Another quiet week in prospect.. … it seems the excellent ‘is the BBC biased?’ Website is suspending operations – a great shame and we wish the publishers well – with many many thanks .
Start the Week 15th March 2021
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A number of European countries are calling, nay screaming for Brits to go there on holidays. I think they need our money ?
Would you go there now with the Anti-British attitude held by the E.U.
I cant see nowt on Al Beeb?
taffman, the news from Italy this morning on TOADY and lunchtime on TWatO from Germany is none too good. Big upsurge in infections and deaths in both countries. Am very surprised at the former. Firstly, they have had an extreme Lockdown, more than most countries, how come there is an increase in infections? Could it be because it is being deliberately spread? Secondly, you would expect Italy – apart from the northern parts – to enjoy warmer unfriendly virus weather, earlier than much of Europe.
Something funny going on. It is not following normal virus behaviour this Covid-19/20/20a/20b/20c/21. It will be interesting to see whether this rise in infections and deaths is replicated in the USA. According to the BBC the virus is running riot in Brazil in their summer. But the numbers do not actually show that; it could be basic BBC anti-Bolsanaro bias in action.
Cos lockdowns don’t work…just delay. Only successful vaccination will stop it, until everyone has been exposed to it. In my opinion (biology background).
Have had a film waiting for weeks to be watched.
Finally got round to it today.
It’s called Gone Girl.
In it, a highly manipulative woman sets up her husband for a fall by faking her own death.she then murders an ex and gets away with it.
Her husband is no angel but is a bit dim, and he cops it from the media. The result is that an exploitative media ensures a gullible predominantly female public sets itself up to demonise men, irrespective of the facts.
Had the Clapham vigil goers watched the film in advance and believed it to be true?
The Guardian now claiming that Climate Change has a bigger impact on Women than on men.
Thus dovetailing two of their favourite bandwagons together with no doubt that the current silly season of trying to propel women into the same sort of anti-establishment grouping as BLM.
I see it as a cynical attempt to link the two topics purely to gat traction for their own viewpoint while it is in the public mindset.
This is not journalism, it’s undisguised left-wing activism designed to foment discontent to hurt the establishment.
No doubt the transcript of this utter fable is on it’s way to the BBC as I type as it’s their red meat as well.
Er, that’s the Independent!
Same thing regurgitated…
Quite! Joined at the hip with the BBC.
I dare say that that if you read the articles you’ll be able to see what NGO put out the PR that the journos are cutting and pasting off.
Stew, has Lincolnshire declared UDI ?
France, Germany and Italy have joined Denmark and Norway in banning further distribution of the Oxford Astra-Zeneca vaccine.
Silly. All they have to do is rename it the Ostend Astra-Zeneca vaccine and all the problems just fade away.
PLEASE let tomorrow be the end of Groundhog Day, where my alarm will go off and I hear the headline news be anything other than be about the Met Police and Clapham Common.
Ironically she is on Richard Osmans House Of Games now on BBC2, a general knowledge quiz, where she came stone last.
Richard Herring – 8
Kate Williams – 9
Dane Baptiste – 7
June Sarpong – 1.
Thick as mince.
“Thick as mince”
Yes, but she represents the, ‘voice of the people’, and by extension…………
2 faces for the radio.
You missed the new Jay Blades Show 4:30pm to 5:15pm BBC 1 ?
WaPo is of course a main source of BBC NNa BS ‘reportedly’ RTs.
Just saying’.
So 2 months later the recording was released
It took the Wapo 4 further months to edit its page with a correction note.
libmob just try outright dismissal “oh the actual phrases were almost the same”, which is true
but the point is the media turned vague assertions from a third party into direct quotes, so that is misleading.
The BBC website now doesn’t contain the phrases
.. dunno if it did before
The Independent and the Times did use the phrases
8pm Channel4 long Covid doco
I’ve been watching a bit of the “Clapham Suffragette Vigilantes” protest that’s occurring in Parliament Square. My God, what an ugly mob. Charles Bronson wouldn’t fancy his chances with that lot…
There are raised fists that look like a hideous cross between the black power salute and the Nazi sieg heil. Actually I find it really offensive, but then I’m only a bloke.
They’ve just chased a young man out of the square. He beat a rather hasty retreat, whilst being verbally abused by members of the sisterhood, who were cheered by their feminist cohorts. I’m really glad these peace lovers loathe violence. They were so aggressive that If he’d been lynched I wouldn’t have been at all surprised.
You know, I wouldn’t mind so much if these left wing feminists were consistent, but they’re not. In this case they have the sort of male that they love to hate. White, middle-aged and (best of all) a policeman. It’s like Christmas, their birthday and winning the lottery all rolled in to one.
Here’s the problem I’ve got…We still have tens of thousands of under-age white girls being regularly groomed, raped and sometimes murdered by Pakistani paedo gangs. If you thought this repulsive activity had stopped (as I did) you were wrong; it continues unabated, unquestioned and unreported.
The BBC, Sky, Parliament… and most astonishingly of all, the feminists, don’t seem to give a rat’s arse about these poor white girls.
Why not?
7:35pm BBC 1 man made £1m commission for negotiating £258m PPE contract
TONIGHT: “Cashing in on Covid”, BBC Panorama
As the government faces mounting criticism that well-connected people made millions out of Britain’s PPE crisis, Panorama investigates who won out
Laura Keunsberg has just delivered an unashamed party political broadcast on BBC 6 o’clock news for the Labour Party majoring of course on the evil Dominic Cummins trip to his parents a d Boris allowing the Cheltenham Racing Festival to go ahead. If they hadn’t done that COVID would be gone by now was the inference.
The broadcast was filmed in what appeared to be a dark dungeon to punch home the horrible state that this government pushed the Country into.
There really is nothing that the BBC considers too low to go to in their quest to damage the Government.
Yes, I noticed it too.
But I also noted how Laura Koonsberg has developed her arm movements more dramatically, and she is letting her hair grow longer. It now reaches her shoulders …. phroahh
Whatever Laura was doing, it wasn’t news and didn’t warrant being in the 6pm slot on BBC1. I am unsure why Matt Hancock agreed to be interviewed with that prison background, unless that was added later. And of all the things that happened in the last year, Dominic Cummings trip to County Durham was one of the least important. Success in the number of vaccinations was thrown in as briefly as possible and the nerve required to help with the development and ordering by Boris’ government was reduced to a minimum.
It should also be remembered that Dominic Cummings broke no laws.
As to Matt Hancock, what is there left to say?
This was three days ago.
Via the febrile and instant world of twitter, it appears to have had 28 reactions.
That was worth Jon checking the duty free.
The Ministry of Truth?
I started developing web sites in 1995…..the BBC didn’t get one….or understand the medium till a few years later.
I put lots of clips from my tv show….on my own site. Way before YouTube and iplayer existed. I could see it was the future.
Won’t they still be behind the curve?
Garry, I think you misremember, the BBC did operate a website when I started working for an internet provider early in 1995
“April, 1994
BBC launches its first website for TV programme The Net” was introduced around April 1994
Within 12 months, the BBC website offered “auntie” on-line discussion groups; web pages for select web-related programs and BBC departments; free web pages for associate members.
Radio1 made a mess of their own website in June 1996
cos they tried to make it too fancy
The BBC website was revamped in 1997 as BBC Online
This is their history page, but they screwed up the server info, so Google acts like its a dangerous site (it isn’t)
Yes and no.
They had a presence…..which, like most webpages then, was a basic background (hideous graphic) and A tiny bit of information.
It was like a test card.
And their URL wasn’t They didn’t get that till later.
There were lots of get rich quick merchants registering URLs in the hope that they could sell them on….and I think it may have been one of those that they bought.
Prior to that they used a weird concoction of abbreviations.
In 1997 it became useful…like a glorified Radio Times.
Iplayer was incredibly late…..for a ‘cutting edge’ broadcaster.
The Daily Telegraph was one of the first proper websites in the U.K… 1994.
After i appeared on ‘So You Think You Are a Good Driver’ BBC ONE in 1999, I was tested for motoring shows…..and in 2000 I submitted a treatment for a show that had a big interactive internet component to it.
They weren’t bothered then…..but then again…most organisations weren’t.
@Garry The domain they bought later was not
It was
Some of the first stuff was done by The BBC networking club and they used this URL
Even at that time some BBC email addresses used
The Telegraph threw a lot of cash building a website , got a lead, but faded away
As you said the early BBC website was not a news site, but had 2 sections : The about the BBC and the prog listings section.
The history section says they “registered with NRS, the UK academic naming body, in Oct 91”
Radio1 was doing some streaming in 1996
using Realplayer etc.
that’s an old page on http not https
Jez doing his bit.
If you say so, Jez.
Ha. Exactly. That was the sum of their output…..a bit of a message board……so that people could use the internet and find out what it was all about.
They weren’t actually using it per se… was just an introduction to this new novelty.
The front page was just a hideous graphic and a few links… not much….and it wasn’t ‘’.
The rest of us were doing interactive pages with limited graphics…pre broadband.
My mate had a nationwide industrial kitchen cleaning business. His site had a simple interactive facility for calculating a price for cleaning a given floor and surfaces area.
I was online developing stuff all day everyday….so I kept abreast of who was out there and what they were doing.
The internet face of the bbc was pathetic.
The director of some of my bbc2 shows had just done a series about the internet…it might have been ‘Websmart’. He knew nothing about it.
Sorry, still wrong. Their first url ended in ……because they were not a company. suffixes were strictly for company use at the start…..but then it became generic later …when it was instantly recognisable….then they became
.com was originally strictly for US domains only….originally to signify commercial sites…as opposed to military or academic.
The BBC didn’t get a .com domain till well after the domain.
The Telegraph has won many awards for best online new site and is still thriving today.
No Garry you are wrong
The stuff i wrote were quotes from the BBC history webpages
which I gave the link for
If you have proof for your claim about them having an early website then post the links like I did
I have already mentioned the networking club
Some of the first stuff was done by The BBC networking club and they used this URL
Even at that time some BBC email addresses used
In 1995 when I worked in the ISP it was my job to register domain names with the registrars and customers would try to get tricky domain names ..and we wouldn’t let them have them
The Telegraph used to be THE news site
maybe had 40% of UK news traffic
probably 0.04% now
Fraid not. I didn’t say …
I said their first website effort ended with ‘’…
BBC Emails deffo didn’t use ‘’ in 94.
The Telegraph had a big percentage then because it was the only U.K. news site.
Garry they did
You haven’t bothered to check the history page
or Wikipedia or anything
Old archived pages show email addressed with
The guy even gave the name of the engineer he registered the domain with in 1991
@GL This page I checked on Monday night shows “an exciting glimpse of some Beeb HTML from around February 1995.”
It reproduces the list of email addresses on that webpage
many include
others are compuserve or demon etc.
Has the BBC ever been called upon to justify its huge internet news operation, competing with organizations that have no guaranteed income?
Just another day involving one of those lovely folk from W1A.
Actually that is an is an early story from November
He was jailed 2 weeks ago
The strange thing is he had already been mentioned as supplying drugs to someone in 2016 who died as a result.
Parkin was first convicted of drug dealing in 2016, when he admitted selling GBL to celebrity barrister Henry Hendron after the death of to his 18-year-old boyfriend Miguel Jimenez, and received a community order.
Parkin also faced a trial in 2017 over claims he had been selling crystal meth, ecstasy and ‘liquid ecstasy’ GBL from his Marylebone flat – but was cleared.
I guess he left the BBC in 2016
“The court previously heard how the Oxford graduate has an interior design business, and befriended clients before inviting them to his parties and selling chemsex drugs at ‘cost prices’.”
A film to avoid in ‘mank’ which is one of those incestuous Hollywood jobs designed to get an Oscar nomination… but otherwise – a nothing .
I see it as ITBB having a bit of a sleep
In the meantime the DefindTheBBC team with Calvin Robinson and Darren Grimes have entered the field
and make appearances on TalkRadio etc.
“Covid-19: Continue using AstraZeneca vaccine, says WHO”
“It said there was no evidence of a link between the vaccine and blood clots.”
Who is correct the EU or the WHO ?
The people of the EU are living if fear of Covid. They need to know the truth. Do they get Al Beeb’s World Service in the EU ?
Do the Europeans watch it ? Perhaps WildWomanOfThe Woods, our man at Al Beeb can enlighten us ?
How many in the UK have had the vaccine ? How many in the UK have died of “blood clots” ?
…it’s a secret…
Says who, indeed.
“The EU has begun legal action against the UK over its alleged breach of the NI Protocol.”
“It could lead to the UK having to defend its actions at the European Court of Justice.”
It sounds a bit like a kangaroo court to me?
bBC: Mr Šefčovič says this, and Mr Šefčovič says that, and three bags full Mr Šefčovič.
However, the bBC forgot to mention the legal challenge which has been lodged against the protocol by Unionist leaders, Lord Trimble, Kate Hoey and Ben Habib.
Funny how the Left only seem to adore the Dalai Lama when he says the things they want to hear – this isn’t one of those things:
And boy did they suffer a lot in the last general election .
But they did not adopt the the often quoted “Lessons to be learned” action. They learned nothing .
I suspect that they may suffer from the bane of any creative endeavour……preconceived ideas.
Confucius once said,
A man who goes to bed with itchy bottom wakes up with smelly finger.
Maybe the man should have said to his husband on retiring to bed “Not tonight Joseph”
“Covid-19 will be the most important issue to people as they cast their vote in the upcoming local elections, a major survey suggests.”
IMHO I think it will be an anti-woke issue. The party that has the most Anti-Woke manifesto will get the most votes.
As we all know many of the quoted “surveys” are biased to influence the voter.
Why doesn’t Al Beeb ask the simple question of the EU – more people dying in Europe from blood clots or Covid?
Where is their usual catchphrase “what do we know”.?
I am of the opinion that Al Beeb is working for the European Union not for the UK .
Why hasn’t the government called them out?
Those two factors may work together. The more woke you are, the more fuss you make about bat flu.
Surely the Footballindex pyramid scheme should be bigger news than reported ?
I hear £90m of customers’ money is at risk
as the firm is in receivership
BBC story
9am Tuesday R4 Evan Davis
“key lessons to learn from the coronavirus pandemic
ep1 : preparedness
Expect a load anti-Tory sneering experts
..the blurb doesn’t name them yet.
Lessons to be learned ?
Evan Davis is Mr Hindsight.
I just ended up checking the twitter feeds of the women given a soap-box the BBC + Guardian articles on the Sarah Everard story.
The worst I came across (from many contenders) was this:
‘Saying not all men are bad is like putting someone in a pit of snakes and saying not all of them are venomous’.
Just imagine their outrage if you dared to say such a thing about the black people in London who are the REAL people murdering everybody.
The hypocrisy and clear hate-filled misandry in all of their tweets is off the scale. Even Diane Abbot jumped in.
Their tweets aren’t just about this : they are about the entire woke agenda. They are activists using Sarah as an excuse. They are absolutely full to the brim with hatred of white males.
I had to close everything because it was winding me up so much. They – and the BBC – absolutely disgust me with their double standards.
As Tim Pool points out the Plymouth based comedian is repurposing the old phrase that used to be used against immigrants.
‘Saying not all immigrants are bad is like putting someone in a pit of snakes and saying not all of them are venomous
‘Prof Jean-François Timsit, a vaccinations expert, told Radio France that “if you vaccinate 100,000 people over 50 years today rather than tomorrow, you have 15 fewer deaths’
This caught my eye.
Without anyone else being vaccinated, after more than a year of COVID, 15% have had the virus. That’s 15,000 of his 100,000. For over 50’s, for every 1,000 cases, 5 will die. That’s 75 deaths. Over a full year. Or 0.2 deaths per day. Assuming that the most vulnerable of all get the jab first.
How do we stand a chance of knowing the reality of anything when the media and experts cannot be trusted to be impartial ?. It seems everybody has an agenda these days.
@JohnHC “For over 50’s, for every 1,000 *cases*, 5 will die. ”
That seems wrong to me
Over the who population we’ve had about 10 million cases and got 100,000 deaths
that’s 1 in 100
in over 50s the death rate will be much higher
when you say 5 in 1000
I expect it to be 40-50 deaths with Covid for every 1000 cases
in 15,000 people that is 750 deaths
UK peak positives day was Jan 9th with 60,000
after 10 days that transformed into about 1,200 death per day
ie a 1 death in 50
I got the 5 in 1,000 from here as it was the first link which came up:
And I’m assuming the first vaccine shots go to the elderly so the very high mortality rate would not be applicable – as this expert would know.
And don’t forget he says per day delay. So if nobody got any shots for a year, that would be 5,475 deaths per 100,000.
That estimate was printed in August
Now UK has had 141,000 deaths (60 days) over 67 million population
that is one death in 475 population
that’s 2 in every 1000
but we know NOT 100% of the population have had Covid
If we say 50% of us have
we had 4 deaths in 1000 cases
If we say 20% of us have
That is 10 deaths in 1000 cases
and since deaths are skewed to the over 50 then it could be 50 in 1000 for them
5 in 1000 is not a credible number
Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest video; the whole business is very unstraightforward, and the “vaccinations” give us much to worry about.
After reading all the praise for The Mash Report and how proud the BBC are of it, I thought I’d check the IMDB ratings.
Here they are in order of date (newest first):
Here are selected quotes from the 9 and 10 rated comments:
‘The fact that so many right wing snowflakes are 1 star review bombing and got it cancelled it showed just how good it was at pointing out the hypocrisy of Gammons everywhere.’
‘ it pokes fun at their bias, racism, xenophobia, mysoginy etc’
‘Just look at all the dim-witted Brexiteers who were compelled to come here and leave a semi-coherent one star review.’
A perfect example of what the Left is. Every ’10’ is for it’s politcial stance and nothing to do with the content. Accompanied by some very obvious hate. Judging by the grammar and tone, they are all students.
“Post-Brexit UK to reshape its foreign policy”
Could this be a step towards CANZUK?
A good move ?
Covid jab propaganda. Is the EU putting the ‘Battle of Brexit’ before the European people ?
Al Beeb should inform the ordinary people of Europe how they are being betrayed by their leaders . It should use its so-called World Service.
Remainers take note!, we got out in the nick of time.
8pm Radio4 doco about Housing the illegals
Illegals charity are already promoting the show.
BTW I see another drowned 2 weeks ago .
The BBC and NGOs operating in lockstep is nothing new.
As is #sourceswhosay
Oh a picture of a little girl – the BBC trying to kid us this is the typical asylum seeker .
Lots of people who’s parents, grand parents and great great grandparents lived in this Country are living in squalor it’s just that no one knows because the media like the BBC couldn’t give a toss about them.
I think ‘living in squalor’ is not brought about by lack of accommodation or the state of it, but more by how the occupants themselves live.
I remember watching tv footage years ago showing the living conditions of the poverty stricken. As my Mum noted, there were piles of unwashed crockery in the sink, milk bottles on the table, and piles of clothes on the floor. She said ‘that’s not necessary’. She and my grandparents knew what real poverty was, but they maintained their homes and what little they had spotlessly clean with certainly no milk bottles on the table ! and who remembers the women on their knees cleaning the doorstep. So no, it all amounts to pride in the end.
My grandmother religiously looked after her ‘bit’
The small section of road and pavement outside her terraced house was spotless. Fellow neighbours did the same, and defaulters were non existent.
I passed on Sunday and the whole area is covered in litter and dog (?) excrement.
Quite so.
Tom Chivers makes some good points regarding vaccine safety over at Unherd and general points about reporting numbers, (he has a book to sell).
Unfortunately journalists have never been very good at reporting numbers, (maybe those are the only ones in the press release), and all the signs are that as they become more like activists that they will have no intention to get better.
Don’t forget the number-related phrases that don’t even come with numbers, like ‘fastest growing’. The window cleaner who had one customer last week and two this is bound to have a ‘faster growing’ business than Amazon ever could now but their turnovers are vastly different.
Actually all claims of rates, or even rates of rates should be read with caution. They are especially loved by politicians as when things are bad and even getting worse the slightest twitch of the graph can be turned into a positive ‘rate’ headline.
Laura K will be tweeting about this.
Must be time too for Nick Bryant to plug his book again too, surely?
That was a few days ago. He has tweeted since.
Time for Jon and BS to ‘review’ it on Americast?
Re the second of your points, Guest Who, that’d be the long-established BBC practice, commonly described as ‘You scratch my book, and I’ll scratch yours…’
One relies on the BBC online press review of the nationals’ frontpages for most of one’s daily dose of polemics, political campaigning and a modicum of satire.
This week there will be those who mourn the demise of BBC favourite Nish Kumar’s Mash Report. How best to describe this predictably Corbynista-flavoured diatribe wrapped up in the guise of a TV panel show?
In the words of John Cleese in his skit playing a schoolmaster addressing a class on the subject of Shakespeare’s plays: “Cleopatra was a tragedy, if it had been a comedy, it would have had a joke in it!”
That Was The Week That Was, to coin a phrase, and poor old Nish was never a David Frost.
The diminished calibre of BBC talent is an obvious factor.
However, I have a theory that current affairs these days now verge on the unsatirisable. (If that isn’t a word it ought to be)
There’s two big stories in the news today: ‘Sickening Cop guarding Sarah site sent “joke” about killing‘ (Sun) – this was a police recruit caught making edgy jokes on a WhatsApp group.
The problem here would seem to be:
a) a serious lack of decorum on the part of young people generally (blame our education system); and
b) the apparent democratisation of satire with a sense that everyone may suddenly be the star of Have I Got News For You, Not The Nine o’Clock News, or Spitting Image, et al…
Stress-relieving, group-bonding dodgy jokes ought not to be proliferated on social media, they should be confined to the small circle of your like-minded mates down the pub – oh, what am I saying?
And as one pines for our closed public houses and tries to ignore the stones one has flung around inside this particular glasshouse hereabouts… moving swiftly on…
The freebie Metro, from their point of view, deep inside the government ad purchasing pocket, would have us consider the notion that our Home Secretary has a human side: ‘Priti Patel’s “Heartache over Sarah”‘ – how did that old Blairite saying go? Good day to jump on bad news bandwagons… or somesuch?
“She was just walking home” is the line our Priti would have us consider. And then a copper approached her, flashed his warrant card (or maybe something else?) and said the magic words “covid restrictions” ? – now that would be awkward (allegedly).
‘UK defends Oxford jab over fears of blood clots‘ (Times) – now here’s an awkward conundrum for our public health officials whose mantra tends to be health and safety above all other considerations.
The Telegraph decides the fault lies in Brussels: ‘Chaos in EU over Oxford jab concerns‘
Whilst the Guardian defends their bureaucratic buddies on the continent: ‘EU regulator dimisses fear over Oxford vaccine’s safety‘
Much heat and little light shed there then. All our media is agreed upon (and they will brook no alternative) is that mass innoculation is the way to go, asap.
The ‘i‘ changes the subject with a scare story: ‘Gene editing ban set to end for UK farms‘ – sounds bad: ‘Genetic engineering of crops and livestock cleared by experts to boost yields and aid disease resistance‘
You can tell the ‘i’ is keen to worry us about this: ‘Gene editing has been banned in Europe and, until now, the UK because of safety concerns‘ – I’m uneasy about this but note other so-called “experts” are busy at present pushing potentially DNA-altering vaccinations on humans in the biggest untested new drug experiment ever known to mankind. (Just saying)
‘Half of UK adults jabbed by end of week‘ (Mirror)
The tabloid papers’ frontpages just happen to carry adverts today aimed at persuading the population to take a punt on an upcoming horse meeting. Despite the fact health and safety is now close to being our Eleventh Commandment – we do still like a flutter.
AISI ” ‘Gene editing has been banned in Europe and, until now, the UK because of safety concerns‘ – I’m uneasy about this”
Have you ever eaten a tomato? Or a carrot?
“Have you ever eaten a tomato? Or a carrot?”
Presumably never one grown in this country or in Europe as a result of gene-editing – since until now it’s been banned.
Your point is?
Toady watch
Raab being assaulted by robinson – who favours giving over £10 billion of borrowed tax payers’ cash to bongo bongo land – ( for what gain ?) -robinson wants more – no balance – just that stream of woke using your – and my – taxes .
If people want to throw their cash at overseas “charity” directly rather than through compulsion.
Listening i realised why i no longer regularly listen to Toady or the BBC . It is not british – it is global and against the country forced to fund the monster
“It is not British – it is global and against the country forced to fund the monster.” This is the crux of the problem.
Apart from the (in my view, unarguable) Left-wing bias, the BBC seems not to identify with the country and people who are forced to fund it. If a channel such as C4 or a pro-EU newspaper could fund themselves from advertising and donations, then within reason they could be as globalist as they wanted and people would be free to watch/subscribe or not.
The genius of the BBC funding model and of those who now control the corporation, is to get their enemies (the many British people who are sceptical about internationalism, e.g. the UN or EU) to fund them. I have said before that the only acceptable bias from the BBC would be a (hopefully mild) pro-British viewpoint or Brito-centric world view; it does still have British in its title, after all!
‘Mozambique insurgency: Militants beheading children, aid agency reports’
My usual checks reveal the word Muslim is not used and neither is the word terrorist. They are described as ‘militants’ which is by definition ‘in support of a political or social cause’. Not religious fanaticism.
‘Islam’ doesn’t make the cut either – thought we do get ‘Islamic’ for Islamic State which is then referred to as IS.
All so we don’t upset Muslims who live here. And we already know what happens if we do that.
It’s possible they’ve updated the report. At the time of writing (9:40) there are 11 references to Islam, Islamic, Jihad etc. It is unlikely that anyone reading it would fail to understand who is responsible for the attacks or their motivation. Yes, the ‘M’ word is still missing (‘The dog that didn’t bark in the night’), but the reference is subliminal, even if the collaborators in the media don’t realise this.
Yes, this one does have ‘Islam’ in it more than usual. They normally only us it once inthe whole article for ‘Islamic State’ then use IS after that.
It’s the word ‘Muslim’ I specifically check for because it is never there when they do the killing, but always there when they are the victims. It’s not a huge thing, but it’s the intent behind doing it deliberately which is significant to me.
Well, fancy that. Never would have believed that you couldn’t trust our, self-declared, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
“The final episode of the BBC’s ‘A Perfect Planet’ contains multiple factual inaccuracies and gives an unchallenged platform to political activists, the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has said in a complaint to the broadcaster.”
tut tut – Where were the ‘Fact Checking Team’ for that one ?.
Still on her favourite subject.
Looking at the reactions to her tweets, the BBC could pay Gary to hand deliver her posts and still save money.
When I was a teenager I wrote to a hobby magazine offering to help fellow readers with a specific topic.
The magazine editor replied to me saying he wouldn’t publish my letter because if only x% of his readership responded I would be overwhelmed.
What these numpties don’t realise is that they, one person, are shouting down a megaphone that is 7 billion wide at the other end and that ‘sound’ goes both ways. As my editor said, “if just x% responds…” that will always be beyong coping with, anonymous or not.
I am surprised they read the ‘feedback’ anyway, perhaps just shows what narcissists they are.
Most comments on the web must be ignored anyway, just read down those under just about any YouTube video, “You made a mistake at 30 seconds in”, repeated over and over as each viewer makes their ‘unique’ discovery, not seeing that 239 people have already reported it.
Katty Kay retweeted this from the NYT.
Why? Still #CCBGB
BBC using American outlets to push BBC agendas, and American outlets using such as… Dawn Butler… to push agendas is getting pretty tired.
Especially when all the outlets in question are either professionally inept, ill-informed or ideologically bent as a nine bob note. Or all three.
And joined at the hip like Pharaohic offspring.
France charges countries which send them bogus asylum seekers, and then charges them every day they diddle around finding new passports to return them.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories could easily be billing France the entire cost of processing these bogus asyulm seekers, but they are scared of their own shadows and it’s only tax payers money anyway.
They should also be adding massive import duties to French goods because the French still haven’t paid the UK the fines the European courts levied over BSE and there is nothing in the media about it.
Again the cowardice of the Tory party in dealing with the unpaid fine is manifest. They are doing absolutely nothing to stem the tide, proibably because Boris actually wants them here.
There will be a regular bus service to the four-star hotel of their choice, via a convenient supermarket where they may collect prepaid supplies.
Do you mean in France Old Goat? Or in the UK? Yes I know you mean the UK-snowflakes all the way-where has the UK’s backbone gone? All the way to Multiculturalism.
Can anyone see comments there on the Times
.. I can’t but maybe it’s something to do with my settings.
So there I was this morning, listening to BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today’ Programme, munching my cornflakes, with all this drivel emanating from Mishal Hussain, in the usual, affected, simpering, whiny voice she adopts for those with whose views she has some affiliation, when a bombshell was dropped. She asked why there was all this kerfuffle around the EU and its leaders about blood clots forming in those who had been given the Astrazeneca jab, but nothing was being said about the Pfizer jab, where the same effects had been reported…. cue waffle from the interviewee, and a quick escape by Mishal to another question.
The answer to Mishal’s question is, of course, politics – but she is just too dumb to see that, and nobody at the BBC wants this to be properly exposed. So, the bombshell was defused in quick-time – mustn’t make that mistake again.
Incidentally, where the hell is Katya Adler these days, the BBC’s omni-present EU sycophant-general ? Or is it just too painful for her to talk about the mess that is currently the EU ? No doubt she’ll be back, quick as a flash, when there’s any flesh to be put on the bones of the EU suing the UK about something – and we all know which side of the argument she’ll be on when that happens.
Clapham : how dare the police arrest poor little Patsy
she’s a woman so couldn’t be a bully.
Had she behaved like that in a protest in any EU country, she would have been pepper sprayed, then arrested. Might have been better…
I’ve yet to hear anyone decry this protest, and say why they should get away with it, when the rest of us can only have 30 people at a funeral or a wedding. It’ll be this lot who will moan if there’s another lockdown in the future, and they’ve helped to contribute because of their stupidity.
I cant understand what they want . Its impossible to police all the streets, and its down to women themselves to use their noggin because regardless of what policies are put in place its not going to stop some nutter waiting behind a bush ready to jump out.
Plenty of the voices on Talk Radio do say that
– Others there, say that since there should be no lockdown, the protesters had a right to be there.
Saturday the Guido guy say he turned up at 6pm and it was at 6:20pm that all of a sudden the police started being heavy handed unprovoked
I think he is failing to account that from the other side of the bandstand the view would have been different.
I’m all for a detailed analysis of the crime figures.
Let’s get all these rapes and sexual assaults on women broken down into ethnicity and country of origin of the perpetrators.
Let’s go BBC!
I was doing a bit of trolling on the BBC Have Your Say and I have noticed that if you use the words “illegal immigrants” in the post it doesn’t get posted. No trace of it whatsoever eg. no removed post, it just doesn’t even register into their database.
I wonder what other phrases the BBC consider are wrong think.
With HYS check, you can see which comments they removed
I can’t see a HYS where immigration issues are mentioned
I was trolling on the ‘UK to shift foreign policy focus following review’ HYS. I saw a message saying it was posted but nothing actually got posted. I think it is blocked without even going to the HYS database.
I think the media have now gone down the American route, by calling them ‘undocumented migrants’. Lol !
We can always rely on those dictionary swallowing Yanks to put a different spin on things. Just like Markle Sparkles.
This I saw on Facebook which I thought you subscribers to this site should read, I know that many of you will more than agree with what was said.
On March 29 1941, almost 80 years ago a young naval officer was in charge of the spotters on board HMS Valiant, a great battleship in the Royal Navy. Their targets were 3 capital ships from the Italian navy. It is believed they had received information from the code breaking geniuses at Bletchley Park. With the help of radar the search was on. In the darkness above the horizon, the young officer noticed what appeared to be metal turrets reflecting off the searchlights of the Valiant. He had spotted the enemy and battle commenced. The battle of Cape Matapan was underway. In a fierce engagement 2 Italian capital ships were sunk. The young officer was mentioned in dispatches and commended for bravery. That young officer was a 19 year old Philippos Andreou of Schleswig Holstein, Sonderberg, Glucksberg, Prince of Greece and Denmark. The World knows him today as Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and consort of Queen Elizabeth. He will turn 100 in June. He didn’t step down from active royal duties until his late 90s a total legend…!!
Five months before her future husband was engaged in a life and death struggle off the coast of Greece, a young Princess Elizabeth, aged 14, gave her first broadcast to the Commonwealth of Nations, loyal to the great cause and specifically the children. At that time Britain stood alone a seemingly hopeless cause. Churchill’s greatness and leadership will be remembered as long as history is faithfully told. He was supported at all times by King George and his indomitable wife Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother). Both the King and his wife flatly refused to leave London their daughters would stay with them as well. Buckingham Palace itself was very badly damaged in a bombing raid the Queen said it “allowed her to look the East End proudly in the face”.
The young Princess finished her address as follows:
“We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well: for God will care for us and give us victory and peace. And when peace comes remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place. My sister is by my side and we are both going to say goodnight to you. Come on Margaret. Goodnight children”
From that day in October 1940 the Queen has led a life of total service and sacrifice. She presides over the Commonwealth of Nations, comprised of 54 countries with a population of 2.5 billion people. Her commitment to this organisation has had the most profound effect on the well being of these people. Most of these people love her for it.
This week we have witnessed the slick narcissism of a moderately successful Hollywood actress and her mesmerised and dominated husband perform an act of pure spite and self promotion. Not satisfied with their lot in life, a life of almost unimaginable privilege and wealth, they go on worldwide TV in a futile attempt to discredit the monarchy and by extension the aged and great couple who lead the family. all the usual charlatans in the media and left wing politics jump on the bandwagon even the wretched Hillary Clinton reared her awful head…!!
Their pathetic attempt is doomed to failure. On the day this piece of utter guff was released, the Royal family were out doing what they do: visiting hospitals, workers, sick children and various other deserving causes. The British people in their wisdom will have scant patience being lectured to by a entitled and misguided pair, who in their spite and cruelty have exposed themselves as appalling spoilt brats.
The great Duke is spending his 4th week in hospital having undergone heart surgery. We wish him well. He pleasingly to us all came out of Hospital today.
The nation will never forget the debt we owe to the greatest generation. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are one of the last links we still have. Our gratitude doth overflow…!!
God save the Queen…!!
meanwhile the genius’s north of the border
Tarien: a wonderful piece of writing and so evocative.
Here we go again, another example from the BBC of why British people are a bunch of racists.
Social media influencer and cancer scientist Yewande Biala (pronounced Ye-wan-day Bi-al-lah), who rose to fame on a reality TV show, recently spoke out about people mispronouncing her name and why it’s important that we all make an effort to pronounce names that are less familiar to us correctly.
So… Yewande Biala
Pronounce that wrong and it’s micro aggression with a layer of Racism folks not simply lack of exposure to such names which is far more likely!
I have bright copper hair and my nicknames at school were anything from “Ginge” to “Copperknob” now that IS real micro aggression lady, grow up, didn’t do me any harm, in fact gave me a bit of notoriety!
It keeps getting madder and madder!
The BBC did this “mis-pronouncing people’s names is racist” story before
I pointed out North American’s simply cannot pronounce my name
they say Stew as “stooo”
I have resorted to saying my name is “soup”
In Latin countries I have to go by the name of “Estoo-arto”
The BBC Shropshire woke-supremacist presenter has tweeted the January 8th article , multiple times.
he also tweeted the January 31st article
The June 27th 2018 article
You think that’s all ?
6 October 2020 – ‘I changed my name because it sounded foreign’ By Claire Gilbody-Dickerson
October 2019 – Letter from Africa: How not to mangle African sports stars’ names
10 December 2018 – Called the wrong name at work? Awkward…
By Dhruti Shah
07 October 2020 From BBC Scotland
A Guide To Pronouncing Brown Names (Kinda)
Here’s a wee guide to pronouncing some names so that you can avoid those embarrassing moments in the future!
Video by Hassan Sheikh
27 June 2018 ‘Don’t say my name wrong at graduation’
And yet these idiots once claimed it was ‘waycist’ to ask someone how their name was pronounced !
I’m the proud owner of an Anglo-Saxon surname that hasn’t changed much in at least a thousand years, and yet MOST people (British or foreign) manage to mangle it and many English people think it sounds foreign (German or Scandinavian normally).
So what? Change your name, or love being different, and live with it.
Stew: Quaker Oats in France is Kwakkerwat. You have got off lightly.
“Don’t tell ‘em, Biala!”
Starmer tweets – “Attacking a statue = 10 years in prison. Rape sentences = 5 years in prison. Nothing on outlawing street harassment. ”
Criminal barrister Jerry Hayes points out on Mike Graham Show that is not true because sentence guidelines for rape start at 15 years and can go up to ‘life’, also there is already legislation on the books for harassment.
So why does he (Starmer) say these things? Answer – to frighten women.
(Granted actual time served is another matter entirely).
Keir Starmer is a QC too. The best of the best in the legal world apparently!
Ex Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and ex Head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) too.
Cant blame Starmer for political opportunism – but as a former DPP he should know the reality . Each case is meant to be sentenced on its’ circumstances . The BBC will never pick him up on this because they prefer to demonise all men – but curiously not be too concerned about the coloured Muslim rape gangs …
I just think they want to increase more male depression and if they are lucky – more male suicides ….
Vine show , Stella Creasy MP is speaking her main thrust is “misogyny MUST be made a hate crime”
And misandry presumably?
Island – yes of course – every human activity should have a ‘hate element ‘ added to it to make the ‘ woke ‘happy . How misandry /misogyny will be evidenced in addition to the primary crime – such as assault is beyond me and pushes the law to become an even bigger joke than it already is –
And what if the ‘victim’ is female coloured ? Will racial hatred out count sexual hatred ? Maybe they j give a ‘fixed penalty ticket ‘…
Incredible to think that all this stems from a police officer allegedly killing a ‘nice ‘ woman …. a truly exceptional circumstance…. ( allegedly ) …
… Fully seized on by the BBC to undermine the existence of men – time to defund it .
Staggering to listen to mentally challenged females on News at 1 seriously proposing permanent legislation to curb ‘men’.
‘Men’ apparently make all womens’ lives a constant nightmare, causing severe stress throughout any day or night-time activity and the government need to act NOW to make the simple act of living a bearable reality.
Strangely, all those police video shots of ‘the ladies’ tottering out of clubs at 3 in the morning pissed out of their minds and turning the air blue with considered and erudite observations on the hardships – like a 4in heel snapping in a gutter – they are forced to tolerate, these were simply figments of my warped and sexually obsessed male mind.
Maybe pubs and clubs and other places where boys meet girls should remain closed for good – dating sites made illegal – men locked up designated places – shall we call them ‘prisons’? –
Perhaps this hysteria had been bought on by the chinese virus -?
With had the colour / race hysteria
Now the nasty men hysteria
What next ?
‘What next?’ you ask.
Well, obviously what springs to mind is an in-depth ‘Hello’ photo shoot at Haza and Megs little maisonette with himself in pinny and Marigolds – over his Air Chief Marshall’s get-up to show he’s still an independent spirit – hard at the chores as an illustration of modern togetherness.
Meanwhile Herself, in leather – untanned, naturally – demonstrates Tai Chi with Oprah in the bijou Garden of Peace and Solitude (Available for rent at just $21,000 the hour.)
What’s not to like?
“What next ?” Lord knows. But what I do know is that like pulling the plug in the sink, we will all, one way or another get sucked down the plug hole. At the moment, people of age (later in life) are outside a perimeter mainly looking on at the stupidity of the yoof and Marxists who manipulate them. Shortly, don’t know why or over what issue, we will be embraced by that same perimeter. What then?
Some clarification is needed. Are all men bad or just the hetrosexual ones?
A very valid point Tabs. But not one to gain much coverage by the BBC.
A grey area perhaps? Or is ‘grey’ racist?
Or is it grey men that are racist? Obviously those with follicle problems can’t be racist.
I wonder if this is an attempt to blindside Anne Marie Waters, For Britain who is going for the Hartlepool local elections in May.
Why doesn’t the headline give a reason for the resignation ?
“Hill has been going through a sexual harassment complaint by a former staffer, due to go to an employment tribunal in mid-May
Hill only got elected because Tory and Brexit both had candidates.
They together polled 6000+ more votes than Hill.”
perhaps the by election will be on the May 6th , local election day
TWatO Watch #1 – poor BBC general knowledge?
The programme led with the PM’s statement on the UK’s future international relationship and focussed on the threats and the expansion of our nuclear weapon arsenal. A contribution was made by Beatrice Fihn, an anti-nuclear weapons campaigner. Sarah allowed Beatrice to tell what I think was a lie but without challenge.
Beatrice claimed that our nuclear weapons could kill millions and millions of people but if I recall correctly, many in our arsenal are tactical nuclear weapons for battlefield use where they have an effect limited both in geographical terms (distance) and in fall-out (contamination). They are not the ICBM type of nuke that would lay complete waste to say modern, greater, Moscow.
Sarah did not appear to know that, if that is correct. She certainly did not challenge Beatrice Fihn over her very misleading statement. Is Sarah Montague worth her money at the BBC?
BBC Breakfast got cold for Louise Minchin as her attempts to blame Dominic Raab for the ‘gross overspend’ on the new Downing Street PR centre were slated on twitter.
Didn’t see it myself, but I do hope Raab pointed out the percentage of the £2.5m spent on labour. Parts were almost certainly a lot less than half the spend so craftsmanship and expertise, by BBC standards, obviously should be free.
But all media are as bad. When is Burley back (Kay, not the BBc weasel)?
I was listening to Classic FM outside all day in the garden.
Got to the radio most news breaks but was up a tree for one.
It defeats me what the government is playing at.
They have been propping Global up for a year with the worst series of dire ads to ever assault the ear on Covid.,
And in return…. Boris announces some military doo-dad and how is this greeted by this scummy nest of ideological vipers?
Of course they head straight for Surkeer, who of course says…
I almost fell off the branch that a Labour clown was allowed to pontificate on matters military as if they were the soldier’s best friend.
If Jez had still been installed they would all be in court trying to defend themselves against Slick and Cherie’s colleagues on full state wonga deals.