TOADY Watch #1 – in which Martha misses a vital question
Discussion with expert on the Brazil mutation of Covid, Martha ‘in chair’. Expert doesn’t start sentences with ‘So’ ‘cos he’s a man. Ostensibly. Much concern over tracing victims of the mutant and preventing further transmission.
This is a virus. Do you really want to stop transmission? Transmission in the normal course of events with a virus would tend to leave it less potent, leading to less hospitalisations of serious cases. Martha did not ask.
It is almost as though they want to keep the Brazil mutation more potent. Or to have an excuse to prolong Lockdown 3 or Lockdown 4 (depending on who you talk to.) and, once again, Martha did not ask. No real probing, no searching questions – from a journalistic organisation, the BBC, that prides itself on seeking and checking facts.
I use the ‘so’ habit as a measure to determine whether someone is worth paying much attention to .
Start a sentence with ‘ so ‘ is a bit like that thing where the tone of sentences go up at the end suggesting – a lack of confidence or belief in what the punter is saying …
So .,.
Me too, Fed, or should I post #Me Too? I find it strange that the younger a Prof or a PhD, the more female a Prof or a PhD, the more the word ‘So’ occurs at the start of their replies to questions.
Also the ‘gravelly’ self-taught voice makes an inconsistent appearance. I say ‘self-taught’
as the alternative to the lessons Mrs Thatcher took to deepen her voice and achieve the same ends. They all try and mimic the male of the species.
The, “so” I think is a pre-emptive attempt to trump anything contradictory from anyone following. Aka, a superiority signal.
Oh it’s those nasty cruise ships that are broken up on Bangladeshi beaches ?
… funny the BBC omit some things
(Greenpeace sold on Rainbow Warrior to someone , who used it for a bit
and then sold it to the Bangladeshi scrapyards)
@Greenpeace couldn’t care less whether the ship was broken in Bangladesh or any other third world country. The 2 line admission only came about after the story broke. Just typical of their breed!
The Taylor Swift thing. I’ve seen the trailer for the programme involved, “Ginny and Georgia”. It’s on Netflix and it looks just awful.
15 year-old mature mixed-race girl with a 30 year-old white and immature single mother relocates to new town and new school where she is smarter, “sassier” and more politically aware than any of her mainly white and stupid fellow students. She overcomes her mainly stupid, white and male aggressors on a daily basis and despite being a deeply unpleasant smartarse she becomes popular, and respected of course, and also grabs the attention of the two most popular and handsome male pupils at the systemically racist and patriarchal school.
Basically the same as every other teenage drama being made today, many of them by Netflix. It seems that because a joke was made about Taylor Swifts’ disaster of a dating-life, “slut-shaming” apparently, in this deeply, stereotypically misandristic and woke shite the Swiftlettes are up in arms, bombarding IMDB with 1-out-of-10 reviews without any self-awareness or sense of irony for this “deeply misogynistic” show.
We’ve nothing to worry about, they’re going to eat themselves. Thankfully my three teenage girls, apart from filling me in on this, have no interest whatsoever in Swift, Ginny or Georgia, or indeed the shit they’re shovelling.
C4 dropping the ‘ant ‘ show is a disappointed because it reminded me of my time on the special forces – but i never mention that .,,
…. anyway – i guess the ‘ant ‘ show a bit hit for C4 – their ‘top gear ‘ maybe – but the threshold for getting fired because of ‘views’ or ‘ comments ‘ seems ever lower …
Off to channel 5 with ‘ant ‘ …
Meanwhile – if youve seen the picture or an irish trainer sitting on a dead horse and making a victory sign – youd wonder about people a bit …
I see that sadly Ian St John, Liverpool legend and according to Shankly the catalyst of the club’s successes in the sixties, has passed away at the age of 82.
Saint and Greavsie, essential Saturday lunchtime viewing that never took itself too seriously, proof that football existed before the Premier League and pre-Sky, and that football programmes were once simply about football.
Agree. Am now at the age where all those icons who were part of our growing up, and are of similar age, are now passing on. Life really IS short, and makes you aware of your own mortality. Gulp !
It was Gerry Marsden for me. Memories of queuing up at Dover theatre to see Gerry, Gene Pitney, Billy J Kramer and Lindsey de Paul all on the same show. Unlike now where its the price of a small car just to see one act from half a mile away in a huge arena.
A classic day interviewing a sci-fi actor bande dessinée fanatic who has fallen victim to anti-vaccine disinformation on social media.
For a report into the impact of the antivaxx movement in France. This – and more reports + investigations on this topic – coming soon!
Old thing – you have expressed something i was reluctant to write – and the scenario of the old chap checking out of the private wing of a NHS hospital on the day of broadcast would be …. timing …
If ever justification were needed to close down the execrable, traitorous and treasonous rag that is ‘The Guardian’ – could there be a greater misnomer? – it has to be the revelations of Roy Greenslade’s IRA sympathies and approval of their campaigns of violence and civilian murder. Together with the complicity of Guardian editor Alan Russbidger and the high probability of an active IRA cell, working at the heart of the ‘newspaper’, the expose shames and derides their ‘lofty ideals’ and makes any pretence towards journalistic integrity a farce.
Boris Johnson, as editor of the Spectator at the time, came out rather well then, while now Greenslade loses the first of what can safely be assumed to be a string of prestigious yet illicit positions within the media and academia.
As with a previous post, do not expect to find much coverage of the above by the BBC.
I used to love getting home from school and watching Catweasle, at least they still have it.
My favourite Ace of Wands, mostly got taped over and lost forever.
Interesting piece in Guido today re Cameron and the referendum decision. Cameroon says that he and the government could see that the single currency, the Euro, has fundamentally changed the EU and that the UK had to either find a new position within the EU or take a different path. I think this is code for either getting more opt outs , joining the euro , or leaving altogether.
We know that he tried to get more opt outs and failed comprehensively. We know that he repeatedly said that the UK would not join the euro. So by his own words he ought to have campaigned to leave not remain!! The same is true in his autobiography ( not that I have read it) in which he spend 80% of the book in exactly the position he outlines above but then suddenly becomes a Remainer.
It does seem that at heart he was someone who felt that the UKs position within the EU was disadvantageous and that it must be changed either by more concessions or by leaving altogether. So he seemed at best Luke warm about the EU .So Why did campaign so hard for remain? What happened to change his mind? Who sat on him? There is certainly a story there. Of course if he had campaigned for Leave the margin of victory would have been much greater than 52/48 and a clean Brexit much more easily achieved.
Just reminded me that yesterday in a BBC Covid related Have Your Say was a highly rated comment saying “We already know some people are stupid. 52% of the population proved this a few years ago”.
I got previously banned by BBC moderators for using the phrase “stupid parents…” but I guess calling Brexiters stupid is perfectly acceptable in BBC land.
I would guess he was up against ‘elder statesmen’ like Heseltine and Clarke with a constant barrage of negative thinking and his own ‘junior’ susceptibilities overawed by their positions within the party. Perhaps the real tragedy is that Thatcher was too far down the path of dementia to offer cogent advice.
Without that reality the outcome might have been very different, and very much quicker.
Interesting piece in Guido today re Cameron and the referendum decision. Cameroon says that he and the government could see that the single currency, the Euro, has fundamentally changed the EU and that the UK had to either find a new position within the EU or take a different path. I think this is code for either getting more opt outs , joining the euro , or leaving altogether.
We know that he tried to get more opt outs and failed comprehensively. We know that he repeatedly said that the UK would not join the euro. So by his own words he ought to have campaigned to leave not remain!! The same is true in his autobiography ( not that I have read it) in which he spend 80% of the book in exactly the position he outlines above but then suddenly becomes a Remainer.
It does seem that at heart he was someone who felt that the UKs position within the EU was disadvantageous and that it must be changed either by more concessions or by leaving altogether. So he seemed at best Luke warm about the EU .So Why did campaign so hard for remain? What happened to change his mind? Who sat on him? There is certainly a story there. Of course if he had campaigned for Leave the margin of victory would have been much greater than 52/48 and a clean Brexit much more easily achieved.
Cameron was part of the elite , the Powers That Be . If he were to be a Leaver , he would be in their eyes one of the following ;
a left behinder , a loser .
a maverick , oddball , eccentric
a xenophobe , little Englander , racist , un cosmopolitan
a city slicker who benefits from leaving , regardless of others
uneducated , low social class
nostalgic , wants a return to a now non existent old days .
Now would you want to join any one of them when if you were a remainer you would be in the jet set of
young , handsome , intelligent , affable , forward thinking , rich , successful , aware , powerful , international , connected , empathetic
more able to stride the world stage
If he was one of the Remainer elite why did he spend so much of his autobiography writing from a Eurosceptic position? I think that he was genuinely a Eurosceptic and way back when the decision to hold an in out referendum was taken back in 2014 he was prepared to back leave as a last resort. But between then and the referendum in 2016 he fundamentally changed his position. Why? Who said what to him? He now seems to be slowly moving back to his euroscepticism.
He is a politician; no further explanation is needed. Why did he suddenly become so keen on same-sex marriage? It is pointless to look for enduring principles. He did what he thought would keep him on top, and thank goodness he miscalculated.
Amazing how frightened the MSM is of President Trump – today there is an editorial in the BBC newspaper worrying about President Trump running again – and obviously ignoring the stolen election …
Meanwhile the false president had been in office 60? Days and has not done a press conference .
As ive said here before – theyve stuck him back in the bunker and treating him for what i suspect might be rapidly developing dementia …
The great danger for the globalist elite election stealers is that Biden reveals the truth about what actually happened by blurting something out without realising the implications of what he is saying. I know that I am making an assumption that he actually knew that the election was stolen. Such is thepower of the globalist elite that they can easily replace him and make sure he is never interviewed or allowed near a microphone. So , As was widely predicted last year, Biden will resign due to a new and certainly previously undiagnosed illness, they couldn’t admit it was dementia because they must have known about that long before the nomination, and Harris will be President.
Fed, Beeb Radio reporting on that CPAC gathering with Trump speaking at the weekend seemed to have an element of terror in the reporter’s voice. May have been Sopel or Zurcher.
Double / Up2
I reckon Biden doesn’t know the election was stolen . Also – it is pretty amazing – still – that the MSM doesn’t question bidens absence or extremely limited public appearances – especially during covid ,
It’s hard to figure out why America’s enemies haven’t started to challenge Biden – but perhaps they don’t need to if they already have control within the Biden administration ….
… the South China Sea might be the coming test though …
Liz Truss has signed off another trade deal – this time with Ghana – worth over £1.2 billion .
I was expecting BBC news to mention this good news – but strangely it didnt beat something about cuts in taxpayers’ ( borrowed ) money being sent to another failed state – this time Yemen or is it Aden …?
Ghana’s growing industry ?
“new discoveries by Norwegian start-up Aker on the Deepwater Tano Cape Three Points block could help production rise from a little less than 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) this year to about 420,000bpd by 2023
latest estimates are that oil revenue will reach ¢6.1bn ($1.1bn) in 2019, up from ¢2.4bn in 2018”
Labour must hat Liz Truss reporting on trade in thr commons – she really does a ‘stand up ‘ and hits them all for 6 – shows what a minister can do when on top of their brief …
Local BBC radio news ben doing promos for the Hull FOGI : Festival Of Green Innovation
“It’s live on Youtube”
I switch it on, and who is presenting ?
Kofi the local BBC Breakfast Show presenter
.. It’s not right that BBC staff should be involved in this POLITICAL event
video starts 14 mins from the beginning
Kofi “Here’s our friend joining us , Hull Labour MP Emma Hardy”
screen message “Part Funded by the EU Regional Development fund
Kofi “This might be the last time we see that wonder Blue EU flag, but I’m not going to get into that”
“26 Apr 2018 — A £4m grant from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) means construction work on the new Aura Hull complex will…. “
Screen logo reads “Phil Benson UK Black tech”
Kofi “How do we get more BAME more women into this”
Just cos these people are not carrying violin cases
that doesn’t mean they are not mafia running a protection racket
We are all forced to pay into the Green Mafia stuff
but unlike proper industry they pay in almost no tax back, eg no mining taxes.
Maier “At the time offshore windpower was 3 times the price it is today”
..that is false ..Wind power is not cheap and costs of building and running is not getting cheaper
It is not like the transistor industry.
on screen now briefly “East Yorkshire arable farmer”
(I think I know him … grows miscanthus for straw power stations)
and he drives a classic sports car ..neither of these things were mentioned )
Director at the end ” thank you and the BBC for coming down”
see it is a BBC project
Just watched a show called Greenleaf on Netflix, (all black cast) about a dysfunctional family who live in a mansion and own a gospel church in Memphis. (Actually very good despite me now ending all my sentences with Amen !) but there were a lot of references to ‘white privilege – white folk’ and yes they even got to say the N word, and ‘get your black ass over here’. I suppose the fact the Oprah Winfrey made and starred in it makes all the difference.
Just reading this in The Guardian. Another of those modern day stories where ‘the truth’ is what they believe, not what actually happened.
But Cleaver’s words spurred a torrent of criticism from conservatives who accused him of misunderstanding the meaning of “amen” – a Hebrew word that means “so be it”.
One Republican representative, Guy Reschenthaler, of Pennsylvania, incorrectly stated on Twitter that “amen” had Latin origins, but added: “It’s not a gendered word. Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable.”
Trump Jr made the same mistake, writing: “It isn’t a gendered word but that didn’t stop them from being insane. Is this what you voted for?”
Trump Jr. certainly didn’t make a mistake in the bit that they quoted.
Cleaver, the ‘A-woman’ man, claims it was just a pun, that somehow he was bringing people together by mis-using a word derived from Hebrew and then says:
“In doing so, they have proven one point of my greater message – that we are all ‘soiled by selfishness, perverted by prejudice and inveigled by ideology’.”
‘I am a good person by being provocative; you are a bad person by being provoked.’
GBNews announces a minority journo . But the responses on the twitter give a clue to the mind set of the wokes .
“GBNews is a far right broadcaster which shouldnt exist “ – and thats that – despite not having broadcast one minute of extreme Right poison .
Only ‘ approved thought and speech ‘ can be allowed – but we are not nazis says the woke …
What the Guardian didn’t want to ask is why the EU sent us 200 Rapist and Killers in the first place never mind the damage caused to people in this Country by these “imports”.
Come on Guardian try to find out why so many EU Nationals want to come to the UK to harm people and why the EU didn’t “notify” us they were coming!
I find it hard to believe that these criminals only developed their nasty tendencies after they arrived in the UK and were previously model citizens in their home Countries in the EU.
Maybe the Home Office were wary of revealing the scale of the problem for fear of backlash from the hordes of the “inclusives” and “diversity” champions?
Only asking the questions that support their attack on the UK administration is a common thread in our “trusted” media it seems!
So these sweethearts got all the way through Europe and then illegally here without any checking or issue, but upon returning suddenly their histories were logged in detail?
And as you say, the Graun is worried about the last, but not the first?
And by hiding blurbs until the last moment
they stopped me warning you about one of the 4 items in lasts night’s R4 Arts show
The kind of systemic violence that led to the death of George Floyd is the concern of the composer and producer Adrian Younge in The American Negro,
his multimedia project for Black History Month in the US.
It comprises an album of music and spoken word,
a four part podcast series, Invisible Blackness, and a short film.
Live from Los Angeles Adrian Younge talks to us about this ambitious and unapologetic critique of the malevolent psychology that afflicts people of colour in America today.
loaded framing there… George Floyd was not killed by systematic violence AFAIK
And if the jury at the trial of the cops accused of killing Floyd George decide to acquit the cops on the grounds that his death was caused by drug overdose.
Gee, the riots will run and run, and they might even destroy property.
I always put my collander on when the subject of IRA/Irish Republicanism emerges per Stephen Glover, article in to-days mail/. And per Beltane, earlier posting.
Given what is described as virtually an IRA cell operating within the Guardian operated by this Greenslade personage it makes you wonder?
Whether its largest customer and benefactor was aware , or indeed involved in some way?
Last night’s doco Max Clifford was upsetting
..had this habit of grooming young girls to toss him off in his office
.. He was a mentally ill perv
#1 Why did the people around him let it happen
#2 Was this the tip of the iceberg
Couple that with the coverup over Savile & his driver, and Rolf Harris
.. how many other people to un cover
#3 And he’d basically confessed all to his biographer Angela Levin in 2004 and she’d just sat on the tapes.
She was down as a producer on the show.
I she more incriminated than she admitted ?
Loui Theroux once exposed that she knew about Savile Guardian note … more
Now all that is needed is a BBC anonymous ECU director to take 6 months to decide they ‘believe’ all is well in W1A’s den of vipers and SNAFU City Salford.
Nothing to do with the BBC but I’d thought I’d share my knock on the door experience by two woke people just now.
“Hi I’m Pablo and this is my collegue ???. We are here to find out if you qualify for governement grants to make your home carbon neutral”
Me, “I won’t qualify for any grants”
Pablo, “Well that’s why we are here to find out. Are you a home owner?”
Me,” That’s private information and I’m not going to tell a stranger”
Pablo, “Well as I said my name is Pablo. Are you on benefits?”
Me, “You are a stranger”
Pablo looking awkward, “My name is Pablo….. Our goal is to be zero carbon by 2030”
Me, “That won’t be good”
Pablo and collegue at the same time, “Why do you say that?”
Me, “Because you will be dead. All life needs carbon. You cannot get rid of all carbon by 2030”
Pablo, “Ok that’s fine if you want to believe that. Please look online for for information on the gov website.”
I just closed the door at this point. Perfect example of the woke youth lecturing other people but cannot be bothered to understand the difference between “zero carbon” and “carbon neutral” themselves.
I have something called a telephone . This is phone with a wire . Lots of people used to have them
Well had a call from a MasterCard computer today – it told me £600 had just been taken from my card and sent to an overseas recipient- press 1 for more details ….
… i didnt – i had a feeling ….
I checked transactions – nothing – and my cards text me when i use them anyway …
Just snother scam attempt … – if anyone wants the long number – security number and PIN – just ask …
@Fed your internet is about to get off
just answer the phone and I’ll talk you through installing Remote Desktop so we can correct your problem
(… I mean so I can take over your computer, and rob your bank account)
After months of attacking Boris for not locking down faster I read that Nicola Sturgeon has hinted that Scotland might come out of lockdown before England.
The health of the Scottish people? They have the worst record for drug deaths in Europe, and in some parts of Glasgow the average man will die at age 58.
Someone might ask Nicola Sturgeon whether she might use her powers as First Minister to do something about this rather than showboating about independence.
God give me strength.
Twitch backtracks after outcry for using ‘gender neutral’ term ‘womxn’
Just look at the length of the article !.
I’ll bet my house that all these people are unemployed and spend all day looking for someone to call racist/transphobic. They should get a dose of the real world to appreciate just how small-minded and petty they are.
TwatO Watch #1 – another missed Montacutie question
The BBC are over themselves with delight at the thought that Covid cases and deaths are tumbling and that they might all be able to go to the pub and to their favourite restaurants (Dimbleby’s?) and travel to the EU to their holiday dachas, so much so that Sarah completely forgot to ask some searching questions.
She had Prof David Spiegelhalter to interview. I found this on his Wiki (usual disclaimers): “Spiegelhalter was born on 16 August 1953. His name means “Mirror holder” in German and would be prophetic in that he holds up a mirror to people who publish bad statistics.” Much was made of the disappearance of influenza from the deaths certificates. Sarah forgot to ask the bio-statistician what were the chances of influenza cases being misdiagnosed as Covid-19. (Symptoms are very similar often, albeit with the cough coming at the start of Covid-19 but more usually at the end of influenza. Shame on the BBC! No interest in finding out whether the statistics are dodgy!
I wonder why they don’t ask the sort of questions of these experts that ordinary people, non-Beeboids, would ask? Another interesting thing about the Prof. from his Wiki: he specialises in Bayesian statistics.
“Bayesian statistics is a theory in the field of statistics based on the Bayesian interpretation of probability where probability expresses a degree of belief in an event. The degree of belief may be based on prior knowledge about the event, such as the results of previous experiments, or on personal beliefs about the event.”
Say no more. Fits the Pandemic and the BBC perfectly.
Non covid deaths are WAY below the 5 year average.
It’s really not rocket science. Many who are attributed to dying of covid would have died in a previous year of something else – flu or pneumonia are the favourites.
Yet if you look at NHS England data, although a lot of people have died WITH flu, not many have died OF flu.
The numbers don’t add up.
Or rather they do.
Covid deaths are being exaggerated at the expense of flu deaths. An easy win in the current circumstances in order to avoid awkward questions.
Sluff, GPs & NHS 111 diagnosing at a distance, then patient gets breathless – panics a bit, which makes them more breathless and calls 999. Ambulance crew – ‘Hmmmn, probably Covid, better take them to hospital just in case.’. Hospital Doc administers test, gets false positive. Covid goes on the chart. Patient recovers, goes home.
On Saturday morning, in one of my posts I mentioned that the combined power generation of the UKs windmills was at 4%.
I have been checking it for the last 3 days and has not risen above 5%.
This evening it is at a Whopping 1%. Of course, solar on 0%
Pumped hydro seems to be taking up the slack.. see how long that is sustained .
Great continuing service, Davylars.
Perhaps we can expect Harrabin and his eco-fanatic fellow travellers to explain how we are expected to keep warm?
Or then again, maybe not.
Super, super, super news! Our BBC have managed to scrape together enough licence fees, they can now take BBC3 out of its six year hibernation!
And with BBC finances under such massive strains, it’s a testament to the skill and devotion of the management teams – whose only ambition is to make Your BBC the best value for your money – that they’ve found the staff to make it all happen.
Yes, it’s true! Lucky us!
The CEO of Pink News Benjamin Cohen took part in “Politics Live” on BBC 2.
” The BBC literally just asked four non-Jews if they agreed with me that Jews are an ethnic minority,”he tweeted.
Imagine if I was Black and four white people were asked to judge if I was a member of an ethnic minority. It would be as offensive”.
“I would have compared it to a debate about trans existence with no trans people participating but the BBC puts that sort of thing out all the time…”
The idea for the debate stemmed from a recent tweet from Labour Deputy Leader Angela Rayner, who congratulated the new Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar as “the first ever ethnic minority leader of a political party anywhere in the UK.”
Cohen replied, “I guess Jews don’t count Angela? You were first elected in a general election fought by a Jewish Labour leader,” referencing Ed Miliband.
During the program, host Angela Coburn asked Cohen if Rayner’s failure to recognize Miliband as an ethnic minority proves that Jews are no longer perceived as an ethnic minority in the UK.
“Benjamin, isn’t there a wider point that actually perhaps the fact that Angela Rayner didn’t immediately recognize previous Jewish political leaders in her tweet underlines the fact that many Jews have succeeded in reaching high political office, and therefore don’t need to be seen as a group needing recognition in the same way as others?” she asked.
Cohen responded, “We face anti-Semitism and racism very clearly. We’ve just seen that with the many years of racism and anti-Semitism within the Labour party.
“So to suggest that Jews don’t face racism, and therefore we’ve reached such a high office that we’re not an ethnic minority is frankly ridiculous.
“Frankly the notion of this debate is ridiculous.”
For a start Ed’ the shmendrik was eating a bacon sarnie and not a smoked salmon bagel. Jo Coburn herself is Jewish and like Jeremy likes to keep telling us “some of my best friends….” you know the rest.
The BBC is stuffed with people of Jewish background. Do they belong, or think they belong, to an ethnic group; or are they seen to belong to one? Does it matter?
Not the beeb but a note about the crap they put out. Got a letter in the post this afternoon, from Genesis a French nongovernmental thingy. I had won the opportunity to take part in a survey. Question one Are you a man or a woman? If it had come from the beeb there would have been three pages of choices.
Let’s accept that there is a legitimate case for some controlled immigration in order to fill gaps in the Labour market, predominantly jobs that the existing population don’t want to do. Given that your average Brit would ideally want a well-paid job it follows that many immigrant jobs will be relatively below average paid ( but much better paid than in their homeland, which is why the trip is worth it). In due course, such people settle and grow families.
Hence we have had a growing population of BAME doing jobs like bus drivers, taxi drivers, nurses, security guards, hospital auxiliaries etc etc. These jobs are in public-facing roles and require in -person attendance. And certainly those of Asian background have a cultural norm in living in multi-generational families, where among other things there is a key desire to look after the elderly, and who can argue against that?
In other words we have an identifiable population, defined by their skin colour, who are at higher risk of coronavirus.
Now please would you explain why any of the above is inherently racist and so requires a coronavirus response on that basis?
I imagine people with only one arm are equally at risk. But they don’t rate a grouping defined by their skin colour, and so are invisible to the woke Lefties and the BBC.
Tonight’s TV
9pm Sky Arts (on Freeview 11) has 2 hour doco about Banksy
9pm Smithonian series “Warrior Women” a woman became a garrison commander”
9pm BBC4 Hattie Jacques biopic starring Ruth Jones
9pm Stacey Dooley DNA how ..good reviews but does include people tracing their African American GI dads of course
9pm BBC1
Harewood’s racebaity prog I already mentioned
Why is Covid Killing People of Colour?
BBC1, 9pm
The actor David Harewood has had more than his fair share of health crises — asthma, hypertension
and, when he was 23, a full-on psychotic breakdown.
He’s also black and, at 55, three times more likely to die of Covid-19 than a white man of the same age.*
Harewood is thus well equipped to examine the reasons for the high death rates of Covid-19 patients from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds
His findings, especially on the subject of vitamin D deficiency, are fascinating and worrying
* I believe that is not true
you risk of dying depends on a number of individual factors
not magically just your skin colour.
I relatively few 55 year olds have died anyway.
I Twitter searched on “three times more likely to die of Covid-19 than”
an it gives you every special victimhood group you can think of
: Down Syndrome adult men, Latinoes in LA, “Palestinian refugees in Lebanon” etc.
The comments below the Times interview
vastly go against Harewood
As people cite that they have more sympathy for Yazidis and holocaust families etc.
Saturday’s Times had has two more articles about Harewood
One on page 5 and then a magazine feature as well
They mention his forthcoming four-part Channel 5 series on slavery
He has recently been back to meet the Earl of Harewood, at Harewood House
“I’d met him before, but in the light of Black Lives Matter and George Floyd, it was odd.
I drove onto the Harewood Estate and you’re looking at the name, Harewood, everywhere, and staying in Harewood Cottage. It’s a beautiful place, and he’s actually a nice guy.
At least he’s been the first incumbent of Harewood who has acknowledged where the money came from, and he’s been honest about it.
He’s got bursaries trying to help your young inner-city kids, and he’s got rooms dedicated to black art; the library’s got books on slavery.
“But when he showed me a picture of the 2nd Earl of Harewood, the man who owned my great-great-great-great grandfather
… He enslaved them, beat them, raped them and all that malarkey. *
And I remember sitting in this room full of gold and fine art and beautiful cutlery and gilt-edged paintings, and I just thought,
‘The whole thing’s disgusting, because nowhere, nowhere is there a single mention or picture of the people who worked all day to fund it. It’s like we’re invisible.’”
#1 The Earls were rich before slavery, I expect an ancestors wealth derives from an allocation of land by William the Conqueror
* Those are rather huge claims. It’ a great narrative to call an ancient earl a rapist, but i wonder what evidence exits.
Again commenters were skeptical
And this – “so many popular posts removed, who’s mediating David Lammy?”
Henry Lascelles, 2nd Earl of Harewood seems to have lived all his life in Britain
He did end up with plantations
left to him by his father Edward, who had inherited them from his cousin who lived most of his life in Britain Edwin Lascelles, 1st Baron Harewood
he got the plantations from his father Henry Lascelles (1690–1753)
who was born in Britain, but who had gone to Barbados to found them.
It seems that some of the family were on the ground in Barbados from 1648 to 1729 so I suppose they could have done something to ancestors of Actor Harewood
but we know that the ancestors of Harewood themselves were quite possibly involved in brutality/slavery of other African slaves
But when Actor Harewood said that of Henry Lascelles
“He enslaved them, beat them, raped them and all that malarkey” that does appear to be imagination
Seems to me that Henry had indirect ownership of slaves for 17 years, when he inherited them from his father in 1820 until 1833 when slavery was abolished and then 1837 when has compensation was paid. He died in 1841.
Actor Harewood’s ancestry seems unknown I guess they could have come anytime between 1648 to 1833
Who is this idiot? He is not a slave. What is he complaining about?
On the same basis, most of us could find something to feel victimized about if we looked into the past. It is pathetic.
For any if you who get copies of the Waitrose Food magazine, if you have high blood pressure I would give this months issue a miss. The whole centre section of the magazine has been handed over to diverse food activists to complain about the appropriation of food by us nasty white colonialists.
This sums up the tone: “As an immigrant, I’ve seen our food repeatedly be patronised, eroticised and devalued until some one from the dominant culture – in our case white British – decides it’s acceptable to make it mainstream and passes it through a white filter for white consumption with white profit.”
“for hundreds of years the British Empire systematically invested in laws and policies that have resulted in brutal, exploitative economic systems rooted in racism and classism”.
There are many more articles like this…..
It’s everywhere and it’s professional victimhood and it’s total rubbish, what about the thousands and thousands Chinese, Indian restaurants, the kebab shops et al in every town and city in the UK and all operated by people from the foods origin Country and all profiting from White, British customers!
Waitrose magazine highlighting the cultural appropriation of food. A nice surprise. Many recipes came to us through conquest, exploitation or slavery. “We cannot undo that history but finding out the stories behind a particular ingredient allows more presence of mind when eating”
Waitrose going woke "As an immigrant, I've seen our food be patronised, exoticised and devalued until someone from yhe dominant culture -in our case, white british – decides it's acceptable to make it mainstream and passes it through a white filter for white consumption"
Waitrose Food mag has interesting pieces on cultural identity & cultural appropriation.
Followed by recipe for ‘Teabread’ aka Bara Brith and Spinach/feta pie – ispanikli borek from Turkey on recipe card. D’oh
Does it taste OK, can I get the ingredients, can I afford it?
What’s the betting that Waitrose’s next step will be ‘genuine’ Chinese, Indian or Japanese salt at ten times the price?
We aren’t all Nigel Slater, who ‘just happens’ to find some left over Patagonia Yak milk cheese in his fridge and if he runs short Jolyon in the artisan market, (open only Wednesday afternoons), might have some maturing for use next month.
P.S. What happens if the ‘African’ food actually came from India or South America?
” what about the thousands and thousands Chinese, Indian restaurants, the kebab shops et al in every town and city in the UK and all operated by people from the foods origin Country and all profiting from White, British customers!”
Perhaps the Chinese, Indians and Turks have something to offer?
African ‘cuisine’, blood mixed with milk or miele-meal , maize porridge, one of Africa’s favourite foods, an import from South America via the Portugese?
I know Winalot is an excellent product by Purina, our JRT loves it, but do they have to make it so pleasant that it often turns up as numbers 45 and 56 on the road-kill takeaways in every town?
Actually, last Saturday, I saw that weekly mag and after even scanning the sidebar, said ‘sod that’, and left the nine-hundred spare copies for other fire-lighters!
I don’t mind Waitrose farting around like that, because there’s a great Tesco nearby for normal-priced food, but the trick is to go on a Saturday, spend £10.01, and get a DT (£3), for free, and then take your beer and crisps home!
And I didn’t notice any more ‘effnic’ nosh anywhere, so what they were up to, I’ve no idea!
And… do spag bol and dahl ready meals count as grub from oppressed countries? I doubt it!
Being English – and not qualified to talk about Scottish internal politics – I’m not sure that Crankie will resign over the ‘lieing to parliament ‘ thing – will she ? Who will replace her ? Will it affect the coming vote due in May ?
I ask here because I wouldn’t get a true answer from the MSM – although of all places – Bloomberg did a good ‘idiots ‘ guide ‘ the other day – so it suited me …
I’m sure she won’t, Fed, as the R5Gormless ‘news’ had a snip from the Conservative bloke up there, saying she could!
The Law of Scrobs about the BBC (always assume the opposite from their autocue-readers) works the other way too, if they ask a Tory, the opposite is bound to happen!
To assume that Bristol is only associated with slavery of one kin colour is racist
Webb says evidence exit that lost of white people were transported to Dublin during Viking times>
I’m confused : do they mean they will use the money to take legal action against descendants of the tribes who actually kidnapped them then sold them to the slave traders ?.
And more money will then be used to give all the descendants of slaves a flight ticket home and a few quid to get them started back in Africa ?.
Because anything else (such as giving it to them to continue living here) is plain old greed-driven hypocrisy.
“Speaking at the meeting, the leader of the Green Group, Councillor Eleanor Combley said:
“Committing to reparations and an All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry is not a final step, after which everything will magically be okay. But it is an important step in the right direction. It will allow us, together, to lift the bonnet and look honestly and with courage at how we got to where we are. And knowing that will enable us to make a start on repairing the harm it has done us all.”
What’s to ‘repair’?
They’re all OK now aren’t they? They have a home, hopefully a job etc., but why try and mend something that isn’t busted!
If all these spouters and star-gazers went out and did a proper job in the private sector, making their chosen country great, then we’d all be better off ducky!
(I could have done this soon after you posted Jim, but was discussing a gardening subject elsewhere – lower blood pressure you see)!
Just as a further point of hypocrisy : I’m sure they would say white men made the market for the African slavers to do what they did.
Would they then agree that drug dealers should not be prosecuted because without users, they would not have a market and hence would not exist ?.
Of course they wouldn’t. And they would do it without any hint of shame.
Panorama journo appears to be winning in the libel courts against Labour’s revenge thugs.
It all originates from a backlash caused by Panorama’s prog on Labour Party anti-Semitism
whereby Labour supporters started publishing smear against the Panorama journalist.
This is one libel action against Paddy French editor of The Press Gang website
but there are 2 similar actions.
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TOADY Watch #1 – in which Martha misses a vital question
Discussion with expert on the Brazil mutation of Covid, Martha ‘in chair’. Expert doesn’t start sentences with ‘So’ ‘cos he’s a man. Ostensibly. Much concern over tracing victims of the mutant and preventing further transmission.
This is a virus. Do you really want to stop transmission? Transmission in the normal course of events with a virus would tend to leave it less potent, leading to less hospitalisations of serious cases. Martha did not ask.
It is almost as though they want to keep the Brazil mutation more potent. Or to have an excuse to prolong Lockdown 3 or Lockdown 4 (depending on who you talk to.) and, once again, Martha did not ask. No real probing, no searching questions – from a journalistic organisation, the BBC, that prides itself on seeking and checking facts.
I wonder why?
I use the ‘so’ habit as a measure to determine whether someone is worth paying much attention to .
Start a sentence with ‘ so ‘ is a bit like that thing where the tone of sentences go up at the end suggesting – a lack of confidence or belief in what the punter is saying …
So .,.
Me too, Fed, or should I post #Me Too? I find it strange that the younger a Prof or a PhD, the more female a Prof or a PhD, the more the word ‘So’ occurs at the start of their replies to questions.
Most peculiar.
Also the ‘gravelly’ self-taught voice makes an inconsistent appearance. I say ‘self-taught’
as the alternative to the lessons Mrs Thatcher took to deepen her voice and achieve the same ends. They all try and mimic the male of the species.
The, “so” I think is a pre-emptive attempt to trump anything contradictory from anyone following. Aka, a superiority signal.
BBC News website reads more like Owen Jones Twitter feed every day. Both are full of either victimhood moaning or woke news.
Victimhood examples:
Taylor Swift criticises Netflix show for ‘deeply sexist joke’
‘Fake accounts used my pictures to sell sex’
Cancel culture examples:
Ant Middleton dropped by C4 over ‘personal conduct’
Starmer’s Labour critics become increasingly vocal
Environment moaning:
UK cruise ships end up as scrap on Indian beach
Oh it’s those nasty cruise ships that are broken up on Bangladeshi beaches ?
… funny the BBC omit some things
(Greenpeace sold on Rainbow Warrior to someone , who used it for a bit
and then sold it to the Bangladeshi scrapyards)
The Taylor Swift thing. I’ve seen the trailer for the programme involved, “Ginny and Georgia”. It’s on Netflix and it looks just awful.
15 year-old mature mixed-race girl with a 30 year-old white and immature single mother relocates to new town and new school where she is smarter, “sassier” and more politically aware than any of her mainly white and stupid fellow students. She overcomes her mainly stupid, white and male aggressors on a daily basis and despite being a deeply unpleasant smartarse she becomes popular, and respected of course, and also grabs the attention of the two most popular and handsome male pupils at the systemically racist and patriarchal school.
Basically the same as every other teenage drama being made today, many of them by Netflix. It seems that because a joke was made about Taylor Swifts’ disaster of a dating-life, “slut-shaming” apparently, in this deeply, stereotypically misandristic and woke shite the Swiftlettes are up in arms, bombarding IMDB with 1-out-of-10 reviews without any self-awareness or sense of irony for this “deeply misogynistic” show.
We’ve nothing to worry about, they’re going to eat themselves. Thankfully my three teenage girls, apart from filling me in on this, have no interest whatsoever in Swift, Ginny or Georgia, or indeed the shit they’re shovelling.
Tabs, “Environment moaning:
UK cruise ships end up as scrap on Indian beach”
Little Jim voice: “She’s fallen in the recycling!”
Great opening sentence, btw.
Why aren`t redundant cruise ships used to house bogus asylum seekers until they go back ?
C4 dropping the ‘ant ‘ show is a disappointed because it reminded me of my time on the special forces – but i never mention that .,,
…. anyway – i guess the ‘ant ‘ show a bit hit for C4 – their ‘top gear ‘ maybe – but the threshold for getting fired because of ‘views’ or ‘ comments ‘ seems ever lower …
Off to channel 5 with ‘ant ‘ …
Meanwhile – if youve seen the picture or an irish trainer sitting on a dead horse and making a victory sign – youd wonder about people a bit …
I haven’t seen the horse photo but I’d rather be sat on when dead, that whipped when alive.
I see that sadly Ian St John, Liverpool legend and according to Shankly the catalyst of the club’s successes in the sixties, has passed away at the age of 82.
Saint and Greavsie, essential Saturday lunchtime viewing that never took itself too seriously, proof that football existed before the Premier League and pre-Sky, and that football programmes were once simply about football.
Agree. Am now at the age where all those icons who were part of our growing up, and are of similar age, are now passing on. Life really IS short, and makes you aware of your own mortality. Gulp !
I’m with you there. I always think to myself, ‘when Cliff Richard disappears, that’s it for me’…………..
It was Gerry Marsden for me. Memories of queuing up at Dover theatre to see Gerry, Gene Pitney, Billy J Kramer and Lindsey de Paul all on the same show. Unlike now where its the price of a small car just to see one act from half a mile away in a huge arena.
“And now over to Katya Adler, with guest Femi…”
Breaking: Pop shields have mirrors! Who knew?
If she was made of chocolate …..
‘Fallen victim’? It’s up the individual to decide.
‘Fallen victim’? It’s up the individual to decide.
I bet Harry & Megs are praying that Grandad keeps going until after their whining global show, or it will take them off the front pages. Lol !
Old thing – you have expressed something i was reluctant to write – and the scenario of the old chap checking out of the private wing of a NHS hospital on the day of broadcast would be …. timing …
If ever justification were needed to close down the execrable, traitorous and treasonous rag that is ‘The Guardian’ – could there be a greater misnomer? – it has to be the revelations of Roy Greenslade’s IRA sympathies and approval of their campaigns of violence and civilian murder. Together with the complicity of Guardian editor Alan Russbidger and the high probability of an active IRA cell, working at the heart of the ‘newspaper’, the expose shames and derides their ‘lofty ideals’ and makes any pretence towards journalistic integrity a farce.
Boris Johnson, as editor of the Spectator at the time, came out rather well then, while now Greenslade loses the first of what can safely be assumed to be a string of prestigious yet illicit positions within the media and academia.
As with a previous post, do not expect to find much coverage of the above by the BBC.
@Beltane Have you got a link ?
Surely you can’t close down media just cos they support “freedom fighters” ?
Quite an achievement turning newspapers into intelligence sources for terrorist groups ….
For anyone looking for a bit of “light relief’ the excellent “Talking pictures “ free channel is showing “Catweazle”-….
im not sure if it has a warning about the views of 11th century wizards causing offence to the weak woke …
For corroboration see The Times, Mail, Spectator, MSM, Metro and others.
Or of course they may all be unfairly prejudiced.
Did the BBC make a fuss when the Democrat state of California passed 50K deaths in its 40 million population ?
rhetorical question I guess
AP February 25th
I used to love getting home from school and watching Catweasle, at least they still have it.
My favourite Ace of Wands, mostly got taped over and lost forever.
Treat yourself. I bought this some years ago.
Interesting piece in Guido today re Cameron and the referendum decision. Cameroon says that he and the government could see that the single currency, the Euro, has fundamentally changed the EU and that the UK had to either find a new position within the EU or take a different path. I think this is code for either getting more opt outs , joining the euro , or leaving altogether.
We know that he tried to get more opt outs and failed comprehensively. We know that he repeatedly said that the UK would not join the euro. So by his own words he ought to have campaigned to leave not remain!! The same is true in his autobiography ( not that I have read it) in which he spend 80% of the book in exactly the position he outlines above but then suddenly becomes a Remainer.
It does seem that at heart he was someone who felt that the UKs position within the EU was disadvantageous and that it must be changed either by more concessions or by leaving altogether. So he seemed at best Luke warm about the EU .So Why did campaign so hard for remain? What happened to change his mind? Who sat on him? There is certainly a story there. Of course if he had campaigned for Leave the margin of victory would have been much greater than 52/48 and a clean Brexit much more easily achieved.
Just reminded me that yesterday in a BBC Covid related Have Your Say was a highly rated comment saying “We already know some people are stupid. 52% of the population proved this a few years ago”.
I got previously banned by BBC moderators for using the phrase “stupid parents…” but I guess calling Brexiters stupid is perfectly acceptable in BBC land.
I would guess he was up against ‘elder statesmen’ like Heseltine and Clarke with a constant barrage of negative thinking and his own ‘junior’ susceptibilities overawed by their positions within the party. Perhaps the real tragedy is that Thatcher was too far down the path of dementia to offer cogent advice.
Without that reality the outcome might have been very different, and very much quicker.
Double, “What happened to change his mind? Who sat on him?” – Civil Serpents?
I have a strong feeling it was the Head of the Civil Service who pushed Cameron into a resignation in the weekend after the Referendum vote.
Interesting piece in Guido today re Cameron and the referendum decision. Cameroon says that he and the government could see that the single currency, the Euro, has fundamentally changed the EU and that the UK had to either find a new position within the EU or take a different path. I think this is code for either getting more opt outs , joining the euro , or leaving altogether.
We know that he tried to get more opt outs and failed comprehensively. We know that he repeatedly said that the UK would not join the euro. So by his own words he ought to have campaigned to leave not remain!! The same is true in his autobiography ( not that I have read it) in which he spend 80% of the book in exactly the position he outlines above but then suddenly becomes a Remainer.
It does seem that at heart he was someone who felt that the UKs position within the EU was disadvantageous and that it must be changed either by more concessions or by leaving altogether. So he seemed at best Luke warm about the EU .So Why did campaign so hard for remain? What happened to change his mind? Who sat on him? There is certainly a story there. Of course if he had campaigned for Leave the margin of victory would have been much greater than 52/48 and a clean Brexit much more easily achieved.
Double ,
Cameron was part of the elite , the Powers That Be . If he were to be a Leaver , he would be in their eyes one of the following ;
a left behinder , a loser .
a maverick , oddball , eccentric
a xenophobe , little Englander , racist , un cosmopolitan
a city slicker who benefits from leaving , regardless of others
uneducated , low social class
nostalgic , wants a return to a now non existent old days .
Now would you want to join any one of them when if you were a remainer you would be in the jet set of
young , handsome , intelligent , affable , forward thinking , rich , successful , aware , powerful , international , connected , empathetic
more able to stride the world stage
If he was one of the Remainer elite why did he spend so much of his autobiography writing from a Eurosceptic position? I think that he was genuinely a Eurosceptic and way back when the decision to hold an in out referendum was taken back in 2014 he was prepared to back leave as a last resort. But between then and the referendum in 2016 he fundamentally changed his position. Why? Who said what to him? He now seems to be slowly moving back to his euroscepticism.
He is a politician; no further explanation is needed. Why did he suddenly become so keen on same-sex marriage? It is pointless to look for enduring principles. He did what he thought would keep him on top, and thank goodness he miscalculated.
Apparently cameron appeared before a committee of parliament inquiring into the readiness of UK to deal with a pandemic .
Cameron criticised ( not directly ) May for merging the job of Cabinet secretary with that of head of the National Security Committee .,.
… with a cabinet in the years before covid suffering and dying from lung cancer …
Eddy 10am tomorrow – freesat 306 .
Id forgotten about ‘Touchwood ‘ the wizards toad? – a term with a meaning that has changed over the years … dince 1971….
Amazing how frightened the MSM is of President Trump – today there is an editorial in the BBC newspaper worrying about President Trump running again – and obviously ignoring the stolen election …
Meanwhile the false president had been in office 60? Days and has not done a press conference .
As ive said here before – theyve stuck him back in the bunker and treating him for what i suspect might be rapidly developing dementia …
The great danger for the globalist elite election stealers is that Biden reveals the truth about what actually happened by blurting something out without realising the implications of what he is saying. I know that I am making an assumption that he actually knew that the election was stolen. Such is thepower of the globalist elite that they can easily replace him and make sure he is never interviewed or allowed near a microphone. So , As was widely predicted last year, Biden will resign due to a new and certainly previously undiagnosed illness, they couldn’t admit it was dementia because they must have known about that long before the nomination, and Harris will be President.
Fed, Beeb Radio reporting on that CPAC gathering with Trump speaking at the weekend seemed to have an element of terror in the reporter’s voice. May have been Sopel or Zurcher.
Double / Up2
I reckon Biden doesn’t know the election was stolen . Also – it is pretty amazing – still – that the MSM doesn’t question bidens absence or extremely limited public appearances – especially during covid ,
It’s hard to figure out why America’s enemies haven’t started to challenge Biden – but perhaps they don’t need to if they already have control within the Biden administration ….
… the South China Sea might be the coming test though …
The progressive far left eating themselves!
Twitch backtracks after outcry for using ‘gender neutral’ term ‘womnx’
The company had said it would use the term “womxn” in order to be more gender neutral in its language.
But LGBT communities online called the change transphobic because it suggested trans women were not women.
“We’re committed to growing from these experiences… and ensuring we’re inclusive to all,” the company tweeted.
See what happens when you try and accommodate other peoples demands. It just opens yet another can of worms.
Liz Truss has signed off another trade deal – this time with Ghana – worth over £1.2 billion .
I was expecting BBC news to mention this good news – but strangely it didnt beat something about cuts in taxpayers’ ( borrowed ) money being sent to another failed state – this time Yemen or is it Aden …?
Ghana’s growing industry ?
“new discoveries by Norwegian start-up Aker on the Deepwater Tano Cape Three Points block could help production rise from a little less than 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) this year to about 420,000bpd by 2023
latest estimates are that oil revenue will reach ¢6.1bn ($1.1bn) in 2019, up from ¢2.4bn in 2018”
Gold mining is still the biggest earner
Labour must hat Liz Truss reporting on trade in thr commons – she really does a ‘stand up ‘ and hits them all for 6 – shows what a minister can do when on top of their brief …
Local BBC radio news ben doing promos for the Hull FOGI : Festival Of Green Innovation
“It’s live on Youtube”
I switch it on, and who is presenting ?
Kofi the local BBC Breakfast Show presenter
.. It’s not right that BBC staff should be involved in this POLITICAL event
video starts 14 mins from the beginning
Kofi “Here’s our friend joining us , Hull Labour MP Emma Hardy”
screen message “Part Funded by the EU Regional Development fund
Kofi “This might be the last time we see that wonder Blue EU flag, but I’m not going to get into that”
“26 Apr 2018 — A £4m grant from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) means construction work on the new Aura Hull complex will…. “
Screen logo reads “Phil Benson UK Black tech”
Kofi “How do we get more BAME more women into this”
Just cos these people are not carrying violin cases
that doesn’t mean they are not mafia running a protection racket
We are all forced to pay into the Green Mafia stuff
but unlike proper industry they pay in almost no tax back, eg no mining taxes.
Maier “At the time offshore windpower was 3 times the price it is today”
..that is false ..Wind power is not cheap and costs of building and running is not getting cheaper
It is not like the transistor industry.
on screen now briefly “East Yorkshire arable farmer”
(I think I know him … grows miscanthus for straw power stations)
and he drives a classic sports car ..neither of these things were mentioned )
Director at the end ” thank you and the BBC for coming down”
see it is a BBC project
Director at the end “Thankyou and the BBC for coming down today”
See it is a BBC project ! not just work on the side for Kofi
Ah it says that on the screen credits anyway
I drove from Hull to Leeds and back on Sunday.
I saw dozens and dozens of wind turbines on the journey. Not a single one was turning.
0.9 Gw at the moment, 40 Gw demand!
Entrepreneur, UK White Tech.. no it’ll never be allowed to catch on
Racist = White
Just watched a show called Greenleaf on Netflix, (all black cast) about a dysfunctional family who live in a mansion and own a gospel church in Memphis. (Actually very good despite me now ending all my sentences with Amen !) but there were a lot of references to ‘white privilege – white folk’ and yes they even got to say the N word, and ‘get your black ass over here’. I suppose the fact the Oprah Winfrey made and starred in it makes all the difference.
Not Awoman then!
Just reading this in The Guardian. Another of those modern day stories where ‘the truth’ is what they believe, not what actually happened.
Trump Jr. certainly didn’t make a mistake in the bit that they quoted.
Cleaver, the ‘A-woman’ man, claims it was just a pun, that somehow he was bringing people together by mis-using a word derived from Hebrew and then says:
“In doing so, they have proven one point of my greater message – that we are all ‘soiled by selfishness, perverted by prejudice and inveigled by ideology’.”
‘I am a good person by being provocative; you are a bad person by being provoked.’
More twitter watch
GBNews announces a minority journo . But the responses on the twitter give a clue to the mind set of the wokes .
“GBNews is a far right broadcaster which shouldnt exist “ – and thats that – despite not having broadcast one minute of extreme Right poison .
Only ‘ approved thought and speech ‘ can be allowed – but we are not nazis says the woke …
Not a surprise that such regular TalkRadio guests have been headhunted for GBnews
The Guardian getting hot under the collar because they claim the UK Government failed to notify the EU about 200 Rapist and Killers.
Exclusive: total of 112,490 criminal convictions not sent to relevant EU capitals over eight-year period
Yes its a Guardian Exclusive folks!
“The damage caused to the reputation of British policing by this failure and cover-up by the Home Office cannot be overstated.”
These criminals came to the UK from:
Czech Republic
What the Guardian didn’t want to ask is why the EU sent us 200 Rapist and Killers in the first place never mind the damage caused to people in this Country by these “imports”.
Come on Guardian try to find out why so many EU Nationals want to come to the UK to harm people and why the EU didn’t “notify” us they were coming!
I find it hard to believe that these criminals only developed their nasty tendencies after they arrived in the UK and were previously model citizens in their home Countries in the EU.
Maybe the Home Office were wary of revealing the scale of the problem for fear of backlash from the hordes of the “inclusives” and “diversity” champions?
Only asking the questions that support their attack on the UK administration is a common thread in our “trusted” media it seems!
Hilarious if not tragic and serious.
So these sweethearts got all the way through Europe and then illegally here without any checking or issue, but upon returning suddenly their histories were logged in detail?
And as you say, the Graun is worried about the last, but not the first?
An R4 prog last night was labelled
Cultural Exchange: Bristol
.. the blurb was blank and the audio is about Lucretius
and when I check I see in the archive they have a 2 year old prog Naomi Alderman’s story of Lucretius ..which is 100% the same .
So they have done a repeat, without saying that it was a repeat.
And by hiding blurbs until the last moment
they stopped me warning you about one of the 4 items in lasts night’s R4 Arts show
loaded framing there… George Floyd was not killed by systematic violence AFAIK
The violent criminal George Floyd was killed by an overdose of fentanyl. That’s all there is to it.
And if the jury at the trial of the cops accused of killing Floyd George decide to acquit the cops on the grounds that his death was caused by drug overdose.
Gee, the riots will run and run, and they might even destroy property.
I always put my collander on when the subject of IRA/Irish Republicanism emerges per Stephen Glover, article in to-days mail/. And per Beltane, earlier posting.
Given what is described as virtually an IRA cell operating within the Guardian operated by this Greenslade personage it makes you wonder?
Whether its largest customer and benefactor was aware , or indeed involved in some way?
Last night’s doco Max Clifford was upsetting
..had this habit of grooming young girls to toss him off in his office
.. He was a mentally ill perv
#1 Why did the people around him let it happen
#2 Was this the tip of the iceberg
Couple that with the coverup over Savile & his driver, and Rolf Harris
.. how many other people to un cover
#3 And he’d basically confessed all to his biographer Angela Levin in 2004 and she’d just sat on the tapes.
She was down as a producer on the show.
I she more incriminated than she admitted ?
Loui Theroux once exposed that she knew about Savile Guardian note … more
BBC and staff and guests and… Hurley Burley.
Now all that is needed is a BBC anonymous ECU director to take 6 months to decide they ‘believe’ all is well in W1A’s den of vipers and SNAFU City Salford.
For the record there’s a first JC article
Nothing to do with the BBC but I’d thought I’d share my knock on the door experience by two woke people just now.
“Hi I’m Pablo and this is my collegue ???. We are here to find out if you qualify for governement grants to make your home carbon neutral”
Me, “I won’t qualify for any grants”
Pablo, “Well that’s why we are here to find out. Are you a home owner?”
Me,” That’s private information and I’m not going to tell a stranger”
Pablo, “Well as I said my name is Pablo. Are you on benefits?”
Me, “You are a stranger”
Pablo looking awkward, “My name is Pablo….. Our goal is to be zero carbon by 2030”
Me, “That won’t be good”
Pablo and collegue at the same time, “Why do you say that?”
Me, “Because you will be dead. All life needs carbon. You cannot get rid of all carbon by 2030”
Pablo, “Ok that’s fine if you want to believe that. Please look online for for information on the gov website.”
I just closed the door at this point. Perfect example of the woke youth lecturing other people but cannot be bothered to understand the difference between “zero carbon” and “carbon neutral” themselves.
Rather suspecting vast amounts of taxpayer money is going to Pablos and very little into improving home efficiencies.
Tabs, callow youths, probably never seen
Star WarsStar Trek.“Interesting, Captain. My scanner is detecting two carbon lifeforms on a doorstep over there.”
TCW article lastweek
It’s supposed to satire but just seems a stereotype of working class.
Not the BBC – but a warning .
I have something called a telephone . This is phone with a wire . Lots of people used to have them
Well had a call from a MasterCard computer today – it told me £600 had just been taken from my card and sent to an overseas recipient- press 1 for more details ….
… i didnt – i had a feeling ….
I checked transactions – nothing – and my cards text me when i use them anyway …
Just snother scam attempt … – if anyone wants the long number – security number and PIN – just ask …
@Fed your internet is about to get off
just answer the phone and I’ll talk you through installing Remote Desktop so we can correct your problem
(… I mean so I can take over your computer, and rob your bank account)
After months of attacking Boris for not locking down faster I read that Nicola Sturgeon has hinted that Scotland might come out of lockdown before England.
A triple gold effort.
1. Divert attention from the murky goings on she is surrounded by?
2. Try to restore faith in Independence?
3. Get one up on Boris?
Naw! she wouldn’t gamble on the health and safety of Scottish people for political ends would she?
The health of the Scottish people? They have the worst record for drug deaths in Europe, and in some parts of Glasgow the average man will die at age 58.
Someone might ask Nicola Sturgeon whether she might use her powers as First Minister to do something about this rather than showboating about independence.
God give me strength.
Twitch backtracks after outcry for using ‘gender neutral’ term ‘womxn’
Just look at the length of the article !.
I’ll bet my house that all these people are unemployed and spend all day looking for someone to call racist/transphobic. They should get a dose of the real world to appreciate just how small-minded and petty they are.
TwatO Watch #1 – another missed Montacutie question
The BBC are over themselves with delight at the thought that Covid cases and deaths are tumbling and that they might all be able to go to the pub and to their favourite restaurants (Dimbleby’s?) and travel to the EU to their holiday dachas, so much so that Sarah completely forgot to ask some searching questions.
She had Prof David Spiegelhalter to interview. I found this on his Wiki (usual disclaimers): “Spiegelhalter was born on 16 August 1953. His name means “Mirror holder” in German and would be prophetic in that he holds up a mirror to people who publish bad statistics.” Much was made of the disappearance of influenza from the deaths certificates. Sarah forgot to ask the bio-statistician what were the chances of influenza cases being misdiagnosed as Covid-19. (Symptoms are very similar often, albeit with the cough coming at the start of Covid-19 but more usually at the end of influenza. Shame on the BBC! No interest in finding out whether the statistics are dodgy!
I wonder why they don’t ask the sort of questions of these experts that ordinary people, non-Beeboids, would ask? Another interesting thing about the Prof. from his Wiki: he specialises in Bayesian statistics.
“Bayesian statistics is a theory in the field of statistics based on the Bayesian interpretation of probability where probability expresses a degree of belief in an event. The degree of belief may be based on prior knowledge about the event, such as the results of previous experiments, or on personal beliefs about the event.”
Say no more. Fits the Pandemic and the BBC perfectly.
Spiegelhalter has been the UK top medical statistician for some years.
Frequently on BBC Radio, Stew. Shame about the journalists’ lack of curiosity though.
Non covid deaths are WAY below the 5 year average.
It’s really not rocket science. Many who are attributed to dying of covid would have died in a previous year of something else – flu or pneumonia are the favourites.
Yet if you look at NHS England data, although a lot of people have died WITH flu, not many have died OF flu.
The numbers don’t add up.
Or rather they do.
Covid deaths are being exaggerated at the expense of flu deaths. An easy win in the current circumstances in order to avoid awkward questions.
Sluff, GPs & NHS 111 diagnosing at a distance, then patient gets breathless – panics a bit, which makes them more breathless and calls 999. Ambulance crew – ‘Hmmmn, probably Covid, better take them to hospital just in case.’. Hospital Doc administers test, gets false positive. Covid goes on the chart. Patient recovers, goes home.
Or, very likely, Covid goes on the chart, patient catches the disease, dies.
Banania, thanks for covering that base. I temporarily forgot that the NHS is a super-spreader.
ITV local news
#1 BAME doctor Lisa suffers long Covid
item #2 Universal Credit is not enough to live on
Flippen heck Lisa, you weigh twice as much as me.
Then we see her getting a checkup from a nurse, who is even fatter.
On Saturday morning, in one of my posts I mentioned that the combined power generation of the UKs windmills was at 4%.
I have been checking it for the last 3 days and has not risen above 5%.
This evening it is at a Whopping 1%. Of course, solar on 0%
Pumped hydro seems to be taking up the slack.. see how long that is sustained .
Great continuing service, Davylars.
Perhaps we can expect Harrabin and his eco-fanatic fellow travellers to explain how we are expected to keep warm?
Or then again, maybe not.
Davy, that scale on the top left dial will have to be changed in a few years time. 😉
Super, super, super news! Our BBC have managed to scrape together enough licence fees, they can now take BBC3 out of its six year hibernation!
And with BBC finances under such massive strains, it’s a testament to the skill and devotion of the management teams – whose only ambition is to make Your BBC the best value for your money – that they’ve found the staff to make it all happen.
Yes, it’s true! Lucky us!
The CEO of Pink News Benjamin Cohen took part in “Politics Live” on BBC 2.
” The BBC literally just asked four non-Jews if they agreed with me that Jews are an ethnic minority,”he tweeted.
Imagine if I was Black and four white people were asked to judge if I was a member of an ethnic minority. It would be as offensive”.
“I would have compared it to a debate about trans existence with no trans people participating but the BBC puts that sort of thing out all the time…”
The idea for the debate stemmed from a recent tweet from Labour Deputy Leader Angela Rayner, who congratulated the new Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar as “the first ever ethnic minority leader of a political party anywhere in the UK.”
Cohen replied, “I guess Jews don’t count Angela? You were first elected in a general election fought by a Jewish Labour leader,” referencing Ed Miliband.
During the program, host Angela Coburn asked Cohen if Rayner’s failure to recognize Miliband as an ethnic minority proves that Jews are no longer perceived as an ethnic minority in the UK.
“Benjamin, isn’t there a wider point that actually perhaps the fact that Angela Rayner didn’t immediately recognize previous Jewish political leaders in her tweet underlines the fact that many Jews have succeeded in reaching high political office, and therefore don’t need to be seen as a group needing recognition in the same way as others?” she asked.
Cohen responded, “We face anti-Semitism and racism very clearly. We’ve just seen that with the many years of racism and anti-Semitism within the Labour party.
“So to suggest that Jews don’t face racism, and therefore we’ve reached such a high office that we’re not an ethnic minority is frankly ridiculous.
“Frankly the notion of this debate is ridiculous.”
For a start Ed’ the shmendrik was eating a bacon sarnie and not a smoked salmon bagel. Jo Coburn herself is Jewish and like Jeremy likes to keep telling us “some of my best friends….” you know the rest.
The BBC is stuffed with people of Jewish background. Do they belong, or think they belong, to an ethnic group; or are they seen to belong to one? Does it matter?
Not the beeb but a note about the crap they put out. Got a letter in the post this afternoon, from Genesis a French nongovernmental thingy. I had won the opportunity to take part in a survey. Question one Are you a man or a woman? If it had come from the beeb there would have been three pages of choices.
Jolly stiff question, even so.
Let’s accept that there is a legitimate case for some controlled immigration in order to fill gaps in the Labour market, predominantly jobs that the existing population don’t want to do. Given that your average Brit would ideally want a well-paid job it follows that many immigrant jobs will be relatively below average paid ( but much better paid than in their homeland, which is why the trip is worth it). In due course, such people settle and grow families.
Hence we have had a growing population of BAME doing jobs like bus drivers, taxi drivers, nurses, security guards, hospital auxiliaries etc etc. These jobs are in public-facing roles and require in -person attendance. And certainly those of Asian background have a cultural norm in living in multi-generational families, where among other things there is a key desire to look after the elderly, and who can argue against that?
In other words we have an identifiable population, defined by their skin colour, who are at higher risk of coronavirus.
Now please would you explain why any of the above is inherently racist and so requires a coronavirus response on that basis?
I imagine people with only one arm are equally at risk. But they don’t rate a grouping defined by their skin colour, and so are invisible to the woke Lefties and the BBC.
Tonight’s TV
9pm Sky Arts (on Freeview 11) has 2 hour doco about Banksy
9pm Smithonian series “Warrior Women” a woman became a garrison commander”
9pm BBC4 Hattie Jacques biopic starring Ruth Jones
9pm Stacey Dooley DNA how ..good reviews but does include people tracing their African American GI dads of course
BBC2 10pm Romesh again
9pm BBC1
Harewood’s racebaity prog I already mentioned
* I believe that is not true
you risk of dying depends on a number of individual factors
not magically just your skin colour.
I relatively few 55 year olds have died anyway.
I Twitter searched on “three times more likely to die of Covid-19 than”
an it gives you every special victimhood group you can think of
: Down Syndrome adult men, Latinoes in LA, “Palestinian refugees in Lebanon” etc.
The comments below the Times interview
vastly go against Harewood
As people cite that they have more sympathy for Yazidis and holocaust families etc.
Saturday’s Times had has two more articles about Harewood
One on page 5 and then a magazine feature as well
They mention his forthcoming four-part Channel 5 series on slavery
#1 The Earls were rich before slavery, I expect an ancestors wealth derives from an allocation of land by William the Conqueror
* Those are rather huge claims. It’ a great narrative to call an ancient earl a rapist, but i wonder what evidence exits.
Again commenters were skeptical
And this – “so many popular posts removed, who’s mediating David Lammy?”
Henry Lascelles, 2nd Earl of Harewood seems to have lived all his life in Britain
He did end up with plantations
left to him by his father Edward, who had inherited them from his cousin who lived most of his life in Britain Edwin Lascelles, 1st Baron Harewood
he got the plantations from his father Henry Lascelles (1690–1753)
who was born in Britain, but who had gone to Barbados to found them.
It seems that some of the family were on the ground in Barbados from 1648 to 1729 so I suppose they could have done something to ancestors of Actor Harewood
but we know that the ancestors of Harewood themselves were quite possibly involved in brutality/slavery of other African slaves
But when Actor Harewood said that of Henry Lascelles
“He enslaved them, beat them, raped them and all that malarkey” that does appear to be imagination
Seems to me that Henry had indirect ownership of slaves for 17 years, when he inherited them from his father in 1820 until 1833 when slavery was abolished and then 1837 when has compensation was paid. He died in 1841.
Actor Harewood’s ancestry seems unknown I guess they could have come anytime between 1648 to 1833
I’m guessing there is not a parade of butlers portraits there either
And 5 times more likely to be stabbed by a person of the same skin colour.
Who is this idiot? He is not a slave. What is he complaining about?
On the same basis, most of us could find something to feel victimized about if we looked into the past. It is pathetic.
For any if you who get copies of the Waitrose Food magazine, if you have high blood pressure I would give this months issue a miss. The whole centre section of the magazine has been handed over to diverse food activists to complain about the appropriation of food by us nasty white colonialists.
This sums up the tone: “As an immigrant, I’ve seen our food repeatedly be patronised, eroticised and devalued until some one from the dominant culture – in our case white British – decides it’s acceptable to make it mainstream and passes it through a white filter for white consumption with white profit.”
“for hundreds of years the British Empire systematically invested in laws and policies that have resulted in brutal, exploitative economic systems rooted in racism and classism”.
There are many more articles like this…..
It’s everywhere and it’s professional victimhood and it’s total rubbish, what about the thousands and thousands Chinese, Indian restaurants, the kebab shops et al in every town and city in the UK and all operated by people from the foods origin Country and all profiting from White, British customers!
ahhh the old ( all be it long winded ) cultural appropriation line
Should this berk not be refusing any medium requiring a printing press
Or electricity, or literacy.
Tweet with the article
Waitrose Food mag has interesting pieces on cultural identity & cultural appropriation.
Followed by recipe for ‘Teabread’ aka Bara Brith and Spinach/feta pie – ispanikli borek from Turkey on recipe card. D’oh
Waitrose gets accused of appropriation
“Jambalaya Soup does not exist.”
Does it taste OK, can I get the ingredients, can I afford it?
What’s the betting that Waitrose’s next step will be ‘genuine’ Chinese, Indian or Japanese salt at ten times the price?
We aren’t all Nigel Slater, who ‘just happens’ to find some left over Patagonia Yak milk cheese in his fridge and if he runs short Jolyon in the artisan market, (open only Wednesday afternoons), might have some maturing for use next month.
P.S. What happens if the ‘African’ food actually came from India or South America?
does your curry have chilli in it love, in which case give it back to the mexicans
I am an African living in Britain, working against the interests of the British, whom I hate. But I am as British as you are, you racists.
” what about the thousands and thousands Chinese, Indian restaurants, the kebab shops et al in every town and city in the UK and all operated by people from the foods origin Country and all profiting from White, British customers!”
Perhaps the Chinese, Indians and Turks have something to offer?
African ‘cuisine’, blood mixed with milk or miele-meal , maize porridge, one of Africa’s favourite foods, an import from South America via the Portugese?
But apparently the Africans are being urged to eat something else, ‘Why Africa should stop eating one of its favourite foods’. Maybe if they were more accepting of immigration they too could have Chinese, Indian or Turkish food?
I know Winalot is an excellent product by Purina, our JRT loves it, but do they have to make it so pleasant that it often turns up as numbers 45 and 56 on the road-kill takeaways in every town?
Actually, last Saturday, I saw that weekly mag and after even scanning the sidebar, said ‘sod that’, and left the nine-hundred spare copies for other fire-lighters!
I don’t mind Waitrose farting around like that, because there’s a great Tesco nearby for normal-priced food, but the trick is to go on a Saturday, spend £10.01, and get a DT (£3), for free, and then take your beer and crisps home!
And I didn’t notice any more ‘effnic’ nosh anywhere, so what they were up to, I’ve no idea!
And… do spag bol and dahl ready meals count as grub from oppressed countries? I doubt it!
Never used Waitrose, and never will.
Being English – and not qualified to talk about Scottish internal politics – I’m not sure that Crankie will resign over the ‘lieing to parliament ‘ thing – will she ? Who will replace her ? Will it affect the coming vote due in May ?
I ask here because I wouldn’t get a true answer from the MSM – although of all places – Bloomberg did a good ‘idiots ‘ guide ‘ the other day – so it suited me …
I’m sure she won’t, Fed, as the R5Gormless ‘news’ had a snip from the Conservative bloke up there, saying she could!
The Law of Scrobs about the BBC (always assume the opposite from their autocue-readers) works the other way too, if they ask a Tory, the opposite is bound to happen!
To assume that Bristol is only associated with slavery of one kin colour is racist
Webb says evidence exit that lost of white people were transported to Dublin during Viking times>
Reparations could be the expenses incurred in the repatriation to the country of their ancestral home ?
I’m confused : do they mean they will use the money to take legal action against descendants of the tribes who actually kidnapped them then sold them to the slave traders ?.
And more money will then be used to give all the descendants of slaves a flight ticket home and a few quid to get them started back in Africa ?.
Because anything else (such as giving it to them to continue living here) is plain old greed-driven hypocrisy.
“Speaking at the meeting, the leader of the Green Group, Councillor Eleanor Combley said:
“Committing to reparations and an All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry is not a final step, after which everything will magically be okay. But it is an important step in the right direction. It will allow us, together, to lift the bonnet and look honestly and with courage at how we got to where we are. And knowing that will enable us to make a start on repairing the harm it has done us all.”
What’s to ‘repair’?
They’re all OK now aren’t they? They have a home, hopefully a job etc., but why try and mend something that isn’t busted!
If all these spouters and star-gazers went out and did a proper job in the private sector, making their chosen country great, then we’d all be better off ducky!
(I could have done this soon after you posted Jim, but was discussing a gardening subject elsewhere – lower blood pressure you see)!
Just as a further point of hypocrisy : I’m sure they would say white men made the market for the African slavers to do what they did.
Would they then agree that drug dealers should not be prosecuted because without users, they would not have a market and hence would not exist ?.
Of course they wouldn’t. And they would do it without any hint of shame.
Panorama journo appears to be winning in the libel courts against Labour’s revenge thugs.
It all originates from a backlash caused by Panorama’s prog on Labour Party anti-Semitism
whereby Labour supporters started publishing smear against the Panorama journalist.
This is one libel action against Paddy French editor of The Press Gang website
but there are 2 similar actions.
lols for the day
the desperate search for Nazis by the easily offended finally finds one
We now know “the content of his (MLK3) character”