If President Trump continues to refuse to concede to Biden on the grounds of voting irregularities what will happen? If Barr and the DOJ can be trusted to investigate impartially , and that is a big IF, and they begin to uncover fraud then the Dems and their MSM and Social media allies will move into the next phase of their insurance policy .
Phase one was to fake the polls since the summer
Phase two was to have cart loads of illegal Biden votes ready and waiting to be fed into the system as needed.
Phase three was to start a media storm declaring Biden the winner and not allow a Trump to challenge the result. This is where we currently are.
Phase four will be an attempt to get the electoral college to vote before a Trump has conceded and whilst the legal challenge is still running. If they won’t then we move on to the nuclear option of phase five.
Phase five will be to have a Trump forcibly removed from the WH and stripped of office by the FBI or even the army.
Obviously Phase five looks and smells like a coup but in the last resort they will do it because if Trump gets a second term hundreds of powerful folks will be going to prison for a long time.
The President had better make sure that he has lots and lots good security with 100% loyal officers around him at all times and that the WH is a fortress even when he isn’t there.
I doubt that they’d get away with having the electoral college vote whilst any ex facie legitimate challenge capable of changing the complexion of the election results was proceeding through the courts.
Likewise, I cannot see the President being stripped of his status without the electoral college having appointed an incumbent.
That’s not to say, however, that they won’t try every trick in the book (and the one it sits next to on the shelf) to try to get Biden into the WH.
The self proclaimed worlds greatest news organisation pride of the nation so called BBC cant find a single possible fraudulent vote
Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.
I have some experience of how this all started (culture wars) and developed within the university system and it has always been for personal gain and tactical. That is why contradictions can be found all over the place. It is a George Orwell Animal Farm scenario.
Who gave permission for the Ex Rebellion demo which hijacked the Cenotaph?
It had to come from high up.
Look towards the Prime Minister – a greenie climate change believer who is eager to impress his boss, Joe Biden.
On behalf of my grandfather, who went to the bottom of the Indian Ocean with his ship in 1944, I have a message for XR: Eff you, you ignorant, disrespectful turds.
[I’ve toned down the language as much as I feel able to, Fed.]
Please, I know I harp on about this, but I do believe in the climate issue (and am glad the government does) and regard myself as green, but have no sympathy for that action above, which I find repugnant, or for xr in general. Others probably feel the same.
\\’Human rights ignored’ at asylum seeker camp// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54907333
Surely better conditions than they had in France.
What do they want , four star hotels ?
Good enough for British army
.. Not good enough for illegal economic immigrants
Vast abuse of human rights
Not only have to live around Welsh people
They have to be back on camp by 10pm
and are not allowed out until 8am
And the rooms are like a youth hostel .
“We came here to live, this is not living”
.. I’m sorry I thought it was supposed to be a step up from being bombed.
'It's like a jail'
Asylum seekers being housed at an Army camp say their conditions are not suitable
quote The sinister group Stand Up to Racism is exacerbating the situation in Penally
by encouraging the asylum seekers to complain about their situation & revolt,
supplying them with homemade signs for little photo-op “protests”.
I expect that “Stand Up to Racism” is ambush name
using the admirable virtue as a shield to push it’s real probably Marxist agenda
just as HnH ‘s descriptive name is “Encouraging selective hate to clear the way for Labour”
Why in a time when many people’s lives are like a prison due to lockdown
would SUTR organise a protest saying migrants are being treated like prisoners
..and why choose Remembrance Day
Is it a holiday for their Public servant volunteers ?
The jet-set asylum seekers held a small protest to flag up their concerns about poor living conditions at the accommodation centre.https://t.co/erdnz6bJjB
Independent footage clip from “Darren Edmundson-Pembrokeshires-Patriot”
probably not Darren holding the camera
cos after some people blocked the camp gate one time
he has draconian bail conditions that he’s not allowed within 1 mile of a migrant.
There are more videos on Active patriots Twitter
eg ” barrister MUBASHER KHAN, 39 has appeared in court alongside six other men after a violent brawl in the town last October”
I notice on Guido’s blog that Labour-controlled Croydon Council has just declared bankruptcy. It apparently owes something like £1.5 billion, and has been engaged in a lot of disastrous property speculation.
I wonder who will pick up the eventual tab for that, then ? And apparently Croydon is not the only Labour-controlled authority in this sort of situation.
And what the hell happens now ? – the simplest question of which is ‘should not all of thje officers and councillors who let this happen be disbarred immediately from any prominent public or private position for life ? Oh, and were any of them misleading any ‘investors’ and so personally liable ?
And what exactly does all this mean for Croydon – who the hell knows ? But Surkeer will surely have something to contribute ?
Willing to bet that things will just troll along with absolutely no comeback whatsoever.
The left is currently engaging in unprecedented levels of gaslighting, on many different subjects but predominantly regarding the US election which anyone who bothers to do any research into it or just uses critical thinking knows – not suspects, knows – that Trump would have won in a landslide without the most panicked voter fraud operation in recent history for a first-world country that is, despite the media’s efforts, folding like a house of cards.
Part of the left’s attempts to fool people into thinking up is down is in the way they continually move the goalposts. You can see that in the BBC’s reporting, or in just about any left-learning rag or their catfishing troll accounts on Parler and right-learning message boards. First, they’re trying to portray the polling firms as accurate because “they predicted Biden would win” – which even if the results were legitimate, would be complete nonsense since the polling firms also stated it would ba a blowout and he would win Florida (annihilated there), come close in Ohio (destroyed) and had the best chance of any Democrat in decades in Texas (he won fewer counties there than any Democrat challenger in history). Biden also underperformed compared to Hillary Clinton in every single metropolitan area nationwide, except for Detroit, MilWaukee, Atlanta and Philadelphia – which, coincidentally, were also the largest cities in the states that Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes on Tuesday night then suddenly found himself trailing after they all mysteriously decided to stop counting for the night.
The level of self-delusional and mental gymnastics can also be observed in how they keep subtly changing the rules on what counts as voter fraud. It began with the objectively ludicrous claim that “there’s no evidence of voter fraud.” Then, when that was rightly mocked, it evolved to “there’s no evidence that mail-in voting leads to increased voter fraud.” Immediately after the election and it became obvious that this was going to be an issue in at least one state or one city, it changed again to “there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” Never mind the fact that it doesn’t NEED to be ‘widespread’ (which is a weasle word anyway, since who has decided the definition of ‘widespread’ in this scenario?) in order to sway an election – just five or six major cities can turn an election on its head, as we’re witnessing right now. Now that the evidence is coming out that the fraud is real, it’s proven, people are ready to testify under oath, there’s video evidence of votes being switched (being labelled ‘glitches’ despite ONLY advantaging Biden and Democrats at the expense of Trump and republicans), it’s not limited to the mail-in ballots and states are already indicating that they have no faith in their own results – as evidenced by the welcome news that Georgia is to undergo a complete recount AND AUDIT of its votes – will the BBC and the libscum media finally start to act like real journalists? Of course not – they’ll keep trying to portray those who rightly see Biden’s ‘win’ as illegitimate as conspiracy nuts or bigots, and when they’re eventually forced to report on this they’ll likely move the goalposts AGAIN and try to make out that they’re using the same standards as before. It will probably be “there’s no evidence that the proven voter fraud was known about by the Democrat party,” then “there’s no evidence that it was known about by the Biden campaign,” and so on.
This is what happens in a Marxist landscape where you’re conditioned to believe everything is equal to everything else. Once objectivity and competition are removed, you begin to think that reality itself is open to interpretation.
I think the phrase the US MSM is trying to promote is that there’s no ‘systemic’ voter fraud……attempting to say that, unless there’s fraud absolutely everywhere in the US, than it can’t really be a serious problem at all.
Hmmm – a few swing states ….. and there’s claimed fraud in every one of them….. but it’s not a real problem …..yeah, right !
And, once aqgain, there are all sorts of ‘glitches’ in the voting process – and they all, every one of them of any consequence, pointedly have an effect in the one direction…..I should think that’s ‘systemic’.
Whatever individual and isolated instances of voter fraud there might have been, there is simply no evidence of mass voter fraud anywhere. None. Zilch. Nada. Nikto. Zero. How we can be confident that Trump’s voter fraud claims are baloney https://t.co/iFP2qvIxCw
How the courts of the land must miss Brillo’s forensic skills. Oh, hang on…
His disdain for Trump has clearly overcome any residual objectivity he might have possessed. Or perhaps it’s a case of toeing the party line for the sake of his new TV channel…
It is strange how a media whose stock in trade is rumour can now be so absolutely sure that there is nothing to find.
Have these Facebook ‘warnings’ now become the de facto truth?
Or has the word come down from the Democrats dirty tricks department that they think they have done such a good job that no-one will be able to find them out?
Given that the truth about Clinton’s email scandal is only now being established they are probably right, i.e. it will take four years to prove Biden cheated.
If this is the true Andrew Neil, I’m afraid I now have lost any confidence in him and his so-called, ‘impartiality’. Nice to see the clear and resolved emerging as either black or white in their views.
I saw pictures of Rashford in his Burberry outfits (his latest contract) as we used to say in the Navy, he looks like a sack of sh1t tied in the middle.According to Olly, his boss, after playing 2 games he’s injured, perhaps he’ll be putting in time behind school canteen counters.
I hope Marcus Rashford really does help out at a food bank with his Mum for part of one day a week.
I really do hope that he pays full UK tax on all his earnings and investments here in the UK.
I really do hope that he is generous with his after tax income and donates to food banks and educational charities.
I really do.
He has the potential to be inspirational for a long time in the UK and we sure need some people like that. We also need them to not be discovered as having ‘feet of clay’ as so many have in the past.
The BBC give huge prominence on the 6 pm news to someone called Peter Davies who died of coronavirus.
He was an ordinary member of the public. His relatives were interviewed and quoted.
What was the purpose of this news item? It is not news at all, in fact it is entirely ordinary, given the current situation.
The only conclusion is to depress and de-motivate us.
What’s the use of paradise or everyday of livin’?
They spend and learn in Heaven, sin in Hell
What’s the point of children
When evil got before them?
They learn in every tale we tell
There’s no point in being kind
What’s the use when love becomes an evil of the mind?
Oh Yeah!
What’s the use of power
When the battle isn’t equal
And we’re all too scared to use it anyway?
What’s the point of reason
When no one wants to listen?
Deliverance is all too far away
The government and NHS are proposing to distribute the coronavirus vaccine. To do this they need to keep it at -80C which can only realistically be achieved by the mass use of dry ice. Carbon Dioxide, which will sublime, will be released in to the atmosphere, and contribute to global warming.
How dare they?
The programme needs to be immediately halted while Extinction Rebellion leaders are consulted and Greta Thumberg must be immediately invited to join the SAGE committee and asked to head up the NHS distribution task force in order to approve a zero emission, green alternative.
So, have I got this right, the chairman of the FA has been sacked because he used the phrase “coloured people” instead of “people of colour.”? This is beyond belief…or it should be…
This is still Armistice day, when we’re asked to spare a few moments in quiet thought, for those that gave their lives for our freedoms.
Millions have died fighting tyranny and attempting to maintain democracy. During The (so called) Great War entire villages of young men perished. You wouldn’t have seen any of these lads kneeling in pathetic subjugation to a bunch of half-witted Marxist thugs, or their half-baked ideology. As far as I’m concerned that should be the sacking offence!
Before we all rush to his defence let’s remember that this is the chairman who was in charge when all of this grovelling and kneeling has taken place. He’s overseen this flesh crawling event and now he’s found himself out of favour.
I don’t like to gloat, but…
It’s ridiculous to think he was really hounded out for one word
We know a favoured person would have sailed through it
And I bet not whites don’t use the phrase “people of colour” that much, they’ll use a simpler euphemism.
Likewise the hounding of Cummings, wasn’t about his trip.
There is always a real reason and a narrative that they claim is the reason.
(BTW usually English has far more words than all other languages
I only occasionally notice we don’t have a word that a foreign language does.
.. oh and it’s funny)
I was at a party hosted by a lady who takes in French students. Two of her guest were female, one white, one black. The white lady was struggling to ask a question about one of the current pair of French students, but how to differentiate her? The taller one? The thinner one?
The black lady could see the problem and had the solution: “You mean the BLACK one?” Something that no ‘white’ person would ever say in ‘mixed’ company.
The BBC are going big big big on the need to give the coronavirus to those ‘most in need’.
Economic contribution and productivity is an unacceptable criteria.
Meanwhile it is I believe the case that in the event of the Astra Zeneca virus working, they are not allowed to make a profit out of it.
As economic illiteracy goes, the woke have made us world leaders.
No wonder the country is declining in relative global terms. Its hands are constantly tied by the left.
I doubt if the USA even under Biden, will have such problems. That’s why they are still the world’s biggest economy.
Various reasons, none of them pejoratively.
But WE (!!!!!) are becoming the next ‘favoured’ group. And it is the selection process of the ‘favoured’, invariably by the Left Liberal virtu-signallers, that needs to be signposted.
Constructing Fake Narratives using Censorship is the main way the BBC produces Fake News. But Misinformation on the BBC is increasing and eventually could lead to legal action by Prince Charles.
17th November – BBC Radio 4 – All in the Mind – Spotting Fake News
(1) Read the Daily Mail to find out how the BBC manufactured 32 pieces of misinformation to secure an interview with Princess Diana.
(2) Read the Propaganda Bureau by Andrew Montford to find out how the BBC manufactured misinformation to pass off scientifically ignorant green activists as the best scientific experts.
But with Covid-19 and the US election the BBC seems to be using censorship and distorted graphs manufactured by the BBC graphic department. In the newspaper it says “Somebody has got to have a good shake of the BBC tree so all the lies fall out” and “Legal experts said the BBC could even face a Scotland Yard inquiry over the forgeries and lies”
Get one of those chain things for the Whitehouse door so you can see who it is (you can get them in Wilkos or Wickes)
If it is someone with an Irish accent, green top hat, who does not know what day of the week it is who has forgot his name, with a black girl following him
Express Yourself! Think you can do better than our writers? Then prove it!
EXPRESS Yourself is Express.co.uk’s search for authentic voices from Britain’s streets, front rooms, workplaces, schoolrooms, and just about anywhere and everywhere we can find them.
Tonight’s episode revealed that Ruari (Brian Aldridge’s illegitimate son by Irish translator lady Siobhan, who died a while ago) is BISEXUAL! He told a best mate that a guy called Troy was his “ex” … so I/we briefly concluded that he was gay (we’ve been there already with Adam, Jennifer’s own illegitimate child by Paddy Redman, long before Brian). But then he told the mate that he might be interested in girls too! So, that’s one-up on Adam, who is merely gay and has a child by surrogate mother with partner Ian.
The BBC really is one great steaming pile of tokenistic horse droppings.
Any of The Masters golf on al beeb anywhere over the next four days people? ⛳
I’ll be watching through my phone and the Mobdro app but I suspect it’s too expensive for al be nowadays ????????
Women’s football, not so much ????
@TLWEI you should have given a trigger warning
before using that slave word “masters”
Not prime time Thu November 12 @ 23:30 — 01:00 BBC TWO
Golf: The Masters Highlights
Kat Downes presents as the world’s finest players face off on the fairways and greens of Augusta National in one of golf’s major tournaments.
Is she a tickbox bimbo ?
Also features @KenBrownGolf @iaincartergolf @MrAndrewCotter and Peter Alliss (of course
Thanks StewGreen ????????
Kat Downes….. who? ????
I remember when old jug-ears had this gig but I guess him and the whole golf shebang are TOO expensive for al beeb nowadays ????
Seriously, what sport do they still show? And note I used the word ‘sport’ so don’t give me women’s football or rugby ⚽ ????
It’s been an absolute Annus Horribilis for al beeb with cancellations of both the Olympics and Wimbledon ????
“Publish Priti Patel bullying claims report, says PM’s standards adviser”
Perhaps we will have a new Home Sec ? Someone who will put British people before the ‘Channel invaders ‘ ?
The pharma giants all know that the profit potential of an effective Covid-19 vaccine is huge, so (with the financial assistance of governments) they’ve pumped resources into it.
Moreover, they’ve been able to use previous research in order to create an effective vaccine. Believe me, they weren’t starting from scratch on this one.
And here’s the thing: they don’t even need to be first to strike it big. The market for C-19 vaccines is so big that it no one company could hope to satisfy it.
Don’t think it does, Kaiser. I noticed that boo boo on TWatO at lunchtime today and forgot to post about it. The influenza vaccine has to be updated every year otherwise it would be totally ineffective. Most vaccines can be developed in a week or two. It is the testing, safety tests and regulatory approval that takes time.
If any Docs or folk working in Big Pharma need to correct me, then please do. E. & o.e. 😉
If I recall correctly, in 2009, when the Mexican Swine ‘flu’ thing got going a vaccine was available within weeks, in plenty of time for Gordon Brown and the NHS to waste £billions of UK taxpayers money on it.
People who use the word decimation, should realise it means one in ten dying, we have a long way to go before then, I reckon at a rough count about 5,950,000.Now that would be serious.
The BBC and the MSM in general has no interest at all in women’s rights.Particulary white Conservative women.
Their target is the so called “minority rights”, or the rights of people who can more easily be convinced of their “victimhood” whether it be racial, gender, lifestyle or whatever. These are the people more likely to cast a left wing vote simply because of the false supposition that the left will support the underdog – unless of course the underdog is silly enough to express anti left opinions.
@cheshirepolice charged nurse Lucy Letby with 8 charges of murder and 10 charges of attempted murder relating to the deaths & non fatal collapses of babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital between 2015-2016.
FFS how do 18 murders nearly happen in a hospital and no one notices ?
Doctors are technicians, like car mechanics, and don’t design anything. They work with mass-produced items and with mass-produced methods, some that work and some that don’t.
Civil engineers are, well engineers, and design things that never existed before. Considering that a lot of what they do is unique, with no chance of building a prototype, they actually do remarkably well.
(It has been said that the only way you will know what problems will exist in building a tunnel is to drill a horizontal test bore the same diameter and length of the tunnel that you intend to build).
A Honda mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Honda when he spotted a well-known cardiologist in his shop.
The cardiologist was there waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his car when the mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey Doc, want to take a look at this?”
The cardiologist, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the Honda. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “Doc, look at this engine. I opened its heart, took the valves out, repaired or replaced anything damaged, and then put everything back in, and when I finished, it worked just like new. So how is it that I make $24,000 a year and you make $1.7M when you and I are doing basically the same work?”
The cardiologist paused, leaned over, and then whispered to the mechanic….
SATIRE ???? Sources close to Winston Davis say he is “totally screwed” as his girlfriend Wendy Fitzpatrick keeps referring to herself as “Wife-Elect” at any and every public gathering with close family and friends.https://t.co/UlrdxXAAYk
I think I now know why Joe Biden was in his basement for most of the election campaign. He was holding seances contacting the dead.
Let’s give him credit, he secured a good turn out from them.
AOC and other Dems are compiling blacklists of Trump supporters for later retribution, while CNN warns that known Trump supporters will struggle to get jobs in future.
The BBC might like to follow their example, and block job applicants who are known to have voted Conservative or supported Brexit.
The US Constitution’s SOLUTION to a mucked-up election:
This election process was so badly contaminated by “irregularities” (all of which “favored” one side) that public trust in any results ultimately attributed to it is irreparably broken. Believe it or not, neither this generation nor this nation are “unique” in corrupting an election process.
The US Constitution provides the LAWFUL and PEACEFUL process by which resolution is possible.
If President Trump does NOT concede to a fraudulent result generated by an election process tainted by illegitimate rule changing, ballot-harvesting, voting by dead people and other corruptions, here are the options:
1. Recount
2. Appeal to the judiciary
3. Election by the House
If neither recount nor recourse to the judiciary are able to produce a set of certifiable state results that award 270 electors to a victor, then it goes, per the Constitution’s 12th Amendment, to the People’s House.
The election process TOO TAINTED to produce a certifiable winner of 270 electors is SET ASIDE ENTIRELY and the PEOPLE’S House conducts a new election there.
In the PEOPLE’S HOUSE, each state will have ONE vote.
Although representation in the House is apportioned to the population of each state, (there are presently 435 total representatives) this function of the House is constitutionally designed to take the place of a function that is normally performed by the states, themselves, rather than by central-popularity contest.
In keeping with this goal, the Constitution provides each STATE one House-Representative vote.
Excerpted from Amendment 12, US Constitution:
“… if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote…”
Refer to the US Constitution and specifically, to the 12th Amendment for confirmation of this info.
9 days ago in Leeds : Punishment policing aimed at intimidating anti-lockdown protesters
I don’t agree with Ezra
#1 The police are right to reach out to organisers to say they will help with legal protest .. that’s the carrot
.. If Amy is just a speaker not an organiser, the liason officer is verging on harassment.
However the waiting for a demo to end and arresting a speaker is the STICK. and the police have a duty to effect arrests in the least damaging way possible. https://www.rebelnews.com/fight_the_fines_uk
President Donald Trump claimed on Monday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Democrats delayed releasing news on a potential vaccine to hurt his reelection chances.
Trump made the allegation on Monday evening over Twitter after news broke of a potential Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 being authorized by the end of November. The drug manufacturer released early survey results of its vaccine, created with the German drug manufacturer BioNTech, showing it to be potentially 90% effective at inoculating against the disease.
“The [FDA] and the Democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election, so instead it came out five days later – As I’ve said all along!” Trump tweeted.
despite social media crackdown lots of youtube election fraud vids to peruse and comment on today
my commenting account was yeeted at 9pm
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despite social media crackdown lots of youtube election fraud vids to peruse and comment on today
my commenting account was yeeted at 9pm
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@Kaiser : It’s worth appealing cos a YouTube human hasn’t looked at you case
instead it’s just an algorithm.
Someone has repeatedly hit the REPORT button on your comments
..and maybe the algorithm has scanned your comments for banned ideas, so your case sits in the banned box.
If a human could be bothered to look they might unban you,
… bet they would if you were a XR supporter.
President-elect Joe Biden is leading in the traditionally Republican state of Georgia by about 14,000 votes.
The story of the Trump campaign and Four Seasons Total Landscaping – we explain the saga from start to finish.
And Radio 4 has a bunch of folk conceding.
Meanwhile back home, we are treated to Salma, who has five children. Salma is, amazingly, not happy but knows the bbc editorial number.
“They don’t have a quiet place to work… they don’t have the equipment.”
Teaching unions have said despite a push for more devices in England’s schools, many students still don’t have access at home and it’s affecting their learning.
US Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris’ ancestral Indian village has been celebrating her election victory.
Ms Harris will be the first female, first Asian-American and first black vice president of the United States.
Next, The BBC Elizabeth Warren Editor in the very casino built on the spot her great, great, great, great granny scalped her first buffalo soldier.
She will be the latest failed political joke propped up by an overstuffed propaganda machine with money to burn and zero integrity.
BBC Moaning Emole leads with ‘reports of internal tensions’ which I will not share as they appear no more than unsubstantiated baseless media gossip.
However, the real journalistic meat is in the tail…
Should you tip the takeaway delivery driver?
The volume of takeaway food deliveries has soared this year as the pandemic has closed restaurants. Classical musician Jonathan Clarke started delivering food by bicycle for the Deliveroo app in the summer after a number of his concerts were cancelled. He earns about £70 per week from Deliveroo, plus tips. About a quarter of households will give him a tip and the most he has received is £2.
But should you tip the delivery driver? “These individuals are not only providing a luxury service for us, but now they’re putting themselves and their health on the line,” says US etiquette expert Elaine Swann. She says for as long as the pandemic continues, it is best to try to tip takeaway drivers electronically if possible. “That way you don’t put [the driver] in an awkward position to refuse touching the cash.”
Read full article >
Lora Jones
Business reporter, BBC News
Lora is a business reporter, apparently.
And knows classical musicians and US experts in the etiquette of your doner wrap and chips mega deal at £30 to feed the five starving kids.
Top:Tip: Last night we cooked a roast and fresh trimmings. About £10 all in for four.
I suspect not many people know that…..and it will change quite a few donation plans….can you see where the money actually goes (i.e. which ‘good’ causes?)
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People” https://youtu.be/CwdQw_m3_WE
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German??? https://gatesofvienna.net/2025/03/this-time-it-really-was-a-loony/
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign… https://twitter.com/thevivafrei/status/1896995317746438190
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men: https://www.youtube.com/live/GrdmA0VWGSE
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists https://twitter.com/runews/status/1897230271659041182
Great news a Vaccine !!!
Silly me , BBC need to drag us down a peg or two …dont want too much optimism in the UK do we BBC !!!
If President Trump continues to refuse to concede to Biden on the grounds of voting irregularities what will happen? If Barr and the DOJ can be trusted to investigate impartially , and that is a big IF, and they begin to uncover fraud then the Dems and their MSM and Social media allies will move into the next phase of their insurance policy .
Phase one was to fake the polls since the summer
Phase two was to have cart loads of illegal Biden votes ready and waiting to be fed into the system as needed.
Phase three was to start a media storm declaring Biden the winner and not allow a Trump to challenge the result. This is where we currently are.
Phase four will be an attempt to get the electoral college to vote before a Trump has conceded and whilst the legal challenge is still running. If they won’t then we move on to the nuclear option of phase five.
Phase five will be to have a Trump forcibly removed from the WH and stripped of office by the FBI or even the army.
Obviously Phase five looks and smells like a coup but in the last resort they will do it because if Trump gets a second term hundreds of powerful folks will be going to prison for a long time.
The President had better make sure that he has lots and lots good security with 100% loyal officers around him at all times and that the WH is a fortress even when he isn’t there.
I doubt that they’d get away with having the electoral college vote whilst any ex facie legitimate challenge capable of changing the complexion of the election results was proceeding through the courts.
Likewise, I cannot see the President being stripped of his status without the electoral college having appointed an incumbent.
That’s not to say, however, that they won’t try every trick in the book (and the one it sits next to on the shelf) to try to get Biden into the WH.
The self proclaimed worlds greatest news organisation pride of the nation so called BBC cant find a single possible fraudulent vote
Over 51,000 ballots were marked as returned just a day after they were sent out—an extraordinary speed, given U.S. Postal Service (USPS) delivery times, while nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out. Another more than 23,000 have a return date earlier than the sent date. More than 9,000 have no sent date.
I am lead to believe that the BBC,s graphics department has experience in forging that sort of thing.
Its easy, jusr change the locks
FA guy used wrong word = big MSM story
50 beheaded on football pitch in Mozambique = not big MSM story
Wow it’s almost like
*HELPING* BLACK lives IS NOT the real concern
rather it’s about *HURTING* certain WHITE lives
for political gain
I have some experience of how this all started (culture wars) and developed within the university system and it has always been for personal gain and tactical. That is why contradictions can be found all over the place. It is a George Orwell Animal Farm scenario.
If it wasn’t for the sick action in Mozambique that wluld be quite funny. Almost like a woke monty python…
50 heads cut off…that’s nothing…I used the word coloured….now that’s news
BBC prob not mentioning Georgia recount for a while either
Who gave permission for the Ex Rebellion demo which hijacked the Cenotaph?
It had to come from high up.
Look towards the Prime Minister – a greenie climate change believer who is eager to impress his boss, Joe Biden.
On behalf of my grandfather, who went to the bottom of the Indian Ocean with his ship in 1944, I have a message for XR: Eff you, you ignorant, disrespectful turds.
[I’ve toned down the language as much as I feel able to, Fed.]
Those two do not look like kids.
Mental patient and nurse?
Wearing a sand coloured beret, he should be careful he doesn’t get slotted by a SAS man entitled to it.
Please, I know I harp on about this, but I do believe in the climate issue (and am glad the government does) and regard myself as green, but have no sympathy for that action above, which I find repugnant, or for xr in general. Others probably feel the same.
Someone, somewhere is in deep doo doo.
\\’Human rights ignored’ at asylum seeker camp//
Surely better conditions than they had in France.
What do they want , four star hotels ?
Good enough for British army
.. Not good enough for illegal economic immigrants
Vast abuse of human rights
Not only have to live around Welsh people
They have to be back on camp by 10pm
and are not allowed out until 8am
And the rooms are like a youth hostel .
“We came here to live, this is not living”
.. I’m sorry I thought it was supposed to be a step up from being bombed.
“Thank you for providing us with safety and accommodation is what I think they meant to say.”
quote The sinister group Stand Up to Racism is exacerbating the situation in Penally
by encouraging the asylum seekers to complain about their situation & revolt,
supplying them with homemade signs for little photo-op “protests”.
I expect that “Stand Up to Racism” is ambush name
using the admirable virtue as a shield to push it’s real probably Marxist agenda
just as HnH ‘s descriptive name is “Encouraging selective hate to clear the way for Labour”
Why in a time when many people’s lives are like a prison due to lockdown
would SUTR organise a protest saying migrants are being treated like prisoners
..and why choose Remembrance Day
Is it a holiday for their Public servant volunteers ?
Independent footage clip from “Darren Edmundson-Pembrokeshires-Patriot”
probably not Darren holding the camera
cos after some people blocked the camp gate one time
he has draconian bail conditions that he’s not allowed within 1 mile of a migrant.
There are more videos on
Active patriots Twitter
eg ” barrister MUBASHER KHAN, 39 has appeared in court alongside six other men after a violent brawl in the town last October”
I notice on Guido’s blog that Labour-controlled Croydon Council has just declared bankruptcy. It apparently owes something like £1.5 billion, and has been engaged in a lot of disastrous property speculation.
I wonder who will pick up the eventual tab for that, then ? And apparently Croydon is not the only Labour-controlled authority in this sort of situation.
And what the hell happens now ? – the simplest question of which is ‘should not all of thje officers and councillors who let this happen be disbarred immediately from any prominent public or private position for life ? Oh, and were any of them misleading any ‘investors’ and so personally liable ?
And what exactly does all this mean for Croydon – who the hell knows ? But Surkeer will surely have something to contribute ?
Willing to bet that things will just troll along with absolutely no comeback whatsoever.
*Conservative* Northamptonshire County Council went bust in 2018.
Croydon story
The left is currently engaging in unprecedented levels of gaslighting, on many different subjects but predominantly regarding the US election which anyone who bothers to do any research into it or just uses critical thinking knows – not suspects, knows – that Trump would have won in a landslide without the most panicked voter fraud operation in recent history for a first-world country that is, despite the media’s efforts, folding like a house of cards.
Part of the left’s attempts to fool people into thinking up is down is in the way they continually move the goalposts. You can see that in the BBC’s reporting, or in just about any left-learning rag or their catfishing troll accounts on Parler and right-learning message boards. First, they’re trying to portray the polling firms as accurate because “they predicted Biden would win” – which even if the results were legitimate, would be complete nonsense since the polling firms also stated it would ba a blowout and he would win Florida (annihilated there), come close in Ohio (destroyed) and had the best chance of any Democrat in decades in Texas (he won fewer counties there than any Democrat challenger in history). Biden also underperformed compared to Hillary Clinton in every single metropolitan area nationwide, except for Detroit, MilWaukee, Atlanta and Philadelphia – which, coincidentally, were also the largest cities in the states that Trump was leading by hundreds of thousands of votes on Tuesday night then suddenly found himself trailing after they all mysteriously decided to stop counting for the night.
The level of self-delusional and mental gymnastics can also be observed in how they keep subtly changing the rules on what counts as voter fraud. It began with the objectively ludicrous claim that “there’s no evidence of voter fraud.” Then, when that was rightly mocked, it evolved to “there’s no evidence that mail-in voting leads to increased voter fraud.” Immediately after the election and it became obvious that this was going to be an issue in at least one state or one city, it changed again to “there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” Never mind the fact that it doesn’t NEED to be ‘widespread’ (which is a weasle word anyway, since who has decided the definition of ‘widespread’ in this scenario?) in order to sway an election – just five or six major cities can turn an election on its head, as we’re witnessing right now. Now that the evidence is coming out that the fraud is real, it’s proven, people are ready to testify under oath, there’s video evidence of votes being switched (being labelled ‘glitches’ despite ONLY advantaging Biden and Democrats at the expense of Trump and republicans), it’s not limited to the mail-in ballots and states are already indicating that they have no faith in their own results – as evidenced by the welcome news that Georgia is to undergo a complete recount AND AUDIT of its votes – will the BBC and the libscum media finally start to act like real journalists? Of course not – they’ll keep trying to portray those who rightly see Biden’s ‘win’ as illegitimate as conspiracy nuts or bigots, and when they’re eventually forced to report on this they’ll likely move the goalposts AGAIN and try to make out that they’re using the same standards as before. It will probably be “there’s no evidence that the proven voter fraud was known about by the Democrat party,” then “there’s no evidence that it was known about by the Biden campaign,” and so on.
This is what happens in a Marxist landscape where you’re conditioned to believe everything is equal to everything else. Once objectivity and competition are removed, you begin to think that reality itself is open to interpretation.
I think the phrase the US MSM is trying to promote is that there’s no ‘systemic’ voter fraud……attempting to say that, unless there’s fraud absolutely everywhere in the US, than it can’t really be a serious problem at all.
Hmmm – a few swing states ….. and there’s claimed fraud in every one of them….. but it’s not a real problem …..yeah, right !
And, once aqgain, there are all sorts of ‘glitches’ in the voting process – and they all, every one of them of any consequence, pointedly have an effect in the one direction…..I should think that’s ‘systemic’.
Andrew Neil is Henry Olson.
How the courts of the land must miss Brillo’s forensic skills. Oh, hang on…
His disdain for Trump has clearly overcome any residual objectivity he might have possessed. Or perhaps it’s a case of toeing the party line for the sake of his new TV channel…
It is strange how a media whose stock in trade is rumour can now be so absolutely sure that there is nothing to find.
Have these Facebook ‘warnings’ now become the de facto truth?
Or has the word come down from the Democrats dirty tricks department that they think they have done such a good job that no-one will be able to find them out?
Given that the truth about Clinton’s email scandal is only now being established they are probably right, i.e. it will take four years to prove Biden cheated.
If this is the true Andrew Neil, I’m afraid I now have lost any confidence in him and his so-called, ‘impartiality’. Nice to see the clear and resolved emerging as either black or white in their views.
Marianna Spring liked this.
She checks facts, you know.
Nick covers a wide brief.
Does he ever mention NY?
Bri is of course CNN’s Lurch.
Per Trump, the best thing is perhaps not to talk to them?
And the BBC does like CNN.
Katty like knitting?
The BbC. Has drum, will bang it.
Having one fully qualified to take the post might be….. but having discrimination as your best way forward is not exactly encouraging – for anyone.
Surely it’s CHAIRPERSON !!!!
That’s wrongspeak , clearly. Tyrone Mings should lose his job instantly. He is so out of touch
Where’s the campaign ????
Mings has the same management as Rashford.
I saw pictures of Rashford in his Burberry outfits (his latest contract) as we used to say in the Navy, he looks like a sack of sh1t tied in the middle.According to Olly, his boss, after playing 2 games he’s injured, perhaps he’ll be putting in time behind school canteen counters.
I hope Marcus Rashford really does help out at a food bank with his Mum for part of one day a week.
I really do hope that he pays full UK tax on all his earnings and investments here in the UK.
I really do hope that he is generous with his after tax income and donates to food banks and educational charities.
I really do.
He has the potential to be inspirational for a long time in the UK and we sure need some people like that. We also need them to not be discovered as having ‘feet of clay’ as so many have in the past.
The BBC give huge prominence on the 6 pm news to someone called Peter Davies who died of coronavirus.
He was an ordinary member of the public. His relatives were interviewed and quoted.
What was the purpose of this news item? It is not news at all, in fact it is entirely ordinary, given the current situation.
The only conclusion is to depress and de-motivate us.
Indeed Sluff. Now they have found some “victim’s” of increased service charges to air their grievances !!!!
Can the BBC find anyone, anyone who is proud to be British and enjoys living in Britain !!!!
Or anyone who isn’t a victim of something will do for starters .
Why do they hate Britain so much ???
As the BBC does hate Britain so much, it should scrap the TV tax and declare some sort of UDI. They will need an anthem. Any suggestions?
To get the ball rolling, how about “Swamp Thing”?
Mustapha, ‘All the young dudes’ ?
Whats the Use (by Sabbath of Colour)
What’s the use of paradise or everyday of livin’?
They spend and learn in Heaven, sin in Hell
What’s the point of children
When evil got before them?
They learn in every tale we tell
There’s no point in being kind
What’s the use when love becomes an evil of the mind?
Oh Yeah!
What’s the use of power
When the battle isn’t equal
And we’re all too scared to use it anyway?
What’s the point of reason
When no one wants to listen?
Deliverance is all too far away
I am disgusted. Disgusted I tell you.
The government and NHS are proposing to distribute the coronavirus vaccine. To do this they need to keep it at -80C which can only realistically be achieved by the mass use of dry ice. Carbon Dioxide, which will sublime, will be released in to the atmosphere, and contribute to global warming.
How dare they?
The programme needs to be immediately halted while Extinction Rebellion leaders are consulted and Greta Thumberg must be immediately invited to join the SAGE committee and asked to head up the NHS distribution task force in order to approve a zero emission, green alternative.
So, have I got this right, the chairman of the FA has been sacked because he used the phrase “coloured people” instead of “people of colour.”? This is beyond belief…or it should be…
This is still Armistice day, when we’re asked to spare a few moments in quiet thought, for those that gave their lives for our freedoms.
Millions have died fighting tyranny and attempting to maintain democracy. During The (so called) Great War entire villages of young men perished. You wouldn’t have seen any of these lads kneeling in pathetic subjugation to a bunch of half-witted Marxist thugs, or their half-baked ideology. As far as I’m concerned that should be the sacking offence!
Before we all rush to his defence let’s remember that this is the chairman who was in charge when all of this grovelling and kneeling has taken place. He’s overseen this flesh crawling event and now he’s found himself out of favour.
I don’t like to gloat, but…
This is deliciously Orwellian.
Orientation matters.
During lockdown the fam are learning Mandarin, French and Japanese.
Over dinner the relative merits of language were discussed.
English, for all its faults, was deemed more capable of communication if mutilated by lack of experience.
Until now.
It’s ridiculous to think he was really hounded out for one word
We know a favoured person would have sailed through it
And I bet not whites don’t use the phrase “people of colour” that much, they’ll use a simpler euphemism.
Likewise the hounding of Cummings, wasn’t about his trip.
There is always a real reason and a narrative that they claim is the reason.
(BTW usually English has far more words than all other languages
I only occasionally notice we don’t have a word that a foreign language does.
.. oh and it’s funny)
I think there is ‘black privilege’.
I was at a party hosted by a lady who takes in French students. Two of her guest were female, one white, one black. The white lady was struggling to ask a question about one of the current pair of French students, but how to differentiate her? The taller one? The thinner one?
The black lady could see the problem and had the solution: “You mean the BLACK one?” Something that no ‘white’ person would ever say in ‘mixed’ company.
Wow, that rarest of creatures: a Hollywood celeb with balls.
As rare as a BBC reporter with integrity.
The BBC are going big big big on the need to give the coronavirus to those ‘most in need’.
Economic contribution and productivity is an unacceptable criteria.
Meanwhile it is I believe the case that in the event of the Astra Zeneca virus working, they are not allowed to make a profit out of it.
As economic illiteracy goes, the woke have made us world leaders.
No wonder the country is declining in relative global terms. Its hands are constantly tied by the left.
I doubt if the USA even under Biden, will have such problems. That’s why they are still the world’s biggest economy.
Pt 2
Do you remember a film, ‘Deep Impact’ , in which a meterorite threatened to hit the Earth and cause mass extinction.
In the film, some deep caves were fitted out to house about 10,000 people in the hope they might survive in order to rebuild.
They were chosen on the basis of their skills, age, fertility.
Imagine the same thing in the UK today.
People before profit.
Priority for poor people and northerners.
We’d have no chance, would we?
Welcome to wokeland.
But….it’s really happening. Welcome to the likely coronavirus vaccine prioritisation arrangements.
Why bring Northerners into it Sluff?
You might live south of Birmingham I suspect, but tell me why we’re poor? ????
Various reasons, none of them pejoratively.
But WE (!!!!!) are becoming the next ‘favoured’ group. And it is the selection process of the ‘favoured’, invariably by the Left Liberal virtu-signallers, that needs to be signposted.
i suspect northerners would survive better than southerners , weve got whippets and flat caps to keep us warm
And common sense!
Sluff, think the word vaccine might be missing from your 6.32 p.m. post. 😉
Fair point.
In true Captain Mainwaring style, I did of course do that deliberately.
Glad to see someone was paying attention.
BS liked this.
When the BBC’s shrivelled pepperoni and Sky’s sewer plug are as one, the MSM is toast.
wots so sad??? fat arse has been advocating shut down and hide from day one
perhaps its the lack of incomers that saddens him
Everywhere is deserted when people are forwarned that Boulton is coming.
Constructing Fake Narratives using Censorship is the main way the BBC produces Fake News. But Misinformation on the BBC is increasing and eventually could lead to legal action by Prince Charles.
17th November – BBC Radio 4 – All in the Mind – Spotting Fake News
(1) Read the Daily Mail to find out how the BBC manufactured 32 pieces of misinformation to secure an interview with Princess Diana.
(2) Read the Propaganda Bureau by Andrew Montford to find out how the BBC manufactured misinformation to pass off scientifically ignorant green activists as the best scientific experts.
But with Covid-19 and the US election the BBC seems to be using censorship and distorted graphs manufactured by the BBC graphic department. In the newspaper it says “Somebody has got to have a good shake of the BBC tree so all the lies fall out” and “Legal experts said the BBC could even face a Scotland Yard inquiry over the forgeries and lies”
Advice to Donald Trump, if you are reading this
Get one of those chain things for the Whitehouse door so you can see who it is (you can get them in Wilkos or Wickes)
If it is someone with an Irish accent, green top hat, who does not know what day of the week it is who has forgot his name, with a black girl following him
Dont Let him in
The BBC must be hyperventilating with excitement at the prospect of interviewing the next President-in-waiting, Heels-Up Harris.
Female, Black, Brown, Woke, Leftist… how many boxes can one human being tick?
The fawning will be audible from outer space, 24/7/365.
Anyone interested ?
Express Yourself! Think you can do better than our writers? Then prove it!
EXPRESS Yourself is Express.co.uk’s search for authentic voices from Britain’s streets, front rooms, workplaces, schoolrooms, and just about anywhere and everywhere we can find them.
Reach plc (ie The Mirror Group)
Tonight’s episode revealed that Ruari (Brian Aldridge’s illegitimate son by Irish translator lady Siobhan, who died a while ago) is BISEXUAL! He told a best mate that a guy called Troy was his “ex” … so I/we briefly concluded that he was gay (we’ve been there already with Adam, Jennifer’s own illegitimate child by Paddy Redman, long before Brian). But then he told the mate that he might be interested in girls too! So, that’s one-up on Adam, who is merely gay and has a child by surrogate mother with partner Ian.
The BBC really is one great steaming pile of tokenistic horse droppings.
Mustapha, you should know that the countryside and farming runs on manure these days.
Any of The Masters golf on al beeb anywhere over the next four days people? ⛳
I’ll be watching through my phone and the Mobdro app but I suspect it’s too expensive for al be nowadays ????????
Women’s football, not so much ????
@TLWEI you should have given a trigger warning
before using that slave word “masters”
Not prime time
Thu November 12 @ 23:30 — 01:00 BBC TWO
Golf: The Masters Highlights
Kat Downes presents as the world’s finest players face off on the fairways and greens of Augusta National in one of golf’s major tournaments.
Is she a tickbox bimbo ?
Also features @KenBrownGolf @iaincartergolf @MrAndrewCotter and Peter Alliss (of course
next 4 days
Iain Carter promoting
Pre Masters podcast, previewing #themasters with @NickFaldo006 and @alibruceball
Thanks StewGreen ????????
Kat Downes….. who? ????
I remember when old jug-ears had this gig but I guess him and the whole golf shebang are TOO expensive for al beeb nowadays ????
Seriously, what sport do they still show? And note I used the word ‘sport’ so don’t give me women’s football or rugby ⚽ ????
It’s been an absolute Annus Horribilis for al beeb with cancellations of both the Olympics and Wimbledon ????
“Publish Priti Patel bullying claims report, says PM’s standards adviser”
Perhaps we will have a new Home Sec ? Someone who will put British people before the ‘Channel invaders ‘ ?
Is a Downing Street bullying report about Carrie Symonds bossing the Bottler ?
riddle me this
if a safe vaccine can be created and tested in 10 months
why does it normally take 10 years
In a word: money.
The pharma giants all know that the profit potential of an effective Covid-19 vaccine is huge, so (with the financial assistance of governments) they’ve pumped resources into it.
Moreover, they’ve been able to use previous research in order to create an effective vaccine. Believe me, they weren’t starting from scratch on this one.
And here’s the thing: they don’t even need to be first to strike it big. The market for C-19 vaccines is so big that it no one company could hope to satisfy it.
Don’t think it does, Kaiser. I noticed that boo boo on TWatO at lunchtime today and forgot to post about it. The influenza vaccine has to be updated every year otherwise it would be totally ineffective. Most vaccines can be developed in a week or two. It is the testing, safety tests and regulatory approval that takes time.
If any Docs or folk working in Big Pharma need to correct me, then please do. E. & o.e. 😉
If I recall correctly, in 2009, when the Mexican Swine ‘flu’ thing got going a vaccine was available within weeks, in plenty of time for Gordon Brown and the NHS to waste £billions of UK taxpayers money on it.
Even piers Morgan’s lad has had enough of him !!!
People who use the word decimation, should realise it means one in ten dying, we have a long way to go before then, I reckon at a rough count about 5,950,000.Now that would be serious.
Today’s TV
Channel 5 8-10:45pm Michael Buerk on WW2
Last night the BBC aired :
Is This Coercive Control?:
A BBCThree doco about womens’s rights
Ironic cos the BBC has a culture of coercively controlling its audience.
The BBC and the MSM in general has no interest at all in women’s rights.Particulary white Conservative women.
Their target is the so called “minority rights”, or the rights of people who can more easily be convinced of their “victimhood” whether it be racial, gender, lifestyle or whatever. These are the people more likely to cast a left wing vote simply because of the false supposition that the left will support the underdog – unless of course the underdog is silly enough to express anti left opinions.
Effing madness !!!!
Any half-decent lawyer should be able to have that decision – and the 2000 votes – kicked into touch.
I was shocked by the language on this meme, as will be many other readers of this family site, and demand it be taken down forthwith.
Just noticed the Argos xmas advert, one token white person .Well another shop that I wont use. Getting sick of it now.
@cheshirepolice charged nurse Lucy Letby with 8 charges of murder and 10 charges of attempted murder relating to the deaths & non fatal collapses of babies at the Countess of Chester Hospital between 2015-2016.
FFS how do 18 murders nearly happen in a hospital and no one notices ?
Reminds me of the story about the high-dependency bed that had higher than normal death rates.
Turned out that the cleaner unplugged it to plug in her vacuum cleaner!
Reminds me of the difference between a docror and a civil engineer, the doctor generally only kills one at a time
Doctors are technicians, like car mechanics, and don’t design anything. They work with mass-produced items and with mass-produced methods, some that work and some that don’t.
Civil engineers are, well engineers, and design things that never existed before. Considering that a lot of what they do is unique, with no chance of building a prototype, they actually do remarkably well.
(It has been said that the only way you will know what problems will exist in building a tunnel is to drill a horizontal test bore the same diameter and length of the tunnel that you intend to build).
The Cardiologist and the Honda Mechanic.
A Honda mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Honda when he spotted a well-known cardiologist in his shop.
The cardiologist was there waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his car when the mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey Doc, want to take a look at this?”
The cardiologist, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the Honda. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, “Doc, look at this engine. I opened its heart, took the valves out, repaired or replaced anything damaged, and then put everything back in, and when I finished, it worked just like new. So how is it that I make $24,000 a year and you make $1.7M when you and I are doing basically the same work?”
The cardiologist paused, leaned over, and then whispered to the mechanic….
“Try doing it with the engine running.”
I think I now know why Joe Biden was in his basement for most of the election campaign. He was holding seances contacting the dead.
Let’s give him credit, he secured a good turn out from them.
AOC and other Dems are compiling blacklists of Trump supporters for later retribution, while CNN warns that known Trump supporters will struggle to get jobs in future.
The BBC might like to follow their example, and block job applicants who are known to have voted Conservative or supported Brexit.
What’s that? They already do?
Carol Thatcher says, off-air, that a certain sportsman resembles a golliwog, Gauleiter Jo Brand shops her and she never appears on the BBC again.
Hauptgauleiter Jo Brand muses on-air about chucking battery acid over Nigel Farage and is promptly awarded the BBC’s Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.
I’m testing the new Bill Gates Covid-vaccine
but every time I sit down to do some work
a new patch come out on my arm and slows me down.
All depends what version of the vaccine your using. Old versions will stop working unless you pay for a newer version.
The Rebel : CNN and Twitter caught with fake fact checks
Just to clarify …
The US Constitution’s SOLUTION to a mucked-up election:
This election process was so badly contaminated by “irregularities” (all of which “favored” one side) that public trust in any results ultimately attributed to it is irreparably broken. Believe it or not, neither this generation nor this nation are “unique” in corrupting an election process.
The US Constitution provides the LAWFUL and PEACEFUL process by which resolution is possible.
If President Trump does NOT concede to a fraudulent result generated by an election process tainted by illegitimate rule changing, ballot-harvesting, voting by dead people and other corruptions, here are the options:
1. Recount
2. Appeal to the judiciary
3. Election by the House
If neither recount nor recourse to the judiciary are able to produce a set of certifiable state results that award 270 electors to a victor, then it goes, per the Constitution’s 12th Amendment, to the People’s House.
The election process TOO TAINTED to produce a certifiable winner of 270 electors is SET ASIDE ENTIRELY and the PEOPLE’S House conducts a new election there.
In the PEOPLE’S HOUSE, each state will have ONE vote.
Although representation in the House is apportioned to the population of each state, (there are presently 435 total representatives) this function of the House is constitutionally designed to take the place of a function that is normally performed by the states, themselves, rather than by central-popularity contest.
In keeping with this goal, the Constitution provides each STATE one House-Representative vote.
Excerpted from Amendment 12, US Constitution:
“… if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote…”
Refer to the US Constitution and specifically, to the 12th Amendment for confirmation of this info.
9 days ago in Leeds : Punishment policing aimed at intimidating anti-lockdown protesters
I don’t agree with Ezra
#1 The police are right to reach out to organisers to say they will help with legal protest .. that’s the carrot
.. If Amy is just a speaker not an organiser, the liason officer is verging on harassment.
However the waiting for a demo to end and arresting a speaker is the STICK. and the police have a duty to effect arrests in the least damaging way possible.
More vote rigging?
Was Vaccine Announcement Delayed to Help Biden Win?
despite social media crackdown lots of youtube election fraud vids to peruse and comment on today
my commenting account was yeeted at 9pm
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If you would like to appeal the suspension, please submit this form.
and now youtube now down YES youtube
despite social media crackdown lots of youtube election fraud vids to peruse and comment on today
my commenting account was yeeted at 9pm
We’d like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines (https://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines), your YouTube account ************ has been suspended.
Your account has been terminated as a result of repeated abusive, hateful and/or harassing comments that violate our community guidelines.
We do not allow content on YouTube that:
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Contains targeted harassment including, but not limited to, stalking, threats, bullying, or intimidation
Has the primary aim to maliciously attack another person or deliberately humiliate them
See our Help Center for more information about our policies prohibiting hate speech and harassment. In protecting our ecosystem, sometimes we make the wrong call and when notified we act quickly to fix it.
Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts. For more information about account terminations and how our Community Guidelines are enforced, please visit our Help Centre.
If you would like to appeal the suspension, please submit this form.
and now youtube now down YES youtube
I look at Twitter much less now – and have commentated on social media apart from here . Has any ones mind been changed by that shouting match?
I also wonder if – because of the ever tightening censorship -sites like Twitter and YouTube will diminish ….
By the way – you put up a duplicate but in the circumstance I won’t take the copy down…..
the duplicate, yeah my browser seems to do that sometimes on this site ???
@Kaiser : It’s worth appealing cos a YouTube human hasn’t looked at you case
instead it’s just an algorithm.
Someone has repeatedly hit the REPORT button on your comments
..and maybe the algorithm has scanned your comments for banned ideas, so your case sits in the banned box.
If a human could be bothered to look they might unban you,
… bet they would if you were a XR supporter.
lol Ive appealed
but I would like to know which comments got me banned
i dont tend to swear or threaten people or keep after the same commentor , so it would be interesting to know
but I doubt they will tell me
Multiple good news from Dr Turley. (Admittedly he’s always a bit Pollyanna.)
BBC on Facebook. Relentless.
President-elect Joe Biden is leading in the traditionally Republican state of Georgia by about 14,000 votes.
The story of the Trump campaign and Four Seasons Total Landscaping – we explain the saga from start to finish.
And Radio 4 has a bunch of folk conceding.
Meanwhile back home, we are treated to Salma, who has five children. Salma is, amazingly, not happy but knows the bbc editorial number.
“They don’t have a quiet place to work… they don’t have the equipment.”
Teaching unions have said despite a push for more devices in England’s schools, many students still don’t have access at home and it’s affecting their learning.
(via BBC Family & Education News) bbc.in/32urXHa
‘News’ just in…
US Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris’ ancestral Indian village has been celebrating her election victory.
Ms Harris will be the first female, first Asian-American and first black vice president of the United States.
Next, The BBC Elizabeth Warren Editor in the very casino built on the spot her great, great, great, great granny scalped her first buffalo soldier.
She will be the latest failed political joke propped up by an overstuffed propaganda machine with money to burn and zero integrity.
Never heard of books and pens then ? and turning your 55 inch tv down a bit ?
BBC Moaning Emole leads with ‘reports of internal tensions’ which I will not share as they appear no more than unsubstantiated baseless media gossip.
However, the real journalistic meat is in the tail…
Should you tip the takeaway delivery driver?
The volume of takeaway food deliveries has soared this year as the pandemic has closed restaurants. Classical musician Jonathan Clarke started delivering food by bicycle for the Deliveroo app in the summer after a number of his concerts were cancelled. He earns about £70 per week from Deliveroo, plus tips. About a quarter of households will give him a tip and the most he has received is £2.
But should you tip the delivery driver? “These individuals are not only providing a luxury service for us, but now they’re putting themselves and their health on the line,” says US etiquette expert Elaine Swann. She says for as long as the pandemic continues, it is best to try to tip takeaway drivers electronically if possible. “That way you don’t put [the driver] in an awkward position to refuse touching the cash.”
Read full article >
Lora Jones
Business reporter, BBC News
Lora is a business reporter, apparently.
And knows classical musicians and US experts in the etiquette of your doner wrap and chips mega deal at £30 to feed the five starving kids.
Top:Tip: Last night we cooked a roast and fresh trimmings. About £10 all in for four.
He’s also unhappy the Bashir story is going nowhere.
Seems the bbc does control the narrative.
Dont forget to get involved with bBCs Children in need, although this isn’t anything to do with the bBC, and is a private charity
Thanks for that Andy
I suspect not many people know that…..and it will change quite a few donation plans….can you see where the money actually goes (i.e. which ‘good’ causes?)