@GuestWho is this useful account one of yours ?
In this show on Radio4 she declared herself a Muslim “a not very good one”.
That means the panel was 50% Muslim, and 50% BAME,
although I usually include the 4 guests as well.
She lectured British people on our funeral traditions saying we have too long between death and burial, so we forget to mourn.
For those who like their scandal and corruption in the UK -please go to the dominic lawson column today monday regarding the bashir gate interview and the involvement of the BbC high command in it and aftermath …
Bashie seems to have been told to be ‘ill’ and – for the BBC ‘religious editor ‘ – has the morality of a rat in rats ‘ clothing …
As youll read – the whole thing has some greater upper class incest in it …
I can’t understand the following expensive production from the BBC:
Headline: “Catch Her If You Can: Mariam Mola is addicted to Louis Vuitton, Fendi and flexing on social media. Her Instagram feed is a love letter to luxury London, from the velvet booths of Soho restaurants to the bling outfitters of Hatton Garden jewellery boutiques. She seems to have it all. But this self-made girl boss from London’s docklands is actually a career con artist …” https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p08vwr8y/catch-her-if-you-can
The BBC present it as a film and a documentary glorifying crime as it is committed by a black woman from London. However, I can’t tell whether this character really exists and whether or not this is just another BBC fabrication.
I did mention it last week
‘Catch Her If You Can’, a documentary is about senior SPAC Nation pastor Mariam Mola – a career con artist.
Those new African/London churches do tend to me money making scams IMHO.
Someone is still running a Twitter account in her name
and claiming there is a new book coming.
Poor Brandon Straka, who created the #walkaway movement which led thousands of former liberals to denounce what the Democrat party had become, and were subsequently proven right as the media declared them all Russian insurgents.
Nothing to see here …another day , hundreds more accounts of fraud coming out. Or ZERO if the BBC.
Self-Described Dem Party Worker, Detroit Resident, Brags On Facebook: “I work for Wayne Co, MI and I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers” https://t.co/Z7pO6ltGLq via @gatewaypundit
Look at the way Gorka stopped Nolan, by refusing to answer the loaded question saying “don’t put words into my mouth”
And then wouldn’t answer his second loaded question.
“The BBC are just Faked News .. a bunch biased pikers”
Piker a word that sprung up in the US in 1872, “miserly person,” formerly “poor white migrant to California”
Modern use a chancer, a slacker
At least Nolan has some listeners
25 lefties squealed on Twitter about hearing Gorka. example thread
They seriously shouted that people like Gorka should be banned.
I listened to fatty Nolan and the chat with Mr Gorka.
Superb. Nolan had his fat obese arse handed to him.
The aalbeeb tried the usuall trick of losing the line, then when they got it back, it was to close to the ‘news’ to carry on for long. Not that Fatty had much to say….
I see the twitters describe themselves as useful idiot’ and ‘bit of a lefty’ so enough said there… In the old days they would have been relegated to a village requiring a fool….
Anyhow as someone who now positively identifies as far right and a bit of a tax payer… I’d be more concerned about the timescales the so called impartial AlBeeb and Fatty gave Anthony Scaramuchi to waffle about the President, including his alleged mental health and other behaviours coming through as he refused to accept defeat.
All unchallenged and without any evidence or interjection by fatty Nolan.
Of course Scaramuchi was fired by the Donald, so no axe to grind…
Yet more clear, irrefutable evidence that the election results are anything but genuine, which of course the media are too corrupt or in some cases just too intellectually lazy to acknowledge.
I actually think I might enjoy Trump’s eventual triumph more now than if he’d just won fairly and freely last week. Many are suggesting that was always the plan, to get such a big landslide win that the Democrats would need to cheat to unprecedented levels to overturn it, to the point that they’re permanently exposed.
Even JHB on Talk Radio this morning letting her dislike of President Trump get in the way of objective journalism. No evidence she kept saying. No evidence my arse.
Yes I saw a number of tweets this morning noting the suspensions.
Here @BanTheBBC showed the 12 ban notice he got from Twitter
and the condition that he must remove his tweet that mentions Benford’s law.
A lot of good info comes up on a search
e.g. the way the Wikipedia page was suddenly edited to add great skepticism.
There was is a US TV episode quite recently that is all about this law and they say they can spot election fraud to within one deviation. It is mainly used inthe US to detect tax fraud by examing their accounts, when you cheat you make numbers up which is detectable.
— Simon Mcr ???????????????????????????????????? (@simonmcrx) November 9, 2020
Back in October 2019, Rashford supported a campaign called ‘In the Box’ to support the homeless. Anyone see it in the media? Me neither.
On the 30th March, BBC Sport featured Rashford and his ambassadorship of ‘Fareshare UK’, a food distribution charity.
You’ll struggle to find much about this in April and into May.
But on the 15th June, Rashford, not known for his blinding intellect, erudition, and communication skills, signs a closely written 2 A4 pages open letter asking for food vouchers to be retained.
On the 23 rd June, the Sportspromedia and Wikipedia websites suggest that ‘in the wake of the popularity generated by his charity work, Rashford signed with Rocnation in April 2020’
Question- why was there so little publicity about the tie-up for at least 7 weeks? Unless it was part of some greater plan.
Now Rocnation is in essence a publicity/marketing organisation for high end/ high wealth personages, in the case of footballers at least usually black, who in Rashford’s case are responsible for his off-field activities.
The New Musical Express reference Roc nation’ involvement helping with the campaign, ‘we are really a movement’.
So…..given the above facts and information sources it must be possible to believe that this whole campaign has been masterminded by Roc nation, in order to build up Rashford’s profile. And they have been very successful.
Weirdly I don’t actually object to any of this. If people are superficial and unthinking and swallow all the guff, that is their lookout.
No, the issues I have are
a. That the BBC treat Rashford as a Saint and choose not to inform and educate us about his off-field management agency
b. That our spineless government is caving in on policy because of an unelected American, mainly black-client based management agency who have an agenda.
BBC Education Bitesize
Examination level GCSE
Subject History
Examination body AQA https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zxjk4j6
The Normans overview – AQA
Edward’s death and claimants to the throne – AQA
1066 – the battles – AQA
Revolt, resistance and control in Norman England – AQA
Norman rule – AQA
Castles in Norman England – AQA
The Church in Norman England – AQA
The Normans – exam preparation – AQA
Tudors and Stuarts (15th to 17th century)
Elizabeth I
Modern World history (20th century)
The Cold War and Vietnam
Britain: migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day
Britain, migration and empire overview, c790 – present day
Motives for migration to and from Britain – economics and commerce
Motives for migration to and from Britain – religion and ideas
Motives for migration to and from Britain – war and government
Motives for migration to and from Britain – geographical summary
Migration’s effect on Britain – economics and commerce
Migration’s effect on Britain – religion and ideas
Migration’s effect on Britain – government
How Britain gained an empire – economics and commerce
How Britain gained an empire – religion and ideas
How Britain gained an empire – war
How Britain gained an empire – government
How Britain gained an empire – geographical summary
How Britain lost an empire – ideas, race and culture
How Britain lost an empire – war and government
How Britain lost an empire – geographical summary
Britain: Migration, empires and the people – exam preparation
———————————————————————- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/z2d4rdm
Examination body OCRA
Modern World history (20th century)
The Cold War and Vietnam
Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010
Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010 overview – OCR A
Medieval 1000-1500 overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Medieval era – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Medieval era – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Medieval era – OCR A
Immigration in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 – OCR A
Immigration in the Industrial era, 1750-1900 overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Industrial era, 1750-1900 – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Industrial era 1750-1900 – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Industrial era 1750-1900 – OCR A
Immigration in the Modern era 1900 – present overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Modern Era 1900 – present – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Modern era, 1900 – present – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Modern Era 1900 – present – OCR A
Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010 – exam preparation – OCR A
————————————————————- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zqkrbk7
Examination body OCRB
Early civilisations and empires (pre 12th century)
Tudors and Stuarts (15th to 17th century)
Elizabeth I
Modern World history (20th century)
Migrants to Britain c1250 to present
Migrants to Britain c1250 to the present overview – OCR B
Medieval England 1250-1500 overview – OCR B
Attitudes towards migrants in Medieval England – OCR B
The diversity of Medieval migrant communities – OCR B
Jewish communities and their expulsion from England in 1290 – OCR B
Early Modern Britain and the world, 1500-1750 overview – OCR B
The diversity of other European migrants, 1500-1750 – OCR B
The Huguenots and other Protestant refugees, 1500-1750 – OCR B
Early African and Indian migrants, 1500-1750 – OCR B
Industrial Britain, 1750-1900 overview – OCR B
The diversity of European migrants, 1750-1900 – OCR B
The growth of Asian and African communities, 1750-1900 – OCR B
Migration from Ireland, 1750-1900 – OCR B
Immigration in the Modern Era, 1900-present overview – OCR B
Refugees and ‘enemy aliens’ in the Modern Era, 1900 – 1947 – OCR B
Commonwealth immigrants in the Modern Era, 1948-present – OCR B
Economic migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, 1945 – present – OCR B
Migrants to Britain, c1250 to the present – exam preparation – OCR B
I’ve had a media blackout since Thursday when it became apparent that the fix of the Globalist Elite was going to win the US election. I hear that it isn’t over yet but unless President Trump has some very powerful allies in the US legal system , at every level right up to SCOTUS, I’m afraid he has been cheated out of his second term. More importantly democracy has died in the USA and the choice of the people has been overruled by the self serving globalist elite just like Brexit has.
We can be certain that the elite will now punish Trump , prison beckons I fear, to deter any other future Tribune of the people from ever again trying to overthrow the elite and their system.
The critical question ps are now can democracy ever overthrow this global elite? Can ordinary people’s votes ever be enough to defeat the tyranny of the Globalists? We certainly know that the answer is a big no in the UK , much of Western Europe and in the USA . Can the light of democracy that we see in Eastern Europe be kept burning in the face of the combined hostility of the USA and Brussels elites? Biden’s stealing of the election will have a big impact on Brexit, which of course is why Remainers and Brussels have stalled for so long, on Eastern Europe, and on Israel and even on small issues like getting rid of the BBC. It’s all very depressing we can only hope for a miracle and a Trump victory at the 11 th hour.
@Doublethinker The key to happiness is managing expectations
As Tommy says you always have to expect a STITCHUP
These days you don’t have to survive the event, you have to survive the STITCHUP as well.
I had a media blackout from election day until Saturday
cos my principle is it’s over when it’s over.
ie the vote, the counting and then the verification and court cases.
Even then most US presidents don’t really do much cos they don’t have the Senate and the House of Representatives.
To keep the Senate the Dems have a hard challenge to win both Georgia seats in the January runoff
But the Republicans still don’t have the House of Representatives sewn up, counting continues.
The US is not a proper democracy, cos both parties have always been the same not different
: lapdogs of big business and special interests.
Trump was the first step to better democracy for all.
I have worked as an election observer in the US
in Seattle a long time ago
It was just the full 13 hours of election day, and doesn’t give me a lot of extra insight, but it did confirm the Michael Moore line I used above that the Democrats and Republican parties have for 50 years been had most of the same agendas as each other & been in league to push them.
… I worked for the Democrat Party.
It was not a presidential election.
Double – i think you ll find now that the individual vote will become meaningless as the process is corrupted.
Counting without oversight is at least suspicious and at worse plain fraud .
America has devalued itself in this spectacle and wont be able to blab in the UN about other states it considers inferior
I think the world has become an even more unsafe place and individuals should stock up .
I wonder if the Far Left, BBC, Guardian and all their fellow travellers will wish to avail themselves of a new product from one of those evil, capitalist, profit-making, American, big pharma companies which might just save the global economy ?
Or might they turn the opportunity down, in order to practice what they preach?
Well talk about conspiracy, but its a funny old thing, what with Uncle creepy Joe ‘the un-dead’s’ vote Biden’ almost in the house, Al-Beeb Wireless news was almost positive; waxing lyrical with regard to potential COVID.19 vaccines and good outcomes.
So much ‘good news’ about for them all of a sudden. Its almost as if the virus is beginning to go away now Bidens around.
7:15pm R4 Arts show pays homage to Biden As reading from Seamus Heaney’s The Cure at Troy on the campaign trail,
and quoting the ‘To every thing there is a season’ verses from Ecclesiastes,
in his victory speech President Elect Biden made a reference to the Langston Hughes poem Harlem
– a subtle touch that will not be lost on African American voters.”
What about “Thou shall not steal” or “thou shall not bear false witness” ?
Would not be surprised to find these have suddenly disappeared from the written word, with the BBC unable to find any evidence they were there in the first place
with the bbbcs collective tongues firmly up old Joes backside for the forseeable future
until. of course they get black president MK2 when they go into paroxyms of joy regardless of fitness for job or performance
The fashion and celebrity snapper behind Harry and Meghan’s LA cemetery photoshoot: Couple used photographer who’s worked with Vogue and Kayne West’s brand Yeezy ‘to turn Remembrance Sunday into ‘publicity stunt’
Anyone else noticed that the Have your say forums/comment section on bBC websites, that most of the replies seem to be in line with the beebs own ideals..
ajs, I think the Beeb stacked the forums with new names, staffers perhaps?, around end 2016 through mid-2017 when the iPlayer rules changed and the BBC had another software glitch with signing in. The software glitch is still there, I tested it the other day.
All the old names have gone, even the Socialist ones like Lefty10, Sagamix, Writings and John from Hendon. Could be they were old and have died or just got bored. You are sure right about comments being in line with the BBC ideals. I look in from time to time but mostly can’t be bothered to take part as it is so obviously stacked.
The other big difference is the work ethic of the three current Senior Editors. Very different from Nick Robinson, Stephanie Flanders and Robert Peston. They used to Blog every day, sometimes two or three times day – and almost always their Blog would be open to comments, usually for a week or so.
Now, Part-time turns up every now and then, almost never Blogs and if she does, it is rarely if ever open to comment. Faisal Islam and Simon Jack appear to absent without leave most of the time and they make Part-time look like a workaholic.
The BBC had a real community around them but they blew it all away. A sign of what was to come?
World leaders who are NOT rushing to congratulate Biden: Putin and China say they will ‘wait until legal processes are complete’, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu goes out of his way to thank Trump after 12 hour silence and Saudi Arabia stays silent
Just received the latest email daily newsletter from my MP.
I replied after I repaired the cat….!
‘Dear Mr Hunt,
How disappointing was your latest post 9/11/2020, extract below:-
‘ I imagine lots of you (like me) are pleased to have been able to finally ‘turn off’ CNN now that it looks obvious that Jo Biden has won the US presidential election. Whatever you thought of President Trump, it must be good news to have an America that will re-engage with the World Health Organisation and sign up to the Paris Climate Accord.’
If all you consume is the Clinton News Network, you will never experience ‘open societies’ you crave, as you will have always been fed left wing biased disinformation.
It is not obvious that JO??? Biden has won anything. You should be concerned about democracy and the rule of Law. Too many dead people have voted and the postal system was open to massive fraud and apparently in some States there was more votes made than actual registered voters. I should hope you will reconsider your rush to judgment of Mr Trump, no matter of his personal characteristics. He has, after all, had a very good four years as President, despite the endless false attacks on him by your broadcaster of choice, CNN et al..
Also Uncle ‘JO’, I suspect, would not last out his term and the UK Government will soon have to deal with a hard line leftist Vice President.
I am also a little concerned you discredit Mr Trump so quickly who desperately wants to trade with the UK but unfortunately we now will have to be at ‘the back of the line’ to coin a phrase. I am not surprised really at your attitude, as I suspect you always wanted the UK to be within the confines of the EU.
It pains me to say, that I find it currently very difficult to continue to support you as my MP, as for example, you don’t appear to be listening to the other side of the argument about so called ‘Climate change’ and other large unelected organisations like the EU.
I don’t suppose you will reply to this and dismiss me as some right wing crackpot but unfortunately I am not a lone voice against where we appear to be going, as other genuine freedom loving voters I know, are looking elsewhere for strong leadership of a strong independent trading country; which suddenly reminds me of someone…!
I do hope that wasn’t from and to Jeremy Hunt, former rival to Boris Johnson and former Secretary of State for Health and you have a MP with the same surname.
As the presidential campaign progresses, she will face a buzz saw of criticism on at least two fronts that her new biography, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” declined to engage.
The first is obvious: Harris’ attempt to rewrite history by depicting herself as a criminal justice reformer. She may feel she has no choice; Democrats have recently lurched to the left on crime and punishment after decades in which they were nearly as likely as Republicans to back overly harsh laws that filled up prisons.
But instead of doing what Gov. Jerry Brown and other Democrats have done — saying they’ve come to realize the counter-productivity of tough-on-crime laws — Harris pretends she had reform-minded views all along. In her new book, she writes:
We must speak truth about our mass incarceration system — that we put more people in prison than any country on Earth, for no good reason. We must speak truth about police brutality, about racial bias, about the killing of unarmed black men.
But as Lara Bazelon, a University of San Francisco law professor, wrote in a recent op-ed in The New York Times, Harris’ rhetoric doesn’t remotely reflect her record while San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general.
Time after time, when progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms … Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent. Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.
Harris’ claim to be a reformer is also hard to square with her refusal to support or take a stand on Proposition 47, the 2014 ballot measure that limited punishment for nonviolent crimes. And her claim to be a crusader against unjustified police violence is weakened by the criticism she faced from California’s Legislative Black Caucus in 2015 and 2016 for opposing legislation that would have had her department independently investigate fatal police shootings.
Harris does have some history as a reformer. While San Francisco DA, she created Back on Track, a program meant to help keep first-time nonviolent drug offenders on the straight and narrow.
But there’s a good reason that Politico reported Monday that “Harris’ Democratic opponents are already telegraphing that they plan to make her law-and-order background an enormous vulnerability with voters on the left.” It’s because they have a ton of ammunition. It’s likely she keeps arguing that background is needed in the wake of President Donald Trump’s lawlessness, so expect the scrutiny to be intense.
A second issue has the potential to harm Harris as well. It may make some people uncomfortable, including the senator. That doesn’t mean it’s not relevant.
The issue is how Harris’ political rise was fueled by her affair with Willie Brown, the former Assembly speaker and San Francisco mayor, who was married and more than twice Harris’ age when they began showing up in gossip columns in 1994. No one questions that Harris is very smart and highly competent and that she didn’t need Brown to have a successful career. But she didn’t just date Brown. She benefited at taxpayers’ expense from her relationship with a slick politician long “dogged by allegations of corruption and cronyism,” as the San Francisco Chronicle reported in 2004. Here’s what the very liberal San Francisco Weekly reported in 2003 about how Harris’ links to Brown — “a man whom many San Franciscans associate with political chicanery and self-dealing” — haunt her:
Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely — more than $400,000 over five years. In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County [deputy DA] job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.
Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely — more than $400,000 over five years. In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County [deputy DA] job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.
On Aug. 9, 2019, the fifth anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, Harris tweeted: “Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement.”
But the Department of Justice under then-President Obama found that Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in “self-defense,” not murdered.
The shots officer Darren Wilson fired “were in self-defense and thus were not objectively unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment,” which prohibits unreasonable seizures and use of force, the 86-page Justice Department report said. It concluded that Wilson’s “actions do not constitute prosecutable violations under the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute, 18 U.S.C. § 242, which prohibits uses of deadly force that are ‘objectively unreasonable,’ as defined by the United States Supreme Court.”
Harris’s actions in the Daniel Larsen case are particularly concerning.
The Larsen case was a travesty of justice from start to finish. In 1999, when two police officers claimed they saw Larsen, who had earlier in his life been convicted for burglary, pull a six-inch-long knife from his waistband and throw it under a car, he was sentenced to twenty-seven years to life under the three-strikes law supported by Harris.
Forget for a second that the sentence was unduly harsh for the crime in question. Police had wrongly targeted Larsen for a search in the first place, and witnesses reported that it wasn’t Larsen but the man he was with who had thrown the knife. In trial, Larsen’s incompetent lawyer (who would later be disbarred) didn’t investigate a single witness, nor present one in trial.
Eleven years later, a judge reversed the conviction due to the lack of evidence and incompetence of Larson’s attorney’s. Yet two years later, Larsen was still in jail. Why? Because Harris, now a vocal opponent of mass incarceration, appealed the judge’s decision on the basis that Larsen had filed his paperwork too late — a technicality.
Tens of thousands of people petitioned Harris to release Larsen, and numerous civil rights groups similarly called on her to do the right thing. But even when he was eventually released from custody after fourteen years, Harris challenged his release, and five months later Larsen was back in court, fighting to stay out of prison for a crime he didn’t commit.
Harris’s concern about mass incarceration similarly failed to come up when California Governor Jerry Brown reacted to a Supreme Court order to reduce prison overcrowding by announcing a $730 million plan to move inmates to private prisons and vacant county jails. One would expect Harris may have had some words of criticism, especially as California’s senate president had an alternative, better plan that focused on getting inmates mental health and drug treatment. But she was silent. San Jose’s Mercury News criticized her inaction, rightly pointing out that “she wrote a book about” the issue.
I wonder for how much longer the episode “One – the most popular number” of the series “Simon Singh’s Numbers” will be available to listen to on the BBC Radio 4 webshite page?
As the programme description states – “One is the most popular number, as it appears more often than any other number. More specifically, the first digit of all numbers is a 1 about 30% of the time, whereas it is 9 just 4% of the time. This was accidentally discovered by the engineer Frank Benford. It works for all numbers – mountain heights, river lengths, populations, etc.
Why? A deep law of mathematics declares that the universe of numbers cannot help avoid the popularity of 1. What is the point? This is a little known law of mathematics, so people faking their tax returns will not follow the law and their numbers will start with an even mix of 1s through to 9s. The US tax dept. uses Benford’s Law to spot frauds…”
Plugging Benford’s Law into the voting stats for Allegheny County (Which encompasses the city of Philadelphia) in Pennsylvania shows that the vote for President Trump follows Benford’s Law precisely, as do the votes for the Libertarian and Green candidates. The vote for Joe Biden, however, fails miserably to follow it – so expect to see in the coming days an attempt to rubbish Benford’s Law with explanations of how it shouldn’t be used to detect fraud in elections (even though it does).
A main feature headline on the BBC website. This
is the absolute default position of the diversity
obsessed BBC.
“I love being gay,it’s awesome”
So we are told by Megan Rapinde the captain
of the USA women’s football team. Good for
you Megan. That really is a front page story.
Well it is for the BBC.
Nick and his groupies think this was their moment.
Staggered at how far this exchange has travelled. Viral in Ireland, and it seems to have informed some UK commentary about the tricky state of ‘special relationship’ – a phrase that should have been retired years ago. https://t.co/TJnZVw5uJR
Local ITV news, outside our local hospital
which is part of a trust 60 miles wide.
Saying oh the hospital is getting full with 100 people in hospital with Covid, 10 in intensive care
and a few farmed out to adjacent hospitals, cos not enough oxygen or staff.
The prog gave no context
Since the regional population is 350K
That’s 1 in 3,000 people hospitalised with Covid.
Usually many of those with Covid caught it in hospital, not outside.
I looked to see the trend
and found the stats the prog tweeted came from Saturday afternoon.
And surprisingly no new numbers tweeted.
BBC local news opened with a similar item from onto Hull
The UK stats for today were late , so not available at Boris’s press conference.
Yesterday continued the flat trend.
Pro Climate item now
They said local industry emits “HARMFUL CO2”
.. It’s plant food FFS
They plugged hydrogen, but mentioned the plant creating it will create masses more CO2
claiming the project would have Carbon Capture.
But they did point out that Carbon Capture is fishy technology.
But featured a guy making a cherrypicked flaky stat
“The Humber region accounts for 37% of the UK’s *INDUSTRIAL* CO2”
Next item the Lincolnshire family who have already put up a million Christmas lights in there garden.
Now another family who’ve had theirs up since March.
Now Cottingham town, where lights have just been switched on.
The biggest, in terms of effect, greenhouse gas is not carbon dioxide but water, which is why a cloudy night is always warmer
“It’s Water Vapor, Not the CO2
ACS Climate Science Toolkit | Narratives
Remark: “The Earth has certainly been warming since we have added so much CO2 to the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning.”
Reply: “Forget the CO2. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It controls the Earth’s temperature.”
Re local Covid
There must be an affect of combining with the adjacent region
The stats don’t show many positive cases in our region
but you never know if that just means not many people have been tested.
Cos current positives rate is below national average.
Down in one part of Kent, Stew, Covid-19/19a/20 infections have increased 3% to 100 in 100,000. The national average, I’m told by PH(England) via the BBC, is 175 per 100,000.
‘The BBC has pledged to hold a full independent investigation into how Martin Bashir obtained his career-defining interview with Princess Diana in 1995, following fresh claims that he produced fake documents and used other deceitful tactics to win the trust of her family.
Tim Davie, the corporation’s director general, confirmed that the terms of the investigation would be announced in the coming days: “The BBC is taking this very seriously and we want to get to the truth. We are in the process of commissioning a robust and independent investigation.”
The BBC has said Bashir is currently unable to answer questions as he is currently signed off work by his doctors. It said the journalist, currently employed as the BBC’s religion editor, is recovering from quadruple heart bypass surgery in addition to having “significant complications” after contracting Covid-19 earlier in the year.’
My last, thankfully, experience of a traveller site was discovering all the oxygen cylinders they had stolen from the local hospital along with fire brigade cutting equipment (along with firearms)
and dealing with starving horses and dogs
no comment, that would be racist (thanks Blair, once again, what a blight you were upon this country)
Ia gypo site in my area didn’t last long … it might have been something to do with 24 hour car horns from the locals on the access road… plus someone cut the water supply off …..
this one was a local authority site established for them but, trying to manage their complete and utter antisocial behaviour, so much stolen such as fences etc that had to be replaced constantly so much cruelty to animals, intimidation violence and thieving
and our wonderful police ? scared to death of them, even when they knew there was an escaped prisoner on site they would not approach
but happy to arrest white indigenous for any offence
forget it I will just say, sub human scum
feted by the left until they get into power yeh and then we see (look at my previous post about Harris and how she views prisoners)
Harris’s actions in the Daniel Larsen case are particularly concerning.
The Larsen case was a travesty of justice from start to finish. In 1999, when two police officers claimed they saw Larsen, who had earlier in his life been convicted for burglary, pull a six-inch-long knife from his waistband and throw it under a car, he was sentenced to twenty-seven years to life under the three-strikes law supported by Harris.
Forget for a second that the sentence was unduly harsh for the crime in question. Police had wrongly targeted Larsen for a search in the first place, and witnesses reported that it wasn’t Larsen but the man he was with who had thrown the knife. In trial, Larsen’s incompetent lawyer (who would later be disbarred) didn’t investigate a single witness, nor present one in trial.
Eleven years later, a judge reversed the conviction due to the lack of evidence and incompetence of Larson’s attorney’s. Yet two years later, Larsen was still in jail. Why? Because Harris, now a vocal opponent of mass incarceration, appealed the judge’s decision on the basis that Larsen had filed his paperwork too late — a technicality.
Tens of thousands of people petitioned Harris to release Larsen, and numerous civil rights groups similarly called on her to do the right thing. But even when he was eventually released from custody after fourteen years, Harris challenged his release, and five months later Larsen was back in court, fighting to stay out of prison for a crime he didn’t commit.
Harris’s concern about mass incarceration similarly failed to come up when California Governor Jerry Brown reacted to a Supreme Court order to reduce prison overcrowding by announcing a $730 million plan to move inmates to private prisons and vacant county jails. One would expect Harris may have had some words of criticism, especially as California’s senate president had an alternative, better plan that focused on getting inmates mental health and drug treatment. But she was silent. San Jose’s Mercury News criticized her inaction, rightly pointing out that “she wrote a book about” the issue.
The Border Farce and our “clandestine Channel threat commander” are at it again!
Who is supplying all the dinghies ? I thought that the UK’s, national security threat level was raised to “severe”. I also thought England was in a lockdown.
I am afraid we and the Home Office are going to learn some more costly lessons.
That’s marvellous, Brissles, it was on an earlier post, but here we are again, hearing a proper commentator slaughter a rather weak, sometimes unintelligible Beeboid! I’m sorry I wasn’t ‘sleepless in Kent’, when it came out!
He usually has the ‘know wot i mean’ sort of caller, and is getting as bad as Rhod Sharpe was with all his Huffpo mates, spewing rubbish!
JohnCMar 6, 02:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Europe ‘at turning point in history’, French president warns https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3w14gw3wwlo ‘Europe was facing a “clear and present danger on a…
taffmanMar 6, 00:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 pugnazious The blame lays with the EU’s open borders.
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:31 Midweek 5th March 2025 Why is it possible to come on Campbell’s show and say the most outrageous anti-Trump or Musk things and Campbell…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Woke up to Today pushing the Robinson interview with Sunak [Campbell ejaculated on his show…’What a scoop!’…lol…no] and getting very…
taffmanMar 6, 00:25 Midweek 5th March 2025 My often posted message to the BBC….. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all…
pugnaziousMar 6, 00:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 BBC… ‘He [Trump] also appeared to threaten civilians: “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not…
taffmanMar 5, 23:54 Midweek 5th March 2025 StewGreen “Cumbria Police say it is not a terror related incident”. We have heard this before . Could it be…
taffmanMar 5, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 Who is our government or Border Force (Farce ) is letting in to our country? We are in need of…
StewGreenMar 5, 23:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Patrick Christy’s report .. https://youtu.be/JgMA_uY6YRQ ..It’s ruined by shouty lefty Stella getting 80% of the speaking time She opts for…
tomoMar 5, 22:56 Midweek 5th March 2025 BMW had a problem with runaway cars a while back – I wonder if the i40 has any secrets?
Yet to read it but… celebrating Guy Fawkes in the Hamptons?
Blimey, Fraser not getting back on QT any time soon… unless they can get Mason, Owen, Champion, Lammy and Mad Al on the panel.
@GuestWho is this useful account one of yours ?
In this show on Radio4 she declared herself a Muslim “a not very good one”.
That means the panel was 50% Muslim, and 50% BAME,
although I usually include the 4 guests as well.
She lectured British people on our funeral traditions saying we have too long between death and burial, so we forget to mourn.
Nice for a third world peasant to lecture her white hosts on ‘ culture’ .
Nope. But Tx for the heads up.
I actually rather fear what being ‘a good Muslim’ counts as, depending on who asked from that faith.
Especially 50%of BBC staff.
For those who like their scandal and corruption in the UK -please go to the dominic lawson column today monday regarding the bashir gate interview and the involvement of the BbC high command in it and aftermath …
Bashie seems to have been told to be ‘ill’ and – for the BBC ‘religious editor ‘ – has the morality of a rat in rats ‘ clothing …
As youll read – the whole thing has some greater upper class incest in it …
“Biden and Harris call for unity in victory speeches”
Translation: Biden and Harris call for abject surrender so they can finish stealing the election.
Those who open Pandora’s Box always forget that it isn’t in their power to close it again.
I can’t understand the following expensive production from the BBC:
Headline: “Catch Her If You Can: Mariam Mola is addicted to Louis Vuitton, Fendi and flexing on social media. Her Instagram feed is a love letter to luxury London, from the velvet booths of Soho restaurants to the bling outfitters of Hatton Garden jewellery boutiques. She seems to have it all. But this self-made girl boss from London’s docklands is actually a career con artist …”
The BBC present it as a film and a documentary glorifying crime as it is committed by a black woman from London. However, I can’t tell whether this character really exists and whether or not this is just another BBC fabrication.
I did mention it last week
‘Catch Her If You Can’, a documentary is about senior SPAC Nation pastor Mariam Mola – a career con artist.
Those new African/London churches do tend to me money making scams IMHO.
Someone is still running a Twitter account in her name
and claiming there is a new book coming.
her real name is Mariam Mbula
Okay thanks to the link to the telegraph article. I had done a duckduckgo search previously and found no wikipedia page or related.
WOW. Scary times. But its the left that are tolerant right ???
Poor Brandon Straka, who created the #walkaway movement which led thousands of former liberals to denounce what the Democrat party had become, and were subsequently proven right as the media declared them all Russian insurgents.
All the people in that BLACK LIVES MATTER march were all white and likely to have been the brainwashed feminists and soyboys.
Nothing to see here …another day , hundreds more accounts of fraud coming out. Or ZERO if the BBC.
Look at the way Gorka stopped Nolan, by refusing to answer the loaded question saying “don’t put words into my mouth”
And then wouldn’t answer his second loaded question.
“The BBC are just Faked News .. a bunch biased pikers”
Piker a word that sprung up in the US in 1872, “miserly person,” formerly “poor white migrant to California”
Modern use a chancer, a slacker
A “Pikey”? – A member of the travelling ‘community’ in the UK.
No connection to that word for gypsy according to etymology experts
At least Nolan has some listeners
25 lefties squealed on Twitter about hearing Gorka.
example thread
They seriously shouted that people like Gorka should be banned.
I listened to fatty Nolan and the chat with Mr Gorka.
Superb. Nolan had his fat obese arse handed to him.
The aalbeeb tried the usuall trick of losing the line, then when they got it back, it was to close to the ‘news’ to carry on for long. Not that Fatty had much to say….
I see the twitters describe themselves as useful idiot’ and ‘bit of a lefty’ so enough said there… In the old days they would have been relegated to a village requiring a fool….
Anyhow as someone who now positively identifies as far right and a bit of a tax payer… I’d be more concerned about the timescales the so called impartial AlBeeb and Fatty gave Anthony Scaramuchi to waffle about the President, including his alleged mental health and other behaviours coming through as he refused to accept defeat.
All unchallenged and without any evidence or interjection by fatty Nolan.
Of course Scaramuchi was fired by the Donald, so no axe to grind…
Yet more clear, irrefutable evidence that the election results are anything but genuine, which of course the media are too corrupt or in some cases just too intellectually lazy to acknowledge.
I actually think I might enjoy Trump’s eventual triumph more now than if he’d just won fairly and freely last week. Many are suggesting that was always the plan, to get such a big landslide win that the Democrats would need to cheat to unprecedented levels to overturn it, to the point that they’re permanently exposed.
Even JHB on Talk Radio this morning letting her dislike of President Trump get in the way of objective journalism. No evidence she kept saying. No evidence my arse.
JHB got ratioed on Twitter for that.
Yet more clear evidence also of the “Big Tech” meddling in the election.
twitter especially have been disgusting.
Yes I saw a number of tweets this morning noting the suspensions.
Here @BanTheBBC showed the 12 ban notice he got from Twitter
and the condition that he must remove his tweet that mentions Benford’s law.
A lot of good info comes up on a search
e.g. the way the Wikipedia page was suddenly edited to add great skepticism.
The government has again caved in to the appeals of Marcus Rashford, as their plan to nationalise children continues.
Let us look at the timeline for this.
Back in October 2019, Rashford supported a campaign called ‘In the Box’ to support the homeless. Anyone see it in the media? Me neither.
On the 30th March, BBC Sport featured Rashford and his ambassadorship of ‘Fareshare UK’, a food distribution charity.
You’ll struggle to find much about this in April and into May.
But on the 15th June, Rashford, not known for his blinding intellect, erudition, and communication skills, signs a closely written 2 A4 pages open letter asking for food vouchers to be retained.
On the 23 rd June, the Sportspromedia and Wikipedia websites suggest that ‘in the wake of the popularity generated by his charity work, Rashford signed with Rocnation in April 2020’
Question- why was there so little publicity about the tie-up for at least 7 weeks? Unless it was part of some greater plan.
Now Rocnation is in essence a publicity/marketing organisation for high end/ high wealth personages, in the case of footballers at least usually black, who in Rashford’s case are responsible for his off-field activities.
The New Musical Express reference Roc nation’ involvement helping with the campaign, ‘we are really a movement’.
So…..given the above facts and information sources it must be possible to believe that this whole campaign has been masterminded by Roc nation, in order to build up Rashford’s profile. And they have been very successful.
Weirdly I don’t actually object to any of this. If people are superficial and unthinking and swallow all the guff, that is their lookout.
No, the issues I have are
a. That the BBC treat Rashford as a Saint and choose not to inform and educate us about his off-field management agency
b. That our spineless government is caving in on policy because of an unelected American, mainly black-client based management agency who have an agenda.
No – knife wounds actually ….
Just add them to the Covid list.
Actually apparently it was all about a corp promoting the clothes Megan is paid to wear
If true, that’s lower a snake’s genitals. That said, I don’t suppose we should expect much else these days.
BBC Education Bitesize
Examination level GCSE
Subject History
Examination body AQA
The Normans overview – AQA
Edward’s death and claimants to the throne – AQA
1066 – the battles – AQA
Revolt, resistance and control in Norman England – AQA
Norman rule – AQA
Castles in Norman England – AQA
The Church in Norman England – AQA
The Normans – exam preparation – AQA
Tudors and Stuarts (15th to 17th century)
Elizabeth I
Modern World history (20th century)
The Cold War and Vietnam
Britain: migration, empires and the people c790 to the present day
Britain, migration and empire overview, c790 – present day
Motives for migration to and from Britain – economics and commerce
Motives for migration to and from Britain – religion and ideas
Motives for migration to and from Britain – war and government
Motives for migration to and from Britain – geographical summary
Migration’s effect on Britain – economics and commerce
Migration’s effect on Britain – religion and ideas
Migration’s effect on Britain – government
How Britain gained an empire – economics and commerce
How Britain gained an empire – religion and ideas
How Britain gained an empire – war
How Britain gained an empire – government
How Britain gained an empire – geographical summary
How Britain lost an empire – ideas, race and culture
How Britain lost an empire – war and government
How Britain lost an empire – geographical summary
Britain: Migration, empires and the people – exam preparation
Examination body OCRA
Modern World history (20th century)
The Cold War and Vietnam
Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010
Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010 overview – OCR A
Medieval 1000-1500 overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Medieval era – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Medieval era – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Medieval era – OCR A
Immigration in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Early Modern era, 1500-1750 – OCR A
Immigration in the Industrial era, 1750-1900 overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Industrial era, 1750-1900 – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Industrial era 1750-1900 – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Industrial era 1750-1900 – OCR A
Immigration in the Modern era 1900 – present overview – OCR A
Reasons for immigration in the Modern Era 1900 – present – OCR A
Experiences of immigrants in the Modern era, 1900 – present – OCR A
Impact of immigration in the Modern Era 1900 – present – OCR A
Migration to Britain c1000 to c2010 – exam preparation – OCR A
Examination body OCRB
Early civilisations and empires (pre 12th century)
Tudors and Stuarts (15th to 17th century)
Elizabeth I
Modern World history (20th century)
Migrants to Britain c1250 to present
Migrants to Britain c1250 to the present overview – OCR B
Medieval England 1250-1500 overview – OCR B
Attitudes towards migrants in Medieval England – OCR B
The diversity of Medieval migrant communities – OCR B
Jewish communities and their expulsion from England in 1290 – OCR B
Early Modern Britain and the world, 1500-1750 overview – OCR B
The diversity of other European migrants, 1500-1750 – OCR B
The Huguenots and other Protestant refugees, 1500-1750 – OCR B
Early African and Indian migrants, 1500-1750 – OCR B
Industrial Britain, 1750-1900 overview – OCR B
The diversity of European migrants, 1750-1900 – OCR B
The growth of Asian and African communities, 1750-1900 – OCR B
Migration from Ireland, 1750-1900 – OCR B
Immigration in the Modern Era, 1900-present overview – OCR B
Refugees and ‘enemy aliens’ in the Modern Era, 1900 – 1947 – OCR B
Commonwealth immigrants in the Modern Era, 1948-present – OCR B
Economic migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, 1945 – present – OCR B
Migrants to Britain, c1250 to the present – exam preparation – OCR B
Their are other examination bodies…
BTW those BBC exam pages are not new.
They have been mentioning empire/immigration for 6 months or maybe a year even.
THERE are .. fix your typo
Last chance – forgive me- what are you saying putting up that ever so long list ?
Is it ‘ just a record ‘ or what?
The list is jolly interesting to me. I should never have imagined such an obsession with migration.
The bbc just now.
The US president-elect has named the members of his coronavirus task force, highlighting his pledge to make tackling Covid-19 his top priority.
Not long after that he came within a whisker of being bankrupt.
Then he discovered how he could make films about Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Then he became a multi-millionaire with multiple homes across the USA.
Which we have been paying for ever since.
Hey ho.
I’ve had a media blackout since Thursday when it became apparent that the fix of the Globalist Elite was going to win the US election. I hear that it isn’t over yet but unless President Trump has some very powerful allies in the US legal system , at every level right up to SCOTUS, I’m afraid he has been cheated out of his second term. More importantly democracy has died in the USA and the choice of the people has been overruled by the self serving globalist elite just like Brexit has.
We can be certain that the elite will now punish Trump , prison beckons I fear, to deter any other future Tribune of the people from ever again trying to overthrow the elite and their system.
The critical question ps are now can democracy ever overthrow this global elite? Can ordinary people’s votes ever be enough to defeat the tyranny of the Globalists? We certainly know that the answer is a big no in the UK , much of Western Europe and in the USA . Can the light of democracy that we see in Eastern Europe be kept burning in the face of the combined hostility of the USA and Brussels elites? Biden’s stealing of the election will have a big impact on Brexit, which of course is why Remainers and Brussels have stalled for so long, on Eastern Europe, and on Israel and even on small issues like getting rid of the BBC. It’s all very depressing we can only hope for a miracle and a Trump victory at the 11 th hour.
@Doublethinker The key to happiness is managing expectations
As Tommy says you always have to expect a STITCHUP
These days you don’t have to survive the event, you have to survive the STITCHUP as well.
I had a media blackout from election day until Saturday
cos my principle is it’s over when it’s over.
ie the vote, the counting and then the verification and court cases.
Even then most US presidents don’t really do much cos they don’t have the Senate and the House of Representatives.
To keep the Senate the Dems have a hard challenge to win both Georgia seats in the January runoff
But the Republicans still don’t have the House of Representatives sewn up, counting continues.
The US is not a proper democracy, cos both parties have always been the same not different
: lapdogs of big business and special interests.
Trump was the first step to better democracy for all.
I have worked as an election observer in the US
in Seattle a long time ago
It was just the full 13 hours of election day, and doesn’t give me a lot of extra insight, but it did confirm the Michael Moore line I used above that the Democrats and Republican parties have for 50 years been had most of the same agendas as each other & been in league to push them.
… I worked for the Democrat Party.
It was not a presidential election.
Double – i think you ll find now that the individual vote will become meaningless as the process is corrupted.
Counting without oversight is at least suspicious and at worse plain fraud .
America has devalued itself in this spectacle and wont be able to blab in the UN about other states it considers inferior
I think the world has become an even more unsafe place and individuals should stock up .
I wonder if the Far Left, BBC, Guardian and all their fellow travellers will wish to avail themselves of a new product from one of those evil, capitalist, profit-making, American, big pharma companies which might just save the global economy ?
Or might they turn the opportunity down, in order to practice what they preach?
Well talk about conspiracy, but its a funny old thing, what with Uncle creepy Joe ‘the un-dead’s’ vote Biden’ almost in the house, Al-Beeb Wireless news was almost positive; waxing lyrical with regard to potential COVID.19 vaccines and good outcomes.
So much ‘good news’ about for them all of a sudden. Its almost as if the virus is beginning to go away now Bidens around.
Miraculous. Or not……..
The lying BBC are always lying that “we would just LOVE to host conservative comedians, but there just aren’t any out there”.
Well here’s one for a start, and there are many others. In fact mocking the woke left is a rising trend on the comedy circuit in America.
I Used To Be Black. Voting Wrong Turned Me White.
What’s wrong, Beeb – too edgy for you?
I thought you liked edgy.
Oh, wrong sort of edgy.
Jim Davidson still available ?
Eddie Booth ? remake of Love thy Neighbour ?
7:15pm R4 Arts show pays homage to Biden
As reading from Seamus Heaney’s The Cure at Troy on the campaign trail,
and quoting the ‘To every thing there is a season’ verses from Ecclesiastes,
in his victory speech President Elect Biden made a reference to the Langston Hughes poem Harlem
– a subtle touch that will not be lost on African American voters.”
You fancy him don’t you Radio4 ?
What about “Thou shall not steal” or “thou shall not bear false witness” ?
Would not be surprised to find these have suddenly disappeared from the written word, with the BBC unable to find any evidence they were there in the first place
with the bbbcs collective tongues firmly up old Joes backside for the forseeable future
until. of course they get black president MK2 when they go into paroxyms of joy regardless of fitness for job or performance
What low life scum..
The fashion and celebrity snapper behind Harry and Meghan’s LA cemetery photoshoot: Couple used photographer who’s worked with Vogue and Kayne West’s brand Yeezy ‘to turn Remembrance Sunday into ‘publicity stunt’
Election video
– Sargon lists some fraud concerns
– Viva Frei & Robert Barnes discuss fraud concerns .. talk of 10,000 confirmed dead votes.
– Short video Viva Frei discuss Court action by Trump before the election about observers not being allowed close enough to inspect
Anyone else noticed that the Have your say forums/comment section on bBC websites, that most of the replies seem to be in line with the beebs own ideals..
I guess most of us have left, the left to it 🙂
Well my comment betting that the entire bbc staff had a group w@nk into their skinny lattes when a muzzie won Bake Off never even appeared
Bleeding censorship
ajs, I think the Beeb stacked the forums with new names, staffers perhaps?, around end 2016 through mid-2017 when the iPlayer rules changed and the BBC had another software glitch with signing in. The software glitch is still there, I tested it the other day.
All the old names have gone, even the Socialist ones like Lefty10, Sagamix, Writings and John from Hendon. Could be they were old and have died or just got bored. You are sure right about comments being in line with the BBC ideals. I look in from time to time but mostly can’t be bothered to take part as it is so obviously stacked.
The other big difference is the work ethic of the three current Senior Editors. Very different from Nick Robinson, Stephanie Flanders and Robert Peston. They used to Blog every day, sometimes two or three times day – and almost always their Blog would be open to comments, usually for a week or so.
Now, Part-time turns up every now and then, almost never Blogs and if she does, it is rarely if ever open to comment. Faisal Islam and Simon Jack appear to absent without leave most of the time and they make Part-time look like a workaholic.
The BBC had a real community around them but they blew it all away. A sign of what was to come?
World leaders who are NOT rushing to congratulate Biden: Putin and China say they will ‘wait until legal processes are complete’, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu goes out of his way to thank Trump after 12 hour silence and Saudi Arabia stays silent
Not to be found on the bBc or any MSM
Feel like being enriched ? take a trip to good old London Town:
The parts of London where you are more likely to get TB than in the third world
In some borough’s tuberculosis rates are higher than in the likes of Rwanda, Burkina Faso and Albania
I wonder why ?
answers on a Donald Trump voting slip to :
Pennsylvania c/o the nearest dumpster
Yes, SG it is a year old article, but I sincerely doubt it has improved much
Just received the latest email daily newsletter from my MP.
I replied after I repaired the cat….!
‘Dear Mr Hunt,
How disappointing was your latest post 9/11/2020, extract below:-
‘ I imagine lots of you (like me) are pleased to have been able to finally ‘turn off’ CNN now that it looks obvious that Jo Biden has won the US presidential election. Whatever you thought of President Trump, it must be good news to have an America that will re-engage with the World Health Organisation and sign up to the Paris Climate Accord.’
If all you consume is the Clinton News Network, you will never experience ‘open societies’ you crave, as you will have always been fed left wing biased disinformation.
It is not obvious that JO??? Biden has won anything. You should be concerned about democracy and the rule of Law. Too many dead people have voted and the postal system was open to massive fraud and apparently in some States there was more votes made than actual registered voters. I should hope you will reconsider your rush to judgment of Mr Trump, no matter of his personal characteristics. He has, after all, had a very good four years as President, despite the endless false attacks on him by your broadcaster of choice, CNN et al..
Also Uncle ‘JO’, I suspect, would not last out his term and the UK Government will soon have to deal with a hard line leftist Vice President.
I am also a little concerned you discredit Mr Trump so quickly who desperately wants to trade with the UK but unfortunately we now will have to be at ‘the back of the line’ to coin a phrase. I am not surprised really at your attitude, as I suspect you always wanted the UK to be within the confines of the EU.
It pains me to say, that I find it currently very difficult to continue to support you as my MP, as for example, you don’t appear to be listening to the other side of the argument about so called ‘Climate change’ and other large unelected organisations like the EU.
I don’t suppose you will reply to this and dismiss me as some right wing crackpot but unfortunately I am not a lone voice against where we appear to be going, as other genuine freedom loving voters I know, are looking elsewhere for strong leadership of a strong independent trading country; which suddenly reminds me of someone…!
I do hope that wasn’t from and to Jeremy Hunt, former rival to Boris Johnson and former Secretary of State for Health and you have a MP with the same surname.
The same J Hunt, I’m afraid, that the BBC takes great pleasure in sometimes mis speaking his surname..
Poor cat
on the bright side, my cat has stopped getting beaten up by the black cat down the road since the weekend
I understand Biden has two Alsatians, I could say something about three dogs at the Whitehouse now but let the facts speak for themselves
As the presidential campaign progresses, she will face a buzz saw of criticism on at least two fronts that her new biography, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” declined to engage.
The first is obvious: Harris’ attempt to rewrite history by depicting herself as a criminal justice reformer. She may feel she has no choice; Democrats have recently lurched to the left on crime and punishment after decades in which they were nearly as likely as Republicans to back overly harsh laws that filled up prisons.
But instead of doing what Gov. Jerry Brown and other Democrats have done — saying they’ve come to realize the counter-productivity of tough-on-crime laws — Harris pretends she had reform-minded views all along. In her new book, she writes:
We must speak truth about our mass incarceration system — that we put more people in prison than any country on Earth, for no good reason. We must speak truth about police brutality, about racial bias, about the killing of unarmed black men.
But as Lara Bazelon, a University of San Francisco law professor, wrote in a recent op-ed in The New York Times, Harris’ rhetoric doesn’t remotely reflect her record while San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general.
Time after time, when progressives urged her to embrace criminal justice reforms … Ms. Harris opposed them or stayed silent. Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that had been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.
Harris’ claim to be a reformer is also hard to square with her refusal to support or take a stand on Proposition 47, the 2014 ballot measure that limited punishment for nonviolent crimes. And her claim to be a crusader against unjustified police violence is weakened by the criticism she faced from California’s Legislative Black Caucus in 2015 and 2016 for opposing legislation that would have had her department independently investigate fatal police shootings.
Harris does have some history as a reformer. While San Francisco DA, she created Back on Track, a program meant to help keep first-time nonviolent drug offenders on the straight and narrow.
But there’s a good reason that Politico reported Monday that “Harris’ Democratic opponents are already telegraphing that they plan to make her law-and-order background an enormous vulnerability with voters on the left.” It’s because they have a ton of ammunition. It’s likely she keeps arguing that background is needed in the wake of President Donald Trump’s lawlessness, so expect the scrutiny to be intense.
A second issue has the potential to harm Harris as well. It may make some people uncomfortable, including the senator. That doesn’t mean it’s not relevant.
The issue is how Harris’ political rise was fueled by her affair with Willie Brown, the former Assembly speaker and San Francisco mayor, who was married and more than twice Harris’ age when they began showing up in gossip columns in 1994. No one questions that Harris is very smart and highly competent and that she didn’t need Brown to have a successful career. But she didn’t just date Brown. She benefited at taxpayers’ expense from her relationship with a slick politician long “dogged by allegations of corruption and cronyism,” as the San Francisco Chronicle reported in 2004. Here’s what the very liberal San Francisco Weekly reported in 2003 about how Harris’ links to Brown — “a man whom many San Franciscans associate with political chicanery and self-dealing” — haunt her:
Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely — more than $400,000 over five years. In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County [deputy DA] job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.
I understand Biden has two Alsatians,
Sniffer dogs?
I repeat:
The married man she was having an affair with:
Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely — more than $400,000 over five years. In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County [deputy DA] job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.
The swamp is back. apparently undrained
Nice one(s), Darcy!
Plenty more of this to squirm out of the woodwork, methinks!
And ‘nice’ to think she got a bimmer, the preferred shaded window versions of suspects in London! What’s wrong with an old banger…
…oops, that’s really what he gave her, maybe…
I think we should be told!
(Possibly it was an old pendant, but we’d need evidence of that, as it wouldn’t stand up in court)!
Darcy3, more like the Black Lagoon
These are the ones who couldn’t possibly vote in PERSON due to covid !!! Which, has now magically disappeared in the USA !!
Last week it was a major catastrophe for the President per the media !!!!!
I believe it has disappeared in the USA overnight, but will not disappear here until Labour are in power
What a strange virus
On Aug. 9, 2019, the fifth anniversary of the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man, Harris tweeted: “Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement.”
But the Department of Justice under then-President Obama found that Brown was shot and killed by a white police officer in “self-defense,” not murdered.
The shots officer Darren Wilson fired “were in self-defense and thus were not objectively unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment,” which prohibits unreasonable seizures and use of force, the 86-page Justice Department report said. It concluded that Wilson’s “actions do not constitute prosecutable violations under the applicable federal criminal civil rights statute, 18 U.S.C. § 242, which prohibits uses of deadly force that are ‘objectively unreasonable,’ as defined by the United States Supreme Court.”
Spotted BBC using “President elect” for Trump once in a 2016 headline
..they’ve used it 3+ times for Biden in the last 2 days
Here’ #2 and #3
13-year-old Brayden, who was helped with his stutter by Joe Biden, offers some advice for the *president-elect*
President-Elect Joe Biden pushes forward with plans for office
Live election page
Oh there are a few more pages
with that phrase in the title
or Twitter link title
Maybe 20 or 30
Harris’s actions in the Daniel Larsen case are particularly concerning.
The Larsen case was a travesty of justice from start to finish. In 1999, when two police officers claimed they saw Larsen, who had earlier in his life been convicted for burglary, pull a six-inch-long knife from his waistband and throw it under a car, he was sentenced to twenty-seven years to life under the three-strikes law supported by Harris.
Forget for a second that the sentence was unduly harsh for the crime in question. Police had wrongly targeted Larsen for a search in the first place, and witnesses reported that it wasn’t Larsen but the man he was with who had thrown the knife. In trial, Larsen’s incompetent lawyer (who would later be disbarred) didn’t investigate a single witness, nor present one in trial.
Eleven years later, a judge reversed the conviction due to the lack of evidence and incompetence of Larson’s attorney’s. Yet two years later, Larsen was still in jail. Why? Because Harris, now a vocal opponent of mass incarceration, appealed the judge’s decision on the basis that Larsen had filed his paperwork too late — a technicality.
Tens of thousands of people petitioned Harris to release Larsen, and numerous civil rights groups similarly called on her to do the right thing. But even when he was eventually released from custody after fourteen years, Harris challenged his release, and five months later Larsen was back in court, fighting to stay out of prison for a crime he didn’t commit.
Harris’s concern about mass incarceration similarly failed to come up when California Governor Jerry Brown reacted to a Supreme Court order to reduce prison overcrowding by announcing a $730 million plan to move inmates to private prisons and vacant county jails. One would expect Harris may have had some words of criticism, especially as California’s senate president had an alternative, better plan that focused on getting inmates mental health and drug treatment. But she was silent. San Jose’s Mercury News criticized her inaction, rightly pointing out that “she wrote a book about” the issue.
I wonder for how much longer the episode “One – the most popular number” of the series “Simon Singh’s Numbers” will be available to listen to on the BBC Radio 4 webshite page?
As the programme description states – “One is the most popular number, as it appears more often than any other number. More specifically, the first digit of all numbers is a 1 about 30% of the time, whereas it is 9 just 4% of the time. This was accidentally discovered by the engineer Frank Benford. It works for all numbers – mountain heights, river lengths, populations, etc.
Why? A deep law of mathematics declares that the universe of numbers cannot help avoid the popularity of 1. What is the point? This is a little known law of mathematics, so people faking their tax returns will not follow the law and their numbers will start with an even mix of 1s through to 9s. The US tax dept. uses Benford’s Law to spot frauds…”
Plugging Benford’s Law into the voting stats for Allegheny County (Which encompasses the city of Philadelphia) in Pennsylvania shows that the vote for President Trump follows Benford’s Law precisely, as do the votes for the Libertarian and Green candidates. The vote for Joe Biden, however, fails miserably to follow it – so expect to see in the coming days an attempt to rubbish Benford’s Law with explanations of how it shouldn’t be used to detect fraud in elections (even though it does).
I’m just checking my mileage figures now, f@ck, just need to pop into Excel for a while
On the money. Media guilty again !!!
Understand Biden will open up the country to muslims, bet the candle manufacturers are rubbing their hands
A main feature headline on the BBC website. This
is the absolute default position of the diversity
obsessed BBC.
“I love being gay,it’s awesome”
So we are told by Megan Rapinde the captain
of the USA women’s football team. Good for
you Megan. That really is a front page story.
Well it is for the BBC.
Have they quoted Philip Schofield yet?
He’s so brave. Apparently.
Well it must take some nerve to insert something into something that has no natural lubrication, there is some risk of a rash or worse, brave boy
I used to think it was brave to climb Everest, but now all one needs for the woke is a sore cock
Nick and his groupies think this was their moment.
Local ITV news, outside our local hospital
which is part of a trust 60 miles wide.
Saying oh the hospital is getting full with 100 people in hospital with Covid, 10 in intensive care
and a few farmed out to adjacent hospitals, cos not enough oxygen or staff.
The prog gave no context
Since the regional population is 350K
That’s 1 in 3,000 people hospitalised with Covid.
Usually many of those with Covid caught it in hospital, not outside.
I looked to see the trend
and found the stats the prog tweeted came from Saturday afternoon.
And surprisingly no new numbers tweeted.
BBC local news opened with a similar item from onto Hull
The UK stats for today were late , so not available at Boris’s press conference.
Yesterday continued the flat trend.
Pro Climate item now
They said local industry emits “HARMFUL CO2”
.. It’s plant food FFS
They plugged hydrogen, but mentioned the plant creating it will create masses more CO2
claiming the project would have Carbon Capture.
But they did point out that Carbon Capture is fishy technology.
But featured a guy making a cherrypicked flaky stat
“The Humber region accounts for 37% of the UK’s *INDUSTRIAL* CO2”
Next item the Lincolnshire family who have already put up a million Christmas lights in there garden.
Now another family who’ve had theirs up since March.
Now Cottingham town, where lights have just been switched on.
The biggest, in terms of effect, greenhouse gas is not carbon dioxide but water, which is why a cloudy night is always warmer
“It’s Water Vapor, Not the CO2
ACS Climate Science Toolkit | Narratives
Remark: “The Earth has certainly been warming since we have added so much CO2 to the atmosphere from fossil fuel burning.”
Reply: “Forget the CO2. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It controls the Earth’s temperature.”
Re local Covid
There must be an affect of combining with the adjacent region
The stats don’t show many positive cases in our region
but you never know if that just means not many people have been tested.
Cos current positives rate is below national average.
Down in one part of Kent, Stew, Covid-19/19a/20 infections have increased 3% to 100 in 100,000. The national average, I’m told by PH(England) via the BBC, is 175 per 100,000.
Really tiny.
Unfortunately, Up2, here in Kent we get quite a few ‘visitors’, who are helped into Holiday Inns etc., just to acclimatise, like…
Not sure if they’re tested…
Covid stats just in
Flat trend continues
Bashir Gate – from the BBC newspaper –
‘The BBC has pledged to hold a full independent investigation into how Martin Bashir obtained his career-defining interview with Princess Diana in 1995, following fresh claims that he produced fake documents and used other deceitful tactics to win the trust of her family.
Tim Davie, the corporation’s director general, confirmed that the terms of the investigation would be announced in the coming days: “The BBC is taking this very seriously and we want to get to the truth. We are in the process of commissioning a robust and independent investigation.”
The BBC has said Bashir is currently unable to answer questions as he is currently signed off work by his doctors. It said the journalist, currently employed as the BBC’s religion editor, is recovering from quadruple heart bypass surgery in addition to having “significant complications” after contracting Covid-19 earlier in the year.’
The finding will be – ‘no wrong doing ‘….
And that bashir likes a good ‘take away’…
And his victim is dead
Things are not looking good according to Lord Grade…………………
Should you really be tucking into curries when you are recovering from Serious heart surgery?
All that ghee can block up the arteries you know……….
Just thinking the same, Sluff!
I know Winalot and fried rice is the diet of many a Beeboid, but after a ‘zipper club’ episode, it’s not the best sort of road-kill to nosh, is it…
My last, thankfully, experience of a traveller site was discovering all the oxygen cylinders they had stolen from the local hospital along with fire brigade cutting equipment (along with firearms)
and dealing with starving horses and dogs
no comment, that would be racist (thanks Blair, once again, what a blight you were upon this country)
Ia gypo site in my area didn’t last long … it might have been something to do with 24 hour car horns from the locals on the access road… plus someone cut the water supply off …..
this one was a local authority site established for them but, trying to manage their complete and utter antisocial behaviour, so much stolen such as fences etc that had to be replaced constantly so much cruelty to animals, intimidation violence and thieving
and our wonderful police ? scared to death of them, even when they knew there was an escaped prisoner on site they would not approach
but happy to arrest white indigenous for any offence
forget it I will just say, sub human scum
feted by the left until they get into power yeh and then we see (look at my previous post about Harris and how she views prisoners)
Harris’s actions in the Daniel Larsen case are particularly concerning.
The Larsen case was a travesty of justice from start to finish. In 1999, when two police officers claimed they saw Larsen, who had earlier in his life been convicted for burglary, pull a six-inch-long knife from his waistband and throw it under a car, he was sentenced to twenty-seven years to life under the three-strikes law supported by Harris.
Forget for a second that the sentence was unduly harsh for the crime in question. Police had wrongly targeted Larsen for a search in the first place, and witnesses reported that it wasn’t Larsen but the man he was with who had thrown the knife. In trial, Larsen’s incompetent lawyer (who would later be disbarred) didn’t investigate a single witness, nor present one in trial.
Eleven years later, a judge reversed the conviction due to the lack of evidence and incompetence of Larson’s attorney’s. Yet two years later, Larsen was still in jail. Why? Because Harris, now a vocal opponent of mass incarceration, appealed the judge’s decision on the basis that Larsen had filed his paperwork too late — a technicality.
Tens of thousands of people petitioned Harris to release Larsen, and numerous civil rights groups similarly called on her to do the right thing. But even when he was eventually released from custody after fourteen years, Harris challenged his release, and five months later Larsen was back in court, fighting to stay out of prison for a crime he didn’t commit.
Harris’s concern about mass incarceration similarly failed to come up when California Governor Jerry Brown reacted to a Supreme Court order to reduce prison overcrowding by announcing a $730 million plan to move inmates to private prisons and vacant county jails. One would expect Harris may have had some words of criticism, especially as California’s senate president had an alternative, better plan that focused on getting inmates mental health and drug treatment. But she was silent. San Jose’s Mercury News criticized her inaction, rightly pointing out that “she wrote a book about” the issue.
Slightly OT.
Bunter shows how it is done.
Are you really proud to be a Trump hater today?
Why can’t your man graciously accept voting fraud?
“More than 140 migrants on board 10 boats were intercepted by Border Force officials in the English Channel on Sunday, the Home Office says”.
The Border Farce and our “clandestine Channel threat commander” are at it again!
Who is supplying all the dinghies ? I thought that the UK’s, national security threat level was raised to “severe”. I also thought England was in a lockdown.
I am afraid we and the Home Office are going to learn some more costly lessons.
Sorry if this has been posted previously but it’s good to hear an arrogant BBC interviewer not getting his way.
The connection conveniently fails just as Gorka is highlighting Democrat depravity.
Could BBC be any more obvious? Shameless censors.
That’s marvellous, Brissles, it was on an earlier post, but here we are again, hearing a proper commentator slaughter a rather weak, sometimes unintelligible Beeboid! I’m sorry I wasn’t ‘sleepless in Kent’, when it came out!
He usually has the ‘know wot i mean’ sort of caller, and is getting as bad as Rhod Sharpe was with all his Huffpo mates, spewing rubbish!
Guidelines set !!!!. How this election result stands is beyond me.