No you didn’t, you came from Calais… to get a council house
‘We escaped from war to a prison’: Migrants protest over conditions at ex-military base in Wales that was turned into massive camp for asylum seekers
Asylum seekers housed at a former military camp protested over conditions
Up to a dozen of the refugees protested outside the base holding signs saying: ‘Where are the human rights,’ and ‘we want justice’.
Others held carboard banners with ‘the refugee has a right to stay in a home’, ‘we want better conditions’, and ‘save us from Covid 19
I’ve made this observation before Darcy. If you look at the style of the protest boards you can see straight away that they were all done by the same person.
Judging by the fairly well-scripted letters I would guess that these have all been supplied to the migrants by some lefty agitator who would normally be knocking them up for XR or BLM.
It’s entirely possible that the actual migrants in the photos have no idea what is written on them either.
As my old Dad would have said, “I wasn’t born yesterday mate!”
Ezra has a vid about the XR stunt
Yesterday was of course the day for remembering the dead .. not for political stunts.
Imagine if we lived in Soviet times, and at the scene of your grandmother’s funeral , Stalin authorised a team to come down and step over her grave to put a huge
“Communism Rules” wreath above the ones you placed,
all while Stalin’s police stood by
and then that’s what appeared on the nightly news.
Guido mentioned that the covid positive SNP girl MP who refused to resign is returning to the Commons to speak in a debate – that should be ‘entertaining ‘ if she physically turns up .
I’ve noticed the speaker getting ground down by the job and behaviour of MPs – no wonder ….
“All of us are focussing on the big task” @RobertJenrick tells @BBCr4today blaming political journalists for obsessing about who runs No 10 during a pandemic, economic crisis & vital trade talks
Looks more likely that he was intending to set fire to himself, that is why the police from the car suddenly ran forward rather than getting back in their car and clearing the scene.
Perhaps had one too many Khan ‘tickets’ in the post?
TOADY Watch #1 – Jus’ lovin’ the divisiveness an’ all
Ladies Day at Wimbledon W1A with the Bee Lady and Mishal. They are almost besides themselves with glee at the prospect of a small war breaking out within 10 Downing Street and maybe disrupting Brexit. Funny how President Trump cannot get his divisiveness (MAGA and all that) approved in W1A but Bojo can.
It would appear that the Classics-educated (literature, not cars) Prime Minister may have taken a viper into his bosom and his bed. Oh dear! I’m sure there is a lesson there from Greek or Roman mythology and history, or even from our Royal Navy of old. There was a lesson from the previous administration with advisors Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill.
Learn from the past Boris or you will be doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
I’ve just heard that the appallingly woke England manager, Gareth Southgate, has come out in support of the sacking of the FA chairman, over his “deplorable language”…which (if you’ve forgotten) was to use the antiquated term “coloured” to describe black people.
In these sensitive times it’s difficult to keep up. Apparently “people of colour” is perfectly acceptable, but “coloured people” is absolutely reprehensible. Honest to God, I can’t see much difference, but what do I know?
It’s a bleedin’ minefield for an old codger like me…
There seems to be a sort of one-upmanship among the wokerati to outdo each other in the “I’m deeply offended” stakes. Members of this terribly fragile community must be walking on egg shells, forever sniffing out remarks that they can muster some moral outrage about. Their vindictive venom is quite startling. A man has lost his job for using the term “coloured.”
I really hope that neither Gareth or Gary are overheard saying something inappropriate.
Yes, the politically correct nomenclature changes from week to week. Get it wrong at your peril.
Perhaps we could adapt the American example: African-British?
(Until next week, when that too will be deemed offensive – by someone whose job it is to be permanently offended.)
Vlad – I’ve mentioned before -here – that I once had to teach sessions on ‘unconscious racism ‘. Personally it was one of the most morally challenging things I’ve done – my white audience all had to sit through it . A senior manager would be there to make sure I held the company HR so my challenge was to say the words but not mean them . I succeeded …..
I use the term ‘coloured ‘ here because I know it is not ‘approved’ . Even that PC term is offensive to me now
. If people get offended – tough – language is a weapon against people like me who will never conform to those ‘requirements ‘….
And it’s tricky when one is ‘moderating ‘ and used to words not available on this site …..
“deemed offensive” .
There were millions of people offended by the events that took place at the Cenotaph yesterday, only this time the police did nothing !
We have a Tory Government in charge and a Tory Home Secretary.
At the same time we are being invaded from across the Channel while those ‘intercepted’ are not being repelled and turned back but put up in 4 star hotels by private companies .
What Tory Government?
The nation needs The Reform Party now .
The BBC promotes the Daily Telegraph to top of the pile in their on-line review of today’s newspapers. Why? What report could have caught the eye or tickled the fancy of BBC editors?
The Telegraph leads with some Downing Street tittle-tattle: ‘PM’s advisor quits in No 10 power battle’ – a pic of a dishevelled-looking Boris (that tends to be his look – I’d swear he cuts his own hair with a knife and fork) captioned: ‘Boris Johnson marking Armistice Day at Westminster Abbey, had his appointment of Lee Cain effectively vetoed by Carrie Symonds’ – that’s as maybe but it’s no news to us that of late Boris is in something of a tizzy policy-wise.
The Times is a sad sufferer of the recently diagnosed condition “Long-Brexit” – those afflicted, according to the BMJ (sic, sarc) may be prone to “not recovering [for] several weeks or months [or years?] following the start of symptoms” – or in common parlance they just can’t get over it – and so it is with the Times, exhibiting a feverish reaction which Remains long after the initial incident: ‘Leading Brexiteer quits No 10 after staff revolt’
The FT is a fellow sufferer, its sense of smell completely lost when it comes to Brussels BS: ‘Vaccine action EU secures 300m doses’
Seems all roads lead back to the China Flu. The Telegraph insists: ‘Public “must not wait” for a perfect vaccine’ – that’s the old Blitz Spirit returning to Britain, give us the untested dodgy first doses, we’ll go guinea pig!
The Mirror attempts to reassure: ‘Health Chief backs new jab “Vaccine safe enough for my mum” The freebie Metro is in jocular mood about the risks of this rushed to market novel miracle cure-all: ‘Van-Tam: jab for mam. Prof tells mother to get ready for vaccine’
Not so fast… ‘Save Covid vaccines for the NHS’ insists the ‘i’. Come off it Prof Van-Tam, we’ll have less of your preferential passing the precious magic juice off to your relatives – that’s just queue jumping.
The ‘i’ further boosts the NHS love with Dan Walker eulogising ‘The heroes who lift us’
We’ll quickly gloss over the (apparent) nurse, one half of the duo the Star characterises with: ‘Sick scumbags defile Cenotaph’
And move rapidly on from: ‘Children’s nurse charged with eight murders’ (‘i’)
The Guardian embraces its infantile happy go lucky rainbows and unicorns Lefty characterisation this morning: ‘Look up at the sky. Why the rainbow is the symbol of 2020’ and then quickly reverts to doom monger mode: ‘Government admits millions may miss out on most effective vaccine’
Oh dear. “Tory Government admits moon not made of cheese”
The Guardian joins the BBC in the relish with which it marks the: ‘Latest grim milestone. The UK’s Covid-19 death toll has passed 50,000, a first in Europe’ – aha, I spy Long-Brexit.
‘Tariq Ali was spied on by police for 35 years’ (Guardian) – and quite right too.
I’ll give this to the Guardian, they do seem to have noticed the twilight of freedom in Hong Kong: ‘China’s “death-knell” for autonomy in Hong Kong’
Less so the FT, which appears to view the crushing of democracy in the former British colony as a business deal: ‘Uncertain territory. China’s Hong Kong takeover is close to completion’
And finally, where else but the Star? ‘Bonkers new advice for pet owners. Boffins today warn we must keep our dogs six feet apart and our cats indoors to halt Covid’ – so with that latest Micky Mouse, looney ‘toons regulation… we’ll bid you adieu… That’s all, folks!
As I see it – I presume these newspapers use the new banner ‘there is no evidence of this ‘ in the Twitter style ….
I suppose the people who cover number 10 think such trivia is important – but we are 6 weeks from cutting the EU cords – finally-so more trash will turn up
I see all MSM reporting through the prism of Brexit. There are powerful forces that would still like to see it stopped. A conservative friend a couple of weeks ago asked me if I had heard that Carrie had left Boris and that he had a new girlfriend. Today’s news doesn’t suggest it. I keep reading that Boris will resign in the spring/after Xmas/fill in your own blank.
There is a determined effort to bring the government down. I am not happy with some of what this government has done re covid (football in empty stadiums and really I think they shouldn’t have bothered as it it to please the gamblers in the east, and cycle lanes are fine if you are fit and healthy but leave them until there can be proper consideration) but at least Boris didn’t take the knee.
But think of the US elections. These are dangerous times. What we don’t want at this time is the fall of government. And be sure it is part of the BBC agenda.
The EU fails again. Douglas Murray in the Speccie highlights the lack of European solidarity for Macron in his fight against Islamism.
“Throughout this whole shocking episode there remains one great question. Where are France’s friends and allies? Where has the German government been? Did Angela Merkel at any point join her French counterpart in condemning the pattern of violence followed by the exhortation of the extremists from the Turkish and Pakistani leaders? No — she remained silent, as though the protection of the principles of the French Republic are of no interest to Germany…
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, even seemed to side with the Turks. When asked about Macron’s defence of the right to show cartoons, he replied that ‘freedom of expression is not without limits’.
Most shamefully for us, the Prime Minister and government of the United Kingdom have also remained silent. While we rightly focus on future trade relations with France and the rest of the EU, to ignore such a massive issue is a deep mistake. The principles France is defending may be subtly different from those of the UK, but at the most fundamental level they are shared.
Whether or not France’s allies are scared, Macron is not. In an interview with Al Jazeera at the end of last month, he pointed out that the people he says are ‘distorting’ the religion of Islam ‘teach that women are not equal to men. They teach that girls should not have the same rights as boys.’ Well, Macron went on: ‘Not on our soil. We believe in the Enlightenment.’
Of course, hanging over that noble claim is the question all our countries have avoided for decades. Which is that while it is all very well to do a better job of asserting your values, what (if anything) can be done with people who are in your country, who know what your values are and still reject them? Like all his European counterparts, Macron has put that discussion off for another day. But the rest of this civilisational issue he has decided to have out. He has decided — whether sincerely or politically barely matters — to make a stand on the principles of the Republic he leads. He deserves the support of his friends. To date he has not even got our words. To our shame, not his.
I heard on R4 this morning that ‘apparently’ (probably from their ‘sources’) that Carrie also vetoed somebody for a Govt position…my question
Do they have evidence? No of course not, it is just about making Boris look weak
When oh when will this pathetic lily-livered Govt hit the BBC hard?
More propaganda from Al Beeb ………….”Brexit: UK has to ‘knuckle down’ and get a trade deal with EU, – Irish PM”
Didn’t we bail them out a few years ago ?
IMHO if BoJo gets us truly and successfully out of the EU the Irish Republic will follow .
The EU cannot sustain its economic stability without the UK. They need our money and need our fish .
Isn’t it curious that, (according to the clip), Biden, five generations away from Ireland considers himself an Irish-American yet there isn’t a single English-American* to be found in the whole of the USA?
I’m curious as to where Micheál Martin thinks ‘authoritariansm’ is being promoted and ‘freedom of speech’ is under attack.
To this little bear the USA, EU and the UK would appear to be in the forefront of these assaults on our freedoms that the rest of the world have never had.
[A modern rule of thumb: Whatever ‘the left’ accuses other people of doing you can bet they are doing it more so themselves.]
* Sorry, I was forgetting Mehdi ‘Cattle Kafirs’ Hassan, now an ‘English’-American.
taffman, if I recall correctly one of our biggest bust Banks which had to be bailed out by the taxpayer loaned the Irish Government quite a bit of £billions. Cannot remember exactly, but I think it was post-2009, so it was when we really needed the dosh, too.
\\Home Office ‘missed chance to stop rise in migrant boats’//
\\Mr Bolt said the Home Office had “neither the capacity nor the capabilities… to manage this threat more effectively”.//
Question: The Government calls in the Army to help with the Nightingale Hospitals and ‘Track and trace’ . Why didn’t call the Royal Navy and Royal Marines to manage this threat more effectively?
In the wake of the hating of Greg Clarke for his hate speech and resignation as well as the discussion further up this page there was a wonderfully cringeworthy and buttock-clenchingly embarrassing moment on the TOADY Prog this a.m..
The Bee Lady interviewed a young lass who judging by her voice was a Londoner. She had been in trouble with the Police during her teens and had a conviction for Actual Bodily Harm. This young lady has reformed (it would appear and one would hope that is the case, but the BBC do not like good news stories like that – shame – I do) but is troubled by her youth offences (note the plural) still appearing on her record and having to be mentioned in Enhanced Safeguarding checks. I got the distinct impression that this young lady (still in her 20s?) was not only a Londoner but of BAME origin.
Toward the end of the interview the interviewee made a statement about the Enhanced checks and that disclosure of childhood offences being unfair and affecting job prospects “because it meant that I am on a (uncomfortable pause when listeners knew what was passing through her mind – should I use that word? – is there an alternative? but no) ‘blacklist’. Cue embarrassed intervention from Martha “Yes, we know what you mean.” Small chuckle from Bee Lady who moves rapidly on.
She does not have to apply for the few positions requiring enhanced disclosures, they are there to protect the vulnerable from those with convictions such as violence etc.
(or for security related positions where the offence is considered in relation to the position)
No thoughts about that BBC ? that we chould have mechanisms in place to prevent violent offenders working with vulnerable people including youg children just because one is BAME ?
ABH is quite a serious offence, whatever age it is committed
“ABH is quite a serious offence, whatever age it is committed”.
In fact, ABH has moved, ‘downmarket’ to fill the void/position of ‘Assault and Battery’. The police, in the latter, almost never bothering to prosecute unless they are anxious to, ‘throw the book’ when people like Tommy Robinson are involved in any incident. I know, I know: I forgot, sorry – “who’s real name is Yaxley-Lennon” – just for the purists amongst us……….
Lammy is currently campaigning for convictions to be ;removed ‘ as they tend to stop his tribe from getting things …
… I was going to say ‘jobs’…. obviously running corrupt councils takes more coloured staff …. particularly the housing departments – which seem to attract Nigerians – a similar phenomenon applies to passport offices …..
Maybe mr Lammys view was coloured by Diane abbots criminal son …
Yesterday Sammy Woodhouse spoke on TalkRadio
about being the first Muslim raping gang victim to speak publicly in 2013
And how the establishment was against her.
They cited lack of evidence against the perp, even though her child was a product of rape and therefore DNA evidence. direct link to audio
Hugh likes to scare his viewers every day telling us how deadly Covid is !!!
Hugh and the BBC champion lockdowns, stay at home they yell !!
Go figure Hugh you prat !!!
Nearly 140,000 people have waited over a year for a routine operation or procedure in England. The figure for September published by NHS England was the highest since September 2008. The total waiting list is now 4.35 million.
Ah, I thought his name was Yoo Pim. Rarely see his face as he is always masked up hanging around ITUs.
I don’t think he has any medical qualifications. He did the PPE. So that is OK
Remember the BBC telling us in no uncertain terms….
House Prices would drop 50% on a Leave vote ? They didn’t !!
Stock Market would crash on a Leave vote ? It didn’t !!
Donald Trump if elected would cause WW3 ? He didn’t !!
Donald Trump will create war with N Korea ? He didn’t !!
There would now be 4000 Covid deaths per day ? There isn’t
There was Russian Collusion in US election ? There wasn’t
Cliff Richard was as guilty as sin ? He wasn’t
Kids would die of hunger in the school holidays ? They didn’t
To name but a few examples …. so when they tell me there is NO EVIDENCE of any Voter Fraud in the US election …. i think i will wait to see for myself thanks BBC !!!
SADIST \\ Stefan Wallace from Dagenham has been jailed for six months for filming himself torturing a cat with spray paint before killing it.
A police spokesman said: “Given the content of his footage I believe he has played a sinister part in the deaths of a number of animals.”//
You can guess his photo
The Talk Radio expert said we appear to have an epidemic of False-testing
Her theory that current PCR testing sytem produces masses of false positives
That of course some people in ICU hace real Covid and their deaths are real covid
but others have something else or some other respiratory illness and they died of that yet Covis is on their death certificate.
She says the vindication is the Liverpool mass test system
Saying it is PROTEIN testing, which is a new type of testing
and is much more accurate. The way only 0.5% test positive suggests that forecasts based on the PCR tests are way overestimating.
Pathologist Dr Clare Craig: “Mass testing in Liverpool has tested 44,000 people and only 0.5% were positive. What that means is we've got a really good test at showing who has definite Covid. It has shown up the testing that we’ve had to have failed."@JuliaHB1 |
She is the expert Dr Mike Yeadon quoted back in September
when he made his false prediction that deaths would not rise.
… However it does make a difference if it came out that lots of deaths logged as Covid weren’t Covid
or that they were people who had something else and were then put in Covid wards where they then caught it.
Clare Craig just tweeted Yes. This is the current catastrophe.
If you test all hospital staff every week with a faulty test and make them stay home with their household for 14 days then hospital care falls apart.
People will die because of this.
Sunday Times PR In June, a photograph of Patrick Hutchinson hauling an injured far-right protester to safety went viral. Now he’s launched a charity,
@UTCAI_, and written a book.
I was wondering what the Lee Cain story was all about. Then I noticed all the usual MSM suspects have shifted the spotlight onto Cummings and are trying to pressure him to resign as well.
The BBC joined in by aparently thinking this is worthy as part of their main article:
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer told LBC Radio: “This is pathetic. I think millions of people will be waking up this morning, scratching their heads, saying what on earth is going on?
I’m not wondering Keir. It’s more dirty tricks by hypocrites like you and the BBC.
I was driving so listened to much of R4 this morning including above items…what I did notice is that there were no male presenters and no male interviewees, even when the piece was about gaming (a 90% male domain) they had a lady gamer…
TBF the from our correspondents which included the Goat was quite interesting ( I missed the bit on Georgia swing state though)
But you are right – The title was Can I still read Harry Potter as an adult but actually the story was – can I still read Harry Potter after JKR sided with women and not TRANS…
It was quite apparent that the ‘yank’ in question had issues and was unable to separate her adult person from her child..and so she had to stop reading the books because what JKR said was sooooo upsetting.
Quite why this was on is beyond me- guess it was the Trans slot
One major factor has been completely and deliberately kept out of the article. See if you can spot what it is by looking at the pictures of the murderers.
100% typical BBC. It’s what they try to hide that makes them dishonest.
In 2000, Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe offered to send election observers to oversee the Florida recount, which came as a reputational blow to US democracy. Then there were actual ballots, with pregnant chads, to argue over. There’s no equivalent in 2020, and no evidence of fraud.
I would add the proviso that, while Turley’s facts and figures are rigorously correct, his overall assessments of the situation tend to be on the optimistic side.
One question for Old Goat- tell us how matters really are in France, and not just with the Coronavirus issue-I know when I lived in S/West France nearly 18 years ago, the Muslim population was very small and hardly registered on the Rickter scale! They had in fact traded and lived in that area for some centuries-no Mosque had been allowed to be built, the Musilms used an ordinary house for their prayers. Certainly they were not any in local position of power . What now is the position?
I can only speak for the area in which I live – the Correze in the south of the Limousin. The commune here is tiny – we hardly see anyone at all, which is why we are able to escape the stupid Covid restrictions – nobody takes any notice.
In the local towns (nearest one 10 Km away), we have to wear a mask, but there are very few Muslims about, even in the larger towns, and the few we see are generally no trouble. There are bound to be mosques, but I’ve no idea where they might be, and have never seen one.
They tend to favour urban areas, and rarely venture into the country. This idyllic, hilly, forested area would be anathema to them!
I’ve no doubt it’s a different story further west (Bordeaux), and south (Toulouse and Marseille), but here we are not really affected.
I think there was a plan to house immigrants in large houses or hostels in the country areas, but I gather those that were accommodated, all ran away…
New Zealand ..always a steady trickle of cases
as they follow their HIDE from the virus policy
.. You get outsiders saying NZ has eradicated the virus
but as expected when you stop hiding the virus is still there.
Friday Auckland central workers are being asked to work from home.
Of course it’s good deaths have so far been minimal, but they’ll have to hold out until vaccines has come and been completed.
Covid-19 coronavirus: Auckland CBD staff should work from home if they can, new case's movements revealed
— EIN Presswire: Starbucks Newswire (@EINStarbucks) November 12, 2020
Advert for a BBC programme – the late great Richard Holmes series on war walks repeated on BBC tonight ….
I saw the ‘Retreat from Mons ‘ last night – still impressive …sadly I started thinking about how it would be done now – that female monster with a witches’ hair who is forever going on about lady issues ..ugh ..
In the above-referenced article by Douglas Murray, I have one quibble with Macron: “…people he says are ‘distorting’ the religion of Islam ‘teach that women are not equal to men.”
That is NOT a distortion, but the factual truth about islam.
Quran (4:24) and Quran (33:50) – A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage. Note that the verse distinguishes wives from captives (those whom they right hand possesses).
Quran (2:223) – “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…” A man has dominion over his wives’ bodies as he does his land. This verse is overtly sexual.
Quran (4:11) – (Inheritance) “The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females” (see also verse 4:176). In Islam, sexism is mathematically established.
Quran (2:282) – (Court testimony) “And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women.”
Sahih Muslim (4:1039) – “A’isha said [to Muhammad]: ‘You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses’” These are the words of Muhammad’s favorite wife, complaining of the role assigned to women under Islam.
Abu Dawud (2155) – Women are compared to slaves and camels with regard to the “evil” in them.
Sahih Bukhari (6:301) – “[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.’”
Sahih Bukhari (2:28) & Sahih Bukhari (54:464) – Women comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants. This is important because the only women in heaven mentioned explicitly by Muhammad are the virgins who serve the sexual desires of men. (A weak Hadith, Kanz al-`ummal, 22:10, even suggests that 99% of women go to Hell).
Sahih Bukhari (62:81) – “The Prophet said: “‘The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women’s) private parts (i.e. the stipulations of the marriage contract).’” In other words, the most important thing a woman brings to marriage is between her legs.
Sahih Bukhari (62:58) – A woman presents herself in marriage to Muhammad, but he does not find her attractive, so he “donates” her on the spot to another man.
Ishaq 878 – “From the captives of Hunayn, Allah’s Messenger gave [his son-in-law] Ali a slave girl called Rayta and he gave [future Caliph] Uthman a slave girl called Zaynab and [future Caliph] Umar a girl to whom Umar gave to his son.” – Even in this world, Muhammad treated women like party favors, handing out enslaved women to his cronies for sex.
MSM softening up whittee to die whilst the coloured people get the vaccine first – they are claiming coloureds are twice as likely to get covid that whitee.
From my own observation about distancing and hygiene and mask wearing i can understand why- soap anyone ?
Daily Mail screaming in its headlines about the resignation. But I remember their journalist in the Rose Garden over Cummings. His hate for Cummings oozed through every pore. With their Remain stance I can believe they are over egging the pudding.
Has Brillo been replaced by a Stepford Anchorperson?
So farewell, Lee Cain. Can’t recall ever meeting you but you were one who kept stringing us alone during the 2019 campaign saying Boris Johnson really wanted to do a BBC interview with me, it was just matter of logistics. Bollox, wasn’t it? But I guess doing your master’s bidding
Yes the Neil self regard is planet sized and I think when he got ‘played ‘ by the boris Johnson clan it became personal and therefore devalues his reliability as a rare ‘impartial ‘ journo ….
…. he broods too … which I guess is the side effect of single malt ….
Time I think for the Government to strongly warn the BBC with threats of action that they exist as a UK PUBLIC BROADCASTER and not a propaganda arm for the left-wing and Marxism.
A neighbour, a well-educated woman was “let-go” from her admin job of 10 years recently so is job-hunting.
She saw an opening for a curator at a local authority museum and decided it would be a good move and fit, so sent for the application form.
The form was preceded by a list of criteria for applicants applying amongst of which at least 3 must apply, typically….
“The applicant must have been in receipt of free school meals…”
“The applicant must have had both parents unemployed…”
“The applicant must be from a social group considered underrepresented in this career field…”
Now there’s discrimination and discrimination isn’t there?
And it’s little wonder that local councils are so bloody inept!
An outright Marxist Organisation with a self declared Marxist leader demanding it’s agenda be put into action as a priority in return for it’s votes.
I don’t think this will go down too well with most of the population really…. As I remarked pre-election, if the Dems win the USA is pretty much finished as a democracy.
I think Chlorinated chicken is the last thing the Free World needs to worry about now from across the pond.
“I don’t think this will go down too well with most of the population really”. I don’t think the communists actually give a damn about most of the population. It sure ain’t their style!
Just recently, ‘Sleepless in Kent’, has changed to ‘Snoring in Kent’, as a fumble with a DAB radio found ‘Smooth Chill’, and the whole relaxing issue becomes solved in about 20 minutes! This would fit the bill perfectly! Much better than R5 Dead, although I still think Dotun ploughs a different furrow to most of the lefties in W1AA.
Their life is certainly nothing like mine, or Mrs O’Blene’s, but the sentiments of The Poor Clares are a perfect antonym to the various ‘religions’ of filth and hate we are instructed to endure by the woke sjws and weedy/murderous snowflakes of this world.
Nice bit of ‘diversity’ in the list of 100 killers – a good 53 appear to have very shallow roots in the UK.
Nevertheless no doubt they are all ‘British’ so they have integrated here better than Biden has in the USA, who, five generations distant from County Mayo, claims to still be Irish.
Seems anyone, anywhere, can send Nick a #prasnews release, and so long as it meets bbc editorial TDS guidelines, it’s in.
The Elders, the group of global leaders founded by Nelson Mandela, has put out a stinging statement saying that Donald Trump’s refusal to concede is ‘putting at risk the functioning of American democracy.’
I wonder if some of the elders have never been elected
or are unclean ?
Lakhdar Brahimi, former Foreign Minister of Algeria (Yeh Top democrat country NOT)
.. (The main party, the FLN, has been in power since 1962. Little changed since.
Algeria is ruled by an iron hand since late 1990s and this has remained.)
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norway PM ..ex WHO head
Hina Jilani, international human rights defender from Pakistan
Graça Machel former Education Minister of Mozambique, widow of Nelson Mandela
Mary Robinson former President of Ireland
Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico
Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile
Ban Ki-moon former Secretary-General of the United Nations
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,
Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia
Zeid Raad Al Hussein, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
From what we know already of “Joe’s” plans it’s pretty clear where he is getting his orders from.
If you consider….
1. Global warming will become an all-of-government agenda.
2. The USA will again support the UN and WHO.
3. The legal wall against migration to the USA is to be removed.
4. Negotiations will commence with far left and Marxist organisations.
These policies will cement the USA as a key driver of Globalist World-wide ambitions.
I firmly believe the Democrats are already supported and funded by the mega-dollars of the Globalists such as Soros as are much of the US press and media.
This is thoroughly worked out plan and will result in the destruction of the USA as a balance against Globalism.
It is predicted that if the Democrats get in and their plans for instance over migration are put in place, the USA will absorb many, many millions of incoming migrants in the next 4 years and these will be from all over the World not just South America. No doubt the idea is that they are importing Democratic voters for the future to create a society where the only possible Government is what we are for the time being calling Democrat.
I see only two outcomes that could possibly frustrate this.
1. Fraud is revealed on such a scale that the presidency has to be handed to Trump.
2. The US economy tanks so badly during a Democrat regime that the population rise against it and throw it out.
Finally, don’t expect any of these possibilities being given air-time on the BBC.
vladMar 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 2 -tier Justice to be enshrined in law. “Starmer Moves To PUNISH ‘White’ British People”
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:35 Midweek 5th March 2025 Definitely a loony, but German???
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll.
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men:
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists
No you didn’t, you came from Calais… to get a council house
‘We escaped from war to a prison’: Migrants protest over conditions at ex-military base in Wales that was turned into massive camp for asylum seekers
Asylum seekers housed at a former military camp protested over conditions
Up to a dozen of the refugees protested outside the base holding signs saying: ‘Where are the human rights,’ and ‘we want justice’.
Others held carboard banners with ‘the refugee has a right to stay in a home’, ‘we want better conditions’, and ‘save us from Covid 19
One demonstrator held up a sign saying: ‘We escaped from war to prison’
Around 230 migrants were sent to the former army training centre in Penally
I’ve made this observation before Darcy. If you look at the style of the protest boards you can see straight away that they were all done by the same person.
Judging by the fairly well-scripted letters I would guess that these have all been supplied to the migrants by some lefty agitator who would normally be knocking them up for XR or BLM.
It’s entirely possible that the actual migrants in the photos have no idea what is written on them either.
As my old Dad would have said, “I wasn’t born yesterday mate!”
Ezra has a vid about the XR stunt
Yesterday was of course the day for remembering the dead .. not for political stunts.
Imagine if we lived in Soviet times, and at the scene of your grandmother’s funeral , Stalin authorised a team to come down and step over her grave to put a huge
“Communism Rules” wreath above the ones you placed,
all while Stalin’s police stood by
and then that’s what appeared on the nightly news.
He may be in with a chance if he has a dog.
Its the Iron Cross, awarded by Goebbels.
Popcorn time
Guido mentioned that the covid positive SNP girl MP who refused to resign is returning to the Commons to speak in a debate – that should be ‘entertaining ‘ if she physically turns up .
I’ve noticed the speaker getting ground down by the job and behaviour of MPs – no wonder ….
OT, but surely someone, somewhere has given Beth some kind of award for something?
Toenails chips in.
The comments have noticed U.K. MSM efforts too.
“A police station in north London had to be evacuated after a car crashed into the building.
An eyewitness reported seeing a man then pouring petrol over the car and setting it alight.”
Norwegian perhaps?
Incidentally the video clearly shows him setting THE STREET on fire in front of buses, and not the car.
Tut tut, it seems our 3 billion-pound funded most-trusted broadcaster can’t even report on a video clip correctly.
Looks more likely that he was intending to set fire to himself, that is why the police from the car suddenly ran forward rather than getting back in their car and clearing the scene.
Perhaps had one too many Khan ‘tickets’ in the post?
Recent footage from different angles clearly shows the man pouring petrol on the road, and not the car as the BBC claim.
TOADY Watch #1 – Jus’ lovin’ the divisiveness an’ all
Ladies Day at
WimbledonW1A with the Bee Lady and Mishal. They are almost besides themselves with glee at the prospect of a small war breaking out within 10 Downing Street and maybe disrupting Brexit. Funny how President Trump cannot get his divisiveness (MAGA and all that) approved in W1A but Bojo can.It would appear that the Classics-educated (literature, not cars) Prime Minister may have taken a viper into his bosom and his bed. Oh dear! I’m sure there is a lesson there from Greek or Roman mythology and history, or even from our Royal Navy of old. There was a lesson from the previous administration with advisors Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill.
Learn from the past Boris or you will be doomed to repeat the same mistakes.
I’ve just heard that the appallingly woke England manager, Gareth Southgate, has come out in support of the sacking of the FA chairman, over his “deplorable language”…which (if you’ve forgotten) was to use the antiquated term “coloured” to describe black people.
In these sensitive times it’s difficult to keep up. Apparently “people of colour” is perfectly acceptable, but “coloured people” is absolutely reprehensible. Honest to God, I can’t see much difference, but what do I know?
It’s a bleedin’ minefield for an old codger like me…
There seems to be a sort of one-upmanship among the wokerati to outdo each other in the “I’m deeply offended” stakes. Members of this terribly fragile community must be walking on egg shells, forever sniffing out remarks that they can muster some moral outrage about. Their vindictive venom is quite startling. A man has lost his job for using the term “coloured.”
I really hope that neither Gareth or Gary are overheard saying something inappropriate.
That would be so upsetting…
Yes, the politically correct nomenclature changes from week to week. Get it wrong at your peril.
Perhaps we could adapt the American example: African-British?
(Until next week, when that too will be deemed offensive – by someone whose job it is to be permanently offended.)
Vlad – I’ve mentioned before -here – that I once had to teach sessions on ‘unconscious racism ‘. Personally it was one of the most morally challenging things I’ve done – my white audience all had to sit through it . A senior manager would be there to make sure I held the company HR so my challenge was to say the words but not mean them . I succeeded …..
I use the term ‘coloured ‘ here because I know it is not ‘approved’ . Even that PC term is offensive to me now
. If people get offended – tough – language is a weapon against people like me who will never conform to those ‘requirements ‘….
And it’s tricky when one is ‘moderating ‘ and used to words not available on this site …..
“deemed offensive” .
There were millions of people offended by the events that took place at the Cenotaph yesterday, only this time the police did nothing !
We have a Tory Government in charge and a Tory Home Secretary.
At the same time we are being invaded from across the Channel while those ‘intercepted’ are not being repelled and turned back but put up in 4 star hotels by private companies .
What Tory Government?
The nation needs The Reform Party now .
Several letter in today’s D/Express discuss the same topic. – why is it ok to say “people of colour” but offensive to say “coloured people”.
We are becoming more and more governed by social media every day.
The BBC promotes the Daily Telegraph to top of the pile in their on-line review of today’s newspapers. Why? What report could have caught the eye or tickled the fancy of BBC editors?
The Telegraph leads with some Downing Street tittle-tattle: ‘PM’s advisor quits in No 10 power battle’ – a pic of a dishevelled-looking Boris (that tends to be his look – I’d swear he cuts his own hair with a knife and fork) captioned: ‘Boris Johnson marking Armistice Day at Westminster Abbey, had his appointment of Lee Cain effectively vetoed by Carrie Symonds’ – that’s as maybe but it’s no news to us that of late Boris is in something of a tizzy policy-wise.
The Times is a sad sufferer of the recently diagnosed condition “Long-Brexit” – those afflicted, according to the BMJ (sic, sarc) may be prone to “not recovering [for] several weeks or months [or years?] following the start of symptoms” – or in common parlance they just can’t get over it – and so it is with the Times, exhibiting a feverish reaction which Remains long after the initial incident: ‘Leading Brexiteer quits No 10 after staff revolt’
The FT is a fellow sufferer, its sense of smell completely lost when it comes to Brussels BS: ‘Vaccine action EU secures 300m doses’
Seems all roads lead back to the China Flu. The Telegraph insists: ‘Public “must not wait” for a perfect vaccine’ – that’s the old Blitz Spirit returning to Britain, give us the untested dodgy first doses, we’ll go guinea pig!
The Mirror attempts to reassure: ‘Health Chief backs new jab “Vaccine safe enough for my mum” The freebie Metro is in jocular mood about the risks of this rushed to market novel miracle cure-all: ‘Van-Tam: jab for mam. Prof tells mother to get ready for vaccine’
Not so fast… ‘Save Covid vaccines for the NHS’ insists the ‘i’. Come off it Prof Van-Tam, we’ll have less of your preferential passing the precious magic juice off to your relatives – that’s just queue jumping.
The ‘i’ further boosts the NHS love with Dan Walker eulogising ‘The heroes who lift us’
We’ll quickly gloss over the (apparent) nurse, one half of the duo the Star characterises with: ‘Sick scumbags defile Cenotaph’
And move rapidly on from: ‘Children’s nurse charged with eight murders’ (‘i’)
The Guardian embraces its infantile happy go lucky rainbows and unicorns Lefty characterisation this morning: ‘Look up at the sky. Why the rainbow is the symbol of 2020’ and then quickly reverts to doom monger mode: ‘Government admits millions may miss out on most effective vaccine’
Oh dear. “Tory Government admits moon not made of cheese”
The Guardian joins the BBC in the relish with which it marks the: ‘Latest grim milestone. The UK’s Covid-19 death toll has passed 50,000, a first in Europe’ – aha, I spy Long-Brexit.
‘Tariq Ali was spied on by police for 35 years’ (Guardian) – and quite right too.
I’ll give this to the Guardian, they do seem to have noticed the twilight of freedom in Hong Kong: ‘China’s “death-knell” for autonomy in Hong Kong’
Less so the FT, which appears to view the crushing of democracy in the former British colony as a business deal: ‘Uncertain territory. China’s Hong Kong takeover is close to completion’
And finally, where else but the Star? ‘Bonkers new advice for pet owners. Boffins today warn we must keep our dogs six feet apart and our cats indoors to halt Covid’ – so with that latest Micky Mouse, looney ‘toons regulation… we’ll bid you adieu… That’s all, folks!
As I see it – I presume these newspapers use the new banner ‘there is no evidence of this ‘ in the Twitter style ….
I suppose the people who cover number 10 think such trivia is important – but we are 6 weeks from cutting the EU cords – finally-so more trash will turn up
I see all MSM reporting through the prism of Brexit. There are powerful forces that would still like to see it stopped. A conservative friend a couple of weeks ago asked me if I had heard that Carrie had left Boris and that he had a new girlfriend. Today’s news doesn’t suggest it. I keep reading that Boris will resign in the spring/after Xmas/fill in your own blank.
There is a determined effort to bring the government down. I am not happy with some of what this government has done re covid (football in empty stadiums and really I think they shouldn’t have bothered as it it to please the gamblers in the east, and cycle lanes are fine if you are fit and healthy but leave them until there can be proper consideration) but at least Boris didn’t take the knee.
But think of the US elections. These are dangerous times. What we don’t want at this time is the fall of government. And be sure it is part of the BBC agenda.
The EU fails again. Douglas Murray in the Speccie highlights the lack of European solidarity for Macron in his fight against Islamism.
“Throughout this whole shocking episode there remains one great question. Where are France’s friends and allies? Where has the German government been? Did Angela Merkel at any point join her French counterpart in condemning the pattern of violence followed by the exhortation of the extremists from the Turkish and Pakistani leaders? No — she remained silent, as though the protection of the principles of the French Republic are of no interest to Germany…
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, even seemed to side with the Turks. When asked about Macron’s defence of the right to show cartoons, he replied that ‘freedom of expression is not without limits’.
Most shamefully for us, the Prime Minister and government of the United Kingdom have also remained silent. While we rightly focus on future trade relations with France and the rest of the EU, to ignore such a massive issue is a deep mistake. The principles France is defending may be subtly different from those of the UK, but at the most fundamental level they are shared.
Whether or not France’s allies are scared, Macron is not. In an interview with Al Jazeera at the end of last month, he pointed out that the people he says are ‘distorting’ the religion of Islam ‘teach that women are not equal to men. They teach that girls should not have the same rights as boys.’ Well, Macron went on: ‘Not on our soil. We believe in the Enlightenment.’
Of course, hanging over that noble claim is the question all our countries have avoided for decades. Which is that while it is all very well to do a better job of asserting your values, what (if anything) can be done with people who are in your country, who know what your values are and still reject them? Like all his European counterparts, Macron has put that discussion off for another day. But the rest of this civilisational issue he has decided to have out. He has decided — whether sincerely or politically barely matters — to make a stand on the principles of the Republic he leads. He deserves the support of his friends. To date he has not even got our words. To our shame, not his.
vlad: “Most shamefully for us, the Prime Minister and government of the United Kingdom have also remained silent.”
Perhaps (I type with tongue in cheek) Carrie Symonds vetoed that sort of intervention?
I heard on R4 this morning that ‘apparently’ (probably from their ‘sources’) that Carrie also vetoed somebody for a Govt position…my question
Do they have evidence? No of course not, it is just about making Boris look weak
When oh when will this pathetic lily-livered Govt hit the BBC hard?
More propaganda from Al Beeb ………….”Brexit: UK has to ‘knuckle down’ and get a trade deal with EU, – Irish PM”
Didn’t we bail them out a few years ago ?
IMHO if BoJo gets us truly and successfully out of the EU the Irish Republic will follow .
The EU cannot sustain its economic stability without the UK. They need our money and need our fish .
Kudos to whoever did the cutaways.
She looks like wants to lick him like a 99.
Isn’t it curious that, (according to the clip), Biden, five generations away from Ireland considers himself an Irish-American yet there isn’t a single English-American* to be found in the whole of the USA?
I’m curious as to where Micheál Martin thinks ‘authoritariansm’ is being promoted and ‘freedom of speech’ is under attack.
To this little bear the USA, EU and the UK would appear to be in the forefront of these assaults on our freedoms that the rest of the world have never had.
[A modern rule of thumb: Whatever ‘the left’ accuses other people of doing you can bet they are doing it more so themselves.]
* Sorry, I was forgetting Mehdi ‘Cattle Kafirs’ Hassan, now an ‘English’-American.
taffman, if I recall correctly one of our biggest bust Banks which had to be bailed out by the taxpayer loaned the Irish Government quite a bit of £billions. Cannot remember exactly, but I think it was post-2009, so it was when we really needed the dosh, too.
\\Home Office ‘missed chance to stop rise in migrant boats’//
\\Mr Bolt said the Home Office had “neither the capacity nor the capabilities… to manage this threat more effectively”.//
Question: The Government calls in the Army to help with the Nightingale Hospitals and ‘Track and trace’ . Why didn’t call the Royal Navy and Royal Marines to manage this threat more effectively?
“Attention! You are illegally entering UK waters, turn around NOW!”
“WEO to GP Machine gunner. Two second burst, red 100.”
Like that?
“Edmonton police station car crash: Man arrested”
Another ‘flying gas main’ ?
“Labour should apologise for Brexit policy, say key Corbyn allies”
Sound advice for the Labour Party ?
TOADY Watch #2 – pardon the language
In the wake of the hating of Greg Clarke for his hate speech and resignation as well as the discussion further up this page there was a wonderfully cringeworthy and buttock-clenchingly embarrassing moment on the TOADY Prog this a.m..
The Bee Lady interviewed a young lass who judging by her voice was a Londoner. She had been in trouble with the Police during her teens and had a conviction for Actual Bodily Harm. This young lady has reformed (it would appear and one would hope that is the case, but the BBC do not like good news stories like that – shame – I do) but is troubled by her youth offences (note the plural) still appearing on her record and having to be mentioned in Enhanced Safeguarding checks. I got the distinct impression that this young lady (still in her 20s?) was not only a Londoner but of BAME origin.
Toward the end of the interview the interviewee made a statement about the Enhanced checks and that disclosure of childhood offences being unfair and affecting job prospects “because it meant that I am on a (uncomfortable pause when listeners knew what was passing through her mind – should I use that word? – is there an alternative? but no) ‘blacklist’. Cue embarrassed intervention from Martha “Yes, we know what you mean.” Small chuckle from Bee Lady who moves rapidly on.
“I have a little list.”
“Don’t tell him, Pike”
She does not have to apply for the few positions requiring enhanced disclosures, they are there to protect the vulnerable from those with convictions such as violence etc.
(or for security related positions where the offence is considered in relation to the position)
No thoughts about that BBC ? that we chould have mechanisms in place to prevent violent offenders working with vulnerable people including youg children just because one is BAME ?
ABH is quite a serious offence, whatever age it is committed
“ABH is quite a serious offence, whatever age it is committed”.
In fact, ABH has moved, ‘downmarket’ to fill the void/position of ‘Assault and Battery’. The police, in the latter, almost never bothering to prosecute unless they are anxious to, ‘throw the book’ when people like Tommy Robinson are involved in any incident. I know, I know: I forgot, sorry – “who’s real name is Yaxley-Lennon” – just for the purists amongst us……….
Lammy is currently campaigning for convictions to be ;removed ‘ as they tend to stop his tribe from getting things …
… I was going to say ‘jobs’…. obviously running corrupt councils takes more coloured staff …. particularly the housing departments – which seem to attract Nigerians – a similar phenomenon applies to passport offices …..
Maybe mr Lammys view was coloured by Diane abbots criminal son …
People pretending to be OUTRAGED about the word “coloured”
.. 2 minutes later use the sexist/racist stereotype “pale/male/stale”
Nothing happens.
Yesterday Sammy Woodhouse spoke on TalkRadio
about being the first Muslim raping gang victim to speak publicly in 2013
And how the establishment was against her.
They cited lack of evidence against the perp, even though her child was a product of rape and therefore DNA evidence.
direct link to audio
And yet just seen an advert for a “Stephen Lawrence night” on TV FFS does it ever end
How many racially abused rape victims as above
or white victims of black murder
or PC Blakelock etc etc
No ‘Kriss Donald’ night, then?
Thought not…
Hugh likes to scare his viewers every day telling us how deadly Covid is !!!
Hugh and the BBC champion lockdowns, stay at home they yell !!
Go figure Hugh you prat !!!
Ah, I thought his name was Yoo Pim. Rarely see his face as he is always masked up hanging around ITUs.
I don’t think he has any medical qualifications. He did the PPE. So that is OK
Energy journos have this bad habit of sitting there all day cutNpasting Green-dream PR materials from subsidy corps
The Times Emily is one of them.
I’m quoting a blue tick, so almost sure it’s not fake
Remember the BBC telling us in no uncertain terms….
House Prices would drop 50% on a Leave vote ? They didn’t !!
Stock Market would crash on a Leave vote ? It didn’t !!
Donald Trump if elected would cause WW3 ? He didn’t !!
Donald Trump will create war with N Korea ? He didn’t !!
There would now be 4000 Covid deaths per day ? There isn’t
There was Russian Collusion in US election ? There wasn’t
Cliff Richard was as guilty as sin ? He wasn’t
Kids would die of hunger in the school holidays ? They didn’t
To name but a few examples …. so when they tell me there is NO EVIDENCE of any Voter Fraud in the US election …. i think i will wait to see for myself thanks BBC !!!
Star post…..shame nobody of consequence reads our little missives..might give them some ammunition…or do they?
SADIST \\ Stefan Wallace from Dagenham has been jailed for six months for filming himself torturing a cat with spray paint before killing it.
A police spokesman said: “Given the content of his footage I believe he has played a sinister part in the deaths of a number of animals.”//
You can guess his photo
The Talk Radio expert said we appear to have an epidemic of False-testing
Her theory that current PCR testing sytem produces masses of false positives
That of course some people in ICU hace real Covid and their deaths are real covid
but others have something else or some other respiratory illness and they died of that yet Covis is on their death certificate.
She says the vindication is the Liverpool mass test system
Saying it is PROTEIN testing, which is a new type of testing
and is much more accurate. The way only 0.5% test positive suggests that forecasts based on the PCR tests are way overestimating.
She is the expert Dr Mike Yeadon quoted back in September
when he made his false prediction that deaths would not rise.
… However it does make a difference if it came out that lots of deaths logged as Covid weren’t Covid
or that they were people who had something else and were then put in Covid wards where they then caught it.
Clare Craig just tweeted
Yes. This is the current catastrophe.
If you test all hospital staff every week with a faulty test and make them stay home with their household for 14 days then hospital care falls apart.
People will die because of this.
Sunday Times PR
In June, a photograph of Patrick Hutchinson hauling an injured far-right protester to safety went viral. Now he’s launched a charity,
@UTCAI_, and written a book.
Be LOL funny if their intentions were not so venal.
BBC But News
The UK economy grew by a record 15.5% in July to September, but it remains below pre-Covid level.
Newsnight hosts a ‘discussion’ and… well I’ll be… it’s Polly!
One of UK PM Boris Johnson’s closest aides, director of communications Lee Cain, has resigned amid reports of internal tensions in Downing Street.
On BBC Newsnight, Times journalist Lord Daniel Finkelstein and Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee discussed the ramifications for No 10.
I was wondering what the Lee Cain story was all about. Then I noticed all the usual MSM suspects have shifted the spotlight onto Cummings and are trying to pressure him to resign as well.
The BBC joined in by aparently thinking this is worthy as part of their main article:
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer told LBC Radio: “This is pathetic. I think millions of people will be waking up this morning, scratching their heads, saying what on earth is going on?
I’m not wondering Keir. It’s more dirty tricks by hypocrites like you and the BBC.
I caught thr end of From our own correspondent with a posh anglo talking about cretian goat rustling –
Which has followed by something about harry potter with some kidult disfinctional yank going on about being ‘ non binary’
Does that mean ‘dyke ‘?
Off switch –
I was driving so listened to much of R4 this morning including above items…what I did notice is that there were no male presenters and no male interviewees, even when the piece was about gaming (a 90% male domain) they had a lady gamer…
TBF the from our correspondents which included the Goat was quite interesting ( I missed the bit on Georgia swing state though)
But you are right – The title was Can I still read Harry Potter as an adult but actually the story was – can I still read Harry Potter after JKR sided with women and not TRANS…
It was quite apparent that the ‘yank’ in question had issues and was unable to separate her adult person from her child..and so she had to stop reading the books because what JKR said was sooooo upsetting.
Quite why this was on is beyond me- guess it was the Trans slot
Well, I just saw the biggest ever elephant in the room on the good old BBC:
One major factor has been completely and deliberately kept out of the article. See if you can spot what it is by looking at the pictures of the murderers.
100% typical BBC. It’s what they try to hide that makes them dishonest.
Vlad posted this link earlier this morning but I must emphasise it. It contains a pretty good summary of where the US election is right now.
B…but… Nick is fact checking…
I doubt that Nick could find his own backside with both hands and a flashlight.
I would add the proviso that, while Turley’s facts and figures are rigorously correct, his overall assessments of the situation tend to be on the optimistic side.
One question for Old Goat- tell us how matters really are in France, and not just with the Coronavirus issue-I know when I lived in S/West France nearly 18 years ago, the Muslim population was very small and hardly registered on the Rickter scale! They had in fact traded and lived in that area for some centuries-no Mosque had been allowed to be built, the Musilms used an ordinary house for their prayers. Certainly they were not any in local position of power . What now is the position?
I can only speak for the area in which I live – the Correze in the south of the Limousin. The commune here is tiny – we hardly see anyone at all, which is why we are able to escape the stupid Covid restrictions – nobody takes any notice.
In the local towns (nearest one 10 Km away), we have to wear a mask, but there are very few Muslims about, even in the larger towns, and the few we see are generally no trouble. There are bound to be mosques, but I’ve no idea where they might be, and have never seen one.
They tend to favour urban areas, and rarely venture into the country. This idyllic, hilly, forested area would be anathema to them!
I’ve no doubt it’s a different story further west (Bordeaux), and south (Toulouse and Marseille), but here we are not really affected.
I think there was a plan to house immigrants in large houses or hostels in the country areas, but I gather those that were accommodated, all ran away…
New Zealand ..always a steady trickle of cases
as they follow their HIDE from the virus policy
.. You get outsiders saying NZ has eradicated the virus
but as expected when you stop hiding the virus is still there.
Friday Auckland central workers are being asked to work from home.
Of course it’s good deaths have so far been minimal, but they’ll have to hold out until vaccines has come and been completed.
Advert for a BBC programme – the late great Richard Holmes series on war walks repeated on BBC tonight ….
I saw the ‘Retreat from Mons ‘ last night – still impressive …sadly I started thinking about how it would be done now – that female monster with a witches’ hair who is forever going on about lady issues ..ugh ..
In the above-referenced article by Douglas Murray, I have one quibble with Macron: “…people he says are ‘distorting’ the religion of Islam ‘teach that women are not equal to men.”
That is NOT a distortion, but the factual truth about islam.
Quran (4:24) and Quran (33:50) – A man is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage. Note that the verse distinguishes wives from captives (those whom they right hand possesses).
Quran (2:223) – “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…” A man has dominion over his wives’ bodies as he does his land. This verse is overtly sexual.
Quran (4:11) – (Inheritance) “The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females” (see also verse 4:176). In Islam, sexism is mathematically established.
Quran (2:282) – (Court testimony) “And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women.”
Sahih Muslim (4:1039) – “A’isha said [to Muhammad]: ‘You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses’” These are the words of Muhammad’s favorite wife, complaining of the role assigned to women under Islam.
Abu Dawud (2155) – Women are compared to slaves and camels with regard to the “evil” in them.
Sahih Bukhari (6:301) – “[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.’”
Sahih Bukhari (2:28) & Sahih Bukhari (54:464) – Women comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants. This is important because the only women in heaven mentioned explicitly by Muhammad are the virgins who serve the sexual desires of men. (A weak Hadith, Kanz al-`ummal, 22:10, even suggests that 99% of women go to Hell).
Sahih Bukhari (62:81) – “The Prophet said: “‘The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women’s) private parts (i.e. the stipulations of the marriage contract).’” In other words, the most important thing a woman brings to marriage is between her legs.
Sahih Bukhari (62:58) – A woman presents herself in marriage to Muhammad, but he does not find her attractive, so he “donates” her on the spot to another man.
Ishaq 878 – “From the captives of Hunayn, Allah’s Messenger gave [his son-in-law] Ali a slave girl called Rayta and he gave [future Caliph] Uthman a slave girl called Zaynab and [future Caliph] Umar a girl to whom Umar gave to his son.” – Even in this world, Muhammad treated women like party favors, handing out enslaved women to his cronies for sex.
And a whole lot more:
MSM softening up whittee to die whilst the coloured people get the vaccine first – they are claiming coloureds are twice as likely to get covid that whitee.
From my own observation about distancing and hygiene and mask wearing i can understand why- soap anyone ?
George, on the BBC… above it all.
Now back to Knob & Kuenssberg and their ‘I’ve been told…’ scoops.
“gossip and nonsense”. Bit like, “No evidence?”
The BBC trying to stir up a stink over nothing again…
One of Boris Johnson’s closest aides, director of communications Lee Cain, has resigned amid reports of internal tensions in Downing Street.
His departure prompted speculation about the future of the PM’s chief adviser Dominic Cummings, but the BBC was told he would stay for now.
Mr Cain has been at the PM’s side since he was a press officer for the Vote Leave campaign under Mr Cummings.
AH!Now I see whats going on!!!
Daily Mail screaming in its headlines about the resignation. But I remember their journalist in the Rose Garden over Cummings. His hate for Cummings oozed through every pore. With their Remain stance I can believe they are over egging the pudding.
Has Brillo been replaced by a Stepford Anchorperson?
Neil suffers from delusional self-esteem. With a little more humility he would be a better political commentator.
Yes the Neil self regard is planet sized and I think when he got ‘played ‘ by the boris Johnson clan it became personal and therefore devalues his reliability as a rare ‘impartial ‘ journo ….
…. he broods too … which I guess is the side effect of single malt ….
Time I think for the Government to strongly warn the BBC with threats of action that they exist as a UK PUBLIC BROADCASTER and not a propaganda arm for the left-wing and Marxism.
A neighbour, a well-educated woman was “let-go” from her admin job of 10 years recently so is job-hunting.
She saw an opening for a curator at a local authority museum and decided it would be a good move and fit, so sent for the application form.
The form was preceded by a list of criteria for applicants applying amongst of which at least 3 must apply, typically….
“The applicant must have been in receipt of free school meals…”
“The applicant must have had both parents unemployed…”
“The applicant must be from a social group considered underrepresented in this career field…”
Now there’s discrimination and discrimination isn’t there?
And it’s little wonder that local councils are so bloody inept!
Keep going team !!!!!
One day maybe Nick Bryant or Jon will pop across one of these stories ?????
Then again ………….
Trump WON this election in a canter !!!!!!
Bit of a conundrum for Biden I would think…
An outright Marxist Organisation with a self declared Marxist leader demanding it’s agenda be put into action as a priority in return for it’s votes.
I don’t think this will go down too well with most of the population really…. As I remarked pre-election, if the Dems win the USA is pretty much finished as a democracy.
I think Chlorinated chicken is the last thing the Free World needs to worry about now from across the pond.
“I don’t think this will go down too well with most of the population really”. I don’t think the communists actually give a damn about most of the population. It sure ain’t their style!
This is possibly about to enter the top 40. it is beautiful, especially in this time. but the wrong religion for the msm in general I suspect
Must have been made by the BBC.
Can’t hear the singers for the ‘background’ music! Oh for plain Plain Song!
Adjust the EQ on your hearing aid ?
The singers seem to be the background.
Well I can hear them, wouldn’t be much point otherwise
This is fabulous, Darcy!
Just recently, ‘Sleepless in Kent’, has changed to ‘Snoring in Kent’, as a fumble with a DAB radio found ‘Smooth Chill’, and the whole relaxing issue becomes solved in about 20 minutes! This would fit the bill perfectly! Much better than R5 Dead, although I still think Dotun ploughs a different furrow to most of the lefties in W1AA.
Their life is certainly nothing like mine, or Mrs O’Blene’s, but the sentiments of The Poor Clares are a perfect antonym to the various ‘religions’ of filth and hate we are instructed to endure by the woke sjws and weedy/murderous snowflakes of this world.
Many thanks for this post!
You are welcome, glad you appreciate it !
there are others such as Voces 8 “Eventide” and some by Eric Whiteacre that may help also
Thanks for this too, Darcy!
Gorgeous Harmony!
I bet the Beeb hated printing the pictures of the perps…just take a look
I demand more female victims of stabbing!
Nice bit of ‘diversity’ in the list of 100 killers – a good 53 appear to have very shallow roots in the UK.
Nevertheless no doubt they are all ‘British’ so they have integrated here better than Biden has in the USA, who, five generations distant from County Mayo, claims to still be Irish.
Almost as diverse as the BBC ‘News’ department or BBC children’s television.
I bet the Beeb hated printing the pictures of the perps…just take a look
BBC Radio 4
One of Britain’s youngest imams, Sabah Ahmedi says he’s changing people’s perceptions about Islam.
Hear his full talk:
Well, super. Sure he is lovely. Quite a claim to get full bbc support.
Seems anyone, anywhere, can send Nick a #prasnews release, and so long as it meets bbc editorial TDS guidelines, it’s in.
Maybe I’ll pop one across about football stadium headers or farmer life expectancy down that way… see if Nick runs it?
There’s what the bbc is interested in.
And what it is interested in and no more.
BBC News
Ron Klain has served as a top aide to Mr Biden since the 1980s in the Senate and later when he was vice-president.
I wonder if some of the elders have never been elected
or are unclean ?
Lakhdar Brahimi, former Foreign Minister of Algeria (Yeh Top democrat country NOT)
.. (The main party, the FLN, has been in power since 1962. Little changed since.
Algeria is ruled by an iron hand since late 1990s and this has remained.)
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norway PM ..ex WHO head
Hina Jilani, international human rights defender from Pakistan
Graça Machel former Education Minister of Mozambique, widow of Nelson Mandela
Mary Robinson former President of Ireland
Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico
Ricardo Lagos, former President of Chile
Ban Ki-moon former Secretary-General of the United Nations
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,
Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Colombia
Zeid Raad Al Hussein, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Who is trying to interfere in a countries democratic affairs
The elders are.
Trump is following due process,
Nick is just embarrassing himself now !!!! Cringe worthy.
Might this be the same Nelson Mandela who once advised the IRA to hang on to their weapons until they got what they wanted?
Yup, thought so.
BBC crisis ..same sex couple forced out of Strictly
Nicola Adams and Katya Jones drop out of Strictly
… after Jones tests positive for COVID-19
I’ll bet. Graun privilege.
I see Polly was on the bbc too.
Impressive for a title that represents an audience that comprises mainly… the bbc.
From what we know already of “Joe’s” plans it’s pretty clear where he is getting his orders from.
If you consider….
1. Global warming will become an all-of-government agenda.
2. The USA will again support the UN and WHO.
3. The legal wall against migration to the USA is to be removed.
4. Negotiations will commence with far left and Marxist organisations.
These policies will cement the USA as a key driver of Globalist World-wide ambitions.
I firmly believe the Democrats are already supported and funded by the mega-dollars of the Globalists such as Soros as are much of the US press and media.
This is thoroughly worked out plan and will result in the destruction of the USA as a balance against Globalism.
It is predicted that if the Democrats get in and their plans for instance over migration are put in place, the USA will absorb many, many millions of incoming migrants in the next 4 years and these will be from all over the World not just South America. No doubt the idea is that they are importing Democratic voters for the future to create a society where the only possible Government is what we are for the time being calling Democrat.
I see only two outcomes that could possibly frustrate this.
1. Fraud is revealed on such a scale that the presidency has to be handed to Trump.
2. The US economy tanks so badly during a Democrat regime that the population rise against it and throw it out.
Finally, don’t expect any of these possibilities being given air-time on the BBC.