Dear Square-Eyed, do you recommend any other utube channels or items to look over? What you have brought to our attention above is an amazing find. I have watched it, downloaded it and taken a copy of the transcript. I was extremely impressed with Patrick Colbeck’s forensic detail of what he had witnessed.
Thank you, Broadcasting, for your kind remark. It’s a joint effort, isn’t it? I wouldn’t have seen the testimony of that Democratic Party chap in Philadelphia on the last thread but for this website. Personally I like to follow Bill Still. He always keeps his eye on what’s going on and is not too proud to admit when he makes a mistake. Of course he’s a Christian loony, but then so am I, so it’s not an issue for me. You should find him in this vicinity,
I will listen to anyone as long as it is coherent, cogent and informative in some way. So for example I have recently come across the “Church Militant” youtube channel, which has produced some content that I have found informative in terms of their views on issues concerning the USA and the US Election.
#Election2020 I saw Trump in a MAGA hat, walking to his motorcade at the White House. There was a light breeze but he leaned forward, as if facing a stiff wind. His vehicle passed by a sign: “Good riddance”; meanwhile while his supporters demand a recount.
Actually -troll -,as someone who watches the number – the answer is ‘no’ . We have two threads running ….but it is nice for a troll to turn up – it’s been quiet for them recently …
Which is a bit sad because they can be quite entertaining ….particularly if drink or drug influenced ….
Wild woman turns up every month or so to achieve.. ? Amusement ? … I think she needs to air her sense of superiority over lower plebs .. whose voice will be extinguished in her new world …
The aforesaid G&T yesterday, but today nothing more than a nice pot of lapsang souchong with my soup. Sorry to disappoint. Would you like some? I have some Border dark chocolate gingers too so have one of those if you like.
You disappoint me. I thought you’d be gracefully accepting that your man lost and busy congratulating POTUS-elect Biden and Veep-elect Harris with all the respect due to those offices.
Personally he is not my man if the man you are referring to is Donald Trump. Is he your man?
I am mainly interested in the nature of the “reporting”. What are you interested in on here? Are you interested in intelligent, informative and impartial reporting? Would you be able to spot it if you saw it?
Separate to this I find your name interesting. Are you really wild?
I knew someone who was livid. I think he might have been called Gerry but can’t quite remember.
An example of intelligent, informative and impartial reporting? I haven’t seen much evidence of it recently. I think the BBC used to produce something akin to that some time ago. The Financial Times and the Economist in the past showed signs of it. I never used to take much interest in the content of newspapers and the news as presented in mainstream media such as ITV and the BBC. I was more interested in factual topics such as science and nature. I later became interested in history and economics. More recently in sociology, psychology, society and culture.
Good reporting should be factual, descriptive, timely and relevant. Nowadays a lot of reporting is narrative led, giving rise to the impression of certainty where there is uncertainty, simplicity where there is complexity. There is style over substance, creative writing and imposition of opinion.
So what about you? Is there a reason for visiting this website? Is it boredom, or some righteous struggle against the imagined forces of regressiveness, or something else?
Wild – if he lost – he lost – but surely it must be beyond questions / suspicions of foul play ? That goes for any election anywhere …
………….for instance in brexit remainers tried anything to claim the vote was unfair because of Russian interference( . I admit I took a phone call from someone called Ivan and instantly voted for brexit )
If mr Biden is a legitimate president then so be it . But if counting and postal voting allegations are proved – he will not be legitimate – whether he is sitting in the oval or not ..
Just wait until Uncle George Soros and his oppo Mr Bloomberg want their rewards for backing Biden in the American voting fiasco! Having backed the Demoncrats to the tune of $100 million , they will surely want something in return won’t they, it wasn’t philanthropy on their part was it. God bless America and keep your powder dry.
I hold people like Khant partly responsible for the anti-Trump sentiment, not just here but also in the US.
Americans want to be proud of their President (they have no Queen), so when they see him on the news being vilified and mocked with baby blimps and large demos, it affects them.
It provides a blueprint of how to create mobs and how to get the result one wants at an election. It nearly worked for Brexit, but they have perfected it at the US Election 2020. Expect to see this played out elsewhere. We have entered the beginning of the Orwellian age.
I go to the BBC web-site Home Page to see what is the latest on the US Election plus what might have happened elsewhere around the world. I find this weeks old item popping up, now promoted to near the top of the page, just third row from the top:
Great expression, girl.
Or are the BBC trying to add some belated balance to their US Election coverage and liken President Elect Biden to an old cabbage or predict that he will be out of seasonal favour soon?
I should also have pointed out that the trio of photos under the heading ‘More top stories’ (yes, honestly) have a wonderful progression of expressions on the faces of the four humans.
And now it’s all over. The BBC, that arbiter of Truth, has ‘called it’ in favour of Biden at 279 votes – so it must be true. Champagne corks popping all round.
And talking of Truth, people in the Democratic Party are calling for some sort of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions for Trump supporters.
This has nothing to do with truth or reconciliation of course, and everything to do with revenge, and the extermination of all Wrongthink.
The loathsome AOC gives the game away in calling for tweets and Fb posts by Trump supporters to be ‘archived’ and the perpetrators blacklisted, so they can’t work again (and perhaps rounded up?).
This is about Kangaroo courts, Show Trials, public confessions and public humiliations.
A very strange Remembrance programme … as I done as a video game …
….. no one is left who was involved in the first or second war …
… I was in a pub in Victoria st once when a couple of Chelsea pensioners came in – one of the chaps I was with looked at the ribbons and went mad because they were wrong . I stopped him – in drink -to go over and call out this fraud – who was busily getting free booze… …..
I see that the BBC and no doubt the majority of what we describe as the media, are not risking any ‘Comments section’. Very wise I think we all know the reaction from the average reader.
Douglas Emhoff, the husband of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, will be the first male spouse of a vice president come January.
Tried watching a bit of the British Legion Show. Every shot apart from when the Duchess was speaking seemed to have a black person in view but the final straw was the Lords Prayer sung by a gospel choir to a most dreadful arrangement. I suppose all those diversity officers paid for by our taxes have to justify their high pay. Off switch.
They are reporting that Manchester was in tier 3 before lockdown.
But strangely they are not reminding us that Andy Burnham held out in tier 2 despite high case levels trying to blackmail the government into getting more money in return for acceptance of tier 3. A week was lost as a result.
And now the hospitals are turning away patients.
So is the BBC holding Burnham to account?
What do you think.
Did the bbc say what a vice president actually does.?
Cos I don’t know.
Maybe she’ll run the show while Biden is away meeting the troops in the next pointlessly War they’ll get involved in
“The UK has imposed a ban on non-UK citizens coming from Denmark amid concerns over a new coronavirus strain that has spread from mink to humans”
Does that include those coming in on dinghies?
OK BBC your man is in
Now do to what youve being doing against Trump on your satirical shows such as the News Quiz and Dead Ringers to Joe Biden.
Want to prove yourselves impartial ?
Despite Baroness Thatcher dying in 2013, having left the government in 1990, it took the death of Jeremy Hardy in 2019 to finally stop him using her as the basis of his ‘comedy’.
On the other hand Brown, Blair, Callaghan and Wilson might just as well have never existed.
Its OK everyone. Biden and his mob have decided it is time to heal !!!
well thats OK then, they have decided to stop the hatred of the previously elected Govt, to stop fomenting riots and looting in their areas. to stop trying to destroy an elected Govt, now they have got what they wanted I.e power
Well I just hope those who were victims for the last 4 years decide it is not time to heal but time for payback and revenge for 4 years of hatred and divisiveness from an opposition lower than a snakes belly
who would do anything and everything to destroy those they hated, that being an elected government and those who elected it
To use racial divide, to stoke up interracial war on the streets, to foment hatred, to spread outright lies, which costed lives
that includes the bbbc
As someone might say: HEAL?, my arse
No forgiveness, or any co operation for those who believe what they did was acceptable in a civilised society
“Joe, I don’t know what screwed up fantasy world you’re living in with all this “healing” and “unity”, but let me tell you about my world here in the destroyed parts of Minneapolis. This year we’ve watched treasonous radical leftists riot, loot, burn down entire city blocks through arson, destroy private businesses, illegally occupy private property, assault and murder police officers, assault and murder innocent people, and destroy large parts of our cities across our country. Yet now that you’re elected all of that should be forgiven, Joe? These are violent felony crimes that the left has committed in their WAR against Trump and his supporters! You want to talk about “peace” and “unity” after the radical left waged an outright war upon the American people? I will never forgive or forget the left’s treason against the American people for the rest of my life! You people on the left are completely unforgiven to me. I will never support you, or forgive you and others on the left, Joe!”
I’m just wondering how the whole Biden ‘victory’ will come back to haunt him, because it is sure to!
Forgetting the fawning, treacly stuff chucked out by the BBBC, and ignoring Katty Sopel’s blurts, there’s going to be some sort of earthquake soon, when the legals get flung around, and we’ll need to find an authoritative broadcaster to learn what really is going on over the pond, because I just cannot see all this being swept under the carpet – there’s too much at stake!
Dr Steve Turley seems a good start, but there will be many more soon!
As I don’t tweet or bookface (it’s bad enough trying to get rid of Linkedin, which is a bit like some rash), the turmoil on those sites must be wasting an awful lot of energy, and gaining even more spite!
It’s a pity the BBC still panders to the great Twitgod, with their minions saying all sorts of naughty things while out of the control of their under-managers.
Same here, but the few times I have looked at facetwitter etc. the bile, hatred, abuse and spite, mainly from the “metoo” and “be kind” far left is a thing to behold
which is one reason I dearly wish to see them held to account in the US and have as much difficulty governing as possible
To heal one has to acknowledge that one has sinned, and they will do no such thing
from the vicious faced Clinton at Trumps inauguration onwards they, the liberal/left (liberal: what a misnomer ) have acted in a morally corrupt manner, both here and in the US
Why Trump Lost, by Nick Bryant, censured by the BBC not long ago for rampant TDS.
Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 partly because he was a norm-busting political outsider. But that’s also why he lost it in 2020, writes the BBC’s Nick Bryant.
Considering the election hasn’t been certified yet and there’s now DOZENS of lawsuits across several important swing states, the left is being mightily premature here.
“The moment the entire country has been waiting for.”
After days of waiting, US networks declared Joe Biden the victor in Pennsylvania and therefore the new president-elect. Here’s how they broke the news.
Not sure the BBC news’s uncontrolled ecstasies at the projected presidential victory for Biden is entirely proper for a supposedly impartial taxpayer-funded broadcaster.
Hard to understand why the Festival of Remembrance this year seems to be focussed on Coronavirus. That is not what it’s about. By all means the BBC can have an event to commemorate efforts in combating Coronavirus if they wish. But this is not that occasion.
Like most political leaders, BoJo is not listening to the majority of the people that put him in office. The people that voted for Brexit. The people that wanted immigration managed, the people that wanted a patriotic leader and the people that wanted the BBC defunded.
If the BBC was popular, the TV Licence subscriptions would increasing not dropping, albeit under a draconian enforcement company.
As soon as the PM entered office ho should have acted on all the above. I am afraid BoJo is all puff and bluster.
Will he be replaced by Christmas?
So Sleepy Joe Biden becomes President of the USA, his campaign articulating hardly any explicit policy other than he’s anti-Trump and his supporters bending the vote rules almost to breaking point – giving a whole new meaning to that Hollywood phrase “Mailing it in”
Our British press suddenly go into paroxysms of unfounded pleasure and relief. Huge frontpage pics of the veteran Washington insider adorn the newspapers. One note of irreverence comes from The Daily Star, lamely retelling their previous joke (don’t do that, move on to a new one) admitting: ‘We told ya. Old fart wins’
There’s a faint whiff of: “It’s the Chinese Flu wot won it” or if you prefer: “It’s all about the covid, stupid” seeping out from the subtext of the Telegraph headline: ‘It’s time for America to heal’
The Sunday Mirror shares the faith: ‘Time to heal’
The Express: ‘Unite and heal’
If people believe this old geezer has the cure they’ve another thing coming.
The Observer, representing broadsheet British left-liberal sentiment, goes full on hero worship, their frontpage practically a pin up of the liver spotted oldster: ‘It’s Joe’
The Sunday People phones in the headline: ‘God bless America’ with the line: ‘Loser Trump is given boot… Biden is Prez’
The tabloid would have us accept: ‘US gets dream team Joe Biden, and left Kamala Harris’ – the left in that caption refers to the placing of her picture.
Mind you, there’ll be no come backs if this odd couple duo should fail to live up to their billing.
The People delivers the further news that: ‘Strictly Clara… won’t be having sex with anyone’ – one wonders whether our press will hold her to account on that score?
The Telegraph over reaches to the extent that it hints Britain should be punished for latent support for Trump: ‘Mr President, I have a Mr Johnson on the line… will you accept the call?’
Echoes of Obama’s “back of the line” as helpfully translated by David Cameron to “back of the queue”
So what about all this covid then?
The Telegraph tells us: ‘Vaccine tsar runs up £670,000 PR bill’
In the same paper we learn: ‘Each patient so far admitted to the Nightingale hospitals has cost £1m to treat, an analysis reveals’
One of my most favourite lines from a movie comes from the 1994 British black comedy set in Edinburgh, Shallow Grave. Christopher Eccleston attempts to explain to his co-conspirators the damage done by their shopping spree with the proceeds of the heist. Or does he perhaps attempt to explain the larger cost which their thoughtless actions have done to their souls or even to their sanity? “No, no, that’s what you paid for it. 500 pounds is what you paid for it. We don’t know how much it cost us yet.”
Here’s another one for the ‘no evidence’ category – video evidence of clear fraud or at the very least massively unreliable vote counting practices on CNN of all places. Note at the end that the FBI is already investigating this, yet another highly credible legal challenge the BBC refuses to acknowledge in its rush to celebrate.
In the end though, if the following video is accurate – and the source is certainly a lot more credible than those claiming ‘no evidence’ – then Trump has had this planned all along and has completely outsmarted the Democrats and their media allies yet again.
I almost chuckle now, knowing what we do, at how much the BBC and liberals in general are going to lose their minds when Trump is proven 100% and the DNC are disqualified and prosecuted. Please share these links around and make sure any contacts you may have in the republican party or even just allies in the UK who can keep the pressure up on social media are made aware of just how much corruption there has been in this election, and how likely it is that Trump will in fact be president for he next four years when all is said and done.
The vote was Trump was so huge many saw it as proof of how entrenched know-nothing populism really was. That may be wrong given the worldwide reaction to the Biden/Harris victory. Instead a momentum may be building behind decency, science "and even truth."
Hi Guest Who, maybe vote for an “extremist” party – at least they are honest in what they want or an independent. If it doesn’t do anything it might save them a deposit and might also send a message. I live in a safe Labour constituency, so in the general election my vote will never affect anything.
“All Charged Against Millie Weaver ARE DROPPED” Vid by Viva Frei
Summary :
Media in May “She’s a mad conspiracy theorist who made a new video about government conspiracies, but she’s a *REAL bad person* cos she and husband are in jail right now on a whole bunch of charges”
Media now : “look we are just too busy on other things now”
Earlier today a video was shared of our officers challenging a man in #Sainsbury’s #Oldbury who was not wearing a face mask. He was asked to leave the store.
We got this wrong & we are sorry for any upset & distress we've caused.
Another incident police promoted shows that they are actively targetting supermarket customers
Here she goes for shouting conspiracy
instead of saying she’s exempt.
Oct 15th is the date it was put up by @Steve57067320
He complains WMpolice have never replied to his messages
and have not apologised to him
Sounds like he is going to sue.
Well now some morons are calling the Dems a “dream Team” FFS
Thye can only be referring to the kind of dream one gets after a bucket of cheese and an armful of nicotine patches
That of a dystopian future governed by a senile dementia ridden old goat who’s only achievement in 47 years of office was to make himself extremely wealthy
with a crack smoking son with a magic disappearing laptop, who likes filming himself with extremely young single females in various scenarios
And partnered by a person who was once, allegedly, black, who’s crowning achievement is making herself look as non black as possible
Lock up your daughters (and interns) the Dems are back with a bleeding “dream team”
Let’s also remember when Tara Reade, a former aide to Mr Biden, came forward about allegations of sexual assault when he was a US senator.
Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade has told in an exclusive interview that Kamala Harris abandoned her principles and her vow to protect sexual assault survivors in order to become the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee.
Reade said: ‘I’m disappointed with Kamala with her being the Vice Presidential nominee. It’s the height of hypocrisy for her to accept the VP nominee position.”
The BBC is in an orgasmic state with the supposed” democratic”
election of the pro IRA Joe Biden. Well I suppose, as an enemy
of the state national broadcaster ,the BBC is entitled to support
their man. For all his faults Donald Trump was a supporter of
our country. We will find that Joe Biden certainly isn’t. A
perfect bed fellow for the BBC.
The MSM does like using kids to go picking cherries.
If as a political correspondent you can't tell her the difference btwn demanding a recount in areas where there are grounds for at least suspecting vote-fraud, & demanding an entire national vote be cancelled & re-run b/c some don't like the result, perhaps you shld change career
— Prof Dr A Libertarian Rebel Esq QC & bar????#KBF (@A_Liberty_Rebel) November 8, 2020
Needless to say white people are in a minority in that collage, notwithstanding the fact that white people make up not only 87% of the population but also a clear majority of C-19 victims in the UK.
But, hey, it’s the BBC, so out go the facts and in comes the dogma.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:50 Midweek 5th March 2025 Keir Starmer finds subtle way to deal with Team Trump, @chrismasonBBC writes 2 comments in 10’
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Here we are in 2025 …. UK Border open with small boats (not large boats thank God) yet our Prime…
AsISeeItMar 6, 08:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 Wealthy Communist edition Those little cartoonish sketch images that are deployed so as to promote lifestyle features within the paper…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 08:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Will Trudeau block your bank account if you do not comply to his orders?
Fedup2Mar 6, 08:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Guest – it’s just a general point – once plod / msm filter the truth they can never be trusted…
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 Campbell representing around quarter of its audience? Per day.
Guest WhoMar 6, 08:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 Time will tell. RIP the victims. Round here black BMWs are often associated with insurance scams or ignoring double yellow…
Lest anyone forget the other forces ranged against democracy, often with £5,000,000,000 and no accountability.
Simpo crops up.
And is more senile that Biden.
So… just passing the mic to everyone in W1A?
For those not suffering from election exhaustion detailed analysis of Democratic Party corruption,
Dear Square-Eyed, do you recommend any other utube channels or items to look over? What you have brought to our attention above is an amazing find. I have watched it, downloaded it and taken a copy of the transcript. I was extremely impressed with Patrick Colbeck’s forensic detail of what he had witnessed.
Thank you, Broadcasting, for your kind remark. It’s a joint effort, isn’t it? I wouldn’t have seen the testimony of that Democratic Party chap in Philadelphia on the last thread but for this website. Personally I like to follow Bill Still. He always keeps his eye on what’s going on and is not too proud to admit when he makes a mistake. Of course he’s a Christian loony, but then so am I, so it’s not an issue for me. You should find him in this vicinity,
I will listen to anyone as long as it is coherent, cogent and informative in some way. So for example I have recently come across the “Church Militant” youtube channel, which has produced some content that I have found informative in terms of their views on issues concerning the USA and the US Election.
We need more people like Patrick Colbeck.
BBC N. America retweeted it.
Quiet in here, isn’t it!
And yet, here you are.
Going to bang a pot?
Bang a pot? No, not my style. I may have raised a gin and tonic.
Ok, the pot is safe. Sorry for anyone seeing your G&T in the park.
Actually -troll -,as someone who watches the number – the answer is ‘no’ . We have two threads running ….but it is nice for a troll to turn up – it’s been quiet for them recently …
Which is a bit sad because they can be quite entertaining ….particularly if drink or drug influenced ….
Never seen WildWomanofthe Woods before. Perhaps the person behind it can bring something interesting to our attention.
Wild woman turns up every month or so to achieve.. ? Amusement ? … I think she needs to air her sense of superiority over lower plebs .. whose voice will be extinguished in her new world …
The aforesaid G&T yesterday, but today nothing more than a nice pot of lapsang souchong with my soup. Sorry to disappoint. Would you like some? I have some Border dark chocolate gingers too so have one of those if you like.
Sorry, I don’t understand Trollish.
WWotW : “Quiet in here, isn’t it !”
Yes because we are all busy counting and ,as you no doubt will purport to know,, it takes a long long long time.
You disappoint me. I thought you’d be gracefully accepting that your man lost and busy congratulating POTUS-elect Biden and Veep-elect Harris with all the respect due to those offices.
Has maxincony had reassignment surgery?
Nope. He’s still a berk.
Not as far as I know. Why? Are you missing her?
Oh now you and the BBC want to respect those offices .
To WWotW: Are you only talking to The General?
Personally he is not my man if the man you are referring to is Donald Trump. Is he your man?
I am mainly interested in the nature of the “reporting”. What are you interested in on here? Are you interested in intelligent, informative and impartial reporting? Would you be able to spot it if you saw it?
Separate to this I find your name interesting. Are you really wild?
Me? Wild? I’m livid!
Can you give me an example of what you consider intelligent, informative and impartial reporting?
I knew someone who was livid. I think he might have been called Gerry but can’t quite remember.
An example of intelligent, informative and impartial reporting? I haven’t seen much evidence of it recently. I think the BBC used to produce something akin to that some time ago. The Financial Times and the Economist in the past showed signs of it. I never used to take much interest in the content of newspapers and the news as presented in mainstream media such as ITV and the BBC. I was more interested in factual topics such as science and nature. I later became interested in history and economics. More recently in sociology, psychology, society and culture.
Good reporting should be factual, descriptive, timely and relevant. Nowadays a lot of reporting is narrative led, giving rise to the impression of certainty where there is uncertainty, simplicity where there is complexity. There is style over substance, creative writing and imposition of opinion.
So what about you? Is there a reason for visiting this website? Is it boredom, or some righteous struggle against the imagined forces of regressiveness, or something else?
Wild – if he lost – he lost – but surely it must be beyond questions / suspicions of foul play ? That goes for any election anywhere …
………….for instance in brexit remainers tried anything to claim the vote was unfair because of Russian interference( . I admit I took a phone call from someone called Ivan and instantly voted for brexit )
If mr Biden is a legitimate president then so be it . But if counting and postal voting allegations are proved – he will not be legitimate – whether he is sitting in the oval or not ..
Is POTUS-elect an office? Surely not; or not yet. We need to know the result of the election first.
Just wait until Uncle George Soros and his oppo Mr Bloomberg want their rewards for backing Biden in the American voting fiasco! Having backed the Demoncrats to the tune of $100 million , they will surely want something in return won’t they, it wasn’t philanthropy on their part was it. God bless America and keep your powder dry.
I fail to understand the outrage over thousands of dead people voting for Biden.
They’re voting for their own. Makes perfect sense to me.
At least the skeleton is not in the bunker …
Same voting values.
No more. Please, no more – I forgot to stockpile sick bags…
I hold people like Khant partly responsible for the anti-Trump sentiment, not just here but also in the US.
Americans want to be proud of their President (they have no Queen), so when they see him on the news being vilified and mocked with baby blimps and large demos, it affects them.
It provides a blueprint of how to create mobs and how to get the result one wants at an election. It nearly worked for Brexit, but they have perfected it at the US Election 2020. Expect to see this played out elsewhere. We have entered the beginning of the Orwellian age.
“London” – does that little cross-face think he is London?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – short on padding or?
I go to the BBC web-site Home Page to see what is the latest on the US Election plus what might have happened elsewhere around the world. I find this weeks old item popping up, now promoted to near the top of the page, just third row from the top:
Great expression, girl.
Or are the BBC trying to add some belated balance to their US Election coverage and liken President Elect Biden to an old cabbage or predict that he will be out of seasonal favour soon?
I should also have pointed out that the trio of photos under the heading ‘More top stories’ (yes, honestly) have a wonderful progression of expressions on the faces of the four humans.
So, Gerry Adams first, then the BBC.
Don’t get it .
Doesn’t Biden know the BBC places Ireland above Britain?
Or is that the point
Uh huh.
Kamala Harris will become the first female, first black and first Asian-American vice-president in US history.
Earlier this year we found out all about her from people close to her. ????
Guest – I put a pound on the time coloured girl as president at 100/1 – I wish they’d offered e/w ….
I don’t know if paddy is offering a month in which Biden dies in his sleep – leading to AOC as VP ….
Fed, AOC isn’t old enough.
She will be in 2024.
Now that should be a cat fight worth watching without trying to break it up.
Up2 – I was tired and confused – I meant Carmela – or whatever the token coloured one is called …
And now it’s all over. The BBC, that arbiter of Truth, has ‘called it’ in favour of Biden at 279 votes – so it must be true. Champagne corks popping all round.
And talking of Truth, people in the Democratic Party are calling for some sort of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions for Trump supporters.
This has nothing to do with truth or reconciliation of course, and everything to do with revenge, and the extermination of all Wrongthink.
The loathsome AOC gives the game away in calling for tweets and Fb posts by Trump supporters to be ‘archived’ and the perpetrators blacklisted, so they can’t work again (and perhaps rounded up?).
This is about Kangaroo courts, Show Trials, public confessions and public humiliations.
Uncle Joe would be proud. Stalin, not Biden.
Be afraid America.
The ebullient Salty remains optimistic.
R.I.P. Lord Sachs.
Jonathan Sachs the former Chief Rabbi of Orthodox Judaism in the UK has died from cancer.
Gets better and better.
She’s married to a heterosexual white man? That doesn’t sound particularly diverse. I thought she was supposed to be inclusive?
And, of course, the bbc stands ready.
This postal voting lark does have an appeal in certain quarters.
A very strange Remembrance programme … as I done as a video game …
….. no one is left who was involved in the first or second war …
… I was in a pub in Victoria st once when a couple of Chelsea pensioners came in – one of the chaps I was with looked at the ribbons and went mad because they were wrong . I stopped him – in drink -to go over and call out this fraud – who was busily getting free booze… …..
Vote early ! vote often! .That’s how the Left work.
I see that the BBC and no doubt the majority of what we describe as the media, are not risking any ‘Comments section’. Very wise I think we all know the reaction from the average reader.
Quality analysis.
Maybe things might stay entertaining after all if this is what they are reduced to already.
Didn’t want to watch the Royal British Legion Show – it looks like the West Indies won the first and Second World War ,,,
Hosted by Huw ££££££ invoice my production company regiment with the Queen doing her spot from a covid free location …
Poppy appeal time done ?
Tried watching a bit of the British Legion Show. Every shot apart from when the Duchess was speaking seemed to have a black person in view but the final straw was the Lords Prayer sung by a gospel choir to a most dreadful arrangement. I suppose all those diversity officers paid for by our taxes have to justify their high pay. Off switch.
It’s selective amnesia time at the BBC (again).
They are reporting that Greater Manchester hospitals are suspending non-urgent care as they are full of covid patients.
They are reporting that Manchester was in tier 3 before lockdown.
But strangely they are not reminding us that Andy Burnham held out in tier 2 despite high case levels trying to blackmail the government into getting more money in return for acceptance of tier 3. A week was lost as a result.
And now the hospitals are turning away patients.
So is the BBC holding Burnham to account?
What do you think.
Get ready for 4 years of interminable BBC love-ins for Karmala Harris, the likely new US VP.
Her credentials? A female ‘of colour’ who got lucky enough to be picked by sleepy Joe as a running mate.
This elevates her to the status of the New Messiah in the eyes of the BBC.
Did the bbc say what a vice president actually does.?
Cos I don’t know.
Maybe she’ll run the show while Biden is away meeting the troops in the next pointlessly War they’ll get involved in
“The UK has imposed a ban on non-UK citizens coming from Denmark amid concerns over a new coronavirus strain that has spread from mink to humans”
Does that include those coming in on dinghies?
As we’ve only left in name only, what happened to the EU irrevocable pillar of free movement of people ?
If you have an hour to spare, a good discussion between John Anderson and Victor Davis Hanson.
OK BBC your man is in
Now do to what youve being doing against Trump on your satirical shows such as the News Quiz and Dead Ringers to Joe Biden.
Want to prove yourselves impartial ?
Despite Baroness Thatcher dying in 2013, having left the government in 1990, it took the death of Jeremy Hardy in 2019 to finally stop him using her as the basis of his ‘comedy’.
On the other hand Brown, Blair, Callaghan and Wilson might just as well have never existed.
Its OK everyone. Biden and his mob have decided it is time to heal !!!
well thats OK then, they have decided to stop the hatred of the previously elected Govt, to stop fomenting riots and looting in their areas. to stop trying to destroy an elected Govt, now they have got what they wanted I.e power
Well I just hope those who were victims for the last 4 years decide it is not time to heal but time for payback and revenge for 4 years of hatred and divisiveness from an opposition lower than a snakes belly
who would do anything and everything to destroy those they hated, that being an elected government and those who elected it
To use racial divide, to stoke up interracial war on the streets, to foment hatred, to spread outright lies, which costed lives
that includes the bbbc
As someone might say: HEAL?, my arse
No forgiveness, or any co operation for those who believe what they did was acceptable in a civilised society
I noticed this comment on another forum:
“Joe, I don’t know what screwed up fantasy world you’re living in with all this “healing” and “unity”, but let me tell you about my world here in the destroyed parts of Minneapolis. This year we’ve watched treasonous radical leftists riot, loot, burn down entire city blocks through arson, destroy private businesses, illegally occupy private property, assault and murder police officers, assault and murder innocent people, and destroy large parts of our cities across our country. Yet now that you’re elected all of that should be forgiven, Joe? These are violent felony crimes that the left has committed in their WAR against Trump and his supporters! You want to talk about “peace” and “unity” after the radical left waged an outright war upon the American people? I will never forgive or forget the left’s treason against the American people for the rest of my life! You people on the left are completely unforgiven to me. I will never support you, or forgive you and others on the left, Joe!”
I’m just wondering how the whole Biden ‘victory’ will come back to haunt him, because it is sure to!
Forgetting the fawning, treacly stuff chucked out by the BBBC, and ignoring Katty Sopel’s blurts, there’s going to be some sort of earthquake soon, when the legals get flung around, and we’ll need to find an authoritative broadcaster to learn what really is going on over the pond, because I just cannot see all this being swept under the carpet – there’s too much at stake!
Dr Steve Turley seems a good start, but there will be many more soon!
We seem to have government by leftist riot at the moment in the UK and USA. a consequence of antisocial media maybe
It does seem like that, Darcy!
As I don’t tweet or bookface (it’s bad enough trying to get rid of Linkedin, which is a bit like some rash), the turmoil on those sites must be wasting an awful lot of energy, and gaining even more spite!
It’s a pity the BBC still panders to the great Twitgod, with their minions saying all sorts of naughty things while out of the control of their under-managers.
Luckily, I miss all that!
Same here, but the few times I have looked at facetwitter etc. the bile, hatred, abuse and spite, mainly from the “metoo” and “be kind” far left is a thing to behold
which is one reason I dearly wish to see them held to account in the US and have as much difficulty governing as possible
To heal one has to acknowledge that one has sinned, and they will do no such thing
from the vicious faced Clinton at Trumps inauguration onwards they, the liberal/left (liberal: what a misnomer ) have acted in a morally corrupt manner, both here and in the US
AND another black woman with suspiciously straight har : cultural appropriation surely
Why Trump Lost, by Nick Bryant, censured by the BBC not long ago for rampant TDS.
Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 partly because he was a norm-busting political outsider. But that’s also why he lost it in 2020, writes the BBC’s Nick Bryant.
Uh huh.
Why he lost ? he was up against the Messiah who once again managed to raise the dead to vote for him
Or, he had Derek Acorah and Betty Shine as campaign advisers
Considering the election hasn’t been certified yet and there’s now DOZENS of lawsuits across several important swing states, the left is being mightily premature here.
BBC News
“The moment the entire country has been waiting for.”
After days of waiting, US networks declared Joe Biden the victor in Pennsylvania and therefore the new president-elect. Here’s how they broke the news.
Just US networks?
BBC suddenly going coy?
BBc speaking for the “entire country” ?
Another first
Does their arrogance know no bounds ?
there are precious few the biased bbc speak for but they are an extremely vocal minority, their volume inversely proportionate to their size
Brexit vote spread was similar to the US but no complaints from this gobshite minority this time
Marianna Spring liked it
Girl power!
Nothing to fact check, so just gush.
Ya think?
Like most political leaders, BoJo is not listening to the majority of the people that put him in office. The people that voted for Brexit. The people that wanted immigration managed, the people that wanted a patriotic leader and the people that wanted the BBC defunded.
If the BBC was popular, the TV Licence subscriptions would increasing not dropping, albeit under a draconian enforcement company.
As soon as the PM entered office ho should have acted on all the above. I am afraid BoJo is all puff and bluster.
Will he be replaced by Christmas?
Who by?
James Purnell?
Bojo is the BBC’s man in no10. As long as he follows their policies- pro immigration, green, etc. he will be allowed to stay.
Looking at the BBC on twitter and FB, Tim…
That, plus zero holding to account on anything.
So Sleepy Joe Biden becomes President of the USA, his campaign articulating hardly any explicit policy other than he’s anti-Trump and his supporters bending the vote rules almost to breaking point – giving a whole new meaning to that Hollywood phrase “Mailing it in”
Our British press suddenly go into paroxysms of unfounded pleasure and relief. Huge frontpage pics of the veteran Washington insider adorn the newspapers. One note of irreverence comes from The Daily Star, lamely retelling their previous joke (don’t do that, move on to a new one) admitting: ‘We told ya. Old fart wins’
There’s a faint whiff of: “It’s the Chinese Flu wot won it” or if you prefer: “It’s all about the covid, stupid” seeping out from the subtext of the Telegraph headline: ‘It’s time for America to heal’
The Sunday Mirror shares the faith: ‘Time to heal’
The Express: ‘Unite and heal’
If people believe this old geezer has the cure they’ve another thing coming.
The Observer, representing broadsheet British left-liberal sentiment, goes full on hero worship, their frontpage practically a pin up of the liver spotted oldster: ‘It’s Joe’
The Sunday People phones in the headline: ‘God bless America’ with the line: ‘Loser Trump is given boot… Biden is Prez’
The tabloid would have us accept: ‘US gets dream team Joe Biden, and left Kamala Harris’ – the left in that caption refers to the placing of her picture.
Mind you, there’ll be no come backs if this odd couple duo should fail to live up to their billing.
The People delivers the further news that: ‘Strictly Clara… won’t be having sex with anyone’ – one wonders whether our press will hold her to account on that score?
The Telegraph over reaches to the extent that it hints Britain should be punished for latent support for Trump: ‘Mr President, I have a Mr Johnson on the line… will you accept the call?’
Echoes of Obama’s “back of the line” as helpfully translated by David Cameron to “back of the queue”
So what about all this covid then?
The Telegraph tells us: ‘Vaccine tsar runs up £670,000 PR bill’
In the same paper we learn: ‘Each patient so far admitted to the Nightingale hospitals has cost £1m to treat, an analysis reveals’
One of my most favourite lines from a movie comes from the 1994 British black comedy set in Edinburgh, Shallow Grave. Christopher Eccleston attempts to explain to his co-conspirators the damage done by their shopping spree with the proceeds of the heist. Or does he perhaps attempt to explain the larger cost which their thoughtless actions have done to their souls or even to their sanity? “No, no, that’s what you paid for it. 500 pounds is what you paid for it. We don’t know how much it cost us yet.”
Biden hasn’t won shit.
Here’s another one for the ‘no evidence’ category – video evidence of clear fraud or at the very least massively unreliable vote counting practices on CNN of all places. Note at the end that the FBI is already investigating this, yet another highly credible legal challenge the BBC refuses to acknowledge in its rush to celebrate.
In the end though, if the following video is accurate – and the source is certainly a lot more credible than those claiming ‘no evidence’ – then Trump has had this planned all along and has completely outsmarted the Democrats and their media allies yet again.
I almost chuckle now, knowing what we do, at how much the BBC and liberals in general are going to lose their minds when Trump is proven 100% and the DNC are disqualified and prosecuted. Please share these links around and make sure any contacts you may have in the republican party or even just allies in the UK who can keep the pressure up on social media are made aware of just how much corruption there has been in this election, and how likely it is that Trump will in fact be president for he next four years when all is said and done.
BBC News
“The people of this nation have spoken – they’ve delivered us a clear victory, a convincing victory, a victory for we the people.”
President-Elect Joe Biden called for unity and peace in his first speech since winning the US election.
The BBC and ‘speaking for a nation’…. really?
Marianna, this guy…
BBC sure know how to make sure facts get checked to get the result they want.
Lewis is in love.
Nice to see him chipper again. Usually he is so down on everyone.
Impartially. Of course.
Of all papers, today…
Used to host the bbc oversight show.
Seems Boris has ‘climbed down’ again throwing taxpayer money at BBC/sleb social media policy.
A £396m package tackling child hunger in England has been unveiled by the government after footballer Marcus Rashford’s campaign.
Hardly worth voting unless an actual option is presented worth voting for.
Hi Guest Who, maybe vote for an “extremist” party – at least they are honest in what they want or an independent. If it doesn’t do anything it might save them a deposit and might also send a message. I live in a safe Labour constituency, so in the general election my vote will never affect anything.
“All Charged Against Millie Weaver ARE DROPPED”
Vid by Viva Frei
Summary :
Media in May “She’s a mad conspiracy theorist who made a new video about government conspiracies, but she’s a *REAL bad person* cos she and husband are in jail right now on a whole bunch of charges”
Media now : “look we are just too busy on other things now”
Belfield : Brave police take on Sainsbury’s shopper
… I guess he wasn’t black
West Midlands police
Another incident police promoted shows that they are actively targetting supermarket customers
Here she goes for shouting conspiracy
instead of saying she’s exempt.
Oct 15th is the date it was put up by @Steve57067320
He complains WMpolice have never replied to his messages
and have not apologised to him
Sounds like he is going to sue.
Well now some morons are calling the Dems a “dream Team” FFS
Thye can only be referring to the kind of dream one gets after a bucket of cheese and an armful of nicotine patches
That of a dystopian future governed by a senile dementia ridden old goat who’s only achievement in 47 years of office was to make himself extremely wealthy
with a crack smoking son with a magic disappearing laptop, who likes filming himself with extremely young single females in various scenarios
And partnered by a person who was once, allegedly, black, who’s crowning achievement is making herself look as non black as possible
Lock up your daughters (and interns) the Dems are back with a bleeding “dream team”
Darcy3, let’s not forget how ‘One Hump or Two’ Harris got her start in politics
Let’s also remember when Tara Reade, a former aide to Mr Biden, came forward about allegations of sexual assault when he was a US senator.
Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade has told in an exclusive interview that Kamala Harris abandoned her principles and her vow to protect sexual assault survivors in order to become the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee.
Reade said: ‘I’m disappointed with Kamala with her being the Vice Presidential nominee. It’s the height of hypocrisy for her to accept the VP nominee position.”
The Dream Team…….
Well a nightmare is a dream isn’t it !
All scientists of the world can stand down . A cure for Covid has been found.
Turns out of you wear ANYTHING with Trump or Brexit written on it, Covid spreads like wildfire ….
However …..
Turns out wear a Biden logo or BLM logo , gather in large numbers and it’s non existent, not only that, the media don’t see it either !!!!!
Strange that !!!!
The BBC is in an orgasmic state with the supposed” democratic”
election of the pro IRA Joe Biden. Well I suppose, as an enemy
of the state national broadcaster ,the BBC is entitled to support
their man. For all his faults Donald Trump was a supporter of
our country. We will find that Joe Biden certainly isn’t. A
perfect bed fellow for the BBC.
2020-11-07 22:00
US election 2020: How will Biden change foreign policy?
[Lots of interesting material from the Black Broadcasting C***s
Nothing about the UK going to the “back of the Queue”.]
The MSM does like using kids to go picking cherries.
Shame when they fall into a midden pile.
I find this hijacking of Remembrance Sunday for Covid propaganda deeply distasteful.
They’ve probably hired Jez as Pot Banging Editor to circle the Cenotaph knocking out the Red Flag on a le Creusetski knock off.
Needless to say white people are in a minority in that collage, notwithstanding the fact that white people make up not only 87% of the population but also a clear majority of C-19 victims in the UK.
But, hey, it’s the BBC, so out go the facts and in comes the dogma.
Cannot attend remembrance Sunday but in the mosques and the Shisa bars ………………..