It seems that I am to get £10000 for being a ‘wind rush victim ‘ . You see as a whitee I have been mugged 3 times in my life – each time by a descendant of those coloured folk you got off the wind rush and other boats ….
Hope everyone’s doing well and managing to ignore the MSM gaslighting. I’ve not looked at any BBC ‘news’ since Biden was named projected winner, so I’ve no idea how much real information they’ve been covering (probbly barely any), but the last week has been absolutely crazy, especially today. The storm has arrived, so to speak.
For those who haven’t heard, Hunter Biden’s been subpoenaed for his laptop, James Biden (Joe’s brother) is under suspicion as well, and both are linked directly to China who in turn are also linked directly to Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, two million CCP members have been doxxed and they’re present in all American institutions including the vaccine manufacturers as well as in Britain. Brian Swalwell, who was integral to the phony impeachment and Russian collusion investigation, has been shown as having an affair with a Chinese spy and Pelosi knew about it and did nothing. Many governors including RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) have been linked to China as well, and Canada has confirmed that they were training Chinese troops on the US border. US military movements have remained hugely inflated as they’re shipped to both coasts and await the inevitable uprising, either when the election is awarded to Trump or when he declares martial law – there is no prospect of Biden becoming president because he’s an NSA-declared national security threat and Kamala Harris is ineligible due to her parentage, neither of which are reported by the Marxist media.
Meanwhile, the Michigan audit has been released publicly today and determined that the software was deliberately designed to flip votes in favour of a certain candidate, in this case Biden. The margin of error for adjudicated votes – i.e. votes that are ‘scrutinised’ by poll watchers and they decide who they think it was cast for – is supposed to be less than a tenth of 1%, but in Antrim County it was 68%. CIA informants are now coming forward confirming the manipulation from overseas. Google, Youtube and several other big tech giants were offline today for a few hours, which may be nothing but may very well have been in preparation for an anticipated blackout of US comms while the military carry out largescale arrests in one day.
The lamestream media have focused all their attention on the SCOTUS ruling against Texas, which isn’t all that significant and wasn’t done on the basis of the case’s merits but on its ‘standing,’ which in effect has told Trump’s legal team and anyone else filing cases what they need to do in order to be heard by them. The fact that 20 states joined up to the suit shows that Trump has massive support, so this wasn’t any kind of defeat. Electors are meeting today to cast votes, and quite rightly the GOP has sent their own electors for each of the contested states meaning that it’s highly likely the decision will be left to congress in January since Mike Pence controls the senate – in which case, Trump would win 26-23 as votes MUST go by party lines and is by state delegation rather than congressional seats.
The next few weeks are going to be ridiculous, and the MSM will continue to paint a narrative that is designed as a psy-op to confuse and delude its audience. The BBC is a central part of that. Stay alert, stay positive, and just remember we in the UK can’t do anything about this other than pray for Trump and the patriots of America to defeat this evil, yet we will all pay the price if evil prevails. I firmly believe that Trump and America will win this, it won’t be resolved in a few weeks and may indeed take many years as this is now essentially a war, but America knows how high the stakes are here and so does Trump.
The BBC won’t do anything except stand back from the fight, pretend to be brave behind the bigger boys and girls of course, and Kitty-Kat and Little Jon will be told what to say as usual, so no change there!
the AlBeeb world servix were so confident in the early hours of this morning that the US electorial college would nominate Biden, as he received over 300 votes…..
More than enough, I was informed and with no caveat to say there is no proof…
Someone showed me how they can take over my laptop, click on Microsoft Works, and type the words “The Dominion machines were linked to the internet”. Eric Coomer, Director of Product Security and Strategy for Dominion Voting Systems, was found out to have been a member of Antifa, the white Storm troopers of the Democratic Party (BLM are the black Storm troopers of the Democratic Party). Joseph Oltmann researched ANTIFA in Colorado after Coomer posted the Antifa Manifesto letter to Trump Online. Recordings of Coomers conversations are evidence for the Courts.
But the Court rulings seem to conclude that the cowardly Judges say that they are not competent enough to understand the evidence given to them. The Media only announce that the cases have been dismissed.
May 15th NBC Saying “OrangeManBad Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a ‘miracle’ to be right.
“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” Trump told reporters later in the day.
But experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.
Stew, I thought the BBC reported on TOADY News this a.m. (at 7) that early batches of the Pfizer vaccine had been made available in the USA. Probably manufactured there rather than in Europe. I switched off before 7.30 a.m. because the BBC were running down the UK.
I forgot to switch back on so I don’t know what was said later in the programme.
1000 new cases of a new varient of the coronavirus Covid 19 spreading through London and south east-London now will be in trier 3. Where does this new varient come from? What abut the number of new immigrants that have threaded their way into our country-A bunch of Roma people reported to be encamped in Park Lane, there is another avenue for this new virus-still say that endeavours to contain the virus alone from the most vunerable, is not going to stop the spread only for a limited period. The Government Minister Hancock raging his fumes of fear , with the the support of the likes of the BBC et al. What will they think up next to subjugate us all at every turn.
It started off bad this morning, now I’ve just heard the cretin HandCock on the wireless announcing in serious tones a covid new ‘variant’ in the south east.
Porton Down are investigating ( that’s good then)
he really is plumbing the depths now. Absolute shiester.
TWW, it is possible that it is a natural mutation from the Covid-19 virus – it is what coronaviruses do, it’s their job – but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese have deliberately released a new version having seen how the West has been disadvantaged by the ‘accidental’ Covid-19.
First question from the BBC at the Covid briefing is – surprise! – asking for the Govt to "rethink plans to relax the rules over Xmas". It doesn't matter how many restrictions there are on our lives or how much damage is done to business and jobs, the BBC will always demand more!
Guest Who
“The BBC will always demand more.” Well of course they will. They are Leftists to a man (and woman). A Socialist never knows when to stop trying to remake us all in their own image. They are quite deluded and will always fail. The tragedy is that before they go down to defeat they can inflict so much human suffering because, to them, the end always justifies the means.
Who on earth has the stomach to watch that.
The BBC had it up for HYS. I had the following comment deleted by the moderator minutes after I posted it:
“Hyped to the hilt from a cushy-job university project caught with it’s pants down which gave everyone the wrong dose from the start then had to use those small-sample, low-risk groups results to prop up the real results which were terrible But it’s English and there’s a woman in charge – so lets cherry pick the facts and present it as a success.
‘Better than nothing’ is about the best you can say.”
Maybe you don’t agree, but it seems I no longer have the right to say what I think if the BBC don’t like it.
A new group of celebs will be baring all in order to raise awareness of cancers in intimate areas of the body in The Real Full Monty: On Ice tonight and tomorrow on @ITV. Ashley Banjo and Coleen Nolan will be leading the brave class of 2020, who include radio legend Jenni Murray
I’d rather not thank you. These will be images that can’t be unseen. Its bad enough listening to those who bare their souls about mental issues, ‘battling’ with life threatening diseases and what they have ‘overcome’ in their life, without having to see physical examples as well. Whatever happened to being private and having some dignity ?
ITV local news : outrageous scare stories about no deal
“How will the flowers come in from Holland ?”
Well if the driver comes in on the ferry as normal this Wednesday
what’s going to happen the Wednesdays in January ?
Are we all going to line up in front of the ferry and stop him driving off ??
Extra paperwork ??
The UK isn’t going to make hassle
.. It’s on his return journey that the EU ports could put red tape on him.
Pathetic we have to have a live seg from the Parliament Green with the anti-Brexit signs prominent behind the journo
Stew, I believe, that in your neck of the woods, a large town, Spalding used to have an annual flower festival with floats. Does it still happen? Aside from that, whilst working for a local authority on Hull Docks, a flower lorry turned up from Rotterdam. It got through Customs but at Immigration the driver put his hand up and said he had 28 illegals in the back. All guest arbiters , Turks escaping from Germany’s crackdown (before Merkel’s open door policy).
Yes my grandmother used to go every year
“..Spalding Flower Parade held for last time 4 May 2013
— The last Spalding Flower Parade has taken place in the Lincolnshire town.”
The councils decided to stop funding it
RTE’s Tony Conolly reportedly saying an EUSSR source has told him that the PM has given ground on the ‘level playing field’ issue (a so called redline).
If true, he must be out of No.10 by the end of the week.
So, a report tells us that virtually all “comedians” appearing on the BBC at any given time are fully paid-up members of the Wokist / remoaner popular liberation front. Well, it’s nice to see it in black and white, so to speak, but tell us something we don’t know. The greatest crime is that they’re about as funny as a session with your favourite dentist. This won’t hurt. Oh yes it will!
I notice the BBC were also in on the ‘fact check’ on May 15 2020
“Trump outlines plans for coronavirus vaccine
The US president elaborated on Operation Warp Speed, which aims to expedite vaccine development.
On Friday, President Trump announced that Moncef Slaoui, former vaccine chief at GlaxoSmithKline and Gustave Perna, a four star general, would oversee the initiative, which was first reported in April.
The president said that the operation’s aim is to deliver a vaccine by the end of the year, if not by early 2021.
Experts have cast doubt on the White House timelines for a jab.
Published duration. 15 May
BBC News
US & Canada“
The thing that the Assembly organisers could not ignore, though, was the categorical instruction that the Assembly members gave: meat and dairy reduction must be voluntary, not enforced or coerced.
Not the Beeb but MSM, I thihk the Daily Express, although it may have been the Mail, carried an article including video of some nasty bastard robbing a wheelchair bound old lady and her carer of£20 at an ATM. He was wearing a face nappy but you could clearly see he was of the black persuasion. The cowardly press said that the robber was thick set, medium build, medium height but not that he was black. Get rid of the lot!
Watch the moment a woman in Byron Bay successfully rescued her dog, Hazel, who was lost under a sea of foam, as wild weather battered Australia’s east coast.
The various protagonists involved in bringing this to our screens are to be applauded.
Not sure if the dog knew he was lost
“lost only for a few seconds as the news reporter prepared to go live”
“Relieved owners managed to track down their lost dog, who was busy playing in the sea foam caused by heavy rains and extremely windy weather in Byron Bay, Australia.” 1 minute 50 seconds in
BBC4 repeat
University ChallengeChristmas 2019
– Oxford, with BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera and racebaiter Afua Hirsch, Archdeacon of Leeds Paul Ayers, Felicity Cloake Guardian food writer
Vs Cambridge, with Guardian TV reviewer Lucy Mangan and Peep Show actor Sophie Winkleman, Philip Dawid (maths prof), Tony Palmer (music doco director who started the BBC)
Channel 4 telling us that there is another white guilt movement growing. This time it’s the Palestinians who have decided that they are all now refugees due to British decisions in the 1940’s. They have obviously realised that the Israelis are not going to back down or be beaten so they are now going for the usual suspects, basically the UK. How it’s possible for anyone resident in Palestine to be a refugee in their own Country baffles me but worth a go along with every other disgruntled pressure group on the planet.
No doubt the BBC will pick this one up on behalf of their pin up boy Jeremy.
I would have thought the Palestinians would be better served by having a go at Germany.
8:40pm Talking Pictures 1956 doco about British fish ports
showing the huge daily fish market auction in Hull
a million fish lined up
Upto 200,000 stone each morning
“just the same at other ports across the nation”
Fifth largest industry in the country.
Here are the herring girls working fast.
Ah talking about changes the small ports with small boats are beaten by the bigger Hull and Grimsby boats
but now with quick freezing some small boats are coming back in.
Every person interviewed in London when asked for their view on going into Tier 3 was not white. Then we cut to a non white MP, then over to the non white conservative candidate for London Mayor. Ad break where……… say no more.
Contact tracer: ‘People threaten us and block our calls’
Two illustrative photos goodie v badie
And guess what..
First of the hard working, but put too, contact tracer
(Apparently they phone 15 times! before finally getting the message that non compliant people don’t want to play their game..)
One of the covid breathing refusenik ‘miscreant’ in Starbucks
Five of the swing states in dispute have now sent both DNC and GOP electors, and Michigan GOP were blocked from doing so despite the audit being released earlier today showing Dominion systems were engineered to rig the election for Biden. There’s speculation that others are going to follow, meaning this is now a contingent election and there is no path for Biden as the GOP controls the state delegates who will decide the president in the event that neither candidate reaches 270. John Ratcliffe’s report on foreign interference is also due out later this week and it’s speculated that it names both Biden and Harris as co-conspirators in the fraud.
Don’t be surprised if Trump offers Biden and Harris an ultimatum on Friday or Saturday that he will pardon them if they agree to concede. Biden will take that in a heartbeat if offered due to the fact that there are now over 20 subpoenas for Hunter alone based on the laptop.
UPDATE: Apparently Michigan GOP have now been able to send their electors, and New Mexico (which wasn’t even subject to a legal case that I’m aware of) have done the same. This brings the total to seven. This is the day that everything absolutely fell apart for the DNC.
“President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. surpassed the all-important threshold in the Electoral College when California’s electors cast their votes, after a day in which the process unfolded smoothly.”
Meanwhile we all laugh at idiots who quote from The Guardian.
Student or BBC employee Piku ?.
You are overconfident enough to be the former, but bitter enough to be the latter.
A spell in the real world would do you good.
The reason that the Mainstream Media cannot be trusted is that in the last twenty years, the best investigative journalist (both left-wing and right-wing) have been pushed out of the Mainstream into the Independent Media. So now Independent Media has a great diversity of Journalism, from the best professional investigative Journalists to the downtrodden scientist taking up amateur Journalism. Mainstream Journalism today seems to be just third rate cut and paste jobs from Reuters. I imagine Reuters gets its stories from or approved by George Soros.
Emails from American Mensa Members contacted on the Mensa Forum have picked up a lot recently. They support Trump because they were angry about those gullible green morons who worship Greta and also university administrators who persecute people with Science Degrees. Information can also be confirmed on Parler, JoNova and others, as well as by using censored information on advanced search engines. Sometimes its simply something censored that Trump has said. The other week it was something translated from German. However a lot of information about Eric Coomer has been deleted in the last week. However, one thing I have noticed is that Images of text survive deletion.
Latest News: Forensic Investigation of Dominion systems in Michigan released; Key logs missing. “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results” “We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed” “The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots” “We observed an error rate of 68.05 percent. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity” said Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group.
“Netherlands: Five-week lockdown
Prime Minister Mark Rutte says the country will go into a strict lockdown for five weeks, from 15 December to 19 January.
Restrictions will be eased slightly for the three days of Christmas, when Dutch households are allowed three instead of two guests, not counting children under 13.”
3 instead of 2 !
Same compliance training using ridiculously farcical edits as the UK…
Then talk of the vacine saving the day
“But with the vaccine, 2021 will indeed be a year of hope and of light at the end of the tunnel.”
But the BBC’s amateur level journalists don’t bother to ask how many people will decline the vacine and also consider the implications of the answer.
I’m quoted in @DailyMailUK today on “that” shocking NHS Christmas ad & the damage it’s doing to children who have already been subjected to far too many adult problems & fears this year. Let them be kids. @T4Recovery
More anonymous people shot by other anonymous people in Hackney. Even though 3 are in hospital – one critical.
Surely such an appeal for witnesses would be helped if a description of the people involved was given.
Every time I see an article like this, I think of the low-life George Floyd and what utter racist hypocrisy it all is.
Black lives only matter when white people kill them. When they do it themselves (which is the vast majority of cases) or it’s the other way round, it’s kept as quiet as possible.
John C, we were visited by the ABeeb and Guardian supporting scum troll earlier. Maybe it could do a fact check on your points above. I mean I don’t understand why a description of those involved is never provided when black lives clearly matter so much to the likes of these journalistic organisations.
They just use minorities to attack their political enemies. If it doesn’t fit that agenda, they aren’t interested. They clearly don’t care one bit how many black people die if white people didn’t do it. Or how Muslims treat women, rape white girl ‘trash’ or how openly homophobic they are.
It’s all ‘the ends justify the means’ group think. The most cynical and shameless kind of hypocrisy I can imagine – yet I don’t think most of them even realise it : they are just part of the group.
The Wuhan Flu is the gift that keeps giving – for spineless politicians, public health control freaks and for our hysterical media:
‘Mutant Covid. London put in Tier 3 as Hancock reveals a new “Super Strain”. Fears varient in the south-east spreading the virus even faster’ – so says the giveaway Metro paper, heavily funded by the way by HM Government advertising – What, spreading faster than colds and flu normally spread at this time of year?
I guess the normal annual proliferation of tv ads for Nightnurse, Tunes, Lemsip et al were naught but a figment of our fevered imaginations?
One resigns one’s self to the fact that we’re locked into this Lockdown policy by government in the same way they locked us into the EU and now are locked into interminable talks about leaving the EU: ‘Fishing trade-off is key to deal, says Barnier’ explains the Telegraph. Yes, Brussels wants to keep taking our stuff. Whilst the Guardian gives aid and comfort to the enemy (as they used to say in wartime): ‘Deal is within reach after UK concession – Barnier’
Britain wants to be free and to prosper and they can’t aford for that to be seen to happen – it’s an unsquarable circle – get over it.
From Merkel’s protectionist empire to Markle’s new business ventures. Perhaps I’ll console myself with a Meghan Markle “Wellness Superlatte” as mentioned in the Times. There’s a woman who knows her market.
Time to re-read John le Carré. His early stuff transcended genre writing and has real literary merit. Sadly he mellowed into a bit of a social justice warrior in his comfortable dotage. Let’s present some of his titles as an end of year awards thingy for people in the news this week…
[At long last Little Mix make it into my newspaper frontpage review – Mr Fedup will be chuffed]
Jesy Nelson – nominated by the giveaway Metro: ‘Why I’ve quit Mix’ – she must have “The Little Mix Drummer Girl” – yes, I know the girl band don’t play instruments.
Boris Johnson – assuming the Guardian headline about his concessions to Barnier are true then he is clearly “The Dishonourable Eton Schoolboy” or perhaps he gets le Carré’s recent title “Our Kind of Traitor”
Prince Andrew, as nominated by the Daily Mail who are hot on his tail this week: ‘Duke’s secret trip to orgy island – while his accuser was there’ – we must be royally careful with this one – allegedly… I’m torn between presenting Andrew with “Our Game”, “Absolute Friends” or le Carré’s the autobiographic “The Naïve and Sentimental Lover”
People’s nomination for anyone currently testing positive for Covid – “Guy who came in with a cold”
In the sport category how could a north Londoner ignore Mikel Arteta – as nominated by the ‘i’ newspaper today: ‘Arteta’s Nightmare. The trouble with Arsenal’ he is winner of “The Fright Manager”
And the overall winner is surely Tyson Fury, the Gypsy King, with his wonderful anti-BBC sports personality of the year protest: ‘Fury KO for BBC’ as reported in the Star.
“Tinker, Pikey, Boxer, Guy”
Asiseeit – with respect – how can i be “chuffed” that ‘jesy’ has left ‘little mix’? – its one of those “ i remembet where i was when i found out’ moments –
It will be the same when the PM and princess nut nut go on the TV to announce the sellout / victory over the EU – probably on Christmas Eve to minimise the response.
On the Fury Tyson issue – is it worth voting for him in the BBC show ? Do I need a TV licence ? Will the vote be fixed in the same way as the American one – and all future elections ?
Disclosure – I don’t know who Fury Tyson is – or care at all … but anything that can distress / embarrass / harm the BBC is good for us ….
The bbbc will probably be using the dominion voting machines so it’s pointless voting.
They will already have their winner. The rest is going through the motions.
My guess is knee taker Hamilton, he ticks the bbbc’s boxes.
Question. Why is the kids-in-school-during-Covid debate so black and white? Why not split classes so privileged kids get to stay home, but those needing help come into school? It carries it out its own problems but It would reduce infection. @branwenjeffreys
Wow – just think – in that 2minute 17 second broadcast – apart from the use of the ‘c’ word – it could really be a speech by a mid level BBC ‘entertainments manager ‘ on £150000 a year plus car and benefits ….
Maybe OFCOM should give the BBC a measure of ‘visibly identifiable diversity of comedy target’ – now that would be funny ….
Woman’s Hour
The way we understand and talk about climate change has shifted dramatically in the past couple of years.
To discuss why, Jane speaks to three women from this year’s Power List
– physicist and climate researcher Prof Joanna Haigh
– one of the leads from the Climate Assembly Prof Rebecca Willis;
– and Guardian Environment Correspondent Fiona Harvey
“Wellingborough Conservatives News says ‘Trump has learned that a lie can go round the world before the truth can get its boots on’. If you make enough dubious claims fast enough honest speakers are overwhelmed ‘“
From ringer or twat in the middle of nowhere to the dead tree to Emily, and thence radiated out.
Local Green bimbos:
Tory activists have been urged to campaign like Donald Trump by “weaponising fake news” and talking “nonsense” if it works, in a party newsletter.
The bulletin sent out to members in Northamptonshire says “there are lessons that we can learn from Trump”, adding: “A lie can go round the world before the truth can get its boots on.”
It also vows to “fight woke-ism”, attacking Labour’s landmark Equality Act, designed to stamp out prejudice in the workplace and public services – arguing it “legalises discrimination based on gender”. ”
“Based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.
Third party experts. Multiply their narrow remit by the number of States and what do you get?
I just logged into my Paddy Power account and discovered that my bet on Trump to win is apparently ‘settled’ and I’ve lost my stake as a result. I’m looking forward to contacting them after Trump is sworn back in and demanding my winnings. I won’t be the only one, either.
Twitterland : Allison Pearson is trending
I look and there is a pile on against her
“Oh look she contradicted herself , she’s thick”
I checked
They were holding up screenshots of her tweets
One that says hardly anyone seems to now anyone that’s had Covid,
the second sent 10 minutes later, saying all her family had had it.
.. But what they all omit is that she’d already qualified her first tweet 4 minutes after she posted it, by adding that she meant people who’d actually suffered with it not just mild or a asymptomatic test result.
Interesting that Alistair Campbell retweeted this today after appearing as one of the guest ‘balance’ with James Harding yesterday.
Jacob Rees-Mogg's father was one of Murdoch's favourite editors. Then made money stock tipping in the US. And then wrote a prescient book outlining how disaster capitalism works – and praises it. @campbellclaret has a chilling review
Rees-Moog’s father used to write a column in ‘The Times’.It was unusual in that he used to openly admit he was a callous and not very nice person.He used to run a stock tipping newsletter whose tips had a poor track record.
He constantly opposed Bill Clinton just because he was a democrat.He was also a big hawk on the Iraq War and called Tories who opposed it like Ken Clarke as idiots.
Doubt history will be any kinder with Rees-Moog junior opinions
I enjoyed watching those times when JRM has absolutely destroyed the ranting, lying Lefties with calm logic and his encyclopedia of facts. No wonder you people hate him.
Which of course is why you went to intimidate his wife and children. At least his father knew what he was. What about you ?.
As TR says on Parler So here’s Nazir Afzal promoting the “dumbing down” of PREDOMINANTLY PAKISTANI MUSLIM CHILD RAPE GANGS!!!!
Without any fanfare Home Office published their research into so called grooming gangs “Research shows offenders of group based CSE are most commonly white” Though more research is required as some high profile cases are not Nuanced report to be welcomed
The HO report includes the following mealy-mouthed and cowardly rubbish (well, what did we expect?) using the absence or inconsistency of ‘research’ or ‘data’ as an excuse.
Key findings:
• Research on offender ethnicity is limited, and tends to rely on poor quality data. It is therefore difficult to draw conclusions about differences in ethnicity of offenders, but it is likely that no one community or culture is uniquely predisposed to offending.
• A number of studies have indicated an over-representation of Asian and Black offenders in group-based CSE. Most of the same studies show that the majority of offenders are White.
• Community and cultural factors are, however, relevant to understanding and tackling offending. An approach to deterring, disrupting, and preventing offending that is sensitive to the communities in which offending occurs is needed.
Home Office – demonstrating time and time again that it is not fit for purpose.
So the grooing/raping gang report has been sanitised ?
How that help the victims
and prevent future victims ?
One of the ways to keep young girls safe
is to keep them away from gangs of Pak/Bangla taxi drivers & takeaway workers.
In a country with 29 million white males I can imagine there maybe white grooming gangs
Where are they ?
Are we talking occasional groups of rogue teachers ? etc.
One thing would be look at
recent court cases involving those white groups of church school teachers and childrens home workers etc.
vs recent court case of Pak/Bangla on street grooming gangs
and then look of the total jail sentence tally.
The issue with the latter is #1 the largely white establishment turns a blind eye
#2 And as well as abuse going on for longer it tends to be more depraved forced prostitution & gang rape etc.
It’s kind of a bit irritating that people are still tweeting a photo saying “see these are the Home Office staff, look how non-white they are”
.. when said photo actually shows the group photo of 3 actual civil servants amongst an Asian business club they were visiting.
The Guardian – trusted friend of trolls – has an ‘interesting ‘ piece about the infection rate in the London Borough of Newham – or by its correct name Newhamistan – twinned with Mecca – Islamabad – et al..
The covid rate is through the room – mysteriously – apart from ‘high population density ‘ and ‘multigenerational ‘ households – it does apportion a reason for this level of transmission .
Any one who has contact with this borough will know instinctively – so I will be like the Guardian and not say . By the way – newhamistan was the first borough in the UK to officially have an ‘ethnic minority population ‘ outnumbering whitee….
On the upside – any one who goes down Green Street will see they don’t ‘do’ Christmas …
Perhaps by go by the ethic of ‘God Wills it”… my tip – avoid …
I can’t be the only one that thought all the other BBC ‘reporters’ were already disinformation specialists and the last thing we needed was an addition, even if she is ‘only 24’ and knows how to post a ‘selfie’.
BTW in that thread
@stephhegarty the BBC’s Population correspondent contradicts Mariana and O’Brien
correctly pointing out that shouting “CT” is throwing the baby out with the bath water
The Black community has been among the hardest hit by the pandemic, yet less than half of Black Americans polled say they'd get the Covid-19 vaccine. Let us know your questions and concerns, and we may feature them in a CNN Town Hall.
taffmanMar 13, 00:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo “The one legged man in an arse kicking contest” Haven’t you learned anything during your absence?
JohnCMar 13, 00:03 Midweek 12th March 2025 First thread I see on Quora: ‘British people outraged that JD Vance accused the British government of suppressing free speech?’…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img][/img] Putin got his battle fatigues on, looks like he means business now, He was right about Trump being unpredictable,…
KikuchiyoMar 12, 23:49 Midweek 12th March 2025 Huh?! Aren’t you excited about that? I’m just quoting what God has promised.
JohnCMar 12, 23:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 As usual you add nothing to the debate except the usual immature 12-year old spiteful rubbish. You belong on Quora…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 23:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 “From Mexico cartel safe house to US streets: BBC tracks deadly fentanyl targeted by Trump tariffs” Quentin Sommerville “The…
It seems that I am to get £10000 for being a ‘wind rush victim ‘ . You see as a whitee I have been mugged 3 times in my life – each time by a descendant of those coloured folk you got off the wind rush and other boats ….
Was the Barak Obama book any good? (9.45 a.m. BBC R4 Book of the Week)
I forgot to listen.
Any news from Halifax as to how he’s recovering?
I reckon that the well-being of Halifax is much more important than some sob-story from a failed politician in the US, Up.
Luckily, I’ll never read drivel from any leftie politician, wherever he comes from, even maybe the US.
Hope everyone’s doing well and managing to ignore the MSM gaslighting. I’ve not looked at any BBC ‘news’ since Biden was named projected winner, so I’ve no idea how much real information they’ve been covering (probbly barely any), but the last week has been absolutely crazy, especially today. The storm has arrived, so to speak.
For those who haven’t heard, Hunter Biden’s been subpoenaed for his laptop, James Biden (Joe’s brother) is under suspicion as well, and both are linked directly to China who in turn are also linked directly to Kamala Harris. Meanwhile, two million CCP members have been doxxed and they’re present in all American institutions including the vaccine manufacturers as well as in Britain. Brian Swalwell, who was integral to the phony impeachment and Russian collusion investigation, has been shown as having an affair with a Chinese spy and Pelosi knew about it and did nothing. Many governors including RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) have been linked to China as well, and Canada has confirmed that they were training Chinese troops on the US border. US military movements have remained hugely inflated as they’re shipped to both coasts and await the inevitable uprising, either when the election is awarded to Trump or when he declares martial law – there is no prospect of Biden becoming president because he’s an NSA-declared national security threat and Kamala Harris is ineligible due to her parentage, neither of which are reported by the Marxist media.
Meanwhile, the Michigan audit has been released publicly today and determined that the software was deliberately designed to flip votes in favour of a certain candidate, in this case Biden. The margin of error for adjudicated votes – i.e. votes that are ‘scrutinised’ by poll watchers and they decide who they think it was cast for – is supposed to be less than a tenth of 1%, but in Antrim County it was 68%. CIA informants are now coming forward confirming the manipulation from overseas. Google, Youtube and several other big tech giants were offline today for a few hours, which may be nothing but may very well have been in preparation for an anticipated blackout of US comms while the military carry out largescale arrests in one day.
The lamestream media have focused all their attention on the SCOTUS ruling against Texas, which isn’t all that significant and wasn’t done on the basis of the case’s merits but on its ‘standing,’ which in effect has told Trump’s legal team and anyone else filing cases what they need to do in order to be heard by them. The fact that 20 states joined up to the suit shows that Trump has massive support, so this wasn’t any kind of defeat. Electors are meeting today to cast votes, and quite rightly the GOP has sent their own electors for each of the contested states meaning that it’s highly likely the decision will be left to congress in January since Mike Pence controls the senate – in which case, Trump would win 26-23 as votes MUST go by party lines and is by state delegation rather than congressional seats.
The next few weeks are going to be ridiculous, and the MSM will continue to paint a narrative that is designed as a psy-op to confuse and delude its audience. The BBC is a central part of that. Stay alert, stay positive, and just remember we in the UK can’t do anything about this other than pray for Trump and the patriots of America to defeat this evil, yet we will all pay the price if evil prevails. I firmly believe that Trump and America will win this, it won’t be resolved in a few weeks and may indeed take many years as this is now essentially a war, but America knows how high the stakes are here and so does Trump.
Blimey, L@L!
The BBC won’t do anything except stand back from the fight, pretend to be brave behind the bigger boys and girls of course, and Kitty-Kat and Little Jon will be told what to say as usual, so no change there!
Should be fun!
I hope this is true laughing,
the AlBeeb world servix were so confident in the early hours of this morning that the US electorial college would nominate Biden, as he received over 300 votes…..
More than enough, I was informed and with no caveat to say there is no proof…
Someone showed me how they can take over my laptop, click on Microsoft Works, and type the words “The Dominion machines were linked to the internet”. Eric Coomer, Director of Product Security and Strategy for Dominion Voting Systems, was found out to have been a member of Antifa, the white Storm troopers of the Democratic Party (BLM are the black Storm troopers of the Democratic Party). Joseph Oltmann researched ANTIFA in Colorado after Coomer posted the Antifa Manifesto letter to Trump Online. Recordings of Coomers conversations are evidence for the Courts.
But the Court rulings seem to conclude that the cowardly Judges say that they are not competent enough to understand the evidence given to them. The Media only announce that the cases have been dismissed.
At considerable risk of self-aggrandisement, you already read about this some weeks ago on the Biased BBC web-site:
(smug mug emoji)
May 15th NBC Saying “OrangeManBad
Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a ‘miracle’ to be right.
“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” Trump told reporters later in the day.
But experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.
Stew, I thought the BBC reported on TOADY News this a.m. (at 7) that early batches of the Pfizer vaccine had been made available in the USA. Probably manufactured there rather than in Europe. I switched off before 7.30 a.m. because the BBC were running down the UK.
I forgot to switch back on so I don’t know what was said later in the programme.
@Up2snuff that was why I put the date first so you you could see that the NBC prediction is old and wrong.
1000 new cases of a new varient of the coronavirus Covid 19 spreading through London and south east-London now will be in trier 3. Where does this new varient come from? What abut the number of new immigrants that have threaded their way into our country-A bunch of Roma people reported to be encamped in Park Lane, there is another avenue for this new virus-still say that endeavours to contain the virus alone from the most vunerable, is not going to stop the spread only for a limited period. The Government Minister Hancock raging his fumes of fear , with the the support of the likes of the BBC et al. What will they think up next to subjugate us all at every turn.
Oh for f… Sake.
It started off bad this morning, now I’ve just heard the cretin HandCock on the wireless announcing in serious tones a covid new ‘variant’ in the south east.
Porton Down are investigating ( that’s good then)
he really is plumbing the depths now. Absolute shiester.
TWW, it is possible that it is a natural mutation from the Covid-19 virus – it is what coronaviruses do, it’s their job – but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chinese have deliberately released a new version having seen how the West has been disadvantaged by the ‘accidental’ Covid-19.
BBC News
How to recognise a cult.
Download The Orgasm Cult, our investigation of the controversial One Taste wellness company.
A new Radio 4 podcast on BBC Sounds now.
Here was me thinking it was all the gels in cubicle gardens comparing selfies.
Speaking of cults.
Guest Who
“The BBC will always demand more.” Well of course they will. They are Leftists to a man (and woman). A Socialist never knows when to stop trying to remake us all in their own image. They are quite deluded and will always fail. The tragedy is that before they go down to defeat they can inflict so much human suffering because, to them, the end always justifies the means.
21:05 BBC1 Panorama
The inside story of the development of the Oxford vaccine.
Simultaneously on BBC 2 doco about the Royal Free London hospital doing its vaccination programme
Who on earth has the stomach to watch that.
The BBC had it up for HYS. I had the following comment deleted by the moderator minutes after I posted it:
“Hyped to the hilt from a cushy-job university project caught with it’s pants down which gave everyone the wrong dose from the start then had to use those small-sample, low-risk groups results to prop up the real results which were terrible But it’s English and there’s a woman in charge – so lets cherry pick the facts and present it as a success.
‘Better than nothing’ is about the best you can say.”
Maybe you don’t agree, but it seems I no longer have the right to say what I think if the BBC don’t like it.
9pm ITV is it Halloween or something ?
No real harm. Not exactly original.
If a bunch of d-listers want to waggle their flabbies, good luck to any paying to share.
I do however draw the line at ‘brave’.
A go to source for BBC American BS, I do believe.
Also CNN, and Bri especially.
Was Marianna even born back then?
Marianna’s best buds stateside?
I’d rather not thank you. These will be images that can’t be unseen. Its bad enough listening to those who bare their souls about mental issues, ‘battling’ with life threatening diseases and what they have ‘overcome’ in their life, without having to see physical examples as well. Whatever happened to being private and having some dignity ?
ITV local news : outrageous scare stories about no deal
“How will the flowers come in from Holland ?”
Well if the driver comes in on the ferry as normal this Wednesday
what’s going to happen the Wednesdays in January ?
Are we all going to line up in front of the ferry and stop him driving off ??
Extra paperwork ??
The UK isn’t going to make hassle
.. It’s on his return journey that the EU ports could put red tape on him.
Pathetic we have to have a live seg from the Parliament Green with the anti-Brexit signs prominent behind the journo
Then onto item about the Leeds BAME couple, the one mentioned where he didn’t get the cancer MRI so has died at 27.
The wife has an American accent.
Stew, I believe, that in your neck of the woods, a large town, Spalding used to have an annual flower festival with floats. Does it still happen? Aside from that, whilst working for a local authority on Hull Docks, a flower lorry turned up from Rotterdam. It got through Customs but at Immigration the driver put his hand up and said he had 28 illegals in the back. All guest arbiters , Turks escaping from Germany’s crackdown (before Merkel’s open door policy).
Yes my grandmother used to go every year
“..Spalding Flower Parade held for last time 4 May 2013
— The last Spalding Flower Parade has taken place in the Lincolnshire town.”
The councils decided to stop funding it
BBC Radio 4
Barack Obama reads from the highly anticipated first volume of his presidential memoirs.
Top comment: “ Highly anticipated by whom? “
RTE’s Tony Conolly reportedly saying an EUSSR source has told him that the PM has given ground on the ‘level playing field’ issue (a so called redline).
If true, he must be out of No.10 by the end of the week.
That’s not what we voted to leave for.
So, a report tells us that virtually all “comedians” appearing on the BBC at any given time are fully paid-up members of the Wokist / remoaner popular liberation front. Well, it’s nice to see it in black and white, so to speak, but tell us something we don’t know. The greatest crime is that they’re about as funny as a session with your favourite dentist. This won’t hurt. Oh yes it will!
This article is on the front page of Fox News.
NBC’s COVID-19 vaccine ‘fact check’ sees news outlet mocked
An NBC fact check from May 15 2020
I notice the BBC were also in on the ‘fact check’ on May 15 2020
“Trump outlines plans for coronavirus vaccine
The US president elaborated on Operation Warp Speed, which aims to expedite vaccine development.
On Friday, President Trump announced that Moncef Slaoui, former vaccine chief at GlaxoSmithKline and Gustave Perna, a four star general, would oversee the initiative, which was first reported in April.
The president said that the operation’s aim is to deliver a vaccine by the end of the year, if not by early 2021.
Experts have cast doubt on the White House timelines for a jab.
Published duration. 15 May
BBC News
US & Canada“
How it works now.
If you let it.
Not the Beeb but MSM, I thihk the Daily Express, although it may have been the Mail, carried an article including video of some nasty bastard robbing a wheelchair bound old lady and her carer of£20 at an ATM. He was wearing a face nappy but you could clearly see he was of the black persuasion. The cowardly press said that the robber was thick set, medium build, medium height but not that he was black. Get rid of the lot!
Mail said “A stocky man with short hair, wearing a black jacket and blue Adidas tracksuit bottoms snatched the elderly woman’s money”
And on that note…
BBC News
Watch the moment a woman in Byron Bay successfully rescued her dog, Hazel, who was lost under a sea of foam, as wild weather battered Australia’s east coast.
The various protagonists involved in bringing this to our screens are to be applauded.
Not sure if the dog knew he was lost
“lost only for a few seconds as the news reporter prepared to go live”
“Relieved owners managed to track down their lost dog, who was busy playing in the sea foam caused by heavy rains and extremely windy weather in Byron Bay, Australia.”
1 minute 50 seconds in
Distressing video to watch; as my ears can only take so much Austrailan accent.
BBC4 repeat
University ChallengeChristmas 2019
– Oxford, with BBC security correspondent Gordon Corera and racebaiter Afua Hirsch, Archdeacon of Leeds Paul Ayers, Felicity Cloake Guardian food writer
Vs Cambridge, with Guardian TV reviewer Lucy Mangan and Peep Show actor Sophie Winkleman, Philip Dawid (maths prof), Tony Palmer (music doco director who started the BBC)
Music round is about The Ska band The Specials
Relax and enjoy something different – maybe check out the Radio 1 guest presenters who will entertain you for this traditional part of the year:
The white male contigent is over-represented by current standards with 2 – but at least one does present ‘breakfast gaydio’.
Impressive getting in Matt Lucas, Jobsworth Nish back in from when they were… less old.
Channel 4 telling us that there is another white guilt movement growing. This time it’s the Palestinians who have decided that they are all now refugees due to British decisions in the 1940’s. They have obviously realised that the Israelis are not going to back down or be beaten so they are now going for the usual suspects, basically the UK. How it’s possible for anyone resident in Palestine to be a refugee in their own Country baffles me but worth a go along with every other disgruntled pressure group on the planet.
No doubt the BBC will pick this one up on behalf of their pin up boy Jeremy.
I would have thought the Palestinians would be better served by having a go at Germany.
8:40pm Talking Pictures 1956 doco about British fish ports
showing the huge daily fish market auction in Hull
a million fish lined up
Upto 200,000 stone each morning
“just the same at other ports across the nation”
Fifth largest industry in the country.
Here are the herring girls working fast.
Ah talking about changes the small ports with small boats are beaten by the bigger Hull and Grimsby boats
but now with quick freezing some small boats are coming back in.
Every person interviewed in London when asked for their view on going into Tier 3 was not white. Then we cut to a non white MP, then over to the non white conservative candidate for London Mayor. Ad break where……… say no more.
Contact tracer: ‘People threaten us and block our calls’
Two illustrative photos goodie v badie
And guess what..
First of the hard working, but put too, contact tracer
(Apparently they phone 15 times! before finally getting the message that non compliant people don’t want to play their game..)
One of the covid breathing refusenik ‘miscreant’ in Starbucks
Note the race of the only mask wearer.
Five of the swing states in dispute have now sent both DNC and GOP electors, and Michigan GOP were blocked from doing so despite the audit being released earlier today showing Dominion systems were engineered to rig the election for Biden. There’s speculation that others are going to follow, meaning this is now a contingent election and there is no path for Biden as the GOP controls the state delegates who will decide the president in the event that neither candidate reaches 270. John Ratcliffe’s report on foreign interference is also due out later this week and it’s speculated that it names both Biden and Harris as co-conspirators in the fraud.
Don’t be surprised if Trump offers Biden and Harris an ultimatum on Friday or Saturday that he will pardon them if they agree to concede. Biden will take that in a heartbeat if offered due to the fact that there are now over 20 subpoenas for Hunter alone based on the laptop.
UPDATE: Apparently Michigan GOP have now been able to send their electors, and New Mexico (which wasn’t even subject to a legal case that I’m aware of) have done the same. This brings the total to seven. This is the day that everything absolutely fell apart for the DNC.
I don’t know where you are getting your information from but as usual, you are way off the mark:
“President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. surpassed the all-important threshold in the Electoral College when California’s electors cast their votes, after a day in which the process unfolded smoothly.”
New York Times?
Your having a laugh you idiot.
He who laughs last ………..
Fact checked by the guardian. Founded on the profits of slavery.
See the cut n paste is working well piku/maxi/woods. Now run along like a good little scum troll.
Another Guardian fact check Piku..
Fact check: Coronavirus vaccine could come this year, Trump says. Experts say he needs a ‘miracle’ to be right.
Meanwhile we all laugh at idiots who quote from The Guardian.
Student or BBC employee Piku ?.
You are overconfident enough to be the former, but bitter enough to be the latter.
A spell in the real world would do you good.
The reason that the Mainstream Media cannot be trusted is that in the last twenty years, the best investigative journalist (both left-wing and right-wing) have been pushed out of the Mainstream into the Independent Media. So now Independent Media has a great diversity of Journalism, from the best professional investigative Journalists to the downtrodden scientist taking up amateur Journalism. Mainstream Journalism today seems to be just third rate cut and paste jobs from Reuters. I imagine Reuters gets its stories from or approved by George Soros.
Emails from American Mensa Members contacted on the Mensa Forum have picked up a lot recently. They support Trump because they were angry about those gullible green morons who worship Greta and also university administrators who persecute people with Science Degrees. Information can also be confirmed on Parler, JoNova and others, as well as by using censored information on advanced search engines. Sometimes its simply something censored that Trump has said. The other week it was something translated from German. However a lot of information about Eric Coomer has been deleted in the last week. However, one thing I have noticed is that Images of text survive deletion.
Latest News: Forensic Investigation of Dominion systems in Michigan released; Key logs missing. “We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results” “We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed” “The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots” “We observed an error rate of 68.05 percent. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity” said Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group.
Eric Coomer, Director of Product Security and Strategy for Dominion Voting Systems said “Don’t worry about the election. Trump is not going to win. I made fu**ing sure of that Hahaha.” ( )
“Netherlands: Five-week lockdown
Prime Minister Mark Rutte says the country will go into a strict lockdown for five weeks, from 15 December to 19 January.
Restrictions will be eased slightly for the three days of Christmas, when Dutch households are allowed three instead of two guests, not counting children under 13.”
3 instead of 2 !
Same compliance training using ridiculously farcical edits as the UK…
Then talk of the vacine saving the day
“But with the vaccine, 2021 will indeed be a year of hope and of light at the end of the tunnel.”
But the BBC’s amateur level journalists don’t bother to ask how many people will decline the vacine and also consider the implications of the answer.
Troubling NHS Santa advert
Official government testing data
We wonder why the *cumulative total* for the 12th
is LOWER than for the 11th
then click on the data button
More anonymous people shot by other anonymous people in Hackney. Even though 3 are in hospital – one critical.
Surely such an appeal for witnesses would be helped if a description of the people involved was given.
Every time I see an article like this, I think of the low-life George Floyd and what utter racist hypocrisy it all is.
Black lives only matter when white people kill them. When they do it themselves (which is the vast majority of cases) or it’s the other way round, it’s kept as quiet as possible.
John C, we were visited by the ABeeb and Guardian supporting scum troll earlier. Maybe it could do a fact check on your points above. I mean I don’t understand why a description of those involved is never provided when black lives clearly matter so much to the likes of these journalistic organisations.
Perhaps Piku will tell us if he’s not laughing his head off? He should be given a job on Al Beeb as a ‘comedian’ ?
Given a job? Even a village missing an idiot would not employ it.
Unemployable in any real world scenario.
They just use minorities to attack their political enemies. If it doesn’t fit that agenda, they aren’t interested. They clearly don’t care one bit how many black people die if white people didn’t do it. Or how Muslims treat women, rape white girl ‘trash’ or how openly homophobic they are.
It’s all ‘the ends justify the means’ group think. The most cynical and shameless kind of hypocrisy I can imagine – yet I don’t think most of them even realise it : they are just part of the group.
The Wuhan Flu is the gift that keeps giving – for spineless politicians, public health control freaks and for our hysterical media:
‘Mutant Covid. London put in Tier 3 as Hancock reveals a new “Super Strain”. Fears varient in the south-east spreading the virus even faster’ – so says the giveaway Metro paper, heavily funded by the way by HM Government advertising – What, spreading faster than colds and flu normally spread at this time of year?
I guess the normal annual proliferation of tv ads for Nightnurse, Tunes, Lemsip et al were naught but a figment of our fevered imaginations?
One resigns one’s self to the fact that we’re locked into this Lockdown policy by government in the same way they locked us into the EU and now are locked into interminable talks about leaving the EU: ‘Fishing trade-off is key to deal, says Barnier’ explains the Telegraph. Yes, Brussels wants to keep taking our stuff. Whilst the Guardian gives aid and comfort to the enemy (as they used to say in wartime): ‘Deal is within reach after UK concession – Barnier’
Britain wants to be free and to prosper and they can’t aford for that to be seen to happen – it’s an unsquarable circle – get over it.
From Merkel’s protectionist empire to Markle’s new business ventures. Perhaps I’ll console myself with a Meghan Markle “Wellness Superlatte” as mentioned in the Times. There’s a woman who knows her market.
Time to re-read John le Carré. His early stuff transcended genre writing and has real literary merit. Sadly he mellowed into a bit of a social justice warrior in his comfortable dotage. Let’s present some of his titles as an end of year awards thingy for people in the news this week…
[At long last Little Mix make it into my newspaper frontpage review – Mr Fedup will be chuffed]
Jesy Nelson – nominated by the giveaway Metro: ‘Why I’ve quit Mix’ – she must have “The Little Mix Drummer Girl” – yes, I know the girl band don’t play instruments.
Boris Johnson – assuming the Guardian headline about his concessions to Barnier are true then he is clearly “The Dishonourable Eton Schoolboy” or perhaps he gets le Carré’s recent title “Our Kind of Traitor”
Prince Andrew, as nominated by the Daily Mail who are hot on his tail this week: ‘Duke’s secret trip to orgy island – while his accuser was there’ – we must be royally careful with this one – allegedly… I’m torn between presenting Andrew with “Our Game”, “Absolute Friends” or le Carré’s the autobiographic “The Naïve and Sentimental Lover”
People’s nomination for anyone currently testing positive for Covid – “Guy who came in with a cold”
In the sport category how could a north Londoner ignore Mikel Arteta – as nominated by the ‘i’ newspaper today: ‘Arteta’s Nightmare. The trouble with Arsenal’ he is winner of “The Fright Manager”
And the overall winner is surely Tyson Fury, the Gypsy King, with his wonderful anti-BBC sports personality of the year protest: ‘Fury KO for BBC’ as reported in the Star.
“Tinker, Pikey, Boxer, Guy”
And if that lot doesn’t make you “Smiley People”…
Asiseeit – with respect – how can i be “chuffed” that ‘jesy’ has left ‘little mix’? – its one of those “ i remembet where i was when i found out’ moments –
It will be the same when the PM and princess nut nut go on the TV to announce the sellout / victory over the EU – probably on Christmas Eve to minimise the response.
Thanks for the summary
On the Fury Tyson issue – is it worth voting for him in the BBC show ? Do I need a TV licence ? Will the vote be fixed in the same way as the American one – and all future elections ?
Disclosure – I don’t know who Fury Tyson is – or care at all … but anything that can distress / embarrass / harm the BBC is good for us ….
The bbbc will probably be using the dominion voting machines so it’s pointless voting.
They will already have their winner. The rest is going through the motions.
My guess is knee taker Hamilton, he ticks the bbbc’s boxes.
Has the public voting started yet?
I’ve checked the site – the result is in – Hamilton won it by a landslide – it also says voting starts tomorrow ….. ( this might be false news )….
How long has ‘Lockdown’ Matt Hancock got to go ?
How long has Doris, the outgoing PM got left…..
Oh, Roger….
Fly the privileged kids to New Zealand and send t’ rest t’ Amazon distribution mills? (They might even pick up a damaged cardboard box to live in).
Nish will have a zinger coming.
Wow – just think – in that 2minute 17 second broadcast – apart from the use of the ‘c’ word – it could really be a speech by a mid level BBC ‘entertainments manager ‘ on £150000 a year plus car and benefits ….
Maybe OFCOM should give the BBC a measure of ‘visibly identifiable diversity of comedy target’ – now that would be funny ….
The peripatetic Salty Cracker has re-appeared on YT (for the moment he admits) with a couple of gems. Taken in order:
AG Barr resigns. I say, Sidney Powell ………..
Sidney Powell news update:
Woman’s Hour
The way we understand and talk about climate change has shifted dramatically in the past couple of years.
To discuss why, Jane speaks to three women from this year’s Power List
– physicist and climate researcher Prof Joanna Haigh
– one of the leads from the Climate Assembly Prof Rebecca Willis;
– and Guardian Environment Correspondent Fiona Harvey
Famous BBC balance
Two degrees of separation for Emily.
Doubt even Marianna could spin this one.
How they do it.
From ringer or twat in the middle of nowhere to the dead tree to Emily, and thence radiated out.
Local Green bimbos:
Tory activists have been urged to campaign like Donald Trump by “weaponising fake news” and talking “nonsense” if it works, in a party newsletter.
The bulletin sent out to members in Northamptonshire says “there are lessons that we can learn from Trump”, adding: “A lie can go round the world before the truth can get its boots on.”
It also vows to “fight woke-ism”, attacking Labour’s landmark Equality Act, designed to stamp out prejudice in the workplace and public services – arguing it “legalises discrimination based on gender”. ”
And then the oily Strumpet ‘reports’ on this.
BBC News’ Caroline Davies started her role as transport correspondent yesterday, 14 December. She is covering for Tom Burridge who is away on leave.
Me either.
2 likes, so far.
Early days.
To be fair the core audience have yet to emerge for the day.
GW – “To be fair the core audience have yet to emerge for the day.”
Surely even a lazy cockroach should have overcome heliophobia by now.
Edit – Apologies to all cockroaches for comparing them to BBC staff.
Trump rolling up his sleeves for Friday apparently
Bill’s report starts at 0:55.
“Based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.” — Allied Security Operations Group, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report, Revised Preliminary Summary, v2, December 13, 2020.
Third party experts. Multiply their narrow remit by the number of States and what do you get?
I wonder what our “Most Trusted Broadcaster”, the “No evidence” show BBC, will have to say about this.
Nice witticisms.
I just logged into my Paddy Power account and discovered that my bet on Trump to win is apparently ‘settled’ and I’ve lost my stake as a result. I’m looking forward to contacting them after Trump is sworn back in and demanding my winnings. I won’t be the only one, either.
The BBC certainly don’t want any nasty Christians enjoying Christmas, no less than 5 stories warning about the inherent dangers on their homepage…
I wonder if they will keep this up until April when Ramadan crops up?
Echoed both in the Guardian and the Independent with the added warning about Johnsons neanderthal Nationalism over Brexit.
Plus le changement, plus la même chose
Sometimes I wonder if theatrical types just spend all day on coke…
For “convention busting” read indoctrination!
Cant wait until their next production of Cleopatra with Katie Price playing Cleo!
Twitterland : Allison Pearson is trending
I look and there is a pile on against her
“Oh look she contradicted herself , she’s thick”
I checked
They were holding up screenshots of her tweets
One that says hardly anyone seems to now anyone that’s had Covid,
the second sent 10 minutes later, saying all her family had had it.
.. But what they all omit is that she’d already qualified her first tweet 4 minutes after she posted it, by adding that she meant people who’d actually suffered with it not just mild or a asymptomatic test result.
News that omits such big context is FakeNews
Tim is a Prof.
Like Bri.
Interesting that Alistair Campbell retweeted this today after appearing as one of the guest ‘balance’ with James Harding yesterday.
Rees-Moog’s father used to write a column in ‘The Times’.It was unusual in that he used to openly admit he was a callous and not very nice person.He used to run a stock tipping newsletter whose tips had a poor track record.
He constantly opposed Bill Clinton just because he was a democrat.He was also a big hawk on the Iraq War and called Tories who opposed it like Ken Clarke as idiots.
Doubt history will be any kinder with Rees-Moog junior opinions
I enjoyed watching those times when JRM has absolutely destroyed the ranting, lying Lefties with calm logic and his encyclopedia of facts. No wonder you people hate him.
Which of course is why you went to intimidate his wife and children. At least his father knew what he was. What about you ?.
As TR says on Parler
So here’s Nazir Afzal promoting the “dumbing down” of PREDOMINANTLY PAKISTANI MUSLIM CHILD RAPE GANGS!!!!
The HO report includes the following mealy-mouthed and cowardly rubbish (well, what did we expect?) using the absence or inconsistency of ‘research’ or ‘data’ as an excuse.
Key findings:
• Research on offender ethnicity is limited, and tends to rely on poor quality data. It is therefore difficult to draw conclusions about differences in ethnicity of offenders, but it is likely that no one community or culture is uniquely predisposed to offending.
• A number of studies have indicated an over-representation of Asian and Black offenders in group-based CSE. Most of the same studies show that the majority of offenders are White.
• Community and cultural factors are, however, relevant to understanding and tackling offending. An approach to deterring, disrupting, and preventing offending that is sensitive to the communities in which offending occurs is needed.
Home Office – demonstrating time and time again that it is not fit for purpose.
wow I bet the quilliam foundation and maajid nawaz are the most surprised people in the country or they are asking for their research money back.
bet they wont let us see the stats and the dataset used to create this whitewash.
So the grooing/raping gang report has been sanitised ?
How that help the victims
and prevent future victims ?
One of the ways to keep young girls safe
is to keep them away from gangs of Pak/Bangla taxi drivers & takeaway workers.
In a country with 29 million white males I can imagine there maybe white grooming gangs
Where are they ?
Are we talking occasional groups of rogue teachers ? etc.
One thing would be look at
recent court cases involving those white groups of church school teachers and childrens home workers etc.
vs recent court case of Pak/Bangla on street grooming gangs
and then look of the total jail sentence tally.
The issue with the latter is #1 the largely white establishment turns a blind eye
#2 And as well as abuse going on for longer it tends to be more depraved forced prostitution & gang rape etc.
The Independent gives the game away
with the picture it uses to illustrate the story.
I guess they couldn’t find recent cases of white gangs.
They don’t come from diverse backgrounds at all. They come from the same one.
Looks like a display of haircuts obtainable at any barbers on Springbankistan, that’s the Islamic road in Hull.
It’s kind of a bit irritating that people are still tweeting a photo saying “see these are the Home Office staff, look how non-white they are”
.. when said photo actually shows the group photo of 3 actual civil servants amongst an Asian business club they were visiting.
The irony to this will not be lost on many.
But good Ms. Spring knows how to build a credibility base.
The Guardian – trusted friend of trolls – has an ‘interesting ‘ piece about the infection rate in the London Borough of Newham – or by its correct name Newhamistan – twinned with Mecca – Islamabad – et al..
The covid rate is through the room – mysteriously – apart from ‘high population density ‘ and ‘multigenerational ‘ households – it does apportion a reason for this level of transmission .
Any one who has contact with this borough will know instinctively – so I will be like the Guardian and not say . By the way – newhamistan was the first borough in the UK to officially have an ‘ethnic minority population ‘ outnumbering whitee….
On the upside – any one who goes down Green Street will see they don’t ‘do’ Christmas …
Perhaps by go by the ethic of ‘God Wills it”… my tip – avoid …
Newham was the UK borough that copped it worst in the first Covid wave AFAIK.
I can’t be the only one that thought all the other BBC ‘reporters’ were already disinformation specialists and the last thing we needed was an addition, even if she is ‘only 24’ and knows how to post a ‘selfie’.
Mariana and O’Brien go back
eg July 7th
BTW in that thread
@stephhegarty the BBC’s Population correspondent contradicts Mariana and O’Brien
correctly pointing out that shouting “CT” is throwing the baby out with the bath water
She also just sat on a panel with James and fellow lefties CNN, Observer, The-Stop-Brexit-Newspaper etc.
Interesting, Stew, Tx.
So not perhaps so much the ditzy young ingenue as a cynical hire cynically grabbing her moment?
Certainly her being ported to the States to fact check another country as BS’ sidekick seemed bizarre. The lads seemed happy.
Plus her ability to be highly selective on what gets checking and what gets a pass.
Almost 30 engagements.
CNN explains to black folks how things work.
BBC American BS RTs them. A lot.