The BBC have said regularly and repeatedly on air on Radio4 (and probably on TV, too) since the EU Referendum that “Business does not like uncertainty.” I have previously explained on here that that statement is utter tosh because if you have ever been in business without a guaranteed income of TV Licence Fee money, there is no such thing as certainty, even from week to week, sometimes from day to day.
The fact that is nonsense did not stop BBC journalists, presenters and interviewees repeating the lie “Business does not like uncertainty.” on behalf of Remainers who were determined to try to overthrow a democratic decision.
If there is anything that creates uncertainty then it is an Election. Public choice can be fickle in supposedly well ordered democracies. A clear example of that would be the current uncertainty of the US Presidential Election. But when I look at the markets today – – what do I find? In the US, business appears to be quite happy with the uncertain outcome of the race for the White House. US shares are up and although the dollar is down against £ Sterling, Euro and Yen, it is by far less than a cent and that could be due to economic news from the countries represented by those currencies.
This is insane. He is literally plugging in the names of dead people and they are all returning as having voted in Michigan. Where is our Department if Justice on this? Why is it taking regular Americans to expose this level of obvious corruption?
Biden or al beeb won’t win this election in the next few days or weeks, possibly months ????????
In my opinion, “there’s something rotten in Denmark” (sic) ????
Yet more evidence of not just that mail-in fraud exists, but that the Democrats themselves publicly warned about it decades ago – thereby showing that this “no evidence” line the BBC is taking is entirely partisan and an excuse to attack Trump.
We need to do more than talk about it on here, though – let’s be fair, aside from the handful of trolls that occasionally show up, this place is a bit of a closed shop. You don’t see any of this acknowledged by the BBC or even really posted on their limited comments sections. They NEVER have an open comments section on Trump or America because they know that even though the highest rated comments will be leftists upvoting themselves and each other, a huge proportion of the comments will be pro-Trump and calling them out, which will be both a massive black eye for their ability to control the narrative and a major practical headache as they’re inundated with lefty commenters reporting conservatives for their wrong-think and having to moderate them.
We need to post this information, such as the video I’ve linked here as well as the Project Veritas link about the Michigan whistleblower earlier and information about all the massive leads Trump held that mysteriously disappeared in the night, on every single board they have regardless of the topic until they either can’t ignore it or at the very least it brings more people on there around to the truth. The left catfishes right-wing message boards all the time, but their disadvantage is that what they’re posting is always either spurious speculation, emotional fallacies, or outright lies. We have evidence and reasoning, and I’d like to think that there’s enough people on there who can think critically that might realise the BBC isn’t merely ‘PC’ = it’s actively dishonest about what it’s portraying as news.
Was there any evidence that Obama stole the election from McCain? I doubt it, he didn’t need to.
Obama did have popularity, especially amongst the blacks. They did not bother to vote for Hillary in such numbers. Yet we are meant to believe that Sleepy Joe, a man who thinks his granddaughter is his dead son, and he was running for the US Senate, got more votes than Obama? Not sure about that!
Do they really think that sane, rational people give any credence to the deranged ramblings of the assorted egomaniacs, narcissists, race-baiters and simpletons who are on their payroll?
Donald Trump made an unsubstantiated claim of election rigging as Joe Biden again predicted victory.
A reminder…
“ The BBC has settled with Lord McAlpine over his libel claim about a Newsnight broadcast which led to him being wrongly implicated in child abuse.” …without evidence.
BBC News goes full #tellitoftenenough with “quotes”.
“They can steal the election from us.”
President Trump has repeated voter fraud claims without providing any evidence. It is not “illegal” votes that are being counted, but legitimate mail-in ballots.
And now it calls this ‘news’… without credible evidence.
As election officials work to count the remaining ballots, Americans have been left on the edge of their seats, sitting, watching and waiting for their next president.
TOADY Watch #1 on this Thread – It is OK when we do it but it is not OK for them to do it
I awake and am told by the BBC in the TOADY 7 a.m. News Bulletin, that President Trump has claimed that the US Election is being stolen “without offering any evidence”. This is repeated again later and probably repeated ad infinitum by Rick Nobinson. Auntie’s Amnesia & Dementia has gone up a notch.
The BBC made all sorts of claims about the 2016 EU Referendum and the people involved, the 2016 US Presidential Election and the 2017 General Election in the UK ‘without offering any evidence’.
In addition, the BBC reported the claims of other people about the 2016 EU Referendum and the people involved, the 2016 US Presidential Election and the 2017 General Election in the UK without the rider that they make the claims: ‘without offering any evidence’.
Up2 I suppose the last time America had two presidents was the Civil War ….if the fraudulent count goes against him will the court have to order him to leave the Oval Office ?
I can’t see him leaving quietly .
With the media now in open war with him this looks very messy … I suppose Obama and earlier presidents will throw petrol onto the flames …
Perhaps – but he has to produce overwhelming evidence of widespread fraud capable of influencing or causing a perverse outcome ….
I don’t know if the Supreme Court has the power to nullify an election – I doubt it ….
I was wondering what the US military thinks of it all ?
I’m not sure Fed, but I think I agree with G that Trump has no friends apart from those who voted for him. We know that even some Republicans have turned away from the President because the no friend of President Trump BBC/no friends’ BBC have been trailing them across the R4 airwaves for weeks and months.
That could mean that some in the military might want Trump out of the way.
We know that in military High Command the boys like to get to play with their latest toys. I thought it ominous that when Ed played a clip of Biden on TWatO today, he came up with his three priorities. They were all wonderfully vague compared to the President’s manifesto. Can’t remember no.1 but no.2 was for America to discover its backbone and no.3 was to unite the nation.
The last, especially when taken in conjunction with no.2 usually means starting a war or getting into a war somewhere.
Fortunately, the internet provides many sources of news and what’s happening with the election. And they tell a very different story. I visited Steve Turley’s YT late yesterday evening and this source is still very hopeful. He even explains the large angry crowds which turn up at the locations where the “votes” are being counted –
This is a ‘pincer’ movement at present. Silicon Valley are blocking any balanced evidence in the form of tweets, certainly from DJT. And, in the UK, our “Worlds Most Trusted” are working assiduously for their communist masters to destroy any hope that the World will question any so-called, “Democracy” brought to us by elections. The main target: elections.
And more recent –
[Sorry Laughing, I didn’t spot your posting at 2129 05.11 above.]
Yes, G, it is bad that the Republicans’ supporters are doing now what the Democrats and various groups did after the result in 2016 and during that following weekend. The Democrats will make use of that and may well get their supporters and Antifa and BLM out on the streets in response.
Not good.
As I posted in reply to Fed, I still think the President should have waited for the counts to finish before making any claims.
The problem I’ve got with the second Turley video above in which, in essence, he advocates sticking with the law – carefully follow the law. But, following the law in the case of the ‘Russia hoax’ and that coup conspiracy where, even now, many months after the facts are pretty well know, there has been no indictments as commentators have been suggesting. “The Durham investigation” as it is jokingly called, has gone, effectively nowhere in indicting the main criminals like Obama, Biden, Clinton et al. This is a massive closing of ranks by the Deep State. Whether or not DJT can successfully overcome it is really in question. DJT has no friends. Apart from the public who voted for him and who will shortly become increasingly very, very angry…….
G, “DJT has no friends. Apart from the public who voted for him and who will shortly become increasingly very, very angry…….”
Agreed. That was why the President needed hard evidence of excessive votes over and above registrations. When that happens, especially if it’s in a key State, Biden is done for.
Unfortunately, what we have now is the worst of all worlds, much worse than a landslide for Biden.
There’s credible rumours now that Trump secretly had the mail-in ballots watermarked because he knew the Democrats were likely to cheat. If that’s true, and there appears to be videos backing it up, the fireworks we see when this is proven will be incredible.
If Trump can come up with incontrovertible evidence of vote rigging (and I, for one, hope he can) then the short-term chaos that will result may prove to be the salvation of democracy.
No problem, just glad these videos are getting noticed. There’s also the Project Veritas whistleblower from Michigan stating that late ballots were postmarked with Nov 3 on Nov 4, as well as many other examples.
If the liberal media honestly thinks it can just claim “no evidence” and people will be satisfied, they really need to get their heads out of their arses. This race doesn’t end tonight, even though there’s no quesiton Biden will be declared the winner and already has been by a few such as Decision Desk. It wouldn’t surprise me if this isn’t even resolved by the end of the year – remember, Al Gore’s challenge in 2000 didn’t end until mid-December, and even then it only ended because he basically gave up, which Trump and his supporters will not do.
Let’s try to put our concerns aside for a bit and enjoy the unfolding drama. It’s going to get messy either way.
Knob, hilariously, is trying to pass off a claim of a claim of a claim as ‘news’, and in trying to cover his backside misses that the entire U.K. MSM, and all his colleagues, are ‘saying’ it in unison, from the same hymn sheet, as a mantra.
As Joe Biden closes in on the White House Donald Trump claims the election is being stolen from him. A claim which leads all US news networks to say has has no evidence for his claim. Listen to @BBCr4today for the latest
TOADY Watch #2 on this Thread – slip of the tongue?
It was interesting that the BBC played a recent clip on TOADY of Joe Biden speaking (as a contra point to President Trump claims of voting fraud) where Biden says to the American people, in effect, “be patient, I’m sure Kamala Harris and I will be elected to the Presidency.” Very interesting.
Was it another slip or somewhere closer to the reality from Day 1 of a Biden win?
Here’s a microcosm of the coordinated, non-organic catfishing accounts currently overwhelming Brietbart’s comment section with single-line epithets, lies, ad hominems, and most importantly gaslighting.
Their activity has spiked dramatically since election night, having already increased a lot during the campaign itself. We do not often see this phenomenon the other way, and we certainly don’t see as many blatant examples of their wolf-whistles and use of banal platitudes poorly disguised as independent thought (e.g. the number of them who say “stop drinking the Kool-Aid,” “take off your tinfoil hat” or some variation of what amounts to ‘orange man bad’) – it’s a behaviour exclusive of leftists. You can also see this on BBC boards regarding Brexit, such as when BOTH of the top-rated comments on the Japan trade deal had dismissive lines about how “Britain will send them our stilton” and nobody called either of them out on what was so obviously either borgesque repetition of something indoctrinated into them, or lazy catfishing between people (or just one person with multiple aliases) who thought so little of everyone reading that they didn’t think they’d notice the similarities.
You’ll also notice on this article – – that many of the trolls comment on EACH OTHER’S posts within minutes of one another to try and disguise this as organic conversation. Interestingly, just like maxicony on here, these particular ones are posting in the middle of the night when there’s less pushback. Some like nangael go on a posting spree at around 8-10am our time, which of course is anywhere between 1-3am US time depending on the area. Some of them – such as ‘Vince’ ( – give so few shits about how blatant they are that they even upvote their own comments, despite the fact that Disqus TELLS YOU who’s up- and downvoted them.
The Democrats are so arrogant and so full of contempt for their adversaries that, hopefully, they don’t appear to be covering their tracks at all. This would have worked before social media but is much more difficult now, which goes a long way to explaining why they want big tech to censor even more conservative voices than they are already and shut down alternative media outlets. It’s shameless and brazen, but it’s also now so blatant that even some of the liberal media outlets such as MSNBC are having a hard time arresting the bleeding. I’m confident that at the end of this we will either have Trump’s re-election confirmed, as it would have been two days ago without all this nonsense, or that the Democrats’ and liberal media’s reputations will be so irrevocably damaged by the whole thing that they will be permanently on the fringes of American sociopolitics for the next generation or more. I’m still hoping for the former, but it’s going to be a rough few weeks.
BBC make me sick. This constant line that Trump is making baseless, false and misleading claims of fraud.
Check the internet.
PROOF of dead people voting in Dem controlled states.
PROOF of vote tampering in ballot halls in Dem controlled states
PROOF of large dumps of Biden votes being delivered in the dead of night in Dem controlled states
PROOF of votes being binned in Dem controlled states
There is PROOF of voter fraud everywhere you turn .
How this election result can stand is beyond comprehension !!!
If this was reversed and the Replublicans had carried out this BLATANT fraud, the BBC would be all over it like a rash.
But, it’s Trump on the receiving end so that’s ok. Not one of zurcher, sopel, katty, Bryant on the thousands of other BBC employees have seen any of this fraud documented on the web.
But other way around, they would be ‘re tweeting these videos furiously calling it out for what it is .
DISGUSTING fraud. Blatant and brazen and amazing they are going to get away with it untouched.
Every national newspaper is either on Biden’s side/opposed to Trump (such as the supposedly right-leaning Star referring to him as ‘Grumpy Trumpy’, although calling the Star a newspaper is dubious) or is too intimidated by the threat of being tarred as ‘far right’ or conspiratorial to actually do any proper reporting. That’s why you see traditionally conservative papers like the Times 100% biased against Trump. The Mail and Express are a bit more fair towards him, but they also have their share of cowardice such as constantly attacking Tommy Robinson in the Mail’s case.
The unwritten rule of any institution is that it will always become dominated by the far left unless it is explicitly right wing and committed to staying that way. That’s partly why the likes of the BBC – now one of the most shamelessly postmodernist, cultural Marxist-dominant echo chambers in all of international media – is so obsessed with ‘diversity.’ Practice clearly shows that the left’s definition of diversity is anything but diverse, and indeed they will happily destroy even their own if their opinions divert even marginally from the preapproved acceptable line, especially if that person is a woman or minority group whom the left see as ‘theirs’ to do what they want with because they’re ‘victims.’ It’s a code word for diluting cultures, businesses, industries, and even physical locations that are mostly apolitical and are therefore considered easy pickings for the left to infest and mold into its own form, when it will become another completely uniform and politically intolerant bubble of extreme leftist groupthink that isn’t threatened by inconvenient scrutiny.
The Marxist left and their sympathisers in nominally right-leaning parties and institutions thought they were going to take a pivotal, irreparable dominance four years ago, when Britain would get back in its box over EU membership and the US would continue Obama’s legacy of economic stagnation and cultural regression. They have never forgiven either country for daring to fight for their own interests instead of submitting to the global establishment, and they have been doing everything they can since to punish us for it.
Incidentally, Biden is now leading by 1,000 in Georgia and trailing by less than 20,000 in Pennsylvania. A reminder that at 4am our time on Wednesday, Trump led Georgia by over 230k and Pennsylvia by 700k. He also led Michigan by about 220k and Wisconsin by well over 100k. America truly deserves what’s coming to it if they’re too stupid to realise just how obvious this fraud effort is and don’t push back effectively.
So let me get this straight 3.9 of 4 million votes where counted in Georgia on Tuesday and President Trump had a 100k lead Then it takes 4 days to count the last 100,981 votes and every one went to Biden Nothing to see here, move along
Remember, “no evidence” in BBC land. I’m now hopeful that if indeed God exists then this may have been the plan all along, to force the left to shit the bed with such obvious and blatant fraud and thereby expose both themselves and their media mouthpieces to billions worldwide. There will always be those who can’t or won’t think for themselves, who will continue to open their mouths and swallow whatever rubbish the likes of the BBC feed them even when they’ve clearly and provably been lying to them for decades – and even if, for the sake of argument, the votes had actually been legitimate then the media was STILL lying because they said it would be a landslide and Trump would lose Ohio, Florida and Texas by several points. But there’s also enough critical thinkers out there who may have been naive about the extent of the deception while knowing there was bias, and they’re getting their information from direct sources which show clearly that the voting total are being manipulated while the mainstream news networks not only fail to report on it but shame and cancel anyone who does. They will definitely be announcing Biden as the winner today, when in fact there’s still weeks or maybe months of mileage left in this and there’s nothing they can do about that.
The genie is now well and truly out of the bottle.
Ed Stourton was in the chair. I heaved a sigh of relief too soon. Ed introduced Ryan Matsumoto as a non-partisan Election and voting patern analyst. Ed asks him a neutral question and Ryan is able to reply with a non-partisan answer. Ed asks another slanted question that favours the Democrats.
Rumpole is on his feet: “Leading M’Lud?” with an eyebrow inquisitively raised.
No BBC problem with the next interviewee. He has worked with Joe Biden and knows him and his family well.
Ed didn’t ask about Hunter and that uncollected laptop computer.
Just imagine what Biden’s (if he remains as actual President that long) / Harris’ first message to China will be: “As a fellow communists, we say, feel free…….you’l get no bother from us”.
The the chinese will go into Taiwan, Indonesia, Malasia The Phillipines, Australia all in the manner the Japanese did in WW2. Notice I left out Japan? They may well hesitate with Japan at the outset but once the rest are in the bag, they’ll tear into Japan with a vengeance festering since 1937.
What would the UK do if Australia was invaded? Well the UK would show signs of getting angry. Right now, we’d be hard pushed to put an army up. That’d mean tearing the forces away from Liverpool and we cant have that can we?
“That’d mean tearing the forces away from Liverpool and we cant have that can we?”
I did notice the BBC’s error during TWatO of talking about ‘soldiers on the streets of LIverpool’ when a UK Armed Forces spokesman was at pains to point out on TOADY that some of the military there will be from the Navy and Air Force as well.
#Georgia 99% counted on election night with Trump 120,000 ahead.
Suddenly only 84% have been counted with huge amounts of previously undiscovered ballots (all sequentially numbered and all for Biden) suddenly being found.
Sounds legit ????
— Politics Guy #IFBAZ ???????????????????????? (@PoliticsBloke) November 6, 2020
Newsmax and a couple of others have now called PA for Biden, which would be enough to win the race. They think that by naming his president-elect it will either force Trump to concede or make enough people in his administration jump ship so they can remove him by force. Trump and his government must hold firm. The media can claim the race as much as they want, but as long as there’s still legal challenges they can’t do anything, especially as Republicans hold the senate and the supreme court.
I have never liked “winner takes all” elections
You have to have some respect for why the opposing side has a different view.
But Trump was a special circumstance and had to go against Virtue Signalling.
I do believe what he does i best for black people, immigrant and the environment, although Dems shout the opposite.
He went against a lot more than ‘Virtue Signalling’.
From Day 1 he went against the most systematic campaign of vilification in history, from the media, social media, the establishment in all its form; the ‘Swamp’, the ‘Deep State’, academia, Hollywood, all backed and sponsored by Wall Street, much of big business, and globalists and socialists of all hues, some with a Hungarian accent. Without counting probable interference from foreign countries that we may never know. China has a lot to fear from a Trump second term and almost certainly pulled some strings with their huge financial clout and proven ruthlessness.
“On December 13, 2000, Gore conceded the election. Gore strongly disagreed with the Court’s decision, but in his concession speech stated that, “for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”
At least Gore was able to get his case before the court. That’s exactly what needs to be done here. If they rule against Trump or there’s ultimately not enough evidence to change things (and I strongly believe there is), then so be it. It’s better to try and fail than not try at all.
Unfortunately, too many conservative politicians have become so lilly-livered that they might as well just call themselves the doormats. See the recent coronavirus law – barely any resistence from Tory ministers, and the few that did are known for having conviction (Peter Bone, Philip Davies, IDS and some others) – even Mark Francois and JRM didn’t take a stand on this, which is really disappointing. Similarly, too many RINOs like Chris Christie and Mitt Romney are more concerned about being part of the liberal media’s circle than about ethics or even their own party governing the US. I don’t expect every Republican to blindly support everything their leader does, but I do expect some form of resistence towards the opposition when there’s clearly – except in the left’s absolutist “no evidence” bubble – convincing evidence of multiple different forms of electoral fraud and voter suppression being used against their own government. Instead, there’s only been about half a dozen Republican senators that have publicly sided with Trump, and the rest are either silent or criticising him for daring to fight back.
Is this due to the decades-long Marxist feminisation of men in the west? Possibly, but then again the Republicans also just had several women selected to the senate, as well as some of the best conservative justices and commentators. More likely, it’s the result of being constantly beaten down by the left’s insistence that we’re villains of history, that our rights don’t matter, that we owe everyone else what we earn, that we’re bigots the moment we’re born, and that our offspring should be allowed to be killed before birth if they’re considered too much of a burden. It’s easy enough after a while to stop the pushback, not because we agree but because we’re tired. That’s what the global elite was relying on in 2016, and instead we finally showed some mettle by voting for Brexit and the US voting for Trump. But even then, the majority of Brexiteers are too scared to publicly admit supporting Trump, or are still getting their information from the same BBC and media outlets they know browbeated them over how great the EU was yet have psychological Stockholm syndrome and assume they’re reliable sources when it comes to Trump. And of course, most people still vote for the same two parties that ignored them and dragged their heels for three years.
That’s why this is such a crossroads for the western world. America is the last economically and culturally relevant country on the world stage that still has at least a facade of patriotism and liberty. If they allow such a blatant fraud to take place just because they can’t be bothered fighting the media machine, their country’s lost, and the first world will be all the worse for it. Let’s hope the protests we’ve already seen are just the beginning of much more significant demonstrations and that Trump is successful, or at least successful enough to shine a permanent light on the corruption of the Democrat party and the likes of the BBC that protect them at the expense of the electorate.
No idea, probably not though. I think a lot of the MPs that voted for it are generally principled but either don’t want to go against the boss or are just so completely disconnected from the consequences of their actions and unresearched on the supposed merits of lockdown that they just went along with it. It’s extremely disappointing and cowardly, but I wouldn’t say they’re corrupt as such.
Al Beeb is delighted to report that a school in Bangladesh welcomes transgenders.
But they don’t seem at all interested in other news from Bangladesh, where 2 Hindu men have been arrested and their village burned down for allegedly commenting favourably on a Facebook post from France supporting Macron. (He’s the new Great Satan for members of the Religion of Intolerance and Hysteria.)
Comcast Sky and Comcast CNN. The same propaganda. Biden has won exclusively on postal voting, and postal voting is much more open to fraud than in person voting.
Watching @FoxNews to see how they cover the election. Someone they call a correspondent has just said on air that pollsters are “partisan pornographers who worked with Joe Biden to suppress the vote”. Extraordinarily there are people here who want our TV news to be more like Fox
Brilliant @CNN coverage of the US elections. I’ve watched & appreciated hours of it. @JohnKingCNN & his magic wall are outstanding & rightly emulated. He seems immaculately impartial but interesting how partial some of other CNN anchors have become after 4 years of Trump
Hugh Sykes liked this one. In fact they are lost busy putting each other on the back for a dirty job done, they might forget not all outside the bubble are that impressed at how they did it.
I'm not coming out from behind the sofa until it's formally declared that Joe's won. I've got books, Italian red wine, confit de canard, roast potatoes and Irish whiskey here. #Thesofawins
In the words of a civil servant all those years ago “I’m f$%^@d your f&*%/$ were all f$^^*€. I have gone through every emotion possible these last few days. The way President Trump has been portrayed the last 4 years as corrupt and dishonest yet he is now being proved correct in his claims regarding the swamp. He was the western worlds last hope.
I’m now beginning to think that the Democrats don’t actually expect to get away with this. They’re breaking so many obvious laws at both the state and national level that the results of these swing states that counted past the deadline have no legitimacy at all. They’re hoping the media can gaslight enough people that Biden’s the real winner, and then when the courts see the obvious fraud and either order new elections in these states or simply throw out the illegal votes and declare Trump the winner, they can claim they were robbed and use it as justification for further obstructing Trump’s policies.
Keep in mind, Democrats don’t actually want either Biden OR Harris as president. Biden was only picked because he was seen as the most likely to have a chance at beating Trump, and Harris is an affirmative action VP who only received 2% of the votes in the primaries and finished 9th overall. If they somehow steal the election then obviously they’ll take it and then probably have the electoral college choose someone else, or just throw Biden under the bus after a few months and replace him with Harris. But if (or hopefully when, if there’s any justice) they lose in the supreme court, they will be able to portray themselves as the victims again to their gullible followers and have a ready excuse for making Trump’s life as miserable as possible for the next four years.
Wow – I have something in common with the odious John Crace of The Guardian – the turd for ever dropping on ‘non approved ‘ people and subjects ..
Mr Crace says he cannot face the US election – nor can I ….
A party has started in the streets of Philadelphia as Joe Biden leads the vote count in Pennsylvania and Donald Trump voters continued to challenge the proceedings.
Interesting caption creeps in…
“….claims fraud without substantive evidence…”.
BBC ‘claims’ appear to be evolving, albeit semantically, as facts appear. Ironically.
Lurch now devoting himself to Covid marshalling hall monitor.
If you’re in a large indoor gathering in most of the US, chances are someone there has Covid. In this case, we have video evidence of it.
.@Newswatchbbc starting now on BBC1. IPlayer version currently incomplete so watch it on breakfast and hopefully it’ll be there a little later..
BBC don’t do maths WEB-SITE Watch #1 – they really don’t do maths at the BBC ….
… or possibly update the web-site very often? They tell me on the Home Page (using the correct adjective this time) “We’re going to win, Biden says as lead widens.”
I head off to the News Page to see how the ECV tally has changed overnight ……
…… and it hasn’t moved in the slightest. Oh, BBC! How are the mighty fallen. I’m thinking broadcasters there, not Presidents. I’ve been trying, this morning, to figure out why gloom has descended on Snuffydom in the last couple of days this week and find what is causing it.
Am I worried about a Biden Presidency? Concerned, not worried. Is it Lockdown? No. Is it personal circumstances? No. Is it techy & admin problems? No. Then it must be health? No. Then I twigged! It is our national broadcaster and all its faults. That is what is making me unhappy. The BBC partiality and the BBC’s lack of good journalistic neutrality and objectivity is make Snuffy miserable.
Apologies if this has already been posted, but another insightful video from Dr Steve – this time focusing on the enemy at the gates, i.e. RINOs and ‘purple’ conservatives.
The comments at the end about those who are more concerned with ‘divisive’ rhetoric than actual corruption are especially important, because it’s at the heart of Marxism’s obsession with policing language as a means of controlling what can and can’t be discussed. This shows again that this is bigger than a party divide over a single election – this is essentially an intellectual war between critical thinking and critical theory. Critical thinking always wins eventually, as aside from the brainwashed BLM/ANTIFA thugs and coastal elites you can’t keep everyone duped forever when the evidence is so overwhelming. But it will be a lot harder for America, and thus the first world, to bounce back if they have to go through a nominal Biden government and eventual Harris communist administration before they realise what’s happening.
At least they can defend their personal freedom . I think if the plod stunt of arresting a daughter trying to get her 97 year old mum out of a care home in the states it would have been a lot different ….
Elsewhere – I understand the data being presented to the British public to justify further restrictions on life were ‘wrong’ .
I think there will be plenty of ‘wrong ‘ or ‘non’ data coming along -such as the YOY suicide numbers – and the circumstances ….
I hate accronymmms BS….. they become ‘inclusive ‘ …
Or see the interactive map from yesterday about which state you need a permit for a kangaroo … when I saw that I thought ‘roll ,on 2023’…..or being dead
We are developing a repertoire of MSM biased catch phrases –
So what you’re saying is
Some people are saying
Mostly peaceful
Unfounded allegations without evidence
I think the latest one – rolled out by various mass media – is the clearest example that they don’t even try to hide the bias any more – they have taken a side – made their own judgement –
Not the job of journalism – which is now fair game for paying a price ….
I caught a couple of news reports using the ‘without evidence ‘ line and even someone as jaded as me – was truly surprised by the brazen bias …..
This morning’s BBC on-line presentation of our national newspaper front pages draws attention to the fact: ‘The Daily Mail has no mention of the US elections on its front page’ – no mention of the ongoing and inconclusive vote count in another country, that is the repetitious old news that’s topping every TV broadcast – yeah, I can see why some press editors might perhaps reason the British public don’t necessarily want it dominating their every newspaper headline for the third day running.
Of course the BBC are none too keen on the headline story the Mail is running: ‘BBC Diana scandal: Spencer’s damning dossier’
The BBC responds to the Mail report with a nice example of its most superior po-faced of attitudes: ‘…It instead chooses to focus on claims journalist Martin Bashir allegedly tricked Diana, Princess of Wales to gain an interview broadcast on the BBC’s Panorama programme 25 years ago.’
25 years… OK, so Diana is hardly new news. But if the liberal media can keep bombarding our consciousness with Bloody Sunday, Hillsborough and bloody Stephen Lawrence…
Anniversaries take the attention of our tabloids: ’20 years of I’m a Celeb’ in the Daily Mirror, topped by the Express with their ‘Happy 100th Birthday Rupert Bear’
To the Aussie jungle, fly little Ant and Dec,
Awarded top rated TV, but what the heck?
“C” list celebs on a diet of dry crackers,
Tucker trials of bugs and wallaby’s knackers.
The Telegraph presents a story whose headline unwittingly perhaps provides a mantra for our dawning new globalist reset age: ‘Remembrance events to be discouraged’
It’s a commonplace and a cliche – but how George Orwell and 1984 is that?
In the election, Trump increased his votes by more than 5 million over 2016. The democrats lost seats in both houses, when they were supposed to become the dominant party in both. Trump and Pence engaged hundreds of thousands of people at rallies across America whereas Biden and Harris could have held their rallies in a local gym and still have had space for an elephant or two.
Yet Trump looks set to lose the election.
I have no idea if there has been corruption in the counting, but it just doesn’t add up.
The BBC Reality Check reports are increasingly polarised to check only Donald Trump and not much else.
The latest one dissects Trump’s claim of electoral fraud.
The only source used to counter the claim seems to be ‘The Brennan Centre for Justice’.
A quick google check shows that the two main leaders of this mysterious source are both left liberals. The company president was Bill Clinton’s assistant and speech writer. The Vice President worked for the very left wing ‘daily beast’.
So the main source for the BBC to state that US electoral fraud is virtually non existent is itself a left liberal think tank – not very impartial I would say.
Very sloppy work, the author hasn’t even bothered to do proper research because the real aim was just to attack Trump. No attempt at all to check reality through diligent and investigative journalism.
I just saw BBC website where it announces Biden victory..but then you read down a paragraph and itcsays The Biden victory is based on BBC projections of….so not a victory yet…just them projecting…
Funny the 2 other media announcing Biden victory..Guardian and Metro…hilarious…
They really are shit3. Not sure what DT can do but you have to hope some of the Republicans can force an investigation into voting…
Really does anyone think Biden got more votes than Obama and the turnout was 80+ %….
BBC turn a blind eye to anything tgat doesn’t fit their world view
Dear Joe,
Congratulations, please help me return Britain to the EU and we do want to soak the UK taxpayers with climate related taxes, and please remember our Home Secretary is pursuing an open borders policy which is what you want.
Please feel free to visit us and see our Queen and her grandson, the one with a Democrat supporting wife
In 2000, the US news media also prematurely called Al Gore as the winner of the US Presidential election. After legal challenges to the race ended, Gore’s opponent won the election. The courts decide, not the media.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 Campbell representing around quarter of its audience? Per day.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Time will tell. RIP the victims. Round here black BMWs are often associated with insurance scams or ignoring double yellow…
Jesus wept
The BBC have said regularly and repeatedly on air on Radio4 (and probably on TV, too) since the EU Referendum that “Business does not like uncertainty.” I have previously explained on here that that statement is utter tosh because if you have ever been in business without a guaranteed income of TV Licence Fee money, there is no such thing as certainty, even from week to week, sometimes from day to day.
The fact that is nonsense did not stop BBC journalists, presenters and interviewees repeating the lie “Business does not like uncertainty.” on behalf of Remainers who were determined to try to overthrow a democratic decision.
If there is anything that creates uncertainty then it is an Election. Public choice can be fickle in supposedly well ordered democracies. A clear example of that would be the current uncertainty of the US Presidential Election. But when I look at the markets today – – what do I find? In the US, business appears to be quite happy with the uncertain outcome of the race for the White House. US shares are up and although the dollar is down against £ Sterling, Euro and Yen, it is by far less than a cent and that could be due to economic news from the countries represented by those currencies.
Funny, I thought.
I thought funny.
The BBC: proved wrong again.
What does like uncertainty and who likes uncertainty? ????
I suspect nobody and agree ????????
The absentee ballots are interesting.
Biden or al beeb won’t win this election in the next few days or weeks, possibly months ????????
In my opinion, “there’s something rotten in Denmark” (sic) ????
Yet more evidence of not just that mail-in fraud exists, but that the Democrats themselves publicly warned about it decades ago – thereby showing that this “no evidence” line the BBC is taking is entirely partisan and an excuse to attack Trump.
We need to do more than talk about it on here, though – let’s be fair, aside from the handful of trolls that occasionally show up, this place is a bit of a closed shop. You don’t see any of this acknowledged by the BBC or even really posted on their limited comments sections. They NEVER have an open comments section on Trump or America because they know that even though the highest rated comments will be leftists upvoting themselves and each other, a huge proportion of the comments will be pro-Trump and calling them out, which will be both a massive black eye for their ability to control the narrative and a major practical headache as they’re inundated with lefty commenters reporting conservatives for their wrong-think and having to moderate them.
We need to post this information, such as the video I’ve linked here as well as the Project Veritas link about the Michigan whistleblower earlier and information about all the massive leads Trump held that mysteriously disappeared in the night, on every single board they have regardless of the topic until they either can’t ignore it or at the very least it brings more people on there around to the truth. The left catfishes right-wing message boards all the time, but their disadvantage is that what they’re posting is always either spurious speculation, emotional fallacies, or outright lies. We have evidence and reasoning, and I’d like to think that there’s enough people on there who can think critically that might realise the BBC isn’t merely ‘PC’ = it’s actively dishonest about what it’s portraying as news.
Looking at the above, the claim seems… inaccurate.
With no result yet projected the US election hinges on results from four battleground states.
BBC journalists across America are here to answer your most pressing questions.
A bunch of gibbering teenagers are not journalists. Who paid for these divs?
Amol chips in.
Was there any evidence that Obama stole the election from McCain? I doubt it, he didn’t need to.
Obama did have popularity, especially amongst the blacks. They did not bother to vote for Hillary in such numbers. Yet we are meant to believe that Sleepy Joe, a man who thinks his granddaughter is his dead son, and he was running for the US Senate, got more votes than Obama? Not sure about that!
And for the record, Amol Rajan is a cock.
At a distance of 40 miles he could not have seen him, let alone heard him.
Why, it’s almost like a hive mind has issued instructions.
Do they really have no self-awareness?
Do they really think that sane, rational people give any credence to the deranged ramblings of the assorted egomaniacs, narcissists, race-baiters and simpletons who are on their payroll?
Just kicked the dab into touch.
Global News using THE EXACT SAME CLAIM.
Over and over.
Latest BBC on repeat…
Donald Trump made an unsubstantiated claim of election rigging as Joe Biden again predicted victory.
A reminder…
“ The BBC has settled with Lord McAlpine over his libel claim about a Newsnight broadcast which led to him being wrongly implicated in child abuse.” …without evidence.
“ITV director of television Peter Fincham said Schofield will remain on air, and that he “realises his mistake and lapse in ITV journalism”.”
Different strokes for different folks, eh, MSM?
On the same page…
‘Quiz of the week: What did Trump’s campaign call Lady Gaga?’
Relentless. And especially targeting kids.
BBC News goes full #tellitoftenenough with “quotes”.
“They can steal the election from us.”
President Trump has repeated voter fraud claims without providing any evidence. It is not “illegal” votes that are being counted, but legitimate mail-in ballots.
And now it calls this ‘news’… without credible evidence.
As election officials work to count the remaining ballots, Americans have been left on the edge of their seats, sitting, watching and waiting for their next president.
But in the meantime, it’s meme time.
TOADY Watch #1 on this Thread – It is OK when we do it but it is not OK for them to do it
I awake and am told by the BBC in the TOADY 7 a.m. News Bulletin, that President Trump has claimed that the US Election is being stolen “without offering any evidence”. This is repeated again later and probably repeated ad infinitum by Rick Nobinson. Auntie’s Amnesia & Dementia has gone up a notch.
The BBC made all sorts of claims about the 2016 EU Referendum and the people involved, the 2016 US Presidential Election and the 2017 General Election in the UK ‘without offering any evidence’.
In addition, the BBC reported the claims of other people about the 2016 EU Referendum and the people involved, the 2016 US Presidential Election and the 2017 General Election in the UK without the rider that they make the claims: ‘without offering any evidence’.
Time to shuffle off Auntie into private care?
Up2 I suppose the last time America had two presidents was the Civil War ….if the fraudulent count goes against him will the court have to order him to leave the Oval Office ?
I can’t see him leaving quietly .
With the media now in open war with him this looks very messy … I suppose Obama and earlier presidents will throw petrol onto the flames …
Fed, I still think the President should have waited for the counts to finish before making any claims.
Perhaps – but he has to produce overwhelming evidence of widespread fraud capable of influencing or causing a perverse outcome ….
I don’t know if the Supreme Court has the power to nullify an election – I doubt it ….
I was wondering what the US military thinks of it all ?
I’m not sure Fed, but I think I agree with G that Trump has no friends apart from those who voted for him. We know that even some Republicans have turned away from the President because the no friend of President Trump BBC/no friends’ BBC have been trailing them across the R4 airwaves for weeks and months.
That could mean that some in the military might want Trump out of the way.
We know that in military High Command the boys like to get to play with their latest toys. I thought it ominous that when Ed played a clip of Biden on TWatO today, he came up with his three priorities. They were all wonderfully vague compared to the President’s manifesto. Can’t remember no.1 but no.2 was for America to discover its backbone and no.3 was to unite the nation.
The last, especially when taken in conjunction with no.2 usually means starting a war or getting into a war somewhere.
Think the US High Command might like that.
Trump does however have the overwhelming majority of law enforcement and the armed forces on his side.
Fortunately, the internet provides many sources of news and what’s happening with the election. And they tell a very different story. I visited Steve Turley’s YT late yesterday evening and this source is still very hopeful. He even explains the large angry crowds which turn up at the locations where the “votes” are being counted –
This is a ‘pincer’ movement at present. Silicon Valley are blocking any balanced evidence in the form of tweets, certainly from DJT. And, in the UK, our “Worlds Most Trusted” are working assiduously for their communist masters to destroy any hope that the World will question any so-called, “Democracy” brought to us by elections. The main target: elections.
And more recent –
[Sorry Laughing, I didn’t spot your posting at 2129 05.11 above.]
Yes, G, it is bad that the Republicans’ supporters are doing now what the Democrats and various groups did after the result in 2016 and during that following weekend. The Democrats will make use of that and may well get their supporters and Antifa and BLM out on the streets in response.
Not good.
As I posted in reply to Fed, I still think the President should have waited for the counts to finish before making any claims.
The problem I’ve got with the second Turley video above in which, in essence, he advocates sticking with the law – carefully follow the law. But, following the law in the case of the ‘Russia hoax’ and that coup conspiracy where, even now, many months after the facts are pretty well know, there has been no indictments as commentators have been suggesting. “The Durham investigation” as it is jokingly called, has gone, effectively nowhere in indicting the main criminals like Obama, Biden, Clinton et al. This is a massive closing of ranks by the Deep State. Whether or not DJT can successfully overcome it is really in question. DJT has no friends. Apart from the public who voted for him and who will shortly become increasingly very, very angry…….
G, “DJT has no friends. Apart from the public who voted for him and who will shortly become increasingly very, very angry…….”
Agreed. That was why the President needed hard evidence of excessive votes over and above registrations. When that happens, especially if it’s in a key State, Biden is done for.
Unfortunately, what we have now is the worst of all worlds, much worse than a landslide for Biden.
There’s credible rumours now that Trump secretly had the mail-in ballots watermarked because he knew the Democrats were likely to cheat. If that’s true, and there appears to be videos backing it up, the fireworks we see when this is proven will be incredible.
If Trump can come up with incontrovertible evidence of vote rigging (and I, for one, hope he can) then the short-term chaos that will result may prove to be the salvation of democracy.
No problem, just glad these videos are getting noticed. There’s also the Project Veritas whistleblower from Michigan stating that late ballots were postmarked with Nov 3 on Nov 4, as well as many other examples.
If the liberal media honestly thinks it can just claim “no evidence” and people will be satisfied, they really need to get their heads out of their arses. This race doesn’t end tonight, even though there’s no quesiton Biden will be declared the winner and already has been by a few such as Decision Desk. It wouldn’t surprise me if this isn’t even resolved by the end of the year – remember, Al Gore’s challenge in 2000 didn’t end until mid-December, and even then it only ended because he basically gave up, which Trump and his supporters will not do.
Let’s try to put our concerns aside for a bit and enjoy the unfolding drama. It’s going to get messy either way.
Rubs hands.
Fresh Princeton of Woke Airtime
The bbc finds a Perfesser of color that suits from a college that really delivers. Next.. Harvard grad Lammy?
If Obama had a propaganda division stirrer, it would struggle to beat the bbc.
I think there is a book behind him called
‘ how to fry chips “
‘ how to be a victim “
‘How to hide behind your colour “
The more books – the thicker the interviewee …
Was he interviewed in Waterstones?
Knob, hilariously, is trying to pass off a claim of a claim of a claim as ‘news’, and in trying to cover his backside misses that the entire U.K. MSM, and all his colleagues, are ‘saying’ it in unison, from the same hymn sheet, as a mantra.
TOADY Watch #2 on this Thread – slip of the tongue?
It was interesting that the BBC played a recent clip on TOADY of Joe Biden speaking (as a contra point to President Trump claims of voting fraud) where Biden says to the American people, in effect, “be patient, I’m sure Kamala Harris and I will be elected to the Presidency.” Very interesting.
Was it another slip or somewhere closer to the reality from Day 1 of a Biden win?
Here’s a microcosm of the coordinated, non-organic catfishing accounts currently overwhelming Brietbart’s comment section with single-line epithets, lies, ad hominems, and most importantly gaslighting. (newly-minted – many of these accounts only last a few days and then the same user will just create another one)
Their activity has spiked dramatically since election night, having already increased a lot during the campaign itself. We do not often see this phenomenon the other way, and we certainly don’t see as many blatant examples of their wolf-whistles and use of banal platitudes poorly disguised as independent thought (e.g. the number of them who say “stop drinking the Kool-Aid,” “take off your tinfoil hat” or some variation of what amounts to ‘orange man bad’) – it’s a behaviour exclusive of leftists. You can also see this on BBC boards regarding Brexit, such as when BOTH of the top-rated comments on the Japan trade deal had dismissive lines about how “Britain will send them our stilton” and nobody called either of them out on what was so obviously either borgesque repetition of something indoctrinated into them, or lazy catfishing between people (or just one person with multiple aliases) who thought so little of everyone reading that they didn’t think they’d notice the similarities.
You’ll also notice on this article – – that many of the trolls comment on EACH OTHER’S posts within minutes of one another to try and disguise this as organic conversation. Interestingly, just like maxicony on here, these particular ones are posting in the middle of the night when there’s less pushback. Some like nangael go on a posting spree at around 8-10am our time, which of course is anywhere between 1-3am US time depending on the area. Some of them – such as ‘Vince’ ( – give so few shits about how blatant they are that they even upvote their own comments, despite the fact that Disqus TELLS YOU who’s up- and downvoted them.
The Democrats are so arrogant and so full of contempt for their adversaries that, hopefully, they don’t appear to be covering their tracks at all. This would have worked before social media but is much more difficult now, which goes a long way to explaining why they want big tech to censor even more conservative voices than they are already and shut down alternative media outlets. It’s shameless and brazen, but it’s also now so blatant that even some of the liberal media outlets such as MSNBC are having a hard time arresting the bleeding. I’m confident that at the end of this we will either have Trump’s re-election confirmed, as it would have been two days ago without all this nonsense, or that the Democrats’ and liberal media’s reputations will be so irrevocably damaged by the whole thing that they will be permanently on the fringes of American sociopolitics for the next generation or more. I’m still hoping for the former, but it’s going to be a rough few weeks.
BBC make me sick. This constant line that Trump is making baseless, false and misleading claims of fraud.
Check the internet.
PROOF of dead people voting in Dem controlled states.
PROOF of vote tampering in ballot halls in Dem controlled states
PROOF of large dumps of Biden votes being delivered in the dead of night in Dem controlled states
PROOF of votes being binned in Dem controlled states
There is PROOF of voter fraud everywhere you turn .
How this election result can stand is beyond comprehension !!!
If this was reversed and the Replublicans had carried out this BLATANT fraud, the BBC would be all over it like a rash.
But, it’s Trump on the receiving end so that’s ok. Not one of zurcher, sopel, katty, Bryant on the thousands of other BBC employees have seen any of this fraud documented on the web.
But other way around, they would be ‘re tweeting these videos furiously calling it out for what it is .
DISGUSTING fraud. Blatant and brazen and amazing they are going to get away with it untouched.
Just staggering.
It’s not just the BBC, sadly.
Every national newspaper is either on Biden’s side/opposed to Trump (such as the supposedly right-leaning Star referring to him as ‘Grumpy Trumpy’, although calling the Star a newspaper is dubious) or is too intimidated by the threat of being tarred as ‘far right’ or conspiratorial to actually do any proper reporting. That’s why you see traditionally conservative papers like the Times 100% biased against Trump. The Mail and Express are a bit more fair towards him, but they also have their share of cowardice such as constantly attacking Tommy Robinson in the Mail’s case.
The unwritten rule of any institution is that it will always become dominated by the far left unless it is explicitly right wing and committed to staying that way. That’s partly why the likes of the BBC – now one of the most shamelessly postmodernist, cultural Marxist-dominant echo chambers in all of international media – is so obsessed with ‘diversity.’ Practice clearly shows that the left’s definition of diversity is anything but diverse, and indeed they will happily destroy even their own if their opinions divert even marginally from the preapproved acceptable line, especially if that person is a woman or minority group whom the left see as ‘theirs’ to do what they want with because they’re ‘victims.’ It’s a code word for diluting cultures, businesses, industries, and even physical locations that are mostly apolitical and are therefore considered easy pickings for the left to infest and mold into its own form, when it will become another completely uniform and politically intolerant bubble of extreme leftist groupthink that isn’t threatened by inconvenient scrutiny.
The Marxist left and their sympathisers in nominally right-leaning parties and institutions thought they were going to take a pivotal, irreparable dominance four years ago, when Britain would get back in its box over EU membership and the US would continue Obama’s legacy of economic stagnation and cultural regression. They have never forgiven either country for daring to fight for their own interests instead of submitting to the global establishment, and they have been doing everything they can since to punish us for it.
Incidentally, Biden is now leading by 1,000 in Georgia and trailing by less than 20,000 in Pennsylvania. A reminder that at 4am our time on Wednesday, Trump led Georgia by over 230k and Pennsylvia by 700k. He also led Michigan by about 220k and Wisconsin by well over 100k. America truly deserves what’s coming to it if they’re too stupid to realise just how obvious this fraud effort is and don’t push back effectively.
Remember, “no evidence” in BBC land. I’m now hopeful that if indeed God exists then this may have been the plan all along, to force the left to shit the bed with such obvious and blatant fraud and thereby expose both themselves and their media mouthpieces to billions worldwide. There will always be those who can’t or won’t think for themselves, who will continue to open their mouths and swallow whatever rubbish the likes of the BBC feed them even when they’ve clearly and provably been lying to them for decades – and even if, for the sake of argument, the votes had actually been legitimate then the media was STILL lying because they said it would be a landslide and Trump would lose Ohio, Florida and Texas by several points. But there’s also enough critical thinkers out there who may have been naive about the extent of the deception while knowing there was bias, and they’re getting their information from direct sources which show clearly that the voting total are being manipulated while the mainstream news networks not only fail to report on it but shame and cancel anyone who does. They will definitely be announcing Biden as the winner today, when in fact there’s still weeks or maybe months of mileage left in this and there’s nothing they can do about that.
The genie is now well and truly out of the bottle.
TWatO Watch #1 – US Election Special
Ed Stourton was in the chair. I heaved a sigh of relief too soon. Ed introduced Ryan Matsumoto as a non-partisan Election and voting patern analyst. Ed asks him a neutral question and Ryan is able to reply with a non-partisan answer. Ed asks another slanted question that favours the Democrats.
Rumpole is on his feet: “Leading M’Lud?” with an eyebrow inquisitively raised.
No BBC problem with the next interviewee. He has worked with Joe Biden and knows him and his family well.
Ed didn’t ask about Hunter and that uncollected laptop computer.
I wonder why?
Just imagine what Biden’s (if he remains as actual President that long) / Harris’ first message to China will be: “As a fellow communists, we say, feel free…….you’l get no bother from us”.
The the chinese will go into Taiwan, Indonesia, Malasia The Phillipines, Australia all in the manner the Japanese did in WW2. Notice I left out Japan? They may well hesitate with Japan at the outset but once the rest are in the bag, they’ll tear into Japan with a vengeance festering since 1937.
What would the UK do if Australia was invaded? Well the UK would show signs of getting angry. Right now, we’d be hard pushed to put an army up. That’d mean tearing the forces away from Liverpool and we cant have that can we?
“That’d mean tearing the forces away from Liverpool and we cant have that can we?”
I did notice the BBC’s error during TWatO of talking about ‘soldiers on the streets of LIverpool’ when a UK Armed Forces spokesman was at pains to point out on TOADY that some of the military there will be from the Navy and Air Force as well.
And in NZ Jacinda would cook them a chicken fried rice.
Again, you just gotta laugh how brazen they STILL are !!
Newsmax and a couple of others have now called PA for Biden, which would be enough to win the race. They think that by naming his president-elect it will either force Trump to concede or make enough people in his administration jump ship so they can remove him by force. Trump and his government must hold firm. The media can claim the race as much as they want, but as long as there’s still legal challenges they can’t do anything, especially as Republicans hold the senate and the supreme court.
#StopTheSteal is trending
I have never liked “winner takes all” elections
You have to have some respect for why the opposing side has a different view.
But Trump was a special circumstance and had to go against Virtue Signalling.
I do believe what he does i best for black people, immigrant and the environment, although Dems shout the opposite.
He went against a lot more than ‘Virtue Signalling’.
From Day 1 he went against the most systematic campaign of vilification in history, from the media, social media, the establishment in all its form; the ‘Swamp’, the ‘Deep State’, academia, Hollywood, all backed and sponsored by Wall Street, much of big business, and globalists and socialists of all hues, some with a Hungarian accent. Without counting probable interference from foreign countries that we may never know. China has a lot to fear from a Trump second term and almost certainly pulled some strings with their huge financial clout and proven ruthlessness.
What in this case would an election look like that was not “winner takes all”? There has to be a winner and a loser in the end.
Trump should concede ?
candidates always concede immediately ?
“On December 13, 2000, Gore conceded the election. Gore strongly disagreed with the Court’s decision, but in his concession speech stated that, “for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.”
Trump should absolutely not concede until if and when every dodgy vote count has been tested in court.
He should only concede if it is certain he has lost, which will take a while to determine.
At least Gore was able to get his case before the court. That’s exactly what needs to be done here. If they rule against Trump or there’s ultimately not enough evidence to change things (and I strongly believe there is), then so be it. It’s better to try and fail than not try at all.
Unfortunately, too many conservative politicians have become so lilly-livered that they might as well just call themselves the doormats. See the recent coronavirus law – barely any resistence from Tory ministers, and the few that did are known for having conviction (Peter Bone, Philip Davies, IDS and some others) – even Mark Francois and JRM didn’t take a stand on this, which is really disappointing. Similarly, too many RINOs like Chris Christie and Mitt Romney are more concerned about being part of the liberal media’s circle than about ethics or even their own party governing the US. I don’t expect every Republican to blindly support everything their leader does, but I do expect some form of resistence towards the opposition when there’s clearly – except in the left’s absolutist “no evidence” bubble – convincing evidence of multiple different forms of electoral fraud and voter suppression being used against their own government. Instead, there’s only been about half a dozen Republican senators that have publicly sided with Trump, and the rest are either silent or criticising him for daring to fight back.
Is this due to the decades-long Marxist feminisation of men in the west? Possibly, but then again the Republicans also just had several women selected to the senate, as well as some of the best conservative justices and commentators. More likely, it’s the result of being constantly beaten down by the left’s insistence that we’re villains of history, that our rights don’t matter, that we owe everyone else what we earn, that we’re bigots the moment we’re born, and that our offspring should be allowed to be killed before birth if they’re considered too much of a burden. It’s easy enough after a while to stop the pushback, not because we agree but because we’re tired. That’s what the global elite was relying on in 2016, and instead we finally showed some mettle by voting for Brexit and the US voting for Trump. But even then, the majority of Brexiteers are too scared to publicly admit supporting Trump, or are still getting their information from the same BBC and media outlets they know browbeated them over how great the EU was yet have psychological Stockholm syndrome and assume they’re reliable sources when it comes to Trump. And of course, most people still vote for the same two parties that ignored them and dragged their heels for three years.
That’s why this is such a crossroads for the western world. America is the last economically and culturally relevant country on the world stage that still has at least a facade of patriotism and liberty. If they allow such a blatant fraud to take place just because they can’t be bothered fighting the media machine, their country’s lost, and the first world will be all the worse for it. Let’s hope the protests we’ve already seen are just the beginning of much more significant demonstrations and that Trump is successful, or at least successful enough to shine a permanent light on the corruption of the Democrat party and the likes of the BBC that protect them at the expense of the electorate.
Yes, Mark Francois, what happened to him? Have they got something on him, do you think, that keeps him quiet?
No idea, probably not though. I think a lot of the MPs that voted for it are generally principled but either don’t want to go against the boss or are just so completely disconnected from the consequences of their actions and unresearched on the supposed merits of lockdown that they just went along with it. It’s extremely disappointing and cowardly, but I wouldn’t say they’re corrupt as such.
There was an allegation – named on Twitter – I think an injunction -…… no more ….
Al Beeb is delighted to report that a school in Bangladesh welcomes transgenders.
But they don’t seem at all interested in other news from Bangladesh, where 2 Hindu men have been arrested and their village burned down for allegedly commenting favourably on a Facebook post from France supporting Macron. (He’s the new Great Satan for members of the Religion of Intolerance and Hysteria.)
Sorry, the above was wrongly posted in US election thread by mistake. Shall repost.
Huw Edwards ‘liked’ this.
Which is how they get round Timmeh!’s pathetic attempt at trying to stop 20,000 lefties from being too obvious on the public’s dime.
Does Boulton not realise that we’ve already passed through the looking-glass?
Answers on a stamped, addressed, Michigan voting card to the usual address.
And this.
He’s like a Welsh Sweeney!.
If anyone knows impartial, it is of course JezBo.
So much brilliance. Blinding.
Hugh Sykes liked this one. In fact they are lost busy putting each other on the back for a dirty job done, they might forget not all outside the bubble are that impressed at how they did it.
No Kir Royales?
Books? I hope he has crayons as well.
In the words of a civil servant all those years ago “I’m f$%^@d your f&*%/$ were all f$^^*€. I have gone through every emotion possible these last few days. The way President Trump has been portrayed the last 4 years as corrupt and dishonest yet he is now being proved correct in his claims regarding the swamp. He was the western worlds last hope.
I only recently discovered Dr Turley, but I’m loving his fact-filled, reasoned videos.
I’m now beginning to think that the Democrats don’t actually expect to get away with this. They’re breaking so many obvious laws at both the state and national level that the results of these swing states that counted past the deadline have no legitimacy at all. They’re hoping the media can gaslight enough people that Biden’s the real winner, and then when the courts see the obvious fraud and either order new elections in these states or simply throw out the illegal votes and declare Trump the winner, they can claim they were robbed and use it as justification for further obstructing Trump’s policies.
Keep in mind, Democrats don’t actually want either Biden OR Harris as president. Biden was only picked because he was seen as the most likely to have a chance at beating Trump, and Harris is an affirmative action VP who only received 2% of the votes in the primaries and finished 9th overall. If they somehow steal the election then obviously they’ll take it and then probably have the electoral college choose someone else, or just throw Biden under the bus after a few months and replace him with Harris. But if (or hopefully when, if there’s any justice) they lose in the supreme court, they will be able to portray themselves as the victims again to their gullible followers and have a ready excuse for making Trump’s life as miserable as possible for the next four years.
Wow – I have something in common with the odious John Crace of The Guardian – the turd for ever dropping on ‘non approved ‘ people and subjects ..
Mr Crace says he cannot face the US election – nor can I ….
BBC Ne… propaganda on FB…
A party has started in the streets of Philadelphia as Joe Biden leads the vote count in Pennsylvania and Donald Trump voters continued to challenge the proceedings.
Interesting caption creeps in…
“….claims fraud without substantive evidence…”.
BBC ‘claims’ appear to be evolving, albeit semantically, as facts appear. Ironically.
Lurch now devoting himself to Covid marshalling hall monitor.
One way.
For any with a tvl.
Note who likes promoting chaos via allusion, as opposed to evidence.
BBC don’t do maths WEB-SITE Watch #1 – they really don’t do maths at the BBC ….
… or possibly update the web-site very often? They tell me on the Home Page (using the correct adjective this time) “We’re going to win, Biden says as lead widens.”
I head off to the News Page to see how the ECV tally has changed overnight ……
…… and it hasn’t moved in the slightest. Oh, BBC! How are the mighty fallen. I’m thinking broadcasters there, not Presidents. I’ve been trying, this morning, to figure out why gloom has descended on Snuffydom in the last couple of days this week and find what is causing it.
Am I worried about a Biden Presidency? Concerned, not worried. Is it Lockdown? No. Is it personal circumstances? No. Is it techy & admin problems? No. Then it must be health? No. Then I twigged! It is our national broadcaster and all its faults. That is what is making me unhappy. The BBC partiality and the BBC’s lack of good journalistic neutrality and objectivity is make Snuffy miserable.
Apologies if this has already been posted, but another insightful video from Dr Steve – this time focusing on the enemy at the gates, i.e. RINOs and ‘purple’ conservatives.
The comments at the end about those who are more concerned with ‘divisive’ rhetoric than actual corruption are especially important, because it’s at the heart of Marxism’s obsession with policing language as a means of controlling what can and can’t be discussed. This shows again that this is bigger than a party divide over a single election – this is essentially an intellectual war between critical thinking and critical theory. Critical thinking always wins eventually, as aside from the brainwashed BLM/ANTIFA thugs and coastal elites you can’t keep everyone duped forever when the evidence is so overwhelming. But it will be a lot harder for America, and thus the first world, to bounce back if they have to go through a nominal Biden government and eventual Harris communist administration before they realise what’s happening.
Laughing – at least they’ve got their guns …
At least they can defend their personal freedom . I think if the plod stunt of arresting a daughter trying to get her 97 year old mum out of a care home in the states it would have been a lot different ….
Elsewhere – I understand the data being presented to the British public to justify further restrictions on life were ‘wrong’ .
I think there will be plenty of ‘wrong ‘ or ‘non’ data coming along -such as the YOY suicide numbers – and the circumstances ….
Laughing, what is a RINO?
Remember it’s November obviously …
I hate accronymmms BS….. they become ‘inclusive ‘ …
Or see the interactive map from yesterday about which state you need a permit for a kangaroo … when I saw that I thought ‘roll ,on 2023’…..or being dead
Fed, I was too busy thinking of things to post to go check. Think I’m all done here for a while. Will go see . . …
… and the acronym site I have bookmarked doesn’t know. Hopefully LaughingatLeftyTrolls will tell us.
Republican in name only .RINO
Can’t blame anyone for losing spirit . The powers against freedom are very strong . The swamp is very deep . It won’t end well.
By the way – my previous life lived on acronyms – and I’m glad I don’t have to suffer them any more . They are a barrier to good communication ….
You might have noticed I don’t post here so often . I find there are things I want to write which would get me prosecuted.
Even by writing what I just did will get the state monitors of this site reaching for the ‘file ‘ button ….
Fed, of course, I should have guessed. Put it down to BBC induced brain damage. Thanks for the info.
We are developing a repertoire of MSM biased catch phrases –
So what you’re saying is
Some people are saying
Mostly peaceful
Unfounded allegations without evidence
I think the latest one – rolled out by various mass media – is the clearest example that they don’t even try to hide the bias any more – they have taken a side – made their own judgement –
Not the job of journalism – which is now fair game for paying a price ….
I caught a couple of news reports using the ‘without evidence ‘ line and even someone as jaded as me – was truly surprised by the brazen bias …..
This morning’s BBC on-line presentation of our national newspaper front pages draws attention to the fact: ‘The Daily Mail has no mention of the US elections on its front page’ – no mention of the ongoing and inconclusive vote count in another country, that is the repetitious old news that’s topping every TV broadcast – yeah, I can see why some press editors might perhaps reason the British public don’t necessarily want it dominating their every newspaper headline for the third day running.
Of course the BBC are none too keen on the headline story the Mail is running: ‘BBC Diana scandal: Spencer’s damning dossier’
The BBC responds to the Mail report with a nice example of its most superior po-faced of attitudes: ‘…It instead chooses to focus on claims journalist Martin Bashir allegedly tricked Diana, Princess of Wales to gain an interview broadcast on the BBC’s Panorama programme 25 years ago.’
25 years… OK, so Diana is hardly new news. But if the liberal media can keep bombarding our consciousness with Bloody Sunday, Hillsborough and bloody Stephen Lawrence…
Anniversaries take the attention of our tabloids: ’20 years of I’m a Celeb’ in the Daily Mirror, topped by the Express with their ‘Happy 100th Birthday Rupert Bear’
To the Aussie jungle, fly little Ant and Dec,
Awarded top rated TV, but what the heck?
“C” list celebs on a diet of dry crackers,
Tucker trials of bugs and wallaby’s knackers.
The Telegraph presents a story whose headline unwittingly perhaps provides a mantra for our dawning new globalist reset age: ‘Remembrance events to be discouraged’
It’s a commonplace and a cliche – but how George Orwell and 1984 is that?
Bashir was described as ‘poorly’ the other day so I suppose they’ll be urging him to die and end inquiry – or just shovel blame on him alone….
It’s usual for us to show the true deceit of the bbc – another rock looked under – but as for dead royals – who cares ?
What is causing the problem with this US Presidential Election?
Simples: Covid-19/19a/20. (and the excessive postal voting it has caused.)
How come infections in the US sprinted away in that one country much faster than in other nations?
Don’t know.
Was America deliberately infected with Covid-19?
Don’t know.
Does it look suspicious?
It sure does!
In the election, Trump increased his votes by more than 5 million over 2016. The democrats lost seats in both houses, when they were supposed to become the dominant party in both. Trump and Pence engaged hundreds of thousands of people at rallies across America whereas Biden and Harris could have held their rallies in a local gym and still have had space for an elephant or two.
Yet Trump looks set to lose the election.
I have no idea if there has been corruption in the counting, but it just doesn’t add up.
Charlie •
The BBC Reality Check reports are increasingly polarised to check only Donald Trump and not much else.
The latest one dissects Trump’s claim of electoral fraud.
The only source used to counter the claim seems to be ‘The Brennan Centre for Justice’.
A quick google check shows that the two main leaders of this mysterious source are both left liberals. The company president was Bill Clinton’s assistant and speech writer. The Vice President worked for the very left wing ‘daily beast’.
So the main source for the BBC to state that US electoral fraud is virtually non existent is itself a left liberal think tank – not very impartial I would say.
Very sloppy work, the author hasn’t even bothered to do proper research because the real aim was just to attack Trump. No attempt at all to check reality through diligent and investigative journalism.
BBC & other Scum Media are declaring a Biden win now.
They are rushing to proclaim a Biden win just as they rushed to deny us a Brexit victory.
The media monster really does believe itself to have superseded democracy doesn’t it? The self-appointed master of our destiny.
I just saw BBC website where it announces Biden victory..but then you read down a paragraph and itcsays The Biden victory is based on BBC projections of….so not a victory yet…just them projecting…
Funny the 2 other media announcing Biden victory..Guardian and Metro…hilarious…
They really are shit3. Not sure what DT can do but you have to hope some of the Republicans can force an investigation into voting…
Really does anyone think Biden got more votes than Obama and the turnout was 80+ %….
BBC turn a blind eye to anything tgat doesn’t fit their world view
“US election 2020: Could it be decided in courts?”
The answer may lie in the hands of The FBI & CIA.
Well said Sir
Our spineless globalist PM Boris couldn’t wait!
Dear Joe,
Congratulations, please help me return Britain to the EU and we do want to soak the UK taxpayers with climate related taxes, and please remember our Home Secretary is pursuing an open borders policy which is what you want.
Please feel free to visit us and see our Queen and her grandson, the one with a Democrat supporting wife
Your obedient servant