Another quiet week in prospect.. … it seems the excellent ‘is the BBC biased?’ Website is suspending operations – a great shame and we wish the publishers well – with many many thanks .
Start the Week 15th March 2021
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Latest reports suggest that Harry has spoken to Charles and William, and that the conversations were “not productive” !!! No sh…t Sherlock ! I bet that phone line / zoom call was red hot with expletive deletives .
….and that conversation was directed straight to the media by one of ‘Meghan’s Mates’, and alone, should virtually guarantee that the Royal Family does not talk to Mrs and Mr Markle ever again. Better to be accused of refusing to talk to these perverts than having every word and nuance twisted out of all recognition by the Markles misfits.
This is the couple who ‘just want to be left alone, with their privacy.
Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
The weird way Guardianland think they OWN, brown & black people
ends up the BBC tickboxing
but in a weird way …if the brown/black doesn’t fit the Guardianland dogma they are kept off air.
A lot of brown conservative, whereas black Christians are almost always conservative.
but they don’ make it onto the BBC
I look at the R4 schedule page and it is so often insufferable.
Last week’s Moral Maze
Expert #1 racebaiter Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
Expert #1 racebaiter Kehinde Andrews,
Panelist #1- Ash Sarkar
Panelist #2 Mona Siddiqui
(The 2 other panelists were women also)
Champion is going to have to up her game.
Clearly producers like their diversity hefty.
Shola Mos-Shogbamimu was insufferable, making incredible generalisations about white people etc.
And incredibly she has been on almost every program this week
BBC2 – Sunday Live
BBC Woman’s Hour
BBC News
Shola Mos-Shogbamimu told BBC News that “racism is so normalised” that many white viewers would deny that what Meghan experienced was racism.
People “want to deny that the Royal Family as an institution is rooted in colonialism, racism and white supremacy”, she added.
also on every network you can think of NBC, CNN, LBC etc.
#1 So only those horrible white non-BBC people can’t pronounce the names of people of colour
#2 The production staff know the speaker is a PoC woman
but have mixed the two guests up
so the presenter keeps shouting “Dr Shola” at the screen
but the person is not Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu
Why does Guest Who bother?
@JimS It’s connected to the post directly above which is now on the previous page
#1 about how Shola has been on many times this month
It’s also connected to
#2 the new newsround story that implies white people can’t pronounce brown peoples names
I would like to ask you all a question . And please tell me if Iam wrong. Should the BRITISH broadcasting corporation be
supporting India , when England play them at cricket.
Knowing how the BBC show what they call positive
discrimination I might understand them being neutral.
But actually supporting India on their internet pages
I can’t fathom it out. Please somebody explain to me ?
After watching the BBC’s coverage of protests against “men” as a group guilty of causing fear, harm and suffering to women, this case from 12 years ago surfaced in my mind.
White woman in a Sainsbury’s got accused of queue jumping, so went outside to get her black criminal boyfriend to sort the bloke out. Said boyfriend punched the wrong man, a 57-year-old ME sufferer, and killed him. Not the world that the activist fantasists live in.
TWatO Watch #2 – the BBC keeping the fear going . . . . .
I could not for the life of me remember the latest ‘fear’ being megaphoned by the BBC this morning in the first hour of TOADY. I wanted to mention it in a post on TCW. I heard it and promptly forgot it. I did note that the Montacutie helpfully provided a reminder this lunchtime: the fear is not new and it is that terrorists will explode a ‘dirty’ bomb in the UK.
Meanwhile, a Dr Osterholme (did I get the name right – ‘Dr Doom’, the equivalent of our Neil Ferguson but in the US from the Trump era?) was suggesting that the B-117 variant of Covid (strange designation) might wreak havoc in the US and it would be our fault for letting it reach the USA.
Except you are not allowed to travel out of the UK unless for exceptional purposes. So how could it reach the USA? Perhaps Jon Sopel and his team of BBC correspondents are spreading it?
Meanwhile … vaccination rates / numbers in ReichEU statelets – including the Reich itself -are suffering from political interference in the Oxford Astra Zeneca jab being suspended for at least another 2 days pending ‘assessment ‘ – which looks equally political with the suspension decision itself .
It’s almost as though the politicians want to give anti vaccers even greater reason to campaign against vaccination -nas hospital cases rise together with deaths of these citizens of the EU .
Will the BBC – in solidarity with its ReichEU ‘friends ‘- desperately look for adverse cases in the UK – you betcha – but maybe even such a hateful outfit as the BBC will realise it is swimming against the national tide on this one ….
Maybe it will take people dying unnecessarily in EU statelets for the populations to wake up to what is being done to them ..
I’m at a loss to think of any political advantage the EU politicians or statelets get from halting the use of the AZ vaccine. All the data , and their own scientists, confirm unambiguously that AZ is just as safe and effective as the Pfizer vaccine which they continue to use. Additionally their own scientists are repeatedly warning them that infection rates are rising fast and that they must lockdown and continue to vaccinate as fast as they can in order to avoid a lot more deaths. Macron and Merkel having trashed the AZ vaccine three weeks ago are now doing it again, despite the obvious fact that the widespread use of it in the UK has given excellent real world results.
If , as is distinctly possible , France , Germany et al get hit hard by another Covid wave but vaccinated Britain doesn’t how the hell are they going to explain their decisions to the electorate which in six months and a year will go to the polls?
It’s all very very odd. When you consider the NI border issue , the clamp down on vaccine exports , including the now damned AZ one, and now the vaccination halt with no supporting data and against their own scientists advice, It’s as though the EU political elite are having a collective mental breakdown. God knows what irrational acts will follow, these people could become highly dangerous .
Surkeer weighed in on this yet?
The BBC will doubtless call it the ‘Labour Says Don’t Drive Like a Twat’ Bill.
Jez Vine can propose.
Correction, if you will excuse me.
‘…these people ARE highly dangerous.’
Tonight’s TV
9pm BBC1 Roman Kemp explores the mental health and suicide crisis affecting young men.
When the Capital FM DJ lost his best friend the producer to suicide, he had no idea he was struggling.
Now, Roman is searching for answers
Really strange one cos almost all the preview shots are of white people.. Nottinghamshire and Northern Ireland etc.
Male Suicide must be another #WhitePrivilege
Watching too much BBC wont help
I think Roman is ITV’s new weekend breakfast presenter.
9pm ITV Coronavirus in Britain
BBC2 Alan Carr
then Stacey Dooley
then Romesh
Ben Fogle is on ITV then Channel5
BBC4 has Irish programming this week
I guess cos of St Patrick’s day
and cos they’ve burnt through their BLM stockpile.
Very disappointing defence paper – failed to identify the EU as our biggest most immediate enemy – daily exporting army age men to our south coast – trying to undermine our vaccination programme –
– and if they could do it – theyd starve us .
The next time the ruskies sabre rattle in the East – let the Reich EU deal with it – particularly since they ve got fond of the sputnik jab…
BBC 6 o ‘clock News. Just had a piece talking to Prof Ferguson. They stated Imperial’s estimate was 250,000
What. Everyone knows that they stated 500,000.
Revisionist attempts are under way. Pathetic
initially predicted 500,000 UK deaths,
or “250,000 with lockdown,”
6pm BBC1 news and George Allagaya stated there had been 124,8Xx deaths. I thought I could imagine the emoting of Mark Easton or Lucy Manning in the next day or two when it hits 125,000. But within a couple of minutes George spoke of the figures being over 125,000. ‘How odd’, I thought. But they then switched to an interview obviously recorded earlier today, with Neil Ferguson, justifying his predictions. He talked about there having already been 125,000 deaths so it was that the BBC had adjusted their script to match Mr Ferguson. If both had used the word ‘around’, then they wouldn’t have had to deliver fake news. When has the BBC ever cared about truth.
Regarding “Covid deaths” I’m afraid I’m still stuck on the question “from or with”?. A family member of mine was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was told he probably had about 8 months to live. Then he tested positive for Covid 19. We all thought this must be the last straw- but no. He is now Covid free but still, sadly, a very ill man. If this flu is THAT dangerous how come it couldn’t kill a dying man when we are being told it’s killing otherwise healthy people?
I cannot help but feel that this thing is more to do with people control than with peoples health. Just my opinion if we are still of course permitted by the powers that be to voice our against the tide opinions.
Lefty, I can understand what you are thinking but I put whether the disease takes someone or not is written in the Book of Life.
My concern about numbers of deaths is linked to whether hospitals and care homes receive extra money for each covid patient. A lady I know told me that when her mother died, the nurse on the ward told her that her mother’s death would have covid on the death certificate because the previous patient in the room had covid.
Thanks for your comments which tend to bear out my doubts about the way Covid deaths are collated.
Third of a million vaccinations in last 24hours because of improved supply – half the population with 1st vax by the weekend…
… i will wait for a troll to put the negative on that …
BBC news.. AstraZeneca vaccine: Europe divided over suspensions as investigation continues
Case for Ms Marianna Spring. Specialist reporter covering disinformation.
Can she not make herself useful and find out who is telling porkie pies. Or is this outside her remit as nothing negative can be said about the EU..
The likes of the Guardian report the suspension of the oxford vax and has now added that it is ‘ political ‘ rather than medical –
– but doesnt go further in returning blame to the helga running the ReichEU – but it is a concerted effort to provide a shield for the EU failure .
Whether EU citizens will be clear minded enough to apportion blame as their relatives become ill / die as a result – is another matter …
Cat amongst the pigeons time –
David Davis MP has used parliamentary privilege to lay out some of the issues the SNP has tried to suppress with regard to the persecution of Alex Salmond.
You cam hear his 20 minute plus speech on Parliament TV . The 9pm BBC news ignored it – and so did Sky – which led with trouble in bongo bongo land ( etheopia ) .
The smell of conspiracy and perverting justice in scotland doesnt seem to count for much
ITV News reported this at 22:50. They mention that David Davis has been a friend of Alex Salmond for a long time.
Good to see Jezza putting the boot into the BBC:
“@BBCNews You have completely lost it tonight.
“I simply don’t trust a word you say anymore and that’s sad.”
Even better to see the thousands of comments supporting his stance, such as the one below.
New Thread now up
Pat Condell on Parler
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