Not on Al Beeb yet, but I think we can expect Bo Jo to be very timid in opening up the economy of Great Britain because of “Covid”? The economy is being wrecked . There will not be many happy Tory MP’s, let alone many Tory voters this week .
So much for the “Game changer” vaccine ? What was that all about ?
He gets very tough with the people of this nation but soft with illegals. It appears that the only people allowed on the beach are the “Invaders” – It hotels for them!
It is too late to save the economy now. The parallels with Weimar look alarming. Hyper inflation on the way? No wonder bitcoin is roaring ahead and the sliver – gold ratio falling.
Silver is an infallible indicator of the future course of events. I am really annoyed that there are those who still think we can save the situation without real pain for us. We cannot.
Think about it. On what planet are they on to assume that you can close down a country of 70 million and avoid irreparable damage.
Run by fantasists and most of us have gone along with it.
We’ve had real plagues, and we’ve had flu epidemics – some mild a and some severe. But never was a case made to shut down the entire economy.
The cure is far worse then the illness, and no amount of stimulus from the department of money grabbing taxation, is going to help.
The lockdown is now working its way through the country. It will work its way through, just as the flu should have been allowed to work its way through.
The flu has its way through, with perhaps positive help of a vaccine ( doubtful). But there is no vaccine for the effects of the lockdown. That will work its way through for years, or even decades.
Too, this is no time for the government to allow millions of Benefit dependent illegal immigrants. Society can take only so much stress before it gives. Even a tolerant society such as Britain.
“The flu has its way through, with perhaps positive help of a vaccine ( doubtful). But there is no vaccine for the effects of the lockdown. That will work its way through for years, or even decades.”
What beats me though is this virtually total silence over the murderers who perpetrated the crime in allowing the virus to move freely around the World. Has this also been, ‘airbrushed’ from recent history?
The Chinese Communist Party should foot the bill with their co-conspirators, the WHO.
What beats me though is this virtually total silence over the murderers who perpetrated the crime in allowing the virus to move freely around the World. Has this also been, ‘airbrushed’ from recent history?
Of course it has. Covid 19 has given cover to use all manner of mail in ballots to affect a change in the presidency. Whole sale changes, the great Reset, with all the attendant changes to society, energy control and supply of the West, could not take place as long as Pres Trump was the around.
With The Man gone for the moment, will begin the general looting of the stored and hard worked wealth of the West. This is the Great Reset.
We are all going to suffer the consequence of that change, particularly the UK. Specially as we have a government run “under cover”.
There is plenty of evidence – many articles in National Geographic, New Scientist and others – of a Wuhan Virology Lab scientist known as Bat Woman working with coronaviruses for decades – developing new ones, and developing vaccines. Almost like a germ warfare programme…
I’m failry sure people at the UN, WHO and the BBC read National Geographic and New Scientist – but you wouldn’y know it from their biased output, would you?
We are VERY wealthy now. There is NO genuine poverty. So we are able to sustain huge borrowing. Yes, there are ginormous issues, but many are not Covid-related.
Totally, completely, utterly corrupt central bankers photocopying £50 notes for the last 12 years and lending OUR money to THEIR mates at 400-year low rates.
Totally criminal executives, guilty of many crimes like LIBOR fraud – false reporting and insider trading (knowing the true rate). Plea bargaining so a huge fine is paid. But the shareholders – and pension fund members – paid, the executives get off scot free. And gave themselves a bonus for “managing the situation”.
Free markets should not mean anarchy. And the fact that a Conservative government oversaw most of that without addressing it (although the always destructive Brown was responsible) is incredible, and likely incredibly damaging for decades.
If you want to know why it happened, the most amazing video I have ever seen, and the most inept performance I have ever seen, is currently on iPlayer: Select Committees, London Capital and Finance Committee. To get an initial flavour, you might like to start at 01:16:00 and go for 10 mins. The speaker is the Governor of the Bank of England. Frankly it could be my 3-year-old great-nephew.
I defy anyone who actually watches to say management by the state and/or by appointed “experts” is going to give good results. There are those who really think there is a magic money-tree, and we can all stop working for a year “to be safe”. Well why not 10 years? Or 50? But strangely, they think NHS staff, Amazon staff, Dominos staff, etc. should continue working (presumably “unsafely”) to serve their needs. How self-entitled can you get?
I guess heading for a Marxist state with entirely re-written history, just as Orwell said.
The BBC is clearly the Ministry of Truth. 90-year-old ex-Pravda editors must envy today’s BBC.
Church, 2-parent family, actual justice such as prosecuting illegals and deporting them, all gone.
White people in London beaten in the street – unless the wear a rainbow badge.
Anyone wearing a Union Jack T-shirt arrested as a right-wing extremist. Or shot.
EU and UN T-shirts are fine – support of undemocratic, unelected institutions is mandatory.
Money-printing is still be going on. History regards Robert Mugabe as an inflation wimp.
To save buying them, money now comes as an ASDA or Amazon voucher straight from the Royal Mint.
NatWest still has the same debts. No profits. But at 0% it can borrow for another 200 years.
In “problem years”, with rates NEGATIVE, NatWest makes record profits by being PAID on its debt.
£900 trillion is locked up in similar totally unproductive zombie companies run by buffoons.
No new companies come about because selling those £900 trillion shares has been made illegal.
Most people keep chickens and grow potatoes, to get by on just £220k universal income.
The BBC is bemoaning the lack of Martian representation. Anyone who disagrees is a stupid racist bigot.
Animal-rights campaigners seek death penalty for 3-year-old Jake who literally said “boo” to a goose.
98-year-old Mr Rees-Mogg arrested as “extremely violent and dangerous threat”. No jury trials now.
If you see no hope as we are, would rule by China be better. At least racist this racist that would stop. Anyone accusing said Chinese officer, would be disappeared asap.
Too, some degree of competence and intelligence in jobs will be required, as opposed to ” Hiring Africans only”.
This is what the BBC is appointing to oversee job hire in the BBC.
Taffman – the vaccine takes a while to kick in – it’s no use rushing the ending of the lockdown – with a bit of luck protection in care homes – and better procedures in hospitals – will half average infection rates ….
The debt is racking up and the taxes will be rising – but there has to be a controlled removal of the lockdown – but is the weather continues to improve I think that is impossible .
On Monday the crankie will announce something a couple of hours before nut nuts husband says his piece in order to undermine him – and the hated English ……
… but with a third of the UK vaccinated and as many as 600k being vaccinated each day there is hope .
The Bloomberg site has detailed nation by nation vaccine data – quite something …
If the wrecking of our economy continues we will have no money for the NHS . This lockdown is causing a lot of collateral deaths .
I am voting for The Reform Party next time . The Tory Party and Labour Party party are finished as far as I am concerned. MPs ? they are all a bunch of actors.
Al Beeb ……………
“Coronavirus: Latest data shows vaccine reduces transmission – Hancock”
“There is “early data” showing a reduction in transmission in people who have had a coronavirus vaccine, the health secretary has said.”
Why is school re-opening ahead of absolutely everything else? The latest on the sacred cow list.
Remote learning is not great but it IS an alternative.
Many workers have NO alternative. 800,000 now on the dole. Millions on furlough or short time working.
Surely some semblance of balance is in order. Staggered school opening with a few more open air options for the rest of us.
We might even do something economically productive.
They should all have to repeat an entire year in school – and we should be pleased to fund it, as opposed to all the other nonsensicle public funding.
That would mean an extra year group – leaving at 19, not 18, for the next 14 years (until the current 5-year-olds reach 19). It could be done – maybe renting church halls for extra space. If they don’t repeat a year they – and we, their future customers – will be disadvantaged for life.
Fancy going on holiday knowing the pilot “would have tried and would have passed”? If only they had actually been able to attend flight school… And the teacher assessed them on their best day, not their average day, because they “didn’t want to disadvantage them”. Then made further allowances “because they are from a poor family”.
Or would you want a pilot who took an extra year to actually attend flight school and really did pass the exams?
Nearly 10,000 people were tested positive for covid today. I know there is a lag but 1300 people were admitted to hospital on the last day information is available for. Accepting it takes a few days to become ill enough to require hospitalisation, it would appear that 1 in 10 people diagnosed needs hospital, yet only 1 in 3 show symptoms meaning approx one in three who are poorly needs hospital.
It is another one of those things where I cannot make sense of the data.
Interesting points.
According to
Max identified cases were around 59,000 daily in the first week of Jan.
Hospital admissions peaked at around 4200 daily about 10 days later. Around 7% of cases. A pointer only, as not all cases are identified- depends on the amount of testing.
Deaths peaked at around 1250 daily about 7-10 days after that. About 2.2% of cases.
As night follows day, cases become admissions become deaths. Until vaccines start to impact.
Which also means that increases in cases become increases in admissions become increases in deaths.
I don’t think the government ever really understood this, nor did they public. And anyway, it’s much easier to justify a lockdown when lots of people are dying. A slight rise in cases with R above 1 doesn’t cut it. Boris’s decisions were late, as his critics often said, but not usually for the reasons they gave. Thousands have died as a result of this cause-and-effect ignorance, needlessly. The lockdown would have been the same, just brought forward by three weeks. Except that the 10,000 daily new cases even now, and possibly flat-lining, which highlight the refusal by some to play by the rules, shows how hard such a lockdown would have been to enact.
We reap, and we sow. But the ‘we’s’ are not always the same people.
It’ not like all of the 1,300 come off the street and into hospital
Much of those 1,300 were already in hospital for something else when they tested positive
The NHS being one of the top places for where people get infected.
Stew, to be honest that is what I suspect, ie they are not admissions for covid but may have been in hospital some time. The BBC often call the number of people having tested positive ‘new cases’ but I also wonder how many are people in hospital or care home are being repeat tested to ascertain when they have stopped shedding the virus (I believe that is the technical term) so that one person can show up as several ‘new cases’.
Unfortunately my most local area seems to be showing a spike (and we don’t have a prison here to account for most of the cases) but local BBC seems reluctant to investigate and report.
The PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) is not fit for the purpose in this respect of detecting a viral infection. As the inventor Karry Mullis stated, as inappropriate to detect viral infection- therefore throwing out ‘fales postives’ which lift the intended results to keep us all in fear. The media frighten everyone with new positive PCR tests, without any nuance or context, wrongly assimilating this information with waves of COVID-19. Will the scientists/government ever admit the fact that PCR testing is in this case unfit for the purpose?
There are universal NHS rules. All elective patients are tested in the 3 days before a planned admission – expecting an operation? Not if the test positive and elective surgery.
Patients are cohorted with other tested patients so theoretically only somebody who has tested negative can be in a bay with other negative patients.
Patients are swabbed on day 1, 3, 5 and weekly thereafter during any admission. Once a PCR swab has tested positive it is not repeated for 3 months because PCR remains positive for some time. There are individuals around who tested positive in March, became negative and then tested positive again recently and this genuinely seems to reflect new infection.
In my specialty (obstetrics) 75% of women testing positive are asymptomatic.
No lockdown can be total ,even if the general public kept to the letter and beyond. Police, emergency workers, medics, and all others who work in hospitals. Too truck drivers, taxis, trains etc ., all go about and potentially spread the infection to the general population.
As there is no way to allocate how much to apportion to which group, the question should be if a lockdown can ever be successful. I say not. The fact that we have one of the highest mortality rates in the world, even with a well behaved population, we could be here but without the year long lockdown, except we wouldn’t be in the self-inflicted economic catastrophe, the results of which will tsunami through to the next generation.
We have been conned by the Government et al, from the start. Hoodwinked into beleiving that this Covid19 one of many coronavirus’s is more dangerous than any other. It is nasty for for some with or without health issues, but for millions it is not-their natural immune systems acting as they should. I hade a son (46) who caught Covid had had a tes that proved negative three weeks before, he was laid low for three days, said he felt it was like a bad dose of flu-took 2 weeks to feel better to go back to work. He kept taking Vitc & zinc all along.
All that was needed was to be more careful, take vitamin D, and mouth wash if the throat felt funny.
But we had to be conned for the Great Reset ( Climate Change agenda to remap the world) .. All of the West. So it was that all EU government controlled TV, our own BBC, the Lefty MSM and Big Nerds, cooperated to dethrone Pres Trump. Even then they couldn’t without wholesale ballot and machine rigging.
We are now in a situation where the economy has been knocked for six. Small companies are gone for good. And on top of it, we are going to head into the 21st century, armed with nothing more then wind turbines and solar panels.We were better prepared for WW11 then we are now.
Children, students, adults have been badgered for 20 years that Climate Change is going to destroy humanity, but always 50 years from now. But it is now that we will be facing energy shortage. Thankfully, Britain has a mild climate. But North America is in for it.
If the Left destroys our energy systems that have taken decades to build, we will truly be seen in the future as the Stupidest generation.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but did you know that men born after April 6 1951 (1953 for women) will qualify for the new £174pw state pension?
And did you know that if you were born before these dates you’ll get about £40 a week less?
You might have thought our BBC would have been on the case, what with their keen interest in pensioner’s finances.
Perhaps they are waiting for Sir Keir or Amnesia Dodds to catch up?
Been the case since April 2016.
An extra 5 years of contributions is needed to get the new max. Thus 35 years instead if 30.
Many will get some amount in between, depending on contributions under the old then the new arrangements.
Its all unbelievable value. No need to build a £250,000 private pension pot when the state will give you the equivalent annuity value for a fraction of that.
Thus is incidentally revealed the true value of public sector salary- based unfunded employee pension plans. And cost to the rest of us.
Hmm, it’s complicated. I think the number you’re thinking of is actually £175.20. If you contracted out of SERPS at some point then that will not be what your receive. (A lot of people will be in that boat. However, your private pension will have been enhanced.)
If you want to see your pension entitlement then see ..
Why is Boris bothering to step outside no.10 tomorrow ? We are already being told in detail by all the news channels what he’s going to say, so if Boris decided to stay in bed and say “sod it, why should I bother, when those bastards are running the country” then I wouldn’t blame him.
Boris shouldn’t ever get out of bed. if he stays there he can’t do too much harm. This idiot is useless beyond belief.
He’s not a leader, he’s a follower. He’s allowed SAGE, the BBC and SKY to bully him. Can you ever imagine Mrs Thatcher wobbling and waffling like this pathetic buffoon? Do me a bleedin’ favour.
By the time this cretin has pissed off and taken Himmler Hancock with him there will be little to nothing left of the country I was born in, still love and remember, but no longer recognise.
Due to this gormless, bovine, cowardly half-wit, Britain is now a deeply unhappy, suspicious country. He’s managed to turn a health crisis into an absolute catastrophe.
We used to rejoice in our freedoms. Now we allow officials to tell us if we can hold the hands of elderly relatives. How many people can meet in the park. This would be laughable if it wasn’t so utterly tragic. Which ever way you cut it, the buck stops with Boris. And he has failed miserably…
The trouble is, I believe, we’ve spent decades catastrophising relatively miniscule events and blown them up out of all proportion. This has given us a taste for over reacting.
We saw this with the way the media and the remainers reacted to the Brexit vote. The dystopian hyperbole was ludicrous. We were “going over a cliff”…we were “tanking the economy”. We endured four years of tantrums.
The same thing happened when Trump got elected in the US. The BBC seemed to have a nervous breakdown. They just couldn’t believe it and wouldn’t accept it. When the president visited these shores we had every middle class lefty in country out on the streets of London having a pathetic hissy fit. It was an embarrassing spectacle.
And we’ve also suffered from the climate hysterics. An ill educated, neurotic kid became the poster girl for the green movement and was treated like a latter day saint. She couldn’t be criticised.
Everything these days is regarded as a potential catastrophe. Brexit is the end of the world. Trump is “literally a Nazi”. The world is going to end in ten years. All this hysteria has bred a race of people who just can’t cope with a crisis.
Sadly we’ve been lumbered with Boris. He’s a kid. He’s not a leader in any sense of the word. He’s a clever and charismatic wordsmith and that’s it. Boris allows himself to be bullied by Doomsberg and Big Mouth Beth. For Christ’s sake man, grow a pair!
Thatcher would never in a million years have caused the mayhem this pathetic coward has inflicted on us.
But as to your question; “Who would you have in charge?”
Blimey, that really is the 64 million dollar question…
Bolt : British people ‘uncomfortable’ with ‘grotesque moral cowardice’ of academic elites
Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill says lots of British people feel “very uncomfortable” about academics and intellectuals displaying “grotesque moral cowardice”.
It comes after The Telegraph reported a Churchill College panel claimed Sir Winston Churchill was a white supremacists who led an empire “worse than the Nazis”.
R4 Sunday 11:45am repeat of 2019 series
The Battles That Won Our Freedoms
ep 5 Freedom of Association
Very surprising that the prog is used by Labour for their own PR … not
A 15 min listen on the struggle for workers' rights. Note how the law in the UK was stacked against workers in the 19th century. No wonder working people needed to form their own political party. That party is the LABOUR PARTY ????✊#unions#WorkersRights
That was a party for working people .
Then it changed into a party for minority groups and criminals.
Then into a party for university lecturers, government employees, globalists and uber rich know it alls .
This weird thing when you dip into a prog
and then they are talking about Climate Change or other woke
Sunday’s Radio
6am Samira Ahmed
7am Religion prog squeezing in woke issues like Global Warming and Muslims as victims etc.
7:55am and 9:25pm Charity appeal : enviro charity sustainable food system .. Not abroad but rather hippies get together to pick crops in UK
5:45am and 5:40pm Profile : Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The first african and first woman elected head of the World Trade Organisation.
7pm Dystopian drama where world doesn’t have enough water
6:15pm R4 Pick of the week
– The Jo Whiley item again
– Bill Gates talking climate
.. then next Item Tamil Nadu fishing and claiming sea level rise is now covering the village cricket ground
and all the fish stocks have fallen ..less big fish “drastic change” ..blamed climate ..I suspect lot of men overfishing caused it
4pm R4 Book show : Black Britain – Writing Back
– Caleb Azumah Nelson : The finalist of the BBC National Short Story Award
– My Sister the Serial Killer author, Oyinkan Braithwaite, on the book she’d never lend.
– Black Britain: Writing Back a new series of reissued novels
Bernardine Evaristo, seeks to correct historic bias in British publishing.
Presenter: Johny Pitts
– SI Martin and Nicola Williams, discuss their inclusion in the project.
Will be on @BBCRadio4 Open Book at 4pm today, talking all things Open Water with @johnypitts! Also got to speak to @simartin and Nicola Williams about their recently reissued novels. Tap in later!
Nice example of lefty bias the next time that repulsive troll turns up – I personally want to remove him from this site because he never never ever talks about his BBC …..
9am Monday Radio4 ..No Marr
It’s Kirsty Wark with actors/writers who have books to plug
9:45am Daily book
Mixing biography, *fiction*, music and memoir, the Makar remembers the electric thrill of identification when, as a young black girl growing up in Glasgow, she was first gifted the music of the Empress
Orphaned by the age of nine, Bessie Smith sang on the street to support her siblings and was swept into travelling shows as a young woman.
Facing extreme racial prejudice, she brawled under the influence of bathtub gin and had tumultuous love affairs with men and women.
She also sold hundreds of thousands of records and became a genuine superstar.
by Scotland’s national poet Jackie Kay
4pm recent repeat celebrating King Tubby the sound engineer in the ghettos of Kingston Jamaica
With her longstanding links to the Scottish Labour Party (back to Donald Dewar and Jack McConnell) I’m sure Kirsty can be relied on to say the right things.
“Once limited to bank robbers, eccentric pop stars and health-conscious (and conscientious) Japanese tourists, the wearing of face masks in public is now common enough to be dubbed “the new normal”.
Normal it might be – but it’s not new.”
Most people here recognise that the “new normal” is an instrument for exercising control over the masses. For hostile forces, both domestic and global, the bBC is the perfect purveyor of this propaganda since it regularly promotes abnormality in all its forms.
What a junk article
‘ You’re a mad student , here take the keys to the BBC picture library
go and write 10 pages of stuff so you can stick some BBC agenda pushing in it
I first thought the article was very London-centric
but that was my error.
It is a local London article.
Not a student, Bethan has been churrning out BBC magazine type articles for years.
He name is different to the Vienna correspondent Bethany Bell
but in 2016 she got massive kickback for “sneering” articles about Middlesbrough and then Solihull where the local paper complained
So her Twitter account ha been locked since
\\ @bethyboots so you ask whether M’Boro deserves its reputation then load the article with the worst images you can find. Hardly balanced… //
Alo 2016 a science org complained about her other artticle
\\ Another poorly researched postmortem article & false photos. Am shocked at @BBCNews for running it //
No need to apologise, this one deserves a good hearing. It was an absolute race-baiting woke disgrace. The bBBC at its finest.
All those budding skiers from southern India, Bangla Desh, Antigua, Jamaica, et al. It’s so unfair. They just don’t get the chances that those racist whities in Austria, Norway, and Switzerland do.
You can apologise to those of us who watched it live.I was just getting over the trauma of being subjected to a load of BLM propaganda whilst watching a programme I have enjoyed since I was a kid.Have stopped watching Countryfile for similar reasons and looks like another programme has bit the dust as far as I am concerned.
Lack of Scottish Highland people in Brixton.
Blacks very over-represented in Brixton.
Highlanders feel “foreign” in Brixton.
Superior bus and Tube services in Brixton.
Limited medical services in the Highlands.
Fewer Highlanders than Blacks on the BBC.
Housing benefit is much higher in Brixton.
Council tax on a £300k home is much less in Brixton.
But all we got was BBC bias.
So, the Swiss, Austrians, and Scandinavians are more represented at the Winter Olympics. Why does the BBC call that biased?
The Swiss, Austrians, and Scandinavians are under-represented in the 100 metres. Why does the BBC not call that biased?
Harry DefundTheBBC have also picked up on it
1000 Likes and loads of retweets/QTs
Now, according to the BBC, skiing is racist.
The only problem is, they can't blame old, bigoted, working-class Brexiteers this time. The BBC bosses must've been very conflicted on this one…
The purpose of these kind of features is to start conversations, so thank you for your rant. It is very sad you turned off before the end…. then went straight online to voice your opinion on something that you didn't even hear the conclusion of Phil's point.
Our print press this morning appear to be falling over themselves to acquiesce with the proposed phased relaxations of some the various government lockdown dictats.
The Mail best catches the new-found subservient mood of our historically tigerish press: ‘Slow march to freedom‘- like Alec Guinness as the British colonel building the Bridge on the River Kwai the Mail reminds us of the officer who loses his way, forgetting his duty in a blind collaboration in his own captivity.
The Express quotes our camp commandant’s paternalistic forbearance with his habitually wayward charges: ‘Boris: We’ll take it one careful step at a time‘
“Yes, sir, yes sir, I’m so vewy vewy ‘umble I am sir, vewy ‘umble indeed sir” – our media, just like Uriah Heep in David Copperfield, abase themselves, unquestioning in the face of the executive – and of course a lot of juicy top-rates-charged State advertising within their pages.
Speaking of which, the free-at-the-point-of-access, yet heavily subsidised by government advertising giveaway Metro carries a frontpage advert for the Census: ‘It’s about our key workers‘ – really?
The picture shows a woman with baby on a sofa and a masked-up female nurse or health visitor. Heaven forfend that a father is ever shown as present in a British family.
By the way, the Times goes as far as to crop out the father from a picture of a family enjoying ice creams in Brighton at the weekend, as also shown in the Telegraph in its original state.
The mother in the Census advert is white, so we’re guessing, based on the predilections of such advertising, the father – if he exists – is probably in another room playing his reggae records or he’s out having his hair braided.
I remain unclear as to how it is that the Census is about our key workers? Is it because we like key workers? Could it not be about jam doughnuts? We like jam doughnuts – so tell us it’s all about jam doughnuts.
I’m guessing our national ten-yearly headcount will miss a record number of millions of UK residents this time around. I would propose a test of accuracy in a given city centre district. Take the Census replies and compare them with the results of an enumerator armed with a sack of £20 notes knocking on doors and offering a plum coloured portrait of the Queen prize to every inhabitant who shows themselves at the doorstep.
I’m willing to bet the cost of this exercise that my enumerator finds far more population than the Census – that’s if he escapes the district without getting mugged for his sack of loot.
I do believe Grenfell Tower was a similiar test case for discovering some of our missing millions with authorities realising they would have to grant illegal sub-letting and illegal immigration amnesties very early on in the headcount. Results were spoilt however by over-generous payments causing mass applications for compo from all and sundry.
There’s a rather frank admission delivered in the ‘i‘: ‘How the media is greenwashing itself‘
And another from a drag artist: ‘It’s not the cheapest career path‘ – we assume then that the government won’t be promoting sparkly jobs in the new sequin industries of the future.
A census in the middle of a pandemic ? I suppose – in theory – it will get people at home ……
…………………………..but I suspect big city accuracy will be so bad as to be meaningless – any enumerator ? Will need to speak about 20 languages – and culturally I believe that for many of the third worlders here ( white or coloured ) the truth is something foreign – and only provided if there is a financial advantage …
Our MP used to advocate measuring the amount of s*** going through the local sewage works. A reliable way of estimating true population levels.
Meanwhile our vaccination letter arrived with a list of 18 language translations available.
My suspicion is that there will be large differences between estimates from the s*** method and data from the census in areas of high vibrancy.
But it will suit many SJW/woke/Labour/open door immigrationists/BBC/ Guardianistas if the non white-British census estimate is under-measured.
There are really sad cases, but 99.9% of “single” parents are not. Marcus Rashford is one of 6 kids and his Mum was “single”. Well, not while those 6 were being conceived. Naturally the biased BBC will not ask.
1 mother, 6 fathers with a council property each. A 7-property family on benefits! Sure, it could be 1 father, but then she wasn’t single was she? 2 homes or 7 homes. Paid for by ordinary taxpayers. But not enough for Marcus. They should tax transfer fees.
Yes, unexpected events are a a great way of tripping up criminals. What was scandalous was May saying illegals caught up in the fire would be let off.
With 2 million illegals, the census will be interesting. Its also interesting that BBC Fact-Check (ha! ha!) hasn’t noticed that if you add on all the illegals then BAME communities are no more badly hit by Covid than anyone else.
But the Biased Broadcasting Corporation won’t report that, will they?
Just about recovered from last night’s Ski Sunday version of a white-out. Phew! What a bunch!
Anyway, with reference to some previous comments, I don’t particularly like living in what has become of this country myself. However, I’ve always believed that you should stay and fight your corner. I can fully understand people moaning, God almighty, I can moan for England! These people who come to this country who use the excuse of their own countries failings as an further excuse to crap on their current domicile would have been better employed sorting out their own countries.The fact that these hypocrites are given succour by the equally hypocritical BBC says it all.
So, many thanks to the people who run this forum and all power to those fighting the lies, hypocrisy and double standards of the BBC.
Yet another misleading article of manufactured grievance, the lack of self-awareness and the increasing self-entitlement amongst this arrogantly self-righteous shower is just unbelievable.
Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”
Don’t doubt you have all heard/read various details of the above, irrespective it is something we should be aware of.
We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.
The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair. More than 7 billion people Worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis.
The COVID-19 public health “emergency” under WHO auspices was presented to public opinion as a means (“solution”) to containing the “killer virus”.
If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is (according to the WHO definition) “Similar to Seasonal Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright. BBC et al are under the direction of those that are control the whole Covid issue.
Says one prominant scientist-“V the Virus” is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment. That’s a lie. There is no causal relationship between the (microscopic) SARS-2 virus and economic variables.
It’s the powerful financiers and billionaires who are behind this project which has contributed to the destabilization (Worldwide) of the real economy. And there is ample evidence that the decision to close down a national economy (resulting in poverty and unemployment) will inevitably have an impact on patterns of morbidity and mortality.
Something to look forward to !
Agree. The same people are behind our miltary ‘Integrated Review’ which aims to axe personnel, including 10,000 soldiers from the Army. You only have to look at those who are in favour (e.g. the EU-backed RUSI) to know the intention is to weaken the UK.
Planned cuts to the British Army. Four generals oppose. We need both technology and troops. Anyone who thinks boots on the ground can be replaced by robots — certainly in the span of this defence review & the next 10 — is living in a dream world.
Head of Woke removes traditional school house names
and replaces them with 21C tickboxers Greta , Malala etc.
“During the BLM protests, I received a passionate & brave email from a former pupil. This pupil not only educated me about the history of the 3 house names . . . ” Lee Hill – The Sun.
By “decolonise the curriculum” what they really mean is “remove white men”.
Wokeness is synonymous with anti-white racism.
Admiral Nelson, Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh, gone.
Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Marcus Rashford in.
Having the name of a well known truant as a house name is absolute genius.
That’ll inspire the kids! Rolling on the floor
That’s just phenomenal
…3 women, 3 brown ,
1 who would be on the SEND register… 1 could go on
…. your school council are definitely the leaders we need for the future
Malala Yousafzai … Greta School Dropout … Michelle Obama .. Cynthia Breazeal (MIT Media Arts Prof)
– zero male
– zero British … 2 American
.. one famous for being married to someone
.. one famous for having a rich opera singer mother connected to PR people
– Cynthia Lynn Breazeal is a Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
co-director of the Centre for Future Storytelling at the Media Lab. She is best known for her work in robotics, where she is recognized as a pioneer of social robotics
– Michelle Obama is an American attorney and author who was the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
She is the first African-American first lady.
As first lady, Obama served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating.
She supported American designers and was considered a fashion icon.
– Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who has gained international recognition for promoting the view that humanity is facing an existential crisis arising from climate change.
Thunberg is known for her youth and her straightforward speaking manner, both in public and to political leaders and assemblies, in which she criticises world leaders for their failure to take sufficient action to address the climate crisis.
..and skipping school to be the front for an international team of PR people
Lay off Marcus! His “single” mum had a very hard time with 6 kids – not many women could pull that off while being “single”.
Marcus did not have enough food, especially in the holidays. Being on benefits was terrible – starving, ricketts, couldn’t afford boots – it completely destroyed his physical development.
Clearly the British welfare state failed him completely. We need the wonderful BBC to make such things clear.
Bangkok Thailand
Bromsgrove Boarding : boarding houses for girls and boys aged 7-18
“House Captains have picked ‘inspirational women’
as their family names”
Greta, Malala, Michelle Obama, Rosa Parks,
Hepburn, Nightingale screenshot
Our winning houses are: Pankurst (Blue); Attenborough (Green); Curie (Yellow); and Bevan (Red). Thank you to everyone who voted… we hope you like the new house shields. All members of the school will be placed in a house next term with activities to follow
Interesting article in the Telegraph this morning about how Denmark is making it much more difficult for Muslim immigrants to become Danish citizens. The tone of the article , as you would expect from the UK MSM, is that the Danes are becoming ever more racist. The truth of course is that the Danes are protecting themselves and their heritage from invasion. Hopefully they have taken sufficient measures early enough for the country to be able to resist the invaders in decades to come.
We know that the Visegrad group plus Slovenia have similar views and similar policies. We also know that political parties with similar policies are on the rise in Italy and Spain. France , Austria and Holland have well established political parties with many of the same views. Indeed one of the few European countries which has no established party concerned about the invasion is the UK!
The EU establishment may detest these migrant sceptic parties but they are a growing reality and eventually perhaps even Brussels will have to shift its ground on open borders and mass migration and the like.
I have long thought that one disadvantage of Brexit may be that Europe may eventually decide to protect itself from invasion whilst our political leaders continue to keep their heads buried firmly in the sand.
Nut nuts ‘ husband will do a piece to the H of C later at 1530 – but no doubt tell the mini states the plan – so crankie will leak it and attempt to outflank it with something SNP stylee
Presumably the PM will address England on TV later on – at 1900 .
But more importantly Is Beff back yet ? Has the one who went on safari finished with her secret ‘voluntary work “? Will Peston ask a question longer than the lock down ?
Also more important is salmond spilling the goods on Wednesday – maybe – with crankie due to do her bit next week . … with an open SNP civil war – with a bit of luck …
The hypocrisy and double standards of the Left have become so common, I honestly think they don’t even realise they are doing it any more.
‘Why are there so few BAME players in English women’s football?’
They have moved on to the lack of minority group players in womens football. As always, the person complaining about it is black. It’s like asking a fat man if there are enough pie shops. Of course they will take the side of their own interests.
But half way down they also state “there’s something like 500 players in the Premier League and a third of them are black”.
Can they not see the massive double standard here ?. Surely they should have said ‘Why are there so few white players in English men’s football?’
I simply cannot take these hypocrites seriously.
the sheer audacity of this piece really did wind me up
now if it was along the lines why is such and such a wonder player was not in the squad with their amazing performances and stats this season that would actually be a sports story
but its been there for a few days on the football page so I thought I would visit the page and try and see why
ahh I see they couldnt find any other waycism to moan about this week so they have left it on.
The BBC scarcely recognises England and when asked about it usually turns to trying to break it up into artificial and unpopular regions or explores local government matters.
The BBC has a long history of ‘golden good bye’s – for its top senior management. A modern day ‘droit-de-seigneur’ for the Lord nobles to rip off and take advantage of the plebs which it despises and ridicules. Its also a civil-service ‘privilege’ too write your own pay check or an ‘advance’ to another job (in the BBC) or another corner of public service not based on any proven ability, but time-servers in the job. The BBC is a good example as it almost mirrors the civil service but with much larger ‘bonus’ and ‘good-bye’ benefits. BBC abuses are the best you can get for a grey suit who has followed the program agenda to the letter.
The TPA reminded me that the BBC can restart the payments program and take advantage (again). Its not just the BBC, but the entire rotten middle row of greedy civil-servants who get offered another job ‘elsewhere’. Its ALSO been going on for years…. in the civil service. Sign the petition to see how this works…
Also on this weeks TPA letter newsletter is the startling revelation that the BBC are arguing both sides of the fence to retain the TV license. Boris has almost caved in to the demands of the BBC who face ‘hardship’ and ‘destitution’ if we suddenly decide to watch NetFlix instead. The TPA gave a good example of this paradox: Speaking to Julia Harley-Brewer on talkRadio our research director Duncan Simpson laid out why the current funding model is so bad. Addressing millions of listeners across the county he pointed out that on one hand the BBC claims to be a national treasure worthy of the license fee. On the other it wants to compete more with other broadcasters. It can’t have it both ways Video here:
Finally can we afford the BBC woke brigade? An Agenda to wreck our nation with an international UN attack on history itself. The BBC is ‘on target’ to abolish slavery on its networks, create a nation of one sex slaves of net ‘zero’ intelligence based on (perceived) diversity of ‘moss’ people, create a zero CO2 climate model based around Harrabins model of a Penguin in the Amazon rain-forest and other 101 goodies that you can only read in The Guardian online. All eligible for pay awards and a life of unquestioned absurdity, having silenced all critics that public money was being used to embrace communism via the back door of WOKE jobs. A new tool to remove top ‘management’ it (the left) does not like Politically or campaigning against mass indoctrination.
Ignore that we are in the UK a fair and balanced nation (compared to all the others LOONIES the BBC fall over themselves to prostrate their own one World-wide misinformation. Such as the benefits of : Cuba. Venezuela. China. Russia. EU have all been praised for running a balanced economy and woke awareness towards national and international communism).
The Police seem to take orders from the BBC. Its a creeping agenda and its all paid for via our taxes just like the TV license based on a zero sum game where the favored few get a meaningless tick box [ ✓ ]. Crimes solved [ x ].
‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’.
Sir Walter Scott got that one dead right, when it comes to the EU.
German and French politiicans (among others), right at the very top of their hierarchies, made it their goal to attempt to denigrate the AstraZeneca vaccine when it became apparent that Boris Johnston had got it absolutely right with his vaccination policy and programme. They really couldn’t stand the fact that the sheer inefficiency and politicisation of the situation by the EU was blowing up in their faces, and worse, was actually being scrutinised in the light of day.
Now comes a study which indicates that, from real-life experience of the distribution of the vaccines, not only is the AstraZeneca vaccine very effective indeed, it is more efficacious than the Pfizer one – which costs more than 5 times the price – after the first innoculation.
Having gone overboard in their attacks on the AZ version of the vaccine, now thousands of people in France and Germany, for instance, are outright refusing to have the AZ ‘jab’.
Pfizer, of course, cannot supply the totality of the need of the EU – at least not in the timeframe they would hope for, so they are now in a cleft stick. How will they tell their people that they were outright lying in the first place about AstraZeneca ? And will they be able to recover their position on that score fast enough to get an effective vaccination programme under way ? Will they now be able to convince their own people to disregard their lies, and that Astrazeneca’s vaccine is actually better ? And if Pfizer can’t meet their needs, just what will they do ?
And finally, what do they do with all the doses they have ordered and will have to pay for, plus all the added expense of finding the extra ‘jabs’ to cover the huge gap left by not using the AZ vaccine – which cost about 5 times the price.
And if they try to give these AZ vaccines away to other countries, will they be accused of simply handing away stuff they don’t want themselves – and what would that say about them ?
And, of course, Nicola must be prety p1$$ed, since it’s a Scottish study which has made liars of the EU hierarchy.
I’m sure these are not all of the implications of this fiasco in the EU, but they will do in the meantime. I can’t wait for the BBC Panorama programme on this one ! (Right…..)
Agreed. This fiasco is full of delicious ironies and serious implications for the future of the EU. Surely there must be a strong anti EU reaction when the people get to know the truth, that the EU’s hamfisted approach has directly led to the death of thousands of Europeans. I don’t think that the EU and it’s tame media outlets are powerful enough to suppress this story.
No fears on that score DT. The BBC will continue to supply daily doomsday UK total death figures (How long before we reach the next ghastly milestone in the catalogue of government failures?) while completely ignoring any EU comparisons.
I have a question – I may have missed an announcement elsewhere, and if so, apologies – but where did the little supplementary box below the comment typing box go ? It used to be so useful as a ‘review’ point before finally posting a comment – especially to check whether I had got any italics, bold, underlines correctly entered .
Apparently you can use the comment box over at IsThe BBCBiased? as a ‘scratchpad’, spot the errors that you have made, ignore them, then ‘cut and paste’ here.
The other option is to try not to make mistakes here but then to actually read what has been written and posted and see if it makes sense to the reader who doesn’t reside in one’s own head, correct any errors of spelling, grammar and consistency – all within the 14 minutes or so of first posting!
Of course that assumes that one is posting to be read, rather than just top the postings league.
All forums are improved by people not being abusive
.. in some attempt to rid themselves of the demons in their own head.
Here we don’t need to be like those lib/lefty forums where the modus operandi is to sneer and abuse the other debaters, rather than bother with the evidence and argument itself.
I have every admiration for Captain Tom Moore, but the request in that article for people to “….continue to support the NHS by staying at home”. couldn’t possibly have come from the same person who persuaded her father (who looked seriously unwell in the photos provided to the press) to undertake an arduous journey out to the West Indies for a ‘family’ holiday holiday shortly before he died, could it ?
(And again, don’t get me wrong, but I would not want masses of people to congregate at this time either…’s the grandstanding of this woman I might have a problem with.)
Howden School, already top on standards .. not
Lawrence is lucky. 5 other people posted the Ofted results, but Twitter hid theirs behind the “show more replies” gate
Someone quotes Orwell at them
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue & street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.
The process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.
History has stopped.” Orwell – 1984.
Local BBC 1pm news “previously houses were named after figures like Nelson & Francis Drake
both of whom supported slavery”
.. that is untrue
the only evidence against Nelson is a letter proven in October to be a forgery ..
Francesca in her letter to the head
said wrongly this letter PROVES Nelson supported slavery
The houses were Raleigh, Drake and Nelson
had the newsreader said “figures like Rayleigh & Francis Drake
both of whom supported slavery” ..that would be true
It would also be true to say that Africans have been capturing and selling slaves for thousands of years – to the Egyptians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Ottomans, as far as India – the Taj Mahal was built by slaves, as was the Colluseum and the Pyramids.
It is well know that Africans arrived as part of the Roman army – see BBC Horrible Histories. They killed thousands of Britons and enslaved thousands more – but that is not mentioned in BBC Horrible Histories…
Barbary pirates raided Cornwall for years – on one occaision violently abducting an entire church congregation – and selling them in West African slave markets. The BBC overlooked that too.
The BBC propagates the Marxist/BLM view: if you have been racially attacked you cannot then be racist yourself. You are a victim. We need to add in the Vikings and Normans at this point.
So, the the BBC/BLM is bound to see white Brits as victims of horrific racist violence over the centuries, surely?
Then there’s the miracle. Slaves miraculously appered at West African ports. No mention of them being captured by Africans and then sold in exchange for European goods.
No mention that it was not illegal at that time. When it was made illegal – by the saintly British – it was the Africans who wouldn’t stop – which is how the Royal Navy came to fire on Zanzibar – the Africans simply would not stop selling slaves.
The biased BBC teaches biased history. CBBC is totally biased. Those schools are the same. To be fair the teachers in those schools are probably the victims of BBC propaganda and the Marxist NUT agenda of teaching colleges. Useful idiots, to quote Orwell.
\\2021 Senedd election: Parties ‘must engage with teenage voters’//
Traditional parties are getting worried so they drop the age to allow kids the vote.
Would you trust your 16 year olds with the vote ?
They should be raising it. Kids used to go and work in the shipyards at 15. Now, studies say they are still effectively children at 24.
Wales got an Assembly by 50.01% to 49.99%. Do you wonder why the BBC didn’t point that out when complaining that the 52 – 48 Brexit vote was “too close”?
No – because the BBC is very selective and very biased.
The PM’s press secretary Allegra Stratton has dismissed claims that his current squeeze Carrie Symonds has any role or influence in government decision making. So that’s all right then.
Oh, while you’re there Allegra, was it not Ms Symonds who recommended you for the post, along with other close friends who are now ‘part of the team’? And did you not pretend to burst into tears over something beastly Dominic Cummings might or might not have said to you? And were you not at one time ‘involved’ with Ed Milliband and a close friend of Labour peer’s son and commentator Robert Peston, which could suggest some political experience and the skin to go with it?
Strange people Boris seems to have surrounded himself with of late.
When are the Remoaners going to admit they were wrong all along? Look at the facts. Our vaccine triumph; I recently heard one of those state-sponsored (BBC) Radio 4 news-based alleged “comedy” shows and the feeling of dismay when the success of the roll-out was mentioned was palpable. The fictional labour shortage; I’ve always found it weird how liberals seem to believe it’s fine for rich countries to go around robbing doctors and nurses from poor countries; now there’s less need, with applications among UK students to work in medicine rising by almost a third during the pandemic. We didn’t even get the super-gonorrhoea we were promised!
I can’t help thinking of Plato’s Myth Of The Cave; people in chains, seeing flickering shadows at the entrance which they take to be monsters, thus making them fearfully cling to their bonds. But when the boldest break free, they selflessly return to help their more cowardly comrades escape from the darkness of ignorance…
A good expose of the BBC expanse: by Julie Burchill
Phillip – Remainers will never be ‘wrong ‘ in their minds we are still in it . There appears – in the MSM – to be a sole reference to brexit – trade . Yes – food supplies and jobs are important – but so is sovereignty .
As for the EU – as our vaccination programme pushes forward to potential completion ( plus or minus virus changes ) the strain and blame within the Reich is going to increase …( it’s too serious for popcorn ) ….
The strain – medical and economic – might well have some stateless to say ‘what the hell are we doing in this outfit “? – and – with a bit of luck push a few states out and weaken the Reich further ….
As far as whether brexit is a good or bad thing economically in the short term – who knows ? But it’s not about the first year or more outside – look further out that
Watch the PM telling Parliament about the plan to get out of lockdown -I’m think 4 traitor MPs are focusing on the PPE contracts …
There may be political fire in the PPE panic last year but I cannot believe there are not more immediate questions to ask …
…. one Labour scum even bought up Cummings again …
A short 2 minute video with Sophie Ellis-Bextor (you don’t get much whiter than her). She talks for about 20 seconds and then we get to hear tips “from other people” who are edited into the video as:
1. 0m21s black mother, also shown black daughter and black husband (tick tick tick)
2. 0m33s another black mother and black daughter (tick tick)
3. 0m42s white couple (minus 2 ticks) for just 3 seconds
4. 0m45s black mother again (tick)
5. 0m48s black daughter (tick)
6. 0m52s first black mother and 2 black daughters (tick tick tick)
7. 0m55s first black mother and black husband (tick tick)
8. 0m59 3 whites with black woman voice over (minus 3 ticks plus 1 tick)
9. 1m02s white mother and white daughter (minus 2 ticks)
10. 1m04s same white mother and husband (minus 2 ticks)
11. 1m05s second black mother (tick)
12. 1m07s same black mother and black daughter (tick tick)
13. 1m09s second black mother (tick)
14. 1m11s first black mother and black husband (tick tick)
15. 1m16s first black mother and 2 new black kids (tick tick tick)
16. 1m21s second black mother (tick)
17. 1m33s first black mother and black husband (tick tick)
18. 1m35s first black mother and black kid (tick tick)
19. 1m40s second black mother (tick)
20. 1m46s Sophie Eliss-Baxter again (minus tick)
I count edited shots of 29 black persons and 10 edits of white people. Of the 1m21s of the people shown the white family appear for 8 seconds (rounded up!).
A perfect representation of the UK 3% black population. Who says the BBC is biased?!?
One white newsreader, one black one, one Welsh one, Asian-Indian, Arab, Asian-Iranian, Sudanese – actually real-life princess, Northern Irish (but probably Catholic/Republican), one Scot, one from Ghana, one disabled, one with an eye missing…
But strangely, 100% Liberal-Left-Elite. Diversity does not exist at the BBC.
Dawn Butler is right. Diversity at the BBC would be much improved if all sections of society were represented.
Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Tommy Robinson should be given 1 hour slots immediately. All views should be heard – and everyone should have a right of reply to them. Viewers could then make up their own minds.
I suspect that prospect would be very troubling to Dawn. I imagine she thinks ordinary people are not capable of deciding for themselves – it would be much better if she decided for them – and had them shot if they had the temerity to disagree. She probably regards the mere suggestion of individual autonomy as a hate crime worthy of 2 years in prison.
Is Dawn Butler really in favour of diversity? Or one view only – hers? And total exclusion for everybody else? She’s lucky, the biased BBC holds that view too. And Facebook, etc.
It seems quite likely the BBC asked her to say it. So they could “justify” yet more Marxist re-writing of history as being “responsive”.
I'm sick to my stomach with the BBC. No questions or criticism of the EU's actions on shellfish and when did the BBC ever do a full documentary on the rotten CFP and the damage done to UK fishing communities? The only benefit was to shame the Gov'ts post Brexit fishing deal.
“Asylum seeker drowned off Dover as brother arrived in dinghy”
and they keep on coming………….
Expect more to come while Nero fiddles .
What are they not telling us ?
Breaking Verdict. The coroner says it was misadventure
That’s not a new dingygrant death but rather the inquest about last years
“Asylum seeker drowned near Dover as his brother arrived alive”, he waded into the sea”
Omar Ezildin Ali from Sudan,
had entered in the UK in the back of a lorry in 2016,
was seen struggling in the water near Dover on 20 August
“Two asylum applications had been rejected”
“It is possible that he entered the water so that he could… be picked up as a new asylum seeker, and then reunite with his brother, who was also coming into the country on the same day,” she said
The deadly bomb attack on Manchester by a Muslim extremist – whose father had been given asylum in the UK, and a free house and free spending money – WAS ENTIRELY THE FAULT OF OUR 100% RACIST POLICE FORCE AND THIS TORY GOVERNMENT.
It is NOT ACCEPTABLE to scapegoat a brown/Muslim person for killing 22 people and injuring many, many more. It is racist.
Telegraph : Why is the England women’s football team so white?
Telegraph Sport speaks to those who feel pathways are being closed at grass-roots level and that damage is being done at the very top
I presume they will balance it with an article tomorrow called ‘Why is the England men’s football team so black ?’.
Not often we get an example like this which displays the hypocrisy and double standards of the media so clearly.
I’m quite sure the youngsters have every opportunity open to them at school that the white girls have.
This is from the Belfast Telegraph, you won’t be able to read it all as it’s a Premium article and there is no way that I would pay for a subscription to this rag, but here’s the jist of it.
The BBC have issued nearly 1 million letters to householders in Northern Ireland, an area with a total population of just over 1.8 million, between the start of the first lockdown and now. Some households are getting threatening and misleading letters every fortnight.
Is that seriously a million in less than 12 months?
More than 1000 of these householders have been through the courts for not having a tv licence in the same period.
People under financial pressure, the bBbc piles on. F’kin unbelievable.
@Richt Belfast Telegraph article is available free from
No other paywall busting way worked for me
Despite being frontpage on Feb 22nd doesn’t tell us much
– BBC are sending out lots of red letters
– They are not actual enforcement letters
– They can’t enforcement visit cos of Covid
– The regional government has no say cos licences are not a devolved matter.
Pug thought this was a spoof but unfortunately not. When in Africa I remember the queues of locals for the ski slope outside Lusaka were phenomenal so perhaps it can only be discrimination keeping them off the slopes.
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Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
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Not on Al Beeb yet, but I think we can expect Bo Jo to be very timid in opening up the economy of Great Britain because of “Covid”? The economy is being wrecked . There will not be many happy Tory MP’s, let alone many Tory voters this week .
So much for the “Game changer” vaccine ? What was that all about ?
He gets very tough with the people of this nation but soft with illegals. It appears that the only people allowed on the beach are the “Invaders” – It hotels for them!
Hats off and thanks to Rufus McDufus for keeping this site going!
Thank you for all your efforts.
catch-up links to last posts on previous thread
– page 2 started Sunday 9am
– page 1
It is too late to save the economy now. The parallels with Weimar look alarming. Hyper inflation on the way? No wonder bitcoin is roaring ahead and the sliver – gold ratio falling.
Silver is an infallible indicator of the future course of events. I am really annoyed that there are those who still think we can save the situation without real pain for us. We cannot.
Think about it. On what planet are they on to assume that you can close down a country of 70 million and avoid irreparable damage.
Run by fantasists and most of us have gone along with it.
Weimar Germany provided the catalyst for the murderous Socialist dictatorship to gain power. Will Weimar Britain follow suit?
We’ve had real plagues, and we’ve had flu epidemics – some mild a and some severe. But never was a case made to shut down the entire economy.
The cure is far worse then the illness, and no amount of stimulus from the department of money grabbing taxation, is going to help.
The lockdown is now working its way through the country. It will work its way through, just as the flu should have been allowed to work its way through.
The flu has its way through, with perhaps positive help of a vaccine ( doubtful). But there is no vaccine for the effects of the lockdown. That will work its way through for years, or even decades.
Too, this is no time for the government to allow millions of Benefit dependent illegal immigrants. Society can take only so much stress before it gives. Even a tolerant society such as Britain.
“The flu has its way through, with perhaps positive help of a vaccine ( doubtful). But there is no vaccine for the effects of the lockdown. That will work its way through for years, or even decades.”
What beats me though is this virtually total silence over the murderers who perpetrated the crime in allowing the virus to move freely around the World. Has this also been, ‘airbrushed’ from recent history?
The Chinese Communist Party should foot the bill with their co-conspirators, the WHO.
What beats me though is this virtually total silence over the murderers who perpetrated the crime in allowing the virus to move freely around the World. Has this also been, ‘airbrushed’ from recent history?
Of course it has. Covid 19 has given cover to use all manner of mail in ballots to affect a change in the presidency. Whole sale changes, the great Reset, with all the attendant changes to society, energy control and supply of the West, could not take place as long as Pres Trump was the around.
With The Man gone for the moment, will begin the general looting of the stored and hard worked wealth of the West. This is the Great Reset.
We are all going to suffer the consequence of that change, particularly the UK. Specially as we have a government run “under cover”.
There is plenty of evidence – many articles in National Geographic, New Scientist and others – of a Wuhan Virology Lab scientist known as Bat Woman working with coronaviruses for decades – developing new ones, and developing vaccines. Almost like a germ warfare programme…
I’m failry sure people at the UN, WHO and the BBC read National Geographic and New Scientist – but you wouldn’y know it from their biased output, would you?
We are VERY wealthy now. There is NO genuine poverty. So we are able to sustain huge borrowing. Yes, there are ginormous issues, but many are not Covid-related.
Totally, completely, utterly corrupt central bankers photocopying £50 notes for the last 12 years and lending OUR money to THEIR mates at 400-year low rates.
Totally criminal executives, guilty of many crimes like LIBOR fraud – false reporting and insider trading (knowing the true rate). Plea bargaining so a huge fine is paid. But the shareholders – and pension fund members – paid, the executives get off scot free. And gave themselves a bonus for “managing the situation”.
Free markets should not mean anarchy. And the fact that a Conservative government oversaw most of that without addressing it (although the always destructive Brown was responsible) is incredible, and likely incredibly damaging for decades.
If you want to know why it happened, the most amazing video I have ever seen, and the most inept performance I have ever seen, is currently on iPlayer: Select Committees, London Capital and Finance Committee. To get an initial flavour, you might like to start at 01:16:00 and go for 10 mins. The speaker is the Governor of the Bank of England. Frankly it could be my 3-year-old great-nephew.
I defy anyone who actually watches to say management by the state and/or by appointed “experts” is going to give good results. There are those who really think there is a magic money-tree, and we can all stop working for a year “to be safe”. Well why not 10 years? Or 50? But strangely, they think NHS staff, Amazon staff, Dominos staff, etc. should continue working (presumably “unsafely”) to serve their needs. How self-entitled can you get?
Thank You Dianne. Political and financial corruption no longer are twin evils but are conjoined twins.
Politicians across the West are now planning The Great Reset. Apparently it was not possible as long as The Man was president.
Any idea what The Great Reset might be.
I guess heading for a Marxist state with entirely re-written history, just as Orwell said.
The BBC is clearly the Ministry of Truth. 90-year-old ex-Pravda editors must envy today’s BBC.
Church, 2-parent family, actual justice such as prosecuting illegals and deporting them, all gone.
White people in London beaten in the street – unless the wear a rainbow badge.
Anyone wearing a Union Jack T-shirt arrested as a right-wing extremist. Or shot.
EU and UN T-shirts are fine – support of undemocratic, unelected institutions is mandatory.
Money-printing is still be going on. History regards Robert Mugabe as an inflation wimp.
To save buying them, money now comes as an ASDA or Amazon voucher straight from the Royal Mint.
NatWest still has the same debts. No profits. But at 0% it can borrow for another 200 years.
In “problem years”, with rates NEGATIVE, NatWest makes record profits by being PAID on its debt.
£900 trillion is locked up in similar totally unproductive zombie companies run by buffoons.
No new companies come about because selling those £900 trillion shares has been made illegal.
Most people keep chickens and grow potatoes, to get by on just £220k universal income.
The BBC is bemoaning the lack of Martian representation. Anyone who disagrees is a stupid racist bigot.
Animal-rights campaigners seek death penalty for 3-year-old Jake who literally said “boo” to a goose.
98-year-old Mr Rees-Mogg arrested as “extremely violent and dangerous threat”. No jury trials now.
If you see no hope as we are, would rule by China be better. At least racist this racist that would stop. Anyone accusing said Chinese officer, would be disappeared asap.
Too, some degree of competence and intelligence in jobs will be required, as opposed to ” Hiring Africans only”.
This is what the BBC is appointing to oversee job hire in the BBC.
Can anyone imagine any such policy in any country except in the West. Total madness.
Please dont apply if you are White male.
Taffman – the vaccine takes a while to kick in – it’s no use rushing the ending of the lockdown – with a bit of luck protection in care homes – and better procedures in hospitals – will half average infection rates ….
The debt is racking up and the taxes will be rising – but there has to be a controlled removal of the lockdown – but is the weather continues to improve I think that is impossible .
On Monday the crankie will announce something a couple of hours before nut nuts husband says his piece in order to undermine him – and the hated English ……
… but with a third of the UK vaccinated and as many as 600k being vaccinated each day there is hope .
The Bloomberg site has detailed nation by nation vaccine data – quite something …
If the wrecking of our economy continues we will have no money for the NHS . This lockdown is causing a lot of collateral deaths .
I am voting for The Reform Party next time . The Tory Party and Labour Party party are finished as far as I am concerned. MPs ? they are all a bunch of actors.
Al Beeb ……………
“Coronavirus: Latest data shows vaccine reduces transmission – Hancock”
“There is “early data” showing a reduction in transmission in people who have had a coronavirus vaccine, the health secretary has said.”
“I am voting for The Reform Party next time”
“Great Britain would be a much nicer place to live in if those that did not like it here just politely left.”.
So when are you leaving?
Even for you, impressive logic.
I like it here .
Its the people that do not like it here are the problem. Why are you still here ?
Why do you post here ?
“I like it here”
No you don’t. You are continually complaining and saying this country needs to change. So why don’t you just leave already?
Do you like it here Maxincony ?
What is you like ? Pleased we’ve left the EU ?
Or is it the BBC , and Gramscians ?
Or this site ?
Your trolling is counterproductive for Al Beeb.
“…why don’t you just leave already?”
That isn’t even English.
Surely the clue is in, “Taffman”, that’s this chunk of land to the West of Great Britain.
Watch out watch out maxincony our Troll is about !
“Our troll” – sweet!
Why is school re-opening ahead of absolutely everything else? The latest on the sacred cow list.
Remote learning is not great but it IS an alternative.
Many workers have NO alternative. 800,000 now on the dole. Millions on furlough or short time working.
Surely some semblance of balance is in order. Staggered school opening with a few more open air options for the rest of us.
We might even do something economically productive.
Remote learning is useless except for a small minority. Our children are our future. Any nation that forgets that has no right to survive
They should all have to repeat an entire year in school – and we should be pleased to fund it, as opposed to all the other nonsensicle public funding.
That would mean an extra year group – leaving at 19, not 18, for the next 14 years (until the current 5-year-olds reach 19). It could be done – maybe renting church halls for extra space. If they don’t repeat a year they – and we, their future customers – will be disadvantaged for life.
Fancy going on holiday knowing the pilot “would have tried and would have passed”? If only they had actually been able to attend flight school… And the teacher assessed them on their best day, not their average day, because they “didn’t want to disadvantage them”. Then made further allowances “because they are from a poor family”.
Or would you want a pilot who took an extra year to actually attend flight school and really did pass the exams?
I think the allocation of vaccines to IoM is quite small…and only 80s have been done so far.
I realise that there isn’t the infrastructure here for instant blanket inoculation…but sort us out before sending stuff abroad.
Nearly 10,000 people were tested positive for covid today. I know there is a lag but 1300 people were admitted to hospital on the last day information is available for. Accepting it takes a few days to become ill enough to require hospitalisation, it would appear that 1 in 10 people diagnosed needs hospital, yet only 1 in 3 show symptoms meaning approx one in three who are poorly needs hospital.
It is another one of those things where I cannot make sense of the data.
I don’t think we are supposed to.
Interesting points.
According to
Max identified cases were around 59,000 daily in the first week of Jan.
Hospital admissions peaked at around 4200 daily about 10 days later. Around 7% of cases. A pointer only, as not all cases are identified- depends on the amount of testing.
Deaths peaked at around 1250 daily about 7-10 days after that. About 2.2% of cases.
As night follows day, cases become admissions become deaths. Until vaccines start to impact.
Which also means that increases in cases become increases in admissions become increases in deaths.
I don’t think the government ever really understood this, nor did they public. And anyway, it’s much easier to justify a lockdown when lots of people are dying. A slight rise in cases with R above 1 doesn’t cut it. Boris’s decisions were late, as his critics often said, but not usually for the reasons they gave. Thousands have died as a result of this cause-and-effect ignorance, needlessly. The lockdown would have been the same, just brought forward by three weeks. Except that the 10,000 daily new cases even now, and possibly flat-lining, which highlight the refusal by some to play by the rules, shows how hard such a lockdown would have been to enact.
We reap, and we sow. But the ‘we’s’ are not always the same people.
It’ not like all of the 1,300 come off the street and into hospital
Much of those 1,300 were already in hospital for something else when they tested positive
The NHS being one of the top places for where people get infected.
Stew, to be honest that is what I suspect, ie they are not admissions for covid but may have been in hospital some time. The BBC often call the number of people having tested positive ‘new cases’ but I also wonder how many are people in hospital or care home are being repeat tested to ascertain when they have stopped shedding the virus (I believe that is the technical term) so that one person can show up as several ‘new cases’.
Unfortunately my most local area seems to be showing a spike (and we don’t have a prison here to account for most of the cases) but local BBC seems reluctant to investigate and report.
The PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) is not fit for the purpose in this respect of detecting a viral infection. As the inventor Karry Mullis stated, as inappropriate to detect viral infection- therefore throwing out ‘fales postives’ which lift the intended results to keep us all in fear. The media frighten everyone with new positive PCR tests, without any nuance or context, wrongly assimilating this information with waves of COVID-19. Will the scientists/government ever admit the fact that PCR testing is in this case unfit for the purpose?
There are universal NHS rules. All elective patients are tested in the 3 days before a planned admission – expecting an operation? Not if the test positive and elective surgery.
Patients are cohorted with other tested patients so theoretically only somebody who has tested negative can be in a bay with other negative patients.
Patients are swabbed on day 1, 3, 5 and weekly thereafter during any admission. Once a PCR swab has tested positive it is not repeated for 3 months because PCR remains positive for some time. There are individuals around who tested positive in March, became negative and then tested positive again recently and this genuinely seems to reflect new infection.
In my specialty (obstetrics) 75% of women testing positive are asymptomatic.
No lockdown can be total ,even if the general public kept to the letter and beyond. Police, emergency workers, medics, and all others who work in hospitals. Too truck drivers, taxis, trains etc ., all go about and potentially spread the infection to the general population.
As there is no way to allocate how much to apportion to which group, the question should be if a lockdown can ever be successful. I say not. The fact that we have one of the highest mortality rates in the world, even with a well behaved population, we could be here but without the year long lockdown, except we wouldn’t be in the self-inflicted economic catastrophe, the results of which will tsunami through to the next generation.
We have been conned by the Government et al, from the start. Hoodwinked into beleiving that this Covid19 one of many coronavirus’s is more dangerous than any other. It is nasty for for some with or without health issues, but for millions it is not-their natural immune systems acting as they should. I hade a son (46) who caught Covid had had a tes that proved negative three weeks before, he was laid low for three days, said he felt it was like a bad dose of flu-took 2 weeks to feel better to go back to work. He kept taking Vitc & zinc all along.
All that was needed was to be more careful, take vitamin D, and mouth wash if the throat felt funny.
But we had to be conned for the Great Reset ( Climate Change agenda to remap the world) .. All of the West. So it was that all EU government controlled TV, our own BBC, the Lefty MSM and Big Nerds, cooperated to dethrone Pres Trump. Even then they couldn’t without wholesale ballot and machine rigging.
We are now in a situation where the economy has been knocked for six. Small companies are gone for good. And on top of it, we are going to head into the 21st century, armed with nothing more then wind turbines and solar panels.We were better prepared for WW11 then we are now.
Children, students, adults have been badgered for 20 years that Climate Change is going to destroy humanity, but always 50 years from now. But it is now that we will be facing energy shortage. Thankfully, Britain has a mild climate. But North America is in for it.
If the Left destroys our energy systems that have taken decades to build, we will truly be seen in the future as the Stupidest generation.
“Iran to stop ‘snap’ nuclear checks, IAEA confirms”
Now that President Trump has gone?………………
IKEA would more effective at controlling Iran than IAEA.
I saw that they’re disconnecting ‘fahzanz of CCTV monitoring cameras too…
“Pablo Hasel: Luxury stores looted and vehicles ablaze in Barcelona protests”
Scottish Nats take note, if your desire for “independence” takes you to Europe……….
Correct me if I’m wrong, but did you know that men born after April 6 1951 (1953 for women) will qualify for the new £174pw state pension?
And did you know that if you were born before these dates you’ll get about £40 a week less?
You might have thought our BBC would have been on the case, what with their keen interest in pensioner’s finances.
Perhaps they are waiting for Sir Keir or Amnesia Dodds to catch up?
Been the case since April 2016.
An extra 5 years of contributions is needed to get the new max. Thus 35 years instead if 30.
Many will get some amount in between, depending on contributions under the old then the new arrangements.
Its all unbelievable value. No need to build a £250,000 private pension pot when the state will give you the equivalent annuity value for a fraction of that.
Thus is incidentally revealed the true value of public sector salary- based unfunded employee pension plans. And cost to the rest of us.
Hmm, it’s complicated. I think the number you’re thinking of is actually £175.20. If you contracted out of SERPS at some point then that will not be what your receive. (A lot of people will be in that boat. However, your private pension will have been enhanced.)
If you want to see your pension entitlement then see ..
You can get a forecast there. I recommend this on a yearly basis.
As for people born prior to 1951/53, they are almost certainly in pension already.
Secret footage released from James O’Brien’s LBC studio webcam as he warms up for the show
Why is Boris bothering to step outside no.10 tomorrow ? We are already being told in detail by all the news channels what he’s going to say, so if Boris decided to stay in bed and say “sod it, why should I bother, when those bastards are running the country” then I wouldn’t blame him.
Look out for the silken cord held by nuts nuts.
Boris shouldn’t ever get out of bed. if he stays there he can’t do too much harm. This idiot is useless beyond belief.
He’s not a leader, he’s a follower. He’s allowed SAGE, the BBC and SKY to bully him. Can you ever imagine Mrs Thatcher wobbling and waffling like this pathetic buffoon? Do me a bleedin’ favour.
By the time this cretin has pissed off and taken Himmler Hancock with him there will be little to nothing left of the country I was born in, still love and remember, but no longer recognise.
Due to this gormless, bovine, cowardly half-wit, Britain is now a deeply unhappy, suspicious country. He’s managed to turn a health crisis into an absolute catastrophe.
We used to rejoice in our freedoms. Now we allow officials to tell us if we can hold the hands of elderly relatives. How many people can meet in the park. This would be laughable if it wasn’t so utterly tragic. Which ever way you cut it, the buck stops with Boris. And he has failed miserably…
Boris, please go.
You won’t be missed.
Don’t blame Boris: he’s only obeying orders.
Who would you have in charge instead ? We know the problem – give us the solution.
A very tricky question, BRISSLES…
The trouble is, I believe, we’ve spent decades catastrophising relatively miniscule events and blown them up out of all proportion. This has given us a taste for over reacting.
We saw this with the way the media and the remainers reacted to the Brexit vote. The dystopian hyperbole was ludicrous. We were “going over a cliff”…we were “tanking the economy”. We endured four years of tantrums.
The same thing happened when Trump got elected in the US. The BBC seemed to have a nervous breakdown. They just couldn’t believe it and wouldn’t accept it. When the president visited these shores we had every middle class lefty in country out on the streets of London having a pathetic hissy fit. It was an embarrassing spectacle.
And we’ve also suffered from the climate hysterics. An ill educated, neurotic kid became the poster girl for the green movement and was treated like a latter day saint. She couldn’t be criticised.
Everything these days is regarded as a potential catastrophe. Brexit is the end of the world. Trump is “literally a Nazi”. The world is going to end in ten years. All this hysteria has bred a race of people who just can’t cope with a crisis.
Sadly we’ve been lumbered with Boris. He’s a kid. He’s not a leader in any sense of the word. He’s a clever and charismatic wordsmith and that’s it. Boris allows himself to be bullied by Doomsberg and Big Mouth Beth. For Christ’s sake man, grow a pair!
Thatcher would never in a million years have caused the mayhem this pathetic coward has inflicted on us.
But as to your question; “Who would you have in charge?”
Blimey, that really is the 64 million dollar question…
“Who would you have in charge instead ? We know the problem – give us the solution.”
Nigel Farage
Bolt : British people ‘uncomfortable’ with ‘grotesque moral cowardice’ of academic elites
Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill says lots of British people feel “very uncomfortable” about academics and intellectuals displaying “grotesque moral cowardice”.
It comes after The Telegraph reported a Churchill College panel claimed Sir Winston Churchill was a white supremacists who led an empire “worse than the Nazis”.
Wales : BBC checks anti-woke YouTubers “Thinking”
“Voice of Wales”
Well Done Boys !
The West: “Going to hell in a handcart” , comes to mind.
R4 Sunday 11:45am repeat of 2019 series
The Battles That Won Our Freedoms
ep 5 Freedom of Association
Very surprising that the prog is used by Labour for their own PR … not
That was a party for working people .
Then it changed into a party for minority groups and criminals.
Then into a party for university lecturers, government employees, globalists and uber rich know it alls .
So damned true it makes one laugh.
Wolfie Smith would approve
This weird thing when you dip into a prog
and then they are talking about Climate Change or other woke
Sunday’s Radio
6am Samira Ahmed
7am Religion prog squeezing in woke issues like Global Warming and Muslims as victims etc.
7:55am and 9:25pm Charity appeal : enviro charity sustainable food system .. Not abroad but rather hippies get together to pick crops in UK
5:45am and 5:40pm Profile : Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The first african and first woman elected head of the World Trade Organisation.
7pm Dystopian drama where world doesn’t have enough water
6:15pm R4 Pick of the week
– The Jo Whiley item again
– Bill Gates talking climate
.. then next Item Tamil Nadu fishing and claiming sea level rise is now covering the village cricket ground
and all the fish stocks have fallen ..less big fish “drastic change” ..blamed climate ..I suspect lot of men overfishing caused it
4pm R4 Book show : Black Britain – Writing Back
– Caleb Azumah Nelson : The finalist of the BBC National Short Story Award
– My Sister the Serial Killer author, Oyinkan Braithwaite, on the book she’d never lend.
– Black Britain: Writing Back a new series of reissued novels
Bernardine Evaristo, seeks to correct historic bias in British publishing.
Presenter: Johny Pitts
– SI Martin and Nicola Williams, discuss their inclusion in the project.
Screenshot of Radio4 Sunday tickboxing progs
@Fed please delete this duplicate if you can
Nice example of lefty bias the next time that repulsive troll turns up – I personally want to remove him from this site because he never never ever talks about his BBC …..
9am Monday Radio4 ..No Marr
It’s Kirsty Wark with actors/writers who have books to plug
9:45am Daily book
Mixing biography, *fiction*, music and memoir, the Makar remembers the electric thrill of identification when, as a young black girl growing up in Glasgow, she was first gifted the music of the Empress
Orphaned by the age of nine, Bessie Smith sang on the street to support her siblings and was swept into travelling shows as a young woman.
Facing extreme racial prejudice, she brawled under the influence of bathtub gin and had tumultuous love affairs with men and women.
She also sold hundreds of thousands of records and became a genuine superstar.
by Scotland’s national poet Jackie Kay
4pm recent repeat celebrating King Tubby the sound engineer in the ghettos of Kingston Jamaica
With her longstanding links to the Scottish Labour Party (back to Donald Dewar and Jack McConnell) I’m sure Kirsty can be relied on to say the right things.
Fact Checking the “Fact-Checkers”
..they got i wrong about a Pelosi claim, then deleted their tweet
Hi guys
Not sure if anyone had seen this?
They’ve gone for a two pronged attack – masks worn for centuries and the climate ????
“Once limited to bank robbers, eccentric pop stars and health-conscious (and conscientious) Japanese tourists, the wearing of face masks in public is now common enough to be dubbed “the new normal”.
Normal it might be – but it’s not new.”
Most people here recognise that the “new normal” is an instrument for exercising control over the masses. For hostile forces, both domestic and global, the bBC is the perfect purveyor of this propaganda since it regularly promotes abnormality in all its forms.
What a junk article
‘ You’re a mad student , here take the keys to the BBC picture library
go and write 10 pages of stuff so you can stick some BBC agenda pushing in it
I first thought the article was very London-centric
but that was my error.
It is a local London article.
Not a student, Bethan has been churrning out BBC magazine type articles for years.
He name is different to the Vienna correspondent Bethany Bell
but in 2016 she got massive kickback for “sneering” articles about Middlesbrough and then Solihull where the local paper complained
So her Twitter account ha been locked since
\\ @bethyboots so you ask whether M’Boro deserves its reputation then load the article with the worst images you can find. Hardly balanced… //
Alo 2016 a science org complained about her other artticle
\\ Another poorly researched postmortem article & false photos. Am shocked at @BBCNews for running it //
BBC Ski Sunday
Listen to this insanity.
Skiers too white, white guilt off the scale
Some profanity.
Apologies, looks like this was covered in the previous weekend thread.
No need to apologise, this one deserves a good hearing. It was an absolute race-baiting woke disgrace. The bBBC at its finest.
All those budding skiers from southern India, Bangla Desh, Antigua, Jamaica, et al. It’s so unfair. They just don’t get the chances that those racist whities in Austria, Norway, and Switzerland do.
You can apologise to those of us who watched it live.I was just getting over the trauma of being subjected to a load of BLM propaganda whilst watching a programme I have enjoyed since I was a kid.Have stopped watching Countryfile for similar reasons and looks like another programme has bit the dust as far as I am concerned.
I was waiting for them to point out:
Lack of Scottish Highland people in Brixton.
Blacks very over-represented in Brixton.
Highlanders feel “foreign” in Brixton.
Superior bus and Tube services in Brixton.
Limited medical services in the Highlands.
Fewer Highlanders than Blacks on the BBC.
Housing benefit is much higher in Brixton.
Council tax on a £300k home is much less in Brixton.
But all we got was BBC bias.
So, the Swiss, Austrians, and Scandinavians are more represented at the Winter Olympics. Why does the BBC call that biased?
The Swiss, Austrians, and Scandinavians are under-represented in the 100 metres. Why does the BBC not call that biased?
BBC. Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
The blonde…. BS, Katty or Marianna styly?
Harry DefundTheBBC have also picked up on it
1000 Likes and loads of retweets/QTs
Ski woke lecture defended by Media Production guy
Ah big tweet by Kelvin Mc the Sun Editor pointing out the presenter is mixed race anyway
BBC News digs deep
The former US president made the astonishing offer after negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear programme broke down, a BBC series has revealed.
How Trump offered Kim a ride on Air Force One
The BBC is desperation incarnate.
I bet if he had thrown in a trip to Disneyland the problem of North Korea would be over.
Mind, if you go by our media, Disneyland is the modern Lourdes so there wouldn’t be room for world leaders.
Our print press this morning appear to be falling over themselves to acquiesce with the proposed phased relaxations of some the various government lockdown dictats.
The Mail best catches the new-found subservient mood of our historically tigerish press: ‘Slow march to freedom‘- like Alec Guinness as the British colonel building the Bridge on the River Kwai the Mail reminds us of the officer who loses his way, forgetting his duty in a blind collaboration in his own captivity.
The Express quotes our camp commandant’s paternalistic forbearance with his habitually wayward charges: ‘Boris: We’ll take it one careful step at a time‘
“Yes, sir, yes sir, I’m so vewy vewy ‘umble I am sir, vewy ‘umble indeed sir” – our media, just like Uriah Heep in David Copperfield, abase themselves, unquestioning in the face of the executive – and of course a lot of juicy top-rates-charged State advertising within their pages.
Speaking of which, the free-at-the-point-of-access, yet heavily subsidised by government advertising giveaway Metro carries a frontpage advert for the Census: ‘It’s about our key workers‘ – really?
The picture shows a woman with baby on a sofa and a masked-up female nurse or health visitor. Heaven forfend that a father is ever shown as present in a British family.
By the way, the Times goes as far as to crop out the father from a picture of a family enjoying ice creams in Brighton at the weekend, as also shown in the Telegraph in its original state.
The mother in the Census advert is white, so we’re guessing, based on the predilections of such advertising, the father – if he exists – is probably in another room playing his reggae records or he’s out having his hair braided.
I remain unclear as to how it is that the Census is about our key workers? Is it because we like key workers? Could it not be about jam doughnuts? We like jam doughnuts – so tell us it’s all about jam doughnuts.
I’m guessing our national ten-yearly headcount will miss a record number of millions of UK residents this time around. I would propose a test of accuracy in a given city centre district. Take the Census replies and compare them with the results of an enumerator armed with a sack of £20 notes knocking on doors and offering a plum coloured portrait of the Queen prize to every inhabitant who shows themselves at the doorstep.
I’m willing to bet the cost of this exercise that my enumerator finds far more population than the Census – that’s if he escapes the district without getting mugged for his sack of loot.
I do believe Grenfell Tower was a similiar test case for discovering some of our missing millions with authorities realising they would have to grant illegal sub-letting and illegal immigration amnesties very early on in the headcount. Results were spoilt however by over-generous payments causing mass applications for compo from all and sundry.
There’s a rather frank admission delivered in the ‘i‘: ‘How the media is greenwashing itself‘
And another from a drag artist: ‘It’s not the cheapest career path‘ – we assume then that the government won’t be promoting sparkly jobs in the new sequin industries of the future.
A census in the middle of a pandemic ? I suppose – in theory – it will get people at home ……
…………………………..but I suspect big city accuracy will be so bad as to be meaningless – any enumerator ? Will need to speak about 20 languages – and culturally I believe that for many of the third worlders here ( white or coloured ) the truth is something foreign – and only provided if there is a financial advantage …
Our MP used to advocate measuring the amount of s*** going through the local sewage works. A reliable way of estimating true population levels.
Meanwhile our vaccination letter arrived with a list of 18 language translations available.
My suspicion is that there will be large differences between estimates from the s*** method and data from the census in areas of high vibrancy.
But it will suit many SJW/woke/Labour/open door immigrationists/BBC/ Guardianistas if the non white-British census estimate is under-measured.
Plus urban areas in the vicinity of BBc studios, given their propensity to disposing of theirs like silage spreaders over the airwaves.
There are over 160 different languages spoken in the London Borough of Haringey.
161 if you count their MP, David Lammy.
There are really sad cases, but 99.9% of “single” parents are not. Marcus Rashford is one of 6 kids and his Mum was “single”. Well, not while those 6 were being conceived. Naturally the biased BBC will not ask.
1 mother, 6 fathers with a council property each. A 7-property family on benefits! Sure, it could be 1 father, but then she wasn’t single was she? 2 homes or 7 homes. Paid for by ordinary taxpayers. But not enough for Marcus. They should tax transfer fees.
Yes, unexpected events are a a great way of tripping up criminals. What was scandalous was May saying illegals caught up in the fire would be let off.
With 2 million illegals, the census will be interesting. Its also interesting that BBC Fact-Check (ha! ha!) hasn’t noticed that if you add on all the illegals then BAME communities are no more badly hit by Covid than anyone else.
But the Biased Broadcasting Corporation won’t report that, will they?
OT, but Indy doing great work with both one degree of separation inference and that BBC staple… ‘alleged’.
Next, The Crown does Meghan. So private the BBC will probably serialise it for free.
She is of color you know. Not Mia, sillies. Driven snow, her.
Unlikely BBC Headline:
“Brexit Saves Economy Post Covid”
Just about recovered from last night’s Ski Sunday version of a white-out. Phew! What a bunch!
Anyway, with reference to some previous comments, I don’t particularly like living in what has become of this country myself. However, I’ve always believed that you should stay and fight your corner. I can fully understand people moaning, God almighty, I can moan for England! These people who come to this country who use the excuse of their own countries failings as an further excuse to crap on their current domicile would have been better employed sorting out their own countries.The fact that these hypocrites are given succour by the equally hypocritical BBC says it all.
So, many thanks to the people who run this forum and all power to those fighting the lies, hypocrisy and double standards of the BBC.
There is an accompanying article on the webshite.
Yet another misleading article of manufactured grievance, the lack of self-awareness and the increasing self-entitlement amongst this arrogantly self-righteous shower is just unbelievable.
Skiing is too white.
Next it will be the snow is too white.
More global warming is obviously the solution! Oops.
Where next?
Calls for England not to play in white. Its “threatening”.
Expect the FA to capitulate in roughly 0.003 seconds.
Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”
Don’t doubt you have all heard/read various details of the above, irrespective it is something we should be aware of.
We are at the crossroads of one of the most serious crises in World history. We are living history, yet our understanding of the sequence of events since January 2020 has been blurred. Worldwide, people have been misled both by their governments and the media as to the causes and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.
The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair. More than 7 billion people Worldwide are directly or indirectly affected by the corona crisis.
The COVID-19 public health “emergency” under WHO auspices was presented to public opinion as a means (“solution”) to containing the “killer virus”.
If the public had been informed and reassured that Covid is (according to the WHO definition) “Similar to Seasonal Influenza”, the fear campaign would have fallen flat. The lockdown and closure of the national economy would have been rejected outright. BBC et al are under the direction of those that are control the whole Covid issue.
Says one prominant scientist-“V the Virus” is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment. That’s a lie. There is no causal relationship between the (microscopic) SARS-2 virus and economic variables.
It’s the powerful financiers and billionaires who are behind this project which has contributed to the destabilization (Worldwide) of the real economy. And there is ample evidence that the decision to close down a national economy (resulting in poverty and unemployment) will inevitably have an impact on patterns of morbidity and mortality.
Something to look forward to !
Agree. The same people are behind our miltary ‘Integrated Review’ which aims to axe personnel, including 10,000 soldiers from the Army. You only have to look at those who are in favour (e.g. the EU-backed RUSI) to know the intention is to weaken the UK.
Your faith in the ability of international financiers and state actors to cooperate so closely in such a project is very touching!
You do realise the state-appointed Governor of the Bank of England worked for Goldman Sachs, don’t you?
You do realise at 7:00am after the Brexit vote he was given a live slot on the BBC to tell everyone he was halving interest rates.
And then he said: look, the pound went down! Well, of course it did – you just halved the return on it.
Head of Woke removes traditional school house names
and replaces them with 21C tickboxers Greta , Malala etc.
“During the BLM protests, I received a passionate & brave email from a former pupil. This pupil not only educated me about the history of the 3 house names . . . ” Lee Hill – The Sun.
CCBGB on School’s own thread
Having the name of a well known truant as a house name is absolute genius.
That’ll inspire the kids! Rolling on the floor
That’s just phenomenal
…3 women, 3 brown ,
1 who would be on the SEND register… 1 could go on
…. your school council are definitely the leaders we need for the future
Harrogate school follows
It’s not an all girls school , web site does show some boys
Malala Yousafzai … Greta School Dropout … Michelle Obama .. Cynthia Breazeal (MIT Media Arts Prof)
– zero male
– zero British … 2 American
.. one famous for being married to someone
.. one famous for having a rich opera singer mother connected to PR people
– Cynthia Lynn Breazeal is a Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
co-director of the Centre for Future Storytelling at the Media Lab. She is best known for her work in robotics, where she is recognized as a pioneer of social robotics
– Michelle Obama is an American attorney and author who was the first lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
She is the first African-American first lady.
As first lady, Obama served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating.
She supported American designers and was considered a fashion icon.
– Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who has gained international recognition for promoting the view that humanity is facing an existential crisis arising from climate change.
Thunberg is known for her youth and her straightforward speaking manner, both in public and to political leaders and assemblies, in which she criticises world leaders for their failure to take sufficient action to address the climate crisis.
..and skipping school to be the front for an international team of PR people
Greta and Rashford are essentially PR fronts
I wonder if Malala and Gorman are signed up with PR agencies ?
Lay off Marcus! His “single” mum had a very hard time with 6 kids – not many women could pull that off while being “single”.
Marcus did not have enough food, especially in the holidays. Being on benefits was terrible – starving, ricketts, couldn’t afford boots – it completely destroyed his physical development.
Clearly the British welfare state failed him completely. We need the wonderful BBC to make such things clear.
One wonders who ‘recruited’ this person to be a teacher, let alone a headmaster?
Time and time again it is recruitment that is the problem.
…and the un-likelihood of P45s + pensionectomies for useless items.
Bangkok Thailand
Bromsgrove Boarding : boarding houses for girls and boys aged 7-18
“House Captains have picked ‘inspirational women’
as their family names”
Greta, Malala, Michelle Obama, Rosa Parks,
Hepburn, Nightingale screenshot
London secondary school grandly named
University Academy of Engineering, UAE South Bank
Is naming one of their houses
Another school has
Malala, Attenborough, Turing, Glennie, Zephaniah and Ennis-Hill.
Hayes School, Bromley
Hawking, Malala, Rowling and Attenborough
“My sons school houses are Malala, Attenborough, Muhammad Ali and Rowling”
My school had
Lammy, Abbott, Sarkhar, O’Brien, Gadhafi etc.
And in Wokingham
“Welcome to Maiden Erlegh School’s House system! #TeamAttenborough #TeamBolt #TeamCurie #TeamRoddick #TeamWilde #TeamYousafzai”
Searching on Attenbrough bring up a whole heap
Interesting article in the Telegraph this morning about how Denmark is making it much more difficult for Muslim immigrants to become Danish citizens. The tone of the article , as you would expect from the UK MSM, is that the Danes are becoming ever more racist. The truth of course is that the Danes are protecting themselves and their heritage from invasion. Hopefully they have taken sufficient measures early enough for the country to be able to resist the invaders in decades to come.
We know that the Visegrad group plus Slovenia have similar views and similar policies. We also know that political parties with similar policies are on the rise in Italy and Spain. France , Austria and Holland have well established political parties with many of the same views. Indeed one of the few European countries which has no established party concerned about the invasion is the UK!
The EU establishment may detest these migrant sceptic parties but they are a growing reality and eventually perhaps even Brussels will have to shift its ground on open borders and mass migration and the like.
I have long thought that one disadvantage of Brexit may be that Europe may eventually decide to protect itself from invasion whilst our political leaders continue to keep their heads buried firmly in the sand.
Nut nuts ‘ husband will do a piece to the H of C later at 1530 – but no doubt tell the mini states the plan – so crankie will leak it and attempt to outflank it with something SNP stylee
Presumably the PM will address England on TV later on – at 1900 .
But more importantly Is Beff back yet ? Has the one who went on safari finished with her secret ‘voluntary work “? Will Peston ask a question longer than the lock down ?
Also more important is salmond spilling the goods on Wednesday – maybe – with crankie due to do her bit next week . … with an open SNP civil war – with a bit of luck …
The hypocrisy and double standards of the Left have become so common, I honestly think they don’t even realise they are doing it any more.
‘Why are there so few BAME players in English women’s football?’
They have moved on to the lack of minority group players in womens football. As always, the person complaining about it is black. It’s like asking a fat man if there are enough pie shops. Of course they will take the side of their own interests.
But half way down they also state “there’s something like 500 players in the Premier League and a third of them are black”.
Can they not see the massive double standard here ?. Surely they should have said ‘Why are there so few white players in English men’s football?’
I simply cannot take these hypocrites seriously.
the sheer audacity of this piece really did wind me up
now if it was along the lines why is such and such a wonder player was not in the squad with their amazing performances and stats this season that would actually be a sports story
but its been there for a few days on the football page so I thought I would visit the page and try and see why
ahh I see they couldnt find any other waycism to moan about this week so they have left it on.
The weather has improved, the wind has dropped.
Here they all come again.
More people for the BBC to employ.
John Redwood: The contrast between BBC Scotland and England
The BBC scarcely recognises England and when asked about it usually turns to trying to break it up into artificial and unpopular regions or explores local government matters.
The BBC has a long history of ‘golden good bye’s – for its top senior management. A modern day ‘droit-de-seigneur’ for the Lord nobles to rip off and take advantage of the plebs which it despises and ridicules. Its also a civil-service ‘privilege’ too write your own pay check or an ‘advance’ to another job (in the BBC) or another corner of public service not based on any proven ability, but time-servers in the job. The BBC is a good example as it almost mirrors the civil service but with much larger ‘bonus’ and ‘good-bye’ benefits. BBC abuses are the best you can get for a grey suit who has followed the program agenda to the letter.
The TPA reminded me that the BBC can restart the payments program and take advantage (again). Its not just the BBC, but the entire rotten middle row of greedy civil-servants who get offered another job ‘elsewhere’. Its ALSO been going on for years…. in the civil service. Sign the petition to see how this works…
Also on this weeks TPA letter newsletter is the startling revelation that the BBC are arguing both sides of the fence to retain the TV license. Boris has almost caved in to the demands of the BBC who face ‘hardship’ and ‘destitution’ if we suddenly decide to watch NetFlix instead. The TPA gave a good example of this paradox:
Speaking to Julia Harley-Brewer on talkRadio our research director Duncan Simpson laid out why the current funding model is so bad. Addressing millions of listeners across the county he pointed out that on one hand the BBC claims to be a national treasure worthy of the license fee. On the other it wants to compete more with other broadcasters. It can’t have it both ways Video here:
Finally can we afford the BBC woke brigade? An Agenda to wreck our nation with an international UN attack on history itself. The BBC is ‘on target’ to abolish slavery on its networks, create a nation of one sex slaves of net ‘zero’ intelligence based on (perceived) diversity of ‘moss’ people, create a zero CO2 climate model based around Harrabins model of a Penguin in the Amazon rain-forest and other 101 goodies that you can only read in The Guardian online. All eligible for pay awards and a life of unquestioned absurdity, having silenced all critics that public money was being used to embrace communism via the back door of WOKE jobs. A new tool to remove top ‘management’ it (the left) does not like Politically or campaigning against mass indoctrination.
Ignore that we are in the UK a fair and balanced nation (compared to all the others LOONIES the BBC fall over themselves to prostrate their own one World-wide misinformation. Such as the benefits of : Cuba. Venezuela. China. Russia. EU have all been praised for running a balanced economy and woke awareness towards national and international communism).
The Police seem to take orders from the BBC. Its a creeping agenda and its all paid for via our taxes just like the TV license based on a zero sum game where the favored few get a meaningless tick box [ ✓ ]. Crimes solved [ x ].
To be rolled out across the country including The Lord mayors office prince: Sadiq Khan about to ban all conservative statues across the capital for being ‘unwoke’..
The BBC is part of the great woke brigade, an attack against western democracy and pride.
Londonistan, as it MUST be called by law from 1 April, should be allowed to choose its own statues. Current Mayoral proposals are:
– Racist police shooting a so-called “terrorist” on London Bridge.
– Osama Bin Laden to replace Winston Churchill.
– The actual kitchen table that was used to make the District Line bomb that only half went off.
– Heroes arriving at Tilbury on the Windrush, ready to claim 50 years of free housing and benefits at Brits expense.
– Harriet Harmon, who made it fine for blacks to be racist to whites but not the other way around.
– Smaller side statues representing other groups who are required to be treated more favourably than those who have to shut up and pay for them.
– After Lady Harmon’s time, hopefully a long way off, it will be called the Equality Memorial.
‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’.
Sir Walter Scott got that one dead right, when it comes to the EU.
German and French politiicans (among others), right at the very top of their hierarchies, made it their goal to attempt to denigrate the AstraZeneca vaccine when it became apparent that Boris Johnston had got it absolutely right with his vaccination policy and programme. They really couldn’t stand the fact that the sheer inefficiency and politicisation of the situation by the EU was blowing up in their faces, and worse, was actually being scrutinised in the light of day.
Now comes a study which indicates that, from real-life experience of the distribution of the vaccines, not only is the AstraZeneca vaccine very effective indeed, it is more efficacious than the Pfizer one – which costs more than 5 times the price – after the first innoculation.
Having gone overboard in their attacks on the AZ version of the vaccine, now thousands of people in France and Germany, for instance, are outright refusing to have the AZ ‘jab’.
Pfizer, of course, cannot supply the totality of the need of the EU – at least not in the timeframe they would hope for, so they are now in a cleft stick. How will they tell their people that they were outright lying in the first place about AstraZeneca ? And will they be able to recover their position on that score fast enough to get an effective vaccination programme under way ? Will they now be able to convince their own people to disregard their lies, and that Astrazeneca’s vaccine is actually better ? And if Pfizer can’t meet their needs, just what will they do ?
And finally, what do they do with all the doses they have ordered and will have to pay for, plus all the added expense of finding the extra ‘jabs’ to cover the huge gap left by not using the AZ vaccine – which cost about 5 times the price.
And if they try to give these AZ vaccines away to other countries, will they be accused of simply handing away stuff they don’t want themselves – and what would that say about them ?
And, of course, Nicola must be prety p1$$ed, since it’s a Scottish study which has made liars of the EU hierarchy.
I’m sure these are not all of the implications of this fiasco in the EU, but they will do in the meantime. I can’t wait for the BBC Panorama programme on this one ! (Right…..)
Did I mention ‘a tangled web’ being weaved ?
Agreed. This fiasco is full of delicious ironies and serious implications for the future of the EU. Surely there must be a strong anti EU reaction when the people get to know the truth, that the EU’s hamfisted approach has directly led to the death of thousands of Europeans. I don’t think that the EU and it’s tame media outlets are powerful enough to suppress this story.
No fears on that score DT. The BBC will continue to supply daily doomsday UK total death figures (How long before we reach the next ghastly milestone in the catalogue of government failures?) while completely ignoring any EU comparisons.
I have a question – I may have missed an announcement elsewhere, and if so, apologies – but where did the little supplementary box below the comment typing box go ? It used to be so useful as a ‘review’ point before finally posting a comment – especially to check whether I had got any italics, bold, underlines correctly entered .
Or is it just my PC ?
No, richard D, mine as well. not sure what’s happened.
I like to check mine for the numerous grammatical mistakes.
Yeah, well, Jeff…. I wasn’t going to admit to those….
Apparently you can use the comment box over at IsThe BBCBiased? as a ‘scratchpad’, spot the errors that you have made, ignore them, then ‘cut and paste’ here.
The other option is to try not to make mistakes here but then to actually read what has been written and posted and see if it makes sense to the reader who doesn’t reside in one’s own head, correct any errors of spelling, grammar and consistency – all within the 14 minutes or so of first posting!
Of course that assumes that one is posting to be read, rather than just top the postings league.
All forums are improved by people not being abusive
.. in some attempt to rid themselves of the demons in their own head.
Here we don’t need to be like those lib/lefty forums where the modus operandi is to sneer and abuse the other debaters, rather than bother with the evidence and argument itself.
I as an unqualified moderator havent got a clue .. i dont think i have added boxes ..,.
OK, thanks, Fedup2. It stopped after the first shutdown earlier last week. Guess it’s just ‘gone’.
Hannah Ingram-Moore is back in the news again!
Not really news, more of a diary reminder for the 8 people attending the funeral of Capt. Tom Moore.
I have every admiration for Captain Tom Moore, but the request in that article for people to “….continue to support the NHS by staying at home”. couldn’t possibly have come from the same person who persuaded her father (who looked seriously unwell in the photos provided to the press) to undertake an arduous journey out to the West Indies for a ‘family’ holiday holiday shortly before he died, could it ?
(And again, don’t get me wrong, but I would not want masses of people to congregate at this time either…’s the grandstanding of this woman I might have a problem with.)
“Pau attack: Immigration official stabbed to death in France”
Did we miss that one ?
Coming our way …………….
Howden School, already top on standards .. not
Lawrence is lucky. 5 other people posted the Ofted results, but Twitter hid theirs behind the “show more replies” gate
Someone quotes Orwell at them
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue & street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.
The process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.
History has stopped.” Orwell – 1984.
The head’s explanation thread
ex pupil Francesca drove it
Local BBC 1pm news “previously houses were named after figures like Nelson & Francis Drake
both of whom supported slavery”
.. that is untrue
the only evidence against Nelson is a letter proven in October to be a forgery ..
Francesca in her letter to the head
said wrongly this letter PROVES Nelson supported slavery
The houses were Raleigh, Drake and Nelson
had the newsreader said “figures like Rayleigh & Francis Drake
both of whom supported slavery” ..that would be true
More : beeboid contacts the head
“Hi Lee, I work for BBC Look North.
This is such a great story, we’d really like to talk to you about this. ”
That journo Folarin came in on the special scheme for black journos.
Folarin Sagaya from Barnet in London
It would also be true to say that Africans have been capturing and selling slaves for thousands of years – to the Egyptians, the Romans, the Arabs, the Ottomans, as far as India – the Taj Mahal was built by slaves, as was the Colluseum and the Pyramids.
It is well know that Africans arrived as part of the Roman army – see BBC Horrible Histories. They killed thousands of Britons and enslaved thousands more – but that is not mentioned in BBC Horrible Histories…
Barbary pirates raided Cornwall for years – on one occaision violently abducting an entire church congregation – and selling them in West African slave markets. The BBC overlooked that too.
The BBC propagates the Marxist/BLM view: if you have been racially attacked you cannot then be racist yourself. You are a victim. We need to add in the Vikings and Normans at this point.
So, the the BBC/BLM is bound to see white Brits as victims of horrific racist violence over the centuries, surely?
Then there’s the miracle. Slaves miraculously appered at West African ports. No mention of them being captured by Africans and then sold in exchange for European goods.
No mention that it was not illegal at that time. When it was made illegal – by the saintly British – it was the Africans who wouldn’t stop – which is how the Royal Navy came to fire on Zanzibar – the Africans simply would not stop selling slaves.
The biased BBC teaches biased history. CBBC is totally biased. Those schools are the same. To be fair the teachers in those schools are probably the victims of BBC propaganda and the Marxist NUT agenda of teaching colleges. Useful idiots, to quote Orwell.
\\2021 Senedd election: Parties ‘must engage with teenage voters’//
Traditional parties are getting worried so they drop the age to allow kids the vote.
Would you trust your 16 year olds with the vote ?
They should be raising it. Kids used to go and work in the shipyards at 15. Now, studies say they are still effectively children at 24.
Wales got an Assembly by 50.01% to 49.99%. Do you wonder why the BBC didn’t point that out when complaining that the 52 – 48 Brexit vote was “too close”?
No – because the BBC is very selective and very biased.
Wales now has a Parliament – with no vote at all!
The PM’s press secretary Allegra Stratton has dismissed claims that his current squeeze Carrie Symonds has any role or influence in government decision making. So that’s all right then.
Oh, while you’re there Allegra, was it not Ms Symonds who recommended you for the post, along with other close friends who are now ‘part of the team’? And did you not pretend to burst into tears over something beastly Dominic Cummings might or might not have said to you? And were you not at one time ‘involved’ with Ed Milliband and a close friend of Labour peer’s son and commentator Robert Peston, which could suggest some political experience and the skin to go with it?
Strange people Boris seems to have surrounded himself with of late.
When are the Remoaners going to admit they were wrong all along? Look at the facts. Our vaccine triumph; I recently heard one of those state-sponsored (BBC) Radio 4 news-based alleged “comedy” shows and the feeling of dismay when the success of the roll-out was mentioned was palpable. The fictional labour shortage; I’ve always found it weird how liberals seem to believe it’s fine for rich countries to go around robbing doctors and nurses from poor countries; now there’s less need, with applications among UK students to work in medicine rising by almost a third during the pandemic. We didn’t even get the super-gonorrhoea we were promised!
I can’t help thinking of Plato’s Myth Of The Cave; people in chains, seeing flickering shadows at the entrance which they take to be monsters, thus making them fearfully cling to their bonds. But when the boldest break free, they selflessly return to help their more cowardly comrades escape from the darkness of ignorance…
A good expose of the BBC expanse: by Julie Burchill
BBC “Comedian”: I’m black / a woman.
BBC Woke audience: Ha! ha! clap! clap!
BBC “Comedian”: White men are terrible.
BBC Woke audience: Ha! ha! ha! clap! clap! clap!
BBC “Comedian”: Maggie was the devil.
BBC Woke audience: Ha! ha! ha! clap! clap! clap! Brilliant! MORE!
There are exceptions like Gavin and Stacy, but most comedy at the BBC died a long time ago.
Phillip – Remainers will never be ‘wrong ‘ in their minds we are still in it . There appears – in the MSM – to be a sole reference to brexit – trade . Yes – food supplies and jobs are important – but so is sovereignty .
As for the EU – as our vaccination programme pushes forward to potential completion ( plus or minus virus changes ) the strain and blame within the Reich is going to increase …( it’s too serious for popcorn ) ….
The strain – medical and economic – might well have some stateless to say ‘what the hell are we doing in this outfit “? – and – with a bit of luck push a few states out and weaken the Reich further ….
As far as whether brexit is a good or bad thing economically in the short term – who knows ? But it’s not about the first year or more outside – look further out that
Watch the PM telling Parliament about the plan to get out of lockdown -I’m think 4 traitor MPs are focusing on the PPE contracts …
There may be political fire in the PPE panic last year but I cannot believe there are not more immediate questions to ask …
…. one Labour scum even bought up Cummings again …
Homeschooling Hacks with Sophie Ellis-Bextor: Getting ready for homeschooling
A short 2 minute video with Sophie Ellis-Bextor (you don’t get much whiter than her). She talks for about 20 seconds and then we get to hear tips “from other people” who are edited into the video as:
1. 0m21s black mother, also shown black daughter and black husband (tick tick tick)
2. 0m33s another black mother and black daughter (tick tick)
3. 0m42s white couple (minus 2 ticks) for just 3 seconds
4. 0m45s black mother again (tick)
5. 0m48s black daughter (tick)
6. 0m52s first black mother and 2 black daughters (tick tick tick)
7. 0m55s first black mother and black husband (tick tick)
8. 0m59 3 whites with black woman voice over (minus 3 ticks plus 1 tick)
9. 1m02s white mother and white daughter (minus 2 ticks)
10. 1m04s same white mother and husband (minus 2 ticks)
11. 1m05s second black mother (tick)
12. 1m07s same black mother and black daughter (tick tick)
13. 1m09s second black mother (tick)
14. 1m11s first black mother and black husband (tick tick)
15. 1m16s first black mother and 2 new black kids (tick tick tick)
16. 1m21s second black mother (tick)
17. 1m33s first black mother and black husband (tick tick)
18. 1m35s first black mother and black kid (tick tick)
19. 1m40s second black mother (tick)
20. 1m46s Sophie Eliss-Baxter again (minus tick)
I count edited shots of 29 black persons and 10 edits of white people. Of the 1m21s of the people shown the white family appear for 8 seconds (rounded up!).
A perfect representation of the UK 3% black population. Who says the BBC is biased?!?
@Tabs you could edit that link to
cos everything after “?” is tracking info
Oh it that a typo “Sophie Eliss-Baxter ?
Isn’t it Sophie Ellis-Blackster” /sarc
Not biased, racist.
That’s what it was when whites were over-represented.
“…when whites were over-represented.”
When was that?
Bbc wind everyone up with no point News
The idea that children must “catch up” with learning lost due to Covid is heaping “huge” pressure on them, psychologists have warned.
Covid: Catch-up narrative putting ‘huge pressure’ on children, psychologists say
A lot of Bbc quotes there.
Zero point.
I’ve played BBC Bingo for years.
One white newsreader, one black one, one Welsh one, Asian-Indian, Arab, Asian-Iranian, Sudanese – actually real-life princess, Northern Irish (but probably Catholic/Republican), one Scot, one from Ghana, one disabled, one with an eye missing…
But strangely, 100% Liberal-Left-Elite. Diversity does not exist at the BBC.
Simon Webb will no doubt soon have a video on HouseGate
but meanwhile his new video tackles automatic YouTube censoring bots
Another vid MP Dawn Butler is worried that the BBC lacks sufficient diversity
Dawn Butler is right. Diversity at the BBC would be much improved if all sections of society were represented.
Nigel Farage, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Tommy Robinson should be given 1 hour slots immediately. All views should be heard – and everyone should have a right of reply to them. Viewers could then make up their own minds.
I suspect that prospect would be very troubling to Dawn. I imagine she thinks ordinary people are not capable of deciding for themselves – it would be much better if she decided for them – and had them shot if they had the temerity to disagree. She probably regards the mere suggestion of individual autonomy as a hate crime worthy of 2 years in prison.
Is Dawn Butler really in favour of diversity? Or one view only – hers? And total exclusion for everybody else? She’s lucky, the biased BBC holds that view too. And Facebook, etc.
It seems quite likely the BBC asked her to say it. So they could “justify” yet more Marxist re-writing of history as being “responsive”.
Via Brexit Home
BoJo et al. did indeed sell out our fishermen (again).
Watch ‘Unlock Fishing’ on Martin Daubney facebook 21 January (I can’t find it on youtube)
Situation made worse by covid and EU spite.
“Asylum seeker drowned off Dover as brother arrived in dinghy”
and they keep on coming………….
Expect more to come while Nero fiddles .
What are they not telling us ?
Breaking Verdict. The coroner says it was misadventure
That’s not a new dingygrant death but rather the inquest about last years
“Asylum seeker drowned near Dover as his brother arrived alive”, he waded into the sea”
Omar Ezildin Ali from Sudan,
had entered in the UK in the back of a lorry in 2016,
was seen struggling in the water near Dover on 20 August
“Two asylum applications had been rejected”
“It is possible that he entered the water so that he could… be picked up as a new asylum seeker, and then reunite with his brother, who was also coming into the country on the same day,” she said
“Manchester Arena attack: Police ‘failed to co-operate’ in training”
……………..”when a bomb was detonated in the foyer of Manchester Arena after a concert.”
\\Manchester Arena Inquiry: Terror offender ‘unfit to give evidence’//
The deadly bomb attack on Manchester by a Muslim extremist – whose father had been given asylum in the UK, and a free house and free spending money – WAS ENTIRELY THE FAULT OF OUR 100% RACIST POLICE FORCE AND THIS TORY GOVERNMENT.
It is NOT ACCEPTABLE to scapegoat a brown/Muslim person for killing 22 people and injuring many, many more. It is racist.
Telegraph : Why is the England women’s football team so white?
Telegraph Sport speaks to those who feel pathways are being closed at grass-roots level and that damage is being done at the very top
I presume they will balance it with an article tomorrow called ‘Why is the England men’s football team so black ?’.
Not often we get an example like this which displays the hypocrisy and double standards of the media so clearly.
I’m quite sure the youngsters have every opportunity open to them at school that the white girls have.
They can then follow it up with an article “Why are all gymnasts thin, not enough obese tumblers.”
telegraph published 19 February 2021 • 12:17pm Molly McElwee
bbc published 19 feb Miriam Walker-Khan
either “great” minds think alike
or something else is going on and this is part of some campaign and not journalism
Not the bBbc. You’ll see why.
This is from the Belfast Telegraph, you won’t be able to read it all as it’s a Premium article and there is no way that I would pay for a subscription to this rag, but here’s the jist of it.
The BBC have issued nearly 1 million letters to householders in Northern Ireland, an area with a total population of just over 1.8 million, between the start of the first lockdown and now. Some households are getting threatening and misleading letters every fortnight.
Is that seriously a million in less than 12 months?
More than 1000 of these householders have been through the courts for not having a tv licence in the same period.
People under financial pressure, the bBbc piles on. F’kin unbelievable.
I’m confident that there are similar numbers for the mainland…
I’ve had 3 letters in 4 weeks (and no TV since they turned off the analogue signal)
If anybody turns up on my doorstep – the air will turn very, very blue.
@Richt Belfast Telegraph article is available free from
No other paywall busting way worked for me
Despite being frontpage on Feb 22nd doesn’t tell us much
– BBC are sending out lots of red letters
– They are not actual enforcement letters
– They can’t enforcement visit cos of Covid
– The regional government has no say cos licences are not a devolved matter.
Pug thought this was a spoof but unfortunately not. When in Africa I remember the queues of locals for the ski slope outside Lusaka were phenomenal so perhaps it can only be discrimination keeping them off the slopes.