Tricky time for the Far Left BBC . SNP on the rocks – Islamic terrorist refused entry to the UK – Biden using the military – Chinese virus cases rising again – EU infighting – which anti british narrative does it push this time ?
Weekend Thread 27th February 2021
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Surely the ‘Being a BBC blonde’ is one of the most coveted ones that goes around?
Maybe this is why she looked awkward.
She’s awful by the way.
BBC video interview of England Rugby captain straight after his team controversially lost to Wales. (Scroll partway down).
BBC bint Sonia McClaughlin was desperate to goad Owen Farrell into a gotcha comment.
Disgraceful, wrong and unfair. ????
All going swimmingly chez W1A, as they all take turns screwing up, backing each other up or going oddly quiet.
In complement…
It seems that journalists and ex-players-turned-pundits, the apparent “experts”, the critics who can’t be criticised, are fully on her side, offering up their manly yet non-threatening shoulders to cry on.
Actual Rugby fans, English and Welsh, those without any obvious vested interests or any financial connections to the game or it’s broadcasters aren’t quite as supportive.
See also the comments in the bBbc HYS on the matter.
Yet again the bBbc and their media chums have found the victim that they need in their on going battle against all-things male, yet again it is a female reporting on male sports, yet again they have decided that the majority view and their viewers opinions are wrong.
Turn them off.
I fully agree, Rich. She would never be so aggressive interviewing the captain of any other country. Never.
I caught the ‘interview’ live on the radio whilst preparing food. The guy had just come off the field and was not happy about the result, performance and the officials. She picked and scratched then scratched some more in a clear attempt to get the gotcha moment or bring Farrell into disrepute with the authorities by having a moan about the ref or the way the game was handled.
She clearly takes lessons from Beff, Kunzberg and the like.
Now getting abuse on social media. Oh well, how sad, never mind.
Next on the Beeb, is it racist to accuse the Indians of preparing pitches to suit their team in the cricket….
I caught the ‘interview’ live on the radio whilst preparing food. The guy had just come off the field and was not happy about the result, performance and the officials. She picked and scratched then scratched some more in a clear attempt to get the gotcha moment or bring Farrell into disrepute with the authorities by having a moan about the ref or the way the game was handled.
She clearly takes lessons from Beff, Kunzberg and the like.
Now getting abuse on social media. Oh well, how sad, never mind.
Next on the Beeb, is it racist to accuse the Indians of preparing pitches to suit their team in the cricket….
Utterly pathetic how bbc carry the story, but don’t give any indication of the grievance of the people criticing her.
Says it all really.
‘I Sonia McClaughlin proudly carrying my banner into a male dominated world, ready, aye ready, to ask gritty, probing and determined questions no matter what the outcome of the defeated captain of a defeated nation, etc, etc…..’
‘I Sonia McClaughlin sit sobbing in my car, made miserable by beastly rugby fans who have no concept of the stresses we defenceless women have to tolerate as we battle against the odds etc. etc….’
Standard school bully gang member behaviour
.. as soon as they are outnumbered they seek to play the victim
“Oh teacher all these other kids are being beastly to me”
.. yeh five minutes ago you were beating up the other kid , until his friends turned up.
“Budget 2021: £5bn fund to help High Street recover from Covid”
When you see the millions of people shopping in the supermarkets every day you wonder why the pubs are not open, Covid? – No.
Pubs are where people meet and there is public discourse, political discussion, and more importantly, dissent.
Criticism of the so called ‘Tory Government’. This lockdown has allowed an open door for Wokeness to get a foothold. The ‘wokees’ saw this and used it along with their Marxist comrades.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
No need to discuss….simples
If the BBC had a sense of humour and didn’t rely on Getty images..
Graun speaking for the nat… Islington.
Monbiot, good British name, as ‘the pub landlord’ would say?
Seems he is working on a dramatic UK version to ‘Raised By Wolves’.
But the cast keep getting eaten.
My, that’s very clever isn’t it? Of course….Brexit types would never understand that…..
Why do they feel the need to display such stuff?
Always hilarious when a ‘clarification’ is required.
Especially blaming an inanimate aggregator, home to mostly his colleagues and those who visit to laugh at them.
Poor George overlooks the fact that The Roast Beef of Old England, King Edward potatoes and even our nation’s favourite fart-inducer have all been brought to their current states of perfection through the efforts of British farmers and gardeners.
But then he would, wouldn’t he?
Um, and Yorkshire puddings are from, where ?????
And there’s ‘Bara lawr’ or to the unenlightened, laverbread.
Put Welsh cakes, Bara brith and Cawl on that list .
Who is this guy George Monbiot, some kind of Rabid Remainer? He has a very suspicious non-British surname. He probably eats frogs legs and hugs trees for a living.
Close taff. Picture an emaciated bullfrog in spectacles, biting on a wasp and you have our George to perfection. A face only the Guardian could love, or even want to.
I just googled him. He lived in Machynlleth. I know the place well, there was a camp full of English environmental hippies down there.
Well he did not learn much about the local cuisine when he was there?
I visited that centre in its early days. Notions of good husbandry are good.
Mind you…..looks like he emerged from it like a crazed moonie.
Yes yes. I think we all know about cultural influences don’t we? Has he just found out? All very sixth form.
Lurch also gets a mention, though Craig possibly a bit kind.
I tend to the views in the comments, flag waving, goosestepping Christian social media person of isms that I am.
Faint praise?
Have to say the glass in hand seems more likely than the half of shandy claimed recently.
Sadiq statue demolition team : Tory MP pushes back against Labour’s cancel culture
Tom sounds sound.
Getting the distinct feeling that seeking diversity is simply code for importing ungrateful tools into the country to undermine the national culture and convert the place into a third world hole of ordure on par with the one their communities created to a point such that their spawn sought new avenues.
And some elected dummies have and still do encourage this, egged on by native tools in the national broadcaster.
Not keen, frankly.
Zuby, the guy who identified as a woman to beat wome’s weightlifting records.
Regardless of what anything is, or some rapper says it is The far Left Tories are leveraging trans people in a bid to destroy gender as it has accepted the nonsense of gender fluidity as real. Here is the symptoms of gender dysphoria:
Symptoms of gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults
Adolescents and adults may experience –
Intense desire to be the other sex. Fantasies of belonging to the other sex and attempts to fit in with an opposite sex group.
Desire to live or be treated as the other sex
Cross dressing to frequently pass as the other sex
Feeling and reacting like the other sex. This may be real or may be a perception of the individual with gender dysphoria.
Continued discomfort with his or her biological sex or sense of inappropriateness in the given gender role. Belief that they have been born as the wrong sex.
Trans Sexual basically means across the sexes, going from one to another, and as Jordan Peterson pointed out if there isn’t such a thing as fixed binary sexes then logically you cannot have transexuals!
The lies which the left are comming out with suggesting that this is somehow not to offend trans people is quite unbelievable. This has nothing to do with the views of transsexual people and I have never heard a single one of them ever suggesting this, only Social Justice Warriors who are probably straight anyway!
The whole thing is about the lefts insane desire tp destroy gender and the sexes, and unfortunately the Tories appear to be right on board with them.
Or to sum up, will ‘doing an Izzard’ feature in the next OED up-date?
Of whom, it must be said, ‘She’s not ageing well’. Time for Grayson Perry to take her in hand perhaps?
Our BBC circles the wagons in defence of terrible reporting. No objective analysis, of course.
“BBC condemns online abuse of Six Nations reporter Sonja McLaughlan”
They are pathetic. Whoever ‘they’ are.
‘The BBC’ vs. ‘Twitter’ is like two sets of New Emperor Clothes makers facing off with invisible handbags in a coal cellar with a blown bulb.
For every action…..there is a reaction.
I smiled at the silliness of this when reported on the news.
We’ve all had a bad day at the office. You have to ask why after doing a less than wonderful interview with the Captain of the losing side in a critical Rugby match did she go onto Twitter to see what people are twittering about it?
The intelligence of a Beeboid gets called into question somewhat by their own actions.
You’re in the entertainment industry. You perform badly on the big stage. You get boos and catcalls.
You work for the BBC – so you blame the audience. And you’re a member of a protected group – so the BBC are oblidged to back you.
So what were the hurtful comments, I’m guessing the Google search algorithm has done it’s little censorship trick, and buried them under seventy pages of trusted articles ..
TWotWeeee Watch #1 – green at the gills
Cannot remember who presided over today’s programme – a less familiar voice – and I seem to recall it was Rashidha Shaikh but there is no presenter of that name at the BBC. Just tried a search for correct spelling of her name. Think she has done the programme before but info on the BBC web-site these days is dire. The listed presenters are shown as one – Shaun Ley – but I think he left ages ago. No Ed Stourton, no Jonny Dymond.
The Producer handed this lass a bit of ‘Green’ to deal with. Is the new month of March, about to start tomorrow, ‘Green History Month’ or somesuch? It was wonderfully chuckleworthy. Someone – ex-boss of Siemens (vested interest in windmills and solar panels not mentioned by the BBC) was rabbiting on about ‘Green New Deal’ and the ‘Reset’ (after Covid Pandemic is over) and I think it was he rather than John Allen (Chairman of Tesco) who mentioned the importance of having a green industrial revolution.
A thoucus hit me like a smackereu blurdy straightlymold from around the turnus, as the late Prof Stanley Unwin would say, was it not the Industrial Revolution that got us – it is claimed by some – into this Global Warming mess in the first place? And you want another one?!! Crazy!!!
You just could not make it up.
Laugh a minute. Who says the BBC doesn’t do comedy?
Just John being John.
Looking forward to the inevitable anonymous spokesweasel wheeling out a statement that they believe this was entirely in keeping with nothing getting done again.
Oh, and, trusted and impartial, like Lurch, y’all!
Just imagine if Trump had increased unemployment by thousands, signed Executive Orders by the dozens, opened new detention facilities for children and bombed Syria, and didn’t even know where he was or the time of day, all in his first month!
Fascist, war-mongering dictator, wall-to-wall BBC ‘comedy’ and ‘analysis’.
“when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;”
Does Tim Davie ever watch Al Beeb TV ?
No need.
Seen all the repeats, and any new stuff will be run by him by an ECU minion to sign off the ‘got it about right’ blow off.
Countryfile seems all about Highgate Cemetery in LONDON
.. not really countryside.
– Tom Heaps report
‘these sugar beet farmers seem fishy with their special exception to be able to use neonics’
Now weeds in Hackney
.. good for insects, she says.
claims they remove pollution.
Not when it’s raining the don’t.
Anita ..”what about Climate Change ?”
Cemetery gardener “There are a lot more pests and diseases than when I started 30 years ago”
Mentions Ash dieback
That is not actual Climate Change thing
Snopes crops up a fair bit.
Here they are addressing facts the way the BBC does.
\\ Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown when she was 30 and he was mayor in his sixties
and he later gave her a position in government? //
31 year age difference.
So, getting ready to do to the USA what she did with Oor Willie?
Seems a sporting lass.
Could have been a brown willy!
I’m inclined to believe that it wasn’t infidelity
It does seem plausible he’d been apart from his wife a long time.
Downing street person
The family is a three generation chain of infidelity
The person’s mother was the Independent’s lawyer
The father was the co-founder of the Independent and a Guardian journo, then BBC WS manager, then 22 years at the Economist
also heading Larry Ellison’s charity until it was recently closed
The father’s father was a Labour MEP and Baron who had an affair
The father’s mother was close to Asquith, though her family said he was not her father.
The actual Downing St person was near the top of an anti-whaling NGO.
Most of this was not mentioned in Radio4’s profile of her.
They mentioned the whaling NGO
but did not mention the infidelity.
Only said this “Her father met her mother at the Independent where he was the co-founder and she was the lawyer”
BBC knows what needs to be ‘not newsworthy’.
I am not making any excuse for the abuse that the lady
rugby reporter took after her interview with the England
captain . But I am afraid the perfect storm is always brewing
at the BBC now that they insist that women take more
and more of the men’s sports reporting. Some of them
are very good and I am not trying to be patronizing by saying
that Gabby Logan having been brought up in a football
environment with her dad Terry Yorath and Clare Balding
for the same reason in horse racing are as every good as
men in their sports knowledge.
However as in every other aspect of politics, news, culture etc
etc etc the BBC as well as other media outlets still use
“positive discrimination.” Because they believed that women
were too little used for men’s football, rugby, cricket in fact
everything other than what would consider mostly women’
Male presenters such as Gary Lineker are abused something
rotten on the social media such as Twitter. I myself try
to keep it to sarcastic comments about the potato man.
Although Lineker even mocks himself. He is a big boy.
The trouble is that the women reporters may see the likes
of Emily Maitless , Jo Coburn, Laura Kuennsberg being
more facetious in asking questions to the likes of Matt Hancock
or the Prime Minister without getting a mouthful back at them.
The only male presenter with as big a mouth as these women
is Piers Morgan and he probably has more abuse towards
him on Twitter than anybody else.
I reiterate of course the abuse is disgusting. But I am
afraid to any ladies or men for that matter . If you cant
stand the heat get, out of the kitchen. Until this abuse is
legislated against.Or just show a bit of subtlety and discretion
when interviewing an England rugby captain when he has
just had the rough end of the stick from a referee.
Matt Hanckock may take it on the chin from a Kuennsberg. But many on Twitter who know they can get away with it don’t care two f–ks about writing what they think !
Ms. Balding was in our free Waitrose rag banging on about something nothing to do with a nice malt or interesting chorizo.
Makes excellent wood burner starter fuel.
If a woman wants to be treated as a lady then she should behave as one.
Unfortunately some act like men but don’t appreciate that men know there is a line that they don’t cross or if they do they get thumped.
Ladies don’t go anywhere near the line as they are ladies and ladies don’t do that and gentlemen respect that.
These BBC women think they can behave like men but have no fear of the line, the concept being alien to them as they were brought up to be ladies, something that they suddenly remember when they find themselves the wrong side of the line.
“But I’m a lady!”, they say, to which the proper answer is “But madam we have already established that you aren’t a lady but a woman pretending to be a man, we are now just determing how cowardly a man you want to pretend to be.”
As the old joke goes, the profession of the woman is in no doubt, it is only her price that is being negotiated.
Lurch is back, impartially as only he knows how.
Tonight’s telly
ITV & BBC put their two new cop dramas on overlapping each other
BBC2 : Packhm’s OK animal intelligence prog
then 2:5 hors of lefty comedians : Romesh, Dylan Moran, Franky Boyle
BBC1 have put Countryfile on earlier
seemingly so they can put Attenborough on at primetime.
They never mentioned that the actual farming prog is on BBC2 at 7pm
I managed the last 10 minutes of BBC1 Countryfile. Anita Rani was asking a cemetery gardener, “With the climate change have you noticed any changes?”. He replied something about an increase in pests.
Not only was her question stated as a factual statement but his reply was given as evidence. It was the TV equivalent of the ‘man down the pub said so’ .
“Covid-19: Brazil ‘variant of concern’ detected in UK”
Another “game changer”?
Time to move the goal posts ?
taffman, the Wuhan Flu is the latest version of Whack-A-Mole
Watched a few minutes of Countryfile.
Or should that be anti-farm eco-warrior file.
Sugar beet is dying off and so some pesticides are needed. The farmer seems reasonable. Cue sympathy for the views of a woman who disagrees and who has never got her hands dirty, from a grassy mini- orchard miles away from the action..
Later there is a feature on Highgate Cemetery where the presenter just has to ask the gardener whether global warming is having an effect !!!!! FFS.
They treat the countryside as a virtue-signallers paradise, a playground for middle class urban wokes, not as the place where some grow and rear food so the mass population can eat.
What next? A whole one hour special on Swampy and assorted tree-dwellers? Presented by a BAME personage, naturally.
In one of the sunday papers there was a piece about bailiffs calling the bbc and asking for £300. Apparently some fellow was going through his father’s paperwork and noticed he had a TV licence. Problem was he was over 75 and had been for a rew years. The man got in touch with the beeb, pointed this out and asked for a rebate for the years paid, the beeb said not their problem, he should have known. Anyway, chap gets refund from his dad’s bank, but thought sod it I’ll go D after the beeb for interest. They don’t want to know, so he goes to court, gets a judgement against the beeb, they ignore the judgement, in go the bailiffs.
Absolutely bloody brilliant!
Nice one, Northerns!
Interesting to see the bbc’s attack dogs squirming in the final paras! If they don’t have the details, or probably can’t be arsed to find out, what on earth are they doing to ‘earn’ their £6.5m fees for their incompetence and unpleasantness?
The Sunday Express may just be an online rag, but it’s free, and readable, and worthy of more than having to be paid for at Waitrose, while The Mail gets away with it!
I have for some time questioned the ethics of UK universities of late. This story from the Guardian confirms my judgement.
They are obviously much more concerned about securing the universities future and profitability than the quality of student output.
Hi – I can feel a new Thread coming on ….