BBC news gleefully reporting the failings of nhs test and trace scheme, Saying no evidence it reduced infections. With liberal MP Daisy Coopy saying it made no difference.
Would have thought a bit fact checking would have been done..
Funny How they insisted ‘If it saves a life, wearing a mask is worth it’. In July 2020
£37 BILLION for what is basically a useless app , equal to the Police and Fire service budget for the entire year then we come to the PPE scam , the tills are ringing ………. Kerrrching !!!!!
Fooc 11am : Fukushima, Nigerian school abductions, France sex scandals
We’re in Pakistan where one young man has used the time spent in lockdown there to perfect his impersonation of Charlie Chaplin.
He has now taken to the streets in his coat tails and bowler hat – to the alarm and entertainment of those on the streets of Peshawar. Rani Singh watched him.
Malta . One of the official languages on the island, Malti, has its roots in Arabic, and, over time fused with the Sicilian dialect of Italian. Juliet Rix reports
FooC : Rupert Wingfield Hayes on his many revisits to Fukushima. “with hindsight it hard not to conclude that much of the reporting in the few months after the disaster, including my own was wrong“
doh …yes you guys were so completely focused on that this could be a mega Chernobyl… that you basically ignored the the 20,000 people nature had killed.
Always looking for the man is at fault angle
instead of admitting that nature itself can be a monster.
And by the end despite having explained that the safety system had worked and basically everything had stayed inside the containment building apart from a short gas leak, ‘So the doses on my meter were tiny, smaller than the flight to Japan, nothing like an X-ray’.
And that the government had vastly overreacted by sealing the region and doing programmes to strip the top soil.
Despite saying that he was back to saying well maybe the region should have been left like Chernobyl, a fenced nature reserve.
Under the heading of “Brexit “ , an Al Beeb video about what what foreign journalists think about Great Britain leaving.
Is this news, sour grapes, or propaganda? Some of you readers still pay a tax for this guff.
If it is the bbc, they find who will say what serves the bbc.
That is propaganda.
BBC Moaning Emole
Society of Editors boss Ian Murray resigns
The boss of newspaper body the Society of Editors is stepping down amid a row over its reaction to the Duke of Sussex’s comments about racism in the media. The organisation had been criticised for saying Prince Harry’s description of tabloids as “racist” and “bigoted” was “not acceptable” without evidence. Executive director Ian Murray says he’s stepping down to allow the organisation to “rebuild its reputation”. He says the society’s statement was in no way intended to defend racism but “could have been much clearer in its condemnation of bigotry”.
Another media victim of a media confected ‘row’.
One day that hungry crocodile will arrive at the doors of W1A.
Speaking of the divine Ms. M, fresh from breezily apologising for not knowing anything about his specialist subject, a great comment on ITBB general summarising BBC editorial SOP via their neither rare nor well done Token Industry Gob, who gets in a safe pair of lips to agree with him in telling it often enough.
Cue Bono •
Quite an amusing little piece from Amol Rajan on six o’clock news this evening. Ostensibly about Piers Morgan it then moved on to a discussion about biased unregulated news in the USA. Amol informed us that Britain was moving in the same direction with Andrew Neil’s upcoming GB News.
Hilariously Amol then interviewed Dorothy Byrne (Editor at Large Channel 4) who spoke of the US getting rid of “its requirement for journalists in broadcasting to represent all views fairly” . This she said led to viewers just watching the channel which “agreed with their views and prejudices”.
Unlike here is Britain where we are only entitled to watch news which portrays left wing views and prejudices. It seems that the BBC are very rattled indeed by the inevitable and imminent abandonment of their biased news services.
Between BBC NA BS channelling The Hill, CNN, etc, Ch4 screaming at a young lady of color for not being a rabid lefty and CBS serving up Dawn Butler as the voice of Britain….
When a white Dutch author was chosen to translate American poet Amanda Gorman’s work, there was an outcry.
Why a white poet did not translate Amanda Gorman
Top comment 5000 plus likes, suggests the BBC is again pushing agendas and folk are fed up.
“Then I wonder how they figured a black actor can play Hamlet, if he (by the judgment exposed in the article) does not identify with the position/situation of things and does not understand the real historical context?????♀️????♀️
How about just let people do the jobs they do regardless of the skin color? How about let’s go back to common sense and judging the qualities and not push someone out or in just because of the skin color? Honestly…just craving for some normality arround this globe”
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the racist BBC are having to undo the past damage they have done
Having made and supported claims that the Covid virus is racist and attacks Black people more than whites and Chinese asians, the BBC are now trying to mend things a bit. Maybe they should have used their own critical faculties a bit more – Marianna to spring into action – before accepting the claims made last June. Also reading their own articles on their own web-site might help:
Who writes these articles? Primary school kids ‘working from home’?
“John Hollis didn’t realise he’d been infected with Covid-19. But he later discovered he’s one of the rare people who has “super antibodies”. ”
So one day John Hollis, with nothing else to do, popped down to his basement world-class laboratory and was astounded to find that not only had he been infected but that his immune system had gone into overdrive, (which probably means he will self-destruct later in life).
Or perhaps he didn’t ‘discover’ anything, he was instead told by a doctor.
12 of the top 13 deaths per million appear to be european + the USA
This would seem to suggest europeans are more at risk for some geographic reason
Now if the so called BBC tell me BAME in these nations are doubly at risk because of their skin colour and geographic location my mind comes to the obvious conclusion that ………
Most of the print press postpone their polemics and their pandemic propagandising today, instead prioritising reports of the apparent murder of a pretty girl and an associated arrest.
‘VIP protection cop held in murder probe‘ (Express)
‘Armed cop held on Sarah murder‘ (Daily Mail)
They do say police officers appear to grow younger, the older the observer. You know you are really old when high court judges appear to be whippersnappers. Seems to me the more I see of the police the more dirty they look. I use dirty in the American sense of the term dirty cop because, since attendance at Pride marches in rainbow painted panda cars became a more common pastime than beat patrols for our police, the good old fashioned British phrase bent cop might be misunderstood as some kind of a compliment or aid to career promotion.
‘Police too soft on protesters who disrupt daily life, says watchdog‘ (Telegraph) – we’re talking Extinction Rebellion here and the police are further criticised for taking the knee at BLM demos.
‘Dame Cressida Dick, Britain’s most senior police officer, tried last night to reassure women they were safe walking the streets after one of her officers was arrested on suspicion of murdering the marketing manager Sarah Everard‘ (Times)
Well, Cressida, we wouldn’t want women to be in fear of your lot in the way that Brazilian electricians still tend to be.
The concept of a DIY-NHS, no contact with patients service, goes from strength to strength: ‘Swallow a camera to test for bowl cancer at home‘ (Guardian) – I do have an ageing little much-superseded version i-phone, but I’m not convinced it would fit down my gullet.
The Times sugars the pill somewhat: ‘Cameras inside edible pills will photograph early signs of cancer‘
And you can bet your life the NHS will want their nano camera returned after use.
This news comes, as the Guardian’s Health policy editor explains: ‘In what experts described as more NHS at-home care hastened by the Covid pandemic…‘ – and one has to give credit where credit is due, the Guardian puts their finger on the nub of the issue there. Hastened by the pandemic, indeed.
Have you noticed how so many organisations have found the ideal excuse to withdraw services and to treat their customers, or clients, or patients, or whatever, in a more demeaning way – due to the pandemic.
The Times tells us: ‘Big business coached on how to apply for honours‘ and the Guardian scores points again for its rather more blunt declaration: ‘Honours leak. Firms that profited from Covid asked to nominate staff‘
The Mirror keeps nagging away at the NHS 1% payrise issue, contrasting, for example, cash lavished on Downing Street redecorating with the way that Boris is: ‘Happy to waste billions but snubs virus heroes‘
It’s not a good look.
Remind me again, what was Carrie Symond’s job, what was she supposed to be good at? Oh yeah, that was it… Conservative Party’s head of communications.
????A THREAD: The THIRTY-TWO Labour Cllrs, MPs & mayors arrested, charged, suspended, or placed under investigation in the past 6 months alone. MSM silent.????
On Parler I saw posted a Tucker Carlson monologue about an unfolding media confected row (very du jour) around a ditzy young social media ‘journalist’ for the NYT called Taylor Lorenz who, it seems, is now forging a career out of saying stuff that cannot be countered as that would be media suppression and harassment.
Sound familiar? She is not blonde, though.
The NYT of course is famous for the influence one Mark Thompson has had on its brand values and credibility.
The creepier part is yet to come. I thought this monologue worth sharing as an example of skewed media values and erratic editorial selectivity. The NYT actually sent ‘reporters’ to Tucker’s house to direct the mob to his family. Different to wondering if a tweeting MSM narcissist is really representative of anything more than fellow tweeting MSM narcissists.
Being IT-challenged I could not see a link, so I headed to Google.
Several pages in, this piece not mentioned.
However, thread after thread of the usual suspect US MSM piling on in her or the NYT’s defence, some making his point by not actually finding out the facts, but just quoting each other.
Variety, Vanity Fair, WaPo…. a collection of the lowest gutter journalistic scum of the earth, all pushed to the fore by big tech.
Meghan Markle is a clever manipulative women. In a
way she is like the BBC. She wants the Royal family to
feel guilty over non existing racism in a way that the BBC
infers that its white viewers are guilty of racism.
I very much expect that Meghan has seen the film “Gas Light ”
or it could just come naturally to her. In the film Charles Boyer
gets Ingrid Bergman his wife to believe that she is guilty of
of perpetuating a number of dishonest petty occurrences.
From this film the psychological term “gaslighting ” came
The BBC is a media gaslighting organization in which, for instance
it wants all of the indigenous population of the UK to feel
guilty for the death of George Floyd. Meghan Markle is
a street wise good looking mixed race actress . And I would suggest a
very good one. Who looks like to me that she is capable of
using gaslighting against the Royal family to very good effect.
Charles Boyer’s aim in the film is to get hold of some very
valuable ROYAL jewels ,that Ingrid Bergman doesn’t even know
she has.
Maybe that’s what Meghan is after. She wants her son to be
a prince. I expect that when ,and if she gets her royal ” jewels ”
she will be off.
Jess Phillips MP (potential Keir Starmer replacement) is in a four way interview with Mishal in the context of Sarah Everard’s disappearance and subsequent investigation. Much blaming of men and promotion of ‘feminism’ without any real thought behind it. At one point Jess Phillips says “I can’t change the chromasones in in my body.”
Ooops! Someone is now going to be in big trouble with and having to apologise to ‘the Trans Community’. Will Jess Phillips be cancelled? Is that the end of her Labour Party leadership hopes?
Being a bit concerned about the weather because of channel dinghy traffic – I turned on R4 and caught this ‘discussion ‘ for a couple of minutes before the off switch called to me .
I was waiting for one of the girls to call for men to be banned – or put in camps …..
Different people are subjected to different sorts of threat from crime . The particular current case involved someone walking home in the dark in Brixton / clarm alone in lockdown . Some might say they had a death wish . And if a plod did it there are bigger questions – particularly if he turns out to be a ‘serial ‘ type ….
… I’m guessing Phillips got let off of the ‘while your are here ‘ question about her expenses claims – £250 EarPods ….
And did they manage to link it to the former royal nonsense
Fed, “call for men to be banned – or put in camps ….. ”
But, but, but, splutter how will they cope? The women already have anxiety problems, they already have weight problems – oh, hang on, men in camps, sitting around, jabbering all day, playing cards, chess, dominoes, computer games, having a laugh, free from careers and cares and financial worries – that’s it!
All the women go to college for four years, then do the medical training and if they haven’t died from famine or their brains are affected by malnutrition, they can be the Government and counsel each other to be anxiety and fear free as well as slim and beautiful. Of course there will be no men to tell them that but perhaps the sisterhood can step up?
On the bbbc news this morning they had a piece about how the grey squirrels are completely taking over from our indigenous red squirrels who will be wiped out.
It’s clear and obvious how it’s happening and there’s no argument about it.
If they can see this then how can they not see what is going on with our indigenous population here.
We’ve already lost London and are losing many other cities.
The main difference between the squirrels and the Brits is that the Brits are actively helping the ‘enrichers’ take over. Call it woke, pc, virtue signalling, whatever.
The American Indians, Aboriginee’s and Maori plus many others can tell you about their experiences of ‘enrichment’
Lol ! a couple of years ago we had a very rare sighting of 2 albino squirrels – white as snow and quite beautiful actually. But like I said we have an abundance of black ones. Nuff said.
When Gardeners’ Question Time takes a break from ‘Climate Change’ they slip in the odd warnings about ‘invasive species’ and the rules about importing plant material.
Tom Heap must surely have frowned his way through similar items on Countryfile while Ellie Harrison longs for the day when Vitamin D supplements allow the Tuareg nomads to extend their range to the Pentlands, no doubt cleansing the National Trust of their ‘problematic’ slave-funded buildings on their way.
“”China must be, will be reunified” with Taiwan, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in January 2019. The goal of reunification is a basic tenet of China’s policy regarding Taiwan. It forms a central part of Xi’s nationalist doctrine, according to which, reunification is “a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era”.”
The Vets on our own ‘Integrated Defence and Security Review’.
Guess which side the civil servants are on.
Government should be expanding not shrinking HM Armed Forces, to fight the two New Cold Wars. By VfB’s Professor Gwythian Prins.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) March 2, 2021
The PRC confronts us with a sophisticated ‘fusion strategy’ which combines sharp and soft power instruments …
But I am not sure if the degree to which we must match the PRC with our own ‘fusion strategy’ has yet been fully grasped. Current suspension of the Royal Naval Reserve and proposals to shrink Army manpower numbers at such a moment suggest not. To do so inevitably reduces options. And unreconciled ‘rejoiners’ are trying hard to use such cuts to subordinate our newly independent country under the EU again, via its Defence Union and through the European defence Fund. They never give up.
As the Gwythian Prins says “The rule of thumb for the authors of the Integrated Review must therefore be “would Xi Jinping approve of this?” and if so, they should do the opposite.”
Media Mast… persons of media is noted for fishing in a very shallow, and dirty, pond, mostly Beeboids.
However, they have… oh…
Brandon Borrman
VP Global Communications, Twitter
Brandon Borrman is vice president of global communications at Twitter. One of the most powerful PR professionals worldwide, Brandon joined Twitter in 2018, and leads a team of 60 people – helping shape the platform’s evolution, and leading their media relations strategy. In this in-depth interview, Brandon takes us behind the scenes on the decision to suspend President Trump’s account; describes the challenge of tackling the toxicity and bullying on the platform, balanced with continuing to allow anonymous accounts; and shares his mission to fundamentally change how Silicon Valley engages with the media internationally – by encouraging greater openness and transparency.
As ‘tell it often enough’ goes, hard to better.
Amol doubtless will have him on soon to discuss trust and transparency at the BBC, a broadcast likely restricted to those the BBC has not as yet blocked or banned.
Last night I caught a bit of a discussion on R4 5pm news between Brillo and some woman from the guardian – name of no importance cos they are all the same lefty .
Anyway – it was about peer Morgan and whether he should have got fired … Brillo rolled around it and concentrated on the need not to be shock jocks as imported from the US – the lefty equated being right wing with ‘false news ‘ and cited Katie Hopkins as an example .
Anyway – although unusual in having 2 ‘sides ‘ it didn’t go anywhere and you could hear Brillo being careful because he doesn’t want the target ring on his TV station to be increased more than it is …..
As an aside – i understand the American actress who was in ‘suits ‘ made a formal complaint about mr Morgan …..there I was thinking the royal family don’t comment on such thing …..
… I wonder who the UK would vote for as head of state -? In a republic – I guess old Attenborough or some one who does ‘strictly ‘…
If the nhs get their extra pay rise for doing their job does that mean that other organisations should get extra pay when they do their jobs?
The Fire Brigade should get more money if they put out fires.
HMForces should get more pay during wartime.
WW2. would have cost a whole lot more if the home population had slow handclapped for more money for Tommy Atkins.
I wonder how many of the wokerati will be outside so that their neighbours can see them slow clapping for those on a minimum starting pay of over £24,000
What about the supermarket checkout girls. Not a murmur of complaint (or a dance routine) from this heroic lot.
There are so many just doing their job so to pick out one group because they have public sympathy (as opposed to delivery drivers for example) is pure ‘look at me’ virtue signalling.
A couple of days ago I saw on BBC News a short film inside a Covid wards when one doctor said, “we won’t be booking a pub garden or summer holiday because we are worried covid will rise again”.
So if the NHS staff are so overworked and cannot take time off what use is a pay rise if they don’t have time to spend the money?
Bbc R4 news – some stupid woman saying how terrible it is that women have to ‘change their behaviour ‘ because of the threat of crime . As a chap I do this –
I look out of the front door before opening it ( it’s London )
I avoid fast food shops at particular times
I avoid buses at certain times now that the animals are at school
I am careful where I sit on a bus or tube .
Coming out of a tube in the dark I check for targeting .
I’m 6’4 – reasonably fit – a born Londoner – and a chap – yet the woman as victim thing big – as expected -on the BBC
By the way – they’ve announced the ‘amok’? Paki chap is joining Toady in order for pakis to continue taking it over in accordance with BBC policy …. is he queer as that would help. Avoid .
For those who can’t keep their urges under control it’s probably an excellent idea. Better than making it all the fault of the woman for getting raped and/or murdered.
Last night’s BBC1 news explained that Miss Everard had been visiting a friend in Clapham. I just wondered how that worked in lockdown? I suspect there is so much ignoring the present rules that the scriptwriters at the BBC didn’t even realise what they wrote. And breaking the rules is no reason for her to be murdered.
But should this policeman arrested for her murder have to go to trial, I am wondering how he will get a fair one because the MSM including the BBC and the police statement just leads to the assumption of his guilt.
Sky News has appointed Michael Blair as senior news editor, climate. Michael was previously senior news editor, business. Tom Boadle has now started as senior news editor, business. Tom, previously specialist business producer at Sky News, has taken over running the business desk.
A job title I confess means little.
Weatherman? Is he as camp as Christmas and wave his arms about?
Or does he sombrely channel his inner Harrabin on when next we no longer can survive?
Yep ! she maintained she didn’t know the words – well God Almighty she’s an actress that has to learn words, so learning a couple of verses was clearly out of her comfort zone.
This may go on a bit and prove poorly conceived compared to, say, pugz or Richard D’s contributions, and I may lose the will to live before the end – if that’s not a racist concept – but here goes.
Many comments on M&H ask ‘why?’ Why go to all the trouble to manufacture outrage and cause pain? What’s behind it?
Harry is a second son and as such, as second sons tend to, he identifies more strongly with his mother than his father. And in his case, his firstborn brother is more than simply an heir, he’s The Heir which only emphasizes Harry’s diminished role as Spare.
So maybe the loss of his mother was even more acute and mind numbing for him than William – not to diminish Will, but his role is so entrenched he could perhaps become more easily sublimated. I don’t know.
But Harry is left without the mother he adores. And, worse still, as the worms start to crawl out of the woodwork, he has to endure all the negative press stories and quite possible ‘schoolboy banter’ about his paternity. Few are more spiteful and destructive than prep school classmates, that’s for sure.
So, in order to retain the image of a saint-like mother and reject the snide accusations, what other family involved have long heads and red hair? The Spencers.
Has Harry been on a crusade since his teens? Does he see his father and the Windsors ultimately as destroyers and himself as the ‘Parfait Knight’ riding to history in defence of a wronged and saintly mother?
So is it revenge, pure and simple? And was marrying a devious, self-centered and manipulative woman the ideal catalyst, followed by the perfect timing of the death of Floyd and the subsequent rise of BLM? The race card could prove to be the coup de grace.
Well, it didn’t go on too long, but is it just fanciful rubbish? What do others think? I won’t sulk. Promise.
PS Watch the video above. Quite brilliant. It will be viral.
Has it occurred to anyone in W1A, or the media in general both sides of the pond, that we are much more than two countries separated by a common language?
Yes we inherited Kyle after Springer, but this was for BBC VD slobs. The whole airing private family spats is much less prevalent up the social tree, not least when money and litigation gets involved.
And one man’s Limey is not another tranny’s Yank any more, beyond the British public decades ago being bemused by segregation in social environments during the war. With a load more sensitive evolution since, if most utterly obliterated of late by venal media, incompetent or opportunistic politicians and, hence, cluster-FUBARS like this.
Harry was on the wrong end not so long ago, wearing silly fancy dress, not respecting the ladies as supposed to and dissing the folk trying to kill his minders to get to him.
I recall being in a bar in Texas in my gap year, playing pool clothed, and asking a fellow student lighting up if fags were still allowed indoors.
Shame. When I escape from IoM and visit friends and relatives in Cheshire…’s a nice, colourful diversion to gaze at the bright baubles and bushy tailed assistants at John Lewis at Cheadle.
I gape at the funky furniture….and wonder how long it will be before it’s being sold second hand…..
I went into John Lewis wearing an old pair of jeans and a denim jacket. A posh assistant came up to me and asked ‘Can I help you?’
At that moment I realised that ‘Can I help you?’ also means ‘Piss off’.
I recounted this experience in a lecture I gave at Cambridge on Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language.
Thank you John Lewis.
James Newman has released Embers as the song he’s taking to represent the UK in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.
Well that nil pois for the UK then.
I didn’t listen to the whole song but I just randomly fast forwarded to about 8 different points and at each point it sounded exactly like the previous one. They couldn’t have chosen a more monotonous song if they tried.
At least the video has black dancers with large afro haircuts so at least the UK won’t be accused of being racist.
Of course we know how most of us fellow contributers feel about the BBC-now we have news of how ITV wants to change they way we think. Brief reprot below.
THE Greenslade/Guardian horror story at heart of UK journalism which I wrote about here has revealed just how far the profession has become twisted into disguised propaganda of an anti-British kind.
We have known for a long time that the BBC is institutionally biased throughout its networks towards a Blairite cultural orientation and regards conservative cultural norms as demonic. Even Ofcom, widely regarded as a fellow traveller in this cultural war, has warned the BBC against its presenters pouring forth their own views to the viewers and listeners. But this will continue: the BBC cannot help itself, so deep is the rot. Other mainstream broadcasters are much the same. Channel 4 News is a kind of woke parody – remember Jon Snow’s ‘F*** the Tories’ at the Glastonbury Festival? Institutional bias is embedded for us all to see – and boycott.
The main channels jointly issued a short film last July to tell the nation what its identity is and what its narrative is, essentially cementing the ‘progressive’ lens over all their coverage, no doubt with Ofcom’s full support. The message is roughly that of the Danny Boyle show before the London Olympics: the UK is a multicultural bonanza of Blairite life, a kind of Notting Hill Carnival of joyous intermingling of races and cultures with the NHS at the pinnacle. The official text of the clip says:
‘The film tells a moving message of unity and pride through the lens of British TV. It draws our attention to the countless stories that have changed us and helped us see the world differently, reminding us of the role British TV can play in our own stories too, with the powerful point: “This is the story of everything we’ve done. And everything we could be. This is us. This is who we are. Our stories are your stories”.’
It struck me with Danny Boyle’s show and now this MSM mission statement that their presentation of ‘our stories’ is a rewriting of our story, in that it omits the unique role played by Britain with its allies in fending off a genocidal regime which might have conquered Western Europe and beyond, and nearly did. The stand taken by ‘us’ in fighting for freedom and democracy is erased from ‘our story’ by the broadcasters. Carolyn McCall, CEO of ITV, tells us: ‘Our focus is reflecting a full range of experiences, bringing people’s lives centre stage and providing insight into how we see ourselves as well as how we look out into the wider world.’ The ‘we’ here are the liberated middle classes who don’t like the mainstream identity of the people of the UK. The BBC’s Charter commits it to being fair to a range of opinions, but now we are being told what to think.
ITV has made this project of changing what we should think official with its Social Purpose Overview. This is a cultural action plan to take the ‘Danny Boyle’ agenda further. To see more, go to the link and scroll down to the section headed ‘Fostering creativity by embracing diversity’. Among all the official processes for promoting progressive cultural change and eradication of cultural conservatism we find Point 5:
Educating and developing ourselves so everyone understands racism and their role in creating an inclusive culture mandatory race and inclusion training for all staff and on-screen presenters and commentators inclusive leadership training for all managers Race Forward development programme which enables minority ethnic talent progression and inclusive culture change
ITV are just as woke as the BBC and Channel 4, as the Meghan bombshell and its deeply divisive collateral damage are showing us. They are trying to change the way we think, as well as changing our view of our identity and history. A range of views is now not a concern, it seems, as the network filters out the likes of Eamonn and Ruth, Piers Morgan and Alistair Stewart. And indeed as LBC ejected Nigel Farage.
So there is no escape, unless Andrew Neil’s new broadcasting venture succeeds in breaking free from the thought crime police who aim to stamp out genuine diversity and inclusivity. Otherwise all our broadcasting is a version of Pravda: a propaganda machine fully approved by this ‘Conservative’ Government.
Reporting that there would be an, “increased presence on our streets to protect women”. Have I got something wrong? Quite the opposite. Is it not a police officer that is being questioned pending a likely charge of murder? We here don’t trust them so why should any female? The corollary being, increased police presence could make it more dangerous for women…….
Is the BBC racist ?
As you might know I keep an eye on Londonistan homicide numbers – which run at about 1 every 3 days ….
So comparing the coverage the disappearance ‘ death of a white 30 year old girl versus the death of the next teenage coloured boy – which might make page 5 – suggests a climate of racism in the MSM ….
Or as a whitee – am I missing something ?
Is it that the victim is male ? A teenager ? – or ‘deserved it ‘?
I only write this because the BBC is totally obsessed with ‘colour ‘ and ‘gender ‘ above anything and everything else . …..
Before the BBC support Meghan Markel lock stock and
barrel solely for diversity reasons. They might look into the history
of this street wise lady, and the way she has treated her
family and companions in the past. And then they can come to
the conclusion on her veracity, if she is a pure as the driven
snow . Or as pure as the driven slush. It could well be somewhere
in between It’s a question of if the BBC allowing BIG BROTHER
from the diversity department to tell all the presenters and
reporters to take everything the Duchess says as gospel.
Seems she single handledly inspired government action.
During my reporting, I have found that personal discussions with those trusted by different communities – whether a respected doctor or leading local figure – are very effective at countering harmful online conspiracies.
Energy : it’s windy so guess what is happening ?
#1 We are paying some UK windfarms to switch off
#2 We are paying the EU to take UK wind electricity through the interconnectors at £60/MWh
yet later when wind falls , we will again PAY them £40/MWh
to export us electricity
An auction has just confirmed the UK’s 2024-25 electricity supply
One sixth will be imported from those nice people in Europe
Another day, another bunch of London activists, another petition, another performing seal call for the media…
Rube – Tonight, rubes are being urged by the usual suspects to “slow clap” on their doorsteps in protest of the Government’s 1% pay rise for NHS staff.
500,000 people have already signed Matthew’s petition for a 15% pay rise for all NHS staff.
Will you help Matthew, who is an NHS nurse, to reach 1 million signatures, to prove to the Government using a small % of the population clicking a link vs. Voting that our NHS heroes need a higher pay rise and get him the Tik-Tock karaoke machine he needs?
The Clap doesn’t pay the bills – but taking from anyone with no choice to give all NHS workers a 15% pay rise does see Matty in clover.
513,519 have signed Matthew Tovey’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000,000! Or not that many at all.
Sign now with a click, to show how this works.
Throughout the pandemic, thousands of NHS workers have been working around the clock, putting their lives at risk to protect the public. Just like most workers, but in scrubs! Yet the average nurse in the UK has lost 20% of their income the last 10 years. Unlike many this last year who got 0%. Screw them, private sector rubes. It’s not surprising that there are 100,000 vacancies within our NHS. And that many of us NHS workers are using food banks to get by. Look at the lass on the left there. Barely 200kg in her apron.
NHS workers have played a pivotal role in keeping this country going during the pandemic. Ask the Cpt. Tom green room family.. It’s only fair that NHS staff are properly awarded for their hard work, and that’s why we’re (not us… Matty) calling for a 15% pay rise for all NHS staff.
Earlier this year, the Government announced a pay aid rise for public service workers ‘in recognition of their efforts in tackling Covid-19’. But many NHS staff including nurses, porters and cleaners were not included – this is inexcusable and has truly shown how little we are valued as a whole NHS organisation by this Government. Now, Labour, on the other hand, if Jez had been in… different story. Rolling in it!
That’s why we’re asking the NHS Pay Review Body to urgently review the pay of ‘Agenda For Change’ staff and take into consideration the 10 years of pay caps/freezes and acknowledge their extraordinary efforts throughout the pandemic. We believe that NHS workers should have a 15% or £3000 pay increase (whichever is greater).
This pay rise is needed. It’s more important than ever as we are now overwhelmed in a second wave of Covid-19 and, with morale at an all time low amongst staff. A recent survey showed that 36% of nurses were thinking of leaving the profession. Especially Matty, unless he gets more munny.
We cannot afford to lose any more valuable staff. One of the NHS key values is prioritising quality, but quality of care will most certainly suffer as a result of staff shortages.
An increase in pay would attract staff into the vacant positions – more staff would equal a reduction in waiting times and the NHS would be better equipped to meet national targets. Wards wouldn’t be understaffed and services would be able to run to capacity. Like Nightingale hospitals. Only with patients.
Clapping for NHS staff is a nice gesture – but it doesn’t pay the bills. Does get senile old gits in the media, though. Please show your real appreciation for NHS staff by helping us get this crucial pay rise for NHS staff that work so hard.
If you have been shamed to add one finger click to make it look like NHS staff deserve a restorative pay rise, please sign this petition!
If you want to get more involved with our campaign follow us on twitter @NurseSayShowMattTheMunny and join our Facebook group, MarkZuxIsPaidMoreThanANurse
Kind regards
Sign now with a click. Yup, that’s it. Need not even be you.
At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Well, Matt, this time. And the morning latte in Hoxton Sq. Is there something that you want to change? If it’s the BBC TVL, you’re blocked.
Hey, Matty, you forgot to mention 10% off at Morrisons and others for NHS staff. Also you get your own fast track tills! 5% off a house at some national house builders for NHS staff! Free MOT’s for NHS staff. Free labour on garage repairs too. We never seem to hear about all the ‘perks’ do we?
Matty, can you look a suicidal cafe owner in the face and say saving the anychess is worth it? Can you look pub owners and their staff in the eye and say ‘no income or jobs for you, but I’ve been fully paid throughout with extra hours pay, but I need a 15% pay rise?’ Can you tell the kids that to save you, their education was the cost? Can you with a straight face tell many private sector workers they are not ‘key’ to the running of this country? We are all in this together aren’t we Matty boy? By the way, how’s your pension fund doing Matty? Oh, sorry forgot, you aren’t vulnerable to falling markets are you. Billions wiped off for most people, but you’ll get what you expect in retirement won’t you, paid for by other people struggling to repair the damage done to their own finances. But we’re all in this together hey, Matt?
Hmmmm Jess Phillips MP is doing her bit for accosted women who have been sexually assaulted / attacked, and is giving it large about protection and tougher sentencing.
Hmmmm this is the same Jess Phillips whose mate Jo Cox was murdered, and whose husband she stood with in mourning.
Hmmmm the same husband who relinquished his job at a charity due to past allegations of sexual abuse.
I hate to ask but if all men face a 6pm curfew – wouldn’t most men just temporarily decide to identify as women? I assume it wouldn’t require them to shave off their beard or wear Chanel No5.
Funny isn’t it – one of the reasons often rolled out when the existence of the Lords is questioned – is that the peers have ‘expertise ‘ and ‘life experience ‘ making them value for the money .
Clearly this fruit hoop proves the the 800?900? Arnt necessarily of value ….
Andy Ngo is the gay Vietnamese guy from Portland
Do wokemob like him ?
Nooooooo, cos he exposes antifa
The Mumford guy though his book is cool
.. so his woke bandmates CANCELLED him
Mumford & Sons guitarist Winston Marshall is taking time away from the band after tweeting he had read "an important" bestselling book about militant Antifa activists.
No need to speculate, cos time will tell
(Someone signing the any letters will probably be a member of Greta’s PR team, and might well be a loony)
“Reliable” Hollywood blog Enty claims to have info
saying police intercepted letters from Greta Thunberg to Ted Kaczynski.
A philosophical alliance between Thunberg and Kaczynski wouldn’t be that out of the ordinary given Kaczynski’s vehement opposition to industrialization and his concern for environmental destruction. Kaczynski is idolized by many anarchists and green activists.
Message to Al Beeb , Great Britain is the least Racist country in the world. Why are so many BAME people attempting to get into the country Illegally every day?
All the shouts of “racist”, “racist”, “racist” is counterproductive. It is knocking Race Relations back by forty years .
Remember when Idi Amin expelled all the Asians from Uganda nearly fifty years ago, most came here to the UK to settle, not to Asia. Not bad for a racist country. Its time for our Prime Minister to fight back and not leave it to Nigel Farage, yet again!
“It grates, it sticks in my craw, it raises my hackles, to see such overt manipulation, and hijacking, of race and colour to divide our society and harm race relations for party and personal gain.
I could switch off social media, television, radio, or give newspaper articles a miss, to avoid such rabid rantings. But I would be letting my country down if I – a first generation immigrant of colour – did not join the many other non-whites who despair at the damage being caused by politicians hitching a ride on the George Floyd express train.”
Except, Taff, that one of them was Alibaba Brown who would, I feel sure, be much happier and find contentment just about anywhere in Asia.
She could always e-mail her pearls to the Guardian and Jem or Orla pop over to Mumbai or Damascus for an interview.
Megan’s team tell the BBC not to cover their interview reporting with old white men.
That should not be hard. Most of the BBC staff are now young females of +++
4:30pm R4 Sciency show
one topic is Global Warming and China’s Five Year economic plan
“China’s climate ambitions;
a cloned ferret; Antarctic seals
& the Cotswolds’ asteroid.”
… The blurb is still blank
The blurb went up on the moment of the show
The sentences make it clear the Chinese are two faced..The President having made a promise of 2060 net zero
the proposed economic plan allows for an increase of CO2 each year at more than 1%
The blurb has a typo by “2021” they mean “2025”
quote The document acts as a national economic blueprint and *was expected* to provide an outline as to how the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions planned on tackling its target of reaching net zero emissions by 2060,
put forward by President Xi Jinping last September.
It appears that greenhouse emissions could continue to increase by 1% or more each year up until *2021*
. Sam Geal, acting CEO at China dialogue, explains how influential Chinese efforts are when combatting climate change.
“was expected” ..No, it wasn’t, only you green activists thought that.
When I looked a few hours later
they’d prefaced the paragraph with a title
“China’s green growth plan”
a title that reflects the spin in the prog
but that is contradicted by the text below it.
I wonder what these characters will do when the false president has to talk live off script ? It hasn’t happened since he stole the election ….
……but maybe they’ll kill him in his sleep in accordance with the script ….
“Ruqsana Begum: Muay Thai world champion’s difficult journey to the top”
looking at her Wiki page
The nearest I can see , she won some organisations European kickboxing tournament .
Kickboxing isnt even the same as Muay Thai .
As far as i know you cant elbow and knee in kickboxing.
And her current traditional boxing record:
2 fights
0 wins1 loss 1 draw.
Jess Phillips reads lists of UK women killed in last year
“In a debate of International Women’s Day, a Labour MP has listed all women killed in the UK over the last year where a MAN has been convicted or charged.”
Surely you mean police officer K? Serious subject so its not my intention to be flippant, why hasn’t the word manslaughter gone the way of chairman, fireman etc. Recently heard someone commenting about why there so many more men than women in senior management roles, for the same reason more men are in prison was the answer. Same character traits used differently was the implication, didn’t sit well in the we’re all the same hogwash of course.
6pm news and we had several minutes on how women should be able to walk the streets. 40 years ago I used to live near Clapham where Sarah Everhard disappeared. Every night I would be kerb crawled, even the nights I was carrying my badminton racquet home from matches. But I learned to cope.
I might add that often walking home on the main road late at night I had to walk through gangs of up to 20 black youths. To be fair they were never a problem, but I did feel intimidated.
Jess Phillips read out in Parliament the names of women murdered last year. Next time she speaks in Parliament, perhaps she could read out the names of young men murdered in London or young white women raped by large gangs.
… or white, middle-aged men who’ve committed suicide, if she can manage it without sniggering?
Jess Phillips has a major issue with misandrism. Heard somewhere, that she says she was abused by an ex-partner, and if it’s true, I’m genuinely very sorry to hear it, but the vast majority of men don’t abuse their partners, or their children, they don’t rape, murder, or groom them either, and I’m pretty sure they don’t go out kerb crawling and harassing women.
I have sisters, and know the hassle they and girlfriends got from (a small, but vocal minority of) men when they were younger, witnessed it first hand, and no, it’s not funny and can be frightening for women. However, as a young man I had my fair sure of abuse too, that was normal and accepted as such, had a friend badly beaten up just because he was confused with someone else. We all learn to keep our wits about us, especially after dark and in the ‘wrong part of town’, and teach our children how to avoid trouble. Has that ever NOT been the case?
Most people are basically decent, some are genuinely very kind, but a few others are simply evil, if you’re unlucky enough to encounter one of the evil ones, and they decide they want to, they can ruin your life, or kill you, and there’s nothing anyone can really do to stop that.
What I’m trying to say is… what we’re seeing in the MSM following the tragic and horrible death of this woman in London is totally insane, and seems to be coming out of the minds and mouths of the demented… why is anyone listening? There really is only one answer, put more police out on the street (instead of behind a computer) and make sure anyone who is a serious predator is locked up for good (or ideally, put out of their misery), when they’re caught.
A new @McKinsey study is shedding light on racial inequity in Hollywood & concluding that addressing these issues could reap an additional $10 billion for the industry.
I started the week on a 48 hour media blackout and I can feel a second one coming on . The anti male hue and cry over the death of one woman points toward a media losing the plot . So it’s off switch all round for me .
A bit off topic but like many others on here just had our County Council Tax Demand.
The police component seems to have mushroomed quite a bit but there is an interesting explainer leaflet giving stats of police engagement to show how busy they have been.
I will make no comment but it is eye opener as below:
Similar case to Harry Dunn case just finished trial in Lincolnshire
.. Local BBC news showed police bodycam footage from arrival of police Xmas Day 2019 in Louth
Driver “I’m gutted, I’m just gutted about what just happened
.. We left the inlaw’s house my wife driving in front and me following with the kids
after a while one kid starts screaming “he’s dropped his teddy, he wants his teddy”.. and he wont shut up
so I slowed down and reached back to pick it up
then I realised I was on the wrong side of the road
and then it happened”
.. He’d collided with a pensioner 75 who’d been driving the other way ..and she had been killed
This is a sad and tragic death which has, I think because of it’s proximity to International Women’s Day, been seized upon and is being cynically and opportunistically used by agenda-driven groups and individuals for their own political and financial gains.
After watching Sly Views disgracefully misandrist discussion regarding violence against women this afternoon and having seen the performance of Jess Phillips in Parliament I decided to look at the matter from a less emotional angle. I found this.
Look at the number of women murdered and where and by whom. These figures and findings don’t seem to support the narrative that I’m hearing from the bBbc and others. The figures for men are obviously there to compare.
I have no sons only daughters, I genuinely feel for those who loved Sarah Everard, but I do fear her death really is being blatantly and disgustingly exploited.
I said about the numbers in London – the yoy homicide numbers for London is around 140 a year – excluding terrorism .
This particular death ( apparent ) is just one but being used to further oppress 50% of the population – men .
This lockdown has apparently adverse the mental state of the young – so inflicting an additional stress on those already frightened of the Chinese virus ain’t gonna serve anyone apart from thr political / charity class with their own personal agenda .
So I’m off the MSM for a couple of Days and when I resurface on Sunday perhaps another woke victim will be centre stage …
Btw I looked quickly at the link – from a criminological stand point the breakdown in sex between male and female perpetration of serious crime has always been a top subject – why are there more men in prison than women ?
A big standard undergrad essay title ….
The assumption has been that at differences in behab]viour between sexes closes women would be more involved in crime as perpetrators – and probably victims – as social norms change – …
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BBC news gleefully reporting the failings of nhs test and trace scheme, Saying no evidence it reduced infections. With liberal MP Daisy Coopy saying it made no difference.
Would have thought a bit fact checking would have been done..
Funny How they insisted ‘If it saves a life, wearing a mask is worth it’. In July 2020
£37 BILLION for what is basically a useless app , equal to the Police and Fire service budget for the entire year then we come to the PPE scam , the tills are ringing ………. Kerrrching !!!!!
Fooc 11am : Fukushima, Nigerian school abductions, France sex scandals
We’re in Pakistan where one young man has used the time spent in lockdown there to perfect his impersonation of Charlie Chaplin.
He has now taken to the streets in his coat tails and bowler hat – to the alarm and entertainment of those on the streets of Peshawar. Rani Singh watched him.
Malta . One of the official languages on the island, Malti, has its roots in Arabic, and, over time fused with the Sicilian dialect of Italian. Juliet Rix reports
FooC : Rupert Wingfield Hayes on his many revisits to Fukushima.
“with hindsight it hard not to conclude that much of the reporting in the few months after the disaster, including my own was wrong“
doh …yes you guys were so completely focused on that this could be a mega Chernobyl… that you basically ignored the the 20,000 people nature had killed.
Always looking for the man is at fault angle
instead of admitting that nature itself can be a monster.
And by the end despite having explained that the safety system had worked and basically everything had stayed inside the containment building apart from a short gas leak, ‘So the doses on my meter were tiny, smaller than the flight to Japan, nothing like an X-ray’.
And that the government had vastly overreacted by sealing the region and doing programmes to strip the top soil.
Despite saying that he was back to saying well maybe the region should have been left like Chernobyl, a fenced nature reserve.
We appear to be being softened up for near permanent restrictions and frequent Lockdowns or Tiers for Fears impositions – and the BBC are helping!
Yes. Roll up for the ‘tweaked’ vaccines. Terms and conditions may apply.
ti, but Witless and Unvallanced have now rubbished the vaccines “They may not be enough to protect us.”
Big mistake on their part.
Well put, Up2!
“What do foreign journalists make of Brexit?”
Under the heading of “Brexit “ , an Al Beeb video about what what foreign journalists think about Great Britain leaving.
Is this news, sour grapes, or propaganda? Some of you readers still pay a tax for this guff.
If it is the bbc, they find who will say what serves the bbc.
That is propaganda.
BBC Moaning Emole
Society of Editors boss Ian Murray resigns
The boss of newspaper body the Society of Editors is stepping down amid a row over its reaction to the Duke of Sussex’s comments about racism in the media. The organisation had been criticised for saying Prince Harry’s description of tabloids as “racist” and “bigoted” was “not acceptable” without evidence. Executive director Ian Murray says he’s stepping down to allow the organisation to “rebuild its reputation”. He says the society’s statement was in no way intended to defend racism but “could have been much clearer in its condemnation of bigotry”.
Another media victim of a media confected ‘row’.
One day that hungry crocodile will arrive at the doors of W1A.
Media confection being a bbc speciality.
Speaking of the divine Ms. M, fresh from breezily apologising for not knowing anything about his specialist subject, a great comment on ITBB general summarising BBC editorial SOP via their neither rare nor well done Token Industry Gob, who gets in a safe pair of lips to agree with him in telling it often enough.
Cue Bono •
Quite an amusing little piece from Amol Rajan on six o’clock news this evening. Ostensibly about Piers Morgan it then moved on to a discussion about biased unregulated news in the USA. Amol informed us that Britain was moving in the same direction with Andrew Neil’s upcoming GB News.
Hilariously Amol then interviewed Dorothy Byrne (Editor at Large Channel 4) who spoke of the US getting rid of “its requirement for journalists in broadcasting to represent all views fairly” . This she said led to viewers just watching the channel which “agreed with their views and prejudices”.
Unlike here is Britain where we are only entitled to watch news which portrays left wing views and prejudices. It seems that the BBC are very rattled indeed by the inevitable and imminent abandonment of their biased news services.
Between BBC NA BS channelling The Hill, CNN, etc, Ch4 screaming at a young lady of color for not being a rabid lefty and CBS serving up Dawn Butler as the voice of Britain….
“Ain’t working. Mate”.
Amol might look at a survey with a 6k+ base.
Or not.
Speaking of BBC stirring rows.
BBC News
When a white Dutch author was chosen to translate American poet Amanda Gorman’s work, there was an outcry.
Why a white poet did not translate Amanda Gorman
Top comment 5000 plus likes, suggests the BBC is again pushing agendas and folk are fed up.
“Then I wonder how they figured a black actor can play Hamlet, if he (by the judgment exposed in the article) does not identify with the position/situation of things and does not understand the real historical context?????♀️????♀️
How about just let people do the jobs they do regardless of the skin color? How about let’s go back to common sense and judging the qualities and not push someone out or in just because of the skin color? Honestly…just craving for some normality arround this globe”
It is none of their DELETED business
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – the racist BBC are having to undo the past damage they have done
Having made and supported claims that the Covid virus is racist and attacks Black people more than whites and Chinese asians, the BBC are now trying to mend things a bit. Maybe they should have used their own critical faculties a bit more – Marianna to spring into action – before accepting the claims made last June. Also reading their own articles on their own web-site might help:
Who writes these articles? Primary school kids ‘working from home’?
“John Hollis didn’t realise he’d been infected with Covid-19. But he later discovered he’s one of the rare people who has “super antibodies”. ”
So one day John Hollis, with nothing else to do, popped down to his basement world-class laboratory and was astounded to find that not only had he been infected but that his immune system had gone into overdrive, (which probably means he will self-destruct later in life).
Or perhaps he didn’t ‘discover’ anything, he was instead told by a doctor.
so if I go here
12 of the top 13 deaths per million appear to be european + the USA
This would seem to suggest europeans are more at risk for some geographic reason
Now if the so called BBC tell me BAME in these nations are doubly at risk because of their skin colour and geographic location my mind comes to the obvious conclusion that ………
Who will protect us from our protectors?
Emergency services edition
Most of the print press postpone their polemics and their pandemic propagandising today, instead prioritising reports of the apparent murder of a pretty girl and an associated arrest.
‘VIP protection cop held in murder probe‘ (Express)
‘Armed cop held on Sarah murder‘ (Daily Mail)
They do say police officers appear to grow younger, the older the observer. You know you are really old when high court judges appear to be whippersnappers. Seems to me the more I see of the police the more dirty they look. I use dirty in the American sense of the term dirty cop because, since attendance at Pride marches in rainbow painted panda cars became a more common pastime than beat patrols for our police, the good old fashioned British phrase bent cop might be misunderstood as some kind of a compliment or aid to career promotion.
‘Police too soft on protesters who disrupt daily life, says watchdog‘ (Telegraph) – we’re talking Extinction Rebellion here and the police are further criticised for taking the knee at BLM demos.
‘Dame Cressida Dick, Britain’s most senior police officer, tried last night to reassure women they were safe walking the streets after one of her officers was arrested on suspicion of murdering the marketing manager Sarah Everard‘ (Times)
Well, Cressida, we wouldn’t want women to be in fear of your lot in the way that Brazilian electricians still tend to be.
The concept of a DIY-NHS, no contact with patients service, goes from strength to strength: ‘Swallow a camera to test for bowl cancer at home‘ (Guardian) – I do have an ageing little much-superseded version i-phone, but I’m not convinced it would fit down my gullet.
The Times sugars the pill somewhat: ‘Cameras inside edible pills will photograph early signs of cancer‘
And you can bet your life the NHS will want their nano camera returned after use.
This news comes, as the Guardian’s Health policy editor explains: ‘In what experts described as more NHS at-home care hastened by the Covid pandemic…‘ – and one has to give credit where credit is due, the Guardian puts their finger on the nub of the issue there. Hastened by the pandemic, indeed.
Have you noticed how so many organisations have found the ideal excuse to withdraw services and to treat their customers, or clients, or patients, or whatever, in a more demeaning way – due to the pandemic.
The Times tells us: ‘Big business coached on how to apply for honours‘ and the Guardian scores points again for its rather more blunt declaration: ‘Honours leak. Firms that profited from Covid asked to nominate staff‘
The Mirror keeps nagging away at the NHS 1% payrise issue, contrasting, for example, cash lavished on Downing Street redecorating with the way that Boris is: ‘Happy to waste billions but snubs virus heroes‘
It’s not a good look.
Remind me again, what was Carrie Symond’s job, what was she supposed to be good at? Oh yeah, that was it… Conservative Party’s head of communications.
Bring back the right to bear arms.
I’d prefer the right to arm bears…..
AsISeeIt et al
Question for Al Beeb : What do Lady Macbeth , Meghan and Carrie have in common?
The MSM. Here, and in America.
On Parler I saw posted a Tucker Carlson monologue about an unfolding media confected row (very du jour) around a ditzy young social media ‘journalist’ for the NYT called Taylor Lorenz who, it seems, is now forging a career out of saying stuff that cannot be countered as that would be media suppression and harassment.
Sound familiar? She is not blonde, though.
The NYT of course is famous for the influence one Mark Thompson has had on its brand values and credibility.
The creepier part is yet to come. I thought this monologue worth sharing as an example of skewed media values and erratic editorial selectivity. The NYT actually sent ‘reporters’ to Tucker’s house to direct the mob to his family. Different to wondering if a tweeting MSM narcissist is really representative of anything more than fellow tweeting MSM narcissists.
Being IT-challenged I could not see a link, so I headed to Google.
Several pages in, this piece not mentioned.
However, thread after thread of the usual suspect US MSM piling on in her or the NYT’s defence, some making his point by not actually finding out the facts, but just quoting each other.
Variety, Vanity Fair, WaPo…. a collection of the lowest gutter journalistic scum of the earth, all pushed to the fore by big tech.
Worrying times.
Meghan Markle is a clever manipulative women. In a
way she is like the BBC. She wants the Royal family to
feel guilty over non existing racism in a way that the BBC
infers that its white viewers are guilty of racism.
I very much expect that Meghan has seen the film “Gas Light ”
or it could just come naturally to her. In the film Charles Boyer
gets Ingrid Bergman his wife to believe that she is guilty of
of perpetuating a number of dishonest petty occurrences.
From this film the psychological term “gaslighting ” came
The BBC is a media gaslighting organization in which, for instance
it wants all of the indigenous population of the UK to feel
guilty for the death of George Floyd. Meghan Markle is
a street wise good looking mixed race actress . And I would suggest a
very good one. Who looks like to me that she is capable of
using gaslighting against the Royal family to very good effect.
Charles Boyer’s aim in the film is to get hold of some very
valuable ROYAL jewels ,that Ingrid Bergman doesn’t even know
she has.
Maybe that’s what Meghan is after. She wants her son to be
a prince. I expect that when ,and if she gets her royal ” jewels ”
she will be off.
further down the labour party tweet above
TOADY Watch #1 – train wreck 8.10 a.m. interview for MP
Jess Phillips MP (potential Keir Starmer replacement) is in a four way interview with Mishal in the context of Sarah Everard’s disappearance and subsequent investigation. Much blaming of men and promotion of ‘feminism’ without any real thought behind it. At one point Jess Phillips says “I can’t change the chromasones in in my body.”
Ooops! Someone is now going to be in big trouble with and having to apologise to ‘the Trans Community’. Will Jess Phillips be cancelled? Is that the end of her Labour Party leadership hopes?
Being a bit concerned about the weather because of channel dinghy traffic – I turned on R4 and caught this ‘discussion ‘ for a couple of minutes before the off switch called to me .
I was waiting for one of the girls to call for men to be banned – or put in camps …..
Different people are subjected to different sorts of threat from crime . The particular current case involved someone walking home in the dark in Brixton / clarm alone in lockdown . Some might say they had a death wish . And if a plod did it there are bigger questions – particularly if he turns out to be a ‘serial ‘ type ….
… I’m guessing Phillips got let off of the ‘while your are here ‘ question about her expenses claims – £250 EarPods ….
And did they manage to link it to the former royal nonsense
Fed, “call for men to be banned – or put in camps ….. ”
But, but, but, splutter how will they cope? The women already have anxiety problems, they already have weight problems – oh, hang on, men in camps, sitting around, jabbering all day, playing cards, chess, dominoes, computer games, having a laugh, free from careers and cares and financial worries – that’s it!
All the women go to college for four years, then do the medical training and if they haven’t died from famine or their brains are affected by malnutrition, they can be the Government and counsel each other to be anxiety and fear free as well as slim and beautiful. Of course there will be no men to tell them that but perhaps the sisterhood can step up?
A Brave New World where no-one has to be brave.
An idiot in the HOL hopes to introduce a 6 p.m. curfew for men.
On the bbbc news this morning they had a piece about how the grey squirrels are completely taking over from our indigenous red squirrels who will be wiped out.
It’s clear and obvious how it’s happening and there’s no argument about it.
If they can see this then how can they not see what is going on with our indigenous population here.
We’ve already lost London and are losing many other cities.
The main difference between the squirrels and the Brits is that the Brits are actively helping the ‘enrichers’ take over. Call it woke, pc, virtue signalling, whatever.
The American Indians, Aboriginee’s and Maori plus many others can tell you about their experiences of ‘enrichment’
Don’t worry the Minister for Stron’ Statements ‘ will ban something- or commission a report and not publish it ….
The grey squirrel is vermin in the UK, so, people?
I live in an area with an abundance of black squirrels.
Which in these enlightened times of BLM, I wonder if I should wear a T shirt with Black Squirrels Matter 🙂
No, do it, ‘half and half’: Take the knee when you aim your 0.22.
Lol ! a couple of years ago we had a very rare sighting of 2 albino squirrels – white as snow and quite beautiful actually. But like I said we have an abundance of black ones. Nuff said.
When Gardeners’ Question Time takes a break from ‘Climate Change’ they slip in the odd warnings about ‘invasive species’ and the rules about importing plant material.
Tom Heap must surely have frowned his way through similar items on Countryfile while Ellie Harrison longs for the day when Vitamin D supplements allow the Tuareg nomads to extend their range to the Pentlands, no doubt cleansing the National Trust of their ‘problematic’ slave-funded buildings on their way.
\\odd warnings about ‘invasive species’// Racists !
“”China must be, will be reunified” with Taiwan, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in January 2019. The goal of reunification is a basic tenet of China’s policy regarding Taiwan. It forms a central part of Xi’s nationalist doctrine, according to which, reunification is “a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era”.”
Argentina/Falklands anybody? Only one ending ………
However, there’s a problem right now:
Numerically, the US is falling back – rapidly, on hardware.
The Vets on our own ‘Integrated Defence and Security Review’.
Guess which side the civil servants are on.
The PRC confronts us with a sophisticated ‘fusion strategy’ which combines sharp and soft power instruments …
But I am not sure if the degree to which we must match the PRC with our own ‘fusion strategy’ has yet been fully grasped. Current suspension of the Royal Naval Reserve and proposals to shrink Army manpower numbers at such a moment suggest not. To do so inevitably reduces options. And unreconciled ‘rejoiners’ are trying hard to use such cuts to subordinate our newly independent country under the EU again, via its Defence Union and through the European defence Fund. They never give up.
As the Gwythian Prins says “The rule of thumb for the authors of the Integrated Review must therefore be “would Xi Jinping approve of this?” and if so, they should do the opposite.”
C’mon man!
The US is leading the world on maternity flight suits for pilottes and no doubt will soon replace the Marine’s back-packs with handbags.
The Chinese know that one never hits a woman.
Media Mast… persons of media is noted for fishing in a very shallow, and dirty, pond, mostly Beeboids.
However, they have… oh…
Brandon Borrman
VP Global Communications, Twitter
Brandon Borrman is vice president of global communications at Twitter. One of the most powerful PR professionals worldwide, Brandon joined Twitter in 2018, and leads a team of 60 people – helping shape the platform’s evolution, and leading their media relations strategy. In this in-depth interview, Brandon takes us behind the scenes on the decision to suspend President Trump’s account; describes the challenge of tackling the toxicity and bullying on the platform, balanced with continuing to allow anonymous accounts; and shares his mission to fundamentally change how Silicon Valley engages with the media internationally – by encouraging greater openness and transparency.
As ‘tell it often enough’ goes, hard to better.
Amol doubtless will have him on soon to discuss trust and transparency at the BBC, a broadcast likely restricted to those the BBC has not as yet blocked or banned.
Last night I caught a bit of a discussion on R4 5pm news between Brillo and some woman from the guardian – name of no importance cos they are all the same lefty .
Anyway – it was about peer Morgan and whether he should have got fired … Brillo rolled around it and concentrated on the need not to be shock jocks as imported from the US – the lefty equated being right wing with ‘false news ‘ and cited Katie Hopkins as an example .
Anyway – although unusual in having 2 ‘sides ‘ it didn’t go anywhere and you could hear Brillo being careful because he doesn’t want the target ring on his TV station to be increased more than it is …..
As an aside – i understand the American actress who was in ‘suits ‘ made a formal complaint about mr Morgan …..there I was thinking the royal family don’t comment on such thing …..
… I wonder who the UK would vote for as head of state -? In a republic – I guess old Attenborough or some one who does ‘strictly ‘…
“I wonder who the UK would vote for as head of state”
It would be Sad Dick – he has the right vote counting machines. I’m not sure Sir Boaty has purchased his yet.
Isn’t Nadiya free?
I don’t think Amol has done that gig… yet.
If the nhs get their extra pay rise for doing their job does that mean that other organisations should get extra pay when they do their jobs?
The Fire Brigade should get more money if they put out fires.
HMForces should get more pay during wartime.
WW2. would have cost a whole lot more if the home population had slow handclapped for more money for Tommy Atkins.
I wonder how many of the wokerati will be outside so that their neighbours can see them slow clapping for those on a minimum starting pay of over £24,000
What about the supermarket checkout girls. Not a murmur of complaint (or a dance routine) from this heroic lot.
There are so many just doing their job so to pick out one group because they have public sympathy (as opposed to delivery drivers for example) is pure ‘look at me’ virtue signalling.
A couple of days ago I saw on BBC News a short film inside a Covid wards when one doctor said, “we won’t be booking a pub garden or summer holiday because we are worried covid will rise again”.
So if the NHS staff are so overworked and cannot take time off what use is a pay rise if they don’t have time to spend the money?
Tabs – don’t forget the discounts ….
“What about the supermarket checkout girls”
Dear oh dear EG !!!. It’s supermarket checkout “people” now ????????????????
On the entirely realistic basis that some are male (checkout boys?) and most will have left school.
On the entirely realistic basis that some are male (checkout boys?) and most will have left school.
Tell it often enough?
Or another homage to an entity that survives on endless repeats?
Bbc R4 news – some stupid woman saying how terrible it is that women have to ‘change their behaviour ‘ because of the threat of crime . As a chap I do this –
I look out of the front door before opening it ( it’s London )
I avoid fast food shops at particular times
I avoid buses at certain times now that the animals are at school
I am careful where I sit on a bus or tube .
Coming out of a tube in the dark I check for targeting .
I’m 6’4 – reasonably fit – a born Londoner – and a chap – yet the woman as victim thing big – as expected -on the BBC
By the way – they’ve announced the ‘amok’? Paki chap is joining Toady in order for pakis to continue taking it over in accordance with BBC policy …. is he queer as that would help. Avoid .
BBC in the shires has this, based on a terrible crime in… Kent.
Not enough fear outside London it seems.
Have you ever felt unsafe walking the streets of Herefordshire and Worcestershire? Do you take extra precautions when alone?
The disappearance of Sarah Everard has seen women’s groups calling for more to make people feel safe on our streets.
Poor lass. And those near and dear.
The BBC should be ashamed. They jumped straight from the victim to what ‘groups’ have pr’d in.
Before long men will be banned from walking down streets at night.
I thought we already are at the moment.
For those who can’t keep their urges under control it’s probably an excellent idea. Better than making it all the fault of the woman for getting raped and/or murdered.
Last night’s BBC1 news explained that Miss Everard had been visiting a friend in Clapham. I just wondered how that worked in lockdown? I suspect there is so much ignoring the present rules that the scriptwriters at the BBC didn’t even realise what they wrote. And breaking the rules is no reason for her to be murdered.
But should this policeman arrested for her murder have to go to trial, I am wondering how he will get a fair one because the MSM including the BBC and the police statement just leads to the assumption of his guilt.
Bit of OT revolving doors industry ‘news’
Sky News has appointed Michael Blair as senior news editor, climate. Michael was previously senior news editor, business. Tom Boadle has now started as senior news editor, business. Tom, previously specialist business producer at Sky News, has taken over running the business desk.
A job title I confess means little.
Weatherman? Is he as camp as Christmas and wave his arms about?
Or does he sombrely channel his inner Harrabin on when next we no longer can survive?
The unedited version.
Drive safely
That thread is priceless.
I didn’t watch the interview….but does she really go on about our national anthem?!
Yep ! she maintained she didn’t know the words – well God Almighty she’s an actress that has to learn words, so learning a couple of verses was clearly out of her comfort zone.
I guess the words she would have to remember as an actress might not reach further than – -Oooh, Ooogh, Arghhhh, faster, Ooooh don’t stop’….
She could have sung “My country, ’tis of thee” and no one would have noticed.
This may go on a bit and prove poorly conceived compared to, say, pugz or Richard D’s contributions, and I may lose the will to live before the end – if that’s not a racist concept – but here goes.
Many comments on M&H ask ‘why?’ Why go to all the trouble to manufacture outrage and cause pain? What’s behind it?
Harry is a second son and as such, as second sons tend to, he identifies more strongly with his mother than his father. And in his case, his firstborn brother is more than simply an heir, he’s The Heir which only emphasizes Harry’s diminished role as Spare.
So maybe the loss of his mother was even more acute and mind numbing for him than William – not to diminish Will, but his role is so entrenched he could perhaps become more easily sublimated. I don’t know.
But Harry is left without the mother he adores. And, worse still, as the worms start to crawl out of the woodwork, he has to endure all the negative press stories and quite possible ‘schoolboy banter’ about his paternity. Few are more spiteful and destructive than prep school classmates, that’s for sure.
So, in order to retain the image of a saint-like mother and reject the snide accusations, what other family involved have long heads and red hair? The Spencers.
Has Harry been on a crusade since his teens? Does he see his father and the Windsors ultimately as destroyers and himself as the ‘Parfait Knight’ riding to history in defence of a wronged and saintly mother?
So is it revenge, pure and simple? And was marrying a devious, self-centered and manipulative woman the ideal catalyst, followed by the perfect timing of the death of Floyd and the subsequent rise of BLM? The race card could prove to be the coup de grace.
Well, it didn’t go on too long, but is it just fanciful rubbish? What do others think? I won’t sulk. Promise.
PS Watch the video above. Quite brilliant. It will be viral.
William The Conqueror has a go at ‘Arry’.
Al Beeb covered it yet ?
12pm News “William has defended”
says “We are very much not a racist family”
Web title “Meghan and Harry interview: Royal Family ‘very much not racist’ – William”
already sneery replies
like “white people claiming not to be racist LOL”
@Taffman BBC tweeted vid at 11:53am
BBC playing to its crowd.
They know who still uses them to get worked up.
Has it occurred to anyone in W1A, or the media in general both sides of the pond, that we are much more than two countries separated by a common language?
Yes we inherited Kyle after Springer, but this was for BBC VD slobs. The whole airing private family spats is much less prevalent up the social tree, not least when money and litigation gets involved.
And one man’s Limey is not another tranny’s Yank any more, beyond the British public decades ago being bemused by segregation in social environments during the war. With a load more sensitive evolution since, if most utterly obliterated of late by venal media, incompetent or opportunistic politicians and, hence, cluster-FUBARS like this.
Harry was on the wrong end not so long ago, wearing silly fancy dress, not respecting the ladies as supposed to and dissing the folk trying to kill his minders to get to him.
I recall being in a bar in Texas in my gap year, playing pool clothed, and asking a fellow student lighting up if fags were still allowed indoors.
“John Lewis does not expect all it’s stores to reopen, even after the pandemic”
Shame. When I escape from IoM and visit friends and relatives in Cheshire…’s a nice, colourful diversion to gaze at the bright baubles and bushy tailed assistants at John Lewis at Cheadle.
I gape at the funky furniture….and wonder how long it will be before it’s being sold second hand…..
John Lewis have I think announced this at least twice before. But if you have to go woke, expect to go broke.
I went into John Lewis wearing an old pair of jeans and a denim jacket. A posh assistant came up to me and asked ‘Can I help you?’
At that moment I realised that ‘Can I help you?’ also means ‘Piss off’.
I recounted this experience in a lecture I gave at Cambridge on Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language.
Thank you John Lewis.
Oh, so you weren’t just an ordinary customer.
UK Entrants/day even under lockdown 15,000 total
includes 5,000 lorry drivers doing in and out runs
and 8,000 at Heathrow
Eurovision 2021: James Newman reveals Embers as UK song
James Newman has released Embers as the song he’s taking to represent the UK in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.
Well that nil pois for the UK then.
I didn’t listen to the whole song but I just randomly fast forwarded to about 8 different points and at each point it sounded exactly like the previous one. They couldn’t have chosen a more monotonous song if they tried.
At least the video has black dancers with large afro haircuts so at least the UK won’t be accused of being racist.
Sarah Everard vigil planned as women share concerns
In the land of BBC, Sarah Everard has been murdered by a man. No need for evidence to support this. All men are bad.
This article is about a missing WHITE woman so the BBC illustrate it with a BLACK woman first and INDIAN woman second.
Not only are the BBC blaming men but they take this opportunity to suggest BAME women are more at risk.
Of course we know how most of us fellow contributers feel about the BBC-now we have news of how ITV wants to change they way we think. Brief reprot below.
THE Greenslade/Guardian horror story at heart of UK journalism which I wrote about here has revealed just how far the profession has become twisted into disguised propaganda of an anti-British kind.
We have known for a long time that the BBC is institutionally biased throughout its networks towards a Blairite cultural orientation and regards conservative cultural norms as demonic. Even Ofcom, widely regarded as a fellow traveller in this cultural war, has warned the BBC against its presenters pouring forth their own views to the viewers and listeners. But this will continue: the BBC cannot help itself, so deep is the rot. Other mainstream broadcasters are much the same. Channel 4 News is a kind of woke parody – remember Jon Snow’s ‘F*** the Tories’ at the Glastonbury Festival? Institutional bias is embedded for us all to see – and boycott.
The main channels jointly issued a short film last July to tell the nation what its identity is and what its narrative is, essentially cementing the ‘progressive’ lens over all their coverage, no doubt with Ofcom’s full support. The message is roughly that of the Danny Boyle show before the London Olympics: the UK is a multicultural bonanza of Blairite life, a kind of Notting Hill Carnival of joyous intermingling of races and cultures with the NHS at the pinnacle. The official text of the clip says:
‘The film tells a moving message of unity and pride through the lens of British TV. It draws our attention to the countless stories that have changed us and helped us see the world differently, reminding us of the role British TV can play in our own stories too, with the powerful point: “This is the story of everything we’ve done. And everything we could be. This is us. This is who we are. Our stories are your stories”.’
It struck me with Danny Boyle’s show and now this MSM mission statement that their presentation of ‘our stories’ is a rewriting of our story, in that it omits the unique role played by Britain with its allies in fending off a genocidal regime which might have conquered Western Europe and beyond, and nearly did. The stand taken by ‘us’ in fighting for freedom and democracy is erased from ‘our story’ by the broadcasters. Carolyn McCall, CEO of ITV, tells us: ‘Our focus is reflecting a full range of experiences, bringing people’s lives centre stage and providing insight into how we see ourselves as well as how we look out into the wider world.’ The ‘we’ here are the liberated middle classes who don’t like the mainstream identity of the people of the UK. The BBC’s Charter commits it to being fair to a range of opinions, but now we are being told what to think.
ITV has made this project of changing what we should think official with its Social Purpose Overview. This is a cultural action plan to take the ‘Danny Boyle’ agenda further. To see more, go to the link and scroll down to the section headed ‘Fostering creativity by embracing diversity’. Among all the official processes for promoting progressive cultural change and eradication of cultural conservatism we find Point 5:
Educating and developing ourselves so everyone understands racism and their role in creating an inclusive culture mandatory race and inclusion training for all staff and on-screen presenters and commentators inclusive leadership training for all managers Race Forward development programme which enables minority ethnic talent progression and inclusive culture change
ITV are just as woke as the BBC and Channel 4, as the Meghan bombshell and its deeply divisive collateral damage are showing us. They are trying to change the way we think, as well as changing our view of our identity and history. A range of views is now not a concern, it seems, as the network filters out the likes of Eamonn and Ruth, Piers Morgan and Alistair Stewart. And indeed as LBC ejected Nigel Farage.
So there is no escape, unless Andrew Neil’s new broadcasting venture succeeds in breaking free from the thought crime police who aim to stamp out genuine diversity and inclusivity. Otherwise all our broadcasting is a version of Pravda: a propaganda machine fully approved by this ‘Conservative’ Government.
Didn’t Timothy Bradshaw write most of that over at Conservative Woman?
The more people that can read it, the better.
Another brutal war will pop all the balloons and bring those with the sickness rapidly down to earth.
Reporting that there would be an, “increased presence on our streets to protect women”. Have I got something wrong? Quite the opposite. Is it not a police officer that is being questioned pending a likely charge of murder? We here don’t trust them so why should any female? The corollary being, increased police presence could make it more dangerous for women…….
G – has plod reached 50 % coloured 50% queer 50% female yet ?
Earlier someone mentioned the odd disconnect between murder victims’ coverage, depending….
Here noted US media source Dawn appears to have oared in..
Here is a BBC report.
Image explained in caption.
OT, but when you control the media, you control the message sent out, and often misinterpreted.
Does having ‘British’ in your brand mean you can serve up utter bollux with no consequence?
Is the BBC racist ?
As you might know I keep an eye on Londonistan homicide numbers – which run at about 1 every 3 days ….
So comparing the coverage the disappearance ‘ death of a white 30 year old girl versus the death of the next teenage coloured boy – which might make page 5 – suggests a climate of racism in the MSM ….
Or as a whitee – am I missing something ?
Is it that the victim is male ? A teenager ? – or ‘deserved it ‘?
I only write this because the BBC is totally obsessed with ‘colour ‘ and ‘gender ‘ above anything and everything else . …..
Before the BBC support Meghan Markel lock stock and
barrel solely for diversity reasons. They might look into the history
of this street wise lady, and the way she has treated her
family and companions in the past. And then they can come to
the conclusion on her veracity, if she is a pure as the driven
snow . Or as pure as the driven slush. It could well be somewhere
in between It’s a question of if the BBC allowing BIG BROTHER
from the diversity department to tell all the presenters and
reporters to take everything the Duchess says as gospel.
Since you ask, possibly a baseless revelation, but…
If that doesn’t mean Marianna and a Blue Peter diversity hire are set for Toenail’s and BS’ jobs, what does?
Reminded me to get a daily dose.
Seems she single handledly inspired government action.
Presumably the BBC is on the ‘trusted’ list?
Without good reason.
Trusted and transparent.
Energy : it’s windy so guess what is happening ?
#1 We are paying some UK windfarms to switch off
#2 We are paying the EU to take UK wind electricity through the interconnectors at £60/MWh
yet later when wind falls , we will again PAY them £40/MWh
to export us electricity
An auction has just confirmed the UK’s 2024-25 electricity supply
One sixth will be imported from those nice people in Europe
What is @IDAU? I tried twitter but guess it is an acronym.
@IDAU = Commenter named “It doesn’t add up”
who is on the BH Climate bog
Just got the vaccine
… Thank God, I can’t be infected by WOKE now.
But I’ve still not had any call about a Covid jab though.
Oh Stew, I wish I was young enough to be still waiting to get the call !!!
@Brissles, I’ve got a thing for older women, missus
Seriously, they know stuff, you don’t have to teach them.
Did you get one for the clap?
Another day, another bunch of London activists, another petition, another performing seal call for the media…
Rube – Tonight, rubes are being urged by the usual suspects to “slow clap” on their doorsteps in protest of the Government’s 1% pay rise for NHS staff.
500,000 people have already signed Matthew’s petition for a 15% pay rise for all NHS staff.
Will you help Matthew, who is an NHS nurse, to reach 1 million signatures, to prove to the Government using a small % of the population clicking a link vs. Voting that our NHS heroes need a higher pay rise and get him the Tik-Tock karaoke machine he needs?
The Clap doesn’t pay the bills – but taking from anyone with no choice to give all NHS workers a 15% pay rise does see Matty in clover.
513,519 have signed Matthew Tovey’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000,000! Or not that many at all.
Sign now with a click, to show how this works.
Throughout the pandemic, thousands of NHS workers have been working around the clock, putting their lives at risk to protect the public. Just like most workers, but in scrubs! Yet the average nurse in the UK has lost 20% of their income the last 10 years. Unlike many this last year who got 0%. Screw them, private sector rubes. It’s not surprising that there are 100,000 vacancies within our NHS. And that many of us NHS workers are using food banks to get by. Look at the lass on the left there. Barely 200kg in her apron.
NHS workers have played a pivotal role in keeping this country going during the pandemic. Ask the Cpt. Tom green room family.. It’s only fair that NHS staff are properly awarded for their hard work, and that’s why we’re (not us… Matty) calling for a 15% pay rise for all NHS staff.
Earlier this year, the Government announced a pay aid rise for public service workers ‘in recognition of their efforts in tackling Covid-19’. But many NHS staff including nurses, porters and cleaners were not included – this is inexcusable and has truly shown how little we are valued as a whole NHS organisation by this Government. Now, Labour, on the other hand, if Jez had been in… different story. Rolling in it!
That’s why we’re asking the NHS Pay Review Body to urgently review the pay of ‘Agenda For Change’ staff and take into consideration the 10 years of pay caps/freezes and acknowledge their extraordinary efforts throughout the pandemic. We believe that NHS workers should have a 15% or £3000 pay increase (whichever is greater).
This pay rise is needed. It’s more important than ever as we are now overwhelmed in a second wave of Covid-19 and, with morale at an all time low amongst staff. A recent survey showed that 36% of nurses were thinking of leaving the profession. Especially Matty, unless he gets more munny.
We cannot afford to lose any more valuable staff. One of the NHS key values is prioritising quality, but quality of care will most certainly suffer as a result of staff shortages.
An increase in pay would attract staff into the vacant positions – more staff would equal a reduction in waiting times and the NHS would be better equipped to meet national targets. Wards wouldn’t be understaffed and services would be able to run to capacity. Like Nightingale hospitals. Only with patients.
Clapping for NHS staff is a nice gesture – but it doesn’t pay the bills. Does get senile old gits in the media, though. Please show your real appreciation for NHS staff by helping us get this crucial pay rise for NHS staff that work so hard.
If you have been shamed to add one finger click to make it look like NHS staff deserve a restorative pay rise, please sign this petition!
If you want to get more involved with our campaign follow us on twitter @NurseSayShowMattTheMunny and join our Facebook group, MarkZuxIsPaidMoreThanANurse
Kind regards
Sign now with a click. Yup, that’s it. Need not even be you.
At, we believe in the voice of everyday people. Well, Matt, this time. And the morning latte in Hoxton Sq. Is there something that you want to change? If it’s the BBC TVL, you’re blocked.
Hey, Matty, you forgot to mention 10% off at Morrisons and others for NHS staff. Also you get your own fast track tills! 5% off a house at some national house builders for NHS staff! Free MOT’s for NHS staff. Free labour on garage repairs too. We never seem to hear about all the ‘perks’ do we?
Matty, can you look a suicidal cafe owner in the face and say saving the anychess is worth it? Can you look pub owners and their staff in the eye and say ‘no income or jobs for you, but I’ve been fully paid throughout with extra hours pay, but I need a 15% pay rise?’ Can you tell the kids that to save you, their education was the cost? Can you with a straight face tell many private sector workers they are not ‘key’ to the running of this country? We are all in this together aren’t we Matty boy? By the way, how’s your pension fund doing Matty? Oh, sorry forgot, you aren’t vulnerable to falling markets are you. Billions wiped off for most people, but you’ll get what you expect in retirement won’t you, paid for by other people struggling to repair the damage done to their own finances. But we’re all in this together hey, Matt?
Hmmmm Jess Phillips MP is doing her bit for accosted women who have been sexually assaulted / attacked, and is giving it large about protection and tougher sentencing.
Hmmmm this is the same Jess Phillips whose mate Jo Cox was murdered, and whose husband she stood with in mourning.
Hmmmm the same husband who relinquished his job at a charity due to past allegations of sexual abuse.
Vote Green, get Fruitloop
I hate to ask but if all men face a 6pm curfew – wouldn’t most men just temporarily decide to identify as women? I assume it wouldn’t require them to shave off their beard or wear Chanel No5.
Can I just claim my dressing gown is a kimono, and wear the missus pink crocks down the pub?
Love the wig. Just need adjusting slightly: fully over the face preferably.
The liberals put her in the lords as a place of safety as would save employing 24/7 nursing care …
Quite funny really …
Funny isn’t it – one of the reasons often rolled out when the existence of the Lords is questioned – is that the peers have ‘expertise ‘ and ‘life experience ‘ making them value for the money .
Clearly this fruit hoop proves the the 800?900? Arnt necessarily of value ….
I’ve just remembered where I’ve seen her before – in ‘The Shining’.
Andy Ngo is the gay Vietnamese guy from Portland
Do wokemob like him ?
Nooooooo, cos he exposes antifa
The Mumford guy though his book is cool
.. so his woke bandmates CANCELLED him
I thought Niall might be a tinker. But maybe not. Yet to be reve… substantiated.
No need to speculate, cos time will tell
(Someone signing the any letters will probably be a member of Greta’s PR team, and might well be a loony)
“Reliable” Hollywood blog Enty claims to have info
saying police intercepted letters from Greta Thunberg to Ted Kaczynski.
A philosophical alliance between Thunberg and Kaczynski wouldn’t be that out of the ordinary given Kaczynski’s vehement opposition to industrialization and his concern for environmental destruction. Kaczynski is idolized by many anarchists and green activists.
Message to Al Beeb , Great Britain is the least Racist country in the world. Why are so many BAME people attempting to get into the country Illegally every day?
All the shouts of “racist”, “racist”, “racist” is counterproductive. It is knocking Race Relations back by forty years .
Remember when Idi Amin expelled all the Asians from Uganda nearly fifty years ago, most came here to the UK to settle, not to Asia. Not bad for a racist country. Its time for our Prime Minister to fight back and not leave it to Nigel Farage, yet again!
It’s the poverty that really breaks the heart.
And being ignored by the media, the means by which this snippet was transmitted one can only guess.
That’s a nice watch Megs. Was that a present of some sort, or is it another fake?
they could at least get the price right
Some do like the bling, especially if you pay more than necessary.
Saw you coming.
A good article by former Brexit Party MEP Christina Jordan.
Stop playing the race card! Those using it only serve to divide not unite us
“It grates, it sticks in my craw, it raises my hackles, to see such overt manipulation, and hijacking, of race and colour to divide our society and harm race relations for party and personal gain.
I could switch off social media, television, radio, or give newspaper articles a miss, to avoid such rabid rantings. But I would be letting my country down if I – a first generation immigrant of colour – did not join the many other non-whites who despair at the damage being caused by politicians hitching a ride on the George Floyd express train.”
Except, Taff, that one of them was Alibaba Brown who would, I feel sure, be much happier and find contentment just about anywhere in Asia.
She could always e-mail her pearls to the Guardian and Jem or Orla pop over to Mumbai or Damascus for an interview.
Megan’s team tell the BBC not to cover their interview reporting with old white men.
That should not be hard. Most of the BBC staff are now young females of +++
4:30pm R4 Sciency show
one topic is Global Warming and China’s Five Year economic plan
“China’s climate ambitions;
a cloned ferret; Antarctic seals
& the Cotswolds’ asteroid.”
… The blurb is still blank
I heard that segment on my allotment Stew. Nearly fell on my spade when I heard the words “China is a leading Nation in developing green energy”.
It felt every inch a BBC disguised misinformation excercise. Makes you wonder who talks to who!
Is an allotment stew made of roadkill and homegrown veg?
I’ll get my burberry.
The blurb went up on the moment of the show
The sentences make it clear the Chinese are two faced..The President having made a promise of 2060 net zero
the proposed economic plan allows for an increase of CO2 each year at more than 1%
The blurb has a typo by “2021” they mean “2025”
quote The document acts as a national economic blueprint and *was expected* to provide an outline as to how the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions planned on tackling its target of reaching net zero emissions by 2060,
put forward by President Xi Jinping last September.
It appears that greenhouse emissions could continue to increase by 1% or more each year up until *2021*
. Sam Geal, acting CEO at China dialogue, explains how influential Chinese efforts are when combatting climate change.
“was expected” ..No, it wasn’t, only you green activists thought that.
When I looked a few hours later
they’d prefaced the paragraph with a title
“China’s green growth plan”
a title that reflects the spin in the prog
but that is contradicted by the text below it.
Odd; seems like something Jon, Tone, Nick and Dingo would be all over usually.
What are they ‘reporting’? Ahh…
“Say about race”.
Ok, no surprise there.
And certainly not here.
I wonder what these characters will do when the false president has to talk live off script ? It hasn’t happened since he stole the election ….
……but maybe they’ll kill him in his sleep in accordance with the script ….
muslim becomes world champion boxer
but im really surprised the bbc actually published this less than glowing description of bangladeshi cultural norms in Bethnal Green
“It is her brothers downstairs, shouting as they play video games, her mother calling her to help in the kitchen”
“Ruqsana Begum: Muay Thai world champion’s difficult journey to the top”
looking at her Wiki page
The nearest I can see , she won some organisations European kickboxing tournament .
Kickboxing isnt even the same as Muay Thai .
As far as i know you cant elbow and knee in kickboxing.
And her current traditional boxing record:
2 fights
0 wins1 loss 1 draw.
Just to be on the safe side.
Bonkers Baroness Jones and her 6 o clock curfew for all men.
Why not lock all men up 24 hours a day.
Even if it saves only one life then surely it’s worth it.
That’s how they think isn’t it?
I think they should give this barmy Green Party bird a half hour tv show every day….comedy gold…..
By the way, she also believes you can self gender.
Can anyone see a small loophole in her ‘reasoning’?
hmmm let me see the extent of the hypocrisy and this goes equally for the BBC and all these people
bomb of peace goes off tiny minority , protect all muslims forgive and forget , dont look back in anger
meanwhile women are physically and mentally equal to men in all regards
trans women can compete in womens sport because women are physically equal to men
1 woman murdered by white policeman (allegedly or is that policeperson)
curfew ALL men punish all men , slightly suprised its not defund the police
women scared of walking alone
click line “we have learned nobody is going to protect us”
Jess Phillips reads lists of UK women killed in last year
“In a debate of International Women’s Day, a Labour MP has listed all women killed in the UK over the last year where a MAN has been convicted or charged.”
tumble weed
Surely you mean police officer K? Serious subject so its not my intention to be flippant, why hasn’t the word manslaughter gone the way of chairman, fireman etc. Recently heard someone commenting about why there so many more men than women in senior management roles, for the same reason more men are in prison was the answer. Same character traits used differently was the implication, didn’t sit well in the we’re all the same hogwash of course.
officer if it pleases you old , but phrase police officer doesnt sit too well with me at the moment.
There’s bonkers. And there’s fick.
Politics has Rayner, Abbot, Butler.
Media has Amol.
Must grate with young Marianna that she will never see pay cheques like that at the BBc.
Novel that BIll recognises that most BBC staff are useless at communicating for the money.
6pm news and we had several minutes on how women should be able to walk the streets. 40 years ago I used to live near Clapham where Sarah Everhard disappeared. Every night I would be kerb crawled, even the nights I was carrying my badminton racquet home from matches. But I learned to cope.
I might add that often walking home on the main road late at night I had to walk through gangs of up to 20 black youths. To be fair they were never a problem, but I did feel intimidated.
Jess Phillips read out in Parliament the names of women murdered last year. Next time she speaks in Parliament, perhaps she could read out the names of young men murdered in London or young white women raped by large gangs.
… or white, middle-aged men who’ve committed suicide, if she can manage it without sniggering?
Jess Phillips has a major issue with misandrism. Heard somewhere, that she says she was abused by an ex-partner, and if it’s true, I’m genuinely very sorry to hear it, but the vast majority of men don’t abuse their partners, or their children, they don’t rape, murder, or groom them either, and I’m pretty sure they don’t go out kerb crawling and harassing women.
I have sisters, and know the hassle they and girlfriends got from (a small, but vocal minority of) men when they were younger, witnessed it first hand, and no, it’s not funny and can be frightening for women. However, as a young man I had my fair sure of abuse too, that was normal and accepted as such, had a friend badly beaten up just because he was confused with someone else. We all learn to keep our wits about us, especially after dark and in the ‘wrong part of town’, and teach our children how to avoid trouble. Has that ever NOT been the case?
Most people are basically decent, some are genuinely very kind, but a few others are simply evil, if you’re unlucky enough to encounter one of the evil ones, and they decide they want to, they can ruin your life, or kill you, and there’s nothing anyone can really do to stop that.
What I’m trying to say is… what we’re seeing in the MSM following the tragic and horrible death of this woman in London is totally insane, and seems to be coming out of the minds and mouths of the demented… why is anyone listening? There really is only one answer, put more police out on the street (instead of behind a computer) and make sure anyone who is a serious predator is locked up for good (or ideally, put out of their misery), when they’re caught.
Woah… dudes, mind… like blown.
I started the week on a 48 hour media blackout and I can feel a second one coming on . The anti male hue and cry over the death of one woman points toward a media losing the plot . So it’s off switch all round for me .
A bit off topic but like many others on here just had our County Council Tax Demand.
The police component seems to have mushroomed quite a bit but there is an interesting explainer leaflet giving stats of police engagement to show how busy they have been.
I will make no comment but it is eye opener as below:
108 domestic abuse incidents
51 violent crimes
28 missing people
9 child abuse crimes
24 stop and searches
1157 101 calls
697 999 calls
101 arrests
19,642 COVID related incidents
27,642 Facebook engagements
Talk about going for the low hanging fruit!
Lots of Tick Boxes filled in Job Done till next shift .
Forgive the pun but It beats going out ‘on the beat’.
“Jess Phillips: Society has ‘just accepted’ dead women”
Where was she when the grooming gangs were operating in force ?
Similar case to Harry Dunn case just finished trial in Lincolnshire
.. Local BBC news showed police bodycam footage from arrival of police Xmas Day 2019 in Louth
Driver “I’m gutted, I’m just gutted about what just happened
.. We left the inlaw’s house my wife driving in front and me following with the kids
after a while one kid starts screaming “he’s dropped his teddy, he wants his teddy”.. and he wont shut up
so I slowed down and reached back to pick it up
then I realised I was on the wrong side of the road
and then it happened”
.. He’d collided with a pensioner 75 who’d been driving the other way ..and she had been killed
He’d pleaded guilty to careless driving
The judge gave him 16 weeks suspended sentence with a curfew and ankle tag
and a one year driving ban.
This is a sad and tragic death which has, I think because of it’s proximity to International Women’s Day, been seized upon and is being cynically and opportunistically used by agenda-driven groups and individuals for their own political and financial gains.
After watching Sly Views disgracefully misandrist discussion regarding violence against women this afternoon and having seen the performance of Jess Phillips in Parliament I decided to look at the matter from a less emotional angle. I found this.
Look at the number of women murdered and where and by whom. These figures and findings don’t seem to support the narrative that I’m hearing from the bBbc and others. The figures for men are obviously there to compare.
I have no sons only daughters, I genuinely feel for those who loved Sarah Everard, but I do fear her death really is being blatantly and disgustingly exploited.
I said about the numbers in London – the yoy homicide numbers for London is around 140 a year – excluding terrorism .
This particular death ( apparent ) is just one but being used to further oppress 50% of the population – men .
This lockdown has apparently adverse the mental state of the young – so inflicting an additional stress on those already frightened of the Chinese virus ain’t gonna serve anyone apart from thr political / charity class with their own personal agenda .
So I’m off the MSM for a couple of Days and when I resurface on Sunday perhaps another woke victim will be centre stage …
Btw I looked quickly at the link – from a criminological stand point the breakdown in sex between male and female perpetration of serious crime has always been a top subject – why are there more men in prison than women ?
A big standard undergrad essay title ….
The assumption has been that at differences in behab]viour between sexes closes women would be more involved in crime as perpetrators – and probably victims – as social norms change – …
Don’t I know it?…..