Lefties hoisted by their own petard again
\\ A London Cycling Campaign employee is suspended over ‘racist’ Tweets following spat with drivers //
.. story broken by TalkRadio’s Christo
Basically in 2019 he sent a series of 4 tweets speculating that black guys in Mercedes who cut him up are gangsters
and in his final tweet said I’m not racist cos in other areas the same cars seem to be driven by white drug gangsters.
Now later he in role as an advisor about Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
so the anti-campaigners have got him suspended.
who also point out that 85% of London Cycling activists are white
The cycling group then react by blocking anyone that dares to raise that issue.
To all those on this site who can’t stand cyclists, I would just like to declare that, as indicated by my handle, I am a cyclist myself.
And that I bloody hate other cyclists.
I’m a bikeler, too, and I don’t mind other cyclists as long as they are not MAMILs who take up too much road space or who force me into potholes by not warning me of their passing.
The BLM camera guy John Sullivan doing incitement at the capitol and carrying a knife
.. was quite rightly charged by police
Oz-ABC used his footage and his voice to imply it was all right-wingers
.. US court documents show that even after the police charged him the Oz-ABC paid him $2,400
..and BBC/ITV have they paid him ?
As a software engineer, watching the latest videos from the Perseverance landing on Mars gave me goosebumps. What a fantastic achievement.
But I couldn’t help noticing how the videos of the NASA team reminded me of those the MSM show us of the Middle Eastern immigrants in the boats.
All the longer-range group shots show mostly men. All the close-ups pick out the women.
The hard left for claiming to stand for equality and diversity
.. but actually they use that as a shield to push their POLITICAL agendas and money making schemes.
Like Critical Race Theory Training
Calvin Robinson featured on BBC’s The Big Questions to discuss race and racism in the UK.
Following his appearance on the show, The Race Trust twitter account tweeted: “Calvin Robisnon does it not shame you that most people see you as a house n***o?”
“These people on the hard left say they are campaigning for equality and diversity, but the moment someone expresses a different thought or opinion, they’re like, no not that kind of equality, no not that kind of diversity,”
Grantham mutilating heads is OK when we lefties do it
“Art teacher Mark Robla, 34, used the cover of darkness to hoist up his carved plaster version of the former Prime Minister in Grantham, Lincolnshire, at 4am yesterday.
Art teacher puts Thatchers head on a spike in her hometown at the spot reserved for a real statue of her. Is this a hate crime? He's quite pleased with himself. Is this visual violence that would encourage violence?https://t.co/8uSTDhfP8d
Pretty common response from a journalist trying to file before the print deadline, as you'd know if you had any proper journalists left working for you, or a print deadline.
Just where is this Brexit mayhem the BBC PROMISED us ??
What’s the betting this weekend’s @ObserverUK ignores "1000 EU finance firms to set up UK offices"
Instead these pro-EU doom-mongers will focus on, I dunno, some organic cat milk exporter from Oxford who has Googled relocating to France… #ProjectFearhttps://t.co/2pYtYNG5lL
I saw that too. I have no financial sector experience but this does seem to be rather the opposite of what has been relentlessly predicted by Remainers since the pre referendum days of Project Fear. In fact have any of the predictions of Project Fear , or more widely of Remainerdom as a whole, yet come to pass? I suppose the stock answer to that question by those oh so clever Remainers will be ah but you need to wait another year, five years , ten years before the true cost of Brexit become apparent . They conveniently forget that they predicted financial Armageddon the day after the referendum if we voted to leave. That was four and a half years ago!
Instead of merely reporting on this why didn’t the ever so caring BBC staff take her down to a vaccination centre or call one of the mobile vaccination teams to her home. Cruel uncaring shits .
The BBC is a post modern progressive ideology (post 1930 era). Its better that we understand the thinking behind the BBC. The disease of progressive post modernism has finally made it big time as a ‘global reset’. What it means in practice – that there can never be any debate on what is news, as its all subjective ’opinion’. They have ‘mass indoctrination’ – and you don’t have the power (or money) to change it. Everything is absolute and everything else is false in reality. There is NO reality any more in the BBC mindset (a given by the corporation), we are asked to believe they are the high Church.. and we can be converted.
This is outlined clearly by Gad Saad (New book on societal parasites) in conversation with Jordan Petersen (January 18th 2021).
Never underestimate your enemy within the BBC who are happy to enable modern day ’parasites ‘ of the world view academia airtime. That has taken hold of humanity as (‘Wokism’ is just a tiny part of that new unfolding ‘progressive’ ideology). To say that the BBC is ‘dangerous’ is an clearly an under statement. Very worrying as the world (UN) (CO2) (DAVOS) (GATES) (SOROS) is being shaped to this new false paradigm as world ‘truth’ dies. They will destroy us all eventually, including themselves. Worth watching the BBC’s reach into University is limitless. Its a disease of the mind and its gained traction. The ‘Global reset’ only works at a media level. It has no practical value and is not based on reality.
#HouseGate update : Yesterday his mob were lashing out ‘all the anti-woke are racists’ etc.
Today they have decided that he is a victim and all the other side are bullies
There are about 60 support replies under this tweet
Just so you all know, I have spoken to Lee and he is doing OK, but has removed all social media.
He has been abused and vilified for no reason and it must stop.
He wants to say thank you to everybody for your support.
That’s Lee the headteacher that almost unilaterally got rid of the old white men house names
and replaced them with young foreign political activists’s names like Greta and Malala.
Strap on bottom of screen says ‘Ted Cruz on Cancun Trip’ – but in the 3.36 he’s chosen to post, there’s no mention of it. Funny that. #CancunCruzhttps://t.co/LcgC8Sj5rU
– The description Ted Cruz wrote in the tweet
“what happened with Texas’ power grid failure”
is an accurate description of the video clip.
.. And a minute into it, the radio station changes the strapline to read “Ted Cruz on Texas Winter Storms”
Sopel is suggesting that rather than just clip a 3 min section from a 20 minute interview
and leave the screen alone, Cruz has gone in and re-edited the footage to put in a false strapline.
….. ffff ing barking mad idea.
The replies under Sopel’s tweet including from Zurcher are all bubbleworld “OrangeManBad” type tweets
so although I could put them right.. I’d be wasting my time.
FULL (almost 15 minutes) interview with @DesDavis2 is now available @BBCSounds
As a part of #LGBTQHistoryMonth, Des from Lincoln has been giving his reaction to #ItsASin, and telling @seandunderdale what it was like to be a gay man in Lincolnshire in the 1980s.
The only conclusion I can come to is that the Left want to preserve the status of black people as ‘victims’ so they can be used as weapons against the Right.
Same as Muslims where their hypocrisy and double standards go off the scale.
Remember : true Lefties don’t really give a sh!t about anything or anyone. It’s 100% ideology and they will do absolutely anything to win.
Tonight’s TV
BBC must have decided they want to capture the oldies so
8pm Yes Minister, first ever episode
8:30pm Reginald Perrin, first ever episode
9pm 60 years of British sitcom
10pm Secret Policeman’s Ball celebration
8:30pm 90 mins Blitz Special with Lucy Worsley
..You know the drill 70% of pilots and soldiers were BAME etc.
10:45pm BBC have bought in 8 part drama
‘the prequel to Psycho’
8pm Alan Carr
10pm Romesh
ITV Assignment 3 stories
– Nasty Israelis don’t give the lovely Palestinians enough water etc
– Venice Virtual Reality Carnival
– San Francisco simple living
8:38pm we have the black actor playing a Nigerian airman
the show is Lucy narrates then over to an actor for a scene.
Just had a white woman nurse
No white man yet.
Covid: Scarborough woman jailed for coughing at police https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-56170328
I always check these stories now to see if we are given details of the offender.
This one was white so we got a full face picture. Can’t recall the last time I saw that for a black person. I usually have to dig around with google to find out.
I lived there for a while, most of the poor smoke heavily and cough regularly, very regularly in fact..
‘Fisher was sentenced at Scarborough Magistrates’ Court on 17 February.’
Same place that came down hard on anyone complaining about a local resident, called Jimmy Saville.
Permit me a few small ‘Cathy Newman moments’, good people.
The BBC are going big on ‘Vaccine Inequality’ today and that the Government is really wicked because Cabinet Ministers are not personally donning the gloves and facemasks and aprons while collecting together the vaccines, hypodermics, swabs and trays and going out to force a Covid jab into someone, in order to ensure that ‘poor people’ are innocculated against Covid.
The BBC’s scientific sage for all this pro-Lefty claptrap is a Dr Mike Tildesely. (Hope I have spelled that name correctly.) Like the stupid ‘Covid affects BAMEs more than white people’ study from June last year, Dr Tildesely has opened his mouth and put his foot firmly in it on this issue. He says that take up of Covid vaccination is much less in poorer areas, in inner city areas and among ethnic minorities. In contrast, affluent majority white areas have a much higher take up of the Covid vaccines. He claims that this ‘vaccine inequality’ “puts us all at risk.” Note that statement carefully.
The Cathy Newman (famous interviewer of a well-known Dr Peterson) moments herewith:
1. “So what you are saying is that the Covid vaccines don’t work.”
2. “So what you are saying is the Conservative Government is being racist.”, and,
3. “So what you are saying is that you are being a Lefty and racist and a ‘race baiter’.
Meanwhile – being an Englishman – events north of the border are often a mystery – but andrew neill is in full broadside mode over the Salmond – crankie soap opera ..
… apparently stuff is being redacted and lies being alleged and parliament bring lied to by cranky and the Crown office os corrupt … and …-and …
And anything which undermines the scots national socialists is a good thing … and if any SNP vermin lands up charged just as good ….
I get the impression that the London BBC doesnt want to mention it at all …
One could ask Wendy and Marianna, but given the BBC is still pegging the death toll at five, and being coy on causes still yet nudging and winking madly it was a slaughter by Trumpian Stomtroopers, their corporate brand is pretty shot no matter what M. Wrong Shyster has already managed.
Is the blonde martyr of truth still on feet, or back to how beastly her life is?
Only one person was deliberately killed as a result of the protests.
And it was a protestor.
That’s the truth of it. And they’ve swamped it with lies and misinformation.
Compare with Floyd. A low life with a long criminal record, high on drugs and resisting arrest. Makes me sick.
Msm reports that your ReichEU commission has written to 6 ReichEU zones – formerly called ‘countries ‘ giving each 10 days to say how they are going to remove border controls – put in place for public health reasons .
The quest for a federal european Reich trumps the health of any citizen of the ReichEU ….
..,,,,,, doesnt mention third worlders using dinghies though …
The media scum particularly the Scottish contingent are so anti-Boris and pro the wee krankie that they ignore it. I wish I knew why the media up here publish nothing against this horrendous little harpy.
Her policies would make Stlain blush. Words cannot describle my revulsion to her and her cult like party.
Al Beeb love the sound of wee burny the fishwives voice, that’s for sure. She had top billing at 5pm on the wireless.
For me, living as far south as you can get from Scotchland, the grating rant of the rabid anti English sturgeon and her oneupsmanship over the outgoing PM is pointless, but the Beeb will use her as their useful idiot to push the agenda all day long.
Apparently the tedious Attenborough is telling us its too late to ‘save the planet ‘ – well he d know – hes a journalist – the arrogance of his type is just .. revolting ..
Fed, The Beeb gave him airtime at 5pm and his utterances to the UN were given 2nd billing on the wireless news, I heard the cadaverous old crone muttering something about climate change and saving the planet……. before switching channels and accelerating away from the lights in my 2.0 litre diesel wondering exactly how big the silly old fools carbon footprint is, given the amount of years he and film crews spent globetrotting…. Irony is not lost on some????
Sorry about this one Leeds fans…
But will Raphinha still be at the club next season should a big offer come in?
Another top class performance from the Brazilian.”
11pm R4 tonight beeboids interview Beeboid about his Beeboid wife
Fi Glover and Jane Garvey interview Nicky Campbell
about his new book One of the Family
There’s also a special guest appearance from his wife, Radio 4’s Tina Ritchie
Outlets reporting Tiger Woods injured in car crash.
I hope it’s not serious, as he his one of their own, the Beeb will have flags at half mast and banner headlines on the News and Sport pages, along regular updates on TV and Radio for the next month.
Plus if the worst were to happen, would it be with Covid, or because of Covid?
“Tiger Woods was in a single-car accident this morning in California where he suffered multiple leg injuries. He is currently in surgery and we thank you for your privacy and support.”
“Not life threatening”
LA man crashes car off roadside rolling it onto its side… isn’t big news to me.
I’ll be honest a lot of your posts regards who said what on Twitter aren’t news to me Stew, however this site is about BBC bias, not Twitter and Woods is one of the chosen ones, in the eyes of Al Beeb and rest assured it will be big big news for them.
The Telegraph takes $3m from Bill Gates to "support content production" while the Guardian pockets $13m. The BBC is "granted" over $50m and Bill gets his anti-science climate change book read on R$, sorry, 4.https://t.co/5Hck4bZ6Rw
The ‘black’ people who are doing the complaining come in two sorts:
1) Those whose ancestors were slave trade wholesalers, and
2) Those who are lucky to be alive and living in the West because their ancestors were bought from and shipped out of Africa and rescued from being killed by their fellow Africans.
The first lot should be the ones paying reparations, if anyone should, and the second lot should be repaying their debt of gratitude to the slave owners’ descendants, perhaps?
Boris doing his big “we are reducing CO2” speech
at the same time as he lets in a load of illegals into a cold & high CO2 country
Illegal migrants on the run after a beach landing in Kent. The government has no intention of stopping this problem, they just tell more lies. pic.twitter.com/YdGPpstzc7
I foolishly thought I would check the ten o’clock news headlines. Seems I caught the last five minutes of a BBC documentary about the blitz. I caught it just at the ‘summing up’ bit at the end where they were going through what had become of those featured in the program.
I smiled to myself and wondered when the inevitable would happen .. I was not disappointed. Sure enough, at the point where the music became particularly rousing and patriotic sounding ..there was the black person and his family. I wonder if one in six ( or however many there were featured in the program) of those in the blitz really were black … we all know the answer !!!!
Why do we have to pay for this ..
Trick ..Raising a ‘racist’ flag .. ( after the defeat in a particularly grim battle of people who at the time treated other races in unspeakable ways ) .. Of course the BBC would not celebrate that !
Of course the then defeated country did have a very different immigration policy to us though .. And seem no worse off for their resultant subsequent lack of diversity..
brexiteer, hang on a minute, half a mo, didn’t the Japanese treat the Chinese really badly? Should they not have faced some censure real praise for doing it to the Chinese in advance of the Chinese ‘persecution’ of the Uighurs?
Kent – yes – foolish – I’m for ever interested in that period – but knew better than to see the polluted version I knew they’d shovel out .
See Mark Felton s works on YouTube for proper WW2 documentaries – free – british – and acclaimed .
I take it the latest BBC crap had the regulation number of trannie and queer aircrew … Palestinians – disabled fighter pilots ( not bader ) and the other tick box nonsense ….
Have all the “Greenheads” at the local councils realised this bit of news as they drive their ‘green-woke’ agendas in their central heated offices and chambers ?
I forecast their retirement plans will be put on hold, somewhat .
Now lets get this right, UK to remain global financial centre regardless of Brexit – Bank of England.
Pound-Euro =1.167
Things are looking up————–
Over to you Al Beeb ………Despite Brexit !
IS THE BBC OVER STAFFED? The BBC at last count had over 21,000 acting journalists to cover the world news 24/7. This makes it the largest news gathering organisation in the country, – out stripping per head the entire news channels of all the UK printed broadsheets including all regional news and includes both The Daily Mirror and The Guardian combined. But out of all the UK newspapers only ONE stands out for the BBC…
This same newspaper has the consistently the lowest print sales in the country. This is the only UK newspaper that is stuffed routinely full of BBC recruitment Ads. This is the only newspaper that cannot pay its staff proper wages and financially unprofitable. This is the same newspaper that the only hope of survival is a that of working at the BBC.…!
In return the BBC does not pay The Guardian (itself) anything at all* for stealing headlines, features and Staff journalistic on a routine basis. The works collective of 21,000 BBC journalists can now enjoy a high standard of pay for doing less than anyone else, anywhere on the planet.
This is how it works at the BBC. It could never work anywhere else. THEY could not work anywhere else. And yet we let it happen as they have a ‘CHARTER’ to do it and print their own money (called a TV license).
Nope – and I get a strange urge to laugh out loud each time they beg me for money after I read any of their one-sided diatribes against someone with different political opinions.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
DT : “Nicky Campbell reveals bipolar disorder made him take rubbish home to examine who might have dropped it”
Studio running order?
Does he have one of those jokey signs in his studio that says, “You don’t have to be mad to work here but. . .”?
Horton hears a ‘what now’?
#couldfiles dictates I got as far as ‘It’.
Lefties hoisted by their own petard again
\\ A London Cycling Campaign employee is suspended over ‘racist’ Tweets following spat with drivers //
.. story broken by TalkRadio’s Christo
Basically in 2019 he sent a series of 4 tweets speculating that black guys in Mercedes who cut him up are gangsters
and in his final tweet said I’m not racist cos in other areas the same cars seem to be driven by white drug gangsters.
Now later he in role as an advisor about Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
so the anti-campaigners have got him suspended.
who also point out that 85% of London Cycling activists are white
The cycling group then react by blocking anyone that dares to raise that issue.
There is little free discussion except on Twitter, cos Facebook rules ban it , and the Telegraph article doesn’t allow free comment either.
To all those on this site who can’t stand cyclists, I would just like to declare that, as indicated by my handle, I am a cyclist myself.
And that I bloody hate other cyclists.
Bloody Lycrists!
I’m a bikeler, too, and I don’t mind other cyclists as long as they are not MAMILs who take up too much road space or who force me into potholes by not warning me of their passing.
Bloody Lycrists!
The BLM camera guy John Sullivan doing incitement at the capitol and carrying a knife
.. was quite rightly charged by police
Oz-ABC used his footage and his voice to imply it was all right-wingers
.. US court documents show that even after the police charged him the Oz-ABC paid him $2,400
..and BBC/ITV have they paid him ?
As a software engineer, watching the latest videos from the Perseverance landing on Mars gave me goosebumps. What a fantastic achievement.
But I couldn’t help noticing how the videos of the NASA team reminded me of those the MSM show us of the Middle Eastern immigrants in the boats.
All the longer-range group shots show mostly men. All the close-ups pick out the women.
As a software engineer you probably realise that it is built into the camera’s software!
It was the inevitable next stage from the ‘wait until everyone smiles’ mode.
I believe it was a Getty Images requirement so that they can meet the needs of the MSM.
The hard left for claiming to stand for equality and diversity
.. but actually they use that as a shield to push their POLITICAL agendas and money making schemes.
Like Critical Race Theory Training
Calvin Robinson featured on BBC’s The Big Questions to discuss race and racism in the UK.
Following his appearance on the show, The Race Trust twitter account tweeted: “Calvin Robisnon does it not shame you that most people see you as a house n***o?”
“These people on the hard left say they are campaigning for equality and diversity, but the moment someone expresses a different thought or opinion, they’re like, no not that kind of equality, no not that kind of diversity,”
Grantham mutilating heads is OK when we lefties do it
“Art teacher Mark Robla, 34, used the cover of darkness to hoist up his carved plaster version of the former Prime Minister in Grantham, Lincolnshire, at 4am yesterday.
34 ? she served as Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990
so Mark Robla was 3 years old when she stopped being PM
Gee……the intellect…..
That’s supposed to be Margaret Thatcher?
A shame Louis Tussauds in Gt. Yarmouth has closed, he could have got a job sculpting for them.
One of the Lincolnshire Roblas?
Not Jennifer Saunders after Lenny ate her doughnuts?
My irony meter just went to 13.
Funny though.
See this why news is theatre NOT fact
– 12:12pm Coates tweets truth below … just 122 Likes
– 12:31pm Coates tweets the false FRAMING 1.8K likes 1K retweets
..as Labour activists love the message
And once they start a theatrical narrative
..off they go
I liked this.
Bang on Martin ????????????
Just where is this Brexit mayhem the BBC PROMISED us ??
I saw that too. I have no financial sector experience but this does seem to be rather the opposite of what has been relentlessly predicted by Remainers since the pre referendum days of Project Fear. In fact have any of the predictions of Project Fear , or more widely of Remainerdom as a whole, yet come to pass? I suppose the stock answer to that question by those oh so clever Remainers will be ah but you need to wait another year, five years , ten years before the true cost of Brexit become apparent . They conveniently forget that they predicted financial Armageddon the day after the referendum if we voted to leave. That was four and a half years ago!
See, a mostly peaceful temporary youth shelter.
Anyone spot the BBC agenda yet ???
Oh, and out of the millions successfully vaccinated, the BBC found one who hadn’t !!! They are truly, UK hating , scum !!!
Ha. The building opposite Strangeways gate used to be the Manchester High School of Art….where I taught for a while.
Instead of merely reporting on this why didn’t the ever so caring BBC staff take her down to a vaccination centre or call one of the mobile vaccination teams to her home. Cruel uncaring shits .
The BBC is a post modern progressive ideology (post 1930 era). Its better that we understand the thinking behind the BBC. The disease of progressive post modernism has finally made it big time as a ‘global reset’. What it means in practice – that there can never be any debate on what is news, as its all subjective ’opinion’. They have ‘mass indoctrination’ – and you don’t have the power (or money) to change it. Everything is absolute and everything else is false in reality. There is NO reality any more in the BBC mindset (a given by the corporation), we are asked to believe they are the high Church.. and we can be converted.
This is outlined clearly by Gad Saad (New book on societal parasites) in conversation with Jordan Petersen (January 18th 2021).
Never underestimate your enemy within the BBC who are happy to enable modern day ’parasites ‘ of the world view academia airtime. That has taken hold of humanity as (‘Wokism’ is just a tiny part of that new unfolding ‘progressive’ ideology). To say that the BBC is ‘dangerous’ is an clearly an under statement. Very worrying as the world (UN) (CO2) (DAVOS) (GATES) (SOROS) is being shaped to this new false paradigm as world ‘truth’ dies. They will destroy us all eventually, including themselves. Worth watching the BBC’s reach into University is limitless. Its a disease of the mind and its gained traction. The ‘Global reset’ only works at a media level. It has no practical value and is not based on reality.
#HouseGate update : Yesterday his mob were lashing out ‘all the anti-woke are racists’ etc.
Today they have decided that he is a victim and all the other side are bullies
There are about 60 support replies under this tweet
That’s Lee the headteacher that almost unilaterally got rid of the old white men house names
and replaced them with young foreign political activists’s names like Greta and Malala.
Sopel is, truly, the weasel’s weasel.
Sopel is going Conspiracy theory there.
– The description Ted Cruz wrote in the tweet
“what happened with Texas’ power grid failure”
is an accurate description of the video clip.
.. And a minute into it, the radio station changes the strapline to read “Ted Cruz on Texas Winter Storms”
Sopel is suggesting that rather than just clip a 3 min section from a 20 minute interview
and leave the screen alone, Cruz has gone in and re-edited the footage to put in a false strapline.
….. ffff ing barking mad idea.
The replies under Sopel’s tweet including from Zurcher are all bubbleworld “OrangeManBad” type tweets
so although I could put them right.. I’d be wasting my time.
Note how how I used the correct word “strapline”
whereas Sopel used the phrase “strap on” as if that’s a phrase he commonly uses.
If I were kind I’d hazard he was using jargonspeek but didn’t notice how the contraction seque’d hilariously.
But with American Booty all bets are off, so… ‘ride ‘em cowboy!’.
Ooo…. conspiracies.
That is Marianna’s beat, is it not?
Assuming she has not ‘logged’ off.
Methinks Jon was playing to a very small crowd and forgot just how daft such efforts look.
Speaking of which, usually the BBC finest editorial integrity assessors are usually all about the evidence.
Or, on occasion, less so.
For some reason.
Guest Who
I wish you wouldn’t insult the noble weasel family by comparing them to Jon Sopel. Please withdraw your weaselist remark.
I retract.
Any fellow posters big fans of sea cucumbers?
Steve Bell is about to self-identify as David Lammy.
Sources close to June Sarpong say.
Local radio
3:50 pm “It’s LGBT History month, so don’t forget to go to Iplayer and listen to Des’s coming out story as he told to presenter Sean”
4.05pm “Here’s another clip from today’s breakfast show where Richard told Sean about his coming out story”
5 min clip played
4:11pm “And tomorrow night there is a special show Queer Lincolnshire
FULL (almost 15 minutes) interview with @DesDavis2 is now available @BBCSounds
The only conclusion I can come to is that the Left want to preserve the status of black people as ‘victims’ so they can be used as weapons against the Right.
Same as Muslims where their hypocrisy and double standards go off the scale.
Remember : true Lefties don’t really give a sh!t about anything or anyone. It’s 100% ideology and they will do absolutely anything to win.
Tonight’s TV
BBC must have decided they want to capture the oldies so
8pm Yes Minister, first ever episode
8:30pm Reginald Perrin, first ever episode
9pm 60 years of British sitcom
10pm Secret Policeman’s Ball celebration
8:30pm 90 mins Blitz Special with Lucy Worsley
..You know the drill 70% of pilots and soldiers were BAME etc.
10:45pm BBC have bought in 8 part drama
‘the prequel to Psycho’
8pm Alan Carr
10pm Romesh
ITV Assignment 3 stories
– Nasty Israelis don’t give the lovely Palestinians enough water etc
– Venice Virtual Reality Carnival
– San Francisco simple living
8:30pm show
including the artist and nurse Frances Faviell
and black air raid warden Ita Ekpenyon
8:38pm we have the black actor playing a Nigerian airman
the show is Lucy narrates then over to an actor for a scene.
Just had a white woman nurse
No white man yet.
Now a white woman gas spotter.
Constant brainwash background music
cos we the public are too stupid to imagine the scene unless they put emotional music behind it.
ITV local news
plugging their own progs
Then into national syndicated item
“lack of BAME cyclists”
white 39%
Black 35%
Asian 32%
… so not really much different actually
despite them framing it as a “crisis”
Covid: Scarborough woman jailed for coughing at police
I always check these stories now to see if we are given details of the offender.
This one was white so we got a full face picture. Can’t recall the last time I saw that for a black person. I usually have to dig around with google to find out.
I lived there for a while, most of the poor smoke heavily and cough regularly, very regularly in fact..
‘Fisher was sentenced at Scarborough Magistrates’ Court on 17 February.’
Same place that came down hard on anyone complaining about a local resident, called Jimmy Saville.
Permit me a few small ‘Cathy Newman moments’, good people.
The BBC are going big on ‘Vaccine Inequality’ today and that the Government is really wicked because Cabinet Ministers are not personally donning the gloves and facemasks and aprons while collecting together the vaccines, hypodermics, swabs and trays and going out to force a Covid jab into someone, in order to ensure that ‘poor people’ are innocculated against Covid.
The BBC’s scientific sage for all this pro-Lefty claptrap is a Dr Mike Tildesely. (Hope I have spelled that name correctly.) Like the stupid ‘Covid affects BAMEs more than white people’ study from June last year, Dr Tildesely has opened his mouth and put his foot firmly in it on this issue. He says that take up of Covid vaccination is much less in poorer areas, in inner city areas and among ethnic minorities. In contrast, affluent majority white areas have a much higher take up of the Covid vaccines. He claims that this ‘vaccine inequality’ “puts us all at risk.” Note that statement carefully.
The Cathy Newman (famous interviewer of a well-known Dr Peterson) moments herewith:
1. “So what you are saying is that the Covid vaccines don’t work.”
2. “So what you are saying is the Conservative Government is being racist.”, and,
3. “So what you are saying is that you are being a Lefty and racist and a ‘race baiter’.
not bbc related
but and interesting article for those with faith in the government and its advisors , or not
Meanwhile – being an Englishman – events north of the border are often a mystery – but andrew neill is in full broadside mode over the Salmond – crankie soap opera ..
… apparently stuff is being redacted and lies being alleged and parliament bring lied to by cranky and the Crown office os corrupt … and …-and …
And anything which undermines the scots national socialists is a good thing … and if any SNP vermin lands up charged just as good ….
I get the impression that the London BBC doesnt want to mention it at all …
The Federalist was blocked by Facebook fact checkers for what appeared to be doing what the bbc does, so what happens next here will be interesting.
One could ask Wendy and Marianna, but given the BBC is still pegging the death toll at five, and being coy on causes still yet nudging and winking madly it was a slaughter by Trumpian Stomtroopers, their corporate brand is pretty shot no matter what M. Wrong Shyster has already managed.
Is the blonde martyr of truth still on feet, or back to how beastly her life is?
Abhorrence! I err… Four.
“Four people died after pro-Trump protesters stormed the US Capitol.”
Only one person was deliberately killed as a result of the protests.
And it was a protestor.
That’s the truth of it. And they’ve swamped it with lies and misinformation.
Compare with Floyd. A low life with a long criminal record, high on drugs and resisting arrest. Makes me sick.
It was cover this or reduce Krankie’s covid report time and another chance to wrongfoot Boris.
No contest, really.
For remainer traitors reading this site –
Msm reports that your ReichEU commission has written to 6 ReichEU zones – formerly called ‘countries ‘ giving each 10 days to say how they are going to remove border controls – put in place for public health reasons .
The quest for a federal european Reich trumps the health of any citizen of the ReichEU ….
..,,,,,, doesnt mention third worlders using dinghies though …
The media scum particularly the Scottish contingent are so anti-Boris and pro the wee krankie that they ignore it. I wish I knew why the media up here publish nothing against this horrendous little harpy.
Her policies would make Stlain blush. Words cannot describle my revulsion to her and her cult like party.
Al Beeb love the sound of wee burny the fishwives voice, that’s for sure. She had top billing at 5pm on the wireless.
For me, living as far south as you can get from Scotchland, the grating rant of the rabid anti English sturgeon and her oneupsmanship over the outgoing PM is pointless, but the Beeb will use her as their useful idiot to push the agenda all day long.
Local news for local people would be a start.
Apparently the tedious Attenborough is telling us its too late to ‘save the planet ‘ – well he d know – hes a journalist – the arrogance of his type is just .. revolting ..
Fed, The Beeb gave him airtime at 5pm and his utterances to the UN were given 2nd billing on the wireless news, I heard the cadaverous old crone muttering something about climate change and saving the planet……. before switching channels and accelerating away from the lights in my 2.0 litre diesel wondering exactly how big the silly old fools carbon footprint is, given the amount of years he and film crews spent globetrotting…. Irony is not lost on some????
The police seem stuffed with BAMES already; what are they complaining about?
Presumably these 30 were engaged sensitively to allow for varying cultural and physiological differences?
Wet, white wet, wet of color, bi-wet, etc.
“88 mins
Leeds 3-0 Southampton
Sorry about this one Leeds fans…
But will Raphinha still be at the club next season should a big offer come in?
Another top class performance from the Brazilian.”
Miserable little sods at the bbc..
Sunday the R4 Book Show was 100% black
So the R4 Reading show today will be white ?
“drag performer Amrou Al-Kadhi
& television executive Peter Bazalgette”
11pm R4 tonight beeboids interview Beeboid about his Beeboid wife
Fi Glover and Jane Garvey interview Nicky Campbell
about his new book One of the Family
There’s also a special guest appearance from his wife, Radio 4’s Tina Ritchie
Outlets reporting Tiger Woods injured in car crash.
I hope it’s not serious, as he his one of their own, the Beeb will have flags at half mast and banner headlines on the News and Sport pages, along regular updates on TV and Radio for the next month.
Plus if the worst were to happen, would it be with Covid, or because of Covid?
“Tiger Woods was in a single-car accident this morning in California where he suffered multiple leg injuries. He is currently in surgery and we thank you for your privacy and support.”
“Not life threatening”
LA man crashes car off roadside rolling it onto its side… isn’t big news to me.
I’ll be honest a lot of your posts regards who said what on Twitter aren’t news to me Stew, however this site is about BBC bias, not Twitter and Woods is one of the chosen ones, in the eyes of Al Beeb and rest assured it will be big big news for them.
@WestWyvern I’m trying to point out the BBC don’t cover stuff,
when I post here those things that are being discussed on Twitter.
New account to follow @TheWokeyLeaks
– A few about the BBC
The official @jordanbpeterson account is back tweeting
Tom the Global Warming debunker
Gates supporting the media.
The ‘black’ people who are doing the complaining come in two sorts:
1) Those whose ancestors were slave trade wholesalers, and
2) Those who are lucky to be alive and living in the West because their ancestors were bought from and shipped out of Africa and rescued from being killed by their fellow Africans.
The first lot should be the ones paying reparations, if anyone should, and the second lot should be repaying their debt of gratitude to the slave owners’ descendants, perhaps?
Boris doing his big “we are reducing CO2” speech
at the same time as he lets in a load of illegals into a cold & high CO2 country
Simon Webb’s new short vid on #HouseGate Headteacher
Part1 is just an intro really
Part 2 to come tomorrow
Are The Guardian and the BBC by any chance related? I think we should be told.
I foolishly thought I would check the ten o’clock news headlines. Seems I caught the last five minutes of a BBC documentary about the blitz. I caught it just at the ‘summing up’ bit at the end where they were going through what had become of those featured in the program.
I smiled to myself and wondered when the inevitable would happen .. I was not disappointed. Sure enough, at the point where the music became particularly rousing and patriotic sounding ..there was the black person and his family. I wonder if one in six ( or however many there were featured in the program) of those in the blitz really were black … we all know the answer !!!!
Why do we have to pay for this ..
Has the MSM marked this anniversary? Joe Rosenthal took this picture 76 years ago today.
Trick ..Raising a ‘racist’ flag .. ( after the defeat in a particularly grim battle of people who at the time treated other races in unspeakable ways ) .. Of course the BBC would not celebrate that !
Of course the then defeated country did have a very different immigration policy to us though .. And seem no worse off for their resultant subsequent lack of diversity..
brexiteer, hang on a minute, half a mo, didn’t the Japanese treat the Chinese really badly? Should they not have faced some
censurereal praise for doing it to the Chinese in advance of the Chinese ‘persecution’ of the Uighurs?Kent – yes – foolish – I’m for ever interested in that period – but knew better than to see the polluted version I knew they’d shovel out .
See Mark Felton s works on YouTube for proper WW2 documentaries – free – british – and acclaimed .
I take it the latest BBC crap had the regulation number of trannie and queer aircrew … Palestinians – disabled fighter pilots ( not bader ) and the other tick box nonsense ….
Btw – don’t need a review – enough said !
Eloquent response.
Al Beeb reports …………………….
“Climate change is a threat to our security – Boris Johnson”
I would say that plans to cut the manpower of the British Army is an even bigger security threat…………………………… https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/army-faces-10-000-cut-to-troops-in-defence-review-pkv6zbwzb
\\Fossil fuels: Wales’ local authority pension funds ‘invest £500m’//
Have all the “Greenheads” at the local councils realised this bit of news as they drive their ‘green-woke’ agendas in their central heated offices and chambers ?
I forecast their retirement plans will be put on hold, somewhat .
Now lets get this right, UK to remain global financial centre regardless of Brexit – Bank of England.
Pound-Euro =1.167
Things are looking up————–
Over to you Al Beeb ………Despite Brexit !
And on Taffman s positive news – time for the new thread ….
Ah !
Where is everybody in England , are they all down the pub watching Al Beeb TV with maxincony and Beeboids?
Taffman – I think they are all waiting for the Ryanair / easyJet / jet2 websites to come up again book the June holidays …
There’s nothing like optimism.
IS THE BBC OVER STAFFED? The BBC at last count had over 21,000 acting journalists to cover the world news 24/7. This makes it the largest news gathering organisation in the country, – out stripping per head the entire news channels of all the UK printed broadsheets including all regional news and includes both The Daily Mirror and The Guardian combined. But out of all the UK newspapers only ONE stands out for the BBC…
This same newspaper has the consistently the lowest print sales in the country. This is the only UK newspaper that is stuffed routinely full of BBC recruitment Ads. This is the only newspaper that cannot pay its staff proper wages and financially unprofitable. This is the same newspaper that the only hope of survival is a that of working at the BBC.…!
In return the BBC does not pay The Guardian (itself) anything at all* for stealing headlines, features and Staff journalistic on a routine basis. The works collective of 21,000 BBC journalists can now enjoy a high standard of pay for doing less than anyone else, anywhere on the planet.
This is how it works at the BBC. It could never work anywhere else. THEY could not work anywhere else. And yet we let it happen as they have a ‘CHARTER’ to do it and print their own money (called a TV license).
*Facebook and Google do not employ 21,000 journalists and do not pay for news either!
It begs the question what do these 21,000 BBC journalists do all day?
And the answer is that. ‘That is why they read The Guardian’.
A never ending story.
IMHO, only Al Beeb and its staff buys the Guardian.
Any readers or posters on here buy it ? Because no one I know buys it.
Nope – and I get a strange urge to laugh out loud each time they beg me for money after I read any of their one-sided diatribes against someone with different political opinions.
Classic Alinsky: accuse your opponents of what you are doing yourself.