If Chauvin is found Not-Guilty, there should be some serious questions asked about the impartiality of the BBC reporting on this.
All the other rags can say what they like : they do not have the same charter as the BBC which we are forced to fund.
But of course we all know they will not be held to account if such a situation arises. It would have happened a hundred times already.
It stinks big time.
BBC/SKY/ITV report a slanted version of the trial where Chauvin is already guilty. The use phrases like ‘Floyd was killed’ and ‘used excessive force’ when these points are very much disputed.
The gaggle of sh*te in this country will screech and riot if he is acquitted as they have been conditioned by the left wing media that he is already guilty, and black men can do no wrong.
they decided it was a murder before the trial even began.
Just look at the headlines from the THE SUN ” THE KILLING OF FLLOYD”
Killing implies he was murdered, not that he overdosed, accidental death, heck even suicide could be contemplated for taking 3x the lethal amount of fentanol.
I want society to put the media in CHAINS, but i know people will take advantage of less coverage on the shady bits of society due to the media having it hands tied.
however if there was only a charter in which all media groups could follow and adhere too…
Its like as foolish as the gambling industry being able to self regulate, it doesnt work.
Walsall : Police ‘failed Walsall grooming gang victim after losing 30hrs of interview tapes’
The half-Pakistan girl alleged was repeatedly raped by 18 men from just 10-years-old and continued until she was 17.
“The abuse started with my cousins but then they brought their friends and others into it.”
“went to cops in 2013 aged 18 after fleeing her home because she says her Pakistan-born father was trying to force her into an arranged marriage, while she was also victim of alleged domestic abuse by relatives”
Panorama starts with a conclusion then wraps a program around showing us everything they can find to support it.
‘Rape gangs are common in Muslim society’ will never get past the first meeting with the BBC management. It would upset half the office.
Ex-Pfizer science chief: You are being lied to about Covid
Some of the things we already knew but left unsaid as I don’t want to upset people who have had the dose or planning too. Will it make any difference?
But an expert in the field blows the lid on COVID vaccination and how the entire charade is NOT based on Science… and why fear is being used… and why they cannot… insist you take it…or not as the case may be.
The aviation industry is being taxed for pollution centuries ago
Another good point on why the UN is involved in creating a global scare (applied liberally by the BBC) into thinking we are all doomed..
In 2001 and 2008, the UN rejected global tax proposals because it acknowledged it lacked tax raising powers. Disingenuously, CORSIA is not considered to be a tax since funds do not pass directly to a government and furthermore, as a GMBM, it circumvents the UN’s tax raising restrictions. However, irrespective of the governing body or the route the offsets take, compulsory removal of revenues is taxation. CORSIA is therefore the UN’s first global market-based tax (GMBT) applied to offset unspecified harms which apparently occurred before aviation was a viable industry. It appears that sovereign nations have surrendered tax-raising powers to the supranational UN enabling it to direct funds without referendum.
Claims that historical CO2 emissions are the cause of economic underdevelopment are unevidenced. Even the UN is unsure whether atmospheric CO2 stays for one, 100 or even 1,000 years. Aviation is barely 100 years old and yet it is being asked to make reparations for generalised, historical harms often demonstrably caused by corruption and misgovernment in the developing nations and the UN itself…..,
I am beginning to see a pattern here. Our media and our governments cannot tell us the truth, that what has happened is because there is no perceptible climate change, we have to create a climate change even though one doesn’t exist, it happened a long time ago and may happen anytime soon, because ‘experts’ predicted using a computer model as accurate as COVID preductions (or worse)…
A few years ago, geologists from Liverpool uni came looking at the sedimented cliffs here.
In general conversation….they said they agreed with climate alarmism….as there is a depth of carbon in U.K. soil….caused by the last 200 years of industry…so that was proof of the warming theory.
I pointed out that all that proved…was that there’s extra carbon deposits in the soil. So what.
@Garry seems to me what they are saying is that there were extra particles in the soil caused by smog ie carbon smoke particles been rained on and ending up in the soil.
Plausible if there was a lot of industry and home coal/wood fires.
But I don’t see how that proves warming theory.
It’s also different from soil having a high carbon compound content
ie from when forest becomes marsh, then becomes peat
That’s good cos that this carbon compounds not decaying into CO2 and evaporating into the sky
Belfield live show
He said after people write to their MP’s about him
they now reply with a standard letter prepared by the Home Office
“We re unable to comment on this specific case, but we stand behind free speech”
He says that sounds positive to him.
… He also says Crimebodge is has contacted him
but he’s lost his email
No one mentioned the Nolan show thing ?
Sounds to me like an Irish Republican activist tried to get a gotcha against Nolan on Nolan’s morning Northern Ireland show
He calls Nolan and stars making vague claims about a Unionist Politician being on most frequently and cap it by saying Nolan is pushing a *hard right* agenda
At which point Nolan says “that’s defamatory, I’m not having that and cuts him off”
.. It was and Nolan had every right to cut the guy off.
Now the thing is what Nolan probably does is act like a sh*t stirrer & push BBC agendas, cos that is what he does on his other shows .. that’s why I avoid him now.
Although occasionally he slips out of that BBC groupthink and can be a fair person the audio
The Republican guys twitter thread has a discussion.
I don’t think he is a Republican Stew, apparently he’s a middle-aged guy called Tim McKane, a marketing consultant who’s pretty well established locally with a strong background in advertising.
His Twitter feed suggests to me though that he is also a bit of an aging SJW – anti-Tory, anti-racist, pro-feminist, pro-EU, the usual- and also seems to have a bit of a gripe against the Unionist parties here which is why he so obviously dislikes Jim Allister so much. Allister is an ex-DUP MEP, now an MLA and the leader of the TUV (Traditional Ulnionist Voice). Timothy appears to me to be a classic example of the South Belfast/ North Down chattering class, fond of his own voice and confidently in awe of his own intellect.
The TUV are a small party, considered by many to be hardline as they are very pro-Brexit, view the Belfast Agreement as appeasement, have a mainly rural, working-class support and are the most vocal in calling out the hypocrisy of not only Sinn Fein but also of other Unionist parties. You can see why someone like Tim would dislike them and Jim Allister QC. As a barrister, Allister is methodical and “forensic” but unlike Starmer he actually makes some pretty valid arguments. Unfortunately for him though he’s an angry wee man and has the charisma of a brick. He does seem to appear on Nolan quite a bit however, probably disproportionately to his political influence, simply because he divides opinion and speaks his mind, allowing Nolan to play the devil’s advocate, to shit-stir, to create controversy and outrage, all to feed Nolan’s massive ego.
Nolan himself is of course a despicable character, a chancer and a shock-jock listened to but generally loathed, ridiculed for both his weight and his alleged sexuality. As we would say here, he’s really nothin’ but a slabber.
Yeah, because he’s probably as lacking in knowledge and understanding of the border issues here as he is with those where his opinion actually matters. Clown.
“Covid: UK vaccine rollout ‘breaking link’ between infections and death”
Operative word “link”. That’s one of the words used with the deaths and Covid , ie “of”, “with” and “ “linked” .
I had doubts about the death figures used during the pandemic . Could it be @rse covering time before the inquiry?
12pm R4 daily book reading “from Stormzy’s imprint Merky books, Hafsa Zayyan takes us from East Africa to the East Midlands – and back again.”
..So Stormzy picks only BAME writers
and then BBC looks to him for their radio material ?
“This elegant and eye-opening debut crosses continents and generations as it explores love, duty and the long shadows cast by *colonialism.*”
“We Are All Birds Of Uganda” by Hafsa Zayyan wasn’t picked by Stormzy.
Is it a good book, Stew? I notice you are avoiding this question; almost as if you are obsessed with the skin colour of the author rather than the quality of her writing.
Maxi I quote “Merky Books is an imprint within William Heinemann, dedicated to publishing the best new fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Curated by Stormzy”
Whether the book is good or not doesn’t enter into the point
the BBC series chose to got to Stormzys imprint, which appears to be entirely non-white authors.
… I invited you to name some of his white authors, you’ve declined.
@Maxi as ever I made a point
you then replied with an apparent falsehood
and went on to whataboutery.
If the boot was on the other foot and the topic was Radio4 using a publisher which deliberately chooses not to be diverse and only publishes White authors , you would not accept an argument “well they are really good books”
Or would you ?
You ask a question which you know will never get a reply ( cut paste ) . The troll started posting about 2200 Thursday night – I then took a few down knowing they’d be repeated during my noo noo … but I thought why not ….
Now onto more BBC related things . Guess what Dimbleby PLC junior has been doing since he game up the QT propaganda show ?
Well he’s written a book about the German invasion of Russia in WW2 – making sure that his dad – a proper journo – got a mention for real work .
Anyway the DT publishes a taster of this rehash of the excellent work by Antony Beever – ‘Stalingrad ‘. The publisher obviously spots a live market on the subject -‘Stalingrad’ was a best seller – so Dimbleby PLC has been busily ‘cut and pasting ‘ like a certain troll here …
TOADY Watch #1 – “You said “so”, you must be an expert”
The subject was vaccine confidence and blood clots with the Astra-Zeneca fireworks vaccine and a Dr Beverley Hunt, medical director of Thrombosis UK, was the contributor. She started almost every answer with the word ‘So’ and I think she may have been in a bit of a muddle over platelet counts.
I could be wrong but I understood that the A-Z vaccine was a rare but possible cause of a thrombosis in someone with a high platelet count (ie. their blood is good at clotting) and not a low platelet count as stated by Dr Hunt. The standard question before giving any medication or vaccine should always be “What other medications are you taking?” and you do wonder that in the rush to vaccinate, whether that question has been asked and the answers carefully considered before injecting.
If you have concerns about this one very useful bit of information that Dr Hunt provided was that the Thrombosis UK web-site has a page about vaccination and it is updated regularly.
“She started almost every answer with the word ‘So’ and I think she may have been in a bit of a muddle over platelet counts. I could be wrong…”
Yes, you’re wrong.
“There have been very rare cases of unusual blood clots accompanied by low levels of blood platelets (components that help blood to clot) after vaccination.”
China’s capital has overtaken New York, thanks to its quick containment of Covid-19 and the rise of its tech firms, according to Forbes.
Beijing has more billionaires than NYC. No reason to doubt it, but the bbc shunting such a post off on Forbes is pure cubicle garden #prasnews copy and paste.
There iis a story this morning of further allegations against the Labour party do gooders withint the Oxfam so called ‘charity’. The cowardly useless incompetent Tories have for once taken swift action to remove the government funding once again to Oxfam.
I want you to remember this because it shows that when the blue Labour party wants to act, it can.
So when the National Trust is busy traching British History, denigrating the British Empire and forcing a woke agenda on its visitors who are up in arms, they have the full and unequivocal backing of the far left Tories, who could have done what they have done with Oxfam, but have not even threatened to do to the National Trust.
Today’s Sun comes up with a headline intended to reassure: ‘Tiny chance of a killer clot after AZ vaccine: 0.000095%, as under-30s warned over jab…‘ – that’s an encouragingly small number (as it happens it’s in a similar tiny ball park with the interest rate payable on my bank deposit account recently) but how about a comparison with the rather small chance of someone under 30 actually contracting and dying of the Wuhan Flu?
And please, this is a largely rhetorical question I ask here, so armchair googlers out there who enjoy nothing so much as to play the game of covid minutiae, don’t bother to play the government’s game of endlessly burying us in argumentation about all the hairsplitting whys and wherefores – try to stay focused and to notice the bigger picture.
Talking of big pictures, Camilla Parker-Bowles comes looming out of the frontpage of the Telegraph, a vision of designer monochrome couture, scary-looking animal print face mask, black leather gloves, all but a streak of her silver hair covered with a cream chiffon scarf, looking not unlike Cruella de Vil: ‘Elegant in black and white‘ says the Telegraph: ‘...during a visit to meet schoolchildren…‘ – (I hope they don’t have nightmares) ‘…and volunteers at Wightman Road Mosque in Haringey, North London, yesterday. The Mosque supports 30 different nationalities in the community‘ – well you could have knocked me down with a feather boa.
Speaking of headscarfs, the FT recycles a promo pic of the hijabbed vax jabbing woman (gloveless one notes – is that good form?) innoculating the familiar rather alarmed-looking young woman who was previously on our frontpages days ago: ‘Under 30s should get alternative to AstraZeneca, say jab advisors. Abrupt shift in guidance‘ – no wonder her eyebows are raised sky high and she looks like she’s expecting to get tasered by the cops.
Mind you, getting tasered by the Met or indeed being cuffed and wrestled to the ground by a gang of about five of the buggers, could be the least of a young girl’s worries – allegedly.
Our newspapers are really keen on this female fat cat theme that popped up recently. The Times copies yesterday’s Telegraph with a feature on: ‘The Bumble billionaire dating app and me‘ meanwhile the Sun takes a closer look at the impressive assets accruing to Kim Kardashian: ‘Selfie-made billionaire‘ and the Telegraph today wants to tell us about: ‘High rollers. Inside the female billionaires’ club‘ – enough, already!
Both the Telegraph and the Daily Mail are keen to promote a black James Bond, each in their own inimitable style: ‘Bridgerton to Bond The unstoppable rise of Regé-Jean Page‘ and ‘Is this the Duke of Bonkerton’s secret mission?‘ – not that such obvious desperate promotion of diversity would ever prevent the BBC claiming to be the sole counterweight to our supposedly conservative press – which the Beeb terms rightwing.
‘Pride in Britain‘ says the not in least patriotic Guardian as if to catch us off guard. As you were… :’Ted Brown’s 50-year fight against homophobia‘ – that’s the sort of Pride they’re talking about.
Phobia, really? Why does our press assume we’re constantly afraid or something or other?
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC telling lies ? again ? Shirley Knott?
More rioting in Belfast last night. The PM is very concerned. The prime reason for the rioting is said by the BBC to be ‘Brexit’. This is untrue.
Arlene Foster, Joint First Minister in Northern Ireland, made it quite clear yesterday that the continual rioting was from gangs in response to the decision recently that the Bobby Storey funeral AND political rally did not breach Covid regulations. Arlene Foster was quite clear on that and that the Loyalist community was becoming fed up with over two decades of partial policing favouring the Nationalist community and Sinn Fein.
Arlene Foster also was quite clear yesterday in her condemnation of the violence and called on the gangs (think she may have refered to them as criminal gangs) to stop the rioting.
I was flicking through the channels and heard the same ‘Brexit’ excuse on Newsnight. I just rolled my eyes and changed channel.
In the past I would have complained to the BBC and posted about it on this website but these days the BBC lies in just about every news report. I wouldn’t even trust the BBC weather forecast anymore.
The chances of an under 30 getting the Chinese virus is highly dependent on whether they have exposure to the NHS – such as dangerous acts such as going to a hospital .
Ironically – as I reflect on the vaccine centre I went to – there were too many people – not enough ventilation – and not enough distancing – but I am cursed by noticing such things .
The BBC will be desperate to get reports of vaccine incidents and even better – in their hateful eyes – reductions in take up of the vaccine – which I don’t think will happen- so they’ll make it up ; I just wish I could get my second jab today .
On Toady this morning the all-female presenting team were pushing the feminist agenda and so mentioned that women are twice as likely as men to get dementia. Cue outrage over biased anti-female healthcare.
Strangely they forgot to mention that dementia is age-related and women live about three years more than men.
So as night follows day more women are bound to get dementia – because men have already died of something else.
They could of course have featured instead the inequality of men dying earlier than women.
By pure chance last night came across an interview with Enoch Powell on the Dick Cavett show in the USA from about 1970 ish – maybe later.
To Cavett’s credit he asked a question and then let Powell answer and what came out was a clear exposition of the background to immigration, and an astonishingly accurate prophesy. Would that he were alive today, he would knock the wokes and Leftists right out of the park in his sleep.
Very brave of dick Calvert to allow Mr Powell the time to explain without interruption . That could never happen now – and the audience listened too . Fascinating and painful – thanks .
He has such a rare gift of foresight . No wonder he is ‘hated ‘ by the woke
But mr Powell was wrong iThe final line ‘now we can face it ‘- British politicians never did – and we now suffer the consequences ….
If Emily Maitlis was the interviewer she would be interrupting every 10 seconds and pulling that face of hers that looks like someone just farted near her.
Powell would never, ever, be allowed on t’telly nowadays. Polymath, distinguished soldier, thinker and prophet.
I looked up his Wiki profile. It makes today’s Leftoid academics look like the Liliputians they are.
Powell is just another chapter in the disgraceful history of cowardice within the Tory party, who have never been able to come to terms with their own spinelessness.
It might be said that Tory cowardice played a large part in Hitler being able to invade and conquer large parts of Europe and the holocaust.
Today they are every bit as bad if not worse than they were back then.
Yes, Powell would be banned from Twitter, FB and You Tube and if interviewed by the likes of Brillo would be repeatedly asked whether his name is Enoch Yaxley Lennon Powell, with no discussion of his views.
Goat -EP was a visionary. A prophet, despised in his own country. Had he been made PM, the country might have looked a little different today. These days we have dwarves, who can’t see beyond their next TV appearance. All without even the slightest hint of EP’s courage and patriotism, any of them.
Economic giant mind, Annelise Dodds, is on Wimmin’s Hour now. Emma Barnett has done well, by actually asking about the financial implications of the pandemic/lockdown, on R4. And to Emma’s credit, she is (seemingly) not giving AD an easy ride.
What is the Labour policy? Annelise says it’s all about growth. In my mind, a picture of Gordon Brown is beginning to grow, and I am hearing his voice.
But alas, just when the going was getting meaty, just as we were really looking at alternative economic proposals, Emma veers off course and on to woman’s safety. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A GOOD AND productive session, but the deviation has blown that out of the water. Such a critical topic!
I suppose we’ve got to expect that on wimmins hour. Emma says she is looking forward to AD as chancellor. Forgive those of us who aren’t.
Then again, do we have reservations about Rishi Sunak?
A propos of nothing.
Just found the attached electricity production summary page. https://grid.iamkate.com/
My eye was drawn to the monthly averages.
Nuclear chugs away, flatlining at 15-20%.
The big thing is the clearly drawn inverse relationship between renewables (i.e. wind) and fossil fuels (i.e. gas).
When the wind blows, they can close down the gas stations.
When the wind does not blow, they turn them on.
Which reveals two clear conclusions.
1. We are paying a huge bill for infrastructure overcapacity.
2. There is no renewable energy solution for providing power when there is no wind. Nuclear is the nearest thing.
We probably knew this intuitively but the scale of the issue, revealed in the graphs, is stark.
Has anyone asked the eco-warriors and St Greta for the solution to this? Or do we just freeze to death in Winter?
As the left gear up on the faked rape culture in schools, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories stand foresquare with them, and against all of the prevailing evidence that this is a concocted issue without validity.
It should be obvious even to a brain dead Tory that these figures are simnply too high to have any credibility and they should be telling the left wing actors behind this that they aren’t buying their bullshit. They should be pointing out the investigations carried out in the USA which showed that certain women were massively exaggerating the instances of sexual assault and rape. Post investigation showed the real figure was fewer than 1% in fact it was 0.76% Still not a good thing as rape is a horrible violation, yet some men are going to commit this crime.
The point is that there is no come back on the women making these false allegations, so they can freely lie, causing all kinds of worry and anxiety amongst others, and a great deal of time and money being wasted.
Somebody trying to kiss you is NOT a serious sexual assault, and it certainly is not rape!
Even the far left lying New York Times was left exasperated by one womans account of ‘rape’ when the man she was with apparantly failed to read her mind.
Alas it looks like Boris the bottlers ghastly crew of far Leftists will use the opportunity to cast yet more oppression and tyranny on the White males whom the left hate so much.
“As the left gear up on the faked rape culture in schools…”
Of course when several children come forward with stories of sexual abuse it’s vitally important to immediately dismiss it as exaggerated nonsense and then go on to claim it’s motivated by racism.
Because this approach has worked so well in the past.
Well I can only learn from the lessons of history I guess, because that’s something the Socialists have always failed to do, making it the greatest ender of human lives the world has ever known!
Lockdown for covid? Better lock down the Socialists they’re far more deadly.
Try watching France 24 news for a real difference in news values – compared to the BBC ,
For instance – they are still covering ‘seat gate ‘ where the president of the commission had to sit on the couch whilst the Turkish president and council president sat on chairs …..
…. also – the Israeli short shorts where girls are being banned from wearing shorts at school . From my recollection girls wearing short shorts is not good for boys …..
Meanwhile I’m sure the BBC is continuing to put people off getting vaccinated …… and some crap about race / benefits / wimmin as victims …. bad whitee …
“In Japan, you have to be sterilised or indefinitely incapable of reproduction before being able to legally change gender.”
so basically this erm person decided to become a MAN , but had to lose HIS female parts to become MAN, seems perfectly reasonable to me.
the objection seems to be its not reversible
but I thought their argument was they were born in the wrong body or has it changed now to you can be what ever you want when you want and switch back and forth when you choose
2:15pm R4 Wales : Eco doom play
Guess what happens when you stop maintaining the drainage and flood protection on salt marsh that was drained 150 years ago ?
The BBC blurb doesn’t put it that way \\The UK’s *first* ‘environmental refugees’ are due to be displaced in the next 20 years. This is the story of Fairbourne, in North Wales.
Fairbourne’s council has chosen to stop funding its coastal defences, so in a few years residents may be forced to leave their homes.
Fairbourne’s story begins in the 19th Century, when mill owner Arthur McDougall created the idyllic holiday paradise.
But his head builder – George Stevens – is plagued by dreams about what is to come.//
First ? That’s BS humans have often been forced to move cos of ongoing coastal erosion, sink holes, asbestos contamination etc.
Dunwich has been under the sea since 14 C
The Humber Lake used to occupy northern Lincolnshire until about 5,000 years ago
People used to live on Dogger Bank until about 6,000 years ago etc. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000twh7
Actually the writer seems to have the same background thinking as me.
The main character Mother Nature
#1 warned about building on salt marshes
#1 warned about people not maintaining sea walls
#3 Told of ancient times when she had taken back villages into the sea (like Dunwich)
But then midways through it was like an Islington producer had handed her a tickbox list of things that must be included
✅ 15cm of sea level rise in 20Century
and Met Office expects well over a 1m more by 2100.. I would say that much lower is equally possible
✅ In 1989 UN says 50million enviro refugees if world didn’t act immediately
✅ 200 million climate refugees by 2050
I don’t think that is plausible
✅ David Attenborough
✅ “Warn your children”
Close to end vision of the future
references CO2 slowdown in Covid, “maybe the catastrophe can be reversed”
“what is man going to do ?””losing their homes” “200 million !”
“2021 Climate change conference, Attenborough says this is maybe our last chance to act in time”
Someone comments about Laurie Taylor’s R4 prog yesterday Surprising to see Laurie Taylor investing in the theoretically bankrupt construct of social capital
– a fin-de-siècle gimmick long consigned to the dustbin of sociological history
Islamabad airport – thousands of Pakistanis who are British passport holders are scrambling to get back to the UK.
Pakistan is going on the Red List tomorrow due to high infection rates & dozens of extra planes have been chartered to fly them home ???????? pic.twitter.com/QVKYdDQwrD
Having just watched Enoch Powell in an interview above, one wonders what he would have said were he alive today. Especially when the Tik tokker, says hundreds of PAKISTANIS desperately trying to get back to the UK, they must be like the so called ex pats (tax evaders) in Spain, claim all the benefits but don’t contribute.
4pm R4 Film prog Maria Djurkovic, the production designer “I was very surprised to read in the Guardian talking about *UK disgraceful gender inequality* in the arts and film industry cited, that is far from my own experience.. weird
There’s 16 in our team only 1 man
It used to be incredibly male dominated
I don’t know why men don’t want to become designers
every time I do a masterclass I an staring at 20 female faces, mostly not one man
The last time I had a male producer was in 2015
where’s the Guardian get its statistics ?
Inequality has flipped the other way”
Then they had a racebaity item Woody Strode was one of the first Black Americans to play in the NFL after World War II and went on to become a Hollywood actor in films like Spartacus
They argued that he was a god, and under-recognised
Truth is probably in the middle there.
Yes, Strode was one of the blacks to play professional football after WW2 but nowhere near the first. Fritz Pollard broke the colour barrier in the early 1920’s and went on to the NFL Hall of Fame as both a player and a Head Coach.
Strode’s professional football career had him playing in 10 games in 1946. He caught 4 passes for a total of 37 yards.
“British Muslim wins religious discrimination claim after bosses called in terrorism police … £3,500 paid
A Muslim nuclear plant worker has won a religious discrimination claim after his bosses reported him to counter terrorism police for allegedly saying British troops in the Middle East ‘deserved to die’… for which no evidence was found.
Ah a catch
“Although Master won £3,500 in compensation, he was ordered to pay Springfields Fuels £7,622 in costs after making a series of other claims that were dismissed by the tribunal, including constructive dismissal and disability discrimination.”
I’m astonished by the silence and lack of outrage in these parts about the rioting, looting and burning white Christian Cultural Marxist mobs in the streets of Belfast and Derry intent on nothing other than the total destruction of Western Civilisation!
Mobs with white skin they may be, but not cultural Marxists and not intent on destruction of Western Civilization. They are not following a programme based on the historic outcome of a perfect society after the total destruction of capitalism. If you don’t see the difference you cannot make a rhetorical point about people here being quiet about a mob in Belfast . Do better
Nobody can approve of the violence in Belfast or NI in general.
Trying to figure it out is tricky, but perhaps the new sea border that cuts GB off from NI has something to do with it? Then one thinks of ‘devolution’, even though beeb will try to bring out Brexit as a cudgel. And who, more recently, came up with the bright idea of the ‘sea border’?
So, furthermore, who was it dreamt up the devolution thingee, creating a potential breakup of GB and NI? Not to mention the issues with Scotland and rousing the Welsh up to go off on their own? WHO would dream up expensive layers of extra ‘governments’? Now let’s think, WHO it was that possibly wished Britain harm under the guise of greater ‘local government’?
Could it be anybody who is also reported to have secretly ‘imported’ several million migrants? More harm wishing? That would suggest a pattern? Surely not….
“I’m astonished by the silence and lack of outrage in these parts…”
Shame on you, Wild… how naive. When White people riot it’s nothing to do with their skin colour; and when one Christian tribe attacks another Christian tribe it’s nothing to do with their “religion of forgiveness”.
Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, stood stunned. As President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Charles Michel, president of the European Council, sat in their gilded seats for a photo op, there was no chair for her. https://t.co/NaUlY8G7gFpic.twitter.com/RZ3ir7K3KF
So beautiful . France 24 said the reason it happened was because the President of the commission didn’t have her protocol staff with her so it was agreed by the president of the councils’ protocol staff .
Another nail in the political coffin of the Helga …
Nick has at last posted on matters beyond his book.
Hard to get your head around this figure, and all the stories that lie behind it – nearly 19,000 children were picked up traveling alone across the Mexican border in March, the largest ever monthly number.
It’s a quote from earlier reports: “It all just happened so fast. My skin peeled off,” Richard Terrell said as he looked down. “It’s still coming off on my hands now.”
NY Post 10 days ago “Man’s skin ‘peeled off’ in rare reaction to Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine ”
Other media like Jerusalem Post also reported it then.
“A Virginia man suffered painful rash after getting Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine that spread over his entire body on March 6, ”
Richard Terrell was released from the hospital and is now sharing his vaccination story as he recovers from the comfort of his Goochland home.
The original report is this https://archive.is/Cbyu4#selection-2091.0-2091.134
David Olusoga and author Steven Johnson are to host a BBC4/PBS series examining the science and medical innovations that conquered some of the world’s deadliest diseases https://t.co/E1lG1igQvCpic.twitter.com/f0gQFJlf3H
CCBGB “Jason Kalen, who runs The Marlborough in Wiltshire Landlord who builds outdoor wooden structure with walls and roof shocked to find out it’s classed as a building”
“I built a pub next to my pub and the council killjoys are treating it like it’s a a pub.”
The permanent structure was built during lockdown according to council guidance, the landlord says.
BUT : According to the regulations, outdoor roofed structures had to have at least 50 per cent of their walls open when in use — which Mr Kalen’s chalet does not.
“It is the same as the guidance issued previously, based on the legal rules for smoking shelters in the smokefree legislation from 2007 which licensees will be very familiar with,”
CCBGB. I wonder what the viewing figures for this are anyway? I haven’t watched it for years now, I gave up on it long before I stopped paying the licence fee.
Jermaine Jenas or Alex Scott? What, no “Asian” females available?
In a game of two halves, it’s a stroll in the park for Scott I think, 3 – 1.
Deffo – her long experience of football management and playing in the Prem will serve her well … then it’s ‘match of the day ‘ and ‘mastermind ‘. A seat on `toady ‘ because extensive current affairs experience ….
And new best friend for William / Meghan s house husband
9pm BBC2 Pandemic 2020
Ep 2 : The Great Divide
Check the PR photo
In the PR photos of the film-makers 4 out of 8 are black
“shot in 21 countries by film makers across the world, this series tells the global story of the first year of the pandemic, ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0993v5y
this episode exposes inequalities hidden beneath the umbrella term of ‘we are all in this together’.
– French photojournalist
– a family in Kenya suffering the unjust killing of heir son during lockdown
– Tanya, a working mother of 6 living in a high rise flat in the Bronx who finds herself in the thick of things in the BLM protests
– a filmmaker in Beirut
– Ivan, a celebrated Russian ballet dancer
tensions arise as the virus exposes the inequality in how we all live, until inevitably the streets explode in protest.
I wonder how Keo Films a film company owned by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
are the experts on inequality.
“Television chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Andrew Palmer and Zam Baring* created Keo in 1996.”
Night trolling shift again ? Have you paid the Telly tax yet or do you get yours free ?
Yes , it’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
I’m only here late at night because someone decided to delete all of my comments.
Can’t imagine why.
Something to do with “Cancel Culture” promoted by the “Cultural-Marxist-BLM-Antifa-Islington-Metro-Liberal-trangender-lesbian-muslim-queers” who have been secretly running the world since the invention of the mini-skirt in 1390–1370 BCE…
Ask Piers Morgan about your immoral cancel culture maxi.
Do YOU believe Meghan ?. Even the bits already shown to be lies ?.
Of course you will say you do even if you don’t. You people are the most outrageous, shameless hypocrites.
Ok – i admit it – I watched the troll putting non BBC sniping cut and pastes up and thought – time for a bit of moderator work- I knew they’d go up again but the troll deserved a bit of editing –
Mainly because nothing is directly related to the BBC – which the troll never shows any evidence of using or defending .
I also wondered whether the troll would notice as it spends most time cutting and pasting .
Talking with a friend today about the Chauvin trial and she offered this rather disturbing possibility.
Chauvin is convicted result riots
Chauvin is convicted on some counts result riots
Chauvin is acquitted result riots
We now have an immoral and unprincipled group of people in charge of America. Many of their voices feel Chauvin should not even have had a trial and is already guilty.
How best to avoid a massive riot in several towns and cities? Simple kill off Chauvin and make it look like suicide. Not the first time they have done something similar and I’m sure it wouldn’t be the last.
Whilst I’m sure Derek Chauvin is not planning to take his own life, I’m sure it wouldn’t be too difficult for the authorities to claim he became depressed as the trial progressed and he thought he was going to be convicted.
There are pelnty of rumours about the death of Jeffrey Epstein being ‘assisted’, and there is a huge amount of motive to simply ‘off’ Chauvin and avoid some very unpleasant consequences.
He will get a lower charge, be sent to jail and quietly released early.
The real reason : riots and murder by blacks if he is aquitted will never be mentioned.
That is the lie we live with now thanks to the Left.
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
how is the jesus Floyd show trial going beeb
lets see what independent journalists think
If Chauvin is found Not-Guilty, there should be some serious questions asked about the impartiality of the BBC reporting on this.
All the other rags can say what they like : they do not have the same charter as the BBC which we are forced to fund.
But of course we all know they will not be held to account if such a situation arises. It would have happened a hundred times already.
It stinks big time.
How much longer do we have to wait until this so called ‘Tory’ government gets shot of this broadcasting outfit?
It’s like a game of buckaroo. They keep notching it up a step and watching what happens.
Nobody knows when he will ‘bukaroo partner’.
A long time, I think, taffman. TOADY were stirring it up for the Welsh Parliamentary elections this a.m. giving Drakeford a free platform.
taffman – Don’t hold your breath.
There should be but there won’t be because the state and the elites are themselves not impartial.
The problem is we will have rioting here.
BBC/SKY/ITV report a slanted version of the trial where Chauvin is already guilty. The use phrases like ‘Floyd was killed’ and ‘used excessive force’ when these points are very much disputed.
The gaggle of sh*te in this country will screech and riot if he is acquitted as they have been conditioned by the left wing media that he is already guilty, and black men can do no wrong.
it easy to see what the MEDIA thinks.
they decided it was a murder before the trial even began.
Just look at the headlines from the THE SUN ” THE KILLING OF FLLOYD”
Killing implies he was murdered, not that he overdosed, accidental death, heck even suicide could be contemplated for taking 3x the lethal amount of fentanol.
I want society to put the media in CHAINS, but i know people will take advantage of less coverage on the shady bits of society due to the media having it hands tied.
however if there was only a charter in which all media groups could follow and adhere too…
Its like as foolish as the gambling industry being able to self regulate, it doesnt work.
The media cannot be trust with facts.
Walsall : Police ‘failed Walsall grooming gang victim after losing 30hrs of interview tapes’
The half-Pakistan girl alleged was repeatedly raped by 18 men from just 10-years-old and continued until she was 17.
“The abuse started with my cousins but then they brought their friends and others into it.”
“went to cops in 2013 aged 18 after fleeing her home because she says her Pakistan-born father was trying to force her into an arranged marriage, while she was also victim of alleged domestic abuse by relatives”
One for Al Beeb’s Panodrama to investigate ? I think not.
Panorama starts with a conclusion then wraps a program around showing us everything they can find to support it.
‘Rape gangs are common in Muslim society’ will never get past the first meeting with the BBC management. It would upset half the office.
And family gatherings early morning or late evening.
Third world good – whitee bad – remember ?
How convenient that the tapes “went missing”. Who’s running this police force, “H”?
Ex-Pfizer science chief: You are being lied to about Covid
Some of the things we already knew but left unsaid as I don’t want to upset people who have had the dose or planning too. Will it make any difference?
But an expert in the field blows the lid on COVID vaccination and how the entire charade is NOT based on Science… and why fear is being used… and why they cannot… insist you take it…or not as the case may be.
The aviation industry is being taxed for pollution centuries ago
Another good point on why the UN is involved in creating a global scare (applied liberally by the BBC) into thinking we are all doomed..
In 2001 and 2008, the UN rejected global tax proposals because it acknowledged it lacked tax raising powers. Disingenuously, CORSIA is not considered to be a tax since funds do not pass directly to a government and furthermore, as a GMBM, it circumvents the UN’s tax raising restrictions. However, irrespective of the governing body or the route the offsets take, compulsory removal of revenues is taxation. CORSIA is therefore the UN’s first global market-based tax (GMBT) applied to offset unspecified harms which apparently occurred before aviation was a viable industry. It appears that sovereign nations have surrendered tax-raising powers to the supranational UN enabling it to direct funds without referendum.
Claims that historical CO2 emissions are the cause of economic underdevelopment are unevidenced. Even the UN is unsure whether atmospheric CO2 stays for one, 100 or even 1,000 years. Aviation is barely 100 years old and yet it is being asked to make reparations for generalised, historical harms often demonstrably caused by corruption and misgovernment in the developing nations and the UN itself…..,
I am beginning to see a pattern here. Our media and our governments cannot tell us the truth, that what has happened is because there is no perceptible climate change, we have to create a climate change even though one doesn’t exist, it happened a long time ago and may happen anytime soon, because ‘experts’ predicted using a computer model as accurate as COVID preductions (or worse)…
Read on…
A few years ago, geologists from Liverpool uni came looking at the sedimented cliffs here.
In general conversation….they said they agreed with climate alarmism….as there is a depth of carbon in U.K. soil….caused by the last 200 years of industry…so that was proof of the warming theory.
I pointed out that all that proved…was that there’s extra carbon deposits in the soil. So what.
@Garry seems to me what they are saying is that there were extra particles in the soil caused by smog ie carbon smoke particles been rained on and ending up in the soil.
Plausible if there was a lot of industry and home coal/wood fires.
But I don’t see how that proves warming theory.
It’s also different from soil having a high carbon compound content
ie from when forest becomes marsh, then becomes peat
That’s good cos that this carbon compounds not decaying into CO2 and evaporating into the sky
Guys… anyone seen this?
I saw fact check and thought Ms Spring, but it isn’t and they are dissing the Dems – shocking
They must be trying to show they are an impartial news broadcaster for the nation.. yeah right – bit late for that now cesspit organisation.
“BBC are playing the race card here on the last point.
Georgia has made it clear they will issue free id’s to anyone who needs one for free.”
It was a topic on the Labour student common room show (Newsnight)
Al Beeb “impartial” my @rse !
Belfield live show
He said after people write to their MP’s about him
they now reply with a standard letter prepared by the Home Office
“We re unable to comment on this specific case, but we stand behind free speech”
He says that sounds positive to him.
… He also says Crimebodge is has contacted him
but he’s lost his email
No one mentioned the Nolan show thing ?
Sounds to me like an Irish Republican activist tried to get a gotcha against Nolan on Nolan’s morning Northern Ireland show
He calls Nolan and stars making vague claims about a Unionist Politician being on most frequently and cap it by saying Nolan is pushing a *hard right* agenda
At which point Nolan says “that’s defamatory, I’m not having that and cuts him off”
.. It was and Nolan had every right to cut the guy off.
Now the thing is what Nolan probably does is act like a sh*t stirrer & push BBC agendas, cos that is what he does on his other shows .. that’s why I avoid him now.
Although occasionally he slips out of that BBC groupthink and can be a fair person
the audio
The Republican guys twitter thread has a discussion.
I don’t think he is a Republican Stew, apparently he’s a middle-aged guy called Tim McKane, a marketing consultant who’s pretty well established locally with a strong background in advertising.
His Twitter feed suggests to me though that he is also a bit of an aging SJW – anti-Tory, anti-racist, pro-feminist, pro-EU, the usual- and also seems to have a bit of a gripe against the Unionist parties here which is why he so obviously dislikes Jim Allister so much. Allister is an ex-DUP MEP, now an MLA and the leader of the TUV (Traditional Ulnionist Voice). Timothy appears to me to be a classic example of the South Belfast/ North Down chattering class, fond of his own voice and confidently in awe of his own intellect.
The TUV are a small party, considered by many to be hardline as they are very pro-Brexit, view the Belfast Agreement as appeasement, have a mainly rural, working-class support and are the most vocal in calling out the hypocrisy of not only Sinn Fein but also of other Unionist parties. You can see why someone like Tim would dislike them and Jim Allister QC. As a barrister, Allister is methodical and “forensic” but unlike Starmer he actually makes some pretty valid arguments. Unfortunately for him though he’s an angry wee man and has the charisma of a brick. He does seem to appear on Nolan quite a bit however, probably disproportionately to his political influence, simply because he divides opinion and speaks his mind, allowing Nolan to play the devil’s advocate, to shit-stir, to create controversy and outrage, all to feed Nolan’s massive ego.
Nolan himself is of course a despicable character, a chancer and a shock-jock listened to but generally loathed, ridiculed for both his weight and his alleged sexuality. As we would say here, he’s really nothin’ but a slabber.
What a great post, and a fascinating and succinct insight for those that know next to nothing about Northern Ireland and its politics.
It must be time for Joe Biden to step in and make things worse
…..it won’t take long to fire up the cycle again – a death – a funeral – confrontation – riot – death – repeat ….
Yeah, because he’s probably as lacking in knowledge and understanding of the border issues here as he is with those where his opinion actually matters. Clown.
“Covid: UK vaccine rollout ‘breaking link’ between infections and death”
Operative word “link”. That’s one of the words used with the deaths and Covid , ie “of”, “with” and “ “linked” .
I had doubts about the death figures used during the pandemic . Could it be @rse covering time before the inquiry?
I cannot find anything about GB’s lowest death rate over the EU due to the vaccine under Al Beeb’s “Brexit” webpage .
Ah lowest per million this week
12pm R4 daily book reading
“from Stormzy’s imprint Merky books, Hafsa Zayyan takes us from East Africa to the East Midlands – and back again.”
..So Stormzy picks only BAME writers
and then BBC looks to him for their radio material ?
“This elegant and eye-opening debut crosses continents and generations as it explores love, duty and the long shadows cast by *colonialism.*”
“..So Stormzy picks only BAME writers…”
Is it a good book, Stew?
Maxi you misrepresent again
.. I put a question mark at the end of the sentence.
photos tweeted by Merky Books
.. videos tweeted by Merky Books
..very few white faces.
list of Merky books
Maybe Maxi can name a few white authors from Merky Books ?
“Maxi you misrepresent again.. I put a question mark at the end of the sentence.”
My apologies.
“..So Stormzy picks only BAME writers…?”
Is it a good book, Stew?
Sure about your answer there ?
“Maybe Maxi can name a few white authors from Merky Books ?”
“Sure about your answer there ?”
“We Are All Birds Of Uganda” by Hafsa Zayyan wasn’t picked by Stormzy.
Is it a good book, Stew? I notice you are avoiding this question; almost as if you are obsessed with the skin colour of the author rather than the quality of her writing.
Is it a good book, Stew?
Maxi I quote “Merky Books is an imprint within William Heinemann, dedicated to publishing the best new fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Curated by Stormzy”
Whether the book is good or not doesn’t enter into the point
the BBC series chose to got to Stormzys imprint, which appears to be entirely non-white authors.
… I invited you to name some of his white authors, you’ve declined.
“Whether the book is good or not doesn’t enter into the point”
The point being that you don’t care if Radio 4 book readings are good or not; as long as they are 87% White. Not that you’re racist or anything…
@Maxi as ever I made a point
you then replied with an apparent falsehood
and went on to whataboutery.
If the boot was on the other foot and the topic was Radio4 using a publisher which deliberately chooses not to be diverse and only publishes White authors , you would not accept an argument “well they are really good books”
Or would you ?
You ask a question which you know will never get a reply ( cut paste ) . The troll started posting about 2200 Thursday night – I then took a few down knowing they’d be repeated during my noo noo … but I thought why not ….
Now onto more BBC related things . Guess what Dimbleby PLC junior has been doing since he game up the QT propaganda show ?
Well he’s written a book about the German invasion of Russia in WW2 – making sure that his dad – a proper journo – got a mention for real work .
Anyway the DT publishes a taster of this rehash of the excellent work by Antony Beever – ‘Stalingrad ‘. The publisher obviously spots a live market on the subject -‘Stalingrad’ was a best seller – so Dimbleby PLC has been busily ‘cut and pasting ‘ like a certain troll here …
TOADY Watch #1 – “You said “so”, you must be an expert”
The subject was vaccine confidence and blood clots with the Astra-Zeneca
fireworksvaccine and a Dr Beverley Hunt, medical director of Thrombosis UK, was the contributor. She started almost every answer with the word ‘So’ and I think she may have been in a bit of a muddle over platelet counts.I could be wrong but I understood that the A-Z vaccine was a rare but possible cause of a thrombosis in someone with a high platelet count (ie. their blood is good at clotting) and not a low platelet count as stated by Dr Hunt. The standard question before giving any medication or vaccine should always be “What other medications are you taking?” and you do wonder that in the rush to vaccinate, whether that question has been asked and the answers carefully considered before injecting.
If you have concerns about this one very useful bit of information that Dr Hunt provided was that the Thrombosis UK web-site has a page about vaccination and it is updated regularly.
“She started almost every answer with the word ‘So’ and I think she may have been in a bit of a muddle over platelet counts. I could be wrong…”
Yes, you’re wrong.
“There have been very rare cases of unusual blood clots accompanied by low levels of blood platelets (components that help blood to clot) after vaccination.”
BBC News
China’s capital has overtaken New York, thanks to its quick containment of Covid-19 and the rise of its tech firms, according to Forbes.
Beijing has more billionaires than NYC. No reason to doubt it, but the bbc shunting such a post off on Forbes is pure cubicle garden #prasnews copy and paste.
Not looking good for Emily over here now.
But they still like dogs. Apparently.
There iis a story this morning of further allegations against the Labour party do gooders withint the Oxfam so called ‘charity’. The cowardly useless incompetent Tories have for once taken swift action to remove the government funding once again to Oxfam.
I want you to remember this because it shows that when the blue Labour party wants to act, it can.
So when the National Trust is busy traching British History, denigrating the British Empire and forcing a woke agenda on its visitors who are up in arms, they have the full and unequivocal backing of the far left Tories, who could have done what they have done with Oxfam, but have not even threatened to do to the National Trust.
Today’s Sun comes up with a headline intended to reassure: ‘Tiny chance of a killer clot after AZ vaccine: 0.000095%, as under-30s warned over jab…‘ – that’s an encouragingly small number (as it happens it’s in a similar tiny ball park with the interest rate payable on my bank deposit account recently) but how about a comparison with the rather small chance of someone under 30 actually contracting and dying of the Wuhan Flu?
And please, this is a largely rhetorical question I ask here, so armchair googlers out there who enjoy nothing so much as to play the game of covid minutiae, don’t bother to play the government’s game of endlessly burying us in argumentation about all the hairsplitting whys and wherefores – try to stay focused and to notice the bigger picture.
Talking of big pictures, Camilla Parker-Bowles comes looming out of the frontpage of the Telegraph, a vision of designer monochrome couture, scary-looking animal print face mask, black leather gloves, all but a streak of her silver hair covered with a cream chiffon scarf, looking not unlike Cruella de Vil: ‘Elegant in black and white‘ says the Telegraph: ‘...during a visit to meet schoolchildren…‘ – (I hope they don’t have nightmares) ‘…and volunteers at Wightman Road Mosque in Haringey, North London, yesterday. The Mosque supports 30 different nationalities in the community‘ – well you could have knocked me down with a feather boa.
Speaking of headscarfs, the FT recycles a promo pic of the hijabbed vax jabbing woman (gloveless one notes – is that good form?) innoculating the familiar rather alarmed-looking young woman who was previously on our frontpages days ago: ‘Under 30s should get alternative to AstraZeneca, say jab advisors. Abrupt shift in guidance‘ – no wonder her eyebows are raised sky high and she looks like she’s expecting to get tasered by the cops.
Mind you, getting tasered by the Met or indeed being cuffed and wrestled to the ground by a gang of about five of the buggers, could be the least of a young girl’s worries – allegedly.
Our newspapers are really keen on this female fat cat theme that popped up recently. The Times copies yesterday’s Telegraph with a feature on: ‘The Bumble billionaire dating app and me‘ meanwhile the Sun takes a closer look at the impressive assets accruing to Kim Kardashian: ‘Selfie-made billionaire‘ and the Telegraph today wants to tell us about: ‘High rollers. Inside the female billionaires’ club‘ – enough, already!
Both the Telegraph and the Daily Mail are keen to promote a black James Bond, each in their own inimitable style: ‘Bridgerton to Bond The unstoppable rise of Regé-Jean Page‘ and ‘Is this the Duke of Bonkerton’s secret mission?‘ – not that such obvious desperate promotion of diversity would ever prevent the BBC claiming to be the sole counterweight to our supposedly conservative press – which the Beeb terms rightwing.
‘Pride in Britain‘ says the not in least patriotic Guardian as if to catch us off guard. As you were… :’Ted Brown’s 50-year fight against homophobia‘ – that’s the sort of Pride they’re talking about.
Phobia, really? Why does our press assume we’re constantly afraid or something or other?
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC telling lies ? again ? Shirley Knott?
More rioting in Belfast last night. The PM is very concerned. The prime reason for the rioting is said by the BBC to be ‘Brexit’. This is untrue.
Arlene Foster, Joint First Minister in Northern Ireland, made it quite clear yesterday that the continual rioting was from gangs in response to the decision recently that the Bobby Storey funeral AND political rally did not breach Covid regulations. Arlene Foster was quite clear on that and that the Loyalist community was becoming fed up with over two decades of partial policing favouring the Nationalist community and Sinn Fein.
Arlene Foster also was quite clear yesterday in her condemnation of the violence and called on the gangs (think she may have refered to them as criminal gangs) to stop the rioting.
I was flicking through the channels and heard the same ‘Brexit’ excuse on Newsnight. I just rolled my eyes and changed channel.
In the past I would have complained to the BBC and posted about it on this website but these days the BBC lies in just about every news report. I wouldn’t even trust the BBC weather forecast anymore.
Covid-19: The disinformation tactics used by China
The BBC counters the Chinese propaganda machine using the BBC propaganda machine.
Pot kettle.
The chances of an under 30 getting the Chinese virus is highly dependent on whether they have exposure to the NHS – such as dangerous acts such as going to a hospital .
Ironically – as I reflect on the vaccine centre I went to – there were too many people – not enough ventilation – and not enough distancing – but I am cursed by noticing such things .
The BBC will be desperate to get reports of vaccine incidents and even better – in their hateful eyes – reductions in take up of the vaccine – which I don’t think will happen- so they’ll make it up ; I just wish I could get my second jab today .
On Toady this morning the all-female presenting team were pushing the feminist agenda and so mentioned that women are twice as likely as men to get dementia. Cue outrage over biased anti-female healthcare.
Strangely they forgot to mention that dementia is age-related and women live about three years more than men.
So as night follows day more women are bound to get dementia – because men have already died of something else.
They could of course have featured instead the inequality of men dying earlier than women.
But they didn’t.
BBC not too fond of white men these days – unless they are ‘approved ‘ – lefty – queer – foreign – of course ….
Apologies if mentioned in the past by others.
By pure chance last night came across an interview with Enoch Powell on the Dick Cavett show in the USA from about 1970 ish – maybe later.
To Cavett’s credit he asked a question and then let Powell answer and what came out was a clear exposition of the background to immigration, and an astonishingly accurate prophesy. Would that he were alive today, he would knock the wokes and Leftists right out of the park in his sleep.
Highly recommended.
Very brave of dick Calvert to allow Mr Powell the time to explain without interruption . That could never happen now – and the audience listened too . Fascinating and painful – thanks .
He has such a rare gift of foresight . No wonder he is ‘hated ‘ by the woke
But mr Powell was wrong iThe final line ‘now we can face it ‘- British politicians never did – and we now suffer the consequences ….
If Emily Maitlis was the interviewer she would be interrupting every 10 seconds and pulling that face of hers that looks like someone just farted near her.
Powell would never, ever, be allowed on t’telly nowadays. Polymath, distinguished soldier, thinker and prophet.
I looked up his Wiki profile. It makes today’s Leftoid academics look like the Liliputians they are.
Powell is just another chapter in the disgraceful history of cowardice within the Tory party, who have never been able to come to terms with their own spinelessness.
It might be said that Tory cowardice played a large part in Hitler being able to invade and conquer large parts of Europe and the holocaust.
Today they are every bit as bad if not worse than they were back then.
The Prime Minister we never had.
Yes, Powell would be banned from Twitter, FB and You Tube and if interviewed by the likes of Brillo would be repeatedly asked whether his name is Enoch Yaxley Lennon Powell, with no discussion of his views.
Goat -EP was a visionary. A prophet, despised in his own country. Had he been made PM, the country might have looked a little different today. These days we have dwarves, who can’t see beyond their next TV appearance. All without even the slightest hint of EP’s courage and patriotism, any of them.
Yes, I recall watching that video some weeks ago and thinking, the interview and content could have happened and been broadcast yesterday.
Just brilliant- so well described and with forsight no one in power wanted to face and now we are paying the price for such rejection.
Economic giant mind, Annelise Dodds, is on Wimmin’s Hour now. Emma Barnett has done well, by actually asking about the financial implications of the pandemic/lockdown, on R4. And to Emma’s credit, she is (seemingly) not giving AD an easy ride.
What is the Labour policy? Annelise says it’s all about growth. In my mind, a picture of Gordon Brown is beginning to grow, and I am hearing his voice.
But alas, just when the going was getting meaty, just as we were really looking at alternative economic proposals, Emma veers off course and on to woman’s safety. THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A GOOD AND productive session, but the deviation has blown that out of the water. Such a critical topic!
I suppose we’ve got to expect that on wimmins hour. Emma says she is looking forward to AD as chancellor. Forgive those of us who aren’t.
Then again, do we have reservations about Rishi Sunak?
A propos of nothing.
Just found the attached electricity production summary page.
My eye was drawn to the monthly averages.
Nuclear chugs away, flatlining at 15-20%.
The big thing is the clearly drawn inverse relationship between renewables (i.e. wind) and fossil fuels (i.e. gas).
When the wind blows, they can close down the gas stations.
When the wind does not blow, they turn them on.
Which reveals two clear conclusions.
1. We are paying a huge bill for infrastructure overcapacity.
2. There is no renewable energy solution for providing power when there is no wind. Nuclear is the nearest thing.
We probably knew this intuitively but the scale of the issue, revealed in the graphs, is stark.
Has anyone asked the eco-warriors and St Greta for the solution to this? Or do we just freeze to death in Winter?
As the left gear up on the faked rape culture in schools, the cowardly useless incompetent Tories stand foresquare with them, and against all of the prevailing evidence that this is a concocted issue without validity.
It should be obvious even to a brain dead Tory that these figures are simnply too high to have any credibility and they should be telling the left wing actors behind this that they aren’t buying their bullshit. They should be pointing out the investigations carried out in the USA which showed that certain women were massively exaggerating the instances of sexual assault and rape. Post investigation showed the real figure was fewer than 1% in fact it was 0.76% Still not a good thing as rape is a horrible violation, yet some men are going to commit this crime.
The point is that there is no come back on the women making these false allegations, so they can freely lie, causing all kinds of worry and anxiety amongst others, and a great deal of time and money being wasted.
Somebody trying to kiss you is NOT a serious sexual assault, and it certainly is not rape!
Even the far left lying New York Times was left exasperated by one womans account of ‘rape’ when the man she was with apparantly failed to read her mind.
Alas it looks like Boris the bottlers ghastly crew of far Leftists will use the opportunity to cast yet more oppression and tyranny on the White males whom the left hate so much.
“As the left gear up on the faked rape culture in schools…”
Of course when several children come forward with stories of sexual abuse it’s vitally important to immediately dismiss it as exaggerated nonsense and then go on to claim it’s motivated by racism.
Because this approach has worked so well in the past.
Well I can only learn from the lessons of history I guess, because that’s something the Socialists have always failed to do, making it the greatest ender of human lives the world has ever known!
Lockdown for covid? Better lock down the Socialists they’re far more deadly.
Try watching France 24 news for a real difference in news values – compared to the BBC ,
For instance – they are still covering ‘seat gate ‘ where the president of the commission had to sit on the couch whilst the Turkish president and council president sat on chairs …..
…. also – the Israeli short shorts where girls are being banned from wearing shorts at school . From my recollection girls wearing short shorts is not good for boys …..
Meanwhile I’m sure the BBC is continuing to put people off getting vaccinated …… and some crap about race / benefits / wimmin as victims …. bad whitee …
Now we all know that the BBC just love their favoured minorities.
But even so, this one on the current webshite must be hard to beat.
‘Trans in Japan’
Of huge interest to the writer and……..errr…………anyone else at all?
And of relevance to literally handfuls of people.
Any stories celebrating white heterosexual British males?
Nope. Thought not.
“In Japan, you have to be sterilised or indefinitely incapable of reproduction before being able to legally change gender.”
so basically this erm person decided to become a MAN , but had to lose HIS female parts to become MAN, seems perfectly reasonable to me.
the objection seems to be its not reversible
but I thought their argument was they were born in the wrong body or has it changed now to you can be what ever you want when you want and switch back and forth when you choose
Around the world, 24/7, the bbc never sleeps…. when the narratives demand.
John Kerry doing theatre-not-truth
2:15pm R4 Wales : Eco doom play
Guess what happens when you stop maintaining the drainage and flood protection on salt marsh that was drained 150 years ago ?
The BBC blurb doesn’t put it that way
\\The UK’s *first* ‘environmental refugees’ are due to be displaced in the next 20 years. This is the story of Fairbourne, in North Wales.
Fairbourne’s council has chosen to stop funding its coastal defences, so in a few years residents may be forced to leave their homes.
Fairbourne’s story begins in the 19th Century, when mill owner Arthur McDougall created the idyllic holiday paradise.
But his head builder – George Stevens – is plagued by dreams about what is to come.//
First ? That’s BS humans have often been forced to move cos of ongoing coastal erosion, sink holes, asbestos contamination etc.
Dunwich has been under the sea since 14 C
The Humber Lake used to occupy northern Lincolnshire until about 5,000 years ago
People used to live on Dogger Bank until about 6,000 years ago etc.
Actually the writer seems to have the same background thinking as me.
The main character Mother Nature
#1 warned about building on salt marshes
#1 warned about people not maintaining sea walls
#3 Told of ancient times when she had taken back villages into the sea (like Dunwich)
But then midways through it was like an Islington producer had handed her a tickbox list of things that must be included
✅ 15cm of sea level rise in 20Century
and Met Office expects well over a 1m more by 2100.. I would say that much lower is equally possible
✅ In 1989 UN says 50million enviro refugees if world didn’t act immediately
✅ 200 million climate refugees by 2050
I don’t think that is plausible
✅ David Attenborough
✅ “Warn your children”
Close to end vision of the future
references CO2 slowdown in Covid, “maybe the catastrophe can be reversed”
“what is man going to do ?””losing their homes” “200 million !”
“2021 Climate change conference, Attenborough says this is maybe our last chance to act in time”
Someone comments about Laurie Taylor’s R4 prog yesterday
Surprising to see Laurie Taylor investing in the theoretically bankrupt construct of social capital
– a fin-de-siècle gimmick long consigned to the dustbin of sociological history
They come and go as they please.
I can’t vouch for this clip
but it’s from a blue tick account
Be a real shame if snomaggedopaclyspe sees these flights paused at Dubai for a few days.
Having just watched Enoch Powell in an interview above, one wonders what he would have said were he alive today. Especially when the Tik tokker, says hundreds of PAKISTANIS desperately trying to get back to the UK, they must be like the so called ex pats (tax evaders) in Spain, claim all the benefits but don’t contribute.
“They come and go as they please.”
Erm the fact that hundreds of people are desperately trying to get on one of the last flights kind of shows they can’t “come and go as they please”.
4pm R4 Film prog Maria Djurkovic, the production designer
“I was very surprised to read in the Guardian talking about *UK disgraceful gender inequality* in the arts and film industry cited, that is far from my own experience.. weird
There’s 16 in our team only 1 man
It used to be incredibly male dominated
I don’t know why men don’t want to become designers
every time I do a masterclass I an staring at 20 female faces, mostly not one man
The last time I had a male producer was in 2015
where’s the Guardian get its statistics ?
Inequality has flipped the other way”
Then they had a racebaity item
Woody Strode was one of the first Black Americans to play in the NFL after World War II and went on to become a Hollywood actor in films like Spartacus
They argued that he was a god, and under-recognised
Truth is probably in the middle there.
Yes, Strode was one of the blacks to play professional football after WW2 but nowhere near the first. Fritz Pollard broke the colour barrier in the early 1920’s and went on to the NFL Hall of Fame as both a player and a Head Coach.
Strode’s professional football career had him playing in 10 games in 1946. He caught 4 passes for a total of 37 yards.
Hardly a god, more like a mote in God’s eye.
“British Muslim wins religious discrimination claim after bosses called in terrorism police … £3,500 paid
A Muslim nuclear plant worker has won a religious discrimination claim after his bosses reported him to counter terrorism police for allegedly saying British troops in the Middle East ‘deserved to die’… for which no evidence was found.
The judge said: “We find that a significant influence on that rumour persisting, that Mr Master made the comment, was Mr Master’s religion.”
Ah a catch
“Although Master won £3,500 in compensation, he was ordered to pay Springfields Fuels £7,622 in costs after making a series of other claims that were dismissed by the tribunal, including constructive dismissal and disability discrimination.”
I’m astonished by the silence and lack of outrage in these parts about the rioting, looting and burning white Christian Cultural Marxist mobs in the streets of Belfast and Derry intent on nothing other than the total destruction of Western Civilisation!
Mobs with white skin they may be, but not cultural Marxists and not intent on destruction of Western Civilization. They are not following a programme based on the historic outcome of a perfect society after the total destruction of capitalism. If you don’t see the difference you cannot make a rhetorical point about people here being quiet about a mob in Belfast . Do better
Nobody can approve of the violence in Belfast or NI in general.
Trying to figure it out is tricky, but perhaps the new sea border that cuts GB off from NI has something to do with it? Then one thinks of ‘devolution’, even though beeb will try to bring out Brexit as a cudgel. And who, more recently, came up with the bright idea of the ‘sea border’?
So, furthermore, who was it dreamt up the devolution thingee, creating a potential breakup of GB and NI? Not to mention the issues with Scotland and rousing the Welsh up to go off on their own? WHO would dream up expensive layers of extra ‘governments’? Now let’s think, WHO it was that possibly wished Britain harm under the guise of greater ‘local government’?
Could it be anybody who is also reported to have secretly ‘imported’ several million migrants? More harm wishing? That would suggest a pattern? Surely not….
“Trying to figure it out is tricky…”
Careful “fakenewswatcher”, you accidentally mentioned the ’B’ word once, but I think you got away with it…
Ah, Maxicony. How nice to see your interest. There was nothing accidental about it, old sport.
Surely it MUST be a full moon
Silence does not mean consent. Or approval.
But like astonishment, what does get raised, especially by the BBC and its… membership… can be telling.
Where might you fall on selective isms, and those who propagate them?
Gazza going to get plod on any being beastly by not agreeing with him, like Naga and minders?
read back , retardus there were some questions and an explanation of the situation , and even the dear old beeb doesnt mention looting
Be astonished . I’d be astonished if any of your comments ever had anything to say about your BBC ….
WildWomanOfThe Woods,
“I’m astonished by the silence and lack of outrage in these parts…”
Shame on you, Wild… how naive. When White people riot it’s nothing to do with their skin colour; and when one Christian tribe attacks another Christian tribe it’s nothing to do with their “religion of forgiveness”.
Is it a full moon?
It tends to surface once a month…
Soaring career.
Still mostly on one thing only. And feet.
This ‘under 30’ lark is bizarre, and pervasive across all sorts of industries.
Must piss off a few 31 and aboves.
Can’t wait for the ‘under something and of color and a few other parameters’ awards.
Does ms spring have a fan club ?
I’d hope not, Fed!
Beating oneself about the lower body with a blunt instrument isn’t generally thought of as a good idea!
The 4th Law of Scrobs applies to Mzx Spring, in that if she says she’s ‘ looking at a conspiracy’, there isn’t one, if she doesn’t, there is!
No need. She has herself.
Katty has RTd this.
Intrigued as to how what appears on her thread has nothing to do with the folk who pay her using UK public funds.
So beautiful . France 24 said the reason it happened was because the President of the commission didn’t have her protocol staff with her so it was agreed by the president of the councils’ protocol staff .
Another nail in the political coffin of the Helga …
Ex-NFL pro Phillip Adams kills five (his family and doctor) and himself in South Carolina, according to reports.
He probably couldn’t breathe.
Nick has at last posted on matters beyond his book.
Hard to see why he bothered.
Meanwhile Lurch i… ooo… squirrels!
It’s a quote from earlier reports: “It all just happened so fast. My skin peeled off,” Richard Terrell said as he looked down. “It’s still coming off on my hands now.”
NY Post 10 days ago “Man’s skin ‘peeled off’ in rare reaction to Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine ”
Other media like Jerusalem Post also reported it then.
“A Virginia man suffered painful rash after getting Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine that spread over his entire body on March 6, ”
Richard Terrell was released from the hospital and is now sharing his vaccination story as he recovers from the comfort of his Goochland home.
The original report is this
A rash and flaking: ‘skin peeled off’.
Beeboid Cherry Picking for effect: Lurch should join the BBC ‘What We Want You To Think’ team.
Can’t wait.
They will probably come up with some black doctor that discovered a cure for miner’s white finger.
2015 “Steven Johnson’s How we got to now TV series and book about the unsung heroes whose ideas made the modern world. BBC2”
I’ve never seen it
He seems Guardian gang, sneers at Trump etc.
So that’s how it’s done?…..
I wonder why David Olusoga is never off the telly?
Say it ain’t so Jon, Tone, Katty… Nick…
Maybe Marianna can check, what with her awesome experience of matters pond across?
BBC “quotes” News
A pub landlord is “livid” after being told his wooden chalet for outside dining, fitted with a bar, pizza oven and TV, breaks UK Covid rules.
The full story might mention whether he called them to say he was “livid”, or they went to him to find out how “livid” he was.
Also what features not mentioned in the headline might have been behind the failure to qualify as outside dining.
CCBGB “Jason Kalen, who runs The Marlborough in Wiltshire Landlord who builds outdoor wooden structure with walls and roof shocked to find out it’s classed as a building”
“I built a pub next to my pub and the council killjoys are treating it like it’s a a pub.”
The permanent structure was built during lockdown according to council guidance, the landlord says.
BUT : According to the regulations, outdoor roofed structures had to have at least 50 per cent of their walls open when in use — which Mr Kalen’s chalet does not.
“It is the same as the guidance issued previously, based on the legal rules for smoking shelters in the smokefree legislation from 2007 which licensees will be very familiar with,”
They simply cherry pick like Maxi on a midnight pie ingredient mission.
A book could be written about it.
The BBC will hunt him down.
shame the new videos appear to show the knee on the back not the neck
Nobody seen this one yet?
CCBGB. I wonder what the viewing figures for this are anyway? I haven’t watched it for years now, I gave up on it long before I stopped paying the licence fee.
Jermaine Jenas or Alex Scott? What, no “Asian” females available?
In a game of two halves, it’s a stroll in the park for Scott I think, 3 – 1.
Deffo – her long experience of football management and playing in the Prem will serve her well … then it’s ‘match of the day ‘ and ‘mastermind ‘. A seat on `toady ‘ because extensive current affairs experience ….
And new best friend for William / Meghan s house husband
9pm BBC2 Pandemic 2020
Ep 2 : The Great Divide
Check the PR photo
In the PR photos of the film-makers 4 out of 8 are black
“shot in 21 countries by film makers across the world, this series tells the global story of the first year of the pandemic, ”
“Check the PR photo
In the PR photos of the film-makers 4 out of 8 are black”
Huh? So it’s a documentary made by people around the world. What’s your problem?
Maxi, The issue is BBC largely white middle class London people’s habit of tickboxing its favoured groups and thus misrepresenting the world.
I already wrote that the prog is global
…. but the globe is not 50% black
so the prog looks like it’s skewed.
“I already wrote that the prog is global
…. but the globe is not 50% black
so the prog looks like it’s skewed.”
Based on a PR photo you saw on twitter…
For God’s sake, Stew; get a life.
Spending your life trolling ?
I think you need to “get a life”.
Irony alert.
this episode exposes inequalities hidden beneath the umbrella term of ‘we are all in this together’.
– French photojournalist
– a family in Kenya suffering the unjust killing of heir son during lockdown
– Tanya, a working mother of 6 living in a high rise flat in the Bronx who finds herself in the thick of things in the BLM protests
– a filmmaker in Beirut
– Ivan, a celebrated Russian ballet dancer
tensions arise as the virus exposes the inequality in how we all live,
until inevitably the streets explode in protest.
Sounds very socialist
I wonder how Keo Films a film company owned by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
are the experts on inequality.
“Television chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Andrew Palmer and Zam Baring* created Keo in 1996.”
* Zam Baring, son of 7th Baron Ashburton
So that’s how it’s done.
“I wonder how Keo Films a film company owned by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
are the experts on inequality.”
I wonder how Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. owned by AT&T are the experts on giant fire breathing dinosaurs? Weird isn’t it.
Weird whataboutery from Maxi there.
“Weird whataboutery from Maxi there.”
Ok. If you say so.
Does any of this sound familiar, Stew?
Night trolling shift again ? Have you paid the Telly tax yet or do you get yours free ?
Yes , it’s the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich ?
“Night trolling shift again ?”
I’m only here late at night because someone decided to delete all of my comments.
Can’t imagine why.
Something to do with “Cancel Culture” promoted by the “Cultural-Marxist-BLM-Antifa-Islington-Metro-Liberal-trangender-lesbian-muslim-queers” who have been secretly running the world since the invention of the mini-skirt in 1390–1370 BCE…
Ask Piers Morgan about your immoral cancel culture maxi.
Do YOU believe Meghan ?. Even the bits already shown to be lies ?.
Of course you will say you do even if you don’t. You people are the most outrageous, shameless hypocrites.
Ok – i admit it – I watched the troll putting non BBC sniping cut and pastes up and thought – time for a bit of moderator work- I knew they’d go up again but the troll deserved a bit of editing –
Mainly because nothing is directly related to the BBC – which the troll never shows any evidence of using or defending .
I also wondered whether the troll would notice as it spends most time cutting and pasting .
Do you ever contribute anything but hostility? What a bitter existence yours must be.
Talking with a friend today about the Chauvin trial and she offered this rather disturbing possibility.
Chauvin is convicted result riots
Chauvin is convicted on some counts result riots
Chauvin is acquitted result riots
We now have an immoral and unprincipled group of people in charge of America. Many of their voices feel Chauvin should not even have had a trial and is already guilty.
How best to avoid a massive riot in several towns and cities? Simple kill off Chauvin and make it look like suicide. Not the first time they have done something similar and I’m sure it wouldn’t be the last.
Whilst I’m sure Derek Chauvin is not planning to take his own life, I’m sure it wouldn’t be too difficult for the authorities to claim he became depressed as the trial progressed and he thought he was going to be convicted.
There are pelnty of rumours about the death of Jeffrey Epstein being ‘assisted’, and there is a huge amount of motive to simply ‘off’ Chauvin and avoid some very unpleasant consequences.
He will get a lower charge, be sent to jail and quietly released early.
The real reason : riots and murder by blacks if he is aquitted will never be mentioned.
That is the lie we live with now thanks to the Left.
‘Quietly released early ‘ – in American English does that mean ‘killed’ by coloured inmates – there seem to be quite a few of them …
Stuart Hughes and Rog Harrabin been consulting on ‘not campaigning’?