Anyone awake ?
Al Beeb…….
“Brexit: UK-EU talks to resume in final push for trade deal”
We get this uncertainty after over four years of Tory promises to “Get Brexit done” and “Brexit means Brexit”.
The British economy would have done better if we had walked away in 2016. Instead we had an open door to allow Remainers to overturn the democratic vote of the British people and weaken our trading hand.
We never voted for a deal!
Walk away then ask the EU – “do you want to trade with us”?
That’s been my feeling all along. A kidnapper has no bargaining power once the hostage has escaped. We should have been out within a year, or less, of the referendum.
In the late 1960s, an Italian engineer built his own island in the Adriatic sea, which housed a restaurant, bar, souvenir shop and even a post office. It is an extraordinary story, which has gone largely untold for decades. That’s about to change with the release of Rose Island, a new Netflix film which follows the true story of Giorgio Rosa and his battle with the Italian authorities for his self-made structure to be recognised as an independent state. The story is likely to have passed you by unless you happen to live in the north Italian city of Rimini, off the coast of which Rosa built his utopian micro-nation.
Read full analysis >
Steven McIntosh
Entertainment reporter, BBC News
A utopian micro-nation. And for a while it was good.
But then the necessary few civil servants required to run services started ballooning, hiring each other and awarding pay rises, pensions and quango roles like confetti, especially to the bloated micro state macro broadcaster which created all sorts of editorial positions to ‘report’ on and hence create confected divisions.
And eventually all left who actually did something and all who remained huddled in their gated bunkers as the feral mess they insisted on spawning outside generated ratings but little else than actual anarchy.
While they waited for a new productive utopia to be created which they could then demand to reinfest and screw up, as ever.
Halifax? Hope there is no posting from you because you have given up on the BBC. I watch or listen very little these days but within 2 minutes find the sort of bias we can report here.
as ever antivaxx seems a red herring
As with mask you don’t so much wear one to protect yourself, but to protect others.
Unvaccinated you could go to work and bring back a FULL viral dose , which you pass on to your granny or people who are unable to have a vaccine like your pregnant wife.
With a vaccine your workplace should have less Covid, but you could still pick it up and come home. However cos you’d have a stronger immune system the dose you emit would be low and not a full viral dose.
Interesting they don’t mentions precautions you should take even AFTER being vaccinated.
BTW when Piers Corbyn was on TalkRadio he shouted “the vaccine has poisons in it, there is a list on my website”
Actually the page only lists mercury.
“Poison” is a boo-word. Cos the truth is everything is poisonous eg water and sunlight
it just depends the quantity.
Mercury is tiny quantities is not poisonous, your body can get rid of it. It is in the environment in tiny tiny quantities.
The page doesn’t list any other poisons but says “The new vaccines are DNA altering”
but having made that grand claim, it doesn’t substantiate that claim.
Instead it rushes on to make an entirely different claim about Guinea-Bissau. Again unsubstantiated.
Now there was a botched experimental vaccine from 15 years ago in some African country that did indeed go wrong & got withdrawn.
But that was a one off, and the reason you do trials.
Both antivaxxers and anti-fracking people exhibit “2+2 = 5” thinking
yet the media allows a free pass to one of those groups.
Morning all,
Likewise Deborah, I watch very little now unless at a friend’s house as I no longer pay the licence (tax). This morning saw James Cleverly ambushed. Started as Brexit and then BLM and Millwall..he did a good job of fending them off and stopping their ‘assumed’ position without compromising himself
Then after he had shut them down – one of the presenters (Sally?), who is a numpty, suddenly said -” at many matches the crowds were applauding”
No evidence of this happening, didn’t show any examples – so we have her sudden interjection – which we are supposed to believe – yeah right!
Who the F%%% bothers with BBC ..their agenda is so bloody obvious.
I doubt very much that anyone was applauding this ghastly debasement. It’s toe curling.
The BBC aren’t above doing a little “window dressing”.
What they’ve been doing, due to the lack of crowds, is to have taped applause and roars from supporters taken from the good old days and they slip it in where they think it’s appropriate.
I honestly don’t believe any football supporter (that I know of) would applaud seeing his team kneeling to an organisation that desecrates the Cenotaph and is choc full of racist and Marxist far left thugs.
I saw a glimpse of the snooker yesterday and they had the same taped applause there in an empty auditorium.
I guess it’s the equivalent to canned laughter. Can you imagine any of those dire, painfully unfunny BBC “comedies” without it?
Marcus, Sandi, Dawn and Lenny…
Blimey, it would be like being at a bloody funeral.
UK govt repeats message this morning there has been no progress on fish, accuses EU side of making it up last night, suggesting perhaps EU was on verge of agreeing something with itself
Dear Lord, it doesn’t bear thinking about. I fear we may see Lei’s around the neck and gifts of incense as they dish out their ‘gongs’ barefoot on the beach.
Please someone do something about this ridiculous pair who have become a complete laughing stock, and must have his granny shaking her head in despair.
On my Sky upgrade I’ve been allocated Netflix. Now at my age I’m far from prude, but having watched Designated Survivor and now How to Get Away With Murder, l’ve been ‘faced’ with scenes of full on gay pillow grabbing sex. I’m a live and let live person with no thoughts of what goes on behind closed doors, but am I alone in feeling uncomfortable with this ? Ok we’ve been desensitised over the decades with hetrosexual sex scenes, which has progressed from a ‘suggestion’ to whether Michael Douglas & Sharon Stone ‘did’ it on camera, and likewise Donald Sutherland & Julie Christie, to where we are today.
Or maybe I’m just an old romantic who wants the whole hearts and romance before hitting the sheets, whereas gay sex is portrayed as ‘I want sex now, and you’re IT’ as they grind against any available wall.
Is there a single film made these days that does not show somebody urinating? Did these people never grow out of the childish desire to shock people by saying rude words, of which this is just another form?
Prominent Saudi scholar Al-Ghathami visits Mosques in the UK and is shocked by the level of extremism within them. He says this extremism doesn’t even exist in Saudi Arabia. Listen for yourself:
BBC today still indulging in the fiction that booing of taking the knee only happened at Millwall (makes an easier target). In fact it happened at West Ham and Colchester too. I have little doubt that when crowds return in other parts of the country it will happen there too.
True. Let’s not forget that Millwall were previously fined for allowing fans to boo during a cup match against Liverpool. Please see Rod Liddle’s brilliant story and if still available on Google.
I can see booing now being banned from football stadia.
If stores in his country don’t shut immediately for prayer times, its far from unknown that the religious police storm in and start smashing the store up. Yes, I was sure, “shocked by the level of extremism” whilst living there.
FFS….It looks like one of those weeks….R4 just interviewing new Director of Natural History museum and what do they throw in….slavery….of all the great things to talk about
Fortunately the new guy said – they will not be cancelling Darwin etc..and stopped them…
Why does the BBC have this constant need to trash the history of this country, and the people who in the main pay for it to exist…?
Defund now see how long they survive on income from the diverse side of life..
I am sure there must be some way of complaining about this propaganda.
Basically their wonderful system looks at the highest temperature in the last 30 years and adds an amount on based on ‘global’ rises of 2 or 4 degrees for the local climate change figure? What a crock of Sh1t
It’s like complaining that you bought the deodorant advertised in the TV ad, yet you still haven’t got the same pretty girl.
.. It’s all Public Relations BS
Since you mention the Gestapo, Dover Sentry I will repeat an example of a a much more serious complaint from that time that did work. Pastor Bonhoeffer drew attention to Hitler’s euthanasia programme against disabled and mentally unfit in a church sermon and Hitler was forced to stop the killings because he needed the people on his side for the war .
The point is complaining CAN work even for complaints that may not seem important and even though it may seem a slim chance it is worth trying . The money involved and effort for an an organisation to answer complaints that are followed through, just could draw unwanted attention from other media , and turn things round.
It increasingly looks as though President Trump has had the election stolen from him by the deep state, swamp, liberal left international elite , whatever you choose to call them. I think that we can assume the same mob will , once in power, ensure that there can never be another candidate of the people like Trump. All future Presidents and Presidential candidates must be one of them or at least malleable enough to do their bidding.
The USA is not unique , in the UK Brexit still hangs by a thread thanks to the influential manoeuvres of Remainers and I suspect that the political elite of all established parties will be plotting how to return the UK to the fold and to prevent another debacle like Brexit from happening again. Of course initially it will have to be done without upsetting the voters but a way will eventually be found of neutering the votes of ordinary folks so that they can’t upset the apple cart again.
Similarly the democratic government of Poland , Hungary will eventually be coerced into compliance with Brussels .
So Is there anyway the control of the international elite can be broken? I don’t think that toddling off to the polling station and voting for the candidate of disruption will be enough in future, the elite have taken care of that problem .Refusal by ordinary people to pay for the elite will bring them down. Not buying from the oligarchs international corporations, such as Face Book or Amazon or not paying taxes would soon do it. But look how hard it is to get even the foul BBC defunded , trying to break the oligarchs will be even harder, much harder. I’m afraid most folks just want a quiet life and care about today and tomorrow and they are unlikely to massively inconvenience themselves just to restore the power of their vote and a free democratic society. As long as the elite provide bread and circuses they can keep the people passive. Their rule could last for many decades.
Its amazing. No wonder the Chinese and its allies in America, EU, were desperate to get rid of Donald Trump. One more Donald Trump term would destroy the carefully built Climate Change for The Great Reset.
Our freedom, little we have now, will be extinguished once we are in the Climate Change Fix. It will be China, USA and the EU who will dictate Britain and its direction.
How Pres Trump can beat this Triad is beyond me.
But I still have hope. America has this strange ability of getting out of a fix at the last moment.
And don’t forget folks at this time of year that every penny you donate goes to children in need. I heard them asking for more money on Radio 2 yesterday.
That’s not ‘children who are in need’ of course. It’s the charity ‘Children In Need’ set up and named deliberately so you can be misled. Who then take nearly 20 million of it out for themselves.
But they don’t tell you that. Classic BBC misrepresentation.
I used to make a regular donation of a tenner every moth to Save the Children. I was donating for yonks…
Like most of us I guess I was beguiled by the adverts that suggest as little as £5 a month could make all the difference to some starving toddler stuck in an African backwater…
However, it came to my attention that the “charity workers” at the top of the organisation were on £165,000 a year!
Blimey, I’m well aware of the old adage that charity begins at home, but FFS…
I contacted them and ended my monthly payments and you know what?
I didn’t even receive a thankyou email.
Last night the Green Industrial Revolution = 1.3%
Wind/Solar just 1.3% of leccy used.
Earlier they may have been used to pump water up hill
that made up some of the 3% of power that cane from storage, but there’s losses in that.
Britain's electricity mix at 7pm on 6th Dec 2020
Nuclear 15.3% Gas 55.8% Coal 4.8% Wind 1.3% Solar 0.0% Hydro 1.9% Biomass 7.2% Import 9.6% Storage 3.0% Other 1.0%
Generation 42GW Carbon intensity 345 gCO2eq/kWh vs target of 50-100 gCO2e/kWh by 2030 #Coal#Wind
But I’m sure there will be plenty of ready and instant supply to power 15m cars on virtually instant demand.
I’m sure the maths has been done when the wind and solar are available.
They can speculate, as we do, but our press don’t know what is really going on in the Brexit talks, so their headlines tend to be coloured by their attitude toward the EU.
The FT has always regretted our Leave vote and would rather the UK side would kiss and make up with Brussels: ‘Trade talks poised on “knife edge” as Brexit brinkmanship persists’ – you can tell that it is British brinkmanship that’s the problem for the FT as it happens to be the Irish PM they bring into their report for a quote: ‘I don’t think one can be overly optimistic about a resolution emerging’
Don’t believe me that the FT prefers the european way of doing things – then check this: ‘French business schools out perform their European peers with the best masters programmes and executive courses…’ – is that true? By what metric? – ‘…according to the FT ranking’ – d’accord, c’est magnifique, c’est accrédité.
The Telegraph echoes the knife edge phrase and seems happy to at least give us the fishing issue: ‘Brexit talks on “knife edge” as EU backs down over fishing’ – but is a deal on fish just a red herring tossed to us, only to blind us to more significant, more binding, EU rule taking?
The Times loves the EU and reflexively takes Brussels’ side: ‘Merkel and Macron in final bid for Brexit deal’
The Express expresses the fear that we’ll be trapped by EU rules in perpetuity: ‘PM: No deal if we can’t take back control… any new proposals must reflect the UK’s status as an independent nation…’
Likewise the Mail: ‘Bullish Boris ready to walk away. PM warns he won’t sign deal that would curb UK’s independence’ – just before he does the very thing he said he wouldn’t do, we wonder?
The freebie Metro has Lord Frost our chief negotiator on the frontpage: ‘Frosty the “No” man’
All this press chatter about Brexit talks to which the press are not privvy does at least knock the Chinese Flu off the frontpages.
Mostly. ‘Vaxit’ says the Sun: ‘Boris to end talks agony today. Brits to get first Covid jabs tomorrow’
Need some expert punditry? Bring in a pundit. The Daily Star has Gary Neville: ‘Gary: Boris own goal. Out of his depth like me at Valencia… Neville has likened Boris Johnson’s chaotic handling of the coronavirus crisis to his woeful spell at managing a team in Spain…’
And the Star’s thought for the day reads: ‘And if Gary says it’s bad, that’s really bad’
The Daily Star’s frontpage also features a pic of Dawn French taking the knee and using her Christmas BBC comedy special episide to promote BLM.
Just as bizarre and confusing a front page feature can be found in the Times: ‘Town v country. Why women want city life’ – your guess is as good as mine?
The Telegraph reports the return of a much loved hardy annual: ‘Snow in Britain could all but vanish by 2100’ – seems the Met Office have done an 80 year long range forecast for us. Comment seems superfluous.
Tributes today in the ‘i’ newspaper to the much loved old school golf commentator Peter Alliss. I’m reminded of an accidental hot mic incident when Alliss passed judgement on some young people in the crowd apparently misbehaving on a golf course during a tournament: “They should be flogged, flogged, all the way to the gallows”
How ignorant of climate science do you need to be to get on the BBC? The UK has mild winters because of the jet stream. The risk is we lose the jet stream and have far colder winters. Melting ice caps could do that. So could changes to the solar output
There are indeed lots of areas of the British countryside where snow will never more touch the ground
….. The ground the bastards have covered with SUBSIDISED solar and wind farms.
The lesson on Global warming doom stories is that you set them not 20 years into the future but 80 years,
that way it doesn’t happen, you are already dead.
The anti-UK spin on @BBCBreakfast this morning regarding #Brexit is hysterical, in the worst possible sense. It's impossible to know were to start on their disinformation/bias.
Ha , today’s climate/snow stories are all part of a collaborative PR effort.
“Enter a UK postcode in our lookup to see the local impacts of climate change.
Also catch @BBCPanorama : Britain’s Wild Weather tonight at 1900gmt on BBC One.
Many thanks to the @metoffice for their collaboration.”
The head of BBC news Public Relations
complaining that today’s papers are not giving the BBC credit for the Public Relations BBC has made up.
The Save the Licence Fee people are also doing PR for tonight’s Panorama
as if they have a vested interesting in keeping the monolith that pushes Greendreams .. funded by The GreenBlob ?
@BenPile replies In fact none of those @BBCNews @BBCRadio4
stories were news, and none of them produced by journalists, reporters or analysts.
The @BBC is nothing more than a propaganda pipe, into people’s homes.
This morning on bbbc newcastle they had a girl on who was saying a no deal would be catastrophic for our area and saying when Nissan closes because of no deal tariffs there will be massive job losses.
I Googled car imports and exports with the eu and the figures are (rounded off but I’m sure Stew will correct any large error) cars from uk to eu, about 500,000 a year (2018 was the year given) and cars from the eu to the uk, about 1,200,000
If there was a 10%-20% tariff (both ways) it could result in a drop of imports and exports, let’s say a 50% drop.
Our exports would then be 250,000 and our imports would be 600,000
Just to keep it simple, if Nissan were our only manufacturer they would lose 250,000 exports and gain 600,000 more home sales from our drop of importing eu cars.
I know it’s oversimplified but I think you can see what I mean.
Does that mean Nissan would have to increase their output by 350,000 cars a year to fill the gap.
(Read ALL UK car manufacturers for Nissan)
They would have to expand production and not close as the eu loving girl was trying to frighten people into believing.
I haven’t heard anyone on the tv/radio mention that tariffs would mean a boom for uk car manufacturers yet it seems so obvious.
Even if my guesstimate figures are well out everything points to more uk sales for our car manufacturers than the loss of exports for them.
If UK went for reciprocal tariffs it would be free to simply use the import tariffs to help the UK manufacturers losing out due to tariffs imposed by the EU.
It’s complicated cos all manufactures need to import parts, but I believe Nissan set it up so parts would be imported from Japan not from the EU.
BBC along with all the main media still claiming there is no evidence of voter fraud in US elections., this despite the hundreds of sworn affidavits of some of those involved and the detailed reports given by ex military and professional computer fraud experts.
Hundreds of details and actual videos here :
Why are they ignoring actual evidence ?
I am sure our Labour Party are watching and learning from the corruption openly on display yet not reported by mainstream media. Could have grave consequences for world democracy.
If you are sceptical just take time to look at
it’s all there.
Regrettably, I can’t find the video on YT I found it on. However, some computer expert has obtained one of the Dominion voting machines and has now exposed what happens when running votes through it. Seems that the machine is programmed to take the first 35 votes of every 1200 and convert them to Biden automatically. The rest sorted as normal. If I’ve got it right, this is very significant because it suggests that taking any Dominion machine at random should reveal this inbuilt programmed bias.
It seems that the Dominion machines can be programmed by the purchaser to carry out many different “calculations and “re allocations” and it is all explained in their manual. Hence its popularity with Despots and Socialist regimes.
To find the site Google it rather than going to YouTube
The General
‘Why are they ignoring actual evidence ?’
That is the question. The answer is because they can.
To explain. During the past two or three decades the media, which traditionally had obligations to the people and to governments, has emerged as an elite class in its own right and now chooses governments.
In the old system politicians appealed to the media to persuade people to vote for them. But the media can bypass this stage and simply choose its government. According to the US constitution Biden is not yet President but clearly he has been appointed by the media. The US election is a fraud, evidence shows this, but we are beyond elections which the media do not recognise and the media can simply deny fraud or ignore it. And they have chosen Biden as a front for them.
Now to the UK. Boris is PM by the grace of the media who can replace him. We may see Brexit negotiations stall and the media will be successful in demanding a referendum which will be fixed for remain no matter how people vote, and we will return to the objective of creating the United States of Europe with an unelected executive, as in the US.
Yes but the terrifying reality is that should the Democrats get away with this, there will never be a truly democratic election in America again.
In this country, even with the media totally opposed to brexit and Boris, our democratic process was able to thwart them. However should Labour succeed in expanding the Democrat’s modus operandi in voter fraud from the likes of Tower Hamlets to other areas of the country, we could find ourselves with an Abbopottimus running our country.
Postal ballots are an invitation to manipulate and election and we must resist any attempts to increase their deployment.
Bobby Friction’s what’s “shocking” is your incredible cherry picking
“Boohoo” he says the BBC and commercial stations have no Asian presenters
What’s he left off his list ?
That the BBC have an entire network of Asian only presenters & a radio station only aimed at blacks
The same for commercial stations
as well as the fact that there are many UK based TV stations that serve ethnicities or religions ?
As well as leaving Radio4 off his list which has vast amounts of Asian presenters.
eg @tweeter_anita @MishalHusain @ritula @sindhuvee
Shocking figures.
Our melting pot of a country & it's on air presenters of South Asian heritage across mainstream radio.
Oh and on Radio2 Asian presenters are often used as cover
eg @amolrajan is a regular daytime cover presenter & Anita Rani covers for Jo Whiley late next week
+ @TinaDaheley main newsreader /co-presenter on Breakfast.
Talk Radio has regular BAME guests
and one of their Saturday night Women’s show is black
TalkRadio presenter & executive Jonny Gould is Jewish and his presenter brother Ash.
Or maybe Mr Friction hasn’t realised that a country of over 56 million white people just don’t want to listen to an accent that doesn’t have roots in the UK (Brummie accent aside 😉
If you read the the square it gives an explanation
“R4 not included cos the schedule is dynamic”
Each square is also marked “based on permanent presenters”
The number of South Asians to represent to represent The demographic would be about 5%.
And actually on mainstream it should be less cos many of them are already working on specialist ethnic or religious stations.
In the UK the term South Asian usually refers to people from the Indian subcontinent. In the UK, South Asian minority groups include Indians 1.45 million (2.3 per cent), Pakistanis 1.17 million (1.9 per cent), Bangladeshis 451,500 (0.7 per cent) and other Asians.
Think that many of us are aware that the lockdown policies of Britain and many other Western countries have been based on a false premise. It is even more relevant now that we are being told the double lie that a vaccine is the key to ending lockdowns and is the only way that we can return to a semblance of normality.
One view point on this matter…A voluntary vaccine, if and when proved safe, might be a good thing. A vaccine in which vast swathes of the population understandably lack confidence, as the deus ex machina solution to the already misguided lockdown policy, is not. If we think a rushed-through vaccine about which there are credible doubts has vindicated the government’s strategy, then we are reliably informed that we are not examining the evidence dispassionately; wishful thinking at best and the idea that it might be made a condition of freedom surely should give us opened minded critics of the intrusive and with an ever more authoritarien state, some serious doubts. A lot more transparancy is needed before I would feel it safe to have an injection of at present god knows what. The BBC should be pushing for more examination on the vaccines, more information on the composition and so on, instead they are fuelling the Governments excited behaviour. Something nasty is creeping about in the wood shed-the scientists.
I see a rarer-than-hens-teeth have-your-say has been opened on the BBC webiste. The topic ?.
”Magical’ monolith appears on Isle of Wight beach in the UK’
Meanwhile we never, ever get the chance to comment on things being forced upon us in attempts to mould society how they want it – such as BLM.
I wonder who decides what will be opened. I will assume from this that they have a quota each week. They are now reserved for topics where the government can get slagged off about Brexit by students or which are as far away from their political agenda as possible.
Unbiased and impartial. My @rse.
Magical Monolith? Probably a portal for BLM and Black Panthers to go back in time and stop slave ships crossing the Atlantic. If successful, BLM, the Panthers and all Black people in America and Britain would fade away, leaving an all White paradise. While in Africa, BLM and the Black Panthers would then be living in mud huts, and drinking water obtained from a bucket with a peace of string over a hole dug by David Attenborough.
None of the BLM activists live in the place they are so upset about being taken away from because they know as well as we do what a sh1thole it is.
My friend had to go Africa for work. He attended a training course on how to get your car stolen at traffic lights without being shot.
Goodness me. The BBC are absolutely out of control.
Look at the graphic they created to represent the general population of Britain:
Of the 22 characters down the article, 2 are white males.
They are relentless : on it’s own it’s not much but it’s every article, every day. A steady drip-drip-drip of social conditioning.
When the problem was the lack of minorities in the news, it was racism and very bad indeed. I wonder if they even realise what hypocrites they are.
Some of this is weird. The idea that we get a vaccine rolled out which stops 9 out of 10 vulnerable people getting it yet *still* have to social distance is for the birds. Not least because the economic damage would be colossal
John -This has been going on for ages now. You should
know that BBC is “educating” you into believing that
you should be ashamed to be white, and basically wants to
cancel you. They have been culling their white male presenters
and reporters for quite a while now.
Another everyday tale of muslim folk murdering a Christian that the BBC ignores.
In the opening seconds David Wood specifically singles out the BBC for their ignoring such stories. It seems even the Americans are getting wise to the lying BBC bias.
Your reputation at home is already in the mud BBC, and now increasingly abroad. Good.
BIG BROTHER at the diversity department at the BBC and his, hers or it’s fellow anarchist Marxist BLM organization supporters
are going to “educate” us until they are blue in the face that
we are to understand that “taking the knee ” is the default
position of the BBC . And we the unwashed are going to have
to take this position or be classified a racist.
I am never going to let the BBC believe that I have to except
their anarchist view of what is right or wrong. I will tell you
something. Their scum” brother” who tried to burn the Union Jack
on the Cenotaph should be locked up for at least two years
instead of getting away with his shocking actions.
“Brexit: UK signals possible changes to bill in Brexit row”
“The UK has signalled a possible compromise with the EU over a row about its plans to potentially override parts of the Brexit deal agreed last year.”………………
Looks like BoJo is caving ?
Any more info , anyone ?
It’s the legal ability to break ‘international law’ in respect to NI and the U.K. Internal Market Bill. The clause was rejected by the lords but it was due to be re-inserted by the commons today. Gove has offered a compromise in this respect.
The Beeboids did not seem too upbeat about it on the 5pm news, as it sits outside of the main trade negotiations.
However, my shout out loud comment to the car radio was ‘here comes the jellyfish’
The 6pm bulletin informs me the EUSSR have graciously agreed to extend the talks until Wednesday. So magnanimous of them.
Just walk away Doris and don’t look back no more…..
ITV local news : ‘yeh jobs are at risk cos if we don’t give our fishing rights away to the EU in our own huge sea area
the one remaining Hull trawler a super trawler won’t be able to fish in Norway’
I am just missing it, or do the BBC and other msm just never bother reporting exactly what % of our fishing the 2 sides are negotiating and demanding.
I’m guessing the EU want 100% of what they’ve been getting, and we are offering what percentage ?
What the bbc reports, or chooses not to, is what makes folk trust them.
Why has @BBCNews not covered booing of taking the knee at West Ham? ITV London news y'day showed footage capturing widespread booing. Given West Ham is a Prem club isn't this a bigger story than Millwall? Turning a blind eye helps get fans to think "only Millwall would do this".
Sky blocked the booing out from West Ham, Colchester vs Grimsby
Our local BBC news covered it
“The Grimsby manager said he is ashamed of his booing fans”
.. that has to be incorrect, cos there were only Colchester fans there.
I wouldn’t be surprised if these political shenanigans (taking the knee) were now stopped by the FA on the pretence that the public has endorsed it fully and therefore no need to continue.
Not the real reason being that the silent majority is about to become the ‘unsilent’ majority……
Basically a large number and I mean a ‘very large’ number of people are getting ‘peed’ off with all the virtue signalling and knee taking.
Great Britain would be a much better place if those people that hated this country politely left.
The time has now come for the people of this nation to fight back.
Boris speaks like Churchill, but combines Roosevelt’s New Deal with Caroline Lucas’s Green Dream using Stalin’s brainwashing techniques to persuade the Tories to support Princess Nut Nut’s loony left-wing Green Party ideology. Boris will use his behaviour change and public engagement team to brainwash the Tories into voting for the Green Party in the next election. The head of the unit is Gervase Poulden, an immature upper-class twit educated in brainwashing techniques and environmental journalism. He is a committed vegan who worked in Brussels.
Boris and Princess Nut Nut could bankrupt Britain by spending Trillions of pounds on a problem that does not exist, as proven by the use of the Unified Theory of Climate on planets with carbon dioxide atmospheres.
Its thought that this could be Princess Nut Nut’s plan for the Tories to win back Brighton from the Green Party.
Brilliant Richard-I have run out of words to use to castigate the idiotic behaviour of those we expect to uphold and represent our nation-the members of our Parliament, the oldest in the world, have and are using their extreme privilege in representing the public, to continually destroy our democracy. We are not an enslaved people, however the BBC et al would be pleased if we were. We must hold tight and not be so compliant with each advice (rule) given by government-question more often.
LONDON (Reuters) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will go to Brussels in coming days in an attempt to bridge significant differences in Brexit talks over level playing field, governance and fisheries.
“As agreed on Saturday, we took stock today of the ongoing negotiations.
We agreed that the conditions for finalising an agreement are not there due to the remaining significant differences on three critical issues: level playing field, governance and fisheries,” Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.
“We asked our Chief Negotiators and their teams to prepare an overview of the remaining differences to be discussed in a physical meeting in Brussels in the coming days.”
going to Brussels so he can come back waving his piece of paper.
Will his piece of paper say “I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received”? Or will we have to modify the final lyric to the anthem “Rule Britannia” to reflect our status as a slave colony?
Speaking to the Mail, Joshua offered his management services to Fury, saying: “Let us handle his career. He’s a superstar in the making. With the right management, he could go all the way.”
Tyson Fury replied:
“@anthonyfjoshua has it ever dawned on you I’m not interested in being a superstar, or famous, I’m a fighting man & only interested in smashing your face in, u keep the stardom, I’ll stay real, #youbigdosser I’m coming for u superstar, tick tock tick tock ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰”
How refreshing!
If only the BBC staff proclaimed they were only interested in being consumate journalists etc rather than pretending to be Stars,,,
Birmingham Court
Tyrall Blake knifed Jack Donoghue once near the stomach, leaving him with a catastrophic injury which caused his death three hours later.
..At the request of the family police released The video of the actual stabbing
Police working 'around the clock' in hunt for Tyrall Blake in connection with Jack Donoghue murder
No worries , they will probably feel the wrath of some Liberal judge and be out of jail in three years after convincing their probation officers and social workers that deep down, they are really nice chums.
The other mixed race guy Nile Bennett was cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter and violent disorder.
Connor Moore,and Regan Watters were also convicted of manslaughter and assault with intent to rob
They were seen on CCTV targeting people as they left various bars and clubs to travel home, West Midlands Police said.
Weakening? I do hope not. I ceased voting Labour years ago(Liberal actually, in an attempt to kick the sitting Tory out. It never succeeded anyway -thank goodness) If Boris disappoints me in the winter of my years then I will have no choice but to vote for candidates for which the main stream media strongly dissapproves which will mean that I am an extremist so f–k them. They have asked for it. I am not alone.
I’m with you there lefty wright.
But I’ve got so totally sick of the lot of them, that I’m thinking about siding with Covid 19…
They’ve driven me to it????
I was so looking forward to that…
You could have put a spoiler alert in !
Just kidding.
I’ll watch the current series instead
It’s sickly to watch though, with the perspex dividers between the contestants and Paxman sporting a LOOK AT ME long lockdown non-haircut.
The show must have passed it’s peak transvestite phase, as unusually, there hasnt been one on this series.
Football crowd booing BLM politics was selected for #BBCbangingOn
Back in June BBC Leeds did report the BLM vandalism of Queen Victoria’s statue, but hardly shouted.
They didn’t even tweet the story themselves.
I assume the #WokeGuard know that Queen Victoria came to the throne, oh, some five years after the abolition of slavery. BBC News – Statue of Queen Victoria defaced in Hyde Park, Leeds
On the 'sportsmen taking the knee' thing. How many of the footballers (for example) doing this do you think are sincere about it, how many couldn't give a toss but can't be bothered with the aggro if they refuse? I'm guessing many are the latter. So how meaningful is it?
“UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will travel to Brussels this week to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in a last ditch effort to salvage a post-Brexit trade deal.”
The last time a British Prime Minister went to Europe to get a Brexit Deal he came back with a packet of crisps and a can of Fanta.
In the mean time, we get more illegals from across the Channel today.
How much are we paying France ?
The climate of the planet is like human nature. It’s beyond the power of man to alter it’s course.
Take away ALL the wonderful creature comforts that human inginuity has provided and we are just competitive beings and we will mostly behave in the interests of ourselves and our kin.
We do not and can not dictate to the climate. The climate dictates to us.
Lunchtime LoatherMar 4, 16:03 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Loved this bit: “”As I understand it today, the BBC has only made one payment to the programme maker to…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news TTK Won’t give MPs a vote on military action in Ukraine – come on – let’s get this…
Fedup2Mar 4, 15:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Come on come on – there’s got to be a council out there ‘banning shrove Tuesday ‘ because it clashes…
Ian RushlowMar 4, 14:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC bots and globalist lickspittles are being fully co-ordinated on this. The BBC article features a carefully curated comments…
Fedup2Mar 4, 14:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I wonder is the BBC bewilderment is mentioned is caused by a reversal of positions – normally the lefties want…
GMar 4, 14:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We’ve got to follow the ‘old’ Japan and now China, buy the stuff and reverse engineer it. The US won’t…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 14:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘I lost trust’ in Gaza film, says BBC boss Tim Davie ……………………………… BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast BBC Radio…
Anyone awake ?
Al Beeb…….
“Brexit: UK-EU talks to resume in final push for trade deal”
We get this uncertainty after over four years of Tory promises to “Get Brexit done” and “Brexit means Brexit”.
The British economy would have done better if we had walked away in 2016. Instead we had an open door to allow Remainers to overturn the democratic vote of the British people and weaken our trading hand.
We never voted for a deal!
Walk away then ask the EU – “do you want to trade with us”?
That’s been my feeling all along. A kidnapper has no bargaining power once the hostage has escaped. We should have been out within a year, or less, of the referendum.
Catchup links to last posts on previous thread
– Page 3 started 9pm Sunday
– Page 2
Good morning taffman. Yes I am awake. You can go and get some sleep now.
Then it’s over to you……….
BBC Moaning Emole, a story in one part…
The ‘prince of anarchy’ who built his own island
In the late 1960s, an Italian engineer built his own island in the Adriatic sea, which housed a restaurant, bar, souvenir shop and even a post office. It is an extraordinary story, which has gone largely untold for decades. That’s about to change with the release of Rose Island, a new Netflix film which follows the true story of Giorgio Rosa and his battle with the Italian authorities for his self-made structure to be recognised as an independent state. The story is likely to have passed you by unless you happen to live in the north Italian city of Rimini, off the coast of which Rosa built his utopian micro-nation.
Read full analysis >
Steven McIntosh
Entertainment reporter, BBC News
A utopian micro-nation. And for a while it was good.
But then the necessary few civil servants required to run services started ballooning, hiring each other and awarding pay rises, pensions and quango roles like confetti, especially to the bloated micro state macro broadcaster which created all sorts of editorial positions to ‘report’ on and hence create confected divisions.
And eventually all left who actually did something and all who remained huddled in their gated bunkers as the feral mess they insisted on spawning outside generated ratings but little else than actual anarchy.
While they waited for a new productive utopia to be created which they could then demand to reinfest and screw up, as ever.
I’ll bet there’s no so-called, “Refugees” there.
Halifax? Hope there is no posting from you because you have given up on the BBC. I watch or listen very little these days but within 2 minutes find the sort of bias we can report here.
BBC News
Who approves it? What’s in it? Do I need to get it?
What you need to know about the Covid vaccine.
How do we (sic) know the vaccine is safe?
Top comment (possibly due to the number of laugh ???? smileys:
“ It’s your government. Probably safe, but if your eyeballs fall out, blame yourselves. You wanted to leave the EU. ”
as ever antivaxx seems a red herring
As with mask you don’t so much wear one to protect yourself, but to protect others.
Unvaccinated you could go to work and bring back a FULL viral dose , which you pass on to your granny or people who are unable to have a vaccine like your pregnant wife.
With a vaccine your workplace should have less Covid, but you could still pick it up and come home. However cos you’d have a stronger immune system the dose you emit would be low and not a full viral dose.
Interesting they don’t mentions precautions you should take even AFTER being vaccinated.
BTW when Piers Corbyn was on TalkRadio he shouted “the vaccine has poisons in it, there is a list on my website”
Actually the page only lists mercury.
“Poison” is a boo-word. Cos the truth is everything is poisonous eg water and sunlight
it just depends the quantity.
Mercury is tiny quantities is not poisonous, your body can get rid of it. It is in the environment in tiny tiny quantities.
The page doesn’t list any other poisons but says “The new vaccines are DNA altering”
but having made that grand claim, it doesn’t substantiate that claim.
Instead it rushes on to make an entirely different claim about Guinea-Bissau. Again unsubstantiated.
Now there was a botched experimental vaccine from 15 years ago in some African country that did indeed go wrong & got withdrawn.
But that was a one off, and the reason you do trials.
Both antivaxxers and anti-fracking people exhibit “2+2 = 5” thinking
yet the media allows a free pass to one of those groups.
Mercury has been used in dental fillings .
Morning all,
Likewise Deborah, I watch very little now unless at a friend’s house as I no longer pay the licence (tax). This morning saw James Cleverly ambushed. Started as Brexit and then BLM and Millwall..he did a good job of fending them off and stopping their ‘assumed’ position without compromising himself
Then after he had shut them down – one of the presenters (Sally?), who is a numpty, suddenly said -” at many matches the crowds were applauding”
No evidence of this happening, didn’t show any examples – so we have her sudden interjection – which we are supposed to believe – yeah right!
Who the F%%% bothers with BBC ..their agenda is so bloody obvious.
I doubt very much that anyone was applauding this ghastly debasement. It’s toe curling.
The BBC aren’t above doing a little “window dressing”.
What they’ve been doing, due to the lack of crowds, is to have taped applause and roars from supporters taken from the good old days and they slip it in where they think it’s appropriate.
I honestly don’t believe any football supporter (that I know of) would applaud seeing his team kneeling to an organisation that desecrates the Cenotaph and is choc full of racist and Marxist far left thugs.
I saw a glimpse of the snooker yesterday and they had the same taped applause there in an empty auditorium.
I guess it’s the equivalent to canned laughter. Can you imagine any of those dire, painfully unfunny BBC “comedies” without it?
Marcus, Sandi, Dawn and Lenny…
Blimey, it would be like being at a bloody funeral.
Never I thought I would be praising Millwall fans, but well done to those 2,000 or so at The New Den on Saturday.
No, I’ve still got the scar tissue from a few unfortunate “incidents” during the 1970’s… but on this occasion I say three cheers!
BBC doing what only the bbc knows how…
Who will get Best Broadcast Blonde first, Laura or BS or actual spring chicken?
Dear Lord, it doesn’t bear thinking about. I fear we may see Lei’s around the neck and gifts of incense as they dish out their ‘gongs’ barefoot on the beach.
Please someone do something about this ridiculous pair who have become a complete laughing stock, and must have his granny shaking her head in despair.
Laura so needs to get Jess in for her expertise. Presumably.
I open Twitter and gay magazine Pink News is pushing paid propaganda at me : “throuples” polyandry
Meanwhile there us a West Midlands Police Federation tweet about, that glamourises a transgender officer.
They do feature xe looking happy with its taser.
However many are noting a surprising similarity with Dick Emery being awful.
Be interesting how the new breed of exhibitionist weirdos will react if the U.K. police embrace Macron’s ban on photography of them looking fabulous.
And what will happen to the social media departments staffed to share such tripe?
On my Sky upgrade I’ve been allocated Netflix. Now at my age I’m far from prude, but having watched Designated Survivor and now How to Get Away With Murder, l’ve been ‘faced’ with scenes of full on gay pillow grabbing sex. I’m a live and let live person with no thoughts of what goes on behind closed doors, but am I alone in feeling uncomfortable with this ? Ok we’ve been desensitised over the decades with hetrosexual sex scenes, which has progressed from a ‘suggestion’ to whether Michael Douglas & Sharon Stone ‘did’ it on camera, and likewise Donald Sutherland & Julie Christie, to where we are today.
Or maybe I’m just an old romantic who wants the whole hearts and romance before hitting the sheets, whereas gay sex is portrayed as ‘I want sex now, and you’re IT’ as they grind against any available wall.
Yes, not exactly Brief Encounter, is it…
Is there a single film made these days that does not show somebody urinating? Did these people never grow out of the childish desire to shock people by saying rude words, of which this is just another form?
Radical UK mosques, worse than Saudi
Another area for the BBC to ignore?
True. Let’s not forget that Millwall were previously fined for allowing fans to boo during a cup match against Liverpool. Please see Rod Liddle’s brilliant story and if still available on Google.
I can see booing now being banned from football stadia.
However…. soon…
I used to shake my head and laugh at that and say “never in a million years could that happen in Blighty…”
And then we got our Thursday night slot to show our appreciation of the divine NHS.
It was so creepy…
So there is hope for us yet.
If stores in his country don’t shut immediately for prayer times, its far from unknown that the religious police storm in and start smashing the store up. Yes, I was sure, “shocked by the level of extremism” whilst living there.
I thought the money to build all these places came largely from Saudi.
FFS….It looks like one of those weeks….R4 just interviewing new Director of Natural History museum and what do they throw in….slavery….of all the great things to talk about
Fortunately the new guy said – they will not be cancelling Darwin etc..and stopped them…
Why does the BBC have this constant need to trash the history of this country, and the people who in the main pay for it to exist…?
Defund now see how long they survive on income from the diverse side of life..
BBC. Insert Postcode.
“What will climate change look like near me?”
So, how can alleged ‘climate change’ be broken down by postcode?
The BBC, our broadcasting unit of XR, the Labour Party and the Democrats.
I am sure there must be some way of complaining about this propaganda.
Basically their wonderful system looks at the highest temperature in the last 30 years and adds an amount on based on ‘global’ rises of 2 or 4 degrees for the local climate change figure? What a crock of Sh1t
There is a way of complaining but as we all know, it doesn’t work. Rather like complaining to the Gestapo about their methods.
It’s like complaining that you bought the deodorant advertised in the TV ad, yet you still haven’t got the same pretty girl.
.. It’s all Public Relations BS
BTW either Paul Homewood or debunk them soon enough.
Homewood today
“While wind power has virtually disappeared off the grid today, it has also been rather cloudy as well. As a result, solar power has produced even less than the pitiful amount it usually does in winter:”
Since you mention the Gestapo, Dover Sentry I will repeat an example of a a much more serious complaint from that time that did work. Pastor Bonhoeffer drew attention to Hitler’s euthanasia programme against disabled and mentally unfit in a church sermon and Hitler was forced to stop the killings because he needed the people on his side for the war .
The point is complaining CAN work even for complaints that may not seem important and even though it may seem a slim chance it is worth trying . The money involved and effort for an an organisation to answer complaints that are followed through, just could draw unwanted attention from other media , and turn things round.
It increasingly looks as though President Trump has had the election stolen from him by the deep state, swamp, liberal left international elite , whatever you choose to call them. I think that we can assume the same mob will , once in power, ensure that there can never be another candidate of the people like Trump. All future Presidents and Presidential candidates must be one of them or at least malleable enough to do their bidding.
The USA is not unique , in the UK Brexit still hangs by a thread thanks to the influential manoeuvres of Remainers and I suspect that the political elite of all established parties will be plotting how to return the UK to the fold and to prevent another debacle like Brexit from happening again. Of course initially it will have to be done without upsetting the voters but a way will eventually be found of neutering the votes of ordinary folks so that they can’t upset the apple cart again.
Similarly the democratic government of Poland , Hungary will eventually be coerced into compliance with Brussels .
So Is there anyway the control of the international elite can be broken? I don’t think that toddling off to the polling station and voting for the candidate of disruption will be enough in future, the elite have taken care of that problem .Refusal by ordinary people to pay for the elite will bring them down. Not buying from the oligarchs international corporations, such as Face Book or Amazon or not paying taxes would soon do it. But look how hard it is to get even the foul BBC defunded , trying to break the oligarchs will be even harder, much harder. I’m afraid most folks just want a quiet life and care about today and tomorrow and they are unlikely to massively inconvenience themselves just to restore the power of their vote and a free democratic society. As long as the elite provide bread and circuses they can keep the people passive. Their rule could last for many decades.
From Conservative Tree House
Its amazing. No wonder the Chinese and its allies in America, EU, were desperate to get rid of Donald Trump. One more Donald Trump term would destroy the carefully built Climate Change for The Great Reset.
Our freedom, little we have now, will be extinguished once we are in the Climate Change Fix. It will be China, USA and the EU who will dictate Britain and its direction.
How Pres Trump can beat this Triad is beyond me.
But I still have hope. America has this strange ability of getting out of a fix at the last moment.
And don’t forget folks at this time of year that every penny you donate goes to children in need. I heard them asking for more money on Radio 2 yesterday.
That’s not ‘children who are in need’ of course. It’s the charity ‘Children In Need’ set up and named deliberately so you can be misled. Who then take nearly 20 million of it out for themselves.
But they don’t tell you that. Classic BBC misrepresentation.
I used to make a regular donation of a tenner every moth to Save the Children. I was donating for yonks…
Like most of us I guess I was beguiled by the adverts that suggest as little as £5 a month could make all the difference to some starving toddler stuck in an African backwater…
However, it came to my attention that the “charity workers” at the top of the organisation were on £165,000 a year!
Blimey, I’m well aware of the old adage that charity begins at home, but FFS…
I contacted them and ended my monthly payments and you know what?
I didn’t even receive a thankyou email.
Rather a poor show, I thought…
John C:
Quite right. They don’t tell you that the deductions start only after the money reaches so-called “Children in Need”.
John C
You dont really mean that? Even the BBC, a much loved broadcaster, would steal from the mouth of babes and children.
Last night the Green Industrial Revolution = 1.3%
Wind/Solar just 1.3% of leccy used.
Earlier they may have been used to pump water up hill
that made up some of the 3% of power that cane from storage, but there’s losses in that.
But I’m sure there will be plenty of ready and instant supply to power 15m cars on virtually instant demand.
I’m sure the maths has been done when the wind and solar are available.
They can speculate, as we do, but our press don’t know what is really going on in the Brexit talks, so their headlines tend to be coloured by their attitude toward the EU.
The FT has always regretted our Leave vote and would rather the UK side would kiss and make up with Brussels: ‘Trade talks poised on “knife edge” as Brexit brinkmanship persists’ – you can tell that it is British brinkmanship that’s the problem for the FT as it happens to be the Irish PM they bring into their report for a quote: ‘I don’t think one can be overly optimistic about a resolution emerging’
Don’t believe me that the FT prefers the european way of doing things – then check this: ‘French business schools out perform their European peers with the best masters programmes and executive courses…’ – is that true? By what metric? – ‘…according to the FT ranking’ – d’accord, c’est magnifique, c’est accrédité.
The Telegraph echoes the knife edge phrase and seems happy to at least give us the fishing issue: ‘Brexit talks on “knife edge” as EU backs down over fishing’ – but is a deal on fish just a red herring tossed to us, only to blind us to more significant, more binding, EU rule taking?
The Times loves the EU and reflexively takes Brussels’ side: ‘Merkel and Macron in final bid for Brexit deal’
The Express expresses the fear that we’ll be trapped by EU rules in perpetuity: ‘PM: No deal if we can’t take back control… any new proposals must reflect the UK’s status as an independent nation…’
Likewise the Mail: ‘Bullish Boris ready to walk away. PM warns he won’t sign deal that would curb UK’s independence’ – just before he does the very thing he said he wouldn’t do, we wonder?
The freebie Metro has Lord Frost our chief negotiator on the frontpage: ‘Frosty the “No” man’
All this press chatter about Brexit talks to which the press are not privvy does at least knock the Chinese Flu off the frontpages.
Mostly. ‘Vaxit’ says the Sun: ‘Boris to end talks agony today. Brits to get first Covid jabs tomorrow’
Need some expert punditry? Bring in a pundit. The Daily Star has Gary Neville: ‘Gary: Boris own goal. Out of his depth like me at Valencia… Neville has likened Boris Johnson’s chaotic handling of the coronavirus crisis to his woeful spell at managing a team in Spain…’
And the Star’s thought for the day reads: ‘And if Gary says it’s bad, that’s really bad’
The Daily Star’s frontpage also features a pic of Dawn French taking the knee and using her Christmas BBC comedy special episide to promote BLM.
Just as bizarre and confusing a front page feature can be found in the Times: ‘Town v country. Why women want city life’ – your guess is as good as mine?
The Telegraph reports the return of a much loved hardy annual: ‘Snow in Britain could all but vanish by 2100’ – seems the Met Office have done an 80 year long range forecast for us. Comment seems superfluous.
Tributes today in the ‘i’ newspaper to the much loved old school golf commentator Peter Alliss. I’m reminded of an accidental hot mic incident when Alliss passed judgement on some young people in the crowd apparently misbehaving on a golf course during a tournament: “They should be flogged, flogged, all the way to the gallows”
Snowfall the new BBC story
The old 2000 Independent story
It has snowed a lot since then including last Friday morning blanket over south Lincolnshire.
We had a frost by 7:30pm last night in half our village.
There are indeed lots of areas of the British countryside where snow will never more touch the ground
….. The ground the bastards have covered with SUBSIDISED solar and wind farms.
The lesson on Global warming doom stories is that you set them not 20 years into the future but 80 years,
that way it doesn’t happen, you are already dead.
What? Snow in the UK?
Adults who were children 20 years ago, will not know what Snow is.
BBC Breakfast
Defended? Don’t think so…
That really is a, ‘Whoops!’
His correction : *defunded, not defended,
‘Our’? Nice weasel try, BBC.
BBC Local Radio:
“ A “last-ditch” attempt to rescue a post-Brexit deal is being hammered out today – with Boris Johnson threatening to walk away unless the EU budge.
Some world leaders have put the chances of a deal at 50-50 – if you knew it would come to this, would you have voted differently?
Is it worth giving up rights of fishing and our courts in order to strike a deal?
We’re talking about this on the phone-in with Elliott Webb.”
Take heart, the Presidential election isn’t over yet. “Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” (Ps 121:4)
Below, starting at 1:26, a demolition job takes place on the US Attorney General.
Still Report 3385Judge Jeanine Slams Bill Barr, 3385 got deleted (Judge Jeanine Slams Bill Barr, 3385)
Older Still Report videos
Ha , today’s climate/snow stories are all part of a collaborative PR effort.
“Enter a UK postcode in our lookup to see the local impacts of climate change.
Also catch @BBCPanorama : Britain’s Wild Weather tonight at 1900gmt on BBC One.
Many thanks to the @metoffice for their collaboration.”
It’s all worn a bit thin now, and with most people it’s no longer in their list of priorities.
there is some tricky shit going on there
4c global warming Where has this 4c figure come from now?
but ignoring that
current max 32.1c
with 2c warming 34.1c
with 4c warming 39.1c
how does this work
R4 Trailer now
“Barrack Obama next week’s daily book of the week.”
The head of BBC news Public Relations
complaining that today’s papers are not giving the BBC credit for the Public Relations BBC has made up.
The Save the Licence Fee people are also doing PR for tonight’s Panorama
as if they have a vested interesting in keeping the monolith that pushes Greendreams .. funded by The GreenBlob ?
Panorama’s own tweet, not got much traction yet.
GreenDream is their religion
Normalised as a fake news item…
…which most folk don’t believe any more than they do the rest of the BBC fake news.
@BenPile replies
In fact none of those @BBCNews @BBCRadio4
stories were news, and none of them produced by journalists, reporters or analysts.
The @BBC is nothing more than a propaganda pipe, into people’s homes.
Not BBC.
This morning on bbbc newcastle they had a girl on who was saying a no deal would be catastrophic for our area and saying when Nissan closes because of no deal tariffs there will be massive job losses.
I Googled car imports and exports with the eu and the figures are (rounded off but I’m sure Stew will correct any large error) cars from uk to eu, about 500,000 a year (2018 was the year given) and cars from the eu to the uk, about 1,200,000
If there was a 10%-20% tariff (both ways) it could result in a drop of imports and exports, let’s say a 50% drop.
Our exports would then be 250,000 and our imports would be 600,000
Just to keep it simple, if Nissan were our only manufacturer they would lose 250,000 exports and gain 600,000 more home sales from our drop of importing eu cars.
I know it’s oversimplified but I think you can see what I mean.
Does that mean Nissan would have to increase their output by 350,000 cars a year to fill the gap.
(Read ALL UK car manufacturers for Nissan)
They would have to expand production and not close as the eu loving girl was trying to frighten people into believing.
I haven’t heard anyone on the tv/radio mention that tariffs would mean a boom for uk car manufacturers yet it seems so obvious.
Even if my guesstimate figures are well out everything points to more uk sales for our car manufacturers than the loss of exports for them.
If UK went for reciprocal tariffs it would be free to simply use the import tariffs to help the UK manufacturers losing out due to tariffs imposed by the EU.
It’s complicated cos all manufactures need to import parts, but I believe Nissan set it up so parts would be imported from Japan not from the EU.
I think Boris Johnson and Princess Nut Nuts will destroy the British motor industry with no help from Brussels.
The Green Oaf has got to go.
TCW : “expert” = “lefty mate” .. in medialand
Something I drew up:
BBC along with all the main media still claiming there is no evidence of voter fraud in US elections., this despite the hundreds of sworn affidavits of some of those involved and the detailed reports given by ex military and professional computer fraud experts.
Hundreds of details and actual videos here :
Why are they ignoring actual evidence ?
I am sure our Labour Party are watching and learning from the corruption openly on display yet not reported by mainstream media. Could have grave consequences for world democracy.
If you are sceptical just take time to look at
it’s all there.
Regrettably, I can’t find the video on YT I found it on. However, some computer expert has obtained one of the Dominion voting machines and has now exposed what happens when running votes through it. Seems that the machine is programmed to take the first 35 votes of every 1200 and convert them to Biden automatically. The rest sorted as normal. If I’ve got it right, this is very significant because it suggests that taking any Dominion machine at random should reveal this inbuilt programmed bias.
It seems that the Dominion machines can be programmed by the purchaser to carry out many different “calculations and “re allocations” and it is all explained in their manual. Hence its popularity with Despots and Socialist regimes.
To find the site Google it rather than going to YouTube
Brilliant and telling comment on social media by US voter :
” My parents voted for Biden this time, but I’m certain they would have never done that when they were alive”.
Sorry, I don’t know why but the numbers should be 35 in every 100 as I recall.
The General
‘Why are they ignoring actual evidence ?’
That is the question. The answer is because they can.
To explain. During the past two or three decades the media, which traditionally had obligations to the people and to governments, has emerged as an elite class in its own right and now chooses governments.
In the old system politicians appealed to the media to persuade people to vote for them. But the media can bypass this stage and simply choose its government. According to the US constitution Biden is not yet President but clearly he has been appointed by the media. The US election is a fraud, evidence shows this, but we are beyond elections which the media do not recognise and the media can simply deny fraud or ignore it. And they have chosen Biden as a front for them.
Now to the UK. Boris is PM by the grace of the media who can replace him. We may see Brexit negotiations stall and the media will be successful in demanding a referendum which will be fixed for remain no matter how people vote, and we will return to the objective of creating the United States of Europe with an unelected executive, as in the US.
The Media didn’t want Brexit and didn’t want Trump
They pretended not to like Boris
but the libmob control him anyway.
Yes but the terrifying reality is that should the Democrats get away with this, there will never be a truly democratic election in America again.
In this country, even with the media totally opposed to brexit and Boris, our democratic process was able to thwart them. However should Labour succeed in expanding the Democrat’s modus operandi in voter fraud from the likes of Tower Hamlets to other areas of the country, we could find ourselves with an Abbopottimus running our country.
Postal ballots are an invitation to manipulate and election and we must resist any attempts to increase their deployment.
Bobby Friction’s what’s “shocking” is your incredible cherry picking
“Boohoo” he says the BBC and commercial stations have no Asian presenters
What’s he left off his list ?
That the BBC have an entire network of Asian only presenters & a radio station only aimed at blacks
The same for commercial stations
as well as the fact that there are many UK based TV stations that serve ethnicities or religions ?
As well as leaving Radio4 off his list which has vast amounts of Asian presenters.
eg @tweeter_anita @MishalHusain @ritula @sindhuvee
Oh and on Radio2 Asian presenters are often used as cover
eg @amolrajan is a regular daytime cover presenter & Anita Rani covers for Jo Whiley late next week
+ @TinaDaheley main newsreader /co-presenter on Breakfast.
Talk Radio has regular BAME guests
and one of their Saturday night Women’s show is black
TalkRadio presenter & executive Jonny Gould is Jewish and his presenter brother Ash.
Or maybe Mr Friction hasn’t realised that a country of over 56 million white people just don’t want to listen to an accent that doesn’t have roots in the UK (Brummie accent aside 😉
Where’s R4?
If you read the the square it gives an explanation
“R4 not included cos the schedule is dynamic”
Each square is also marked “based on permanent presenters”
The number of South Asians to represent to represent The demographic would be about 5%.
And actually on mainstream it should be less cos many of them are already working on specialist ethnic or religious stations.
In the UK the term South Asian usually refers to people from the Indian subcontinent. In the UK, South Asian minority groups include Indians 1.45 million (2.3 per cent), Pakistanis 1.17 million (1.9 per cent), Bangladeshis 451,500 (0.7 per cent) and other Asians.
I wonder how many British presenters they have on the radio in South Asia.
I know that the BBC want more diversity in their presenters but check out last Saturday’s Radio 2 schedule.
10:00 – 13:00 Graham Norton
13:00 – 15:00 Paul Gambaccini
15:00 – 18:00 Rylan Clark
The whole of the daytime schedule taken over by homosexual white males. So much for diversity.
R4 doco on spin-doctors see how the presentation is framed
.. super anti-Cummings
Alastair Campbell was on the prog, but seemed to get a freeride
oops forgot to include the tweet
Charity at Christmas:
British Red Cross-
The highest paid employee at the charity in 2017 was Mike Adamson, its chief executive, who was paid £173,000.
There were 52 staff members paid £60,000 a year or more by the charity in 2017.,who%20was%20paid%20%C2%A3173%2C000.
Think that many of us are aware that the lockdown policies of Britain and many other Western countries have been based on a false premise. It is even more relevant now that we are being told the double lie that a vaccine is the key to ending lockdowns and is the only way that we can return to a semblance of normality.
One view point on this matter…A voluntary vaccine, if and when proved safe, might be a good thing. A vaccine in which vast swathes of the population understandably lack confidence, as the deus ex machina solution to the already misguided lockdown policy, is not. If we think a rushed-through vaccine about which there are credible doubts has vindicated the government’s strategy, then we are reliably informed that we are not examining the evidence dispassionately; wishful thinking at best and the idea that it might be made a condition of freedom surely should give us opened minded critics of the intrusive and with an ever more authoritarien state, some serious doubts. A lot more transparancy is needed before I would feel it safe to have an injection of at present god knows what. The BBC should be pushing for more examination on the vaccines, more information on the composition and so on, instead they are fuelling the Governments excited behaviour. Something nasty is creeping about in the wood shed-the scientists.
Stuff like this from Dan walker is really what makes my blood boil.
George Eustace “dared” to have a slightly different take on the Millwall incident and bang, the BBC are onto him !!!!
They simply cannot accept anyone , anyone at all having a view that’s different to their extreme liberal woke agenda !!!
They make me physically sick !!!!!!!!!!!
Just look at Dan here in full woke, cancel culture mode !!! So effing out of touch it beggars belief
I see a rarer-than-hens-teeth have-your-say has been opened on the BBC webiste. The topic ?.
”Magical’ monolith appears on Isle of Wight beach in the UK’
Meanwhile we never, ever get the chance to comment on things being forced upon us in attempts to mould society how they want it – such as BLM.
I wonder who decides what will be opened. I will assume from this that they have a quota each week. They are now reserved for topics where the government can get slagged off about Brexit by students or which are as far away from their political agenda as possible.
Unbiased and impartial. My @rse.
Magical Monolith? Probably a portal for BLM and Black Panthers to go back in time and stop slave ships crossing the Atlantic. If successful, BLM, the Panthers and all Black people in America and Britain would fade away, leaving an all White paradise. While in Africa, BLM and the Black Panthers would then be living in mud huts, and drinking water obtained from a bucket with a peace of string over a hole dug by David Attenborough.
None of the BLM activists live in the place they are so upset about being taken away from because they know as well as we do what a sh1thole it is.
My friend had to go Africa for work. He attended a training course on how to get your car stolen at traffic lights without being shot.
Current 12 open HYS
Brexit/ Covid/trivia
There is a separate list for sport
The biggest government spending plan ever
#YouPayYouHaveNoSay on #NetZero
Ben Pile on The Cosy Compact of Govt, Business & Civil Society
Goodness me. The BBC are absolutely out of control.
Look at the graphic they created to represent the general population of Britain:
Of the 22 characters down the article, 2 are white males.
They are relentless : on it’s own it’s not much but it’s every article, every day. A steady drip-drip-drip of social conditioning.
When the problem was the lack of minorities in the news, it was racism and very bad indeed. I wonder if they even realise what hypocrites they are.
The Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation does not illustrate their population as being 80% white.
BBC graphic is here
John -This has been going on for ages now. You should
know that BBC is “educating” you into believing that
you should be ashamed to be white, and basically wants to
cancel you. They have been culling their white male presenters
and reporters for quite a while now.
Another everyday tale of muslim folk murdering a Christian that the BBC ignores.
In the opening seconds David Wood specifically singles out the BBC for their ignoring such stories. It seems even the Americans are getting wise to the lying BBC bias.
Your reputation at home is already in the mud BBC, and now increasingly abroad. Good.
BIG BROTHER at the diversity department at the BBC and his, hers or it’s fellow anarchist Marxist BLM organization supporters
are going to “educate” us until they are blue in the face that
we are to understand that “taking the knee ” is the default
position of the BBC . And we the unwashed are going to have
to take this position or be classified a racist.
I am never going to let the BBC believe that I have to except
their anarchist view of what is right or wrong. I will tell you
something. Their scum” brother” who tried to burn the Union Jack
on the Cenotaph should be locked up for at least two years
instead of getting away with his shocking actions.
I wish they were anarchists, sadly they just took that name for street cred.
“Brexit: UK signals possible changes to bill in Brexit row”
“The UK has signalled a possible compromise with the EU over a row about its plans to potentially override parts of the Brexit deal agreed last year.”………………
Looks like BoJo is caving ?
Any more info , anyone ?
It’s the legal ability to break ‘international law’ in respect to NI and the U.K. Internal Market Bill. The clause was rejected by the lords but it was due to be re-inserted by the commons today. Gove has offered a compromise in this respect.
The Beeboids did not seem too upbeat about it on the 5pm news, as it sits outside of the main trade negotiations.
However, my shout out loud comment to the car radio was ‘here comes the jellyfish’
The 6pm bulletin informs me the EUSSR have graciously agreed to extend the talks until Wednesday. So magnanimous of them.
Just walk away Doris and don’t look back no more…..
Didja see this taff?
Perhaps Al Beeb will broadcast that?
Where’s our Disinformation Correspondent?
Or this one …
Looking at her feed, herding fellow blondes.
She promised ‘big news’ at the weekend, but that is hard to discover.
Lots of selfies though.
Part of China’s virulent anti-Australia campaign for daring to stand up to their attempted takeover of Australia.
ITV local news : ‘yeh jobs are at risk cos if we don’t give our fishing rights away to the EU in our own huge sea area
the one remaining Hull trawler a super trawler won’t be able to fish in Norway’
bizarre twisted thinking
I am just missing it, or do the BBC and other msm just never bother reporting exactly what % of our fishing the 2 sides are negotiating and demanding.
I’m guessing the EU want 100% of what they’ve been getting, and we are offering what percentage ?
What the bbc reports, or chooses not to, is what makes folk trust them.
Sky blocked the booing out from West Ham, Colchester vs Grimsby
Our local BBC news covered it
“The Grimsby manager said he is ashamed of his booing fans”
.. that has to be incorrect, cos there were only Colchester fans there.
I wouldn’t be surprised if these political shenanigans (taking the knee) were now stopped by the FA on the pretence that the public has endorsed it fully and therefore no need to continue.
Not the real reason being that the silent majority is about to become the ‘unsilent’ majority……
Basically a large number and I mean a ‘very large’ number of people are getting ‘peed’ off with all the virtue signalling and knee taking.
Great Britain would be a much better place if those people that hated this country politely left.
The time has now come for the people of this nation to fight back.
11:30pm BBC 2 Sudanese Islamic schools that chain boys
It’s already on YouTube.
Perhaps Al Beeb can fly our woke virtue signallers out to Sudan and show the Sudanese how to ‘take the knee’.
How about it Al Beeb ?
7pm an hour of Global Warming propaganda
8:20pm old episode of Viicar of Dibley
8:50pm new 10 min version
9:30pm Old edition of Mrs Brown’s Boys
Comedy Panel shows
6pm BBC2 Richard Osman’s show
9pm BBC1 with Richard Osman
10pm BBC2 panel about 2007
Boris speaks like Churchill, but combines Roosevelt’s New Deal with Caroline Lucas’s Green Dream using Stalin’s brainwashing techniques to persuade the Tories to support Princess Nut Nut’s loony left-wing Green Party ideology. Boris will use his behaviour change and public engagement team to brainwash the Tories into voting for the Green Party in the next election. The head of the unit is Gervase Poulden, an immature upper-class twit educated in brainwashing techniques and environmental journalism. He is a committed vegan who worked in Brussels.
Boris and Princess Nut Nut could bankrupt Britain by spending Trillions of pounds on a problem that does not exist, as proven by the use of the Unified Theory of Climate on planets with carbon dioxide atmospheres.
Its thought that this could be Princess Nut Nut’s plan for the Tories to win back Brighton from the Green Party.
Richard Pinder
One of the best comments I have seen.
Brilliant Richard-I have run out of words to use to castigate the idiotic behaviour of those we expect to uphold and represent our nation-the members of our Parliament, the oldest in the world, have and are using their extreme privilege in representing the public, to continually destroy our democracy. We are not an enslaved people, however the BBC et al would be pleased if we were. We must hold tight and not be so compliant with each advice (rule) given by government-question more often.
Conditions for finalising an agreement are not there
Differences to be discussed in a physical meeting in Brussels in the coming days
LONDON (Reuters) – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will go to Brussels in coming days in an attempt to bridge significant differences in Brexit talks over level playing field, governance and fisheries.
“As agreed on Saturday, we took stock today of the ongoing negotiations.
We agreed that the conditions for finalising an agreement are not there due to the remaining significant differences on three critical issues: level playing field, governance and fisheries,” Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said.
“We asked our Chief Negotiators and their teams to prepare an overview of the remaining differences to be discussed in a physical meeting in Brussels in the coming days.”
going to Brussels so he can come back waving his piece of paper.
The BBC page also first used the word “stock” and then changed the wording.
Will his piece of paper say “I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received”? Or will we have to modify the final lyric to the anthem “Rule Britannia” to reflect our status as a slave colony?
I am very afraid that BoJo my humiliate Great Britain and the ‘so called’ Tory party in front of the whole world.
Speaking to the Mail, Joshua offered his management services to Fury, saying: “Let us handle his career. He’s a superstar in the making. With the right management, he could go all the way.”
Tyson Fury replied:
“@anthonyfjoshua has it ever dawned on you I’m not interested in being a superstar, or famous, I’m a fighting man & only interested in smashing your face in, u keep the stardom, I’ll stay real, #youbigdosser I’m coming for u superstar, tick tock tick tock ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰”
How refreshing!
If only the BBC staff proclaimed they were only interested in being consumate journalists etc rather than pretending to be Stars,,,
Birmingham Court
Tyrall Blake knifed Jack Donoghue once near the stomach, leaving him with a catastrophic injury which caused his death three hours later.
..At the request of the family police released The video of the actual stabbing
No worries , they will probably feel the wrath of some Liberal judge and be out of jail in three years after convincing their probation officers and social workers that deep down, they are really nice chums.
The other mixed race guy Nile Bennett was cleared of murder but convicted of manslaughter and violent disorder.
Connor Moore,and Regan Watters were also convicted of manslaughter and assault with intent to rob
They were seen on CCTV targeting people as they left various bars and clubs to travel home, West Midlands Police said.
Al Beeb
“Brexit: PM to meet EU chief in bid to save trade deal”
Weakening ?
Weakening? I do hope not. I ceased voting Labour years ago(Liberal actually, in an attempt to kick the sitting Tory out. It never succeeded anyway -thank goodness) If Boris disappoints me in the winter of my years then I will have no choice but to vote for candidates for which the main stream media strongly dissapproves which will mean that I am an extremist so f–k them. They have asked for it. I am not alone.
Lefty Wright
Vote for The Reform Party next time.
I’m with you there lefty wright.
But I’ve got so totally sick of the lot of them, that I’m thinking about siding with Covid 19…
They’ve driven me to it????
Not BBC but similar in useless yet protected and untouchable statism.
BBC4 are repeating the 2019 Christmas University challenge.
The score was Leeds Uni 205 , Clare College Cambridge 55.
The captain of the losing team, Clare College, did not as far as I could identify, answer a single starter or bonus question herself.
She was Amanda Spielman. The Chief Executive of OFSTED, the schools quality quango.
All male team won
I was so looking forward to that…
You could have put a spoiler alert in !
Just kidding.
I’ll watch the current series instead
It’s sickly to watch though, with the perspex dividers between the contestants and Paxman sporting a LOOK AT ME long lockdown non-haircut.
The show must have passed it’s peak transvestite phase, as unusually, there hasnt been one on this series.
Football crowd booing BLM politics was selected for #BBCbangingOn
Back in June BBC Leeds did report the BLM vandalism of Queen Victoria’s statue, but hardly shouted.
They didn’t even tweet the story themselves.
Very true !!! Worrying, crazy times .
PFA’s tweet 86 likes (massively ratioed as well)
Laurence Foxes 3,600
Absolutely correct !!!!! Nailed it
“UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will travel to Brussels this week to meet European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in a last ditch effort to salvage a post-Brexit trade deal.”
The last time a British Prime Minister went to Europe to get a Brexit Deal he came back with a packet of crisps and a can of Fanta.
In the mean time, we get more illegals from across the Channel today.
How much are we paying France ?
So I guess it boils down to who has the largest testicles.
Boris vs Ursula. I just hope it’s not 0-0
The climate of the planet is like human nature. It’s beyond the power of man to alter it’s course.
Take away ALL the wonderful creature comforts that human inginuity has provided and we are just competitive beings and we will mostly behave in the interests of ourselves and our kin.
We do not and can not dictate to the climate. The climate dictates to us.