The Far left BBC has cancelled a Left wing propaganda programme called ‘the mash report ‘ – but is allowing the SNP leader to run daily party political broadcasts ( also know as covid briefings ) in the run up to Scottish elections . The BBC fixation with race has now been joined by an anti – male strand following the death of a woman in London .
To describe these times as ‘strange ‘ would be putting it mildly .
Weekend Thread 13th March 2021
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Lessons to take away this week.
1. A Marxist old dear in the HOL tells us that all white males are potential murderers and rapists.
2. The dear Mayor of London tells us that it’s impossible for gatherings of women to spread COVID.
On a lighter note:
Mr Bean:
So, its ok for a gaggle of women and (activists) to congregate in a vigil, yet we cant have more than a handful of people attend a funeral and even less at a wedding. The event was cancelled, so those turning up were in the wrong, what did they expect ?
Yup, I note the contrast, Brissles, between the condemnation in the media (including, of course, the BBC) of a gathering last week for an emotive disaplay of tears and hugging, and the lack of masks/social distancing, where the police were criticised for not being hard enough on the people flouting the COVID restrictions, and the complete lack of condemnation this weekend of a group who were equally flouting the COVID restrictions, again an emotive gathering of hugs and tears, with a lack of masks and social distancing, (despite having sought legal guidance, and being advised in no uncertain terms as to how they should not gather, and the certainty of consequences if they did) with the police being hammered in this case for actually implementing the law.
Last week, if you recall, it was a bunch of mainly male, Rangers supporters in Glasgow, this week it was a bunch of mainly female attendees in London.
The primary causes of the gatherings have nothing to do with the merits or otherwise of the behaviour of the people involved. I don’t care what the participants think, they knew they were breaking the regulations and did it anyway. Both groups were in the wrong.
If the BBC and other media outlets didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards whatsoever.
The testosterone people were part of the trouble makers
Is that the woman seen lying on the floor with red hair
The correlation between hair dye, tats, piercings and the media quietly trying to ignore professional nut jobs in with sincere protesters has long been novel, often to the point of semantic gems such as ‘mostly peaceful’.
The poor girl who was murdered has been utterly overlooked by all the usual suspects weighing in, but bull dykes and fellas in frocks disobliging studio blondes of emote who are actually female from whinging properly is a new twist.
Something going on with BBC journo Chris Hemmings
First BBC aired him as a hero speaking up for women
Then he was denounced as an abuser by at least 2 women
“wolf in lamb’s clothing”
BBC asked him to delete his video tweet
one thread
.. second thread
– His apology thread
Dad who attacked woman walking home at night avoids jail ‘as he would lose his job’
Takeaway worker Javed Miah, 23, pulled the woman to the ground and molested her in Oldham, Greater Manchester, before fleeing after she managed to use the SOS function on her mobile phone
RIP Murray Walker. Gone to that great racing car/tank park in the sky.
And the BBC illustrates it with a kiss from Nigel Mansell!
Better than the ‘kiss’ Murray gave Nigel Mansell’s socking great forehead bruise with a forefinger. 🙂
In their determination to condemn the police for breaking up the illegal vigil, the BBC have been scouring the bottom of the barrel to find people they can quote for support.
We have:
‘London Mayor Sadiq Khan’
‘Labour’s shadow domestic violence minister, Jess Phillips’
‘Sadiq Khan, the Labour Mayor of London (again, but pickings are thin and Khan is a BBC hero)’
‘Victims Commissioner for England and Wales Dame Vera Baird QC’
‘Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’
‘Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey’
‘Conservative MP Caroline Nokes, who chairs the Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee’
‘Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’
Note how they have used full titles for each to try and give them some aura of respectability – and I suspect they are all held in such high regard at the BBC, the author was incapable of realising just how little respect any of them have in the rest of the country.
It’s so pathetic and desperate, I almost feel sorry for them.
Just to echo Emmanuel’s thank God for this website (well Gods in my place bearing in mind the moniker!). Massive vote of thanks to those running the site. I raise my glass.
Why is a train crash headline news when any number of car crash fatalities get no coverage at all?
One answer is the concept of ‘outrage’ which 30 odd years ago a guy called Peter Sandman, working mainly in ‘dangerous industry’ contexts defined as all the things about a risk which were nothing to do with the actual objective danger itself (which he called the ‘Hazard’’. Thus Perceived Risk = Hazard + Outrage.
Unfortunately certain political and media elements, mainly Far Left, have exploited this simple equation by bigging up the Outrage for their political ends. And we’re seeing it more and more. What’s the real risk of a woman coming to harm? Miniscule. What’s the risk of being the victim of a knife attack in London? Many times larger though still small. Which necessitates a Vigil? What’s the risk of a BAME person suffocating under the knee of a cop? Very small indeed. But not so small as to prevent a whole year of sanctimonious outrage, such that black footballer Wilfrid Zaha was newsworthy yesterday for the ludicrous ‘crime’ of NOT’ taking the knee’.
I think you’ll get my general drift.
Rational discussion is all but impossible.
That takes me back. I had Peter Sandman’s outrage lecture at Harvard. Was enlightening.
This is just a muse about the current main msm news priority .
Why did the killing of a 33 yeat old woman in south london fire up the MSM so much ?
Well i tried a list
It was london
It was an area well known to the swamp
The victim was ‘ respectable ‘
The alleged killer was a plod
It made a change from covid
It made a change from marcle
So what next -? On monday we willl witness parliament/ government falling over itself to be ‘ tough ‘ – already we ve seen loony green peers losing the plot over curfews for all men
This will be joined by the minister for strong statements ( home sec) announcing reviews reports inquiries a czar – money for this and that- together with the head of a meaningless official – namely the Met Commissioner .
The victim will be buried soon – this will push emotions even further – plus the prospect of the msm going after every similar violence against women / plod failings .
Some might say ‘ look way now ‘
Bye the way – the MSM bears a great deal of responsibility for pushing this one off case – and has no accountability for causing events such as the ‘vigil ‘ on Saturday night . Plod mishandled it bigly – it may well be that certain offensive groups hi jacked it – but the images were awful and they did them selves no favours ….
………I was thinking about the case of the 7 year old girl slaughtered in a park in Bolton last year by some third world illegal – and how much coverage it – did – not – get – because the MSM chose not to give it the kind of coverage the Clapham Common case is currently getting ….maybe it’s some lowered emotional engagement thing caused by the rapidly unnecessary lockdown – or maybe not …
Seems like EU statelets are trying to find ways of diverting responsibility for vaccine failures . This time it’s Eire – you know – the place which winged last week that the UK hadn’t offered any vaccine to it it .
Anyway – someone keeled over after an Oxford vaccine – in Norway – so Eire has suspended the use of Oxford AZ vaccine – probably didn’t have any for its’ population anyway – because of Brussells ….
Don’t you get the feeling that the EU is waging a smear campaign against the Oxford vaccine – eagerly reported by the BBC as per usual?
While HM is considering whether to take royal titles from the Queen of Netflix and her hostage perhaps she could rip up the charter of the anti-British BBC?
“Covid-19: Ireland suspends use of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine”
Cleverly placed under the top heading “UK” – “N I Ireland” .
But if you actually read the article its about “The Republic of Ireland”, not the UK?
The article also appears under the top heading of “World” – “Europe”.
Why is it couched under N I Ireland ?
I smell a rat .
I seem to detect a bit of a change taking place in the World over the woke zombies.
In the USA media is asking why they are being banned from press briefings over the border situation with Mexico, it appears that more illegal crossings have been made since Biden was inaugurated than the whole of 2020 and Biden has blocked all communication with the press about it. Not that he is saying much to the press in any case, probably a tactic being enforced by his common purpose masters to conceal his ineptitude until they have their commissar committee in place. The press are just beginning to get a tad edgy about this, I say that they asked for it.
In the UK the friends and family of the girl who might have been murdered by a cop have expressed their opposition to the hordes of the usual nose-ringed tattood harridans with placards turning up at the so-called vigil to demand the abolition of the police etc. etc.
The approval ratings of the two ex-royal munchkins have plummeted.
Perhaps we are reaching a watershed with this nonsense and a much needed backlash is beginning?
digg, have you the latest viewing figures for ‘that’ Oprah interview worldwide? Mid-week, they were none too good, only 49 million.
Bbc 4pm news is showing live helicopter footage of maybe 300 people outside Scotland Yard protesting – illegally – and not distancing – maybe there will be protests about protests about protests …
Helpfully the BBC also has one of the sisters as a reporter at the site of last nights nonsense …. casual anti male comments pouring out of the lady’s’ mouth ….
Seems like the BBC has turned on 50% of the population ….
… bBC also happily reporting that non one likes the met police commissioner any more ….
Popcorn two nights ‘ running …
Luckily Marianna is on it. Well, the bits she chooses.
Interesting lass.
The article suggests she will be seen a lot more now. Perhaps as intended. Actresses, eh?
Anyhoo, seems the media have all Eliot Carver could have dreamed of.
Commissioner Dick aint resigning.
Although I have to agree with her on this one .
The vigil could have been done at home on one of these new fangled ‘Zoom’ meetings ?
As women want equality they should be treated by the police the same way as they treat men. After all, that is what equality is all about and that is what they want .
It’s relentless.
With the BBC and Microsoft hardly representing trust in any form.
I also note these things garner very little engagement.
A lot of public money going into vanity propaganda for aging beeboids.
Meanwhile Marianna is hot on fake news by diligently… saying it is fake. That is quite the specialty.
I’m confused.
Is Ms. Spring saying that Patsy Stevenson, Actress is different from Patsy Stevenson, Activist?
Or is she saying they are the same, just that she wasn’t acting at the protest?
‘Some say’ that Ms. Spring is a spreader of dis-information, not just a reporter, something that is now commonplace.
[See Sharyl Attkisson on the subject here (56 min.) Journalism replaced by activism]
I wish Marianna would check the average pay for nurses figure. I want to know if it is true.
You may be right digg. There seems to be a groundswell of increasing opposition to all this idiocy. One can but hope.
A few applicable here.
Tory MP is catching up with UKIP who have been saying this all along…………………..
The workforce at Crapita must be really getting behind with their “threatograms “.
Mine came yesterday , 4 days later than usual.
Same old, same old. I am “under investigation”, yet again!
I am keeping all the letters I have received from Crapita as evidence of harassment.
Although I shop at ASDA I don’t get similar threatening letters from Tesco?
Something arrived a while ago.
Didn’t seem legally sound.
Something about failure to respond, to a mailed generic letter, would be interpreted as guilt.
Not feeling the love.
I often get mailed generic letters that I never respond to, ie from window salesman, AA renewals, and Insurance reminders. They are never threatening.
“Apply for a TV Licence now – get your choice of a Parker pen or M&S voucher!”
One never knows, it might work.
Or a slice of pizza, which they give you in Israel for agreeing to be “vaccinated”.
Oi, I’m off there, already.
Rats! No travel allowed under Covid regs. Good job I’m not a big fan of pizzas.
As an aside, despite the almost daily invasion going on at our Kent coast by foreign criminals and the blatant daily bias being broadcast by Al Beeb our Tory MPs are very quiet about doing anything about it ?
Do they know something that they are not telling us?
“Ageing equipment puts Army at risk, MPs warn”
The Tory Government would do no wrong by scrapping HS2 and getting new tanks instead . After all the most important duty of any government is protecting the people of the nation.
They could also get rid of the woke army recruiting adds that are on the radio. Have any of you readers heard them?
Keeping quiet like all of our Suffolk Tory MPs then Taffman. Fancy a meet and greet to all the illegals turning up on the rivers Deben and Orwell?. Welcome to the east coast.
“Welcome to the east coast.” and welcome to Free 4 Star Hotels all paid by for by the people of Great Britain.
Who would have thought it ? All happening under a Tory Government . A government that pays the French millions, for what ?
It will be the Reform Party or UKIP for my next vote . Lessons to be learned ?
Just watching the news about the Clapham ‘vigil’.
I swear I recognise a number of the ‘wimmin’ from various BLM ‘events’ last year.
And BTW, does anyone know what Sarah Everard’s attitude was to these sorts of events?
Shhhh. Listen. Can you hear it? That’s the sound of Left Wingers jumping on a bandwagon.
Could be a revelation without basis, one supposes.
Marianna will know. Apparently.
Countryfile tonight
: lambing special : multiple births, touch-and-go adoptions etc.
: Tom Heap : On wool mountains
: In Cumbria, Hannah Jackson – the Red Shepherdess – meets young upland farmers bringing new ideas to this traditional form of sheep farming.
: counting sheep using old Celtic language system.
Wot? No discussion of re-wilding with lynx and wolves in the same programme about lambing?
BBC standards are slipping.
Antiques Roadshow
quite long item in last 10 minutes
Woman turns up with a war map
… belonging to her father
and near the end they name him as Cy Grant
“one of the first black performers on the BBC, who used to do the calypso segment on the Tonight Show”
Dear me. That programme is bonkers.
Tonight’s tV
9pm BBC 1 3 hours of “BBC-comedy” beginning with Romesh
9pm Sky Arts : Jane Eyre …The NT’s 2017 production
6:15pm presenter Raees Khan’s
Pick of the Week
What a week it’s been!
The Prime Minister in the spotlight over NHS pay,
– questions over the safety of women on our streets
– and finally reconnecting with friends after lockdown.
– Find out why the Buckingham Palace race relations team is working overtime,
– remember Dunblane 25 years on,
– and hear Michael Rosen talk about his Covid diagnosis.
We also celebrate women and mothers
– for International Women’s Day
– and Mother’s Day
– musical offering from Radio One’s 24 hour LOL-a-thon.
Every media outlet apart from the BBC is reporting the protests at New Scotland Yard and Parliament Sq.
The BBC News website still hasn’t got any information but the BBC News TV channel headlines did mention the Parliament Square bit but leftout the New Scotland Yard bit. I guess £4.5b a year isn’t enough for the BBC to do a proper job.
The BBC gave times and places for the vigils before they happened – I suspect that keeping quieter now, they are saying that they didn’t give the oxygen of publicity.
It has been raised before, but this latest MSM stirred brouhaha highlights a frequent dichotomy.
Crimes as a result of mental issues are nigh on impossible to prevent.
They can perhaps be predicted and, if allowed, prevented.
Almost any prevention measures would see screaming crowds of blue haired pieced harridans on the streets in a heartbeat.
Of course little about this case is currently known, but it seems the accused lost the plot, and possibly colleagues and superiors failed to notice or failed to act.
If the latter, and to an extent the former, some professionally culpable individuals may need holding to account.
That’s it. Otherwise fruit loops doing dastardly things is a sad fact of life that has been, is and will be with us as long as human brain wiring is complex.
So the notion of a mass purge of all perceived threats needs to be nothing, or all. And poor driving or knife usage by certain ethnic groups, especially prone to arriving in these shores illegally, needs treating exactly the same as any proposed for being one gender of hundreds ©️BBC Ceebeebies. Plus no piling on the EasyJet if one is actually caught and required to Sod Off.
Equally posting daft quotes on raising sons as you would a daughter really needs questioning when it comes to any mentally impaired crime. Context does apply.
Frankly a white older male whose brain short circuits to kill a random young white woman is not really the same as countless dusky males whose brains are rewired by dusky old blokes in robes, going out to off anyone not conforming to the teachings of a Sky fairy. Or dusky young ladies in a pack off their faces, seeking single victims based on skin colour, with a view to scalping.
So unemployed flame haired lovelies of outrage being entertained by blonde ladies of the BBC for the purposes of mutual promotion looks like deliberately making things worse rather than better.
What amazes me is Romesh”s almost supernatural ability to convey an insuperable, nay insufferable, sense of superiority.
Sounds a lovely lady. Unlike, say, Priti Patel.
According to sources. And those demanding resignations.
Often from within the BBC.
Correctamondo !!!!
Dilemmas abound in the BBC, and especially Wendy’s team?
Meanwhile, in Parliament Square, shift change for those in the black outfits…
Guest Who
Why are the Dutch kicking off ?
And then there is…
Hilarious – i thought a marching band might turn up .. the police dog looked like it was having fun though ..,
I take it they were protesting about protesting
I especially liked the Dutch cap at 10 seconds in. That would be the first video.
“Merkel’s party slumps to defeat in regional polls”
Why ?
Do Tory MPs and their researchers view this site ? Of course they do.
But do they do anything about it despite the complaints and petitions ?
No .
This guy ‘s must have realised his seat could be in jeopardy at the next General Election?……….
“They need to contact the MPs, that’s what they should be doing,”
“They need to make us MPs earn our money.
“We need to try and effect change through the parliamentary process and that’s always the best way to do it.”
Spot on Taffman. Your previous post about UK tank capability says it all. Welcome to the world of undefended UK.
I reckon the BBC will under / non report the seriousness of the chinese virus in the EU – caused by combinations of lack or vaccine – refusal to be vaccinated ‘ local habits ‘ and the rest ….
….. i cant see sunny happy holidays in the EU this summer …
I can feel a new thread coming on – for admin purposes it none other – quite a 7 days …
Secret inside film at the Amazon head quarters after they made the decision fo ban books critical of Transgender issues