MaajidNawaz tweets
“resurgent ISIS jihadists in Mozambique and Syria, and it is grim:
Decapitated bodies of 12 expats found outside Mozambique hotel
The remains of a dozen expats have been discovered outside their hotel in Mozambique after they attempted to flee jihadist militants”
5m32s Ken Hinds to Calvin “As a mixed race person you should know better, rather than calling out your OWN”
Calvin “whoa … don’t tell me what to to think based on the colour of my skin ..that’s racist ..bye”
“Both the nurse and doctor kept asking me loudly in front of other people what I was there for. I felt humiliated.”
For many young adults in Singapore, where abstinence before marriage is promoted in schools, seeking sexual health advice from parents or the neighbourhood GP can be “awkward”.
A. Bollux.
B. Yet again, the process by which that ‘quote’ came to the screen is very bbc.
“This article sounds more like an advertisement sponsored and made-up stories.
The writer seems to not know how strict it is in Singapore abt maintaining patients confidentiality.
NO doctors or nurses here ever ask such questions to patients in public as thats a breach of medical contract and anyone found to do so will have disciplinary actions taken on them by their companies.
We are not allowed to even discuss or share any information abt patient when we are in public areas.
Im a senior staff nurse n been working in both the private and government clinics and i know very well how we practise here.“
A documentary about the fishing industry’s impact on sea life and the oceans has caused a lot of debate. Many viewers have been saying they will no longer eat fish after watching the film, and expressed shock at the industrial scale of fishing.
Others have argued it oversimplifies a complex issue – many communities depend on fishing for their livelihoods and for food, and are in fact practising sustainable catching methods. We looked into some of the main claims in the Seaspiracy film on Netflix.
Read full analysis >
Reality Check team
BBC News
I might just await a less ideologically compromised review to discover actual facts and ‘reality’.
But how long before Rog, Matt and Justin are recreating ‘Tora, Tora, Tora!’ in three Gates Lears Whitby way?
Optimists are healthier, wealthier and happier – so says the fortune cookie-style Apple News pop up headline on my i-phone this morning.
On a morning when Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph asks: ‘Why won’t No10 talk about herd immunity?‘ and even our toe-the-line and don’t upset your big government agency advertisers giveaway Metro refers to: ‘…deaths from covid plummet by 92%‘
We know they don’t want us to call it the Chinese Flu – we understand that… Call it PC gone mad, or CCP (Chinese Communist Party) rules apply.
So let’s instead refer to our current predicament as the Boris Lockdown, with the putative Starmer Mutant Varient – rumoured to be even more virulent and hard to shake off, if it were ever to get a grip on the country.
The Times tells us: ‘Majority of Britions trust Oxford jab, poll shows. 75% consider vaccine safe despite blod clot link‘ – [we note the media can’t give up their addiction to “despite”, despite New Year’s Resolutions, or Lent, or Ramadan, or whatever, so now they’ll never shake it off and we’ll have to live with it] and now… do we not acknowledge that people have been so brow beaten into submission after 12 months of enforced incarceration – with an indefinite sentence hanging over our heads and (to mix metaphores) stretching before us? With privileges withheld (except, perhaps, white ones), limited recreational exercise and barely a conjugal visit – even for the youngsters.
Like stir-crazy convicts in chokey with just a glimmer of hope of parole, we’d agree to almost anything. Just give us the ankle tag, I won’t even want go to the pub, I’ve lost the habit anyway… promise, promise, promise!
‘Under-30’s who have had Oxford jab are urged to have second dose of the same product‘ (‘i’) – good advice – don’t mix it. Did they really term the wonder vax a product? I note some of the media have switched to calling it the Oxford rather than the AstraZeneca or the even more scary AZ abbreviation. Good call. Oxford brings to mind dreaming spires, Inspector Morse and defeat in the held-in-seclusion University Boat Race.
I notice, by way of the press this morning, that the Grand National is happening this weekend. Will it be at Aintree or held in a vacant landfill site with dustbins and skips for fences somewhere on the Wirral, so as to avoid crowds?
Anyway these surveys…? Having been brought up on Family Fortunes with the likes of Bob Monhouse, Max Bygraves and even Les Dennis, and enjoyed the catchphrase “our survey said…” and the resulting raspberry-sounding “Uh-Uh” for a wrong answer, it eventually came to dawn on me that no one ever asked me to take part in a Family Fortunes question survey.
Now I know fully paid up card carrying members of the I’ve-got-google smartarses trades union will tell me ITV likely had a system of requiring a survey of the previous audience for the next show. But here’s my conspiracy theory – I reckon the producers must have at least been tempted to pick a set of answers from questions that they found garnered some of the more entertaining of replies. And perhaps, just once in whlie, they ditched just one or two of the more predictable and pedestrian answer sets? Or ones that skewed too far to one answer that might spoil the game?
But I’m not so much digressing there as digging too deep in trivia. Point is… my answer whenever I see the words our survey says… is a resounding “Uh-Uh”
In agnostic news: ‘Archbishop: I regret not allowing prayer in churches‘ (Telegraph)
Here’s a revelation. The lefty-leaning ‘i’ newspaper suddenly frets over unfettered immigration – well, not quite – but they do exhibit some anguish over our lax border controls: ‘Exclusive: 150,000 international travellers who have arrived in the UK since border controls were introduced may be “lost” and are not following isolating procedures‘ – you don’t say!
The dread question for US officials in a moment of sudden international tension is “Shall we wake the President?”
In Biden’s case it’s more a matter of CAN we wake him? Afterall, he’s having such a nice nap. And what will he say when you appraise him of the dangerous international events unfolding? Is it Wednesday, is it supper time already?
‘Biden raises concerns over Northern Ireland’ (‘i’) – wishful thinking I think there at the ‘i’, trying to stir up yet another anti-British story.
The Guardian-reading constituency think they’ll soon be holidaying again: ‘Watchlist raises new hopes for holidays‘ – I’m old enough to remember when a watchlist was a counter terrorism measure.
‘Families will have to pay hundreds of pounds for trips abroad under new travel guidelines’ (Telegraph) foreign travel becomes a richman’s sport onceagain. Look on the bright side – it’s a blow against the terrorists.
Not then being much of an officianado of the turf, watching the Grand National on tv as a kid I always backed the white horse. Easier to follow in the pack. Now I know that was probably just my unconscious racial bias and/or equine institutional, or as Labour would have it, structural bias. Come to think of it… the diversity of horses is heavily skewed toward black and brown and away from what they call the grays. Time for quotas?
As the BBC says, this is a devastating blow to the Government, who will have to cope without Greta’s diplomatic, policy-making and scientific knowledge and experience.
In the early 1970s, we were informed that the huge Lake Erie was completely devoid of life because of all the industrial cities around it. Quite so….and they did something about it.
Now it’s teeming with life.
I’ve been going on about the incident involving the president of Turkey and the visiting president Helga of the ReichEU commission not having a chair .
Anyway – the ‘spat’ continues with the Italians now piling in . For pop corn eaters it’s paradise – and anything both bad for Turkey and the Helga and the Reich EU – can only be good ….
Apparently the subject was the Jonny Turks pulling out of some meaningless ‘domestic violence ‘ treaty which promised that Turkish men would beat their wimmin a bit less – maybe not on Fridays …..
Father beaten into coma when he went to help 11 yo son : 5 boys bailed “suspicion of attempted murder”
Alan Willson, 46, sprinted from his home in Worthing, West Sussex, to nearby Longcroft Park when he heard a group were throwing his son to the floor on Easter Sunday
Let me ask a question of you superbly intelligent subscribers-the vaccine we are being given will have a little of the Covid virus in the vial (small vessel for holding liquid), injected. Where does all that virus come from? where is it stored? There must be vats full of the virus stuff to make the billions of vials available. How was this virus come by? Was it caught in the air? Or was it made in a lab somewhere? Simple but just questions-how many know exactly what the vaccines are made up of, their compositions-people just blindly follow what they are being led to believe about something that is still claimed by many scientists to be experimental. Makes one pause.
Don’t worry yourself over such things. The experts do everything under strict laboratory conditions in specialised virus research labs. Much of the research is funded by the World Health Organisation – so you can trust it all. The labs are perfectly safe – like the one we help pay for in Wuhan China.
Those are definitely questions for the in house site trolls to answer. And as I write this – I look up at my bookcase and see the ‘general microbiology ‘ tome in bought ( second hand ) when I was 17 and preparing to do my BSc – which I never did …methinks I was not a great loss to virology …
But I am proud to be a shareholder in one of the companies which developed the “Oxford ‘ vaccine ….I have made much money out of it though ….
Sluff, I note that it is because of all that air, train and car travel from delegates around the world and the media and the NGOs and demonstrators to COP26, that Greta cites as a reason for her call for it to be cancelled.
Er, apparently not.
It is because she doesn’t want to catch Wuhan ‘flu’ from Brazil or wherever.
Following my point about following blindly-look at Mask wearing. By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public, or by expressly condoning the practice, governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the opposite of following precationary principle. The present papers about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media and institutional propaganda can decide to operate in a science vaccum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such incomprehension is also the case with the force of Lockdowns of many billions of people, unprecendented experiment in medical and politcal history. Can we agree maybe that there are negative phsychological consequences to wearing masks, as a fear based behavioural modification. And what of the disposal consequences of masks? Down the loo= clogged drains, more rubbish discarded in one way or another adding fuel to the pollution problem.
Tarien – I’m pro mask even though they won’t stop viral spread . Improved public hygiene can only be a good thing . The BBC could do a service by teaching the third worlders and others here how to wash themselves – particularly their hands .
Believe it or not I had to be ‘trained ‘ to do it properly on a course once …. any easy day though ….
Just to add to that – I was in a hot foreign clime last summer and witnessed ‘extreme masking ‘ which involves being in the sea – in the sea – wearing a mask – and not a scuba type either …people are beyond me sometimes …
I am anti-mask although I use one in a shop as a courtesy. They obviously do not work as, wearing one and socially distanced in a large airy building ie. church, you are not allowed to sing hymns! If the mask worked, you would be able to sing, as there are two levels of supposed protection.
If HMG prolong their mandatory use, I will just have to arrange my exemption.
A neighbour came round for drinks outside.
As he was going home the sun was shining at just the right angle and it was possible to see his exhaled breath and spit glinting in the sunlight as it came out of his mouth and curved down to the ground.
There is no doubt in my mind that masks play a role in reducing droplet transmission of virus, with particular emphasis on asymptomatic carriers splurging it out.
It makes a useful contribution. It doesn’t work for aerosol transmission or touch transmission, hence the emphasis on handwashing, and good ventilation.
The great irony is that my neighbour had already had coronavirus so was probably safe but as evidence of how things can spread it was most informative.
That said, if case rates are low and vaccination is high there may well be little need for masks, and I won’t be drinking my pints next week through a maskhole with a straw.
My husband bumped into a neighbour on a really cold day and they stood and chatted a little way apart, but as both are on the deaf side, the probably needed to be not quite the full two metres apart. But it was a cold day, each must have been able to see clearly their breath as I could watching them, and you might have thought in these covid times, they might have stepped a little further apart. I could see how a mask might reduce viral load.
AFAIK You need more than one molecule to catch Covid
I guess it takes a few drops to build up into a viral dose that overwhelms your bodies initial defences.
‘Expert says fentanyl did not kill Geroge Floyd’.
This expert also said ‘pushing down against the left side of Mr Floyd’s chest, meant that it was “almost… as if a surgeon had gone in and removed the [left] lung”.’ and “it’s like the left side is in a vice.” followed by “not an ounce of oxygen left in his body”.
The Defence should have proposed the witness be removed for being a complete crackpot.
I can’t believe any decent doctor would make such comments.
A quick search on Google for this guy uncovered he said this: “And since I’d never done this type of work in this nature before, I decided I didn’t wish to be paid for it.”. This guy smells all wrong.
Having had a spontaneously collapsed left lung in my thirties, it was not pleasant, but I survived having to get out of bed, driving 10 miles to a nearby hospital, and sitting in a waiting room for the best part of an hour whilst a diagnosis was forthcoming.
The treatment at the time was not much short of barbaric, and I’m not sure it has actually changed very much since than.
But I was much better off than the guy in the hospital bed next to me – he often had spontaneous lung collapsses – and he’d had both collapse at the same time when I met him. Now that was scary.
Justin Welby commented a day or so ago (obviously to appease H&M after basically calling them out on their lie of the ‘earlier marriage ceremony’) that being in the Royal Family is akin to serving a sentence of ‘life without parole’.
Just wondering, does he believe the same about the Christian institution of marriage – after all, it’s a commitment ’till death us do part’, is it not ? And if so, does he condemn marriage in the church ?
If so, I hope he goes on TV and parades this view in front of his wider ‘flocking’ congregation.
And, just to be clear – doesn’t this comment of his mean that Harry has simply exchanged one life sentence without parole for another ?
But I bet he and the left-wing liberal media won’t agree with that. Welby once again proves himself to be a typical ‘woke’ hypocrite.
Harry’s muddle intensifies – as with the MSM, making much of Harry’s ‘deep involvement’ with the Invictus Games – and it’s true he has played a significant part in the past. But our servicemen, of all ranks, swear allegiance to HM The Queen which, following Mr Hewitt’s current behaviour, will inevitably leave red faces and divided loyalties.
Interesting situation.
About 20 illegals landed at Dungeness, the third beach landing there in 16 days.
and 11 Africans made it to Dover this morning with the help of French and British warships in severe winds (credit Chris Johnson facebook).
Thank you to those who continue the task of reporting the drip, drip, drip and the blatant collusion.
Stand by for a vomit-inducing statement by Meghan (with Harry by her side, one step backwards) pretending how devastated she is.
When she is actually extremely annoyed.
I expect the camera crew are being assembled as I type.
OK all BBC radio UK networks are broadcasting the same show
with Evan Davis. (even Asian Network)
I don’t approve of this as it reeks of conformity thinking , and BBC being afraid of doing the wrong thing
but even the local commercial station doesn’t have any local news
LBC has it’s own programming with Nick Ferrari.
My personal view is that you honour people when they alive, not when they are dead.
One event and reaction sums up Welby for me and Mrs Mouse.
“The Archbishop of Canterbury has admitted the Paris attacks left him questioning the presence of God.”
He may be a leader of woke but he is certainly no religious leader. He must never have opened a history book nor looked to see daily similar attacks across the world. Maybe this (in Paris) was a bit closer to home so he was thinking of his own skin.
A rare occasion that a Guardian article rings bells in tune, but the eulogy to the Duke of Edinburgh includes a great line.
Referring to the Queen Mother as ‘never knowingly subtle’ her disdainful labelling of Phillip as ‘The Hun’ revealed the depth of her immense ignorance, something in which she apparently took a great pride, intelligence being an unnecessary part of Royal duty.
Some courtier or other really ought to have told her the British Royal Family have been almost exclusively German since 1714.
Actually, of all the press, the Guardian published perhaps the most sympathetic headline photo of Prince Phillip (in uniform) until a few few minutes ago, but I now see that has been relegated to a lower article, and a different main photo used.
Thought I’d take a quick look at the BBC News Website. If it was’t for the death of Prince Philip most of their comment seems to be centered on ‘people of colour’. Do they have any idea of the actual make up of the UK demographic?
I listened to the first business bit of TOADY this morning. Very strange, they did not mention the collapse of the £ sterling against the € Euro. It has fallen over two cents this week.
Should not the BBC should mention that this is because of/despite/due to (delete that which does not apply) Brexit?
What’s on today ?
BBC1/2 all closed to broadcast the same news special
Channel4 extra hour added to 7pm news
ITV/BBC4/Ch5 normal schedule this evening
OK Updates
Channel4 news will finish at 7:30pm
BBC2 stays as a News Special Channel
BBC1 6pm news ends at 7pm, then local news then Prince Philip memorial shows
ITV some memorial shows
..local news is all Philip memories
Channel5 scrap the 9pm Churchill show, Kate Humble walks in Yorks instead
BBC 4 schedule is blank now
“And so we have been left with a two-dimensional portrait of the duke; salt-tongued and short-tempered, a man who told off-colour jokes and made politically incorrect remarks, an eccentric great-uncle who’d been around forever and towards whom most people felt affection – but who rather too often embarrassed himself and others in company.”
We're aware that some customers may be experiencing issues watching On Demand TV services. This is being looked into and are working to restore services ASAP. Any updates on this will be posted here
Why pick stock footage of a middle aged African looking woman as your archetypal "ordinary Brit winning the lottery"? There are many Brits like her, for sure, and they are welcome but this isn't marketing your product, is it? this is marketing woke and that is getting annoying
Dan Walker has left Football Focus
“Dan Walker to step down as presenter of Football Focus at the end of the season”
Belfield says the BBC has also gone and deleted old episodes of the Brekkie show as if they have something to hide.
Pretty much sums it up although the PSNI have today announced, contrary to what they and the politicians and media have previously claimed, that those involved in the rioting are ” operating independently “.
They are now telling us that some paramilitaries may be involved but it is not actually the Loyalist terrorist organisations orchestrating it. This suggests to me that the Unherd article is much more honest and realistic in its analysis of the situation. As many of us know it’s not just as simple to label as the politicians would like to have us believe, it’s not just criminal gangs behind this or anger at the Brexit protocal. The societal problems run much deeper, too many have been ignored and undervalued, actively undermined and “positively discriminated” against, treated with contempt and ultimately betrayed for too long.
For Protestant working-class youths read white, English, working-class males and take note.
Ron Watkins' counter-argument to the finale of #QIntotheStorm is that if he were really in chrage of Q on 8kun he would have made the last Q drop better.
"If I were Q I wouldn't have made that last post to be that last post. I would have done something more exciting."
MSNBC is the place where a media pundit thinks he knows better about judicial matters and practice than a sitting Supreme Court Justice.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia [img][/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
vladMar 4, 10:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Wokies and normies and the BBC think that giving Ukraine enough arms and money to keep feeding their men into…
JohnCMar 4, 10:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Any more ‘Lammy’ and he will pop. When someone looks like that, it is usually an indicator to the character…
JohnCMar 4, 10:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 They told you wrong : they have paused, not halted, offensive operations only against Russia. Nothing to do with ‘monitoring’…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Why is Gwyneth Paltrow selling a candle that smells like her vagina? This article is more than 5 years old…
JohnCMar 4, 10:35 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The answer to all these BBC headlines phrased as questions is always ‘No but we wish it was yes’.
MaajidNawaz tweets
“resurgent ISIS jihadists in Mozambique and Syria, and it is grim:
Decapitated bodies of 12 expats found outside Mozambique hotel
The remains of a dozen expats have been discovered outside their hotel in Mozambique after they attempted to flee jihadist militants”
5m32s Ken Hinds to Calvin “As a mixed race person you should know better, rather than calling out your OWN”
Calvin “whoa … don’t tell me what to to think based on the colour of my skin ..that’s racist ..bye”
What motivates you. Why do you troll here ?
“Covid in Wales: Gyms and household mixing changes brought forward”.
Just to be different?
BBC News
“Both the nurse and doctor kept asking me loudly in front of other people what I was there for. I felt humiliated.”
For many young adults in Singapore, where abstinence before marriage is promoted in schools, seeking sexual health advice from parents or the neighbourhood GP can be “awkward”.
A. Bollux.
B. Yet again, the process by which that ‘quote’ came to the screen is very bbc.
Top comment:
“This article sounds more like an advertisement sponsored and made-up stories.
The writer seems to not know how strict it is in Singapore abt maintaining patients confidentiality.
NO doctors or nurses here ever ask such questions to patients in public as thats a breach of medical contract and anyone found to do so will have disciplinary actions taken on them by their companies.
We are not allowed to even discuss or share any information abt patient when we are in public areas.
Im a senior staff nurse n been working in both the private and government clinics and i know very well how we practise here.“
Also, very BBC, in the Moaning Emole…
“Plus, what you need to know about rare blot clots…”
Dr. Spring also a blood specialist now?
Speaking of award winning exper… selectivity….
Fact-checking the Seaspiracy film
A documentary about the fishing industry’s impact on sea life and the oceans has caused a lot of debate. Many viewers have been saying they will no longer eat fish after watching the film, and expressed shock at the industrial scale of fishing.
Others have argued it oversimplifies a complex issue – many communities depend on fishing for their livelihoods and for food, and are in fact practising sustainable catching methods. We looked into some of the main claims in the Seaspiracy film on Netflix.
Read full analysis >
Reality Check team
BBC News
I might just await a less ideologically compromised review to discover actual facts and ‘reality’.
But how long before Rog, Matt and Justin are recreating ‘Tora, Tora, Tora!’ in three Gates Lears Whitby way?
Been to Fleetwood recently?….
Seems to be a ‘fact check’ conceit’:
Jessica at Full (well, bits you need to know) Fact
What you need to know about the AstraZeneca vaccine
Avi Yemini – “ Jacinda Ardern has created an Indian travel ban.
And just like that, travel bans are no longer racist.
Trump did it before it was cool.”
Wonder if Shaimaa the Sheila is conflicted? Probs best for her not to go there.
Has the BBC reported the fleets of paki airlines returning from their homeland before a travel ban comes into force ? Was that true ?
Packed to the gunnels with ‘Bradford Men’?
Optimists are healthier, wealthier and happier – so says the fortune cookie-style Apple News pop up headline on my i-phone this morning.
On a morning when Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph asks: ‘Why won’t No10 talk about herd immunity?‘ and even our toe-the-line and don’t upset your big government agency advertisers giveaway Metro refers to: ‘…deaths from covid plummet by 92%‘
We know they don’t want us to call it the Chinese Flu – we understand that… Call it PC gone mad, or CCP (Chinese Communist Party) rules apply.
So let’s instead refer to our current predicament as the Boris Lockdown, with the putative Starmer Mutant Varient – rumoured to be even more virulent and hard to shake off, if it were ever to get a grip on the country.
The Times tells us: ‘Majority of Britions trust Oxford jab, poll shows. 75% consider vaccine safe despite blod clot link‘ – [we note the media can’t give up their addiction to “despite”, despite New Year’s Resolutions, or Lent, or Ramadan, or whatever, so now they’ll never shake it off and we’ll have to live with it] and now… do we not acknowledge that people have been so brow beaten into submission after 12 months of enforced incarceration – with an indefinite sentence hanging over our heads and (to mix metaphores) stretching before us? With privileges withheld (except, perhaps, white ones), limited recreational exercise and barely a conjugal visit – even for the youngsters.
Like stir-crazy convicts in chokey with just a glimmer of hope of parole, we’d agree to almost anything. Just give us the ankle tag, I won’t even want go to the pub, I’ve lost the habit anyway… promise, promise, promise!
‘Under-30’s who have had Oxford jab are urged to have second dose of the same product‘ (‘i’) – good advice – don’t mix it. Did they really term the wonder vax a product? I note some of the media have switched to calling it the Oxford rather than the AstraZeneca or the even more scary AZ abbreviation. Good call. Oxford brings to mind dreaming spires, Inspector Morse and defeat in the held-in-seclusion University Boat Race.
I notice, by way of the press this morning, that the Grand National is happening this weekend. Will it be at Aintree or held in a vacant landfill site with dustbins and skips for fences somewhere on the Wirral, so as to avoid crowds?
Anyway these surveys…? Having been brought up on Family Fortunes with the likes of Bob Monhouse, Max Bygraves and even Les Dennis, and enjoyed the catchphrase “our survey said…” and the resulting raspberry-sounding “Uh-Uh” for a wrong answer, it eventually came to dawn on me that no one ever asked me to take part in a Family Fortunes question survey.
Now I know fully paid up card carrying members of the I’ve-got-google smartarses trades union will tell me ITV likely had a system of requiring a survey of the previous audience for the next show. But here’s my conspiracy theory – I reckon the producers must have at least been tempted to pick a set of answers from questions that they found garnered some of the more entertaining of replies. And perhaps, just once in whlie, they ditched just one or two of the more predictable and pedestrian answer sets? Or ones that skewed too far to one answer that might spoil the game?
But I’m not so much digressing there as digging too deep in trivia. Point is… my answer whenever I see the words our survey says… is a resounding “Uh-Uh”
In agnostic news: ‘Archbishop: I regret not allowing prayer in churches‘ (Telegraph)
Here’s a revelation. The lefty-leaning ‘i’ newspaper suddenly frets over unfettered immigration – well, not quite – but they do exhibit some anguish over our lax border controls: ‘Exclusive: 150,000 international travellers who have arrived in the UK since border controls were introduced may be “lost” and are not following isolating procedures‘ – you don’t say!
The dread question for US officials in a moment of sudden international tension is “Shall we wake the President?”
In Biden’s case it’s more a matter of CAN we wake him? Afterall, he’s having such a nice nap. And what will he say when you appraise him of the dangerous international events unfolding? Is it Wednesday, is it supper time already?
‘Biden raises concerns over Northern Ireland’ (‘i’) – wishful thinking I think there at the ‘i’, trying to stir up yet another anti-British story.
The Guardian-reading constituency think they’ll soon be holidaying again: ‘Watchlist raises new hopes for holidays‘ – I’m old enough to remember when a watchlist was a counter terrorism measure.
‘Families will have to pay hundreds of pounds for trips abroad under new travel guidelines’ (Telegraph) foreign travel becomes a richman’s sport onceagain. Look on the bright side – it’s a blow against the terrorists.
The Grand National is this weekend – will there be a coloured jockey – or even better – a Muslim one – or a Muslim coloured girl one ?
The MSM will go over board in such a case . Not so much of Muslim peasants rich on oil money locking up their daughters and owning race horses ….
The ITV coverage is just awful – adverts with a bit of racing in the way .. and suitably woke.
Not then being much of an officianado of the turf, watching the Grand National on tv as a kid I always backed the white horse. Easier to follow in the pack. Now I know that was probably just my unconscious racial bias and/or equine institutional, or as Labour would have it, structural bias. Come to think of it… the diversity of horses is heavily skewed toward black and brown and away from what they call the grays. Time for quotas?
Ha ha – I always wondered why it was limited to just horses …
The ideal solution is the zebra race
It should be a pantomime horse race…
I’d pay for that – although my mind sez “the goodies ‘ might have done it …
The Telegraph has a fact check thread too
Seaspiracy’s essential claim ‘The Ocean will be empty of fish by 2048’
is of course BS
In other news, how dare they…
To be fair it can be a bit chilly in Glasgow.
Without Greta the entire conference is a travesty. It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of two mockeries of a sham.
In the early 1970s, we were informed that the huge Lake Erie was completely devoid of life because of all the industrial cities around it. Quite so….and they did something about it.
Now it’s teeming with life.
not sure the destruction of the american motor industry was what they had planned to save it
I’ve been going on about the incident involving the president of Turkey and the visiting president Helga of the ReichEU commission not having a chair .
Anyway – the ‘spat’ continues with the Italians now piling in . For pop corn eaters it’s paradise – and anything both bad for Turkey and the Helga and the Reich EU – can only be good ….
Apparently the subject was the Jonny Turks pulling out of some meaningless ‘domestic violence ‘ treaty which promised that Turkish men would beat their wimmin a bit less – maybe not on Fridays …..
Father beaten into coma when he went to help 11 yo son : 5 boys bailed “suspicion of attempted murder”
Alan Willson, 46, sprinted from his home in Worthing, West Sussex, to nearby Longcroft Park when he heard a group were throwing his son to the floor on Easter Sunday
Let me ask a question of you superbly intelligent subscribers-the vaccine we are being given will have a little of the Covid virus in the vial (small vessel for holding liquid), injected. Where does all that virus come from? where is it stored? There must be vats full of the virus stuff to make the billions of vials available. How was this virus come by? Was it caught in the air? Or was it made in a lab somewhere? Simple but just questions-how many know exactly what the vaccines are made up of, their compositions-people just blindly follow what they are being led to believe about something that is still claimed by many scientists to be experimental. Makes one pause.
“Where does all that virus come from?”
Don’t worry yourself over such things. The experts do everything under strict laboratory conditions in specialised virus research labs. Much of the research is funded by the World Health Organisation – so you can trust it all. The labs are perfectly safe – like the one we help pay for in Wuhan China.
Those are definitely questions for the in house site trolls to answer. And as I write this – I look up at my bookcase and see the ‘general microbiology ‘ tome in bought ( second hand ) when I was 17 and preparing to do my BSc – which I never did …methinks I was not a great loss to virology …
But I am proud to be a shareholder in one of the companies which developed the “Oxford ‘ vaccine ….I have made much money out of it though ….
Stop press!
BBC news website front page.
Young autistic Scandanavian girl with no science training isn’t going to do something in 6 months time.
How dare she.
I was looking forward to seeing a picture of the small mad girl having her picture taken with Greta …..
Sluff, I note that it is because of all that air, train and car travel from delegates around the world and the media and the NGOs and demonstrators to COP26, that Greta cites as a reason for her call for it to be cancelled.
Er, apparently not.
It is because she doesn’t want to catch Wuhan ‘flu’ from Brazil or wherever.
Following my point about following blindly-look at Mask wearing. By making mask-wearing recommendations and policies for the general public, or by expressly condoning the practice, governments have both ignored the scientific evidence and done the opposite of following precationary principle. The present papers about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media and institutional propaganda can decide to operate in a science vaccum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such incomprehension is also the case with the force of Lockdowns of many billions of people, unprecendented experiment in medical and politcal history. Can we agree maybe that there are negative phsychological consequences to wearing masks, as a fear based behavioural modification. And what of the disposal consequences of masks? Down the loo= clogged drains, more rubbish discarded in one way or another adding fuel to the pollution problem.
Tarien – I’m pro mask even though they won’t stop viral spread . Improved public hygiene can only be a good thing . The BBC could do a service by teaching the third worlders and others here how to wash themselves – particularly their hands .
Believe it or not I had to be ‘trained ‘ to do it properly on a course once …. any easy day though ….
This was followed by the ‘water handling course ‘
Just to add to that – I was in a hot foreign clime last summer and witnessed ‘extreme masking ‘ which involves being in the sea – in the sea – wearing a mask – and not a scuba type either …people are beyond me sometimes …
Fed, yes, that’s just plain stupid.
I am anti-mask although I use one in a shop as a courtesy. They obviously do not work as, wearing one and socially distanced in a large airy building ie. church, you are not allowed to sing hymns! If the mask worked, you would be able to sing, as there are two levels of supposed protection.
If HMG prolong their mandatory use, I will just have to arrange my exemption.
A neighbour came round for drinks outside.
As he was going home the sun was shining at just the right angle and it was possible to see his exhaled breath and spit glinting in the sunlight as it came out of his mouth and curved down to the ground.
There is no doubt in my mind that masks play a role in reducing droplet transmission of virus, with particular emphasis on asymptomatic carriers splurging it out.
It makes a useful contribution. It doesn’t work for aerosol transmission or touch transmission, hence the emphasis on handwashing, and good ventilation.
The great irony is that my neighbour had already had coronavirus so was probably safe but as evidence of how things can spread it was most informative.
That said, if case rates are low and vaccination is high there may well be little need for masks, and I won’t be drinking my pints next week through a maskhole with a straw.
My husband bumped into a neighbour on a really cold day and they stood and chatted a little way apart, but as both are on the deaf side, the probably needed to be not quite the full two metres apart. But it was a cold day, each must have been able to see clearly their breath as I could watching them, and you might have thought in these covid times, they might have stepped a little further apart. I could see how a mask might reduce viral load.
“I could see how a mask might reduce viral load.”
Magical! Like Greta, who can see CO2.
AFAIK You need more than one molecule to catch Covid
I guess it takes a few drops to build up into a viral dose that overwhelms your bodies initial defences.
Floyd? One less criminal.
‘Expert says fentanyl did not kill Geroge Floyd’.
This expert also said ‘pushing down against the left side of Mr Floyd’s chest, meant that it was “almost… as if a surgeon had gone in and removed the [left] lung”.’ and “it’s like the left side is in a vice.” followed by “not an ounce of oxygen left in his body”.
The Defence should have proposed the witness be removed for being a complete crackpot.
I can’t believe any decent doctor would make such comments.
A quick search on Google for this guy uncovered he said this: “And since I’d never done this type of work in this nature before, I decided I didn’t wish to be paid for it.”. This guy smells all wrong.
how do all those people with one lung manage to carry on??
Having had a spontaneously collapsed left lung in my thirties, it was not pleasant, but I survived having to get out of bed, driving 10 miles to a nearby hospital, and sitting in a waiting room for the best part of an hour whilst a diagnosis was forthcoming.
The treatment at the time was not much short of barbaric, and I’m not sure it has actually changed very much since than.
But I was much better off than the guy in the hospital bed next to me – he often had spontaneous lung collapsses – and he’d had both collapse at the same time when I met him. Now that was scary.
“Dark white skin”
Salty Cracker:
Meghan? Calvin?
Justin Welby commented a day or so ago (obviously to appease H&M after basically calling them out on their lie of the ‘earlier marriage ceremony’) that being in the Royal Family is akin to serving a sentence of ‘life without parole’.
Just wondering, does he believe the same about the Christian institution of marriage – after all, it’s a commitment ’till death us do part’, is it not ? And if so, does he condemn marriage in the church ?
If so, I hope he goes on TV and parades this view in front of his wider ‘flocking’ congregation.
And, just to be clear – doesn’t this comment of his mean that Harry has simply exchanged one life sentence without parole for another ?
But I bet he and the left-wing liberal media won’t agree with that. Welby once again proves himself to be a typical ‘woke’ hypocrite.
Harry’s muddle intensifies – as with the MSM, making much of Harry’s ‘deep involvement’ with the Invictus Games – and it’s true he has played a significant part in the past. But our servicemen, of all ranks, swear allegiance to HM The Queen which, following Mr Hewitt’s current behaviour, will inevitably leave red faces and divided loyalties.
Interesting situation.
From @Steve_Laws_ and @PatriotActive66 today.
About 20 illegals landed at Dungeness, the third beach landing there in 16 days.
11 Africans made it to Dover this morning with the help of French and British warships in severe winds (credit Chris Johnson facebook).
Thank you to those who continue the task of reporting the drip, drip, drip and the blatant collusion.
RIP Prince Philip..
RIP Prince Philip, indeed.
God save the Queen. Her Majesty has lost one of her two rocks.
Stand by for a vomit-inducing statement by Meghan (with Harry by her side, one step backwards) pretending how devastated she is.
When she is actually extremely annoyed.
I expect the camera crew are being assembled as I type.
Plus all the other vermin like Owen Jones will get a spot on BBC to bang about about ending the monachy and the poor rich divide.
Agreed. He was hard working and loyal for decades.
OK all BBC radio UK networks are broadcasting the same show
with Evan Davis. (even Asian Network)
I don’t approve of this as it reeks of conformity thinking , and BBC being afraid of doing the wrong thing
but even the local commercial station doesn’t have any local news
LBC has it’s own programming with Nick Ferrari.
My personal view is that you honour people when they alive, not when they are dead.
Jazzfm has changed its programme to gentle instrumental music.
Agree totally.
Classic FM has advised sad and important news.
Both true.
They have now advised it every break between tracks.
All day.
With ‘more to come’ at the ‘news’.
This is beyond silly.
If playing mournful stuff is respectful, so be it.
But a 99 yo war veteran in poor health who worked non stop beyond his years is no longer around to hear it.
And as the sombre wibble of Bo and slick seem deemed ‘news’, heaven help us once they get Shaz, Naomi and Mo from Bradford on the Vox poppery.
There is no more ‘news’ to share. Pure mawkish grief porn that happens to be inexpensive filler.
Still, better than the inevitable first ‘controversial’ run out by a Beeboid seeking parapet glory come the awards.
You wouldn’t honour Prince Philip now that he is dead? That seems unnatural to me.
One event and reaction sums up Welby for me and Mrs Mouse.
“The Archbishop of Canterbury has admitted the Paris attacks left him questioning the presence of God.”
He may be a leader of woke but he is certainly no religious leader. He must never have opened a history book nor looked to see daily similar attacks across the world. Maybe this (in Paris) was a bit closer to home so he was thinking of his own skin.
Think Welby may have worked in Paris for a while when he was an oil trader.
A rare occasion that a Guardian article rings bells in tune, but the eulogy to the Duke of Edinburgh includes a great line.
Referring to the Queen Mother as ‘never knowingly subtle’ her disdainful labelling of Phillip as ‘The Hun’ revealed the depth of her immense ignorance, something in which she apparently took a great pride, intelligence being an unnecessary part of Royal duty.
Some courtier or other really ought to have told her the British Royal Family have been almost exclusively German since 1714.
Actually, of all the press, the Guardian published perhaps the most sympathetic headline photo of Prince Phillip (in uniform) until a few few minutes ago, but I now see that has been relegated to a lower article, and a different main photo used.
Good grief – I’ve just spotted this media headline……
“Prince Philip dead: Queen’s husband has died – what was his net worth?”
To be fair she was not.
Beltane, er, umhh, er didn’t the good old Queen Mum know ‘what’ she was marrying into?
Now, where I have I heard that
beforesince?Both she and Prince Philip had a “robust” non-BBC sense of humour,and were none the worse for that.
Thought I’d take a quick look at the BBC News Website. If it was’t for the death of Prince Philip most of their comment seems to be centered on ‘people of colour’. Do they have any idea of the actual make up of the UK demographic?
I also noticed the BBC have shut down all the Have Your Says. They are scared of people leaving tributes to Prince Philip.
@Pos: Yes, and they want to accerate its transformation.
I listened to the first business bit of TOADY this morning. Very strange, they did not mention the collapse of the £ sterling against the € Euro. It has fallen over two cents this week.
Should not the BBC should mention that this is because of/despite/due to (delete that which does not apply) Brexit?
Listening to Radio 4 now.
Why must it be Mishal Hussein and Evan Davis fronting the tributes to Prince Philip’s life?
The categories that they fall into were probably the subject of the Duke’s jokes.
‘Controversial’ choices?
On that note…
BBC News
The Duke of Edinburgh’s life was filled with contradictions but he will be remembered most for his support of the Queen.
“filled with contradictions”
No it wasn’t; he was very much and enviably all of a piece. That is classic sneering BBC-Guardian language.
Phil the Greek. Part of British history. Active service in WW2. Rest in Peace.
What’s on today ?
BBC1/2 all closed to broadcast the same news special
Channel4 extra hour added to 7pm news
ITV/BBC4/Ch5 normal schedule this evening
Why on earth is it necessary to show the exact same news special on both BBC1 and BBC2 AND the BBC news channel??
I mean, for those with a licence, who is able only to get one of those channels? The BBC love minorities but this must be going a bit far.
They have BBC4 of course. Could they not have opened it up? And shown some actual programmes, like the Masters Golf Highlights?
At least ITV have had the gumption to put the Aintree racing on to ITV4.
Or is it just a cheap cost-saving broadcasting day? All the tributes to the Duke of Ed. were already in the can.
BBC4 and CBBC share the same frequency
so they can’t broadcast both a the same time.
OK Updates
Channel4 news will finish at 7:30pm
BBC2 stays as a News Special Channel
BBC1 6pm news ends at 7pm, then local news then Prince Philip memorial shows
ITV some memorial shows
..local news is all Philip memories
Channel5 scrap the 9pm Churchill show, Kate Humble walks in Yorks instead
BBC 4 schedule is blank now
“And so we have been left with a two-dimensional portrait of the duke; salt-tongued and short-tempered, a man who told off-colour jokes and made politically incorrect remarks, an eccentric great-uncle who’d been around forever and towards whom most people felt affection – but who rather too often embarrassed himself and others in company.”
Is that it? From the BBC?
Classic FM ‘quoted’ Jennie Bond.
Sounds like a real old bag.
Whoever wrote that patronizing and supercilious stuff should be sacked.
All those congregated around Windsor Castle, and Sky news manage to find and interview 3 Muslim women.
Wonder what the DoE would have had to say about that Brissles.
TalkTalk has problems
“Build Back Blacker” is their motto
Ad agencies are making sure the pendulum swings too far the other way now. Over egging the pudding springs to mind.
Seems I can’t post the image, but if anyone else knows how to I would be obliged:
Ah there it is !
Loved Prince Philip. Love The Queen.
Dan Walker has left Football Focus
“Dan Walker to step down as presenter of Football Focus at the end of the season”
Belfield says the BBC has also gone and deleted old episodes of the Brekkie show as if they have something to hide.
On the Northern Ireland Riots
BBC news version.
Paramilitaries, Brexit and the fallout from an IRA man’s funeral have led to rising tension and rioting in cities across Northern Ireland.
All egged on by the media.
In our ‘hood there has been a spate of arsons by da yoof.
Seems they are ‘bored’.
As with the above, the media like offering excuses that suit for thugs behaving badly.
So, no.
Pretty much sums it up although the PSNI have today announced, contrary to what they and the politicians and media have previously claimed, that those involved in the rioting are ” operating independently “.
They are now telling us that some paramilitaries may be involved but it is not actually the Loyalist terrorist organisations orchestrating it. This suggests to me that the Unherd article is much more honest and realistic in its analysis of the situation. As many of us know it’s not just as simple to label as the politicians would like to have us believe, it’s not just criminal gangs behind this or anger at the Brexit protocal. The societal problems run much deeper, too many have been ignored and undervalued, actively undermined and “positively discriminated” against, treated with contempt and ultimately betrayed for too long.
For Protestant working-class youths read white, English, working-class males and take note.
As with Nish, a bbc favoured son scores…