‘PM says “the scientists have done it” after UK becomes first country in world to approve Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for widespread use’
Yeah, real scientists, not to be confused with your SAGE planks.
Any guesses for the percentage of public not wanting it?
I won’t be having it for one.
RT : “Putin orders start of mass vaccination against Covid-19 in Russia, will begin NEXT WEEK with key workers given priority
President Vladimir Putin has ordered the start of large scale vaccination against coronavirus in Russia, by the end of next week.
Medics and teachers will be the first to get the shots and participation will be voluntary.
He explained that the amount of doses of the pioneering ‘Sputnik V’ formula already produced will reach two million in the coming days,
And not to be confused with those at Oxford either who got brought to Earth with a bump after they thought they had a nice cushy number working on a ‘general purpose’ vaccine which would never be life-or-death.
After as much hype around there being a woman in charge as the Left could manage, they utterly and totally screwed up when the spotlight hit. 60% for the actual tests they planned and 90% for an accidental wrong dose in a low-risk group where the result cannot be relied upon and they didn’t even manage the test they planned of one dose then half a dose. So they will have to do it again to see if it was a fluke. How embarassing.
The only thing they can say is that it is safe – but they knew that already because they have been working on the base for it for many years. So it will be approved for use to save face.
I saw this coming many months ago when I spotted the very, very careful wording in the reports which implied it worked but didn’t actually say it – such as ‘the most advanced vaccine in the world’ which really meant it was just the most advanced through the trials. A trick the BBC are very good at.
They’ve made us look like a bunch of amateurs on the world stage.
Just a question, naive as it may be I donate to the Salvation Army for the work they do, especially at Christmas
Those they look after do not have parents spending their money on guns and bombs whilst begging us to feed their kids (Yemen)
Or have a “president” steal billions from their countries reserves to give to their family (South Sudan) whilst begging us to feed their kids (Xmas jumper appeal be aware
Yet we donate for homeless people whilst regularly finding hotels for any that arrive as “refugees” from France, that notorious oppressive regime, FFS ?
why not put our homeless in hotels ? we pay for the refugees from Paris, that war torn horrible place they are all running away from
I refuse to watch Dr Who as I will refuse to watch any James Bond with a black woman playing James Bond or David Copperfield played by a black person or Ann Boleyn played by a black person
Until I see a Scottish red head play Michael Jackson, and his problems with single malt whisky over supplied by Doctor Finlay
And Ray Winstone as Nelson Mandela with Barbara Windsor as Whinny Mandela with an East London slant ( possibly Wormwood Scrubs)
I sent a screenplay to bbc but heard nothing apart from an injunction
Come on Darcy, its just entertainment. What about Muhammad Ali played by Frankie Howard and Martin Luther King played by an Eskimo. An aborigine could play Sir Francis Drake and Sturgeon when she’s finished playing politics could play Megham Markle.
The 2 Ronnies meant for it to be comedy, these pillocks are falliing over each other to be the most ludicrous ‘virtue signaller’ though what actual virtue escapes me to.
Scarlett Johansson played a Japanese character in ‘Ghost in the Shell’ to cries of ‘whitewashing’. Jodie Turner-Smith (A black woman) is cast as Anne Boleyn to cries of ‘Triumph of multiculturalism’ in the Guardian.
Their shameless hypocrisy causes me to dismiss anything else they say as ‘whatever suits their agenda’. Truth and integrity play no part whatsoever.
ITV local news : Seemingly all about preparing for the vaccine
as if we are all gonna have in a month’s time.
… As if this useless bunch could get money done.
Then it’s meetup AGAIN with the lesbian woman who lost her wife to Covid.
StewGreen, So far I have no trust in anything being trolled out by the Government over the question of whatever vaccine is being offered-we need far more transparency than has so far been offered-The track record of both Pfizer and AstraZeneca in terms of fraud, bribary, and false claims over the past 15 years or so has cost Pfizer over $6 billion and over $600 million to AstraZeneca-for the present I won’t be standing in line.
When will the government address the most serious health emergency of our time ?
The mental health of millions of people is being severely affected by watching the endless, unfettered, seditious, deliberately negative doom and gloom output of the BBC.
Surely in the best interests of the NHS and the population generally, the government should ask the MHRA to fast-track the approval of the abolition of the TV licence.
A Somali lorry driver who has never lived with his sons is among those hoping for Joe Biden to reverse Trump’s travel ban so that they can join him in Ohio.
Bet the tvl payers in the U.K. are thrilled to be funding such…. er….?
How refreshing to hear Paul Hudson on Look North. He said that freezing point is 32 degrees. Evidence that he still thinks in non metric units (or is he thinking post Brexit). Don’t tell his superiors.
A BBC comment, therefore it does beg the question does he understand what freezing is ? meeja degrees possibly fail to cover that, and if they did it would be homework given full marks for spelling your name right
Darcy, come on! Freezing and 32? The implication would seem to be very clear. It is when you talk about 2, 1.5, 3 degrees as Matt McGrath did the other day that you need an indication of scale.
Janet Street Porter shouts a loud hooray for the possible permanent closure of Britains smallest pubs. She is disgusted about almost everything about them including the people who use them.
A bigger load of metro-liberal bubble-dwelling diahorrea I have yet to read.
This so sums up the entire twisted ethos of these comfortably off Southern City dwelling hermits.
She has never been into a real pub in her life. If she prefers a pub to be a place where you only go in as a group, only talk to each other, never communicate with anyone you don’t know and eat ridiculous trendy food at inflated prices so as to appear trendy yourself then you are in London my dear.
For myself, the local is amongst the only places left where you can meet and talk with real people.
You can stick your Southern “venues” up your Ar*e Janet!
No wonder Brexit shocked the hell out of these smug automatons.
The law as it stands appears to require an Act of Parliament to force a mentally competent adult to have the covid vaccination. Currently an action of that nature would constitute an assault. This would also apply under NHS rules. Normally the BBC would be over this one like a rash, but, push comes to shove, it toes the line. It is merely an Establishment mouthpiece, pure and simple.
Occasionally I still catch the BBC news. I don’t usually last for long and today was no exception.
They gave us the usual suicidal covid statistics, and then interviewed a young cafe owner whose coffee shop was in deep trouble
“This man’s business” the 12 year old presenter informed us, “has contracted by over 40%…due to covid.”
Um, it may have contracted, but…
This poor bloke’s business hasn’t contracted any amount “due to covid”…it’s due to the government’s illogical response to covid.
Closing the geezer’s cafe for months at a time, imposing unnecessary restrictions and having ludicrous rules about where you can stand and what you have to wear has led to this painful financial problem…not the bloody virus.
Our government’s response has been insane. They’ve managed to turn an undoubtedly deeply unpleasant health crisis into an economic and cultural catastrophe. There is now also the appalling backlog of cancer screenings that no one seems at all bothered about. One million women have missed screenings for breast cancer. There have been delays for lung cancer and diabetes treatments and God only knows what’s happening to those with heart disease.
I think it’s been akin to visiting your doctor with a painful ingrowing toenail, undergoing anaesthetic and hobbling home like Long John Silver.
You wouldn’t blame the bloody toenail.
You’d blame the idiot that removed your leg…
This morning’s criminal deportation flight Speaking on Wednesday, immigration minister Chris Philp said that 13 “dangerous” criminals had been deported in the early hours on Wednesday morning, but many had been left off the flight due to last-minute legal challenges by their lawyers.
“Lost harvests in many countries in the 1970s speak of a turn for the worse in the world’s climate. A mighty machine of air and water, powered by sunshine , makes the weather. Why should it be changing gear, in our lifetimes? Human populations that grew large in the balmier decades of this century now face chronic shortages of food. Forecasts for the decades ahead are ugently needed.
The threat of a new ice age turns out to be more ominous than the experts thought, even a few years ago. Ice sheets have buried the northern lands far more frequently and rapidly than anyone had imagined until now.”
Publisher’s notes to The Weather Machine. The publisher? The BBC. Whatever the question the answer is always the same, we are doomed.
Trump’s new statement
‘They cheated, we are pushing on with the process to ensure only legal votes are counted’
Teitter keeps popping up warnings
Retweeting it takes you 3 clicks instead of one
Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States
Affectionately nicknamed the “Mother of the Holocaust children”, Irena Sendler, a Roman Catholic nurse and social worker created a network of rescuers in Poland.
She smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto in World War II, some of them in coffins.
I am appalled, appalled I say, about the newly approved vaccine.
This vaccine needs to be kept at -70C and this is achieved using Dry Ice aka solid carbon dioxide.
Surely distribution of the vaccine should be halted until Greta Thumberg has been fully consulted and given her own environmental approval.
Doesn’t the government know there is a global warming crisis?
Stop The Steal Rally: Lin Wood is on FIRE.
He’s mad as hell and he ain’t gonna take it anymore.
Somehow I don’t think the Beeb will be covering this popular uprising. Wrong kind of revolution entirely! We only salivate over the Marxists, Che Guevara, Castro, Chavez…
(The entire video is quite long so it’s timestamped. If it doesn’t work properly, I recommend 1:07:10 starting “Read the United States Constitution”)
I listened to the entire speech by Trump. It sounded like a prelude to civil war. That seems the only logical outcome of his words.
Very serious now in the USA.
President Trump makes his ‘most important speech’.
Somehow the BBC misses it as the 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 balls are drawn in South African lottery.
(P.S. that set of numbers is just as likely as any other set, whereas in most elections votes tend to ‘swing’ in the same direction across the country. Unusually in the USA the ‘marginal’ or ‘swing’ states buck the trend, rather conveniently for Biden).
Some years ago, a chum told me a ‘story’ about the lottery which went on at his local pub every Friday.
He found out that the landlord used to mutter a few words to his mate, that he would probably be a winner on a certain date. This was sneered at quite considerably, but all were amazed, when the landlord picked out the winner’s ball. This happened several times, but the balls were picked, in the open, among everyone in the pub, and there could be absolutely no doubt, that the choice of hand-picked ball was above board!
Well, b****r me, they all exclaimed!
What they didn’t know, was that the landlord put the winning ball in his freezer for a couple of hours, and popped it in with the rest of the balls just a few minutes before the draw!
well, it all comes down to who you believe,
a successful business person who has made billions
or a 22 year old with a meeja gcse at the bbc who also tells you
stabbers in London have white hands whenever a picture is shown, ,
white women in the UK are all having relationships with black men
and no muslims are gang raping schoolchildren in every city in this country
Good point – and even if the Dems eventually struggle to the WH, they’re saying they’ll spend all their time ‘undoing’ what a commercially minded man has done for the US over the last four years, which is make the place great again, after Barry’s waste of effort over eight years of ineptitude.
What a sad way to keep an economy going! And they’ll all be up in arms, whingeing about constant rallies agsinst their cheating and false reporting, I suppose the impeachment draft is already on the Republican desks…
Well also having another opinion next to you makes one realise it is not just you, a Chinese wife who cannot believe the bbc and their obsession with muslims and black people or dislike of Trump, and their obsession with uneducated stupid attempts at social engineering via ill informed reports on mixed marriages between black men and white women and her comment on a visit to Luton:
It is like Morocco but the melons are cheap
And where is my representation on the bbc ? we are in this country, many of us, we do not riot mug or rape and no one recognises us
they have an asian radio station where is our music ? we come from bloody asia
Al Beeb does not represent the majority of the people of Great Britain. The name of Britain should be stripped from its title.
Get rid of the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
“Covid: How might GCSE and A-levels work this summer?”
They will be made easy to pass. Simple.
2021 will be known as “The year of the thickos”.
Who is in charge of education in this country?
Stll thinking about the exam part but in Luton many pass an English exam without the ability to speak English, I am lead to believe it costs around £500 bunged to Luton college now called the University of Bedfordshire
Then she will be Doctor cat and the black cat up the road will no doubt complain about it
but then again it has very expensive collars with no visible means of support, go figure
No doubt next years crop of would be UNI goers will scream if they have to take the real exams and claim discrimination?
I don’t know what they don’t go the whole hog and just send the whole bloody lot to UNI, I’m sure they could convert job center’s into temporary UNI’s cos they won’t really be needing them much more.
Call me a skeptic but is it possible that the EU bluster about the UK beating them to launch vaccine testing is merely a clever bluff?
Could they actually be playing a waiting game to see if there is any negative effect, people getting complications, sick, dying even at which point they can point to the UK and Boris as being too rash and dangerous and themselves as being prudent and caring thus revealing the dangers of the UK standing alone without its strong EU masters?
The first vaccine is I understand a joint UK-EU venture so there appears to be little to stop them from following the UK lead as soon as possible.
Who knows? they might be on to something!
From a personal perspective I have decided that the best way too proceed is to allow the Gov to jab a few million people and then wait for a few weeks/months to get the figures for any nasty side-effects before considering any personal take-up.
Could be Digg- this whole Vaccine affair has been overly rushed-the Government has not told us what is in the vaccine, what its composition is, no transparency whatsoever just a mad rush in the hope of terrifying everyone into getting vaccinated. Personally I shall hold off until I know more, Pfyzer are a dodgy organisation-have a look at their record- There are plenty of excellent scienific voices about that will be examining the situ, so I shall see what they have to say. Of course as the UK has spent so much on this vaccine they will have to almost force people to take the vaccine. Let us know more of what is stabbed into our bodies.
tarien, yes, they have told us via two contributors to TOADY this morning (3rd) Sir Peter Oppenshaw and the lady who is Director of the GPs Trade Union, sorry, forgotten her name. They discussed the Biontec vaccine and mentioned the Oxford one. Best to listen again on BBC radio iPlayer/Sounds/Noises. Pretty certain it was in the third hour of the programme, probably not long before the time of your post on here.
Oi! Pfizer – dodgy? Some of my friends and acquaintances have worked for Pfizer. One, especially, who is no longer alive, is much missed. Had they been alive during the Pandemic, e-mail traffic between us would have been enough to stave off the cold snap and create some spare Global Warming on top!
A BBC weather-girl was suspended for attending anti-lockdown marches.
“BBC told MailOnline impartiality breaches are dealt with ‘swiftly and seriously’ ”
So years of Brexit bias, anti-Conservative bias, anti-Trump bias, anti-Christian bias, pro-EU bias, pro-immigration bias, pro-islam bias, pro-feminist / gay / trans / BLM bias, and a hundred other biases – on all the news, current affairs, comedy and most other programmes – are perfectly ok.
But a solitary weather presenter, joining a protest on her own time, feels the full force of the BBC’s wrath.
You couldn’t make it up.
It’s not bias the BBC punishes, it’s the wrong sort of bias.
As a ‘weather presenter ‘ you’d have thought she’d have known the way the wind was blowing … off to the re education and kiddie BBC with her for years – like German POWs released 8 years after the war ….
….. elsewhere – I’m still bugged by a comment the leader of the opposition made about the PM at PMQs yesterday – he compared him to a ‘second hand car salesman ‘… no one picked this up as a ‘point of order’ that is was offensive to ‘front line used car community ‘. …. ( better put ‘front line ‘ in these days ) – its the current version of ‘hard working families ‘….
One for Ms. Trench-Zebedee to be pictured frowning at, as she checks whilst concentrating really hard, as blondes do?
Quote of the day:
“The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”
― Malcolm X
— Our Far-Right Sir Lefty's Account (@GiveUsAQuid) December 3, 2020
#ActNow Government must act now to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025 #ActNow This is our 2nd demand to government, and we are in active nonviolent rebellion against them until they meet it. Thanks for the @ Roger
I see the BBC’s lead article on the front page about pupils being told exam question topics in advance is accompanied by a picture featuring all-girls taking exams and an ethnic minority girl as the focal centre.
Now I have nothing against anyone of any colour or origin if they are decent people. You get good and bad everywhere. What I despise here is the utter and shameless hypocrisy of these people. They are anti-white racist and anti-male sexist. Why is that OK when it is so very very wrong the other way round ?.
Here’s one for the millennials: ‘Jabba Dabba Doo!’ – the jokey Daily Star characterises Boris this morning as Fred Flintstone celebrating the covid vaccine.
Couldn’t they dream up a gag involving Super Mario, or Lara Croft, or… I don’t know… but you get my point – they might have employed some kid’s cartoon character vaguely twenty first century, afterall we’re two decades in?
Take it as another sign that our old media are going to die along with our ageing baby boomer generation.
Then again, it’s the oldsters who have first dibs on the vaccine (after NHS staff and exemplar politicians and celebs – you’re welcome to it!) : ‘Form an elderly queue’
I note Barack Obama is at the front of the queue. Knock yourself out, mate.
Could it be that the editor over there at the humourful Star was influenced away from any newish cultural references by his paper’s own scare story? ‘Peppa Pig is a danger to kids’
Sadly, a quick Google won’t tell me why that should be so. I might need to invest 50p for a physical copy. There again I can tell you that the badly drawn porker so much loved by the toddlers has been a regular in the Star in recent months. For example: ‘Mum left blushing after accidentally ordering rude Peppa Pig plate for toddler’ (October 2020) – the Star only had itself to blame for that one after they pushed readers to buy the things in the first place: ‘Aldi shoppers rave about £3.50 Peppa Pig plates that get fussy kids eating’ (August 2020)
I know what you’re thinking. What on earth did Peppa have to say for herself (I believe she’s a girl) on that x-rated kid’s tableware? To save you having to Google it, those plastic plates were evidently produced for the French-speaking market and the noise pigs make over there is “Groin”
Think of the problems the manufacturers have – could you differentiate between Mandarin and Cantonese? Some smart arse will no doubt tell us Chinese languages are written the same way.
Back in February 2019 the fear for the Daily Star was: ‘Peppa Pig is having a weird effect on kids and it’s worrying parents’
Always happy to elighten: ‘Children have started snorting at the end of their sentences after binge watching Peppa Pig’ – maybe that’s now a problem corona-wise? So perhaps the Star has decided to revisit their prior report in the interests of public health?
The Daily Mirror tells us: ‘Today is International Day of People with Disabilities’ – which is quite a mouthful. One suspects that hasn’t been translated awkwardly but instead is the fault of the English speaking world being uniquely hyper-Politically Correct.
Anyway the Mirror, in association with BT presumably sponsoring the festivities, decides the way to celebrate is to highlight said disabilities as much as possible: ‘#DiscoverDisabilityFootball’
Why not, say, a chess tournament, where the legless in our society can compete on an equal footing, so to speak?
My above politically incorrect observations would of course provoke the ire of those BBC and Guardian types for whose restricted mode of thinking I have a new notion…
I may initiate a new feature in posts named “Heaven Forfend”
This new exclamatory title seems appropriate for the Guardian headline: ‘Aston Martin linked to anti-electric car study’ – Heaven Forfend
“Couldn’t they dream up a gag involving Super Mario, or Lara Croft, or… I don’t know..”
Kung F(L)U Panda? Chinese and BBC’s Christmas Day top star from 0900 to 1210.
Peppa Pig? In 2018 The Guardian was warning us about that pig drinking bleach, perhaps that’s where the media got the ‘baseless’ claim from that DT came up with that idea?
To which I can only suggest Bat Flu Man and his arch-enemy the Johnson Joker.
Of course in my Peppa Pig special I did omit the famous ‘Peppa Pig withdraws from Labour Party event’ headline from April 2010.
‘TV character Peppa Pig, which helps promotes the govt-funded Sure Start children’s centres has pulled out of a Labour Party election event. E1 Entertainment, the company which licenses the character has decided not to make an appearance at a children’s centre later as part of Labour’s launch of their manifesto for families.’
Seems our Peppa was always a snout in the trough political pinko
“In a news release earlier, Labour had said it was delighted that Peppa Pig had accepted the party’s invitation to join Work and Pensions Secretary Yvette Cooper and Cabinet Office minister Tessa Jowell on a visit to a children’s centre to highlight Labour’s policies to support families.”
He’s the first to be arrested under a new anti-conversion law that targets “love jihad” – a term used by radical Hindu groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage.
From BBC FB ‘leave the context out’ pages.
Now, I wonder if there is more to this than just what the naughty Hindus get finger wagged at by the BBC girls in the cubicle gardens?
The BBC need her, Femi, Tarzan and Mad Al on ‘I’m A BBC Expert, Trust Me’ ASAP, for the Brexit special.
Have now had it confirmed from someone in France and Germany that EU hauliers are going to stop coming here. Let’s hope someone in govt is working out how to get fresh food into the UK, eh?
Especially as their other brilliant plan is to destroy British farming.
Exactly Jim. If I have a customer who wants to purchase my product I will find a way to get it to them. She’s obviously never run a business. And ofcourse the hauliers will happily park up their trucks despite finance payments having to be met. Clueless, absolutely clueless.
Silly birds like this in a sort of mental vacuum have never grasped what really happens in proper business. They’re only in ‘broadcasting’, because they haven’t ever worked in a real position of trust and endeavour!
TOADY Watch #1 – Equality, everyone treated the same, what’s not to like?
The provisions for disadvantaged students, that’s what. Private school educated JustRemainIn Webb did not like the fact that Gavin Williamson, SoS for Education, was making arrangements for all pupils to receive some tolerance and understanding – for their disrupted education due to the Pandemic – to be reflected in the marking of their exams next year.
Socialist JustRemainIn did not like this burst of socialist-style equality from a Conservative Government; he wanted some real hard-line Socialism with some pupils, especially BAME origin pupils in bog-standard comprehensives, being given priviliged treatment and extra benefits.
What is it with these privately educated Socialist types? Tony Crosland MP (Lab) was another.
First BBC suspension for activism in their own time
XR supporter ? BLM supporter ? trans supporter ?
Nope Jemma Cooper of @bbcpointswest
went to 2 anti-lockdown demos
Alex Belfield : BBC Weather Women SUSPENDED For NOT Having Lefty Luvvie Woke Opinions
She called the BBC the devil !
Actually someone sent a message addressing the account: “Are you the weather girl Jemma?”
The account replied: “Yes alas I work for *the devil* at the moment. I joined the corporation in 1999 when I was 28 and fully asleep. Comatose.”
Our brave politicians are queuing up to take this Pfizer vaccine live on tv to show how safe it is.
I have a better idea.
Give them an injection of scopolamine, sodium thiopental or another of the ‘truth serum’ drugs used by some intelligence agencies to get the truth from some unfortunate being interrogated.
Then, get Andrew Neil to interview them.
Far better viewing than them getting a covid vaccine.
Keep fighting Mr President. We all know it was bent as hell.
In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, approximately 90,000 votes more than we would need to win the State. Now we were granted a much larger sample to work with. Wow!
I remember the comments on the Daily Telegraph Brexit articles during Brexit. Almost all the purile, name calling spiteful and nasty ones came from remainers.
That’s when my opinion of the average Lefty being a shallow, spiteful and nasty piece of work was finally cast in concrete.
It’s not much better when you see the top comments on the BBC HYS these days. They read like petulant schoolboys who just got spanked wrote them.
Usual junk from the usual source
You saved the planet CO2 from tipping over the edge
by switching from HD to SD whilst watching a video on your phone’s small screen.
Those new coal fired power stations that open every week in China are by the by.
The “eight times” claim is a cherry picked stat
Being a #FakeGreen Tele-evangelists Harra & Corinne looked for the highest possible to #Cherrypick
And anyway 8 time nothing is still nothing.
He also gets a kicking cos he didn’t even put a link to the report
BTW The Royal Society report on avoiding digital waste
is hidden in a 3.8Mb PDF ..#irony
The intro and press reports DON NOT quantify MWh savings through avoiding HD
A report that makes grand claims, but hides their data
When things can be quantified that’s science
otherwise it’s PR fluff
“There’s actual grown up people out there
who believe watching Netflix in standard definition will make the sun less hot.”
This is an awfully unhelpful article. Could you please update it to include the absolute value of difference, as eight times nothing is still nothing, how big are the values we're talking about – and how does it compare to say, me buying a 10oz steak or an 8oz steak?
We taxpayers have wasted £4K in paying Corinne to work on a report
that tells us the obvious
and then wasted £2K on paying Harra to promote it
Marie-Antoinette #FakeGreens say
“let them go Standard Definition mode”
That report is put forward by UEAs main fakegreen propagandist co-author of the report, Prof Corinne Le Querre from the University of East Anglia, told BBC News:
“To be honest, digital tech is a small fraction of your emissions compared with, say flying even once a year
– but every bit of CO2 saving is significant.”
That last line is a lie
Big things are significant , little bits are not can’t have everything being significant.
“What’s more, we’re trying to prompt people to harness the power of digital to help tackle climate change”
So she admits the report was produced for PR purposes
Their story is PR and their activism
FFS of course my Youtube/Iplayer setting is THE lowest screen definition
cos that way you don’t get buffering
I’m not particularly interested in seeing the picture.
UEA official @richardwharvey wearing his Remain rosette in his Twitter profile
Oh dear. The new @royalsociety report on digital technology is out.
It makes 11 serious recommendations.
Yet @rharrabin @BBCNews summarises it
via one of the “example actions” which itself is simplistic and questionable. Sigh.
BTW DAB radios use significantly more power than FM
The BBC thought it was cutting its CO2 cos the DAB transmitters use less power
but AFAIK the increase in power usage of few million receivers wipes out that saving.
AlthepalerpMar 4, 13:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Let us assume for a minute Russia invades Britain in a few years. Gen Z cant be bovered to fight,…
andyjsnapeMar 4, 13:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What pause in US military aid could mean for Ukraine “could mean” – could? “it may be months” may?…
tomoMar 4, 12:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I doubt that a single main party dumbass in Westminster has watched this. What a contrast to Kamala…….
diggMar 4, 12:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The police president of The Black Police Association has complained because a tweet he made has been flagged as offensive…
Guest WhoMar 4, 12:45 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Big pow wow between Starmer and Davie on this one. “Stick with saying nothing?” “Yup”
‘PM says “the scientists have done it” after UK becomes first country in world to approve Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for widespread use’
Yeah, real scientists, not to be confused with your SAGE planks.
Any guesses for the percentage of public not wanting it?
I won’t be having it for one.
RT : “Putin orders start of mass vaccination against Covid-19 in Russia, will begin NEXT WEEK with key workers given priority
President Vladimir Putin has ordered the start of large scale vaccination against coronavirus in Russia, by the end of next week.
Medics and teachers will be the first to get the shots and participation will be voluntary.
He explained that the amount of doses of the pioneering ‘Sputnik V’ formula already produced will reach two million in the coming days,
Russia promises that public doses of one of its second vaccine EpiVacCorona starts this month
And not to be confused with those at Oxford either who got brought to Earth with a bump after they thought they had a nice cushy number working on a ‘general purpose’ vaccine which would never be life-or-death.
After as much hype around there being a woman in charge as the Left could manage, they utterly and totally screwed up when the spotlight hit. 60% for the actual tests they planned and 90% for an accidental wrong dose in a low-risk group where the result cannot be relied upon and they didn’t even manage the test they planned of one dose then half a dose. So they will have to do it again to see if it was a fluke. How embarassing.
The only thing they can say is that it is safe – but they knew that already because they have been working on the base for it for many years. So it will be approved for use to save face.
I saw this coming many months ago when I spotted the very, very careful wording in the reports which implied it worked but didn’t actually say it – such as ‘the most advanced vaccine in the world’ which really meant it was just the most advanced through the trials. A trick the BBC are very good at.
They’ve made us look like a bunch of amateurs on the world stage.
Just a question, naive as it may be I donate to the Salvation Army for the work they do, especially at Christmas
Those they look after do not have parents spending their money on guns and bombs whilst begging us to feed their kids (Yemen)
Or have a “president” steal billions from their countries reserves to give to their family (South Sudan) whilst begging us to feed their kids (Xmas jumper appeal be aware
Yet we donate for homeless people whilst regularly finding hotels for any that arrive as “refugees” from France, that notorious oppressive regime, FFS ?
why not put our homeless in hotels ? we pay for the refugees from Paris, that war torn horrible place they are all running away from
Is this real life or an episode of Dr Who?
You have to be injected with the vaccine injection twice.
It doesn’t prevent transmission of the virus
It is going to be voluntary.
It will become compulsory via the coward’s route, by limiting what activities you can do without one.
Inject yourself Boris you globalist aberration. I’m not having the vaccine.
I refuse to watch Dr Who as I will refuse to watch any James Bond with a black woman playing James Bond or David Copperfield played by a black person or Ann Boleyn played by a black person
Until I see a Scottish red head play Michael Jackson, and his problems with single malt whisky over supplied by Doctor Finlay
And Ray Winstone as Nelson Mandela with Barbara Windsor as Whinny Mandela with an East London slant ( possibly Wormwood Scrubs)
I sent a screenplay to bbc but heard nothing apart from an injunction
Come on Darcy, its just entertainment. What about Muhammad Ali played by Frankie Howard and Martin Luther King played by an Eskimo. An aborigine could play Sir Francis Drake and Sturgeon when she’s finished playing politics could play Megham Markle.
The 2 Ronnies meant for it to be comedy, these pillocks are falliing over each other to be the most ludicrous ‘virtue signaller’ though what actual virtue escapes me to.
Scarlett Johansson played a Japanese character in ‘Ghost in the Shell’ to cries of ‘whitewashing’. Jodie Turner-Smith (A black woman) is cast as Anne Boleyn to cries of ‘Triumph of multiculturalism’ in the Guardian.
Their shameless hypocrisy causes me to dismiss anything else they say as ‘whatever suits their agenda’. Truth and integrity play no part whatsoever.
ITV local news : Seemingly all about preparing for the vaccine
as if we are all gonna have in a month’s time.
… As if this useless bunch could get money done.
Then it’s meetup AGAIN with the lesbian woman who lost her wife to Covid.
Now syndicated item about disabled shopping.
StewGreen, So far I have no trust in anything being trolled out by the Government over the question of whatever vaccine is being offered-we need far more transparency than has so far been offered-The track record of both Pfizer and AstraZeneca in terms of fraud, bribary, and false claims over the past 15 years or so has cost Pfizer over $6 billion and over $600 million to AstraZeneca-for the present I won’t be standing in line.
When will the government address the most serious health emergency of our time ?
The mental health of millions of people is being severely affected by watching the endless, unfettered, seditious, deliberately negative doom and gloom output of the BBC.
Surely in the best interests of the NHS and the population generally, the government should ask the MHRA to fast-track the approval of the abolition of the TV licence.
Good to see that at long last Farage will feature in the New Year Honours list.
No, not really. Just my crazy imagination.
BBC News
A Somali lorry driver who has never lived with his sons is among those hoping for Joe Biden to reverse Trump’s travel ban so that they can join him in Ohio.
Bet the tvl payers in the U.K. are thrilled to be funding such…. er….?
At least Ohio will have superior firearms to him, unlike us
This is not just incoherent bollux, it is BBC cut and pasted incoherent bollux.
“The state of our planet is broken.”
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that countries must commit to stopping climate change in a “moment of truth for the world”.
(via BBC World Service)
How refreshing to hear Paul Hudson on Look North. He said that freezing point is 32 degrees. Evidence that he still thinks in non metric units (or is he thinking post Brexit). Don’t tell his superiors.
A BBC comment, therefore it does beg the question does he understand what freezing is ? meeja degrees possibly fail to cover that, and if they did it would be homework given full marks for spelling your name right
32 degrees on what scale ?
Darcy, come on! Freezing and 32? The implication would seem to be very clear. It is when you talk about 2, 1.5, 3 degrees as Matt McGrath did the other day that you need an indication of scale.
Janet Street Porter shouts a loud hooray for the possible permanent closure of Britains smallest pubs. She is disgusted about almost everything about them including the people who use them.
A bigger load of metro-liberal bubble-dwelling diahorrea I have yet to read.
This so sums up the entire twisted ethos of these comfortably off Southern City dwelling hermits.
She has never been into a real pub in her life. If she prefers a pub to be a place where you only go in as a group, only talk to each other, never communicate with anyone you don’t know and eat ridiculous trendy food at inflated prices so as to appear trendy yourself then you are in London my dear.
For myself, the local is amongst the only places left where you can meet and talk with real people.
You can stick your Southern “venues” up your Ar*e Janet!
No wonder Brexit shocked the hell out of these smug automatons.
Reading the Led Zeppelin biography she was a groupie for them early 70s desperate to hang on to famous people but did not last long
May need to cut her some slack, digg. I think JS-P has gone public recently on her struggles with alcohol.
BBC London celebrating the opening of art galleries.
But isn’t it amazing ?
In the featured exhibition, every single picture is of someone who is black. Or do I mean ‘of colour but not Asian’.
What are the chances of that?
(On the BBC, very high !)
Jonny from the Fast Show has his own exhibition.
Guest? Lol do you mean ‘black’.
The law as it stands appears to require an Act of Parliament to force a mentally competent adult to have the covid vaccination. Currently an action of that nature would constitute an assault. This would also apply under NHS rules. Normally the BBC would be over this one like a rash, but, push comes to shove, it toes the line. It is merely an Establishment mouthpiece, pure and simple.
The Chinese Flu vaccine has been declared safe and effective with no to little testing but much hope and bombast.
Thalidomide was declared safe and effective after years of testing – except on pregnant women… how’d that one work out?
Occasionally I still catch the BBC news. I don’t usually last for long and today was no exception.
They gave us the usual suicidal covid statistics, and then interviewed a young cafe owner whose coffee shop was in deep trouble
“This man’s business” the 12 year old presenter informed us, “has contracted by over 40%…due to covid.”
Um, it may have contracted, but…
This poor bloke’s business hasn’t contracted any amount “due to covid”…it’s due to the government’s illogical response to covid.
Closing the geezer’s cafe for months at a time, imposing unnecessary restrictions and having ludicrous rules about where you can stand and what you have to wear has led to this painful financial problem…not the bloody virus.
Our government’s response has been insane. They’ve managed to turn an undoubtedly deeply unpleasant health crisis into an economic and cultural catastrophe. There is now also the appalling backlog of cancer screenings that no one seems at all bothered about. One million women have missed screenings for breast cancer. There have been delays for lung cancer and diabetes treatments and God only knows what’s happening to those with heart disease.
I think it’s been akin to visiting your doctor with a painful ingrowing toenail, undergoing anaesthetic and hobbling home like Long John Silver.
You wouldn’t blame the bloody toenail.
You’d blame the idiot that removed your leg…
Well, the law as it stands says that all on this site are exempt, most do not accept the media are telling the truth to put it basically
Tvl payers rejoice…
A very disfunctional group and as close to incest as you could get?
R4 now “we re both black women, how incredible to walk into Lynette’s exhibition where all the pics are of black women”
More Radio4, black pushing as they point at a Radio1Xtra article
Writing of color is clearly tricky in certain bubbles.
Jolly little tale from the Times about the gay party in Brussels and the fleeing MEP caught on a drainpipe trying to escape.
Men only, no condoms allowed and sex compulsory. No wonder the EU are backing a call for entire population HIV testing.
Makes me wonder what the hell else goes on in Brussels!
They appear to be re-running the fall of the Roman Empire.
Something like the 77th Brigade seem obvious on Twitter
whether that is just Russian impersonators I don’t know.
The Happy Mondays front man tweets
Bit of a 5 o’clock on our Marianna there.
This morning’s criminal deportation flight
Speaking on Wednesday, immigration minister Chris Philp said that 13 “dangerous” criminals had been deported in the early hours on Wednesday morning, but many had been left off the flight due to last-minute legal challenges by their lawyers.
These are, presumably, entirely legitimate, full of base last minute legal challenges in the eyes of the bbc?
8pm Chris Packham show about the big freeze of1962-3
“pointing out what a wonderful thing global warming is!
Oh No. it turns out that winters will be more extreme as the result of global warming so our wildlife is doomed! My bad!
Global Warming coin toss
heads “we are doomed”
tails “we are doomed”
“Lost harvests in many countries in the 1970s speak of a turn for the worse in the world’s climate. A mighty machine of air and water, powered by sunshine , makes the weather. Why should it be changing gear, in our lifetimes? Human populations that grew large in the balmier decades of this century now face chronic shortages of food. Forecasts for the decades ahead are ugently needed.
The threat of a new ice age turns out to be more ominous than the experts thought, even a few years ago. Ice sheets have buried the northern lands far more frequently and rapidly than anyone had imagined until now.”
Publisher’s notes to The Weather Machine. The publisher? The BBC. Whatever the question the answer is always the same, we are doomed.
Resting on its edge…. spinning.
“We are doomed… but Mishal needs to fly to chat to Greta, John Kerry and Al Gore, as they are all very busy. Apparently”
Ben Pile tweets “new video by me and @MhehedZherting
on Boris’s £5 billion hydrogen fantasy.”
Trump’s new statement
‘They cheated, we are pushing on with the process to ensure only legal votes are counted’
Teitter keeps popping up warnings
Retweeting it takes you 3 clicks instead of one
That graphic doesn’t show up for me
Affectionately nicknamed the “Mother of the Holocaust children”, Irena Sendler, a Roman Catholic nurse and social worker created a network of rescuers in Poland.
She smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto in World War II, some of them in coffins.
please delete, mistake
I am appalled, appalled I say, about the newly approved vaccine.
This vaccine needs to be kept at -70C and this is achieved using Dry Ice aka solid carbon dioxide.
Surely distribution of the vaccine should be halted until Greta Thumberg has been fully consulted and given her own environmental approval.
Doesn’t the government know there is a global warming crisis?
Chris Packham is storing it in his shed, outside, as part of the cold bit of global warming.
Stop The Steal Rally: Lin Wood is on FIRE.
He’s mad as hell and he ain’t gonna take it anymore.
Somehow I don’t think the Beeb will be covering this popular uprising. Wrong kind of revolution entirely! We only salivate over the Marxists, Che Guevara, Castro, Chavez…
(The entire video is quite long so it’s timestamped. If it doesn’t work properly, I recommend 1:07:10 starting “Read the United States Constitution”)
I listened to the entire speech by Trump. It sounded like a prelude to civil war. That seems the only logical outcome of his words.
Very serious now in the USA.
President Trump makes his ‘most important speech’.
Somehow the BBC misses it as the 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 balls are drawn in South African lottery.
(P.S. that set of numbers is just as likely as any other set, whereas in most elections votes tend to ‘swing’ in the same direction across the country. Unusually in the USA the ‘marginal’ or ‘swing’ states buck the trend, rather conveniently for Biden).
There are innumerable ‘anomalies’ – that’s just one of thousands.
Some years ago, a chum told me a ‘story’ about the lottery which went on at his local pub every Friday.
He found out that the landlord used to mutter a few words to his mate, that he would probably be a winner on a certain date. This was sneered at quite considerably, but all were amazed, when the landlord picked out the winner’s ball. This happened several times, but the balls were picked, in the open, among everyone in the pub, and there could be absolutely no doubt, that the choice of hand-picked ball was above board!
Well, b****r me, they all exclaimed!
What they didn’t know, was that the landlord put the winning ball in his freezer for a couple of hours, and popped it in with the rest of the balls just a few minutes before the draw!
Greta Tumbleweed has a lot to answer for!
A well known tactic in Scottish football for ensuring Rangers and Celtic always avoided each other in semi final draws.
Nice one Roland!
well, it all comes down to who you believe,
a successful business person who has made billions
or a 22 year old with a meeja gcse at the bbc who also tells you
stabbers in London have white hands whenever a picture is shown, ,
white women in the UK are all having relationships with black men
and no muslims are gang raping schoolchildren in every city in this country
I am confused
Good point – and even if the Dems eventually struggle to the WH, they’re saying they’ll spend all their time ‘undoing’ what a commercially minded man has done for the US over the last four years, which is make the place great again, after Barry’s waste of effort over eight years of ineptitude.
What a sad way to keep an economy going! And they’ll all be up in arms, whingeing about constant rallies agsinst their cheating and false reporting, I suppose the impeachment draft is already on the Republican desks…
Well also having another opinion next to you makes one realise it is not just you, a Chinese wife who cannot believe the bbc and their obsession with muslims and black people or dislike of Trump, and their obsession with uneducated stupid attempts at social engineering via ill informed reports on mixed marriages between black men and white women and her comment on a visit to Luton:
It is like Morocco but the melons are cheap
And where is my representation on the bbc ? we are in this country, many of us, we do not riot mug or rape and no one recognises us
they have an asian radio station where is our music ? we come from bloody asia
nope just muzzies
Al Beeb does not represent the majority of the people of Great Britain. The name of Britain should be stripped from its title.
Get rid of the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
I would rename it the Bashir Broadcasting Corporation.
“Covid: How might GCSE and A-levels work this summer?”
They will be made easy to pass. Simple.
2021 will be known as “The year of the thickos”.
Who is in charge of education in this country?
Not just this year, when homework counts as over 40% of your marks one knows that the qualification is worthless Taff
My cat is halfway towards a PhD in quantum physics
with a critique of Schrodinger because she is still alive and never been in a box, apart from last Xmas when we got a TV delivered
Stll thinking about the exam part but in Luton many pass an English exam without the ability to speak English, I am lead to believe it costs around £500 bunged to Luton college now called the University of Bedfordshire
Then she will be Doctor cat and the black cat up the road will no doubt complain about it
but then again it has very expensive collars with no visible means of support, go figure
And likely complain that as a Labour MP and bbc daily panel gob as well as doctor, she is stressed and likely to make mistakes.
It made a mistake on the carpet last week
lap top confiscated for a couple of days
No doubt next years crop of would be UNI goers will scream if they have to take the real exams and claim discrimination?
I don’t know what they don’t go the whole hog and just send the whole bloody lot to UNI, I’m sure they could convert job center’s into temporary UNI’s cos they won’t really be needing them much more.
\\Covid: What do pub-goers think of Wales’ alcohol ban?//
Pubs have banned Drakeford.
A good plan would be to invite him in and lock him in the cellars with the alcohol he seems to hate so much.
Taff, bloody disgrace. I can’t see my local pubs surviving. Drakeford should be banned from everywhere in my opinion and that other idiot Gething.
Call me a skeptic but is it possible that the EU bluster about the UK beating them to launch vaccine testing is merely a clever bluff?
Could they actually be playing a waiting game to see if there is any negative effect, people getting complications, sick, dying even at which point they can point to the UK and Boris as being too rash and dangerous and themselves as being prudent and caring thus revealing the dangers of the UK standing alone without its strong EU masters?
The first vaccine is I understand a joint UK-EU venture so there appears to be little to stop them from following the UK lead as soon as possible.
Who knows? they might be on to something!
From a personal perspective I have decided that the best way too proceed is to allow the Gov to jab a few million people and then wait for a few weeks/months to get the figures for any nasty side-effects before considering any personal take-up.
Could be Digg- this whole Vaccine affair has been overly rushed-the Government has not told us what is in the vaccine, what its composition is, no transparency whatsoever just a mad rush in the hope of terrifying everyone into getting vaccinated. Personally I shall hold off until I know more, Pfyzer are a dodgy organisation-have a look at their record- There are plenty of excellent scienific voices about that will be examining the situ, so I shall see what they have to say. Of course as the UK has spent so much on this vaccine they will have to almost force people to take the vaccine. Let us know more of what is stabbed into our bodies.
tarien, yes, they have told us via two contributors to TOADY this morning (3rd) Sir Peter Oppenshaw and the lady who is Director of the GPs Trade Union, sorry, forgotten her name. They discussed the Biontec vaccine and mentioned the Oxford one. Best to listen again on BBC radio iPlayer/Sounds/Noises. Pretty certain it was in the third hour of the programme, probably not long before the time of your post on here.
Oi! Pfizer – dodgy? Some of my friends and acquaintances have worked for Pfizer. One, especially, who is no longer alive, is much missed. Had they been alive during the Pandemic, e-mail traffic between us would have been enough to stave off the cold snap and create some spare Global Warming on top!
Remembered the lady Doc, today, it’s Dr Clare Gerarda.
A BBC weather-girl was suspended for attending anti-lockdown marches.
“BBC told MailOnline impartiality breaches are dealt with ‘swiftly and seriously’ ”
So years of Brexit bias, anti-Conservative bias, anti-Trump bias, anti-Christian bias, pro-EU bias, pro-immigration bias, pro-islam bias, pro-feminist / gay / trans / BLM bias, and a hundred other biases – on all the news, current affairs, comedy and most other programmes – are perfectly ok.
But a solitary weather presenter, joining a protest on her own time, feels the full force of the BBC’s wrath.
You couldn’t make it up.
It’s not bias the BBC punishes, it’s the wrong sort of bias.
As a ‘weather presenter ‘ you’d have thought she’d have known the way the wind was blowing … off to the re education and kiddie BBC with her for years – like German POWs released 8 years after the war ….
….. elsewhere – I’m still bugged by a comment the leader of the opposition made about the PM at PMQs yesterday – he compared him to a ‘second hand car salesman ‘… no one picked this up as a ‘point of order’ that is was offensive to ‘front line used car community ‘. …. ( better put ‘front line ‘ in these days ) – its the current version of ‘hard working families ‘….
I don’t know if anyone recalls, when Corbyn became leader his first speech was about a nicer kind of politics
unless you are a Jew
Labour: For the Muslim, not the Jew.
What amazes me is their continual use of the word racism and yet when they do it is called anti semitism
if they could find anyone in the conservative party treating a black person the way they treat jews they would be hounded and hounded ad nauseam
if one thinks about it the double standards are quite astounding and quite aligned with Nazi Germany
Today Alistair Campbell is asking what kind of idiot gets into positions of power these days.
He’s right.
But… ‘these days’?
Yet still the BBC love having him on, to say things like this.
I have learned.
I would posit take a look in the mirror, Alistair
One for Ms. Trench-Zebedee to be pictured frowning at, as she checks whilst concentrating really hard, as blondes do?
Or, possibly, not.
that is Blondish, oh forgot, Boris and Trump are of that persuasion and white, so that is ok, carry on with the abuse
I may also be of that ilk and I can tell you we are not all stupid although we do get burnt ears when we are ironing and the phone rings
Here is XR thanking the bbc for the PR.
Another one for Rog on BBC FB:
The warmest six years in global records dating back to 1850 have now all occurred since 2015.
My first instinct is to wonder what happened prior to December 1849.
Maybe he could ask Greta, who is getting more qualified by the minute. Sources close to the bbc have evidence for.
I see the BBC’s lead article on the front page about pupils being told exam question topics in advance is accompanied by a picture featuring all-girls taking exams and an ethnic minority girl as the focal centre.
Now I have nothing against anyone of any colour or origin if they are decent people. You get good and bad everywhere. What I despise here is the utter and shameless hypocrisy of these people. They are anti-white racist and anti-male sexist. Why is that OK when it is so very very wrong the other way round ?.
Here’s one for the millennials: ‘Jabba Dabba Doo!’ – the jokey Daily Star characterises Boris this morning as Fred Flintstone celebrating the covid vaccine.
Couldn’t they dream up a gag involving Super Mario, or Lara Croft, or… I don’t know… but you get my point – they might have employed some kid’s cartoon character vaguely twenty first century, afterall we’re two decades in?
Take it as another sign that our old media are going to die along with our ageing baby boomer generation.
Then again, it’s the oldsters who have first dibs on the vaccine (after NHS staff and exemplar politicians and celebs – you’re welcome to it!) : ‘Form an elderly queue’
I note Barack Obama is at the front of the queue. Knock yourself out, mate.
Could it be that the editor over there at the humourful Star was influenced away from any newish cultural references by his paper’s own scare story? ‘Peppa Pig is a danger to kids’
Sadly, a quick Google won’t tell me why that should be so. I might need to invest 50p for a physical copy. There again I can tell you that the badly drawn porker so much loved by the toddlers has been a regular in the Star in recent months. For example: ‘Mum left blushing after accidentally ordering rude Peppa Pig plate for toddler’ (October 2020) – the Star only had itself to blame for that one after they pushed readers to buy the things in the first place: ‘Aldi shoppers rave about £3.50 Peppa Pig plates that get fussy kids eating’ (August 2020)
I know what you’re thinking. What on earth did Peppa have to say for herself (I believe she’s a girl) on that x-rated kid’s tableware? To save you having to Google it, those plastic plates were evidently produced for the French-speaking market and the noise pigs make over there is “Groin”
Think of the problems the manufacturers have – could you differentiate between Mandarin and Cantonese? Some smart arse will no doubt tell us Chinese languages are written the same way.
Back in February 2019 the fear for the Daily Star was: ‘Peppa Pig is having a weird effect on kids and it’s worrying parents’
Always happy to elighten: ‘Children have started snorting at the end of their sentences after binge watching Peppa Pig’ – maybe that’s now a problem corona-wise? So perhaps the Star has decided to revisit their prior report in the interests of public health?
The Daily Mirror tells us: ‘Today is International Day of People with Disabilities’ – which is quite a mouthful. One suspects that hasn’t been translated awkwardly but instead is the fault of the English speaking world being uniquely hyper-Politically Correct.
Anyway the Mirror, in association with BT presumably sponsoring the festivities, decides the way to celebrate is to highlight said disabilities as much as possible: ‘#DiscoverDisabilityFootball’
Why not, say, a chess tournament, where the legless in our society can compete on an equal footing, so to speak?
My above politically incorrect observations would of course provoke the ire of those BBC and Guardian types for whose restricted mode of thinking I have a new notion…
I may initiate a new feature in posts named “Heaven Forfend”
This new exclamatory title seems appropriate for the Guardian headline: ‘Aston Martin linked to anti-electric car study’ – Heaven Forfend
Oh, merde, how the language of the English is eroded.
Or prevented from being so further.
“Couldn’t they dream up a gag involving Super Mario, or Lara Croft, or… I don’t know..”
Kung F(L)U Panda? Chinese and BBC’s Christmas Day top star from 0900 to 1210.
Peppa Pig? In 2018 The Guardian was warning us about that pig drinking bleach, perhaps that’s where the media got the ‘baseless’ claim from that DT came up with that idea?
Kung F(L)U Panda wins it for me.
To which I can only suggest Bat Flu Man and his arch-enemy the Johnson Joker.
Of course in my Peppa Pig special I did omit the famous ‘Peppa Pig withdraws from Labour Party event’ headline from April 2010.
‘TV character Peppa Pig, which helps promotes the govt-funded Sure Start children’s centres has pulled out of a Labour Party election event. E1 Entertainment, the company which licenses the character has decided not to make an appearance at a children’s centre later as part of Labour’s launch of their manifesto for families.’
Seems our Peppa was always a snout in the trough political pinko
“In a news release earlier, Labour had said it was delighted that Peppa Pig had accepted the party’s invitation to join Work and Pensions Secretary Yvette Cooper and Cabinet Office minister Tessa Jowell on a visit to a children’s centre to highlight Labour’s policies to support families.”
Tom Peck, the Independent’s resident anti tory and anti-UK loudmouth seems to be a bit ruffled today…
The government has somehow managed to undermine news of the Covid vaccine with lies about Brexit
Seems we have the EU and some Turkish people to thank for the vaccine roll-out…
Just more Brexit sour grapes…. makes you wonder if they will ever grow up…
Peck a head of the rest?
Appropos of nothing or maybe something: the owners of the “Independent” how independent is a moot point
Evgeny Lebedev (41%) Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel (30%) Justin Byam Shaw (26%) Minor shareholders (3%)
The bbc are frightened:
Is the Independent still independent?
Who is Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel, the man who has just bought a 30% stake in the Independent online newspaper?
He is a rich man who wants to be richer, in short; and a Saudi investor seeking influence.
Money and influence are the two main reasons that people invest in media, and there’s no reason to think Abuljadayel is any different.
Interesting use of words there
” a rich man who wants to be richer” and your point is ?
and “there’s no reason to think Abuljadayel is any different”
there is no reason ? there is no reason to think Lara Karlsberg is not a witch who needs a good ducking also
but that is not broadcast on a taxpayer funded impartial bbc
BBC News
He’s the first to be arrested under a new anti-conversion law that targets “love jihad” – a term used by radical Hindu groups to accuse Muslim men of converting Hindu women by marriage.
From BBC FB ‘leave the context out’ pages.
Now, I wonder if there is more to this than just what the naughty Hindus get finger wagged at by the BBC girls in the cubicle gardens?
The BBC need her, Femi, Tarzan and Mad Al on ‘I’m A BBC Expert, Trust Me’ ASAP, for the Brexit special.
Lewis as mod, dressed in blue with gold stars.
And that bonkers blonde and the Russian uniform guy as the musical interlude.
I expect food suppliers in Holland, France and Spain are busy working out how to export their products, as required by contract.
What will they do with upmteen hectares of glasshouses full of un-sold vegetables?
Does this ‘person’ confirming Kennedy’s ‘baseless’ claim stand on the France/Germany border?
Exactly Jim. If I have a customer who wants to purchase my product I will find a way to get it to them. She’s obviously never run a business. And ofcourse the hauliers will happily park up their trucks despite finance payments having to be met. Clueless, absolutely clueless.
Thank you, Syncs!
Just what I was going to say!
Silly birds like this in a sort of mental vacuum have never grasped what really happens in proper business. They’re only in ‘broadcasting’, because they haven’t ever worked in a real position of trust and endeavour!
TOADY Watch #1 – Equality, everyone treated the same, what’s not to like?
The provisions for disadvantaged students, that’s what. Private school educated JustRemainIn Webb did not like the fact that Gavin Williamson, SoS for Education, was making arrangements for all pupils to receive some tolerance and understanding – for their disrupted education due to the Pandemic – to be reflected in the marking of their exams next year.
Socialist JustRemainIn did not like this burst of socialist-style equality from a Conservative Government; he wanted some real hard-line Socialism with some pupils, especially BAME origin pupils in bog-standard comprehensives, being given priviliged treatment and extra benefits.
What is it with these privately educated Socialist types? Tony Crosland MP (Lab) was another.
First BBC suspension for activism in their own time
XR supporter ? BLM supporter ? trans supporter ?
Nope Jemma Cooper of @bbcpointswest
went to 2 anti-lockdown demos
Alex Belfield : BBC Weather Women SUSPENDED For NOT Having Lefty Luvvie Woke Opinions
Mail story
She called the BBC the devil !
Actually someone sent a message addressing the account: “Are you the weather girl Jemma?”
The account replied: “Yes alas I work for *the devil* at the moment. I joined the corporation in 1999 when I was 28 and fully asleep. Comatose.”
Journo’s Twitter thread
– Her supporters thread
All vaccines produced in EU to be stopped from going to UK
EU steals vaccine shipments due for UK
Its war ! EU wants you covid dead
Dodgy vaccines sent to UK
Vaccine roll our suspected
EU gets UK locked down
Deal or no vaccine says Barnier
Vaccine shipment ‘lost in transit ‘say french
Take your pick
( these headlines are contested )
Our brave politicians are queuing up to take this Pfizer vaccine live on tv to show how safe it is.
I have a better idea.
Give them an injection of scopolamine, sodium thiopental or another of the ‘truth serum’ drugs used by some intelligence agencies to get the truth from some unfortunate being interrogated.
Then, get Andrew Neil to interview them.
Far better viewing than them getting a covid vaccine.
Keep fighting Mr President. We all know it was bent as hell.
I had a quick look at some of those Twitter replies.
#famousleftytolerance and #bekind is sadly lacking from the morons that believe Biden won.
I remember the comments on the Daily Telegraph Brexit articles during Brexit. Almost all the purile, name calling spiteful and nasty ones came from remainers.
That’s when my opinion of the average Lefty being a shallow, spiteful and nasty piece of work was finally cast in concrete.
It’s not much better when you see the top comments on the BBC HYS these days. They read like petulant schoolboys who just got spanked wrote them.
BBC Online News. The derangement continues :-
“Ditch high definition and new tech to fight climate change’
By Roger Harrabin BBC environment analyst.
Flat out propagandising for activists as well being a scientific incompetent and advocacy hypocrite could only see a BBC editor so indulged.
Usual junk from the usual source
You saved the planet CO2 from tipping over the edge
by switching from HD to SD whilst watching a video on your phone’s small screen.
Those new coal fired power stations that open every week in China are by the by.
The “eight times” claim is a cherry picked stat
Being a #FakeGreen Tele-evangelists Harra & Corinne looked for the highest possible to #Cherrypick
And anyway 8 time nothing is still nothing.
He also gets a kicking cos he didn’t even put a link to the report
BTW The Royal Society report on avoiding digital waste
is hidden in a 3.8Mb PDF ..#irony
The intro and press reports DON NOT quantify MWh savings through avoiding HD
A report that makes grand claims, but hides their data
When things can be quantified that’s science
otherwise it’s PR fluff
“There’s actual grown up people out there
who believe watching Netflix in standard definition will make the sun less hot.”
We taxpayers have wasted £4K in paying Corinne to work on a report
that tells us the obvious
and then wasted £2K on paying Harra to promote it
Marie-Antoinette #FakeGreens say
“let them go Standard Definition mode”
That report is put forward by UEAs main fakegreen propagandist
co-author of the report, Prof Corinne Le Querre from the University of East Anglia, told BBC News:
“To be honest, digital tech is a small fraction of your emissions compared with, say flying even once a year
– but every bit of CO2 saving is significant.”
That last line is a lie
Big things are significant , little bits are not can’t have everything being significant.
“What’s more, we’re trying to prompt people to harness the power of digital to help tackle climate change”
So she admits the report was produced for PR purposes
Their story is PR and their activism
FFS of course my Youtube/Iplayer setting is THE lowest screen definition
cos that way you don’t get buffering
I’m not particularly interested in seeing the picture.
UEA official @richardwharvey wearing his Remain rosette in his Twitter profile
Oh dear. The new @royalsociety report on digital technology is out.
It makes 11 serious recommendations.
Yet @rharrabin @BBCNews summarises it
via one of the “example actions” which itself is simplistic and questionable. Sigh.
BTW DAB radios use significantly more power than FM
The BBC thought it was cutting its CO2 cos the DAB transmitters use less power
but AFAIK the increase in power usage of few million receivers wipes out that saving.
Rather similar to the US bloke who said that LED lights on PCs were draining society of a decent electricity supply!
Was it Dan Quayle…?
Er no, then who made millions from spouting green bolocks?
Al Gore
Is that a term of abuse?
The RS report is PR for their activist conference next week