The season of announcing U turns and general bad news – such as a Tier 4,5, 6… or keeping failure to have a TV Licence a crime if you still watch TV . But year on year less people are watching or paying for the BBC because of the Far Left propaganda machine it has become .
Midweek Thread 23 December 2020
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The ‘deal’ is more Brexit than Remain, but still a compromise. I didn’t vote for a compromise.
I am not clever enough to know if it’s a good / bad deal or a sell out.
However, it’s put the BBC , MSM and the looney left thru absolute hell for 4 and a half years so that’s no bad thing in itself.
To me, it’s better than nowt !!!!!
And on that note, Happy Christmas one and all and a big thanks to Fed and the gang who run this bloody superb site .
All the best ????????
\\At a Downing Street press conference, Boris Johnson said: “We have taken back control of our laws and our destiny.”//
\\The prime minister added that although arguments had been “fierce” it was a “good deal for the whole of Europe”, driving jobs and prosperity.//
Good for the whole Europe? No, we want what is good for the UK.
Its not a ‘deal but a treaty, rushed through before anyone can pick the bones out of it. Before anyone has time to read the ‘small print’.
I don’t recollect reading ‘a deal’ on the ballot paper in 2016?
Four years of uncertainty – for What?
I noticed that too Taffy. As usual we the people of the UK are far down the list of their consideration. It really smarts a globalist to put their own nation first. It has been good these last 4 years witnessing an American President rooting for his own country.
Nadolig Llawen, I hope you have a nice one despite all the madness of 2020.
If the world is one family
then we have to let the anti-Brexit people
and anti-Trump people have some things their way.
But bear in mind the pro-EU and globalist people have had things their way for 30+ years.
All bets are on …………………
Which country will be next to leave the EU ?
If I may be allowed a personal comment …
First, thanks to the folks who administer this wonderful, sanity restoring place and second,
Here we are in the midst of ‘that most wonderful time of the year’ in this most extraordinary of years. I hope you and yours enjoy the blessings of the Season.
May the joy of the Season fill your hearts and homes, and may your Christmas be wonderful and wonder-filled and your days filled with health and happiness.
May you experience the joy of the Season as a child does and the peace and happiness of the Season which a quiet soul possesses.
May the love of those special to you be the best present you receive.
Most of all, Remember The Reason For The Season
Peace to you all.
???????????? Merry Christmas to All and to All A Goodnight ????????????
Have a great Christmas to one and all.
This year my mother died due to dementia. I am off to visit my family tomorrow, even if it is tier 4.5 million, and I have to borrow Steve McQueen’s Stalag escape bike. (This time it will work!). Thank you to the beeb for their “loyalty” and concern for all, unless you don’t hold their opinions , of course.
Below is a reminder of what fishing used to be in case the beeb plebs have forgotten what workers look like.
I am watching the service of carols and lessons from Kings and it seems quite weird. Now please, I don’t mind if there are or indeed are not black people in the choir. But as far as I can see the choir is hideously white. And what that means is that the camera isn’t constantly picking out black choir members and the camera just seems to focus on anybody. And that is the pleasure.
As a Jewish atheist I am quite happy for the French to
have the shrimps, mussels, crabs etc. Leave me with the Dover
soles, plaice , haddock and gefilta fish !!
Apropos the last one Foscari, I have to ask, ‘boiled or fried?’
BBC Online News:
“Boris Johnson tells a press conference: “Although we have left EU, we remain attached to Europe.”
I didn’t vote to REMAIN attached to Europe. Was there a box on the Ballot paper that I missed?
LK tells us that ‘Johnson gets the deal both sides wanted to achieve’.
How cozy.
It’s not over
I don’t think we have to accept Boris’s deal as a fait accompli
If MPs go through the thousands of pages and find problems, they need to be discussed.
Normally Farage has the sensible analysis.
I’ve put up a long weekend thread .
Maybe it’s time to have a BBC free Christmas …..
Have a Happy Christmas
And Halifax – hope you are doing OK …..