Please correct me if I’m wrong, but according to my French O-level, ‘je suis’ also means ‘I follow’ which would be more relevant than ‘I am’, but I have yet to see this quoted anywhere since the attack.
It’s not even debated in France.
A French blog explained that from the beginning it was “We are all Charlie”
And it was repeated over and over in the media.
You can see how French websites translate themselves
On .fr webpages they never write “I follow Charlie”
22,000 .fr pages use the phrase “I am Charlie”
Two motorists killed on the M25 in November. M25 and all motorways closed for three weeks over Christmas. To save lives, you see…. For the common good….
STAGGERED that it has no discernable impact on infection rates anywhere in the world and yet you can get on your high horse about it like a solid winnit of pure unadulterated virtue. Enjoy tier 4.
The Telegraph on Saturday, review section had an article about Bill Bailey aged 55 tipped to win Strictly. I switched on with the intention of switching to Midsommer and there was Bill at the final section of his dance, just standing there, no movement of his feet whatsoever. Not sure that is how I would define dance.To be fair we now have on BBC4 Barenboim on Beethoven recorded 1970. How lovely to have programme where the audience is treated as adults and climate change isn’t mentioned.
Still more about the pro BBC book The War Against the BBC unless you want it stopped .
The chapter 7 ; Rupert , Paul and the Gang refers to Rupert Murdoch and Paul Dacre , the Gang are sundry others like Geordie Greig and Richard Desmond .
Murdoch bit is mainly about the clash between the BBC and his commercial interests , Dacre bit about his clash between his moral outlook and the BBCs .
Dacre is portrayed as an old fuddy duddy harking back to the fifties . The book intimates so are his readers . Nothing is said about if they pay the licence fee .
The authors admit Dacre was brilliant and intuitively knew his readers . Perhaps that’s why Marcus Brigstocke is never in the Daily Mail – insulting your customers when they can refuse to be insulted by not buying is not commercial sense. But Brigstocke can insult Daily Mail readers even though they buy the licence fee because he knows they can’t hit back . In fact he can insult 52% of the population without any comebacks courtesy of the BBC. And as we all know , there’s plenty more of his stripe the BBC would like taxpayers to employ .
The basis of the chapter is that powerful figures should not take on the BBC because doing so is immoral. The authors readily point out the inconsistencies and hypocracies of newspaper magnates but can’t see where the BBC does the same .
The next chapter , 8, is titled
In Which We Meet …..
Nibor – the authors sound like they are dependent on BBC patronage so are not that critical of the dominant position of the BBC – far more than any other media ‘owner ‘. Local press has been strangled because of regional BBC output . Local press is one of those areas badly served .
Certainly my local paper is just a mouthpiece for the socialist council – corruption and fraud is ignored – and that’s London. So we can only guess at small town service ….
Yes the authors do earn in one way or another from the BBC . They seem do flit from one sinecure to another , a sign they are in the great Clerisy bubble.
“Brexit: No trade deal unless ‘substantial shift’ from EU, UK say”
Interesting very interesting . Yesterday it was Michel Barnier saying ……………..
“ ‘Just a few hours’ left to agree Brexit trade deal”
‘The two sides remain at odds over how many years it will take to phase in new fisheries arrangements.’
That’s a new one ??
sounds like they’re getting ready to announce nothing changes in EU fishing quotas, for a transition period, the length of which is being decided.
Best guess a sell out 10 to a100 years
Getting liberty and independence from the European Union is taking the Tory Government longer to ‘get done’ than the time it took the allies to liberate Europe from the Germans during the Second World War.
Next time vote for The Reform Party.
Lets hope that the Tory Government are ready for ‘no deal’. Goodness knows, they have had four years to prepare for it. Perhaps they have been spending too much time trying to overturn the biggest democratic vote in British history.
The Conservatives have lost a lot of supporters today. The huge majority they achieved in the last election has been wasted. Someone please tell me I am wrong .
I think the electorate will forgive a lot. First time MPs panic if a local bus is five minutes late.
We have to wait to see whether Boris has sold out. We will not know until January next year (unless he makes some sort of announcement).
The one thing I trust about Boris Johnson is that he is not interested in money, as such. (He has plenty.) He will not sell out for that (unlike Blair, Cameron and probably May). A nice little sinecure in the EU? I don’t think so.
I can’t tell you that you are wrong, Please stay safe and of course, enjoy your responsibly sourced turkey with all the trimmings, but only within your Tier-3/4 bubble.
I applaud your optimism but I have serious concerns about the noises coming from Boris about Brexit.
Anyway have a good Christmas despite the ‘new strain’ of virus.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Just back from DC for 1st time since June (and god knows it’s a mess there), and am STAGGERED by how few people in London have #facemasks on. Even in most #Covid_19 denying places in US more people have masks on than here. Now with new variant and #Tier4 surely need to rethink?
Senora O’Blene and a somewhat tiresome, distressed Scrobs have just one programme to watch on the BBC’s awful Christmas borrocks this year…
It’ll be ‘The Goes Wrong Show – The Nativity’ on at 7.00pm on Tuesday 22nd December.
I found out about these gals and guys purely by accident while fiddling about on YouTube one evening, and the Senora is utterly hooked on the people and their fabulous humour. We even bought the DVD of their previous series!
We won’t be watching anything else, and yes ‘Zulu’ sadly isn’t on Taff, (did you see that info about Major Chard’s notes on the battle?) and neither is ‘The Great Escape’, but ‘White Christmas’ is, and also ‘Doctor Zhivago’, and if I was prepared to be good enough, ate my greens, popped a few pills etc., I’d take Julie Christie anywhere if I ever had the chance…
WildyWoods, I reckon you’re really Julie Christie, and I claim my five pound voucher at Marks and Spencer!
WildWomanOfThe Woods
maxincony , where are your examples of Al Beeb bias ?
You are wasting your time Trolling on this site. All you are doing is driving more readers against Al Beeb and against paying the Telly Tax.
Zulu an absolutely epic film!
I would highly recommend it to Piku for viewing.
Its a ‘little bit’ of British culture for him to learn about .
The biggest sex scandal in British history, covered up by civil “servants” and the bbc
“The sex gangs whitewash: Home Office report into abuse of young girls found attackers were ‘most commonly white’ despite evidence of mass grooming by Asian men… but DAN HODGES reveals the inside story of a cover-up”
‘They were right, there wasn’t any hard data. But that was because people didn’t want to record it or look for it because they knew exactly what they would find.’
When Priti Patel arrived, she was clear she was going to fight over this,’ said the Labour MP for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, who was sacked from Jeremy Corbyn’s front bench for speaking out on child grooming. ‘She came up to Rotherham, she spent the day up there, she talked to victims, she talked to the police.’
“Ms Patel also asked for an update on the status of the Javid report but was stonewalled. ‘Priti asked to see where they had got to,’ a Minister disclosed. ‘But it wasn’t forthcoming. They were reluctant to provide the work.”
That frustration was heightened when Patel’s officials finally relented and produced their work. ‘It was basically just a set of slides,’ a Minister explained. ‘There was some academic analysis and a few case studies. And that was it.’ After the commitments given by her and her predecessor, Patel realised that what she’d been presented with represented nothing less than a betrayal of the grooming victims. And she chose to act.
First, she instructed officials to begin work on a proper report. Secondly, she told them – unequivocally – that this new work would be for publication. And finally, and most crucially, she ordered them to ensure it had input from the victims and their representatives.
The first meeting between Home Officials mandarins and this newly formed External Research Group (ERG) was held in July. And the same problems resurfaced. ‘The civil servants just spent the meeting talking at us,’ one attendee told me. The draft report they presented was ‘meaningless – the blandest document you could get”
And again, Home Officials fell back on the old argument. There was insufficient hard data to demonstrate a clear link between ethnicity and the grooming gangs.
But as Labour’s Sarah Champion said: ‘There are almost 100 people in jail now for grooming in and around Rotherham. Nationally there are between 500 and 1,000 people in jail for these offences. That’s quite a decent sample size isn’t it?
“As one former victim, Sammy Woodhouse, told me: ‘I want justice. As a survivor I want to keep the pressure on to put this right. If we understand who’s doing this we can prevent and tackle it. But the report doesn’t do that. It’s pointless.’
There’s a reason. Windrush. Grenfell. Footballers taking a knee. The impact of Covid on black and ethnic communities. The British people are consistently told to view issues through the prism of race. Save for one. When it comes to the systemic mass child abuse, they are instructed to turn a blind eye. To do so, the Home Office says, is in the public interest.”
The Guardian tells us what our eyes see and ears hear is wrong:
“This week marks a watershed moment in a decade of discussion of “grooming gangs”: a much-anticipated Home Office report has concluded that there is no credible evidence that any one ethnic group is over-represented in cases of child sexual exploitation.
For many in Britain today the term “grooming gang” immediately suggests Pakistani-heritage Muslim men abusing white girls, but the Home Office researchers now tell us that “research has found that group-based offenders are most commonly White”.
It is time to call off the witch-hunt. We need finally to accept what credible research has been telling us for years: that child sexual abuse is not a “Muslim problem” but is endemic to virtually all communities.”
Switched on the BBC1 news on Saturday night but not at the beginning. They were interviewing a terminally ill female cancer sufferer who had intended to entertain all her family at Xmas and who “might not see another one”. They didn’t ask her if her immunity was already compromised which radiotherapy or chemo may have caused, nor did they ask her whether she was ready to die in a couple of weeks if one of her large number of family guests brought her covid. Didn’t bother waiting for the weather but switched off.
Look through the daily schedules of Radio 4. A tiresome and relentless diet of divisive woke preaching, speaking to Metropolitan liberals and ignoring all the others who are forced to pay your wages. Sadly Sunday has now joined this agenda.
They also tried to have a gotcha interview with Cardinal Pell
… but I thought he was convincing
except when he said the most important thing you can do for church abuse victims is pray for them.
He argued that they already got on top of church abuse by the early 90s, but public opinion had not caught up
so his trial was severely affected by that.
At the start of Strictly Come Dancing series the BBC made a big thing about how the dancers and celebs formed a social bubble and stayed away from their families to be able to dance under the Covid restrictions.
But last night, dancers who had left the competition weeks ago returned for more dancing. Did they remain in their social bubbles for a few more weeks or go back to their families?
I think it is obvious that they returned to their family life and then returned to the show ignoring Covid restrictions.
Personally I don’t have a problem with that but I do have a problem with the BBC constantly pushing for more masks and lockdowns whilst thinking the rules apply to everyone apart from themselves.
I noticed that too Tabs, and wondered if it had been pre-recorded before the competition started proper. BUT then I saw the 2 host planks and the judges in the same frocks, and realised it was live, so how was that managed ?
Their lead summariser is the author of this impartial tome.
Great to be the Australian Book Review’s book of the week in the run-up to Christmas. And such kind words. ‘A fine book” that “captures brilliantly the history of the forces arrayed against Biden.”
Question to the government.
How many illegals will be ferried into tier 4 whilst UK families cannot meet or even travel through fear of arrest or hefty fines?
There’s a popular definition of insanity, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
That being the case with respect to the illegal immigrants, I would suggest there’s an open and shut, prima facie case that successive governments have been and are insane.
On the Andrew Marr show they were discussing the doom and gloom of tier 4 lockdown when Marr said, “at least the country’s spirits have been lifted by Strictly”.
Thank God we have the BBC to hold the country together!
As government by public health nerds together with our media’s coverage of their policies move well beyond the realms of satire, there’s still some broad humour to be had. The Daily Star headline writers tend not to mince their words: ‘Turkey clown. PM Bozo stuffs Xmas’
The Express cheerfully buys into The Fear with their sub-heading: ‘Five-day festivities cancelled as terrifying new virus strain spreads’
Likewise the Sunday People: ‘Mutant virus kills Xmas’
The Mail asks: ‘Will this nightmare ever end?’
But it is the Telegraph which best sums up The Fear with their sub-header: ‘Warning “to assume you are infectious” as fears grow over spread of new strain’
Want to see a grown man cry? Apparently the BBC has obliged: ‘More tears… but at least Bill’s were Strictly joyful’ (The Mail)
The Sunday People explains: ‘Top of the Bill Bailey. Cha-cha champs Bill and Oti with trophy last night’
Mutant pandemic raging throughout the land and there’s a simultaneous ballroom dancing competition – yeah, that makes sense.
The Sunday Times reckons: ‘Cavalier PM is now a sad, sober Roundhead’ however, the same organ carries news to disappoint the puritan sentiments of our ruling public health nerds: ‘We’re drinking 50% more now than in first Lockdown’
Let’s attempt a little guess work around that headline and propose the notion that supermarket sales of alcohol are booming whilst our pubs are struggling to remain in business.
That’s an interesting little … “reset”
How can one escape all the nonsense? Katie Glass writing in the Telegraph tells us: ‘The country is no place for a single woman’ – the BBC often tells us the country is racist, is it now sexist, or does she mean there’s a limited dating pool? There are some fine distinctions to be drawn as one delves into the long grass of identity politics.
The tabloids would have us console ourselves with the festive gogglebox: ‘Free inside Great Xmas TV mag’ promises the Sunday People.
Seems we can look forward to Dawn French the erstwhile Vicar of Dibley pictured on the frontpage of the Sunday Express looking more like Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, than a Church of England country parson.
Supernatural belief rubs shoulders with religiosity in the Express as Harry Potter is pictured alongside Call The Midwife.
The Ghost of TV Christmas Past is further represented in the Star: ‘Not so lovely jubbly Del Boy’s pet hates’
One of the reddest of red flags on any tabloid red top is a #prasnews headline starting ‘…reveals’.
Marcus Rashford's family reveal just how much they struggled to make ends meet during his childhood ???? ???????? @MarcusRashford: Feeding Britain's Children | Monday, 19:00 GMT, BBC iPlayer BBC One
Oh God, not again. This now beyond pathetic…
Rashford’s childhood “poverty” is beginning to sound like that old Monty Python, Four Yorkshiremen sketch, where they all try to outdo each other with stories of their childhood penury.
“What you ‘ad a plastic bag to live in and a morsel o’ bread once a year at Christmas…bloody luxury! We ‘ad ‘ole in’t road covered wi’ a bit o’ tarpaulin, I ad t’ go t’t slag ‘eap and dig up bit o’ cast off slurry wi’ a broken shovel and bring ‘et ‘ome t’t breakfast. And we were grateful”
Government will be searching around for stuff to sell to pay for the Pandemic. The BBC and the private bit of C4 could be in pole position for a sell-off.
Covid2020 released just in time for Christmas
On Talk Radio at 10:10am the Tory MP was outraged
“This new Boris 1 Day Xmas and tier4, is against democracy
we just had a parliamentary vote last week on his day Xmas
and yet he’s overruled it now
Why ? cos a load of scared officials have put the pressure on”
As I are said we are governed by the Guardianland elites
who think that since ‘they know better’ they can go around ignoring democracy as much as they can get away with.
“treat yourself as if you already have Covid”
Why ?
There was never an aim to have zero Covid
There was an aim to protect the NHS and shield the vulnerable.
…. so government measures should concentrate on targetting that shielding.
An old folks home, fair enough shield it until vaccine
A cancer patient who is going to die in 2 months time
Help her make the most of her last months
There is no point in 100% shielding for her she can die lonely.
Just walked in to see the beginning of Sunday morning BBC production A Very Country Christmas.
To be reminded that ‘Christmas is one of the most important dates in the Christian calendar’
Thanks for pointing that out BBC.
Has anyone ever told them that between 40 – 50% of UK’s population are actually Christian, while 6- 10% belong to other religions and 40% are non-religious
Yesterday one of the trolls claimed to have ‘gone back through the archives 5 years ‘ and says the site was busier and ‘less of an echo chamber ‘…
…………………… I can’t remember how long I’ve been here – maybe 3 or 4 years – haven’t looked – no doubt someone with time to waste will .
But then I thought about how I came here in the first place . I, like a lot of people , are -I think – triggered by something on the BBC I know to be a lie – or bias by omission – or similar .
I can’t remember the exact trigger but it was something where I was present – and was on the national news – and I knew it was just wrong .
So I stewed and then googled and by chance found this site – read it for months and then joined – then maybe a year later I volunteered to be a moderator .
Coming back to the troll – think about all those hundreds of thousands of people dumping the licence because they can’t take the BBC any more – particularly – from my accidental viewing now – it’s obvious bias is not disguised as it once was .
Many will still accept it for the populist stuff like ‘Strictly “ but I think many more are rapidly seeing the decline across the output .
However – I’m now of the opinion that the red Tory government won’t be doing much by way of ‘reform’ or closure – they see it as too much trouble for any return they may get .
But this won’t be stopping me from doing anything I can do to destroy it .
The difference between now and then was that in the past there appeared to be an active ‘owner’ or ‘owners’ that produced ‘leading articles’.
Now we have your good self acting as the caretaker of the parish hall, someone left you the keys and a brush but somehow the electricity bill and the rates are being paid by persons unknown.
It isn’t really fair to make a collective criticism of this site as the contributors have nothing in common except they have noted the bias of the BBC, found this site and have chosen to submit a comment.
Given the independence of the contributors, their numbers and the amount of ‘traffic’ any normal organisation would see it as a valuable source of customer feedback. The BBC, however, always gets it ‘just about right’, has a near-guaranteed source of income, so doesn’t need us.
That would have been me. The reason I went back was because somebody managed to have a dig at Nadiya Hussein, who won Bake-Off way back then, and I was interested to see what the reaction was. Let’s say it was less than gracious with more than a hint of “it was fixed” and no sign of a very British “Oh well done that woman!”, especially one who had gone to some lengths to participate in a very traditionally British pastime.
I note in passing that the five Bake-Off winners since Nadiya have been: two white English women, one of whom was an officer in the Royal Artillery; one Indian (as in Indian-born, not second-generation British like Nadiya) man; one white English man and one white Scottish man. Hardly the stuff of cultural replacement. I say good luck to all of them. Including Nadiya.
While we’re about it, how about a big cheer for Bill Bailey: middle-aged, white, straight, Somerset-born, multi-talented and very funny winner of Strictly. Anybody going to join me?
Nadiya wasn’t a very good baker during the competition. It was obvous she was been patronised. Compared to some of the amazing bakes submitted by others (Brendan for example), hers just were not very good. Real evidence was the cake she made for the queen – plain but with a very definite sag to it.
Watching old bake offs a couple of years ago I realised that Paul Holywood would criticise the taste of the fantastic looking bakes by those he (the producers) wanted to remove as taste isn’t visible to the viewer. But I also noticed in the breadmaking, for example, Paul would complain that a loaf was heavy when it clearly had more air than another.
It may have been that the producers wanted to keep the most entertaining contestants but there also appeared to be some that the judges worked hard to keep because it suited the BBC agenda.
After the Bake-Off, the BBC has invested in new programming some of the BakeOff winners
..seems that 95% of those additional programming hours involve Nadiya.
Whereas in a fair diverse Britain only 14% of BBC prog time would go to BAME people.
That would have been me. The reason I went back was because somebody managed to have a dig at Nadiya Hussein, who won Bake-Off way back then, and I was interested to see what the reaction was. Let’s say it was less than gracious with more than a hint of “it was fixed” and no sign of a very British “Oh well done that woman!”, especially one who had gone to some lengths to participate in a very traditionally British pastime.
I note in passing that the five Bake-Off winners since Nadiya have been: two white English women, one of whom was an officer in the Royal Artillery; one Indian (as in Indian-born, not second-generation British like Nadiya) man; one white English man and one white Scottish man. Hardly the stuff of cultural replacement. I say good luck to all of them. Including Nadiya.
While we’re about it, how about a big cheer for Bill Bailey: middle-aged, white, straight, Somerset-born, multi-talented and very funny winner of Strictly. Anybody going to join me?
If the bbc had a gang rape off rather than a bake off we would see more muslims but it it would suddenly be demoted to local news at the most.
Our national broadcaster demands we view all issues through a racism prism, except for pakistani gang rapist grooming gangs in every city of the country. (and stabbings)
funny that
As you will have realised already most of the correspondents on this website, including myself, are deep-dyed far right fanatics. Therefore it is refreshing to have people like yourself also contributing from time to time, who can offer a more enlightened perspective. It is only by thus engaging that we can benefit from each other’s views.
I have sat through one series of Bake Off with my grandchildren and quite enjoyed it. However these series do become rather repetitive in time with a tendency to become ever more extreme in the search for variety.
I have never watched Strictly, so am unable to raise a cheer for the otherwise likeable Mr Bailey. Strictly seems typical of the BBC’s race to the cultural bottom with other channels, glorifying the cult of celebrity above professional expertise.
Generally posts don’t get lost
In Chrome on windows, just click back and scroll to the bottom of the page
Your words are still in the post column
you could then right click ; select all ; copy
and then post them anywhere else to save them.
If the error is “logged out”
Then first open the login in page and login in before click back to get where you were.
Well you’ve lost it now, cos once you click reload,
then what you typed previously in the comment box does disappear.
BTW if you are on Android
and part of your post was copy and pastes
they are still there in clipboard memory
There is a button marked “…” on your keyboard that opens it up.
I think Mr Green is always describing a different sort of ‘failure’ to the lost post. Somehow he magically manages to open multiple instances of this site during his failed sessions.
All I know is that sometimes the site doesn’t respond, the browser eventually times it out and no amoint of back-tracking will recover the post as the browser ‘knows’ it has been posted and has cleared its buffer, that’s how HTML POST works.
I merely described my experience.
If your browser has received the “comment received” flag
then maybe it might clear your comment
but in that case your comment has been received and processed and therefore not lost.
If you have different experience then maybe your set up is different
eg. when I click “back” it does NOT reload the page from the server
but rather gives me version from local memory with whatever I typed in the comment box still there.
(That’s on both Chrome in Windows or Chrome in Android)
Perhaps on your browser it does try to reload the page.
“lecture ” ?
No when someone comments that they had a problem
it is entirely logical for me to offer a solution if I know one.
However I did hesitate before cos I know @fedup doesn’t like advice.
TWoTWee Watch #1 – Haha ah ha ha ha ha ha ahah ha ha ha ha ha – he’s such a card, that Brown one.
Jonny ‘Dalek’/’Staccato’ Dymond was presenting today and interviewed Gordon (Labour) Brown for the programme. Gordon Brown thought the present Government should be prepared in advance and be ‘more ahead of the game’ in dealing with the Pandemic. Er, would that be like you were with financial crash and banking crisis in 2007-2009, Gordon?*
Then Gordon made us laugh all over again. He suggested the response to the Pandemic could have been more unified across the UK, completely oblivious to the fact that he and Tony Blair had spent the period 1997-2010 dismantling and fracturing the UK as much as possible with Devolution and Regional Mayors. Perhaps Gordon is developing dementia and amnesia in his old age? Sad, but he still manages to give us a good laugh. You didn’t mention and Jonny didn’t ask how well you handled, as PM, the Mexican Swine Influenza thing, Gordon.
Funny that!
I wonder why?
* (Gordon Brown spent many, many, months in denial that the crisis was happening in 2007 & 2008 and allowed the run on Northern Rock to become a crash that brought down both Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley. Worse was to follow with RBS and HBoS. It was well known at the time how ‘well’ No.10 and No.11 got on.)
Lisa Nandy to Sophy Ridge: "Keir had a telephone call with the PM before the announcement and one of the first things I did was call my mum." Anyone spot a problem with this?
Right, so King of Poverty Rashford gets an award from the BBC for political reasons from the ‘impartial’ BBC; he then also gets put on a black-only list of footballers. Wtf world are we living in where hypocrisy, lies, and double standards are so openly promoted and acceptable? Seriously thinking of migrating to North Korea so that I can live in a more democratic, less thought policed, society.
Guest “and here’s a poem from young disabled poet Hannah Hodgson”
“The Brexit Party are marching in London saying the private sector should *overtake* the NHS“
…. Pretty sure the Brexit Party does not have a plan for the NHS to be wholey privatised
so her line seems like Fakenews she read in the Guardian
About her talking to her Brexit voting grandfather
“*The Daily Mail would say* it’s unconventional
for a millential to love a person
more than a disagreement to surrender
their overall seeds of liberalism in a conversation
just to connect on a basis of being human”
… Again shouting “DailyMailBad” is typical of the metroliberal school bully gang
BTW when I searched for the poem
I saw that in the same tweet her publisher promoted her and also a graphic novel where the character is a Brexit support stuck inside a clique of millennial-Brexit-haters who insist their whole pub table shouts “Boll@cks to Brexit” etc.
Al Beeb – “Brexit: No trade deal unless ‘substantial shift’ from EU, UK says”
Boris appears to be holding out.
But they want our fish and the Remainers/Rejoiners are still harping on about how little our trade depends on fish. Well it is probably small at the moment but that’s why we want it back in the UK. Think of all the periphery and ancillary jobs linked to that trade. Shipbuilding, dockside plant, fish processing, let alone the jobs on the trawlers and transport .
Britain can make a lot of money exporting fish back to Europe and other parts of the world.
The whole point of Brexit was to open up to world markets.
ie CHANGE not stay the same.
On Guido the other day an MP tried to show maths that proved Harrods is bigger.
His final argument claimed Harrods is a bigger “added value”.
Harrods added value comes from its profit margin
and the British element in manufacture price
but I reckon most of those wholesales costs will come from overseas.
ie £1m turnover for Harrods is probably 0.6m added value to UK
Whereas when a British fishing boat has £1m turnover almost all it’s costs are UK costs eg fuel from UK oil, UK ship maintenance etc. So it adds close to £1m to UK economy.
taffman, was talking with a French friend about fishing.
He told me that one of the things the French fishing community is concerned about is that the Dutch mega-trawlers who are currently hoovering up all the fish they can in UK waters will move to French waters and do their hoovering there – hence the French intransigence.
I have not been able to independently verify this but it makes sense to me.
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BBC 2 Michael Caine night is just about to start
film, doco, doco, film
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but according to my French O-level, ‘je suis’ also means ‘I follow’ which would be more relevant than ‘I am’, but I have yet to see this quoted anywhere since the attack.
It’s not even debated in France.
A French blog explained that from the beginning it was “We are all Charlie”
And it was repeated over and over in the media.
You can see how French websites translate themselves
On .fr webpages they never write “I follow Charlie”
22,000 .fr pages use the phrase “I am Charlie”
Didn’t Dino get kicked out?
Christmas could be worse. No in-laws and plenty of beer. Is Zulu on?
Two motorists killed on the M25 in November. M25 and all motorways closed for three weeks over Christmas. To save lives, you see…. For the common good….
The BBC wouldn’t be being a bit sexist and wokist here
would they?
(Look closely at the header pic)
The Telegraph on Saturday, review section had an article about Bill Bailey aged 55 tipped to win Strictly. I switched on with the intention of switching to Midsommer and there was Bill at the final section of his dance, just standing there, no movement of his feet whatsoever. Not sure that is how I would define dance.To be fair we now have on BBC4 Barenboim on Beethoven recorded 1970. How lovely to have programme where the audience is treated as adults and climate change isn’t mentioned.
If nothing else, he was the only articulate one in the entire show – and that includes those couple of planks who host it.
Lurch in Will Gompertz mode.
Meanwhile, nothing to note here…
“The Votes of Black Americans Should Count Twice”.
Thank you Beijing, you can now go back to spreading your diseases and dealing with floods.
Still more about the pro BBC book The War Against the BBC unless you want it stopped .
The chapter 7 ; Rupert , Paul and the Gang refers to Rupert Murdoch and Paul Dacre , the Gang are sundry others like Geordie Greig and Richard Desmond .
Murdoch bit is mainly about the clash between the BBC and his commercial interests , Dacre bit about his clash between his moral outlook and the BBCs .
Dacre is portrayed as an old fuddy duddy harking back to the fifties . The book intimates so are his readers . Nothing is said about if they pay the licence fee .
The authors admit Dacre was brilliant and intuitively knew his readers . Perhaps that’s why Marcus Brigstocke is never in the Daily Mail – insulting your customers when they can refuse to be insulted by not buying is not commercial sense. But Brigstocke can insult Daily Mail readers even though they buy the licence fee because he knows they can’t hit back . In fact he can insult 52% of the population without any comebacks courtesy of the BBC. And as we all know , there’s plenty more of his stripe the BBC would like taxpayers to employ .
The basis of the chapter is that powerful figures should not take on the BBC because doing so is immoral. The authors readily point out the inconsistencies and hypocracies of newspaper magnates but can’t see where the BBC does the same .
The next chapter , 8, is titled
In Which We Meet …..
This is where you lot get a mention .
Nibor – the authors sound like they are dependent on BBC patronage so are not that critical of the dominant position of the BBC – far more than any other media ‘owner ‘. Local press has been strangled because of regional BBC output . Local press is one of those areas badly served .
Certainly my local paper is just a mouthpiece for the socialist council – corruption and fraud is ignored – and that’s London. So we can only guess at small town service ….
Yes the authors do earn in one way or another from the BBC . They seem do flit from one sinecure to another , a sign they are in the great Clerisy bubble.
“Brexit: No trade deal unless ‘substantial shift’ from EU, UK say”
Interesting very interesting . Yesterday it was Michel Barnier saying ……………..
“ ‘Just a few hours’ left to agree Brexit trade deal”
Brexit: No trade deal unless ‘substantial shift’ from EU, UK says
‘The two sides remain at odds over how many years it will take to phase in new fisheries arrangements.’
That’s a new one ??
sounds like they’re getting ready to announce nothing changes in EU fishing quotas, for a transition period, the length of which is being decided.
Best guess a sell out 10 to a100 years
Getting liberty and independence from the European Union is taking the Tory Government longer to ‘get done’ than the time it took the allies to liberate Europe from the Germans during the Second World War.
Next time vote for The Reform Party.
What he said.
Lets hope that the Tory Government are ready for ‘no deal’. Goodness knows, they have had four years to prepare for it. Perhaps they have been spending too much time trying to overturn the biggest democratic vote in British history.
Who governs this country ?
The Guardianland Vichy government
… not true democracy
Dellers recommended this
“We are governing via fear, says leading northern Tory Jake Berry”
I think that the northern Tories are worried about keeping their ‘seats’?
The Conservatives have lost a lot of supporters today. The huge majority they achieved in the last election has been wasted. Someone please tell me I am wrong .
I think the electorate will forgive a lot. First time MPs panic if a local bus is five minutes late.
We have to wait to see whether Boris has sold out. We will not know until January next year (unless he makes some sort of announcement).
The one thing I trust about Boris Johnson is that he is not interested in money, as such. (He has plenty.) He will not sell out for that (unlike Blair, Cameron and probably May). A nice little sinecure in the EU? I don’t think so.
I can’t tell you that you are wrong, Please stay safe and of course, enjoy your responsibly sourced turkey with all the trimmings, but only within your Tier-3/4 bubble.
I applaud your optimism but I have serious concerns about the noises coming from Boris about Brexit.
Anyway have a good Christmas despite the ‘new strain’ of virus.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Eliot Carver is now in full control.
Scrobs’ confession – number 82…
Senora O’Blene and a somewhat tiresome, distressed Scrobs have just one programme to watch on the BBC’s awful Christmas borrocks this year…
It’ll be ‘The Goes Wrong Show – The Nativity’ on at 7.00pm on Tuesday 22nd December.
I found out about these gals and guys purely by accident while fiddling about on YouTube one evening, and the Senora is utterly hooked on the people and their fabulous humour. We even bought the DVD of their previous series!
We won’t be watching anything else, and yes ‘Zulu’ sadly isn’t on Taff, (did you see that info about Major Chard’s notes on the battle?) and neither is ‘The Great Escape’, but ‘White Christmas’ is, and also ‘Doctor Zhivago’, and if I was prepared to be good enough, ate my greens, popped a few pills etc., I’d take Julie Christie anywhere if I ever had the chance…
WildyWoods, I reckon you’re really Julie Christie, and I claim my five pound voucher at Marks and Spencer!
Please don’t get your hopes up. The very first Goes Wrong show was clever and funny, but last year’s offerings fell very short of the mark.
Oh Hellfire – I know some of them weren’t as funny, but it must be worth half an hour – tincture free!
One has to have hope, which is a dish never normally served up from the Gulag in W1A!
We do have several DVDs to see – one is ‘Travelling Man’, which we remember as pretty good from way back when…
Julie Christie? Oh, if only! But I’ll take that as a huge compliment 🙂
WildWomanOfThe Woods
maxincony , where are your examples of Al Beeb bias ?
You are wasting your time Trolling on this site. All you are doing is driving more readers against Al Beeb and against paying the Telly Tax.
Zulu an absolutely epic film!
I would highly recommend it to Piku for viewing.
Its a ‘little bit’ of British culture for him to learn about .
Vicky seems to know a lot of people in media.
I see JHB is pretty chill, having caught the last plane out.
Presumably the full force of media upset kicks in if, things change, not necessarily to their advantage.
As history has shown to happen.
Amazingly, ex-BBC.
The list of who follows him is… impressive.
As is why they, Huw… Lewis… still would…
The biggest sex scandal in British history, covered up by civil “servants” and the bbc
“The sex gangs whitewash: Home Office report into abuse of young girls found attackers were ‘most commonly white’ despite evidence of mass grooming by Asian men… but DAN HODGES reveals the inside story of a cover-up”
‘They were right, there wasn’t any hard data. But that was because people didn’t want to record it or look for it because they knew exactly what they would find.’
When Priti Patel arrived, she was clear she was going to fight over this,’ said the Labour MP for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, who was sacked from Jeremy Corbyn’s front bench for speaking out on child grooming. ‘She came up to Rotherham, she spent the day up there, she talked to victims, she talked to the police.’
“Ms Patel also asked for an update on the status of the Javid report but was stonewalled. ‘Priti asked to see where they had got to,’ a Minister disclosed. ‘But it wasn’t forthcoming. They were reluctant to provide the work.”
I repeat:
“Labour MP for Rotherham, Sarah Champion, who was sacked from Jeremy Corbyn’s front bench for speaking out on child grooming.”
That frustration was heightened when Patel’s officials finally relented and produced their work. ‘It was basically just a set of slides,’ a Minister explained. ‘There was some academic analysis and a few case studies. And that was it.’ After the commitments given by her and her predecessor, Patel realised that what she’d been presented with represented nothing less than a betrayal of the grooming victims. And she chose to act.
First, she instructed officials to begin work on a proper report. Secondly, she told them – unequivocally – that this new work would be for publication. And finally, and most crucially, she ordered them to ensure it had input from the victims and their representatives.
The first meeting between Home Officials mandarins and this newly formed External Research Group (ERG) was held in July. And the same problems resurfaced. ‘The civil servants just spent the meeting talking at us,’ one attendee told me. The draft report they presented was ‘meaningless – the blandest document you could get”
And again, Home Officials fell back on the old argument. There was insufficient hard data to demonstrate a clear link between ethnicity and the grooming gangs.
But as Labour’s Sarah Champion said: ‘There are almost 100 people in jail now for grooming in and around Rotherham. Nationally there are between 500 and 1,000 people in jail for these offences. That’s quite a decent sample size isn’t it?
“As one former victim, Sammy Woodhouse, told me: ‘I want justice. As a survivor I want to keep the pressure on to put this right. If we understand who’s doing this we can prevent and tackle it. But the report doesn’t do that. It’s pointless.’
There’s a reason. Windrush. Grenfell. Footballers taking a knee. The impact of Covid on black and ethnic communities. The British people are consistently told to view issues through the prism of race. Save for one. When it comes to the systemic mass child abuse, they are instructed to turn a blind eye. To do so, the Home Office says, is in the public interest.”
The Guardian tells us what our eyes see and ears hear is wrong:
“This week marks a watershed moment in a decade of discussion of “grooming gangs”: a much-anticipated Home Office report has concluded that there is no credible evidence that any one ethnic group is over-represented in cases of child sexual exploitation.
For many in Britain today the term “grooming gang” immediately suggests Pakistani-heritage Muslim men abusing white girls, but the Home Office researchers now tell us that “research has found that group-based offenders are most commonly White”.
It is time to call off the witch-hunt. We need finally to accept what credible research has been telling us for years: that child sexual abuse is not a “Muslim problem” but is endemic to virtually all communities.”
Has Doris at last found a pair of proper Nuts…?
Switched on the BBC1 news on Saturday night but not at the beginning. They were interviewing a terminally ill female cancer sufferer who had intended to entertain all her family at Xmas and who “might not see another one”. They didn’t ask her if her immunity was already compromised which radiotherapy or chemo may have caused, nor did they ask her whether she was ready to die in a couple of weeks if one of her large number of family guests brought her covid. Didn’t bother waiting for the weather but switched off.
Anyone who has the ability to sob on camera is a shoo-in for interview.
7am R4 Religion show
They also tried to have a gotcha interview with Cardinal Pell
… but I thought he was convincing
except when he said the most important thing you can do for church abuse victims is pray for them.
He argued that they already got on top of church abuse by the early 90s, but public opinion had not caught up
so his trial was severely affected by that.
The show opened with
“@Guli_FD on becoming the only BAME @churchofengland diocesan bishop” *
A strange definition
cos the Canterbury Diocese already has a female BAME bishop
The Bishop of Dover
* She came to UK as a CoE refugee from Iran
At the start of Strictly Come Dancing series the BBC made a big thing about how the dancers and celebs formed a social bubble and stayed away from their families to be able to dance under the Covid restrictions.
But last night, dancers who had left the competition weeks ago returned for more dancing. Did they remain in their social bubbles for a few more weeks or go back to their families?
I think it is obvious that they returned to their family life and then returned to the show ignoring Covid restrictions.
Personally I don’t have a problem with that but I do have a problem with the BBC constantly pushing for more masks and lockdowns whilst thinking the rules apply to everyone apart from themselves.
I noticed that too Tabs, and wondered if it had been pre-recorded before the competition started proper. BUT then I saw the 2 host planks and the judges in the same frocks, and realised it was live, so how was that managed ?
ITBB shows just how BBC the BBC still is.
Their lead summariser is the author of this impartial tome.
Question to the government.
How many illegals will be ferried into tier 4 whilst UK families cannot meet or even travel through fear of arrest or hefty fines?
There’s a popular definition of insanity, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
That being the case with respect to the illegal immigrants, I would suggest there’s an open and shut, prima facie case that successive governments have been and are insane.
I doubt that hotel rape claim.
I don’t see any reports.
Just reports of a northern British Asian paedo being intercepted
On the Andrew Marr show they were discussing the doom and gloom of tier 4 lockdown when Marr said, “at least the country’s spirits have been lifted by Strictly”.
Thank God we have the BBC to hold the country together!
The Fear: assume you are infectious
As government by public health nerds together with our media’s coverage of their policies move well beyond the realms of satire, there’s still some broad humour to be had. The Daily Star headline writers tend not to mince their words: ‘Turkey clown. PM Bozo stuffs Xmas’
The Express cheerfully buys into The Fear with their sub-heading: ‘Five-day festivities cancelled as terrifying new virus strain spreads’
Likewise the Sunday People: ‘Mutant virus kills Xmas’
The Mail asks: ‘Will this nightmare ever end?’
But it is the Telegraph which best sums up The Fear with their sub-header: ‘Warning “to assume you are infectious” as fears grow over spread of new strain’
Want to see a grown man cry? Apparently the BBC has obliged: ‘More tears… but at least Bill’s were Strictly joyful’ (The Mail)
The Sunday People explains: ‘Top of the Bill Bailey. Cha-cha champs Bill and Oti with trophy last night’
Mutant pandemic raging throughout the land and there’s a simultaneous ballroom dancing competition – yeah, that makes sense.
The Sunday Times reckons: ‘Cavalier PM is now a sad, sober Roundhead’ however, the same organ carries news to disappoint the puritan sentiments of our ruling public health nerds: ‘We’re drinking 50% more now than in first Lockdown’
Let’s attempt a little guess work around that headline and propose the notion that supermarket sales of alcohol are booming whilst our pubs are struggling to remain in business.
That’s an interesting little … “reset”
How can one escape all the nonsense? Katie Glass writing in the Telegraph tells us: ‘The country is no place for a single woman’ – the BBC often tells us the country is racist, is it now sexist, or does she mean there’s a limited dating pool? There are some fine distinctions to be drawn as one delves into the long grass of identity politics.
The tabloids would have us console ourselves with the festive gogglebox: ‘Free inside Great Xmas TV mag’ promises the Sunday People.
Seems we can look forward to Dawn French the erstwhile Vicar of Dibley pictured on the frontpage of the Sunday Express looking more like Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, than a Church of England country parson.
Supernatural belief rubs shoulders with religiosity in the Express as Harry Potter is pictured alongside Call The Midwife.
The Ghost of TV Christmas Past is further represented in the Star: ‘Not so lovely jubbly Del Boy’s pet hates’
One of the reddest of red flags on any tabloid red top is a #prasnews headline starting ‘…reveals’.
Oh God, not again. This now beyond pathetic…
Rashford’s childhood “poverty” is beginning to sound like that old Monty Python, Four Yorkshiremen sketch, where they all try to outdo each other with stories of their childhood penury.
“What you ‘ad a plastic bag to live in and a morsel o’ bread once a year at Christmas…bloody luxury! We ‘ad ‘ole in’t road covered wi’ a bit o’ tarpaulin, I ad t’ go t’t slag ‘eap and dig up bit o’ cast off slurry wi’ a broken shovel and bring ‘et ‘ome t’t breakfast. And we were grateful”
God spare us…
New DefundTheBBC video
Government will be searching around for stuff to sell to pay for the Pandemic. The BBC and the private bit of C4 could be in pole position for a sell-off.
Does anybody know when China are bringing out their next
updated version of the Virus ?Where will we be able to
get it?
I’m afraid it is currently for local use only. There may be a version tweaked for export, later – probably post-January 20th.
Covid2020 released just in time for Christmas
On Talk Radio at 10:10am the Tory MP was outraged
“This new Boris 1 Day Xmas and tier4, is against democracy
we just had a parliamentary vote last week on his day Xmas
and yet he’s overruled it now
Why ? cos a load of scared officials have put the pressure on”
As I are said we are governed by the Guardianland elites
who think that since ‘they know better’ they can go around ignoring democracy as much as they can get away with.
“treat yourself as if you already have Covid”
Why ?
There was never an aim to have zero Covid
There was an aim to protect the NHS and shield the vulnerable.
…. so government measures should concentrate on targetting that shielding.
An old folks home, fair enough shield it until vaccine
A cancer patient who is going to die in 2 months time
Help her make the most of her last months
There is no point in 100% shielding for her she can die lonely.
That’s the trouble with these Chinese viruses.
You have one and shortly after you’re ready for another.
Covid-21 could be in Beta testing right now, while C-22 is still at the developmental stage with the programmers.
Je suis?
Ragoût Vert, merci beaucoup.
pas de problème.
Just walked in to see the beginning of Sunday morning BBC production A Very Country Christmas.
To be reminded that ‘Christmas is one of the most important dates in the Christian calendar’
Thanks for pointing that out BBC.
Has anyone ever told them that between 40 – 50% of UK’s population are actually Christian, while 6- 10% belong to other religions and 40% are non-religious
Off button pressed……
Yesterday one of the trolls claimed to have ‘gone back through the archives 5 years ‘ and says the site was busier and ‘less of an echo chamber ‘…
…………………… I can’t remember how long I’ve been here – maybe 3 or 4 years – haven’t looked – no doubt someone with time to waste will .
But then I thought about how I came here in the first place . I, like a lot of people , are -I think – triggered by something on the BBC I know to be a lie – or bias by omission – or similar .
I can’t remember the exact trigger but it was something where I was present – and was on the national news – and I knew it was just wrong .
So I stewed and then googled and by chance found this site – read it for months and then joined – then maybe a year later I volunteered to be a moderator .
Coming back to the troll – think about all those hundreds of thousands of people dumping the licence because they can’t take the BBC any more – particularly – from my accidental viewing now – it’s obvious bias is not disguised as it once was .
Many will still accept it for the populist stuff like ‘Strictly “ but I think many more are rapidly seeing the decline across the output .
However – I’m now of the opinion that the red Tory government won’t be doing much by way of ‘reform’ or closure – they see it as too much trouble for any return they may get .
But this won’t be stopping me from doing anything I can do to destroy it .
The difference between now and then was that in the past there appeared to be an active ‘owner’ or ‘owners’ that produced ‘leading articles’.
Now we have your good self acting as the caretaker of the parish hall, someone left you the keys and a brush but somehow the electricity bill and the rates are being paid by persons unknown.
It isn’t really fair to make a collective criticism of this site as the contributors have nothing in common except they have noted the bias of the BBC, found this site and have chosen to submit a comment.
Given the independence of the contributors, their numbers and the amount of ‘traffic’ any normal organisation would see it as a valuable source of customer feedback. The BBC, however, always gets it ‘just about right’, has a near-guaranteed source of income, so doesn’t need us.
Exactly so, Fed. Same here.
That would have been me. The reason I went back was because somebody managed to have a dig at Nadiya Hussein, who won Bake-Off way back then, and I was interested to see what the reaction was. Let’s say it was less than gracious with more than a hint of “it was fixed” and no sign of a very British “Oh well done that woman!”, especially one who had gone to some lengths to participate in a very traditionally British pastime.
I note in passing that the five Bake-Off winners since Nadiya have been: two white English women, one of whom was an officer in the Royal Artillery; one Indian (as in Indian-born, not second-generation British like Nadiya) man; one white English man and one white Scottish man. Hardly the stuff of cultural replacement. I say good luck to all of them. Including Nadiya.
While we’re about it, how about a big cheer for Bill Bailey: middle-aged, white, straight, Somerset-born, multi-talented and very funny winner of Strictly. Anybody going to join me?
Nadiya wasn’t a very good baker during the competition. It was obvous she was been patronised. Compared to some of the amazing bakes submitted by others (Brendan for example), hers just were not very good. Real evidence was the cake she made for the queen – plain but with a very definite sag to it.
Watching old bake offs a couple of years ago I realised that Paul Holywood would criticise the taste of the fantastic looking bakes by those he (the producers) wanted to remove as taste isn’t visible to the viewer. But I also noticed in the breadmaking, for example, Paul would complain that a loaf was heavy when it clearly had more air than another.
It may have been that the producers wanted to keep the most entertaining contestants but there also appeared to be some that the judges worked hard to keep because it suited the BBC agenda.
After the Bake-Off, the BBC has invested in new programming some of the BakeOff winners
..seems that 95% of those additional programming hours involve Nadiya.
Whereas in a fair diverse Britain only 14% of BBC prog time would go to BAME people.
That would have been me. The reason I went back was because somebody managed to have a dig at Nadiya Hussein, who won Bake-Off way back then, and I was interested to see what the reaction was. Let’s say it was less than gracious with more than a hint of “it was fixed” and no sign of a very British “Oh well done that woman!”, especially one who had gone to some lengths to participate in a very traditionally British pastime.
I note in passing that the five Bake-Off winners since Nadiya have been: two white English women, one of whom was an officer in the Royal Artillery; one Indian (as in Indian-born, not second-generation British like Nadiya) man; one white English man and one white Scottish man. Hardly the stuff of cultural replacement. I say good luck to all of them. Including Nadiya.
While we’re about it, how about a big cheer for Bill Bailey: middle-aged, white, straight, Somerset-born, multi-talented and very funny winner of Strictly. Anybody going to join me?
If the bbc had a gang rape off rather than a bake off we would see more muslims but it it would suddenly be demoted to local news at the most.
Our national broadcaster demands we view all issues through a racism prism, except for pakistani gang rapist grooming gangs in every city of the country. (and stabbings)
funny that
Dear Mrs Woods
As you will have realised already most of the correspondents on this website, including myself, are deep-dyed far right fanatics. Therefore it is refreshing to have people like yourself also contributing from time to time, who can offer a more enlightened perspective. It is only by thus engaging that we can benefit from each other’s views.
I have sat through one series of Bake Off with my grandchildren and quite enjoyed it. However these series do become rather repetitive in time with a tendency to become ever more extreme in the search for variety.
I have never watched Strictly, so am unable to raise a cheer for the otherwise likeable Mr Bailey. Strictly seems typical of the BBC’s race to the cultural bottom with other channels, glorifying the cult of celebrity above professional expertise.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Generally posts don’t get lost
In Chrome on windows, just click back and scroll to the bottom of the page
Your words are still in the post column
you could then right click ; select all ; copy
and then post them anywhere else to save them.
If the error is “logged out”
Then first open the login in page and login in before click back to get where you were.
Well you’ve lost it now, cos once you click reload,
then what you typed previously in the comment box does disappear.
BTW if you are on Android
and part of your post was copy and pastes
they are still there in clipboard memory
There is a button marked “…” on your keyboard that opens it up.
You and me both.
I think Mr Green is always describing a different sort of ‘failure’ to the lost post. Somehow he magically manages to open multiple instances of this site during his failed sessions.
All I know is that sometimes the site doesn’t respond, the browser eventually times it out and no amoint of back-tracking will recover the post as the browser ‘knows’ it has been posted and has cleared its buffer, that’s how HTML POST works.
I merely described my experience.
If your browser has received the “comment received” flag
then maybe it might clear your comment
but in that case your comment has been received and processed and therefore not lost.
If you have different experience then maybe your set up is different
eg. when I click “back” it does NOT reload the page from the server
but rather gives me version from local memory with whatever I typed in the comment box still there.
(That’s on both Chrome in Windows or Chrome in Android)
Perhaps on your browser it does try to reload the page.
“lecture ” ?
No when someone comments that they had a problem
it is entirely logical for me to offer a solution if I know one.
However I did hesitate before cos I know @fedup doesn’t like advice.
We can be sure the Barmy Bint in the Bramble will have something to say about in fighting
With the signature hypocrisy of the leftist libtard mob intact as usual
TWoTWee Watch #1 – Haha ah ha ha ha ha ha ahah ha ha ha ha ha – he’s such a card, that Brown one.
Jonny ‘Dalek’/’Staccato’ Dymond was presenting today and interviewed Gordon (Labour) Brown for the programme. Gordon Brown thought the present Government should be prepared in advance and be ‘more ahead of the game’ in dealing with the Pandemic. Er, would that be like you were with financial crash and banking crisis in 2007-2009, Gordon?*
Then Gordon made us laugh all over again. He suggested the response to the Pandemic could have been more unified across the UK, completely oblivious to the fact that he and Tony Blair had spent the period 1997-2010 dismantling and fracturing the UK as much as possible with Devolution and Regional Mayors. Perhaps Gordon is developing dementia and amnesia in his old age? Sad, but he still manages to give us a good laugh. You didn’t mention and Jonny didn’t ask how well you handled, as PM, the Mexican Swine Influenza thing, Gordon.
Funny that!
I wonder why?
* (Gordon Brown spent many, many, months in denial that the crisis was happening in 2007 & 2008 and allowed the run on Northern Rock to become a crash that brought down both Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley. Worse was to follow with RBS and HBoS. It was well known at the time how ‘well’ No.10 and No.11 got on.)
Next week they’ll have Obama on
telling us how he closed Guantanamo Bay
and ended incidents where police shot black people.
So true. But of course the MSM don’t take him to task for his amnesia, all lefties are given a free pass by their fellow travellers and Wokists.
Nick runs out an all-staff mantra.
Goes badly.
Nice prop.
Little surprises me, but….
How long before Lurch RTs?
This does not surprise me either.
“Rashford to be given special BBC award” –
“Rashford, 23, has also been named on the annual Football Black List.”
Right, so King of Poverty Rashford gets an award from the BBC for political reasons from the ‘impartial’ BBC; he then also gets put on a black-only list of footballers. Wtf world are we living in where hypocrisy, lies, and double standards are so openly promoted and acceptable? Seriously thinking of migrating to North Korea so that I can live in a more democratic, less thought policed, society.
Dipped into the poetry prog
Guest “and here’s a poem from young disabled poet Hannah Hodgson”
“The Brexit Party are marching in London saying
the private sector should *overtake* the NHS“
…. Pretty sure the Brexit Party does not have a plan for the NHS to be wholey privatised
so her line seems like Fakenews she read in the Guardian
About her talking to her Brexit voting grandfather
“*The Daily Mail would say* it’s unconventional
for a millential to love a person
more than a disagreement to surrender
their overall seeds of liberalism in a conversation
just to connect on a basis of being human”
… Again shouting “DailyMailBad” is typical of the metroliberal school bully gang
BTW when I searched for the poem
I saw that in the same tweet her publisher promoted her and also a graphic novel where the character is a Brexit support stuck inside a clique of millennial-Brexit-haters who insist their whole pub table shouts “Boll@cks to Brexit” etc.
Countryfile : Tom Heap “Yes I have some doom, I have a report here that says during Covid countryside community support went down, not up”
… by the rysponse on Twitter people aren’t really interested in his segment.
Al Beeb – “Brexit: No trade deal unless ‘substantial shift’ from EU, UK says”
Boris appears to be holding out.
But they want our fish and the Remainers/Rejoiners are still harping on about how little our trade depends on fish. Well it is probably small at the moment but that’s why we want it back in the UK. Think of all the periphery and ancillary jobs linked to that trade. Shipbuilding, dockside plant, fish processing, let alone the jobs on the trawlers and transport .
Britain can make a lot of money exporting fish back to Europe and other parts of the world.
The whole point of Brexit was to open up to world markets.
ie CHANGE not stay the same.
On Guido the other day an MP tried to show maths that proved Harrods is bigger.
His final argument claimed Harrods is a bigger “added value”.
Harrods added value comes from its profit margin
and the British element in manufacture price
but I reckon most of those wholesales costs will come from overseas.
ie £1m turnover for Harrods is probably 0.6m added value to UK
Whereas when a British fishing boat has £1m turnover almost all it’s costs are UK costs eg fuel from UK oil, UK ship maintenance etc. So it adds close to £1m to UK economy.
taffman, was talking with a French friend about fishing.
He told me that one of the things the French fishing community is concerned about is that the Dutch mega-trawlers who are currently hoovering up all the fish they can in UK waters will move to French waters and do their hoovering there – hence the French intransigence.
I have not been able to independently verify this but it makes sense to me.
It’s all about whose ox is being gored