(1) Is or isn’t the Insurrection Act in force?
(2) Where is Adam Schiff?
(3) Who else is missing?
(4) Have all the new releases of information come from the FBI?
(5) Is it timed because the FBI did not know that Trump had copies of these files?
(6) What’s next?
(7) If its under Trump, how can the National Guard protect the Swamp from Army intelligence units arresting the Swamp in the Capitol Building?
(8) Is the big secret being withheld until the last moment due to workload and timing issues?
(9) What is the big secret?
(10) Where did it come from?
And what isn’t being broadcast is the release of documents relating to the fake Trump-Russia 2016 election collusion.
“Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday released a slew of additional documents and transcripts related to his panel’s investigation into the origins and aftermath of the Trump-Russia probe, calling the original probe “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ.”
Sly News beauty Sophie currently interviewing James Comey and discussing truth in politics. Will she ask him about his censure regarding his conduct of the fake Trump-Russia collusion investigation?
TR presenter Mike Graham said the other day they he couldn’t understand Twitter censorship
and that when he got death threats and complained to Twitter
the reply was “This tweet did not break our terms of use”.
He says “Twitter isn’t a very nice place mate. I get death threats every day. ”
Tucker’s show :
Seems one good way to avoid the slings and arrows of journalism and colleagues’ fake news backfiring daily is not to be a supposed journalist with a rather mixed attitude to attention and even more selective one to who one targets. Or not.
What would be perfect is Jon, Jez, Lewis and The Newsnight Greek Dish riding in like the four weasels of the Poxalypse to defend their Princess.
As they do others like JHB, Priti, etc, though these ladies seem to get on with their jobs rather than obsess constantly and publicly that the mean girls didn’t send an invite to be prom Queen.
Guest – I’ve only heard of this lady through this site . The idea of anyone on the BB`c payroll being a ‘fact checker ‘ is a joke . I understand she is about 24? Years old – and in my view – someone either set her up to be on the receiving end of abuse ( which it seems she can’t handle ) or was so naive as to think she’d be okay and ‘respected ‘.
Perhaps the BBC has duty of care to protect her by giving her a more fitting job – perhaps on CBBC doing jackanory stories ….
‘Set up’ sounds right. Nothing about her role on this daft department passes the smell test.
All proper journalists should function as providers of accurate information and exposers of misinformation.
It is telling that out of 20,000 staff the BBC have only recently created a team of three rubes to in theory do this, and so far with astounding ineptitude.
Perhaps if she stuck to reporting and leaving it to an editor to decide whether to publish her stories on the website, perhaps with no by line, then she would have a quiet life?
Instead it seems she posts to Twitter writing puff pieces about herself, like a white, female Amol Rajan, complete with ‘selfie’.
Probably more about self-promotion, (like Rajan), in which case she is ‘asking for it’.
In the past reporters got their work in print and if it was any good people in the industry made enquiries and bingo, new job offer!
We can now see that for some they are the story and these people just aren’t worth reading.
Stew – I guess the democrats will use the ‘threat ‘ to explain why only a bloke and his dog turn up to the false presidents’ coronation – and no parades or ‘dos ‘ in the evening ….
They can put sleepy joe back in his box in the bunker and get on with killing Donald trump …. which will be the main manifesto promise for the next 4 years …
Lockdown crusader Dan Hodges was on TalkRadio Friday ‘Covid is a bigger killer than the blitz’ he shouted
More people have probably been killed by coronavirus than were killed during the Blitz He portrayed everyone who doesn’t want more lockdown, as a person that denies Covid kills people or harm the NHS
Mike’s big counter argument was if lockdowns worked, it would be all over already
Rather you have to accept living with Covid and meanwhile get on with earning money that will fund the NHS
Hodges seemed emotion driven and didn’t even mention deaths caused by lockdowns like cancelled cancer care.
His focussing on Raw Death tallies is naive,
as it equates 1 death of an octangenarian with 1 death of a 40 year old cancer patient;
rather impacts should be counted in Life Years lost QALYs
One would find that war deaths shorten people’s lives by decades
& Covid by months.
( BTW 2020 deaths are rather high at 608K estimated, but even to look at trends one would need to adjust for population size
Since the human death rate is 100%, there will be less deaths in the coming decades overall as you can’t die twice.
So the overall decade tally will be normal
However some deaths in 2021/2022 will be deaths brought forward due to lockdown effects like delayed cancer care. )
Oops time ran out by the time I made the smaller image
I know I recklessly showed you the first tweet
but can you please NOT take it as a signal to buy a gun, break the travel ban to the US and confront 20,000 troops on your own
I wonder what the coronation of the false president is going to look like ? Will it be bussed faithful ? A carefully orchestrated multicultural love fest of adoring fans? Or will he just be surrounded by khaki snipers all wearing reflective sunglasses thinking they are in a Hollywood movie ?
In any even the combined MSM will worship and ensure the young dynamic character of mr Biden will be to the fore…. but I bet they won’t show him indecently assaulting any young girls ….
The point being made, correctly, is that there have been 4 years of online and real-world violence against conservatives and Trump that Big Tech had no problem with at all, yet now they’re coming down hard on often imaginary or trumped-up threats of violence from the right. The bias and hypocrisy are staggering, and hopefully there will be a backlash against them.
If any of you are missing parler, there’s a similar site which I’ve just joined that you will probably like.
It’s called Gab
I don’t know how long Apple, Amazon and the like will allow it to exist as it isn’t far left but it’s currently up and running.
My user name on there is HoraceBachelor (which I’ll bet some of you will remember from the early 60’s)
Just out of interest, some other names I use in various other forums are:
Charley Farley (On a football forum, not606 Sunderland)
Jimmy Riddle
‘Stay safe’ means follow the rules we give you.
Once you get used to doing it, you will tend to follow other rules more readily.
The trick is to diverge the rules gradually from common sense until the rule replaces it.
Only some will succumb. They will stay on twitter. Everyone else will keep a sharpened pitchfork under their pillow ready for buckaroo.
The sergeant from Hill Street Blues finished his daily briefing with “be careful out there” sometimes “stay safe out there”.
It was a very good series.
To take it even more off-topic, I’ve recently been watching ‘The Rockford Files’ which became available for download in good quality.
I never liked it as a child, but now I’m really enjoying it.
No Left-Wing agenda at all. Just a TV show trying it’s hardest to entertain you. And it’s amazing how often people try to tail you when you are a PI – but Jimbo always spots them. Car chase follows.
I also notice it has plenty of minorities and different types of people. And they are all in situations which reflect everyday life so it all feels totally natural.
Sure it’s dated, but what a breath of fresh air after all the utter PC tripe they are churning out today.
I saw the writing on the wall two years ago when I was banned for life off twitter. I mistakenly thought that if people on the left could dish it out then they could have some back. We all know how that works now. Twitter now has the cheek to moan that all social media has been suspended before the election in Uganda. The reason the Ugandans gave was they didn’t like they way twitter and Facebook behaved in the US election. The beginning of the end me thinks
Hope not Hate. I think Twitter censors anyone who says “I hope Trump wins and I hate Biden”. But not “I hope Biden wins and I hate Trump”.
Also like the John Cleese episode banned by the BBC. Don’t mention “Election fraud”. I did once but I think I got away with it.
And if the evidence is to complex for a judge, the bent judge will let you waste four years in court, if you say, without any evidence, that Russia did it.
“Freedom of speech doesn’t equate to a right to defame.”
I agree. However what the likes of Bellfield do is to threaten people with financial ruin in order to make them shut up. In my opinion he’s a bully and a truly, nasty, little man.
You may, of course, disagree; but (if you’ve got time) read the link I’ve provided and then decide what you think.
What he appears to me to be doing is using a well established legal principle to pursue someone who he feels has defamed him by using his platform as a bbc employee to say things that are untrue and damaging to his reputation.
To be successful he will have to convince the court that this was the case.
If he manages to do so then the court will award appropriate damages.
If the defendant ends up financially ruined then so be it, hopefully it will be lesson learned and will discourage others who think they are untouchable because of their bbc employee status.
But of course it’s fine when it’s done to people like Farage and Trump. How many people have been taken offline because of what they said about those two do you think ?.
Hypocrisy on a massive scale.
Covid : I reckon new cases might becoming from people think a mask is a magic solution and staying talking with someone 25+ minutes
Radio story on Friday two mask wearing teachers talked to each other in a corridor and one caught it off the other
#1 I believe that if you stop and talk to someone you don’t get a viral dose if you are only there 5 minutes
but a mask might give you the over confidence to talk for 25 minutes
and you do pick up a viral dose.
#2 Of course the second teacher might have caught it another time or another way got some phlegm on his hand somehow and touched his noses/eyes.
A Danish study used the scientific method to prove that masks do not work.
One example of why. People wearing Glasses complain of them steaming up when wearing a mask. Wearing a mask without pumping the air through the mask means almost all of the breath escapes from the sides, blowing viruses back into the eyes.
You would need a Gasmask with two 50 nanometre filters. One with an electric fan pumping air in, and another with air being pumped out. But with skin breathing, even that may not work if you are not wearing a full body enclosed Gas mask.
I recommend going to the supermarket in a Hazmat suit.
maxi, you would not know false if it bit your behind. If masks work, why are church congregants made to wear them but are not allowed to sing despite being socially distanced?
The reason other studies say masks work is because they assume all the air expelled by the breath is filtered by the mask.
So this study is the only one which uses the scientific method of practical use by the wearer.
I presume that a 50 nanometre mask that would guarantee a barrier to the virus would also present a barrier to the air. How much? The Danish study proves that other studies have not taken this into account.
It also indicates that what is assumed to be a better mask, will present a bigger barrier to the passage of air.
My guess with the mask I wear is that only ten percent of the air passes through the mask.
Piku – both you and maxi are most eager to link to a BMJ editorial – which is an opinion by the – editor of the BMJ -KamranAbbasi – which is not absolute one way or another .
To the trolls turning up on this site just to pick arguments – if you do not have anything to say about the BBC such as evidencing its lack of bias in relation to – say brexit – the EU -president Trump – voting fraud – green issues -as a few examples – please go away and find somewhere more suitable to practice your trade.
@Fed Thanks for explaining that
I do the detest the way some people especially trolls just post a link as a kind of gotcha and then stand there with their hands on their hips, forcing us to open up the link and end up down a rabbit hole.
If the posters don’t explain properly what the link says I usually don’t bother wasting my time.
‘BBC’s anti-bias boss: Senior executive is paid £325,000 a year to monitor whether the Corporation is impartial’.
Wow – £325k – that is a lot of impartiality . Apparently there is going to be groupthink at the BBC about how to conceal groupthink – such as not being honest on Twitter or reciting the lie about leaving personal views at the door of the studio .
That old line about putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t stop it from being a pig is really so simple and so true with regard to the BBC .
Guest Who – I’m glad someone is sticking to the subject of the Biased BBC – by the looks of the nights ‘ ‘chat’ it was been a troll diversion tactic of arguing about anything else except the BBC …..
When I saw that this character is on £375 k a year I felt like selling my principles and asking the BBC for a job …..
Online there’s a report with two graphs. One is very scary-looking showing that 2020 has the highest percentage increase in excess deaths since WWII (when comparing with the previous 5 years.)
The other graph is far less scary showing that, when you take into account population and age, death rates for 2020 are around 2010 levels.
Fast forward to Wednesday evening’s News at 10 (sorry, can’t find the link) and guess which graph Hugh Pym decides to show in his report? The scary one! There was also a big contrast between Pym’s scary report and Nick Triggle’s more balanced analysis from the online report.
I suspect this happens a lot. The TV report, which is probably far more widely seen and far more influential, leans towards the emotional and dramatic aspects of a story. That’s the narrative they want to push. And the less dramatic written report allows the Beeb to say ‘we covered all sides of the story’.
The difference between TV and written reporting is only partly down to the differences between the two media. I think it also reveals the reporting bias.
Maybe the new impartiality imparter of wisdom will, for his massive wonga, notice what savvy posters have laid out clearly, for free.
Guest Who
I think the Hugh Hugh Pym is worried about being replaced by someone less white less male and less old . ….so has to outdo the BBC party line group think by doing things like asking frankly stupid ‘gotcha’ questions at PM briefings .
He did one the other day – what did he think the response would be ?” Yes Hugh as PM I screwed up and left the country wide open to new infections at airports “ .
I noticed too – that the BBC is still emphasising the number of infections and deaths without much reference to numbers of vaccinations each day – which i estimate is more than 250k ….
Are Covid patients getting younger? The senior doctor who writes regularly for Lockdown Sceptics has taken a look at the data and thinks not.
1. On December 31st, a nurse at King’s College Hospital gave an interview to Adrian Chiles on Radio 5 live in which she said there were many more children affected by COVID-19 in the winter compared to the spring. She said there was a “whole ward” of sick children in her hospital and many of her colleagues in other trusts had the same problem.
2. An ICU consultant at Queen Mary University, London has said there are more younger people in ICU with COVID-19 compared to the spring.
3. In an interview on Sky TV, a doctor from the Royal Surrey county hospital said that the patients with COVID-19 were sicker and younger in the winter than in the spring.
The phrase still conjours something rather British, nostalgic notions of a restbite from the working week, relaxation and reassurance.
Statesmanlike commentators in the broadsheets discussing the grand political issues of the day. The cheeky tabloids taking a guilty pleasure in the libidinous transgressions of some errant clergyman perhaps led astray by a showgirl who was no better than she should be. The more libertarian-minded titles proposing some deviant minority no longer be routinely clapped in irons. The sporting summary following the patriotic adventures of our national cricket lads in some far-flung corner of the globe that neverthless still appreciated and respected England.
And yet sadly we must turn to today’s papers.
‘All UK arrivals to face hotel quarantine’ (Sunday Times) – in a sense this simply confirms for legal arrivals the procedure already employed for our illegal entrants. After a short period put up in a hotel at government expense they can be off on their merry way.
‘Biden to visit UK first as he plans to work closely with PM’ claims the Telegraph. Will he be quarantined first? This close working with Boris… despite covid restrictions?
‘Flat sales halve as cladding crisis threatens housing market’ (Times) – do we really believe this is the only factor putting buyers off highrise properties? Did the Times not tell us 700,000 migrant workers had left the UK, (Times: 12/11/2020) that would tend to free up a few city centre tower block apartments? And yet the Times cites Grenfell as the cause of this market blip. Students are now to be reduced to an online university experience confined to the parental home. Considering people are now only allowed out to the supermarket and in our cities there’s no restaurants, theatre, cinema, pubs, clubs, etc… cooped up in a highrise thoughts may indeed turn to self-immolation, Grenfell-style. Perhaps with the Sunday Times and its duff analysis as kindling?
JG Ballard warned us of the distopian consequences of a population living their lives centred on the “High-Rise”
‘We CAN see the way out’ claims the rather optimistic Sunday Express. The psychopathic health secretary Matt Hancock: ‘…urges national effort in fight to protect millions more’ – please Mr Hancock calm down, come away from that third floor open window, hand me anything you may have in your pockets that’s sharp for sake keeping, take one of your little tablets, now relax on the couch and tell us what’s really troubling you?
The Sunday People shrieks: ‘Hancock blunder over 8,000 hospital beds. Private wards deal dropped despite crisis’ – and if the People really think that’s his worst mistake this year then I’ve a bridge or two to sell them.
The Daily Star on Sunday would have us consider: ‘Is THIS the biggest berk in Britain? Luvvie Lawrence Fox has been accused of putting lives at risk with his latest anti-mask antics. The Lewis actor seemed to mock rules designed to slow the spread…’ – an odd turn around from the Star which every week day happily and thouroughly enjoying its democratic freedom to do so savagely mocks cabinet ministers.
Read also in the Star: ‘Ghost burned my boobs. Terrified mum captures photo of ‘sex pest ghost’ she thinks is branding her boobs. EXCLUSIVE: Naz Faruk, 34 from Maidenhead, has shared her terrifying ordeal of being harassed by an unfriendly spirit – which ‘branded’ her breasts with burn-like markings’ – I blame lockdown stir-craziness. Mind you, Naz, if you’re feeling lonely and issolated, I’ve a thouroughly well-adjusted health secretary you could meet. The two of you may get on like a house on fire…
Good to see the Star promoting family values: ‘Lucie I want a ring on my finger’ – unfortunate perhaps that former Love Island star Lucie Donlan who, we learn, tends to send her Instagram fans into meltdown with her latest sexy lockdown displays, got pictured in her undies.
The Sunday Mirror dismays us today. Where’s the fun in a sex scandal if it’s not consensual (allegedly). A woman complains: ‘Top Tory’s “sex attack” in parliament.’ – please can we have no sniggering for the next line: ‘Alleged victim says cops failed to probe MP’ – this chap would appear to be inclined to vote in both lobbies?
The Mail on Sunday apparently alone among our papers decides to do some journalism – ie publishing something the powers that be would rather they didn’t publish: ‘287 days after MoS first spotlighted Wuhan virus lab, US says staff fell ill weeks before world knew of Covid: America points finger at China lab’
Thanks you’ve reminded me of that time honoured ritual the MSM goes through when there is a coronation in America – where does the President go first? ( do we still have a mythical special relationship ?)
This one will be a bit tricky . But UK first ? I don’t think so – and in any event it wouldn’t look good going on foreign jaunts in thr middle of a pandemic – unless mrs Biden wants pictures with the Queen …. I think it’s more likely to be ‘stay at home Joe ‘ ..
Mind you – as I’ve been writing this – the image of the false president being seen as a ‘world statesman ‘ by the folks back home might encourage a few more to forget that the election was stolen .
Damn – that link goes on and on – life it too short . The cut and paste bit you put up listing 3 examples ? Well on number one the big criticism was that this half wit was allowed to make her claim without challenge from the BBC droid – it was picked up and about 2 days later shown to be a lie .
As for ‘ younger ‘ what does that mean ?
I don’t know what the ‘survivability rate ‘ of getting covid versus age might be – but I’m guessing that the older you are the more at risk you are .
So to save lives – it seems sensible to me to lock down until those vaccines are delivered to a fair lump of the population .
Maybe those against lockdown can all meet up and experience the consequences ….
The first ever ….
SUNDAY Watch #1 – how many rules have you broken, William?
William Crawley was in the chair and couldn’t resist repeating the lie of the week: that President Trump incited rioters among his supporters to attack the Capitol. That was an interesting little insight to ‘views your own'(?) and the BBC hive mind.
Then, Franklin Graham was interviewed by William who talked over his contributor, first rule of radio broadcasting broken there. Then the small question of political neutrality and the BBC Charter might have been breached, in spirit at least. Time now to head off for Confession, William. Should keep the Priest busy.
But pug – surely this is one for the distant future – a bit like elderly social care -HS2 – cross rail – new power stations – no deficit -and the like . ?
Andrew Marr Show just now interviewing a doctor outside his hospital (without a stethoscope surprisingly).
He said “Every 30 seconds in the UK a person is admitted to hospital with Covid. So from now until lunchtime that would fill the hospital behind me.”
Talk about apples and pears. Comparing UK admission rates and how long it take to fill one hospital with the total UK admission rates is just scare mongering.
120 patients an hour
How many patients would we normally expect to be admitted in a country of 67 million people
It won’t be 2 or 3 would it.
…Did the doctor say which unionn he represents ?
I rewatched it on iPlayer. He was Sir Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England. Wikipedia doesn’t say he represents any Union but it does say his friends range from Extinction Rebellion’s Rupert Read to Boris Johnson – no surprise there then!
His bit starts at 09:44am and like a politician never answered a direct question.
His first question from Marr was “Is London coping?”. He cannot say yes or no to this as yes means he has failed his job and no means he is overplaying the job the NHS needs to do. Instead he comes up with stats like “since Xmas day we have seen 15000 increase of inpatients, that is the equivilant of filling 30 hospitals blah blah that and now every 30 seconds someone is admitted with Covid”.
He doesn’t mention how people left hospital in the same time period and that doesn’t help his cause.
@Tabs it is 23 days since Christmas day
so that is 652/day
or 27/hour
ie one every 2 minutes
BTW I wonder if hospitals have a habit of clearing out mild patients for Christmas with their families and then re-admit the same ones the week after ?
Tabs, yet we are being told the R rate is falling and is as low as 0.6 in some places or areas. There is no doubt a lot of misinformation being put ‘out there’ – I am guessing – for political reasons.
The vote-rigging for the 2024 US presidential election has begun in earnest.
Biden is planning to grant US citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants.
What’s the betting that priority will be given to those in battleground states?
The BBC, needless tomsay, reported this as a positive with a notably upbeat tone from the presenter.
Sluff – he will let them in – but i disagree that its about vote rigging apart from using when to do the ‘count’ or fill in false voting forms – or beating up dissenters ….
… actually yes you are right …
It IS about vote rigging. Immigrants vote disproportionately Democrat.
Republicans have been warning that Biden/Harris would introduce policies that could mean no Republican ever wins again.
Granting US citizenship was one such. Others include creating new States and gerrymandering borders.
This could be the end of the GOP, unless Biden/Harris make a complete mess of things – which is possible – or the Dems succumb to internal divisions – also possible.
However, even if they do, the media and Big Tech will have their back, and they could still win future elections.
I don’t think the ethnicity of the voters will matter again. The ballots can be fixed and the media will ensure that it is either not reported or claims dismissed as ‘without evidence’.
The Dems will win the next election unless a Republican emerges who meets with criteria set by the media.
In the UK despite a fall in popularity Johnson will return if the media agree.
It has nothing to do with democracy or election campaigns
Certainly election promises achieved or international peace treaties don’t count for anything – with a hateful media . If the Republicans don’t get their act together and figure out one to cheat the vote counting better than the democrats then there won’t be any change
If Harris sets foot in the White House followed by her rogue followers like the Government, Pelosi et al. Western democracy will be over and Mandarin will appear all over on the school curriculum pretty dam quickly.
DJT high-tailing it for Florida to avoid the Inauguration? More like he said to the Pentagon, “You failed to support me during my four years – you sort the mess out. Call me when you want me to resume occupancy of the White House”. I would.
vlad, that may be true at first but when they have been struggling for a while – as in the Obama Presidency – they may be more inclined to embrace the American Dream and vote Republican. After all, Trump’s victory in 2016 came about due to the votes of BAME voters plus the descendants of white Catholic immigrant voters in Ohio.
I think it may all turn to dust in the Democrats hands. I caught the Obama enthusiasm big when I was in the US during the Primaries but that all went nowhere. The Democrats have no-one to hate by the mid-terms. Former President Trump will be on a golf course somewhere, enjoying himself, or developing another resort and creating jobs.
China Joe will be grinding down the American people – especially with Global Warming and Climate Change – and if he is one of the least popular Presidents by mid-term, I would not fall off my chair in surprise. I will probably be very smug and say “Uh huh, told you so!”
I can’t say that I go along with all this 5G concern, but the BBC surely has been irradiating us with non-ionising radiation longer than anyone else in these isles so can’t exactly be impartial, but then what’s new?
Only one possible conclusion after watching Foreign Office activity on the European Defence Fund, 2017 to 2021: their aim has been to disrupt and dilute the UK’s EU exit. • Advising ministers to join it. • Participating in pilots • Wilton Park events on EU Defence
• Placing their people in top MOD roles • Using Foreign Office / MOD ‘joint units’ to place European Defence Fund and related EU retained law into Government agenda • Downplaying and concealing heavy political obligations from EU’s ‘3rd country’ participation rules
At every step, the Foreign Office has been pushing this developing EU programme designed to integrate the industrial and operational activity of EU member states and any non/EU states willing to be entangled.
I’ve said it many times, nobody hates like the Left.
Theirs is the nasty kind of hate. The ideological type where they view their opponents as inferior vermin. That’s why they have cynically murdered so many millions throughout history.
As the most famous socialist of all – Adolf Hitler – demonstrated.
Just ask Whoopi Goldberg.
Amos 5:10 “They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh Uprightly.”
They hate Trump because he rebuked them near the Capitol, and they abhor him for telling the truth.
Amos 5:11 “Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine of them.”
So therefore as they tread upon the poor, and take wealth from them by taxation. They have built houses of stone, but shall not dwell in them, they have planted pleasant vineyards in California, but shall not drink wine from them any more.
Amos 5:12 “For I know your manifold transgressions, and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.”
Trump knows their manifold transgressions, and their mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take bribes, and they turn away the poor from their right to justice.
Amos 5:13 “Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time.”
Therefore the wise shall keep silent until judgment day on Wednesday; for it is an evil time.
Amos 5:14 “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken.”
Seek good, and not evil, that we may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as you have voted for Trump
Amos 5:15 “Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.”
Hate the evil democrats, and love the good republicans, and establish judgment in the Capitol: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnants of Democracy.
Sikhism had only just started to develop as a religion and way of life around the same time as Europeans arrived in the Indian Subcontinent. It first appeared in the late 15th Century, the first Europeans (Portuguese) arrived perhaps 20-25 years later, and the British around a hundred years after that. So, interesting, but hardly surprising if they adopted a European musical instrument early on in their history.
In the early 19th Century, the militant Sikh Empire, led by Ranjit Singh, the ‘Lion of the Punjab’, and the British, sucked in as ‘peacekeepers’ by the failing Mughals, competed for control of the North West of the subcontinent. To counter the British, Ranjit Singh imported French Napoleonic Officers to train his troops in the ‘European Manner’. After Ranjit Singh died there were two, short, but very fiercely fought wars, as a result of which the Sikhs were defeated and accepted British rule, and practically overnight became extremely loyal subjects of the British Crown, who treated them (like the Gurkhas) as ‘foreign born sons’.
Many in the Sikh community were angry about Indian independence, because of the loss of status they suffered as a result, and partition (right through the middle of their homeland) was not kind to them.
Have known a number of British Sikhs, and they generally come across as more ‘British’ than many white people in this country. Like the many British Chinese, one of the most integrated of our ‘ethnic communities’, and not one that usually causes any unrest, or problems at all.
If the BBC think they’ll get much ‘anti-British’ support from the Sikh community they’re barking up the wrong tree.
Heads are going to roll at the BBC. To illustrate their piece about Biden promising to reverse Trump’s policies they have chosen a picture of Biden scratching his head and looking distinctly nonplussed by the whole thing. That doesn’t fit their adoration narrative at all.
Amazing to think that Mr Biden has been an elected politician since 1973 …… when he was 30 – according to wiki . Decades not years as a swamp dweller .
OK – so Mr Trump’s wealth isolates him from ordinary life but 47 years in Washington ….beggars belief …
@Pug where are all these bodies with 5G on the death certificate ?
There is the rule for when someone starts an outrage bus about something
“Show me the bodies”
eg. It applies to traffic pollution, where are all these dead children ?
Yes some people die of asthma, but attacks almost always correlate with grass pollen
Trump riots: 65 days that led to chaos at the Capitol
Trump Riots?
So in the mostly peaceful period preceding ‘his’ riots all was spiffy?
I see Shyhan is co-credited, so Wendy is involved. The ‘additional reporting’ is by two people I have never heard of, if BBC staff, here or in the USA.
This all matters, as it was posted on social media and has seen BBC Hypnotoad acolytes pile on any trying to rein in the hyperbolic stirring of the national broadcaster of the U.K.
Example: “five people were killed, and it was called for by the outgoing president”
Joe plans an early visit to the UK, Can’t wait to see his welcome from the BBC.
The source close to Biden said: “Boris is a conservative, Joe’s a moderate [Democrat] so I think they can get over it. I think they’ll end up getting along.
“Joe’s view will be that they’ll have the destiny of the world on their shoulders so he’ll want to overcome any political differences.
“I think there’ll be more empathy than there was between Boris and Donald Trump. Boris seemed to get along with Trump, but I don’t know if he really did.”
Today they were flogging Gary Barlow songwriting tips (minus the bit about having a full management payola team embedded in all BBC radio offices to get any airplay).
Someone asked what the BBC connection was.
The reply:
“BBC Maestro is an independent business operating under license and in close collaboration with BBC Studios, the commercial arm of the BBC.
Our service offers you the chance to learn new skills from established experts in an intimate and informative experience.
Each Maestro has personally crafted their course to share their knowledge and experience in a way that is not only instructional, but also motivational – providing a combination of practical skills, insight, and inspiration.
We hope that we have answered your questions, but do let us know if there is anything further you would like to know, thanks!“
The MSM and particularly the BBC are going all out to nail treason on Trump. This is obviously a global attempt to ensure he never again holds power at least and to do time if possible.
The hate they are spewing out looks and smells like vengeance and throws deep shadows on democracy across the free world.
They are all so in tune over this it can only be coming from a global conspiracy masterminded at a high level.
I think that Trump questioning the UN and WHO started the whole witch hunt including the farcical election manipulation that undoubtedly happened with some very high up assistance.
Ian Dale has his moments, but TDS appears to switch on th3 credulity circuits in every broadcaster.
“As I wrote in my ConservativeHome column, on Wednesday I got the chance to interview James Comey, former FBI Director, for thirty minutes. He’s got a new book out called Saving Justice and was doing the rounds of UK broadcasters.
I was a bit hacked off to have to sign a non-disclosure agreement which prevented us from broadcasting it on that evening’s show, but when I saw he was on Newsnight I understood why. They always insist on going first. Emily Maitlis interviewed him for ten minutes and, although it was all interesting stuff, I compared it to what I had got out of him in thirty minutes and decided it was yet another example of where the long-form interview wins out.”
James Comey…. with a book to sell, and a queue of British MSM sycophants…. now, any context on his history?
Countryfile : Green activism item
“Paying farms to go green”
“Tom finds out how the countryside can help transform lives and investigates if the government’s new green subsidy scheme can really deliver for farmers and the environment. “
City people like the BBC dream of organic faming.
But there is a reason, farming evolved to be what it is .
And that is nature is a pain in the ass.
eg1 You invest in growing a crop, then every few years nature throws a disease or bug infestation at you
but with pesticides etc. you can really smooth out the disaster year effect.
Radio Times wording
\\ Post Brexit : Instead of receiving taxpayers’ money based on the size of land being farmed
a new green subsidy scheme will now see farmers being paid for *preventing floods* and aiding wildlife.
“Evolution not a revolution,” is what environment secretary George Eustice says //
Oh here’s Heaps item pushing organic
with Tim & Sarah Mead of Yo Valley Farms (the yoghurt firm)
“We haven’t doing OIL BASED FARMING FOR 25 years ”
Here we are with farming couple Tim
photos of solar panels covering the barn roofs
“Oh he employs ex-prisoners” etc.
Something for the 5G Conspiracy Theory guys “Sir David Attenborough to front new 5G app to win public confidence”
He is to be the face of a new government-funded 5G app to demonstrate the benefits of the new technology to the public.
The 94-year-old broadcaster and naturalist’s forthcoming BBC documentary series The Green Planet will be accompanied by an AR (augmented reality) app using 5G technology that allows people to see exotic plants and animals around them.
The Green Planet app has won funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s 5G Create competition.
Matt Warman, minister for Digital Infrastructure, said: “This cutting-edge app, fronted by broadcasting legend Sir David Attenborough, is set to be an inspiring example of how new technology can reconnect us with the natural world whilst demonstrating the power of 5G to a huge new audience.”
In the 1940’s they introduced Radar units on ships. One emitted microwaves at a dangerous frequency and power of over 1000Kw, which successfully microwaved the brains of sailors. So was born the Philadelphia experiment myth. The US Navy feed the myth till the day all the sailors died. So that the US Navy didn’t need to pay compensation.
So be wary of 5G and the evil David Attenborough. A 5G Conspiracy theory could be used to prevent payments of compensation.
Some sailors say they saw “bizarre sparkling lights all over the place”. With 5G they say you will see “exotic plants and animals all around you”.
You’ll get the 0400 troll treatment ‘it’s all lies ‘ again . I’ve yet to see mr maxi or mr picu ever mention the BBC …..and – as moderator – am getting tired of their ‘squatting ‘ on this site ….
Songs of Praise : from the trailer it seems there is a new black presenter
And she is talking to a walking group
Is that going to be yet another black only walking group ?
Ah no it’s mixed church ..in London of course.
Possibly the very worst episode of SOP for tears: plumbing new depths of superficial American popularism and fringe churches. New presenter has the most self-awareness and least humility since Fiona Bruce took to acting her way through BBC News #SongsofPraise
@DavidFranks tweeted
Just after I repatriated to England in 1997, there was a case that #BAME were not fairy represented by our media;
if Martians tuned in now to #SongsOfPraise, they’d assume English were in the minority here;
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Ten confusing questions:
(1) Is or isn’t the Insurrection Act in force?
(2) Where is Adam Schiff?
(3) Who else is missing?
(4) Have all the new releases of information come from the FBI?
(5) Is it timed because the FBI did not know that Trump had copies of these files?
(6) What’s next?
(7) If its under Trump, how can the National Guard protect the Swamp from Army intelligence units arresting the Swamp in the Capitol Building?
(8) Is the big secret being withheld until the last moment due to workload and timing issues?
(9) What is the big secret?
(10) Where did it come from?
I may or may not know the answers?
And what isn’t being broadcast is the release of documents relating to the fake Trump-Russia 2016 election collusion.
“Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday released a slew of additional documents and transcripts related to his panel’s investigation into the origins and aftermath of the Trump-Russia probe, calling the original probe “one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ.”
Sly News beauty Sophie currently interviewing James Comey and discussing truth in politics. Will she ask him about his censure regarding his conduct of the fake Trump-Russia collusion investigation?
She didn’t, but then you probably guessed that.
TR presenter Mike Graham said the other day they he couldn’t understand Twitter censorship
and that when he got death threats and complained to Twitter
the reply was “This tweet did not break our terms of use”.
He says “Twitter isn’t a very nice place mate. I get death threats every day. ”
Tucker’s show :
Interestingly, now I no longer twitterfy, I still hear about the BBC on there a lot.
Seems one good way to avoid the slings and arrows of journalism and colleagues’ fake news backfiring daily is not to be a supposed journalist with a rather mixed attitude to attention and even more selective one to who one targets. Or not.
What would be perfect is Jon, Jez, Lewis and The Newsnight Greek Dish riding in like the four weasels of the Poxalypse to defend their Princess.
As they do others like JHB, Priti, etc, though these ladies seem to get on with their jobs rather than obsess constantly and publicly that the mean girls didn’t send an invite to be prom Queen.
Guest – I’ve only heard of this lady through this site . The idea of anyone on the BB`c payroll being a ‘fact checker ‘ is a joke . I understand she is about 24? Years old – and in my view – someone either set her up to be on the receiving end of abuse ( which it seems she can’t handle ) or was so naive as to think she’d be okay and ‘respected ‘.
Perhaps the BBC has duty of care to protect her by giving her a more fitting job – perhaps on CBBC doing jackanory stories ….
Blimey, she might end up paired with Nish.
No one deserves that.
‘Set up’ sounds right. Nothing about her role on this daft department passes the smell test.
All proper journalists should function as providers of accurate information and exposers of misinformation.
It is telling that out of 20,000 staff the BBC have only recently created a team of three rubes to in theory do this, and so far with astounding ineptitude.
Perhaps if she stuck to reporting and leaving it to an editor to decide whether to publish her stories on the website, perhaps with no by line, then she would have a quiet life?
Instead it seems she posts to Twitter writing puff pieces about herself, like a white, female Amol Rajan, complete with ‘selfie’.
Probably more about self-promotion, (like Rajan), in which case she is ‘asking for it’.
In the past reporters got their work in print and if it was any good people in the industry made enquiries and bingo, new job offer!
We can now see that for some they are the story and these people just aren’t worth reading.
How many more of you guys have stopped using twitter ?
Excellent report.
Stew – I guess the democrats will use the ‘threat ‘ to explain why only a bloke and his dog turn up to the false presidents’ coronation – and no parades or ‘dos ‘ in the evening ….
They can put sleepy joe back in his box in the bunker and get on with killing Donald trump …. which will be the main manifesto promise for the next 4 years …
Could Trump become more powerful after he has left office?
What would the BBC have to say?
Lockdown crusader Dan Hodges was on TalkRadio Friday
‘Covid is a bigger killer than the blitz’ he shouted
More people have probably been killed by coronavirus than were killed during the Blitz
He portrayed everyone who doesn’t want more lockdown, as a person that denies Covid kills people or harm the NHS
Mike’s big counter argument was if lockdowns worked, it would be all over already
Rather you have to accept living with Covid and meanwhile get on with earning money that will fund the NHS
Hodges seemed emotion driven and didn’t even mention deaths caused by lockdowns like cancelled cancer care.
His focussing on Raw Death tallies is naive,
as it equates 1 death of an octangenarian with 1 death of a 40 year old cancer patient;
rather impacts should be counted in Life Years lost QALYs
One would find that war deaths shorten people’s lives by decades
& Covid by months.
( BTW 2020 deaths are rather high at 608K estimated, but even to look at trends one would need to adjust for population size
Since the human death rate is 100%, there will be less deaths in the coming decades overall as you can’t die twice.
So the overall decade tally will be normal
However some deaths in 2021/2022 will be deaths brought forward due to lockdown effects like delayed cancer care. )
And so it continues . Where does it all end ?????
Yet, the left are free to carry on spewing bile and hatred ????
Not allowed by Big Jack
Allowed by Big Jack
Oops time ran out by the time I made the smaller image
I know I recklessly showed you the first tweet
but can you please NOT take it as a signal to buy a gun, break the travel ban to the US and confront 20,000 troops on your own
Isn’t that asking rather a lot of us red-blooded readers?
I wonder what the coronation of the false president is going to look like ? Will it be bussed faithful ? A carefully orchestrated multicultural love fest of adoring fans? Or will he just be surrounded by khaki snipers all wearing reflective sunglasses thinking they are in a Hollywood movie ?
In any even the combined MSM will worship and ensure the young dynamic character of mr Biden will be to the fore…. but I bet they won’t show him indecently assaulting any young girls ….
I heard they are holding it in his basement – if Harris hasn’t had him arrested for sex offences by then.
BBC News
Sunday is expected to be a particular focus for protests, after posts on pro-Trump and far-right online networks called for armed demonstrations.
Top comment:
Stop spreading the muck BBC start thinking on your demise
The point being made, correctly, is that there have been 4 years of online and real-world violence against conservatives and Trump that Big Tech had no problem with at all, yet now they’re coming down hard on often imaginary or trumped-up threats of violence from the right. The bias and hypocrisy are staggering, and hopefully there will be a backlash against them.
If any of you are missing parler, there’s a similar site which I’ve just joined that you will probably like.
It’s called Gab
I don’t know how long Apple, Amazon and the like will allow it to exist as it isn’t far left but it’s currently up and running.
My user name on there is HoraceBachelor (which I’ll bet some of you will remember from the early 60’s)
Just out of interest, some other names I use in various other forums are:
Charley Farley (On a football forum, not606 Sunderland)
Jimmy Riddle
I don’t like the phrase ‘Stay Safe’. I link it with Left Wing control.
What does ‘Stay Safe’ mean anyway?
Would I ever ‘Stay Dangerous’?
Dover Sentry
“What does ‘Stay Safe’ mean anyway?”
Wear a condom .
‘Stay safe’ means follow the rules we give you.
Once you get used to doing it, you will tend to follow other rules more readily.
The trick is to diverge the rules gradually from common sense until the rule replaces it.
Only some will succumb. They will stay on twitter. Everyone else will keep a sharpened pitchfork under their pillow ready for buckaroo.
‘Practise safe cycling – always use a tandem’ © Snuffy
The sergeant from Hill Street Blues finished his daily briefing with “be careful out there” sometimes “stay safe out there”.
It was a very good series.
First rule for a TV cop: Always take a black rookie with you, or if they have all been promoted to police chief, that white guy who retires tomorrow!
It was. A different time.
To take it even more off-topic, I’ve recently been watching ‘The Rockford Files’ which became available for download in good quality.
I never liked it as a child, but now I’m really enjoying it.
No Left-Wing agenda at all. Just a TV show trying it’s hardest to entertain you. And it’s amazing how often people try to tail you when you are a PI – but Jimbo always spots them. Car chase follows.
I also notice it has plenty of minorities and different types of people. And they are all in situations which reflect everyday life so it all feels totally natural.
Sure it’s dated, but what a breath of fresh air after all the utter PC tripe they are churning out today.
Good old Sgt Phil Esterhaus. Much missed. Been a while since I used his sign-off.
“Out there” always sounds patronizing to me. It suggests “And I’m in here”.
I saw the writing on the wall two years ago when I was banned for life off twitter. I mistakenly thought that if people on the left could dish it out then they could have some back. We all know how that works now. Twitter now has the cheek to moan that all social media has been suspended before the election in Uganda. The reason the Ugandans gave was they didn’t like they way twitter and Facebook behaved in the US election. The beginning of the end me thinks
Hope not Hate. I think Twitter censors anyone who says “I hope Trump wins and I hate Biden”. But not “I hope Biden wins and I hate Trump”.
Also like the John Cleese episode banned by the BBC. Don’t mention “Election fraud”. I did once but I think I got away with it.
And if the evidence is to complex for a judge, the bent judge will let you waste four years in court, if you say, without any evidence, that Russia did it.
Watch out watch out our pet troll is about.
He is the troll that post on this site but never gives any example of Bias spouting out from Al Beeb.
Poor Alex, scourge of the BBC, is under heavy attack by ‘Dark Forces’.
Mmm, who could that be, I wonder?
I noticed he had missed a few days .
Maxincony take note of what he is doing for freedom of speech, you may learn something .
For legal reasons he cannot say exactly what the nature of the attacks are, but will reveal what he can over the coming days or weeks.
“take note of what he is doing for freedom of speech, you may learn something”
Aggressively threatening people with legal action because they said something he doesn’t like; that’s what he does for, (cough) “freedom of speech”.
Freedom of speech doesn’t equate to a right to defame.
“Freedom of speech doesn’t equate to a right to defame.”
I agree. However what the likes of Bellfield do is to threaten people with financial ruin in order to make them shut up. In my opinion he’s a bully and a truly, nasty, little man.
You may, of course, disagree; but (if you’ve got time) read the link I’ve provided and then decide what you think.
Are you saying it’s right to defame somebody?
What he appears to me to be doing is using a well established legal principle to pursue someone who he feels has defamed him by using his platform as a bbc employee to say things that are untrue and damaging to his reputation.
To be successful he will have to convince the court that this was the case.
If he manages to do so then the court will award appropriate damages.
If the defendant ends up financially ruined then so be it, hopefully it will be lesson learned and will discourage others who think they are untouchable because of their bbc employee status.
But of course it’s fine when it’s done to people like Farage and Trump. How many people have been taken offline because of what they said about those two do you think ?.
Hypocrisy on a massive scale.
Aah hello maxi, you know I would just like you to exercise some free speech 😉 (in written form) and give me that apology that you owe me. 🙂
Covid : I reckon new cases might becoming from people think a mask is a magic solution and staying talking with someone 25+ minutes
Radio story on Friday two mask wearing teachers talked to each other in a corridor and one caught it off the other
#1 I believe that if you stop and talk to someone you don’t get a viral dose if you are only there 5 minutes
but a mask might give you the over confidence to talk for 25 minutes
and you do pick up a viral dose.
#2 Of course the second teacher might have caught it another time or another way got some phlegm on his hand somehow and touched his noses/eyes.
A Danish study used the scientific method to prove that masks do not work.
One example of why. People wearing Glasses complain of them steaming up when wearing a mask. Wearing a mask without pumping the air through the mask means almost all of the breath escapes from the sides, blowing viruses back into the eyes.
You would need a Gasmask with two 50 nanometre filters. One with an electric fan pumping air in, and another with air being pumped out. But with skin breathing, even that may not work if you are not wearing a full body enclosed Gas mask.
I recommend going to the supermarket in a Hazmat suit.
Richard Pinder,
“A Danish study used the scientific method to prove that masks do not work”
Like most of the other nonsense you spew out on a regular basis this is completely false:
maxi, you would not know false if it bit your behind. If masks work, why are church congregants made to wear them but are not allowed to sing despite being socially distanced?
The reason other studies say masks work is because they assume all the air expelled by the breath is filtered by the mask.
So this study is the only one which uses the scientific method of practical use by the wearer.
I presume that a 50 nanometre mask that would guarantee a barrier to the virus would also present a barrier to the air. How much? The Danish study proves that other studies have not taken this into account.
It also indicates that what is assumed to be a better mask, will present a bigger barrier to the passage of air.
My guess with the mask I wear is that only ten percent of the air passes through the mask.
“Spew”? What a sweet expression. So hard to tell what you really think.
“A Danish study used the scientific method to prove that masks do not work.”
Wrong on both counts.
Piku – both you and maxi are most eager to link to a BMJ editorial – which is an opinion by the – editor of the BMJ -KamranAbbasi – which is not absolute one way or another .
To the trolls turning up on this site just to pick arguments – if you do not have anything to say about the BBC such as evidencing its lack of bias in relation to – say brexit – the EU -president Trump – voting fraud – green issues -as a few examples – please go away and find somewhere more suitable to practice your trade.
Signed Fedup2 site moderator ….
@Fed Thanks for explaining that
I do the detest the way some people especially trolls just post a link as a kind of gotcha and then stand there with their hands on their hips, forcing us to open up the link and end up down a rabbit hole.
If the posters don’t explain properly what the link says I usually don’t bother wasting my time.
I followed that link and was left none the better informed.
I already know more Covid people who been vaccinated
than had the virus ..6 vs 2 (plus the one guy who is sure he had in Xmas 2019)
Everything is weaponised for Guardianland’s agendas
Sun 3pm R4 Drama : Heart of Darkness
blurb “Conrad’s classic, reimagined as a 21st Century thriller,
reshapes the story for a world of deforestation and climate catastrophe“
BBC News
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been told the pandemic will leave many emergency workers “broken”.
They are going the way of Megharry, at least in the hands of the BBC.
BBC Maestro
Learn to write your own incredible TV drama and break into the industry. Buy Jed’s course and get any other course for free.
BBC The Social
If you’re wearing a low cut top you can ask for anything.
Via BBC Three
The number of BBC platforms seems to be increasing at the same rate that the BBC’s grasp of reality plummets.
Suggested for you
BBC Comedy
So THIS is what trolls are like in real life! ???? ????
Too much money.
Too many staff.
Too much time on their hands.
Zero clue.
Headline from the mail online today
‘BBC’s anti-bias boss: Senior executive is paid £325,000 a year to monitor whether the Corporation is impartial’.
Wow – £325k – that is a lot of impartiality . Apparently there is going to be groupthink at the BBC about how to conceal groupthink – such as not being honest on Twitter or reciting the lie about leaving personal views at the door of the studio .
That old line about putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t stop it from being a pig is really so simple and so true with regard to the BBC .
In addition to many new platforms, new staff, with new titles, on new and improved wedge…
Guest Who – I’m glad someone is sticking to the subject of the Biased BBC – by the looks of the nights ‘ ‘chat’ it was been a troll diversion tactic of arguing about anything else except the BBC …..
When I saw that this character is on £375 k a year I felt like selling my principles and asking the BBC for a job …..
It’s all they have now… ‘oo, look… squirrel!’
Back on the BBC… and all its staff now have:
Mac •
A tale of two graphs.
Online there’s a report with two graphs. One is very scary-looking showing that 2020 has the highest percentage increase in excess deaths since WWII (when comparing with the previous 5 years.)
The other graph is far less scary showing that, when you take into account population and age, death rates for 2020 are around 2010 levels.
Fast forward to Wednesday evening’s News at 10 (sorry, can’t find the link) and guess which graph Hugh Pym decides to show in his report? The scary one! There was also a big contrast between Pym’s scary report and Nick Triggle’s more balanced analysis from the online report.
I suspect this happens a lot. The TV report, which is probably far more widely seen and far more influential, leans towards the emotional and dramatic aspects of a story. That’s the narrative they want to push. And the less dramatic written report allows the Beeb to say ‘we covered all sides of the story’.
The difference between TV and written reporting is only partly down to the differences between the two media. I think it also reveals the reporting bias.
Maybe the new impartiality imparter of wisdom will, for his massive wonga, notice what savvy posters have laid out clearly, for free.
Or… not.
Guest Who
I think the Hugh Hugh Pym is worried about being replaced by someone less white less male and less old . ….so has to outdo the BBC party line group think by doing things like asking frankly stupid ‘gotcha’ questions at PM briefings .
He did one the other day – what did he think the response would be ?” Yes Hugh as PM I screwed up and left the country wide open to new infections at airports “ .
I noticed too – that the BBC is still emphasising the number of infections and deaths without much reference to numbers of vaccinations each day – which i estimate is more than 250k ….
Are Covid patients getting younger? The senior doctor who writes regularly for Lockdown Sceptics has taken a look at the data and thinks not.
1. On December 31st, a nurse at King’s College Hospital gave an interview to Adrian Chiles on Radio 5 live in which she said there were many more children affected by COVID-19 in the winter compared to the spring. She said there was a “whole ward” of sick children in her hospital and many of her colleagues in other trusts had the same problem.
2. An ICU consultant at Queen Mary University, London has said there are more younger people in ICU with COVID-19 compared to the spring.
3. In an interview on Sky TV, a doctor from the Royal Surrey county hospital said that the patients with COVID-19 were sicker and younger in the winter than in the spring.
Full piece – https://lockdownsceptics.org/2021/01/17/latest-news-257/#are-covid-19-patients-in-hospital-really-getting-younger
info, the growth in Covid infections in Kent was attributed to young people last autumn doing, .. er … what … ummhh … young people do.
But surely playing chess and table tennis shouldn’t be that much of a threat to the health of Young People ..????
The Sunday papers
The phrase still conjours something rather British, nostalgic notions of a restbite from the working week, relaxation and reassurance.
Statesmanlike commentators in the broadsheets discussing the grand political issues of the day. The cheeky tabloids taking a guilty pleasure in the libidinous transgressions of some errant clergyman perhaps led astray by a showgirl who was no better than she should be. The more libertarian-minded titles proposing some deviant minority no longer be routinely clapped in irons. The sporting summary following the patriotic adventures of our national cricket lads in some far-flung corner of the globe that neverthless still appreciated and respected England.
And yet sadly we must turn to today’s papers.
‘All UK arrivals to face hotel quarantine’ (Sunday Times) – in a sense this simply confirms for legal arrivals the procedure already employed for our illegal entrants. After a short period put up in a hotel at government expense they can be off on their merry way.
‘Biden to visit UK first as he plans to work closely with PM’ claims the Telegraph. Will he be quarantined first? This close working with Boris… despite covid restrictions?
‘Flat sales halve as cladding crisis threatens housing market’ (Times) – do we really believe this is the only factor putting buyers off highrise properties? Did the Times not tell us 700,000 migrant workers had left the UK, (Times: 12/11/2020) that would tend to free up a few city centre tower block apartments? And yet the Times cites Grenfell as the cause of this market blip. Students are now to be reduced to an online university experience confined to the parental home. Considering people are now only allowed out to the supermarket and in our cities there’s no restaurants, theatre, cinema, pubs, clubs, etc… cooped up in a highrise thoughts may indeed turn to self-immolation, Grenfell-style. Perhaps with the Sunday Times and its duff analysis as kindling?
JG Ballard warned us of the distopian consequences of a population living their lives centred on the “High-Rise”
‘We CAN see the way out’ claims the rather optimistic Sunday Express. The psychopathic health secretary Matt Hancock: ‘…urges national effort in fight to protect millions more’ – please Mr Hancock calm down, come away from that third floor open window, hand me anything you may have in your pockets that’s sharp for sake keeping, take one of your little tablets, now relax on the couch and tell us what’s really troubling you?
The Sunday People shrieks: ‘Hancock blunder over 8,000 hospital beds. Private wards deal dropped despite crisis’ – and if the People really think that’s his worst mistake this year then I’ve a bridge or two to sell them.
The Daily Star on Sunday would have us consider: ‘Is THIS the biggest berk in Britain? Luvvie Lawrence Fox has been accused of putting lives at risk with his latest anti-mask antics. The Lewis actor seemed to mock rules designed to slow the spread…’ – an odd turn around from the Star which every week day happily and thouroughly enjoying its democratic freedom to do so savagely mocks cabinet ministers.
Read also in the Star: ‘Ghost burned my boobs. Terrified mum captures photo of ‘sex pest ghost’ she thinks is branding her boobs. EXCLUSIVE: Naz Faruk, 34 from Maidenhead, has shared her terrifying ordeal of being harassed by an unfriendly spirit – which ‘branded’ her breasts with burn-like markings’ – I blame lockdown stir-craziness. Mind you, Naz, if you’re feeling lonely and issolated, I’ve a thouroughly well-adjusted health secretary you could meet. The two of you may get on like a house on fire…
Good to see the Star promoting family values: ‘Lucie I want a ring on my finger’ – unfortunate perhaps that former Love Island star Lucie Donlan who, we learn, tends to send her Instagram fans into meltdown with her latest sexy lockdown displays, got pictured in her undies.
The Sunday Mirror dismays us today. Where’s the fun in a sex scandal if it’s not consensual (allegedly). A woman complains: ‘Top Tory’s “sex attack” in parliament.’ – please can we have no sniggering for the next line: ‘Alleged victim says cops failed to probe MP’ – this chap would appear to be inclined to vote in both lobbies?
The Mail on Sunday apparently alone among our papers decides to do some journalism – ie publishing something the powers that be would rather they didn’t publish: ‘287 days after MoS first spotlighted Wuhan virus lab, US says staff fell ill weeks before world knew of Covid: America points finger at China lab’
Thanks you’ve reminded me of that time honoured ritual the MSM goes through when there is a coronation in America – where does the President go first? ( do we still have a mythical special relationship ?)
This one will be a bit tricky . But UK first ? I don’t think so – and in any event it wouldn’t look good going on foreign jaunts in thr middle of a pandemic – unless mrs Biden wants pictures with the Queen …. I think it’s more likely to be ‘stay at home Joe ‘ ..
Mind you – as I’ve been writing this – the image of the false president being seen as a ‘world statesman ‘ by the folks back home might encourage a few more to forget that the election was stolen .
Damn – that link goes on and on – life it too short . The cut and paste bit you put up listing 3 examples ? Well on number one the big criticism was that this half wit was allowed to make her claim without challenge from the BBC droid – it was picked up and about 2 days later shown to be a lie .
As for ‘ younger ‘ what does that mean ?
I don’t know what the ‘survivability rate ‘ of getting covid versus age might be – but I’m guessing that the older you are the more at risk you are .
So to save lives – it seems sensible to me to lock down until those vaccines are delivered to a fair lump of the population .
Maybe those against lockdown can all meet up and experience the consequences ….
At risk of OT… house journal…
The Graun
Nadine Dorries, James Cleverly and Michael Gove joined the platform favoured by Trump supporters
REVEALED: the Graun really is this thick.
Guilt By association fallacy
Summed up nicely really ????
Q. “Ms. President, what are you going to do about North Korea?”
A. “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Q. “Ms. President, what are you going to do about Iran?”
A. “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Q. “Ms. President, what are you going to do about Covid?”
A. “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Q. “Ms. President, what are you going to do about Global Warming?”
A. “Ha! Ha! Ha!”
“Thank you Ms. President! And can I just say how refreshing it is to have a president who has brought us all together (in the media)!”
The first ever ….
SUNDAY Watch #1 – how many rules have you broken, William?
William Crawley was in the chair and couldn’t resist repeating the lie of the week: that President Trump incited rioters among his supporters to attack the Capitol. That was an interesting little insight to ‘views your own'(?) and the BBC hive mind.
Then, Franklin Graham was interviewed by William who talked over his contributor, first rule of radio broadcasting broken there. Then the small question of political neutrality and the BBC Charter might have been breached, in spirit at least. Time now to head off for Confession, William. Should keep the Priest busy.
But pug – surely this is one for the distant future – a bit like elderly social care -HS2 – cross rail – new power stations – no deficit -and the like . ?
Andrew Marr Show just now interviewing a doctor outside his hospital (without a stethoscope surprisingly).
He said “Every 30 seconds in the UK a person is admitted to hospital with Covid. So from now until lunchtime that would fill the hospital behind me.”
Talk about apples and pears. Comparing UK admission rates and how long it take to fill one hospital with the total UK admission rates is just scare mongering.
120 patients an hour
How many patients would we normally expect to be admitted in a country of 67 million people
It won’t be 2 or 3 would it.
…Did the doctor say which unionn he represents ?
It’s said that Tuesday was the day most patients were admitted and that was 1400.
That’s 58 an hour or 1 a minute
So the guy just doubled the truth.
I rewatched it on iPlayer. He was Sir Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England. Wikipedia doesn’t say he represents any Union but it does say his friends range from Extinction Rebellion’s Rupert Read to Boris Johnson – no surprise there then!
His bit starts at 09:44am and like a politician never answered a direct question.
His first question from Marr was “Is London coping?”. He cannot say yes or no to this as yes means he has failed his job and no means he is overplaying the job the NHS needs to do. Instead he comes up with stats like “since Xmas day we have seen 15000 increase of inpatients, that is the equivilant of filling 30 hospitals blah blah that and now every 30 seconds someone is admitted with Covid”.
He doesn’t mention how people left hospital in the same time period and that doesn’t help his cause.
@Tabs it is 23 days since Christmas day
so that is 652/day
or 27/hour
ie one every 2 minutes
BTW I wonder if hospitals have a habit of clearing out mild patients for Christmas with their families and then re-admit the same ones the week after ?
Tabs, yet we are being told the R rate is falling and is as low as 0.6 in some places or areas. There is no doubt a lot of misinformation being put ‘out there’ – I am guessing – for political reasons.
Groper reviewed.
He is the weasel’s weasel.
How Rob Burley’s conscience does not explode his head every time he posts a promo to the two-faced little goblin is beyond me.
The vote-rigging for the 2024 US presidential election has begun in earnest.
Biden is planning to grant US citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants.
What’s the betting that priority will be given to those in battleground states?
The BBC, needless tomsay, reported this as a positive with a notably upbeat tone from the presenter.
Sluff – he will let them in – but i disagree that its about vote rigging apart from using when to do the ‘count’ or fill in false voting forms – or beating up dissenters ….
… actually yes you are right …
It IS about vote rigging. Immigrants vote disproportionately Democrat.
Republicans have been warning that Biden/Harris would introduce policies that could mean no Republican ever wins again.
Granting US citizenship was one such. Others include creating new States and gerrymandering borders.
This could be the end of the GOP, unless Biden/Harris make a complete mess of things – which is possible – or the Dems succumb to internal divisions – also possible.
However, even if they do, the media and Big Tech will have their back, and they could still win future elections.
Absolutely most immigrants will vote Democrat (or Labour here).
Swamp country then lower voting age (Starmer likes that one).
And break the country up into as many separate ‘units’ as possible.
I don’t think the ethnicity of the voters will matter again. The ballots can be fixed and the media will ensure that it is either not reported or claims dismissed as ‘without evidence’.
The Dems will win the next election unless a Republican emerges who meets with criteria set by the media.
In the UK despite a fall in popularity Johnson will return if the media agree.
It has nothing to do with democracy or election campaigns
Certainly election promises achieved or international peace treaties don’t count for anything – with a hateful media . If the Republicans don’t get their act together and figure out one to cheat the vote counting better than the democrats then there won’t be any change
The World should be really worried.
If Harris sets foot in the White House followed by her rogue followers like the Government, Pelosi et al. Western democracy will be over and Mandarin will appear all over on the school curriculum pretty dam quickly.
DJT high-tailing it for Florida to avoid the Inauguration? More like he said to the Pentagon, “You failed to support me during my four years – you sort the mess out. Call me when you want me to resume occupancy of the White House”. I would.
vlad, that may be true at first but when they have been struggling for a while – as in the Obama Presidency – they may be more inclined to embrace the American Dream and vote Republican. After all, Trump’s victory in 2016 came about due to the votes of BAME voters plus the descendants of white Catholic immigrant voters in Ohio.
I think it may all turn to dust in the Democrats hands. I caught the Obama enthusiasm big when I was in the US during the Primaries but that all went nowhere. The Democrats have no-one to hate by the mid-terms. Former President Trump will be on a golf course somewhere, enjoying himself, or developing another resort and creating jobs.
China Joe will be grinding down the American people – especially with Global Warming and Climate Change – and if he is one of the least popular Presidents by mid-term, I would not fall off my chair in surprise. I will probably be very smug and say “Uh huh, told you so!”
BBC News
The Afghan vice-president Amrullah Saleh has told the BBC that the latest US troop withdrawal will lead to violence.
And the BBC knows what is violence.
And what is… er… mostly not.
I can’t say that I go along with all this 5G concern, but the BBC surely has been irradiating us with non-ionising radiation longer than anyone else in these isles so can’t exactly be impartial, but then what’s new?
The enemy within
Getting more like the Chinese infiltrating the US political system with their agents every day.
Swamp needs draining – urgently!!
In beebubble, feminist knitting has a history. That is a secret.
BBC Radio 4
From pussy hats to la tricoteuse…
Given Timmeh!’s empire building/hiring spree, one presumes there is now a specialist editor for each technique.
Who will be BBC Secret Pussy Hat Editor? Marr?
Oh, and …
This clip is from
Woman’s Hour
History of Knitting, Labour Conference 2019, US Black Maternal Health Clinic
Quite the combo.
Knits, twits and single parents, y’all.
If you don’t have time for the whole video, the title says it all:
‘Amazon Sells “Kill Republicans” Shirts After Banning Parler over Violence’
The staggering hypocrisy of Big Tech’s highly selective ban on violence. Basically: our leftist violence good – your violence bad.
PS. There’s an interesting comment under that vid.
“Donald trump: the man people hate but don’t know why! “
They hate him because the entire MSN has been doing nothing but hating ….
I’ve said it many times, nobody hates like the Left.
Theirs is the nasty kind of hate. The ideological type where they view their opponents as inferior vermin. That’s why they have cynically murdered so many millions throughout history.
As the most famous socialist of all – Adolf Hitler – demonstrated.
Just ask Whoopi Goldberg.
Amos 5:10 “They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh Uprightly.”
They hate Trump because he rebuked them near the Capitol, and they abhor him for telling the truth.
Amos 5:11 “Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat: ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine of them.”
So therefore as they tread upon the poor, and take wealth from them by taxation. They have built houses of stone, but shall not dwell in them, they have planted pleasant vineyards in California, but shall not drink wine from them any more.
Amos 5:12 “For I know your manifold transgressions, and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.”
Trump knows their manifold transgressions, and their mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take bribes, and they turn away the poor from their right to justice.
Amos 5:13 “Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time.”
Therefore the wise shall keep silent until judgment day on Wednesday; for it is an evil time.
Amos 5:14 “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken.”
Seek good, and not evil, that we may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as you have voted for Trump
Amos 5:15 “Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.”
Hate the evil democrats, and love the good republicans, and establish judgment in the Capitol: it may be that the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnants of Democracy.
Sikhism had only just started to develop as a religion and way of life around the same time as Europeans arrived in the Indian Subcontinent. It first appeared in the late 15th Century, the first Europeans (Portuguese) arrived perhaps 20-25 years later, and the British around a hundred years after that. So, interesting, but hardly surprising if they adopted a European musical instrument early on in their history.
In the early 19th Century, the militant Sikh Empire, led by Ranjit Singh, the ‘Lion of the Punjab’, and the British, sucked in as ‘peacekeepers’ by the failing Mughals, competed for control of the North West of the subcontinent. To counter the British, Ranjit Singh imported French Napoleonic Officers to train his troops in the ‘European Manner’. After Ranjit Singh died there were two, short, but very fiercely fought wars, as a result of which the Sikhs were defeated and accepted British rule, and practically overnight became extremely loyal subjects of the British Crown, who treated them (like the Gurkhas) as ‘foreign born sons’.
Many in the Sikh community were angry about Indian independence, because of the loss of status they suffered as a result, and partition (right through the middle of their homeland) was not kind to them.
Have known a number of British Sikhs, and they generally come across as more ‘British’ than many white people in this country. Like the many British Chinese, one of the most integrated of our ‘ethnic communities’, and not one that usually causes any unrest, or problems at all.
If the BBC think they’ll get much ‘anti-British’ support from the Sikh community they’re barking up the wrong tree.
BBC local radio.
Laptop donations a lifeline for Herefordshire mother-of-six Leanne McDonald. ????????
Find a list of charities you can donate old laptops to on the BBC’s Make a Difference site ???? https://bbc.in/3qixVEE
Nifty bit of mutual promo too, but justified.
Shame Mr. McDonald could not be there.
Lucky the BBC knew Leanne.
I bet they’ve already got smartphones they could use!
Heads are going to roll at the BBC. To illustrate their piece about Biden promising to reverse Trump’s policies they have chosen a picture of Biden scratching his head and looking distinctly nonplussed by the whole thing. That doesn’t fit their adoration narrative at all.
There is an industry out there producing Biden photos which the BBC might care to use.
Amazing to think that Mr Biden has been an elected politician since 1973 …… when he was 30 – according to wiki . Decades not years as a swamp dweller .
OK – so Mr Trump’s wealth isolates him from ordinary life but 47 years in Washington ….beggars belief …
Ha ha ha. The eyes have got closer together since then.
@Pug where are all these bodies with 5G on the death certificate ?
There is the rule for when someone starts an outrage bus about something
“Show me the bodies”
eg. It applies to traffic pollution, where are all these dead children ?
Yes some people die of asthma, but attacks almost always correlate with grass pollen
Basically humans live longer than they ever have.
BBC Ne… framing the narrative
Were the warning signs clear in the in the run up to the US Capitol riots?
Trump riots: 65 days that led to chaos at the Capitol
Trump Riots?
So in the mostly peaceful period preceding ‘his’ riots all was spiffy?
I see Shyhan is co-credited, so Wendy is involved. The ‘additional reporting’ is by two people I have never heard of, if BBC staff, here or in the USA.
This all matters, as it was posted on social media and has seen BBC Hypnotoad acolytes pile on any trying to rein in the hyperbolic stirring of the national broadcaster of the U.K.
Example: “five people were killed, and it was called for by the outgoing president”
That stays up, because…?
Maybe they can fly Ed over to add his insights?
Joe plans an early visit to the UK, Can’t wait to see his welcome from the BBC.
The source close to Biden said: “Boris is a conservative, Joe’s a moderate [Democrat] so I think they can get over it. I think they’ll end up getting along.
“Joe’s view will be that they’ll have the destiny of the world on their shoulders so he’ll want to overcome any political differences.
“I think there’ll be more empathy than there was between Boris and Donald Trump. Boris seemed to get along with Trump, but I don’t know if he really did.”
Can’t see it happening this side of summer – but for popcorn purposes – who gets to interview ? Sopel – maitliss – Robinson – marr ?
If Beijing Biden lives long enough to make it to the UK, the BBC fawning will be nauseating.
If he kicks the bucket and Heels-Up Harris comes in his stead, it’ll be even worse.
Either way, the Beeb is henceforth unwatchable in this household.
Yes, there seems to be a lot of that around.
I find the manipulation of facts and recent history very upsetting. It’s everywhere.
No wonder I now visit this site.
Today they were flogging Gary Barlow songwriting tips (minus the bit about having a full management payola team embedded in all BBC radio offices to get any airplay).
Someone asked what the BBC connection was.
The reply:
“BBC Maestro is an independent business operating under license and in close collaboration with BBC Studios, the commercial arm of the BBC.
Our service offers you the chance to learn new skills from established experts in an intimate and informative experience.
Each Maestro has personally crafted their course to share their knowledge and experience in a way that is not only instructional, but also motivational – providing a combination of practical skills, insight, and inspiration.
We hope that we have answered your questions, but do let us know if there is anything further you would like to know, thanks!“
Uh huh.
So using the BBC brand to attract suckers.
Twitter watch – not BBC
Nadhim Zaharwi – the vaccine czar is saying on average 140 vaccinations are being done per minute – can you guess some of the responses ?
One complained that the whole country won’t be done before September … 60 to 70 million people …
I just hope the 2 million a week target it well exceeded ….
By the way – I caught a bbc weather girl saying Sunday would be a nice day to ‘go out ‘ … is that incitement to breach COVID regulations ..?
The MSM and particularly the BBC are going all out to nail treason on Trump. This is obviously a global attempt to ensure he never again holds power at least and to do time if possible.
The hate they are spewing out looks and smells like vengeance and throws deep shadows on democracy across the free world.
They are all so in tune over this it can only be coming from a global conspiracy masterminded at a high level.
I think that Trump questioning the UN and WHO started the whole witch hunt including the farcical election manipulation that undoubtedly happened with some very high up assistance.
Good old BBC: The music producer of the 1960s dies.
Jailed music producer Phil Spector dies
Wait until Roman Polanski pops off.
They’ll probably fly Meryl over for the eulogy.
headline now reads “Pop producer jailed for murder dies at 81”
Any suggestion he died of Covid?
I think the Daily Mail (ok Mail on Sunday) said Spectre’s death was due to the dreaded virus.
Ian Dale has his moments, but TDS appears to switch on th3 credulity circuits in every broadcaster.
“As I wrote in my ConservativeHome column, on Wednesday I got the chance to interview James Comey, former FBI Director, for thirty minutes. He’s got a new book out called Saving Justice and was doing the rounds of UK broadcasters.
I was a bit hacked off to have to sign a non-disclosure agreement which prevented us from broadcasting it on that evening’s show, but when I saw he was on Newsnight I understood why. They always insist on going first. Emily Maitlis interviewed him for ten minutes and, although it was all interesting stuff, I compared it to what I had got out of him in thirty minutes and decided it was yet another example of where the long-form interview wins out.”
James Comey…. with a book to sell, and a queue of British MSM sycophants…. now, any context on his history?
Countryfile : Green activism item
“Paying farms to go green”
“Tom finds out how the countryside can help transform lives and investigates if the government’s new green subsidy scheme can really deliver for farmers and the environment. “
City people like the BBC dream of organic faming.
But there is a reason, farming evolved to be what it is .
And that is nature is a pain in the ass.
eg1 You invest in growing a crop, then every few years nature throws a disease or bug infestation at you
but with pesticides etc. you can really smooth out the disaster year effect.
Radio Times wording
\\ Post Brexit : Instead of receiving taxpayers’ money based on the size of land being farmed
a new green subsidy scheme will now see farmers being paid for *preventing floods* and aiding wildlife.
“Evolution not a revolution,” is what environment secretary George Eustice says //
Oh here’s Heaps item pushing organic
with Tim & Sarah Mead of Yo Valley Farms (the yoghurt firm)
“We haven’t doing OIL BASED FARMING FOR 25 years ”
Here we are with farming couple Tim
photos of solar panels covering the barn roofs
“Oh he employs ex-prisoners” etc.
Interesting set of data.
Something for the 5G Conspiracy Theory guys
“Sir David Attenborough to front new 5G app to win public confidence”
He is to be the face of a new government-funded 5G app to demonstrate the benefits of the new technology to the public.
The 94-year-old broadcaster and naturalist’s forthcoming BBC documentary series The Green Planet will be accompanied by an AR (augmented reality) app using 5G technology that allows people to see exotic plants and animals around them.
The Green Planet app has won funding from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s 5G Create competition.
Matt Warman, minister for Digital Infrastructure, said: “This cutting-edge app, fronted by broadcasting legend Sir David Attenborough, is set to be an inspiring example of how new technology can reconnect us with the natural world whilst demonstrating the power of 5G to a huge new audience.”
In the 1940’s they introduced Radar units on ships. One emitted microwaves at a dangerous frequency and power of over 1000Kw, which successfully microwaved the brains of sailors. So was born the Philadelphia experiment myth. The US Navy feed the myth till the day all the sailors died. So that the US Navy didn’t need to pay compensation.
So be wary of 5G and the evil David Attenborough. A 5G Conspiracy theory could be used to prevent payments of compensation.
Some sailors say they saw “bizarre sparkling lights all over the place”. With 5G they say you will see “exotic plants and animals all around you”.
You’ll get the 0400 troll treatment ‘it’s all lies ‘ again . I’ve yet to see mr maxi or mr picu ever mention the BBC …..and – as moderator – am getting tired of their ‘squatting ‘ on this site ….
Why do we need 5G when our 4G and 3G don’t work as they should? (Source: BBC, Rory Cellan-Jones)
8pm BBC1David Attenborough’s A Perfect Planet.
“Stark warnings about climate change are woven into each episode,”
Songs of Praise : from the trailer it seems there is a new black presenter
And she is talking to a walking group
Is that going to be yet another black only walking group ?
Ah no it’s mixed church ..in London of course.
So what did you reckon viewers ?
@DavidFranks tweeted
Just after I repatriated to England in 1997, there was a case that #BAME were not fairy represented by our media;
if Martians tuned in now to #SongsOfPraise, they’d assume English were in the minority here;