444 Responses to Midweek Thread 21 October 2020

  1. taffman says:

    “Supermarkets told sell only essentials in Wales lockdown”
    Why ?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Maybe Welsh Government doesn’t want people drinking themselves silly and then breaking the lockdown rules?


  2. StewGreen says:

    Labour has sent out its Twitter human bot army
    to get “All Lives Matter” trending

    It’s funny the “All Lives Matter” and “We can’t help refugees because we need to look after our own Flag of United Kingdom” crew are quiet when it comes to feeding poor British kids.
    It’s almost as though they didn’t mean it and are just massive *racists*

    some even use the words “starving kids”

    What is it ?
    It’s MISPRESENTATION trickery
    No one is saying “don’t feed starving kids”
    nor “don’t feed poor kids”
    They are saying benefit money is already there to feed kids,
    not for funding tattoos, scratchcards and cigarettes”
    ..handing out free kids food is merely a big top up on benefits
    .. the government can’t spend the same money twice
    so money for these extra handouts may well come from taking nurses off granny’s hospital ward.

    Using kids for emotional blackmail, to score POLITICAL points is a low trick.

    Using terms like “starving children is ridiculous, there are no starving children here in Britain
    .. so the claim is an insult to those kids in pockets of Africa and war zone countries really starved RIP.


  3. StewGreen says:

    The ever so woke Times TV guide “film recommendations” tells me we should be watching Hidden Figures
    ” celebrates three African-American women who were Nasa mathematicians during the space race”

    BBC Four in the John Wayne film the story is the Indians are the dishonourable baddies
    Not all those old films had stories where the Indians were the baddies
    .. but I bet that films where they were wouldn’t be allowed to be made today.

    But John Wayne is friends with the old chief
    and comes up with a plan to avoid war, by scaring the Indians’ horses away so the young rebels abandon the fight.


    • Solomon Grundy says:

      I have to disagree about the film “Hidden Figures”. Yes it promotes black women, but it’s a positive and uplifting film about the space race and unsung black contributors. If we have to have a “Black History Month” let’s make it about true achievements.

      It reminds me of Dava Sobel’s book “The Glass Universe” where the astronomical research achievements of (white) women get reintroduced to history. New perspectives ain’t all bad.


  4. G.W.F. says:

    Each night are reports of hardships of the hospitality industry with close ups of bars and beer being served. Has anyone else thought that the BBC might have a studio pub complete with actors posing as hospitality workers appealing for help from boris.


  5. Fred Stubber says:

    Another problem with Chinese women is revealed when they slide down a banister. They make a farting noise.



  6. StewGreen says:

    SNP are going to pretend to tell their supporters to boycott the BBC
    .. bet they won’t actually do it properly.


  7. StewGreen says:

    Parody lives


    • Eddy Booth says:

      I’d love to see a breakdown of one of these families finances, that typically leaves them with only 13 pence for the weeks food shop.


      • JamesArthur says:

        Exactly Eddy
        They all have the new phones and ipads….and most of those complaining “I don’t eat so I can feed my children” are somewhat on the tubby side…
        What they all really mean is – I can’t be bothered to go to the supermarket buy some vegetables and meat and cook it…. chicken is really cheep 🙂 nah those bloody pizza deliveries have bankrupted them…


        • Guest Who says:

          Maybe Marcus Rashford needs to haul Le Gateau Chocolat around in an electric Hummer to cheer them up?

          Guessing a KFC Bargin Skip is more their speed.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Yes James, I have yet to see in the media a mother who really looks as though she’s starving herself , most look obese. Just think of how women looked during the War years when rationing was on, they managed to feed the family on next to nothing, so I have little sympathy for ‘child poverty’ these days.


        • richard D says:

          James Arthur (and others)….agreed.

          Latest i-phone(s)
          Huge monthly phone package(s)
          Latest Tablet(s)
          Sky TV
          Pets (mainly big dogs)
          Unbelievable Christmas toy expenditures
          ….. etc. etc.

          …. and somewhere far down the pecking order…. feeding the kids – mainly junk food (“..cos that’s wot they like, innit ?”)

          Now, correct me if I am wrong, but free school meals during the holidays has never been a nationwide provision before. All of the benefits systems, including Child Benefits, have previously been evaluated to include funding for feeding kids during school holidays – but suddenly, this has become a separate issue, and needs more funding. What a wheeze – decide that some ‘necessary expenditure’ is not specifically or widely defined as being part of a generic benefit – and start demanding funding for these ‘necessary expenditures’.

          How long before the most expensive mobile package becomes an ‘absolute necessity’, without which people can be judged as being in absolute poverty, and then it can be demanded as a free addition to existing benefits ?

          Instead of trying to shame politicians for kids going hungry – it’s time we started looking at what benefits are really being spent on, and what is, and what isn’t, an absolute necessity, and shaming parents who, after all, brought these kids into the world, many of them knowing full well they would never have to contribute a single penny to their upbringing.


  8. Eddy Booth says:

    Camper-van conversion: ‘We sold all our possessions to go live in a van’

    The latest in the genre of ‘escape porn’, with the BBC celebrating their woke looking middle class peers about to escape the boring, overcrowded, multicultural, hideously expensive to rent, over policed mess they themselves created (but never admit).
    Last week it was buying barges, this week vans.
    A bleached teethed couple heading to France
    “to go live in a van”
    What happened to the and? – does the BBC have to use American English..


  9. taffman says:

    “Covid: NHS Test and Trace needs to improve, PM concedes”
    “Concedes”. Urm yes .
    Is he backtracking now, will there be more?
    Any Tory voters or supporters here ?


  10. vlad says:

    Piers Morgan gets mixed reviews on this site but he has just shot up in my estimation:

    PIERS Morgan blasted “media silence and hypocrisy” for “suppressing” the Hunter Biden email scandal – and said “imagine if the story was about Donald Trump Jr.”

    Radio silence on the corrupt BBC, naturally.




  11. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    Tim Davie the new director general of the BBC says there are too many able bodied white men being employed by the BBC and the media in general and this must be addressed. To quote the BBC:

    BBC expands representation drive for expert contributors: The BBC is to expand a project aimed at getting more female contributors on air to encompass race and disability.

    The 50:50 Project launched in 2017 in an attempt to make sure half of experts and other contributors were women.

    It is now used by outlets ranging from The One Show to the BBC News Channel, Countryfile, Newsbeat and Radio 5 Live.

    Now, the broadcaster has set a target for 20% of contributors to be black, Asian or from other minority ethnic backgrounds, and 12% to be disabled.

    The BBC is also calling on other parts of the media to adopt the project, initially focusing on achieving a gender balance.

    Director general Tim Davie said he was seeking “as wide a possible group of partners” to gather and publish data about the gender of their contributors next March.

    It is an imposed quota system rather than a merit system. Tim Davie is full on woke.


    • Darcy3 says:

      Always a good idea as demonstrated by local authorities and supermarkets, car parks full up except for hundreds of empty disabled spaces

      millions and millions spent on disabled lifts and ramps in every council development paid for by council taxpayer regardless of who uses the facilities

      and droves of incompetent blacks in local authorites who will never be sacked for incompetency ( “that person will lie to you and that one will shout at you if you ask them for anything” I was informed by a manager, and it turned out to be true)

      An all day curry and garlic bread picnic as they wandered in from 9.30 onwards loaded with tupperware boxes and congregated next to the microwave and toaster, not their desks, with all the others (white wimmin) eating cereal

      customer service phones ringing away in the background

      diversity in action


      • Deborah says:


        many many years ago I worked in Whitehall. There were several staff known for their laziness. I will just say they shared a common ethnicity and even then, they all knew – and so did the rest of us – that they would never be reprimanded.


  12. vlad says:

    At time of writing, if you Google search “US debate”, the top 3 results are: BBC, Guardian, Independent.

    Interesting algorithm you’ve got there Google, especially considering the tiny readership of the last 2.

    Big Tech is blatantly biased.


    • Guest Who says:

      Surprised Mr. Cattle isn’t in there. With his edit. That even Trumpophobes can see through.

      No wonder the bbc liked him.


    • Deborah says:

      If I search on YouTube for commentators of US politics such as Bill O’Reily, Tucker or Hannity, they often they do not appear and even if they do, it shows pieces from several months or years ago and recent posts don’t appear without being a lot more specific.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Try “US Debate anti-trump censorship”

      I get round the biased algorithms by entering four words that are censored by the BBC and the Guardian, such as “Christopher Booker Triple Betrayal” and “Nikolov Zeller Venus Mars”.

      So think of words censored by the BBC.


  13. vlad says:

    Update to above comment: now the top 3 results on Google are: BBC, New York Times, Guardian.

    All liberal-left.

    Bias? What bias?


    • StewGreen says:

      @Vlad First I get a box marked Top stories
      .. it lists 3 stories from Canada’s Global News

      Then I got a box marked Video, it begins with
      .. US Debate 2020: Biden’s ’embraces thugs’ jibe at Trump over … Hindustan Times

      .. US debate topic changed likely because ‘Biden doesn’t want …
      YouTube ¡ Sky News Australia

      Then actual list
      .. bbc …bbc …Guardian …Independent


  14. Darcy3 says:

    Lost for words, for a change

    black, of course and 20 stone:

    The drag artist who was handed ÂŁ215,000 by the coronavirus culture fund: Arts Council England gives huge grant to performer who goes by the name Le Gateau Chocolat

    Arts Council England are distributing ÂŁ500 million to cash-strapped venues
    ÂŁ215,000 went to Le Gateau Chocolat Ltd, run by performer George Ikediashi
    But several renowned clubs and venues have had their applications rejected
    The council defending the grant size saying it would go towards hiring freelancers to put on planned shows



  15. Guest Who says:

    OT, but… oh dear.


  16. Guest Who says:


    Commissioning a bloke already censured for TDS to do a hit piece on a candidate just before another country goes to the polls seems… very bbc.


  17. Guest Who says:

    Ms, Glasser is, of course, an analyst for bbc N. America BS primary source CNN.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It is a fact that people who drink water in an unauthorised way can never be president …. and whoever Susan glasses is gets her mad tweet noticed …. fgs for gods sake


  18. G says:

    I must confess, this current Government is displaying a penchant for stupid decision making. This could turn out to be a high-ranking year for absolutely ridiculous decisions. And very obvious ones. Well, to the deplorable plebs.

    We go renewable energy – totally – within 10 years. We are offering about a million (1,000,000) Hong Kong citizens the ability to move to the UK and take up residence – permanently. No mention of where they will live as now, we have run out of 4* hotels. The Welsh “Government” having been given income tax raising powers, intends ‘Nationalising’ the rail service in Wales, assured that when they mismanage (socialists) they can tap off the Welsh taxpayer to make up the difference.
    What next do we have to look forward to?


  19. Guest Who says:

    Oh Lordy.


  20. JamesArthur says:

    R4 – when did it become just a shop for opinions and unsubstantiated views?
    Having field day knocking Potus and praising Biden again….

    Now Covid ..how come the people they get in seem to know so much more than anyone else about covid…post intensive care syndrome – some neurologist just called the after effects of covid that!

    Didn’t seem to think that all the stuff they were doing to the patients might have caused some of the effects….nah he is getting funding to investigate it…

    Now the rising support for Scottish independence….

    BBC is a bloody waste of time…the sooner it goes the better – R4 is now nothing more than a bloody phone in show…


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC Moaning Emole in complement… well, simply directing the reader to Lurch again.


      Trump and Biden clash in final TV debate

      Donald Trump and Joe Biden during the final TV debate

      US President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden exchanged accusations of corruption in the final live TV debate ahead of the 3 November election. Mr Trump cited unsubstantiated claims Mr Biden personally profited from his son’s business dealings. His challenger brought up the president’s opaque taxes and a report about a secret bank account held by Mr Trump in China. The pair also clashed on race relations, immigration, the coronavirus pandemic and the future of Big Oil. As our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher notes, the threat of a mute button made for a more civilised debate than the last one – here are the best bits. “The candidates allowed each other to speak. They used respectful tones. Even when they went on the attack, they did so in a calm, deliberate manner,” he says.


      Almost balanced, but I suspect the hyperlinks to Lurch’s ‘special stuff’ rants and ‘best bits’ will be less so.


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Guest – I haven’t seen the debate yet but I assume by this ‘respectful ‘ msms reporting mr Trump won – for what that is worth … meanwhile people have made their minds up – the democrats must be thinking spending huge amounts on advertising will make a difference….


    • Guest Who says:

      Me either.

      There’s a whole new industry in guessing outcomes based on MSM reactions, or edits.

      Speaking of said MSM and a favoured daughter and her techniques..


      • JamesArthur says:

        Funny I hadn’t heard about this but it does seem lime she knew what she was doing was breaking the law – particularly if as the Guardian and the LWMedia seem to believe she is a brave, high quality reporter – then you have to assume she did know what the law was.
        It is very amusing to see the Left argue about free speech when it comes back to bite them…at the same time as hiding anything they don’t want seen or heard.

        I notice they were bigging her up about how she broke Cambridge Analytica scandal and how they influnced votes with Russians – all since found to be untrue… not a word about that though!

        She knew the risks but probably thought she was bullet proof because of her Lefty agenda


    • Guest Who says:

      Interesting how it is trailed on social media…

      BBC News

      Trump and Biden rowed over Covid, climate and racism during the final presidential debate ahead of the US election.


      All Dem attack points.

      But no mention of certain other matters?


    • Guest Who says:

      Fed; seems we were both wro… ohhhhhh…. CNN…

      BBC American BS RTing like fury?


      • Guest Who says:

        And, well golly look at that…. the Graun too!


        • Guest Who says:

          Guess it depends one how restricted your scope is. Or made to be. Or you allow.


  22. AsISeeIt says:

    Accustomed as we are to press imprecision in numbers, we are hardly surprised to find the fourth estate bandying big numbers before our eyes, as Rishi desperately attempts to prime the pump his fellow cabinet ministers drained dry in their frantic restrictive and random responses to our relatively diminutive current covid count.

    The Telegraph suggests: ‘£13 billion to keep businesses alive’ and the Express agrees: ‘£13 billion to safeguard jobs’ meanwhile the FT begs to differ: ‘Sunak triples aid package with pledge of £11 billion in extra support’ – well what difference a billion or two anyway?
    A Times front page report tends to support the notion that a couple of billion are neither here nor there when it comes to public finances. Two billion is the sort of figure the authorities might easily mislay down the back of the proverbial sofa: ‘£2bn lost to criminals in furlough cash fraud. Organised crime gangs target taxpayer money’ – if only our civil servants were as organised, or even turning up for work.

    Million, billion, trillion… What do we know…? Marillion were a 1980s progrock band. The Silmarillion was the title of a book by Tolkien. But that’s all a bit nerdy so let’s not worry our heads over the massive debt repayment aspect to this story.
    The Daily Mirror shows the way with their support for careless abandon as a policy with public funds. The paper following millionaire footballer Marcus Rashford and his old mum as they do a photo op whilst helping out at their local foodbank: ‘This is what compassion looks like… That’s my boy, Marcus and proud mum Melanie’ – don’t worry Manchester United fans, pound to a penny he’ll be back on the training ground. I doubt he’ll be handing in his notice to Ole Gunnar Solskjær to go full time on the meals on wheels anytime soon.

    The Star sees hypocrisy in the subsidised House of Commons restaurant: ‘MPs snub England star’s plea to feed hungry children… but guess what’s on their menu’ – pray tell? ‘Let them eat steak! (with a nice Bearnaise sauce, obviously)’ – I suppose in a Labour Party/Marcus Rashford utopian world of equality our MPs would be reduced to a pick between chicken nuggets or high fat cheese burgers with a large coke or milk shake.

    Maybe that suggestion is not quite as fanciful as it sounds. The Times declares: ‘Ministers to move north as part of civil service shake up’ – I’m not sure about our modern flat in London expense account MPs going all flat-cap and whippets. As for the civil servants, Boris can’t even tempt them back to their offices in Whitehall. The Times lends a hand: ‘How Yorkshire went chic. Property pullout’

    The Guardian offers: ‘Adele’s best songs Ranked!’ – oh, I don’t know, some of them were pleasant enough. Rank is a bit harsh.

    I’m pleased to say the Mail breaks ranks with much of our covid compliant media, offering a welcome note of scepticism: ‘Staying-in rule does NOT stop the virus. Revealed: Lancet study finds it barely changes the “R rate”- because people don’t obey draconian edict’ – I observe these days we get the craven hypocritical politicians we deserve. Coincidentally, I think the Spurs beat a Draconian team in their Europa League qualifyers.

    Also in the Star: ‘Maddie hunt is set back’ – what..? All those previous headlines reliably promising us the search for Madeleine McCann was nearing a conclusion were nothing but tosh?

    If you’re of an age where Supreme Court Judges are beginning to look young, you may be interested in the: ‘Raunchy nude pic of Maxwell at Epstein mansion…’ in the Daily Mirror. That’s Ghislaine, not the late Robert Maxwell, thankfully.

    The Mail asks: ‘Has “Nuclear” Wintour found love actually?’ This is a story about the elderly fashion mag editor with attitude (The Devil Wears Prada template) and Clinton-Obama supporter Anna Wintour hooking up with geriatric heart throb lefty actor Bill Nighy. Well, you’d have to have a heart of stone to begrudge these 70-year-olds a little romance in their twilight years. Given the big personalities and their ‘A’ List status, I give it 5 years at most. And then there’s their age – particularly with all this covid going around. Love Actually… more like Love Actuary.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Yellow card ….? Actuary ..?

      The way the socialist government is rolling out money like a monopoly game – one wonders how it will end ? How long before the money doesnt count for much ?

      2021 , 2 , 3?


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, you are on top form! An excellent review.

      I note that the publicists have slightly airbrushed the ages of said Nighy and Wintour (there’s got to be a joke or pun or two in that combo – Nighy before Christmas?) but neglected to do the photos.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Let me see… Christmas…? Well, our ‘A’ lister lefty Darby and Joan do have what they call a December December romance.


  23. Guest Who says:

    At least the bbc will be back in love.


  24. Guest Who says:

    Headed back in to Bubba Sex Semantics territory again…


  25. G says:

    I reported here yesterday that I was in two minds whether to discontinue watching, ‘Designated Survivor’ on Netflix due to the overbearing preponderance of BAME actors. I persevered. It got worse.

    The fictional President’s speech writer, an asian, was stopped by the police and interrogated for no reason other than he was of the ‘chosen people’; Lawlessness breaks out in one State where the police were seen beating a muslim and otherwise attacking mosques.

    I will not tolerate this propaganda dressed up as fiction and, yes, I will not be watching anymore of that fictional series. Gone. And I’ll do that to others when I detect the Marxist angle being presented. If I have to say goodbye to Netflix, I will.

    Seems to me there ought to be a favoured service that only offers films made in the ‘sensible’ times, overt propaganda free.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I got to episode 5 before realising it was aimed at thick people …and was just a box ticking waste of time – a bit like a film of some trial in 1960s America which they’ve just done .

      It was by Aaron – west wing – sorkin so it must be ok right ? In fact it was crap – but helped me get too noo noo in thr last 45 minutes. Other lefty productions are available …. but strangely not to much war stuff which .of course, my favourite..


  26. harry142857 says:

    I have a rethink on licence fees (for those that still pay them)

    The BBBC want 20% BAMEs on the screens, so it is only fair that the viewers pay the same.

    Have a two tier licence.

    A BAME licence holder (10% of the population can pay for ‘their 20%)and a non BAME licence holder (90%,80%)

    On today’s numbers this works out to ÂŁ315 for BAMEs and ÂŁ140 for non BAMEs.

    That’s surely a fair system.

    Or the BBBC could go for 50/50, then it would be ÂŁ785 and ÂŁ87.


  27. LastChanceSaloon says:

    “Survey asked questions of people …” in 13 states.
    But you only show results from 6 states.
    So either Pew Research, the BBC, or both, are excluding some information.
    Apart from 8 trillion BBC falsehoods already documented on this Website.
    Naturally the BBC, with its huge rescources, will have results from every “Research” organisation on the planet.
    From which the BBC will choose the one(s) which “prove their point” otherwise the BBC will use none.

    Pew Research was founded by one Anrew Kohut, now deceased.
    The current Kohut Wikipedia article names two publications to which Kohut “contributed”.
    #1 The Grey Lady, enough said.
    #2 The Columbia Journalism Review, which the Wikipedia article helpfully advises us, donors includes George Soros’ Open Society Foundations
    The CJR article states
    “In 2016, Kyle Pope, who had served as the editor in chief of The New York Observer, was announced as the new editor and publisher of CJR, replacing Liz Spayd, when she was announced as the sixth public editor of The New York Times.[7] On July 24, 2017 in Washington D.C., Pope addressed the House Judiciary Committee bipartisan Forum on Press Freedoms regarding concerns that the actions of Donald Trump during his campaign for and following election as President of the United States undermine the constitutional freedom of the press”


  28. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I see Tim, the new bbbc boss, is making the papers today by saying he wants 20% bames on the tv.

    Tiny Tim will have to cut down the number of bames quite substantially to achieve this target but it’s a step in the right direction towards the 13% or so of bames we are told make up the population.

    I’m surprised all the virtue signallers, do gooders and snowflakes haven’t came out to criticise him for wanting to (roughly) half the number of them currently filling almost everything we watch.


  29. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    Excellent post Pugnacious. The BBC was the biggest external influencer in the 2016 US Presidential election and the biggest external influencer in this years election. The BBC have spent huge amounts of the British TV taxpayers money on it and much of that has gone in lining the pockets of the BBC through expenses.

    I would like to know exactly how much of the British TV taxpayers money they have spent in “covering” and influencing this election.


  30. Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

    If you want to see the power of the state in our oppression then stop paying taxes.

    Since the George Floyd trigger event which was an exercise in misreporting and propaganda the phenomenon that some call culture change but which might also be called British genocide has been ramped up throughout Britain. It has been occurring for sometime in British Universities, where middle class and wealthy white feminists and their allies formed its vanguard.


    • JamesArthur says:


      Not just Unis but NHS too…I had a message from somebody I know who copied the message about Black history week sent to everyone in his Health Trust by the top honco (himself BAME)

      It basically starts off saying racism is everywhere, calls the death of George Floyd a murder (not proven as far as I know) and says BLM is a good thing, evokes the now known to be false opinion that Covid disproportional affected BAMES and that structural racism needs to be abolished in UK….says BAMEs in his trust are less likely to be in senior management and more likely to be disciplined…err ok is that racism?

      It was obviously written by a mad far left idiot because it just rammed Racism and Blackness in the faces of the manly white employees implying they are all closet racists

      He could have just said it is Black History week , so let’s celebrate our BAME colleagues’ contributions etc…


  31. LastChanceSaloon says:


    Caribbean Threatened By 1.3 Million Barrels Of Oil From Sinking Oil Tanker

    Widely reported, not currently by the BBC.
    Because the tanker belongs to Venezuela, a repressive, extreme hard left dictatorship, whose leaders could not run a bath.
    Under whose “leadership” the oil production from the state with the largest known oil reserves on earth is “grinding to a halt”.


    Environmental damage, who is top of the league? USSR & PRC.
    BBC currently busy looking for squirrels.


  32. Guest Who says:

    Bet the Ivy and that BBC Directorette’s bistro are first in line to pay staff to cook for lardberg offspring lobbing up.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Why is it that everything the Left think is good becomes a movement? No he just wants to spend other people’s money..

      I had a movement this morning don’t suppose they want that one.


    • Guest Who says:

      Lewis on flanking manoeuvres.

      Soon the ‘state’, namely the same working taxpayers that covers his activist advocacy, will have all Labour voters’ needs covered.

      Buy shares in Curry’s, Rothmans, Sky, Carling, KFC and Athlete’s Foot ASAP.

      Maybe MachetesRUs too, if BLM kick off.


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        It’s true.
        Up here in Sunderland you can’t move because of all the kids dead from starvation.
        Lying in the gutters and on the road.
        All dead from their absolute poverty.
        Some even have last years iPhones and are unable to get this years new model.
        Their parent(s) must not be getting any money from all the multiple benefits available such as child support allowances and dole money or whatever they get.

        The nurses, starting pay of over ÂŁ23,000 are using food banks I read.

        Anybody know how much a non working mum can get from the tax payer each week/month to feed her children. Nothing, it would seem.
        I wonder how those on the older, second class, state pension of about ÂŁ120 per week, compare with all the payments anyone with children can claim, not including any earnings the mothers get, if they have a job, and anything the fathers contribute if they are still at home or paying towards the child.

        We need some figures to look at to see if the starving 3.7 million children in the UK really do need food vouchers and free meals to stop them all dying of starvation.


      • JamesArthur says:

        WTF is a food insecure household? I must live in one of those – we keep eating it..the food is feeling really insecure…


      • LastChanceSaloon says:

        Lewis is a useful, to the BBC, idiot.
        He saw some photographs from the Biafran war and equates the appearance of the Biafran children with the 50% child obesity we have today.


    • Doobster78 says:

      That is NOT Rashford tweeting. He is as thick as pig muck.

      He won’t have a clue what’s going on !!!!!!!!

      He’s just been hijacked by the left. To be honest, he looks uncomfortable about it all.


  33. Guest Who says:

    Two views.

    One being a very carefully constructed bbc para to move things around for max effect.


  34. StewGreen says:

    Internet image about antifa



  35. StewGreen says:

    Prime Minister Corbyn has said he is looking forward to a Biden victory in the presidential election. ../sarc


  36. Bogtrotter says:

    This article by Dr Mike Yeadon, an ex-colleague of Sir Patrick Vallance, contains comments about SAGE that are potential dynamite, yet after a week in the public domain, the response from the BBC is tumbleweed.

    An excerpt titled SAGE is worse than useless:

    “SAGE has nothing useful to tell us. As currently constituted, they have an inappropriate over-weighting in modellers and are fatally deficient in pragmatic, empirical, evidence-led experienced scientists, especially the medical, immunological and expert generalist variety. It is my opinion that they should be disbanded immediately and reconstituted. I say this because, as I have shown, they haven’t a grasp of even the basics required to build a model and because their models are often frighteningly useless (Lee, 2020), a fact of which they seem unaware. Their role is too important for them to get a second chance. They are unlikely to revise their thinking even if they claim they have now fixed their model. The level of incompetence shown by the errors I have uncovered, errors which indirectly through inappropriate ‘measures’, have cost the lives of thousands of people, from avoidable, non-COVID-19 causes, is utterly unforgivable.

    As a private individual, I am incandescent with rage at the damage they have inflicted on this country. We should demand more honesty, as well as competence from those elected or appointed to look after aspects of life we cannot manage alone. SAGE has either been irredeemably incompetent or it has been dishonest. I personally know a few SAGE members and with the sole exception of a nameless individual, it is an understatement that they have greatly disappointed me. They have rebuffed well-intentioned and, as it turned out, accurate advice from at least three Nobel laureate scientists, all informing them that their modelling was seriously and indeed lethally in error. Though this may not have made the papers, everyone in the science community knows about this and that SAGE’s inadequate replies are scandalous. I have no confidence in any of them and neither should you”.

    As an alternative to reading the full article, Mike Yeadon has also given an excellent interview with James Delingpole on Podbean or Youtube.


  37. theisland says:

    A thread from @VeteransBritain.
    Let us hope someone is taking notice.


  38. The WestWyvern says:

    Not BiasedBBC,

    Has anyone heard the despicable radio advert being run on the Global Network for the Imperial War Museums currently exhibition of those ‘refugees fleeing conflict’ or whatever ?

    It involves a woman sobbing as young child asks why mummy is packing a life-vest.

    It is utter despicable & plain wrong on so many levels.

    I used to have utter respect for the IWM, but no longer. Another organisation that has gone woke….


    • StewGreen says:

      There is loads of PR under the #IWMRefugees hashtag
      ‘Refugees: Forced to flee’ exhibition at the Imperial War Musuem

      eg “A new immersive display at the Imperial War Museum, London, * in collaboration with CNN * offers a time machine, of sorts, to the conditions that permeated Moria. CNN’s Phil Black ..”

      This promo is different but similar to the one you described


    • Fedup2 says:

      I went to the imperial war museum last year – i believe it is now called the ‘IWM’ to avoid distressing references .

      I found the place palid and poor – there was no imperial – no war – and not a museum .

      It reminded me of some girly place like the V & A …

      Best avoided —- ive taken up war games instead ….


      • Old Goat says:

        It used to be interesting.


      • Guest Who says:

        That is a shame.

        Took my two years ago and it was awesome.

        There was even a ww1 tank you could go inside.

        Sobering. Despite the white gloss, you could imagine what it must have been like.

        Also, iirc, there was a shell entry one side and exit the other.

        In between was a seat.


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          Today is the anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein. I thought I would mention it, just in case the “Imperial” War Museum doesn’t get round to it.


          • Fedup2 says:

            If you ever get the chance – go to the museum at the MOD base at Shrivenham – they have work T34 and Tiger tanks – amongst others – they have them displayed facing each other ….


  39. infoquest says:

    O/T (except its not, in that the BBC won’t report it).
    I’m halfway through listening to this (sound only) discussion on You Tube.
    Dr Mike Yeadon used to work with Whittey. What he says about him is either completely damning or libelous – either way its explosive and likely to be taken down very soon by the powers that be.
    Its a long interview (108 minutes long) . The biggest wow on Cov-19 I’ve heard / seen / read.


    • infoquest says:

      Dr Mike Yeadon used to work with Vallance.


    • Kaiser says:

      thanks infoquest

      some excellent stuff in here , explains a lot of things really well

      the question for me is , why the is this still ongoing ,

      stupidity and cowardice doesnt cut it anymore


      • infoquest says:

        The bit towards the end (he’s got to be the easiest interviewee ever) where he says – London is past it, just stop all the restrictions and get on with life – is so powerful.
        On the lockdownsceptics forum the standout word that I keep seeing is ‘wicked’. And what they are doing is wicked.
        He really does throw out a challenge to Vallance – I’ll see you in court and I’ll prove that you have been lying.
        As you say Kaiser, why are they doing this?


      • theisland says:

        A fantastic podcast – everybody listen as it is time well spent.

        Professional bodies need to speak out now.
        The advice SAGE is giving (for whatever reason) is LETHALLY wrong.


        • Van Helsing says:


          SAGE’s advice has been wrong from the start. I’ve said it before but it bears repeating one more time: the obvious way to deal with this virus was to close the UK to the unquarantined movement of people.

          Down in NZ, Jacinda Arden (someone for whom I’ve ordinarily no time) listened to her scientific advisers and imposed a ‘no quarantine, no entry’ system. The results: a grand total of 25 deaths from Covid and the limitation of damage to the NZ economy.

          Even sports stadia are fully open in NZ – the All Blacks have just played the Aussies twice at rugby union in front of huge crowds in Wellington and Auckland.

          It could have been like that here, if only our leaders and their advisers had removed their heads from their rectums and abandoned their worship of open borders.


    • Old Goat says:

      Yes, excellent conversation. Delingpole podcasts are always worth a listen. This one was particularly good. I don’t suppose it’ll make an iota of difference, though – the government is hell-bent on ruining the country, and its inhabitants, as well, for no good reason other than their stupid pomposity and blind, senseless stumbling into the unknown.


  40. Doobster78 says:

    Ok. This free school dinners thing is really really doing my nut in !!!

    In my job I see first hand how much tax credits, housing benefit, council tax benefit etc etc gets thrown around like confetti .

    Beth Rigby calling it a movement, Lewis Goodall chipping in and all the other champagne socialists ……do they know you can for example buy a pizza from Tesco for 67p !!!!

    Loads of other offerings same price. Hearty food range.

    So, that 5 dinners for the kid on holiday for ÂŁ3.35 !!!!!

    Beth and Lewis won’t know this, they think every little chav has the right to government subsidised Lobster every frigging lunch !!!!!!

    If a parent cannot muster ÂŁ3.35 per week, for around 12 weeks of the year when it’s school holidays, quite frankly, their kids should be in effing care with social services !!!!!!!!!!

    You breed it, you bloody feed it !!!


    • JamesArthur says:


      You are not alone in your views…in fact most of the people I know say the same thing…but not BBC or Labour MPs

      Classic R4 two minutes ago..Twato

      ” a mute button was installed for this debate because of Donald Trump’s constant interrupting on the last one”

      Really? So Biden didn’t do any interrupting and the BBC know it was put there because of DT alone..Bias Bias Bias


    • BRISSLES says:


      yep ! and I read today that Marcus Rashford / Joe Wicks (for Christ’s sake) have been mooted to be on the list for Sports Personality of the Year !!

      I heard Rashford doing an interview – the bloke can barely string 2 sentences together, so clearly didn’t get his MBE for articulation.


  41. StewGreen says:

    Carole Cadwalladr news pre her libel appearance today in court


  42. The General says:

    BBC and SKY are showing what they purport to be the full US Presidential election debate last night. Having watched the full thing last night, both those channels have sensored their content to make Biden look more presidential and left out important and very relevant pieces of dialogue.
    Someone should insist they both play, not the whole event but the peices in full that they have taken out. That would be very revealing and expose their bias.


    • Fedup2 says:

      General thanks – i was debating whether to watch the whole debate on the web somewhere but may well swurve it now …


  43. StewGreen says:

    Talk Radio shows self identify as “The Home As Common Sense”
    … I guess the BBC is “The Home As Common Non-Sense”

    Last nights Talk Radio shows with Dan Wootton and then @TvKev both had lots of interesting parts
    The latter started with a lockdown skeptic
    then ex-UKIP MEP explaining the UK has fantastic fishing grounds but the EU changed the rules to steal them
    and then Rod Liddle on the dreadful woke David Hare written drama
    (Last Hour was rubbish cos has a US anti-Trumper and then Paul Morely)

    The Dan Wootton show started with an hour of Boris on, but later told us about Trent Uni students being fined ÂŁ40K for a party
    Then John Cauldwell, then a Trump campaign guy. link
    .. Hitting L gets you past radio adverts


  44. StewGreen says:

    The Times TV Guide tells me today I should be watching
    .. the BBC4 doco on Count Basie
    .. The Netflix doco on Mohammad Ali
    .. TheChannel 4 film about James Brown


    • Bulldog says:

      ……..not forgetting Jazz Piano Gold on beeb 4 later this evening again featuring Count Basie along with other such greats such as Thelonius Monk, Oscar Peterson, Duke Ellington, Herbie Hancock, Abdullah Ibrahim…. hmm… I’m a jazz fan so will have a look but have to admit my ignorance in never having heard of Mr Ibrahim – so a quick check tells us – Abdullah Ibrahim, now 86, born Adolph Johannes Brand aka Dollar Brand, a South African pianist and composer considered the leading figure of the subgenre of “Cape Jazz”. He spent much of his life in exile in New York when he converted to Islam. Known especially for “Mannenberg”, a jazz piece that became an anti apartheid theme.

      The programme researchers must have done some digging to find someone that would satisfy their diversity agenda and although he has appeared on Jools Holland’s show and no doubt has his devotees I would hardly place him in the “gold” category, bronze at best.


  45. Guest Who says:

    If borne out post vote, there needs to be a reckoning.

    Governance by media misinformation and minority stirring has not created a stable world.


  46. Guest Who says:

    The USA has Biden.

    We have Rashford, Goodhall and Rigby.


  47. Guest Who says:


  48. Guest Who says:

    Fun convo on a BBC local radio FB thread:

    Normal person: Most people don’t need a TV licence these days

    Excited reply: Why not? Do you watch iplayer, or BBC live via on line? If so you need a licence.

    Normal person: I do not watch any BBC channels or any live TV, I don’t need one. If you are patient enough Netflix buys the decent programs from the BBC ????

    Even more excited reply, with a surprise at the end: “ So you do have a subs that pays for your TV. At least ÂŁ72/year for one channel of largely US made TV. I’ll stick to keeping it British, more channels and radio too. I’m biased, I work for them. “


    I may have fibbed about the surprise..


  49. StewGreen says:

    ITV local
    #1 Sky advert boy who signals he’s got a wooden leg
    #2 ITV ident which is a large BLM artwork on a wall
    coming up in the local news prog
    #3 Filipino nursing couple working in Hull covid ward
    #4 Celebration of historic Hull rugby player cos he was black


  50. Guest Who says:

    Mod flag: may contain norty werds…