The BBC will be continuing the adoration of Joe Biden in the run up to the Coronation on Wednesday and the demonisation of President Trump with a single groupthink . How much can the British Licence payer take ? Less and Less it seems ..
Start the Week 18 January 2021
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Well here we are again folks !
Still in lockdown and still being Trolled .
Last night in the early hours , this site had a few attacks .
Not one of them post anything about Al Beeb’s Blatant Bias.
Note how they post on early threads and don’t get spotted.
Things must be getting desperate at Al Beeb HQ for the Beeboids to post in packs . Keep on posting as it riles them up. “If you’re not catching flak, you’re not over the target”
Here is one for Telly Tax Payers to chew over .
Try sleeping at 4am!
Works well for me
Try working at 4am 😀
Try being wide awake at 3.30 a.m. and having plenty of jobs to do but missing the energy provided by restful sleep to get up and do them. A book came to the rescue. For half an hour. Some interesting dreams followed, thereafter. 🙂
Catchup links to recent posts on the last thread
– page 3
– page 2
The thing about trolls is that they are not here for free debate
Diversity of opinion is always good
But these guys are here to disrupt, usually by scanning for for a point someone has made and cherrypicking it to score a point. Often by misrepresenting it.
When 5 people then post insults at them, that is actually a WIN for the troll, cos that is the thread spoiled.
DNFTT is a good response .. Don’t Not Feed The Troll
Takes discipline that, Stew, … I’ll try. But maxi disappears quick, especially if I can catch him at it and mention the word ‘Apology’. 🙂
Apology to him is like garlic to a vampire.
It does seem to work with maxi, Fed, never works with the BBC, though, unfortunately!
Oops, sorry, correction taffman. Was replying to your point about garlic. See maxi, piku, Darcy and Wildy, you could, you should have been around to fix that for me.
What’s happened to that public consultation on the licence fee that closed last April ?
“What’s happened to that public consultation on the licence fee that closed last April ?”
IMHO they have put this chap in charge in an attempt to pacify the Telly Tax payers …………..
Is it too late for me to do another SUNDAY Watch?
OK if it is too late, then this is what would have gone into it anway. William Crawley suggested in his little combat with Franklin Graham that President-yet-to-be-Inaugurated Biden would be less divisive than President Trump. I smiled. BBC News at 7 a.m. and again at 8 a.m. had informed me what Executive Orders would be signed into law by the new President of the USA within minutes of his Inauguration. (Normally there is the small matter of the Inauguration Ball to be got out of the way first but in these Covid times …. who knows?)
There were four items, three of which would reverse actions or decisions that President Trump had made eg. re-joining the Paris Climate Accord. If Trump was divisive and China Joe is not divisive, surely that means that China Joe is equally divisive if he is reversing those policies or decisions? He cannot be anything other than divisive while doing so.
That obviously hadn’t occurred to William Crawley.
The BBC Hive Mind is a dead mind.
When will we be changing from USA to UCA (United Caliphate of America)
Biden starting off by opening the gates for everyone to come in.
A bit like Belgium, (now one third of the population is immigrants and the like so not far to go before it’s lost to the proper Belgian population)
I wonder if – ‘when’ is probably out of the question – the Socialists who to a man, woman and any other gender they wish to choose, all believe fervently in the Global Warming & Climate Change nonsense will ever wake up to the fact that importing more and more people from warmer climes to colder ones plus entry into a mega CO2 consumerist lifestyle is – by their AGW & CC standards – kinda counter-productive?
You might have noticed that as moderator – i am applying a new test as to whether people should be allowed to write on this site . Let’s call it censorship . The test is whether there is ever any reference to the Bias of the Far Left BBC .
If people want to turn up and write in defence of the BBC – right or wrong – fair enough . But if their sole activity is to just comment on the views of others – not relating to the BBC – then that does not contribute to the primary purpose of this site .
So they should go somewhere else – somewhere more accommodating to their view …. enough .
You know me, Fed – always nailing the BBC’s hide to something or other …. usually. 😉
Perhaps they should go to Al Beeb’s “Points of View”, if it hasn’t been ‘pulled’ ?
Fed, I suspect it’s time to show the same levels of control and moderation the likes of Twitter and YouTube do with ‘contributors’ they don’t like.
All in the name of balance and fairness, of course????
No – it’s not like or dislike -,it’s whether it is related to the primary subject and purpose of this site . Enough 4am comments – unless it is about the BBC – I’ve patiently waited for the trolls to talk about their BBC – defend it – whatever – but it just never happens . Hence the warning .
Its not even a matter of the ‘ echo chamber ‘ accusation made from time to time ….
There is a problem with topics not covered by the BBC which are in a sense a form of bias by omission and might be worth mentioning here. For example, the BBC are not covering protests and disruption caused by Priti’s lads in places like Tenby.
Fed ,
I know you and Stew have shown patience with these trolls , but I ask all to consider this point . Maxi et al must be using a lot of their time in preparation. FirstLy they need to hit in the early hours and At the back end of a thread.
Secondly they must have to seek out information to counter what posters here print .
I think that means they are using a fair bit of their hours on this site .
Some of us have replied to them , but usually it takes nano seconds to the hours they put in .
I don’t like removing anyone from this site . But I think the test I’m applying is a fair one . If some one turns up and never makes reference to the BBC -what value have they got here – ?
Evidence the fairness of bbc reporting or programming by all means – but never mentioning the BBC ? No – they need another site .
“…never makes reference to the BBC….”. You are setting yourself up for hard work having to intervene and give reasons more and calculate percentages of no mentions compared to mentions.
A perusal of, for example, the last W/end thread shows that a good percentage of the contributions – roughly 40% or more – will be gone on that sort of strict basis. Although I cannot know numerically how many trolls present themselves over the three regular culprits, I suggest this site will, ‘die on the vine’ if you enforce this new rule. Not commenting all the time on the BBC, I will be gone for one, yet you have previously acknowledged that criticism for the BBC will reduce – naturally – without a tv licence. “Welcome, welcome, you are always(?) welcome to contribute to this site [naturally, that’s until you ditch your tv licence and reduce your criticism of the BBC]………The reality.
I had always thought that the secondary purpose of a troll, apart from winding up the regular contributors was to try and destroy a site. So, well done in advance.
Perhaps far better to simply ban replies from contributors to trolls? Not satisfying their appetite to disrupt might do the job.
Over the years I have visited, one positive comment I have regularly seen is, ‘I come here to get the real news’. Quite right. You change all that and the end with come quicker than you think because quoting the bbc’s dishonesty is not synonymous with ‘real news’.
In the circumstances you are imposing, I always work on the principle that as I have lived the bulk of my life without (something other that water, light and food), so why fret when it is gone. A fundamentally sound element of Buddhist philosophy.
I agree.
The calibre of trolling is so dire it only serves to dig a deeper hole in the minds of lurkers.
It’s rarely an accurate fact, or pathetically edited for easy rebuttal. Which might boost their CVs in Wendy’s Crèche of Checkouts but nothing more.
Look at ITBB. Many comments stray but are easily connected by association with bbc obsessions or failures.
Frankly bolting on a Knob, JezBo, Simpo, Mason or Spring tweet at the end usually will in some way be relevant and confirm zero editorial integrity.
I think you miss my point . I read the nocturnal troll efforts – I can’t recall when any of them ( few ) made direct comment about the BBC – and therefore – should that be here ?
I am not talking about removing every thing and every one who diverts to kindred subjects – I’m talking about people who spend 90 + % off subject . By the way – I think your % estimate is about right . But that’s OK.
I had to delete someone from the site last week – for all I know they may well be back under another guise – whatever . I don’t like doing that – but it was getting more and more abusive and warnings didn’t do anything apart from make me a target .
Fortunately my sense of proportion tells me that this is just an internet site . It’s not real . In my life I’ve had more than my fair share of ‘physical contact ‘ so words are just words .
As for the idea about banning or removing responses to 0300 trolls – no – I spend too much time with this site . I’m not doing more .
You might see that I try to delete the worst of ‘bad language ‘ for the site – not me personally because in really couldn’t give a ++++ what people write .
And on that -move written enough about moderation – but I hope you understand what I mean …
Cheers .
Quite right, Fed. Most are just the trolls attempts to snipe at regular contributors to this web-site. If they really wanted to be helpful they would be around to correct my typos before I make them.
I did say I cannot know the volume of trolls overall. Clearly, you must and if that unknown number is overwhelming needing your direct intervention, so be it.
It’s very few – one good thing about the IT is that they get filtered out – mainly – so we see a few – and they’ll be over the moon to be talked about …!
Fed “and they’ll be over the moon to be talked about …!”
until we get to play whackamole 🙂 or whatever it is called.
Al Beeb have a surplus of staff to do their research. Its overstaffed.
If they do, and the job title of such stuff involves research, given results, more than a few are being paid under false pretences, which is probably fraudulent.
Probably how i’M Wrong Shysterperson was fast-tracked by Wendy.
I always have more information than is necessary for a post. Trolls then obtain the ignorant opinion of a BBC Journalist. Trolls then force me to go into more detail. They then give up. This indicates that the BBC is full of scientifically uneducated journalists.
Al Beeb gives the wrong impression about many of us taffmen. IMHO this guy speaks for a lot of us taffmen. After all we are the true Brits .
I think you true Brits saved us in 2016 .
I’ll buy anyone of you a pint if you can explain it in a Nutshell.
Nibor – am i reading you correctly ? You don’t understand what the referendum was about ? Are you just teasing ? Please explain I’ll give you a clue – it’s ‘ever closer union ‘….
Fed ,
I hope you’re on the same side , and after a pint you could explain in a Nutshell.
Hint ; smallest pint .
Nibor – I just can’t – if you have no idea what the referendum was about – then I can’t help much – but a clue- unlike the bbc – it wasn’t just about trade … there was more to it than that – but BBC kidults – raised in an easy time – have no other references . I lost quite a number of remainer traitor friends over brexit and have no regrets about it .
With a bit of luck the mess the EU HQ is making of vaccination will push just a bit further toward its’,destruction – over the bodies and suffering of EU citizens who deserved better .
Fed up,
We are talking at cross purposes here . No one wanted Brexit more than me , due to trade because of my business , which made me appreciate sovereignty.
I shouldn’t on a website but I will , my lovely town has a unique pub .
But here’s an exception from me: if President Trump is going to pull something ‘out of the bag’ (a Republican Trump supporter and voter referred to it as a ‘trump card’ 🙂 on TWoTWee on R4 at 1 p.m. today) re the stolen US Election, he is leaving it mighty late.
A confusing dream, but imagine reasons why it has to be on the last day.
Dream about the military and the swamp in the same place at the same time.
Dream about the military building a fence to protect the swamp from Trump supporters.
Don’t tell anybody about your dreams unless they become true.
Richard, I had some interesting dreams this a.m. from somewhere in between 4.30 a.m. – 7.45 a.m. but if I told you about them they would mean nothing to you because they involve people and situations only known to me.
Thing is with US Presidency, Wednesday will be too late, that leaves today, already morning now in Washington DC and tomorrow, because I would have thought SCOTUS would need to be assembled to consider new evidence and make a legal order. That would take time.
Of course, illegal action could take place at any time. President Trump has been painted by the world media as such a bad man he might just figure ‘Why not go for broke?’ and mount a coup.
However what would that do 1. to the America that President Trump is said to love, and, 2. to the Democratic Party and their buddies like BLM, Antifa, etc., etc.? Think about it.
21.35 and wireless Beeb radio news on 5dead continues to open with the same headline they have all day…. Quoting the head of the NHS stating there’s 30 admitted every second with Covid or some such….
It’s not news it’s bloody propaganda. 24/7.
Upon the recommendation of one or two posters on this site I sometimes tune in to Talk Radio to avoid Al Beeb and LBC . Unfortunately in the early hours of this morning I stumbled across a chappie named Darryl Morris.
Caution, nothing but Woke!
Avoid , he sounds just like he as been trained by Al Beeb .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – I have another alternative
The ‘taster’ on the BBC Home Page states ‘Hack: how to stimulate your happy hormones’ and has a photo of a woman outside a fish & chip shop. I have other versions that relate to 2005 and 2020. In the first, I cancelled my TV Licence and stopped watching broadcast TV. Last year, for the second, I started to turn off Radio 4 to stop the waves of negativity coming at me, broadcast by the Knaves a.k.a. the BBC.
Does anyone see the similarities with the way the Russian government are treating Alexei Navalny and how the British government are treating Tommy Robinson.
Lots of trumped up charges to arrest them and although they haven’t novichocked Tommy yet they did put him into a prison environment where I’m sure they hoped the rop would have seen him off.
Our msm seem to be outraged at the behaviour of the Russian government against Navalny yet are perfectly happy with ‘our’ governments behaviour against Tommy but there’s little difference.
Like our msm, none of them will stand up for Tommy and the Russian msm will also side with their government yet it’s easy to see that both Navalny and Robinson have lots of supporters.
Good job our msm isn’t biased and can rightly claim to be as fair as the Russians.
Well done HM Government (and the similar Putin government)
BBC1 news on Sunday at 10pm, twice they referred to Trump survivors ‘rioting’ the Capital on January 6th. Both the Jewish Chronicle and The Economist both claimed the same this weekend. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth.
ITV news also mentioned ‘rioters’ in the Capitol but the ‘latest exclusive footage’ just showed people going through the corridors and opening the desks of senators. Personally I cannot approve this but whatever it was it was not rioting. OK so Pelosi had her name board smashed but on the scale you’d put this pretty near the bottom.
Rioting is when you torch buildings and loot shops as happened in US cities last year after a certain event. But that’s what the MSM call ‘peaceful protest’ these days.
Manchester bombing: Youngest victim ‘could have survived with better first aid’
Would have survived if we’d had a better immigration system.
Could be worse.
Could have happened now.
Eddy Booth
\\”Would have survived if we’d had a better immigration” system.//
Where or what is our Covert Marine Officer doing , he must be hiding ?
Where is Priti ? I thought all international travel was banned ? The Border Farce is now past a joke , get the Royal Navy in Bo Jo, you are insulting our intelligence. Brexit was done on Jan 1st.
Do the strict Covid rules only apply to us UK citizens?
What is today’s excuse, our 4 Star hotels are empty?
Like how that report starts with seamlessly mentioning us intercepting with the French stopping, like it’s the same thing.
Then shamelessly plays the trick again with “Border Force dealt with” and
” French authorities stopped”
And plonks the article under European Migrant Crisis link
What’s going on ?
Its almost as if the UK Gov is complicit ?
Did not UK taxpayers money go to France to halt the illegal invasion ?
Why is the French Navy involved but not the Royal Navy?
How much do the BBC hate Trump? From watching tonight’s news I can tell you they hate him so much they are prepared to admit that there is a problem with Islamists in Somalia. The Donald has pulled US troops out of Somalia, much to the indignation of the BBC. Poor old Joe will have to make the decision whether to send them back in. Is Joe up to it? I understand US Democrats like to deploy the troops so I can guess it isn’t too hard a decision for him.
Easy, just claim Donalds USA travel ban radicalised and traumatised the population… and the troops will build bridges
I must thank those on this site who keep me informed of the BBC and their bias.I myself have managed for many months to avoid the BBC news and current affairs programmes.Sadly my dear wife does insist on watching the BBC Breakfast programme every morning.This is only of interest to me to marvel at the classic BBC droid smugness of the presenters,and reporters.I am also amused at Naga Munchetty and her crazy outfits,also Carol Kirkwood ,who appears to be wearing a suit of armour under her dress!As for any positive reports on Brexit,or the government ,forget it!
Put yourself out of misery and join the rest of us and cancel your Telly Tax. You know it makes sense and will feel the better for it.
Another issue straight out of BBC Guardianland
#TheGreatReset & #BuildBackBetter
which actually equals the #GreatGreenLeap Backwards
Boris is promoting it
Covid takes MONTHS off the life of its victims on average .
..the Blitz took DECADES off the life of its victims
Delaying cancer treatment might deprive someone of 10 years of life.
An appeal.
In two days time BBC so called comedians and Washington correspondents will lose their meal ticket , and aren’t eligible for Marcus Rashford free school meals .
Their bete noir for five years will retire and so easy lampooning to the stupid will end .
Now they can’t just say “ Trump” and expect sycophants to laugh , or get two talking heads on TWATO to denounce Donald Trump as the devil incarnate and think everyone but a few tens of millions will agree .
Now they have to do some work . They have to look impartial, but not jeopardise Joe Biden and Kamela in the globalist agenda . How to put the dichotomy of their loathing of the USA with their delight that a new president wants to lead the world .
Thing’s will be tough for these Beeboids who earn thousands telling us how to have five minutes hate against an elected person.
But you can help . If you’re not on benefits a little something of what the government leaves you after taxes can ameliorate a subsidised BBC cleverdick because his fox is shot .
65 pence buys a bottle of bleach which he can put on the mantelpiece to remind him of the chemical Donald Trump never mentioned but he lied the President said to drink .
Five pounds gets him some 80’s videos of BBC so called comedies lambasting President Ronald Reagan from a charity shop .
Two hundred pounds buys a good case of champagne to drink and festoon BBC corridors with empty bottles .
A thousand pounds allows a BBC “ comedian “ to seek out a new scriptwriter.
It’s not much to ask if you thinking of pledging just £10 a week that you were thinking of putting aside for your children’s education. With jiggery pokery you can get it back from food banks or Marcus Rashfords free school meals . The important thing is not to let Sandy Tostkvick have to return to LibDem politics.
Whatever you give , whether you’re a old age pensioner that now has to stump up the licence fee for a service that insults you , or someone that just wants sport in the pub that might survive Covid laws , the BBC is eager to fleece you . In return you can buy BBC programmes you’ve already paid for .
Nibor – I think we are about to see the MSM having a mindset that President Trump is still president in the same way that they think we are still in their EU. The hate won’t change .
It was only Jeremy Hardy’s death in 2019 that stopped him making a living moaning about ‘Thatcher’, despite her not being prime minister for nearly 30 years and followed by 5 other holders of that office.
We will continue to see the selective switch of ‘ownership’ of polices, Obama’s ‘child detention’ policy became Trump’s and therefore evil. Trump’s vaccine became Biden’s even though Trump is still in office and even if Biden manages to rule for a full eight years all of his failures will be down to Trump.
Again, as an example, Harold Wilson’s coal mine closures were ‘inherited’ by Margaret Thatcher as it suited the Labour-supporting BBC narrative.
That’s the BBC for you, Jim.
They’ll spend thousands on a non-story to tell their diminishing taxpayers a load of old borrocks, but conveniently forget that their tax-funded existence has so-called henchmen like Crapita to do the dirty work of hurting pensioners – who’ve probably paid their tax all their lives!
The BBC have to consider that their adulation of the fraudulent US election mght well bite them in the bum one day, but there again, what part of the cicil serpent race here has ever worried about that.
In this months Mensa Magazine. Douglas Kruger sums up the evil people who hate Trump by saying “Speaking the truth requires courage in a political correct world” “yet it’s the path to freedom” “Political correctness begins from a place of selfishness, then proceeds to damage outcomes for all by hiding the necessary knowledge, rendering us liars with smiling masks” “You can have political correctness or you can have the truth, but you cannot have both”
I think the opinion is that like all loony socialist ideas, the Frankfurter School swamp is in a state of collapse, its time is up. On Wednesday its going down the plug hole, its inevitable because the all those Trump supporters in the US Army know they have to finish the Swamp off on Wednesday if they don’t want Biden to finish them off, the same way as in the French revolution. Twitter censorship and Bidens threats must have instilled fear in the US Army for their future and their families.
I’m wondering whether all those soldiers on duty at the coronation on Wednesday will have live or dummy ammunition ?
Will we see one or two out of the 20000 decide the outcome of the election differently ?
Spot the ‘BFA’s (blank firing attachment)
If the 20000 are National Guardsmen, the reality is, they will be closer, as, effectively ‘reservists’ to the ‘people’ than their full time counterparts. With jobs (or no longer) back home, with businesses (or not destroyed by dems) back home, from last summers riot torn cities. They live the reality of the voting fraud and encroaching communism, back home. Interesting choice for protecting the innauguration …………
Richard, that is correct – the Kruger analysis. The Democrats in the Senate and in Congress will find their hate has imprisoned them. It will affect what they lobby for and what they pass into law. Much more dangerous for them lurks the other threat.
The MSM.
For five years much of the MSM – in the US and beyond – has hated Trump the Candidate and Trump the President. Now it is Biden’s and Harris’s turn. I really would not want to be in their shoes when they slip up as all politicians do from time to time.
Something I scribbled this week:
Thank you that 14 minutes of utter depression. What is it about politicians – or actually – civil servants – that cause them to waste taxpayers ‘ cash so recklessly again and again ?
I notice you left the BBC off your top ten – but they get £4 billion ish a year and turned a respected broadcaster into a socialist propaganda machine …..
I like to repeatedly point out and tell people that the license fee is voluntary though, not a tax and I stopped paying it after my first year at college. If you don’t invite Capita into your home they can’t take you to court. The best way to bring the corporation to heel is for widespread non-compliance of their payment system.
I was tempted for a while to print out a few hundred notes explaining that and putting them on lamp posts along Oxford St but I’m not sure if the police would take me to task for something petty like ‘making a nuisance’ and costing me jobs in the future.
Although I have been meaning to do a longish essay with a rundown of things wrong with the BBC
That colourful furnace is warming me up!
Jesus H – the BBC are relentless:
‘Small groups of protesters – some of them armed – gathered on Sunday at statehouses in the US, where tensions are high after the deadly riots at the Capitol in Washington.’
Deadly only in the sense a policeman shot an unarmed woman !!!!.
I don’t recall any such adjective after BLM actually murdered people. It was ‘Largely peaceful’ then. Just imagine the scale of the BBC outrage and the subsequent riots if police had shot an unarmed black woman.
This hypocrisy makes me sick.
It’s a funny old world. Don’t the media jockeys see the many levels of irony in those images of troops and razor wire fences around the Mall in Washington?
These are not bully boys unleashed by Trump…..they are people looking for a Voice! This is what happens.
Labelling them as ‘Extremists’ seems a little unfair.
Ive done for myself now….I’ve commented on a site that is bound to be labelled as extremist!
Welcome Gary. You must realise there is no such thing as ‘being on the right’ any more as just where you are on politics but any attempt to have views that the BBC and MSM don’t approve immediately puts you on “the far right” and worthy of attack by maxi and co.
I once went to some training where I was told that the biggest problem of extremism in schools came from the far right. Maybe it does but I wonder how the trainer was defining it.
Quite so. I saw the indoctrination in schools decades ago. And it wasnt from the right.
Welcome Gary. You must realise there is no such thing as ‘being on the right’ any more as just where you are on politics but any attempt to have views that the BBC and MSM don’t approve immediately puts you on “the far right” and worthy of attack by maxi and co.
I once went to some training where I was told that the biggest problem of extremism in schools came from the far right. Maybe it does but I wonder how the trainer was defining it.
Owen Jones tweeted yesterday some news that 30% of disrupted UK terror plots were “far right”. It didn’t occur to him, or his followers, to question what the other 70% could be.
As ever the “show me the bodies rule applies
20 June 2020 Three dead in Reading park
2 February 2020 Three stabbed in Streatham, south London
29 November 2019 Three dead at London Bridge
11 October 2019 Three stabbed at shopping centre in Manchester
14 August 2018 Car smashes into barriers outside parliament
Three people were injured by Salih Khater
3 June 2017 Eight murdered around London Bridge
22 May 2017 Manchester Arena bombing kills 22
22 March 2017 Five killed and dozens injured in Westminster
There were 2 bodies from the 19 June 2017 Darren Osbourne attack & the murder of Jo Cox earlier , but IMHO they were not done by an organised group for a political motive, but rather lone wolf attacks by mentally unstable people.
In the former case in revenge for Manchester Arena attack.
But when one look at terrorist attacks throughout the world like Africa/ Middle East/ Afghanistan / France /Vienna etc.
Almost all are Islamist
The whole thing about “right wing” reporting is the constant ignoring or underplaying of the undisrupted terror plots as you have listed above.
Even if all the terror plots the authorties disrupted were all right wing it totally ignores how many undisrupted terror plots got through.
This is a subset of Mishal’s Mortality Chart on not enough dead Jews, only in reverse.
Here they don’t want actual lethalities compared.
Surely the bBC didn’t get it wrong
“When the corporation did eventually response, it simply acknowledged that expert opinions were divided.”
Defund, close down
The BBC once rejected my complaint that being labelled ‘Gammon’ during Brexit was offensive. I was informed it is just the same as ‘Blue with cold’ or ‘Green with envy’.
If comparing skin colour with food is acceptable, I wonder if they are also OK with the phrase ‘Chocolate drop’ being used for black people ?.
They must be held accountable for their shameless hypocrisy and double standards. Voluntary subscription is the only acceptable way forward.
Whilst most rejections in media from the bbc are via anonoweasels, likely for reasons of deniability and to make pursuit impossible, those in person are from named persons.
One day they will be held to account for such replies.
The jeweller complained the programme had damaged his reputation in the industry when the progs expert Raj Bisram contradicted his statement the ring dated from 1891
Presenter Eric Knowles declared: ‘It’s Victorian in style yes but the date mark is definitely for 1951.’
When the corporation did eventually response, it simply acknowledged that expert opinions were divided.
He then complained to the Goldsmiths’ Company
The company’s analysis confirmed his dating was correct and the producers were forced to admit their error as well as providing him with a letter to show his future customers he was in fact correct.
The watchdog ruled Bargain Hunt’s efforts to rectify the situation were insufficient and forced the producers to release a public statement about the error.
No correction on their tweet.
You can see from viewers’ tweets that the producers knew it created dramatic tension and made for “great TV”.
Likely waiting six months until ECU adjudicates and a quiet mention on the online complaints summary after the pinned ‘Why is Farage always invited on?’
This morning both the Mirror and the Express gift us a ‘Free £1 Health Lottery Ticket’ – I think we’ve all bought into one massive health gamble – and it’s cost us more than a quid.
In a media climate that treats even the weather as a race for superlatives – hottest this, wettest that, windiest the other – there’s little surprise that our present problem with the Wuhan Wobblies should come to be framed as a race.
‘NHS race against time’ – The freebie Metro would fire the starting gun in the competition: ‘Every 30 seconds new covid patient admitted to hospital’ and catching up on the inside track: ‘Every 60 seconds 140 people are getting vaccinated in UK’ – and these are the rather selective unsubstantiated stats whose relevance to something or other we are supposed to accept as read.
The giveaway Metro frontpage has nothing else to tell in the way of news – other than Phil Spector has died aged 81. I’m guessing ten months into lockdowns many of us would long to sing an “Unchained Melody”
The Sun would have us believe the Sino Flu is more of a lottery than a race: ‘As Mecca joins: Bingo!’ – seems the gambling firm has signed onto the Sun’s ‘Jab’s Army’ campaign. Precisely what this campaign is supposed to contribute to the vaccination effort remains unclear to this reader.
It looks as though ITV’s celeb ice dancing show didn’t get the health and safety memo: ‘Clumsy on ice: Denise battles on through the pain’
Our broadsheets are keen to champion an opposition leader – in Russia. Seems Alexei Navalni: ‘Putin’s harshest critic …’ (Telegraph) was previously (ineffectually it seems) poisoned: ‘with a military-grade nerve agent and airlifted to Germany for treatment’
‘Poisoned Putin critic flies home to arrest’ (Times)
‘Navalni held on arrival’ (FT)
Putin should call it quarantine like Boris does.
The last time Germany released a Russian opposition leader back into Russia (Lenin) it gave Europe 80 years of Soviet Communism. No wonder Putin has had the chap arrested. Which is wrong. One shouldn’t jail political opponents…
‘Trump allies “paid to lobby for pardons”‘ (Telegraph) – will pass without comment.
There are always unforseen consequences to the unseating of an apparently tyranical leader: ‘Escobar’s hippos face cull in Colombia’ (Telegraph)
This Monday morning sees the return of the FT’s “Datawatch” feature. Despite the regular vast outpourings of stats from our news media I know statistics are not everyone’s cup of tea. However, this one from the FT is a corker. A veritable object lesson in how to deceive with facts…
‘Electric power. Year-on-year change in UK new car registrations’
Not absolute numbers of registrations, mind you. And the object of this sleight of hand is to emphasise battery, plug-in and hybrid over petrol and diesel.
Meanwhile the FT seems to admit the adverse effects of lockdown policies are causing some concerns in the real economy across Europe: ‘Can a vaccine get employees back into the office?’ ; ‘Computer chip shortage forces Audi to slam brakes on vehicle production’; ‘ECB warns lenders over loan risks’ – if you recall 2008, you’ll know that’s the sort of small headline that can serve as a precurser to the financial meltdown.
‘Lack of bobbies fuels rise in serious crime’ – contends the Telegraph as it employs the toe curlingly out of date quaint epithet for the police. Not since Jack Warner of Dixon of Dock Green fame last hung up his truncheon has anyone seriously referred to the cops as “bobbies”.
By the way, where is Dock Green, and what are the local crime figures?
As we’re just getting the feel for our new decade, the 2020s, the Mirror features: ‘Free pullout Decade of drama and decadence. Sex… lies… mayhem. Scandals in the 70s’
Well, how do we match up to the 1970s? Based on the Mirror’s assessment we’ve no drama – theatres are dark until further notice. Decadence…? Extra-curricular nooky is apparently reserved for the likes of randy Prof Neil Ferguson.
‘Royal family exempt from “feudal” land law reform’ complains the Express which seems to completely missread the meaning of royalty.
Asiseeit- you’ve cheered me up even more than noticing the absence of nocturnal troll which I have to waste my time reading ,
You see – I’ve got an Audi car – the computer which runs everything stopped and it cost me £1200 to get a new one via a dodgy garage mascerading as an Audi dealer . So any bad news for Audi is music for me . And I’m still waiting for my pay out over their corrupt emissions tricks ….
…. so much positive news about levels of vaccination . The BBC must be desperate to spread despondency and tell us somewhere else is better as always . ….
….. mind you the BBC must be praying that St Obama comes back onto the stage pulling poor old Bidens’ strings …
As with ‘trust’ and ‘disinformation reporter’, the ‘tell it often enough’ of the billing ‘reliable sources’ on a CNN screen is beyond ironic.
Saves Lurch having to claim it in his RT, one supposes.
BT faces £600m lawsuit over ‘historical overcharging’
Guess the skin colour of the old couple featured in the top photo?
It’s beyond ridiculous by now.
The only motive I can think of for it is spite.
Something the Left are very good at.
Getty label“91 year old man talking on the phone, while his daughter is listening – stock photo”
Tags include :
“African Ethnicity Photos”
“Netherlands photo”
.. so they guy wasn’t a BT customer anyway
How to get a job as a local democracy reporter in a regional rag: Post social media ‘stories’ about local MPs you, the paper and the BBC don’t like.
How to keep your job as a local democracy reporter in a regional rag: Post social media questions as headlines about MPs you, the paper and the BBC don’t like when the above is looking a bit obvious.
How to get a job as a reporter in at the BBC: Having posted social media questions as headlines about MPs you, the paper and the BBC so much the paper is a laughing stock, move to the BBC with an irresistible cv. And just do the same, only about MPs you and the BBC don’t like, and their party.
Plus, be BAME.
BBC now totally transphobic! Shocking but true – the BBC appears to have done a complete U-turn and switched to open transphobia, following the publication of a deeply offensive item on its website. The article is entitled ‘Are women let down by period trackers?’ and illustrates all that is seen as wrong at the beleagured state broadcaster. The item perpetuates the offensive notion that only women – an outdated biological conspiracy – have periods. The correct title should have been ‘Are people who menstruate let down by period trackers?’, as it is well known that men, boys, transmen, transwomen, non-binary, gender-fluid and hexadecimal individuals can and do menstruate. As far back as December 2018, Brighton and Hove City Council, one of the most enlightened in the country, started educating primary school children about this simple fact. Anyone who doubts it – including the haters at the BBC – needs to read a book and get educated.
The BBC is serialising Nancy Pelosi’s new book: ‘Men are from Mars, Women have Penises.. except in my Speeches’
Not released yet, but has a forward by Katty Kay and is already on the BBC NANANA BS best seller list with all copies pre-purchased by Jon.
“A group of US-bound Central American migrants has been met with truncheons and tear gas in Guatemala,
An estimated 7,000 migrants, mostly from Honduras, have entered in recent days, fleeing poverty and violence.”
Now that looks like a medieval battle
They’re “fleeing” Honduras but fly it’s blue and white flag for the invasion
Reason for movement presented as facts.
Some even have covid19 – bbc didn’t bother trying to spin that.
If only USA had built a wall..
What is it about lists and newspapers ?
Today the DT (daily telegraph ) has a list of ‘13 things to get you through lockdown ‘. – it’s by some kidult who should be writing for the Guardian . There are no ‘gems ‘ there – and infers getting drunk at the weekend .
Anyway – it got me thinking about whether this site should have a list of the most biased BBC employee or programme . ….
But then I thought – with so much completion how could there ever be a winner ? ( discounting comrade maitliss of course )
Could we broaden the scope a bit and include ITV?
Robert Moore’s 10pm News attempts to outdo Sopel in spite and misinformation must surely qualify for a high rating.
He even managed to get himself and his reports described as ‘detailed and superb’ by some fawning fan with no concept of democracy.
Beltane – surely – faces on ITV land up on the BBC and sky and then they all swap around – then they get their kids ajob in the same …. swamp
No real need, as every MSM TDS Biden gush merchant has already ridden Bob’s Heroic Embedding Adventure.
Maybe not BS, as that might see her award by right redirected to… a man!
Yes, the executives do move from channel to channel…prodco to prodco….
It’s all they have. After asking questions.
Our county rag asked 45’ ago who has had their jab invite yet, doubtless trawling for a whinge.
So far no responses. Doubtless they will interpret that as nobody vs. no one taking their ‘reporting’ seriously.
As you say, the competition would be fierce as they’re all biased.
Maybe if you flip the question and ask who is NOT or who is the ‘least’ biased you could get a list up which would fit as a comment.
I’ll start it of with my choice of an unbiased bbc person.
1 ) …er…..
That’s it.
If I tried that way of looking at it – the only one I can think of is Brillo – and he was a freelance – and is no longer there .
And on the subject of Brillo – it seems that a politician who every one thought was dead – comrade Corbyn – has set up a new movement to fight the existence of the new Brillo TV as part of Corbyn s’ campaign for freedom of speech … yes .. you read that right .
Covid vaccine: When will you be eligible?
Who cares, a police dog or something can have mine.
The BBC is never one to overestimate thier audience’s intelligence:
“Can different vaccines be mixed and matched?
The official guidance states that every person should get the same vaccine for both doses.”
“The government has so far ordered seven different types of vaccine and expects to receive 367 million doses.
If everyone needs two doses, that would certainly be enough for every adult in the UK.”
My maths isn’t that good, I guess the children will be missing out,,,
Scrob I can’t see it , maybe cos the link refers to something in your Gmail
Sorry Stew, I copied the address as you helpfully suggested a week or so ago…
It must be a Gmail thing as all my stuff goes that way!
It’s not actually relevant to the requirements of this site – i.e. to point out the failings of the BBC, but the sentiments were something to do with the fawning attitude of people who are doing nothing about their covids predicament, and as a sideline, one can blame the BBC for not calling these sorts out!
(I’d make a good autocue-reader, turning any comment into an anti-Brexit, anti-Trump smirk…)!
If I can somehow make it work, I’ll re-post it, but thanks again for pointing out the mistake!
@Scrob you need to open the link
Then mouse over the location bar at the top of you browser
and right click and copy that link
cos that link will work for us.
BTW anything after a “?” in the URL is just tracking info
I always delete that part.
The situation in the US worsens by the day, cheered on by the evil BBC.
First Big Tech try to strangle independently minded social media like Parler.
Now the big broadcasters want to kill off the smaller independents like OANN and NEWSMAX. (see vid below)
The Left already has a stranglehold on the press.
The DEMs now have complete control over all the branches of government and want to eradicate all traces of Trumpism and make sure the Republicans never hold power again.
Some on the Left are talking about re-education camps for Trump supporters, while the BBC nods in approval at the whole sinister process.
Pelosi continues her deranged vendetta.
They don’t want reconciliation; they want revenge, red in tooth and claw. Extermination is in the air.
Can you feel the noose tightening?
The moronic Schwarzenegger was right when he evoked Kristallnacht – just wrong about who the totalitarians are.
We need a new expression for the new political reality.
‘Liberal fascism’ maybe?
Just came to post the same thing Vlad ????
Scary times when a Senior guy at CNN is tweeting this kind of stuff.
Now these radical lefties only want Dem supporting news channels allowed in people’s homes .
The last time I saw a bit of CNN, little tubber Brian Stelter (pre election) was telling his viewers that they hadn’t covered the Hunter Biden story as it was “Russian disinformation” ! !!!!!!!
I kid you not.
In other words, “we’re all for freedom of speech, so long as it’s the right speech.”
The bias and hypocrisy are staggering, approaching BBC levels.
Dear God. I don’t know what to be scared of the most…the censorship…or the stupidity!
I heard a few minutes of Radio 5 Live when they were talking about football. I think it was about 8:30am.
The person being interviewed was saying Marcus Rashford needs to concentrate on his football and improve.
The BBC man quickly interupted with, “we cannot criticise Marcus Rashford off the pitch though as he is holding the government to account”.
There you go, as long as you are holding the Tory government to account you cannot be criticised for anything at all – according to the BBC.
Wasn’t this the problem with Jimmy Savile where the BBC deemed he was beyond criticism?
Listening to the Australia v India test match on 5live sports extra in the small hours they were broadcasting the commentary from ABC which included the news.If you think the BBC are bad from the bit I heard on ABC they are much worse.
‘Records reportedly reveal that veterans of the Trump presidential campaign were paid and played a key role in organizing the rally that led to the deadly assault on the US capitol and it wasn’t a grassroots movement as people were led to beleive’
Before that they had the woman president of NSW on suggesting that businesses and employers should demand that customers and employees are vaccinated and has floated the idea of a digital proof of vaccination that can be linked to their Service New South Wales account’
BBC ‘News the BBC likes’ gets PR as news from the Museum of London:
The huge inflatable depicting the US president wearing a nappy and clutching a mobile phone has found a new home.
Surprised W1A had not had a whip round at the baked spud room to buy Sadiq’s to worship.
Hello Taffman, are you there?
Here’s a link to an article written by Carwyn Jones with regard to the delegation of powers from Westminster. Might interest you. It’s a little dry I’m afraid as Constitutional Law is always. Seems Mr Jones is on a, ‘nice little earner’ now as he’s Professor of Law in Aberystwyth Uni.
BBC The Tele-Evangelist network of GreenReligion
15:30pm What to Eat to Save the Planet? The Food Programme
Look at the tone of their tweet
Blurb “As scientific evidence grows showing an urgent need for us to reduce the environmental impact of food we eat,
Sheila Dillon looks for practical ways to make a change.
From increasing UK investment in plant protein, to producing meat differently; from embracing veganism to counting carbon.
She speaks to
– chef Tom Hunt, author of ‘Eating for Pleasure, People & Planet’;
– farmer Ed Dickson of ‘Wild By Nature’
– British pulse entrpreneur Nick Saltmarsh of ‘Hodmedod’;
– food writer Hattie Ellis
– Edwin Bark, CEO of plant based meat manufacturer ‘Plant & Bean’.
Produced in Bristol by Clare Salisbury.
I take it from the picture that they are suggesting that we should cut down on the amount of lamb we eat. That we should replace this and other meats with cereals and vegetables?
Well, firstly, no more donner kebabs then? Let’s see how that goes down with a few of our effnic kommunitays. More room for them to ramble I suppse.
And secondly, on a purely practical point, just what crops do Sheila Dillon and her chums suggest we grow in the thin, rocky, infertile soil of our many hard to access hillsides and highlands that are suitable only for rough grazing? Avocados?
A constant of Sheila Dillon over decades of broadcasting is that we should pay more for our food.
It is my belief that it is so ex-BBC presenters and producers can retire to their countryside smallholdings, keep a few chickens and pigs, selling one or two a year to sustain a BBC-like income.
Genuine hand-reared chicken, straight to you from Sheila’s ‘cottage’, only £50,000.
Next week the Food Programme calls for the banning of factory farmed chicken, Let them eat bellota ham and caviar or Rashford Rations!
P.S. That ????emoji still looks like a Chinese general’s shoulder flash to me – is that why the BBC love it so much?
A certain Mr Bill Gates has recently become the largest owner of farmland in the USA. He is also reported as having large investments in companies producing synthetic meat and food derived from insect protein. Despite his predilection for hamburgers, you can bet he is not planning on using his hundreds of thousands of acres for grazing cattle. In the future, meat for ordinary people will be a special treat, such as for a birthday. Check out the World Economic Forum and friends for their statement of direction.
Remember: no programme shown on the BBC is an accident. There is always an agenda. And the BBC always has time for its friends, their minions and the ‘useful idiots’.
pug, as an apprentice oldie – let’s say I have a life threatening condition and so does a teenager or twenty-something – and there is only one heart or liver or kidney or cancer treatment to go between two of us, my prefence would be to say to the medics “Let the youngster have it, I’m very close to checking out anyway.”
In a similar way, because of my knowledge of the influenza innoculations, I’d rather – in the event of a shortage of vaccines – for an older person or a much younger person to have it in my stead.
I still cannot understand why the NHS hasn’t dealt with the covids the same way as the sanatorium concept handled TB and other nasties all those years ago.
The covids have several degrees of unpleasantness, but at least most of them are related, so, for instance, you wouldn’t need a bone surgeon anywhere near a covid patient – no flippancy intended -, but the supplies associated with the patient’s requirements would all be in one place, and ready for action.
We all know people who are far worse off than ourselves with cancer and similar, but somehow, a flu-like affliction seems to be more attractive to treat, but makes the NHS show it’s colours as a huge, problematic bureaucracy, with far too many under-managers, and fewer proper, well-trained staff.
Maybe the BBC could stop sniping, poking mullock, doing ‘gotcha’ stuff, and try and investigate…?
Just looked out of the window, nope, no pigs flying yet, but maybe soon…
Because in the days of sanatoriums, there wasn’t actually much in the way of treatment to offer and so a bed and some food could be provided easily.
Covid is multisystem disease – these patients have very high rates of blood clots (needing haematology input), renal failure (needing nephrology), heart problems (cardiology) and respiratory failure (medics/ resp). Lots of the patients are elderly (geriatrics) or diabetic (endocrinology). This is all done with critical care back up and multiple lab services. This is why Nightingales don’t work – you need lots of specialties and backup and that doesn’t happen outside a decent size hospital – cottage hospitals are not big enough.
Same post x5 must be a record – now it’s time for the midweek thread ….
On the Google stuff,
Quote \\ I gave up on their search engine when I noticed a big change a few years ago.
I had been looking for a particular car wiring diagram that Google had taken me straight to a year or two earlier.
but this time Google presented page after page of commercial offerings”
“The same search using Bing turned up the diagram on the first page of results.
Now I DDG ..Duck Duck Go
The Android Google app constantly pushes what must be “curated” BBC, The Guardian, The Independent, The Conversation, CNN etc. etc. content at me
.. as every year passes coming to resemble the mendacious ad-men that they supplanted 20 years ago.
Have you seen the Google nabobs bemoaning Hillary Clinton’s loss on video? //
It was with a mixture of astonishment and jaw dropping amazement that reading the Mail yesterday announcing the appointment of an “executive Sponsor safeguarding Impartiality”
at the bBC.
The appointee is none other than Ken McQuarrie hitherto a Director
(I think based in Scotland)
Now he is male\\\\ so if you apply male preceding this job title
you get the fantastic acronym….MESSI
Male Executive Sponsor Safeguarding Impartiality.
Now its ironic that this fellow should land such a package..a cool £325.000………….think about that.
Well, Messi….you can look no further than bBC Scotlands very own Sports dept and particularly your Sportsscene programme
This is festooned with Bias and biased reporters and punditry,
There is also more than just a whiff in the air that bBC Scotland
is very soft on the SNP…..I hope they told you Mr Messi that your new reporting line would be direct to Wee Burney!!
“You won’t see this on the BBC…”
Farage on the ongoing invasion by migrants and our porous borders.
My three ‘red lines’ were and are borders, territorial waters and defence.
The government has failed miserably on all three.
Brexit problems now starting to appear…
Trampoline prices ‘to soar 50% on shipping costs’
James Owen, owner of Outdoor Toys, says high transport costs and port congestion may mean larger toys such as swings, trampolines and climbing frames will be more expensive.
Enough is enough. Just 2 weeks ago some unheard of Dutch bike part supplier said they will no longer ship to the UK and now this.
We need to get back into the EU as soon as possible!
Classic BBC.
Clearly desperate to address the Brexit bounce in the polls.
Or, just ongoing desperate.
Btw, my iPad browser on landscape opened that below the headline.
My wife asked which part of Asia it was.
That article is absolutely typical of the BBC. It takes bad news from one source then mixes it with their own agenda to rub the feeling about one off on the other.
The story is all about problems shipping from China. Not enough containers apparently. That’s it.
But of course they can’t resist slipping this one in:
“The port congestion just keeps snowballing” he said.
which has nothing whatsoever to do with the story – but they’ve programmed us already about trouble at the ports and this is intended to trigger a subconscious link to Brexit.
Then they add the link ‘Hauliers ‘bypassing Welsh ports because of Brexit” right in the middle. Again to infer (but not state) a link to Brexit.
No individual point is a lie, but they way they are put together is intended to make you believe something which is completely false. They are snakes.
The impact on single mother gardins is already being felt.
Every time a storm blows one across the estate they ‘av to go to the trampoline bank to get another.
An open door for some coast-based entrepreneur to under-cut and sell off unwanted inflatables as mini bouncy castles?
Nothing unusual, nothing to worry about: trampoline prices are well known to bounce up and down.
GW further up this thread mentions ‘News the BBC likes’.
I like the concept.
Because then we can add ‘News the BBC doesn’t like’
Here’s one at the time of writing nowhere to be seen on their webshite.
“Labour MP Apsana Begum will stand trial in July over housing fraud allegations after a judge prioritised her trial in the “public interest”.
No doubt some of the world’s finest investigative journalists will get round to looking at other websites after their late morning skinny lattes, before deciding they don’t want to embarrass either their Labour chums or their own multicultural agenda and so continue to do nothing.
Guardian doing the job for Marcus Rashford’s PR people
Friday : Rashford on the front page .. as a child
Sunday : Rashford on the front page .. at top item in mag
Oct 23rd – Front page a fake pic showing #10 on his jersey as if he is coming into 10 Downing Street
Rashford’s corp paid him £5K then loaned him £395K
which makes it look like a legl tax dodge
1pm news – Simon what’s his name interviewing Hugh pym about positive news over vaccination numbers increasing . Poor Hugh sounded like an undertaker and looked quite depressed about such good news – his despondency was visceral . I felt sorry for his misery – actually – I didn’t …
The BBC must be desperate for some negative news about the vaccination roll out – watch this space ….
A third neighbour of ours has died of covid. Happened over the weekend.
What links these three cases is that none of them had covid initially or could do anything to protect themselves.
Two caught it from carers, one in their home, one in a care home.
The third caught it in hospital, testing negative on entry.
This is a continuing grade A scandal yet the BBC do nothing. Why are hospitals and care homes still unsafe despite months of learning. We know how it spreads. We know what you need to do. So why are the authorities not doing it and where oh where is the accountability for shoddy practices?
Absolutely deplorable.
Sluff that is just sad desperate news . I lost an elderly friend last week who put off going to the local hospital for fear of being infected with COVID . He put it off and had a massive heart attack . Ironically he was preparing to be vaccinated .
As for transmission by carers – they failed the first time and are failing again . There seems an ongoing denial of issues around elderly social ‘care ‘ . Just awful .
The Covid legisation allows deaths certificates to be signed off by one doctor (instead of 2) and no post mortom required if Covid is mentioned on the death certificate. Any doctors who are inclined to be like Dr Harold Shipman are having the time of their lives right now.
If one was a conspiracy theorist, one might think that the government (and the state broadcaster that supports it) are quite content for a certain number of people to die, as it helps promote the narrative that we are living in something akin to Black Death Version 2, necessitating the destruction of liberty and freedom to help combat it. Especially if those dying are in relatively ‘low value’ categories such as the elderly, who no longer put much into society (they don’t work) but take quite a lot out (in terms of pensions, healthcare and social ‘care’). But, generally, most things are explainable as cock-ups rather than conspiracies.
Not just Conservatives… anyone.
The crocodile is always hungry.
It’s just a matter of order.
Another Labour MP in the courts for yet another serious transgression, anything on the BBC , no..!!!
If this had been a Tory MP it would be wall to wall coverage.
It’s not really new news ..we knew a court date was coming this year
but now it won’t be her until almost August.