The BBC will be continuing the adoration of Joe Biden in the run up to the Coronation on Wednesday and the demonisation of President Trump with a single groupthink . How much can the British Licence payer take ? Less and Less it seems ..
Start the Week 18 January 2021
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It’s a cultural thing …..
“Covid: Unfair vaccine distribution risks ‘catastrophic moral failure’ for the world, WHO boss says”
Let me correct that statement: “…..WHO boss……” He really meant his boss in Beijing. Anyway, I digress,
Has China / Russia started exporting their vaccines to, ”Poorer Countries”. They came up with vaccines well before the rest so how has their exporting to poorer countries gone so far?
Perhaps the WHO should go invent a vaccine and then give it out to the ever grateful Third World …..
“Apply your own mask, before seeing to the mask of your children”
.. runs the logic of the airplane safety card
Also you wanna get northern hemisphere countries done before southern ones.
When I first started to visit this site some eight years ago I did so filled with deep indignation that the BBC could be so biased and wanted to let off steam about it. Since then I have seen anti Brexit bias, pro EU bias, BLM bias, Labour bias , pro migrant bias, pro Islam bias , anti Israel bias , anti British bias, Anti Trump bias, pro Biden bias, anti Boris bias, pro Globalist bias, anti populist bias , climate change bias , and they all continue as strongly as ever . If you tell me a story or an event I can give you the exact line that the BBC will take and I am sure every other user of this site can do the same. Many sensible and serious commentators such as N Farage, D Murray, M Graham, C Moore and many others share our concerns and regularly write article about the extreme bias of the BBC . We are not nutters on this site and we are far from being alone.
But No one in government does anything about it . I have long since given up on any Tory government taking on the BBC so I ,like many others , have decided to do what I can by refusing to pay the LF. I can only hope that eventually enough people become so sick of the foul corporation that they also refuse and that we can by our own efforts bring it to its knees.
You have just reminded me when I first found this forum some years ago. I remember seeing very subtle bias on the BBC that it could easily be missed e.g. headline like “Why we should stay in the EU” but never “Why we should leave the EU”. Then noticing the Question Time panel was slightly leaning one way more than the other, the occasional promotion of LGBT etc
But nowadays the bias is so obvious to everyone they ram it down our throats as if they don’t care.
The latest Trustpilot reviews for the BBC 93% giving 1 star and 4% 5 stars. Even when you look at the 5 star reviews they are mostly from people saying they hate the BBC but only gave 5 stars so their reviews would stand out.
Cheers Tabs . I never thought of looking at the Trust Pilot reviews for the Beeb.
Glad you mentioned it …. superb reviews , well worth a read of a couple of pages or so. Comedy gold.
Lovely stuff.
I just refreshed my iPad page and lost a BBC (possibly Newsbeat) post on FB that was a fascinating insight into the essential nature of the compelled funding BBC output.
Like all BBC FB posts, it comprised a “quote”, picture and a caption.
The picture was of four young, burly, actually very burly, white lads covered in tattoos in front of a restaurant.
From the ‘quote’ I gathered they had suffered an injustice or indignity of some sort, as they were aggrieved.
However, other than that, between the three I still had precisely zero idea what was the ‘news’ aspect. Or, even, the story.
Whoever edits this stuff has a typewriter, 999,999 fellow gibbons in cubicles around them, and too much time.
” If you tell me a story or an event I can give you the exact line that the BBC will take”
Exactly right DT, I’d venture with just a couple of keywords users of this site could write the bbc line nearly word for word.
Though cut the bbc a break on one of the latest, blm=protesters, maga=rioters, that runs throughout the msm, obviously not coordinated at all.
Double – I think – from addled memory – it’s running at about 75-80 thousand cancellations a month … TVL figures … but one might suspect those forced to be at home watching the stuff might be accelerating that number .
Conversely – if it is someone or something the BBC’ likes’ you know the demeanour ….
I’m now getting 2 + envelopes a month from TVL – I’ve taken to writing insults on the back of the empty envelopes and putting “return to sender” on the front >> into the postbox they go.
How many of the cancellations are due to the LF payer having died ( from whatever cause) and the License being cancelled as a result and how many are refuseniks reaching their breaking point. Is there any breakdown of the numbers?
Sweden, not terrible
switching on the 7 day average to smooth data
shows peak cases on Dec 22nd and surely slowly falling now
(even if some recent days have been delayed)
deaths are still catching up
They were 92 on the 29th
cos data gets delayed some days could be updated to 100+
but that would still be 600/day scaled up to UK size
So they are doing better than us.
Germany cases peaked on Dec 23
German deaths have been flat at about 900/day since the 9th
UK has over taken Germany now from behind
Our deaths are now averaging 1,100/day
but UK cases didn’t fall at Christmas, they kept rising until Jan 9th
so we still have many more deaths already built into the system.
France seems completely different with a much earlier peak cases
Yet now they are slowly rising from a low number.
(7 week doubling)
Belgium is similar but not rising.
Italy same
Belgium still at the top with 1.75K
UK at 1.3K fallen to 6th overtaken by Italy & Balkan states
NZ did have a day with 31 positives
But seems to show that if you have people inside the monitory system, you don’t have any people dying.
Disturbing CCTV footage has shown the escalating gang violence that spilled out onto Wolverhampton streets and led to the brutal murder of a 15-year-old schoolboy.
Shocking footage captures two warring gangs – known as V2 and V3 – clashing in Victoria Street with machetes on May 29, 2018, just hours before the “well-planned” execution of Keelan Wilson.
The court heard that trouble flared just 90 minutes later in Legge Street and Keelan was chased by two men – one who was on a bike – before a shotgun was discharged in his direction. He was later stabbed 40 times. Police enquiries were met with a ‘wall of silence’.
Four men (aged 19 and 20) have been found guilty of his murder.
Keelan was black and so perhaps a racially motivated attack and murder ? No protests, I know of and where were BLM or condemnation by prominent local BAME leaders. Unfortunately the reasons are obvious.
It seems this was reported quite fairly and neutrally by the Beeb, which of course it is apt to do in certain circumstances and exactly the opposite when it runs its own biased agenda.
Meanwhile the BBC is running one of those ‘coloured boys as victim ‘ propaganda pieces dressed up as panorama monday night ….
For anyone with spare popcorn – the Health Sec is doing a briefing gig at 1700 – a prize for the best
“ why didnt you do xxxxx before ?”
Dumb wasted question …..
For England and wales 2017/18, Independent Office of Police Conduct
I take it that the BBC think that Brexit and Biden have distracted us from BLM for too long and that we need a good riot here?
P.S. I thought six officers was standard for arresting tea-drinking joggers?
I wonder if Panorama will go anywhere the possibility that black people commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime.
And I wonder if they will go anywhere near the truth that Floyd’s ‘I can’t breathe’ was a complete lie to avoid getting in the police car.
Actually I don’t wonder at all. They won’t.
Just an update on the briefing – the msm is now bitching about some areas doing better than others on vaccination – this is likely to evolve into ‘discrimination ‘ – the emir of Londonistan has already moaned about lower rates of vaccination than in better more british parts of the country ……
The best worst question came from some kidult called ‘Josh’s’ from sky who raised the ‘morality ‘ question some idiot from the WHO raised –
As in – ‘what is the third world going to do about vaccination ? ‘
My instant response would have been something like ‘ why not get the whole Joshi family to send their vaccines to somewhere suitably third world ‘?
I think mr Joshi might find
‘ the moral issue ‘ becomes an academic one …
They don’t care one bit about the victims. As this story proves.
The BBC (and the Left in general) want to attack right-wing white people for their political crusade and black people just want to attack white people because of straightforward racism.
After all I have seen, I am now convinced it really is as simple and as morally repugnant as that.
Two words : Kevin Crehan
White people also die at the hands of the police/prison system
but he was considered vicious cos he and his wife dared to protest against a mosque by leaving bacon sandwiches outside.
Clumsy, but not much different to XR.
Two more words : Alan Marshall (happened to be white)
died in strange circumstances in Edinburgh Saughton Prison
“Allan died after a violent struggle with prison officers. Horrifying footage of Allan being dragged naked from a shower block and stamped on, with a towel wrapped around his face, have shocked Scotland.”
I see allegations that the BBC are usurping the Fatal Accident Inquiry for Sheku which is due to come
Yes Beeb, keep stirring the racial pot and with a bit of luck we too can have months of riots, Burning Looting and Murder, over a violent career criminal who died of a drugs overdose while resisting arrest as police followed standard restraining procedure.
Way to go.
There is this list
but it doesn’t include accidental prison deaths
Sheku Bayoh was taken into police custody whilst α zombie drug was in his system.
He sustained bruising from police batons, had his arms and legs restrained and died of asphyxiation in police custody.”
The BBC could also ask why there are more black men in US prisons than white. It sometimes beggars belief that the media bother to investigate this, as a 5 year old could tell you why.
I have a lot of sympathy with poor neighbourhood boys
who get into bad stuff like marijuana dealing
then find themselves locked out of society cos of mega long punishments
and thus don’t end up as reformed.
whether they are black or white.
Capitol riots: Are US militia groups becoming more active?
By Jake Horton and Christopher Giles
BBC Reality Check
Jake and Chris taking over where Wendy and Marianna also did not go near?
FLASHBACK: The liberals worrying about riots and mobs during Biden’s inauguration are forgetting what they did during Trump’s in 2017.
As I try and get a link, hint… doesn’t look ‘mostly peaceful’.
Is Biden paranoid?
(1) Has he questioned members of the National Guard, asking if they voted for or donated to Trump?
(2) Has he disarmed those who said yes?
(3) Has his security team been demoted?
(4) Does he think the fence is designed to keep him in, not them out?
(5) Does he think that a left wing activist, in National Guard attire, will assassinate him immediately after his Inauguration, giving the crown to Kamala, and justifying the purge of all Republicans in a reign of terror?
Poor man, I think Trump needs to protect Biden by arresting him before his Inauguration. But I think that must have been the plan all along, due to the above possibility. Otherwise everything will plunge into a reign of terror, democrats killing democrats, the media blaming it on Trump supporters, then using it to justify an evil left-wing “Reign of Terror”.
It looks as if to survive the reign of terror, the US Army is forced to restore order and keep Trump in power.
More proof that like all loony socialist ideas, the Frankfurter School swamp is in a state of collapse, its time is up.
I’ve just been reading about the 25,000 troops to defend the Inauguration with the vetting they are doing on each and every one of them and it is all eerily like what I would expect from the Nazis.
Not the behaviour of a man with innocence on his side in a free and fair Democracy.
Everything going on just seems wrong to me. And usually when I feel like this, it all comes out a while later when the gullible masses finally cotton on.
The ‘police state’ is next.
Not content with banning the President and censoring views they don’t like in the US, Twitter has plans to roll out their Stalinist propaganda worldwide. Be afraid, be very afraid…
“We’re going to actually be more aggressive in our enforcement beyond de-amplification.”
That’s Twitter-babble for: more censorship.
‘Twitter Senior Executive Details Plans for Political Censorship on a Global Scale’
More Project Veritas videos:
Stopped using it and deleted my account, bit reluctant at first but honestly don’t miss it one bit. There are plenty of alternatives still available, admittedly my first choice of Parler didn’t work out too well. I’d thoroughly recommend binning twitter to anyone, see how you feel in a week or so, better would be my guess.
The FBI Boogaloo Boys and Hamas
Try searching for “Boogaloo Boys” … and look at the provenance of the reporting.
breaking : Both England/Wales women’s national football team managers stepping aside
Phil Neville’s departure as Lionesses boss confirmed
(Immediate instead of as planned in the Summer
A replacement one had been appointed but can’t start until Sept cos she is coaching Holland for the Olympics)
and Jayne Ludlow has left her post as Wales manager too
“by mutual consent”
Step up Grayson Perry and Eddie Izzard, isn’t it!?
The cretins at the BBC and their equivalents in the US are so out of touch they actually believe they’re speaking truth to power.
No, fools, you’ve got it 180° wrong! You ARE the power and you badly need speaking truth to.
And the people speaking TRUTH are the very ones you’re busy ignoring, suppressing, censoring and persecuting.
Saw this first on FB.
Interesting who says what their mods are ok with.
The new ‘independent’ BBC related nice little earner is today pushing the writer of ‘Line of Duty’.
This comment was funny…
“What’s the current BBC set formula for a good story these days, Jed lad? Needs to pass the middleclass,, liberalrati, arbiters of acceptable tastes one hears….say again, DG, how many of those can I have in my new series…..WHAT?????”
I have this gritty drama based on a non-woke white bloke getting his script past even the first hurdle despite it being about trans person of color being a BBC N. America Editor applicant having checked facts over there for a week during the election campaign.
BBC News
They said they had no idea there was a global pandemic…
Basingstoke partygoers said they ‘never watch the news’.
Few awks questions all round at BBC Basingstoke, if they think about it.
Here is the list:
“The White House has published an amazing list of President Donald J. Trump’s first term accomplishments, going a way to prove that Trump will likely be remembered as one of the greatest American presidents, despite the negative press (covfefe).”
If you click on the link you can also download it as a 49-page pdf because The National Pulse say an incoming Biden administration will likely attempt to remove this web page from the internet.
Another good reason for getting rid of the Welsh Assembly……………….
Drayford said they are not trying to use all their vaccine stock ” in the first week and then to have all our vaccinators standing around with nothing to do for another month,”His tater statement backtracked on the idea that they are holding back a stockpile.
I doubt he knew what he was saying
but rather is just used to saying things to gill time.
I doubt the people of Taffland care what he, “Drakeford” is saying .
IMHO most taffs want him out along with is glorified parish council.
Along with Al Beeb Wales, Its a complete waste of bureaucratic money.
I see the BBC are spending 325,000 per year on an anti-bias executive to monitor impartiality.
And who is this new champion of impartial news ?.
Another BBC dinosaur whose been with them for 46 years and just stood down from his last job but is being kept on with full salary instead of being put out to pasture.
You couldn’t make it up.
So what is OfCom for ?
Another waste of money.
Its uncanny.
In a recent post I described slow, head-shaking, low-voiced maestro Fiona Bruce as resembling an Undertaker.
On the bBBC 6 pm news after all of 5 seconds of passing good news (covid case rates down by a quarter) it’s straight over for over 5 minutes of max doom and gloom with a long feature from Clive Myrie at a London hospital.
Incredibly ,the very first shot after Bruce’s intro was of a body being wheeled around the hospital morgue !!!!!!!
Someone at the BBC reads this website and is now ‘’avin’ a larf.
I wonder if the UK vaccine has brought cases here.
ie are families who have dual nationality rushing in from foreign countries so they can get the vaccine earlier than in Germany or Pakistan, or Lagos etc. ?
Vaccine shoppers.
Watching Clive Myrie’s detailed and intentionally depressing NHS/covid 6 0’clock News misery-fest I wonder how the BBC would have been treated in 1940 if they had filled our homes with similar ‘news’ during the blitz?
Much to, er, note.
My local news reported a viewer who had contacted them because his vaccine centre hadn’t any. At least Look North had contacted the centre which explained its delivery had been delayed by one hour. I cannot understand the mentality of someone waiting less than hour before contacting the BBC to provide them with a negative story. Equally it was unnecessary for the BBC to even report this non story.
This was the first item on beeb’s South-East news, “…….many people have contacted us saying they are confused and concerned at the vaccine roll-out, G.P.s had to cancel appointments as vaccines were not received over the weekend, why so many elderly and vulnerable still not vaccinated when over 70’s are now getting their jabs” and on and on it went with 3 complainants featured….. an NHS guy was in don’t panic – be patient mode and said just wait to be contacted – says it all and effectively countered everything that went before – just an excuse for yet another negative slanted covid report from the beeb. If you have a grievance you only have to get in touch with your local beeb office, they’ll get back to you tout-de-suite.
To be fair near the end they had their usual covid case tables by district in Sussex and Kent, every one showing a reduction week on week – however, if this continues for too long we might start to hear, “sorry, we have run out of time and cannot bring you the covid data today, now here’s the weather”.
‘Keelan Wilson: Four guilty of Wolverhampton boy murder’
No mention of race at all of course. The astute observer will note that no clue to the identity of this kind of suspect is ever given now until they have been found guilty in court. And even then, you have to look at the pictures to see the elephant in the room.
Import third world, get third world.
The report will be off the front page by tomorrow evening.
Well, it seem I was wrong.
The story has gone already. It lasted half a day.
Imagine the uprorar if it had been a black boy murdered in such savage fashion by white boys.
Had to be removed to make space for the anti-Trump article by discredited Mark Sedwill who is only referred to as ‘Lord Sedwill’ in the article. A particularly obnoxious article because they are using him to put words in Boris’ mouth.
Not sure. Sedwill says Boris happy that President Trump was not re-elected because, inter alia, he was hampering Boris’ plans for combatting Global Warming. This is the main plank of the ‘Great Reset’.
Funny how Western Governments’ are happily pouring money into a big pot with gay abandon called, Covid. Its as if they have been assured that when the Great Reset comes into effect, all the debt will be somehow cancelled and all will start with a clean slate. Another plank of the GR is that, no one will own property – the publics greatest asset. Presumably they plan to take ownership away and stick the value in a World Pot thus cancelling country’s debt.
I doubt whether Richi’s rich family in India will be dipping their hands into their pockets to help out.
We slide daily a bit further down the greasy slope to World Communism.
“BBC apologises for Phil Spector death headline”
Why does our government still allow it to be funded by a compulsory licence fee ?
He shot his girlfriend Lana Clarkson in the face in 2003
Of course flawed was not the right word.
She was not even mentioned in the BBC article
Showbusiness (and in particular L.A.) is widely acknowledged as one of the most unpleasant and nasty places you can work.
The interesting part is that the kind of shallow, selfish ‘me me me’ people who crave the money and fame of such a career are all Lefties. It’s who they are.
These same people who are prepared to use any minority group to virtue-signal themselves as more worthy than everyone else are also the same people who get very nasty and very spiteful towards anyone who gets in their way.
I’ve been watching them for years to form this opinion and I thank the Lord I am not that kind of person. What a miserable life they lead : no wonder so many commit suicide or die from drugs.
Spookily reminescent of the BBC headline at the end of April 1945:
“Talented but flawed German Chancellor dies in Berlin bunker”
Got to admit – watched c4 news – gobsmacked at the absolute certainty that all bad things in America belong to President Trump .
The FBI is vetting the National Guard being used to ensure the incoming false president isn’t shot by one of them .
Get that popcorn ready ….
Will they be searching any nearby grassy knolls?
Rod Liddle speaking on TalkRadio speaking about 8 months after Tommy’s strange trial in Leeds. Just quickly brushed through it
“of course all them media people knew it was false trial”.
He didn’t dwell on it, but indicates the media feed us politically spun narratives, they know are way different to the real world.
I really can’t be bothered to watch (because it’s the bBBC) but at the moment there is a programme on bBBC1 asking why black men are more likely to suffer at the hands of the police.
Just wondering if anyone *is* watching and what the programme’s conclusions are.
I imagine that the *actual* conclusions:-
– black men are more prone to violence
– black men are more likely to come from a single-mother family so more likely to go off the rails
– black men are more likely to be carrying a weapon
– black men generally are less intelligent than white men so fighting and confrontation are their version of diplomacy
….will probably be glossed over in favour of the racism conclusion.
I believe it is also the case that black men are more likely to suffer at the hands of other black men.
Judging by the ethnicity of, for example, victims of knife crime.
But the BBC are so utterly selective in their propaganda-driven narrative that such a revelation just would not do.
Non Snowflake,
I watched this programme. (Panorama.)
It was of course trying to make the case that our police are racist killers. It focused on two black men who had died in custody. One was mentally ill, the other was off his head on drugs and wielding a knife.
The reporter Mark Daly and Dame Elish Angiolini QC agreed that the police had these “stereotypes” of blacks as huge men with superhuman strength. But, they nodded in agreement, the victims were just black.
No, both victims were also huge men. And the police, like the rest of us, are guided by stereotypes. If you open your front door and find a tiger there, are you guided by your stereotype of the tiger and slam the door shut very quickly, or do you refuse to judge by stereotypes like a good BBC leftie and offer it a saucer of milk? The police have a stereotype of blacks because blacks tend to be more powerfully built than whites and the criminal types they deal with are, because they have lower IQs even than white criminals, more likely to stupidly resist arrest even when they are heavily outnumbered.
The programme also tried to imply racism because of a discrepancy in the accounts of what happened to the other black man, Sheku Bayoh. While resisting arrest he punched a policewoman. Everyone agrees on that but the police also say he stamped on her, which another witness says didn’t happen. The police could be lying but this doesn’t magically transform the incident into a racist killing.
“Blacks are twice as likely as whites to die in or following police custody,” says Mark Daly. A bald statement. As I have said many times, this is meaningless without context. The benchmark is the lawbreaking rates of blacks and whites, not population percentages. Willingness to resist arrest is another factor.
Another terrible programme from the BBC. The propagation of myths goes on.
I note that Al Beeb keeps a very low profile on illegals breaking the Lockdown Laws in this country while the police get tough on the people of the UK. At the same time they ‘turn a blind eye’ to illegals demonstrating and invading our coast while the French Navy ‘neatly escorts’ them across the Chanel, despite the greatest pandemic since the Black Death.
“One Rule For One” as Alex Belfield put it very succinctly on his you tube site this morning . Nigel Farage has also made the point a number of times. Both Bo Jo and Priti say a lot but do nothing ? We hear that our ‘NHS is in crisis’ yet the government and Al Beeb keep very quiet about the invaders possibly carrying new forms of Covid?.
The problem that nation has is that our government has no effective opposition . They make promises and break them.
Why ?
The people of this nation put the Tories in power to cut immigration and do away with Al Beeb .
What do those people that voted for the Conservatives for the first time get from Bo Jo ? Nothing, on these two most important matters .
Something smells rotten with this parliament and one day there will be a reckoning .
The BBC will always make sure they let us know that these “vaccine victims” already had numerous health conditions. It might be cancer, it could be a heart problem. Don’t fret, they’ll tell us about it.
However, when it comes to virus victims it’s a different kettle of fish and we’re just given the basic stat’s. “Mr Smith was only admitted to hospital a week ago; another covid victim…”
They’re not going to tell us that Mr Smith was 87 and suffering with terminal cancer and had been given six weeks to live. Or that Joe Bloggs, who died within 28 days of being tested positive, had a heart condition and weighed 24 stone. These unfortunate details might cloud the narrative.
As for the despicable attacks upon Lord Sumption, well what do you expect? He’s been pointing out the perils of lockdown for ages. He’s intelligent, articulate and he’s not following the agenda.
Send in the Daleks…
Something up
\\ Did you see the BBC news earlier?
Interviewing a man whose wife had died half an hour before they spoke to him? //
Seems to be one of those emotional blackmail items our local news do
“He’s a tearful relative to say to people please wear your mask”
Beeboids think they are saving the world
by creating these emotional-blackmail clips
They are allowed to MISREPRESENT & DISMISS
as people who don’t believe Covid has killed a lot of vulnerable people.
In reality it is worth considering if one size fits all lockdowns are wiping decades off some peoples lifespans.
Mitchell and Webb nailed BBC ethics in this one:
replies to @CliveMyrieBBC
Both my wife and I are distressed having seen the trailer for this.
Was it really necessary to include shots of grave diggers ?
We have recently lost a close friend to this disease.
Wholly inappropriate…
Didn’t @BBCNews @BBCNewsnight state war was an inappropriate word to use in the pandemic?
Or was that just when @BorisJohnson said it last year?
Shouldn’t you be more wary of indulging in double standards?
But the rest of the replies seem sycophantic
or sneering at JHB & Lozza
Oh many more anti-BBC replies are behind Twitter’s show more replies gate.
Yeah. While Clive spends a week reporting from a hospital, getting in the way of clinicians who presumably have more pressing matters just now, and gives us a week of doom and gloom emotional blackmail, maybe he could ask a few questions about why an alarming percentage, something like 15% of people who die of covid in hospital actually caught it in the hospital in the first place?
Except that would really not fit the editorial narrative.
” I’m betting if Sumption had given her the choice of her child or herself she would have chosen her child to live…”
The mother has probably had years of publicly funded training, has marketable skills, has a job and pays taxes.
The child, on the other hand, is probably a burden on the state and can be easily replaced by an adult ‘asylum seeker’.
[Some say, opinions not my own, got it just about right etc. etc.]
BBC people ,
Do you honestly think I`m going to stump up and pay for a licence just because youve added yet more numbers and letters to your threatograms ?
We`ve already worked out that your missives contain 119 pointless numbers and 32 pointless letters , so adding four letters and 5 numbers is not going to change my sixteen year habit of refusing you money .
And why the jumbling of two letters , two numbers , a letter , a number , a letter again then two numbers ? Do you have six year old children mixing them ?
“We need to check you are not breaking the law ”
Well you`re not doing a good job about that , i`m glad i`m not paying you .
Two tier stuff : apparently a lot of people like the disabled are still on the old benefit system (legacy benefits)
so don’t get the extra £20/week the Universal benefit people get.
.. It particularly affects old people.
Talking Pictures : old edition of Hazell
Flipping heck not very PC
The Hackney newspaper shop owner is a white guy
His line “That was back in the days when I used to employ blacks on account of them helping us out in the war,
but not these days too many thieves”
and then as if to confirm that there is a thieving black kid character. He shoplifts a load of sweets and Hazell runs after him cos anyway the kid has already said he knows about the guy Hazell is looking for.
First the kid threaten to report Hazell to the racism bureau, which is false cos Hazell didn’t say anything racist
So the show is implying black youths sometimes misuse anti-racism laws.
Then says “Yeh if you give me a £1 I’ll give you the address of my brothers MOT centre he knows the guy you are looking for”
There is then a joke cos when Hazell arrives at the MOT centre, the brother is under a car
They have a confused conversation “My brother sent you, what brother?”
Then he slides from from under the car we see he’s a middle aged white guy.
( You couldn’t do a joke these days which relies on the stereotype that black people don’t have white brothers)
Then Hazell meets the other person looking for the guy
..she’s a black woman who works for the anti-racism newspaper, they have a good relationship and go off with each other.
Meanwhile there is a big scene where Hazell confronts his client who turns out to a baddie. He’s the leader the British Patriot party who are so so stereotypically anti-black.
I guess even 1970s ITV script writers were trying to signal they were PC.
When I was a lad the BBC would show me an aspirational view of what it was to be a man. Tarzan, Gary Cooper in high noon, Flash Gordon, even Crocodile Dundee. Now I get Dru Paul’s bloody Drag Race, sad and like the Roman Empire doomed to ultimate oblivion.
I’m so glad I grew up when I did!
I guess we will just have to become women, not the pretend, old-fashioned faux-feminine homosexual, or the draggy transexual, but real women.
Then we will have no end of ‘fiesty’ role models!
Which reminds me, Radio 4 Extra was running Blood and Milk, a tale of a ‘fiesty’ Welsh woman set in 1890s London. I think we were supposed to like her because she was so ‘fiesty’ but she turned out to be a liar, blackmailer, accomplice to murder, perjurer and tease!
With women like that who would want to be a man.
[Fiesty: I am told that becuse the BBC is run by women of both sexes and the all consider themselves to be ‘fiesty’ no author can sell a script to the BBC unless all the female characters are ‘fiesty’. “ME Jane, you tarzan, go wash dishes!”]
Just to cheer you up JimS.
The word fiesty is an old word meaning “full of farts”
Perhaps once the beeboids realise that, they may revert to that other Americanism for strong women “spunky”
Ahh the joys of the English language.
I don’t understand this modern idea of encouraging ‘strong’ women while at the same time it is forbidden to suggest that men should be ‘strong’ as that equates to ‘violent’.
Anyone who has ever had a mother will know that they come with an inner strength of character and anyone who has had a daughter knows they come programmed with ‘feminine wiles’!
The ‘strong women’ goal rather suggests that they want a society where women engage in fisticuffs with each other.
[Jordan Peterson raises some good questions about the changing roles of women. Men supposedly know that a man on man conflict might result in physical violence so they know there are limits to a dispute. They are also taught that they don’t hit women. So now we have the situation in the office where the men from boyhood have learnt the limits but the girls are being taught to go beyond the limits so as to show ‘strength’.]
Hi Digg
Don’t forget “comedy” back in the day. Forget “comedy” now 🙂
Just joined GAB.
It is wonderful.
Seeing true freedom of speech.
Just went there.
Popular post:
Katie Hopkins
Watch the MSM create the illusion of a war zone in DC. Paid to lie for money. Prostitutes all.
I wonder if Jon is on a balcony at the Hyatt with Lurch, but sending Katty down some dark alleys behind in hope of a scoop?
As an aside, they have a list of means to interact… that runs to several pages of brand/icons I mostly have never heard of.
Hello BBC people Tuesday 11:30am Radio4 you are repeating the biography prog about Charley Pride.
It’s kind of weird that you haven’t changed the programme page’s blurb to reflect that he died in December.
I heard on the BBC that that there is concern that the Palestinian Arabs are not getting vaccinated. They live in Palestinian Authority areas – recognized by 139 UN members as “The State of Palestine”.
That’s because they are not Israeli citizens and they don’t pay membership to Israeli health funds. Since the 1993-95 Oslo Accords, they come under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority health system. From 1967 to 1993, Israeli provided medical services for them (eradicating many of the endemic diseases such as polio) but since then (as they demanded) the Palestinian Arabs have had full autonomy on health matters.
Tragically, the PA has been neglecting the health of its people, prefering to spend its vast donations from Europe and elsewhere on paying the salaries of terrorists in Israeli prisons and families of those killed when committing terrorist attacks on Israelis.
Demanding Israel vaccinate all Palestinians living under PA or Hamas rule makes as much sense as expecting India to mass immunize Pakistanis or the US to vaccinate Mexicans and perhaps Cubans for good measure.
In Jerusalem, where many Arab residents belong to Israeli health funds, even if they do not hold citizenship, the vaccination programme is in full swing.
Hi Lynette
But I bet the details you describe will be washed over by the likes of the BBC which will portray Israel as the ‘baddie ‘ as usual …….
…………….it made me think how things would have been if Scotland was part of the EU vaccination programme ? How many vaccinations would the population have got now? Maybe time to compare the position of a comparable sized EU statelet.
Scotland pop – 5.5 million – numbers vaccinated 269000
About the same pop size as Finland 54kSlovakia 60k Ireland 77k vaccinations respectively – stats from Bloomberg pop from wiki
I’m guessing you will not be hearing either the BBC or their SNP comrades mentioning this …. because of brexit …..
Coincidentally, this morning on BBC World service ( approx 7am) a professor from Ben Gurion university in Israel was interviewed about Israel’s vaccination programme. The Beeboid actually suggested that Israel should not have gone ahead unilaterally but should have waited until the World had got its act together! This would ( she said) have ensured that the world’s poor received the vaccine at the same time as the wealthy!!!
I’m fascinated about how certain types ( bbc ) push some woke ‘moral’ line about how the likes of the UK has a ‘moral duty ‘to other ( third world ) countries to apply our resources to them – when we are struggling ourselves .
Perhaps when the UK is vaccinated we can do trade deals linked to vaccines then . Nothing is free and nor should it be .
Given many of these countries are heavily colonised by Chinese interests, all things considered maybe the BBC could push responsibilities where most suited, rather than gunning for David Lammy to distribute largesse from here with an embedded team to capture his return to grateful natives.
Its only a matter of time before the inequality of the vaccine roll out across the world becomes a source of indignation for the left. Personally I want me and mine to be vaccinated ASAP and the sooner the UK has vaccinated everyone who wants it the better.
I do hope that the BBC majors on the ‘unfairness ‘ of global vaccination programme because even the most thick LF payer must see that the BBC and most on the left , would much rather more Brits die and the lockdown continue , so that the whole world ican be vaccinated at the same rate , than if the UK gets the job done and lockdown lifted. It may make another million or so LF payers wonder why they are paying £157 to an organisation which demonstrably values someone ten thousand miles away as much as it values them!
Lynette, is the Palestinian Health authority the one that the EU sends $4 billion (not sure if Euros or US dollars) of aid funds to? We, in the UK, were forced to contribute to that even if we had doubts about where the money would end up and what the money would be used for.
I hope we are not still paying VAT to the EU to support schemes like that.
Perhaps Marianna can Fact Check it for us or swing the BBC Reality Check team into action?
Re the above – if any enterprising journo reading this – or you mr Farage – want to use my numbers please do – but this is all my own work ….
Under the “entertainment” section of the bBC website.. the reporting of a death..
The bbc goes onto quote MP Apsana Begum as a source, to us this is the MP thats up in court for fraud, a trustworthy/reliable source?
Also didn’t the bBC report someone had died apprx 7 days ago, but they actually hadn’t! – sorry forget who this was they reported
Defund, close down, well overdue
Something has been bugging me in online BBC news items for a while and a recent discussion made me realise what it is.
Every story has pictures and I was noticing how the pictures didn’t have anything to do with the story at all. Things like a story about teachers but a picture of 10 children in a school playground – 2 boys, 4 white girls, 4 BAME girls. I now realise they are all from GETTY and I suspect most are not even from this country. It’s dishonest. Plain and simple.
The more you think about it, the more significant it is. First it is being used for subversive agenda programming and second it shows just how low their journalistic standards have become. I’m convinced many of their anonymous reporters are Left-leaning, low salary recent graduates who are attracted by the prestige or opportunities due to skin colour and sex.
The quality of any big organisation is always the average of all it’s staff. The BBC’s has dropped significantly over the last few years.
I think Brexit and Trump have made them put agenda at the top of the priority list and I’m pleased to observe their arrogance with taxpayers money is accelerating their demise.
GETTY’s statement on BLM is through the roof. Even Lewis Hamilton couldn’t have written anything more extreme.
They are determined to banish racism, but use a capital ‘B’ for black and a small ‘w’ for white and their front page is mostly pictures of black people. Sorry – Black people.
Both of which are – of course – anti-white racist. Complete virtue-signalling hypocrites.
No wonder the BBC are giving them so much of our money.
I have noticed media, especially the BBC, often {cough} accidentally {cough} use president when President is called for.
I did a search on their site once to see how many times they referred to Obama and Trump as ‘President’.
It was many for Obama and hardly any for Trump. They just say ‘Trump …’ as a deliberate attempt to show disrespect.
John-It’s just a fact that nearly everything in mainstream
media and advertising is geared to a BLM agenda.Be it
the BBC always starting their MOTD with players taking
the knee. To Emoji symbols .
Mainstream advertising which Douglas Murray would say
had all but reached the buffers so far as diversity is concerned.
But now the train has sped out of the station and roared away.
We are now surprised to see a white family eating their
cornflakes .As for banking internet main pages. Well anyone
of you that use the services will know what I mean.But that’s
what it is . And us reactionary old indigenous folk in the UK
are living in a new world. For the good or bad or indifference.
Many years ago the BBC carried a story about a rabbit that supposedly had its tail catch fire from a bonfire. It ran under the cricket pavillion and the pavillion burnt down.
The BBC published a picture of that rabbit, and from that day I have never taken any picture that they publish at face value.
One Planet One Health, face nappy to power napping and newspaper headlines that read like advertising copy.
‘Turning point “It will save lives,” say first people to be given vaccine’ – suggests the Guardian opimistically.
Au contraire, says the Telegraph: ‘Getting jab could prompt public to abandon rules, say scientists’
And so the push me, pull you, of pubic health messaging goes on. A cheerful yes you may have a family Christmas here, a stern no you can’t there. A cheerful yes the kids may go back to school one minute, then the U-turn locks the school gates shut, no, no… now the grubby little tikes will likely sneeze and kill all the teachers. Yes, pay your fees and come to University – ker-ching… then sorry – here’s the bait and switch – you’re now locked in your dorms having zoom tutorials and you may as well have stayed at home with the parents and saved a few bob.
So when the Express would have us believe the PM’s words: ‘Precarious… but very different by spring’ – one remembers a lesson that many a nice slice of posh totty could tell you… Boris promises are like pie crust – easily broken.
If you ever wondered – has the world of politics been turned upside down when you first heard Labour frontbenchers fretting on behalf of “British business” over the Brexit issue? Then we’ve now come full circle: ‘Johnson faces down Tory disquiet over benefits cut’ (FT)
The Guardian does a passable impression of the Voice or the Harlem Times: ‘Call to target BAME groups for jabs amid fears over scare stories’ – noticing no condescension or racial separatism in the tone of its headline.
‘We must be clear there’s no meat, pork or alcohol in the jabs’ says Dr Habib Naqvi, NHS race and health expert. One hesitates to correct the good doctor but I think he will find that pork may well not be an ingredient of the vaccine but it surely is a meat. One ponders for a moment the revelation that our health service has doctors specialising in race. I had optimistically assumed the line of research once the department of Dr Josef Mengele would have no equivalent in our sainted NHS. But that does seem to be Dr Habib Naqvi’s specialty. Let’s hope his interest is more in the way of what we used to term race relations, rather than experimentation.
As for the photo op Johnson took at the Oxford vaccination lab where he’s gone from face nappy to space suit: ‘The PPE PM’ (Metro) ‘Boris Johnson dons a full protective suit…’ – the messaging is clearly spread the fear, spread the fear…
From face nappy to power nappy…
‘Johnson is partial to a power nap’ confides the Times. It is suggested this puts him in company with the likes of Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, JFK, Bill Clinton and Salvador Dalí. I’d have said rather than that exalted company Winnie-the-Pooh comes to mind. Mind you, Boris was born in the Upper East Side of Manhattan and one can’t help but notice the two US presidents listed were both notorious shaggers. So perhaps when Boris retires for half an hour of an afternoon and his aids discreetly close his office door… well, I’m just saying…
Another puff story about electric cars: ‘Electric car battery that can charge in minutes’ (Guardian) – my i-phone will lose 40% of charge a day even if I go without any calls. Also, when your headlines to reports read like advertising copy then you fail to be a newspaper in the recognised sense – least of all a supposedly leftist voice.
A firm favourite with this poster the FT’s “Datawatch” amuses this morning suggesting anti-vax sentiment is far stronger in France and Germany than here in the compliant UK.
It’s long been my contention that lockdowns will only end when the more comfortably off liberal middle classes begin to suffer.
The ‘i’ frets: ‘Is the party over for UK’s music festivals?’ – Glasto was biannual and so its fans were used to some cold turkey but cancel it again this year and there could be real angst.
And finally, all is far from sweetness and light in the yoghurt world: ‘Activist investor Bluebell has taken a Danone stake and is calling on the yoghurt group’s chairman and chief executive… to go because of its “disappointing” share performance’
By the way, Danone’s company slogan: “One Planet One Health”
“Live long and prosper” as the Vulcans say.
Frankly I’m disappointed . Disappointed that you didn’t mention someone called ‘holly willowby ‘wore a dress on a Saturday Bread and circuses show……
…. and to extend the race and vaccine nonsense – what about vegans ? If the little bugs used to grow the vaccine are fed ‘meat products ‘ does it mean vegans can’t get jabbed ?
Naturally I only put this forward in a spirit of flippancy – if people want to give themselves an excuse for not getting jabbed – good luck to them .
More seriously the idea of vaccine prioritisation based on ‘culture ‘ just sounds wrong .
Fed, Hollywolly? – that was yesterday’s news, do keep up. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Even sleepy Snuffy knows that. 😉
Mind you, if it’s ‘totty’ you are after, the PR Agencies have been hard at work again for today’s editions. The Guardian, Mail, Mirror & Sun will all oblige and if that’s not enough, Liz Hurley has been making jam and is provocatively holding two pots on the front of the Torygraph which she may spread on her baps or buns or bread or something else that is deemed suitable.
Beeboids ,
1: There are some companies that will thrive or only survive if we are in the EU .
2: There are some companies that will not thrive or survive if we are in the EU .
2 will outnumber 1 .
So dont keep concentrating on set 1 . Unless you`re biased .
I keep an eye on which articles appearing in the Daily Telegraph the editor allows comments on and which he doesn’t. Today no comments on another of Hague’s globalist propaganda series , nor on Navalny urging his supporters on to the streets in Russia to protest him being locked up.
No doubt Hague is in need of protection after the battering he received from the readership last week. I am not making any point regarding the rights and wrongs of the events this week in Moscow , merely contrasting the reaction of the DT to events there and to its reaction when President Trump asked his supporters to protest at the stealing of the election.
That the editor of the DT increasingly bans readers comments from an ever wider range of articles that he chooses to be published indicates that he knows he is well out of step with his readership on political fundamentals. Either he is on a suicide mission for himself and the newspaper or he is backed by lots of money and trying to convert his readership. The DT has joined the ever growing list of once centre MSM outlets which are tracking ever more globalist . But you can be sure that readers won’t be seduced to follow the editor on the road to perdition.
Double – I think the bubble is now so dominated by globalists and wokes that the journos respond by complying for fear of not getting their next job – include radio presenters in this .
Anyone who stands out becomes an instant target – even an actor speaking his mind on the left social media Twitter …..
But – go woke go broke applies to every one – except the BBC of course…
It’s so obvious and blatant across the MSM they really should change their job titles to PR Or Propagandists And Censors… PROPACs.
Also Big Tech.
It still get a networking error for Parler.
Ditching Apple after 30 years will be an option, if painful.
Actually iCloud and backups are a nightmare so maybe not that big an issue.
Who in the mobile and PC world is not behaving like a woke tyrant? All the family are on £500 lappies that do 4x more than my Mac PC, and I figure I can easily migrate to a nicer phone/camera.
So, Tim, relying on BBC bulk purchases and Paul Mason staying loyal off the TVL free teat a good business model?
Maybe other ex-Beeboids Peter Barron and Newsnight roaming reporter Lord Sellout can advise on how it works out?
I de-appled a couple of years ago. Like binning Sky earlier this year, it’s immensely liberating.
No more ‘updates’ every time you want to use anything either.
“…vaccines are safe and fully tested…”. Yes, that’s with two doses as I understand it. Had one, initial jab been sufficient to do the job, the developers would have said that. But you can bet your bottom dollar, if one jab is given without a follow up, the patient will need to sign a disclaimer.
I will be holding out for the double jab, ‘like it says on the tin’
BBC News
Media reports say Mr Trump has suggested to aides he is considering granting a pardon to himself in the final hours of his presidency.
Followed by every BBC one degree of separation inference and weasel in the editorial guideline book on top of ‘sources who say’.
Good morning.
Let me say at the outset that I regard Mario Itoje as a fine rugby player, though I think his centre of gravity is a little too high.
I notice that he is currrently in the media advocating a free laptops for poor children scheme.
It just seemed a little reminiscent of another high profile black sportsperson doing a free school meals campaign.
So I did a bit of googling and, knock me down with a feather, guess what?
Not hard to spot the pattern. BAME sports stars join RocNation, and hey presto. Two months later……..they front a campaign designed to embarrass the government by playing the ‘poor children’ card.
What a shame the spineless government cannot state the blindingly obvious but allows its policies to be de-railed by external, indeed overseas, leftoid predominantly BAME interests.
I realise Gavin Williamson is not up to much but all the same, handing schools and education policy over to the RocNation management agency is a step too far, don’t you think.
Roc Nation is a full-service management, music publishing, and entertainment company founded by JAY-Z.
Half a million followers
more RocNation stuff
Poor people usually go to thier local library to print things, impossible with this dumb lock down.
Just in : new documentary “Women Leaving Islam” tells the story of six women escaping the violence of Islam’s modesty culture
Johnson glad to see Trump go, happy to work with Joe.
In short, Johnson is signalling that he continues to obey the BBC.
BBC reports.
Boris Johnson will be glad Donald Trump has not been re-elected for a second term as US president, ex-Civil Service head Lord Sedwill has suggested.
Writing in the Daily Mail, Lord Sedwill said those who believed Boris Johnson would have preferred Mr Trump to win again were “mistaken.”
He said he “would not have been to the benefit” of British or European security, trade or environment issues.
Downing Street said Mr Johnson looked forward to working with Joe Biden.
Anyone with a brain cell knows the US election was rigged so why do all[?] world governments, including ours, accept Biden as the next president?
Is this is what is meant by the delicate art of ‘diplomacy’?
President Trump probably thought he would get some support from another head of government. Perhaps from America’s strongest ally.
ti, to answer your question: ‘Yes’. In addition there might be an element of fraud in all elections, including – shock, horror – ours in the UK. Tests will probably have been done to see if results may have been affected and if the percentage of fraudulent votes is low and the cost of eliminating that fraud is high, you can guess what ‘the reports’ ‘recommend’.
Noticed yesterday that Wendy and Marianna had new checkers.
Maybe BBC Fact Checking needs a BBC Fact Check Fact Checking Dept?
In all languages, of course.
I was watching a series once aired on the BBC Netflix called Vexed. I don’t know how I got to see it but I was struck by the attitude to wokeness from a mere ten years ago. The main female character, Lucy Punch, was made fun of for trying to be ever so PC after saying the wrong words to a black character. It was an ongoing joke. Amazing how things have changed in such a short time, especially the BBC allowing this without a warning and a tirade of twitty outrage.