From what little I’ve gleaned this morning whilst trying to avoid the virulent strain of TDS doing the rounds, this would appear to sum up the state of play, unless I’m much mistaken.
And so we have the anticipated scenario: on Election Night, it looks like a Trump victory based on votes counted so far, but there are enough uncounted states that Biden can tell his supporters that he will win. Media, lawyers, tech companies, and protesters will try to help him.
What does seem incredible is the current situation despite four years of every media, especially a £5B pr outfit doing all in its power, and billions of blue ad spend, the result is still in doubt, despite the polls.
The BBC rolls out Mary Ann Marsh – a hard faced democrat strategist ( what another one ?) … who has a nice chat with Katy about how bad that nasty mr trump is …..
… then Katy and Brillo have a go at beating up Nigel Farage —-
The BBC news language has changed from calling mr Trump a liar now – I reckon someone has been on the phone ……I can’t see the dusky Tina daheeeeeneeee being a main news reader – if this was the standard of her journalism … but obvious it wants to impress her masters by making the right noises ….
Now Katy interviews ‘chats with Nicole Hemmer who is introduced as a ‘historian of the right wing ‘
She really is someone on the Obama payroll and a Democrat – nice bit of fraud by the BBC there …. almost worth a complaint – check her out on the wiki….
Nearly three hours of BBC coverage without a Republican is sight – now Brillo is having a chat with a bitter sounding ex ambo who obviously has a chip .
Maybe he is the one who was fired for stupid brutal comments about mr trump.
Brillo likes using the term ‘authoritarian ‘ today and is diminishing himself to the low standard of the BBC ….
.. it got to 0900 GMT and thankfully BBC coverage is coming to an end – it would be good if it was the end of the venal £££ ££ Brillo too – and the BBC ….
I lost respect for Brillo a while back, with his interviews with TR and Katie. He has always followed the BBC with regard to Islam and Trump. This morning he was onto Farage accusing Trump of making false claims about postal voting, ignoring Farage’s valid point about learning from postal vote fraud here.
Anyone of the opinion that, for a number of years now, the polls are used to influence the votes? take Brexit as one example and Al Beeb as another?
Ditch the telly tax.
These polls are lke the glitch in the Matrix, the deja vu of the cat climbing the stairs again.. telling us we’re being fooled.
But their cheap propoganda still works like a charm on an incurable pessimist like me .
I’ve just got up and my moods perked up considerably!
It’s difficult to tell what is happening with the US election.
The mainstream media appear to be claiming a victory but all Trump supporters are in denial.
I’m seeing rumours that they have stopped counting votes. Since then Biden has gained 14 more electoral college votes & Trump none.
There’s a stinking rat somewhere. We know the Demon-crats have been attempting to thwart the Trump Presidency by any means necessary since his win in 2016. One can’t help but wonder if they are going to steal this election by voting fraud.
I’ve never heard of anything like this in a US election. It resembles an African or South American Socialist Republic at the moment.
Whats the big deal ? If Trump wins he’ll only be active for 3 years as the last year is all about canvassing for the next election. If Biden wins he might only be active for less than 3 years given how he already forgets basic information like his opponent’s name, so how long before he wonders where he is ?
It means Biden will be gone in the spring and the VP takes over as an unelected Clinton surrogate president causing a far less stable world as she is tested by Putin , N Korea et al….
I’m trying to work out whether it was a covid protest vote , they voted against Trump or they voted for Biden – or it was wholesale fraud ….
Kamilla Norris will be a shoo in as soon as Sleepy Joe really gets to forget where he actually is, and so – step up, Michelle Barryama for continuity, BLM and oblivion after Putin and China get involved!
Sorry, US folks who wanted Biden, your kids will get it in the neck…
I haven’t heard any discussion on Radio 4 about the likely short lived nature of Biden’s presidency, to be replaced by someone who didn’t make the Democrat presidential candidate nomination list.
All I hear is how super NICE Biden is and how he will heal the nation. Of course he isn’t socialist or having his strings pulled by god knows who. Everything will be so lovely and peaceful when Joe is in the White House.
What a surprise, Trump was leading Wisconsin by over 100k votes with apparently 99% declared, then suddenly the Milwaukee absentee ballots are counted and he’s 20k behind. This is similar to the uncertain and precarious Georgia situation.
The fraud is so blatant that it’s amazing how the BBC can say with a straight face that Trump doesn’t have a legitimate complaint. We can only hope that absentee ballots also swing the states the other way that he was projected to win but is behind in, namely Nevada and Arizona.
It has been difficult to talk about President Trump in a positive way to friends and family in the UK – many of them have only heard and seen the biased BBC and other mainstream media coverage of what President Trump has said and done in the last four years for the American people and they just assume everyone would be against him coming in for a further 4 years.
Douglas Murray writing in the Telegraph 31st October explains “why the British public don’t appreciate anything that President Trump has done “. He says that “almost everything the British public see of Trump is the negative stuff. He is undoubtedly brash, boastful, offensive and often coarse, which offends British sensibilities. What the British public often miss are the considerable achievements, which often do not travel in a media that is almost unanimously sniffy, if not downright hostile to him.”
Given that large scale fraud was inevitable, I hope there were undercover agents put in the Democrat ranks to report back what they were up to and expose it to the courts.
Mr Trump, a Republican, claimed to have won and vowed to launch a Supreme Court challenge, baselessly alleging fraud.
Millions of votes remain uncounted and no candidate can credibly claim victory as yet. There is no evidence of fraud.
Yeah right.
Why do Democrats all vote by mail?
To vote in person you have to exist.
— Politics Guy #IFBAZ ???????? (@PoliticsBloke) November 4, 2020
It’s real. It’s unprecedented to stop counting the votes. How can Trump be 750,000 ahead in PA with 940,000 to count and then 400,000 votes are added and there’s still 940,000 votes to count?
— Politics Guy #IFBAZ ???????? (@PoliticsBloke) November 4, 2020
The BBC web header “US vote goes to wire as Trump falsely claims fraud” is one of the most blatant, inaccurate, lying examples of its supposed journalism yet.
They could say Trump “claims” fraud, “alleges fraud”, state that its a “controversial” claim or an “as yet unsubstantiated” claim, or whatever, but to assert it is false is bang out of order and clearly an attempt to smear him and spin whatever comes next against him.
However, Trump’s statement has perhaps unwisely allowed his opponents to shift the ground away from discussing why so many minority ethnic, working class voters have rallied behind him, totally upending the MSM/BBC racism narrative.
Philadelphia county sitting at 49% reporting for hours while the rest of the state reports in slowly. They need to know how many extra votes to manufacture
A burst water pipe was the reason why counting was stopped in Georgia and in North Carolina the counters were sent home at about 4 am our time with around 99% of the votes counted ❎
I went to bed at 5am after following al beeb and bet365 constantly fo over five hours and at that point the Republicans were 1/10 and 1/20 to win Georgia and North Carolina respectively ????????
Now fast forward to 11:50 and they are 8/11 and 3/10 respectively ????
Something very fishy has happened and I’m not talking about the contents of Baldrick’s apple crumble ????
Wisconsin: I just did a quick calculation after 94% of votes Biden had 47,4% and now with 95% of votes he has 49,4% which is statistically nearly impossible. Taking the actual votes this would mean that 77,6% voted for Biden after restart counting.
Are we supposed to NOT NOTICE that in both cases, the Democrat vote takes a sudden near-vertical climb, having been consistently a little behind the Republican one?
THIS IS INCREDIBLE … or am I missing something obvious, such as late postal (mail-in) votes being dumped in all at once?
Trump sounded the whistle over this months ago and was mocked by the media. It’s now quite clearly playing out before us, and he’s still being mocked.
This is gaslighting, pure and simple. We all saw Trump leading the race by miles at around 5-6am, then suddenly they decided there were more votes to count and Democrats take the lead in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Not to mention they still haven’t even begun counting the on-the-day votes in Arizona yet have already called the state for Biden.
Its pretty obvious that the media is now going to try to claim victory for Biden so anything Trump does with SCOTUS looks like sour grapes or a power grab. Trump needs to stand his ground and not concede under any circumstances. There can be no place for politeness and courtesy when you’re fighting wolves. That goes for every one of his 65m+ supporters who are getting shafted in plain sight.
Now picked up by Scott Adams. Assuming the data is correct, it would point to desperation amongst the Democrats that they weren’t able to make it look less blatant. A final throw of the dice?
Indeed, the question also is, ‘Why did all your experts get it wrong again’? Don’t invite them on again to comment on anything connected with the US because whatever listeners/viewers you have left, see the deceit and lies as par for the course with the BBC.
I’m sorry to say it, but even though Trump is obviously getting screwed, America kind of deserves what they get for even allowing it to be close enough for the Democrats to cheat. You’d have thought someone who had delivered a roaring economy, record low unemployment, new opportunities for ethnic minorities, prison reform, peace agreements in wartorn areas of the world, and denuclearisation of an unstable communist dictatorship – among countless other things – would be on course for a landslide re-election. Instead, even if Trump does manage to get the result thrown out or recounted nationally to remove the fraud, he will only have won around 300 electoral votes – a comfortable margin, but hardly just reward for all his work over the past four years, especially when he hasn’t been paid a penny for it and in fact has worked at a huge loss.
I still worry massively for Britain post-Brexit – and even whether a true Brexit will now happen at all, given we were relying on a good US trade deal and Biden is unapologetically anti-Brexit and pro-EU – as well as Hong Kong, Israel, and everywhere else that were praying for him to come through. The world as a whole sees the US as a sort of leader, and the idea that Biden and shortly Harris will soon be representing it with their gaffes and communist leanings terrifies me. That part of me is also still praying that Trump’s successful – especially with the pandemic and the increase in Islamic terror, of which he’s the only world leader strong enough to call it what it is and not tiptoe around it – and for him on a personal level I hope he does because he’s earned it. But for American voters in those swing states, who have suffered over a decade now of rioting and looting from the far left condoned by their Democrat governors and media yet still voted for them, I’m afraid they’ve brought this on themselves. If this does indeed lead to massive civil unrest, it’s mostly self-inflicted. They were warned by Joe McCarthy and so many others, and they had a great opportunity with Trump which they may have squandered either through complacency or just ignorance. Either way, things should never have got to the stage where the Democrats could even conceivably win, let alone be on the verge of pulling off a massive fraud unprecedented in recent past.
Trump can hold his head high whatever happens. He must fight to the end, because the country he loves absolutely depends on it. But if he does fail, none of this is his fault. Progressives created the environment that led to him being elected in the first place, and Americans may well have taken him for granted and led to their country’s demise. It’s sad for the 65m+ who did in fact support him, but the others deserve no sympathy.
You’ve got to remember the wall-to-wall anti-Trump rhetoric from the media. Not everyone looks beyond the media for their news in the way those of us on this site do.
In the same way as vast swathes of our population do not know the extent of government porkies being employed to force through the wholly unnecessary lockdown today.
Sadly most people are mainly passive consumers of news. To get to the truth you have to dig around online, and not just switch on the telly and imbibe propaganda, whether from CNN or BBC.
Also the brainwashing starts young: from elementary school right through University, the liberal indoctrination is relentless. (Trump has wisely started rolling it back.)
Now even if Trump wins, his second term will have been tainted and delegitimised in the eyes of many, and he will be receive constant sniping and be hobbled.
Got to credit the chinese. Well planned and executed and that will continue to be the case. If they and their Fifth Columnists succeed, it will be the UK and Westminster next.
Has anyone else had this problem today? Every time I try to look at Breitbart US I get it for about 20 seconds and then I get a message saying the web site is unavailable and the screen goes blank. It’s happened about six times in the past 30 minutes.
I’m aware that this is a niche subject of interest only to a minority, but here’s a look at the election from the perspective of what might be called traditionalist Catholics. They’re actually radical mavericks, as opposed to the ‘Swamp’ or ‘Deep Church’ Catholics that includes The Big Guy and most of the senior clergy.
President is ‘the final garrison against the world dictatorship’
I picked up on this from a Thread on The Conservative Woman web-site, vlad.
It is hard to know whether he is a nutter or not. His eschatalogical Bible knowledge is obvious skewed by Roman Catholicism but still pretty broad ranging and more or less on track. I listened to him reading a much longer piece but had to give up due to time and he’s not an engaging reader to listen to.
Pope Francis obviously has some opposition now, especially after his support for same-sex marriage.
It looks more and more like the vote for Trump was too high for them to carry out fraud without being overly blatant. And yet the media will continue to cover for the Democrats.
I cannot believe Trump has not planned for this very scenario.
Oh he’s well aware, that’s why he took the hard line this morning stating he’d won. It was a bad judgment in my opinion, if for no other reason than it allowed the liberal media another opportunity to brandish him a dictator for not wanting to potentially be cheated out of the presidency.
I was awake from about 1am. At about 4am, on the excellent Newsmax online channel, they felt very confident based on current polling and remaining counties that Trump would win 301 electoral votes. The only state that had flipped away from him would be Wisconsin (and one vote from Nebraska’s five) which would be partially made up by winning Nevada. Eventually, they suggested Arizona might flip as well (which Fox incorrectly handed to Biden, even though there was only 100k votes in it with 20% left to count – compared to Trump’s 700k lead in Pennsylvania with the same percentage left), Trump still had a health lead. When Biden made his speech, they said he had no cause for optimism.
An hour later, they reported that the New York Times had stated that Georgia was in play because of the Atlanta metropolitan votes. At this point in time, Georgia was said to have provided 99% turnout already, and Trump was leading by over 100k, yet this now meant there was a chance he’d be down by 40k with only some rural areas left to be counted. Even then, Michigan and Wisconsin looked safe and Pennsylvania certainly did. It’s understandable why Trump was so matter-of-fact in his speech, but his mistake was only talking about votes being counted late – the problem is that these ballots were almost certainly prepared and stamped well in advance.
Trump is being used as the sacrificial lamb by the left, but their real target is his voters. They gaslight them for years with fake news and fake polls, call them racist and xenophobic and sexist and child molesters and all sorts for wanting to own their own property and protect themselves and their families, and then when they’re called out on their bullshit they use patronising weasling language about how they need to communicate better as they’re not quite on the same wavelength as the electorate. This is supposed to throw them a bone and make them forget about the election being sketchy as hell – “hey, you may have lost your choice for President who gave you the highest dollar value ever recorded and 3.4% unemployment and protected your jobs and your entire industries, but at least we may or may not listen to you in the future. We’re even, now.”
This has worked to great effect in the past, when Romney (who’s a scumbag and would have been a terrible president, but that’s beside the point) lost seven precincts in Philadelphia without a single vote in any of them, clearly a red flag that was completely ignored and Romney was too polite and too scared of his image to challenge it. They attempted it in 2000 as well against GW, but ironically he was probably too simple (at least in terms of media etiquette) to be particularly bothered by it and just went full steam ahead. In that scenario, however, Bush was the presumptive winner of Florida and thus the election, so it was never his obligation to prove anything – that was all on the Democrats, and they failed miserably. Trump has a much tougher job on his hands, but the fact that this is all being talked about so openly online is a huge advantage he has that Al Gore didn’t, and it’s a lot easier to convince people you may have a point without relying on the likes of Auntie to tell them what they should think.
As I said earlier, I’m praying that Trump does in fact prove election fraud and wins, or simply that he wins the remaining states he needs and just embarrasses the liberal media for calling it before they had a right to. But if he fails, he can die peacefully in his late 80s watching the third-world shithole America has turned into and smugly think to himself, “they were warned.”
LaLT – I too was up as evidenced by the ridiculous times of my posts and went to bed at 5am with Trump around 2/7 and Biden about 5/2 with my bookies ????
Woke at 9am and between 09:30 and 11:30 those odds flipped completely in two hours so Biden was now big odds-on to win ❎
Also the Georgia and North Carolina lead in the betting that Trump had at 5am, had been decimated by midday ????
Something very strange (euphemism!) happened and I hope it comes out in the wash ????
A delay to the result has created the perfect storm for viral disinformation.
And this narrative about fraudulent voting and rigged elections is one that has been plugged online for weeks, by official accounts and QAnon supporters!
Marianna Spring could usefully do some night school:
“… claims about voting fraud for which their [sic] is a lack of evidence …”
It should be “there” instead of “their”; and prima facie there is evidence of something strange e.g. the sudden ‘turnarounds’ in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Just amazing to think they don’t see anything wrong with those graphs, the fact the Dems stopped counting and then dumped 300k votes in , every single one for Biden.
The turnouts, everything stinks. BBC not interested tho, just like they didn’t give a toss about the Biden scandal.
The US election is also about control of Congress.
Congress is where US laws are voted for, among other things. There are two parts of it. The Senate is controlled by the Republicans and the Democrats are trying to win back the Senate
Looking good for Joe. Looking good for the USA. Looking good for my unborn grandchild who will get the winnings of the £500 bet I placed on Joe in March.
Says something about broadcast media salaries when you can afford to place a £500 bet on someone in March 2020 who might not have lived to be voted for in November 2020.
Then in Nevada, a state that Trump wasn't expected to win and that he was trailing in the whole night, Trump pulled dead even with Biden at 6am. Nevada then instantly puts out a statement that they'vr stopped counting ballots until November 5th.
You can’t suddenly quit counting votes in only the major swing state Trump is winning, then have hundreds of thousands of votes drop in the middle of the night, in an instant, with 99% going to Biden – and still have election integrity.
When was the last time they: 1️⃣Simultaneously stopped counting votes in 5 states that one candidate was leading in. 2️⃣Sent everyone home – counters & observers 3️⃣Moved the ballot papers to another location 4️⃣Miraculously found 100s of thousands of ballots for the losing candidate
— Politics Guy #IFBAZ ???????? (@PoliticsBloke) November 4, 2020
If this fraud had happened the other way round, the cries of foul play from Biden wouldn’t be false, baseless and outright lies as they are from Trump per the bbc. They would be “serious” allegations and the BBC would be all. over it !!!!
They would be trawling EVERY voter to find wrong doing. Turning up dead voters , double voters etc.
As it’s the result they want, turn a blind eye !!!!!
Pie-eater John Simpson wheeled out at the end of R4’s 6 pm 30-minute news to tell us what to think about the US Election … so the BBC must think it’s serious!
"There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”
Along with Pennsylvania, which they declared had 1m votes left then suddenly decided today that it was actually 3m since 1m wouldn’t have been enough to overturn his lead, and Michigan, where Trump was also leading handily.
Any good news organisation would recognise this for what it really is, and that it has all the makings of the catalyst for civil war. Instead, the BBC is once again completely protecting the Democrats and gaslighting their gormless defenders that Trump’s crazy and has nothing to complain about.
Remember though, it’s not just Trump they’re attacking – it’s everyone who voted for him as well.
This is an exact duplicate of the play run in 1960 by the
Democrats when the Daley Machine in Chicago held back their totals until they knew how many votes were needed to carry Illinois for the Democrats and JFK.
Ah yes, Mayor Daley and Chicago! I also heard that R M Nixon got a short count in some districts too but decided not to contest it, with a view to another run in 1964 or, as actually happened, in 1968.
One more then I’m done !!! Some of the leads he had and”lost” are unreal.
You called this correctly last night. They were planning an overnight scam in Georgia. Their confidence made no sense at the time, and it makes perfect sense now.
The good news though is that so many prominent conservatives are reporting on it. Even though Twitter and Google will do their best to suppress their voices, word will spread, people will do their research, and tens of millions of Americans and hundreds of millions the world over will realise this is a sham.
Democrats’ tactic seems to be to call as many of the swing states as early as possible and declare Biden winner so that they can portray Trump as an authoritarian sore loser when he quite rightly takes them to the supreme court. Problem is, it’s not enough to simply recount one state – it needs to be every state that hadn’t already been declared (and Arizona, which was declared far too early) for it to make any difference.
This is the deep state’s revenge on Trump and, more importantly, his supporters for embarrassing them four years ago. Hopefully Trump prevails, but if he doesn’t, he becomes a martyr of sorts and hopefully this causes enough of an international incident that nobody – even the BBC – can ignore or downplay it any longer.
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 10:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Pakistan: Muslim cleric who repeatedly supported jihad suicide attacks is killed in jihad suicide attack” Mar 5, 2025 4:30 pm…
vladMar 6, 10:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 More on Jihad around the world, here:
Rob in CheshireMar 6, 10:49 Midweek 5th March 2025 Castro’s lad can’t help himself can he? His dad must be so proud.
From what little I’ve gleaned this morning whilst trying to avoid the virulent strain of TDS doing the rounds, this would appear to sum up the state of play, unless I’m much mistaken.
What does seem incredible is the current situation despite four years of every media, especially a £5B pr outfit doing all in its power, and billions of blue ad spend, the result is still in doubt, despite the polls.
The BBC rolls out Mary Ann Marsh – a hard faced democrat strategist ( what another one ?) … who has a nice chat with Katy about how bad that nasty mr trump is …..
… then Katy and Brillo have a go at beating up Nigel Farage —-
The BBC news language has changed from calling mr Trump a liar now – I reckon someone has been on the phone ……I can’t see the dusky Tina daheeeeeneeee being a main news reader – if this was the standard of her journalism … but obvious it wants to impress her masters by making the right noises ….
Now Katy interviews ‘chats with Nicole Hemmer who is introduced as a ‘historian of the right wing ‘
She really is someone on the Obama payroll and a Democrat – nice bit of fraud by the BBC there …. almost worth a complaint – check her out on the wiki….
Nearly three hours of BBC coverage without a Republican is sight – now Brillo is having a chat with a bitter sounding ex ambo who obviously has a chip .
Maybe he is the one who was fired for stupid brutal comments about mr trump.
Brillo likes using the term ‘authoritarian ‘ today and is diminishing himself to the low standard of the BBC ….
.. it got to 0900 GMT and thankfully BBC coverage is coming to an end – it would be good if it was the end of the venal £££ ££ Brillo too – and the BBC ….
I think Brillo has TDS as bad as everyone else at the Biden Broadcasting Corporation.
I’m losing respect for him fast.
I lost respect for Brillo a while back, with his interviews with TR and Katie. He has always followed the BBC with regard to Islam and Trump. This morning he was onto Farage accusing Trump of making false claims about postal voting, ignoring Farage’s valid point about learning from postal vote fraud here.
Brillo lost that one, and the silly bird on his left started squealing some gibberish about injecting bleach, too!
They really are lightweight aren’t they!
Wake up world.
The lying polls lied to you.
The lying media are lying to you.
The lying BBC are lying to you.
Off switch with reeta chakraabaatiii, Mathew amwaliwaliwaliwola…. and a bottle blond BBC drain in the states … yes off switch …
Anyone of the opinion that, for a number of years now, the polls are used to influence the votes? take Brexit as one example and Al Beeb as another?
Ditch the telly tax.
These polls are lke the glitch in the Matrix, the deja vu of the cat climbing the stairs again.. telling us we’re being fooled.
But their cheap propoganda still works like a charm on an incurable pessimist like me .
I’ve just got up and my moods perked up considerably!
It’s difficult to tell what is happening with the US election.
The mainstream media appear to be claiming a victory but all Trump supporters are in denial.
I’m seeing rumours that they have stopped counting votes. Since then Biden has gained 14 more electoral college votes & Trump none.
There’s a stinking rat somewhere. We know the Demon-crats have been attempting to thwart the Trump Presidency by any means necessary since his win in 2016. One can’t help but wonder if they are going to steal this election by voting fraud.
I’ve never heard of anything like this in a US election. It resembles an African or South American Socialist Republic at the moment.
Off another site from a poster ……..
Detroit outstanding
Philly outstanding
What a surprise.
Loads of dem votes and dead people in both those
On the .money Douglas !!
Whats the big deal ? If Trump wins he’ll only be active for 3 years as the last year is all about canvassing for the next election. If Biden wins he might only be active for less than 3 years given how he already forgets basic information like his opponent’s name, so how long before he wonders where he is ?
It means Biden will be gone in the spring and the VP takes over as an unelected Clinton surrogate president causing a far less stable world as she is tested by Putin , N Korea et al….
I’m trying to work out whether it was a covid protest vote , they voted against Trump or they voted for Biden – or it was wholesale fraud ….
Kamilla Norris will be a shoo in as soon as Sleepy Joe really gets to forget where he actually is, and so – step up, Michelle Barryama for continuity, BLM and oblivion after Putin and China get involved!
Sorry, US folks who wanted Biden, your kids will get it in the neck…
I haven’t heard any discussion on Radio 4 about the likely short lived nature of Biden’s presidency, to be replaced by someone who didn’t make the Democrat presidential candidate nomination list.
All I hear is how super NICE Biden is and how he will heal the nation. Of course he isn’t socialist or having his strings pulled by god knows who. Everything will be so lovely and peaceful when Joe is in the White House.
I’d rather the leader of the free world be TOUGH
And this is why I vowed to avoid the BBC…

How can they state “falsely” when it hasn’t been investigated? It’s a claim. The falsehood or otherwise is yet to be determined.
But if it was t’other way round ….It would be
US vote goes to wire as Biden claims fraud.
Just DISGUSTING from the BBC .
Trump was right, they should have postponed this election til covid sorted. This has fraud written all over it. The left love a good election fraud.
What a surprise, Trump was leading Wisconsin by over 100k votes with apparently 99% declared, then suddenly the Milwaukee absentee ballots are counted and he’s 20k behind. This is similar to the uncertain and precarious Georgia situation.
The fraud is so blatant that it’s amazing how the BBC can say with a straight face that Trump doesn’t have a legitimate complaint. We can only hope that absentee ballots also swing the states the other way that he was projected to win but is behind in, namely Nevada and Arizona.
This should end the bbc.
Doubt it will.
Terminology is all.
Mark Thompson is quite the malign force in media, isn’t he?
As a reminder…
It has been difficult to talk about President Trump in a positive way to friends and family in the UK – many of them have only heard and seen the biased BBC and other mainstream media coverage of what President Trump has said and done in the last four years for the American people and they just assume everyone would be against him coming in for a further 4 years.
Douglas Murray writing in the Telegraph 31st October explains “why the British public don’t appreciate anything that President Trump has done “. He says that “almost everything the British public see of Trump is the negative stuff. He is undoubtedly brash, boastful, offensive and often coarse, which offends British sensibilities. What the British public often miss are the considerable achievements, which often do not travel in a media that is almost unanimously sniffy, if not downright hostile to him.”
Biden now odds-on for the first time since half two this morning ????
Just about to post that .
The fraud in full swing. Stinks. Don’t go anywhere Donald, other than the supreme court !!!!
Given that large scale fraud was inevitable, I hope there were undercover agents put in the Democrat ranks to report back what they were up to and expose it to the courts.
83% of Michigan vote is in. Trump is 200 000 votes ahead. But Biden is odds on?
It’s like the Dems KNOW EXACTLY how many votes they have up their sleeve !!!!
See fairer elections in Iraq !!!!
If Biden gets Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada then he’s in I think ????
Think Donald will be claiming squatters rights for a while yet ????????
Mr Trump, a Republican, claimed to have won and vowed to launch a Supreme Court challenge, baselessly alleging fraud.
Millions of votes remain uncounted and no candidate can credibly claim victory as yet. There is no evidence of fraud.
Yeah right.
Good read his Twitter
BBC: ‘US election 2020: Sarah McBride to be first trans senator’
Well, that’s all good then.
‘By Tom Gerken, BBC News’
You couldn’t make this stuff up – as we used to say. Tom Gerken or Tom Gherkin..? ooooh er, missus…
The BBC web header “US vote goes to wire as Trump falsely claims fraud” is one of the most blatant, inaccurate, lying examples of its supposed journalism yet.
They could say Trump “claims” fraud, “alleges fraud”, state that its a “controversial” claim or an “as yet unsubstantiated” claim, or whatever, but to assert it is false is bang out of order and clearly an attempt to smear him and spin whatever comes next against him.
However, Trump’s statement has perhaps unwisely allowed his opponents to shift the ground away from discussing why so many minority ethnic, working class voters have rallied behind him, totally upending the MSM/BBC racism narrative.
Could now lose Wisconsin and Michigan. After those stats above. Bollox.
This is going to the courts …no doubt about it
A burst water pipe was the reason why counting was stopped in Georgia and in North Carolina the counters were sent home at about 4 am our time with around 99% of the votes counted ❎
I went to bed at 5am after following al beeb and bet365 constantly fo over five hours and at that point the Republicans were 1/10 and 1/20 to win Georgia and North Carolina respectively ????????
Now fast forward to 11:50 and they are 8/11 and 3/10 respectively ????
Something very fishy has happened and I’m not talking about the contents of Baldrick’s apple crumble ????
If the Demon-crats were confident of victory wouldn’t they be gloating by now?
Would you gloat if you’d cheated and committed fraud ????
So, Franny was there too?
Doing what; waving Neil’s cheque over a fire as things took a turn?
Media telling each other how awesome they are will soon be twitter’s only function.
Lewis is back. And no change.
They say there’s lies, damn lies and statistics. I’m not sure which these are.
Are we supposed to NOT NOTICE that in both cases, the Democrat vote takes a sudden near-vertical climb, having been consistently a little behind the Republican one?
THIS IS INCREDIBLE … or am I missing something obvious, such as late postal (mail-in) votes being dumped in all at once?
Trump sounded the whistle over this months ago and was mocked by the media. It’s now quite clearly playing out before us, and he’s still being mocked.
This is gaslighting, pure and simple. We all saw Trump leading the race by miles at around 5-6am, then suddenly they decided there were more votes to count and Democrats take the lead in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Not to mention they still haven’t even begun counting the on-the-day votes in Arizona yet have already called the state for Biden.
Its pretty obvious that the media is now going to try to claim victory for Biden so anything Trump does with SCOTUS looks like sour grapes or a power grab. Trump needs to stand his ground and not concede under any circumstances. There can be no place for politeness and courtesy when you’re fighting wolves. That goes for every one of his 65m+ supporters who are getting shafted in plain sight.
Now picked up by Scott Adams. Assuming the data is correct, it would point to desperation amongst the Democrats that they weren’t able to make it look less blatant. A final throw of the dice?
He wasn’t wrong 5 months ago
Dear BBC
You got Brexit wrong, you got US 2016 wrong and you got US 2020 wrong.
Why should we ever believe anything you say again?
Why would we ever have believed them in the first place?
‘We’ didn’t.
Indeed, the question also is, ‘Why did all your experts get it wrong again’? Don’t invite them on again to comment on anything connected with the US because whatever listeners/viewers you have left, see the deceit and lies as par for the course with the BBC.
I’m sorry to say it, but even though Trump is obviously getting screwed, America kind of deserves what they get for even allowing it to be close enough for the Democrats to cheat. You’d have thought someone who had delivered a roaring economy, record low unemployment, new opportunities for ethnic minorities, prison reform, peace agreements in wartorn areas of the world, and denuclearisation of an unstable communist dictatorship – among countless other things – would be on course for a landslide re-election. Instead, even if Trump does manage to get the result thrown out or recounted nationally to remove the fraud, he will only have won around 300 electoral votes – a comfortable margin, but hardly just reward for all his work over the past four years, especially when he hasn’t been paid a penny for it and in fact has worked at a huge loss.
I still worry massively for Britain post-Brexit – and even whether a true Brexit will now happen at all, given we were relying on a good US trade deal and Biden is unapologetically anti-Brexit and pro-EU – as well as Hong Kong, Israel, and everywhere else that were praying for him to come through. The world as a whole sees the US as a sort of leader, and the idea that Biden and shortly Harris will soon be representing it with their gaffes and communist leanings terrifies me. That part of me is also still praying that Trump’s successful – especially with the pandemic and the increase in Islamic terror, of which he’s the only world leader strong enough to call it what it is and not tiptoe around it – and for him on a personal level I hope he does because he’s earned it. But for American voters in those swing states, who have suffered over a decade now of rioting and looting from the far left condoned by their Democrat governors and media yet still voted for them, I’m afraid they’ve brought this on themselves. If this does indeed lead to massive civil unrest, it’s mostly self-inflicted. They were warned by Joe McCarthy and so many others, and they had a great opportunity with Trump which they may have squandered either through complacency or just ignorance. Either way, things should never have got to the stage where the Democrats could even conceivably win, let alone be on the verge of pulling off a massive fraud unprecedented in recent past.
Trump can hold his head high whatever happens. He must fight to the end, because the country he loves absolutely depends on it. But if he does fail, none of this is his fault. Progressives created the environment that led to him being elected in the first place, and Americans may well have taken him for granted and led to their country’s demise. It’s sad for the 65m+ who did in fact support him, but the others deserve no sympathy.
You’ve got to remember the wall-to-wall anti-Trump rhetoric from the media. Not everyone looks beyond the media for their news in the way those of us on this site do.
In the same way as vast swathes of our population do not know the extent of government porkies being employed to force through the wholly unnecessary lockdown today.
Agree with all the above.
Sadly most people are mainly passive consumers of news. To get to the truth you have to dig around online, and not just switch on the telly and imbibe propaganda, whether from CNN or BBC.
Also the brainwashing starts young: from elementary school right through University, the liberal indoctrination is relentless. (Trump has wisely started rolling it back.)
Now even if Trump wins, his second term will have been tainted and delegitimised in the eyes of many, and he will be receive constant sniping and be hobbled.
Good luck Mr President.
Got to credit the chinese. Well planned and executed and that will continue to be the case. If they and their Fifth Columnists succeed, it will be the UK and Westminster next.
Laughing, Enoch tried to warn Britain
Has anyone else had this problem today? Every time I try to look at Breitbart US I get it for about 20 seconds and then I get a message saying the web site is unavailable and the screen goes blank. It’s happened about six times in the past 30 minutes.
DT, is working ok for me.
Thanks. It must be my problem and not a general one.
President Trump retweeted
Twitter still censoring the President of the USA !!! He never stood a chance.
Twitter gone too far imo. Good to see the US folk calling out this blatant fraud .
Hes been robbed in my view and its criminal.
Demonrats being quoted all over Al Beeb that they wont stop until ‘all the votes’ are counted.
Of course they wont. What needs to be made clear and transparent is where all those votes came from.
Can readers recommend a half decent site for honest reporting of the election?
Yesterday I found Crowder to be both entertaining and informative, but not sure what they’ll be doing henceforth.
I’m aware that this is a niche subject of interest only to a minority, but here’s a look at the election from the perspective of what might be called traditionalist Catholics. They’re actually radical mavericks, as opposed to the ‘Swamp’ or ‘Deep Church’ Catholics that includes The Big Guy and most of the senior clergy.
President is ‘the final garrison against the world dictatorship’
I picked up on this from a Thread on The Conservative Woman web-site, vlad.
It is hard to know whether he is a nutter or not. His eschatalogical Bible knowledge is obvious skewed by Roman Catholicism but still pretty broad ranging and more or less on track. I listened to him reading a much longer piece but had to give up due to time and he’s not an engaging reader to listen to.
Pope Francis obviously has some opposition now, especially after his support for same-sex marriage.
Seb won’t let this go !!!!
It looks more and more like the vote for Trump was too high for them to carry out fraud without being overly blatant. And yet the media will continue to cover for the Democrats.

I cannot believe Trump has not planned for this very scenario.
Oh he’s well aware, that’s why he took the hard line this morning stating he’d won. It was a bad judgment in my opinion, if for no other reason than it allowed the liberal media another opportunity to brandish him a dictator for not wanting to potentially be cheated out of the presidency.
I was awake from about 1am. At about 4am, on the excellent Newsmax online channel, they felt very confident based on current polling and remaining counties that Trump would win 301 electoral votes. The only state that had flipped away from him would be Wisconsin (and one vote from Nebraska’s five) which would be partially made up by winning Nevada. Eventually, they suggested Arizona might flip as well (which Fox incorrectly handed to Biden, even though there was only 100k votes in it with 20% left to count – compared to Trump’s 700k lead in Pennsylvania with the same percentage left), Trump still had a health lead. When Biden made his speech, they said he had no cause for optimism.
An hour later, they reported that the New York Times had stated that Georgia was in play because of the Atlanta metropolitan votes. At this point in time, Georgia was said to have provided 99% turnout already, and Trump was leading by over 100k, yet this now meant there was a chance he’d be down by 40k with only some rural areas left to be counted. Even then, Michigan and Wisconsin looked safe and Pennsylvania certainly did. It’s understandable why Trump was so matter-of-fact in his speech, but his mistake was only talking about votes being counted late – the problem is that these ballots were almost certainly prepared and stamped well in advance.
Trump is being used as the sacrificial lamb by the left, but their real target is his voters. They gaslight them for years with fake news and fake polls, call them racist and xenophobic and sexist and child molesters and all sorts for wanting to own their own property and protect themselves and their families, and then when they’re called out on their bullshit they use patronising weasling language about how they need to communicate better as they’re not quite on the same wavelength as the electorate. This is supposed to throw them a bone and make them forget about the election being sketchy as hell – “hey, you may have lost your choice for President who gave you the highest dollar value ever recorded and 3.4% unemployment and protected your jobs and your entire industries, but at least we may or may not listen to you in the future. We’re even, now.”
This has worked to great effect in the past, when Romney (who’s a scumbag and would have been a terrible president, but that’s beside the point) lost seven precincts in Philadelphia without a single vote in any of them, clearly a red flag that was completely ignored and Romney was too polite and too scared of his image to challenge it. They attempted it in 2000 as well against GW, but ironically he was probably too simple (at least in terms of media etiquette) to be particularly bothered by it and just went full steam ahead. In that scenario, however, Bush was the presumptive winner of Florida and thus the election, so it was never his obligation to prove anything – that was all on the Democrats, and they failed miserably. Trump has a much tougher job on his hands, but the fact that this is all being talked about so openly online is a huge advantage he has that Al Gore didn’t, and it’s a lot easier to convince people you may have a point without relying on the likes of Auntie to tell them what they should think.
As I said earlier, I’m praying that Trump does in fact prove election fraud and wins, or simply that he wins the remaining states he needs and just embarrasses the liberal media for calling it before they had a right to. But if he fails, he can die peacefully in his late 80s watching the third-world shithole America has turned into and smugly think to himself, “they were warned.”
LaLT – I too was up as evidenced by the ridiculous times of my posts and went to bed at 5am with Trump around 2/7 and Biden about 5/2 with my bookies ????
Woke at 9am and between 09:30 and 11:30 those odds flipped completely in two hours so Biden was now big odds-on to win ❎
Also the Georgia and North Carolina lead in the betting that Trump had at 5am, had been decimated by midday ????
Something very strange (euphemism!) happened and I hope it comes out in the wash ????
She has hit the big time, finding stuff the bbc wants found.
Not finding stuff it doesn’t.
Wonder when she is going to get in line with the ‘falsely’ claim?
Since when has the BBC ever worried about evidence? Allegedly. Sources say.
Marianna Spring could usefully do some night school:
“… claims about voting fraud for which their [sic] is a lack of evidence …”
It should be “there” instead of “their”; and prima facie there is evidence of something strange e.g. the sudden ‘turnarounds’ in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Just amazing to think they don’t see anything wrong with those graphs, the fact the Dems stopped counting and then dumped 300k votes in , every single one for Biden.
The turnouts, everything stinks. BBC not interested tho, just like they didn’t give a toss about the Biden scandal.
Agenda ???? DISGUSTING
Congress, in the brain cell of BbC Jugend.
You can take the man out of the bbc…
No wonder he relentlessly RTs every ex colleague hit piece.
I wonder how many other bbc staff have a vested interest of this nature?
Says something about broadcast media salaries when you can afford to place a £500 bet on someone in March 2020 who might not have lived to be voted for in November 2020.
Some good stuff coming from the USA
Not BBC America BS:
Why did the Dems in Pennsylvania suddenly stop the count last night when Trump was comfortably ahead?
Explain that Beeb.
And what about sudden inexplicable Dem spikes in Michigan and Wisconsin in the middle of the night?
And who deliberately burst that water pipe in Georgia vlad? ????
Yes, how convenient.
If this fraud had happened the other way round, the cries of foul play from Biden wouldn’t be false, baseless and outright lies as they are from Trump per the bbc. They would be “serious” allegations and the BBC would be all. over it !!!!
They would be trawling EVERY voter to find wrong doing. Turning up dead voters , double voters etc.
As it’s the result they want, turn a blind eye !!!!!
Pie-eater John Simpson wheeled out at the end of R4’s 6 pm 30-minute news to tell us what to think about the US Election … so the BBC must think it’s serious!
Along with Pennsylvania, which they declared had 1m votes left then suddenly decided today that it was actually 3m since 1m wouldn’t have been enough to overturn his lead, and Michigan, where Trump was also leading handily.
Any good news organisation would recognise this for what it really is, and that it has all the makings of the catalyst for civil war. Instead, the BBC is once again completely protecting the Democrats and gaslighting their gormless defenders that Trump’s crazy and has nothing to complain about.
Remember though, it’s not just Trump they’re attacking – it’s everyone who voted for him as well.
This is an exact duplicate of the play run in 1960 by the
Democrats when the Daley Machine in Chicago held back their totals until they knew how many votes were needed to carry Illinois for the Democrats and JFK.
Ah yes, Mayor Daley and Chicago! I also heard that R M Nixon got a short count in some districts too but decided not to contest it, with a view to another run in 1964 or, as actually happened, in 1968.
One more then I’m done !!! Some of the leads he had and”lost” are unreal.
The good news though is that so many prominent conservatives are reporting on it. Even though Twitter and Google will do their best to suppress their voices, word will spread, people will do their research, and tens of millions of Americans and hundreds of millions the world over will realise this is a sham.
Democrats’ tactic seems to be to call as many of the swing states as early as possible and declare Biden winner so that they can portray Trump as an authoritarian sore loser when he quite rightly takes them to the supreme court. Problem is, it’s not enough to simply recount one state – it needs to be every state that hadn’t already been declared (and Arizona, which was declared far too early) for it to make any difference.
This is the deep state’s revenge on Trump and, more importantly, his supporters for embarrassing them four years ago. Hopefully Trump prevails, but if he doesn’t, he becomes a martyr of sorts and hopefully this causes enough of an international incident that nobody – even the BBC – can ignore or downplay it any longer.