Today the BBC will deliver coverage of the inauguration as president of a 78 year old man in a foreign country . How will it be covered ? A celebration ? A festival for the Far Left ? Or something more neutral ?And how will the BBC treat the outgoing President ? 5pm UK time – we ll get the answer .
Midweek Thread 20 January 2021
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Was going through the HYS on the BBC’s slight fiscal reality problem page and glanced across at ‘other news’.
Maybe the 10:1 ratio (being ‘curse all right wingers’) is in part explained by the ‘stories’ being;
Trump’s farewell video fact checked
The other Women in Kamala Harris’ college photo
The BBC is utterly sunk, and pretending it doesn’t know why.
“How diverse is Biden’s new cabinet?” also features in the centre of the BBC’s news page. It contains this little gem in the article:
“… … … … But not everyone has been pleased with his choices. When Mr Biden chose General Lloyd Austin to lead the Pentagon – the first black man to do so – other activists were upset that the position was yet again denied to a woman. And Mr Biden picked two white men to head the state and agriculture agencies – Anthony Blinken and Tom Vilsack – when progressive groups would rather have seen him nominate black women to the roles.
Progressive liberals have also criticised Mr Biden’s selections as too safe, too moderate, too establishment and too old. For many of the supporters who delivered Mr Biden the presidency, he’s not there just yet.”
Is that a typo, should it not read, he’s just not all there?
Just went back to post.
Sorry, there was a problem. Please try again later.
I’ll bet.
It would appear that the public accounts comittee has reported their findings on the BBC and it’s not good news either for them or for us.
Licence fee cash at risk as viewers desert BBC: Shift in habits with younger audiences flocking to online rivals means people are ‘less likely’ to pay TV levy, report suggests
BBC faces financial ‘uncertainty’ due to reliance on licence fee – report
BBC lacks a plan to win back younger viewers, says spending watchdog
The corporation has failed to consider a future without the licence fee, the National Audit Office said
Here is a link to that report published today:
It is however the statements made by MPs particularly the cowardly useless incompetent Tories which give the most cause for concern.
“Gareth Davies, the head of the NAO, said: “The BBC faces significant financial challenges as it embarks upon licence fee negotiations and its midterm charter review.
“It has made significant cost savings and has identified the need for more with licence fee income under pressure.
“As decisions about the licence fee are made, the BBC needs to develop a clear financial plan for the future, setting out where it will invest and how it will continue to make savings.
“Without such a plan, it will be difficult for the BBC to effectively implement its new strategic priorities.””
Does that suggest to you that the government has any kind of plan whatsoever to end the licence fee and put the BBC on a subscription basis? It certainly doesn’t to me, and it smacks of business as usual what’s for lunch?
Tory appointee and new DG who at least should have an inkling of what the future might hold for his corporation makes his insight perfectly clear:
” In August, it was reported that Tim Davie, the director-general, looked at whether the licence fee could ultimately be replaced with a new special income tax, based on the Swedish model for funding public service broadcasting”
In other words the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are going to force you to pay for the BBC even if you don’t have a Television ! That’s even worse than the current Socialised mess we have and turning towards Communism) no surprise there given their recent performances.
The report was only published today, so this is hot off the press so to speak. Lots of criticism of the BBC, but no hope for an end to the iniquity, and if you don’t buy a TV licence willingly we’ll force you with the threat of criminal sanction.
As Tony Blair would say, goodbye the people’s president, hello Big Tech’s.
I’m sure Sopel would just love to be likened to Drumpf!!
The au contraire of it all ! A piece on the news about how BAME’s should be given priority for getting the Covid vaccine – presumably because ‘they are most at risk’.
AND THEN in today’s D/Mail an article by Sir Geoff Palmer – headline “Shocking truth why 72% of black Britons say they are unlikely to have the Covid jab” Lol !!
Seemingly its because ‘they’ don’t trust the whitey’s who are telling them what to do.
Sir Geoff himself maintains that ………….”when I switch on the tv to watch the frequent briefings from government ministers and the scientists advising them, I am painfully aware that nobody standing at the Downing Street lecterns looks like me ” FFS this is a knight of the realm who hasn’t grasped the fact that he lives in an overwhelmingly white country, and is aggrieved because it sounds like he and his fellow BAME’s will only take heed from a man of colour !!!
Well, Sir Geoff there is a clear and present answer to that, and you know what to do !
Almost as strange is the fact that simultaneously ITV came up with their very own version: Robert Moore, a little man vastly inflated by a spurious sense of self-importance.
Do Bob and Jon phone to polish one another’s versions of truth?
I think they compare notes.
Can’t decide which I dislike most. Sopel is the most sneery and Robert Moore is downright hysterical at times, often comedically so.
Funny – watching the coronation – it sort of feels they are going through the motions and can’t wait to get away before the handcuffs go on .
It’s empty stuff . Sleepy Joe did well reading the autocue for 25 rambling minutes – he only misread it 3 times . I didn’t spot a good sound bite ….
It looks as though the BBC (Katy ) narrative is to say everything is big and difficult so how can Joe and the tick box achieve anything ?
Lee Hurst’s question on Trump
So am I. It’s as if it fed on itself. It’s like one huge psychosis.
Coronation – sopel and Katy applying the ‘tell a lie enough times and it becomes true ‘ doctrine to the theft of an election and pretending it is democracy …..
2 hours of the BBC is just too much .. off switch …
President Trump’s final day as president fact-checked
Couldn’t be bothered to read it ,
BBC hasn’t the dignity to leave the man alone on his last day.
The Sopel contortions around describing this will be interesting.
The BBC’s coverage is stomach-churningly awful. Sopel and a female fawning over the sham President, their level of preachy, wilful hypocrisy is staggering. The public are being brainwashed.
Seems no one is watching.
Not with brains, anyway.
That may have offered a troll a small opportunity.
I of course discount those taking one for the team.
BbcNews what disgusting hatey people you are
Shouting “Division” every 15 seconds when talking about Trump
Who created division ?
Surely it is MSM and Dems who created division
with hatey stunt, after hatey stunt
…. Like their horrible Trump balloons,
calling normal people “far right “white supremacists” etc.
Trump tried to serve all , whilst sticking up for himself.
He did say truthful things that did alienate some people
like that Islamist terrorism is rooted in Islam
… that foes alienate son
Now they are sneering ‘Ugh Trump said Climate Change is a Chinese made HOAX’
.. That is a ridiculous summary.
Trump knows that Paris is a false thing … to both skeptics and true believers in CO2 reduction.
Seems Jon and BBC American BS have had a gift basket of incontinence pads made up for when they are granted their personal audience to be blessed for services rendered.
Personified by Sopel and Moore, BBC and ITV’s front men who have for four years on a near nightly basis, sneered, scoffed, carped and distorted each and every aspect of Donald Trump and his Presidency.
Never seeking the positive, always enlarging the negative, using the privilege of their positions to bend the truth, decry achievement, ridicule the right, promote the left and air their personal opinions to the UK unchallenged and dressed as facts.
What a proud legacy these two leave behind for political history.
They cannot be unaware of the shift being blatant?
Beltane – may I say that is a fine obituary for those bad journos .
typo : that does alienate some.
BBC News
“We knew that our generation would make a difference with our success.”
They are all laughing at the camera, but what are the stories of the women next to Kamala Harris?
Fellas too, if BBC SOP followed.
BBC News
“A cry for racial justice… will be deferred no longer.”
In his inaugural address, President Joe Biden has said a “rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism” must be defeated .
Plus side, the BBC will be losing a lot more audience each week.
WaPO…like the BBC, only…. at least butt covering after the event just in case?
BBC 6pm news with oodles of attacks on Trump and his right wing supporters.
Bad news about the China Virus and stress in ITUs, but where was Yoo Pim, whose superior medical knowledge usually informs us?
Just got shouted at by the normally OK neighbour for not joining in with her Trump-hating
” He’s not done one thing for foreign policy, it’s all me, me ,me”
.. all the Middle east peace treaties, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, meeting North Korean … etc.etc.
So that infuriated her more
“Well he has no empathy”
..oh I have seen helping people plenty of times, like that funeral where the little boy had lost his father
“Shut up I’ve never seen that on my TV”
Nope, not getting anywhere their , speaking up to the hatey brainwashed just causes their cognitive dissonance to kick in and them to lash out.
I will have a word with my mother a little later….
Yeh well I didn’t want to write her actual name 🙂
Local BBC news : “Black Dads lives, founded by Anton James”
..good on him “I started this cos black dads have a bad reputation”
… clip chosen one dad saying ‘I was arrested in a suit and beaten up by 5 white guys’
No context was given ..I presume it was a highly selected clip from hours and hours of footage.
“footballers taking the knee isn’t the right thing”
Presenter “They are great aren’t they ?”
Next segment ..reporter in the street no one around her
but she’s wearing her mask
and defeats the purpose by continually touching it.
Now local news has found a Biden angle, cos there’s a local kid who wrote to him about tuttering.
The book ad in complement (on my browser) seems apt.
This made me laugh, after all the nauseating BBC coverage today.
I might be fooling myself at this point or inhaling from the hopium bong, it certainly looks really bad right now, but at the same time there’s so many things that don’t make sense from the perspective of a normal inauguration. Why would Trump quit when he knows – KNOWS, and can prove – he won in a landslide? Why would he damn the country he loves and has served for decades in business and four years as leader to an illegal communist takeover? Even if his family was being threatened or there were terror threats on US cities, he must surely realise that they’re at a much greater threat of getting the ‘Nicolau II’ or ‘killing fields’ treatment if he’s no longer in charge. He’s also moved a lot of people into new positions and signed a lot of executive orders that will of course be rescinded almost immediately.
More than anything, there’s loads of subtle details in his speeches and the tweets of his staff that indicate something is afoot. A lot of the decoding stuff is nonsense but if you watch the video below, you’ll notice he says “the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new administration great luck and great success, I think they’ll have great success, they have the foundation to do something spectacular and we put it in a position like it’s never been before.” That doesn’t sound like he’s referring to a destructive, anti-American, socialist regime from an establishment that has already telegraphed that they hate him and all of his supporters and want to ‘cleanse’ the country of their legacy – not to mention he never mentioned Biden, nor did he in yesterday’s speech.
I don’t think those 50k troops in DC are there to protect Biden from the Proud Boys. I think they could there because they’re the new transitional government and are about to bring the sword down on the swamp once and for all. However, I would have expected them to act during the actual ceremony so it’s quite possible that this really is a straightforward deep state coup with no pushback, or that Trump did ask the military to intervene but they refused. We’ll have to wait and see, but there’s a lot more going on than the MSM are promoting and I can’t see the millions of Christian gun owners about to be targeted by these far-left extremists being willing to put their heads on the chopping block, so sadly it looks like things are about to get really messy for America. My heart and prayers go out to them.
The guilty will now think that they are safe with Biden through the door of the White House. Many will slip up and give themselves away. Expect ‘The Squad’ to ruffle a few feathers of the old guard. The Dems are as split as our Labour Party. It’ll be House of cards for real.
On radio newcastle this morning, one of the Trump haters they had on as guest interviewees brought his non attendance up and went on to say it happened to President Jackson over 200 years ago implying that was the last time it happened without saying it.
No mention of Nixon or the others.
Just seen that miserable git Kim Darroch (sacked ambassador or something like that) whinging away about Trump and his hate was obvious.
Anti Trumper Fatty Boulton on sky now in between Trump hating guests.
I also saw that ‘interview’ (mentioned earlier on here) where Trump hater Mark Austin on sky was shouting over the girl who was actually trying to say something reasonable about Trump but he couldn’t have that and just talked (shouted) over everything she tried to say, not giving her a chance to answer or be heard.
China pays off it’s allies in the USA…
The beginning of the end for a free USA.
I just think president trump is keeping the door open for 4 years time – which also why Pence did a distancing job from the president toward the end .
I can’t see any dramatic overnight ‘tanks on the White House lawn ‘- just too much where the president is commander in chief .
Whether Biden goes to bed and doesn’t wake up is a different matter …..
I’ve tried to avoid BBC News channel today because of the inauguration. Then within 30 seconds of flicking through the channels and landing on BBC News a US reporter saying “we have asked lots of people about Biden’s policies and everyone is happy with them”.
I’m pretty sure they haven’t asked anyone anything. They are just stating the BBC’s staff thoughts.
I have been trying to avoid all news of the inauguration too, fed but its even on here! I went to Breitbart Europe to escape but immediately found a piece by Delingpole who has done a ‘Lily Allen’. “I am ashamed to be British”
The whole Trump thing is very depressing because it signifies the end of the USA as democracy and the fall of Western Civilization if the trend continues. That is why the BBC is cock-a-hoop.
But it is well to remember that the Trumpian populism was not the start of the populist wave. It was already underway in Europe.
His victory was unexpected both by opponents and supporters.
I got the feeling that the movement in Europe has looking too much to the USA to save them again. They thought they didn’t have to do much themselves anymore. Now it is clear that the Trump presidency was just a daring salient which eventually became cut off. So those in Britain and the continent must drop their cargo cult mentality and look to themselves because the Yanks ain’t coming, so to speak.
His sole policy is to stay alive for at least 4 years. Kamala will be waiting to pounce.
Years ago in the US elections there were always several candidates that were publicised in the media… so and so from Idaho and wotsisname from Nebraska with potential running mates for each party. What happened ? apart from Clinton running against Obama for the nomination, in recent elections we’ve just had the main candidate for each party on display, so is running for President costing so much money that its now prohibitive for many potential wannabees ?
Sounds crazy , but this is now the Biden & Harris USA !!!!
ANYTHING is possible !!
A bit late and buried in the stream but this brings to mind an old Bernard Manning joke.
Passengers on a plane waiting to leave the departure gate see what looks to be the Captain walking across the Tarmac with a white stick guided by a stewardess.
They are rather worried and so call the stewardess down.
‘Is the captain blind’ they ask.
‘ yes but there is no cause for worry’ she says.
‘Well, how does he know what controls to use?’ They ask.
‘They are all in braille’ she says.
‘OK but how does he take off’.
‘well’ she says, ‘he leaves the intercom on, and when he hears the passengers all shout ‘F****** Hell !’ he pulls the stick back!
While the Bee is satire, I would note that the 20,000 number of troops is true.
That’s the equivalent of a US Army Infantry Division, more troops than are deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Says something doesn’t it?
A vision of North Korea, Moscow and Beijing if I’m not mistaken.
Tonight’s TV
7:30pm The Bidding Room
8pm The Jay Blades Show
9pm Mental Health doco
made by Ruhi Hamid with Tanya Byron & England ladies footballer Alex Scott
10:45pm The Lineker Show
9pm Film : Victoria and Abdul
8pm The Chris Packham Show
9pm The 9pm The Disabled & Hate Crime
10pm Top Of The Pops 1981
8pm Julia Bradbury in Dartmoor
8:30pm Corrie : Yasmeen suffers a panic attack
9pm Female detective now demoted with Ahmed Kharim now her boss
10:45pm Peston
Channel4 : Kirstie/McCloud/Ramsay
Then a repeat of lefty comics
7:30pm BBC1 The Bidding Room
Why does the BBC always insist on symetrical seating of white, black, white, black, white?
They see skin colour in every single decision in programme making.
Maybe the black panellists do not wish to sit next to each other. They may not get on. There’s not automatic kinship due to their colour.
Purely an observation, or my white privilege readers, but I can only see two of the panel clearly.
9pm Mental Health doco
made by Ruhi Hamid with Tanya Byron & England ladies footballer Alex Scott
just watched (think this a link) – “”
explores the roots of ableism A powerful BBC2 documentary traces disability discrimination from the Industrial Revolution to the present day”
as usual for the beeb it picks a few Victim’s & only gives comment/evidence to one side.
have anybody on here ever seen or heard people making unkind remarks to the disabled?
“Coronavirus: Priti Patel says UK should have closed borders in March 2020”
I have news for her – they are still open and illegals coming in via the English Channel !
They have been coming in ever since she and the PM said that they would sent back .
Here is a ‘little secret’. the French Navy and our Border Force are shipping them in .
Try 1970..
\\Brexit: ‘My meat shipment is rotting in Rotterdam’//
Is this the EU being awkward ? if so the British Government needs to take action . Retaliatory measures are needed . The sell more to us than we do to them . Perhaps we should start exporting all our meat to the Far East ? We need to start trading world wide. Now that we are out of the ‘European Empire’ we need to……… forgive my use of the new buzz word, – ‘Build Back Better’ .
What about it maxi ?
The vets at UK plants (who are often foreign) keep making mistakes on the forms
And since the UK has a transition rule that lorries are waved through
No one knows the errors until the lorry is inspected in Holland.
Shouldn’t the firm be employing someone to get the emailed formed whilst the truck is in transit
So he can spot an error
and then get the original vet to email a corrected form ?
The vets at UK meat plants replaced meat inspectors after MAFF read the E U directive that said all meat must be inspected by veterinary assistants. The UK had no such thing, so MAFF being MAFF said great, let’s employ vets instead. Vets know nothing about postmortem meat. Meat Inspectors had to spend 200 hours in an abattoir and then pass stringent exams. No vet has ever spent that much time in an abattoir. This all came in with the single boundary. Port Health Officers who handled meat imports lost that and Port Health Authorities had to have a vet on retainer. Thank MAFF and its jobs for the boys outlook.
When I was studying EU law at the time of Maastricht I never forget that my professor – naturally a pro EU type – marvelled at the UK civil service attitude to directives – applying an Anglo Saxon Puritan approach to every word and applying the content even if it hurt UK – whereas other EU states ‘interpreted ‘ said directives to meet their national interests – and sometimes took their time in interpretation by doing corrupt deals with Brussels .
It was never for us .
“Covid: Wales’ teachers to decide students end-of-year grades”
All right if you are a ‘teachers pet’. A nice little number if you can get it .
If you’re the type who crams the subject in the last few weeks, you’re doomed
Aren’t they encouraging child sex abuse ? for grades .
BBC News
America could soon see its first Native American cabinet secretary, first female national intelligence director, first Latino homeland security chief and first openly gay cabinet member.
Sounds like a rugby song in the making.
Gilbert and Sullivan could have made a comic opera about the whole shebang!
They did have a little list, just like the Democrats….
Next in the long list on the BBC’s Bookie Wookie of ‘ests’.
BBC News
“I wanted it to be a message of hope and unity.”
22-year-old Amanda Gorman has become the youngest poet ever to perform at a presidential inauguration.
“Who is Hunter Biden and what are the allegations against him ?”
That is the headline today in the London Evening Standard . We recite allegations of the MSM covering up inconveniences – well there in that headline – Is the evidence – only now is that question being asked here …. and I bet it’s similar in the States ….maybe someone will say ‘hard drive ‘…..
BBC News
Bernie Sanders’ mittens, a historic fist bump and Melania’s outfit change…
The national broadcaster of the U.K.
BBC News
Bernie Sanders’ mittens, a historic fist bump and Melania’s outfit change…
The national broadcaster of the U.K.
“Biden inauguration: Step forward after bumpy period – Boris Johnson”
Step forward Boris, invite traitor Theresa to #10, insist she brings, and wears, her favourite tutu.
Insist traitor Theresa brings her second best tutu, the one you tried on earlier.
Take some kneeling lessons.
Do a duet in Downing Street.
Announce, dually, that you recognise 832 genders.
Announce, dually, that all 832 genders within six light years are invited to make the UK their permanent home.
Farage for president.
Sorry Liz, nine centuries of patriotism and sacrifice preceded you.
Love to real Europeans everywhere.
Time for more sacrifice.
Time to get rid of the many enemies we have.
Amazing as to how smooth the Brexit transition has been.
We are now 20 days into the dystopian nightmare that was predicted by the BBC.
Has our BBC admitted their errors and blatant bias?
They were wrong to both hate Brexit and to fight against it using our money.
The BBC should be heavily fined and penalised for the damage they did to this country. In fact, they should be terminated now.
Royal Commission perhaps? I will be the first to volunteer as chairman and my services will be free. (Plus expenses of course. And a second home. And a duck pond).
Dover Sentry
“The BBC should be heavily fined and penalised for the damage they did to this country. In fact, they should be terminated now.” .
While I agree with your sentiments, remember who pays the fines , it’s you the licence payer. Perhaps it should come out thir redundancy payments?
The problem is that because the MSM was totally anti brexit there is no one to hold them to account on Project Fear . It is still early days – but threats about the pound crashing to parity hasn’t happened .
In truth the economies of EU statelets are going to be even more eager to export to the UK than before . Eurostar will be an interesting test case as to whether shareholders bail it out or the UK state does . To me – it would be best for the company to fail and HMG picks up the pieces with the French government . But involve the latter and serious corruption kicks in.
Talking of corruption – the resignation of a regional mayor and his staff for getting vaccinated ahead of health staff in Spain won’t feature in the BBC news methinks ….
Agreed. But beyond that, I see American money flowing into the UK as the Biden regime attacks the wealthy with taxes.
An ill wind…
I’m prepared (as a reasonable and fairly non-violent man) to waive the fines in favour of absolute and total termination.
One day soon .
Sooner than later .
Indeed. It will happen. I’m on my second marriage and the kids I have conceived from both marriages have absolutely zero interest in the BBC.
Our kids will destroy the BBC. The BBC pander to kids. But they are wasting their time.
Our ‘young’ ones are 31 and 33 with their own families.
They would never watch the BBC – they don’t know what I am talking about. None of their friends even know what the BBC is!!
Labour narrative world vs the Real world
“Boris is going to sell the NHS to Trump”
Daniel Sandford managed to pull out of being ratioed on that Netflix tweet
now 20.5K likes …………….vs 15K replies/QTs (mostly scathing)
I guess most of the 20,000 BBC staff liked his tweet
Maybe BBC got rid of the negative tweets or stopped the counting at 2am when they found a truck of positive ones….
Or plugged in the new Dominion counting system.
I must go back and see if I can post yet, there having been ‘a problem’.
Or… now at the required balance, has it ‘closed’?
Had the misfortune to sit through Winter Watch on Tuesday and Wednesday (don’t ask ) and observed Mr Sanctimonious Vegan Nepotist and the Welsh bloke modelling a variety of jackets ( three for the vegan, two for Taffy ) all from the same manufacturer with logos prominent. Once upon a time “the world’s most trusted” eschewed product placement and would cover up brands – no longer, but I wonder where the grease goes. Three new jackets in two days ( so far ) can hardly be saving the planet can it Packham ?
logos are still covered up on some shows
I think if Countryfile jackets presenter’s are,
whereas BBC news have Northface clearly written on theirs
Should that not be two faced
6pm ITV local news the predicted floods haven’t yet come
so for the second time within a week we got John Grant a Sheffield poly Climate expert
.. He had all his Climate posters behind him
“We are sure to get way more rainfall in the future
..but on the other hand we’re likely to get droughts as well” we are back to the cover all bases PR that got Global Warming renamed as Climate Change.
Slightly off topic. Why do women have a croaky voice?
Smokers ?
It’s the trendy way.
It’s probably too early for this thought..
Maybe it’s the Monica Lewinsky effect; too much time on their knees?
By the way, why has sleepy creepy ‘Uncle Joe’ not been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, wrong shade?
“Biden gets to work on reversing Trump policies with executive orders”
Al Beeb luvvies are loving it . But this does not bode well. I have a feeling that it will all end in tears?
after 4 yrs of hate/bile they are wetting pants that Joe won, he is the new “sun god” for the MSM & can do no wrong after “satan”
the tower of babel springs to mind for some reason!!!
you forgot the greenpiss link – Greenpeace Blame Cold Weather On Global Warming!!
The BBC and Democrats have now come to realise that they are in the hot seat. No more sniping from the side lines.
Leading and criticising are two very different things
It’ll be back to the Obama days, lots of trivia pieces about what Joe thinks on things that don’t matter, no tough questions on things that do.
Somehow I think the VP will be a disappointment, her cackle in answer to any question hardly makes for a good sound bite. Actually Joe won’t be much better, “Mr President, what sort of relationship to you want to develop with Iran/North Korea/China/the EU?”
“C’mon man! I’ve got 70 million domestic terrorists to eliminate first. Can I sniff your hair Emms?”
For some reason I really can’t fathom, I got this weird idea stuck in my head when they were going on (and on, and on) about Biden, and it’s that camp 80s ‘Flash Gordon’ (‘Flash Biden’ in the woke 2020s remake), and Freddie Mercury singing:
“Flash, a-ah, saviour of the universe
Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us (Trump: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha)
Flash, a-ah, he’s a miracle
Flash, a-ah, king of the impossible
He’s for everyone of us
Stand for everyone of us
He saved with a mighty hand
Every man, every woman
Every child – He’s a mighty flash
Flash, a-ah
Flash, a-ah, you saved everyone of us
Just a man
With a man’s courage
You know he’s
Nothing but a man
He can never fail
No-one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail
Ooh, oh
Ooh, oh
“Only Greta Thunberg, formerly a Swedish schoolchild has provided any answers for these extraordinary weather conditions we’ve been having”
“I love you Flash, but we only have four years to save the Earth!” wails Kamala Harris
“Biden is alive-live-live?!!” queries Boris
Maybe Sleepy could get another German Shepherd into the WH?
Then Leni Kay could run an embedded team of film makers showing him playing with Blondi to show how cute he is.
Easier with the media running interference.
The 180 degree about-turn we are about to witness in their coverage of the new administration will show their bias beautifully.
We should make sure we contrast it with how they treated Trump as much as we can here to keep a record. It may count as fuel on the fire in the argument to rid us of the license tax and make them accountable.
I agree and am now forcing myself to watch it – one long witness statement ….
I feel I am being subjected to a wave of propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since Goebbels.
Only the Left can preach unity whilst simultaneously trying to destroy their political enemies with shouts of ‘Treason’. We are repeating history from 90 years ago. And the socialists are behind it again.
When I have this feeling that so many things just don’t seem right, it always turns out a couple of years later that I was right. I don’t think things are going to end well. I really hope it doesn’t in some kind of civil war – but now it’s not out of the question.