Today the BBC will deliver coverage of the inauguration as president of a 78 year old man in a foreign country . How will it be covered ? A celebration ? A festival for the Far Left ? Or something more neutral ?And how will the BBC treat the outgoing President ? 5pm UK time – we ll get the answer .
Midweek Thread 20 January 2021
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Not all Democrats are on board with the crew around Joe….
Watch Kamala Harris’s expression here ….
here’s hoping we see more sooner rather than later
Not all Democrats are on board with the crew around Joe….
Watch Kamala Harris’s expression here ….
here’s hoping we see more sooner rather than later
Our press, which reflexively will chide a British PM for acting as America’s poodle, and lately sows suspicion that trans Atlantic nation variously has less than secret designs on our sainted NHS, would initiate nuclear war at the drop of a hat and plans to poison us with dreaded chlorinated chicken (whatever that is?), meanwhile the very same press sees absolutely no irony whatsoever in blanket sympathetic coverage of the ceremonial signing in of their new head of State.
The proximate cause of this current bout of jounalistic schizophrenia is of course the exit stage left of their pantomime villain Donald Trump. However, the root of the confused tendency seems to be that anti-Americanism represents for the liberal his last permissible xenophobia. For the BBC jounalist, who still needs to claim political balance, American politics is an arena that can act as a cipher for his true political views and activism. Put crudely, diss US conservatives and chances are you get away with it, diss US conservatism and you’ve dissed conservatism in the mind of your audience… the job’s a good’n.
The Labour tabloid Daily Mirror (natch!) gets top billing in the BBC press line up today with their headline: ‘A day of history… a day of hope’ – I thought that was Obama? I wonder, does the Mirror imply Sleepy Creepy Joe has the cure for covid in his back pocket?
In the equivalent of dragging your great grandad out of the care home where he was dozing off watching black and white reruns of I Love Lucie and wondering when it’s supper time, and putting him in charge of fighting worldwide covid.
Here’s the interesting bit: ‘After four years of Trump’s hatred…’ – let’s parse this phrase. Surely to goodness we’ve witnessed four years of hatred OF Trump? I will add that the word hate is now patented, owned and even legally endorsed by the Left, and deployed in politics as they see fit like they used to use a word like exploitation.
‘End this uncivil war’ says the Telegraph. Yes, the Left is on top for the moment so let’s take five, as Yankee sportsmen taught us to say, before they taught us to take the knee. By the way, did Colin Kaepernick get the take the knee idea from Game of Thrones or vice versa? Poor chap, abandoned by his black father and brought up in a loving white family, to moderate sporting fame and success…
Enough. Almost. One last thought. History will decide, eventually. It is now generally accepted that JFK the beloved 35th President of the USA had the 1960 election rigged and stolen for him by his wealthy and powerful father. In Boston in 1773 a group of armed and violent activists, comically disguised as native American Mohawk tribesmen, trespassed aboard ships in Boston harbour, commiting acts of theft and vandalism by throwing tea chests into the sea. They are now celebrated and regarded as true patriots.
We must thank the Telegraph for putting several other news items on the frontpage so we’ll take full advantage.
‘Travellers may have to pay for two weeks in hotel quarantine’ – says the Telegraph, apparently unsure whether this is a thing or not? For a moment I thought Gypsies were finally having to pay their way.
‘Supermarket staff facing “mask rage”‘ (Telegraph) – if the Government wants to police mask wearing rules in cahoots with our mega grocers then be honest about it and put actual cops on the doors. Let them deal with the growing unease rather than have minimum wage hi-viz numpties take the flak.
‘Khan’s road closures plan flawed says court’ – this is good news that little man Khan’s daft ideas are being shown to be daft, but why are we now ruled by lawyers?
‘Floods will worsen, warns PM, as thousands prepare to flee homes’ – and now we have Boris with the weather forecast.
And finally, in medieval news… ‘Chaucer ditched on “decolonised” courses’.
“The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.”
As I see it
Who is this Chaucer guy and why doesn’t he use a spell check ?
Having avoided the Tom hanksathon which followed the physically and emotionally empty coronation theft I thanked the Lord that we were nit subjected to one of those Obama MLK impersonations which actually doing nothing in 8 years – with Biden at his side. …….
I’m guessing bbbc 4 will now being having a new ‘100 days ‘ show which never ends with bright and shiny BBC types reading out White House Press Releases straight from the page .
And busily telling us how every thing is better under the New Great Wise Old Leader …. I am so glad I miss most of it now ….
Although I did witness a spat between chakrabati and s fiesty Tory MP who told her she only got her peerage by whitewashing anti semitism in the socialist party . Chakrabati didn’t deny it but deflected . ( this was on the BBC daily dreary politics thing BTW)…
If you watch it -the hideous coburn doesn’t know whether to run with it or close it down as the smell of defamation wafts across the airways ….
Meanwhile in real world 4.6 million have had the vaccine with .5 million having had the second jab …..
AISI, excellent again – even better than yesterday’s sterling effort. Glad you spotted the Mirror’s typo. I note that the Sun was missing from the BBC selection – I wonder if they blotted their copybook with something a teensy bit pro-Trump?
BBC bringing you anti Brexit news … 24/7 … no matter how trivial.
Brexit: ‘I was asked to pay an extra £82 for my £200 coat
BBC Newsbeat appeals to the young..
“I had no idea at all I was going to be charged any more for deliveries after Brexit… the extra costs were definitely a bit of a shock.”
Brexit: ‘I was asked to pay an extra £82 for my £200 coat’
Bet Lora and Ellie share the pre ‘work’ goss over £6 lattes too.
BBC News
Some of the UK’s biggest music stars – including Sir Elton John, Radiohead and Ed Sheeran – are demanding action to ensure visa-free touring in the EU.
Musicians ‘failed by government’ over EU touring, stars say
The most savage part is the comments.
“ Bless the multi millionaires have to write their own names on a form and be put out for 10 minutes of their live how inconvenient for them. How have they survived lockdown the poor little mites.”
Mark might connect better with the remaining bbc audience if he ventured out of the fundaments of Elton’s PR team.
Ps: ‘demanding’ stuff always works, guys. Especially if millionaires.
In the words of Krusty the Clown… “Get my agent to do it”!
In the words of Krusty the Clown… “Get my agent to do it”!
I see this morning that the BBC are going all out to welcome the new adopted President of the UK Mr Biden-his-time….
Top website item….
Biden sets to work on reversing Trump policies with executive orders
I particularly liked this para…..
“At the first news conference of the Biden presidency, press secretary Jen Psaki was asked if her priority was to promote the interests of President Biden, or provide “the unvarnished truth”.
She said she had “deep respect for the role of a free independent press” and that she would join the president in bringing “transparency and truth back to government”.
President Trump – and his press secretaries – often had a combative relationship with the media.”
Meanwhile ugly sister The Guardian sneers at Trumps return to Florida where “OLD” folk have to go, of course not mentioning Biden’s age…
Florida welcomes one more senior citizen as Trump heads to new home
The last para is particularly sinister as it refers to the fact that low flying aircraft will be allowed to fly over his home now he is not the President, 9/21 anyone?.
The independent running a huge story about an ex-pat who had his peri-peri sauce confiscated by border guards while trying to re-enter Spain from Gibraltar… Because of Brexit.
It took me minutes to uncover that the guy appears to work for GBC, The Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation who regularly run BBC news slots… (not mentioned in the article).
Can’t be bothered to track the story about the young lady who had to pay extra to buy a £200 coat because of Brexit….
I wonder how long they will keep drip-feeding this dross?
Sorry digg, should have read all of your post. I’ve just duplicated a bit on that story in your penultimate sentence.
TOADY Watch #1 – just when an honest answer was needed from a politician ….
… Secretary of State (SoS) for Education ‘bottled it’. Nick Robinson was out to get Gavin Williamson in the 8.10 a.m. Interview. I notice, btw, that the BBC have given up on the pre-Interview VoxPops. I hope that is a permanent change on the part of the TOADY Editors. They still included one part-way through the interview.
Nick asked about last minute changes to schools re-opening and then being instructed to stay closed. Gavin should have answered “We consulted widely with SAGE, Local Education Authorities, Heads and teachers and we thought all had agreed that it was vital to continue childrens’ education, especially for less advantaged children. Just at the end, at the last minute, the teachers – assisted, I must say, by much media stirring – refused to return to work.”
But he did not.
A tragic shame. It was an opportunity to speak truth to power of the teaching Unions and the media. It really needs doing by this Conservative Government.
TOADY Watch #2 – the big Interview continued
The BBC have a ‘gotcha’ moment now thanks to Rick Nobinson’s bullying of Gavin Williamson, SoS for Education, over last minute changes of mind/pressures from campaigners/advice from SAGE on schools re-opening. He unwisely allowed hismelf to be talked into mentioning ‘two weeks’ at one point. It is already up on the BBC web-site that HMG will now give schools two weeks notice of re-opening.
We know what will happen, don’t we? Someone at the DfE will ‘forget’ to post letters to LEAs and they will ‘forget’ to post letters to individual Head Teachers. The BBC will find schools here and there who haven’t been informed in time and will make a point of telling the nation all about it.
Well well well. Who would have thunk it. Does this mean that the Communists have cancelled Covid wave 10?
Well, AOC (Alexandra Occasionally Coherent?) privately called for Democrat Governors to keep the lockdown going up to Nov 3rd, in order to harm Trump’s re-election prospects. Maybe she wasn’t party to the big steal? Even Pelosi thinks that she’s irrelevant.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – an anti-Brexit tale of a Londoner who was not paying attention
I don’t know how anyone in the UK could not be aware that UK retailers are struggling at present with the effects of the Pandemic and its various Lockdowns. I don’t know how anyone in the UK could not be aware that the UK was leaving the EU on 31 December with or without a trade deal. The publicity in the media on both issues has been relentless, especially the latter.
The BBC have managed to find a clueless Londoner though and are telling her sad tale here:
Or did the clueless Londoner find the BBC to tell her tale to make a point?
Not BBC per se, but Lubos Motls take on the disastrous shambles that is Joe Biden:
Thanks for posting that accurate summing up.
I still have a small hope that average Americans might make life difficult for the globalist/communist cabal. The US may have a rotten media and institutions but I think their population is less in awe of the establishment (aka the corrupt swamp) and its messaging, whether overt or subliminal, than we are here in the UK.
It is now even more imperative that the bBC is AXED. The time for being ‘reasonable’ with it and expecting reform or any semblance of sanity has long gone.
Agree about the cancel culture and media powers, etc, but much of the rest sounded like a rant to me.
People like me – genuinely concerned about freedom of speech and democracy (and definately the bbc) – are nonetheless getting worried about having to pick a side or some predetermined set of beliefs. For example I can see the Leftist bias of the bbc, but don’t immediately dismiss climate change.
The car thing… what would be wrong with fewer cars if it made for better transport, fewer traffic jams, better walking conditions, including fir kids? What is wrong with Biden wanting to achieve environmental objectives?
What am I missing here?
What is wrong with judging each policy on its merits?
And do I have to be a lefty remainer to care about the environment? (I’m not.)
No offense, just some rambling thoughts in response to that blog and others I’ve seen.
Wont be long IMO . Carrie is doing a right number on Bozza !!!
A credible alternative is needed, fast.
Hint: Slick, Magic Gramps, Potato Head are not it.
God I hate the fat Turk.
Some great insight on the real significance of the illegal inauguration yesterday and what it means going forward. (back-up)
I’m really sorry but this video is 58 minutes long . The first minute is blank – the next minute is a bloke looking at a screen with the Declaration of Independence and the intro didn’t end until minute 4 – then I gave up . Who is this bloke ? What is the context ? Off switch
Ah, The Patriot (an old story)…
It was roses, roses, all the way,
With myrtle mixed in my path like mad:
The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway,
The church-spires flamed, such flags they had,
A year ago on this very day.
The air broke into a mist with bells,
The old walls rocked with the crowds and cries.
Had I said, ‘Good folks, mere noise repels –
But give me your sun from yonder skies!’
They had answered, ‘And afterward, what else?’
Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun,
To give it my loving friends to keep!
Nought man could do have I left undone:
And you see my harvest, what I reap
This very day, now a year is run.
There’s nobody on the house-tops now –
Just a palsied few at the windows set –
For the best of the sight is, all allow,
At the Shambles’ Gate—or, better yet,
By the very scaffold’s foot, I trow.
I go in the rain, and, more than needs,
A rope cuts both my wrists behind;
And I think, by the feel, my forehead bleeds,
For they fling, whoever has a mind,
Stones at me for my year’s misdeeds.
Thus I entered, and thus I go!
In such triumphs, people have dropped down dead.
‘Paid by the World, what dost thou owe
Me?’ – God might question; now instead,
‘Tis God shall repay! I am safer so.
An amazing thing, a good liberal education. Yesterday’s patriotic hero is tomorrow’s lonely traitor. ‘Twere ever thus. That’s why it’s an old story. Time to move on.
Ah, The Patriot (an old story)…
It was roses, roses, all the way,
With myrtle mixed in my path like mad:
The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway,
The church-spires flamed, such flags they had,
A year ago on this very day.
The air broke into a mist with bells,
The old walls rocked with the crowds and cries.
Had I said, ‘Good folks, mere noise repels –
But give me your sun from yonder skies!’
They had answered, ‘And afterward, what else?’
Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun,
To give it my loving friends to keep!
Nought man could do have I left undone:
And you see my harvest, what I reap
This very day, now a year is run.
There’s nobody on the house-tops now –
Just a palsied few at the windows set –
For the best of the sight is, all allow,
At the Shambles’ Gate—or, better yet,
By the very scaffold’s foot, I trow.
I go in the rain, and, more than needs,
A rope cuts both my wrists behind;
And I think, by the feel, my forehead bleeds,
For they fling, whoever has a mind,
Stones at me for my year’s misdeeds.
Thus I entered, and thus I go!
In such triumphs, people have dropped down dead.
‘Paid by the World, what dost thou owe
Me?’ – God might question; now instead,
‘Tis God shall repay! I am safer so.
An amazing thing, a good liberal education. Yesterday’s patriotic hero is tomorrow’s lonely traitor. ‘Twere ever thus. That’s why it’s an old story. Time to move on.
Ah, The Patriot (an old story)…
It was roses, roses, all the way,
With myrtle mixed in my path like mad:
The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway,
The church-spires flamed, such flags they had,
A year ago on this very day.
The air broke into a mist with bells,
The old walls rocked with the crowds and cries.
Had I said, ‘Good folks, mere noise repels –
But give me your sun from yonder skies!’
They had answered, ‘And afterward, what else?’
Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun,
To give it my loving friends to keep!
Nought man could do have I left undone:
And you see my harvest, what I reap
This very day, now a year is run.
There’s nobody on the house-tops now –
Just a palsied few at the windows set –
For the best of the sight is, all allow,
At the Shambles’ Gate—or, better yet,
By the very scaffold’s foot, I trow.
I go in the rain, and, more than needs,
A rope cuts both my wrists behind;
And I think, by the feel, my forehead bleeds,
For they fling, whoever has a mind,
Stones at me for my year’s misdeeds.
Thus I entered, and thus I go!
In such triumphs, people have dropped down dead.
‘Paid by the World, what dost thou owe
Me?’ – God might question; now instead,
‘Tis God shall repay! I am safer so.
An amazing thing, a good liberal education. Yesterday’s patriotic hero is tomorrow’s lonely traitor. ‘Twere ever thus. That’s why it’s an old story. Time to move on.
“BBC Faces Financial Risk Over TV Licence”
Find a poem for that one WildWomanOfThe Woods.
The BBC News website has a distinct lack of BAME photos today. Articles like “Covid: England’s schools to get two weeks’ notice for reopening” would normally be illustrated with every skin colour apart from white.
The only black face I can see is the article “Pure joy at ‘one of our own’ in White House” – imagine the outrage if a white person said that!
Perhaps the BBC staff are not as bad as we think but the 3 day a week Diversity Manager demands that the photos are changed to achieve a 90%+ BAME respresentation. I assume the Diversity Manager doesn’t work on Thursdays.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – that’s a F for Fail for the Picture Editor and one for the Picture Researcher, too
It is pretty obvious to me that the child in the first photo is not in need of a laptop because he is working on a folder with other books and papers strewn over the desk. Gotcha, BBC! Not only that, the child looks far too young to be at school anyway. Perhaps they were photographed in front of a folder belonging to an older sibling? I am aware that these days Nursery School can start as young as three years of age but that child appears to have work in front of them more suited to years 4 to 6.
Mrs Doobster78 got This Morning on in t’other room.
I walked thru, headline on screen
‘ Jo Biden helped with my stammer’ ,
Walk back thru and its
‘Jo Bidens star studded inauguration’
So i stop and listen and there is it, a lady on saying how much hope there is now Biden is President, Phillip Schofield turns to Ed Balls and states that yesterday President Trump was “ungracious” and un-dignified”
Trump bad bad man , Biden already, on day one , in the eyes of the media can do no wrong.
He touches kids weirdly, his son is a crack smoking teenager humping no mark currently under investigation by the FBI but he is the messiah to the MSM.
Makes my blood boil.
Pelosi: “Uncle Joe sniffed out my hair problem and now it is LUuuuuush….”
TOADY Watch #3 – only listened to part of the programme
I’m getting very selective these days, all thanks to the BBC’s various biases. Only listened from the weather forecast, pre-8 a.m. News, through to the end of the Gavin Williamson Interview (more than enough!) so I do not know whether this was also covered in the programme at another point. I noticed a ‘naughty’ bit in the 8 a.m. News. It was ‘a very naughty’ bit.
Cannot remember now whether it was a recorded comment or something that the Newsreader just read, but it was worrying further evidence of misinformation being carried to the public by the BBC. It was about the Pandemic and a warning from a group of scientists that infections of coronavirus are increasing.
Well, of course they are! What do you expect, duher? We are in winter. What do you get in winter apart from Covid? Yes, colds and influenza. Which are what classification, BBC? Yes, they are coronaviruses also – just like a Covid in all its mutations.
Perhaps Marianna ought to ‘fact-check’ the BBC News scripts?
I’m going to force myself to watch Katy and the Biden lovers to compare their treatment with that of president trump …..
… I’m also considering watching news night but my TV is quite new so I don’t want to buy a replacement if I throw the remote through the screen …
Just can’t do Toady anymore – not even the gg tips ….
Good luck with that, Fed. TVs are not glass these days, are they? In the shed or loft or garage I have an old CRT one that does have a glass screen. The latest are all LED, LCD and TFT technology are they not?
Be careful, you may find the remote comes pinging back at you at twice the speed.
I must go look for AISI’s newspaper review. I note that the Mirror had a typo on its front page. “After four year’s of Trump’s hatred” I think should read “After five years of us hating Trump”. I wonder if AISI spotted that?
Took one to bits we lost in the floods.
Goldmine of goodies.
Front glass is toughened then all sorts of plastic sheeting for other uses. Even a back panel with scores of mini fluorescent tubes.
Only the pixie screen a bit brittle.
Thank you – I’m sure there are websites and YouTube videos dedicated to destroying TVs …. I am finding the need to ration myself as the BBC is still recycling the myrie piece from 3 days ago …..
…. I heard a trailer for a radio programme on next week about ‘what trump supporters are going to do now that he has gone “ that would be a tough listen for anyone knowing what has happened ….
Guest, that’s interesting but you don’t tell us which type of ‘modern’ TV it was. Sorry to hear you got flooded.
Tx. Still sorting out the last as the next laps up.
An older flat screen model. Not thin. Plasma?
I saw this on the local news last night.
Judith Moritz (BBC reporter) is always over-dramatic about any story she covers. You can sense she is a raving lefty.
She was in Manchester last night covering the flooding and the order to evacuate 2000 or so people from their homes due to the imminent threat of the river bursting its banks.
People i have spoken to are worried about being fined for Covid breaches it they leave and go and stay with a relative, she cried.
She had to have a Police Chief on confirming this would not be the case.
Seriously tho, people HAVE lost their minds over this.
Common sense it such a rare commodity these days.
Please think carefully about reproducing Twitter comments which have such language in them …..that is a matter of common sense too …
Apologies Fed ????. I didn’t notice the “F” word ..saw the “S” but glossed over the “F” ????
Doob – no worries – I’ve got to keep the standards up – which I’m pleased to say isn’t as difficult as it could be – if you know what I mean …. ????
On his first day Biden removes the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.
The IRA supporting hair sniffer immediately showing the Brits his feelings to the UK.
I must assume all the snowflake lefties are at one with him and also (as we’ve seen on his statue) are anti Churchill.
Maybe we need a bit of far left USA government to remind us how utterly awful, dangerous and hateful the lefties are.
I wonder if some monster from Sinn Fein IRA will get an invite for Biden to do his Irish ‘act ‘ and have a blub about the old country – and moan about all the Irish starving to death because of brexit …..
….. actually as I write I’m thinking quite a few remainer traitors will be dreaming of rejoining with the of the False President .?
Maybe the SAS could leave a horse’s head in Sleepy’s bed?
nice little article on the so called bbc radio on the importance of writing thank you letters
ahhh how nice lets see how they can twist this
rumours suggest melania trump didnt write 80 thank you letters to staff herself.
and moving on some “random” woman explains why saying thank you is so important even if its just by text or email or letter, she uses on online service to send electronic thank you’s ohh how nice
and just coincidentally she drops, the first name suggested from its stored list of people previously written too is???
christine blasey ford because there was a write to her in support after her allegation of rape against djt nominated ……
is there anything these people cant twist with their hatred
BBC ‘rumours suggest’ get by their based in fact checkers because…?
Melania has been a collateral target of bitter dykes at the BBC since day one. Plus most of the women.
She has seemed nothing but demure and pure class throughout.
Can’t wait until Mrs. Bidala digs up the Rose Garden in solidarity with XR.
Yup, nothing says special relationship like a chippy aspiring Mick Braveheart playing to the Boston crowd.
I don’t know whether the BBC covered this but Classic FM at 7am made me so cross I had to get up.
Global News started with how marvellous Biden is and how Americans now have to wear masks in Federal Buildings – I am not sure why we, here in the UK, need to know it.
Then we were told that Tony Blair states that the number of vaccinations each day should rise to 600,000. I didn’t know Tony was a specialist in either logistics or vaccine production. Somebody posted on Going Postal that Tony’s foundation is advising Matt Hancock – I have no idea whether it is true or not. So I am either left with the number of vaccinations can rise to 600,000 and Tony is keen to steal the government’s thunder, or I might as well call for the number of vaccinations to rise to 40 million and lets have it all done and dusted in a couple of days.
Even 2 minutes of Global News is too much and as it doesn’t actually matter what time I get up, Global may be on their way to losing Classic FM another listener. They may need reminding in the non-BBC world losing listeners equals losing revenue.
Classic FM is toast.
There are about two pieces of music between the ads and ‘news’ breaks.
In addition to Swiss Classic I have found as a Prime member Amazon has awesome classical chill channels.
Thanks Guest, I will check Prime out. I refuse to use Amazon unless all else fails (and I mean all else) but son and heir has allowed us access to his Prime but I have never found anything I wanted to watch. Never thought to look for listening stuff.
Jeff goes woke, he joins the rest.
Currently researching Apple alternatives not MS.
I found it on the TV channels, so presume is accessible via radio, DAB, etc.
Pure fluke.
Was scrolling past Stormzy recommendations and ‘channels recommended for you’ and suddenly there was this gold mine of ad and news free music.
Get a digital radio, you’ll find lots of radio stations that aren’t woke or lefty leaning. I believe I can access virtually any radio station in the world.
Is Scala any good?
Hi Seppers , it takes a week or so to get used to as its not just classical . Simon Mayo is brilliant and Charles Nove is just superb, he’s a kinda Ken Bruce and lovely to listen to. They do ” a walk in the park” until 7am which is birdsong every second track. I wouldn’t miss a morning there.
Alexander Armstrong , Global news and their BLM shit earlier this year wrecked Classic FM for me.
I’m afraid it is true, Tony Blair is advising Matt Hancock.
I wonder if that is why Hancock is having a 10 day isolation ..?
I wonder if anyone has interviewed Blair to ask him how 600k a day can be done ? Has he got an assurance that 600k vaccines can be produced and delivered every day ?
If the answer to those questions is ‘yes’ then more power to him . 2 million a week was a cautious aspiration in my view but if it can get to 3 million or more a week so much the better – is there anything more important . ?
OT, but…
“The Financial Times has appointed James Politi as Washington D.C. bureau chief, taking over one of the FT’s largest editorial bureaus. James has previously served as Rome bureau chief for the FT.”
Wonder if Jimbo will be on Americast daily to agree how awesome JoAla is?
Oh dear, we’ve upset the politicrats in Brussels. Given that, al beeb may even cover this in their inimitably impartial style.
Ha ha ????
I have a sneaky feeling the kung flu will quickly disappear now
colds and flu may rise a lot though
The vile BBC positively gushing over Beijing Biden returning to the Paris climate agreement.
Xi Jinping will be delighted too: the rotten deal hobbles the West while allowing China all the dirty coal power stations they want.
China is also busy introducing new law to fight Trump’s sanctions, thereby increasing their power at the expense of the US. Of course their new puppet in the White House will kowtow to their every wish.
What’s next, Joe? Maybe returning to the Obama policy of giving Iran billions of dollars to spread terror around the world, strengthen the fascist regime’s iron grip on power, boost Jihad and develop nuclear weapons for WW3?
Way to go, Joe, way to go!
Who should be more frightened just now?
1. Inhabitants of Syrian, Iran & North Korea
2. Cuban exiles in the US
3. Any white person
4. Anyone not aligned with the American Left’s Groupthink
5. Those who live in the South in Towns which are going to be overrun with immigrants. The caravans are already on their way. Their culture is coming with them.
They’re immigrants today, US citizens tomorrow, and Democrat-voters the day after, who will keep the Dems in power for all eternity.
Another example of the BBC’s love of Biden and direct omission of facts by missing something important to us all in the UK.
They have a story today titled “Biden’s new-look Oval Office is a nod to past US leadership” link is here:
The important bit that they leave out is that wonderful Biden has deliberately now removed the Churchill bust from there that Trump had in a prominent place .
Why the hell do the BBC hate the UK and think they can hide facts from us all?
If they were honest they would have included all the facts in their article but no it’s just worded to say how great Biden is and deliberately ignor that Biden has snubbed one of the greatest leaders ever in the UK
I enjoy the irony that the BBC – which admits it cares less for the old than the precious young – puts a 78 year old career politician up on a pedestal next to the failed coloured president .
Maybe the site should give a ‘prize’ for the first negative Biden story – although I’m sure they have a quality obituary ready when he falls off the perch …
Fed you could do a prize but I doubt anyone would win it any time soon or ever even.
I suspect if Biden carries on like he has done in previous administration’s and bombs which ever countries he wants the BBC will still report it on a positive spin.
Trump was the president who didn’t bomb any country and actively tried to have peaceful relations but no the BBC or most of the media ignor those facts.
Typical scum they are and the world is a much worse place now that senile Biden is in and when he hands the reigns of power over to that black woman then its even worse…
Bad news for us all.
That’s true, he tried really hard for peace and it is ignored.
I noticed Biden not saluting any of the military yesterday but the BBC let that go. Technically the US Presisdents shouldn’t salute back but it started with Reagan and continued ever since.
You know that if Trump refused to salute he would have been crucified by the media but if Biden doesn’t do it then it’s all OK.
TRUK, what a shame that China Joe did not replace the bust of Churchill with one of another great war leader from WW2, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Wrong Political Party, couldn’t have that, oooops!
The bBBC will be in mourning because Glastonbury 2021 has been cancelled.
What will their overpaid staff do now?
What a shame! That will be another year we don’t get to see or hear of the all the young people that care about the enviroment as they leave 250,000 tents and other crap behind.
Thank goodness for small children and dogs!
I have just seen a small girl brave a huge puddle in her wellies then raise both arms in triumph, meanwhile the dogs run around the local exercise area, tails a-wagging!
On the BBC, ‘pressure mounts to lockdown infants and dogs’?
BBC 1pm news – BBC giving airtime to moaning medics about reliability of vaccine delivery . Are medics like soldiers – only happy when they are moaning ?
No criticism that these ‘health professionals ‘ need to adapt and reduce expectation to something which hasn’t been done before . Maybe they really are entitled to moan if it turns out that a third vaccine is needed …. which wouldn’t come as a surprise …..
…. I’m just waiting for the BBC to give airtime to the Scottish nationalist socialist party accusing the English ( AKA Westminster ) of ‘discrimination ‘….
More on the 1pm news – some BBC kidult reporter (Iqbal ) giving a chirpy florid account of St Biden first day with gratuitous snipes at the outgoing President …. the linking of the Capitol ‘mostly peaceful ‘ protest for ever directly linked to Mr Trump . …..Iqbal sounded a bit disappointed that ‘feared protests across the country ‘ didn’t happen – allegedly …..
Off topic, but I like the irony.
I happened across Sacha Baron Cohen’s twitter. His every tweet for more than a month has been demanding censorship – mainly a campaign to permanently unperson Trump.
I just took a look at his tweets. He is obsessed with Trump to a very scary level.
Followers of Sacha Baron Cohen are equally deranged. One tweeting that they had just discovered Trump is on Youtube wrote, “I didn’t even know he had a channel, I have reported it though”.
Given the adoration the BBC are giving Biden we must look forward to a possible hard hitting interview with Maitless or Koonsberge where he will be forced to divulge the flavour of his favourite ice cream or to recommend a brand of toothpaste.
Here at the bBc we deliver hard hitting journalism, we’re on your side giving you all the information you need – in our opinion
Dobyns, the BBC have not told me how the Senate Impeachment vote went. Did they vote to try former President Trump? Or is that now effectively ‘time barred’ as he is no longer President?
Further to the EU Ambassadorial comedy …
Hoist on his own petard
But the EU does have ‘ambitions‘, Dobyns. 😉
From what I hear on Twato earlier, the Government sees it as expedient for their number crunching to give a single dose of the vaccine to all without the second jab. Just so they can play boost the illusion of good numbers ‘protected’ game. Give or take.
Whatever happened to: “We have to follow the science” etc. Nonsense. To claim, without knowing the full consequences in the medium / long term for a single jab is irresponsible. I will not play that game.
I’ve not checked the Moderna of Phizer instructions but, for the AstraZenneca jab (which personally I will be insisting upon), the science is:
“The second dose completes the course and is important for longer term protection, and everyone will still receive their second dose within 12 weeks of their first, an approach the JCVI believes will maximise the benefits of this vaccine, ensuring at-risk people are able to get meaningful protection and ease the pressure on the UK National Health Service.”
That’s, “following the science”
G, ‘the science’ was very interesting on TWatO today. I missed the start and came in as Sarah was talking to a Prof. The Prof was saying the jabs won’t provide immunity, we’ll have to have the jabs every year and probably Lockdown, too. Then the Montacutie brought on some other contributors who either disagreed with the first or in the case of a woman who represented the hospitality sector pointed out what damage the Lockdown was doing to the businesses she represented.
Survey about the BBC
We are really interested in understanding your views on the BBC and some of the other services you use. Here is a short survey that should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and your answers will be completely confidential.
We will be looking at the results of the survey, alongside looking at how you and others use the BBC’s services when you are signed in to your account. For example, we might look at whether people who use the BBC a lot have a different view to those who don’t use it very often. This is to help us better understand how people feel about the BBC. The survey results and how you use the BBC will remain totally anonymous.
Tell us who you are and what you think of the BBC, but ‘Thoughtful‘ we will lie and kid you that it is anonymous!
JimS, Ed Zachary
2:15pm Radio4 drama about West Indian family
written by ArchieMaddocks, yet again a London person, mixed race West Indian I presume
His tweets reflect the normal BBC , anti Brexit, Anti Fox, Grenfell, Windrush, but maybe anti BLM
It had been 3 hours since the Radio4 prog about the West Indies
.. a documentary about the Jamaican sound engineer King Tubby who died 32 years ago.
Then at 3:30pm The main theme was Luster a novel about the sex life of a black character in America , a girl who moves in with a white family.
Am I right on this….
I find that I can’t listen to BBC radio anymore. So we listen to JazzFM all day.
This afternoon, I had to turn it off, when I just caught the presenter talking about a mad parade that Trump had. Then he went on to say how frightening it was when Trump said ‘he would be back’! Well it wouldn’t be frightening to his 80,000,000 supporters would it? They might have seen it as a little bit of hope.
Am I wrong in thinking that an entertainment station should be a little bit neutral?
I guess @Jamie_Crick was the presenter
He has previously tweeted
I know what I think Trump should do but I don’t say as I’m not living in America
Oh yes! Exactly right. Well researched. Why do they feel the need to dump their preferences on the listener?
Regarding our government and ‘following the science’
The manufacturers say 3 weeks after the first dose you need a second dose.
Our government say 3 months is ok. (12 weeks to be exact)
Does anyone know if any other government in the world is disregarding the manufacturers instructions or is it only ours.
Does anyone know if this 3 months pause between doses has been tested and approved by any scientists, manufacturers or even doctor studies?
If it’s politicians deciding what’s the best way to give the jabs, what qualifies them to make that decision.
Is it just so that they can say a higher number of people have been vaccinated to make themselves look good.
If it’s ineffective with a 3 month pause in between does that mean we have to start all over again but this time with the recommended 3 week pause (ie, do it properly)
I haven’t heard any of our world class journalists ask any of these questions yet they seem extremely important.
Will the Queen have to wait 3 months (or will she get the second one at 3 weeks like Boris’s Dad)
I got my first jab today and it was a very professionally run procedure. I asked about the second dose and was told 12 weeks. I hope it wasn’t a waste of time.
At least it keeps the population cowed and feeling insecure, just how governments like them, beholden and easy to control.
Chris Smith of NakedScientist is a proper immunologist
so is a good first stop
but ever I wouldn’t take his word as gospel
Stew, I think Chris Smith is a virologist and is the one that I heard on the BBC, on PM I think, very early on last year – possibly before the PM had announced the first Lockdown or just after. He had already had a look at the virus and talked about its origins.
I posted about the interview on here and that gave rise to some humour with talk of ‘Captain Correlli’s Pangolin’. He talked a lot of sense – or so it seemd to me – but the female medic who was interviewed at the same time was obviously of the ‘snowflake’ inclination.
I thought it extremely interesting that Chris Smith was never on BBC R4 again – in my hearing – for the rest of 2020. I could not help but wonder why.
There’s another scientist who is quite good by my estimation from Imperial College but I cannot just now remember his name. He may be part of Lockdown Sceptics. Unfortunately my link to his web-site is buried in my dead PC. Must get around to reviving it.
Dr Chris Smith has been a regular on Radio Cambridgeshire morning phone ins throughout the pandemic.
If only they would play fewer pop tracks and let the bloke answer a few more questions.
Despairada, I have a shrewd suspicion that the BBC consider Chris Smith far too dangerous to have on national radio. He might show the others up. 😉
Thanks Stew.
It would seem it’s only the politicians who understand how this vaccine works and can disregard manufacturer instructions.
Those two answers help a little bit I still wish the politicians would do it correctly as per the manufacturers instructions and not change it for their own reasons.
Again, it comes down to trust and I think very few trust our lot.
Just supposing that everyone got vaccinated in short order where would the virus come from that we would need the second dose to protect from?
I have more than a sneaking suspicion that all this ‘flattening the curve’ has just allowed the virus to spread and mutate.
In simple terms a new virus comes along, it kills some people, other people develop immunity, virus has nowhere to go so effectively ‘dies’.
Instead of having, say, a 10% chance of catching it the lockdown makes that say 1%. Maybe with a ‘flu’ you had 10% chance of catching it in November, the rest of the year you were safe. By locking down you have a 1% chance in November 2020, December 2020 .. August 2030, September 2030.. etc.
There is no ‘science’ during the handling of this virus, just informed best guesses because no-one has tried this method before.
America now have their very own Jeremy Corbyn in power and the BBC love it.
This could have happened to us at the last General Election 🙁
America and the EU Continent could go into financial decline.
The UK could end up as being a very rich nation as the wealthy divert their funds to the City of London. It is already happening across the pond.
Interesting times.
“It was important for President Biden to walk into an Oval that looked like America.”
From the look of the bust, Central America.
Could the BBC debase itself any lower?
Biden’s new-look Oval Office is a nod to past US leadership
Yeah Clinton curtains and I believe also the dark blue rug, if only they could talk eh Monica. Maybe soft enough on the knees for Kamala? How to wind up a Biden supporter? Refer to them as pee-pads and knee-pads.
The bbc seem obsessed by all this to an extraordinary level, beyond important issues re policy. Why? Weren’t the left calling Blair a poodle for being so in with Bush?
What’s going on?
Sounds coming from Priti that she is getting tough on ‘lockdown breakers’.
Will it be as tough on those coming across the English Channel in dinghies tomorrow ?
Never mind, more votes for The Reform Party.
7pm BBC2 Arts Show talks about satire and the new regime
They talk about watching the “storming” on TV
.. FFS that very selectively spun take is not a good basis for addressing reality
@MargaretAtwood .. predicted Trump would become a huge dictator
Sarah Churchwell is aGuardianista
and just tweeted
They clearly don’t intend there to be much debate given the title. Surely it should have been ‘Is the US’s Future Looking Bright ?’.
What a bunch of clowns. And this is Cambridge ?.
I saw that picture and thought Dozy Joe was underwater and using a snorkel.
“Covid-19: NI lockdown to be extended until 5 March”
Bit by bit we will all be told the same.
Its ‘our fault’ again !
After this ‘crisis’ is over someone will have egg on their face when all the numbers are scrutinised .
More votes for The Reform Party !
“Covid: ‘Too early’ to say if lockdown will end in spring – Boris Johnson”
What’s the end game for us Boris, The Reform Party?
I have posted this before. It is my opinion that employees at Al Beeb are deliberately turning against the traditional ‘hand that feeds them’, that’s the The Telly Tax Payer, with their woke programmes so that the outfit gets closed down for lack of funding . Strange you may think?
The Beeboids know that they will be awarded with ‘Golden Redundancy Packages’. Then they move along to a newly floated ‘pay to watch’ Al Beeb.
Its a win, win, win situation for the greedy top echelon.
taffman, the BBC are already ‘doing advertising’ despite it being a Charter breach.
BBC own 7 UK commercial channels
June 2019 BBC Studios took sole ownership of UKTV
UKTV is – Dave, Gold, W, Alibi, Yesterday, Eden and Drama
(3 channels : Really, Home and Good Food, moved to Discovery)
BBC main channels
Have many adverts pushing their products like Countryfile Calendar, internal adverts pushing other BBC services and charities, and lots of woke agenda pushing.
BBC News again continues to bizarrely select what suits.
Biden inauguration leaves QAnon believers in disarray
Followers of the baseless conspiracy theory are now split over failed inauguration day predictions.
Another I’m Wrong Shysterperson, this time with Olga.
Wot, like the riots?
Have just had the best news for ages.
Watching Clive Myrie’s latest doom and gloom special on the BBC 1 6 pm news. He features gravediggers.
But I’m optimistic, Why?
Because from Myrie’s report it appears that white British people are not affected !!!!!!!!!
Thought the same. Unsuitable for young viewers (are there any?) to be showing body bags, coffins,graves etc – more severe fear mongering
Just the kind of thing you’d want to be watching when you eat your tea.
Sluff, sorry to bring you down, man, but if you check the numbers for Covid around the globe on any number of charts you will find lots of BAME nations with single figure deaths. Eritrea for example: six. Then there’s that domain of the
whiteBAME man (and woman), Fiji: just two deaths.There are no less than fifteen countries (incl. Vatican City) with zero deaths and I’m not sure the populations will be very white.
[ PS: 😉 I realise that you were making a point about Mr Myrie’s exaggerations. ]
BBC 9-10:45pm Lefty and tick box comedians
– 9pm Dalisco Chaponda guests
– 9:30pm Michael Odewale guests
– 10pm Gina Yashere presents
so there is a fair chance of a black racebsity person spitting hate at Trump
Good that black people have something to watch
cos only thing on the other side is the drama about police investigations in the Caribbean.
BBC 2 that is
typo : racebaity