BBC support for the 1.7 million NHS workers pay increase is relentless- and the threat of a strike too . In the meantime an American actress who married a prince will hold court and display true victimhood – but at least even the BBC hasn’t paid for the interview .Closer to home MPs ‘debated ‘ decriminalising the TV Licence Tax – got nowhere and will forget about it until the Charter is due for renewal in 2027 .and we are migrating …
Weekend Thread 6th March 2021
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Oh dear. Link to new site not working. Hope it can be fixed. Rufus, thank you for your hard work behind the scenes and also thanks to Fed & Stew as ever.
And so say all of us! – keep up the good work Rufus .????
You should see no change. Address is the same as before – (i.e if you’re reading this then you’re in the right place!) . It’s just on a different server with a different hosting company.
Well done !
New server, different hosting company and I’m still logged in. Truly, Rufus is a miracle worker.
Sisters are doing it to themselves
Apparently it’s ladies day in the liberal press
We’ll reward Princess Meghan with the exposure she deserves this morning… which is minimal.
Meanwhile, in the ‘i’ newspaper theres’s a BBC princess spouting: ‘I still find it hard to talk about‘ – what, the fame, the celebrity, the huge pay rises…? : ‘Naga Munchetty on her first encounter with racism‘ – oh, that old thing, we might have guessed. Well, here’s a suggestion – shut up about it. Keep it to yourself luv… sorry, just not interested in getting yet another race lecture off the bent elite media.
The ‘i‘ suggests: ‘Tokyo 2020 The women to watch on Team GB‘ – isn’t that rather tempting that obnoxious male gaze you tell us about?
‘A new chapter for race in romance‘ – and when the ‘i’ says race here it sure don’t refer to athletics: ‘Sareeta Domingo’s love stories‘
Hey, I’m noticing a trend here. Womens issues are getting all mixed up with race.
Getting back to the whitest woman on planet media… the Telegraph has: ‘Carrie Symonds and the rise of decorexia‘ – your guess is a good as mine?
The Guardian reports on: ‘Zaghari-Ratcliffe to face new charges‘ – far be it from me to advocate for the unpleasant Iranian regime, but knowing the risks, if you will work with the UK media posing as a journalist, to undermine foreign State governments with propaganda…
Is it by any chance International Platitude Day?
I ask because Labour (Co-oP) MP Stella Creasy tells the ‘i‘: ‘Backing equality would benefit everyone…‘ – how’s your job of holding government policies to account going, luv? Oh, you agree with their management of lockdown – well, that’s the main thing, I suppose.
In a grander, theoretical sense we really are seeing a general feminisation of politics, science and our culture. Hence the huge emphasis on safety from governments. Hence lockdown, perhaps?
‘The scientists who led us through the pandemic‘ – this is the ‘i‘ apparently letting us know it is females to blame for lockdown.
‘Women have been hardest hit across society‘ (‘i’) – not literally we hope. Well if women have suffered hardest through lockdown (and it was BAMEs last time you told us) then it seems according to the ‘i’ they’ve only got their sisters to blame for their lockdown woes.
Ah, got it! Fed hasn’t woken up yet. He will awake to the glorious new dawn of actors and actresses ‘acting’.
Actors and actresses act – who knew?
I’m with Effie.
Roland, #metoo
Yes … but sadly …
“They are changing from the House of Windsor to the House of Woke, and it isn’t pleasant to watch.”
“Until we get rid of woke, and move on to actual equality, this will get worse and worse, and the Royal family are now a part of the problem. What a shame. It seems nothing can be traditionally British anymore, not even the Royal family, that most British of traditions.”
Britain’s history is full of great kings and queens: Boudica, Alfred the Great, Edward III, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I. But that is where they belong – in our history. They are now part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. When the current monarch dies, let the monarchy die with her and close this now sad and destructive chapter.
C’mon, Fed, wake up. You have a ‘Le Mans’ start of eager posters all here and ready to rush across to their keyboards and start Les Quatorze*-huit Heures ‘Commence de la Semaine’.
(apols about the poor French – it’s many years since ‘O’ level – OG to help with corrections, please)
* should that be quarante?
9am R4 No Marr
Instead it’s Amol talking to writers about depression
The prog uses the word melancholy instead.
Did John Keats get a mention?
Stew, how inappropriate – it is International Womens Day. I can hear letters of complaint being written to the BBC right now.
Currently the 10 most read article on the BBC News website are:
1. Meghan – woman victimhood
2. Meghan again – woman victimhood sucide angle
3. Mackenzie Scott – nice woman giving away £b’s
4. Rangers fans – nasty men killing people with covid
5. Newspapers including Meghan part 3
6. Covid update – doom and gloom
7. Missing woman
8. woman pay gap – woman victimhood
9. Naga Munchetty – woman victimhood
10. Flat owners – victimhood
Apart from the covid update the rest is hardly what I would call “news”.
Just seen a short clip about a female rugby player on the BBC Midlands news something about not having to justify her gender or something like that.Lets just say she didn’t seem to have much up top…both the chest area and on top of their head.I expect more will be revealed on the lunchtime edition!
Nothing on Iplayer cos it excludes local news