Free Speech feels under greater threat than ever before . Non ‘approved ‘ thinking or comments can get an entire website removed from easy access . Some think this site is a target for such treatment . It would be good to get ideas from users how the work of the Biased BBC website could continue should enemies of free speech succeed .
Midweek Thread 13 January 2021
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“Coronavirus: Fake news ‘causing BAME people to reject Covid jab'”
The above article informs about what isn’t in the vaccine, maybe the most effective way to win people over would be an article specifying exactly what the vaccine contains.
9am Radio4 It must be hard job being an agent to a BBC black star like Olusoga
… He once went to school with Paul Gascoigne in Gateshead.
oh we are being thread bombed, by YouTube vids about Gasgoine
Well unfortunately one talent does not necessarily mean one is capable in all parts of life, but I think it is important to recognise that white, working class footballers have made a significant contribution to the game that is not always appreciated SG
My point for what it is worth is, if he was of a different race or culture the bbc would have maybe celebrated his contribution
I was there and I saw him in action and it seems there are a few that are lauded, but not him so I posted these so others can judge
(even West Ham and Millwall applauded and that’s saying something)
This guy is among a group I call “Professional Blacks”, wheeled out at any opportunity by the BBC and other MSM to stir up tension and promote the ‘eternal victimhood and oppression of the black communihy’. There must be thousands of historians out there, but gets the gig because of box ticking. Like that race baiter lecturer ITV always have on, Kehinde Andrews.
It’s really good for one person, promoting themselves. I mean Sarpong is thick as mince, but now gets £75k for a part time job. Nice work if you can get it.
Ha. He does have a perpetual smug look doesn’t he?
” I mean Sarpong is thick as mince, “…
Yet, she’s been given an MBE as well ! – although I think that was for ‘services to wig makers”.
10am Women’s Hour : Virginity tests
The blurb doesn’t contain any hint of what kind of community could be wanting them, and what kind of doctors are providing this service.
One voice is from the charity Karma Nirvana
What do they focus on ?
#HonourBasedAbuse #ForcedMarriage
Anjali Raman-Middleton is a 17 year old activist, and one of the founders of Choked Up, a group set up by black and brown teens campaigning for changes to clean air laws.
Anjali went to primary school with Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death. a factor, after a lot of political lobbying
11am Radio4 The Indian sub continent immigration show
“2001: the year everything changed for British South Asians…. imagining of Britain as diverse, open and multicultural, but later that year, there was civil unrest in areas with large numbers of British South Asians, including Oldham, Burnley and Bradford. Racial tensions in Oldham were stoked by the BNP
Their leader Nick Griffin made some electoral gains in the General Election in June. And then a few months later, on September 11th, al-Qaeda attacked the Twin Towers in New York City”
Good job the authorities immediately cracked down on the raping gangs and thus solved those tensions…/sarc
2:15pm cos the BBC don’t do enough to generate hate towards President Trump there is a repeat of the drama that lampoons him.
Part of the series of dramas they ran this week portraying Republicans in a negative light.
Dear me. It’s just predictable…and lazy.
Whoopi’s inciting T-Shirt
– From the TalkRadio video thread where the Daily Star editor gets ratioed for her pogrom against Trump.
They just don’t realise that they’ve become the nasty school bully gang.
Truly vile thing to be proud of wearing.
And she’s applied to be the next Dr Who.
Should fit right in at the BBC. Black. Female. Nasty hypocrite. Nearly every box ticked. Shame she isn’t a lesbian.
A stint at the Beeb should sort that out JohnC….
She would call it a career move !.
Honestly, these idiots living in cuckoo land have no idea that these stupid ‘groupthink-approved’ actions will haunt them for years to come.
“Whoopi’s inciting T-Shirt…”
Have you considered the possibility that spreading around a fake photo of Whoopi Goldberg (quite obviously created to generate hate) makes YOU one of the “school bully gang”?
How did you find that out Maxi ?
What made you suspicious that that image was photoshopped?
“What made you suspicious that that image was photoshopped?”
Erm, (perhaps) because I’m not a gullible idiot?
So how did you find out Maxi ?
Are you just suspicious of that , or are you suspicious of anything else ?
BBC News
Manchester United star Marcus Rashford has written to UK PM Boris Johnson asking him to “fix” the government’s free school meals policy.
Maybe Wendy and Marianna could check…
1) Did Marcus write it, or just sign it?
2) Did it go first to the BBC ‘news’ desk?
3) Was Surkeer and Jez cc’d to be invited in on announcement?
4) Were any actual Civil Servants involved copied in?
5) Was Marcus’ team’s meal provider of preference part of this after the last triumph?
lol, who gives a flying f**k what a football player thinks ?.
They would be labourers having the p1ss taken out them all day for being thick if they hadn’t got the gift to kick a ball.
Four and half million people on NHS waiting lists – sounds as though we’ve got a bit of a pandemic on our hands.
‘Odd one out. Meet the 50-year-old father rejected for a job because he ‘wouldn’t fit in’ with millennial women’ – is the Telegraph rehashing the Dominic Cummings/Carrie Symonds story? Nope, it’s some well-qualified bloke who applied for work with our sainted NHS but they discriminated against him on grounds of age and sex.
If ever there were a measure of just how crap the admin of our health service is then it’s the fact that they must have openly expressed their reasons for not hiring him, consequently opening themselves to his legal challenge.
No surprise then that our freebie, ambulance photo-chasing, Metro complains: ‘Sorry, no beds left’ – this is the story that patients are apparently being wheeled back to ambulances and that there are 4.5 million people now on waiting lists. The latter sounds like a bit of a pandemic to me whilst the former simply suggests NHS business as usual.
I’m now tracking the “R number” which is the ratio of my chance of ever seeing a GP against my chance of being struct by lightning.
Richard Littlejohn knocks our lockdown conundrum nail squarely on the head in the Mail: ‘Plane crazy! You’re nicked for having a coffee – while flights poured in from Brazil’ – and China and Italy, Pakistan, Iran, etc etc… blimey, even the do-it-yourself outboard motor-powered mini Channel ferries have still been welcomed.
‘Mass school covid testing not approved by regulator’ (Guardian) ‘…fears that they gave people false reassurance if they tested negative’ – well we wouldn’t want that, would we? Got to keep the paranoia turned up to eleven.
An old favourite, the female-celeb-angst-story, makes a welcome return in the Telegraph, now with a topical twist: ‘Sophie Ellis-Bextor: As a mother I’ve felt a total failure in lockdown’
Some actual rather than the usual imagined female celeb problems for Katie Price in the Sun: ‘Sad Katie: Why I’m putting Harvey in care. Tough choice on ill son, 18’
‘German vaccinators play the name game’ (Telegraph) – this is a surprisingly un-Germanic tale of the lack of access to personal data forcing regional authorities to guess the age of their population based on their first names. How would that work? Let’s see, your parents named you… Adolf – yes, you’re definitely over 80 years old.
The problem here for the modern Germany is their tight privacy laws. Whereas closer to home: ‘150,000 arrest records wiped in tech blunder. Offenders may go free after software bug deletes fingerprint and DNA files on police computer’ (Times) – chalk this one up to good old-fashioned public sector inefficiency in British police admin.
Individuals can also lose their data: ‘Well, we all have bad days but spare a thought for this wally who accidentally chucked away £230million of Bitcoins on a landfill site’ (Daily Star) – no sympathy there then.
More big tech trouble: ‘BBC warned over digital “Elephants”’ (FT) – this is a quote from the BBC’s new chairman Richard Sharp. Wasn’t that the name of Sean Bean’s character in the Napoleonic drama series Sharpe? Anyway, apparently in this analogy the BBC is the cute little mouse in danger of being crushed by the nasty big elephants of the global media. This is a mess of an analogy since the elephants are metaphorically terrified of the mouse – or is this the subliminal message to boost the flagging morale of BBC staff? Let’s hope Sharp and his BBC will soon meet their Waterloo. This is a mess of an analogy since Waterloo is metaphorically and historically (I mean literarily – since Sharpe is fictional) a victory for the British hero.
Big shout out to Superdrug in Guildford, Surrey, which gets frontpage exposure in the Daily Mirror, Daily Express and the ‘i’. It’s almost as though someone organised a photo op: ‘Chemists join the battle to vaccinate Britain for first time’ (Mirror); ‘Pharmy army of chemists boost vaccine push’ (Metro) – interesting what can be done when the dead hand of the NHS isn’t involved.
Global warming enthusiasts have been out of the news for five minutes – apart from Greta introducing us to her new charity shop find outfits – and that absence may have something to do with: ‘-10 C Big freeze Ice alert and more snow chaos on way’ (Express)
Kate Winslet is raising the temperature somewhat in the Mail: ‘Kate: it felt good to go nude again at 43’ – she has a movie to promote.
The FT devotes almost its entire front page to anti-Brexit-flavoured stories. Attempting to pull a distraction technique of which Paul Daniels might have been proud the FT shows us a pic of a deserted Piccadilly Circus which it links by proximity with a report suggesting: ‘Lost million. Crisis triggers UK exodus’ alongside: ‘Plans to tear up EU worker rights regime put 48-hour week at risk’ and ‘Brexit food shortages spell pain for N Ireland’s Forster’ – firstly, the million plus foreign-born workers have left due to the annihilation of our hospitality and related sectors – due to the government’s reaction to covid. Secondly, I must here and for the record express my loathing for the FT journalese of “spells pain”
I’m surprised you didn’t cover the plight of starving Scottish fishermen who are ‘victims of brexit ‘- according to Ian Fatboy Blackford .
He was in full victim mode at PMQ yesterday demanding the hated English give his starving fisher people compensation for not being able to export to the ReichEU .
It seems that they are unwilling to sell to the hated English and would rather support French seafood restaurants…
Elsewhere the false American president is to announce a $1.9 trillion ‘package ‘,to bribe the electorate into liking him . The press I’ve read on this doesn’t say where the money comes from – guess – ok China . Wheels on the bus ….
I looked up what a trillion is – maybe a million million …
1 000 000 000 000 ….. that buys a lot of votes ….
French seafood restaurants which are, of course, closed throughout the country and have been for weeks, now double reinforced by a 6pm curfew to deter even those few potential customers desperate for some cockles.
If Blackford were not such a model of probity, you might almost think the mass export of fresh crabs and lobsters to a market that is known to be unable and unwilling to accept them could be contrived to add fuel to their anti-Brexit maunderings.
Luckily the SNP are above such petty embarrassments.
AISI, well done – an excellent review!
AISI, I think your point about the “Regulator” not wanting tests for school kids is revealing in why it should be so..
They realise that if the result was that the overwhelming majority of school kids were clear it would weaken the grip that these unelected people currently have on the Nation.
Therefore in the now very fashionable way of dealing with anything that challenges your mantra, they shout “Cancel, it’s dangerous nonsense. don’t talk about it.”
Every passing day I become more convinced that we are going through the biggest ever confidence trick played on our citizens in the history of the planet. This takes planning and effort to pull off at a very high level. I would start by looking at the WHO and the UN.
“… the biggest ever confidence trick…”
What I am afraid of is that it will never be exposed.
We have repeatedly ‘saved’ the NHS as instructed but it still cannot cope.
It is top-heavy, mismanaged to the point of fraud and not fit for purpose.
(Sounds rather like the EU and our BBC).
Absolutely spot-on. How I would love to see that plastered on advertising hoardings across the UK!
Absolutely spot-on. How I would love to see that plastered on advertising hoardings across the UK!
I see the BBC are making a big thing about certain groups not wanting the vaccine because someone told them it contains meat or pork.
They’ve worded it like that to ‘generalise’ it – but I suspect 99.9% of those in the UK refusing will be because of pork.
Here’s an idea : come out of the stone-age and join the civilised world.
The cat will be celebrating after the last bloody noise at Diwali
Will it be licking your a++e?
“Can we have some council money for our Manchester Muslim Cultural festival ?”
Sure, how long is it ?
“Just 5 months”
“The annual Muslim Arts and Culture Festival – or MACFest as it’s known for short – has unveiled the initial line up for its five-month long 2021 celebration, aiming to take viewers on a voyage of arts and culture via a wide array of digital panels, talks and events.”
If you don’t like that you can go online to the Manchester Science Festival in February
where the theme is
…guess what ?
Global Warming
Got my ticket
“Is Capitalism Compatible with Environmentalism?
Friday 26 February 2021”
Don’t laugh your tax money funds this stuff
Oh goodie it’s fronted by John Snow
and the woman paid by the Grantham
the big green hedgefund man
I see our site is experiencing ‘diversity of subject matter ‘- so here is a ‘cut and pates ‘ report from the DT about the new BBC head appearing before the MP DCMS committee yesterday ..
As a man will plenty of things to worry about the Director General of the BBC, Tim Davie, can this evening cross at least one thing off his list; he’s not going to have any problems with the Corporation’s likely new Chairman. Richard Sharp, the chairman-designate, was up in front of the Digital, Media Culture and Sports select committee. And if you think that sounds like a daunting prospect, it wasn’t.
Because, as it turns out, Mr Sharp is going to be very much a “continuity chairman” – a man who really isn’t going to rock the boat. Which put him very much in sync with the committee – but not most of the BBC’s critics.
More of that later, but first to the substance of what we learnt. First Mr Sharp is just that – sharp. Talk about nominative determinism. He was way too light on his feet for the not very formidable MPs who comprise the DCMS committee. When faced with a tricky question – and in nearly two hours of questioning it wasn’t often – he had the neat trick of turning most of them back on the questioner simply by asking them what they meant. Confusion ensued.
Secondly we learnt that Mr Sharp has a vision of the BBC wrapped in the golden glow of fond memory; he remembers Listen with Mother and Andy Pandy, he loved Tomorrow’s World and, of course, he’s a fan of David Attenborough. But what about all those mean critics who keep saying that the BBC is biased and it’s doctrine of “impartiality” is now just a pious, but meaningless formula?
Well, Mr Sharp begs to differ. Tasked about this he started to waffle about how each side suffers from confirmation bias and then came out with the startling statement that the BBC’s Brexit coverage was “not biased” and in fact was “incredibly balanced”. Even more surprisingly he said all this was proved by “academic studies” which had shown the BBC’s coverage to be unbiased.
I can guess exactly from which closely BBC-aligned academic institutions those studies came from. And I could also point him in the direction of rigorous analysis done by News-Watch UK showing, conclusively, that there was a massive, consistent and overt bias over decades towards the pro-EU side.
The next thorny subject, briskly disposed of, was whether Mr Sharp thinks non-payment of the license fee should be decriminalised. “I’m not in favour of that,” he said. What about alternatives to the license fee? The license fee was, he said, “the least-worst option” and when gently pressed the only alternative he mentioned was a “household tax” as used by the Germans.
Readers should note that said tax would exacerbate the existing problem; at the moment you can at least escape the licence fee if you don’t have a telly. A “household tax” closes off even that small loophole. How they must have cheered in the D-G’s office as they watched the new man go through the hoops; he really is One of Us!
At one point the committee chairman, Julian Knight, was moved to comment “meet the new boss – same as the old boss” and that just about sums it up. Mr Sharp is a true conservative in that he apparently sees no reason to change anything much. Except – and here he really did find favour with the committee – on the question of “diversity”.
With his hooded eyes, sharp intelligence and unemphatic delivery, Mr Sharp is the enemy of animation. But he got quite stirred up about the burning injustice of women’s pay in the corporation. Something, he made clear he simply would not tolerate; so that should satisfy all those critics out there.
He did make a nod towards the need to combat “group-think” and the need for diversity to cover a range of areas. He also acknowledged that “Question Time seemed to have more Remainers than Brexiteers”. But if he considers the BBC to have been “incredibly balanced” on Brexit there can be little hope that he’ll recognise failings elsewhere.
What else did we learn about the new Chairman? That he’s an Arsenal supporter (why is that so predictable?); that his early years were spent in Wales and that he’s immensely rich. So rich in fact that the salary that goes with the post -£150,000 – will go straight to charity.
The chippy SNP MP John Nicolson decided there were points to be scored about Mr Sharp’s charitable giving. Was it true that he’d given £400,000 to the wicked English Tories? Sharp confirmed that this was so but then added that this sum covered a period of 20 years and that his donations to other charities “dwarfed what I have given to the Conservative Party”. Truly a paragon.
And what is more, a true believer in public service broadcasting which – in a closing encomium to the Corporation – he said he sees as a standard bearer of honesty in a wicked world. As befits an ex-Goldman Sachs director, Mr Sharp conceded that he was “familiar with capitalism” (something of an understatement one might think ) and that was why he understood what, uniquely, the public sector can bring to broadcasting – nothing less than “the truth”.
And that’s why, he said, the BBC is the most trusted news source… in the USA! It’s surprising, isn’t it, how one so steeped in the ways of the world can manage to be so stupendously naive about the organisation he will shortly be leading? A few weeks ago an opinion poll found that nearly half the population feels that the BBC doesn’t represent their values; I think we can be pretty sure Richard Sharp is in the other half.
His elevation means that all those worried remainery types can rest easy in their beds tonight: in Richard Sharp they will have a doughty defender of the status quo.ENDS
some times when you step back from the UK and witness how an overpaid banker can afford to give £400 k to a political party – then get a job like top Jonnie at the BBC and thence the statutory peerage … one wonders how such corruption is accepted . Perhaps the right schools and right accent is enough ….?
Just re read the above – I’d missed the fact that the new B`b`c chairman will donate his £150k salary ( I think bankers call wages “compensation “) to “charidee”… me being jaded and fedup … i immediately thought – charity = Tory party . Boom .
What’s the point in taking a taxpayer funded big salary and then donating it to charity ?
Isn’t it more efficient not to take it in the first place ?
I bet Mr Sharp doesn’t actually listen or watch the BBC’s output.
The class of people that get these jobs are often ‘driven’ in what they do, ‘networking’, travelling, making money.
Under the old ‘normal’ our MPs, who nominally run things, would be sitting ‘in the house’ when the ‘plebs’ are sitting at home.
Listen With Mother and Andy Pandy are probably the last BBC programmes that he heard and saw!
My impression was that some of Sharp’s comments yesterday were borderline deranged. However, he did opine that at 43p per day the BBC was ‘good value’. Right, so should be no problem repositioning it as a subscription service at £12.99 a month (approximately 30 x 43p) then, should there, for those who wish to watch it?
Two comments from Alan Sked @profsked
New BBC boss Sharp says with the exception of Question Time BBC coverage of Brexit was ‘exceptionally balanced’. He’s clearly ‘exceptionally stupid.’ He says the best way to combat metropolitan group think is to have an incredibly ‘diverse’ group making decisions. Is he joking?
New BBC Chairman says that license fee is the least worse option and that the BBC wasn’t that biased against Brexit. In other words the Establishment has got its way again. Defund the BBC!
I’m going with the ‘exceptionally stupid’ option.
The new chairman doesn’t look to be a reformer
Doesn’t look to be based in reality
if all he can complain about is bias in Question Time guests
Peter Whittle 24 hours ago
BTW there is gold in his twitter feed follow him
“Incredibly balanced” Brexit coverage. At least he had the grace to say “incredibly”.
Another odd disconnect for all at the BBC from Lurch to Marianna.
Two views, based possibly on who reads, and believes what.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I am starting to get very uncomfortable about the numbers
We are getting more and more clues that in the UK at least, the statistics are becoming … ahem….. very variable. The BBC haven’t posted the latest figures from ONS, NRS and NISRA here: They are normally updated daily in the early evening.
And now we learn that the appearing and all important, then the disappearing and not at all important, R-rate is down to 0.6 across much of the country. Not courtesy of the BBC but thanks to the Daily Mail of all sources!
This lack of rigour – on which public policy and economic & future public health ruination are based – makes me deeply uncomfortable. How can the Government, any future Government, cope with any future epidemic or pandemic if there is no rigour, no consistency, in the statistic gathering?
Haven’t they said, they can’t publish all the statistics because of the overrunning of services by the surge in “cases”?
Perhaps the truth is there arnt many people in these important state departments actually doing something – and that they live in a permanent state of panic / sleep whilst the majority sit at home ‘isolating ‘
I will go off on one once again about how we are deserving of detailed numbers on vaccinations , infections – deaths et al in payment for obeying lockdown rules – but I think that ‘deal’ isn’t worth the paper it is not written on.
Agree with you there, Fed, but they are truly important for Government also, assuming – it maybe a big ask – that there are the brains in Cabinet able to make use of the numbers. We have reached a stage of dumbing down and the finger of suspicion is pointing at the teaching sector.
There is a shuffling off of responsibility in Westminster and Whitehall because of the ‘gotcha behaviour’ of the MSM in general and our BBC in particular.
Don’t want to worry anyone on here but can we, will we, ever recover from the slough of melting snow(flakes)? Maybe not. However, we can get hungry and hungrier for change. Matthew chapter five, verse six. 🙂
Up2- let’s face it – the snowflake / woke mentality is a product of the liberal 60s and 70s and isn’t reversible ( in current circumstances ) . It is more a matter of pushing back on it – which is a tough gig as so many go with the flow .
Welfare dependency and blame culture / full time victimhood are also pretty potent drugs which – once in the national blood stream – is difficult to be weaned off – but an effort must be made .
Yes, Fed that’s right again. It will be a task that Sisyphus would have given up on. Will our Classics loving PM take it on?
Well, we can but hope …. 🙂
Bring back National Service.
That’ll sort the Men from the Non Binary’s.
TOADY Watch #1 – and a general BBC thing
The BBC keep refering to the present Lockdown as #3 and did so on the TOADY prog this a.m.. I thought that Lockdown 3 was before Christmas and that we are now in Lockdown 4. Is this another example of FakeNews or a subtle bit more of the ‘BBC gaslighting’ that our Stew Green observed recently?
The list appears to be:
Lockdown 1 – 24 March last year
Lockdown 2 – summer 2020 for Leicester, Manchester and parts of the north-east of England.
Lockdown 3 – pre-Christmas introduction of Tiers to England* with some moved to Tier4 Lockdown
Lockdown 4 – post Christmas 2020 moving of most of England into Tier 4.
*For the other home nations the count may be different.
The gaslighting comes in with the way some tier regulations are more stringent that actual lockdown
eg garden centres are open now
BBC say they are counting National lockdowns
so regional ones are not included.
National Lockdowns has always been wrong .. it’s lazy and stupid
instead of smart and targetted.
They’ll be remote villages that have been greatly harmed where their Covid risk was absolutely minimal.
Full Timeline
Thanks, Stew. That was the obvious other conclusion to draw – “BBC say they are counting National lockdowns so regional ones are not included.” – but the BBC do like to get wobbly with their facts as here:
Guido : West Midlands PCC seems to have appointed a tick box professional committee member to deputy
and then he’s started diverting money from female victims to Hate Crime measures
Guido commenters top comment shows Orwellian moderation isn’t working.
“Waheed Saleem probably has a different cultural understanding of domestic abvse”
Andrew Montford at Conservative Woman on what happens when the wind doesn’t blow in the winter:
Bear in mind that the government wants us to move to using electricity to power our cars and heat our homes – or maybe just their cars and homes by using ‘smart meter’ technology. The rest of us stay at home, like now, but without the internet.
Just in case anyone is confused by big numbers, at peak ‘no wind’ National Grid was buying electricity at £4 per unit.
That’s the wholesale price if you like, imagine what the retail price to you and I will be!
BBC standard ????
When media gaslighting is so huge
I worry that we waste time with such silly distractions.
‘we stole your world, .. here’s a thing to giggle at’
“CNN mocked for reporting Democrat senator Ted Lieu grabbed a crowbar amid Capitol riot
— it was actually an energy bar”
First from bully gang “Yeh, like CNN corrects stuff, not like ,#OrangeManBad and Fox”
Second a bully gang member twisted
and tweeted this 4 times
BBC groupthink . Although not sure a 80 seat majority in a democratic vote is a coup ????
Projection is libmob characteristic
Here’s an idea for you Ms Gargoyle, how about your beloved Labour party actually try to win over a few million voters with some kind of sensible policies and put forward a credible candidate for PM, in fact, something (anything) which could plausibly be considered an ‘opposition party’ with a cat’s chance in hell of getting elected?
Because, quite frankly, at the moment all I (and the majority of voters in the UK, it would seem) are seeing and hearing is a basket load of the most dysfunctional, hopeless, loonies and nutjobs, proposing idiotic, knee-jerk, PC nonsense, and policies which sound downright dangerous to the longterm wellbeing of this country.
That’s why we all voted for a man ‘in a blond wig and a mask of buffoonery’… call it a ‘coup’ if you want, I’d call it an iota of commonsense and self-preservation.
Big bother – as you mention the Labour Party – the BBC got all breathless about the leader of the Scots Labour Party resigning yesterday – obviously this came as a big shock because no one knew there was a Scottish Labour Party .
But was there dirt? Or other reasons for this tragedy ? I understand said Labour chap was a full ‘comrade ‘ so is that the reason ? …
As that lady ages she really does get even more of a fruit loop – but performs the clown function always needed and is a good replacement for that remainer traitor who used to entertain us – Soubry ?….
Margolyes illustrates just how far left the left has become, Boris and the current conservative party right wing? Give me a break.
It is beyond parody that this truly disgusting and degenerate person is regarded as a ‘national treasure’.
Is she really?
Well, that’s what the BBC tell us – so it must be true.
Capitol : John Sullivan the patient zero of the
rioteventThread makes a number of claims
some I expect are overstated
: The FBI has arrested #BlackLivesMatter self-described anti-fascist John Sullivan for leading the charge during the insurrection at the Capitol
This Politifact denial was published before people found the extra video
and before the guy was charged with I think incitement
(It’ll all come out in time)
It’s a worry that Facebook uses such denials as a reason to delete discussions.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if the Democrats just handed Trump a national stage with they cannot censor to demonstrate the falsehoods they’ve been promoting?
I’m not so sure . When the democrats fail – eg rising interest rates ‘ inflation rates they’ll need someone to focus their hate and blame on . I also saw that Biden has put Bernie sanders in charge of a senate finance committee . Can you imaging Corbyn or Diane abbot being in charge of the UK treasury committee ? I’d die from a pop corn overdose …
World at one watch
Lots of good news – accelerating vaccination rates – as well as lots of people leaving the country – some stats bloke reckons as many at 700 000 have left London . Eddie Sturton wasn’t sure whether this was good or bad . But as a Londoner I have to say ‘great news “ …..
New video from Peter Whittle
Stew – yes I will follow – but I now have a rule to visit Twitter once a day and whilst doing so blocking at least 10 advertisers – a small protest about being censored .
click over the YouTube link and it will open in youTube
without opening up Twitter
MMM against statues
Misrepresent/ Mis-Label/ Marginalise
Lockdowns are no better than voluntary measures, one proper study shows.
BBC front page now publishing proof for why we should never have left the EU.
We are going to have all sorts of problems trying to export Marks and Spencer Percy Pig sweets to Ireland now…
They have a full page on this story linked from their home page!
We are all doomed!
They must have people working full time to dig out nuggets like these to try to scare us with and they are obviously oblivious to the fact that most people will see right through this political bullcrap.
Even more ludicrously they have filed it under “Reality Check”…
digg, I note that in that article, the BBC mention 50 pages of the Trade Deal as though that is far too much for anyone to be regulated by.
Funny thing but when the BBC and its favoured sons and daughters get on their collective high horse about chlorine-washed chicken and you make mention of the high standards demanded by the 600 page (IIRC) US Food and Drug Administration rules they do not want to know.
Funny that. One form of rule (ie. EU diktat from Brussels) is acceptable but US F&DA is not.
Hhmmmmnnnn . . …….
Radio2 Steve Shite In the Afternoon just had Jeremy Vine on doing a ‘funny snippet of an abba song’….
He is certifiable.
Found a gem to watch on Netflix – not the sort of stuff that blokes watch though. Set in the 50’s in Madrid, story of a fashion house/store (of course with subs), but the music, and the fashion is a joy, and oh I forgot how good the ‘Italian’ style shiny and well fitted 3 piece suit looks on a fella. And yes – most of all no wokeness or diversity !!!
May I recommend Lucifer, all I’ll say is phwoar.
Forgot to give you the title, its ‘Velvet’. Dive in.
If this has been discussed, apologies.
But I see all the ‘top’ chefs are jumping on the Rashford bandwagon., and how ‘Marcus’ has surrounded himself with a fantastic team. Oh please. Funny how they’ve all crept out of the woodwork now, so where were they 18 months ago.
Now they’re talking about how to help people cook ! FFS there have been more cookery programmes on the box than anything else, but its not going to help those who live on KFC and pizzas every night.
No sympathy from me. You cant afford to feed kids don’t have them. Simples.
Save a piece of history (and annoy the Nelson haters at the bBC).
The BBC reports ‘ people of a South Asian heritage “ are less likely to have the covid vaccine than whitee – being 57 % against 79% because of the pork or beef content of said vaccine .
The mind boggles …. it can only be a matter of time before ‘personation ‘ cases come along in the same way elections are corrupted …
If Orthodox Jews in Israel have had the vaccine there is no pork product in it. And any beef content would have had to come from kosher animals and Orthodox Jews would have been told to wait 6 hours before consuming anything with milk. I have heard of neither. Perhaps the BBC fact checkers could do something useful and get on the case.
Deborah – I think the point is that these characters are willing to believe such things – the problem being that they are likely to spread the virus because of their tendency to practice third world levels of hygiene …
I wonder when `Israel will be ‘done ‘ and perhaps can help us out after ….
Back to the briefing
I’ve just realised that Boris never answered the journo question about people going to vax centres at the end of the day to get ‘left overs ‘ which seems to becoming commonly reported …
Blimey, it’s like the Indian mutiny all over again.
The TA AXE THE TAX Survey results are in, some of us completed.
Question 1: Does the BBC TV license offer a good value for money..
Yes: 7.8%
No: 89.2%
Don’t Know: 2.9%
And you can guess the survey response to all the other 5 question!
Todays newsletter gives up and update on the campaign. Its worth supporting the TPA, the BBC are just the tip of the iceberg to the way some Councils, some public bodies, and some Broadcasters waste our money. For them its a non-stop lottery of financial abuse.
News update:
EU vaccine production hits delays….
BBC report EU top dog Von De Leyden says “it’s very good Pfizer in Belgium are working to reduce the delay.”
Imagine if this was going on in the UK right now what the BBC headline would be!!! No doubt calling for Boris’s head on a pike.
Update!!! BBC just pulled the VDL statement from the ticker spookily…..
Update …. the BBC VDL statement has vanished, I expect the whole Pfizer story to vanish pretty soon too.
“Technical issue resolved after ‘150,000 police records lost”
Someone has dropped a Clanger.
That’s arrest records of arrested but non-charged people
Since they haven’t be judged guilty
the records by law get deleted a certain time after charges are not brought.
Maybe Mike Wendy could get Rupa Huq in to help Marianna not fact check this?
Actually what BBC American BS decide by way of coverage, given…. facts… will be interesting.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – a great example!
This is a great example of the disinformation that I wrote about yesterday evening.
Can you spot it?
Or…. is it Memorex?
Guest … ? ….
CLUE: It’s in the first para and is repeated at the end of the article.
Another clue: I thought BBC expertise was mostly wikid.
Think you got it, Guest. Well done. No prize though. The BBC needs the copy of Grey’s Anatomy or the Readers Digest Book of Home Health more than you do.
My mind is boggled by the fact that that rubbish came from the BBC’s Health Editor!
Covid briefings
Shamefully both the BBC and ITV went for gotcha questions – in the form of – shouldn’t you have done something before ? – which I submit is of no real value .
The Bloke from LBC asked about the number of vaccines available in coming weeks ( blimey – a real question of value ) .. the PM fobbed this one off but no numbers except a target of 15 million vaccinated by 15 February …
Fed, I get an uncomfortable feeling that the Government are now playing games with the MSM in general and the BBC in particular, all the while ‘we’ suffer.
All travel corridors to the UK close at 0400 Monday – I think the weekend press will have some sick sport showing Britons and others desperately trying to get flights back to blighty ….
… and those of us who watch the international arrivals will be busy ….
Fed, it’s only a Friday, therefore Doris has a whole weekend of Princess Nut Nuts in his ear.
Expect a change in approach to air travel by mid day Monday…..
That said she’s a green environmentalist, so perhaps banning air travel is her idea.
Having been on the receiving end of outgoing documentation – temp tests on arrival overseas – incoming documentation , 14 day house arrest , 10 day house arrests and phone calls from the NHS and a physical visit by plod who checked my ID in my own home – I say too little too late as far as closing corridors is concerned –
Or – as some sick person said on the Twitter
‘Closing the door after the hearse has bolted’ ….
The closure should come in 0400 Saturday – but I suppose IAG et al can charge x10 for single tickets to blighty …..
I assume arrivals by dinghy are exempt.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #3 – the competition must be intense
The PR Agency has scored a hit with this one and their client has free advertising. Free advertising, any advertising – on the BBC? Surely not!
Whats the betting next week turns into ‘Covid Crisis’ week worldwide…..folllowed by a universal lightbulb moment that lockdowns don’t work and are unneccessary……..the current theatre is pathetic.
Think the PM promised a review of the present restrictions for 3 February, s_p
I saw an excellent documentary on “Talking Pictures” about the Covent Garden fruit market, made in 1957 by Lindsay Anderson.
I am worried though, because amongst all the cheerful and hard working Londoners at the market, I did not see any diversity. None at all.
Yet whenever I see a BBC programme set in the 19th Century or earlier, even back to the Norman Conquest, there are always many black people to be seen. How come they had all disappeared by 1957? Were they all blitzed?
Who should I believe , the BBC or my lying eyes?
Yes, diversity skipped a few generations, apparently. Anyway, it’s back now, and, we hope, for good, so all’s well!
Hungary is ignoring an EU court ruling on asylum, issued last month, according to a rights NGO
– and has since pushed over 2,300 people back over its border into Serbia.