The BBC has decided that the mental health of young people is in jeopardy – if they are exposed to the sort of stuff the Far Left Biased BBC puts out is it any surprise ? The constant negativity about the collective plight of our country can’t be any help in reducing the stress of staying indoors . Further – where is the humour ? Where is the fun ? Repeated (green) stories of the End of The World targeted at the Young just won’t help.
any way – for believers -today is the beginning of Lent and Hope .
Coronavirus: ‘No jab, no job’ policies may be legal for new staff
A long article about how it may be legal to only employ new staff who have had a vaccine.
The article is written to promote the “may be” side of things but you have to get to the very last sentence to read the prime minister’s official spokesman saying it would not be legal.
Is this news or an BBC opinion piece?
It is the BBC riding point for Johnson. A favour returned?
It is the BBC riding point for Johnson. A favour returned?
Local news
“a survey says 18% of people have a disability but they account for 60% of Covid deaths”
… where are they going with this ?
“but they are not being prioritised for a vaccine”
“Mencap say…”
… Ah so this pR stuff you got off Mencap
AFAIK 60% of Covid deaths happen to people with no hair
that doesn’t mean a 30 year old baldy has to worry
It’s just that a typical Covid death is an 84 year old man.
Likewise a 30 yo asthmatic or epileptic doesn’t have much to worry about
“Tonight’s TV will feature a vaccine mythbuster video aimed at BAME”
sample.. available 4 Indian languages & Polish
Watch this space.
WHO (if you can trust them?), correlating all the trial results of induvial Ivermectin studies. The anaylsis will be available in 4 – 6 six weeks from 15.02.21.
Looks good unless the large pharmaceutical companies step in and instigate a bad anaylsis in view of the fact that they will make no money through Ivermectin. In effect, F**k the World population, let them get ill and die if we cannot provide our multi-billion $ answer to Covid.
Struggling a bit with this one.
Merck, who make Invermectin, and who presumably would gain from positive news about the drug for coronavirus treatment, have stated that there is no meaningful evidence of efficacy.
Big pharma is not always known for its ethics but why you would gain from dissing your own product isn’t immediately obvious.
As I understand it, Merck first introduced Ivermectin in the 70’s and now its out of licence any old Tom or Dick (within health standards) can make it so the end product, now, is no longer manufactured solely by Merck. If at all. The question is, would large pharma wish to undermine a product (whether you developed the drug in the first instance or not) which is so cheap and readily available which runs counter to the billions $ which would be made on new vaccines?
A heart-warming story.
The BBC webshite has this feature
‘Strong decline in coronavirus across England since January, React study shows’
There is an HYS
High up the highest rated is this.
Probably un-PC to say but multi culturalism means that certain sections of our communities are refusing to be vaccinated – certain towns and cities will suffer more than others. How we deal with that is open to debate – but it is important that it is honestly acknowledged as a problem to be addressed…
Writer MRPancreas has so far garnered 156 likes and only 12 dislikes.
in reply ‘Mark’ gets 54 likes and 5 dislikes for this
Exactly. We have vast swathes of UK communities that are totally out of the mainstream UK. Living within their own community not interacting or engaging and not trusting anything outside of their community. So called multi-culturism has allowed this and not encouraged to adapt to UK life.
Yet more proof that the BBC are totally out of touch with the public.
Buried away on local news
“Doctor struck off after violent rape conviction”
It’s a detailed report
Now that is not news
Of course a doctor with a conviction for violent rape is struck off.
Never mind, that he’s still in jail and aged 61 with an 8 year sentence to go
So unlikely to get out before 65.
Never mind that he’d already been off work since age 57 due to some patient complaint .
I guess some enthusiastic intern has written today’s story.
Cos you know what is news is that original newspaper and BBC report of the actual rape event was perfunctory .. limited to half a page after the conviction.
They told us almost nothing
We are left to guess that the victim was probably his wife/partner
and that it had some thing to do with with him getting depressed after being removed from work.
The back story seems to be that the guy came from Nigeria and served 20 years as an A&E doctor in Lincolnshire
Then got removed cos of a patient complaint
Then went crazy over the years.
TWatO Watch #1 – sucker steps up to the plate and hits another losing run
Oh dear! Poor Sir Keir Starmer is now on Labour re-Launch release 2v1 after his Labour re-Launch from a couple of weeks ago failed to raise the nation from its Lockdown torpor. His latest idea: Development Bonds to raise money from savers to spend outside London and the south-east of England on creating jobs.
Merrin Somerset Webb expert in ‘living the good life and spending loadsa money’ comes on to the programme to suggest to Sarah that the people who have the most in savings who might purchase said Bonds are higher earners and the wealthy. Sarah is disappointed as I’m sure Beeboids would be delighted to invest their vast savings in such a Bond should Sir Keir win the next election.
I can foresee Sir Keir ending up in Court over discrimination legislation, although as a former lawyer, he must have checked that out. Would he not? He must have done.
Of course!!!!!
The lightbulb went on.
‘Oh dear’.
That was the catchphrase attached to John Major’s puppet on Spitting Image back in the early 90s.
SirKeer as the natural successor to SirJohn – there’s some mileage in that.
Of course, the awful BBC are hailing his stuff everywhere, so presumably they have two reporters (or auto-cue readers as they are known nowadays), one on each side of the fence, to catch the great man’s wisdom in stereo!
At least we always knew Corbyn was a loser, but , lawyers are quite good at trying to make their failures into positives by spouting botox spelt with a double ‘l’!
Up2 – I find your attitude toward Sir Starmer s revolutionary idea very negative . All those Labour voters who voted for boris will now rise up and return to the Party of Angie Rayner and other greats . …..
Meanwhile NS & I will be taking legal advice about copyright infringement ….
Lucky Merrin Somerset Webb doesn’t marry someone called Devon ….
Fed, don’t blame me, blame Mrs Cornwall Somerset-Devon. She was the one who was negative and now – see my post below @ 4.10 p.m. – the Beeb have unintentionally sabotaged the poor sucker with a photo and caption on their Home Page.
Guess it won’t be long before Sir Keir is longing for a sit down with his back against Ed’s Stone somewhere quiet in the country on a sunny day. At least it would stop Labour Ladies queueing up to plunge their knives into his back.
A cut and paste opinion on TV licencing from the Telegraph –
The BBC risks digging itself deeper into a hole of its own creation after its decision to remove the free television licence for the over 75s. It sent letters requesting payment to some 4.2 million households warning that they would face criminal prosecution and a fine if they did not do so within two months and continued watching TV thereafter. However, nearly 700,000 have failed to respond and now the BBC has suspended the threat, in order to give them more time to do so. But what if they don’t or can’t? Is the Corporation really going to pursue such a large number of older people through the courts?
The 2.7 million people over 75 who have purchased a licence may feel aggrieved that those who have so far refused will get away without paying the £157.50 annual fee. Once the pandemic is over, the BBC hopes the number will rise again but it needs to use this suspension to rethink its entire approach.
As Lord Botham has written in this newspaper, the Corporation is in danger of being seen to bully the oldest people in society to pay for something they had previously been told was free for them. Hundreds of viewers well into their 80s and 90s contacted the peer to say that they felt hounded. One threatening letter was sent to a 96-year-old war hero. This almost callous heavy-handedness is hardly characteristic of a so-called Auntie.
Lord Botham recently wrote to the new director-general of the BBC, Tim Davie, urging him to rethink the policy. He should use this hiatus to do so before the Corporation expends any further goodwill on this matter.ENDS
I like the irony that the very people the BBC were celebrating for getting vaccinated are also those being targeted and threatened of the licence tax …
If you are looking for a court case evidencing the enrichment to the English culture being bought by those from overseas – go read the London evening standard murder trial about ‘the Becton boys ‘…
I guess the emir of London has is thoughts with someone or other …
I remember an article on the BBC about an African woman saying ‘Sometimes I think you want my culture but you don’t want me’.
Wrong way round love. The whole problem is that you bring your culture with you.
Just found it on the BBC:
First thing I noted was how it has a white man in the foreground.
Not even blurred out so we can’t even tell his skin colour.
I also notice that the entire story got dropped by the MSM.
In my googling I stumbled across the 67 people locked up for murder in London in 2019.
I found 6 with names even remotely sounding English.
Cultural enrichment indeed.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – oh dear, it is really all going wrong again for the poor sucker
The sap who volunteered to run the Labour Party has Mk2d his re-launch and it has been sabotaged by the BBC of all ‘people’. The BBC web-site now has a photo of Sir Keir Starmer looking all concerned – as well he might be, when he reads the BBC’s caption: “Starmer targets savers in ‘national recovery plan’. Oh dear!
Given the Labour Party’s track record on media announcements or statements about high earners and wealthy people and also the Labour Party’s similar outpourings on behalf of the poor (see Anne Longfield yesterday) many people seeing that photo and reading the caption will imagine that Sir Keir is planning to tax savers to the hilt in order to finance a Labour spending splurge.
Oh dear, oh dear! It is all going wrong. Again. Even the sympathetic BBC have sabotaged this one unintentionally. That is not what Labour are planning, to tax savers.
Oh well. Move on to prepare the Mk3 re-launch. Will Sir Keir manage to do as many versions of a Labour re-launch as Ford did with their Cortina? With two re-launches looking a bit rusty, maybe Sir Keir needs to get something made in Dagenham to take him away from this nightmare.
Up2 ;
He could go to Dagenham after reading Paul Embery`s book :
Despised , Why the Modern Left Hate the Working Class .
But I suspect he will listen to a proffessor of modern politics first .
Don’t forget the BBC are not lapdogs. They think they should directly influence government policy.
They need to show the politicians how powerful they are sometimes. Starmer just got a spank to keep him in his place.
Ha ha ha!
Not so easy when you get in.
Can’t imagine the BBC doing this to Labour, on much worse.
Luckily the US has their version of Laura K.
I thought it was fake news …
so I went and searched …. ghast well and truly flabbered
“Slavery Reparations Could’ve Reduced Covid deaths”
That’s got to be a BBC Web headline! – they just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
First three… Indy, CNN and Unilad.
Around five viewers the lot.
But will the woke yoofs at BBC Web offices run with it?
give them £180k and they will stop catching and spreading the kung flu, well you just cant argue with that
I presume only whites will be paying this so every white has to stump up 60k
???????????????? brilliant way to start a race war
or is it just whites with ancestry before 1865
or just southerners before 1865
imagine living in a trailer park and getting that bill through the post whilst cleaning your rifle
Has BBC deployed the Harrabin Sarpong yet?
Can Facebook ban the Guardian?
Cripes, what if Facebook censor Wendy?
There is always Snopes.
Lurch is on it.
I’ve ended up there twice. Both times the ‘fact check’ was little more than cherry-picked snippets mixed with lots of opinion to back them up.
In each case, I searched for the author on twitter and both had lists of anti-Trump posts going off my screen.
Fact-checking by left-wing activists. Worthless. Same as the BBC ‘Reality Check Team’ or anything at all on Panorama.
Forthcoming BBC soap ;” airport hotel lockdown ‘ – featuring a list of tickbox characters – today – an attempted escape ( See mail online ) – tomorrow – fire alarm causes evacuation chaos .
I’m writing the script now …
ITV local news “The Ferguson report shows lockdown is reducing Covid numbers”
em Correlation is not Causation
Yes numbers have reduced since start of lockdown
However peak deaths should be 3 weeks after peak cases.
AFAIK peak deaths was Jan 19th and lockdown started Jan 6th
Next item 8 minute promo for tonight’s Electric Car programme
First a report from @OtisHolmes
then interview with Ginny
she did mention that some EVs are not as green as they first seem
I’ll be talking electric cars, autonomy, Cornish lithium, gigafactories, car maintenance and RAC mobile charging systems tonight at 7.30pm on ITV!
How do we need to adapt as we head to the 2030 bank on the sale of new petrol & diesel cars?
Interesting times ahead
If China allows us to have some cobalt then we might build a few. 62% of the available cobalt is in the Democratic Republic of Congo and guess who runs that now.
On a side note for the first time in our history we are going back to an old technology rather than develop the IC engine to it’s full potential.
Dave S
Plenty of coal mines in China.
Can anyone enlighten me? When the smoke loses it’s nickname, and all the vehicles become electric powered, what do the ULEZ’s become? Obviously there will be no emissions to be charged for. They must be already thinking of another scam.
Fair point. Will they have to put road tax back up?
Ha. Ginny. She’s from Rochdale…like me. Her telly career seems a bit more successful than mine though….even though I did design and technology….
Then football
then interview with actor who will play black soldier Christopher Alder who died in police custody 23 years ago
Those Covid dates are not a case of lockdown followed by reduced deaths 3weeks later
rather cases must have been falling from 8 days before lockdown.
This suggests that other factors drive Covid falls rather than purely lockdowns.
Number of murders in London so far this year ?- at least 14
Number of the weeks in the year so far ? 7
You do the maths for number of killings per week .
Seems lockdowns don’t have such effect on homicide at all – in fact I bet the whole numbers are higher than last year ….
And god know about the number of suicides or attempts …
“Protests in support of a jailed Catalan rapper have descended into violence, with police and demonstrators clashing in Spain’s main cities.”
A warning to Scottish Nats that cry “Freedom!” if they are thinking of joining the EU.
I N S U R R E C T I O N !
I remember walking through Glasgow’s Nelson Mandela Place and Nicola Sturgeon’s mum was pushing her in a buggy across the road.
As she passed the street sign the young Nicola raised a clenched fist and shouted out, “Fweedom!”.
How many sodding ‘awards’ are there?
Someone who had best remain anonymous to avoid massive trolling, has coined the phrase: ‘No jab, no job’ and an eminently sensible suggestion it is too.
Ah, but wait. How will the BBC/Guardian treat this? Surely racist, since such a high proportion of ‘minorities’ are shunning the needle. Even institutionally racist, since the idea might have come from the unions, or some political party – other than Labour of course, poor Kier’s knee won’t stand another bashing. And his tailor charges the earth to adjust the cut of his trousers.
Whatever, the idea of denying employment to those who choose to be unvaccinated smacks of a sneaky whitey plot. You could even say it’s a protection racket.
Time for Lammy to step in and restore balance.
The Guardian wants internal passports but is still a bit hesitant. You clearly do. Unless I am misreading you. Remember an internal passport is an indicator of a totalitarian state,
No jab , no job soon becomes no jab no food no shelter and no rights. Next stop the gulag. So sorry I cannot support any compulsion over this. Freedom is already under threat .
The Guardian wants internal passports but is still a bit hesitant. You clearly do. Unless I am misreading you. Remember an internal passport is an indicator of a totalitarian state,
No jab , no job soon becomes no jab no food no shelter and no rights. Next stop the gulag. So sorry I cannot support any compulsion over this. Freedom is already under threat .
…….not unsympathetic to your train of thought Mr S but lets follow the logic.
We need to find out to what extent vaccination prevents transmission.
Let’s assume it does to a reasonable extent.
So then the right not to require vaccination ( NHS workers? Care home workers? Bus drivers? Shop workers?) becomes a right to infect others, given it will be months before everyone is vaccinated. And some will die as a result.
So whose rights then take priority?
I don’t offer an answer but with personal freedoms should come personal responsibility and the impact on the freedoms of others.
We have never had this requirement before. There has to be a moment when utility takes second place to principle. If we forget this we forget what a free country is. The state has no right to own us. We are not for sale. You are mistaken. You are placing the collective above the individual and the history of Judeo Christian civilisation is the opposite to that .
We respect God in the person of each man. Each man is an ambassador , if you like, of God. Or later in a humanist society we respect the principle of Man in each man .
There is no implied right to infect others by refusing vaccination. That is sophistry. The right asserted is the right to decide as a free man to take or not take a treatment mandated by a state. That consequences might follow is perhaps natural . But a free society will think very carefully about this. It can open doors. Doors that are best left closed and which we have been well aware of for a long time.
Very erudite Dave, but what you are effectively saying is that anyone conventionally vaccinated against, say, smallpox or polio is infringing the rights of others to reject the protection – and in this context to protect against infection in a place of work.
As for never having such a requirement before, does this mean you have no passport, driving licence, insurance or any of the myriad forms required of our society? So objecting to a speeding fine is sophistry?
Sir Kiers Speech – in which he said at one point ;
” you could have fooled me ” .
Nice he knows his limitations .
Also on the podium where the fooled one stood were Labours motto ;
SECURE our economy
REBUILD our country .
He might win if instead it was ;
SECURE our country ( and stop bogus migrants breaking in )
PROTECT our economy (by just common sense)
REBUILD our NHS (by not making it an international health service )
The bBC doing a big hit piece on a Welsh YouTube channel Voice of Wales.
I think mine has had about 150,000
Looked at some of their content – Look out snowflakes, Welsh politicians , S4C and the BBC !
Much of the posters here will concur with their sentiments .
House Democrats introduced a bill to ban “twice impeached presidents” from burial at Arlington National Cemetery and Federal funds from going to buildings displaying their names or commemorating their achievements.
Mad Pelosi one assumes. Anything on the bBC?
Twice not impeached
They had to get it over quickly, so that Mr Biden could remember why it was he was sitting in an egg-shaped room…
Like Barry Cryer’s stair lift, he was pleased to get it installed, so that he could get upstairs in time to remember why he had gone up there in the first place!
Talking of Barry cryer – the script writer for ‘clue ‘ has died . So that last declining gem will be gone too very soon ….
That’s sad news, Fed!
What with dear old Timbo popping off a year ago, the last vestiges of proper comedy are now left to the weedy, woke, leftie saddos, and nobody will laugh any more with that sort of drivel and dross being shoved everywhere at our expense!
Impeachment shouldn;t count for anything at all if they are not convicted.
Otherwise any party with a majority in the house can do it to any President. The mere suggestion should be dismissed as a farce.
The REAL scandal here should be the multiple committees set up to LOOK for reasons to impeach. I’m still absolutely amazed that nobody thinks that is wrong. Impeachment became a policy for the Democrats.
The Left are the most outrageous hypocrites.
I presume they also plan to make this law apply retrospectively to Trump ?. That too should be dismissed as a farce.
“Cumbria coal mine: Tory MPs urge council to give plans the green light”
With out it, many companies will get their steel from China because there’s plenty of coal there .
Warning! Following the Green Agenda virtue signalling will be disastrous for Great Britain.
Take note all those in Parliament that have never worked in the real world and never earned a penny.
BBC coverage of The Welsh Open
The BBC report states that three times Welsh World Champion Mark Williams ..
“Mark Williams won the event in 1996 and 1999 and the two-time World Champion will be among 128 players competing, 14 of them Welsh.”
BBC caught out telling porkies about Israeli vaccinarion.
BBC admits claim that Israel is responsible for vaccinating Palestinians is wrong.
By Algemeiner Staff
The BBC has acknowledged that its claim that Israel is responsible for vaccinating Palestinians against Covid-19 is mistaken.
The UK Jewish Chronicle reported Wednesday that, responding to complaints stemming from an earlier interview, the BBC admitted in a statement that the claim is false, saying, “We suggested that under the Oslo Accords, Palestinian healthcare is ultimately the responsibility of the Israeli government.”
“Although there is a wider dispute over the issue, the Accords, which Israel signed with the Palestine Liberation Organization, give the Palestine Authority oversight of public health under the principles of self-determination,” the network said.
The assertion has gained considerable coverage in the media in recent weeks, with some journalists, activists, NGOs, and others attacking Israel for vaccinating its own population but not citizens of the Palestinian Authority. Jewish groups have criticized such claims as “grist” for anti-Semitic conspiracists.
The BBC correction was issued after anchor Shaun Ley, in an interview with journalist Jonathan Sacerdoti for the program Dateline London broadcast on Jan. 16, criticized Sacerdoti for saying that the PA alone was responsible for vaccinating Palestinians.
G.W.F., it’s exactly the same with Labour Party Mayors in UK cities and a Conservative Government. “We have not got enough … abc … xyz – it is the Government’s fault for not organising it.” yet the budget and organisation of that area is devolved to the responsibility of said Mayor.
Now watching NASA’s coverage of the imminent Mars landing.
Every scientist interviewed and every presenter is a woman. Yet, the control room is 90% men.
All these wimmin are 30 something snowflakes with goofy smiles and croaky voices. Democrats without a doubt.
Sexist? Over to you, BBC.
I had to switch to the ‘clean feed’.
I noticed that too.
I’ve worked as an engineer (software) for big companies like BAE Systems and what happens is they recruit woemn into the teams because they have to. The trouble is, very few have the aptitude for that kind of work. They cannot be fired so what happens is they are moved into ‘non-critical’ roles. They might update progress charts, update documentation or attend the regular meetings with other departments. They are very often promoted into ‘Team Leader’ positions so they don’t actually have to do any engineering.
The reality is that the rest of the team must compensate for the hours they consume from the project budget, timescales and lack of engineering experience from their ‘team leader’.
I’m sure feminists would be foaming at the mouth with rage to read what I just wrote and I would be assasinated on twitter for saying it – but that’s not my opinion. That’s what I have seen in the real world.
Anyone in front of a camera for NASA never has much clue what they are talking about. It’s always information repeated from someone else who actually knows what they are talking about. It’s easy to spot for me now.
To add fuel to the fire I know a certain small business which doesn’t hire women of child bearing age because the business can’t afford to ‘carry ‘ them . Once bitten …. the small business is there to make money not be part of the welfare system …..
Don’t you know ” Men are from Mars, women are from Venus and trannies are from Comet” see what I did there?
Tran-sisters you mean? Geddit?
Ohhh, is there going to be a rush for the cloakroom . . …. !
Things not to forget
..what Labour did
OMG, I’ve never seen that photo but I’m embarrassed to be on the same planet as them.
Stinking zombies emerging from their graves.
OK so who won that garden gnomes competition then ?
Disgusting doing that Mammy act
They couldn’t even make up their minds as to which knee to kneel on.
For people following BBC fact check (selective fact spinning) Paul has a new article : Re Texas wind farms
To which one should note that there is a difference to being part of a grid and being connected, i.e. England and Wales are part of a grid, England and France are connected.
Being part of a grid all generators ‘stay in step’ and the aim is to keep all of the grid connected to itself at all times, whereas ‘being connected’ to another grid is optional and there is no requirement to stay ‘in step’. Because of that connections within a grid use AC and grid to grid interconnections use DC.
I don’t agree with “Because of that connections within a grid use AC and grid to grid interconnections use DC.”
The big reason why today interconnectors are DC is cos with AC line losses are large with large distances.
And the UK network uses DC for long distances
eg the interconnector that connects Scottish wind farms to Wales.
It is coincidental all parts of a AC grid nee to be synchronised, but DC connections don’t need to be.
You could use a DC connection to connect remote places, say an island and I would still say that island is connected to the UK grid.
AFAIK such interconnector used to AC
but when tech changed were changed to DC
eg NKT – Boskalis between Sweden and Denmark
The Isle of Man to England Interconnector was done quite late, so is still AC
The BBC continue their vendetta against Republicans by giving home page prominence to the non-story of Ted Cruz flying to Mexico during Texas snow storms.
Even they grudgingly admit that ‘As a federal lawmaker, Mr Cruz does not have a direct role in Texas’ emergency response…’
So he did nothing unlawful or wrong and there was no dereliction of duty, but let’s have a go at him anyway.
I saw that article and went into it to find out what gross dereliction of duty had taken place.
What an incredibly lengthy article with no journalistic point whatsoever. Just comments the BBC could find on twitter.
The nugget of truth buried deep in the rhetoric (for impartiality checkers) is a single sentence halfway down:
‘Mr Cruz does not have a direct role in Texas’ emergency response, but residents often reach out to their elected officials – like Mr Cruz – during natural disasters’. Is a power cut now classed as a natural disaster ???.
As a general point, this trick by the BBC of picking suitably biased comments from twitter and being able to publish them without accountability as they are not the BBC’s opinion is getting worse. The twitter feed for their main twitter ‘evidence’ is a guy called David Shuster. His feed is worth a look : he is absolutely obsessed by this non-story.
Their other contributers chosen for inclusion by the BBC for attacking Cruz are:
progressive rights activist Charlotte Clymer
Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (‘proud mom of a transgender child’)
journalist Leah Binkovitz
Every single one with a political agenda.
And of course the single example in support of Cruz (again for the impartiality checkers)
author and activist Brigitte Gabriel
No general public involved whatsoever.
The BBC have been constantly pushing this boundary for a long time now and this article represents a new low. Their latest ‘trick’ is to put a direct link to the twitter comment of some Left wing activist and add the line ‘The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.’ next to it.
It’s dirty, it’s dishonest and it’s unethical for a publicly funded ‘unbiased’ organisation.
The real agenda is – of course – to damage Cruz if he runs for President.
I’m sure all those Texans with no electricity freezing in the winter will be warmed by the green energy strategy which the politicians adopted .
JohnC, “The real agenda is – of course – to damage Cruz if he runs for President.”
Yeah, but do you want a President as brainless and unthinking as Ted Cruz as Presidential candidate for the Republicans? And he – Cruz – is from the media, he should have known what the media will do with this. You almost have to think he’s done this deliberately to avoid running in 2024.
I want Trump back in despite his faults : the only one who says how it is and does what he says.
The only thing these people care about is the next challenger at the next election. They are already flat out with their typical nasty left-wing vendetta to destroy Trump and anyone else who might replace him is fair game.
The thing which really bugs me about it all is the massive hypocrisy of the ‘morally superior’ Left who are the lowest and dirtiest of anybody.
We’ve seen enough of this over here haven’t we?
‘Politicians’ getting in on the act and you’ll never see anyone who’s been in Parliament being on their uppers after getting out! Quite a lot of very rich ex-mps!
Oh sod it, it’s only public money and brainless firms who pay for their ‘consultants’ drivel anyway…
TOADY WATCH #1 – so many disconnects perhaps the BBC should be disconnected?
Listening to Toady from 7 a.m. provided a barrel of laughs, so many conflicts in the news they were reporting, so many inaccuracies in this or that, am finding it hard to remember them all. However, for me there was one key stand out item.
If it is being reported accurately, the statistic of 930 deaths among hospital workers – I am assuming NHS workers and not private Care Home staff – rather casts doubt on the accuracy of the ‘nearly 120,000 deaths with Covid’ claim so beloved of the BBC and other ‘campaigners’.
Put the two numbers alongside each other and 930 NHS deaths casts considerable doubt on the larger one of nearly 120,000 deaths with (not necessarily from Covid) within the total UK population.
The broadsheets this morning would appear to be channeling Jonathan King’s Everyone’s Gone to the Moon with their headlines: ‘Perseverance makes its mark on Mars‘ (Telegraph); ‘Perseverance pays off as Nasa’s rover reaches Mars‘ (Times) – the latter organ however, is rather more modest about our own travel plans: ‘Hope for holidays overseas‘
The ‘i‘ splashes down with: ‘Public’s verdict on ending lockdown‘ – one tends to groan inwardly when confronted with such opinion surveys, telling one what the public think, afterall no one asked me.
Who pays for these surveys and what are their motivations?
We’re told we want kids back in school. Mind you: ‘Secondary school pupils may have to wear masks in classrooms‘ (‘i‘) – which many teachers may approve as a way of quietening gobby pupils but one worries about the psychological scarring of some vulnerable young individuals.
The ‘i‘ tells us we want non-essential shops open next. I’m loath to acquiesce to the terminology, generally assuming no shop is actually life-essential, and those falling the wrong side of the arbitrary dividing line have been hard done by.
Funnily enough the ‘i‘s polling is largely in line with governement messaging, which is hardly surprising in this new age of almost wartime levels of official propaganda-flooded media.
As if to prove the point, despite no known incidence of bars or eateries spreading virus, the ‘i‘ tells us: ‘British public hesitant to open restaurants and pubs in next two months‘ – are we resigned to law by opinion poll or perhaps authority leads opinion in the new normal. If a majority of the population never ever want me to eat or drink out should they be empowered to stop me? I thought we equated populism with mob rule? Or is that just Trump?
Speaking of great tribunes of the plebs…
Sir Keir Starmer appears on the frontpage of the ‘i‘: ‘“New partnership” between Labour and business to create fairer society‘ – yet more corporate cronyism? This sounds disasterous.
The BBC informs us: ‘Covid vaccines: Boris Johnson pledges surplus to poorer countries at G7‘
Whereas the globalist FT tells us: ‘Macron calls for urgent supply of Covid vaccines to poorer nations‘
Bet your bottom euro the ‘i‘ newspaper don’t run a public opinion survey on what the British public think of that.
The Express is out to catch our attention: ‘Shocking… cowardly attacks on the vulnerable‘ – here we go… could this be another case of the sexual grooming of underage white girls in northern towns? ‘New law must stop vile trolls preying on our young‘ – the word trolls hints that this is some internet-based panic and a story to prompt the public toward more regulation. Sure enough: ‘A vile gang of organised internet trolls is cruelly targeting vulnerable epileptic sufferers‘ – quite a niche issue. One has to question why young epileptics are being exposed unsupervised to a lot of screentime allowing: ‘thousands of strobes and garish messages‘ to do them harm. The Express has found: ‘At least three victims‘ – nip it in the bud, by all means. If only those grooming gangs had been highlighted by our press as being dangerous with as much laser focus. Oooops, sorry about the lasers, I ought to have warned epileptics to look away.
The government advertising funded Metro splashes with an all out attack on Facebook: ‘#Delete Facebook Worldwide campaign to ditch social media bully‘ – who knew the dead tree press would have been quite so piqued at the success of the tech giants smashing their circulation? And governments so keen to tame them?
And to close the papers, it wouldn’t be a BBC press review line up without the Guardian. And it wouldn’t be the Guardian without: ‘Sacha Baron Cohen: I had to do my bit to stop Trump‘
How the thinking man’s liberal paper has fallen. Left-of-centre politics – it’s all celeb focused now: ‘Image problem. Rihanna faces backlash for fashion photo of Hindu god‘ – don’t worry, luv. Just thank your lucky stars you didn’t offend allah.
And they say the BBC do not do comedy.
Look at the female diversity line up….
Bonkers, bonkers, blonde. And a Professor of something. No mention on state of undress. Of the academic. Other two do not bear thinking about.
Just looked at the QT twitter feed.
If ever the bbc editorial integrity agenda in selection was laid bare….
Doob – does that have its Adam’s apple covered ?
Damn I missed it – Layla Moran is now my favourite MP and one of the few sources of humour about – she had replaced Dawn Butler ( who has been bound and gagged someplace ) .but BBC – where are your coloured folk with a chip ? Ratings plunge ….
Each intake of MPs must have its quota of loons and the current one is pretty mediocre apart from our Layla ….
Just snorted into my Cornflakes, as Red Robbo on Today program this morning at 8.50, discussing vaccines had a bit of a Fraudian slippage, asked a question about the ‘…export of the virus from China’.
For once, getting it right!
BBC campaign incoming !!!
Couldn’t they have ‘found’ someone with brown eyes who knows which is the right way round to wear a mask?
“Oh dear, we haven’t got any masks now that we wasted a whole batch putting them on the wrong way.”
Besides blue-eyed medics don’t know how to look after dem supah spredah BAMEs (© Diane Abbott).
I kinda thought Desert Island Discs was about looking at someone quite old so we can learn from their full life.
… not promoting your favourite young activists
“Now 23, Malala graduated from the University of Oxford”
The usual Islington blue ticks are promoting the prog
Among them is the blond Nikki Bedi
the BBC art show presenter
surprising the BBC employ blond people these days
Oh hang on, her Twitter bio says “proudly Indo-Anglian”
“kinda thought Desert Island Discs was about looking at someone quite old”
It used to be and that’s what the audience tuned in for. Sadly it’s now people the BBC want us to hear from.
Which is a general observation on BBC entertainment.
From an idea devised by Roy Plomley to an idea devised by Stalin.
I remember a Desert Island Discs once, quite a long time ago, and he was a young boy racing driver or someone, and he just chose songs that he liked from the hit parade at the time. Which I thought was fair enough because he probably would’ve liked to take them on his desert island.
Just heard on BBC Radio 5 Live, just after 9am, some “expert” being interviewed.
Interviewer, “Can we be optimistic about ending lockdown?”
Expert, “You can be optimistic but we are not there yet”
Interviewer, “What do we need to get there?”
Expert, “1. We need the R number below 1, for a long time not just a week. 2. We need less infections and 3. we need less covid in the community because the more there is the more it can spread”
Interviewer, “(big pause) Riiiighhhhhhhhhht!”
Seriously, did anyone check who this expert is and what qualifications he has?
Some voice Clare claimed lockdowns proven to work
On Twitter someone said look at the Sweden graph.
Presenter was Clare McDonell
first guest Microbiologist Dr Simon Clarke
@dr_Simon @UniofReading
The ‘R’ has been below 1 for weeks, if not months. It’s another very dodgy statistic and placing public policy on it Tabs, as your ‘expert’ contributor wanted to do is unwise in my view.
Obviously the interviewer and their Producer had not looked here:
What got me was his 3 suggestions for lockdown are all the same thing, less infections, lower R number and less infected in the community is the same thing.
The BBC have a habit of getting waffle experts on their shows to fill time but give little expert advice.
Peak death day was Jan 19th that suggests peak case day was 3 weeks earlier on December 29th
If cases fell from there then R was below 1
though cases coming from abroad also feed in.
Wetherspoon bosses confirm The Black Boy pub in Mid Wales will keep its 17th-century name (Mail).
Greene King has renamed three of its pubs with the same name.
If you want to get rid of a place-name purely because someone takes offence, this is irrespective of its origin which is often uncertain, the next demand by the demented will be the removal of that name from all historical documents.
The Black Boy in Newtown, Powys, dates back to the 17th century and was named after chimney sweeps who would emerge from local properties covered in soot.
(not normal brackets ..use less than / more than symbols for html links
But posting a tweet gives the pic of the sign
as well as a clickable link)
They could compromise and re name the pub ‘ Cis gendered child of colour’.
Tim Martin is a good man. I don’t think BLM gets a lot of traction in a Wetherspoon pub…
The terrible thing is woke people won’t go in these pubs
Oh hang on most of these snobby sneerers already say on Twitter that they proudly boycott ‘Spoons.
… leaving the sane to drink in peace.
Are the Woke going to boycott all the supermarkets because they sell The Black Farmer foods ?
I dread to imagine what they would think of this pub in Walsall!
Ha ha lobster – back under the rock – or get yer shell….
The pub name
The Black Cock
others are called The Black Cock Inn
TOADY Watch #2 – oh dear, how sad, never mind
Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party that he leads has been re-launched again – second time in two weeks after his flag waving lift-off to Patriotism – but as far as my listening to TOADY was concerned this morning, the premier BBC Radio News & Current Affairs programme was treating the re-launch with colossal “Meh!”. I only listened to about 90 minutes of the three hour programme, switching on at 7 a.m. and OFF as poor old Karthi started her sports segment @ 8.25 a.m. . But I heard nothing at all in that time about the Mk2 re-launch of Labour.
The thought has struck me a while ago that the BBC would like Keir Starmer to fail. And be replaced. By a wimmin? Possibly.
I think the person that the BBC would really like to see leading Labour and leading Labour to victory in 2023/4 is Tony Blair. I think Blair misses UK politics and hates being a part-time nobody. The BBC have certainly afforded him a platform in recent weeks.
Certainly Starmer is in over his head. We know it. The BBC know it. Starmer himself knows it to be so. It is written on his face and into his body language.
90 minutes! You lasted a long time!
AS, LOL! I’m a tough cookie – once upon a time I listened to all three hours – have been hardened in the BBC cauldron or furnace or whatever. Then I would carry on and through Womens Hour all the way through Ewan Yores, too, and TWatO and what followed. Even put up with lunchtime Archers just to get to the Afternoon Drama.
PS: I’ve got a picture of a Black Boy pub sign. A Greene King pub (unfortunately) in Sudbury, Suffolk. This one is Charles II. But I don’t know how to post the photo here.
You could have fooled me .
It’s time for another game of Join the Dots. BBC news items that are closely related but to link them would go against the BBC Leftist narrative. And today is a bumper game.
1. The wokes are bigging up the moral imperative to give away surplus vaccine to poor countries (on top of contributions under the covax initiative btw)
2. Oxford Uni insisted their vaccine should be sold at cost, even to rich countries including the EU AFAIK.
3. The government have announced a new fund for high risk innovation. The UK is very good at innovation, including relevantly genome sequencing. The BBC report that a similar innovation fund in the USA was key in developing the internet.
4. Tim Berners Lee, also a founder of the internet, famously gave away the intellectual property for free.
5. The national finances for January were £20 bn worse than in the previous year in that month alone, and the annual total is a deficit of around £250 bn.
My conclusion? The UK could pay its way in the world pretty well. But the SJW’s, wokes, virtue-signallers and Leftists continually guilt us into giving stuff away instead of profiting from it (no wonder we don’t have an amazon, facebook, google, or microsoft – or paypal, zoom, ebay etc etc) and our weak governments cave in to this self-righteous, sentimental tosh.
Until we face down the leftists, we are doomed to economic mediocrity.
Sluff, well done. That’s a TOADY watch+ right there. You’ve got a job, if you want it. 😉
I think we in the UK need to be damned careful here. Yes, at the moment, we appear to have some kind of future ‘surplus’ on vaccination dosages….. but let’s not get carried away here. Some of these vaccine orders are for products which have not yet passed -and might never pass – strict testing for efficacy. (Bear witness the French fiasco on vaccine production)
Some of these doses are probably not even in the production ‘pipeline’ as yet.
It also seems pretty certain that we will need follow-up doses at the end of this year, and we should ensure that we have enough updated vaccine to cover UK needs for the coming winter – at least.
These later deliveries will also likely be vaccine doses which are effective against any new strains of the virus – and you can bet your @$$ that countries are lining up today with orders for the major products which could see lead times balloon as the year goes on….. and we don’t want to be at the back of the queue when that happens.
I also hope to hell that we’re not even thinking about ‘giving away’ vaccine doses at £15 to £20 a ‘pop’ to ingrates around the world – never mind the ones who have no infrastructure to store and deliver this stuff. We should either be selling these doses on at whatever total costs we incur, and, preferably, allowing the manufacturers to sell some doses to other countries which we definitely don’t need in the near future, but only with the absolute commercial commitment to replenish our order book at the best possible delivery dates to suit UK needs.
This should not be a quick and dirty give-away to suit the bleating lefty, globalist activists (like the BBC, for instance).
Tim Berners-Lee was not a founder of the Internet. The Internet had been around for a couple of decades before Berners-Lee came up with the World-Wide Web, which is an application that runs on the Internet.
If Covid becomes endemic in poorer countries then it remains a threat to richer ones. It’s in the interest of wealthy countries to ensure that doesn’t happen. Same as in the nineteenth century it was expedient to ensure that the poor areas of London had decent sanitation at public expense, since without it their excrement seeped into the water table and caused cholera in the rich areas.
The Web was really developed by the Medialab at MIT and the National Centre for Supercomputing Applications.
TBL invented the WWW
AFAIK Networks existed but TBL came up with the idea of a web of documents linked to together with hypertext, he took that old hypertext idea and turned it into HTML and made the first browser.
National CentER for Supercomputing Application had already invented tel-net which joined computers together.
The British equivalent of Facebook / Google used to be the BBC before the wokerati ruined it.
The UK was at the front of chip design ..through ARM
UK is still strong in video games
and film TV content
Though really these days corps are truly multinational rather than assigned to one country.
I’d advise corps to never invest in the UK until the Islington mafia have been overthrown. It’s simply not a safe place to invest with the way they are prone to change rules, bringing in mad green schemes etc.
Tim Berners-Lee was not a founder of the Internet. The Internet had been around for a couple of decades before Berners-Lee came up with the World-Wide Web, which is an application that runs on the Internet.
If Covid becomes endemic in poorer countries then it remains a threat to richer ones. It’s in the interest of wealthy countries to ensure that doesn’t happen. Same as in the nineteenth century it was expedient to ensure that the poor areas of London had decent sanitation at public expense, since without it their excrement seeped into the water table and caused cholera in the rich areas.
WildWomanOfThe Woods
While we are at it, we could vaccinate the rest of the world with cholera, measles and smallpox jabs etc etc . We could also provide free contraceptives and health care ? Why not start an International Health Service?
Oh ! I forgot we have that already .
Have you got a refreshing new topic for us today Woman’s Hour ?
nope ..Asian presenter, Asian topic
BTW the ethnic minorities you are trying to reach
are probably listening/watching one of the hundreds of non English language channels, not Radio 4.
I wonder if the low take-up of vaccines for elderly BAMEs is down to only their pension books being in this country?
Just like UK pays child-allowance to kids who don’t live in the UK
..and are back in Poland.. maybe Albania etc.
Seems the entire ground floor of W1A got theirs in as soon as possible.
And the BBC has already responded time wise as expected.
BBC Online News:
“Rocks: Drama starring schoolgirls wins British Independent Film Awards”
“Rocks got glowing reviews when it came out last year and is now on Netflix.”
Six schoolgirls from London. One white and the rest non-white. The words ‘Woke’ and ‘BBC’ fit hand in glove.
” A cast and crew made up of 75% women” as well
I guess it might well be good and it’s not just got the award cos it’s full of box-ticking.
Neither Liberal not Democrat
..ambush naming is rampant these days
She is a moron, sorry, Moran though!
Evidence of past and current electoral support ahead of elections taking place in May 2021
Ofcom has today published an updated digest of evidence of past and current electoral support.
This is to assist broadcasters in making editorial decisions in relation to elections taking place on 6 May 2021. These are: elections for the Scottish and Welsh Parliament; English local and mayoral elections; London Assembly and London mayoral elections; and elections for Police and Crime Commissioners for England and Wales.
This digest of evidence includes past election results and latest opinion polls and sets out the factors we consider when making decisions on election-related programming.
So, based on BBC global and national performance, it is losing its licence with immediate effect?
Feb 15th our local 62 yo BBC radio presenter tweeted he’d had his jab
“No I’m not that old, no I didn’t pull any strings,
yes it maybe is something to do with type-2 diabetes”
Local radio currently ecstatic programming about the wind turbine factory expansion
They are so enthralled to Green PR tricksters
they don’t understand that the more Green gimmicks there are on the grid, the more expensive grid costs are
And since there no magic unicorns to pay these extra costs of around 3 times for each KWh generated
the upshot is a hospital can’t afford as many nurses
as the costs for everything goes up.
Still waiting to unravel FB’s banning of a story based, at first sight, on use of a file image that does not match the story protagonists.
If this is all there was, the BBC is screwed.