In a column in the Telegraph today by Michael Deacon, eagle-eyed Mr Deacon asserts that, during the Meghan interview, Oprah introduced examples from the British print media of ‘unrelenting pervasive attacks’ presented as the kind of stuff that led to Megxit.
Indeed Mr Deacon recognised one of his own headlines.
Just one tiny problem.
Mr Deacon wrote the column nearly a year AFTER Meghan’s announcement to step down from royal duties.
Pretty hard to argue that a newspaper column contributed to a decision to quit the country when it had not even been written at the time, I think you’ll agree.
“Brexit: UK delays border checks on EU goods into Great Britain”
I see that the ‘Rejoiners’ are piling in with their vitriol in the “View comments” section.
The need to come to terms – We democratically voted to leave.
They are lucky we did as we would not have had the Covid vaccine when we did .
There’s an Asian-American actress, Olivia Munn, who has recently been pretty vocal about the growing anti-Asian racism in the US and has gained plenty of coverage from the media there.
Of course the implication is that the violent and unprovoked street attacks that have occurred in places like New York, and I believe have resulted in the death of at least one victim, an elderly Vietnamese man, can somehow be attributed to right-wing and racist “Trumpism”, otherwise known as “white supremacy”.
I believe however that all of the evidence suggests that all of the attacks have been by young Black men. Funnily enough Ms Munn and her media friends have failed to mention this in any of the articles that I’ve seen about it so far.
Olivia Munn by the way, lovely as she is, looks Asian the same way that Meghan Markle looks Black.
“Jess Phillips: Society has ‘just accepted’ dead women”
Has Jess Phillip just scored another ‘own goal’ for Labour?
The trouble with Labour is they only listen to the people that shout the loudest .
They should get out of their ‘bubbles’ and speak to the ordinary working people. If I was a Labour MP I would be worried , very worried.
“Lessons top be learned” – Labour ?
What a shame she hans’t felt the need to pipe up about murders in London. Particularly the one I remember where a girl was stabbed and killed at random purely as an initiation ceremony for a new gang member.
Anything need to change about that Emma dear ?. Because it’s a MUCH bigger problem. Or does your little pea only tune in to twitter ?.
Taff, I read the first four comments, none of them a thumbs up, but then see that the drivel is written by a fellow whose surname is that of a middle Eastern religion, so it has to be true.
Not BBC but it may have been.
On ITV news we had in depth coverage of the Clapham murder.
And then we had much coverage of violence against women, Jess Philips reading out the names of murdered women, the ‘Reclaim the Night’ campaign at the time of the Sutcliffe murders. This took 10 minutes as the first news item.
Half an hour later……on local ITV London news, we had news of a male killed in a knife attack (quel surprise) and the report took all of 30 seconds. What’s the ratio of male to female murder victims, 2 to 1? 3 to 1?
All murders are equal but clearly some are more equal than others.
PS i, a white male of mature years, take great care walking alone in the dark, especially in unfamiliar places. I keep near lighting, keep out of the shadows, nooks and crannies, keep space from strangers especially if in groups. Should I complain to someone and seek the support of a pressure group?
I have heard so many ‘trailers’ for the BBC Radio 4 6:30 pm slot (which they label as their ‘comedy’ slot) which are anything but funny, and (as Gary Lavin describes it) dire in the extreme – and I do mean ‘left-wing’ extreme.
The media and certain MPs are going Hell for leather over the horrible murder of the young lady abducted in Clapham the other night.
A member of the House of Lords has even suggested that all men should face a 6pm curfew. Quite mind boggling…
And the always reasonable Jess Phillips read out the names of female murder victims, killed by men in the last year. Truly shocking.
However, one thing bothers me…
We’ve had decades of mass rapes and murders perpetuated on under age white girls by Pakistani paedo gangs and not a bloody finger was raised to halt them.
Indeed, Labour MPs and Labour controlled councils did everything within their power to obfuscate and obstruct any investigations. Needless to say the media were silent and the police bloody useless. If anyone raised the issue they were threatened. The criminals were protected by the establishment. All in the name of cultural cohesion.
Nick Griffin hi-lighted these ghastly crimes and for his troubles both the BBC and the West Yorkshire police conspired to imprison him for up to seven years.
Now we have a vile murder, seemingly committed by a middle-aged white man and suddenly everybody is up in arms…
We recently had a couple of extremely violent and barbaric murders by groups of males in broad daylight which hardly even made headlines. We all know why : they were not white.
Now this murder is suddenly the subject of multiple headlines. And he is white.
My Android news feed showed me an article entitled ‘Women recently killed by men in London’ from The London Standard today. Of course they didn’t go any deeper than that. The enormous elephant in that room was the names of those who did the murdering. Not many of Anglo-Saxon derivation.
I am absolutely pig-sick of all these double standards. I have completely disconnected from the media in this country.
I see that there is a pathetic campaign, no doubt BBC approved, to get people to answer ‘European’ to Question 14 of the 2021 Census.
As ‘Europe’ isn’t a nation that would be an invalid response, something that Ms. Spring should writing about, probably posted under a picture of herself wearing a paper hat made from the form, (any excuse).
Of course these ‘no nation’ people are frauds, the ‘anywheres’, Hong Kong Marriot, Los Angeles Mariott, Moscow Marriot, Melbourne Marriot, Stavanger Marriot, Citizens of the World.
They will delight in telling you that their children have dual nationality, that their spouse is of a different race, their garden Japanese, their house Swedish, their wine Australian, their cheese French and their dog German!
What they don’t seem to realise is that these things that they delight in are the products of the ‘somewheres’, not just one generation of ‘somwheres’ but many. Logically and ultimately the philosophy of the ‘anywheres’ is that their drink will be Coca-Cola, their home rented and from Saturday to Thursday their work will be in the standard tractor factory of current need, (anywhere). Friday will be spent on their face at the local Mosque.
Value the ‘somewheres’ while we still have them. Answer Question 14 sensibly.
The 2021 Census as a means of predicting the future population ‘needs’ is worthless because a substantial amount of illegal ‘somewheres’ will not be filling them in .
\\Households ‘buy 3.2 million pets in lockdown’//
I predict a lot of ‘lockdown’ pets being dumped by snowflakes once the pandemic is over.
The new maxim should be “a dog is for life not just for lockdown”.
I am frothing at the mouth about the incompetence of that lot in splott.
I was lucky enough to do some work across the border a couple of months ago, and was delighted to go into t@sco and purchase some, much needed undergarments. These are not essential according to comrade dickford. And also bought loads of booze as it is a hell of a lot cheaper than here ????
Why are no journalists asking the hard questions about rates, r’s hospitalisations etc? And the welsh stasi why aren’t they doing what they said they’d do? I believe bbc have a spot on to ask questions but would never ask such a prickly one.
‘He “flashed” 4 days earlier‘ (Sun) and I’m afraid the tabloid doesn’t mean this copper turned his flashing blue lights on: ‘Sarah suspect linked to sex offence… did cops fail to act‘ – they do tend to close ranks and to look after their own.
This comes in a week when the Mail has informed us how the police have apparently taken leave of their senses: ‘Police Taser girl aged TEN: Youngest ever UK victim is hit with 50,000-volt stun gun while “threatening mother with a hammer” in private gated estate‘
Apparently the British police now think they are living in Sergeant Stan Jablonski’s Hill Street Blues: “Let’s do it to them, before they do to us”
‘Policeman’s “sex crime missed by Met officers”‘ (Times) – I think I know what is properly meant by that rather suggestive headline… and it certainly needs some serious investigation.
‘Everard suspect “exposed himself in restuarant”‘ (Telegraph) and we’ll have no Larry Grayson-inspired humour here, thank you. There’s another one for the teenagers.
I thought restuarants were still in lockdown? I won’t be rushing back if rozzer’s meat and two veg are on the menu. The Telegraph report goes on: ‘Officer arrested on suspicion of murder accused of “flashing” in fast-food outlet‘ – that’s a downgrade, but still, it’s enough to put you off your Gregg’s sausage roll.
The supposeded politically balanced ‘i‘ paper seizes the opportunity to jump on a campaign bandwagon: ‘Open letter to ‘i’ signed by more than 200 women – including MPs and activists – calls on Government and police to act against violence‘ – that’s supposed to be their job. I do hope this lot have complained about the police dishing it out to the 10-year-old schoolgirl.
Ladies, things could be worse: ‘Afghan girls “banned from public signing”‘ (Telegraph)
‘Blindfolded and sleep-deprived: Nazanin reveals torture in Iran‘ (Times) – what, no scare quotes?
Watch the likes of Jess Philips MP turn this case into an anti-male media crusade. The Guardian frontpage is already banging on about 118 women apparently killed by men last year. How many male suicides caused by broken relationships, lost homes and lost children last year we wonder? Let’s keep the focus on the bad cop here please.
And don’t imagine this reflexive anti-male thinking is confined to the lefty press: ‘Male violence is something we live with. Whoever we are. Wherever we go‘ (Telegraph) – and so the press is quite comfortable tarring an entire group with the same brush. Alter that headline to accuse, let’s say all Travellers, blanket accused of something as innocuous as, say littering, and the Telegraph would receive howls of protest. But men have no one to speak up for them and must suck it up.
Amusingly the same Guardian frontpage that purports to campaign on behalf of women to protect them from men also features: ‘Eddie Izzard: I’ve been promoted to she. It’s an honour‘ – just me or do we notice a weird contradiction here?
Back to the murder case: ‘Suspect’s hospital dash after head injury in cell‘ (Daily Mirror) – perhaps he saw that edition of the Guardian and the frontpage Eddie Izzard quote… and his head just exploded…
Anyway, I’ll pick up my handbag now and be off to join my sisters… bloody men!
Two points spring immediately to mind:
1) Is a ‘transgender woman’ a man who think he is a woman or a woman who thinks she is a man’ ?. Or both ?. And if the latter, does that mean either group can be described as both men and women ?. It’s so confusing.
2) The only people I see being systematically targetted because of their race at the moment are white people.
People like Ash Sarkar don’t even stick to their own rules. One minute they claim “Trans Women are women” but as seen above they are now different to cisgender women.
The Cumbria proposed Coal Mine affair. When approved, is purely for coking coal for steel production. It seems to me that for the critical production of steel products such as steel for weapons, tanks, warships etc the supply of coking coal should remain, ‘in-house’ for the UK. We don’t want to be beholden to other countries for the steel making ingredients, much as China would favour this. Seems the “Environmental Groups” are hostile to the mine and being communist inspired and no doubt financed and managed by China, you can understand their approach. All said and done, the survival of the country comes first. Let’s see if Boris acknowledges this and denies China their ploy to strip the UK bare of any totally independent steel production.
Who controls the country? Boris or the communist backed ‘Green’ groups? We’ll see.
@G you know that British Steel is owned by Jingye Steel of China ?
There are dozens maybe 100+ of Chinese workers *
The other half of UK steel production is owned by India’s Tata corp
who are looking to sell
unless Wales comes up with some green dream massive SUBSIDY scheme
* A neighbor works with them, hence he had Covid at Xmas 2019
High time it was wrested from foreign hands – or is it way too late?
I seem to remember The Brexit Party were talking about it when they originally launched. It is sad that everyone has been so ready to accept the loss of control of our traditional industries.
I suspect that if things got out of hand with China, the plants would, by necessity, be nationalised, so the sourcing of ingredients on home territory would be crucial.
The Coal is not for use as a fuel , it is converted into coke for steel production. If we need steel, and we certainly do, then we will have to import it from China or India where “green” ideas there are ‘for the birds’. I do not think many politicians know or realise this?
We need steel for defence purposes, ships, arms and wait for it, to produce wind turbines.
The 62 yo local radio presenter “I wasn’t here yesterday I was on a BBC training course”
Assuming that wasn’t a cover for something else
.. I wonder what wokery the course was about.
The BBC had a 1/2 hour programme on the Game Stop share situation in the US.
Hedge Funds $28 billion lost since January.
Needless to say, those private investors that made money betting against these hedge funds are described as Trumpian Rednecks.
I have made a pretty penny on Game Stop, more than at my job, and if current Reddit predictions are true, I shall be ordering my new Defender in the coming weeks.
Moral of the story – follow my advice – do everything the opposite of the BBC.
But the obvious thing that people say is
‘How’s that apply with Islamist terrorist attacks ?
.. you are not allowed to be afraid of all Muslims.’
every woman knows it’s not all men. but we don’t know WHICH men. so we stay wary of ALL men. it’s not rocket science
babe the difference between the two is of such high magnitude I’m not gonna waste my time explaining it to some thicko I don’t know on the internet bye
The treatment of the latest story about the Oxford vaccine causing blood clots is interesting.
I see the qualifier ‘without any evidence’ is now a ‘tool in the box’ and is being appended in this instance to any sentence which the clots are mentioned. I don’t know what evidence is actually possible without a clinical trial of millions because the number is so low. Not happening with the other vaccines could count I suppose. It’s a meaninglessess thing to add.
And I also notice that it is called the ‘Oxford vaccine’ for good news stories and ‘AstraZeneca’ for this bad news !. No pictures of Sarah Gilbert in this article.
It really is pathetic. They are like petulant children. How did the BBC manage to fall so far from greatness ?.
John, I nearly did a TWatO Watch on that yesterday. They reported Iceland or Denmark had stopped inocculations with the Oxford A-Z vaccine because of reported blood clots in patients. Later, the fleshed out single sentence news item – it turned out to be just one patient. No mention of any other health problems in said patient which might have affected successful vaccination.
Compare and contrast the enthusiasm with which the BBC described, following heir counterparts in the US media, the people who tramped into the Capitol in Washington DC in January, as out-and-out terrorists, and specifically white, right-wing ones at that….. and their descriptions of the Al Shabab mobs murdering, raping and starving to death hundreds, if not thousands, of the inhabitants of Madagascar. These guys were described this morning on the Radio 4 ‘Today’ Programme as, respectively, ‘fighters’, militants’ (albeit ‘Islamist’ ones) and ‘insurgents’. No mention of ‘Muslim’ or ‘terrorist’.
The use of terms such as ‘without any evidence ‘ Or ‘there is no evidence to support this ‘ ..
…… is good evidence of the BBC taking a non objective view on a particular issue , event or comment . It helps our cause.
One of the problems is that there is a wide level of propaganda ‘ spin ranging from ignoring events completely to a well placed word to shape the view of the reader .
It’s a bit like the ‘newsreader ‘head shake ‘ when the words are bland but the tone and body movement sends a signal of approval or disapproval that those watching are either unaware of or not tuned into .
Once it ‘dawns’ that the BBC is a far left anti British propaganda machine it’s easy to spot ..
Tabs, we really need the Major/Colonel/Field Marshal from Monty Python to come on to the set at this point, loom large while peering into the camera and say “Stop it. Stop it! This is getting silly.”
Is the average nurse really getting just 1% extra out of the taxpayer ?
+ They get an annual pay grade rise
+ The government is already upping the percent it pays into their pensions
I don’t know the details but when the taxpayer is paying out 50K for a nurse in 2020 maybe they’ll pay out £55K in 2021
(That’s pension plus salary)
Stew, Marianna seems to be slow off the mark: she really ought to be springing into action and checking whether the average nurse earns £34,000. If they do, that is about £8,000 to £9,000 above average pay for everyone else in UK employment and is close to median pay.
Your obsession with expensive windmills will guarantee that consumers will pay more than they need to for their electricity. But what Carrie wants Carrie gets, right?
Looking at government Build(ing) Back Greener tweets
They hardly set the world on fire
The government, and MPs have tried a few times
then they are lucky if they get 200 or 300 Liks
And actually most of the replies they get are sneers from Labour trolls
Feb 15 Boris got 9,500 Likes with
“Great news Jaguar Land Rover is set to become an all-electric brand by 2025
, a significant step towards becoming a net zero business by 2039.
A brilliant example of British engineering leading the industry
to a cleaner future, as we build back greener.”
Another example of the world made crazy by modern communication and social media. The unfortunate probable murder of a woman in Kent has led a Green Party member of the HoL to remark that she is considering a 6 pm curfew for all men throughout the country. There are also endless calls for ‘something to be done to make women feel safe’.
Leaving aside the obvious point that very little if anything has been done to protect white teenage girls from the predations if Muslim men, I’m sure that women are in no more danger than they have been historically , probably less. But this doesn’t stop the bandwagon from creaking into action which no doubt makes millions of women feel that they really are unsafe.
This is just the latest example of how social media and the MSM are destroying the fabric of society. Of course another critically important aspect of this trend is that the offender must not be one of any protected group and the offense must fit the Woke agenda. If not the MSM suppresses the story.
You beat me to it regarding the differing treatment of Muslim child abusers and a policeman suspected of abduction and murder. If the pc is guilty, all that we read seems to indicate that he has been suffering from a mental illness for some time. TWATo had loads of wimmin prattling on about male privilege and even marital abuse, which latter has sfa to do with third party abduction, likely rape or other abuse, and murder.
Al Beeb is full on in seemingly wanting action…against men in general. When it is Muslim men in the main raping children, they are silent, and Muslim men committing acts of terror are suggested to have mental problems; suggested only.
There is context to Baroness Jones
rhetorical speech “There should be a 6pm curfew for men”
she was responding to the Met Police saying that a vigil march should be before 6pm for Covid safety
and she was trying to flip it around
She of course is sexist in assuming ONLY women would demonstrate against bad man.
“Collective punishment has been clearly forbidden under international humanitarian law through Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. No exceptions are permitted.”
Published 20th July 2020, UN website.
I was born a biological man, but am thinking of self identifying as a wimmin’. Presumably I would be exempt from any such curfew. But if I broke it and was arrested, I would insist on being searched by a wimmin’ police offer. And if convicted and sent to prison, I would opt to stay in a wimmin’s prison.
I would be interested to know Ms Jones attitude towards the many women who profess undying love to the many convicted rapists and murderers who are incarcerated ( without ever meeting them ) – would she propose some sanction against them, or is it the imprisoned beast’s fault ?
As I said yesterday – the peer in question just helps build a case for reformation of hopefully closure .
Anyway – I understand that tonight there is to be a vigil for the woman who has disappeared – a vigil which will breach lock down regulations .
Will plod choose to enforce them ? Or do the blind eye thing which they do when coloured ‘protest ‘? Is there to be another bout of clapping or kneeling ? This time for white females strolling across Clapham Common at night during lock down .?
Just asking really but I think I know the answer .
And will the suspect try to top himself in custody again ?( there is no evidence for this apart from x2 = 4)
Because of a lack of ‘news’ we are being bombarded with endless reports of that poor girl’s tragic murder. The barrel is being scraped to drag on air everyone who identifies as a female, to talk about ”being a female’.
Being careful about walking home at night is nothing new. Remember Jack the Ripper and the Yorkshire Ripper, its always been ever thus for women on their own to be vigilant when walking anywhere in the dark.
I remember back in the 60’s, after a night dancing in Margate, I would get off the bus and walk home. My Mum always lain awake until she could hear the click clacking of my heels coming along the street. Then again, those were the days when any assault made the national press, so it was a rarity (and there were no other religions to contend with !)
“One of the twelve chosen few to be picked to take their skills to Mars to begin new life,
just as her grandmother did when she moved from Jamaica to London
and her father’s ancestors leaving a famine-riddled Ireland for America”
Interesting problem for the BBC. Are they ‘for’ or ‘against’? No doubt in my mind which side the BBC take. In today’s report in the Telegraph…: Labour now considers the fight against climate change more important than the mining communities In a role-reversal of the 1980s, Labour is opposing a new mining scheme – while the Conservatives are keen to invest in ex-mining areas
Without even looking at the BBC news, I know which side of the fence the BBC sits. It has class war written all over it.
We know that the BBC don’t think anything significant happened pre-Thatcher but the reality is that Wilson closed more pits than she ever did. Lots of tub-thumping ‘I’m Backing Britain’ and Union Jacks, mind, under Harold, Marcia and Barbara, but no real support for miners.
An uncomfortable truth which, naturally, the BBC will overlook.
“under Harold, Marcia and Barbara” aided and abetted by a Smiling Jim, who hadn’t a clue either!
That’s about the time when the car industry went south, with the docks to follow!
I wonder if anyone at the awful BBC will remember that their commentators were reasonably impartial back then, putting the cases for both sides, and showing some backbone in an intolerable period for British industry?
I presume that the snowflake-infested woke-ridden left-wing knee-jerk moron who suggested a 6pm curfew has obviously thought it through to it’s logical conclusion?
Curfew at 6. However a similar crime happens at 3pm. So curfew at 3. Similar crime happens at 9.46am. so curfew starts at 9.46am. Pretty soon there won’t be any hours left so we won’t actually be allowed in our homes at all so we’ll all be free!
“this report showed that at least 22 of the 100 permanent judges of the European Court of Human Rights who sat between 2009 and 2019 are former founders, collaborators, or leaders of seven NGOs active before the Court as applicants, representatives or third-party interveners. 12 of these judges are closely linked to George Soros’s Open Society, six of them being even former national and international leaders from it.[1] The Open Society also funds the other 6 organizations identified in this report.”
If the ECHR want to continue with their bias and preference to anything George Soros et al. they should do it without the UK.
I think Jess Phillips read out a list of over 100 murdered females yesterday in Parliament.
With all these murders why is it that only this one is all over every newspaper and all tv/radio channels?
Surely all should be treated the same.
Could it be that it’s safe for them to go after the alleged murderer because he’s only a white indigenous man.
I recorded QT from last night and I can assure everyone that it’s still as dire as you all remember it. Four lefties and a waffling supposed Tory all making sure they said nothing that the woke can hound them out of office with.
40% black panel and I’m grateful for the ff function every time Bonnie Greer started speaking.
A couple of the audience panel made some decent points but the studio panel was sooooo boring.
New: Mail Online publisher Associated Newspapers makes complaint to Viacom CBS about headlines used in Oprah's Harry/Meghan interview to show "racism" in UK press. Called edited clippings a "deliberate distortion and doctoring" with some not even from UK titles. Story to follow
Yet again, BBc backs the, er… not what the public thinks.
After Oprah interview, only 3 in 10 ppl see Meghan Markle favorably & more ppl dislike Harry than like him – a new low for both of them. These two aren’t fooling anyone, and no one feels sorry for them.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's charitable Archewell Foundation among first donors to @PressPadUK's new sister charity which will provide bursaries, grants and training to help young people from diverse backgrounds into journalism
Just read in the Telegraph that Amol Rajan is going to be the new face on the Today programme. Along with Nick Robinson and Justin Webb it means then number of men presenters will outweigh the women (Martha and Mishal). However Amol with increase the number of BAME presenters to 40% – surely that cannot be right? Mind you, I don’t really care because I stopped listening to Today a few years back.
And Nish is not having his contract renewed for the Mash Report. I am surprised they didn’t bring him onto the Today team. But as his response to his ‘sacking’ is to post him next to a sign saying ‘Boris is a liar and a racist’ shows how lacking in comedy he really is. I am still not sure what Boris has to do with Mash being stopped but it shows where Kumar’s head is. But I have never watched Mash either – although I understand it isn’t funny. I might also add that I haven’t seen a new programme in years on the BBC that has been funny. Bring back Patricia Routledge in ‘Keeping up Appearances’, I say.
Doubtless as tense as Larry and Co. can possibly make it.
I’ll be live from Kentucky today into tomorrow on @BBCWorld@BBCNews as Louisville marks a year since Breonna Taylor was killed in her own home. It will be an emotional, charged anniversary
ITV local news : main item : vaccinations at Sheffield mosque
‘BAME are the biggest refusniks, but we are overwhelmed at the queues here’
.. interview with the Somali language promotors
… quick clip of white pensioners getting vaccinators somewhere
.. quick clip from Chinese community to tick that box
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The devil is in the detail.
In a column in the Telegraph today by Michael Deacon, eagle-eyed Mr Deacon asserts that, during the Meghan interview, Oprah introduced examples from the British print media of ‘unrelenting pervasive attacks’ presented as the kind of stuff that led to Megxit.
Indeed Mr Deacon recognised one of his own headlines.
Just one tiny problem.
Mr Deacon wrote the column nearly a year AFTER Meghan’s announcement to step down from royal duties.
Pretty hard to argue that a newspaper column contributed to a decision to quit the country when it had not even been written at the time, I think you’ll agree.
“Brexit: UK delays border checks on EU goods into Great Britain”
I see that the ‘Rejoiners’ are piling in with their vitriol in the “View comments” section.
The need to come to terms – We democratically voted to leave.
They are lucky we did as we would not have had the Covid vaccine when we did .
There’s an Asian-American actress, Olivia Munn, who has recently been pretty vocal about the growing anti-Asian racism in the US and has gained plenty of coverage from the media there.
Of course the implication is that the violent and unprovoked street attacks that have occurred in places like New York, and I believe have resulted in the death of at least one victim, an elderly Vietnamese man, can somehow be attributed to right-wing and racist “Trumpism”, otherwise known as “white supremacy”.
I believe however that all of the evidence suggests that all of the attacks have been by young Black men. Funnily enough Ms Munn and her media friends have failed to mention this in any of the articles that I’ve seen about it so far.
Olivia Munn by the way, lovely as she is, looks Asian the same way that Meghan Markle looks Black.
“Jess Phillips: Society has ‘just accepted’ dead women”
Has Jess Phillip just scored another ‘own goal’ for Labour?
The trouble with Labour is they only listen to the people that shout the loudest .
They should get out of their ‘bubbles’ and speak to the ordinary working people. If I was a Labour MP I would be worried , very worried.
“Lessons top be learned” – Labour ?
Lewis Goodhall just retweeted this.
The BBC are off again.
What a shame she hans’t felt the need to pipe up about murders in London. Particularly the one I remember where a girl was stabbed and killed at random purely as an initiation ceremony for a new gang member.
Anything need to change about that Emma dear ?. Because it’s a MUCH bigger problem. Or does your little pea only tune in to twitter ?.
Taff, I read the first four comments, none of them a thumbs up, but then see that the drivel is written by a fellow whose surname is that of a middle Eastern religion, so it has to be true.
The Scotch Hate Crimes Bill passes with Labour, Lib Dem and
Green support.
Psst. Hear the one about a Scotchman whose frock was … censored.
Not BBC but it may have been.
On ITV news we had in depth coverage of the Clapham murder.
And then we had much coverage of violence against women, Jess Philips reading out the names of murdered women, the ‘Reclaim the Night’ campaign at the time of the Sutcliffe murders. This took 10 minutes as the first news item.
Half an hour later……on local ITV London news, we had news of a male killed in a knife attack (quel surprise) and the report took all of 30 seconds. What’s the ratio of male to female murder victims, 2 to 1? 3 to 1?
All murders are equal but clearly some are more equal than others.
PS i, a white male of mature years, take great care walking alone in the dark, especially in unfamiliar places. I keep near lighting, keep out of the shadows, nooks and crannies, keep space from strangers especially if in groups. Should I complain to someone and seek the support of a pressure group?
The envy of the world.
If Dr. Shola Moshla.. Mushla.. whatever couldn’t say ‘Reeta Chakrabarti’ we would never hear the end of it.
(Am I right in thinking that Reeta wanted to say ‘Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu’? Only one problem – that wasn’t her).
Thank you Guest and JimS, you have made my day with that..hilarious on all levels!
Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, that’s easy for you to say!
Crazy name, crazy guy..oops.
Actually, I beleive she was the rent a race-baiter, locking horns with Piers on GMB the other day…
After he took the US by storm too? For shame.
You would think Nish would stay clear of what has been called ‘the bread basket of the world’.
But then he would only rate a ‘1’ on the Lammy Scale, (Lammy being a ’10’).
It was just….dire. How did it get more than one series?
Nish maybe had the negatives that see Champion deemed a frequent guest expert?
I love the way The Sun article put the word ‘comedy’ in quotes just like the BBC do.
I have heard so many ‘trailers’ for the BBC Radio 4 6:30 pm slot (which they label as their ‘comedy’ slot) which are anything but funny, and (as Gary Lavin describes it) dire in the extreme – and I do mean ‘left-wing’ extreme.
The media and certain MPs are going Hell for leather over the horrible murder of the young lady abducted in Clapham the other night.
A member of the House of Lords has even suggested that all men should face a 6pm curfew. Quite mind boggling…
And the always reasonable Jess Phillips read out the names of female murder victims, killed by men in the last year. Truly shocking.
However, one thing bothers me…
We’ve had decades of mass rapes and murders perpetuated on under age white girls by Pakistani paedo gangs and not a bloody finger was raised to halt them.
Indeed, Labour MPs and Labour controlled councils did everything within their power to obfuscate and obstruct any investigations. Needless to say the media were silent and the police bloody useless. If anyone raised the issue they were threatened. The criminals were protected by the establishment. All in the name of cultural cohesion.
Nick Griffin hi-lighted these ghastly crimes and for his troubles both the BBC and the West Yorkshire police conspired to imprison him for up to seven years.
Now we have a vile murder, seemingly committed by a middle-aged white man and suddenly everybody is up in arms…
I wonder why?
We recently had a couple of extremely violent and barbaric murders by groups of males in broad daylight which hardly even made headlines. We all know why : they were not white.
Now this murder is suddenly the subject of multiple headlines. And he is white.
My Android news feed showed me an article entitled ‘Women recently killed by men in London’ from The London Standard today. Of course they didn’t go any deeper than that. The enormous elephant in that room was the names of those who did the murdering. Not many of Anglo-Saxon derivation.
I am absolutely pig-sick of all these double standards. I have completely disconnected from the media in this country.
Wait until the media find out the murder suspect also voted for Brexit!
I see that there is a pathetic campaign, no doubt BBC approved, to get people to answer ‘European’ to Question 14 of the 2021 Census.
As ‘Europe’ isn’t a nation that would be an invalid response, something that Ms. Spring should writing about, probably posted under a picture of herself wearing a paper hat made from the form, (any excuse).
Of course these ‘no nation’ people are frauds, the ‘anywheres’, Hong Kong Marriot, Los Angeles Mariott, Moscow Marriot, Melbourne Marriot, Stavanger Marriot, Citizens of the World.
They will delight in telling you that their children have dual nationality, that their spouse is of a different race, their garden Japanese, their house Swedish, their wine Australian, their cheese French and their dog German!
What they don’t seem to realise is that these things that they delight in are the products of the ‘somewheres’, not just one generation of ‘somwheres’ but many. Logically and ultimately the philosophy of the ‘anywheres’ is that their drink will be Coca-Cola, their home rented and from Saturday to Thursday their work will be in the standard tractor factory of current need, (anywhere). Friday will be spent on their face at the local Mosque.
Value the ‘somewheres’ while we still have them. Answer Question 14 sensibly.
The 2021 Census as a means of predicting the future population ‘needs’ is worthless because a substantial amount of illegal ‘somewheres’ will not be filling them in .
\\Households ‘buy 3.2 million pets in lockdown’//
I predict a lot of ‘lockdown’ pets being dumped by snowflakes once the pandemic is over.
The new maxim should be “a dog is for life not just for lockdown”.
“Lockdown in Wales: Hairdressers to reopen but retail remains closed”
Is this all about ‘power and control’ ?
Why do retail shops have to stay closed ? They are no more of a risk than supermarkets and hairdresser?
I am frothing at the mouth about the incompetence of that lot in splott.
I was lucky enough to do some work across the border a couple of months ago, and was delighted to go into t@sco and purchase some, much needed undergarments. These are not essential according to comrade dickford. And also bought loads of booze as it is a hell of a lot cheaper than here ????
Why are no journalists asking the hard questions about rates, r’s hospitalisations etc? And the welsh stasi why aren’t they doing what they said they’d do? I believe bbc have a spot on to ask questions but would never ask such a prickly one.
Has anyone seen anything on Al Beeb about last night’s slow handclap?
Hundreds of thousands doing jazz hands, apparently.
Was Matty out with a crew?
Iv’e often wondered, how do you slow handclap doing jazz hands?
Northern Voter
Jut emulate the “slow speed” of your car’s windscreen wipers .
Reminds me of a joke.
“Police investigating a mass suicide discovered someone had put a Leonard Cohen 78 single on at thirty three and a third.”
Put your truncheon away, son…
Toxic masculinity edition
‘He “flashed” 4 days earlier‘ (Sun) and I’m afraid the tabloid doesn’t mean this copper turned his flashing blue lights on: ‘Sarah suspect linked to sex offence… did cops fail to act‘ – they do tend to close ranks and to look after their own.
This comes in a week when the Mail has informed us how the police have apparently taken leave of their senses: ‘Police Taser girl aged TEN: Youngest ever UK victim is hit with 50,000-volt stun gun while “threatening mother with a hammer” in private gated estate‘
Apparently the British police now think they are living in Sergeant Stan Jablonski’s Hill Street Blues: “Let’s do it to them, before they do to us”
‘Policeman’s “sex crime missed by Met officers”‘ (Times) – I think I know what is properly meant by that rather suggestive headline… and it certainly needs some serious investigation.
‘Everard suspect “exposed himself in restuarant”‘ (Telegraph) and we’ll have no Larry Grayson-inspired humour here, thank you. There’s another one for the teenagers.
I thought restuarants were still in lockdown? I won’t be rushing back if rozzer’s meat and two veg are on the menu. The Telegraph report goes on: ‘Officer arrested on suspicion of murder accused of “flashing” in fast-food outlet‘ – that’s a downgrade, but still, it’s enough to put you off your Gregg’s sausage roll.
The supposeded politically balanced ‘i‘ paper seizes the opportunity to jump on a campaign bandwagon: ‘Open letter to ‘i’ signed by more than 200 women – including MPs and activists – calls on Government and police to act against violence‘ – that’s supposed to be their job. I do hope this lot have complained about the police dishing it out to the 10-year-old schoolgirl.
Ladies, things could be worse: ‘Afghan girls “banned from public signing”‘ (Telegraph)
‘Blindfolded and sleep-deprived: Nazanin reveals torture in Iran‘ (Times) – what, no scare quotes?
Watch the likes of Jess Philips MP turn this case into an anti-male media crusade. The Guardian frontpage is already banging on about 118 women apparently killed by men last year. How many male suicides caused by broken relationships, lost homes and lost children last year we wonder? Let’s keep the focus on the bad cop here please.
And don’t imagine this reflexive anti-male thinking is confined to the lefty press: ‘Male violence is something we live with. Whoever we are. Wherever we go‘ (Telegraph) – and so the press is quite comfortable tarring an entire group with the same brush. Alter that headline to accuse, let’s say all Travellers, blanket accused of something as innocuous as, say littering, and the Telegraph would receive howls of protest. But men have no one to speak up for them and must suck it up.
Amusingly the same Guardian frontpage that purports to campaign on behalf of women to protect them from men also features: ‘Eddie Izzard: I’ve been promoted to she. It’s an honour‘ – just me or do we notice a weird contradiction here?
Back to the murder case: ‘Suspect’s hospital dash after head injury in cell‘ (Daily Mirror) – perhaps he saw that edition of the Guardian and the frontpage Eddie Izzard quote… and his head just exploded…
Anyway, I’ll pick up my handbag now and be off to join my sisters… bloody men!
Luckily, Champion is on it. The case…
Two points spring immediately to mind:
1) Is a ‘transgender woman’ a man who think he is a woman or a woman who thinks she is a man’ ?. Or both ?. And if the latter, does that mean either group can be described as both men and women ?. It’s so confusing.
2) The only people I see being systematically targetted because of their race at the moment are white people.
a ‘transgender woman’ is man , with or without ahem changes
a ‘transgender man’ is woman , with or without ahem changes
a ‘transgender woman’ is also a woman
and a ‘transgender man’ is also a man
that all clear now John
Life has got to be pretty rough for tap dancing, bee-keeping Manxmen born on February 29th.
The evil, white, patriarchy’s hatred of minor minorities knows no limits.
People like Ash Sarkar don’t even stick to their own rules. One minute they claim “Trans Women are women” but as seen above they are now different to cisgender women.
The Cumbria proposed Coal Mine affair. When approved, is purely for coking coal for steel production. It seems to me that for the critical production of steel products such as steel for weapons, tanks, warships etc the supply of coking coal should remain, ‘in-house’ for the UK. We don’t want to be beholden to other countries for the steel making ingredients, much as China would favour this. Seems the “Environmental Groups” are hostile to the mine and being communist inspired and no doubt financed and managed by China, you can understand their approach. All said and done, the survival of the country comes first. Let’s see if Boris acknowledges this and denies China their ploy to strip the UK bare of any totally independent steel production.
Who controls the country? Boris or the communist backed ‘Green’ groups? We’ll see.
The Indy has “U-turn on new coal mine after climate backlash”.
Now who could be driving such a ‘b…’
Moaning emole….
Coal mine “Increased controversy” prompts public inquiry
Rooooooooogerr that!
4am news R5’s Dotun was using the Indy’s quote as a headline
@G you know that British Steel is owned by Jingye Steel of China ?
There are dozens maybe 100+ of Chinese workers *
The other half of UK steel production is owned by India’s Tata corp
who are looking to sell
unless Wales comes up with some green dream massive SUBSIDY scheme
* A neighbor works with them, hence he had Covid at Xmas 2019
High time it was wrested from foreign hands – or is it way too late?
I seem to remember The Brexit Party were talking about it when they originally launched. It is sad that everyone has been so ready to accept the loss of control of our traditional industries.
I suspect that if things got out of hand with China, the plants would, by necessity, be nationalised, so the sourcing of ingredients on home territory would be crucial.
The Coal is not for use as a fuel , it is converted into coke for steel production. If we need steel, and we certainly do, then we will have to import it from China or India where “green” ideas there are ‘for the birds’. I do not think many politicians know or realise this?
We need steel for defence purposes, ships, arms and wait for it, to produce wind turbines.
Also in the ‘mole….
Not sure that kid is going to thank them when they lose their ear lobe.
If the Graun makes a movie about this in Manchester, serious questions to be asked…
That’s one of my pet hates…..
Southerners can’t seem to work out the difference between Manchester and Greater Manchester.
There are 10 local authorities with education departments in GM…..or do the bozos just mean the Manchester authority?!
This, perhaps, is the ‘future’ comms medium for ‘our side’.
Free Speech revived?
10am local news “A campaigner from the Lincoln Girl Gang has said”
The campaigner’s last retweet
“Down with the patriachy”
Her radio appearance has turned into a BBC article
AFAIK stranger attacks on women in Lincs are pretty rare.
The 62 yo local radio presenter “I wasn’t here yesterday I was on a BBC training course”
Assuming that wasn’t a cover for something else
.. I wonder what wokery the course was about.
The BBC had a 1/2 hour programme on the Game Stop share situation in the US.
Hedge Funds $28 billion lost since January.
Needless to say, those private investors that made money betting against these hedge funds are described as Trumpian Rednecks.
I have made a pretty penny on Game Stop, more than at my job, and if current Reddit predictions are true, I shall be ordering my new Defender in the coming weeks.
Moral of the story – follow my advice – do everything the opposite of the BBC.
Blimey. How’s it done?! I can’t afford a roof over my head…..let alone an £80,000 Landrover.
“Moral of the story – follow my advice – do everything the opposite of the BBC.”
The ‘First Law of Scrobs’ raises it’s grey, long-haired head yet again…
But the obvious thing that people say is
‘How’s that apply with Islamist terrorist attacks ?
.. you are not allowed to be afraid of all Muslims.’
She gave a reply
that shows her cognitive dissonance
The treatment of the latest story about the Oxford vaccine causing blood clots is interesting.
I see the qualifier ‘without any evidence’ is now a ‘tool in the box’ and is being appended in this instance to any sentence which the clots are mentioned. I don’t know what evidence is actually possible without a clinical trial of millions because the number is so low. Not happening with the other vaccines could count I suppose. It’s a meaninglessess thing to add.
And I also notice that it is called the ‘Oxford vaccine’ for good news stories and ‘AstraZeneca’ for this bad news !. No pictures of Sarah Gilbert in this article.
It really is pathetic. They are like petulant children. How did the BBC manage to fall so far from greatness ?.
Have Twitter started stamping tweets
“The claims that AZ vaccine is safe IS DISPUTED”
I’d still take the vaccine even if it had a 1 in ten million risk
John, I nearly did a TWatO Watch on that yesterday. They reported Iceland or Denmark had stopped inocculations with the Oxford A-Z vaccine because of reported blood clots in patients. Later, the fleshed out single sentence news item – it turned out to be just one patient. No mention of any other health problems in said patient which might have affected successful vaccination.
Disgraceful BBC reporting.
Compare and contrast the enthusiasm with which the BBC described, following heir counterparts in the US media, the people who tramped into the Capitol in Washington DC in January, as out-and-out terrorists, and specifically white, right-wing ones at that….. and their descriptions of the Al Shabab mobs murdering, raping and starving to death hundreds, if not thousands, of the inhabitants of Madagascar. These guys were described this morning on the Radio 4 ‘Today’ Programme as, respectively, ‘fighters’, militants’ (albeit ‘Islamist’ ones) and ‘insurgents’. No mention of ‘Muslim’ or ‘terrorist’.
Funny, that.
The use of terms such as ‘without any evidence ‘ Or ‘there is no evidence to support this ‘ ..
…… is good evidence of the BBC taking a non objective view on a particular issue , event or comment . It helps our cause.
One of the problems is that there is a wide level of propaganda ‘ spin ranging from ignoring events completely to a well placed word to shape the view of the reader .
It’s a bit like the ‘newsreader ‘head shake ‘ when the words are bland but the tone and body movement sends a signal of approval or disapproval that those watching are either unaware of or not tuned into .
Once it ‘dawns’ that the BBC is a far left anti British propaganda machine it’s easy to spot ..
Sharon Osbourne apologises for her ‘panicked’ defence of Piers Morgan
Basically Sharon Osbourne has been forced to apologise as she defended Piers Morgan with a black woman so she is wrong.
Coming up later… someone else has to apologise for defending Sharon Osbourne.
Tabs, we really need the Major/Colonel/Field Marshal from Monty Python to come on to the set at this point, loom large while peering into the camera and say “Stop it. Stop it! This is getting silly.”
Sky “Italy set to impose national lockdown over Easter weekend”
Is the average nurse really getting just 1% extra out of the taxpayer ?
+ They get an annual pay grade rise
+ The government is already upping the percent it pays into their pensions
I don’t know the details but when the taxpayer is paying out 50K for a nurse in 2020 maybe they’ll pay out £55K in 2021
(That’s pension plus salary)
Stew, Marianna seems to be slow off the mark: she really ought to be springing into action and checking whether the average nurse earns £34,000. If they do, that is about £8,000 to £9,000 above average pay for everyone else in UK employment and is close to median pay.
Boris’s Green Soviet Party statement
Looking at government Build(ing) Back Greener tweets
They hardly set the world on fire
The government, and MPs have tried a few times
then they are lucky if they get 200 or 300 Liks
And actually most of the replies they get are sneers from Labour trolls
Feb 15 Boris got 9,500 Likes with
“Great news Jaguar Land Rover is set to become an all-electric brand by 2025
, a significant step towards becoming a net zero business by 2039.
A brilliant example of British engineering leading the industry
to a cleaner future, as we build back greener.”
= Building back much riskier
Plenty more man hating articles from the BBC!
Catcalling: The sisters who are making a noise to stop street harassment of women
Another example of the world made crazy by modern communication and social media. The unfortunate probable murder of a woman in Kent has led a Green Party member of the HoL to remark that she is considering a 6 pm curfew for all men throughout the country. There are also endless calls for ‘something to be done to make women feel safe’.
Leaving aside the obvious point that very little if anything has been done to protect white teenage girls from the predations if Muslim men, I’m sure that women are in no more danger than they have been historically , probably less. But this doesn’t stop the bandwagon from creaking into action which no doubt makes millions of women feel that they really are unsafe.
This is just the latest example of how social media and the MSM are destroying the fabric of society. Of course another critically important aspect of this trend is that the offender must not be one of any protected group and the offense must fit the Woke agenda. If not the MSM suppresses the story.
You beat me to it regarding the differing treatment of Muslim child abusers and a policeman suspected of abduction and murder. If the pc is guilty, all that we read seems to indicate that he has been suffering from a mental illness for some time. TWATo had loads of wimmin prattling on about male privilege and even marital abuse, which latter has sfa to do with third party abduction, likely rape or other abuse, and murder.
Al Beeb is full on in seemingly wanting action…against men in general. When it is Muslim men in the main raping children, they are silent, and Muslim men committing acts of terror are suggested to have mental problems; suggested only.
There is context to Baroness Jones
rhetorical speech “There should be a 6pm curfew for men”
she was responding to the Met Police saying that a vigil march should be before 6pm for Covid safety
and she was trying to flip it around
She of course is sexist in assuming ONLY women would demonstrate against bad man.
Now what other political party imposed mass punishments on people for any transgressions that one or two persons committed?
It began with an N , and had the word Socialist in its title .
“Collective punishment has been clearly forbidden under international humanitarian law through Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. No exceptions are permitted.”
Published 20th July 2020, UN website.
I was born a biological man, but am thinking of self identifying as a wimmin’. Presumably I would be exempt from any such curfew. But if I broke it and was arrested, I would insist on being searched by a wimmin’ police offer. And if convicted and sent to prison, I would opt to stay in a wimmin’s prison.
I would be interested to know Ms Jones attitude towards the many women who profess undying love to the many convicted rapists and murderers who are incarcerated ( without ever meeting them ) – would she propose some sanction against them, or is it the imprisoned beast’s fault ?
As I said yesterday – the peer in question just helps build a case for reformation of hopefully closure .
Anyway – I understand that tonight there is to be a vigil for the woman who has disappeared – a vigil which will breach lock down regulations .
Will plod choose to enforce them ? Or do the blind eye thing which they do when coloured ‘protest ‘? Is there to be another bout of clapping or kneeling ? This time for white females strolling across Clapham Common at night during lock down .?
Just asking really but I think I know the answer .
And will the suspect try to top himself in custody again ?( there is no evidence for this apart from x2 = 4)
Because of a lack of ‘news’ we are being bombarded with endless reports of that poor girl’s tragic murder. The barrel is being scraped to drag on air everyone who identifies as a female, to talk about ”being a female’.
Being careful about walking home at night is nothing new. Remember Jack the Ripper and the Yorkshire Ripper, its always been ever thus for women on their own to be vigilant when walking anywhere in the dark.
I remember back in the 60’s, after a night dancing in Margate, I would get off the bus and walk home. My Mum always lain awake until she could hear the click clacking of my heels coming along the street. Then again, those were the days when any assault made the national press, so it was a rarity (and there were no other religions to contend with !)
Looks like it is not being laughed off, but gaining traction.
The BBC role already is dubious, but their history fudging Labour ineptitude in Wales is well established.
2:15 R4 Drama = ‘Immigration is always good’
“One of the twelve chosen few to be picked to take their skills to Mars to begin new life,
just as her grandmother did when she moved from Jamaica to London
and her father’s ancestors leaving a famine-riddled Ireland for America”
Interesting problem for the BBC. Are they ‘for’ or ‘against’? No doubt in my mind which side the BBC take. In today’s report in the Telegraph…:
Labour now considers the fight against climate change more important than the mining communities
In a role-reversal of the 1980s, Labour is opposing a new mining scheme – while the Conservatives are keen to invest in ex-mining areas
Without even looking at the BBC news, I know which side of the fence the BBC sits. It has class war written all over it.
We know that the BBC don’t think anything significant happened pre-Thatcher but the reality is that Wilson closed more pits than she ever did. Lots of tub-thumping ‘I’m Backing Britain’ and Union Jacks, mind, under Harold, Marcia and Barbara, but no real support for miners.
An uncomfortable truth which, naturally, the BBC will overlook.
“under Harold, Marcia and Barbara” aided and abetted by a Smiling Jim, who hadn’t a clue either!
That’s about the time when the car industry went south, with the docks to follow!
I wonder if anyone at the awful BBC will remember that their commentators were reasonably impartial back then, putting the cases for both sides, and showing some backbone in an intolerable period for British industry?
Naaah, dream on…
I presume that the snowflake-infested woke-ridden left-wing knee-jerk moron who suggested a 6pm curfew has obviously thought it through to it’s logical conclusion?
Curfew at 6. However a similar crime happens at 3pm. So curfew at 3. Similar crime happens at 9.46am. so curfew starts at 9.46am. Pretty soon there won’t be any hours left so we won’t actually be allowed in our homes at all so we’ll all be free!
‘Bent as a nine-bob note’
The European Court of Human Rights:
“this report showed that at least 22 of the 100 permanent judges of the European Court of Human Rights who sat between 2009 and 2019 are former founders, collaborators, or leaders of seven NGOs active before the Court as applicants, representatives or third-party interveners. 12 of these judges are closely linked to George Soros’s Open Society, six of them being even former national and international leaders from it.[1] The Open Society also funds the other 6 organizations identified in this report.”
If the ECHR want to continue with their bias and preference to anything George Soros et al. they should do it without the UK.–etat-des-lieux?lng=en
This is the funniest thing they have ever inspired,
I think Jess Phillips read out a list of over 100 murdered females yesterday in Parliament.
With all these murders why is it that only this one is all over every newspaper and all tv/radio channels?
Surely all should be treated the same.
Could it be that it’s safe for them to go after the alleged murderer because he’s only a white indigenous man.
I recorded QT from last night and I can assure everyone that it’s still as dire as you all remember it. Four lefties and a waffling supposed Tory all making sure they said nothing that the woke can hound them out of office with.
40% black panel and I’m grateful for the ff function every time Bonnie Greer started speaking.
A couple of the audience panel made some decent points but the studio panel was sooooo boring.
Dawn Butler on Oprah to comment yet?
Yet again, BBc backs the, er… not what the public thinks.
Get them young.
Looks like Ginge and Whinge are in this for the long haul, rigging decades ahead.
Just read in the Telegraph that Amol Rajan is going to be the new face on the Today programme. Along with Nick Robinson and Justin Webb it means then number of men presenters will outweigh the women (Martha and Mishal). However Amol with increase the number of BAME presenters to 40% – surely that cannot be right? Mind you, I don’t really care because I stopped listening to Today a few years back.
And Nish is not having his contract renewed for the Mash Report. I am surprised they didn’t bring him onto the Today team. But as his response to his ‘sacking’ is to post him next to a sign saying ‘Boris is a liar and a racist’ shows how lacking in comedy he really is. I am still not sure what Boris has to do with Mash being stopped but it shows where Kumar’s head is. But I have never watched Mash either – although I understand it isn’t funny. I might also add that I haven’t seen a new programme in years on the BBC that has been funny. Bring back Patricia Routledge in ‘Keeping up Appearances’, I say.
The BBC – A threat to democracy.
Dear me. I see they are all cut from the same cloth. They’ll just get the results they want to hear of course.
They forgot to invite Neil and Nigel.
“Sahayb Abu convicted of planning IS-inspired sword attack”
How did this guy get into the country?
On a dinghy perhaps?
Doubtless as tense as Larry and Co. can possibly make it.
BBC dispatching stirrers using the pretence of anniversaries is now SOP to drive ideological agenda in name of ‘news’.
“Sarah Everard: Court challenge over Clapham vigil ban under way”
Can someone explain to me the importance and purpose of these vigils ?
Content for media.
Vide the Beeboid who took a picture of flowers and captioned them as a picture of flowers.
Guest, are you sure they got it right? After all, the BBC and all that.
Lurch is, of course, not bald.
I do wonder what has caught his attention as his BFF Bri provides surely awesome RT fodder for BBC NA BS ‘news’?
ITV local news : main item : vaccinations at Sheffield mosque
‘BAME are the biggest refusniks, but we are overwhelmed at the queues here’
.. interview with the Somali language promotors
… quick clip of white pensioners getting vaccinators somewhere
.. quick clip from Chinese community to tick that box
.. back to female Asian expert