First 2 minutes of the BBC1 news with Sophie Rayworth (I couldn’t stand any more) and everything that M* and H* have said must be true – the BBC’s favourite words of ‘claimed’ and ‘suggested’ just didn’t appear. I think they keep them for Israelis to say when the Palestinians shoot homemade rockets from Gaza or Trump gave good news.
“Claimed, suggested” Yes it’s the little words and phrases used by the MSM which mean “we don’t know but—–we need you to believe it”
My favourite is “It is thought” used by archeologists.
All I ask for is facts — the bare unvarnished facts.
If the broadcasters don’t know the facts then all they are doing is reporting hearsay and opinions.
When the BBC is not playing games with editorial guidelines to turn an unknown to the next best thing next to truthiness, if not a confirmed fact, they are outright lying to suit an ideological agenda.
Dangerous in any media. Should be terminal for one supposedly representing the nation compelled to pay for it.
The muslims waiting for the call from the BBC at the next terror attack to tell us that islam is a religion of peace must be getting pissed of by now. What with the non-news about Covid, crashed economies, ruined societies, £22 Billion NHS (for yes it is the NHS) Track and Trace, Megxit etc., their (muslim) opportunities to islamify the West are being severely curtailed.
Curiously one could get the impression from the article that she is one of Diane Abbott’s ‘blue-eyed blondes’ from Sweden, rather than born in Nigeria and living in the UK since she was a year-old.
Despite living here for 25 years, (or maybe because?), she also plays for the Nigerian national side.
Its becoming more and more like collusion by our Tory Government with the French Government ?
it is not Conservative anymore . We have Liberal MPs in ‘Conservative clothing’.
“Meghan and Harry interview: Tabloid racism ‘large part’ of why we left UK, says duke”
Any person who has travelled the globe would agree with me that Great Britain is probably the least racist country in the world .
I vividly remember my introduction to Saudi Arabia. The flight in stopped off in Jeddah before becoming a ‘domestic’ on the final leg to Riyadh. Incoming international passengers had an hour or so before resuming their journey. So, sat in coffee bar and witnessed the open beating up of an American by two Saudi’s – for no apparent reason. The only thing I could see that made the yank a target was the wearing of a massive Stetson hat and cowboy boots. That’s discrimination for you.
I apologize if anybody else has written about this, But
GCHQ in Cheltenham have advertised for positions in
their IT depart. Apparently only those from the ethnic minority
or women can apply .
To be honest I don’t think that GCHQ are the only ones
using this woke practice. Or could I say this racist practice.
It would not surprise me in the least if the BBC were not
just applying this to all their recruitment And not just for
sporting representation. But the BBC i am sure would
include several more diverse categories as well.
@Fos you don’t have to apologise for double posting
As it happens @TVKev mentioned it on his Friday show
and that got me to David Kurten’s tweet
which I posted.
They argue that it’s just a form of extended advertising
and that phase 2 adds white candidates into the mix.
“Lewes FC: The football club that pays women the same as men”
“But while the men’s squad is way down in the seventh tier of English football, the women’s team is in The Championship, the sport’s second highest division.”
“Once you’ve watched women’s football you can’t not be inspired by it, and want to be part of it.”
“She’s adamant, along with everyone we speak to, that the equal pay system here could, and should, be put in place across the board.”
“But less than ten minute’s drive from The Dripping Pan is a huge reminder of how much would need to change for that to happen.”
\\Asylum seekers: Napier Barracks and Penally camp ‘filthy and run-down’//
Perhaps the “freebooting residents” should clean them up themselves .
If they are good enough for British Soldiers, they would certainly be good for them. Or they can always return to from whence they came.
As we get back to normal, its time for true Brits to start challenging all the Marxism hidden under the cloak of ‘Wokeness’ wherever it is met .
The lockdown has been the vehicle that has been used insidiously, to promote the growing tentacles of the promoters Woke culture.
Harra has been busy editing his John Kerry Global Warming story all day
No he adds words from an apparent Newsnight interview
Asked during the interview whether the UK should be planning a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria, he replied: “The marketplace has made a decision that coal is not the future.
(Harra left off any closing quotation mark)
That last line is rubbish
a group of investors have literally come into the marketplace and said to the steal companies
‘if we bring steel, can you use it instead of imported coal as you turn iron ore into iron, you will.
Good, then we will invest our money opening up the old Cumbria coal mine’
and save a load of transportation CO2 in the process’
I see how Harra and Newsnight spun J Kerry’s words Asked during the interview whether the UK should be planning a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria, he replied: “The marketplace has made a decision that coal is not the future.
that cut makes it sound like he’s talking about that specific mine
Harra has cut off the “GENERALLY speaking” at the beginning and “FUEL”
at the end
Huge context is missing Hes thinking about coal FUEL mine not coal4 coke as ingredient in steel
"GENERALLY speaking the marketplace has made the decision coal is not the future I mean all over the world coal plants are closing People have made a decision to move to cleaner FUEL"
Next week Megan and Harry show how to clean their underwear, and the week after it’s what temperature to get bedding feeling fresh .
Don’t miss Megan and Harry’s washing their dirty linen in public on any chat show in the future .
R4 This morning’s Vaccination tech series
was entirely about BAME
– Imam Qari Muhammad Asim, Chair, Mosques & Imams National Advisory Board,
– Dr Habib Naqvi – Director, NHS Race and Health Observatory
– Dr Onyi Okonkwo, GP and clinical lead for BAME network at Birmingham
“Nigel Farage: Brexit-backing politician to quit as leader of Reform UK”
It appears that Nigel Farage is going to fight Al Beeb and The Wokees?
If true, he is going to do the job that ‘BoJo and the Tory band’ should be doing.
He had to do the same for Brexit . He was the true man that got “Brexit Done” at the same time as BoJo and his band were talking about “putting Nigel back in his box”.
Fingers crossed this career move by Nigel will spell the end of Al Beeb.
TV licence : R4 12:15pm
“I had a new visit”
“I’m old and get pension credits, but they said no
… I’d moved house and they wouldn’t believe me
He came at night to the door
I was alone, I was crying
.. he seemed genuine not a scammer”
.. “They now say I do qualify , they promised to send me a licence
but it’s been 6 weeks and they haven’t”
They then listed other people wrongly served with letters
BBC shows only exist to plug their political agendas
R4 Arts Show tonight : eco-fiction Novelist Oana Aristide discusses her debut novel Under the Blue
: a reclusive artist forced to abandon his home
and follow two young sisters across a post-pandemic Europe in search of a safe place.
it explores themes of environmental destruction,
the melting of the polar ice, eco-terrorism,
all within a suspenseful story of three survivors on a terrifying road trip.
At 11:20 Tony Heller says:
“These people have no integrity and they are also completely insane.”
This just about covers everything we are forced to endure nowadays – and not just the ‘climate change’ fiasco.
I find it staggering that all the new stations are taking what the hapless twosome are saying as the truth !! Cue a Hollywood tear being dabbed. The pregnant one has even made Kate a liar !
Watched ITV 11pm news; just as bad as seemingly the BBC.
The left wing media grip on both sides of the pond going full tilt.
Killary Clinton, Whoopi cushion Goldberg, ‘circle round’ Psaki, (Bunker Biden’s mouthpiece) all praising Sparkle’s ‘bravery’…
Btw, did we just find out we paid for a pretend Wedding..?
And of course none of them dare open this topic for public comments.
I don’t care one bit about this story. It’s the Left wing fascism I’m watching.
How on Earth did the Human Race end up like this ?. It’s like a sci-fi film everyone laughed at from 50 years ago.
Just seen the Telegraphs ‘Letters’ page is open for comment.
All of them similar to what people are saying here. I didn’t see a single one in support of them.
I wonder if it has dawned on Harry just what Meghan has done to him. She has burnt the only bridge he had for when they split up.
Didn’t pay much attention to the M&H saga as it is yet another publicity stunt to grab $$$ from being victims.
It led me to an odd train of thought . What if the latest Kim took after his dad and arranged the kidnapping of an actress to perform in propaganda movies. We could have anti-woke, anti-climate change movies with goose stepping Korean women soldiers.
The Duke & Duchess of Excessive have slagged off the UK tabloid press and by inference the rest of the media. If I was a newspaper Editor (preferably not of a tabloid) I would do the equivalent of the old ‘offended’ press photographers trick: when a celebrity got a bit above themselves, the ‘press pack’ (I am told) would at the next appearance of said celebrity, put their cameras on top of their camera bags on the ground in front of them and stand with arms ostentatiously folded.
It was said to work miraculously and the ‘stars’ management and the celebrity themselves would be grovelling for a week, very apologetic, and paying the hefty bar bills for some very thirsty photographers.
I think the Duke & Duchess of Excessive have done just enough to get their wish of living very quietly as far as the UK media are concerned. The Americans will of course love it and the US based freelancers with the longest of long lenses will be all over the pair. The (un)happy couple may have to slink home to the UK with their tails (and their tales!) between their legs.
You are sadly mistaken. This will run and run as the bitch builds her brand which rests on the highly fashionable pillars of victim of racism and mental health.
You could be right, double, but there is a thing in the MSM known as ‘news fatigue’. The D&D of E will go on another show, and another, and another, telling the same stories and after a while people – even the Americans who still carry a grudge back to Boston – will start to yawn and fidget a bit. The viewing figures will reflect that and the UK channels – unless staunch Republican oriented – may decline to show yet another bout of ‘poor me’ snowflaking.
By no means over Kinell, the largely left-wing media in the UK have now been handed a cudgel with the golden words ‘race” on it which they will use repeatedly to try to smash the Royal Family who stand between them and their utopian communist future.
So now we know it’s possible gender but please remember that only when it is old enough to speak its truth will we know for certain what gender it will choose from the hundreds available in the modern world. But of course the question that is on everyone’s mind but no one dare ask is , what shade it will be?
On Toady at 0710 and the BBC are still race-baiting on the back of the Meghan and Harry boreathon.
The featured story is the incendiary revelation that someone wondered what colour Archie would turn out to be,
Shock. Horror. I call it curiousity. They call it racist.
For an impartial assessment, the BBC wheel on…….errr……..Dianne Flabbot.
BBC Moaning Emole, replete with ‘analysis’ from someone who knows, or wants to know, nothing but speculation.
Harry blames racism for departure
By Owen Amos
Harry: Racism ‘large part’ of why we left UK
Story detail
On Sunday night, the interview between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Oprah Winfrey was aired in the US. But it turns out there was more to come. Unaired clips were shown on American breakfast TV – and in one, Prince Harry said racism was “a large part” of why the couple left the UK.
He said he didn’t think the UK public was bigoted, but the press – “specifically the tabloids” – were. “But unfortunately if the source of information is inherently corrupt, or racist, or biased, then that filters out to the rest of society,” he said. In response, the UK’s Society of Editors said: “The UK media is not bigoted and will not be swayed from its vital role holding the rich and powerful to account.”
Harry and Meghan’s interview has sparked interest around the world. US President Joe Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, said it had taken “courage” for the couple to speak out. The interview was shown in the UK on ITV on Monday night – if you didn’t see it, here are 12 things we learned. And here’s full analysis from our royal correspondent Jonny Dymond, with an excerpt below.
Rattling the gilded cage from the outside
Alongside the personal pain and anger rippling through Meghan’s testimony, there came from Harry condemnation of the institution – the suggestion that it was incapable of change, incapable of love, incapable of understanding.
The contradictions of the Palace, and of the monarchy, are exactly that which makes it so special, so strange, so interesting and so difficult to work within – the merging of personal and public roles, the accretion of tradition, the mix of public accountability, ceaseless media interest and the need to remain relevant.
Harry’s suggestion that his family too – his father Prince Charles, his brother Prince William – are “trapped” in their world, and that he felt “compassion” for them, was a velvet-covered knife into the heart of the modern monarchy.
Royal life is conducted from within a gilded cage; the players are not meant to rattle the bars from the outside.
Jonny and his colleagues embody the ‘profession’ today.
Abetted totally by an MSM with a mental age of three, led by the bbc.
Excellent, Effie. Isn't it strange that those who shout "prejudice" can't see their own? She seems to have expected everyone to adjust to her ideals and never once thought that her emotional and mental interpretation of comments might be at fault.
I must confess that when Markle arrived on the scene and even some years later, I had no idea she was, “black”. She displays a tan, common in those from California.
I don’t buy newspapers so I must principally thank the BBC, our own, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” for informing me Markle is “black”. I wouldn’t have guessed otherwise. So, BBC, many thanks, I will mentally segregate other “black” people when I have the opportunity and I will see, ‘blackness’ everywhere as you promote and I will leave myself open to disassociate from ‘black’ people even when the ‘black’ element was some generations before. Indeed, BBC, like Markle, perhaps you could research and print a list of those who appear totally white but carry a hint of ‘blackness’ so I’ll know in the future to treat them accordingly.
You know that you aren’t ‘black’, that means that you are now the ‘other’. That is the one certainty that you are now left with.
There you were, possibly living in the same place as your family has for at least two hundred years. Possibly possessing the skin colour that provides the ‘just about right’ filtering of the sun’s rays for the latitude, eating the crops and animals that have also found their place, wearing the clothing suited to the climate.
Now it is you that is the stranger. The Trudeau doctrine has been forced onto you. (Trudeau alleges that there is no Canadian culture. The present tenants are the idle who only live there by chance of birth, the real Canadian is the person who wants to live there, to take over what used to be considered the inheritance of the tenant).
Everyone that you see is now potentially your new overlord. Clearly that lippy black African ‘academic’ is, the woman with covered hair, the man in his pyjamas, but what about that blonde pushing a buggy?
“Przestań płakać kochanie!”, she says to the child.
Brilliant post, Pug, as usual. I think it is worth noting how clever and cunning Markle is. It is she who brings up the charge of racism but makes sure it is based on an incident involving Harry and not her. His testimony and corroboration makes her charge more credible than if it came from her lips alone. She has probably spent many months coaching Harry and persuading him that this innocent remark carried heavy racist overtones.
My feeling is that some such off-hand, speculative remark would have been uttered in every household in the country, genetics and the variation of inherited characteristics being such a fascinating topic.
I’m with the Daily Star this morning: ‘Our telly broke at 8:59pm last night. Did we miss anything?‘
Meanwhile it is somewhat of a relief to note the FT tucks this headline away in their “Briefing” section, for which one tends to employ a magnifying glass: ‘Royal rift aired in explosive interview‘
The only question being once the actress who bagged (or should that be debagged – or even de-cojonesed?) her prince has played her race card, then where does she go from there?
Our print media would seem to present their acres of coverage and ask, a la Russell Crowe in the movie Gladiator: “Are you not entertained?”
On the contrary, is our reply. To borrow a suitable phrase: “We are NOT amused”
At least we get to know who our friends are: ‘Duchess has shown courage, says Biden‘ (Telegraph) – and with diplomatic skills of that order it must surely be just a matter of time before the doddery old geezer with his liver-spotted trembling wrinkly hand hovering over the nuclear button, pisses off some really hostile head of state.
The Mirror presents a front page pic of school kids that appears to show Asia is: ‘Back to school… and a new world‘ – each of the three kids being of asian or east asian ethnicity. However, the report does refer to Blighty. New world indeed.
With some form of synchronicity the FT’s frontpage advert is from SOAS, University of London offering: ‘Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art‘ – I’d venture there’s many a media picture editor up for one of those.
The ‘i‘ attempts to show it’s too cool for school, but employs a phrase that’s SO last decade: ‘Friends reunited. Smooth return to the classroom at many schools with “encouraging” support for tests and masks‘
All is apparently sweetness and light for teachers and their now gagged and muzzled little pets. All set for teacher self-tested “A” grades all across the board. The Telegraph lets off a stink bomb: ‘“No scientific basis” in school covid test plan‘
The BBC, always helpful in some respect to someone or other’s interests, provides: ‘Coronavirus testing: How to do a lateral flow test at home‘
You take a suitably-sized coin. Toss it in the air… I’m joshing, of course, self-administered dodgy PCR testing will be an absolute boon.
Mummy, please, I don’t want to go to school. Please do a covid test for me!
The Guardian is of course happily grandstanding over a government policy that is reasonably likely to backfire spectacularly: ‘Return to school may delay end of lockdown‘ – maybe. The difference with last September’s return to school was that the reopening coincided with the onset of the winter flu season. The public were readily willing to associate the two factors in their minds. This time we have a spring reopening.
And finally… Dr Seuss and his Cat In The Hat has recently been censured and then rapidly censored for the dreaded racism. Now the Daily Star has apparently #MeToo’ed a cartoon character: ‘Pepe Le Pew “A sex pest”‘
It is on good authority that Martin Luther King was a terrible womaniser and had many affairs. It is even claimed from a credible source that when he encountered a woman being raped, he encouraged the man to get on with it.
But as he was black, the boundless hypocrisy and double standards of the Left means nobody is allowed to mention it.
Don’t expect to see any of his statues being toppled.
All part of the process to stop any free speech. Just think, where will all of these restrictions be in 10 / 15 / 20 years time? I won’t be here, thank goodness.
Perhaps the Government should come clean and explain that they are so impressed with the draconian control of speech in China, they are slowly emulating the same controls here. Come, Boris, be the first Western ‘leader’ who explains what they’re up to.
BBC staff have been pushing this victimhood for a few weeks now. Any criticism of their ability to do their job is now “abuse”.
e.g. making fun of Marriana Spring wearing a mask upside down = abuse/death threats. Criticising Sonja McLaughlan for her agressive interviewing = abuse. Criticising Naga Munchetty for anything = racism
School bully gang ..complain someone shouted at them a couple of times
… Did you see the state of them outside Cummings house ?
..Reuters chalking the pavement
.. The video billboard truck from Greenpeace front group Led By Donkeys
Classic BBC ‘calls for’, either creating internally or allowing itself to be used to further an agenda shared by few outside a deranged, obsessive bubble.
Why should they dance to this tune?
At the end of the day it is no more than a family spat created by a sheep of color brought into the fold performing precisely as expected by all save morons and credulous media.
It is clearly a genius move concocted by Dom and Kayleigh.
Think about it… hire an actress to perform a role to sucker in the blob to perfection.
Boris steers clear.
Buck House steers clear.
The entire US MSM and most U.K., especially BBC, go hypocritically batsh*t over claims as credible as a Newsnight BIJ mental patient, and drag in everyone from Sleepy and HRC to Di the Daft.
Sit back, allow to simmer… then boom… explosive bombshell metaphors comprised of egg on smug, thick, woke faces.
I’m not surprised Boris is steering clear as he has his own controller in Yoko symonds.
Regarding Yoko Murkle, she seems to have fallen out with all her own family as well as our royle lot.
She has all the woke shit stirrers on her side.
Donald (see above) saw through her and warned Harry.
Meghan gains all the limelight, as planned, but good old Hal knows which side to butter his toast – yes, that’s another job he’ll have to learn for himself – with his constant references to ‘granny’.
M must have stressed the importance of not slagging off the Queen, that would be a major mistake, so give the impression she’s on side with ‘frequent’ intimate phone calls, warmth and consolation unique among the barrage of palace hatred.
It’s only a matter of time before he starts to call HM his ‘rock’ – but somehow I feel there’s just a hint of desperation blended in with the deception, probably with as much self-deception too.
I believe HM will be apoplectic with rage and while Harry fears his mother’s history repeating itself, HM will see tragic parallels with her ‘Uncle David’ with all that attendant duplicity and treasonous behaviour. If The DofE dies in hospital, Harry might remember how the Windsor’s were treated after hastening the death of George VI and rue the day.
Quite interesting that when Donald Trump made his quite correct and justified claims about vote rigging, he was dismissed by the MSM as having no proof etc etc
And now we have controversial claims from Meghan Ono and Harry Hewitt where there is literally zero evidence and yet the MSM led of course by the bBBC can’t get enough.
Sima Kotecha is on the Radio again just like she was on Saturday
… I check about the guy she had arrested for shouting at her in Leicester city centre in May when the BBC made the extraordinary decision do set up a public show during lockdown
and when she elevated that charge
FROM “using threatening/abusive/insulting words/behaviour
to cause harassment/alarm/distress”
TO ” causing RACIALLY aggravated alarm or distress”
..when the recording showed no racial words
“BBC Satanic child abuse”
“go home don’t come back”
Those words appear directed at the whole crew
AS they left he said
“Bye Bye BBC get out of town, don’t come back
and take your litter with you”
Seems to me they bailed him, made him go through pleading and then dropped the case
On Humberside Kofi is going on about “White fragility”
People are complaining he dedicated the show to Megan & Harry next
He sneers at the people who condemn Meghan
He’s reading listener comments
they complain “where’s the LOCAL news”
“Kofi you keep defining people by the colour of their skin, then when someone disagrees with you, say they must be racist cos of their skin colour”
“well done addressing the colour conversation”
“white people get bullied ”
… Kofi replies “see people DENYING racism ..a lot of people denying people don’t want to admit”
listener comment “I reckon they’ve got barely suppressed racism ..why are they denying … White fragility is such a good word”
The next presenter says he will be keeping his show Meghan free
His show promotion tweet seems to insult some listeners
(His Monday tweet also)
Nice to just hear that your paper reviewer insinuating that its white people trying to spread the narrative that the bame community shouldn't have the jab so it would lead to more black people dying really ????also stop using the word fam I hear children use it not adults grow up
Ugghh! Another revolting limelight hugging luvvie. Can’t stand him. Anyway….a couple of years back wasn’t he giving up acting to go into politics? That didn’t happen then…
Mme Goat insisted she would watch it (in the kitchen, and well away from me). It clashed with Master Chef. What to do, what to do? (I didn’t suggest recording it, and she didn’t think of that…).
She apparently channel hopped between the two, so H & M weren’t that rivetting, after all.
Victimhood: Urgent Palace talks over Harry and Meghan claims
Scare mongering: Whitty warns of further surge as society opens up
Victimhood: ‘If Covid didn’t kill me, nothing ever will’
Agenda pushing: Unilever drops word ‘normal’ from beauty products
Science: Meteorite chuck found ***actual news!***
Cancel culture: Jess Glynne apologises for ‘unacceptable’ trans slur
Utter rubbish: ‘First dogs’ leave White House over biting incident
Agenda pushing: Stars await Bafta nominations amid diversity push
Agenda pushing: Ministers ‘must ban LGBT+ conversion therapy soon’
Scare mongering: Restrictions on Scots outdoor meetings to be eased
Sex with kids article: England and Wales child abuse laws to be expanded
Scare mongering: Sainsbury’s warns of shortage of pet food pouches
News: Harry Dunn suspect ‘would do community service’ ***actual news! ***
With the BBC, The Guardian and the Independent all mirroring the anti Royal Family diatribe today spouted by the left-wing CNN we now know exactly where they stand on UK sovereignty.
This is boiling down to a reprisal attack against this Country not only by partisan members of other left-leaning countries but aided and abetted by our own media, I’m pretty sure the Brexit vote is also a factor.
To me this is verging on insurrection carried out on the British Nation and it’s population by it’s own media and applauded by it’s enemies in foreign left-wing media.
Simply put, the Global media is using all its tactics to try to enslave the UK back into the Globalist Master plan.
We don’t have to buy the Guardian or the Independent but we can withdraw support from our National Broadcaster and should do so now before they wreak any more damage to this nation.
I have never in my longish life witnessed such a sustained and vicious attack on our Nation’s very core.
This will end up being very nasty.
Weird and telling that the only voice standing up against the deceit his her own father!
It’s only a matter of time before someone from the “black community” comes out against her for not being “black” enough.
Other commenters have noted that unless told they wouldn’t guessed from her appearance that Meghan was black but it’s not just her appearance. as we’re talking about colour I’ll use broad brush strokes here.
Everything about her seems to me to be so stereotypically Californian white – her wokeness, her sense of entitlement and moral superiority, her eco-conscience, her yoga, her rescue hens, her general overall demeanour – it’s all so “white” in the way that is claimed to be wrong by so many black race-baiters. Apparently she was raised to a large extent by her father, I think it shows.
I know I’m stereotyping but she lacks the vivacity and colour that so many black women claim to have and that modern black culture celebrates. Where’s her bling, the bright colours and outgoing personality. She’s dull, conservative and “preppy”.
I don’t think the black community as a whole will tolerate her fairness, her lack of authenticity. The media blacks like Oprah and Don Lemon will further their own goals and agitators like Abbot, Dr Shola and the many mixed-race “celebrities” who feel obliged to support her purely because of her colour, or lack of.
They will soon realise that she is not the real deal. She has had a reasonably privileged and comfortable upbringing, no ghetto upbringing here, and she has become even more privileged by embracing the side of her heritage that she now feigns resentment of.
She’ll be found out, the true colours of her character will become clear to those that are at present concerned more with the colour of her skin and when this happens she’ll find the “community” that she seems so intent on maligning won’t be there to offer the affirmation she so selfishly seems to crave.
Was editing this and got timed out. The pre-emptive text on this Kindle is driving me nuts at the minute, I’m having to retype so many simple words.
Fairness should read fakeness and there a few words missing. The edited version made more sense and was better written but hopefully you’ll get the jist of it.
Simply put, she is much more Brittney than Beyonce, obviously influenced and shaped by the part of her mixed heritage that she once wholeheartedly embraced but now so opportunistically derides.
‘We don’t have to buy the Guardian or the Independent…..’
Indeed we don’t digg – in common with close to 99.5% of the population.
Without google news and the BBC to keep them artificially ‘alive’ both titles would have been consigned to history many years ago. Their actual contribution and relevance is precisely on a par with the LibDems.
LOL!! x4 First dogs have to leave the Whitehouse over biting incident!!
After all that guff about the first rescue dogs to be in there, blah, blah, blah, – it must be better and great cos it’s Biden, and he’s like the messiah compared to Trump who was, and everything around him, completely evil.
If they had been Trump’s dogs they would be Blondi Mk.1 and Blondi Mk.2 and we would have had lots of ‘analysis’ about how pets take after their owners, so we all ‘know’ where their bad behaviour came from!
1.4 million for the Independent, in 2019 ? – superficially that’s quite an achievement since it stopped officially being printed on Saturday 26 March 2016 🙂
Does that qualify as fake news?
– can’t help wondering what the GMG media folk would do with BBC viewership / listener figures….
Lady Brooke just, headlines on Twato, Professor Twity suggests that there could be, imminent, 30,000 further deaths from the Chinese flu leading to 100,000 if the curfew is eased too quickly. An extended sentence very possible to be advocated then for the scruffy one in No.10 who, “follows the science”.
He referred to the situation in Europe where cases are rising….but our vaccination program is advanced and there’s is not…so ‘cases’ should become increasingly irrelevant, and there should be a time in the not too distant future where you should not have to isolate. Just as you don’t if you have had the flu.
Whitty: “But all the modelling suggests there is going to be a further surge, and when it happens it will find the people who have not been vaccinated or where the vaccine has not worked. Some of them will be hospitalised and sadly some of them will die.”
After the headlines, I switched off. Did Twity identify the %age of those for whom the vaccine has not worked? As for people that have not been vaccinated because they refuse, personally, I couldn’t give a flying f.
Here we go again. The use of that little word “suggests” itself suggests that the bugger doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Typical Leftist rule by fear tactics.
I suggest that this bloke Mr S-itty does not vote Conservative and will do his utmost to make things as difficult as possible for our ruling party. Sack him Boris before he gets YOU the sack.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
First 2 minutes of the BBC1 news with Sophie Rayworth (I couldn’t stand any more) and everything that M* and H* have said must be true – the BBC’s favourite words of ‘claimed’ and ‘suggested’ just didn’t appear. I think they keep them for Israelis to say when the Palestinians shoot homemade rockets from Gaza or Trump gave good news.
“Claimed, suggested” Yes it’s the little words and phrases used by the MSM which mean “we don’t know but—–we need you to believe it”
My favourite is “It is thought” used by archeologists.
All I ask for is facts — the bare unvarnished facts.
If the broadcasters don’t know the facts then all they are doing is reporting hearsay and opinions.
Truth or dire?
When the BBC is not playing games with editorial guidelines to turn an unknown to the next best thing next to truthiness, if not a confirmed fact, they are outright lying to suit an ideological agenda.
Dangerous in any media. Should be terminal for one supposedly representing the nation compelled to pay for it.
The muslims waiting for the call from the BBC at the next terror attack to tell us that islam is a religion of peace must be getting pissed of by now. What with the non-news about Covid, crashed economies, ruined societies, £22 Billion NHS (for yes it is the NHS) Track and Trace, Megxit etc., their (muslim) opportunities to islamify the West are being severely curtailed.
ITV local news 10 days ago
BBC Newsbeat
It’s 100 years since the FA banned women’s football. The ban lasted for close to 50 years.
But even today, Lewes FC believes its the only football club to pay its women players the same as the men
Luckily, the focus image is a young lady of color.
Otherwise there would have been hell to pay.
Also, ‘belief’, a bbc staple.
Curiously one could get the impression from the article that she is one of Diane Abbott’s ‘blue-eyed blondes’ from Sweden, rather than born in Nigeria and living in the UK since she was a year-old.
Despite living here for 25 years, (or maybe because?), she also plays for the Nigerian national side.
As I often point out, Adolf Hitler also had beliefs.
Along with ECU directors.
And a love of dogs, of which much was made by his media team.
Blondi didn’t bite folk though.
It was all probably Trump’s fault really.
As ‘reported’ by Babs Plett Usher.
If anyone thinks that the Megan/Harry/Oprah interview is revealing, just wait for the numerous interviews after the royal divorce.
Its becoming more and more like collusion by our Tory Government with the French Government ?
it is not Conservative anymore . We have Liberal MPs in ‘Conservative clothing’.
“Meghan and Harry interview: Tabloid racism ‘large part’ of why we left UK, says duke”
Any person who has travelled the globe would agree with me that Great Britain is probably the least racist country in the world .
I vividly remember my introduction to Saudi Arabia. The flight in stopped off in Jeddah before becoming a ‘domestic’ on the final leg to Riyadh. Incoming international passengers had an hour or so before resuming their journey. So, sat in coffee bar and witnessed the open beating up of an American by two Saudi’s – for no apparent reason. The only thing I could see that made the yank a target was the wearing of a massive Stetson hat and cowboy boots. That’s discrimination for you.
I apologize if anybody else has written about this, But
GCHQ in Cheltenham have advertised for positions in
their IT depart. Apparently only those from the ethnic minority
or women can apply .
To be honest I don’t think that GCHQ are the only ones
using this woke practice. Or could I say this racist practice.
It would not surprise me in the least if the BBC were not
just applying this to all their recruitment And not just for
sporting representation. But the BBC i am sure would
include several more diverse categories as well.
The Met police have done this for the past twenty years. Legal they say.
@Fos you don’t have to apologise for double posting
As it happens @TVKev mentioned it on his Friday show
and that got me to David Kurten’s tweet
which I posted.
They argue that it’s just a form of extended advertising
and that phase 2 adds white candidates into the mix.
BBC Online News:
“Lewes FC: The football club that pays women the same as men”
“But while the men’s squad is way down in the seventh tier of English football, the women’s team is in The Championship, the sport’s second highest division.”
“Once you’ve watched women’s football you can’t not be inspired by it, and want to be part of it.”
“She’s adamant, along with everyone we speak to, that the equal pay system here could, and should, be put in place across the board.”
“But less than ten minute’s drive from The Dripping Pan is a huge reminder of how much would need to change for that to happen.”
Utter delusional feminist bollards… ????
‘Sell out games’
Sweden v Thailand 9,354
Not much ‘selling out’ until the finals.
\\Asylum seekers: Napier Barracks and Penally camp ‘filthy and run-down’//
Perhaps the “freebooting residents” should clean them up themselves .
If they are good enough for British Soldiers, they would certainly be good for them. Or they can always return to from whence they came.
As we get back to normal, its time for true Brits to start challenging all the Marxism hidden under the cloak of ‘Wokeness’ wherever it is met .
The lockdown has been the vehicle that has been used insidiously, to promote the growing tentacles of the promoters Woke culture.
Ginge & Minge Don’t wait for the birth to announce the sex of the forthcoming baby.
Is this just in case we expressed concerns the newborn will be a boy or a girl?……..”What”. Sexist…
Ginge and the whinge
anyway stop rewarding their bad behaviour by giving them attention.
“Ginge and Minge”. That I like.
Seems like a lot of folks aren’t in step with the BBC over the Oprah shit-show…
Not one comment in support!
Harra has been busy editing his John Kerry Global Warming story all day
No he adds words from an apparent Newsnight interview
Asked during the interview whether the UK should be planning a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria, he replied:
“The marketplace has made a decision that coal is not the future.
(Harra left off any closing quotation mark)
That last line is rubbish
a group of investors have literally come into the marketplace and said to the steal companies
‘if we bring steel, can you use it instead of imported coal as you turn iron ore into iron, you will.
Good, then we will invest our money opening up the old Cumbria coal mine’
and save a load of transportation CO2 in the process’
I see how Harra and Newsnight spun J Kerry’s words
Asked during the interview whether the UK should be planning a controversial new coal mine in Cumbria, he replied: “The marketplace has made a decision that coal is not the future.
that cut makes it sound like he’s talking about that specific mine
Harra has cut off the “GENERALLY speaking” at the beginning and “FUEL”
at the end
“…….all over the world coal plants are closing……”
Seems China has not got the message………
Next week Megan and Harry show how to clean their underwear, and the week after it’s what temperature to get bedding feeling fresh .
Don’t miss Megan and Harry’s washing their dirty linen in public on any chat show in the future .
Good luck to anyone choosing to watch an American actress and ex prince being chatted too by a fellow multimillionaire –
Personally this day has been a total media blackout – so I hope a war hasn’t started near or far ….
Media blackout carries through into Tuesday too …
I wonder how much the M & H saga is exploited by agents and publicists?
It’s certainly being exploited by “Inside The Beltway”
USA TodayNewsquest UK’s fleet of 200 local rags…. they’ve got hacks all over it…R4 This morning’s Vaccination tech series
was entirely about BAME
– Imam Qari Muhammad Asim, Chair, Mosques & Imams National Advisory Board,
– Dr Habib Naqvi – Director, NHS Race and Health Observatory
– Dr Onyi Okonkwo, GP and clinical lead for BAME network at Birmingham
“Nigel Farage: Brexit-backing politician to quit as leader of Reform UK”
It appears that Nigel Farage is going to fight Al Beeb and The Wokees?
If true, he is going to do the job that ‘BoJo and the Tory band’ should be doing.
He had to do the same for Brexit . He was the true man that got “Brexit Done” at the same time as BoJo and his band were talking about “putting Nigel back in his box”.
Fingers crossed this career move by Nigel will spell the end of Al Beeb.
TV licence : R4 12:15pm
“I had a new visit”
“I’m old and get pension credits, but they said no
… I’d moved house and they wouldn’t believe me
He came at night to the door
I was alone, I was crying
.. he seemed genuine not a scammer”
.. “They now say I do qualify , they promised to send me a licence
but it’s been 6 weeks and they haven’t”
They then listed other people wrongly served with letters
BBC shows only exist to plug their political agendas
R4 Arts Show tonight : eco-fiction
Novelist Oana Aristide discusses her debut novel Under the Blue
: a reclusive artist forced to abandon his home
and follow two young sisters across a post-pandemic Europe in search of a safe place.
it explores themes of environmental destruction,
the melting of the polar ice, eco-terrorism,
all within a suspenseful story of three survivors on a terrifying road trip.
AFAIK Arctic ice is not lower than recent years
Our own BBC broadcast a two hour programme The Weather Machine on BBC2 on 12 October 1974, essentially warning about the New Ice Age.
At least the BBC is consistent, it doesn’t matter what happens, ‘we’ are doomed and it is your fault!
At 11:20 Tony Heller says:
“These people have no integrity and they are also completely insane.”
This just about covers everything we are forced to endure nowadays – and not just the ‘climate change’ fiasco.
Retirement Plan
Go to France
Throw away passport and docs
Buy rubber boat
… you know the rest
My retirement plan, fourteen years ago:
Go to France
Find somewhere isolated and rural
Live in peace and quiet
Keep head down (apart from forays on line)
Stay there.
Working well, thus far.
Same here, apart from some loons.
That Interview: the unspeakable interviewed by the unviewable.
I find it staggering that all the new stations are taking what the hapless twosome are saying as the truth !! Cue a Hollywood tear being dabbed. The pregnant one has even made Kate a liar !
The chickens have definitely come home to roost..
Watched ITV 11pm news; just as bad as seemingly the BBC.
The left wing media grip on both sides of the pond going full tilt.
Killary Clinton, Whoopi cushion Goldberg, ‘circle round’ Psaki, (Bunker Biden’s mouthpiece) all praising Sparkle’s ‘bravery’…
Btw, did we just find out we paid for a pretend Wedding..?
And of course none of them dare open this topic for public comments.
I don’t care one bit about this story. It’s the Left wing fascism I’m watching.
How on Earth did the Human Race end up like this ?. It’s like a sci-fi film everyone laughed at from 50 years ago.
I got told of here for calling her a slut. She’s certainly no lady.
Just seen the Telegraphs ‘Letters’ page is open for comment.
All of them similar to what people are saying here. I didn’t see a single one in support of them.
I wonder if it has dawned on Harry just what Meghan has done to him. She has burnt the only bridge he had for when they split up.
Actresses act, now there’s a surprise.
That ‘living quietly’ was an act, apparently, after all that was said.
Didn’t pay much attention to the M&H saga as it is yet another publicity stunt to grab $$$ from being victims.
It led me to an odd train of thought . What if the latest Kim took after his dad and arranged the kidnapping of an actress to perform in propaganda movies. We could have anti-woke, anti-climate change movies with goose stepping Korean women soldiers.
Thank goodness that interview is over and we won’t have to hear any more about the whole saga.
The Duke & Duchess of Excessive have slagged off the UK tabloid press and by inference the rest of the media. If I was a newspaper Editor (preferably not of a tabloid) I would do the equivalent of the old ‘offended’ press photographers trick: when a celebrity got a bit above themselves, the ‘press pack’ (I am told) would at the next appearance of said celebrity, put their cameras on top of their camera bags on the ground in front of them and stand with arms ostentatiously folded.
It was said to work miraculously and the ‘stars’ management and the celebrity themselves would be grovelling for a week, very apologetic, and paying the hefty bar bills for some very thirsty photographers.
I think the Duke & Duchess of Excessive have done just enough to get their wish of living very quietly as far as the UK media are concerned. The Americans will of course love it and the US based freelancers with the longest of long lenses will be all over the pair. The (un)happy couple may have to slink home to the UK with their tails (and their tales!) between their legs.
You are sadly mistaken. This will run and run as the bitch builds her brand which rests on the highly fashionable pillars of victim of racism and mental health.
You could be right, double, but there is a thing in the MSM known as ‘news fatigue’. The D&D of E will go on another show, and another, and another, telling the same stories and after a while people – even the Americans who still carry a grudge back to Boston – will start to yawn and fidget a bit. The viewing figures will reflect that and the UK channels – unless staunch Republican oriented – may decline to show yet another bout of ‘poor me’ snowflaking.
The pair may become toxic in time.
By no means over Kinell, the largely left-wing media in the UK have now been handed a cudgel with the golden words ‘race” on it which they will use repeatedly to try to smash the Royal Family who stand between them and their utopian communist future.
So now we know it’s possible gender but please remember that only when it is old enough to speak its truth will we know for certain what gender it will choose from the hundreds available in the modern world. But of course the question that is on everyone’s mind but no one dare ask is , what shade it will be?
Will they ever give up ?
On Toady at 0710 and the BBC are still race-baiting on the back of the Meghan and Harry boreathon.
The featured story is the incendiary revelation that someone wondered what colour Archie would turn out to be,
Shock. Horror. I call it curiousity. They call it racist.
For an impartial assessment, the BBC wheel on…….errr……..Dianne Flabbot.
Off switch.
Questions to which the answer is ‘no’..
BBC Moaning Emole, replete with ‘analysis’ from someone who knows, or wants to know, nothing but speculation.
Harry blames racism for departure
By Owen Amos
Harry: Racism ‘large part’ of why we left UK
Story detail
On Sunday night, the interview between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Oprah Winfrey was aired in the US. But it turns out there was more to come. Unaired clips were shown on American breakfast TV – and in one, Prince Harry said racism was “a large part” of why the couple left the UK.
He said he didn’t think the UK public was bigoted, but the press – “specifically the tabloids” – were. “But unfortunately if the source of information is inherently corrupt, or racist, or biased, then that filters out to the rest of society,” he said. In response, the UK’s Society of Editors said: “The UK media is not bigoted and will not be swayed from its vital role holding the rich and powerful to account.”
Harry and Meghan’s interview has sparked interest around the world. US President Joe Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, said it had taken “courage” for the couple to speak out. The interview was shown in the UK on ITV on Monday night – if you didn’t see it, here are 12 things we learned. And here’s full analysis from our royal correspondent Jonny Dymond, with an excerpt below.
Rattling the gilded cage from the outside
Alongside the personal pain and anger rippling through Meghan’s testimony, there came from Harry condemnation of the institution – the suggestion that it was incapable of change, incapable of love, incapable of understanding.
The contradictions of the Palace, and of the monarchy, are exactly that which makes it so special, so strange, so interesting and so difficult to work within – the merging of personal and public roles, the accretion of tradition, the mix of public accountability, ceaseless media interest and the need to remain relevant.
Harry’s suggestion that his family too – his father Prince Charles, his brother Prince William – are “trapped” in their world, and that he felt “compassion” for them, was a velvet-covered knife into the heart of the modern monarchy.
Royal life is conducted from within a gilded cage; the players are not meant to rattle the bars from the outside.
Jonny and his colleagues embody the ‘profession’ today.
“And in America, where the pair have apparently solid support, we can see exposed the yawning culture gap with Britain.”
And the national broadcaster. Hence ‘Americast’, with Jon and BS, who now know they can say anything they, and the bubble, likes.
It could of course, be a baseless claim.
The BBC could wheel in someone to say so.
In the ‘Heat of the Night’ the police chief is white, when everyone knows they are of color.
Abetted totally by an MSM with a mental age of three, led by the bbc.
Predictably the bbc are oozing with sympathy for Little Miss Victim, and swallowing her story hook line and sinker.
‘Suicidal thoughts’, ‘racism’, ‘misogyny’, ‘victimhood’: all their favourite buzzwords, tick, tick, tick, tick.
They must think it’s Christmas.
Alex Belfield remains unconvinced, and so – to his credit – does Piers Morgan.
I must confess that when Markle arrived on the scene and even some years later, I had no idea she was, “black”. She displays a tan, common in those from California.
I don’t buy newspapers so I must principally thank the BBC, our own, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” for informing me Markle is “black”. I wouldn’t have guessed otherwise. So, BBC, many thanks, I will mentally segregate other “black” people when I have the opportunity and I will see, ‘blackness’ everywhere as you promote and I will leave myself open to disassociate from ‘black’ people even when the ‘black’ element was some generations before. Indeed, BBC, like Markle, perhaps you could research and print a list of those who appear totally white but carry a hint of ‘blackness’ so I’ll know in the future to treat them accordingly.
It’s worse than that.
You know that you aren’t ‘black’, that means that you are now the ‘other’. That is the one certainty that you are now left with.
There you were, possibly living in the same place as your family has for at least two hundred years. Possibly possessing the skin colour that provides the ‘just about right’ filtering of the sun’s rays for the latitude, eating the crops and animals that have also found their place, wearing the clothing suited to the climate.
Now it is you that is the stranger. The Trudeau doctrine has been forced onto you. (Trudeau alleges that there is no Canadian culture. The present tenants are the idle who only live there by chance of birth, the real Canadian is the person who wants to live there, to take over what used to be considered the inheritance of the tenant).
Everyone that you see is now potentially your new overlord. Clearly that lippy black African ‘academic’ is, the woman with covered hair, the man in his pyjamas, but what about that blonde pushing a buggy?
“Przestań płakać kochanie!”, she says to the child.
Know your place.
Can James Hewitt demand a DNA test? If he is the father, it would collapse the circus.
Brilliant post, Pug, as usual. I think it is worth noting how clever and cunning Markle is. It is she who brings up the charge of racism but makes sure it is based on an incident involving Harry and not her. His testimony and corroboration makes her charge more credible than if it came from her lips alone. She has probably spent many months coaching Harry and persuading him that this innocent remark carried heavy racist overtones.
My feeling is that some such off-hand, speculative remark would have been uttered in every household in the country, genetics and the variation of inherited characteristics being such a fascinating topic.
I’m with the Daily Star this morning: ‘Our telly broke at 8:59pm last night. Did we miss anything?‘
Meanwhile it is somewhat of a relief to note the FT tucks this headline away in their “Briefing” section, for which one tends to employ a magnifying glass: ‘Royal rift aired in explosive interview‘
The only question being once the actress who bagged (or should that be debagged – or even de-cojonesed?) her prince has played her race card, then where does she go from there?
Our print media would seem to present their acres of coverage and ask, a la Russell Crowe in the movie Gladiator: “Are you not entertained?”
On the contrary, is our reply. To borrow a suitable phrase: “We are NOT amused”
At least we get to know who our friends are: ‘Duchess has shown courage, says Biden‘ (Telegraph) – and with diplomatic skills of that order it must surely be just a matter of time before the doddery old geezer with his liver-spotted trembling wrinkly hand hovering over the nuclear button, pisses off some really hostile head of state.
The Mirror presents a front page pic of school kids that appears to show Asia is: ‘Back to school… and a new world‘ – each of the three kids being of asian or east asian ethnicity. However, the report does refer to Blighty. New world indeed.
With some form of synchronicity the FT’s frontpage advert is from SOAS, University of London offering: ‘Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art‘ – I’d venture there’s many a media picture editor up for one of those.
The ‘i‘ attempts to show it’s too cool for school, but employs a phrase that’s SO last decade: ‘Friends reunited. Smooth return to the classroom at many schools with “encouraging” support for tests and masks‘
All is apparently sweetness and light for teachers and their now gagged and muzzled little pets. All set for teacher self-tested “A” grades all across the board. The Telegraph lets off a stink bomb: ‘“No scientific basis” in school covid test plan‘
The BBC, always helpful in some respect to someone or other’s interests, provides: ‘Coronavirus testing: How to do a lateral flow test at home‘
You take a suitably-sized coin. Toss it in the air… I’m joshing, of course, self-administered dodgy PCR testing will be an absolute boon.
Mummy, please, I don’t want to go to school. Please do a covid test for me!
The Guardian is of course happily grandstanding over a government policy that is reasonably likely to backfire spectacularly: ‘Return to school may delay end of lockdown‘ – maybe. The difference with last September’s return to school was that the reopening coincided with the onset of the winter flu season. The public were readily willing to associate the two factors in their minds. This time we have a spring reopening.
And finally… Dr Seuss and his Cat In The Hat has recently been censured and then rapidly censored for the dreaded racism. Now the Daily Star has apparently #MeToo’ed a cartoon character: ‘Pepe Le Pew “A sex pest”‘
It is on good authority that Martin Luther King was a terrible womaniser and had many affairs. It is even claimed from a credible source that when he encountered a woman being raped, he encouraged the man to get on with it.
But as he was black, the boundless hypocrisy and double standards of the Left means nobody is allowed to mention it.
Don’t expect to see any of his statues being toppled.
Never one to miss a bandwagon.
Jon and BS getting an exclusive next?
The New Express owned by the Mirror group
prints crap again
If satan backs you, you’re probably a wrong ‘un.
“Pre-lockdown knife crime rate in Suffolk doubles”, local headlines declare. Multi-culturalism – The gift that keeps on giving.
It could be called Spring Break.
All part of the process to stop any free speech. Just think, where will all of these restrictions be in 10 / 15 / 20 years time? I won’t be here, thank goodness.
Perhaps the Government should come clean and explain that they are so impressed with the draconian control of speech in China, they are slowly emulating the same controls here. Come, Boris, be the first Western ‘leader’ who explains what they’re up to.
BBC staff have been pushing this victimhood for a few weeks now. Any criticism of their ability to do their job is now “abuse”.
e.g. making fun of Marriana Spring wearing a mask upside down = abuse/death threats. Criticising Sonja McLaughlan for her agressive interviewing = abuse. Criticising Naga Munchetty for anything = racism
I see what you did there.
School bully gang ..complain someone shouted at them a couple of times
… Did you see the state of them outside Cummings house ?
..Reuters chalking the pavement
.. The video billboard truck from Greenpeace front group Led By Donkeys
bBC news reviews were 1.3 stars a few weeks ago, things are in the right direction then 🙂
Marianna Spring will probably do an article on the “people paying for fake BBC 1 star reviews”.
Her first point should be that Trustpilot
doesn’t let you leave zero star reviews.
It defeats me how the BBC is still allowed to get away with its blatant ideological baiting.
Classic BBC ‘calls for’, either creating internally or allowing itself to be used to further an agenda shared by few outside a deranged, obsessive bubble.
Why should they dance to this tune?
At the end of the day it is no more than a family spat created by a sheep of color brought into the fold performing precisely as expected by all save morons and credulous media.
No… I take it all back!
It is clearly a genius move concocted by Dom and Kayleigh.
Think about it… hire an actress to perform a role to sucker in the blob to perfection.
Boris steers clear.
Buck House steers clear.
The entire US MSM and most U.K., especially BBC, go hypocritically batsh*t over claims as credible as a Newsnight BIJ mental patient, and drag in everyone from Sleepy and HRC to Di the Daft.
Sit back, allow to simmer… then boom… explosive bombshell metaphors comprised of egg on smug, thick, woke faces.
I’m not surprised Boris is steering clear as he has his own controller in Yoko symonds.
Regarding Yoko Murkle, she seems to have fallen out with all her own family as well as our royle lot.
She has all the woke shit stirrers on her side.
Donald (see above) saw through her and warned Harry.
They’ll keep poking them with that stick.
Best thing is to ignore completely.
Meghan gains all the limelight, as planned, but good old Hal knows which side to butter his toast – yes, that’s another job he’ll have to learn for himself – with his constant references to ‘granny’.
M must have stressed the importance of not slagging off the Queen, that would be a major mistake, so give the impression she’s on side with ‘frequent’ intimate phone calls, warmth and consolation unique among the barrage of palace hatred.
It’s only a matter of time before he starts to call HM his ‘rock’ – but somehow I feel there’s just a hint of desperation blended in with the deception, probably with as much self-deception too.
I believe HM will be apoplectic with rage and while Harry fears his mother’s history repeating itself, HM will see tragic parallels with her ‘Uncle David’ with all that attendant duplicity and treasonous behaviour. If The DofE dies in hospital, Harry might remember how the Windsor’s were treated after hastening the death of George VI and rue the day.
Quite interesting that when Donald Trump made his quite correct and justified claims about vote rigging, he was dismissed by the MSM as having no proof etc etc
And now we have controversial claims from Meghan Ono and Harry Hewitt where there is literally zero evidence and yet the MSM led of course by the bBBC can’t get enough.
Excellent @Non-Snowflake
..Where are the Twitter stamps saying “There is no evidence of Racial Fraud in the Royal Family” ?
I see Twitter are now stamping tweets with
“Claims about racism in the Royal Family are disputed”
Sima Kotecha is on the Radio again just like she was on Saturday
… I check about the guy she had arrested for shouting at her in Leicester city centre in May when the BBC made the extraordinary decision do set up a public show during lockdown
and when she elevated that charge
FROM “using threatening/abusive/insulting words/behaviour
to cause harassment/alarm/distress”
TO ” causing RACIALLY aggravated alarm or distress”
..when the recording showed no racial words
“BBC Satanic child abuse”
“go home don’t come back”
Those words appear directed at the whole crew
AS they left he said
“Bye Bye BBC get out of town, don’t come back
and take your litter with you”
Seems to me they bailed him, made him go through pleading and then dropped the case
On Humberside Kofi is going on about “White fragility”
People are complaining he dedicated the show to Megan & Harry next
He sneers at the people who condemn Meghan
He’s reading listener comments
they complain “where’s the LOCAL news”
“Kofi you keep defining people by the colour of their skin, then when someone disagrees with you, say they must be racist cos of their skin colour”
“well done addressing the colour conversation”
“white people get bullied ”
… Kofi replies “see people DENYING racism ..a lot of people denying people don’t want to admit”
listener comment “I reckon they’ve got barely suppressed racism ..why are they denying … White fragility is such a good word”
The next presenter says he will be keeping his show Meghan free
His show promotion tweet seems to insult some listeners
(His Monday tweet also)
Is it just me or my age? ‘Michael Sheen’? photo doesn’t do anything for me either.
Ugghh! Another revolting limelight hugging luvvie. Can’t stand him. Anyway….a couple of years back wasn’t he giving up acting to go into politics? That didn’t happen then…
ITV are claiming 11 million viewers last night
so 56m didn’t watch
That’s 5 to 1
So 16% of UK population watched the Meghan show
I see figs of 11.3, 11.4 and “peaked at 12.3 million viewers”
Mme Goat insisted she would watch it (in the kitchen, and well away from me). It clashed with Master Chef. What to do, what to do? (I didn’t suggest recording it, and she didn’t think of that…).
She apparently channel hopped between the two, so H & M weren’t that rivetting, after all.
Better off watching the Walking Dead.
Australia have been watching; especially Mr Alan Jones, quoting Shakespeare but also reaching for the chuck bucket!
Great summation of where we are…
BBC News website right now…
Victimhood: Urgent Palace talks over Harry and Meghan claims
Scare mongering: Whitty warns of further surge as society opens up
Victimhood: ‘If Covid didn’t kill me, nothing ever will’
Agenda pushing: Unilever drops word ‘normal’ from beauty products
Science: Meteorite chuck found ***actual news!***
Cancel culture: Jess Glynne apologises for ‘unacceptable’ trans slur
Utter rubbish: ‘First dogs’ leave White House over biting incident
Agenda pushing: Stars await Bafta nominations amid diversity push
Agenda pushing: Ministers ‘must ban LGBT+ conversion therapy soon’
Scare mongering: Restrictions on Scots outdoor meetings to be eased
Sex with kids article: England and Wales child abuse laws to be expanded
Scare mongering: Sainsbury’s warns of shortage of pet food pouches
News: Harry Dunn suspect ‘would do community service’ ***actual news! ***
“China Is Winning the Great 21st Century Tech War”
……..and will continue to, while the Fake President has his afternoon nap in the White House. ‘Bring Back Trump’
With the BBC, The Guardian and the Independent all mirroring the anti Royal Family diatribe today spouted by the left-wing CNN we now know exactly where they stand on UK sovereignty.
This is boiling down to a reprisal attack against this Country not only by partisan members of other left-leaning countries but aided and abetted by our own media, I’m pretty sure the Brexit vote is also a factor.
To me this is verging on insurrection carried out on the British Nation and it’s population by it’s own media and applauded by it’s enemies in foreign left-wing media.
Simply put, the Global media is using all its tactics to try to enslave the UK back into the Globalist Master plan.
We don’t have to buy the Guardian or the Independent but we can withdraw support from our National Broadcaster and should do so now before they wreak any more damage to this nation.
I have never in my longish life witnessed such a sustained and vicious attack on our Nation’s very core.
This will end up being very nasty.
Weird and telling that the only voice standing up against the deceit his her own father!
It’s only a matter of time before someone from the “black community” comes out against her for not being “black” enough.
Other commenters have noted that unless told they wouldn’t guessed from her appearance that Meghan was black but it’s not just her appearance. as we’re talking about colour I’ll use broad brush strokes here.
Everything about her seems to me to be so stereotypically Californian white – her wokeness, her sense of entitlement and moral superiority, her eco-conscience, her yoga, her rescue hens, her general overall demeanour – it’s all so “white” in the way that is claimed to be wrong by so many black race-baiters. Apparently she was raised to a large extent by her father, I think it shows.
I know I’m stereotyping but she lacks the vivacity and colour that so many black women claim to have and that modern black culture celebrates. Where’s her bling, the bright colours and outgoing personality. She’s dull, conservative and “preppy”.
I don’t think the black community as a whole will tolerate her fairness, her lack of authenticity. The media blacks like Oprah and Don Lemon will further their own goals and agitators like Abbot, Dr Shola and the many mixed-race “celebrities” who feel obliged to support her purely because of her colour, or lack of.
They will soon realise that she is not the real deal. She has had a reasonably privileged and comfortable upbringing, no ghetto upbringing here, and she has become even more privileged by embracing the side of her heritage that she now feigns resentment of.
She’ll be found out, the true colours of her character will become clear to those that are at present concerned more with the colour of her skin and when this happens she’ll find the “community” that she seems so intent on maligning won’t be there to offer the affirmation she so selfishly seems to crave.
Was editing this and got timed out. The pre-emptive text on this Kindle is driving me nuts at the minute, I’m having to retype so many simple words.
Fairness should read fakeness and there a few words missing. The edited version made more sense and was better written but hopefully you’ll get the jist of it.
Simply put, she is much more Brittney than Beyonce, obviously influenced and shaped by the part of her mixed heritage that she once wholeheartedly embraced but now so opportunistically derides.
looking at her ex’s she doesnt seem very keen on black men
and looking at pictures of her “old” female friends most of them appear to be white as well
perhaps shes waycist
‘We don’t have to buy the Guardian or the Independent…..’
Indeed we don’t digg – in common with close to 99.5% of the population.
Without google news and the BBC to keep them artificially ‘alive’ both titles would have been consigned to history many years ago. Their actual contribution and relevance is precisely on a par with the LibDems.
LOL!! x4 First dogs have to leave the Whitehouse over biting incident!!
After all that guff about the first rescue dogs to be in there, blah, blah, blah, – it must be better and great cos it’s Biden, and he’s like the messiah compared to Trump who was, and everything around him, completely evil.
If they had been Trump’s dogs they would be Blondi Mk.1 and Blondi Mk.2 and we would have had lots of ‘analysis’ about how pets take after their owners, so we all ‘know’ where their bad behaviour came from!
C’mon man! They are just dogs!
I suppose it might be of some interest here – one cheek of the BBC arse -> The Guardian…
They’ve an advertiser info pack 2019…
Monthly print readership among quality newsbrands
1.4 million for the Independent, in 2019 ? – superficially that’s quite an achievement since it stopped officially being printed on Saturday 26 March 2016 🙂
Does that qualify as fake news?
– can’t help wondering what the GMG media folk would do with BBC viewership / listener figures….
Lady Brooke just, headlines on Twato, Professor Twity suggests that there could be, imminent, 30,000 further deaths from the Chinese flu leading to 100,000 if the curfew is eased too quickly. An extended sentence very possible to be advocated then for the scruffy one in No.10 who, “follows the science”.
He referred to the situation in Europe where cases are rising….but our vaccination program is advanced and there’s is not…so ‘cases’ should become increasingly irrelevant, and there should be a time in the not too distant future where you should not have to isolate. Just as you don’t if you have had the flu.
Whitty: “But all the modelling suggests there is going to be a further surge, and when it happens it will find the people who have not been vaccinated or where the vaccine has not worked. Some of them will be hospitalised and sadly some of them will die.”
Sounds like a threat to me. But what do I know.
After the headlines, I switched off. Did Twity identify the %age of those for whom the vaccine has not worked? As for people that have not been vaccinated because they refuse, personally, I couldn’t give a flying f.
As I said, some will die, as is the situation with flu. Sadly, people die.
Here we go again. The use of that little word “suggests” itself suggests that the bugger doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Typical Leftist rule by fear tactics.
I suggest that this bloke Mr S-itty does not vote Conservative and will do his utmost to make things as difficult as possible for our ruling party. Sack him Boris before he gets YOU the sack.