Deal or No Deal ? Whichever way the wheel spins the BBC will see it as a victory for their EU . And stand bye for some made up ‘social injustice ‘involving the Chinese virus vaccine ….
As said on Guido, one rule for normal citizens, about nineteen for failing slebs, nasty autocue-readers, foobollers kneeling down for some obscure reason, plod and the entire HOC!
There, that just about covers it!
Oh, and add Andy Burnham – twice, he’s just an irritating git all the time.
Nothing like a ringing endorsement from Alistair Campbell on how you handle his primary obsession in ‘news’ terms to really score BeffanBurley levels of cred outside the bubble.
And the BBC , MSM knock him every bloody day !!!!!
TOP MAN imo ????
Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!
Shrewsbury maternity NHS trust scandal update.
It appears 1800 children may have been impacted by this systemic failure of our NHS heroes. Quite a few died prematurely and one deduces un-necessarily.
On the BBC1 6 pm news, this rated two minutes coverage at 6.20 pm.
It was followed by the Kay Burley off-air story as mentioned above. And then by one about theatre actors performing on doorsteps. FFS.
Yes, that is the priority list of the BBC for you when news about the NHS is negative.
BBC1 6pm news explaining how a no deal Brexit would affect us in the U.K. one of the examples given was cheddar cheese and the tariff if we import it (presumably from the EU but not specified. I might suggest that we should have no reason to import it and that U.K. dairy farmers could be encouraged to produce more and the U.K. could become self sufficient. The BBC could have used this to attack the government and pointed out that UK farmers are going to have to reduce production to access support and allow the U.K. to meet its climate targets. I presume other countries don’t use any fuel in milking, getting milk to market, cheese manufacturing or transport to the U.K. and the BBC isn’t usually slow to attack Tory government policy.
Is that all the BBC can come up with? Yesterday it was importing brie would be 40% dearer. The BBC don’t seem to realise we produce more varietiea of cheese than French and win more awards.
But how could they as they hate the Uk and all have their holiday homes in France…
Doobster-I didn’t see your contribution before I wrote mine. I did look to see if anybody had mentioned it. Yours must of gone
in just as I was writing mine. Sorry if it looks like plagiarism.
I think that the contributors to this website , including
myself should try to understand why the BBC take some
of the issues they cover so much to heart.
Firstly it is important as the media partners of the anarchist
Marxist BLM organization, it is only natural that the subjugating
knee bending exercise before football matches should
be such a feature of the BBC’S highlights programmes.
Likewise the fact that the four men waiting to be executed in
USA gaols for horrendous murders which I would not wish
to let you know how they murdered their victims ,will be
electrocuted, lethally injected etc etc before the devil incarnate,
so far as the BBC is concerned Donald Trump leaves office.
When reading the report of this on the BBC website, one can
only think how mean spirited Trump is in not giving clemency.
But one also has to understand the BBC’S attitude when reporting
all of this. All of the men on death row are black. And black
lives matter.Their victims not so much.
Ahead of a high-level UN event about cutting emissions, @GretaThunberg has warned that the world is speeding in the wrong direction in tackling the climate emergency
I note how they fail to report some of the other things she says. Like how she can actually see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps.
There is no lower limit to how low the Left will stoop.
I note how they fail to report some of the other things she says. Like how she can actually see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps.
There is no lower limit to how low the Left will stoop.
In which Lurch raises loyal defences and having it out for folk.
One funny thing about Freedom Watch's Larry Klayman is that, in addition to his loyal defense of Trump and relentless attacks on Democrats, he really has it out for Duke men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski.
I posted on an earlier thread that I had a copy of December 1982 Radio Times if anyone wanted to know what they were showing this Christmas. On perusing this publication I realised it was the origin of the Sex Offenders List.
I’m spending my every day reporting for @BBCNews on harmful anti vaxx conspiracies shared online – and working on a big investigation about it. Very different to legitimate questions and side effects.
Brilliant that the Trusted News Initiative will tackle this head on!
Oh dear, the BBC have lost contact with the British public and their own people are criticising them over the BBC promotion of puppy selling businesses.
”The BBC sparks criticism
Paul’s post follows shortly after the RSPCA expressed their concerns over the BBC Three series, which is still in production.
They said the show, whose working title is Will My Puppies Make Me Rich?, could lead to “illegal puppy trades”.
In a statement, it said: “We’re aware of this programme and are concerned that it is extremely irresponsible to encourage and glamorise breeding as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme which, in turn, could lead to serious dog welfare issues and fuel the illegal puppy trade.”
Meanwhile, a petition calling for the show to be scrapped has reached over 95,000 signatures.
paul o’grady outside itv studios
The presenter called the BBC documentary ‘pitiful’ (Credit:
Whats wrong with having a programme about selling puppies – puppy futures sounds like an ideal investment opportunity – can i put them in an ISA along with my seal culling company shares .
2020 really is turning into one …
Anyway – it seems that the EU is purposefully making demands to achieve a ‘ no deal ‘ .
Then i thought – has the BBC ever been critical of the EU? I know we say there has never been a pro brexit output
– add to this brillo tweeting that the British MSM has never held the EU to account and you see what i mean .
The EU cant cave in because it has to show other dissenters the punishment / suffering imposed – a major miscalculation i reckon .
Maybe in 6 months time the BBC will be eagerly showing us starving french fisherman with no where to fish ….
Anti puppy programme petition reached 143,000 this evening, well on the way to a quarter of a million and more. BBC don’t know their audiences and will continue to lose them.
8pm BBC1 It’s Nadiya getting 1 hour primetime
And all TV guides have the photo
cos that is what the BBC Press Office have been pushing
To be fair there are many tweets saying they are loving the show
So far 50 .. in a country of 67 million people
They grow a lot of maize in the USA, that they feed to P*gs, that they eat, a lot of, 50 lb per person per year. We only eat about 38 lb per person per year.
I don’t understand how she can be an expert on UK food either given that every rural householder had a p*g in the backyard.
She must be pouring over every recipe book she can get her hands on, because she was not a talented cook / chef when she appeared on that baking show, just a victoria sponge baker ! amazingly she now ‘conjures’ up all manner of meals, perhaps the Beeb sent her on a domestic science course !
I remember my dear sister, now in her late seventies, having ‘Housewifery’ courses at her school!
She also became a great cook, and was a celebrity in our own home, and had no need to try and gain BBC status because she could knock up a proper cake and not a Peek Frean’s sponge cake out of a box!
Her macaroni cheese was to die for, and is only equalled by a similar version made by Senora O’Blene…
Most if not all of them have several homes, Dover, but if they only have 90 days in each, that means a lot of air travel, so presumably Greta will impart her parents’ ‘wisdom’ on the subject, any day soon!
ps, where in Dover are they storing all these rubber boats? Can we buy them at auction, rather like they do old bangers?
“Only seventeen owners, and used just once to go to the soppiest country in Europe”…
I think this is a clear statement regarding the situation with the threat to free speech. Is it worth sharing around to those who are not aware of the extent of the danger? I would welcome comments on this as his style may not appeal to everyone.
Pub Covid cases : Tim Martin was on the radio
and he claimed that since reopening after lockdown Wetherspoons count 8 million customer visits and zero cases of infection spread in one of their bars.
After that Prof Hugh Pennington mentioned the New Zealand case that drives politicians’ fears.
The March17 crowded St Patrick Day party at a MataMata bar.
The narrative is that that one traveller returning from Ireland had caused the outbreak of 80 cases.
However I double checked.
The whole thing didn’t happen on on one night
The guy was not their on the night but had been in their a few days before, he had worked there before he travelled.
He knew staff and four of them did come down with it.
So far from everyone getting it from one guy at once it seems more spread out.
I wonder if he had shared food contact with staff and they’d got it and then maybe some cases came from food contact or pub toilets etc. not jut pure air transmission leaving a max of 20 cases from the party, which became 80 cases in the community.
So that cast doubt on the idea it spreads easily in crowds
Pennington mentions Scotland did have a pub cluster in Aberdeen
That seems to b around the Hawthorn Bar with first week cases being 13 and next week rising to 27
as if some people had got in the bar, then brought it home spread it here, then spreading to tertiary locations.
Of course at that time only strong cases could be seen.
I suppose it reads like : for every 10 people that cop a viral dosage 3
– 3 are naturally immune
– 5 get it but so mild they hardly notice
– 2 get it hard
So you’d have 7 carrying the virus out of the room
but you’d only link tertiary cases originating from the 5 milds if you looked hard.
It certainly doesn’t look like 200 people can get it from one guy in one night by the air route. More like zero to 10 in a mildly crowded bar.
Hunter Biden has been under investigation since 2018. We only found out about this now. The media didn't dig into allegations about Hunter during the entirety of the 2020 election cycle. Many declared that stories from the @NYPost were Russian disinformation.
6:30pm BBC local news #WhiteManBad A Grimsby Police Chief Inspector is on disciplinary trial for saying a racist word when describing a team colleague
which he said he didn’t realise is racially offensive
Go on BBC tell us what word
..nope they dance around it
Look it is a word that implies the colleague is no different from white.
In a simple discussion about what Covid precautions they should take
He considered where to place team members
eg he didn’t want to place Covid vulnerable in danger
When it came to the black colleague someone said well he is BAME, do we need to take special precautions for him.
He replied well he is not diabetic or anything and he’s fit, so I don’t see any reason to treat him different from the whites
in fact look how middle class he is , he’s a *choc ice* more white than me.
FFS They are having a disciplinary hearing about one word on one occasion
Whereas the guy could have straight off complained if he found the word offensive and it would have been withdrawn.
There are words that are used against black conservatives to say they are white like Oreo, coconut, bounty bar, Uncle Tom
and they are mostly used by other non-whites to insult the guy as not properly black.
Here the context was it was not meant as an insult AFAIK
It’s totally different from when a word is used every day to demean someone.
Extremely good article that is not only a warning but crystallizes why this battle is important to fight. Saving our Republic is returning to the old, tried and true principles of Faith, Family, and Freedom and the only way to preserve it.
“British air lines would be prevented from landing in European airports, British road hauled fright would be prevented from crossing borders, and the Eurotunnel railway that links Great Britain and France would be closed by the European Union if the UK government fails to meet Europe’s demands by January 1st 2021”
“Every night at 8.00pm (20:00 hours) a moving ceremony takes place under the Menin Gate in Ieper – Ypres.
The Last Post Ceremony has become part of the daily life in Ieper (Ypres) and the local people are proud of this simple but moving tribute to the courage and self-sacrifice of those who fell in defence of their town.”
This nonsense must stop PDQ, cannot have Europeans believing they had a history before the EEC existed.
Owing to increased restrictions surrounding Covid-19 in this region, the daily Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate will continue without a public audience for the time being.”
“Brexit: ‘Strong possibility’ of no trade deal with EU – PM”
“Before the PM’s remarks, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer urged Mr Johnson to “get on and deliver” a deal, adding the outstanding issues “are capable of resolution”.
Asked whether his party would back a deal in a vote in the Commons, he said: “We will look at it – and we will act in the national interest.”
“But on a straight choice between no deal and deal, then deal is clearly in the national interest,” he added.”
“Before the PM’s remarks”, the opinions of the hard left have always had priority, with the hard left BBC.
“act in the national interest”, also known as “rejoin before we leave”.
The Left have been acting in the international interest since Marx was in short trousers.
The opinions of real British have never been of value.
It is difficult to establish who hates us the most.
The lying hard left Globalists everywhere, but particularly in the EU.
The Blacks and Muslims everywhere who have been encouraged in their hatred by the BBC and the Labour Party.
The low IQ white mainland Europeans who have, for decades, swallowed the Commie bait, hook line and sinker.
Sorry about the piscatorial analogy.
She was there in the days when great, funny people were always on the screen, and I don’t remember anyone back then showing their political stance!
Thinking about her chums in her films, the list starts with Sid James and Joan Sims, Kenneth Connor, Peter Butterworth, Hattie Jacques and of course, Kenneth Williams. So many more like Jim Dale too…
Fabulous humour and glorious fun for everyone, which we don’t get these days as we’re never allowed to laugh at stuff like that – just be miserable all the time!
Tectonic plates are shifting in America. Culture war and even civil war are in the air. Scandals upon scandals are piling up: the scandal of the MSM and Big Tech bias for the last 4 years (at least); the scandal of the Hunter and Joe Biden story and the scandal of the media cover up; the scandal of the rigged election and the media covering that up too; and now YouTube censoring the mere mention of election fraud; the conflict between conservative nationalism vs leftist liberal progressivism (which is neither liberal nor progressive)… the list goes on and on.
And the good ship BBC sails blithely on, ignoring the biggest story in decades, failing miserably to grasp the zeitgeist; pretending all is well and soon their man will smoothly accede to power after a legitimate election.
They ignore it because they don’t understand it, just as they never understood Brexit, or opposition to globalism, mass immigration and open borders, or the nationalist-populist parties growing in strength across Europe and beyond.
To acknowledge all that would mean having to admit they’d been wrong, about everything, for decades.
Just reading the article about the guy who was just executed in the USA.
Now I can’t pass judgement in any way except that he was most certainly guilty and was give due process in a court of law.
So reading the BBC article, I see they give one sentence about half way down which has evidence from the prosecution.
Apart from that, the entire article is made up of quotes from the defence lawyers or others claiming the guy was more or less innocent as he was just following orders.
Of course a defence lawyer is going to conjecture anything at all to try and get his client off. The BBC have done their best to infer it as fact without any counter arguments from the prosecution. A jury decided which one they believed.
If any article ever deserved a ‘The contents of this article are disputed’ banner right across it, this is one.
They would defend Jack the Ripper if he was black and Trump was involved.
The BBC cross platform coverage is very BBC, not least in who it is trying to appeal to, or stir up. Or both.
It reads as if Trump is personally slaughtering all cute picananies of color as a scorched earth swan song despite pleas from luminaries of heft such as Kim Kardashian.
I recall a Dutch fellow once decided to ignore Singapore’s clearly advertised drug laws. PM Lee was not swayed by a royal wibble from the Queen.
Usually all from Lurch to Marianna are keen to play up nasty responses to their shenanigans to justify more shenanigans, but seems this sweetheart has pushed a bit too far.
US politics has attracted the same level of opportunist, race baiting, box of rocks street thug into high, and highly paid office as here, on the back of MSM ideological support and heat over light ratings ambition.
‘There is no planning, there is no preparation’ are obviously false. Whether there is enough is the question, but saying there is none is most definitely a lie. And a quite deliberate one.
Where is the twitter banner warning us the contents are false ?.
The Daily Mirror brings in Alan Titchmarsh to remind us that everything we watch being played out in our favourite TV dramas ain’t necessarily true to life: ‘I won’t watch The Crown, it’s not fair to my friend Charles’
Show creators and producers tend to rewrite the past as they please.
I’m sorry to shake the worldview of fans of Netflix’s Queen’s Gambit but there really never was a female world chess champion – women’s brains just don’t seem to be made that way.
The Telegraph features: ‘Women’s rugby and dementia. A new concussion crisis’ – well ladies, if you really want to play “men’s sports” then go ahead, knock yourselves out.
The Guardian features another goofy pic of media queens Kay Burley and Beth Rigby living it up in lockdown rule-breaking party mode. Now they’re no doubt suffering the sore head of the hangover: ‘Sky’s limit. Burley and Rigby to stay off air after covid breach’
The Daily Express catches the national mood today, both in terms of lockdown and of Brexit: ‘All we ever wanted was our freedom’
‘Strong chance of no deal admits PM’ – so warns the ‘i’ newspaper in obviously disapproving terms: ‘Exclusive: Food price rise could mean £3 billion a year added to the cost of shopping, supermarkets tell i’
Well, I could tell i that over this past year we’ve become somewhat immune to the pound sign followed by incomprehensibly large numbers and Project Fear has rather lost its sting. The frontpage of the Mirror carries an advert for wine at Tescos ‘25% off 6 or more’ and the Times frontpage ad promises ‘£10 off at Lidl’ – they’re German, right?
The Daily Mail reminds us that our sainted NHS ain’t all it’s cracked up to be: ‘Baby scandal the NHS tried to cover up’
The Times also has the story: ‘Health trust blamed after hundreds of baby deaths’
Even the Guardian has to admit some administrative rejig might be needed: ‘Hospital scandal. Shake-up call to avert deaths in maternity units’
But don’t expect any serious rethink about the direction of travel of our public heath juggernaut from the Gruan: ‘Virus tests for pupils as London heads for tier 3’
Thank you for your daily summaries – they are valued…. so… I’m sitting in an airport business lounge heading back to Heath row. I’m the only one here – with about 8 staff . The BA flight is full – apparently – having waited 2 weeks for a cheap enough flight after various cancellations .
I’m coming back to the 14 day house arrest -my area of NE London is proudly boasting a big increase in Covid infections . The hospital is traditionally one of the worst in England across all areas .
The kids are apparently the most infected – yet they are keeping the schools open – but using mobile test units at the schools …..
….not directly BBC – but the telegraph has a new parliamentary sketch writer who – today – reports the attempts of EU proxies to raise an ‘urgent ‘ question about EU negotiations to try to get the government to ‘leak’ its position to the EU again .
Do you notice that the BBC doesn’t go into detail about what the EU is demanding ? A mechanism binding us to change our laws when they change there’s? Who the hell is ever going to accept that ?
The other thing the EUBBC does is to treat the EU as a solid block . Can you imagine the real panic setting in in separate nations who export loads of stuff to us – at the prospect of their export markets being destroyed by the Franco German axis ?
No – none of that …. but perhaps the EUBBC is being a little bit less bellicose because it can easily be reminded of the Government majority and the manifesto upon which it was elected …..
I caught a bit of the BBC UK news last night after watching the Chinese virus update – I’m no fan of rugby – but they had someone who played it who now has early stage dementia talking about changing the game .
What I read was to ‘end ‘ rugby as a sport because of the head injuries which occur because of the nature of the game . Is that what is really being suggested ?
At least with footy the ball now weighs the same as a balloon unlike the cannon balls of the yoof ….
By the way – anyone reading this who deduces that I take dementia ‘light hearted ‘ – you could never be more wrong due to my years of personal experience of caring ….
Does the truth even matter anymore? We live in a dystopia where the Left and the media routinely lie to us and Big Tech censors any content that doesn’t align with liberal ideology. If you speak the truth, you risk being cancelled.
The idea that a popular narrative is myth
is not something that is investigated by Mariana Spring
Yet it her mob the BBC MSM that create those narratives
like “OrangeManBad”
Later in the vid
Webb “Why is every viewer question about Jewish conspiracies ?
ah it’s something that pops up on my channel
.. cos I lived in Israel people presume I am Jewish, therefore a Mossad agent, therefore a defender of Jewish conspiracies
.. I am not Jewish and I don’t defend Jewish conspiracies’s just there is no evidence ..if you step forward with it I am open minded”
People had been asking him if Jewish bankers had started WW1 etc.
The BBC is very much at the forefront of driving what it wants to find and see trending, only to ‘investigate’ selectively on the basis it is an issue, whilst avoiding anything off narrative.
“The UK unemployment rate was 5.0% in July-September 2020. The rate was 4.5% for people from a White ethnic background compared to 8.5% for people from minority ethnic backgrounds, although there was substantial variation between different ethnic minority groups.”
I demand that advertising agencies and the Biased Broadcasting Company (The Worlds Most Trusted) et al. urgently step up to the plate and seek to replace white advertising stooges and white employees immediately from the ranks of those who don’t want to work.
Kay Burley and Beth Rigby
Picks up the autocue in the studio where the news has been
Lives in a dream
Caught out in lockdown
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lovely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lovely people
Where do they all belong?
Dominic Cummings
Writing the words of a thesis that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working
Polishing his head in the night when there’s nobody there
What does he care?
All the lovely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lovely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lovely people
Kay Burley and Beth Rigby
Caught in the lurch and were buried along with their names
Nobody came
Dominic Cummings
Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from number 10
No Deal was saved?
All the lovely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lovely people
Where do they all belong?
As I see it
I think that would appeal to Mr Lennon – gone 40 years this week….
….. it will be ‘interesting ‘ to see if beff or Kay really do return to Sky …. why could it not have been the Bronzed Strumpet ….? ( who?)
The BBC is reporting that Harrison Ford (78) is to return in ‘Indiana Jones and the care home escape ‘ in which the plucky Indiana tries to escape from a Care Home – but can’t remember why .. ( like me and the whereabouts of me keys/ specs / glasses / wallet ….)*
*if you accuse me of flippancy over the issue of Care Homes – I have suffered personal grief this year by not being able to visit a lady I knew my whole life – I was not able to say farewell in the days before she died – not from the Chinese virus ….
Liked by Shaimaa Khalil in what must be her first action in months.
Ahead of a high-level UN event about cutting emissions, @GretaThunberg has warned that the world is speeding in the wrong direction in tackling the climate emergency.
Matt Le Tissier : The new David Icke ?
How can we have more new cancer diagnoses per day than the average daily death rate (of all cases)
Perhaps some individuals are counted as 5 different cancer diagnoses etc ?
“Australia is negotiating a free trade deal with the EU, but does not currently have one.
It largely does business with the EU on World Trade Organisation rules..”
Basically finding an ex Australian PM to mouth some project fear.
Why dont they ask him why Australia isn’t offering unlimited fishing rights etc to the EU to get a deal?
Meanwhile the guy stands in front of a suspiciously curtained bookcase
@Taffman new BBC Wales Covid19 data page
Looks like cases are real not just increased testing
Poor people in NorthWest Wales locked up when only 5 cases per 1000 people and those 5 will be in NHS anyway
Newport hospital massive screw up
They put a coughing Covid patient in a normal Cancer ward He was there for three days, coughing and coughing and coughing.”
James “Jim” Pook is one of 53 patients and 16 staff who have contracted Covid-19 on seven wards at the hospital since December 3.
BBC is that an appropriate photo for such a sad story ?
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) has apologised to a cancer patient who caught #coronavirus at Royal Gwent Hospital. Jim Pook is 1 of 69 patients linked to an outbreak which started 6 days ago
Not quite Doobster.
They know it wasn’t but they will claim it was because in the world of those Pol Pot secret admirers, the ends justify the means.
I’ve seen enough proper hate and spite on the forums to realise the Left would eliminate the Right if times were different. I can absolutely understand how they have murdered so many millions over the years.
BREAKING: SEVERAL people are injured after a car mounted the pavement and ploughed into pedestrians in the Hackney area of London. Police confirmed that the incident is not terror related#Hackney#London
If it’s a muslim and they don’t find direct evidence ISIS is involved, they anounce it is not terror related.
If he’s white (as in Finsbury park) it is immediately announced as a terrorist event. If there is any delay in doing it, the Muslim council will join in to demand it.
That’s the level of hypocrisy we are dealing with.
Rakib talked about how most of those convicted of terrorism
already had normal criminal convictions first
so had they been deported there wouldn’t have been the terrorism.
Will be discussing my upcoming @HJS_Org report on foreign-national terrorists and why more needs to be done to deport them from the UK, with @Iromg on @talkRADIO at 11am.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
Oh no!!! Who shall we turn to to be told what to think now? ????????????
Caught by the short and Burleys!
As said on Guido, one rule for normal citizens, about nineteen for failing slebs, nasty autocue-readers, foobollers kneeling down for some obscure reason, plod and the entire HOC!
There, that just about covers it!
Oh, and add Andy Burnham – twice, he’s just an irritating git all the time.
That’s sure ‘Wokism’ for you. Hoorah
Perhaps Marianna and her selfie stick will be courted by Sky.
Put money on Anna Soubry getting a SkyNews job.
When’s Kay Burley start her EU or UN job ?
Nothing like a ringing endorsement from Alistair Campbell on how you handle his primary obsession in ‘news’ terms to really score BeffanBurley levels of cred outside the bubble.
And the BBC , MSM knock him every bloody day !!!!!
TOP MAN imo ????
Just remind me Doobster, what were Obama’s achievements?
Oops sorry, you have done.
Kay Burley off Sky News for 6 months, Beth Rigby away for 3 months.
How will Sky News progress without such blisteringly popular, politically astute Guardian readers? An increase in viewing figures possibly?
Shrewsbury maternity NHS trust scandal update.
It appears 1800 children may have been impacted by this systemic failure of our NHS heroes. Quite a few died prematurely and one deduces un-necessarily.
On the BBC1 6 pm news, this rated two minutes coverage at 6.20 pm.
It was followed by the Kay Burley off-air story as mentioned above. And then by one about theatre actors performing on doorsteps. FFS.
Yes, that is the priority list of the BBC for you when news about the NHS is negative.
BBC1 6pm news explaining how a no deal Brexit would affect us in the U.K. one of the examples given was cheddar cheese and the tariff if we import it (presumably from the EU but not specified. I might suggest that we should have no reason to import it and that U.K. dairy farmers could be encouraged to produce more and the U.K. could become self sufficient. The BBC could have used this to attack the government and pointed out that UK farmers are going to have to reduce production to access support and allow the U.K. to meet its climate targets. I presume other countries don’t use any fuel in milking, getting milk to market, cheese manufacturing or transport to the U.K. and the BBC isn’t usually slow to attack Tory government policy.
Isn’t Cheddar in Somerset?
Is that all the BBC can come up with? Yesterday it was importing brie would be 40% dearer. The BBC don’t seem to realise we produce more varietiea of cheese than French and win more awards.
But how could they as they hate the Uk and all have their holiday homes in France…
Brandon Bernard: First execution of Trump’s final days to go ahead
Blah blah blah and then
If the five take place, Mr Trump will have overseen the most executions by a US president in more than a century.
Doobster-I didn’t see your contribution before I wrote mine. I did look to see if anybody had mentioned it. Yours must of gone
in just as I was writing mine. Sorry if it looks like plagiarism.
Just a case of great minds thinking alike ????
A case of you finishing yours
whilst @Foscari was still typing in his.
He pressed post 6 mins after you @Dobbster78.
I think that the contributors to this website , including
myself should try to understand why the BBC take some
of the issues they cover so much to heart.
Firstly it is important as the media partners of the anarchist
Marxist BLM organization, it is only natural that the subjugating
knee bending exercise before football matches should
be such a feature of the BBC’S highlights programmes.
Likewise the fact that the four men waiting to be executed in
USA gaols for horrendous murders which I would not wish
to let you know how they murdered their victims ,will be
electrocuted, lethally injected etc etc before the devil incarnate,
so far as the BBC is concerned Donald Trump leaves office.
When reading the report of this on the BBC website, one can
only think how mean spirited Trump is in not giving clemency.
But one also has to understand the BBC’S attitude when reporting
all of this. All of the men on death row are black. And black
lives matter.Their victims not so much.
Yup. This is where ‘news’ now is.
Have cabbage patch dolls come back in to vogue?
I note how they fail to report some of the other things she says. Like how she can actually see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps.
There is no lower limit to how low the Left will stoop.
I note how they fail to report some of the other things she says. Like how she can actually see CO2 rising from rubbish dumps.
There is no lower limit to how low the Left will stoop.
In which Lurch raises loyal defences and having it out for folk.
Clearly a big fan of irony.
The BBC do like an ‘accused of’.
That’s, “baseless” surely, because there’s, “no evidence to support the allegation”………………
However new rules may apply.
Precedents have been set.
I posted on an earlier thread that I had a copy of December 1982 Radio Times if anyone wanted to know what they were showing this Christmas. On perusing this publication I realised it was the origin of the Sex Offenders List.
Naming it after the BBC Trust, which convinced everyone, even more so.
Oh dear, the BBC have lost contact with the British public and their own people are criticising them over the BBC promotion of puppy selling businesses.
”The BBC sparks criticism
Paul’s post follows shortly after the RSPCA expressed their concerns over the BBC Three series, which is still in production.
They said the show, whose working title is Will My Puppies Make Me Rich?, could lead to “illegal puppy trades”.
In a statement, it said: “We’re aware of this programme and are concerned that it is extremely irresponsible to encourage and glamorise breeding as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme which, in turn, could lead to serious dog welfare issues and fuel the illegal puppy trade.”
Meanwhile, a petition calling for the show to be scrapped has reached over 95,000 signatures.
paul o’grady outside itv studios
The presenter called the BBC documentary ‘pitiful’ (Credit:
Whats wrong with having a programme about selling puppies – puppy futures sounds like an ideal investment opportunity – can i put them in an ISA along with my seal culling company shares .
2020 really is turning into one …
Anyway – it seems that the EU is purposefully making demands to achieve a ‘ no deal ‘ .
Then i thought – has the BBC ever been critical of the EU? I know we say there has never been a pro brexit output
– add to this brillo tweeting that the British MSM has never held the EU to account and you see what i mean .
The EU cant cave in because it has to show other dissenters the punishment / suffering imposed – a major miscalculation i reckon .
Maybe in 6 months time the BBC will be eagerly showing us starving french fisherman with no where to fish ….
Dear Mr Fedup2,
Just thought that I’d express my thanks for your support on this site, which probably can at times seem thankless to you.
The Sentries of Dover salute you 🙂
Anti puppy programme petition reached 143,000 this evening, well on the way to a quarter of a million and more. BBC don’t know their audiences and will continue to lose them.
Maybe they’ll get a third worlder to do a series on puppy recipes – call it ‘a dogs dinner ‘ – presented by Kay Burley …..
As the BBC seem to be making up what they think is going on in Brussels maybe they are being fed nowt by Boris.
A cunning plan?
Hope so!
8pm BBC1 It’s Nadiya getting 1 hour primetime
And all TV guides have the photo
cos that is what the BBC Press Office have been pushing
To be fair there are many tweets saying they are loving the show
So far 50 .. in a country of 67 million people
Hang on, it’s only 2 episodes
They went to all that expense for only 2 episodes
.. I suppose Covid could be a reason.
They grow a lot of maize in the USA, that they feed to P*gs, that they eat, a lot of, 50 lb per person per year. We only eat about 38 lb per person per year.
I don’t understand how she can be an expert on UK food either given that every rural householder had a p*g in the backyard.
She must be pouring over every recipe book she can get her hands on, because she was not a talented cook / chef when she appeared on that baking show, just a victoria sponge baker ! amazingly she now ‘conjures’ up all manner of meals, perhaps the Beeb sent her on a domestic science course !
I remember my dear sister, now in her late seventies, having ‘Housewifery’ courses at her school!
She also became a great cook, and was a celebrity in our own home, and had no need to try and gain BBC status because she could knock up a proper cake and not a Peek Frean’s sponge cake out of a box!
Her macaroni cheese was to die for, and is only equalled by a similar version made by Senora O’Blene…
Any celebs say they will leave the UK when we have a No-Deal?
Geldof? Lily Allen? Jon Snow? Crisp Dealer?
Speaking as the Sentry of Dover, we have a large supply of rubber boats that have only been used once to help them. 😉
Most if not all of them have several homes, Dover, but if they only have 90 days in each, that means a lot of air travel, so presumably Greta will impart her parents’ ‘wisdom’ on the subject, any day soon!
ps, where in Dover are they storing all these rubber boats? Can we buy them at auction, rather like they do old bangers?
“Only seventeen owners, and used just once to go to the soppiest country in Europe”…
I think this is a clear statement regarding the situation with the threat to free speech. Is it worth sharing around to those who are not aware of the extent of the danger? I would welcome comments on this as his style may not appeal to everyone.
Pub Covid cases : Tim Martin was on the radio
and he claimed that since reopening after lockdown Wetherspoons count 8 million customer visits and zero cases of infection spread in one of their bars.
After that Prof Hugh Pennington mentioned the New Zealand case that drives politicians’ fears.
The March17 crowded St Patrick Day party at a MataMata bar.
The narrative is that that one traveller returning from Ireland had caused the outbreak of 80 cases.
However I double checked.
The whole thing didn’t happen on on one night
The guy was not their on the night but had been in their a few days before, he had worked there before he travelled.
He knew staff and four of them did come down with it.
So far from everyone getting it from one guy at once it seems more spread out.
I wonder if he had shared food contact with staff and they’d got it and then maybe some cases came from food contact or pub toilets etc. not jut pure air transmission leaving a max of 20 cases from the party, which became 80 cases in the community.
So that cast doubt on the idea it spreads easily in crowds
Pennington mentions Scotland did have a pub cluster in Aberdeen
That seems to b around the Hawthorn Bar with first week cases being 13 and next week rising to 27
as if some people had got in the bar, then brought it home spread it here, then spreading to tertiary locations.
Of course at that time only strong cases could be seen.
I suppose it reads like : for every 10 people that cop a viral dosage 3
– 3 are naturally immune
– 5 get it but so mild they hardly notice
– 2 get it hard
So you’d have 7 carrying the virus out of the room
but you’d only link tertiary cases originating from the 5 milds if you looked hard.
It certainly doesn’t look like 200 people can get it from one guy in one night by the air route. More like zero to 10 in a mildly crowded bar.
What does “coming down with it” mean? Does it mean being taken ill and having to go to hospital? If not, why are we bothered?
RUDY RETURNS: Giuliani Released from the Hospital, Says Back and ‘Better Than Ever’
Something is wrong Covid has been leaking at about the same rate and same deaths for a month
I expected deaths to drop from 500day to 100 or something
It must be going down in areas A, B and then rising in X, Y
In the north the numbers have fallen
and maybe rising in London/Wales
Odd. Bbc American BS seemed unaware.
6:30pm BBC local news #WhiteManBad
A Grimsby Police Chief Inspector is on disciplinary trial for saying a racist word when describing a team colleague
which he said he didn’t realise is racially offensive
Go on BBC tell us what word
..nope they dance around it
Look it is a word that implies the colleague is no different from white.
In a simple discussion about what Covid precautions they should take
He considered where to place team members
eg he didn’t want to place Covid vulnerable in danger
When it came to the black colleague someone said well he is BAME, do we need to take special precautions for him.
He replied well he is not diabetic or anything and he’s fit, so I don’t see any reason to treat him different from the whites
in fact look how middle class he is , he’s a *choc ice* more white than me.
FFS They are having a disciplinary hearing about one word on one occasion
Whereas the guy could have straight off complained if he found the word offensive and it would have been withdrawn.
There are words that are used against black conservatives to say they are white like Oreo, coconut, bounty bar, Uncle Tom
and they are mostly used by other non-whites to insult the guy as not properly black.
Here the context was it was not meant as an insult AFAIK
It’s totally different from when a word is used every day to demean someone.
Lincolnshire, eh. Is the word “yellowbelly”?
From an American friend …
Extremely good article that is not only a warning but crystallizes why this battle is important to fight. Saving our Republic is returning to the old, tried and true principles of Faith, Family, and Freedom and the only way to preserve it.
Forgive your enemies but remember their names.
[The EUrocrats, don’t you just hate them? Well you should, more practise required.]
“British air lines would be prevented from landing in European airports, British road hauled fright would be prevented from crossing borders, and the Eurotunnel railway that links Great Britain and France would be closed by the European Union if the UK government fails to meet Europe’s demands by January 1st 2021”
“Every night at 8.00pm (20:00 hours) a moving ceremony takes place under the Menin Gate in Ieper – Ypres.
The Last Post Ceremony has become part of the daily life in Ieper (Ypres) and the local people are proud of this simple but moving tribute to the courage and self-sacrifice of those who fell in defence of their town.”
This nonsense must stop PDQ, cannot have Europeans believing they had a history before the EEC existed.
Owing to increased restrictions surrounding Covid-19 in this region, the daily Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate will continue without a public audience for the time being.”
2020-12-10 10:00
“Brexit: ‘Strong possibility’ of no trade deal with EU – PM”
“Before the PM’s remarks, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer urged Mr Johnson to “get on and deliver” a deal, adding the outstanding issues “are capable of resolution”.
Asked whether his party would back a deal in a vote in the Commons, he said: “We will look at it – and we will act in the national interest.”
“But on a straight choice between no deal and deal, then deal is clearly in the national interest,” he added.”
“Before the PM’s remarks”, the opinions of the hard left have always had priority, with the hard left BBC.
“act in the national interest”, also known as “rejoin before we leave”.
The Left have been acting in the international interest since Marx was in short trousers.
The opinions of real British have never been of value.
It is difficult to establish who hates us the most.
The lying hard left Globalists everywhere, but particularly in the EU.
The Blacks and Muslims everywhere who have been encouraged in their hatred by the BBC and the Labour Party.
The low IQ white mainland Europeans who have, for decades, swallowed the Commie bait, hook line and sinker.
Sorry about the piscatorial analogy.
“British air lines would be prevented from landing in European airports”
That would be the BBC’s favourite go-to airline, Ryan Air, Irish, or the ‘national’ flag carrier British Airways, part of Spanish-registered IAG?
Don’t forget that UK airspace (and seaways) form the western gateway to Europe – no planes from the USA, no ships from China?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC is a registered company in Belgium.
Barbara Windsor has passed away. She was one of the few surviving members of the Carry On series of films.
RIP Babs
Too true, Yasser.
She was there in the days when great, funny people were always on the screen, and I don’t remember anyone back then showing their political stance!
Thinking about her chums in her films, the list starts with Sid James and Joan Sims, Kenneth Connor, Peter Butterworth, Hattie Jacques and of course, Kenneth Williams. So many more like Jim Dale too…
Fabulous humour and glorious fun for everyone, which we don’t get these days as we’re never allowed to laugh at stuff like that – just be miserable all the time!
‘Bye Babs, we’ll all miss you!
Tectonic plates are shifting in America. Culture war and even civil war are in the air. Scandals upon scandals are piling up: the scandal of the MSM and Big Tech bias for the last 4 years (at least); the scandal of the Hunter and Joe Biden story and the scandal of the media cover up; the scandal of the rigged election and the media covering that up too; and now YouTube censoring the mere mention of election fraud; the conflict between conservative nationalism vs leftist liberal progressivism (which is neither liberal nor progressive)… the list goes on and on.
And the good ship BBC sails blithely on, ignoring the biggest story in decades, failing miserably to grasp the zeitgeist; pretending all is well and soon their man will smoothly accede to power after a legitimate election.
They ignore it because they don’t understand it, just as they never understood Brexit, or opposition to globalism, mass immigration and open borders, or the nationalist-populist parties growing in strength across Europe and beyond.
To acknowledge all that would mean having to admit they’d been wrong, about everything, for decades.
Just reading the article about the guy who was just executed in the USA.
Now I can’t pass judgement in any way except that he was most certainly guilty and was give due process in a court of law.
So reading the BBC article, I see they give one sentence about half way down which has evidence from the prosecution.
Apart from that, the entire article is made up of quotes from the defence lawyers or others claiming the guy was more or less innocent as he was just following orders.
Of course a defence lawyer is going to conjecture anything at all to try and get his client off. The BBC have done their best to infer it as fact without any counter arguments from the prosecution. A jury decided which one they believed.
If any article ever deserved a ‘The contents of this article are disputed’ banner right across it, this is one.
They would defend Jack the Ripper if he was black and Trump was involved.
The BBC cross platform coverage is very BBC, not least in who it is trying to appeal to, or stir up. Or both.
It reads as if Trump is personally slaughtering all cute picananies of color as a scorched earth swan song despite pleas from luminaries of heft such as Kim Kardashian.
I recall a Dutch fellow once decided to ignore Singapore’s clearly advertised drug laws. PM Lee was not swayed by a royal wibble from the Queen.
Jon, Katty and gang rushing to provide context?
John might be less than happy.
Anything on All Beeb about hospitality lockdowns not working?
Or all female B&Bs on birthdays.
If Biden had a post Obama fifth column propaganda unit, it would look a lot like the BBC.
Usually all from Lurch to Marianna are keen to play up nasty responses to their shenanigans to justify more shenanigans, but seems this sweetheart has pushed a bit too far.
US politics has attracted the same level of opportunist, race baiting, box of rocks street thug into high, and highly paid office as here, on the back of MSM ideological support and heat over light ratings ambition.
Lie with dogs…
‘There is no planning, there is no preparation’ are obviously false. Whether there is enough is the question, but saying there is none is most definitely a lie. And a quite deliberate one.
Where is the twitter banner warning us the contents are false ?.
I believe this impressive political charmer was on too.
Good work, bbc.
The Daily Mirror brings in Alan Titchmarsh to remind us that everything we watch being played out in our favourite TV dramas ain’t necessarily true to life: ‘I won’t watch The Crown, it’s not fair to my friend Charles’
Show creators and producers tend to rewrite the past as they please.
I’m sorry to shake the worldview of fans of Netflix’s Queen’s Gambit but there really never was a female world chess champion – women’s brains just don’t seem to be made that way.
The Telegraph features: ‘Women’s rugby and dementia. A new concussion crisis’ – well ladies, if you really want to play “men’s sports” then go ahead, knock yourselves out.
The Guardian features another goofy pic of media queens Kay Burley and Beth Rigby living it up in lockdown rule-breaking party mode. Now they’re no doubt suffering the sore head of the hangover: ‘Sky’s limit. Burley and Rigby to stay off air after covid breach’
The Daily Express catches the national mood today, both in terms of lockdown and of Brexit: ‘All we ever wanted was our freedom’
‘Strong chance of no deal admits PM’ – so warns the ‘i’ newspaper in obviously disapproving terms: ‘Exclusive: Food price rise could mean £3 billion a year added to the cost of shopping, supermarkets tell i’
Well, I could tell i that over this past year we’ve become somewhat immune to the pound sign followed by incomprehensibly large numbers and Project Fear has rather lost its sting. The frontpage of the Mirror carries an advert for wine at Tescos ‘25% off 6 or more’ and the Times frontpage ad promises ‘£10 off at Lidl’ – they’re German, right?
The Daily Mail reminds us that our sainted NHS ain’t all it’s cracked up to be: ‘Baby scandal the NHS tried to cover up’
The Times also has the story: ‘Health trust blamed after hundreds of baby deaths’
Even the Guardian has to admit some administrative rejig might be needed: ‘Hospital scandal. Shake-up call to avert deaths in maternity units’
But don’t expect any serious rethink about the direction of travel of our public heath juggernaut from the Gruan: ‘Virus tests for pupils as London heads for tier 3’
Thank you for your daily summaries – they are valued…. so… I’m sitting in an airport business lounge heading back to Heath row. I’m the only one here – with about 8 staff . The BA flight is full – apparently – having waited 2 weeks for a cheap enough flight after various cancellations .
I’m coming back to the 14 day house arrest -my area of NE London is proudly boasting a big increase in Covid infections . The hospital is traditionally one of the worst in England across all areas .
The kids are apparently the most infected – yet they are keeping the schools open – but using mobile test units at the schools …..
….not directly BBC – but the telegraph has a new parliamentary sketch writer who – today – reports the attempts of EU proxies to raise an ‘urgent ‘ question about EU negotiations to try to get the government to ‘leak’ its position to the EU again .
Do you notice that the BBC doesn’t go into detail about what the EU is demanding ? A mechanism binding us to change our laws when they change there’s? Who the hell is ever going to accept that ?
The other thing the EUBBC does is to treat the EU as a solid block . Can you imagine the real panic setting in in separate nations who export loads of stuff to us – at the prospect of their export markets being destroyed by the Franco German axis ?
No – none of that …. but perhaps the EUBBC is being a little bit less bellicose because it can easily be reminded of the Government majority and the manifesto upon which it was elected …..
Didn’t you know, every person on mainland Europe is an enthusiastic supporter of the EU!
Without the out of step UK there wil no longer be a need for the parliament and meetings of ministers!
All together now Katya!
Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
I caught a bit of the BBC UK news last night after watching the Chinese virus update – I’m no fan of rugby – but they had someone who played it who now has early stage dementia talking about changing the game .
What I read was to ‘end ‘ rugby as a sport because of the head injuries which occur because of the nature of the game . Is that what is really being suggested ?
At least with footy the ball now weighs the same as a balloon unlike the cannon balls of the yoof ….
By the way – anyone reading this who deduces that I take dementia ‘light hearted ‘ – you could never be more wrong due to my years of personal experience of caring ….
we should all take up womens boxing , whatever that is, the BBC will never say thats not safe
I remember CNN screaming Russian dis information !!
How can they just front it out like they do. The constant lies from the media !!!!
Fear not, Marianna is doubtless hiring.
Her workload is, like… totes amazeballs.
Apparently (unverified claim).
OT, but the bios of folk getting excited by certain MSM headline news are unsurprising.
Just remember, more people work in financial services in London that live in Franfurt.
I bet London has better internet connectivity too, quite important with automated trading.
Looks like BBC American BS is going to have to run with Kardashian legal expertise a while longer.
All platform TDS on the bbc.
Death row inmate Brandon Bernard has been executed in Indiana after last-minute clemency pleas were rejected by the US Supreme Court.
Brandon Bernard: First execution of Trump’s final days goes ahead
#CCBGB especially on careful use of ‘final days’.
The BBC American BS Xmas party menu is complete.
To start, Defunded Pigs in Blankets
Uncalled For Presidential Sniffin’ Turkey for Main
Crackers all round of course.
Shame they can’t set fire to the ice cream, BLM style.
Or it was actually first mooted as Chocolate Chip on Shoulder.
The Simon Webb hour long appearance on the Simon Dutton Show
They quickly get into
– The Myth of Churchill
– The Myth of peaceful Poland
(before WW2 it was a military dictatorship that had attacked the Ukraine)
Surely that is the job of Springwatch?
The idea that a popular narrative is myth
is not something that is investigated by Mariana Spring
Yet it her mob the BBC MSM that create those narratives
like “OrangeManBad”
Later in the vid
Webb “Why is every viewer question about Jewish conspiracies ?
ah it’s something that pops up on my channel
.. cos I lived in Israel people presume I am Jewish, therefore a Mossad agent, therefore a defender of Jewish conspiracies
.. I am not Jewish and I don’t defend Jewish conspiracies’s just there is no evidence ..if you step forward with it I am open minded”
People had been asking him if Jewish bankers had started WW1 etc.
The BBC is very much at the forefront of driving what it wants to find and see trending, only to ‘investigate’ selectively on the basis it is an issue, whilst avoiding anything off narrative.
BBC Fact Checker = BBC Selective Fact Spinner
“The UK unemployment rate was 5.0% in July-September 2020. The rate was 4.5% for people from a White ethnic background compared to 8.5% for people from minority ethnic backgrounds, although there was substantial variation between different ethnic minority groups.”
I demand that advertising agencies and the Biased Broadcasting Company (The Worlds Most Trusted) et al. urgently step up to the plate and seek to replace white advertising stooges and white employees immediately from the ranks of those who don’t want to work.
There might be a difference between those claiming to be unemployed and those actually unemployed.
Ask Marianna, I’m sure she will know.
That reminded me of an old Jethro line Jim.
“I was unemployed once. Got so busy I had to take a bloke on”
There might be a difference between being unemployed and not wanting to work..
Apologies to John Lennon & Paul McCartney
Ah, look at all the lovely people
Kay Burley and Beth Rigby
Picks up the autocue in the studio where the news has been
Lives in a dream
Caught out in lockdown
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lovely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lovely people
Where do they all belong?
Dominic Cummings
Writing the words of a thesis that no one will hear
No one comes near
Look at him working
Polishing his head in the night when there’s nobody there
What does he care?
All the lovely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lovely people
Where do they all belong?
Ah, look at all the lovely people
Kay Burley and Beth Rigby
Caught in the lurch and were buried along with their names
Nobody came
Dominic Cummings
Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from number 10
No Deal was saved?
All the lovely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lovely people
Where do they all belong?
As I see it
I think that would appeal to Mr Lennon – gone 40 years this week….
….. it will be ‘interesting ‘ to see if beff or Kay really do return to Sky …. why could it not have been the Bronzed Strumpet ….? ( who?)
The BBC is reporting that Harrison Ford (78) is to return in ‘Indiana Jones and the care home escape ‘ in which the plucky Indiana tries to escape from a Care Home – but can’t remember why .. ( like me and the whereabouts of me keys/ specs / glasses / wallet ….)*
*if you accuse me of flippancy over the issue of Care Homes – I have suffered personal grief this year by not being able to visit a lady I knew my whole life – I was not able to say farewell in the days before she died – not from the Chinese virus ….
“Judge Sullivan FINALLY gives up on getting Flynn”
What, (apart from dictat of his communist masters) accounts for Sullivan’s extended zeal to, ‘get Flynn’ at all costs?
At the end of that analysis, can only be, pure and simple: Racism.
Liked by Shaimaa Khalil in what must be her first action in months.
Look out Justin, Matt and Rog.
NO looks like she’s tweeting away a lot
Is that a Bedlington terrier?
Matt Le Tissier : The new David Icke ?
How can we have more new cancer diagnoses per day than the average daily death rate (of all cases)
Perhaps some individuals are counted as 5 different cancer diagnoses etc ?
Brexit: Malcolm Turnbull tells UK ‘be careful what you wish for’ over EU trade
“Australia is negotiating a free trade deal with the EU, but does not currently have one.
It largely does business with the EU on World Trade Organisation rules..”
Basically finding an ex Australian PM to mouth some project fear.
Why dont they ask him why Australia isn’t offering unlimited fishing rights etc to the EU to get a deal?
Meanwhile the guy stands in front of a suspiciously curtained bookcase
@Taffman new BBC Wales Covid19 data page
Looks like cases are real not just increased testing
Poor people in NorthWest Wales locked up when only 5 cases per 1000 people and those 5 will be in NHS anyway
Newport hospital massive screw up
They put a coughing Covid patient in a normal Cancer ward
He was there for three days, coughing and coughing and coughing.”
James “Jim” Pook is one of 53 patients and 16 staff who have contracted Covid-19 on seven wards at the hospital since December 3.
The 77-year-old prostate cancer patient said nurses weren’t wearing PPE and a patient was put on his ward from a Covid ward.
BBC is that an appropriate photo for such a sad story ?
Interesting. You can definitely sense a shift in USA opinion. But still 100% of the BBC believe it was fair ????????
Not quite Doobster.
They know it wasn’t but they will claim it was because in the world of those Pol Pot secret admirers, the ends justify the means.
I’ve seen enough proper hate and spite on the forums to realise the Left would eliminate the Right if times were different. I can absolutely understand how they have murdered so many millions over the years.
Stamford Hill car hits 5 on pavement
“not being treated as terrorism related”
no arrests
Nothing on @CrimeLdn yet
If it’s a muslim and they don’t find direct evidence ISIS is involved, they anounce it is not terror related.
If he’s white (as in Finsbury park) it is immediately announced as a terrorist event. If there is any delay in doing it, the Muslim council will join in to demand it.
That’s the level of hypocrisy we are dealing with.
Rakib talked about how most of those convicted of terrorism
already had normal criminal convictions first
so had they been deported there wouldn’t have been the terrorism.