BBC support for the 1.7 million NHS workers pay increase is relentless- and the threat of a strike too . In the meantime an American actress who married a prince will hold court and display true victimhood – but at least even the BBC hasn’t paid for the interview .Closer to home MPs ‘debated ‘ decriminalising the TV Licence Tax – got nowhere and will forget about it until the Charter is due for renewal in 2027 .and we are migrating …
Weekend Thread 6th March 2021
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Boris Johnson said recently, on 22 February, when providing a much requested ‘roadmap’ out of Lockdown for England that he would be “guided by the data not dates.”
The data is showing a change, a considerable fall in Covid infections and deaths. Will he now announce a bringing forward of some of the dates to end the English Lockdown, even if it requires a return to Tiers for local Covid ‘hotspots’? Or will he forget uttering that phrase? It would be quite handy to get out of the mess that the 1% pay rise for NHS nurses has created by unlocking England early.
More importantly, will the BBC remember the phrase ‘guided by the data not dates’ and start to ask some better questions of Government Ministers?
“Boris Johnson said”
Boris says many things…………….
Schools go back Monday and I don’t think Boris will open any more for at least a week after that.
I think that is right, Deborah. It does present an opportunity for extra transmission to occur. Not necessarily among young children but teens and young Teaching Assistants doing what teens and young Teaching Assistants do naturally – something you cannot legislate against – will inevitably increase transmission as it did last September.
As soon as some school cases arise, the teachers and their Unions will be insisting on school closures again. No.10 is really missing Dominic Cummings as a strategist.
Boris also said he’d be guided by the science, but when asked the science behind banning golf he waffled. No reason at all except to spread the misery
The main science there, is that golf is a posh older white man’s sport
and the Wokerati have to be shown to be always against them
So they can’t afford to ban BAME from cricket and basketball, or women from netball, hockey and not ban golf.
So true, a drone to spy on a white middle class couple taking their dog for a walk on a deserted moor in Derbyshire whilst ignoring the cavalier attitude in the inner city’s.
For the police, an elderly couple is an easy mark. An inner city of youts is a proposition police are not paid high enough for.
Taking the bended knee to rioters, thats OK.
Mosques are open, churches are banned from opening and no one says a peep in the media about the anti Christian bias.
Boris is as far left as Corbyn is if not even further.
Mosques are open.
Really. Cant find such guidance.
Golf is a business executive’s game, especially during working hours at the more exclusive clubs. Bowls, especially the crown green variety played in the post-industrial areas of northern England, is a working-class white man’s game for which they would be summarily sacked if they tried playing in working hours. Even BoZo, with an eye on retaining those Red Wall votes, knows it doesn’t look good to allow golf and not bowls.
As an aside, in normal times the working man’s bowling green is considered fair game for property developers: you can put five or six poky new-builds on a bowling green. But you never see a golf course being bulldozed for housing because that’s what property developers play. Just for once, a Marxist analysis would be pertinent because it involves conflicting class interests. Usually ‘Marxist’ is bandied about because it sounds evil even where it doesn’t apply.
I find the Left tend not to discuss class, or socio-economic disadvantage, now, in favour of identity politics. That is my impression, anyway.
Golf is a business executive’s game, especially during working hours at the more exclusive clubs. Bowls, especially the crown green variety played in the post-industrial areas of northern England, is a working-class white man’s game for which they would be summarily sacked if they tried playing in working hours. Even BoZo, with an eye on retaining those Red Wall votes, knows it doesn’t look good to allow golf and not bowls.
As an aside, in normal times the working man’s bowling green is considered fair game for property developers: you can put five or six poky new-builds on a bowling green. But you never see a golf course being bulldozed for housing because that’s what property developers play. Just for once, a Marxist analysis would be pertinent because it involves conflicting class interests. Usually ‘Marxist’ is bandied about because it sounds evil even where it doesn’t apply.
A) You are incorrect
B) Twice, like usual. See above.
Right you are. As far as I know of today, cant play golf till the end of the month.
popeye, there have been other inconsistencies, too. The science is very variable. Facemasks suddenly introduced – shop staff exempt – but no insistence on gloves. Bizarre. No tennis as well as golf. Yet football, with goal celebrations, cricket and rugby are permitted. Quite unreasonable.
I’ve been supportive of the measures and try to follow the rules, but I have never understood why I can’t visit my brother in another town, but people could walk off a plane from another country.
catchup links to previous thread
Quite busy 4 started 7:35pm Friday
.. and has about 10 posts
Before that page 3
The UK situation on the face of it is still pretty bad.
With still quite high case numbers compared to other countries translating into high deaths.
That’s cos we built up to quite a peak in November through to about the 28th of December so the fall takes time
We are just starting to claw ahead of Spain, Italy France, Germany.
The 6,000 people who got it today will turn into some deaths, probably over 100.
But as ever people on average are not dying many months earlier than their natural span.
Boris said?
I think you mean what Carrie allowed him to say.
I’d never thought I’d see the day
Enough is Enough days is coming.
Agreed NCBBC – strange times we live in
The youth of today have been lost to Twitter and Rap.
For the first time in two decades, we have Tom McDonald,a White Rapper, who is publicly Christian, is for meritocracy and not Identity politics, and for Truth then hate speech.
His other output attacks the degrading culture that has been dominant for the last two decades.
We wanted a culture warrior. We have one. He’s a Rapper, well that is where the war is, at ground level.
Never though I’d see the day that I would say Yes to a Rapper.
Plane with a banner saying Resign Sturgeon. Wonder if this will be reported by the Scotch BBC.
That org has a long way to go
Its tweets are getting 200,400 and occasionally 1,000 likes
but that’s not 50K or 100K is it ?
SNP did lose two councillors in a recent vote though
This may be the first time that I have posted anything not directly related to BBC bias, so I hope to be excused! The Express also has the report:
“[The] Majority Scot describes itself as “a new voice for Scotland’s anti-Nationalist majority”.
The group is also behind three digital billboards that appeared in some of Scotland’s main cities today, including Clydeside Expressway in Glasgow, Slateford Road in Edinburgh and Market Street in Aberdeen.”
“”The whole of Scotland is talking about her collusion, corruption and cover-up, instead of health, education and jobs. She must resign so the country can move on.”
The Majority claim they represent “the silent majority” of Scots who are “angry and frustrated by Nicola Sturgeon’s shenanigans”.”
I can already guess the BBC’s stance: if The Majority Scot is anti-SNP, then the BBC (by default, more or less) will be anti-The Majority Scot!
“Soldier dies in Castlemartin live-fire training exercise”
Pleases spare a minute’s thought for the poor chap and his family.
Simon Webb’s short video about cancelling pub names
More such videos on his channel, about two per day.
I don’t know what to make of him sometimes
He’s clear on truth and heritage
Yet he had a recent video saying that as an atheist he and a scholar of both the Bible and the Koran he sees them as having the dame wacky ideas.
Sometimes he is indirect, cos of Youtube censorship.
But to me it’s clear
Koran – every word of the Koran is supposed to be the word of God and Muslims are supposed to stick to it.
Yet the Bible was written by men, and people tend to pick and choose what they want.
In particular the New Testament is seen as superseding the Old Testament generally
Web must be aware about Apostasy, that one can easily Christianity, whereas with Islam the accepted punishment is death, so in Islamic society there is a lot of pretending.
“Yet the Bible was written by men, and people tend to pick and choose what they want.”
The Bible was written by several men guided by the Holy Spirit over a 1500 year period.
The Koran was supposedly transcribed by men after the Mohammed’s death, on what Mohammed remembered the angel told him, over his own life time.
It rests on the probity of one man, and what he remembered, and what others remembered what Mohammed told them.
The Bible on the face of it, is more honest.
I’m offended by the name Begum .
There was that Begum girl who took the dept of Education to court over her wearing the hijab ten years ago , and the one who wants to come back here .
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – are the goalposts about to be moved?
A real delay in the new statistics going up on the BBC web-site here:
A bit suspicious when there is a lack of consistency. It could be as a result of a ‘technical glitch’ but you do wonder when something works regularly day after day and then is suddenly changed for some reason. There have been various other ‘changes’ in the near year these details have been available on the BBC w-s.
Up2, I look first at the daily summary on It is usually posted at 4pm but last night I think it was 8.26 (hour definitely correct but I may be out by a few minutes). The BBC’s covid figures always seem to take at least an hour after that. I would have assumed that it would have been all computerised but it obviously takes a while (maybe the BBC’s on duty IT man has gone for a coffee?’ They were late a couple of nights ago too. You would think less numbers would make it easier to add up
Deborah, that’s interesting. As the stats are (were) (could be) (should be) driving Government policy and SAGE’s utterances via Witless and Unbalanced, not forgetting Fergie although I wish they would, you would think some rigour would be applied to collection and – in the everyone-connected-computer-smartphone age – clockwork like presentation. After all, it was done like that 81 years ago: “Here is the news read by Alvar Lidell”. I should follow your example, and go to the site.
Blood boiling time again.
‘Rodney King trial: Sketches reveal drama from court’
No reason for this story whatsoever except to push their agenda and sway opinion ahead of the George Floyd trial.
The bit which really got me is that in this story of a beating, we have this line:
‘Shopping centres were looted and burned. Fifty-four people died. Thousands were arrested.’. Nothing else said on the matter.
The enormous elephant in the room here is that all of that was done by black people using the trial as an excuse. They murdered 54 – FIFTY FOUR – people. They looted cities. But the heinous crime which apparently justifies this behaviour was a beating by police.
I don’t condone the police one little bit. But the real story here is the behaviour of the black community. And it’s never mentioned.
C’mon man! Those fifty-four people died mostly peacefully, don’t come on here with your baseless allegations.
Some say.
For some reason I felt compelled to check what actually happened as the BBC don’t seem to want me to know anything except King got beaten.
Jesus H Christ. Nothing whatsoever to do with the beating. Plain, simple violence, murder and looting by murderous savages for it’s own sake.
Why do the Left protect such people ?.
You ask “Why do the Left protect such people?” I would hazard a calculated guess that the reason is because “such people” are an essential part of the Leftist tool kit and we all know that the purpose of a tool is to simplify the task in hand.
And so too after the death of George Floyd. At least 50 people have been murdered, including a retired Black police officer, and a young four year old boy, deliberately, in the wake of the riots by BLM and antifa.
Cannon Hinnant was riding his bike outside his father’s home in Wilson on Sunday when a man walked up to him and shot him in the head, witnesses told police.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – Guardian missing again, is all not well?
The Guardian’s front page, and once or twice the Observer (its sister paper on Sunday) is missing yet again from the BBC web-site: Is all not well at the BBC? Was there something on the front page that that the BBC did not care to show us?
It could just be some glitch with the BBC scanner or rostrum camera or even the upload to the web-site. The paper is, however, mentioned in the Blog so copies must have been seen by the author. Apparently there is a potential NHS collecting tin rattle over ‘Long Covid’ mentioned on the Guardian’s front page. An unfortunate distraction from the nurse pay dispute.
Not much on the awful BBC website about the covids problem in the US.
I’ve just seen a message from a chum in Georgia, who said that the administration there hasn’t a clue about getting lists organised, and he doesn’t know when he’ll get his vaccination!
Surely with Mr Biden signing all those ‘expletive ordures’ over the last couple of months, must have actually done something or other!
May be they’re for 1) New ironing board, 2) Ipad for dummies, 3) New pencil for the commode, 4) ….
You’d have thought that Sopel and Zoncher could at least try and earn their corn and go and get a decent story and find out where it’s all going wrong! After all, they told us enough times where we over here were not doing well!
Must be tough working out how to give the vaccine to people in graveyards, gap sites and ‘moved out of state’.
Still there is always that guy who can usually be found in his basement, but then he got his shot under the other guy when the vaccine didn’t even exist, according to his circling round spin-doctress.
“Coronavirus: Europe in vaccine race to save summer”
Couched in the article there is criticism of the EU for a change.
Or an essential cubicle garden #prasnews shoveler doing selfies of her latest scoop.
He was asked “ is that financially responsible?”
And he couldn’t say yes .
The bloke’s a moron .
Seems typical of the disappeared concept of nuance – maybe last seen in about 2015.
I am a public sector worker, and I am not on a ‘front line’, necessary though I think my job is!
And yes, delivery people, etc, are, as are some public sector workers.
Nuance. Missing since about 2015 in politics and on the news.
BBC knows what sells.
She has interesting back up.
UNISON are demanding a slow handclap at 8pm next Thursday in protest against the ‘derisory’ pay rise.
Will Starmer be doing it and kneeling at the same time?
Will the government be doing another U-turn?
Any word on the 38 BeeGees ‘hundreds and thousands’ last night?
Almost got 10 reactions.
Not even the team rellies seem impressed.
Kate Hoey and others to challenge the NI Protocol in the courts.
A short summary from Jeff Taylor.
News that Oxford Union president resigns
before even taking office
Her campaign had been based on shouting “racist” at everyone else.
Stew, the Head of Diversity at Big Four accountants, Deloitte, has been forced to resign after accusations of ‘bullying’ and ‘inappropriate behaviour’. Oh dear. Occupant of post was female and BAME. Oh dear x1000. And just before International Womens Day/Weekend/Week/Month, too. Oh dear, oh dear! Make it x1,000,000,000. After all, billions are all the rage you know.
Recall, and it was years ago, a funny dilemma at the Law Society when two top types had a falling out.
IIRC both of boob, and one of Subcontinent origin.
I wonder how they resolved that one?
Possibly this one, with furious reaction.
Its beginning to be increasingly apparent, that there was a reason why men and women had different roles in society.
As it is, the work place has become a place where all kinds of allegations are made for sexism, true and false. Men being the main victims – guilty until proven otherwise, sometimes not even then.
TOADY Watch #1 – the Covid science becomes even more variable
Much discussion on the programme this morning about the tests to be administered to schoolchildren when they return next Monday. No, not GCSEs or A levels or even that terrible 11+, it is the quick Covid lateral flow test that is the villain.
It is now inaccurate, say the scientists. It is even less accurate than the inaccurate PCR test which has suddenly and miraculously been rehabilitated. Yayyy! Let’s hear it for the PCR test. Lodu appaluse! ← Dliberit spellig mistook.
Any word on a pay rise for check-out staff at the supermarkets? They really did keep the country going at great risk to themselves. Thousands of customers daily in close contact.
Any chance?
Indeed. Not to mention that these NHS covid heroes did sweet fa in may, june, July, August, September as there were hardly any covid patients in hospital !!!!!
Quite simply DISGUSTING .
If the NHS and unions think the public is on their side , they are very very wrong !!
And if course, the BBC championing their cause is no surprise at all as they are on the wrong side of public opinion on EVERYTHING !!!!!
Exactly, Doobster! To our BBC, the NHS is the new Labour Party. Biggest employer in the land with every union and association far left.
The vast majority of us (99%) will survive without a jab.
None of us (0%) will survive without food.
Has DS gone off his trolley?
Yes, I prefer two hand baskets to a trolley. Certainly gone off trollies.
TOADY Watch #2 – the PM presented with a great opportunity
The BBC R4 News bulletins and the programme has been concerned about the cuts proposed to Overseas Aid by the Civil Serpents at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Much was made of the cuts to the grants to Syria and parts of Africa. This presents the PM with a great opportunity. Will he be sharp enough to take it?
He could ask the pay body to report on nurses pay superfast. He could then consider their suggested figures, cut Overseas Aid to wealthy and wealthier countries (China, India, Nigeria) and countries receiving help from elsewhere eg Syria from the Russians, and instead pay the Nurses from the Overseas Aid budget. After all, much of the money earned by nurses finds its way abroad anyway. I have personal evidence of that.
The issue of cutting aid to countries where they just squander the dosh on punching everyone’s lights out has nothing to do with the awful BBC. It’s not even a story worth following, unless of course, they use the ‘victim card.
I bet there isn’t an autocue-reader in W1AA who actually knows the number of squillions of pounds we lose to feather the nests of the despots in these Godforsaken places, let alone know who they are!
A worthy poster here made a very true comment a day or so ago, in that yes, the lower end of the pay-grade guys and gals should get a one-off bonus, but not the whole lot of them, especially not the bulging admin department bods, who pontificate and don’t contribute much!
It can’t have been easy to go to work on a ward, knowing that the covids were lurking at every corner, so a performance bonus would be very acceptable I’d have thought.
But once the unions get a sniff of a backdown, they’ll make it all so difficult as they normally do.
The awful BBC will love reporting lavishly on the negatives as usual – it’s what they do ‘best’!
BBC breakfast this morning.
Did you know that Britain is responsible for 90% of daffodils grown ?
Well, this year there are fears that most of the crop will rot in the fields due to the government’s brexit policy and visas for workers !!!!!
Here’s John Kay with a report …..
Just defund them now !!!!!!!
John the BBC Daff Editor?
Or is it a rotating duty as all are qualified?
Of course, the awful BBC have got it so wrong as usual!
There are daffodils all over the place in the shops, and from an early start, with – say 7 for a£1, they have flooded the place with bunches now up to a dozen or so!
It’s a great year for daffs, and of course, the awful BBC won’t mention that every capable outlet is increasing its turnover on the delightful ‘Tete-a-tete’ types in pots which go on forever, and are nothing to do with imported pickers – it’s down to private enterprise finding a better way to sell British goods, and long may they prosper!
Of course, the awful BBC will blame Brexit, but that stuck record is very hollow-sounding these days!
My re watch of Borgen has reached episode 10 of series two first broadcast in the UK in 2012. I find the whole series a PC riddled joke and I am surprised at how deeply I resent the characters and the screen play for being Woke before their time. It shows how much the events of the last decades have changed how I look at things. To borrow a phrase from the enemy my political consciousness has been awakened.
*Mass migration in 2015
*Brexit and the four year long anti democratic resistance of the elite remainers , most MPs , the judiciary , the Times etc etc
*The rise of BLM and of rampant Woke ness in our institutions , eg BBC , National Trust , which denigrates our culture and our sense of Britishness
* the continued refusal to tackle Islamisation and to try and sweep the Muslim mass rape gangs under the carpet
*The MSM war on Trump and hence the people culminating in the stolen election by the elite
are some of the reasons why I have moved to a position where I find the attitudes so openly on display in Borgen so repulsive. It is a great comfort to know that the Danish people have since rejected much of what was preached in Borgen. I only hope that at sometime in the future the British people follow suit.
Aren’t you missing the point of Borgen, the female prime minister that can do no wrong because she is female?
It was never obvious to me why she was supposed to be so good, she seemed to be just as flawed as everyone else, showed no signs of any skill as a leader but somehow she had to be PM and anyone that didn’t agree was wrong.
Bit like Hilary Clinton for president, she’s a woman therefore deserved the job.
Of all the ‘BBC Four series’ at least Spiral started out by being realistic baddy-wise, but later on they slipped in experts-of-colour, catching up with The Bridge, surely an excellent demonstration why countries need borders and not toll bridges?
Are you, too, missing the point? A lot of the point of ‘Nordic Noir’, going back to its origins in the Martin Beck novels of the 1960s, is that the Scandinavian model of an all-encompassing, egalitarian welfare state isn’t entirely without its problems. So perhaps your critique is missing the target. Think of the Faroese-sweater-wearing Sara Lund in my favourite Nordic Noir: The Killing. She neglects her teenage son dreadfully but nobody comments because they assume the state is looking after him.
‘Spirals’ (Engrenages) is French so not Nordic Noir but dealing with shortcomings in a different society. Don’t assume that if something is there then it’s expressing complete approval.
Thank you DB. I feel at times that earth has been invaded by Thought controllers.
Zeig mir bitte deine Kennkarte!
‘Travel permits to stop Easter holidays abroad‘ (Telegraph)
By the time the UK and EU authorities have their Vaccine Passport systems up and running (I believe they will call them “Certificates”) we the poor bewildered, stir crazy, lockdown crazy, home jail bird, public will likely be begging for them.
And why not? As the BBC news online helpfully cautions us this morning: ‘Covid lockdown: Why Magna Carta won’t exempt you from the rules‘
“Oh, Magna Carta, that brave, poor Hungarian girl…” as Tony Hancock (by far and away our favourite Hancock) mistakenly pontificated to his fellow jury members in his comedic version of Twelve Angry Men
“To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life” – or so supposedly said Cecil Rhodes. Now we feel as though we’re just another few extra numbered, bouncing balls, fated to be eternally jostled around inside the big globalist lottery machine. Never to be discharged as a power ball again.
Today the Times does a WW2 homefront Blitz feature: ‘Horrible Histories Second World War guide for kids and parents‘ – and on this occasion the title horrible would seem fairly to be applied to the era when Britain was pitted against – as that zany Irish comedy show Father Ted would have it – “Hitler and all those mad fellas”
Oddly enough, the illustration on the front of the Times portrays a British family in gasmasks. We know they are British, dad has a pipe, although how on earth he’s going to smoke it whilst gas-masked is a mystery? We might guess the pipe held at a jaunty angle portrays the family’s resilience and British nonchalance in the face of adversity. The emphasis on the gasmasks is interesting. Historians would remind us that the Germans never deployed poison gas against Britain. Civilians died of high explosive and incendiary bombing of course and later were victims of unguided cruise missiles and early ballistic rockets. Gas masks were an expensive precuation but deterrents seemed to operate. We could perhaps speculate why the artist here prioritised a family in masks in his drawing.
The print press almost universally take up the issue of the 1% pay offer to NHS staff. We know the numbers are dubious and thrown around to reinforce agendas. The Mirror persists with their: ‘…derisory £3.50-a-week‘ claim. Reading the small print which may or may not justify that figure is beyond this review’s front page headlines remit. The papers advise the unions have £35m strike war chest. Fighting talk.
The ‘i‘ goes with: ‘Budget watchdog predicts inflation will rise 1.5% this year, meaning real-terms cut‘ – and here we have to smile as the ‘i‘ happily damns Boris for being a mean stinker to the Angels, but swallows hook line and sinker the duff inflation figures. If you believe prices will only rise one-and-a-half percent in 2021, then I’ve a sea-front property in Birmingham to sell you.
The Mirror tunes in to the now daily soap opera which is the Harry and Meghan show: ‘Meg: I was gagged by the Palace‘ – if only luv, if only you had been.
I hear tell there’s a saucy but rather dodgy thing known as breathplay. Eh? Erotic asphyxiation, m’lud. If this didn’t pre-date our present pandemonium times it could be some strange mass psychic reation to mask wearing, perhaps? The Mirror front page appears to go for another slap and tickle headline today: ‘Boris’s slap for careers‘
The BBC goes with a headline for which you will have to suspend disbelief for a moment. You won’t literally be able to take it literally: ‘Covid-19: “There are people too poor to die”‘
Cue the theme from the TV show The Twilight Zone: do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do… (or for younger readers think of the X Files) as the FT takes us on a tour of mystery, beyond: ‘London’s Covid Triangle‘
Not even black cabbies have knowledge of this new location the FT has suddenly discovered. Here’s a taster:
‘While coronavirus has inflicted extraordinary suffering across the country, the corner of east London in which Shah lives and works has been so pummelled that it has become known as the “Covid Triangle”. At one point during the peak of the second wave, the three boroughs that made up this triangle — Barking and Dagenham, Redbridge and Newham — were competing for the highest rate of infections in the whole country. In Barking and Dagenham, one in 16 people was reported to be infected‘
It seems there really is a parallel universe out there – and it’s close by – and its problems are absolutely nothing to do with mass immigration.
The default position of the BBC is to give prominence to
every aspect of diversity in the UK to the detriment of
80% or so indigenous population.
There is only one programme on BBC TV that doesn’t
use what is called by the BBC as “positive discrimination ”
and that is the London Programme. We the 35%
indigenous folk are shown no positive discrimination on
this programme. Quite the reverse. The BBC’S policy
is that, you are in a minority, and are we going to show it,
in presentation and reporting.
Caroline Ffiske’s short vid : “Recently, I complained to the BBC about its promotion of gender ideology –
“I’m particularly concerned about how the BBC pushes gender ideology, to schoolchildren via ‘BBC Bitesize’. When I complained about a particular article, I got a cavalier denial – breathtaking in its indifference.”
(once it got in the press the BBC backed down , but said it had been misrepresented)
By abolishing religion in stages. Disband and ridicule family, evaporate care for the elderly and ask them to Euthanise, Promote sexual activity for children, promote diversity a equality and then abolish all concept of place, faith and identity. Promote the new state religion and call it Environmentalism. Create an emergency that give governments the power to push through totalitarian powers that cannot be revoked or questioned.
Create a new class of slaves called tradesman, lower the wages to sustainable poverty. Reduce the food supply to a work and reward scheme. Reduce benefits to those that don’t comply. Reward benefits to those that enforce the religion. Use the power of the media to create an wide and cohesive compliance. Only report on Science that supports the new religion of no identity, no family, no question.
Vilify those that support family values. This is the new world order we now live in tat the BBC have created for us with help from the usual suspects and hypocrites in this new religion of the ‘self’ as the centre of the universe.
Abolish the family is also called ‘Environmentalism’.
LMAO at the last sentence “The responsible Conservative minister Oliver Dowden must act”
Clearly she has no idea that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories are as bad as the BBC are, and at least as woke as Labour when it comes to the BBC.
It’s time for a new centre right party to give voters the chance of voting for someone who can put a stop to all this nonsense.
The Experiment is complete – a year of spreading viral information. The results are as follows:
* fear works – can you look them in the eyes, die at home, save the NHS.
* the citizens of the west have nothing to fight for, only Netflix and toilet rolls.
* the NHS is now a religion which has dancing priests.
* the classless society has been classified as essential and non-essential.
* not clapping causes people to die.
* a conservative government can out play labour by being more communist than labour.
* covid cured flu, foreign wars, gender pay gaps and much much more.
* the UK variant is more deadly than the origin Chinese variant, so the china bit is dropped.
* the west hid in a cave as the east threw people at the problem yet again.
Covid got rid of the biggest threat to the Climate Change and the Great Reset – Donald Trump.
Two tier justice system
There’s an MSNBC clip with a talking head somehow seeing the post Rodney ‘protests’ as mostly peaceful.
The establishment one day will find folk in their bedroom they enabled to be there.
BBC1 10pm news Friday night was advertising the 2 hour programme with Meghan on ITV on Monday. The BBC are anti monarchy so it shouldn’t be surprising. I had thought I might, against all my principles, sneak a look on Monday and not admitted it. But actually the clip on the BBC was enough. 2 minutes of ‘poor little me’ was as much as I think I could stand.
R4 Saturday show has still got the box tickers
“Rugby player Gareth Thomas announced publicly he was gay in 2009 and retired from rugby in 2011.
In 2019, Gareth spoke openly about living with HIV and his new book Stronger…”
– Blind comedian Chris McCausland
– British Iranian musician and artist Roxana Vilk is collecting lullabies in diverse languages that are sung to children around Bristol and the UK.
– Sylvia Wiggins was the drummer of the Liverbirds, emerging out of 1960s Liverpool as one of the world’s first female rock bands
11:30 : From Our Own Correspondent
– “Brazil is facing the deadliest point of the pandemic so far – this week posting record death tolls as scientists warn the variant found in the country appears to be more contagious. For Katy Watson it’s become personal too.
(I guess bashing Bolsonaro will substitute for Trump bashing)
– Germany, where hairdressers have opened again – and garden centres and bookshops will open next week, but plans for a wider lifting of restrictions will hinge on keeping rates low.
With just six per cent of the country vaccinated, scientists are warning a new wave is already underway. Jenny Hill visited a hospital in Dortmund.
– The small community of Africville in Canada was established by Black settlers more than two centuries ago, many of whom had fled a life of slavery in the US. The vibrant community lived there for generations, until their forcible relocation in the 1960s when authorities demolished the settlement for industrial use. Now, the local mayor wants to give the land back, finds Greg Mercer.
In Somalia, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s four year term has officially come to an end but talks on the electoral rules have stalled. Nick Redmayne visited Mogadishu and found the cosmopolitan parts of the city belied a backdrop of uncertainty.
– life lived under Soviet rule. The recent death of his father-in-law led Martin Vennard to reflect on a remarkable life. Vladimir Davidovich was a scientist and musician whose story spans much of the twentieth century.
– “Brazil is facing the deadliest point of the pandemic so far – this week posting record death tolls as scientists warn the variant found in the country appears to be more contagious. For Katy Watson it’s become personal too.
(I guess bashing Bolsonaro will substitute for Trump bashing)
Also Bolsonaro is a Denier .
It’s time for another game of BBC Join the Dots (not), as the BBC spectacularly misses yet another open goal- not I dare say by accident.
And this one is a corker.
On Toady at 0710 the first story was as expected the howls of anguish from all and sundry about the 1% proposed pay rise to ‘our brave NHS heroes’. No doubt where the BBC editorial stands on that one.
THE VERY NEXT STORY at 0715 was the assertion that the NHS is prejudiced against the treatment of women!!!!!!!! An Asian sounding Professor of Whingeing is wheeled on, brushing aside such inconvenient truths as the enduring shorter life expectancy for men. No doubt where the BBC editorial stands on that one either.
And yet mysteriously the BBC just cannot somehow link the two together.
I’ll not bother to waste readers’ time by pointing out the gaping biased holes in both stories, it was the glaring juxtaposition that did it for me.
Though clearly not the biased BBC.
Following up my earlier post on the march of the new religion of ‘Environmentalism’ is the fact that it destroys ourselves, and is destroying everything we had (history), will have and hope (faith abandoned) to have something ‘else’ (back to the Spanish Inquisition). A mess of false beliefs in the unobtainable.
A new state religion is born and it will replace EVERYTHING we know with false Science and Priests. BBC Media is already primed and ready for an all-out-war on all of us ‘non believers’. That means everyone else outside the bubble of conformity.
That means removing all competition and that means Catholics are being targeted as ‘undesirables’. We question the orthodoxy and (so) are dangerous. The BBC is the new State imposed Church and we should all bow down to the new messiah of Greta or Gates as high priest. A form of collective madness not seen since the middle ages.
It is the new state religion. The BBC involvement is just a fashionable accessory to the overthrow of all western culture that cannot be questioned…
Environmentalism is a religion
Shellenberger realises that the root cause of environmental alarmism is religious:
Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All. Author: Michael Shellenberger
Environmentalism today is the dominant secular religion of the educated upper-middle-class elite in most developed and many developing nations. It provides a new story about our collective and individual purpose. It designates good guys and bad guys, heroes and villains. And it does so in the language of science which provides it with legitimacy (263).
Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All
Book review: (cut and paste full link for the web link for the full PDF review).
Click to access 7)-review—apocalypse-never—final.pdf
Downing Street: Millions spent on new media briefing room
The FOI release detailed spending of over £1.8m for the “main works”, nearly £200,000 for “long lead items”, and more than £33,000 for broadband equipment.
You would have thought the BBC could actually do some investigative journalism and ask how exactly can you spend £33,000 for a high quality £200 wifi router but that would then open a can of worms over how the BBC spend £4.5 billion a year on nothing e.g. BBC “spend” £511,000 a day on websites
Some years ago I found that “1 hour” of BBC1 was £250k (I carefully excluded all the infrastructure / continuity fees that I could find) – when you see what a bit of determination, some talent and an average smart phone can do….
As for Downing Street – I wonder that recycled, sustainable, net zero redecorating can run up a bill of hundreds of thousands of pounds – but you can see what Wilfred’s mother intends for the rest of us huh?
The BBC see us as ‘Heretics and Ranters’ not as protectors of ‘free-speech’ and ‘democracy’ itself. That is of no importance to the new elite who care for neither.. They have a new football to preach to the rest of us ‘the error of our ways’ We must recind!, recant! chant ‘eggStinKtion RebeLLioN’@ or some other reference made mainstream by our beloved broadcaster of nonsuch.
An interesting read on Spiked. We are not alone as Heretics and Ranters, we will survive.
I just don’t have the words any more.
Amanda Gorman: US poet says security guard labelled her ‘suspicious’
An outrageously one-sided article which eventually endorses more comments on twitter where they can say the things which go too far even for the BBC.
Just how the fascist Left like it : they have free reign as prosecution and no defence is allowed.
That single story alone should be enough for the license fee to be scrapped. Their arrogance and total disregard for impartiality and honesty is off the scale.
The icing on the cake: ‘The BBC has contacted her for further comment.’. Why ? – Because a security guard did his job ?.
Their regular articles like this are directly responsible for why the Manchester bomber was not confronted. They have blood on their hands.
Good point. And in a similar way, the authoritarian and inefficient EU signed the death warrants of thousands of their citizens by playing politics with the vaccine.
And this is the number one news story coming out of the USA?
Non on R4 : Usually Kipling’s Jungle Book and rewritten
and set in modern gangland India
Normally libmob are against cultural appropriation
..personally I believe it’s OK to be inspired by other people’s cultures/traditions
blurb “Mowgliis being brought up by the Wolves, a gang of petty criminals in a tenement block in Mumbai,
and quickly learns how to survive in that world.
But when the villainous politician, Tiger Khan, threatens Mowgli’s life, two residents of the tenement block, “black panther” Bagheera and the “bear” Baloo, offer to help him escape and he embarks on a journey of self-discovery through the city, meeting “creatures” along the way who don’t always have his best interests at heart.
by Ayeesha Menon” (she’s married to a Radio4 main writer John Dryden)
now Mowgli , has got a job in the Microsoft call center computer scam
Not something Shakespeare, or Kipling himself, would ever have done is it, taking well-known stories and giving them a darker twist. And I think Kipling, who after all drew heavily on Indian oral traditions in writing the Jungle Books in the first place, would have heartily approved.
The time I spend standing up for Kipling might surprise you. I loved the Just So Stories and the Jungle Books as a child and I can enjoy them still in retirement. He was quite liberal for his time and place, respecting both the Indian natives and the common soldiers and their respective cultures that were so looked down on by the colonial masters and the general British public.
Talk Radio doing mental gymnastics to say don’t worry about 80% of terrorists
worry about the 20%.
They hint at the idea that some things that are classed as terrorist offences are minor and others are more major
e.g. the way a guy was prosecuted for refusing to hand over his phone at the airport
They make an excuse ‘ah the reason why there are so few bodies from far right terrorism is cos we are so good at catching them’
The video has 6 times more downlikes than Likes.
TalkRadio seem to have gone to a lot of work to produce the graphic for the video.
The Times. Telegraph, Sky for some strange reason use that same girl pic to illustrate a variety of “far right” stories.
It’s Alice Cutter jailed in June after posing for a Miss Hitler competition run by the banned group National Action.
bizarre. The action of a double agent, or crazy person surely. hardly the same category as a suicide bomber.
She was jailed for 3 years for continuing to communicate with NA members after it was banned
She was 20 at the time in 2017
“became member of National Action pre-proscription
However when the group was banned, the defendants continued to communicate covertly using encrypted messaging platforms.”
I guess she got a bigger sentence cos she tried to plead not guilty yet there were messages from her that asked how she could remove evidence of discussions from her phone.
Obviously it’s good to prevent violence before it happens
but you have to be careful not to do the strawman of comparing apples with oranges.
Equating actual killers or at least those convicted of planning murder, with those people who chat sh*t on the internet.
The radio station had carefully chose to use her image rather than a real killer terrorist.
OK – 0.9% it is then
On my doorstep this morning was a local newsletter announcing; that the time has arrived for a NEW Mayor Of London (due soon in May). As a Londoner myself, Sadiq Khan has been a complete disaster across the capital. Only an idiot would vote for him (there are a few left) – so the choice is between Shaun Bailey (Conservative candidate) who speaks well and with sense, often heard on LBC and Talk Radio. The other new fella on the block is well known on TV – none other than Laurence Fox who has formed his own political party called The Reclaim party . Almost spoilt for choice as Bailey is good but… and this is the clincher…..
Fox is campaigning against WOKE!
So that is where my vote is going…
The BBC as we well know, do lots of adverts. They are all about themselves.
They are running commercials currently using other words to fit the BBC initials.
They ran one at 1740 tonight.
The background music was ‘Be my Baby’ by the Ronettes.
Which was produced by Phil Spector. A convicted murderer.
How tasteful they are. Such judgement. But, coming from the organisation that employed Jimmy Savile uncritically for years, about par for the course.
Hah! I thought so. I get very suspicious when the flow of infomation about Covid statistics is late or changed. Thus it is today. (A few months back the figures stopped being updated a weekends, a major change.) Yesterday’s count did not come out at all but the page was updated by the BBC within the last hour. Covid infections which had been collapsing in the areas I have been monitoring recently now show an increase.
One cannot help but wonder whether the return to school on Monday for children had anything to do with it?
In the war with Trade Unions, the first casualty is truth.
Just caught a bit of celebrity Mastermind.
I use that term very loosely.
Someone called Grace Dent who apparently judges on Masterchef. And then a young girl who has started presenting Blue Peter. BAME, naturally.
9 points across two rounds.
Dumb and Dumber doesn’t get close.
But it’s not their fault.
Such is the talent now chosen to feature on BBC programmes. Such are modern BBC programmes.
Then it’s on to yet another Red Nose Day propaganda piece by Romesh Ranganotfunny.
Thank goodness for the off switch.
This will be the funniest bit of comedy BBC has put out recently.
Isn’t the ‘red nose’ part of ‘white face’ clowning?
A BAME wearing a red nose is cultural appropriation.
As is the use of coloured actors in historically white parts.
If you’re white it’s cultural-appropriation. If you’re not (as I was informed by The Guardian) it’s a triumph of multiculturalism.
All part of the astounding hypocrisy and double standards of the Left.
I honestly think they are so far up their own morally-superior backsides now, they don’t even realise.
How ever would they attempt to remake the blockbuster film “ZULU” ?
It would be another ‘reimagination of the classic’.
The British would be pure evil sadists and speak with London accents (like Oliver Twist) and the natives would be clean shaven, well educated pure-of-soul victims who just want to live peacefully. The British would have one black officer who stands up for the natives but is overruled by his nasty white commander.
It would score 8 on IMDB. The user reviews would be fake 10’s (where the reviewer praises directors+actors by name and tell you to ignore the ‘1’ reviews) or (later, when the fakes move on to the next one) real 1’s by the few normal people who actually bothered to watch it.
That is where we are today.
I would guess that covid deaths this weekend will be in double figures.
#tellitoftenenough Rog
Speaking of BBC high horsey editors set for a fall…
Here’s BS’ gofer moaning that the BBC, home of anonymous spokesweasels invoking ‘purposes of’, is not given information it wants to trash and stir.
Bang , Harra gets burnt there.
Over here you better like Reggae Reggae sauce. Like… A LOT.
Why 15? How was that calculated?
Was the springster not going large on this?
BBC2 Dave Allen Night
9pm 2014 compilation
10pm Dave Allen Live: On Life at a previously unaired curation of clips.
Breaking News.
The man employed to create artificial crowd noise when Liverpool score at Anfield has been furloughed
Brilliant, Eddy. 🙂
Not BBC I realise but not-unconnected with one of their favourite obsessions.
Has the UK TV advertising industry moved to Africa?
NHS staff “yes we need to get 12% cos food has gone up since 2019”
…. “Really ? in 2019 did you get a 10% discount in most supermarkets ?”
NHS staff “yes we need to get 12% cos we put in a lot of hours”
…. “Really ? Have NHS staff on average taken a lot of sick days this past year ?”
Nowt on Al Beeb but could it be true that Nigel Farage is getting out of politics ?
If anyone deserves a knighthood it is he. He got us our freedom and independence although the EU is still trying to cling on with its tentacles.
Despite the people of the UK democratically voting for Brexit in 2016, just take a look at the top of Al Beeb’s News website page, because the second topic next to ‘Home is ‘Brexit’. Al Beeb is still trying to keep its grubby foot in the EU door with its negative, biased reporting .
Richard Tice will need all the support and help from you if we are to stay independent.
Rule Britannia !
Farage video 10 mins
Nowt on Al Beeb yet?
Just goes to show – come to this site first for Breaking News!
I would guess its a safe bet that N. Farage takes a peep at this site ‘now and again’. I expect maxicony will pick it up shortly and give Al Beeb’s duty officer the ‘heads up.
On the other hand, they may not report it as it will give The Reform Party and UKIP some free publicity, especially before forthcoming May elections?
Over to yoiu max………………………….
Crikey! Two thirds of BBC ‘comedy’ material lost since November.
They will have to dust off some of the old ‘Thatcher’ gags!
Hang on in there Boris, the BBC needs you!
Boris has appointed a ‘Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’, but our Heritage, Al Beeb and ‘Meeja’ is still possessed by Wokeness.
We have an Education Secretary but the system from Yoonies down to infant education is still full of PC and Wokeness.
We have a ‘Home Secretary’ and our border control is still leaking like a sieve.
Boris, the people of Great Britain deserve better, get rid of Wokness and start leading .
As well as getting us out of the eu, Farage could be reasonably credited for saving hundreds (if not thousands) of lives because of our ability to get the vaccine doses in and done without all the eu interference that has slowed their vaccine rollout.
Had we still been in the eu we probably would have had about 15% of the current number of vaccines done, leaving about 18 million of our most vulnerable not yet vaccinated.
He deserves so much credit (but the likes of the bbbc will never give it)
Emmanuel Goldstein
‘Freedom is hard won and easily lost’ .
And as you posted we could have lost a lot more lives had we remained stuck in the EU. With the snowflakes we still have in Parliament we could lose our freedom again .
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”.
Rule Britannia!
I wonder which media outlet, if any, will be brave enough (it will NOT, of course, be the BBC) to chart the actual deaths recorded in the EU against the deaths that might have been projected if the EU had acted in anything but a penny-pinching, childish and vehemently petulant manner re vaccines (re above – happy to use the word ‘petulant’ about the EU) – and then ram the resulting likely excess deaths numbers down the throats of the so-called ‘leaders’ of the EU…..
…and make it front page news, and force the BBC to report on it – especially Katya Adler and Laura Keunssberg…..and especially to help ensure that the BBC ceases its unremitting drive to favourably compare the EU against the UK as much as possible.
“Brexit: Further trade rules relaxed between GB and NI”
Is it at all possible that the Republic of Ireland could join in a ‘trading bloc’ with Northern Ireland and Great Britain separate from the EU?
Just a wicked thought .