The season of announcing U turns and general bad news – such as a Tier 4,5, 6… or keeping failure to have a TV Licence a crime if you still watch TV . But year on year less people are watching or paying for the BBC because of the Far Left propaganda machine it has become .
Midweek Thread 23 December 2020
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Dover – I’m still predicting a ‘historic agreement ‘ ( typo ‘sell out ) to be announced Christmas Eve – but I’ll try to be optimistic .
The start of 2021 will have pictures of rotting Spanish /Italian fruit and veg side by side with empty shelves in Tesco …..
Meanwhile there are aircraft sitting around unused together with empty airports – air freight will be the cheapest ever .
Blimey – just switched on to a government briefing by Hancock at 1515 – seems like South Africa is the new ‘bad boy ‘ for mutant viral changes ….
But there is another new variant of the Chinese virus found here….
I don’t know about you but I think there should be a daily briefing – but without a gotcha session at the end ….
Fed, on TWatO it was announced – if I was paying attention correctly – that the new Covid-20 (21a?) has gone round the world faster than a RIB across the English Channel. There might have been more info in the prog itself but I could foresee Waves of Negativity being broadcast at me by the Knaves of Wegativity (a.k.a. the BBC) so I ducked out and hit the off-switch.
Who was the BBC woman asking questions at the briefing ??
Talk about a chip on her shoulder !!! Arrogant, aggressive and downright bloody rude !!!
Just who the hell do they think they are ?????
Simply DISGUSTING !!!!!!!
I think she was one of the army of Asian babes the BBC has imported . I bet Beff was watching with some envy . Peston wasn’t there because he is on safari with the party girl from Sky .
Really don’t know why they bother with Q and A .
Is Kate Burley our own ‘Typhoid Mary’?
and apparently another mutation from Nigeria
I see the BBC are reporting that twitter are deleteing all followers of Trump as President when Biden takes over. The reason given is that they don’t want any negative comments at Biden from those who are carried over.
They did however carry over Obamas followers when Trump took over.
The clear and obvious bias which is perfectly OK as long as it is Left against Right is quite disgusting. It is never questioned. Aren’t they supposed to be apolitical ?. This kind of influence by the big companies on social media should be controlled by law if it’s not already.
Free speech issues
4pm Disinformation : “The Russians” “antivaxxers”
” She argues that the best types of disinformation are able to amplify and exploit the already existing divisions in society, including racism and inequality in the US context.”
Russia expert “Trumps claims of election rigging are a harmful thing for our democracy”
… FFS election rigging is “a harmful thing for our democracy”
They talked about a recent big hack recently
She said “OrangeManBad ..he said the media are obsessed with Russia and that we should consider it COULD be China”
She said “OrangeManDumb he is just a politician , I go with experts”
She said “that girl in Charlottesville was killed by American racism,
it’s a myth to say Russia created it,
what they do is take advantage of such fissures and stir”
I get what she was saying but it’s disinformation to say Charlottesville was about racism.
she added “We shouldn’t do Russias work for them”
FFS people like her and Mariana do do Russia’s work the way they hype some issue whilst hiding others , people like Mariana do create division and anti-truth in our society.
Russia is laughing while it builds its huge new gas pipe into Germany while Boris reckons the UK is a few years from shutting down UK gas.
So there it is. A pathological inability to control this country’s borders. In the midst of a pandemic that demands it. So what hope is there for any realistic brexit. No border control equals no brexit. No wonder the BBC and the rest of the media are toadying up to the political class. The class that openly despises it’s own voters and is pointlessly destroying people and their livelihoods. My old English tutor always said that for democracy read demockery – how right he was.
And I never thought that artic drivers could be our new heros,
a paradigm shift required with tax relief on gutbuster fry up breakfasts and fines for tailgating whilst watching dvds at 80 mph on the M25
all is forgiven as long as the bbc staff get their kids’ presents in time
Kent lorry chaos could get WORSE: Army is performing as little as 200 tests an hour – meaning 10,000 stranded truckers could take DAYS to clear threatening food shortages after clashes with police and blockades
Truckers try to force their way past police guarding Port of Dover as hundreds leave cabs and walk along road
Jeering and whistling with some shouting: ‘Open the border’, ‘We just want to go home’ and ‘F*** you, Boris!’
France announced travel ban on all traffic from UK on Sunday night after emergence of new Covid-19 strain
Decision meant Port of Dover was dramatically closed to all freight vehicles leaving the UK for next 48 hours
Deal now struck with France which means every driver must be tested for coronavirus using lateral flow tests
Tensions also boiled over at Manston Airport, where truckers whose lorries are being held staged a protest
“food shortages” ? maybe at GMTV with the new staff
I thought logistics was their area of expertise, both the army and freight, despite testing stations standing empty up and down the country as reported by many on this site,
it has apparently never occurred to any of them to relocate to where the demand is
education education education said Blair
When is it going to start then ?
4:30pm Amol show : media lawyers.
There’s been the Johnny Depp libel trial, Harry and Meghan suing The Mail on Sunday,
and the newsroom drama over Barnard Castle. (what’s that got to do with the topic ?)
Also in the programme, the backstory to the Mail’s famous front page demanding justice for Stephen Lawrence,
and how The Guardian came to trust Julian Assange as a source.
Looks like Bojo has thrown in the towel – comment from an EU insider that a deal is imminent – can see the Sun’s headline tomorrow – “It was Macron wot won it!” – bbbc celebrating ordering crates of champers
Hope not
#BorisTheCaveMan sells out
Sky Guy
BUT Independent says don’t jump the gun
“Don’t get too excited about this Guido tweet, which is a sensationalisation of this Reuters wire snap,
which is itself a perhaps an overly exciting way
of saying ‘if a deal is signed today then the meeting happens tomorrow’
(have checked this with the relevant officials)”
Bur then Sun’s @MrHarryCole says the deal is done except
Sources say they are protecting Britain’s booming electric car expertise
… Brussels say it could flood their markets with Chinese batteries.
Not sure it’s a deal breaker but the fun never stops continues!
Where is that info/intel ?
Appears to have come first from the EU which does not bode well – let’s just hope Bojo’s conviction politics did not desert him at the death – we’ll soon know
Thank you – nowt on Al Beeb yet . I am sure that they will quickly release any news like that.
Quicker than a rat up a drainpipe.
Dec 7th Ben Pile on BBC “Green reporting”
Christmas Day : Radio4 will air James Wong Twice in panel shows
Once with Sue Perkins
Jane Garvey twice
once with Dawn French
Obama twice of course
Favourite BAME : Bernardine Evaristo talks about taking control of our own spiritual lives
Michael Rosen and his Son
but Cliff Richard on Desert Island Discs
Dreaming of a White Christmas ? dream on
15% is bigger than 85% in bbc world
Pity my maths teacher is no longer around, he may have had something to say about that to the millenial snowflake twats
maths first, yuman rights later if at all
And if you turn up with purple hair, piercings and tattoos, God help you
you will more than likely be in a coma (requiring immediate medical attention, usually provided by the rugby teacher and a bucket of water) before we even get to Pythagoras and triangles
ITV local news
“Here we are in Hull hospital seeing how good it is
Here we sre in the testing lab”
…. I haven’t seen anyone yet in the shots who had a proper grade mask
They all appeared to be disposable masks , with air gaps underneath the eyes
and even at the sides.
Next the emotional blackmail item
“We have to be careful
look at this woman who lost her husband back in April”
… Well he was working as a paramedic and near retirement age and not slim.
I’m told “PM to make statement re EU negotiations at 7pm from No 10”
I’m not feeling good about this. Any “deal” is sinister evil.
What has Boris done?
Basically, how much has he given away ?
Er…… seems to be a false alarm. Rumour. I apologise.
I see the BBC have not decided yet whether to instruct the government to impose a full national lockdown.
Brendan O’Neil discussion.
Brendan said
today’s anti-racism movement is a false name
they are really RACIALISTS
who see people as being part of racial groups rather than individuals.
Brexit: How do voters now feel about it?
Are the books being cooked ?
I see from the trailers that the Bloated Biased Cretins are putting out a review of comedy on their airwaves over the past decades. Sur Lenny will be doing the 1980’s. That’s the last time he was funny.
It’s looking like there’s some sort of deal (brino)
Has Boros capitulated completely?
He had a 4 Ace hand and the eu a pair of 2’s but it looks like he’s given in on everything. They have won and he’s thrown his winning hand away.
What can we do about it.
We voted out but the government has (I’m sure of it) betrayed the voters.
How can one man decide this (Boros’s deal)
We can’t even get a vote, accept the deal or leave no deal, although voting now is irrelevant as dominion gives the government any answer they want.
‘Our’ mp’s do not represent us. They would vote out, no deal, if they did.
How much of our fish, which we own 100%, will we be allowed to catch by the eu.
It will be the end of the Conservatives.
Will Farage be able to get us out properly.
He’s our hope now.
in the Times top judge Lord Sumption
reviewed a book which praises Human Rights
..Surprisingly he said he doesn’t believe in concrete Human rights and the way Human rights law is used to usurp laws on the books.
He says Human Rights are not set in stone but go with the societal norms of the time.
Thursday TV
TV Guides pick out the BBC’s remake episode of Wurzel Gummage
but I see Channel4 at 2:35pm have 2 hours of the 1946 film A Wonderful Life.
BBC has Comic Relief
ITV Have the Jonathon Ross Show has Mo FarahCinderella written by Richard Curtis and filled with celebs
so I expect woke nonsense.
BBC4 Has an an Elvis night. Starts with the film Viva Las Vegas
7 min video : The Woke That Was: 2020 Special Edition
That was the woke that was.
(For us oldies)
Hey ! Hey Police Northern Ireland gave BLM demonstrators Covid Fines on 6th of June
Ohhhh, police have now apologised and withdrawn the fines
‘cos we don’t want to be seen as racist’
PAP has put up 7 videos today.
Next up
“Greater Manchester Covid Police swoop on Charity event that had council permission”
full video
Not beeb, but did anyone see the rehashing of All Creatures Great and Small on Channel 5 last evening? They managed to sneak in three black actors. The only black faces on the original were on the Swaledale sheep.
Yes northern we did see this and you are quite correct. It was completely ridiculous and a betrayal of an otherwise decent story.
The acting and producing was good
I know the previous editions jazzed up the story
but they messed around too much this time
The Xmas wedding, refusal on the aisle was all very Coronation St
and the set up before where they visited the black farm unnecessary
but that scene was so dark on my screen you couldn’t be sure the character was black until she started banging on about discrimination.
Was any of the minority groups falsely accused of a crime then played a pivitol role in catching pale-male-and-stale who really did it ?.
That’s what happened in the last Father Brown I watched. The BBC in particular cannot leave anything alone. If it’s popular, it becomes a vehicle.
Taking the traditions and society developed exclusively by white people and projecting them onto black people as if they too were part of making it.
A triumph of multiculturalism.
Turn it around and it’s cultural appropriation.
I just had a browse for the accepted definition of ‘cultural appropriation’ and they are all written by coloured people – and all have the qualifier ‘by a group who has greater privilege or power’ tacked on the end. Meaning only whites can be guilty of it.
What complete racist nonsense.
I’ve noticed this recently : now we are on to their game, the Left (who think we must all be programmed to think how they want us to) now let something get established before giving us the dose of their woke agenda.
I was reading the latest book by Joe Abercrombie : set in world where people have swords and murder each other on a regular basis. The latest in several excellent stories he has written. Pure escapism to read in the bath.
Suddenly – half way through the book and from nowhere – the main character finds he is bisexual, his best friend is gay, the King of another country he visits is gay and his mother is a lesbian. All in 2 chapters !!.
The problem I have with this is that it does not fit the story whatsoever. It has very clearly been forced into the plot to jump on the woke bandwagon. Totally ruined the book for me now as I’m looking for it in every sentence.
Morning John!
I’m on ‘Troubled blood’, by Robert Galbraith (J.K.Rowling), and after going to bed, had to get up and go downstairs to carry on reading it as it is so good – and at over 900 pages, may well take me into January! (I’m a slow reader…)!
Much better than dreadful BBC stuff – or ITV for that matter!
Thanks Scroblene : I’m always on the lookout for something good to read.
I will try the first one as soon as I’ve finished this one. It’s a real step down from his previous stuff – he clearly wants to widen his appeal from his core audience. Never works – just look at Dr Who.
The Toronto death of the Baloch independence activist Karima Baloch possibly by Pakistan forces
long video
as ever the worry is MSM don’t cover
but I see a lot of Indian continent media are covering it
perhaps cos they always have an eye on the Pakistan government.
For Canadian stories I always check RebelNews
but they haven’t covered this story
I guess it would be more difficult for them to investigate such activity within Islamic communities.
But seems Ezra is busy trying to re-arrange The Rebel’s £200K business mortgage cos the bank are refusing to roll it over without jacking up the price from 8% to 10%
Notwithstanding the detail of any forthcoming Brexit trade deal with the EU, and its desirability or otherwise to readers, but if a deal is actually done
a. How much is Laura Doomsberg’s face going to look as if it has been stung by a giant wasp
b. How much humble pie is she going to eat?
c. How much sweeping under the carpet of her ceaseless doom-and-gloom pronouncements will there be, and will the carpet be big enough?
d. And therefore given the totally useless nature of months of her reporting, what pay cut will she be given?
Actually it’s quite fun to watch the BBC squirm. They obviously want a pro EU anti British deal, but on the other hand they quite fancy a no deal which they calculate they could use against the government. Which is it going to be, eh, BBC editors?
News from 2 weeks ago Bin Laden’s right-hand man back walking the streets of Britain after being released from US prison because he’s too FAT
Times : Adel Abdel Bary, 60, the Egyptian-born militant was granted asylum in Britain in the early 1990s.
He then took part in the terror attacks on US embassies in Kenya & Tanzania that killed 224 & wounded 5,000 people in 1998.
Bary’s son Abdel-Majed Abdel also joined a terror network. A former rapper in London, he was arrested in Spain this spring after travelling to Syria to fight for Isis. He gained notoriety after posing with the severed head of an Assad regime soldier for a mocking social media post.
Performing under the alias Lyricist Jinn, his music used to focus on drug use and violence and was broadcast on BBC radio before he left the country in 2013.
BTW in 2012 before his conviction 8 lefty MPs like Corbyn and Caroline Lucas
signed a motion to release him
They labelled him “a respected human rights lawyer”
Whisper it quietly but Germany had 900 covid deaths today.
I say whisper it quietly. The BBC are not whispering it at all.
Doesn’t fit the narrative, does it?
Ah yes, but as the BBC has frequently reminded us: countries with female leaders are doing so much better than us at
spinning it out until The Great Resetfighting coronavirus. 900 deaths in Deutschland über Angela may seem a lot, but we are now having 5,000 deaths a day (the media is covering it up), as so accurately forecast by the Four Halfwits of the Apocalypse: Witless, Unbalanced, Halfcock and Boris-Build-Back-Better-for-Billionaires.Just watched and listened to ‘Alex Belfield – Live’ show on YouTube. It was a breath of fresh air. Much better than any Al Beeb chat show I have ever heard .
I would certainly recommend it to our Three Muppets. They would definitely benefit from his wisdom and discussions.
Has the latest tough lockdown been announced to coincide with the Breaking Brexit News?
SHONDA RHIMES. Take note of this name. She is a powerhouse producer in Hollywood and you will see her be credited on a number of popular tv dramas. She is the reason we see, and will see colour blind casting in dramas and films, and is certainly no fan of historical detail when it comes to championing black actors for roles that they would have not been considered for in the past. So if you decide to tune in to Netflix over Christmas to watch the Bridgertons, then don’t splutter in your gin when you see members of the Regency aristocracy as non-white, – all thanks to Ms Rhimes.
Boris has a Deal ! Nothing further yet ………..
Further details @ 8AM……according to Talk Radio……..
Announcement could now be delayed till later – Talk Radio
Our national newspaper headlines carry two main stories. Each reflecting a tale of a different form of captivity. There’s our potential escape from under the dead hand of unelected Brussels bureaucracy: ‘UK-EU on cusp of historic trade deal’ (FT) and there’s our further subservience to our own unelected public health regulators: ‘Millions more in tier four’ – I suppose the ‘i’ newspaper’s headline at least has a rhyming ring to it, dreadful as it is.
The devil is in the detail and neither we nor the press yet know what’s hiding within the Christmas wrappings of our Brexit present. It will soon be time to open it and then the papers will know which way to jump with their opinions. As yet even the chronically Tory-allergic Daily Mirror has to allow Boris his brief Brexit moment: ‘Deal done for Christmas. PM Johnson expected to announce compromise agreement with EU today’
The pathologically anti-Brexit Guardian concedes: ‘Brexit deal in “touching distance” says No 10’ – keeping up the house-style use of scare quotes, presumably only so that should Boris be caught out and the deal fall through at the last gasp, the Guardian can still shout “Ner-ner, ner-ner, ner. Knew you couldn’t get a deal”
Oddly, the Times puts a figure on the value of the trade deal: ‘£668bn agreement after PM and Brussels settle’ – really? I can just envisage the civil servant running the computer model projections, coming up with a figure of 666 and an advisor gently suggesting they add another one or two billion for the press release.
We already read that Labour is likely to abstain when parliament votes on the deal so Boris will get his way even if it contains a sell-out concession too far. Personally, I believe unfair trade deals can be renegotiated and refined by future governments. The danger lies in the legal framework around the deal. Let’s hope for the best.
I fear you may be suffering from that seasonal optimism which comes to some at this time of year –
A sell out announced – as i predicted – on Christmas Eve . Parliament closed . Markets closed . Many not paying attention .
A fudge over fishing – so called ‘ independant ‘ arbitration. Both sides saying ‘ victory for common sense’ and neither side being ‘ happy’.
The script will be so clear to see. Princess Nut Nut s husband will know he ll get the sell out approved because the EU will have been talking with labour and tory traitors all the way through looking for attack angles .
I might sound miserable – but im a realist – pessimist- so cant be disappointed .
You are spot on there Fed.
Happy Christmas to one and all from a fellow pessimist!
The island And a Happy Christmas to you and everyone here too . The site might go a bit quiet for a while –
Due to dates im going to put up the Christmas Thread before Father Christmas starts his duty .
bBBC is still at it. News channel lining up guests and own journo’s to point out every negative aspect of leaving. It’s almost as if they don’t want to leave, and think they are still campaigning to remain. News presenter pointing out helpfully that we only voted to leave by the narrowest of margins! Gawd ‘elp us.
Merry Christmas to all contributors and lurkers!
Now we just have to watch out for our own bureaucrats, they can be worse than the EU. To give an example, all our H&S law derived from the EU via Statutory Instruments. For Working at Heights, when working from a ladder the EU stated, “a handhold must be available”. This meant that from the top (3 steps down) you could use two hands to do some work as long as you could quickly grab something. Our gold-platers (rules and pensions!) changed that to “a handhold must be MAINTAINED”. In other words, you have to keep hold with at least one hand. There isn’t a lot you can do with one hand, so work is almost impossible. No thought at all to convenience, just added cost to tradesmen who now have to erect towers and scaffolds for quick, simple jobs
When at some point in a hoped-for more rational and commonsense future the time is taken to analyse the benefits of H&S it’s hardly likely that they will show any direct benefits to the economy.
Except, of course, for adding ‘jobsworth’ to our vocabulary.
Thank you Fedup2 for a wonderful site and all it’s erudite contributors even the ones we might not agree with…
Talking of that, nice to see Twitter will be cancelling Trump post 20th January…!
and btw, Merry Christmas to you all..
Thank you Fed for an excellent site, to which I turn before reading other news sources. The pessimist in me thinks we may be closed down before next Christmas, but we can put up a fight.
Merry Christmas to you and all contributors.
A dire warning of what’s unfolding, and why to be hopeful.
Yes, just watched all of it. Brilliant. But again, left me puzzled: What’s the inherent connection between islam and the chinese communist party? There has to be some link. I’ve never been able to fathom that. My only conclusion is one of, “strange bedfellows” – I guess that the communists found islam useful in terms of helping to bring the US down and assuming that once total control has been achieved, they would merely sideline islam or perhaps destroy it, (practice for that currently taking place in china).
If that is the reasoning, good luck with trying to destroy islam……………
Nigel Farage on Talk Radio today:
“Boris has done what he said he’d do on the big picture. I suspect on some of the detail, such as we’ll be back in charge of our fisheries, history may judge some of those aspects a little more harshly.
But on the big stuff, the war is over; it has gone on for decades in this country… and now we’re out, and arguably with a new treaty that’s a bit closer to a partnership agreement. It’s not perfect, but goodness me it’s still progress.“
I and my fellow Sentries on the Cliff of Dover are not happy so far. It is not what we voted for, but Parliament did us all a traitorous disservice for the past almost five years.
Democracy is still wounded and bleeding.
TOADY Non-Watch #1 – groan, I hit the off switch and stay under the duvet
JustRemainIn & Mishal this morning. The latter informs me just after 6.30a.m. that it is a Guest Edited TOADY, ie. even more biased than usual, programme so the OFF switch is hit and the peace and quiet fully enjoyed.
Happy Christmas and God bless us every one, stay healthy see you in the New Year.
Big thanks to the backroom team plus Fed for moderating and Stew for linking and advising on issues.
Any news on Halifax?
Those of you recalling the dire prophesies of the Brexit vote might like to know that the average £/$ exchange rate through 2016 was £1.3562.
This morning it is £1.3596.
I hopefully along with many others will be giving BBC ugly sister Channel 4 a miss from now on due to their upcoming vicious and nasty piss-take of the Queen in their alternative Christmas message to run alongside the BBC actual one.
We know they are the dregs but this is plumbing a new low considering the hassle that the Royal Family have endured from the left-wing press this year!
I can imagine Jon Snow chuckling into his latte right now…
Bye C4!
I know Trump can be diversive in all quarters, BUT I have to chuckle as he keeps us amused in sticking two fingers up, and pardoning all his cronies before he bows out. Its like working for a company, and when you get the push you cause utter chaos in the computer system. Love it !
It seems that a sell out has been done- 1500 Christmas Eve – while many are looking away ….
The current representative of the Master Race ( the president of the ReichEU) has gone on about ‘sovereignty ‘ meaning nothing again …
One word “deal”
The treacherous bastards have sold us out & kicked us in the teeth on Christmas eve.
It’s deal. Any deal is utter betrayal.
That bastard has a nerve rubbing this globalist triumph in our faces on Christmas eve.
Watching Pricess Nut Nuts husband doing his incoherent stream of consciousness act at the Christmas Eve press conference – if it looks and smells like a sell out it is a sell out .
Having heard Mr Farage talk about the ‘war being over ‘ – perhaps he has sold out for a New Year Peerage . If the bookies were open I’d put a tenner on it …..
That was exactly my thought.
I think we should be cautious about using the term ‘deal’ – sell out sounds more realistic . The BBC is showing grinning pictures of Mrs May and the SNP dwarf … which might be a sign …
And Starmer says
heLabour will vote for it – which tells you all you need to know.I would spit on Boris Chamberlain if I was in the same room.
“Brexit: How do voters now feel about it?”
You cannot fault the BBC. Its seeking to balance its misery by having
By Sir John Curtice show polls show that people no longer want Brexit.
Oddly there is no mention of the largest opinion poll on Brexit, the 2019 Gen Election, The BBC and Sir John might care to notice that the ‘Stop Brexit’ part were annihilated and the Get Brexit Done party won a staggering majority.
They’ll be long faces at the BBC today and even more rubbish posted on its news web site.