“Aerial footage shows flooding in Bedfordshire
Thousands of people have left their homes near the River Great Ouse amid “severe” flood warnings on Christmas day.
There was also flooding in Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.”
So where are they staying?
With the kindly apparatchiks having forced all the hotels to close and preventing high tier inmates from access to neighbouring lower tier, but still open accommodation.
A story which is in the London evening standard but won’t be found on the BBC …
The EU was meant to start vaccine injections on Sunday – all in it together . The Krauts and Hungarians jumped the gun and began today …. unity … is ….er….
You won’t hear this on the lying BBC, but there is much anger in the muslim world against footballer Mo Salah for committing the unpardonable crime of… celebrating Christmas with his young family. Shock horror!
David Wood gives the muslim reaction the respect it deserves.
Can’t wait .is it a ‘chick flick’? Does she get a boyfriend at the end who turns out to be a billionaire company raider who ‘sees the light ‘? Does she go on a shopping spree and buy loads of designer labels?
Is there a Roy Orbison song ?
Have I got the right film ?
I think this is a film about how a vulnerable, autistic teenager is manipulated by pushy, fame hungry parents and manipulative cynical globalists into running a campaign to wreck the economies of the world. This is all done with the help of a hopelessly woke, politically biased and naive media which has ditched any journalistic standards it ever had in order to push this self destructive and economically suicidal policies.
In other words just as Vlad said a steaming pile of …………!
Just watched All creatures great and small which I’d recorded.
What a load of sentimental slop.
I know there’s been a couple of posts about it being woke and ticking black boxes but really, such a good original with Robert Hardy, Peter Davidson and the rest turned into a piano plinky plonk.
That’s one series where a repeat would be better than this tripe.
I suppose I was warned and should have expected it when the wokerati box tickers got their hands on it.
I think it’s a series which is better kept in bed, but the boring, ill-equipped under-managers at the BBc still try to lug it all out again and wring what’s left of a good story into a failed prog. They’re good at that, as their imagination is about as interesting as saint Greta’s is about welding.
Mattererfac, we bought the whole first series on DVD, and after one prog sold them on again as they were so dated, but that’s what we do these days – other than click-off everything the sad, woke BBC spurts out.
Why they just didn’t show repeats of the original is beyond me, because they’ve repeated everything else. Rarely do remakes work, although Singin’ in the Rain had many versions before the best in 1952.
BBC Trickery on the dead whales story : windfarms edited out
The BBC story first pictures showed the windfarm in the background
Apparently they have replaced the images and re-edited the video
to remove images of the windfarm Facebook discussion about this
Surely by now the D.G. of Al Beeb must know that the decades of propaganda that they have promulgated in trying to influence or brainwash the majority of the people of Great Britain has not worked. I was a point I made to maxincony and his persistent trolling.
Take the great Brexit vote, two recent elections and all the other left-wing, PC., biased indoctrination put out, including undermining the bargaining discussions in obtaining the best deal for this country.
It has been counter productive, evinced by the dropping number of viewers and income from the renewal licences. The outfit is all but defunct and only sustained by the consent of our liberal/ Conservative government’s persistence in keeping the Telly Tax going.
I agree that the brainwashing ‘hasn’t worked’ for everyone, but it has for many. Some of my acquaintances who get their news and views from the beeb and similar woke broadcasters have totally swallowed their whole world view.
I’m frequently amazed at how ill-informed otherwise intelligent people are.
Many of your friends must have been born in or before the 1960s when Al Beeb seen as a pro-British Broadcaster. Most teenagers don’t watch their rubbish or pay the telly tax.
IMHO, before the Brexit vote, they had great aspirations to become the ‘European Broadcasting Corporation’.
Will the new ‘teenage mutant Covid viruses’ be given human names as with the storms that were simply just numbered at one time ?
How about it being named “Flu”
This proven liar (remember the Russian collusion plot) was certainly right about journalism dying under President Trump – but it had nothing to do with Trump himself. If they want to find the truth about where journalism died they only need to look in a mirror.
The Guardian really are arseholes, after months and years trying to reverse Brexit they are no doubling down on the poor UK fishermen who have been let down.
Digg – I actually think there is some truth in the article. It appears to me that it is a bit like a Pierrpoint hanging where as soon as MPs return they will be pinioned by the whips and rushed into agreeing to something that they could not possibly have digested or understood.
The fact that Starmer and the newspapers (who all flipped to Remain) are so in favour of this makes me very suspicious.
However yes you are right about the mischief making Gaurdian. These treacherous bastards have been working against our country and in particular the fishermen for years – it is too late for the Guardian and these lefty bastards to suddenly care about rural communities now after years of stabbing them in the back.
Oak, we are right to be suspicious.
The ‘deal’ is to be rushed through our parliament next week with one or two days’ debate whereas the EU will only apply the new trade deal provisionally on 1 January and their MEPs have until 28 February 2021 to ratify it – a period of more than two months. See https://facts4eu.org/news/2020_dec_brexit_leftovers
As I said in the last thread, the fact that Labour will be directed by Starmer (as the mouthpiece of his masters) to support it tells you all you need to know. So much for all that ‘scrutiny’ the remainers/rejoiners were previously so keen on. And isn’t it convenient that hardly anyone will physically be in the House due to the latest tier 4 lockdowns?
Unholy rush at Christmas – 3 days from signing a deal no-one has read.
Jeff Taylor… while the Tories are calling this a new sovereign and independent beginning, I’m wondering if we’ve also put ourselves in the position of potentially forming a very long transition period for the UK to rejoin the EU down the line.
Yes Jeff – that is the idea (imo).
island – Boris’s Christmas gift to British fisherman – A poisoned chalice
But as long as “The city” will be OK I am sure the blonde one will sleep well at night.
There’s a strange line in the BBC’s account of the van explosion in Nashville: “Police believe the powerful blast was caused deliberately.”
There is security footage of the van literally broadcasting a warning for people to evacuate the area, moments before exploding. How much more certainty do you need that it was deliberate?
Along with being under-reported Stateside, the whole thing sounds fishy to me, like when there’s a terrorist attack in UK or Europe and you just know we’re not being told the facts for political reasons (usually not to embarrass a certain religion).
Oxford Circus tube station is left covered in graffiti by ‘Diabolical Dubstars’ vandals who ran amok while London’s biggest shopping street was closed due to Tier 4 restrictions
The artwork was found on Boxing Day and features a tribute to Grenfell Tower
It is alleged the graffiti artist group Diabolical Dubstars tagged the tube station
“Anarchy symbols were spray painted over the walls as well as the words: ‘I be munching yuppies like chicken nuggitz’
Regarding the last line you wrote – I have thought this for a long while for other reasons.
I’m no Tory, but I’ve watched them try to dismantle Brexit, and now Boris’s government. They are activists, using everyone else’s forced payments to their causes.
“What took so long? The UK voted to leave the EU in 2016 and actually left on 31 January 2020, but leaders had until the end of 2020 to work out a trade deal.”
People like Ruby Wax think they can take the piss out of someone and never get any pushback from them. Why? Because they are on the telly? I give Trump full marks for not being impressed by that!
I think he’ll find that the main factor in him winning the world title was the woeful lack of competition in the sport, plus his car is just so good that any idiot can drive it.
Depending on which source you believe, Hamilton is worth an estimated £250m – £500m. My next job is to look up the word “oppressed”.
BBC embroiled in race row after Carols from King’s broadcast ‘failed to feature any ethnic minorities’
Not one of the 13 singers on the programme were from ethnic minorities
“One viewer told The Mail on Sunday: ‘All the young choristers were white. I’ve got mixed-race grandchildren and I was appalled. I can’t believe that the King’s College School doesn’t have any black pupils who can sing.’
Well I can
Appalled she was FFS appalled
I would reply “mixed race grandchildren? thats your problem dear , now f off”
You note “ethnic minorities”, not the many many Chinese at Cambridge or many other ethnic minorites
Just BLACK who complain
Not content to be in practically every advert on TV, not content to pretend that mot white women are married to black men, not content to have white TV presenters sacked to make way for them however untalented, and not content to have actors playing white historical characters and not content to have them pontificating on countryside programmes about a countryside they hardly visit and hardly inhabit
As I reported on I think Xmas Eve, the pleasure in watching was the camera focussing in on different members of the choir equally and not always seeking out the BAME.
Another extremely good appraisal of the so-called, “Brexit Deal” by Alexander Mercuris on The Duran. Conclusion? This aint no Brexit and leaves the option to rejoin every 4.5 years WITHOUT Parliamentary support or a Referendum. Simply at the whim of the PM. Which PM? I hear you ask: a recipe for repeats of the ‘Conservatives’ under Boris?
It is indeed sad to see so many experienced and able journalists leave the BBC. Let us hope it doesn't lead to the march of the mediocre as it has elsewhere. https://t.co/ybAyj2bC7q
I started watching the Xmas special of All Creatures Great and Small last night:
I wonder how often you could drive to the top of a remote moor in the Dales in the 1930’s, have to get out and walk the last bit because it has no road then enter the old farmhouse then meet a 50-60 year old farmer who lives there with his black wife.
Just where on Earth do they think this man ever went to meet and know sufficiently well to marry that woman ?.
Turned it straight off and watched an Xmas Two Ronnies instead. Had me laughing out loud.
Imagine the uproar if we started giving white people jobs in preference to black people in something like Zulu just because we want more white people in it.
It’s the double-standards and shameless hypocrisy of the Left I detest.
The £1.80 Daily Mail on Sunday is as upbeat as Rishi Sunak hailing his ‘new era’ and predicting a clear route to an end of lockdowns: ’15m jabs to freedom. And we’ve done nearly one million already!’
The £1.80 Sunday Mirror (just 50p tomorrow) has no time for such optimism: ‘Corona crisis shock. Doctors warn: we face vaccine chaos. Medics tell of PPE-style fiasco fears over jabs rollout’
For £1.70 the Sunday Express implies there’s a degree of self-help required here: ‘The future’s in OUR hands. Brexiteer Tories are close to backing historic trade deal’
Whilst for a whopping £3.20 (£1.75 to subscribers) the Observer delivers a veritable funeral eulogy for our relationship with Brussels. Do be patient and bear with them, they’re still working their way through the 195 stages of Remainer grief: ‘Britain in Europe 1973-2020. This deal will one day surely be regarded as one of the greatest-ever deceits inflicted on the British electrate. We will live with the consequences for decades’ – surely…? be regarded as…? Come on chaps over there at the Observer, you’re already there.
As Remainers outdo one another attempting to squeeze a tear from a dry stone, Will Hutton takes the biscuit (or should that be the croissant? – if I’m going to mix my metaphores): ‘On New Year’s Day, the curtain comes down on Britain’s long engagement with Europe’s noblest and greatest effort at collaboration and liberty’ – please, stop that sniggering there at the back.
I’m guessing he’s just been reading the multi-page deal document and still can’t find any EU flag buy-back arrangement for UK Remainers – enfer enflammé!
Here’s a conundrum, the Observer would merrily back a return to the status quo ante in terms of our relationship with Brussels and yet it purports to support our UK fisherpeople: ‘Fishing industry chiefs cry “betrayal” as MPs fear rush to ratify deal’ – I guess confusion is one of the many many stages of Remainer grief.
By the way, how appropriate that the Observer’s frontpage pic of Bill Bailey, who really ought to look like the cat that got the cream, instead exhibits a mix of glum and sardonic: ‘I’ve been having all sorts of strange dreams…’ Cheer up Bill, it may never happen: ‘Bill Bailey interviewed on Metallica, Keir Starmer and life after Strictly’ – like I say, cheer up Bill, it may never happen.
The Mirror informs us of: ‘Kylie. I cry over my own love songs’ – from my hazy recollection of vintage Kylie Minogue videos, it sure wasn’t a lump to the throat she was after enducing in her mainly male audience.
Anyway, get Kylie out of your head (if you can?) she’s yesterday’s news. Apparently the elfin Taylor Swift is the new pop princess for teenie girls and their Times-reading dads – read all about her in the Sunday Times (‘£3 only £2.50 to subscribers’): ‘Soaring Swft. How Taylor stayed on top’
The liberal-minded Times splits the difference in terms of the pessimism versus optimism debate on our China Fright Flu: ‘Vaccine boost for millions as hospitals near breaking point’
One wonders whether the Times believes its middle class readership enjoys a strong dose of self-loathing with their news: ‘Rich offer thousands to jump the queue for jab’ – let’s attempt to parse this headline. A typical Times reader will be reasonably educated and comfortably off, perhaps not quite classing themselves as “rich” but consequently perhaps all the more envious of those somewhat higher in the hierarchy. And what of these so-called “rich”, surely they are sensible enough to realise the virus is unlikely to be deadly and their scramble for the jab has more to do with their desire for an airflight, as they notice the likelihood of a coming jab / no-jab class distinction. Of course if it so happens that there’s a problem with the vaccine and it has deadly side effects – but let’s not go there…
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
And to close on the subject of filthy lucre: ‘Show me the Mammy! Sitcom star: I’m suing O’Carroll and BBC’ (Daily Star Sunday. £1.20 ‘This paper costs 10p less than the Sun’) – seems one of Mrs Brown’s Boys is in a pay dispute with both the show’s boss and our national broadcaster.
I wonder whether Mrs Brown counts as being in the male or female column in the BBC’s salary statistics?
Another major lockdown suggested by Scientists-the UK is already sinking, another full lockdown would I feel break the camels back.
Of course at the root is project fear, producing further compliance by the public to have the vaccine currently being offered-spent billions on buying the Pfizer vaccine, but take up not high enough, however supply of said vaccine is slow-Media hype will destroy us.
They are getting desperate now and are obviously just going to flood the country with the Oxford vaccine and hope it is just enough to prevent this new variant overwhelming the country.
Up to know, everything we’ve been told about it is suspiciously worded – like ‘The most advanced vaccine in the world’ – meaningly simply it was furthest along in the trials. Which – in retrospect – was clearly not true. And the complete fiasco around the trials has been well and truly brushed under the carpet.
It’s a huge risk giving something so amateurishly prepared to the whole population. But that’s what they are going to do.
Yes, if anything, the Astra Zeneca (“Oxford”) vaccine will be the one. It differs from the other two ‘available’ right now. Apparently, better suited to the old contingent.
Much to the dismay of my GP and probably the Government (the latter must hope the trickle of old people dying continues) I’ve located a source out the UK of Ivermectin and by God, I’d much prefer that in my cupboard for a rainy day.
Article in the Telegraph:
‘The Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Countdown suffered a slump along with other BBC offerings, attracting 4.9 million, down from 5.5 in 2019.’
Kate Phillips, acting controller of BBC One:
‘I’m really proud of the range and quality of programmes we’ve shown across this special day.’
Like what Lord Hall used to say as well : these statements have a ring of state propaganda more suited to North Korea than anything interested in actual truth.
They can be as proud as they like, their ‘opinions’ are pretty well worthless anyway!
if 600,000 people decided that the BBC rubbish they plonk out in the form of endless repeats, glittery nothingness like ‘Strangely like rap-dancing’, ghastly tosh like ‘The Dicker of Fibley kneeler’ special, and the rest, they should really learn that even though they are overpaid tax-funded ‘civil’ serpents, the BBC should actually try and do something much better!
Now Doris has ‘done’ the Brexit, his next job should be to save millions of pensioners having to pay the TV tax for such poor performance.
And the job after that can be to defund the whole expensive shower of nobodies trying to sound intelligent.
B.Kent, are your police all tied up with Operation Stitch-up’?
We only ever see the very occasional blue light around here (near T.Wells), as they’re all stretched out down the M20! Burglaries around here are well on the up too!
I might pop down to the closest boot fair to see if I can get anything back for some good chums…
Absolutely. Am further east than you so in the thick of the lorries as it were ! Lots of kent folks out in thier cars driving though, tier 4 or not. Curious as to where they are all going and why !?
No black faces from the choristers in Carols from Kings Aunty
I too am appalled – next year maybe we could have a couple of black faces in the choir (even if they cant sing). They could just open and shut their mouths in time to the music, the cameras could concentrate on just them and everyone would be happy.
No black faces from the choristers in Carols from Kings Aunty
I too am appalled – next year maybe we could have a couple of black faces in the choir (even if they cant sing). They could just open and shut their mouths in time to the music, the cameras could concentrate on just them and everyone would be happy.
The silly bitch’s complaint was actually quite priceless with her clumsy punctuation.
“One viewer told The Mail on Sunday: ‘All the young choristers were white. I’ve got mixed-race grandchildren and I was appalled.”
Well so would I be, but I thought we were talking about Kings College Choir ?
She then carries on…
I can’t believe that the King’s College School doesn’t have any black pupils who can sing.’
Why would that be then ? for what bloody reason ? the TV music channels and radio are full of them.
Shouting along to a CD you have ripped off from a rock band about smacking your bitch and murdering people with guns does not count in the Kings College Choir Master’s estimation I suspect.
I bet the good people of Folkestone regret the loss of the Boulogne ferry route!
Mind you, the Vomit Comets used to take a lot of courage in which to to venture forth, but the restaurants were great – remember The Cheese Place up from the ferry?…
(I know this has nothing to do with the BBC, but I’m waiting until it’s beer time)!
An impartial broadcaster will tell you that politician A said this and politician B said that and leave you to make up your own mind.
A partial broadcaster will ‘fact check’ what politician A said, most of which was probably speculative and full of ‘coulds’ and ‘mays’, and ignore completely what politician B said, leaving the unspoken assumption that it was all ‘fact’.
A real ‘fact checker’ would be going over the BBC’s own output and putting right the many errors that they make daily.
Add to the mix their ‘disinformation reporter’ whose purpuse seems to be to spread conspiracy theories wider than ever and trust in the BBC must be at an all-time low.
Long ago I noticed that when people were told a binary ‘fact’ about something that they didn’t experience directly half of them believed they had been told one thing and the other half believed they had been told the other, but they all believed they had heard it from the same source.
For every person Ms. Spring convinces there is a conspiracy she will have convinced another that there isn’t. If she had said nothing then neither of them would have been any the wiser either way.
What kind of boundaries would those be ? those scored playing cricket during lockdown or the hundreds attending parties, weddings and mosques ? (including the diverse Mayor of Luton)
God alone knows what the Guardian thinks it’s playing at, but their ‘Vaccination rolls out across Europe but anger remains over slow start….’ headline might risk a raft of cancelled BBC subscriptions.
And that could spell more trouble for the troubled title…. even worse if they were paid for, of course.
Guest – one or two EU countries agreed with you, and jumped the gun to get as early a start on their vaccinastion programme as possible – especially since the UK had managed to do it weeks ahead of the them – with an EU-supplied vaccine. Even the EU’s publicity-seeking nonsense didn’t stand the test of time.
But hey, from the Beeb, the EU adulation committee knows no bounds. The real story – i.e. there’s no unity in the EU at all, just can’t be a headline for the BBC
Straight lie – as I reported yesterday – Hungary and the krauts started a day earlier than agreed . BBC EU propaganda department alive and lying . Worth a complaint – but I can’t waste that time .
I watched the new TV version of ‘Al Creatures Greeat and Small’ last night, and lo and behold – in a story set in the 1930’s, a married couple in the depths of Yorkshire hill farming country, who had been apparently wed 40 years earlier, comprised a white man and a black woman…..
…. and we were treated to a bit of a lecture on racism for good measure. Rreally ? just really ? They can’t keep wokeness out of anything these days.
And I know it’s an ITV presentation this time around, but, like Coronavirus, this wokeness is just mutating in the media far and wide.
???? The EU shoehorned DEFENCE into Horizon Europe just FOURTEEN DAYS before Horizon Europe was announced as part of the deal.@benhabib6 discovered this. ???? https://t.co/zyH3EhICLE
Not the BBC – but I’ve been musing on the content of the Reich /UK agreement . I’ve yet to read it but I think we are in the calm after the storm with another coming storm – as it were .
Although I’m self deprived of MSM – I get the feeling that many players on both sides are yet to pronounce on it . I suppose that tedious old ‘curates egg ‘ thing will be used again and again .
But after so much noise and venom from dead politicians and unelected Soros mouthpieces – is there now to be silence ?
Or will feathers fly in Parliament -? -although the way it is a rubber stamp now the speaker might give each MP 2 minutes to say their piece .
I assume anyone of a non-white variety will be turning down their new years honours/gongs etc. Surely any other course of action in this era of hysteria would be considered nothing short of the grossest hypocrisy. I won’t be holding my breath.
As for John Edrich, I very much take the point other contributors have made. My better half (who has no interest in cricket) told me of his passing. I thought there was a neat irony in receiving the news this way. This continuing emphasis on skewing the news comes as no surprise and it will only get worse.
As I assume that any black person using their privileged position to get their voice heard nationally banging on about white privilege will resign forthwith and become a bus conductor to prove their point
otherwise they are plainly lying
Of course the Abbot woman is excused, she would struggle with counting out the change and has a habit of drinking on public transport
There was a strong body of evidence to suggest that countries run by female leaders handled the crisis more expertly. Angela Merkel’s Germany, Jacinda Ardern’s New Zealand, Tsai Ing-wen’s Taiwan, and Mette Frederiksen’s Denmark.
By contrast, countries governed by presidents and prime ministers who had surfed the populist wave with a macho swagger often did poorly. Donald Trump’s America, Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil, and Boris Johnson’s Britain. The virus could not be sloganeered away.
Guest, the BBC wouldn’t be suggesting that the Chinese deliberately released the virus to disadvantage those three male leaders (you could also add Modi and Netanyahu to the mix), would they?
TWoTWee Watch #1 – Is Ed un’appy – he sounds that way?
Prog presented by Ed Stourton. Major chunk of it occupied by the EU Trade Deal. Ed sounded just a little unhappy. Is his EU holiday home going to be less attractive to rent out to friends and colleagues if they need to buy Visas and Health Insurance and International Driving Licences? Will he, the family and the family dog have greater difficulties in getting to stay there themselves?
He seemed quite keen to try and get a string of people to be negative about the deal. I missed the early part of the programme with a Scots contributor, no doubt saying how Boris had blown it and dumped on the UK’s fisherfolk to hurry a deal through. Is that right? Anyone hear that bit?
I did hear a ‘young’ lady from an accountancy firm Ernst & Young who obviously did not know her own firm’s business very well. I hope that she is not involved in running the firm as she appeared to not have a clue about the worldwide practice. Another Dido Harding in the making? She was happy to say what a disaster Brexit and the Trade Deal are.
I can’t help but agree with all of it. Except – if I may be a little pedantic – you can’t write a blank cheque for 100 million.
During Brexit I complained on a BBC HYS that I found the term Gammon someone had used to be racist and offensive. They rejected my complaint and told me: ‘Calling people gammon is the same as saying ‘green with envy’ or ‘blue with cold’.’
I was actually quite happy they said that because then I could use it in forums like this as an example of what outrageous double-standards they have.
I went looking for the ratings for the 3 Vicar of Dibley episodes and mysteriously (or perhaps not) I can’t seem to find them anywhere.
Anyone know what they were ?.
Conspiracy theories have been all over social media and the internet this year, some with really significant impact,@BBCNews' specialist disinformation reporter @mariannaspring has been looking into the spread of one really viral post.????https://t.co/Ib68YYhcFJ
Fake news and misinformation about coronavirus and vaccines continues to flood the internet but what can we do about it?@BBCNews journalist Marianna has been sharing some tips about dodgy details online and social media with @BBCNewsround ???? pic.twitter.com/kvFJGiJiyz
How odd would it be if the building that got blown up in Nashville also served as a major data repository for Dominion? Would that be odd? Because my “Odd–meter” needs calibration…
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
“Aerial footage shows flooding in Bedfordshire
Thousands of people have left their homes near the River Great Ouse amid “severe” flood warnings on Christmas day.
There was also flooding in Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.”
So where are they staying?
With the kindly apparatchiks having forced all the hotels to close and preventing high tier inmates from access to neighbouring lower tier, but still open accommodation.
A sports stadium apparently
Probably have to take the knee to get in though
and set up a direct debit 12 month membership that will become next to impossible to cancel until you retire like our local gym
A story which is in the London evening standard but won’t be found on the BBC …
The EU was meant to start vaccine injections on Sunday – all in it together . The Krauts and Hungarians jumped the gun and began today …. unity … is ….er….
Carry on Screaming on now, not taking a lot of notice but do perk up when they talk about a 4th dynasty mummy Called Rubber Titi
How many millenial snowlakes fainted upon hearing that
thank goodness we were warned by ITV before the film
You won’t hear this on the lying BBC, but there is much anger in the muslim world against footballer Mo Salah for committing the unpardonable crime of… celebrating Christmas with his young family. Shock horror!
David Wood gives the muslim reaction the respect it deserves.
Once the bbc gets it, ‘steaming’ will be obvious to all.
I think steaming is perfectly apt, as in a steaming pile of.
Can’t wait .is it a ‘chick flick’? Does she get a boyfriend at the end who turns out to be a billionaire company raider who ‘sees the light ‘? Does she go on a shopping spree and buy loads of designer labels?
Is there a Roy Orbison song ?
Have I got the right film ?
I think this is a film about how a vulnerable, autistic teenager is manipulated by pushy, fame hungry parents and manipulative cynical globalists into running a campaign to wreck the economies of the world. This is all done with the help of a hopelessly woke, politically biased and naive media which has ditched any journalistic standards it ever had in order to push this self destructive and economically suicidal policies.
In other words just as Vlad said a steaming pile of …………!
I think you really mean that, Oak!
Nice one – spoken with a mouthful of teeth!
I was holding back!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Keep ’em coming!
And join me in a Fentimans and large gin!
I didn’t realise cabbage patch dolls were back in…
Yep the new “Chucky” version
Just watched All creatures great and small which I’d recorded.
What a load of sentimental slop.
I know there’s been a couple of posts about it being woke and ticking black boxes but really, such a good original with Robert Hardy, Peter Davidson and the rest turned into a piano plinky plonk.
That’s one series where a repeat would be better than this tripe.
I suppose I was warned and should have expected it when the wokerati box tickers got their hands on it.
I think it’s a series which is better kept in bed, but the boring, ill-equipped under-managers at the BBc still try to lug it all out again and wring what’s left of a good story into a failed prog. They’re good at that, as their imagination is about as interesting as saint Greta’s is about welding.
Mattererfac, we bought the whole first series on DVD, and after one prog sold them on again as they were so dated, but that’s what we do these days – other than click-off everything the sad, woke BBC spurts out.
Why they just didn’t show repeats of the original is beyond me, because they’ve repeated everything else. Rarely do remakes work, although Singin’ in the Rain had many versions before the best in 1952.
I didn’t know there were earlier ones, Brissles!
We missed all the remakes this year, and I was asleep even before the ‘Sound of Music’, which I STILL haven’t ever seen all the way through…
BBC Trickery on the dead whales story : windfarms edited out
The BBC story first pictures showed the windfarm in the background
Apparently they have replaced the images and re-edited the video
to remove images of the windfarm
Facebook discussion about this
Amazed CND or Banksy not been up to use the carcases as billboards
Ah the 2016 backfired CND stunt
BBC Radio 4
“I’ve got a lot to say when I’m angry… and sad. I’m not very good at expressing joy!”
The BBC are back with Lily Allen.
Oh, joy.
Surely by now the D.G. of Al Beeb must know that the decades of propaganda that they have promulgated in trying to influence or brainwash the majority of the people of Great Britain has not worked. I was a point I made to maxincony and his persistent trolling.
Take the great Brexit vote, two recent elections and all the other left-wing, PC., biased indoctrination put out, including undermining the bargaining discussions in obtaining the best deal for this country.
It has been counter productive, evinced by the dropping number of viewers and income from the renewal licences. The outfit is all but defunct and only sustained by the consent of our liberal/ Conservative government’s persistence in keeping the Telly Tax going.
I agree that the brainwashing ‘hasn’t worked’ for everyone, but it has for many. Some of my acquaintances who get their news and views from the beeb and similar woke broadcasters have totally swallowed their whole world view.
I’m frequently amazed at how ill-informed otherwise intelligent people are.
Many of your friends must have been born in or before the 1960s when Al Beeb seen as a pro-British Broadcaster. Most teenagers don’t watch their rubbish or pay the telly tax.
IMHO, before the Brexit vote, they had great aspirations to become the ‘European Broadcasting Corporation’.
Will the new ‘teenage mutant Covid viruses’ be given human names as with the storms that were simply just numbered at one time ?
How about it being named “Flu”
Perhaps, but only white male names. No Marys, and definitely no Mohameds.
Imagine Lurch might swerve RTing this one.
And it’s her ilk that give MSDNC as much credibility as Carole Cadwalladr or CNN
This proven liar (remember the Russian collusion plot) was certainly right about journalism dying under President Trump – but it had nothing to do with Trump himself. If they want to find the truth about where journalism died they only need to look in a mirror.
The Guardian really are arseholes, after months and years trying to reverse Brexit they are no doubling down on the poor UK fishermen who have been let down.
It’s your Brussels lovely EU comrades Guardian that done this you creeps!
They couldn’t give a fu** about UK fishermen until now.
They really make my skin creep.
Digg – I actually think there is some truth in the article. It appears to me that it is a bit like a Pierrpoint hanging where as soon as MPs return they will be pinioned by the whips and rushed into agreeing to something that they could not possibly have digested or understood.
The fact that Starmer and the newspapers (who all flipped to Remain) are so in favour of this makes me very suspicious.
However yes you are right about the mischief making Gaurdian. These treacherous bastards have been working against our country and in particular the fishermen for years – it is too late for the Guardian and these lefty bastards to suddenly care about rural communities now after years of stabbing them in the back.
Oak, we are right to be suspicious.
The ‘deal’ is to be rushed through our parliament next week with one or two days’ debate whereas the EU will only apply the new trade deal provisionally on 1 January and their MEPs have until 28 February 2021 to ratify it – a period of more than two months. See https://facts4eu.org/news/2020_dec_brexit_leftovers
As I said in the last thread, the fact that Labour will be directed by Starmer (as the mouthpiece of his masters) to support it tells you all you need to know. So much for all that ‘scrutiny’ the remainers/rejoiners were previously so keen on. And isn’t it convenient that hardly anyone will physically be in the House due to the latest tier 4 lockdowns?
Jeff Taylor … while the Tories are calling this a new sovereign and independent beginning, I’m wondering if we’ve also put ourselves in the position of potentially forming a very long transition period for the UK to rejoin the EU down the line.
Yes Jeff – that is the idea (imo).
island – Boris’s Christmas gift to British fisherman – A poisoned chalice
But as long as “The city” will be OK I am sure the blonde one will sleep well at night.
There’s a strange line in the BBC’s account of the van explosion in Nashville: “Police believe the powerful blast was caused deliberately.”
There is security footage of the van literally broadcasting a warning for people to evacuate the area, moments before exploding. How much more certainty do you need that it was deliberate?
Along with being under-reported Stateside, the whole thing sounds fishy to me, like when there’s a terrorist attack in UK or Europe and you just know we’re not being told the facts for political reasons (usually not to embarrass a certain religion).
Police have found a “person of interest”.
\\ Nashville explosion ‘probably suicide bombing’//
That narrows it down a bit .
Anyone fancy taking a knee before this lot ?
Oxford Circus tube station is left covered in graffiti by ‘Diabolical Dubstars’ vandals who ran amok while London’s biggest shopping street was closed due to Tier 4 restrictions
The artwork was found on Boxing Day and features a tribute to Grenfell Tower
It is alleged the graffiti artist group Diabolical Dubstars tagged the tube station
“Anarchy symbols were spray painted over the walls as well as the words: ‘I be munching yuppies like chicken nuggitz’
Regarding the last line you wrote – I have thought this for a long while for other reasons.
I’m no Tory, but I’ve watched them try to dismantle Brexit, and now Boris’s government. They are activists, using everyone else’s forced payments to their causes.
BiasedBBC has just been mentioned on LBC.
Some caller said it’s a brilliant website.
May I bid you a warm welcome to this site with the compliments of the season .
Anyone read Animal Farm ?
BEEB’S TRAIN SHAME BBC staff spend thousands on first class rail travel as millions lose free TV licenses
Come the revolution mate we will still be first class
Tory MP Andrew Bridgen: “It appears BBC workers have little in common with those the licence fee and they certainly don’t want to travel with them.”
bbc said: “We changed these rules in October 2019 and first class rail travel is no longer permitted.”
But still shows a surprising contempt for travelling with the general public from bbc staff spouting marxist / far left dogma
We are all equal but some at Al Beeb are more equal than others.
“What took so long? The UK voted to leave the EU in 2016 and actually left on 31 January 2020, but leaders had until the end of 2020 to work out a trade deal.”
Al Beeb asks the question but does not answer ? .
Collective noun for bbc journos, a pigsty ?
A deRange
“Kent lorry chaos: Manston airport cleared of lorries”
All thanks to the British Army .
Well done! I say.
Lewis’ PR people have sent the bbc people a PR photo to use, with a ‘quote’.
Another…. ‘quote’.
The Donald is clearly a good judge of character.
People like Ruby Wax think they can take the piss out of someone and never get any pushback from them. Why? Because they are on the telly? I give Trump full marks for not being impressed by that!
Too true, Rob.
Louis’ dad is a yank!
I think he’ll find that the main factor in him winning the world title was the woeful lack of competition in the sport, plus his car is just so good that any idiot can drive it.
Depending on which source you believe, Hamilton is worth an estimated £250m – £500m. My next job is to look up the word “oppressed”.
BBC embroiled in race row after Carols from King’s broadcast ‘failed to feature any ethnic minorities’
Not one of the 13 singers on the programme were from ethnic minorities
“One viewer told The Mail on Sunday: ‘All the young choristers were white. I’ve got mixed-race grandchildren and I was appalled. I can’t believe that the King’s College School doesn’t have any black pupils who can sing.’
Well I can
Appalled she was FFS appalled
I would reply “mixed race grandchildren? thats your problem dear , now f off”
You note “ethnic minorities”, not the many many Chinese at Cambridge or many other ethnic minorites
Just BLACK who complain
Not content to be in practically every advert on TV, not content to pretend that mot white women are married to black men, not content to have white TV presenters sacked to make way for them however untalented, and not content to have actors playing white historical characters and not content to have them pontificating on countryside programmes about a countryside they hardly visit and hardly inhabit
we want we want we want
As I reported on I think Xmas Eve, the pleasure in watching was the camera focussing in on different members of the choir equally and not always seeking out the BAME.
Another extremely good appraisal of the so-called, “Brexit Deal” by Alexander Mercuris on The Duran. Conclusion? This aint no Brexit and leaves the option to rejoin every 4.5 years WITHOUT Parliamentary support or a Referendum. Simply at the whim of the PM. Which PM? I hear you ask: a recipe for repeats of the ‘Conservatives’ under Boris?
“BREXIT DEAL: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”
If these two do not replace Femi on Vile I will be disappointed.
Love that last sentence.
That black Ann Boleyn, I wonder if she proves more streetwise at avoiding knife crime towards the end ?
And worth checking to see if they put a domestic abuse helpline across the screen during the Tower of London scene
I genuinely would not be surprised
I started watching the Xmas special of All Creatures Great and Small last night:
I wonder how often you could drive to the top of a remote moor in the Dales in the 1930’s, have to get out and walk the last bit because it has no road then enter the old farmhouse then meet a 50-60 year old farmer who lives there with his black wife.
Just where on Earth do they think this man ever went to meet and know sufficiently well to marry that woman ?.
Turned it straight off and watched an Xmas Two Ronnies instead. Had me laughing out loud.
Imagine the uproar if we started giving white people jobs in preference to black people in something like Zulu just because we want more white people in it.
It’s the double-standards and shameless hypocrisy of the Left I detest.
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
The £1.80 Daily Mail on Sunday is as upbeat as Rishi Sunak hailing his ‘new era’ and predicting a clear route to an end of lockdowns: ’15m jabs to freedom. And we’ve done nearly one million already!’
The £1.80 Sunday Mirror (just 50p tomorrow) has no time for such optimism: ‘Corona crisis shock. Doctors warn: we face vaccine chaos. Medics tell of PPE-style fiasco fears over jabs rollout’
For £1.70 the Sunday Express implies there’s a degree of self-help required here: ‘The future’s in OUR hands. Brexiteer Tories are close to backing historic trade deal’
Whilst for a whopping £3.20 (£1.75 to subscribers) the Observer delivers a veritable funeral eulogy for our relationship with Brussels. Do be patient and bear with them, they’re still working their way through the 195 stages of Remainer grief: ‘Britain in Europe 1973-2020. This deal will one day surely be regarded as one of the greatest-ever deceits inflicted on the British electrate. We will live with the consequences for decades’ – surely…? be regarded as…? Come on chaps over there at the Observer, you’re already there.
As Remainers outdo one another attempting to squeeze a tear from a dry stone, Will Hutton takes the biscuit (or should that be the croissant? – if I’m going to mix my metaphores): ‘On New Year’s Day, the curtain comes down on Britain’s long engagement with Europe’s noblest and greatest effort at collaboration and liberty’ – please, stop that sniggering there at the back.
I’m guessing he’s just been reading the multi-page deal document and still can’t find any EU flag buy-back arrangement for UK Remainers – enfer enflammé!
Here’s a conundrum, the Observer would merrily back a return to the status quo ante in terms of our relationship with Brussels and yet it purports to support our UK fisherpeople: ‘Fishing industry chiefs cry “betrayal” as MPs fear rush to ratify deal’ – I guess confusion is one of the many many stages of Remainer grief.
By the way, how appropriate that the Observer’s frontpage pic of Bill Bailey, who really ought to look like the cat that got the cream, instead exhibits a mix of glum and sardonic: ‘I’ve been having all sorts of strange dreams…’ Cheer up Bill, it may never happen: ‘Bill Bailey interviewed on Metallica, Keir Starmer and life after Strictly’ – like I say, cheer up Bill, it may never happen.
The Mirror informs us of: ‘Kylie. I cry over my own love songs’ – from my hazy recollection of vintage Kylie Minogue videos, it sure wasn’t a lump to the throat she was after enducing in her mainly male audience.
Anyway, get Kylie out of your head (if you can?) she’s yesterday’s news. Apparently the elfin Taylor Swift is the new pop princess for teenie girls and their Times-reading dads – read all about her in the Sunday Times (‘£3 only £2.50 to subscribers’): ‘Soaring Swft. How Taylor stayed on top’
The liberal-minded Times splits the difference in terms of the pessimism versus optimism debate on our China Fright Flu: ‘Vaccine boost for millions as hospitals near breaking point’
One wonders whether the Times believes its middle class readership enjoys a strong dose of self-loathing with their news: ‘Rich offer thousands to jump the queue for jab’ – let’s attempt to parse this headline. A typical Times reader will be reasonably educated and comfortably off, perhaps not quite classing themselves as “rich” but consequently perhaps all the more envious of those somewhat higher in the hierarchy. And what of these so-called “rich”, surely they are sensible enough to realise the virus is unlikely to be deadly and their scramble for the jab has more to do with their desire for an airflight, as they notice the likelihood of a coming jab / no-jab class distinction. Of course if it so happens that there’s a problem with the vaccine and it has deadly side effects – but let’s not go there…
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
And to close on the subject of filthy lucre: ‘Show me the Mammy! Sitcom star: I’m suing O’Carroll and BBC’ (Daily Star Sunday. £1.20 ‘This paper costs 10p less than the Sun’) – seems one of Mrs Brown’s Boys is in a pay dispute with both the show’s boss and our national broadcaster.
I wonder whether Mrs Brown counts as being in the male or female column in the BBC’s salary statistics?
You pays your money and you takes your choice.
Thank you for this AsI!
You’ve saved me several splonders now, and I can safely say that ‘What the papers say’, isn’t a patch on your resume!
And we hate the Mrs Brown rubbish as well – twice in fact!
Another major lockdown suggested by Scientists-the UK is already sinking, another full lockdown would I feel break the camels back.
Of course at the root is project fear, producing further compliance by the public to have the vaccine currently being offered-spent billions on buying the Pfizer vaccine, but take up not high enough, however supply of said vaccine is slow-Media hype will destroy us.
They are getting desperate now and are obviously just going to flood the country with the Oxford vaccine and hope it is just enough to prevent this new variant overwhelming the country.
Up to know, everything we’ve been told about it is suspiciously worded – like ‘The most advanced vaccine in the world’ – meaningly simply it was furthest along in the trials. Which – in retrospect – was clearly not true. And the complete fiasco around the trials has been well and truly brushed under the carpet.
It’s a huge risk giving something so amateurishly prepared to the whole population. But that’s what they are going to do.
Yes, if anything, the Astra Zeneca (“Oxford”) vaccine will be the one. It differs from the other two ‘available’ right now. Apparently, better suited to the old contingent.
Much to the dismay of my GP and probably the Government (the latter must hope the trickle of old people dying continues) I’ve located a source out the UK of Ivermectin and by God, I’d much prefer that in my cupboard for a rainy day.
Article in the Telegraph:
‘The Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Countdown suffered a slump along with other BBC offerings, attracting 4.9 million, down from 5.5 in 2019.’
Kate Phillips, acting controller of BBC One:
‘I’m really proud of the range and quality of programmes we’ve shown across this special day.’
Like what Lord Hall used to say as well : these statements have a ring of state propaganda more suited to North Korea than anything interested in actual truth.
They can be as proud as they like, their ‘opinions’ are pretty well worthless anyway!
if 600,000 people decided that the BBC rubbish they plonk out in the form of endless repeats, glittery nothingness like ‘Strangely like rap-dancing’, ghastly tosh like ‘The Dicker of Fibley kneeler’ special, and the rest, they should really learn that even though they are overpaid tax-funded ‘civil’ serpents, the BBC should actually try and do something much better!
Now Doris has ‘done’ the Brexit, his next job should be to save millions of pensioners having to pay the TV tax for such poor performance.
And the job after that can be to defund the whole expensive shower of nobodies trying to sound intelligent.
How to paint bad news as good news, the BBC are experts !!!
Instead of `EU countries finally begin vaccinnating 19 days later than the UK due to bureaucratic delays` it is :
`Touching moment of unity as EU countries begin vaccinating together on same day`
B.Kent, are your police all tied up with Operation Stitch-up’?
We only ever see the very occasional blue light around here (near T.Wells), as they’re all stretched out down the M20! Burglaries around here are well on the up too!
I might pop down to the closest boot fair to see if I can get anything back for some good chums…
Absolutely. Am further east than you so in the thick of the lorries as it were ! Lots of kent folks out in thier cars driving though, tier 4 or not. Curious as to where they are all going and why !?
No black faces from the choristers in Carols from Kings Aunty
I too am appalled – next year maybe we could have a couple of black faces in the choir (even if they cant sing). They could just open and shut their mouths in time to the music, the cameras could concentrate on just them and everyone would be happy.
No black faces from the choristers in Carols from Kings Aunty
I too am appalled – next year maybe we could have a couple of black faces in the choir (even if they cant sing). They could just open and shut their mouths in time to the music, the cameras could concentrate on just them and everyone would be happy.
The choir could black up, as in the Black and White Minstrels from Kings.
The silly bitch’s complaint was actually quite priceless with her clumsy punctuation.
“One viewer told The Mail on Sunday: ‘All the young choristers were white. I’ve got mixed-race grandchildren and I was appalled.”
Well so would I be, but I thought we were talking about Kings College Choir ?
She then carries on…
I can’t believe that the King’s College School doesn’t have any black pupils who can sing.’
Why would that be then ? for what bloody reason ? the TV music channels and radio are full of them.
Shouting along to a CD you have ripped off from a rock band about smacking your bitch and murdering people with guns does not count in the Kings College Choir Master’s estimation I suspect.
I bet the good people of Folkestone regret the loss of the Boulogne ferry route!
Mind you, the Vomit Comets used to take a lot of courage in which to to venture forth, but the restaurants were great – remember The Cheese Place up from the ferry?…
(I know this has nothing to do with the BBC, but I’m waiting until it’s beer time)!
I’d. Like to think they are out and out simply to give the finger to nonce Boris Johnson.
Latest BBC Breaking…
Will the French get their revenge by sending over another boat-load of teachers, doctors and scientists?
An impartial broadcaster will tell you that politician A said this and politician B said that and leave you to make up your own mind.
A partial broadcaster will ‘fact check’ what politician A said, most of which was probably speculative and full of ‘coulds’ and ‘mays’, and ignore completely what politician B said, leaving the unspoken assumption that it was all ‘fact’.
A real ‘fact checker’ would be going over the BBC’s own output and putting right the many errors that they make daily.
Add to the mix their ‘disinformation reporter’ whose purpuse seems to be to spread conspiracy theories wider than ever and trust in the BBC must be at an all-time low.
Long ago I noticed that when people were told a binary ‘fact’ about something that they didn’t experience directly half of them believed they had been told one thing and the other half believed they had been told the other, but they all believed they had heard it from the same source.
For every person Ms. Spring convinces there is a conspiracy she will have convinced another that there isn’t. If she had said nothing then neither of them would have been any the wiser either way.
BS will be jelly.
What kind of boundaries would those be ? those scored playing cricket during lockdown or the hundreds attending parties, weddings and mosques ? (including the diverse Mayor of Luton)
just asking
Speaking of blatant, sycophantic, bubble PR as news….
the only comment missing regarding this particular bbc world klass gernaliss’ output is:
“just a little prick”
God alone knows what the Guardian thinks it’s playing at, but their ‘Vaccination rolls out across Europe but anger remains over slow start….’ headline might risk a raft of cancelled BBC subscriptions.
And that could spell more trouble for the troubled title…. even worse if they were paid for, of course.
Guest – one or two EU countries agreed with you, and jumped the gun to get as early a start on their vaccinastion programme as possible – especially since the UK had managed to do it weeks ahead of the them – with an EU-supplied vaccine. Even the EU’s publicity-seeking nonsense didn’t stand the test of time.
But hey, from the Beeb, the EU adulation committee knows no bounds. The real story – i.e. there’s no unity in the EU at all, just can’t be a headline for the BBC
Straight lie – as I reported yesterday – Hungary and the krauts started a day earlier than agreed . BBC EU propaganda department alive and lying . Worth a complaint – but I can’t waste that time .
I’ve never actually complained to the BBC, I just tell all my chums what a miserable shower they all are in W1AA, and they all agree!
That’s more of a result than anyone can ever get from the autocue-readers’ paradise!
The choir could black up, as in the Black and White Minstrels from Kings.
I watched the new TV version of ‘Al Creatures Greeat and Small’ last night, and lo and behold – in a story set in the 1930’s, a married couple in the depths of Yorkshire hill farming country, who had been apparently wed 40 years earlier, comprised a white man and a black woman…..
…. and we were treated to a bit of a lecture on racism for good measure. Rreally ? just really ? They can’t keep wokeness out of anything these days.
And I know it’s an ITV presentation this time around, but, like Coronavirus, this wokeness is just mutating in the media far and wide.
Seems they had been booked for Mrs. Brown’s Boys as carol singers for next year’s special.
Triple cancellation fee.
Another stitch up by the looks of it. I’m sure those ‘advisors’ from the FCO (now the FCDO) are well on board, after all they managed to run rings around BoJo when he was Foreign Secretary. As I understand it we are paying into something called ‘Horizon Europe’ for the EU’s multiannual financial framework 2021-2027 and surprise, surprise this now incorporates the European Defence Fund.
QT panel pitches made.
Well, I am surprised!
“Brexit Fury As EU Judges’ Orders To Be Enforceable In UK in Relation To Bloc’s Programmes”
“We’re Out”, “free of the EU Courts”. No we’re not. We are still in tow of the EU big time.
As you Mr. Grace would say… “you’re all doing very well”.
Looking back, with M & M.
“some of the biggest events of 2020 were fuelled by falsehoods, propaganda and conspiracy theories.”
Of which, BBC, you were the prime mover. Congratulations in reducing your following again.
Interestingly (ok, not at all), I watched neither.
Not the BBC – but I’ve been musing on the content of the Reich /UK agreement . I’ve yet to read it but I think we are in the calm after the storm with another coming storm – as it were .
Although I’m self deprived of MSM – I get the feeling that many players on both sides are yet to pronounce on it . I suppose that tedious old ‘curates egg ‘ thing will be used again and again .
But after so much noise and venom from dead politicians and unelected Soros mouthpieces – is there now to be silence ?
Or will feathers fly in Parliament -? -although the way it is a rubber stamp now the speaker might give each MP 2 minutes to say their piece .
The likes of Redwood will be the real test …..
Im guessing its 4 -5 year transition in disguise and the can has just been kicked down the road
Time will tell I guess , when and if we ever get past the kung flu
I assume anyone of a non-white variety will be turning down their new years honours/gongs etc. Surely any other course of action in this era of hysteria would be considered nothing short of the grossest hypocrisy. I won’t be holding my breath.
As for John Edrich, I very much take the point other contributors have made. My better half (who has no interest in cricket) told me of his passing. I thought there was a neat irony in receiving the news this way. This continuing emphasis on skewing the news comes as no surprise and it will only get worse.
As I assume that any black person using their privileged position to get their voice heard nationally banging on about white privilege will resign forthwith and become a bus conductor to prove their point
otherwise they are plainly lying
Of course the Abbot woman is excused, she would struggle with counting out the change and has a habit of drinking on public transport
8:45pm – 11pm repeat again of the doco about the Black Panthers the black nationalist party
Wheeling out the reserves.
BBC’s Nick Bryant looks back on the year “when time seemed to collapse in on itself.
There was a strong body of evidence to suggest that countries run by female leaders handled the crisis more expertly. Angela Merkel’s Germany, Jacinda Ardern’s New Zealand, Tsai Ing-wen’s Taiwan, and Mette Frederiksen’s Denmark.
By contrast, countries governed by presidents and prime ministers who had surfed the populist wave with a macho swagger often did poorly. Donald Trump’s America, Jair Bolsonaro’s Brazil, and Boris Johnson’s Britain. The virus could not be sloganeered away.
Guest, the BBC wouldn’t be suggesting that the Chinese deliberately released the virus to disadvantage those three male leaders (you could also add Modi and Netanyahu to the mix), would they?
Shock! Horror!!
TWoTWee Watch #1 – Is Ed un’appy – he sounds that way?
Prog presented by Ed Stourton. Major chunk of it occupied by the EU Trade Deal. Ed sounded just a little unhappy. Is his EU holiday home going to be less attractive to rent out to friends and colleagues if they need to buy Visas and Health Insurance and International Driving Licences? Will he, the family and the family dog have greater difficulties in getting to stay there themselves?
He seemed quite keen to try and get a string of people to be negative about the deal. I missed the early part of the programme with a Scots contributor, no doubt saying how Boris had blown it and dumped on the UK’s fisherfolk to hurry a deal through. Is that right? Anyone hear that bit?
I did hear a ‘young’ lady from an accountancy firm Ernst & Young who obviously did not know her own firm’s business very well. I hope that she is not involved in running the firm as she appeared to not have a clue about the worldwide practice. Another Dido Harding in the making? She was happy to say what a disaster Brexit and the Trade Deal are.
Didn’t cheer Ed up one jot.
June Sarapong. Someone posted earlier:
Alex Belfield has her measure…………….
I can’t help but agree with all of it. Except – if I may be a little pedantic – you can’t write a blank cheque for 100 million.
During Brexit I complained on a BBC HYS that I found the term Gammon someone had used to be racist and offensive. They rejected my complaint and told me: ‘Calling people gammon is the same as saying ‘green with envy’ or ‘blue with cold’.’
I was actually quite happy they said that because then I could use it in forums like this as an example of what outrageous double-standards they have.
And as for the BBC’s viewing figures so far over Xmas?
Alex Belfield has it sussed. Music to our ears?
I went looking for the ratings for the 3 Vicar of Dibley episodes and mysteriously (or perhaps not) I can’t seem to find them anywhere.
Anyone know what they were ?.
Also Shyan.
And then there was that old dear’s feet.
If Marianna does not get a Pulitzer there is no justice.
Plus… tips!
One for Maz and the guys at BBC SDU.
Sadly inevitable and tragic.
But enough about the BBC sub-reporting.