The Far left BBC has cancelled a Left wing propaganda programme called ‘the mash report ‘ – but is allowing the SNP leader to run daily party political broadcasts ( also know as covid briefings ) in the run up to Scottish elections . The BBC fixation with race has now been joined by an anti – male strand following the death of a woman in London .
To describe these times as ‘strange ‘ would be putting it mildly .
Weekend Thread 13th March 2021
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Just first
How could they cancel the Mash Lash up? Fronted by a bame, left winger. Everything the BBC stands for.
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 4 started 6pm Friday
– Most of Friday’s posts were on page 3
The piece Rachel Parris did on Trump and Piers Morgan was an absolute classic, don’t you think? Her takedown of Jacob Rees-Mogg was pretty good too but Rees-Mogg is so preposterous anyway he’s an easy target. Ducks in a barrel.
They’re on YouTube if you missed them.
I found her comedic style to include a lot of sneering on the Mash Report. The whole programme made me think ‘6th form’.
I don’t really like that even when I might agree with the observations about the target.
I didn’t think it was good satire either.
Just missed first – eeek!
Thank you to Rufus McDufus for the successful site migration on Monday.
Upto, are you a mouse?
No, but I can do a good impression. All those years listening to I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again and watching Monty Python.
“Dinsdale? Dinsdale? Where are you?”
Fox News says that Minneapolis is to pay $27 million to settle George Floyd family lawsuit.
How much for lawyers’ fees?
And they say crime doesn’t pay !!
Imagine the premiums at Beagle Street for that sort of life cover ????????
Perhaps while the BBC is moralising about the tragic murder of Miss Everard , it could pause and think what it and its allies have done to cause the murder of women.
First case is Kelly Pearce , murdered in 2015 in Canvey Isle by Anthony Ayers , who stabbed her in the face and neck as well as using a claw hammer on her head .
He has been sentenced to life imprisonment .
Which is the second time !
In 1993 he murdered Dawn Wisdom . And was sentenced to life for that .
A complete waster who couldn’t hold a job , Dawn Wisdom wanted to end their relationship after she discovered he was stealing from her .
So he served 19 years for her murder and was let out to murder again .
Again , while the BBC tries to pigeonhole everyone into victim or oppressor ,white v black , young v old , gay v straight etc it could see where real oppressors are , who should be made to take responsibility for their actions and be punished for it .
It’s not female v male that causes these murders , it’s murderers that cause murder . And these murderers aren’t helped by 99.9% of the male population, but by Gramscians infesting our institutions – in the above case the parole board and all the other do gooders that the BBC are careful to exonerate of any bad practice.
The BBC can s+d off with their holier than thou attitude.
Excellent summary of the problem. There are named individuals who made the decision to let Ayers out: will any of them lose salary or pension as a result of their error of judgment which cost Kelly Pearce her life? Purely rhetorical question, of course …
‘…the parole board and the other do-gooders…’
Preceded by the judiciary with their ludicrous sense of what constitutes justice, backed by the Soros funded and morally destructive ECHR.
A factor in the decision to go ahead with the recent and perhaps most spiteful ever ‘interview’ designed to cause mortal damage, will have been the verdict in Markle’s case against the MoS.
Well done to our judges, loyal, as ever, to the Crown.
If parole boards and judges were made responsibke in some manner – a light sentence or leniency by a parole baord, it may right the balance. At the moment, the law clearly favours the criminal. Its the same when it comes to illegal migrants.
If a judge makes a serious mistake, he should be fired. There is no reason why a judge goes free,when a serious life destroyong mistake by another professional leads to disbarment from the profession.
A parole board too must pay for mistakes in the form of financial penalty.
I think the queen is amazing. The BBC1 Friday news showed her meeting people in National Science Week. But did Mr Myrie have to weave in the number of days it was after THAT interview. Perhaps it is the new norm. Nothing now will be dated as AD or Common Era but AMO, that is After Meghan and Oprah.
The Democrats in the now defunct once USA, must be envious of our Head of State, walking about without the protection of 2 Para, walkng and talking at the same time.
Er, you think she walks around without a train of discreet lethality nearby that makes the Secret Service look like the Keystone Cops? You surprise me sir! I disagree with you on a lot of things but I didn’t expect to be correcting you on that!
I believe there are around 20,000 NG deployed in DC at the moment, over and above the normal and hidden ones.
“University of Manchester students pass vote of no confidence in boss”
Same Yooni ? ………….
“University of Manchester advises against using ‘mother’ and ‘father”
“There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language” – Mr Orwell
There is some ‘unknown body’ developing and promulgating this new “woke language” and “Cancel Culture “. I suspect it may be coming over from the US and sold in package courses by smooth talking former car salesmen charging big bucks for the ‘must get’ courses. Just like the “Unconscious Bias Training” courses floating around the UK now .
I am sure that Nigel Farage and Toby Young will be on the case.
‘Minneapolis to pay murdered George Floyd family $27m’
Did the trial happen and I missed it ?.
And they still use his words ‘I can’t breathe’ which had nothing to do with his death. They were lies he used when faking claustrophobia and resisting arrest to avoid getting into the police car.
And why has this award been made before the trial ?. What if the Jury decide the police are not guilty of murder ?.
I wonder if this is another of the BBC’s deliberately misleading stories about BLM which will be modified in a few hours.
They are liars. The sneaky, devious snake type who mix their lies with some truth. The worst kind.
27 million for a worthless individual.
Meanwhile in Africa this week there were many rapes and unjust killings … thousands I expect.
Did western media report on them as if Black Lives Matter ?
I have always thought that if the trial is fair that the police officer will be found to have acted according to the approved procedure.
Despite all the BLM fuss there is probably no evidence that the police set out to kill Floyd and certainly no racial motivation to do so.
The reported pay-off might suggest that the state authorities believe that while their officers won’t be found guilty of any crime ‘questions will be asked’ as to whether the approved procedure is ‘fit for purpose’.
We have had similar debates in this country – we are probably due a new one about using Tazers on children – something that was no doubt never thought about because nobody expected children to be wielding weapons or hammers.
We live in a time where preserving control over society trumps the rights of any individuals.
There will be immense pressure to find these police guilty of murder of some degree. If they don’t, there will be riots, a dozen or so murders (quickly swept under the carpet) and lots of looting.
If they go to jail, nobody else dies. Right and wrong don’t come into it.
Nearly right John. The worthless individual can’t actually benefit, it’s all the other worthless individuals, who can now move to California and join the club.
John C:What if the Jury decide the police are not guilty of murder
Precisely why the money was given before the jury decides. He was Black and his family deserve it.
Meanwhile Ashli Babbit will be expunged from the record, and her family persecuted.
“UK exports to European Union drop 40% in January”
Imports dropped as well.
The “Rejoiners” are still ‘piling in’ the “View comments ”
How much did the Lockdown contribute to the figures ?
Also, the EU exports more to us than we sell to them.
I wonder if some stuff is missed cos it’s now being routed through Northern Ireland into Eire and onwards ?
Mrs Voter went to a shop that sells British goods here in Northern France, the lady whose shop it is apologised for the lack of stock. She said the problem was that the EU now require vet’s signatures for any product of animal origin. This includes milk chocolate and gravy browning.
The Now Show Radio 4 at 6,30 today repeat Saturday midday.
There was no comedy in it as you would expect from a BBC comedy production .
Switzerland was lampooned for having a referendum and the democratic decision was to ban the female Middle East garb of face coverings. Later in the news etc the BBC is telling us that most people want the NHS workers to have more than 1% pay rise . So is what the majority want right or wrong , BBC ?
Marks out of ten for that show are;
Comedy ; 0
Two faced muddled thinking ; 9
Sneering ;10
Slightly snide comments at Labour for not being vigorous enough ;7
Anti right or libertarian; 8
Looking for racism where it doesn’t exist ;10
Wasting valuable airtime with people who haven’t grown out of adolescence;8
Mind you , and I don’t know if you’ll believe this , but I took one for the team and monitored them THEY DIDN’T MENTION TRUMP . Do you think by November the BBC will go a whole week sometime without mentioning him ?
last week they ended with a Trump gag (Twitter thread says)
Al Beeb don’t do Comedy.
Are women’s marches a threat to police ?
In Mexico city feminist demos on International Women’s day turned pretty violent
Trying to smash up the wall that police and government buildings are protected by
…. vandalising a church etc,
Katie Hopkins is there covering it on her channel
The day before she had praised the peaceful people, who had decorated the wall
It’s not about that one poor woman
It’s about this weeks ongoing campaign to make misogyny ” a hate crime”
All your favourite lefty groups have been tweeting it this week
Yes from before her case was mentioned
Can I take it misandry will also join misogyny on the naughty step?
For the last two decades, it is young White men that have been vilified and marginalised in Western societies.
It is Misandry that is the real evil, and has been destroying the lives of young White men and boys for the last two decades at the least. Jordon Peterson noticed this too.
IMHO “Hate Crime laws” = “thought crime laws ”
If a white thug beats up a black guy and a white guy
each crime is the same
if he happens to have a strange opinion against say black people, that is still an opinion no matter how crazy.
It’s the action/violence that counts.
Exactly. Opinions don’t hurt unless they are made into a policy. Which is what vilification and hate of young men has done. It hurts me to see young men never been praised or encouraged.
To get more women into universities in engineering, entrance standards were lowered. The result is collapse of engineering in the nation that created modern engineering and civilisation as we know it. All innovation is now coming from Asia.
We have the NHS though, a wealth consuming organisation.
Hate crime laws apply to the motivation of a criminal act – not the opinions of the criminal.
If you think it’s just; “the action/violence that counts”, then presumably violence in *self defence* should be treated just as harshly as an *unprovoked attack*.
Demonstrates how little you know.
It’s good that the odious BBC are dumping the even more odious Nish, but don’t be fooled: this does not signal a change of ethos at the beeb, or a ‘war on woke’. They’re just dumping an unfunny activist with lousy ratings.
Too little too late. The rot goes too deep.
The beeb doesn’t need cosmetic tweaks, it needs to be smashed, destroyed, obliterated.
Below is the Spectator’s milder take on the story.
In reply to Swelter, misandry.. doesn’t exist does it? as men are all bad and it is the truth that is spoken – could you imagine that rather large unfunny “female” talking about battery acid throwing being hauled in front of a judge?
BBBC wouldn’t allow that – who could they bring onto their “comedy” programmes?
They will just want the hurty speaking bad men to be guilty of something and push the agenda non-stop…. as is their way.
I’m sure the policeman who murdered that poor girl will be found to have been misoganistic in some way proving that the male species are a waste of time and beyond saving and will be a focus for the rancid corporation to keep on about all the time.
I am now clean of paying extortion tax for 3 months and feel great… just wish I’d done it sooner ????????
If it wasnt for men, we would all be living in caves. And White men are responsible for modern civilisation.
In a way I support the idea of gender neutral sports. Have just one gender category in Wimbledon, Football, Olympics etc.
Careful now. Wayne Couzens has been charged with the murder and I hope we all agree that whoever is found to have murdered Sarah Everard will go down for a long time. I’m hoping he’ll have to serve his sentence in Bronzefield or New Hall where I’m sure his fellow inmates will ensure he has an extra-special welcome. But we wouldn’t want a mistrial by somebody assuming he dunnit before he’s actually been found guilty, or clumsily wading into the trial and interfering with due process. Would we?
I expect the announcer’s scripts on Radio 4 Extra are probably repeats too, but that is no excuse.
Listening (again) to the excellent and non-PC Rogue Male I am (again) irritated by the way that the announcer tells us what is going to happen in the next episode, ‘giving the game away’.
This is especially bad on Radio 4 Extra because the same episode gets repeated several times within a 24-hour span so it can be hard to tell if you are about to hear the next episode or if it is a re-run of the last.
Surely the general principle ought to be that for a one-off programme the announcer should ‘sell’ it, to give you a reason (or not) to listen, but for a series they should give a summary of what has gone before?
If they did that then it would be possible to join a serial part way through and still make sense of it. ‘Pre-announcing’ almost makes listening to a serial pointless.
It ought to be, “The following programme has two women comedians (oxymoron) discussing bodily functions (as usual), feel free not to listen” and “In the last episode Paul Temple bossed Scotland Yard around, will they ever let him assist again?”.
I just can’t work out why the awful BBBC had to have some comment from Harriet Harman on the subject of women and young girls being vulnerable. (R5Dead last night).
Surely there are better legal persons to deal with all this? But there again, they like to have Vicky Price on to espouse conformity with the law, so as usual, they spit in the faces of the citizens who pay their exorbitant wages.
What a dreadful crowd of hypocrites they are in W1A.
BBC News
The retail giant removes a conservative book about gender dysphoria for violating its guidelines.
Amazon will not sell books that ‘frame sexual identity as mental illness’
Conservatives, eh? The cads.
The irony is that such a book would not be on my radar. But the message I get is not likely one the BBC or Amazon PR would wish.
And for da kidz..
BBC Newsbeat
Zayn Malik has sent an angry message to the Grammys.
He says a lack of transparency in the nomination process allows favouritism and racism to influence voting.
He’s never been nominated, either as a solo act or with One Direction.
Zayn Malik lashes out at Grammy Awards voters
Voters, eh? The cads.
Real headline “Back on 21 Feb, After 3 years Amazon suddenly bans book which challenges transgender dogma”
“This happened to occur just after the author spoke out against a forthcoming new congress bill : the Equality Act, which seeks to promote new privileges for transgender individuals.”
author Ryan Anderson
“Nowhere have I ever said or framed LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness,”
Ryan Anderson video about the sudden banning of his book
Click the playbutton with his name
“Amazon won’t explain , we presume they have a new rule, but they won’t say which part of the book broke a rule
.. I guess they waited for Biden , so they could ban more conservative books”
If they think its wrong/biased its fine for them to express that view. But unless its advocating violence surely removing books/opinion is censorship?
The world of the last few years scares me more and more.
Al Beeb……….
“Coronavirus: What Europeans have learned from a year of pandemic”
How not to get the Covid vaccine. Simples
This “European” has learned that lock downs, curfews, and mask “laws” were meant to be ignored.
And “vaccinations” too, I hope. One day the Europeans will be glad that they couldn’t get them.
BBC Radio 4
“Violence against women is in fact a men’s issue.”
America educator Jackson Katz believes abuse against women can be prevented by making misogynist beliefs unacceptable.
That is a lot of ‘belief’.
She could be an ECU director. Easy.
What is an “educator”?
ITBB discovers another side benefit to the Nish flush.
Legendary ex Newsnight anchor jobby again reveals what got him hired, and let go, too.
Speaking of legendary bbc alumni of brain donation…
After the ‘friend’ of a beebette who sources her coats at £200+ plus Brexit whinge, this seems an odd trait to brag about.
Perhaps he could lend his bike to Lammy, who could then return the public one he’s had for so long.
What a bozo.
Could have gone to Tesco’s, bought £380 worth of Italian wine and paid no delivery charge, I suspect that Sweeney Todd is a wine snob.
Planning for Future Conflicts and we ask: who’s “they” ?
It can not have escaped your notice that newspaper headline writers have been benefiting this week from a high profile murder case. It has everything an officionado of the true crime genre would relish. Pretty girl victim and unexpected perpetrator, who it turns out is a copper (allegedly) both straight out of central casting. The pity of it is from a news angle, with the accused already in custody, within days it will all go sub judice.
‘Sarah: cop charged‘ (Mirror)
‘Sarah: police officer charged with kidnap and murder‘ (Express)
What’s a newsman to do? Any official inquiry into the police treatment of reports of the alleged prior behaviour of the accused will be kicked far off into the future.
‘Met faces inquiry after arrest of diplomatic protection office on suspicion of murder‘ (‘i‘)
So let’s make the most of it and let’s stir up some sort of vaguely associated campaigning.
‘Vigil crowds vow to defy police ban‘ (‘i‘)
Afterall, the run of the mill murder victim and perp these days are all snot-nosed young black boys with a supposed tenuous potential future in football. That can hardly be expected to fill the frontpages twice a week for perpetuity.
By the way, quick media puzzle for you: when is a crowd, a crowd, before it is a crowd? Answer: when the media wants there to be a crowd.
‘Women likely to to hold mass protests around UK even if talks to overturn Met’s veto fail‘ (‘i‘)
I’m somewhat conflicted as to whether our lockdown compliant media are desperate for just about any virtuous excuse to come along for us all to break the rules, or whether they are, as usual, simply bowing to some leftist ideology here?
‘Safe space. As public vigils are planned in memory of Sarah Everard, a project by Soma Sara, 22… has been inundated with women sharing their stories…‘ (Times)
Project, indeed. Presumably our Soma has done her campaigning on social media but has suddenly been picked up by the regular press as the pretty face of this putative campaign. Go girl. There’s your 15 minutes of fame. Who says lefty liberal education doesn’t set kids up for their future employment? Andy Warhol would be proud.
Whereas actor Adrian Dunbar featured in the Telegraph this weekend: ‘…didn’t expect to be a pin up‘
‘Sympathetic well-wishers have begun to leave flowers and tributes… on Clapham Common where they are planning to stage a vigil tonight‘ (Telegraph) – who’s “they”?
I’m still very much of the hang ’em and flog ’em tendency but I’d never pretend to have known the girl and find all this sympathy posturing unpleasant and on a moral level actually disrespectful.
Atten-shun! News for armchair generals… wait for it…
‘Boost of £80bn for military to face conflicts of the future‘ (Telegraph) – really, how so? In addition to various kit upgrades: ‘The cap on 180 nuclear warheads Britain can stockpile will also increase‘ – shhhhush… do you hear that silence? That’s CND. Seems the left have moved on. And to think these days protesters won’t let us frack cheap gas or build a coal mine.
Just to rewind a bit… “conflicts of the future” has an ominous ring to it.
‘Putin’s brutal third act‘ (FT Weekend Magazine) – Oh, I see.
While we’re in uniform, or rather having stripped it off, the Daily Mail splashes with: ‘Barbarity that shames the RAF. Sickening video of naked young airman in initiation ordeal triggers police inquiry‘
First rule of initiations, chaps… just like first rule of Fight Club, (you don’t talk about Fight Club) Initiations, they’re supposed to be secret.
Meanwhile: ‘Vaccines for all over-40s by Easter‘ (Telegraph)
So, is the end of lockdown really with us as we were promised in January, what with all those vaccines already given to the elderly and vulnerable?
‘Cheers! Build a bar in your garden‘ (Telegraph) – nope, apparently we’re still to be locked in at home for the foreseeable.
Sad business, but vigils, weeping and wailing, soft toys, tea-lights, and who knows, perhaps a few minutes silence – all so passé, now. Ho-hum.
You have forgotten: “No one is safe till we are all safe.”
They will keep this going indefinitely. There is an infinite number of “mutants” waiting to be identified.
£80 bn for military what?
Maybe BS can get Nish on discuss institutional twatism.
BBC campaigns* working?
*Not supposed to but, hey, ‘views their own’ as Ofcom knows.
BBC news tv 0810
Its pretty clear the BBC wants the Clapham Common vigil to go ahead and are giving unlimited coverage to ‘wimmin’ for the foreseeable. They are positively wallowing in the opportunities for discord this murder has created.
But I have some sympathy for the wimmin. I mean, if only they were all BAME there would be no problem at all with a march of any size, and the police and judiciary would have waved it through.
Hearing our justin on toady – we are not far away from ‘ approved protests ‘ – the nonsense vigil and coloured stuff would be ok but anything remotely Right wing would be a ‘ threat to safety ‘ and banned
We live in a free country
A cut and paste from the telegraph for your entertainment –
-STARTS “Think you could live happily without the BBC? Try it for two weeks and you would be proved wrong, according to the corporation’s recently departed chairman.
Sir David Clementi issued the challenge to BBC critics, including “professional detractors” and “Right-wing thinkers”, saying that the majority of them would find they “cannot cope” without access to its television, radio or online services.
The basis of his claim is a study conducted by the corporation, in which a group of people who said they would prefer not to pay the licence fee, or to pay less, had their access to the BBC removed.
The group was revisited nine days later. According to the broadcaster, two-thirds of the participants had changed their mind and concluded that the licence fee was worth every penny.
Sir David’s comments were his parting shot after stepping down as BBC chairman last month. He grouped the BBC with the monarchy and the Armed Forces as one of Britain’s great institutions.
“When we run trials where people have had to live for two or three weeks without any BBC services, at the end of it they cannot cope: ‘We don’t know what the weather’s going to be, we missed the 10 O’Clock News, I can’t manage without Match of the Day, how can I possibly cope without watching Strictly on a Saturday evening,’ Sir David said.
“Things they took for granted are removed from them, and they realise how valuable the BBC is.
“So I would encourage those who think that it’s not worth £3 a week to put themselves through the exclusion. I think that most people would find it very hard to cope without the BBC.”
The study, seen by The Telegraph, was based on a proposal by Prof Patrick Barwise of the London Business School.
Seventy households took part from across the UK. Of those, 24 said they would prefer to pay nothing and not receive the BBC; 24 said they would only pay less than the licence fee for the current BBC offering; and 22 said they would be willing to pay the full licence fee or more.
Of the 48 households in the first two categories, 33 had changed their minds in the BBC’s favour by the end of nine days.
They reported missing the BBC in their daily routines much more than they had anticipated, feeling that the BBC had unique content that could not be found elsewhere, realising the high quality of BBC programmes and being frustrated by the adverts offered by rivals.
The study was carried out in 2015, before Netflix, Amazon and other streaming services had become fixtures in so many British homes.
Sir David was speaking at an event for the Royal College of Medicine, of which he is a former trustee.
He claimed that, were the BBC to become a subscription service and hike its prices, he “would be very willing to pay a great deal more than £157 a year, £3 a week, for what I get from the BBC online, on radio and on television. I would pay considerably more. But it wouldn’t be the BBC that you and I know.”
Defending the BBC’s place in public life, Sir David said: “There are a number of people who would like to cut down the BBC in size, and we fight back against it.
“And we do it because we are, in my view, one of the great national institutions of Britain alongside the National Health Service, alongside the Armed Forces and the monarchy. And we argue that we are one of the few British institutions which resonates around the world.”
He added: “A point I would like to make which English politicians don’t spend enough time on: the BBC is one of the very few British organisations which holds the Union together.”ENDS
Yesterday the MSM continued its project of finding a coloured victim killed by the police .
This time it was a 41 year old ‘angel ‘ out of his head on drugs running amok in the street .
The jury decided against ‘unlawful killiing’ but found ‘neglect’ . But i reckon any neglect was because the man in question was fighting the plod and medics.
Anyway he is dead but the “campaign for ££££justice’ will keep going …
“Think you could live happily without the BBC? Try it for two weeks and you would be proved wrong”
Well, I’ve been trying it for years, and miss them not one single jot.
Tell you what – switch off the whole of the BBC for two weeks, then see what percentage of the population could be arrised to complete a formal complaint. If it doesn’t amount to a significant majority of the population, then privatise the BBC (it will help to reduce the debt levels of the UK), and if it does, then get their names and send them an annual reminder to pay and leave the rest of us alone.
There – made good use of that trial.
By writing this delusional nonsense this chap will certainly qualify for Talk Radio’s Plank of the Week, although competition will be fierce with Winge and Ginge potentially winning a lifetime award in the same week.
Seriously though if he thinks that everyone would miss the BBC why not abandon the LF in favour of subscription. That is more or less what all that those loath the BBC ask. ( I must admit that I would prefer abolition followed by dismemberment but I’m probably an extremist) .
Of course we all strongly suspect that as the variety of ways of being educated, entertained and informed grows in the digital age the number of subscribers who wouldn’t pay for Linecker et al and all those other highly paid employees, will grow and grow. But I suspect that snouts in the trough isn’t the main reason why the liberal elite such as Clementi are afraid. They realise in the digital age their control over what we see and hear is slackening, no longer can they control our thinking. True the Californian social media socialist billionaire oligarchs are trying to regain control of the internet and hence the narrative as they call it but it isn’t as simple as it was when the BBC, ITV , Ch4 had the news all sewn up.
The Murdoch and Brillo new UK news programmes are going to further undermine the liberal left control of news in the UK and the elite are worried. They will try to use a OFCOM to control the new boys and so it is crucial that Boris appoints a stout hearted defender of freedom of speech as the Quango’s new chairman .If he does the fall out will be fun to watch.
Double – I wish I shared your optimism about the availability of alternative sources than the MSM BBC with search engines and big players like Twitter and YouTube censoring people and events ‘it’,collectively doesn’t ‘like ‘ – without any real accountability . ….
As for the view that we can’t live without the BBC – I’m sure that character doesn’t watch or listen to it much to come to that deluded view .
I think that the leftist attempt to control the net will prompt centre right rivals to set up alternatives. There is a gap in the market and I’m sure there is money to be made in providing a substantial% of the population with the right of centre non Woke news and comment which it wishes to have. A good indicator of how successful such providers are going to be will be the audience share obtained by News GB and the Murdoch station.
When I first went to university I lived in a hall of residence. There was a TV set but it was in the Junior Common Room at the far end of the hall’s mini-campus.
I think I visited the JCR once but never watched the TV ever. There was no internet, no telephone, though I did listen to John Peel, who at that time was interesting.
Apart from studies most of my time was spent with other students, we didn’t miss the BBC at all.
The people who ‘need’ the BBC are like those abused women who can apparently only ‘live’ with partners that abuse them.
I had listened to the Today programme from being a very little girl – Jack de Manio please come back. For years the radio alarm had come on so that the start of the day was hearing Radio 4 saying ‘today Labour are going to do X’ or ‘today [insert name of present Labour leader] criticised the government for…. [insert whatever the hot topic of the day is]. Then one day Mr D decided he had had enough – and retuned to Classic FM. It probably took us more than 9 days to get used to the change and Classic FM is not perfect and Global News is just as bad as anything on Radio 4. What we do find is that the music lulls us back to sleep and we often find that we have slept through the top of the hour propaganda.
I am really really not bothered about Match of the Day and perhaps for a few minutes I thought missing Strictly on a Saturday night would be difficult. But once I thought about it, decided that watching people I had never heard of, dance to music I didn’t know complete with all the woke manipulations to get the result that the BBC wanted, giving it up wasn’t difficult.
I had been enjoying repeats of New Tricks at 10pm on Drama but noticed that with time the programme was becoming more woke. Watching episodes for the third time is getting a bit boring. More on-line concerts would appear to be my general direction and I don’t need the BBC for that.
Sums that ass Clementi up. Using a six year old, pre-streaming service study to justify his absurd claims for a defunct and deeply biased organisation.
Infiltrated, contorted, bastardised and debauched as part of a transparent plan by the ‘intelligentsia’ we have suffered under for decades.
Did you know you can get the DT on line for 75p a month? Keep refusing to renew your subscription and that is what comes up. Perhaps if you hold out for a bit longer they will pay you to read it.
27 million dollars to anyone connected to a criminal who threatened a pregnant woman with violence ?!
BBC think that’s a Good Thing no doubt . So Black trumps women’s rights to the streets ( and in Floyd’s case , a females home ) .
Not only a criminal but a criminal who was resisting arrest and whose autopsy showed he was chock full of drugs, fentanyl if you should ask.
Hard week if you are a straight white male in the UK right now. With the BBC giving unlimited coverage to ‘feminists’ (of the toxic wave 3 type) all men are the bad guy.
This seems to be a cause concern and I have seen people talking about it on Facebook. Even some level headed guys I know who don’t usually go into politics too much are starting to point this out and how people are starting to lose their minds and how easy it is to offend anyone.
The BBC are literally pandering towards this and are creating a culture of fear surrounding men.
Got to hand it to MSM – scare the hell out of people over the virus – then add ‘ the boggy man’ to the mix .
Not the best week for plod either .
Crankie must be pleased something came along to take any threat to her away …
The next step will be like the ‘punch a Nazi’ meme in the USA.
If you can label someone as bad then violence is justified.
On Radio 4 Extra they have been running the 2017 series Blood and Milk. Just like series 1, series 2 has the heroine assisting in the murder of a ‘bad’ man, because they feel the justice system has failed them. (We have also had ‘bad’ English nationalism, ‘good’ immigration thrown in too. Made up history has its uses).
“The BBC are literally pandering towards this…”
Can’t make sense of that, sorry.
I’m afraid if I am walking along the street in the evening and you are following behind in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable then you are the bad guy until you demonstrate otherwise, since I don’t wish to be dumped in a builders bag in the wilds of Kent to be picked over by foxes.
It’s not hard to demonstrate otherwise. If I quicken my pace it should tell you that I am uncomfortable having you behind. You have a choice of responses. You could overtake me, giving me plenty of space as you pass, and stride on ahead. You could drop back to a more comfortable distance. You could even cross the road. Whichever you chnoose, don’t look. That comes across as creepy.
Wild woman – street survival – in anywhere like a city – is an art form – I’d suggest that walking along a dark street in the wrong time and wrong place has always been a ‘Hazard ‘ even more so now that plod has withdrawn from the streets and is preoccupied with online ‘hate crime ‘
In theory though – because we are all in lockdown – street crime ( actual ) will be down a long way ….
From a Londoner point of view I’ve always considered tube stations and the areas around them are the places most likely to experience ‘grief ‘ – particularly at night – for anyone ….
You’d think the South Circular would be ok though, wouldn’t you?
Took out a kid recently, though.
“ Whichever you chnoose, don’t look. That comes across as creepy.”
Nonsense. If you look you make the follower know that you are aware that they are there and if you are molested and survive you may be able to identify the perpetrator and help stop them doing it again.
I’m 5’7”, Sarf Lunnon born and bred but since gentrified. I had good diction and as a boy learned to run fast when challenged because of it. Former rugby hooker and martial arts practitioner and still just under big-boned 90 kgs in my early 70’s, and notoriously stroppy.
I used to visit New York a lot on business in the 70s/80s and would invariably walk on the wild side early in the morning in Times Square after eating and drinking earlier. If I ever thought I was in a dangerous situation I would stop and look hard at the threat.
When I’m out, even in daytime, I keep well away from women whether walking in the same or opposing directions. Nowadays I’m pretty nondescript and a threat to no one but women either look fixedly away or are so engrossed with their mobile dummy that they never, ever seek to make eye contact. If they did, all they would get would be a nod of greeting.
A point to consider regarding the neo Marxist cowardly useless & incompetent Tories this week.
The green loony who suggested that men should be curfewed at 6:00pm so women could feel safe is another Marxist ennobled in 2013 by David Cameron – an extreme left winger and affiliate member of the Socialist Workers Party.
It is notable that the Marxist Tories have refused to even consider offering any kind of honour to real conservative Nigel Farage, probably because they have seen his performances in Europe and do not want to allow him to expose them for what they are.
This may be of interested to all media professionals.
Somehow I can hear Marianna and Amol together:
The degree of self-love between them is quite special.
I more see them reprising the Peter Sellers/Sophia Loren roles in ‘The BBC Market Rates’.
The plot is notable given young blonde BBC twenty something budgeting as revealed over Brexit displeasure.
I immediately disregard any comment which contains the phrase “ in my humble opinion “ IMHO, or variants thereof because the author is seldom the ‘umble type !
On par with ‘to be honest’?
Drives some Wild.
In other news unreported by the BBC and many others the continual failure of Manchester Mayor Labours Andy Burnham has seen a shocking abuse of his position when he moved to get the Police which he oversees to quash a £10 000 fine to the organiser of the NHS 1% pay rise protest.
The woman involved Karen Reissmann is reported in the comments as a Socialist Workers Party activist as was Burnham in his younger days.
It is commented that she was warned, spoken to and advised and still went ahead, making it difficult to see a reason why she should be let off the fine.
This is a massive abuse of position by the Mayor and I recall the scandal of David Blunket being forced to resign over a visa for a nanny for his lover. Times have changed and a far left media appears uninterested in corruption at the highest levels.
He’s the major of…..Greater Manchester. Not Manchester.
I suppose he sees himself as King of the Northwest.
Ah the Socialist Workers Party, formerly International Socialism (IS). I recall from long ago that it was never certain that members had left the party when moving on to other political parties or places where your politics was neutral – like the BBC.
Both IS and the SWP strongly endorsed the doctrine of entrism, entering another party whilst still adhering to the objectives of IS or the SWP. In some cases entrism becomes Deep Entrism which involves denying that one is still a member and even denouncing party comrades as entrists.
The Labour Party has always been a home for entrists.
Just saying
I’m ancient enough to remember Mao’s cultural revolution back in the day when all of the young faithful, dutifully brandishing their little red books, dragged all and sundry from their homes in order to “re-educate” them, ie humiliate, torture and murder. The attitudes expressed by the BBC, appallingly ignored by politicians of all stripe, will give rise to the same thing happening here. Let no one say they haven’t been warned.
‘Justice Dept. calls Jan. 6 ‘Capitol Attack’ probe one of largest in U.S. history’
The parallels of what is happening today with the history of what the socialists have done for power are many.
The Capitol riot was their Reichstag fire. We are now witnessing Kristallnacht. The opposition leadership are being removed.
I don’t see what is happening as Communism though, I believe the left are using the techniques of the German Nazi party to acheive their twisted goals.
I see the same victim politics the Nazi’s used, telling people they were the victims of the Jews, changed to telling people they are still the victims of the Jews, but now also victims of White males.
There is only one place this can end, and that is with a White genocide which some are already calling for.
If Wayne Couzens is convicted of the murder of Sarah Everard what will his sentence be?
I bet if the country was asked to vote on the return of capital punishment for murder more men would vote in favour of it than women. Similarly, if chemical castration, or even actual castration,was suggested as a form of punishment for serial rapists or convicted paedophiles, assuming of course that they were men, how many more men than women would argue that the punishment fitted the crime?
The bBbc incessantly bemoan the ill-treatment of women in our supposedly oppressive and misogynistic patriarchy yet would be amongst the most vociferous opponents of any introduction of more robust measures taken to possibly deter or to deal with such abusers and murderers.
If someone takes the life of an innocent victim why shouldn’t they then lose their own life?
“If someone takes the life of an innocent victim why shouldn’t they then lose their own life?”
If it was wrong for an individual to murder another individual how then does it become right when collectively ‘society’ hides behind self-justifying ‘legal’ procedures to carry out murder itself?
A revenge attack from the family would at least be understandable, state executions have the same logic as displays of tea-lights, a signalling that ‘we’ are more moral than someone that we don’t know who might have killed someone that we didn’t know either.
I’d like to think that I have higher morals than someone who would murder another in cold blood for no apparent reason, especially as in this case the victim is a woman who was in a vulnerable position, who was alone at night, who was preyed upon simply because they were weaker.
Your argument and apparent logic doesn’t make sense to me. Society, especially our judicial system, seems to me to hide behind legal procedures to avoid murder as you would call it. I’d personally call an opportunistic and brutal murderer having their own life taken from them by an approved legal institution after having had a fair trial justice, not murder.
I don’t know how you can equate two such deaths at all.
Judicial murder is just mob rule dressed in ermine.
Everyone involved in it is just passing the buck to someone else, ‘it wasn’t me, it was him’ or ‘we are just following the law’.
To me a killer acting in passion has a higher moral position than society following a formal procedure, they know the consequences of their action the killer might not.
It is for reasons such as this that voting on capital punishment has always been a matter left to the individual MP’s conscience.
I know what is right for me, I am not trying to tell you what is right for you. Quite possibly the story of Derek Bentley had an influence.
To really let the punishment fit the crime, always assuming this chap is tried and found guilty, then put him in a women’s prison where I’m sure he’ll be taken care of appropriately.
11:30am R4
– Lucinda Rouse’s dispatch from southeast Liberia on a band of sea cucumber divers
The leathery marine animals are mainly sold to China where they are seen as an edible delicacy. But some species are becoming endangered.
– @marklowen on his experience of travelling with the Papal entourage to Iraq as a VAMP (Vatican-Accredited Media Personnel)
Pope visited Christians and met with the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.
– In Mozambique the government is struggling to deal with armed groups whose motives are often unclear.
in recent years, of an Islamist insurgency in the far north –– it wasn’t easy to know who the players were. Since 2017 there have been repeated accounts of attacks – and military reprisals – in Cabo Delgado province. Andrew Harding
– Singapore has taken pride in its track and trace technology throughout the pandemic. Now, it is in the midst of a mass vaccination drive and has chosen to prioritise workers in the aviation and maritime industries. Karishma Vaswani went to Singapore’s main airport which has dedicated a whole terminal to the vaccine roll-out.
– Pacific island of Kiribati is said to be only one of a dozen nations which hasn’t reported any Covid cases.
Last year thousands of sailors from Kiribati were unable to return home before borders were sealed off. Nick Beake met a group which was stranded in Germany.
I do a preview, cos I want to spot what agendas are being pushed
But today was very light.
No anti-Trump, No pro-Biden, no anti-Brexit, no LGBT stuff etc.
1) The hero was the Liberian, the baddies were the Chinese who’d given him pneumonia by sending him down to dive with rusty compressor air
2) We learnt of the 1.5m Christians in Iraq, most have gone or converted
3) He claimed the Islamists were home grown
5) He never explained how the remote islanders ended up in Germany, said they are on their way home
Will the barmy baroness be calling for a 6 o clock curfew on muzzies/blacks etc. the next time they kick off and somebody dies, just as she wants men curfewed from 6 because a man murdered a woman.
Just supposing the dopey bint got her curfew. Those likely to commit these crimes will ignore it and those who would never do anything will stay at home.
Or all men will identify as women from 6 each evening.
According to the media a woman has been arrested for some or other connection to the crime. Perhaps the curfew could extend to women
In the cases of Moira Hindley and Rose West I think the men were the instigators
and that would be a pattern
but I expect in some cases male perps were controlled by a female baddie.
12pm Lincoln Local radio news : the women’s vigil that the station had been promoting
has been banned
.. doh of course ..that is equality
BBC Hull the same
Also “Grimsby Market has taken a range of green measures”
clip of Grimsby council press officer reading off a press release “yes we are really excited, we’ve got solar panels a ground source heat pump….”
FFS call that news ?
Nope, Stew, I call it virtue signalling
I suppose there is no point in listening to the repeat of Any Questions. Was it unremittingly grim?
I lasted until the final question. Not bad going, I think. However, the LimpNonDems are going to have a problem with a Labour Drone as their deputy lead. And did she drone? On and on and on.
I would have tested the kids in the week before schools re-open
Take a test go home
then only negatives begin school
By waiting the schools are not only sending home the Positives but their class mates as well.
Half the time Positives will be false
I suppose a few of the negatives will be false but that would show up in the second test anyway.
Stew, “By waiting the schools are not only sending home the Positives but their class mates as well.” – and do the teachers have to go home as well?
Think you may have exposed ‘the plan’.
BBC staff members accuse their organisation of paying ‘lip service’ to diversity.
Oh really?
Madness of the times
Apparently the killing of a 30 year old woman in sarrrfff London has started ‘a national conversation’ …
…….. I thought the BBC has been instrumental in that – there are frankly some embarrassing wimmin mouthing off at this incident and are generally men haters – I’m waiting for the following to be suffered –
Offer abortions to prevent males being born
Encourage men to end their lives
Give incentives for men to go live elsewhere
Fit all men with tracking devices
Impose curfews
Offer sterilisation or sex change …
I’m obviously putting up these ideas as part of a sick joke but at the moment the hysteria is just – er – mad ….
Maybe your sick joke , Fedup2 but didn’t that Bindle woman demand all males attend re-education camps and the Ali Baba woman is looking forward to the end of existence of all ” white men” ?
Does she think that different-coloured men are any better?
Many a true word spoken in jest. The Woke madness fanned by the bellows of social media is consuming the West. But I think that a push back is just beginning to establish itself.
Continuing on…………
Impose curfews ………..on male PC’s.
That would throw the spotlight on wimmin ‘stalwartly jumping in to replace the tarnished men’. I can hear it being said now, it will also have the effect of saving the wimmin time and money: without the interaction with their male counterparts, no need to ‘make up’ and spend at least an hour a day doing same to achieve the fake appearance.
Meghan soap opera : Marianna here is the BBCnews doing “conspiracy theory” ?
BBC story :’very much not racist’ – William
The BBC page has been through 6 edits
Yesterday the text was changed
FROM : “There have been headlines across the world intimating that the Royal Family is racist so this is the first time that one of the senior members has come out and really rebutted that.”
William will be well aware that anything he utters will be headline news.
TO : “Despite Prince William’s team making clear to reporters he wouldn’t be answering questions, he must have known they might come
One wonders if he had planned to engage or whether the answers were impromptu.”
Floyd sop opera
BBC have chosen their person to be profiled 3 times this weekend on Radio4
Who ? The George Floyd prosecutor : Keith Ellison
The US lawyer seeking a murder conviction for the death of George Floyd. Ex-police officer Derek Chauvin was filmed pressing his knee on Floyd’s neck before he died
Keith Ellison .. involved in community activism, a path which led to his election to Congress in 2006, the first muslim (sic) to achieve that.
FFS why don’t they omit the main very unusual thing he’s chosen private prosecutors to make the case not state ones (according to Barnes Law)
Was there a special reason his area elected a Muslim
… oh yeh it has a high number of Somali immigrants
“Was there a special reason his area elected a MUSLIM
… oh yeh it has a high number of Somali immigrants”
Minnesota total population; 5.5 million.
Minnesota Somali population; 57 thousand.
… oh yeh.
Indy caught in FakeNews
As it was a policeman who appears to be the killer I think the dim bint proposing a curfew for all men after 6 o clock should change her demands.
Maybe a curfew for all policeman after 6 o clock.
*Just seen your earlier post G.
It seems drakeford is also supporting a ‘temporary’ curfew.
Will that be the same ‘temporary’ as the 2 week ‘temporary’ lockdown/stay at home last year “to flatten the curve”
Now they know they can get away with anything having seen the Brits do as they’re told for this last 12 months.
Whatever it won’t be as long as his son’s curfew.
I had to smile when the BBC reported that their spy in Iran was being released from house arrest – better not tell her the entire UK population is banged up for the foreseeable future … in theory ..
By the same token, as certain groups are responsible for most street crime, should they be banned from walking the streets?
Emmanuel Goldstein
He’s a megalomaniac, notice how his latest edict, “a man curfew” has not been plastered all over Al Beeb’s website, although he has backtracked probably realising how damaging it will be to The Labour Party in the May elections. The epitome of ‘an own goal’ if ever there was one.
Many of my compatriots are grumbling about the Welsh Assembly Government and want it abolished, especially with the assembly’s inclusion of allowing kids of 16 to have a vote.
Labour are getting desperate for votes, desperate for the wrong reasons.
Charlie Hebdo’s take on the racist royals.
This is how Communism is made. Let’s hope it doesn’t take us 70 years to realise we don’t like it.
Story unreported by the BBC – widespread fraud allegations in East Hamistan and West Hamestan Labour Partys – plod involved .
The Guardian reports it without mentioning any names – such as ‘ mohammed ‘ as a bit of a clue ….
… i guess they got so used to fixing votes that they got so sloppy the Labour Party couldnt look away any more .
Apparently the membership of these constituencies are to be audited ….
Surely not multiple posting votes ..?
Well well well, at least the Telegraph – in two separate articles – is waking up to the glaringly obvious fact that Biden is senile and that most of the msm are pretending not to notice (including the wretched BBC, naturally).
Of course many of us have been saying that for months, if not years, but so desperate were the msm to get rid of Trump they pretended it was a normal election and Biden was a normal candidate.
It was not, and he was not.
Three facts were obvious to anyone with eyes to see: Biden is absolutely useless; his family are deeply corrupt; the election was rigged.
Some of the media (but not yet the rotten BBC) are just now beginning to admit to 1. In due course they might, finally, have to admit to 2 and 3.
By then the damage will be done, the world will be saddled with ghastly President Kamala, and the BBC will be ecstatic.
“Joe Biden’s decline has become so painful to see and so embarrassing to watch that it feels cruel to mention it. But it’s even more cruel that Biden’s team act as if it’s not happening, and most of America’s media look the other way.”
“Republicans hit out at ‘absentee’ President Biden after 50 days without press conference.
Biden has now set the record for the longest time a new president in the past century has gone without giving an official conference”
Compare this with the song and dance the BBC made when Trump stumbled walking down a ramp.
It’s the most disgusting hypocrisy and double standards.
Please indulge me.I know that this has nothing to do with
the BBC other than the BBC will support Iran over Israel
any day. And reading this article in may
well make you understand ,if you didn’t know already,
that this country is full of mad mullahs and if or more likely
when they get the bomb i, they will have no second thoughts about
using it against Israel.
The article is headed ” meet the cleric who insists that violet
oil on the anus cures covid . And vaccines make you gay.”
Wilf Zaha at Palace – the first prem player not to take the knee , nice that there is one sane player …
Thank heavens the bbc and Naga are around to ‘report’.