Still can’t say for sure it’s true as the CIA agent on Infowars was almost certainly lying the other day since no further arrests were reported, but it’s definitely no longer just a ‘fringe conspiracy theory.’
It doesn’t need to be true for Trump to win this, as SCOTUS will rule in his favour on PA and there’s overwhelming evidence of voter fraud and illegal ballots in GA, MI, NV and WI that are already being investigated by those states’ republican-led legislatures and are extremely promising with regard to swinging back to Trump. But I hope it’s true, as it’s not enough to simply win this election – there needs to be legal consequences for those who perpetrated this fraud. That includes the mainstream media who are currently gaslighting that Biden is president elect (in fact, his projected ‘win’ in PA has now been rescinded by several outlets so he’s nothing of the sort) and how, in National Review’s world, “nobody in their right mind thinks Trump will be President in January.”
As many onlookers have pointed out, the left’s rush to annoint Biden as the winner even though no states have been ratified and the electoral college does not convene until the middle of December is actually a sign of panic. They knew Giuliani was about to announce the first lawsuits in PA and how strong the case was, so they tried to supercede this by calling the election when they had no authority to do so. Everything that has followed since is compounding the existing lie. If, or hopefully when, Trump and his 71m confirmed voters (not to mention the countless ones we know had their votes thrown out or cast for Biden as this is well-documented) do in fact come through this battle, there needs to be a reckoning with regards to the MSM’s blatant attempts to portray a false narrative. The BBC will be first in line on our side and the license fee MUST be rescinded.
This is so true. The narrative the media were peddling in the days before the election was that places like Washington were being boarded up to protect them from Trump supporters rioting after a Biden victory (which they thought was 100% cast iron by a landslide).
of course, we all knew it was in case of a Trump victory and the left going on the rampage again.
They really are something else.
Imagine if Trump would have won, I think we can safely say America would be on fire as well as being looted 24-7.
That’s why they were painting BLM on the boarding, to show they supported the left and hoping the revolting lefties would not loot and burn their shops.
I suppose there’s lots of disappointed lefties around today who were expecting a new tv and a pair of trainers last week.
Still, if the true election results come out or new elections take place instead of the corrupted ones they will get their tv and trainers in the near future.
The reason I’m asking is that the bbbc radio newcastle news this morning at 7 didn’t mention him.
The other bbbc radio newcastle item I’d like to mention is that when introducing an article about ‘man made global warming’ the DJ said “almost all scientists agree that global warming is man made”
I should like to correct him by saying it slightly differently, “almost all scientists that we, the bbc, allow to talk about global warming, agree that global warming is man made”
The other scientists are no platformed so we only get to hear the bbbc version.
So, nothing new then.
Scientists are on the trail of best Britannia Nouveau – a pleasant little tipple last enjoyed 1,600 years ago.
Using aerial photographs, ground-penetrating remote sensing equipment, analysis of ancient weeds and apparatus to measure pollen dispersal, archaeologists and palaeobotanists are joining forces to rediscover the lost vineyards of Roman Britain. The team is led by Ian Meadows, of Northamptonshire County Council, and Tony Brown, of Exeter University’s School of Geography and Archaeology.
The findings so far indicate that the imperial Italians of the early first millennium AD did not introduce their British subjects only to legionaries, villas and togas, but to the delights of cheap plonk as well.
To date the research has identified the remains of seven Romano-British vineyards – four in Northamptonshire, one in Cambridgeshire, one in Lincolnshire and one in Buckinghamshire.
Most of the wines produced at them were probably fruity, sweet and brownish in colour. The grapes would have been harvested early, before they were fully ripe, in around late September. After the treading, large amounts of honey would have been added for sweetness and to produce an alcohol content of about 10 to 12 per cent.
The wine would have continued to ferment inside storage amphorae or barrels and would have been drunk within six months. Wine from fresh grapes – as opposed to raisins – was thus a drink for winter and spring.
One of the main wine-producing areas of Roman Britain seems to have been the Nene Valley, in what is now Northamptonshire. In the valley, near the village of Wollaston, archaeologists have found ancient vineyards covering at least 30 acres, in which vines were grown in the Mediterranean Roman style, exactly as described by classical authors such as Pliny and Columella. On one site, the remains of four miles of bedding trenches have been found. Estimates suggest that the site contained 4,000 vines, producing 10,000 litres of wine a year.
In Roman times, Britain had a slightly warmer climate than now; and, with 500 to 600mm of rain a year, Northamptonshire is at the lower end of the British precipitation range, which would have meant fewer fungal problems. The area would therefore have been suitable for grape production.
Having made hooch since the 1970s, I’m pleased to read confirmation that grapes were indeed plentiful back then. It’s not difficult to understand that there were so many more fruits readily available, like elderberries, apples, sloes etc., and a simple yeast from some sort of fungus would have started the process for Saturday night oblivion within days…
That’s why the ladies didn’t need the pill back then – thank goodness…
Apparently, wine from the continent was pretty dire back then, as it didn’t travel well, so anyone with a large cauldron, a few veg or fruits, and a bit of sugar beet, or any other carb, could make the stuff to knock your socks off!
I still do, as at 20p a glass, I can replicate a Chateau-Mouton-Bidenchild at the drop of a rather enormous hat!
You’re welcome at any time, as is everyone else who wacthes theses poutsts rewerlaerly…;0~
After the staggering bias and electoral manipulation of recent months, large numbers are abandoning the mainstream media and social media – Fox, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube – in favour of Alt-Tech.
The bias was just too extreme, too blatant, and people are switching to Parler, BitChute, Patreon, Minds etc.
Hopefully the Brits will follow suit regarding the BBC.
Oh Happy Day.
“Fox News Ratings IMPLODE as Viewers REVOLT Against Media Coup Against Trump!!! ”
“Mass Exodus From Facebook & Twitter! MILLIONS Leave For Parler! ”
Much of Alt-Tech has already I think been bought by the globalists (including Google). If there is to be an alternative news then the globalists want to make sure they profit out of that too. They provide the platforms and the software and then profit out of the content produced by others.
Now there’s some typo ! 🙂 or one’s keyboard needs a new battery ?
Thank you, once again, for a measured critique of my post, and your opinion on what is no good, where would I be without your invaluable mentoring ?
and so glad you keep a close eye on my posts, maybe you could spread the joy around to others sometimes ? just a thought, we would all be grateful
nevertheless I retain the right to posit as I worked in local government in this very area and it is understood but not acknowledged, bit like Pakistani child rape and muslim systemic electoral fraud
S is on the blink
It’s no good just positing big claims, one needs to show evidence
You could get a list by looking at @CrimeLdn’s tweets
Otherwise you are just wasting your time
like those people who say “I sent a long complaint letter to the BBC”
.. So what ? they just put it in the bin, like they always do.
Change can be brought about by brandishing evidence, but not by just shouting into the wind.
Cos if you post an actual list we can share it
and then it does reach a wider circle and set change in motion.
Whereas when it’s an empty claim it just gets dismissed as a “Conspiracy Theory”, “racist” etc.
OK I will post an actual list of all those abandoned children, not, but I will give you one example
Two brothers, african,separated when father went off one lived with the father the other with the mother, one, with the mother got looked after, christmas presents etc, the other and I quote “there is nothing in the fridge, just beer and he smokes dope all day”
one thrived the other was arrested stabbing someone in a local pub
I fully understand this happens across all sectors of society but it is prevalent in one sector in particular
Darcy – just to Chuck more poison in the mix – stew green has upset me more than once because of an insane pedantry – I think he gets off on it … but I ignore it ,
What is achieved here ? Directly – short term – not a lot – but it’s a long hard haul . No one is force to write , read or contribute . The only money involved is in stopping paying for the BBC –
Fed I simply tried to HELP Darcy by giving him the place where he can collect a list of recent stabbings.
He chose to take offence instead.
.. but no offence was intended.
I beg to differ , a little bit .
Stew is right to point out that showing evidence – when its there – is the best way to help any opinion and convert some and shut up others .
That still doesnt mean that those who cant get hard evidence – and im one of those – cannot post their observations and opinions .
And its good if someone can help along with what anyone posited .
a) We need “pedants” or “nitpickers” or those with an eye for evidence that is needed if any of us want to take our claims and observations outside of this website into the real world. I am thinking of maybe doing this at some distant point in the future – at which point people like StewGreen would be invaluable.
b) The light-hearted, satirical, polemic, angry, frustrated, amazed, disappointed, concerned poster as well that post their unedited observations, experiences and viewpoints. This too I have found tremendously valuable in terms of pointers, links, better understanding of things that I wasn’t particularly aware of or knowledgeable.
My analysis of what happened:
i) I took DARCY3 original reply to Tabs as being amusing in twisting the context (from knives and forks for eating, into knives for stabbing) with large elements of truth in it.
ii) StewGreen’s response which maybe could be described as a touch “severe” but provided some useful practical information.
So I give a thumbs up to this community which includes FedUp, StewGreen, Darcy, Tabs, Vlad, Nibor among others.
Ah I didn’t take it as a joke post
the last bit said “silence and tumbleweed from the bbc on this matter”
And I took that a him saying he knew of recent knife crime the BBC had not reported.
And I thought I’d go to LondonCrime to to see which ones he was on about
And then I thought no, I’ll give him the link to the site and he can list them if he wants, co that would tell us something NEW.
That actual BBC story
“Lockdown children forget how to use knife and fork”
sounds such BS and BBC trolling us.
I’m not going to bother to look at it
cos bottomline it can’t apply to the 96% who are knife and fork families
but just one or two who come from “eat with your fingers” cultures, whether that it curry of KFCs.
Reality vs news-narrative on Talk Radio todays
#1 Professor David Livermore on dodgy #COVID19 data
explained that the narrative that Lockdown#1 stopped Covid is false
cos the peak infection day was before it started.
And now we are not o much in a second wave, but the normal seasonal burst of respiratory infections.
A Youtube clip will appear later
#2 The clip below is about the election
#3 He dealt with Sadiq’s mad cycle lane plans & pollution claims
In yesterday’s video he explained
“The US election takes a long time, often it seems over early cos someone CONCEDES before the process has finished,
like when Hillary conceded on day 2 of counting
.. This time Donald Trump has not conceded, nor is the process over”
"Everyone who's calling him President-Elect is a complete plank and I include in that our own news service."
Mike Graham says the process to select the next president of the United States has not yet fully concluded.
I do wonder if anyone who is black and a ‘celebrity’ feels they need to have at least a few of these incidents to prove their credibility to the BBC and MSM rather than by exhibiting a talent.
I got pulled over by the police cos I had my fog lights on by mistake on a clear day – they didn’t know if I was back white or green when they pulled me over…..can I claim something….
Nick still cannot find what he is contractually obliged not to look for.
Attorney General William Barr takes extraordinary action to pave the way for prosecutors to investigate claims of voter fraud- even though there’s been no evidence of it. The criticism again will be that Barr is acting like Trump’s personal lawyer.
Wu-Flu and Black Lives Matter were just globalist instruments to get rid of Donald Trump. Strange how the announcement of the Wu-Flu vaccine appeared after the globalists announced Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winner of the US Election.
Meanwhile expect continued mass immigration and irrevocable changes to the education curricula such that the next generation become more accepting of globalist ideology.
Oh great. Now not only will we have to dodge the piles of dead bodies from those kids who have starved to death in 5 days, will now have to dodge all the crap cos they keep shitting themselves cos the Tories are horrible !!!!
It is quite amazing that the latest bbc thick as sh’t millenial morons with not a science based degree to share amongst them, have suddenly, overnight, becone statistical experts in the analysis of elections
what a miraculous transformation, maybe we should have an american election in every meeja moron college (no exams thats wacist or something just send us something on a bit of paper and we’ll give you a first if you get your name right) to bring them all up to standard
we could be suddenly surrounded by genuises, unlikely, but one never knows
one of them may be a possibility in passing a science degree….unlikely but one never knows,
they will still talk about climate change and quote a bleeding 15 year old girl as their expert
I used to think the Matrix was fiction, but when one gets a 15 year old Swedish teenager with a face like something out the Exorcist as the go to for quotes on the Environment
FFS indeed
Next : Noddy, Big Ears and Paddington will debate the Gaza strip with the Chuckle Brothers as moderators
hang on one of them is dead, thats ok we’ve got Joe Biden on hold he says he can sort that..
BTW London stabbing’s did cross my eye this morning
in the form of metroliberal tweets
that said ‘stabbings are nothing only 259 London people died from stabbing last year, many more have died from Covid’
The point is that is deflection.
#1 Stabbing deaths are additional to what Covid causes
If we didn’t have cultures that lead to it we’d be better off.
#2 Looking at RAW DEATHS is a BS metric
Looking at Life Days Lost shows that 3 teenagers dead is a bigger issue than 3 severe aged cancer patients being pushed over the line by Covid,
… never mind the Life Days Lost to people who lived through a stabbing, but came out with big injuries.
@Fed, The point is I did not equate, I did the opposite.
Yes you can make the argument that the NHS should spend £50K to add three months to the life of a 97 year old
and NOT spend the £50K to add 70 years to the life of a stabbed teenager
..cos I can imagine that some time the teenage might be a thug
However NHS NICE guidelines are actually the opposite of that.
Apparently, F.A. Chairman Greg Clarke has called black players ”coloured”, and the BBC have issued a warning in their Marxist peice, of how we may find this term offensive…
No time is too soon to remove this poisonous corporation from our ”collective” mindsets..
I’ve seen tweets today
claiming “oh this network has rolled back on saying Biden won this state”
.. when I check said network never called the state in the first place.
The CNN results page still says “*PROJECTED* WINNER” etc.
Why can’t that silly little git go and start to unwind the awfulness he has done to London, instead of squealing about things he just doesn’t understand?
So many real businesses I know, have decided that it’s not worth investing in Londonistan now, they’ll ditch the place and prefer to work from home or offices in much nicer places.
Silly little man – let him stay on and finish the job he’s ordered to by his superiors.
Not quite yet, I have bitter experience of working on the Crossrail project, I walked away. another poster on here said like walking in lead boots, I know precisely what he means
BBC rushing in I think and Ward is on ( PR guy for big green hedgefund magnate)
R4 3:30pm What will the outcome of the American presidential election mean for the environment?
Tom Heap and a panel of commentators anaylse the result.
– Professor Jody Freeman, Harvard Law School;
– Bob Ward,
– Karly Matthews, American Conservation Coaltion;
– Mark Lynas, environmental campaigner and author.
It is a great pity we don’t have people like Col. Richard Kemp in public office. Unfortunately he has no political aspirations. (Although I hear June Sarpong does).
Of course the reality is nobody & nothing will “bring people together”. That is the human condition. All countries are divided, always have been & always will be. And quite rightly, unless we are all to be subjected to correct thinking by government edict.
Biden’s supporters call me a racist, fascist, Nazi, misogynist, homophobic and xenophobic person who should not be allowed a platform on the social media. So I am dying to be brought together with the bastards.
I suspect that when left-wingers talk about coming together, ‘a gentler kind of politics’, etc. what they are really talking about is somehow pasting over the divisions on their own side.
When they are out of government it is easy to co-opt all the angry people and to demand change. Fortunately when they get in power they find that all these unhappy groups want different and mutally exclusive outcomes.
Has anyone noticed how the BBC and much of the mainstream media have become like the satirical “Brass Eye”. They managed to get celebrities, politicians and television reporters to say the most ludicrous things for a “good” but often invented cause.
All of them are blindly swallowing the bullshit that there’s ‘no evidence’ and dismissing all the evidence actually available to them because they don’t like the source of it. Naturally, they also punctuate their dismissals with ad hominem attacks on the few people who are standing up to them.
If anyone here has Disqus, it would be fun to redress the balance somewhat and get some of the more factual comments higher up to shake their echo chamber.
@LAL it sounds like a bubbleworld site
Readers won’t be open to new info, rather it will trigger them to lash out.
“Story selection almost always favors the left and utilizes sensational headlines that do not match the story. In general, this is a strongly left-leaning source that selects stories that favor the left and does not always source properly.”
founder of the website Mediaite
: Dan Abrams, ABC’s chief legal-affairs anchor
UPDATE: The spread in PA is 45k. They’ve now found enough “glitch” switches in PA to give the lead back to @POTUS. The most recent occurred in only 1 hour.
Someone needs to hold Big Tech globalists to account. Once they are in control then we enter the Orwellian era. It is almost impossible to check software after it reaches a certain level of complexity.
Jim Hoft @ gatewaypundit twitter feed has become very revealing about possible corruption at House Speaker’s Nancy Pelosi office (Big Tech – Democrat links).
On the Archbishop Cranmer website Martin Sewell, “Archbishop Cranmer”, writes:-
Concession and transition or voter fraud and prosecution? If only Alistair Cooke were alive today
Nov 10, 2020
Earlier this year, locked down in France, I wrote about my pleasure at discovering an important treasure trove from my childhood and adolescence. The BBC has used the wonders of the internet to offer on its BBC Sounds resources the complete archive of Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letter from America’, and it has since been bitter sweet for me to dip into it from time to time, partly for nostalgia, but also to remind myself of how balanced, informed and profound radio broadcasting can be.
I won’t beat about the bush. I am dismayed by the contrast of that era with the BBC journalist Jon Sopel as he ‘reports’ on the US Presidential Election with his visceral loathing of Donald Trump, which he makes no attempt to conceal, obliterating any hope the listener may have of learning what it actually going on. He cannot present any report without reminding (or do I mean propagandising?) listeners that President Trump’s claims to election malpractice are “unsubstantiated”. This is John Sopel’s favourite word at the moment, and presents as the mantra of a true believer.
‘Unsubstantiated’ has a variety of synonyms in the dictionary, which include ‘unsupported’ and ‘unattested’, but unfortunately for Mr Sopel, seemingly an analogue mind in a digital world, his listeners have access to a variety of sources beyond the State broadcaster which they may read or listen to for themselves. One must tread carefully, but it seems many are rather less biased than Mr Sopel, and listeners can and should hold him to account as much as they do politicians.
In one sense, Joe Biden’s victory (if victory it be) is currently ‘unsubstantiated’ insofar as his claim to the Presidency under the Constitution can only arise after the relevant counts are concluded, any electoral disputes have been adjudicated by the courts, the States have chosen their electors, and those electors have met to elect the new President. None of these events has yet occurred. John Sopel’s certainty that Joe Biden is President-Elect is, to use his word, correctly ‘unsubstantiated’.
As a web designer I create and manipulate lots of images designed to be displayed on the internet in various forms.
The embarrassing mishap with Boris’s tweet looks at best to be very shady to me.
They are claiming that they prepared two messages in advance and that due to a technical glitch they got “Embedded together”
In my photo-editing World there is no such thing as “embedding” two images together, the correct description would be layered or overlayed. Therefore the only way the unwanted image below could be revealed is if the topmost image had it’s opacity deliberately reduced, and act which would require some photo editing skills, especially as the “reveal” coincidentally just happened to be just the most embarrassing sections. If done by accident the entire lower message would have ghosted throughout.
In addition it seems obvious that the revealed message below is in a different sized font and positioned so that it would be easily readable above the larger words on the top layer.
I smell a rat!!!
If I were Boris I would certainly be probing the background of the employee or department tasked with putting the images up.
any moron could make 2 files in 2 mins , if the torys actually employ someone who makes things in such a time consuming layered manner the whole lot of them should be sacked for time wasting
Have I heard right ? the FA Chairman has just resigned because earlier in the day he referred to non-white players as ‘coloured’ ???? for which he immediately apologised. Apparently there was seismic criticism on social media.
What the hell are we coming to when coloured, – black, brown, white aren’t the same. Life is complicated enough without worrying about word usage. It wasn’t that long ago when to use ‘black’ was an offense in itself, so ‘coloured’ was considered more appropriate. Who the f.. can keep up with it?
On my visits to South Africa I’ve heard the terms ‘blacks’ and ‘coloureds’ used routinely without offence or issue. It merely defines African heritage versus Asian heritage people.
Weird how something not deemed racist in South Africa of all places is deemed racist in this country. I supposed we are just so much more woke than they.
What the “Free” Western World needs to realise is that when you deal with those on the radical left, you are dealing with willing cheats and liars. The left-wing playbook encourages any action however dubious against the status quo as long as it weakens and inflicts damage on it.
The only acceptable outcome is to win total control at all costs so truth and principles are not required, in fact are actively discouraged.
This philosophy has been seeping into the free world for some time. It is endemic in politics in many Third World Countries and is being imported into the West.
Of course the “Globalists” are quite happy with this as it leads to their desired outcomes, domination and Control.
Once Global control has become an accepted and embedded reality then it will be followed by brutal crack-down punishment on anyone who dissents. By which time it could take a thousand years to break it’s grip.
The Globalist will then no longer need the services of all the useful idiots in the Education, Media, Hollywood and Sport etc. who helped make it all possible for them.
“Greg Clarke resigns as Football Association chairman after remark about black players”
Gone because of ‘Wrong Speak’. Its about time the worm turned. Wake up Great Britain, freedom of speech is at stake.
What next, the thought police?
David Grimes has form; he wrote a paper on how he’d come up with a mathematical formula for debunking conspiracy theories.
After it came out some guys pointed out he’d made a basic maths error near the top, so the whole thing was invalid.
They were right.
Would that be the same Jeremy Vine that kept the MMR vaccine ‘conspiracy’ going for months on his radio show.
One low-point was when he pitted some well-known, used to being in the public eye. bimbo against an unknown old white man who hadn’t been out of his virus lab for forty years.
I caught 10mins of swine earlier today. He was basically shit stirring on air. Trying to play off posh middle class work from home types against poorer working class people that had no choice but to brave their lives against the covid day in day out, just to make ends meet.
The off button was smashed when for an objective look at the subject he ‘interviewed’ a guardian journalist.
FFS, the bubble these creatures live in. I despair.
In what way is an apoplectic host bellowing MSM agreed soundbites at an invited guest going to serve to persuade anyone that the establishment is not rattled and has lost its collective shared brain cell.
First in the vaccine queue are the elderly in care homes.
Just to be controversial, should the first in the queue not be those contributing most to the economy, and whose absence from work due to coronavirus illness would be most economically damaging?
“Covid: GCSE and A-levels in Wales cancelled for 2021”
In the future, these kids will have to compete with other kids for jobs in other parts of the UK.
How can they succeed without qualifications ? Time to abolish the Welsh Assembly. They have just scored another own goal.
The width, depth, breadth and scale of the US election fraud is staggering, matched only by the width, depth, breadth and scale of the media cover up. That includes YOU, beeb.
The only question in my mind is whether there was a single, centralised, Machiavellic mastermind behind it, or whether it was more of an organic, ad-hoc, opportunistic, state-by-state affair carried out by an army of freelancing Trump-haters. Or a bit of both?
Not many years ago I would have dismissed these charges of vote-rigging as rantings from a bad loser. I had faith in the world.
But then we had Brexit. And I watched in stunned disbelief how half the country turned into nasty, spiteful snipers whi either wanted to reverse the result of a referendum or for the country to burn as punishment.
Then I was stunned again when Trump got elected and we actually had people rioting on the streets because he won a free and fair vote.
And next I was stunned to discover the Democrats had SIX separate committees whose sole purpose was to try and find something to use to impeach the President. I always assumed an event should trigger impeachment investigation. Not a ‘witch hunt’ looking for one.
And finally I was stunned when Pelosi ripped up Trumps state of the nation address speech in the most public manner possible. And in the TV interview afterwards, her face was contorted with hate while she spoke. I haven’t seen anyone so consumed by it since watching Anne Soubry telling us why Brexit must be stopped.
So now I think these accusations of fraud are well within the bounds of what these people are capable of.
JohnC, ” I watched in stunned disbelief how half the country turned into nasty, spiteful snipers whi either wanted to reverse the result of a referendum or for the country to burn as punishment.”
No, there were decent Remain voters who prize UK democracy above all else. They accepted the vote. There were some others, not sure how many – likely to be few, who changed their minds when they saw the result.
At least we know now that it is the Remainers who actively tried to overturn the vote who are the liars and the cheats.
Oh oh, back to ex-PMs and their former sidekicks again.
Yes, that Pelosi thing was remarkable. The Democrats used to be just a whisker away from Republicans in attitudes and policies. I don’t know why they have become so evil and in such a short space of time, relatively speaking. What has happened to them?
Ahead , well ahead in places with nearly all votes counted. The dems shit themselves and had to pull of a fraud so big as trump was doing so well, that it just became a joke.
How the BBC won’t even acknowledge stats like this is DISGUSTING
In banana republics they close the polls, unlock the back door in the middle of the night, and wheel in the ballots they need…
Local BBC news, “in one local hospital 1 in 10 staffare off with Covid”
..Me “How that even possible when Covid is so rare, that not even 1 in 100 people have it ?”
Ah turns out that, if 1 in a team tested positive
then 10 colleagues might be told to go off & isolate
So theoretically if 1% staff test +ve
11% of staff could be off.
Given what happened with the Chairman of the FA today, I assume the next time Tomasz Schafernaker says ” today is going to be a rainy day” rather than “a day of rain”, he will gracefully fall on his sword too.
Fake news time at the BBC comes in all shapes and sizes.
BBC London do a feature on Aled Jones, to be fair a decent enough guy, with gushing coverage of his famous boy soprano singing of ‘Walking in the Air’ from ‘The Snowman’.
Except of course that it wasn’t him.
The song in the famous animated film was sung by Peter Auty, who if memory serves did not even rate a mention in the closing credits.
Nor did he ever get the recognition due.
And certainly did not rate a mention in this feature.
Apologies for lateness but have been very occupied today
TOADY Watch #1 – Listening from 6 – 7 a.m. I am left wondering:
How thick do you have to be to be a Peer of this realm?
How come so few voted last night – I thought the PM had stacked the Lords in his favour?
What happens to former UK Prime Ministers that makes them hate* their country?
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German???
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll.
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men:
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
I tend to take anything issued from the BBC with a large pinch of salt.
For instance I just caught the new “This Morning” show which follows the main morning news.
Right from the go I was curious about the presentation they have hit on.
They have opted for a very 1970’s decor set complete with Rubber Plants and Parquet floors, G-Plan etc.
This can’t be a very unsubtle hidden message to comfort all the older viewers who are giving up on them could it? Or maybe I am getting neurotic!!!
You should not cast aspersions like that, the BBC has taken over from the Vatican
St Lewis of Hamilton (accepted the honour from Monaco, Stevenage was too far away)
St Marcus of Rashford (pending, couldn’t read the award letter)
The Holiest Greta of Thungberg (off on another planet )
and Stephen Lewis’ mum (too busy talking to her acountants)
and in a new first in beatification, any bloody one who once lived in Grenfell or had a granny there
Ballot secret watermark theory is REALLY starting to look credible now.
Still can’t say for sure it’s true as the CIA agent on Infowars was almost certainly lying the other day since no further arrests were reported, but it’s definitely no longer just a ‘fringe conspiracy theory.’
It doesn’t need to be true for Trump to win this, as SCOTUS will rule in his favour on PA and there’s overwhelming evidence of voter fraud and illegal ballots in GA, MI, NV and WI that are already being investigated by those states’ republican-led legislatures and are extremely promising with regard to swinging back to Trump. But I hope it’s true, as it’s not enough to simply win this election – there needs to be legal consequences for those who perpetrated this fraud. That includes the mainstream media who are currently gaslighting that Biden is president elect (in fact, his projected ‘win’ in PA has now been rescinded by several outlets so he’s nothing of the sort) and how, in National Review’s world, “nobody in their right mind thinks Trump will be President in January.”
As many onlookers have pointed out, the left’s rush to annoint Biden as the winner even though no states have been ratified and the electoral college does not convene until the middle of December is actually a sign of panic. They knew Giuliani was about to announce the first lawsuits in PA and how strong the case was, so they tried to supercede this by calling the election when they had no authority to do so. Everything that has followed since is compounding the existing lie. If, or hopefully when, Trump and his 71m confirmed voters (not to mention the countless ones we know had their votes thrown out or cast for Biden as this is well-documented) do in fact come through this battle, there needs to be a reckoning with regards to the MSM’s blatant attempts to portray a false narrative. The BBC will be first in line on our side and the license fee MUST be rescinded.
I am checking Ebay for one of those Pennsylvania dumpsters to replace my shredder
the shredder leaves too much paper to deal with
This is so true. The narrative the media were peddling in the days before the election was that places like Washington were being boarded up to protect them from Trump supporters rioting after a Biden victory (which they thought was 100% cast iron by a landslide).
of course, we all knew it was in case of a Trump victory and the left going on the rampage again.
They really are something else.
That’s why they were painting BLM on the boarding, to show they supported the left and hoping the revolting lefties would not loot and burn their shops.
I suppose there’s lots of disappointed lefties around today who were expecting a new tv and a pair of trainers last week.
Still, if the true election results come out or new elections take place instead of the corrupted ones they will get their tv and trainers in the near future.
Kay Burley “They’re painting BLM on the boarding co they support Black Lives Matter”
.. answering back to Seb Gorka
Kay Burley, the gift that keeps on giving.
Stupid is as stupid does…
Was there some positive Trump news today?
The reason I’m asking is that the bbbc radio newcastle news this morning at 7 didn’t mention him.
The other bbbc radio newcastle item I’d like to mention is that when introducing an article about ‘man made global warming’ the DJ said “almost all scientists agree that global warming is man made”
I should like to correct him by saying it slightly differently, “almost all scientists that we, the bbc, allow to talk about global warming, agree that global warming is man made”
The other scientists are no platformed so we only get to hear the bbbc version.
So, nothing new then.
They had vineyards in the UK thousands of years ago, damn those Catuvellauni Range Rovers on the school run
I believe the Iceni may have insisted on cycle lanes which lead to their demise
Scientists are on the trail of best Britannia Nouveau – a pleasant little tipple last enjoyed 1,600 years ago.
Using aerial photographs, ground-penetrating remote sensing equipment, analysis of ancient weeds and apparatus to measure pollen dispersal, archaeologists and palaeobotanists are joining forces to rediscover the lost vineyards of Roman Britain. The team is led by Ian Meadows, of Northamptonshire County Council, and Tony Brown, of Exeter University’s School of Geography and Archaeology.
The findings so far indicate that the imperial Italians of the early first millennium AD did not introduce their British subjects only to legionaries, villas and togas, but to the delights of cheap plonk as well.
To date the research has identified the remains of seven Romano-British vineyards – four in Northamptonshire, one in Cambridgeshire, one in Lincolnshire and one in Buckinghamshire.
Most of the wines produced at them were probably fruity, sweet and brownish in colour. The grapes would have been harvested early, before they were fully ripe, in around late September. After the treading, large amounts of honey would have been added for sweetness and to produce an alcohol content of about 10 to 12 per cent.
The wine would have continued to ferment inside storage amphorae or barrels and would have been drunk within six months. Wine from fresh grapes – as opposed to raisins – was thus a drink for winter and spring.
One of the main wine-producing areas of Roman Britain seems to have been the Nene Valley, in what is now Northamptonshire. In the valley, near the village of Wollaston, archaeologists have found ancient vineyards covering at least 30 acres, in which vines were grown in the Mediterranean Roman style, exactly as described by classical authors such as Pliny and Columella. On one site, the remains of four miles of bedding trenches have been found. Estimates suggest that the site contained 4,000 vines, producing 10,000 litres of wine a year.
In Roman times, Britain had a slightly warmer climate than now; and, with 500 to 600mm of rain a year, Northamptonshire is at the lower end of the British precipitation range, which would have meant fewer fungal problems. The area would therefore have been suitable for grape production.
That’s very interesting, Darcy!
Having made hooch since the 1970s, I’m pleased to read confirmation that grapes were indeed plentiful back then. It’s not difficult to understand that there were so many more fruits readily available, like elderberries, apples, sloes etc., and a simple yeast from some sort of fungus would have started the process for Saturday night oblivion within days…
That’s why the ladies didn’t need the pill back then – thank goodness…
Apparently, wine from the continent was pretty dire back then, as it didn’t travel well, so anyone with a large cauldron, a few veg or fruits, and a bit of sugar beet, or any other carb, could make the stuff to knock your socks off!
I still do, as at 20p a glass, I can replicate a Chateau-Mouton-Bidenchild at the drop of a rather enormous hat!
You’re welcome at any time, as is everyone else who wacthes theses poutsts rewerlaerly…;0~
I think that explains why the Romans invaded Britain. If we had had our present climate back then, they would never have bothered.
The only news today regarding Trump is how the news of the vaccine was held back until after the election.
It’s happening! The peasants are rising up.
After the staggering bias and electoral manipulation of recent months, large numbers are abandoning the mainstream media and social media – Fox, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube – in favour of Alt-Tech.
The bias was just too extreme, too blatant, and people are switching to Parler, BitChute, Patreon, Minds etc.
Hopefully the Brits will follow suit regarding the BBC.
Oh Happy Day.
“Fox News Ratings IMPLODE as Viewers REVOLT Against Media Coup Against Trump!!! ”
“Mass Exodus From Facebook & Twitter! MILLIONS Leave For Parler! ”
Much of Alt-Tech has already I think been bought by the globalists (including Google). If there is to be an alternative news then the globalists want to make sure they profit out of that too. They provide the platforms and the software and then profit out of the content produced by others.
BBC News website homepage going full on mental illness/depression (more than usual):
Lockdown children forget how to use knife and fork
Covid ‘raises new psychiatric disorders risk’
Spotlight on domestic abuse: How lockdown created a ‘perfect storm’
I would posit that certain lockdown children have continued use of knife
those with no father, no male role model other that angry violent rappers
but silence and tumbleweed from the bbc on this matter
It’ no good jut positing big claims, one needs to how evidence
You could get a lit by looking at
Now there’s some typo ! 🙂 or one’s keyboard needs a new battery ?
Thank you, once again, for a measured critique of my post, and your opinion on what is no good, where would I be without your invaluable mentoring ?
and so glad you keep a close eye on my posts, maybe you could spread the joy around to others sometimes ? just a thought, we would all be grateful
nevertheless I retain the right to posit as I worked in local government in this very area and it is understood but not acknowledged, bit like Pakistani child rape and muslim systemic electoral fraud
S is on the blink
It’s no good just positing big claims, one needs to show evidence
You could get a list by looking at @CrimeLdn’s tweets
Otherwise you are just wasting your time
like those people who say “I sent a long complaint letter to the BBC”
.. So what ? they just put it in the bin, like they always do.
Change can be brought about by brandishing evidence, but not by just shouting into the wind.
“just wasting my time ?”
and what is the positive outcome of spouting on here ? is that going to change anything ?
and, now, you think all posts require evidence to back them up ?
I can provide harvard reference system references if required, but feel I should not be the only one to do so
And there are many on here who wish to complain but only do on here and not to the bbc
has it ever occurred to you why the bbc pander to muslims ? they are continually lobbied, en mass, ordered by mosques go figure
Cos if you post an actual list we can share it
and then it does reach a wider circle and set change in motion.
Whereas when it’s an empty claim it just gets dismissed as a “Conspiracy Theory”, “racist” etc.
OK I will post an actual list of all those abandoned children, not, but I will give you one example
Two brothers, african,separated when father went off one lived with the father the other with the mother, one, with the mother got looked after, christmas presents etc, the other and I quote “there is nothing in the fridge, just beer and he smokes dope all day”
one thrived the other was arrested stabbing someone in a local pub
I fully understand this happens across all sectors of society but it is prevalent in one sector in particular
can I prove that with lists ? unlikely
Darcy – just to Chuck more poison in the mix – stew green has upset me more than once because of an insane pedantry – I think he gets off on it … but I ignore it ,
What is achieved here ? Directly – short term – not a lot – but it’s a long hard haul . No one is force to write , read or contribute . The only money involved is in stopping paying for the BBC –
on the insane bit or pedantry or both I could not possibly comment 🙂
Although I strongly believe that is what sheds were invented for, sheds without broadband
Fed I simply tried to HELP Darcy by giving him the place where he can collect a list of recent stabbings.
He chose to take offence instead.
.. but no offence was intended.
Its OK I like a healthy debate 🙂
see you in the shed
And I am often told I need help, wife says it most days, amongst other things
so I am sure she will appreciate the help I am receiving
I understand the need for some fact-checking but sometimes SG goes too far; detracts from the point being made while adding nothing.
I beg to differ , a little bit .
Stew is right to point out that showing evidence – when its there – is the best way to help any opinion and convert some and shut up others .
That still doesnt mean that those who cant get hard evidence – and im one of those – cannot post their observations and opinions .
And its good if someone can help along with what anyone posited .
Guys, guys, we need to look out for each other on here.
Maxi may be lurking close by with a Wild Woman or three not far behind him. Eeeek!
Correcting each other is OK. Questioning and debating is good, too. BTW, I don’t associate Stew with being a pedant on BiasedBBC.
a) We need “pedants” or “nitpickers” or those with an eye for evidence that is needed if any of us want to take our claims and observations outside of this website into the real world. I am thinking of maybe doing this at some distant point in the future – at which point people like StewGreen would be invaluable.
b) The light-hearted, satirical, polemic, angry, frustrated, amazed, disappointed, concerned poster as well that post their unedited observations, experiences and viewpoints. This too I have found tremendously valuable in terms of pointers, links, better understanding of things that I wasn’t particularly aware of or knowledgeable.
My analysis of what happened:
i) I took DARCY3 original reply to Tabs as being amusing in twisting the context (from knives and forks for eating, into knives for stabbing) with large elements of truth in it.
ii) StewGreen’s response which maybe could be described as a touch “severe” but provided some useful practical information.
So I give a thumbs up to this community which includes FedUp, StewGreen, Darcy, Tabs, Vlad, Nibor among others.
Ah I didn’t take it as a joke post
the last bit said “silence and tumbleweed from the bbc on this matter”
And I took that a him saying he knew of recent knife crime the BBC had not reported.
And I thought I’d go to LondonCrime to to see which ones he was on about
And then I thought no, I’ll give him the link to the site and he can list them if he wants, co that would tell us something NEW.
That actual BBC story
“Lockdown children forget how to use knife and fork”
sounds such BS and BBC trolling us.
I’m not going to bother to look at it
cos bottomline it can’t apply to the 96% who are knife and fork families
but just one or two who come from “eat with your fingers” cultures, whether that it curry of KFCs.
Reality vs news-narrative on Talk Radio todays
#1 Professor David Livermore on dodgy #COVID19 data
explained that the narrative that Lockdown#1 stopped Covid is false
cos the peak infection day was before it started.
And now we are not o much in a second wave, but the normal seasonal burst of respiratory infections.
A Youtube clip will appear later
#2 The clip below is about the election
#3 He dealt with Sadiq’s mad cycle lane plans & pollution claims
In yesterday’s video he explained
“The US election takes a long time, often it seems over early cos someone CONCEDES before the process has finished,
like when Hillary conceded on day 2 of counting
.. This time Donald Trump has not conceded, nor is the process over”
Pulled over by the police, the police should never stop anyone, and let everyone do what they like lol
I was once pulled over by the police, spoke to the officer, and then went on my way – I WANT COMPENSATION, AND WILL TAKE LEGAL ADVICE
I do wonder if anyone who is black and a ‘celebrity’ feels they need to have at least a few of these incidents to prove their credibility to the BBC and MSM rather than by exhibiting a talent.
I got pulled over by the police cos I had my fog lights on by mistake on a clear day – they didn’t know if I was back white or green when they pulled me over…..can I claim something….
LOL. The hypocrisy STINKS !!!!
Nick still cannot find what he is contractually obliged not to look for.
No evidence?
As you were, then. Nick has spoken, thus settling the issue and obviating the need for any further investigation or debate.
In his dreams.
I can find no evidence on the BBC that he was ever president!
Wu-Flu and Black Lives Matter were just globalist instruments to get rid of Donald Trump. Strange how the announcement of the Wu-Flu vaccine appeared after the globalists announced Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the winner of the US Election.
Meanwhile expect continued mass immigration and irrevocable changes to the education curricula such that the next generation become more accepting of globalist ideology.
Not content with the attempt to nationalise children via the Rashford/ Roc nation free school meals campaign……..
Ofsted are reporting that since lockdown some children have regressed, are no longer potty trained and have forgotten how to use a knife and fork.
Presumably there will now be a ‘free cutlery and training for children’ campaign. Any footballers care to start one up?
Parents of course have no responsibility whatever.
Oh great. Now not only will we have to dodge the piles of dead bodies from those kids who have starved to death in 5 days, will now have to dodge all the crap cos they keep shitting themselves cos the Tories are horrible !!!!
Doob, just spat my tea on screen :-)…….it was what I was thinking but seeing it written just made my day.
“Presumably there will now be a ‘free cutlery and training for children’ campaign. Any footballers care to start one up?”
Most of them eat with their fingers anyway, so no change there…
It is quite amazing that the latest bbc thick as sh’t millenial morons with not a science based degree to share amongst them, have suddenly, overnight, becone statistical experts in the analysis of elections
what a miraculous transformation, maybe we should have an american election in every meeja moron college (no exams thats wacist or something just send us something on a bit of paper and we’ll give you a first if you get your name right) to bring them all up to standard
we could be suddenly surrounded by genuises, unlikely, but one never knows
one of them may be a possibility in passing a science degree….unlikely but one never knows,
they will still talk about climate change and quote a bleeding 15 year old girl as their expert
I used to think the Matrix was fiction, but when one gets a 15 year old Swedish teenager with a face like something out the Exorcist as the go to for quotes on the Environment
FFS indeed
Next : Noddy, Big Ears and Paddington will debate the Gaza strip with the Chuckle Brothers as moderators
hang on one of them is dead, thats ok we’ve got Joe Biden on hold he says he can sort that..
BTW London stabbing’s did cross my eye this morning
in the form of metroliberal tweets
that said ‘stabbings are nothing only 259 London people died from stabbing last year, many more have died from Covid’
The point is that is deflection.
#1 Stabbing deaths are additional to what Covid causes
If we didn’t have cultures that lead to it we’d be better off.
#2 Looking at RAW DEATHS is a BS metric
Looking at Life Days Lost shows that 3 teenagers dead is a bigger issue than 3 severe aged cancer patients being pushed over the line by Covid,
… never mind the Life Days Lost to people who lived through a stabbing, but came out with big injuries.
Jeezus- are u writing such offensive generalisations about ‘ value of life ‘ just to wind me up ?
How dare you equate cancer deaths and stabbed teenagers . Go take a look in thr effing mirror –
@Fed, The point is I did not equate, I did the opposite.
Yes you can make the argument that the NHS should spend £50K to add three months to the life of a 97 year old
and NOT spend the £50K to add 70 years to the life of a stabbed teenager
..cos I can imagine that some time the teenage might be a thug
However NHS NICE guidelines are actually the opposite of that.
As always I intended no offense.
(NICE guidelines say
“NICE use a cost-effectiveness threshold of £20,000 – £30,000 for one QALY. “)
Anyone can rig an election, but the bbc do not believe that, but as we all know they are stupid, worst, marxist and stupid
Apparently, F.A. Chairman Greg Clarke has called black players ”coloured”, and the BBC have issued a warning in their Marxist peice, of how we may find this term offensive…
No time is too soon to remove this poisonous corporation from our ”collective” mindsets..
I’ve seen tweets today
claiming “oh this network has rolled back on saying Biden won this state”
.. when I check said network never called the state in the first place.
The CNN results page still says “*PROJECTED* WINNER” etc.
2:15pm R4 Drama
today it’ 3 hort play who won disability prizes
All are by women
Lets see we cannot rig an election the bbc have told us that ?
Vote Like for Trump
Vote Like for Biden
my grandfather wants to vote can I add his vote somewhere
Like in ‘Life of Brian’ – just because you’re a man doesn’t stop you having the right to have babies!
So being dead is the same, you can still vote! Why, apparently, half of Tower Hamlets passed on years ago, but they still get counted in the votes!
I wonder if the Democrats liked having their slaves voting?
Join the fun, reminds of that Micheal Jackson Thriller video
Biden wins
Ooooh no he doesn’t…
numbers don’t lie ..or do they, please check the above free and fair election. currently running at 20 votes for Biden
They do if some one person has sent in 18 likes
I can see 2 different ways of doing that .
I tend not to click like on my own posts
but each to his own.
I never do. but to prove a point, I showed how it can be done, without billions of pounds available, just imagine ….
my likes come from whoever like my posts
I have gone beyond and above to be kind and not “take offence” and I would appreciate the same
(BTW 18 ? are you a part time democrat vote counter ?)
kind regards
Sadiq … did he call Brexit the done and dusted DEMOCRATIC vote ?
Why can’t that silly little git go and start to unwind the awfulness he has done to London, instead of squealing about things he just doesn’t understand?
So many real businesses I know, have decided that it’s not worth investing in Londonistan now, they’ll ditch the place and prefer to work from home or offices in much nicer places.
Silly little man – let him stay on and finish the job he’s ordered to by his superiors.
Gone yet?
Not quite yet, I have bitter experience of working on the Crossrail project, I walked away. another poster on here said like walking in lead boots, I know precisely what he means
BBC rushing in I think and Ward is on ( PR guy for big green hedgefund magnate)
R4 3:30pm What will the outcome of the American presidential election mean for the environment?
Tom Heap and a panel of commentators anaylse the result.
– Professor Jody Freeman, Harvard Law School;
– Bob Ward,
– Karly Matthews, American Conservation Coaltion;
– Mark Lynas, environmental campaigner and author.
It is a great pity we don’t have people like Col. Richard Kemp in public office. Unfortunately he has no political aspirations. (Although I hear June Sarpong does).
Biden’s supporters call me a racist, fascist, Nazi, misogynist, homophobic and xenophobic person who should not be allowed a platform on the social media. So I am dying to be brought together with the bastards.
I suspect that when left-wingers talk about coming together, ‘a gentler kind of politics’, etc. what they are really talking about is somehow pasting over the divisions on their own side.
When they are out of government it is easy to co-opt all the angry people and to demand change. Fortunately when they get in power they find that all these unhappy groups want different and mutally exclusive outcomes.
What they really mean is that everyone should bow down and submit to the Great God Globalism.
When the Left talks, what they are generally saying is:
We want what we want.
We don’t want you to have what you want, and we don’t want you to be happy about it.
Has anyone noticed how the BBC and much of the mainstream media have become like the satirical “Brass Eye”. They managed to get celebrities, politicians and television reporters to say the most ludicrous things for a “good” but often invented cause.
If you want to see the size of the task we’re up against, take a look at the pure delusion on display in the top-rated comments for this article:
All of them are blindly swallowing the bullshit that there’s ‘no evidence’ and dismissing all the evidence actually available to them because they don’t like the source of it. Naturally, they also punctuate their dismissals with ad hominem attacks on the few people who are standing up to them.
If anyone here has Disqus, it would be fun to redress the balance somewhat and get some of the more factual comments higher up to shake their echo chamber.
@LAL it sounds like a bubbleworld site
Readers won’t be open to new info, rather it will trigger them to lash out.
“Story selection almost always favors the left and utilizes sensational headlines that do not match the story. In general, this is a strongly left-leaning source that selects stories that favor the left and does not always source properly.”
founder of the website Mediaite
: Dan Abrams, ABC’s chief legal-affairs anchor
Hello Jon, Katty, Nick, Anthony ….. you are in the USA and this is your job FULL TIME but you see NOTHING ??? No evidence !!!
Its just everywhere now !!!!!!
Someone needs to hold Big Tech globalists to account. Once they are in control then we enter the Orwellian era. It is almost impossible to check software after it reaches a certain level of complexity.
Jim Hoft @ gatewaypundit twitter feed has become very revealing about possible corruption at House Speaker’s Nancy Pelosi office (Big Tech – Democrat links).
More importantly, this is the only country that takes the self assumed role, of lecturing the rest of the world in democracy
With tanks and missiles if they do not listen
(Sitting Bull may have had something to say about that )
It has made itself the laughing stock of the world: China and Russia notably are saying NOTHING
(yeh that McDonalds Kentucky Fried style democracy, two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch)
unfortunately lunch, has spent last four years escaping
Now fed to the wolves
On the Archbishop Cranmer website Martin Sewell, “Archbishop Cranmer”, writes:-
Concession and transition or voter fraud and prosecution? If only Alistair Cooke were alive today
Nov 10, 2020
Earlier this year, locked down in France, I wrote about my pleasure at discovering an important treasure trove from my childhood and adolescence. The BBC has used the wonders of the internet to offer on its BBC Sounds resources the complete archive of Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letter from America’, and it has since been bitter sweet for me to dip into it from time to time, partly for nostalgia, but also to remind myself of how balanced, informed and profound radio broadcasting can be.
I won’t beat about the bush. I am dismayed by the contrast of that era with the BBC journalist Jon Sopel as he ‘reports’ on the US Presidential Election with his visceral loathing of Donald Trump, which he makes no attempt to conceal, obliterating any hope the listener may have of learning what it actually going on. He cannot present any report without reminding (or do I mean propagandising?) listeners that President Trump’s claims to election malpractice are “unsubstantiated”. This is John Sopel’s favourite word at the moment, and presents as the mantra of a true believer.
‘Unsubstantiated’ has a variety of synonyms in the dictionary, which include ‘unsupported’ and ‘unattested’, but unfortunately for Mr Sopel, seemingly an analogue mind in a digital world, his listeners have access to a variety of sources beyond the State broadcaster which they may read or listen to for themselves. One must tread carefully, but it seems many are rather less biased than Mr Sopel, and listeners can and should hold him to account as much as they do politicians.
In one sense, Joe Biden’s victory (if victory it be) is currently ‘unsubstantiated’ insofar as his claim to the Presidency under the Constitution can only arise after the relevant counts are concluded, any electoral disputes have been adjudicated by the courts, the States have chosen their electors, and those electors have met to elect the new President. None of these events has yet occurred. John Sopel’s certainty that Joe Biden is President-Elect is, to use his word, correctly ‘unsubstantiated’.
How BBC American BS has noticed no glitch so far is… remarkably unusual.
I see Mehdi Hasan is in there too.
Share a bed with fleas….
Re the Boris presidential tweet debacle…
As a web designer I create and manipulate lots of images designed to be displayed on the internet in various forms.
The embarrassing mishap with Boris’s tweet looks at best to be very shady to me.
They are claiming that they prepared two messages in advance and that due to a technical glitch they got “Embedded together”
In my photo-editing World there is no such thing as “embedding” two images together, the correct description would be layered or overlayed. Therefore the only way the unwanted image below could be revealed is if the topmost image had it’s opacity deliberately reduced, and act which would require some photo editing skills, especially as the “reveal” coincidentally just happened to be just the most embarrassing sections. If done by accident the entire lower message would have ghosted throughout.
In addition it seems obvious that the revealed message below is in a different sized font and positioned so that it would be easily readable above the larger words on the top layer.
I smell a rat!!!
If I were Boris I would certainly be probing the background of the employee or department tasked with putting the images up.
any moron could make 2 files in 2 mins , if the torys actually employ someone who makes things in such a time consuming layered manner the whole lot of them should be sacked for time wasting
Smug, sneering Trump hating media WRONG again.
Imagine what could have been achieved if they had just cut him some slack !!!!!
There is no evidence that this is a Trump vaccine.
The Messiah Mk II announced the good news the other day so that goes to show that Biden has the right Covid strategy.
So that’s OK. Gets more like North Korea every day.
odd timing isnt it , this week , not last week
Have I heard right ? the FA Chairman has just resigned because earlier in the day he referred to non-white players as ‘coloured’ ???? for which he immediately apologised. Apparently there was seismic criticism on social media.
What the hell are we coming to when coloured, – black, brown, white aren’t the same. Life is complicated enough without worrying about word usage. It wasn’t that long ago when to use ‘black’ was an offense in itself, so ‘coloured’ was considered more appropriate. Who the f.. can keep up with it?
What gets me is that if someone is a ‘person of colour’ then they are ipso facto ‘coloured’.
As long as he didn’t use the term in a pejorative sense then he should have no cause to apologise.
Then again, logic and reason are just two of the many missing pieces in the make-up of the Woke.
What i heard was that he stated that the IT department had more South Asians than Afro Caribbeans.
I note by the way that South Asians by contrast are ‘under-represented’ at Premier League clubs. As our whites. But that apparently is OK.
On my visits to South Africa I’ve heard the terms ‘blacks’ and ‘coloureds’ used routinely without offence or issue. It merely defines African heritage versus Asian heritage people.
Weird how something not deemed racist in South Africa of all places is deemed racist in this country. I supposed we are just so much more woke than they.
the point is you cant keep up , and if they want rid of you it just becomes a matter of time till you use last weeks phrase
What the “Free” Western World needs to realise is that when you deal with those on the radical left, you are dealing with willing cheats and liars. The left-wing playbook encourages any action however dubious against the status quo as long as it weakens and inflicts damage on it.
The only acceptable outcome is to win total control at all costs so truth and principles are not required, in fact are actively discouraged.
This philosophy has been seeping into the free world for some time. It is endemic in politics in many Third World Countries and is being imported into the West.
Of course the “Globalists” are quite happy with this as it leads to their desired outcomes, domination and Control.
Once Global control has become an accepted and embedded reality then it will be followed by brutal crack-down punishment on anyone who dissents. By which time it could take a thousand years to break it’s grip.
The Globalist will then no longer need the services of all the useful idiots in the Education, Media, Hollywood and Sport etc. who helped make it all possible for them.
“Greg Clarke resigns as Football Association chairman after remark about black players”
Gone because of ‘Wrong Speak’. Its about time the worm turned. Wake up Great Britain, freedom of speech is at stake.
What next, the thought police?
David Grimes has form; he wrote a paper on how he’d come up with a mathematical formula for debunking conspiracy theories.
After it came out some guys pointed out he’d made a basic maths error near the top, so the whole thing was invalid.
They were right.
His own specialty is Physics at Oxford uni, so he’d slipped out of his depth.
Would that be the same Jeremy Vine that kept the MMR vaccine ‘conspiracy’ going for months on his radio show.
One low-point was when he pitted some well-known, used to being in the public eye. bimbo against an unknown old white man who hadn’t been out of his virus lab for forty years.
Who ya gonna trust? Bimbo!
I caught 10mins of swine earlier today. He was basically shit stirring on air. Trying to play off posh middle class work from home types against poorer working class people that had no choice but to brave their lives against the covid day in day out, just to make ends meet.
The off button was smashed when for an objective look at the subject he ‘interviewed’ a guardian journalist.
FFS, the bubble these creatures live in. I despair.
Ariana Grande
Taylor Swift
Sandra Oh
Emilia Clarke
Glenn Close
Marlon James
Dwayne Johnson
Richard Madden
Naomi Osaka
Not biased BBC but according to ‘Pointless’ this afternoon these deemed by Time magazine to be among the top 100 most influential people in 2019.
A damning indictment of modern society if ever there was one.
So influential that I have vaguely heard of two of them ! At least I’ve survived so far without being ‘influenced’ by any bugger.
There is something wrong with our bloody media these days.
In what way is an apoplectic host bellowing MSM agreed soundbites at an invited guest going to serve to persuade anyone that the establishment is not rattled and has lost its collective shared brain cell.
What is the media smoking?
BBC News just one hour ago.
President Trump is refusing to admit losing the election to Joe Biden, making unsubstantiated claims of fraud.
They are all literally reading Joe’s Teleprompter out on a ‘tell it often enough’ basis.
Here’s Tucker, offering opinion without coming across like a raving lunatic…
I know who is sounding more persuasive.
Superb !!
I sure hope Tucker Carlson runs for the Republican nomination in 2023 for 2024!
Interestingly the top civil right group for black people in the US is called……….
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Could that be pointed out to the Football Association ???
Message to Joe Biden and Al Beeb. I don’t think we are going to hurt each other over Brexit, are we ?
Also of course, there’s NATO and the ‘Five Eyes’ .
First in the vaccine queue are the elderly in care homes.
Just to be controversial, should the first in the queue not be those contributing most to the economy, and whose absence from work due to coronavirus illness would be most economically damaging?
Is she still around ? or has the dog (who appears to be reading the papers) taken over from her.
She really is like a drag act !!!!
Maybe immigrants first
They’re the super spreaders..
“Covid: GCSE and A-levels in Wales cancelled for 2021”
In the future, these kids will have to compete with other kids for jobs in other parts of the UK.
How can they succeed without qualifications ? Time to abolish the Welsh Assembly. They have just scored another own goal.
The width, depth, breadth and scale of the US election fraud is staggering, matched only by the width, depth, breadth and scale of the media cover up. That includes YOU, beeb.
The only question in my mind is whether there was a single, centralised, Machiavellic mastermind behind it, or whether it was more of an organic, ad-hoc, opportunistic, state-by-state affair carried out by an army of freelancing Trump-haters. Or a bit of both?
Not many years ago I would have dismissed these charges of vote-rigging as rantings from a bad loser. I had faith in the world.
But then we had Brexit. And I watched in stunned disbelief how half the country turned into nasty, spiteful snipers whi either wanted to reverse the result of a referendum or for the country to burn as punishment.
Then I was stunned again when Trump got elected and we actually had people rioting on the streets because he won a free and fair vote.
And next I was stunned to discover the Democrats had SIX separate committees whose sole purpose was to try and find something to use to impeach the President. I always assumed an event should trigger impeachment investigation. Not a ‘witch hunt’ looking for one.
And finally I was stunned when Pelosi ripped up Trumps state of the nation address speech in the most public manner possible. And in the TV interview afterwards, her face was contorted with hate while she spoke. I haven’t seen anyone so consumed by it since watching Anne Soubry telling us why Brexit must be stopped.
So now I think these accusations of fraud are well within the bounds of what these people are capable of.
JohnC, ” I watched in stunned disbelief how half the country turned into nasty, spiteful snipers whi either wanted to reverse the result of a referendum or for the country to burn as punishment.”
No, there were decent Remain voters who prize UK democracy above all else. They accepted the vote. There were some others, not sure how many – likely to be few, who changed their minds when they saw the result.
At least we know now that it is the Remainers who actively tried to overturn the vote who are the liars and the cheats.
Oh oh, back to ex-PMs and their former sidekicks again.
Yes, that Pelosi thing was remarkable. The Democrats used to be just a whisker away from Republicans in attitudes and policies. I don’t know why they have become so evil and in such a short space of time, relatively speaking. What has happened to them?
Nothing to see here. Move along !!!!
Ahead , well ahead in places with nearly all votes counted. The dems shit themselves and had to pull of a fraud so big as trump was doing so well, that it just became a joke.
How the BBC won’t even acknowledge stats like this is DISGUSTING
Local BBC news, “in one local hospital 1 in 10 staffare off with Covid”
..Me “How that even possible when Covid is so rare, that not even 1 in 100 people have it ?”
Ah turns out that, if 1 in a team tested positive
then 10 colleagues might be told to go off & isolate
So theoretically if 1% staff test +ve
11% of staff could be off.
Given what happened with the Chairman of the FA today, I assume the next time Tomasz Schafernaker says ” today is going to be a rainy day” rather than “a day of rain”, he will gracefully fall on his sword too.
Fake news time at the BBC comes in all shapes and sizes.
BBC London do a feature on Aled Jones, to be fair a decent enough guy, with gushing coverage of his famous boy soprano singing of ‘Walking in the Air’ from ‘The Snowman’.
Except of course that it wasn’t him.
The song in the famous animated film was sung by Peter Auty, who if memory serves did not even rate a mention in the closing credits.
Nor did he ever get the recognition due.
And certainly did not rate a mention in this feature.
People used to like Sailing by Sutherland Brothers and Quiver.
Then the BBC made a programme about HMS Ark Royal and Rod Stewart never had to work again.
Certain people and companies do very well out of the BBC that is ‘impartial’ and ‘never advertises a product’.
Jim, I prefer Sailing By
Covid stats just in
New positives +20,412 .. flat trend
Deaths +532 … from yesterday
.. Don’t panic looks like 200 deaths were held over yesterday.
Apologies for lateness but have been very occupied today
TOADY Watch #1 – Listening from 6 – 7 a.m. I am left wondering:
How thick do you have to be to be a Peer of this realm?
How come so few voted last night – I thought the PM had stacked the Lords in his favour?
What happens to former UK Prime Ministers that makes them hate* their country?
*John Major has been uttering again.