald Trump has a Chinese bank account and spent years pursuing business projects in the country, the New York Times has reported.
Peeved, but not surprised. Apologies its not the BBC, but the rest of the channels are getting as bad. I love Sky Arts, Portrait / Landscape Artist of the Year in particular. Just watched tonights edition. In my humble opinion, the worst artist was a black fella who’s offering just resembled a child’s scribble with a red and blue pen. His sitter was one of the drag artists in some sort of Race programme, so was clearly colourful. Some terrific paintings, but do you really need me to tell you who won ?? Travesty doesn’t begin to cover it.
WTF he quoted her tweet thatsaid Labour should exploit Covid
and she screamed out “scum”
FFS she’s bringing her council estate precinct to the House Of Commons
… what next ? she gonna start headbutting ?
BBC has posted a new more straight forward accurate article
Labour’s deputy leader has apologised after using the word “scum” during a debate over coronavirus restrictions.
Angela Rayner made the comment in the Commons on Wednesday during a speech by Tory MP Chris Clarkson.
Not the bbbc …
Today’s attempts to suppress, regulate, and control free speech using political correctness and “hate speech” as a justification brings to mind Henry VIII’s Treason Act of 1534
I see that Channel 4 are to produce a play about Peter Sutcliffe, I wonder if the women of the night that he killed will all be BAME and will he in fact turn out to be a far right killer. The truth matters, doesn’t it?
Thank goodness the weather is on the turn as it seems to be the only factor slowing the rate of illegals into the country. Suggestions such as nets, the Navy, sharks and jellyfish have all failed to materialise.
Another migrant was apparently found dead on a beach in France a day ago, but very much kept out of national news by the Beeb. Probably an adult and therefore not newsworthy enough for the Beeb, who would otherwise scream endlessly about our unsympathetic and nasty attitudes towards those, particularly children, seeking a safe haven here, after thousands of miles of exhausting travel.
The Beeb does say ‘380 people have successfully (maybe medals should be given out with a Mars bar and a space blanket for those succeeding) made the crossing so far this month, compared to a record 1,951 in September’.
‘More than 7,294 people have crossed the English Channel in about 565 boats in 2020’. These are, of course, those located and just in boats, not hidden under lorries, in horse trailers, in roof boxes, disguised as car seats (true) etc
Perhaps in these rather unusual and trying times we should celebrate something we are obviously very good at. Maybe a ‘Migrant Month’ or ‘Sponsor a dingy day’.
Can we assume that drug and arms runners enjoy the same easy access to the UK?
I used to buy things like CDs from, which traded under a lower VAT regime than mainland UK.
I have now received an email telling me that they have re-launched as Club Rakuten.
Visiting their new website I observe two things:
1. they don’t recognise my email address, even though they emailed me!
2. Judging by the website illustrations they expect to exclusively serve people of colour.
The island of Jersey must have changed a lot from Bergerac days! Gerald Ratner must be coining it as a marketing consultant.
Nice to see that Mette has a new job after dropping out of The Bridge (BBC 4) now that ‘husband’ Martin is in jail!
Geoffrey Boycott : the BBC chose ‘equality over quality’
.. The Mail has copied yesterday’s Telegraph article
Good news: “BBC faces fresh calls for defunding after sending ‘despicable’ letters to elderly viewers”
Charlie Hebdo cartoons, including one of Mohammed, projected onto Montpellier government building.
Good for them. Waiting for the bBC to report.
I cannot find anything about it at the moment on Al Beeb ?
Every newspaper in the country should have done it after Paris – but they are scared to cause ‘offence ‘ to the evil sect of Islam … very sad …
Not BBC but what a breath of fresh air it was on Peston to hear Andrea Jenkyns unashamedly standing up for the private sector against some usual politics-of-envy Labour loudmouth.
Also of note on the show BAME people are reluctant to take a CV vaccine. Only 28% would go for it straight away. Versus 40% plus for whities.
It is presumably all due to us white racists and nothing to do with BAME personal responsibility.
Maybe they simply do not trust it. Nobody I know does.. Anyone with children especially.
He’s simply not bothering to hide the bias any more.
Yet still can’t mention THAT laptop.
The member of sage who has predicted many thousands of deaths and inferred that it is now inevitable is at the least guilty of the deliberate spreading of fear among the people. This will get headlines and really terrify the vulnerable. The mental state of millions is in this country is fragile. I see it daily. Today I have discussed the matter of a man who is threatening to kill himself . He might just do it, Anything could tip him over the edge. Isolation and fear are toxic,
There is a spirit of wickedness abroad now and it is in our ruling elites. We do not know what will happen and to terrify people who are unable to do anything about it is as low as it gets.
I had thought that we could manage this crisis and see some form of sense emerge. It is looking as if that is now unlikely.
Leadership is needed . it is not enough to say follow the science and the scientists. They can only advise. . A leader is responsible for the fate of a nation. He or she must have that focus 100% at all times. Above all the leader must have the trust of the people.
Johnson needs to go. He is not the man for the job. The greatest service he can now perform for his country is to understand this and go.
Rather than engage in scaremongering, the members of SAGE should consider why they’ve got it so badly wrong in comparison with the likes of Singapore (28 deaths out of nearly 58,000 cases) and New Zealand. Moreover, they should also be looking at the use of other treatments, such as an Ivermectin, zinc and antibiotic cocktail, because what we’re doing now isn’t working.
In my opinion Van, which maybe not be worth much as I am not a medical scientist or virologist, nevertheless I consider that by imposing a lockdown of any kind, will only supress the virus for a while, but once the lockdwon is released, the virus’s will return. This virus Covid 19 & Sars Cov 2 will not go away for sometime, and therefore provided the vunerable and very elderly are taken care of by our social and health care, the remainder of the population must be left to get on with life and use as much common sense as possible, using all the earlier instructions. Covid 19 is the disease and Sars Cov 2, is the virus. Covid 19 is the dangerous one of the two, and it is on this issue that the Government continue to lump both together, in a way increase the number of cases-this then gives them the opportunity to enforce further lockdowns. Purpose? Far too many have allowed the moral, ethical and spiritual values that underpin the existence of a healthy society – to be undermined by intellectual laziness, material comforts and the prioritising of the virtual gadgets of ‘convenience’. That is what has opened the door for rule by dictatorship and that my friends is on its way.
Let us spare a thought for Prince Harry, who is ‘incredibly unhappy’ according to a biographer, and ‘hooked to a political activist’.
It would be cruel to say we told you so.
We told you so.
I’ve just spared a thought, Vlad.
It took three nano-seconds.
All credibility had fled. The feared attack dog of the liberal elite had become a toothless cur stuck in a compulsive obsessive loop of chasing its own tail while being totally ignored by the ordinary person.
the dictator compulsion
Something weird has happened to the above comment, when I try to upvote it it sends me to the link. It suggests the link hasn’t been properly terminated and that the upvote is part of the link. If you place the cursor over the upvote sign the text “the dictator compulsion” changes colour (goes red).
Ps I am also having intermittent problems with this site which might have contributed to the above.
You are right, the closing ‘A’ tag is sitting beyond the ‘like’ box in the HTML.
Perhaps it is a consequence of pasting in directly a WordPress URL? (There are lots of ‘strong’ and ‘p’ tags within that ‘link’ too – not something that we usually do).
All credibility had fled. The feared attack dog of the liberal elite had become a toothless cur stuck in a compulsive obsessive loop of chasing its own tail while being totally ignored by the ordinary person.
the dictator compulsion
And it is a lady dog, dipped in peroxide.
Highlighting how bad their man is seems… ‘brave’.
BBC Moaning Emole
Trump and Obama lock horns
Across the pond, the mudslinging continues in the election campaign. Former US President Barack Obama used a Pennsylvania drive-in rally in support of Democratic nominee Joe Biden to attack Donald Trump’s handling of both the coronavirus pandemic and the economy. He likened the Republican to a “crazy uncle”, saying his actions “embolden other people to be cruel… divisive… and racist”. In North Carolina, Mr Trump mocked Mr Obama for being wrong about the 2016 election outcome. “The only one more unhappy than crooked Hillary that night was Barack Hussein Obama,” he said.
Getting folk to vote for Obama is not new for the bbc, but possibly counter productive.
In a trend the BBC home page taking another step towards breaking the idea of being “normal”…
Folks we now have another word to remember “Aces”…
I’m surprised they didn’t try to put a positive spin on the chap with the chicken thingy…
I’m just worried about the number of enlightened individuals, who like their KFC raw, and how many of them will be ‘Up before the beak’, before too long!
Any BBC autocue-reader will have a feather in their cap if they cover that particular story!
(Drumsticks roll)…
Another favourable “report” by the most trusted
Trump’s impact on immigration – in seven charts
Anyone would think the bBC didn’t want President Trump voted in again??
Role on the US election and welcome President Trump being voted back in
Overheard at a Bradford bus stop recently:
“I’ve just been struck off for having sex with a patient…
10 years training down the bleeding drain !
That British Vetinary Council are bastards
The old jokes are the best
the copyright on that one ran out decades ago.
BBC News
Intelligence officials say Iran was behind threatening emails sent to Democrats earlier this week.
Jon has opted for classic BBC ‘analysis’.
I suppose it’s too much to hope that he is deemed to be the security issue?
If the BBC had an American President in perpetuity, he would look, and say stuff in the honeyed tones of the Glory that is Saint Obama of the Beachfront.
Another Dem pol with curiously vast amounts of money given career salary.
Who also said a lot, but achieved….?
BBC News setting up the Barry stirring speech.
A Kentucky grand juror said the panel was not given the opportunity to bring homicide charges against police in the killing of Breonna Taylor.
Was that ever a legal option? And since when do jurors go in seeking such things?
Kentucky Grand Juries:
The ability to broaden or narrow indictments does technically allow for grand juries to open new avenues of investigation, although since it is dependent on prosecutors for facts, this is very rarely done. Rules of confidentiality that apply to Kentucky grand jurors are similar to those that apply to federal grand juries. [From Wikipedia]
So it would seem that in this case jurors can (but rarely do) ‘bring extra charges’. I suspect, as with our juries, they are required to keep their mouths shut outside the court.
BBC American BS tipped US media on productive ‘story’ lines?
Is AOC going to pull a fick Ange or Jess pose too?
Speaking of poses, that one seems a bit chipper.
But you get CHILD BENEFIT !!!. And, its only the school holidays, if you cant manage that, then quite frankly, your parenting skills are crap !!!!
Not the Governments job to look after your kids.
I agree. This is a truly hideous article.
Here here Doobster-My wife didn’t get any child benefit for our first born 1970-and a pittance later, however my wife is a dam cook cook and so with very little she could make a great meal-taught as they all were back then by their Mothers. The local greengrocer had large bowls full of veg of many different kinds, which could make wonderful nourishing soup for £1.00 enough to feed a number of children. Laziness has now taken over, and laziness is a spounger off the Government with support from the likes of the BBC that just don’t want people to use their common or to think away from what they encourage those to think and blindly action.
I think benefits should be inversely proportional to the size of your big screen HDTV telly and the trampolines that are proliferating around every single mums garden in this area
Not to mention the King-sized fags, road-kill take-aways, tattoos to join in with the mates, free legal advice on where the ‘father’ is now, about seven ear rings and nose studs, funny-coloured hair, a pram built like a BMW, a pushchair from the same garage, (more fags), three bikes, and an electric scooter ‘obtained online’ (care of Google Earth).
My Great Uncle had a small business in Guildford around the turn of the last century. He joined with a group of like-minded colleagues to distribute alms and food to the really badly-off.
On one occasion, he knocked on a door, where it was known that the people were hard up. When there was no answer, they walked round and looked in the windows at the back.
The whole family of two parents and several children were seen, kneeling around an empty table in prayer. He tapped on the window to ask if he could help, and when ushered in, he found that there wasn’t a single scrap of food in the house.
That’s poverty.
You can keep giving these too poor to eat narratives
.. but supermarket food is super cheap in this country
I’m on the market today
.. and I never get foodbank people showing up for left over food etc.
Today’s bargains are 25p for 400g packets of bourbons
35p for 600g of meatballs
… and they’ll be more later
It has long been the private contention of left-leaning supporters of the BBC that it was only fair if our national broadcaster bent the impartiality rules a little toward the left because our press was so outrageously pro-Tory.
Frankly, taking a daily survey of the national newspaper front pages it is somewhat hard to find much of this supposed conservative opinion reflected, whereas the promotion of leftism seems to go from strength to strength.
Today both the Guardian and the Times publish the exact same photo on their front pages. The story is the city of Sheffield having more covid restrictions imposed from this weekend. The duplicated picture is of an asian pedestrian woman, purposefully going about her business, in a mask, on her cell phone, passing an eye-catching advertising hording featuring the colourful image (almost Warhol-like pop-art in style) of a pouting young female in fashion sunglasses. This tells me both that our press are outsourcing their photojournalism to the same freelancers and have some identical editorial instincts about how they should portray contemporary Britain. I hardly need to read the text of their articals to guess how both Guardian and Times will express similiar mainstream views on the lockdown.
On a lighter note, author Jilly Cooper in the Daily Mail tells us: ‘It’s so hard for men to flirt now’
No such self-imposed restraint from BBC veteran Jenni Murray in the Mail who tells us: ‘Why I’m going topless on TV’
The tabloid Star today side-steps the taint of male chauvanism, playing it safe with the pet-friendly feature: ‘Vote for the best doggie pin-up’ – Ah-hum… moving swifty on…
I don’t like the look of yours will likely be the comment of many a white van man to his mate at tea break this morning as the image of Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard is splashed across the Star’s front page: ‘Yeah but no but’ – the reason is that panic buying has depleated clothing store shelves of track suit bottoms. Why bother to dress up for lockdown home working?
Buried at the bottom of the BBC’s list of newspaper front pages in the spot where the Star is usually tucked away we find the Express: ‘Finally, the penny drops! EU agrees to respect our sovereignty’ – were Brexit talks inevitably going to drag on and on, Boris breaking his own deadlines and the EU forcing it to go down to the eleventh hour? Is the Pope Catholic!
Well apparently not. The Pontiff I mean. The Telegraph announces: ‘Pope endorces same-sex unions for first time’
The election of a new Pope is a complex, esoteric and rather arcane affair – as it turns out is the appointment of a new BBC top dog. The Times reports: ‘Sunak’s former boss in line for BBC Chairmanship’ – 1978 was a year of three Popes, that’s three names put forward for the BBC already.
The Mirror is dismayed that the Government have been so mean as to reject footballer Marcus Rashford’s demand for more free food money for kids: ‘So Cruel’ is the headline on their front page broadside against Boris and the Tories.
Beneath which Tesco supermarket run an advert drawing our attention to some mouth watering and nurishing looking grub with generous discounts when purchased with their clubcard: ‘Discover the power to lower prices…’ Gosh, if only there were some solution to the crisis of our hungry children, some way parents could earn a living and feed their kids.
Asiseeit – I fear that the ‘talks’ on the EU will be frozen at a minute to midnight on 31 December…. we should be seeing rabid preparations to leave without a deal now
Hi Fed
Government is probably making plans already, i doubt the beeb would mention it, this would sound organised and people would get the “wrong impression”
Down south with some friends so took an opportunity to watch a bit of Breakfast BBC. I had forgotten what a load of inane tripe it is…
however I see it hasn’t changed..piece about Poppy day – great, they talked to an old veteran.
Then who did they interview . 1. young black girl. 2. young white girl . 3. young white girl. The first girl was at least in the reserves and spoke intelligently unlike the other two.
But oh so representative of our armed forces..and the people who support Poppy day.
Can’t wait for D-day…….Defund day
Jez Vine and YAB flown over yet to ‘debate’ this on Nish’s hit US show?
Bob pops head over parapet.
Hope he had the suit on.
“Glad to be black”….hmmm, 24 billion spent otherwise….
(not to mention the BLM mob with lightened / straightened hair including our Megan)
skin bleaching is the process by which substances are used to reduce melanin concentration in the skin to lighten it. It’s an ancient process that can be traced back all the way to the 1500s and continues to be a thriving business, coming in the form of soaps, creams, pills, and injectables. Per a recent World Health Organization report (WHO), half of the population in Korea, Malaysia, and the Philippines uses some kind of skin lightening treatment. And it’s even higher in India (60%) and African countries, such as Nigeria (77%). It’s also more common in the U.S. than many realize, with bleaching agents such as hydroquinone commonly used in products that treat discoloration and hyperpigmentation. By 2027, the skin whitening industry is projected to be worth over $24 billion
Memory hole… pit… portal to another dimension…
Looking at the BBC website – now wash your hands – one feels the BBC had to cover the apology letter issued by the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party – a girl called Angie Rayner .
Ms Rayner used the word ‘ scum ‘ as in ‘tory scum ‘ during some debate in their Commons .
Now let me get this right – a woman – MP – former applicant for Labour Leader
1 has that view
2 verbally expressed it
Now as a chap i thought one of the reasons used to justify more girls in politics was to ‘ increase quality and understanding ‘ – clearly not for Angie .
I mean – it wouldnt be so bad if these Labour bints were even a bit clever –
But look at them – i could do a list starting at D Abbot through to Jess Phillips – as thick as lard and about as useful … sad
……..But just think of the dimwits who vote for them…………
Lurch has his fingers, toes and integrity crossed…
Unlike bbc staff, I have no skin in this game, nor do I profess to have special insights on results based on history, polls, riots, protests, petitions and panel show conclusions, but it does still seem much depends on who votes what in a secret ballot.
Now, were I part of an ethnic majority continually served in your face insults and outright threats by a minority of fellows of color or press badge, I might err out of self interest, financially and physical familial security, silently for… not these lunatic creeps, or the forces seeking power they control.
But that’s just me.
Guest – they is a collective group amnesia about pre election polling on both sides of the Atlantic – where is the reporting on reliability – if the lefty BBC dream of a career corrupt politician getting into the White House – what will they say or do ?
I guess it will be more denial – allegations of ‘interference ‘ and ‘cheating …. they can hardly talk about money as I understand Democrat spending s far more than Republicans – but they’ll find an excuse .
No Deluded BBC journalist who is found to have been telling lies to the people who look at their stuff – will be fired …
David Clews from Unity News Network suggests the whole thing was staged.
See show #384 on You Tube, about five minutes into the programme.
Listened to the case for Scottish independence on Toady (about 4/5 voices for, 2 against) in a discussion on Toady R4 run by Sarah Smith. To my astonishment, she said at the end that tomorrow beeb would be presenting the case FOR independence! So, I had been listening to the case against!
Beeb at their dishonest, manipulative, “impartial” best.
I have long ago thought that beeb, through their constant high level of cover of everything Wee Crankie did and said, were trying to build her up into a sort of Prime Minister of an all but independent Scotland. This morning it sounded suspiciously like “impartial” beeb were also partial to another Scottish Referendum, regardless of what London said.
But, let us listen and watch beeb together closely on this one, to see whether we can detect a subtle pro second Referendum build-up from beeb over the coming months.
And, if we can gather enough evidence, let’s try to nail the b……s.
The only person our, “Most Trusted Broadcaster” holds any respect for is, is, is KM.
Karl Marx.
Why is the Government doing everything it can to increase reports of Covid? (I refuse to call them ‘cases’ – never in medical history have people not needing treatment or without symptoms been labelled as cases.) Some of these new ‘cases’ you hear about could already have been reported.
(The date should actually read 15th October.)
What’s the agenda? And why is the BBC so utterly unquestioning?