HOWEVER, I do hate the term “guys” used in conversation, which is an Americanism that’s been adopted here. Its constantly used by presenters – particularly A Place in the Sun, when referring to a married couple (man & woman), as “you guys” or “c’mon guys”.
Guardian appoints @jcollingridgeST as its new head of business. He joins from his role as Sunday Times deputy business editor and says he has "long admired" the Guardian for its "campaigning, investigative journalism".
Tonight’s TV
Not much to comment on
7pm BBC4 Live coverage of the women’s football international friendly between England and Canada from the home of Stoke City FC
Of course, first up one must check with Marianna, assuming she is still not stuck on feet. Certainly for one constantly seeking so many stories requiring her expertise, the ones she runs with seem very… limited.
Assuming this one to be accurate and based on more than assertion, and the BBC is not finding such activity a bit close what they get up to as ratings is what gets pay rises even without non unique funding, one might wonder why CNN has been and is such a major ‘source’ of ‘news’ to the most trusted broadcaster in the known universe.
To the point of being pushed a lot and seldom checked.
SkyNewsAut commentator 8 min clip on the CNN sting
CNN Charlie Chester was caught on hidden camera explaining CNN’s anti-Trump campaigning, and how next they will move onto pushing Climate Change agenda etc.
He claimed the plans come from CNN top boss Jeff Zucker
The BBC have been recruited into the #NetZero propaganda campaign.
They see their role as shaping people's attitudes and behaviours.
The reduction of meat and dairy consumption is a key part of the #NetZero agenda, though the Climate Assembly wanted this done without penalties.
Green Bribery
“Get your class … to join in ..a Blue Peter Climate Heroes Certificate
everyone in your group will earn their Green Badge, that includes your teacher
then parents apply for your Blue Peter Badge ID Card which will give you access to over 200 attractions”
Episode 1 of the The Doom Goblin doco
of the UK population of 67 million
how many watched 50%, 20% . 10% or 1.5% ?
Well 55% of those watching the previous prog switched
The Greta doco averaged 1.08m viewers with a 6.3% of audience share, that’s actually 1.5% of UK popn.
The latest racebaiting from Vine
On his C5 TV show today about the Duke’s funeral he said
“We are going to see a group of 30 people who are going to be at this very restricted funeral, and I’m imagining it will be 30 people who are white.
I’m just trying to think whether there’s anybody of colour in there and I don’t think so.
Do you think that’s a problem?”
Jeremy Vine even manages to turn HRH Prince Philip’s funeral into a race issue. 🤯
I’m so tired of this divisive narrative. Identity politics has taken over and it’s insidious.
SNP news : the cuddly toy is coming down the SNP give-away conveyor belt.
🚴♂️ We'll provide free bikes for all children of school age who can't afford them, so every child in Scotland leaves school able to cycle safely.
💷 To make owning a bike an option for all, we'll create loans and grants for the purchase of bikes and their repair.
“Marxist leaders realised street revolution wouldn’t work so took up an alternative plan
of the ‘long march’ to take over society’s institutions”
8 min SkyAust clip
BBCnews is theatre not portraying the world as it is
but rather how libmob want it to be.
They want shipping o be bad and and dirty, so they can be green saviours.
So when they got an expert who claimed there were high Sulphur level around Suez and this must have been caused by ships waiting for the jam to clear they ran with
“Suez canal blockage caused sulphur pollution spike
When the Ever Given container vessel jammed ship traffic, the pollution was visible from space.”
Original fake news version from BBC
It was first tweeted 4:46pm pm on Tuesday
tweeted by Amos at 9:09pm
and then30 mins later a proper expert gives a correction
(a few other people also tweeted astonishment at the BBC’s bad science, and sent in complaints)
The BBC page still stayed incorrect for a day
Then an new article was written over the old
with the correction note at the bottom
The most dishonest place to put it. “This article replaces an earlier version that incorrectly attributed the SO2 emissions over Suez to shipping.“
Stew, at least they haven’t come for oxygen, … yet.
I’m amazed at all that settled science, on which 98% of the world’s clever scientists were said to be in absolute agreement that CO2 was the cause of all our planets woes including it’s heating up to boiling point, then these clever scientists who agreed on nearly absolutely everything suddenly decide to add more and more gases and pollutants to ‘the problem’.
As a bit of a scientist myself, I have to say I hang my head in shame at the rubbish science being done by these so-called scientist people who do not seem very clever, aided and abetted – it has to be said – by the BBC.
I would have expected the Suez pollution, if it had come from the shipping jam, to have been various noxious nitrogen gases. Most shipping runs on dirty diesel, very dirty diesel, although some more modern vessels run on cleaner ‘pump’ fuel that you might put in your diesel car, van, truck or bus.
A rare occurrence during lockdown, I was in the car and decided I would try Radio 4, You and Yours which I hadn’t listened to for ages. They were just finishing one story and they lost the lady they were about to interview. A £4 billion organisation and they couldn’t hold a link. 5 minutes later we were back to the thrilling story of vital interest, why it is time growing chrysanthemums should make a come back. I think they were aiming for a niche audience. The first words out the guest’s mouth was ‘climate change’. I switched back to Classic FM,
@D yes being omnipresent I heard it
The problem with chrysanthemums is that in a garden they die over winter, so you have to mess about with cutting in order to get a flower the next year.
The truth is new varieties are harder and can withstand the winter.
23mins expert “chrysanthemums are fantastic for late in the year and as our autumns with Climate change get lovelier you are in your garden more“
At least 10 years ago there was an article in Farmers Weekly about blackcurrants. The farmers were developing new varieties that didn’t require a frost to trigger flowering because climate change meant there were never be a frost ever again in the U.K..
I think we have had a frost ever morning in April this year.
TOADY Watch #1 – normal service is resumed including the Cold War
BBC very excited this morning about China Joe getting stroppy with the Russians. Apparently, the Russians didn’t give China Joe the landslide in last November’s US Election that he was promised.
Well, that’s the Russians for you, Joe. Good job you had China in there also as back-up.
Bothersome tech problems…? One could always blame the Ruskies: ‘West condemns “malign” Russia’ – having named our putative Putin-led enemy, the formerly patriotic Times would, uncharacteristically, appear to go all jingoistic on us and seem to want us to march off to the Crimea (again).
‘Moscow warned after US and Britain blame it for one of the biggest cyberattacks in history’ – really? Can’t say I noticed. Many’s the time I have had trouble with various internet sites – often the result of expensive duff government IT contracts – without realising my frustrations were made in Moscow.
How serious is the problem? : ‘In Britain the NSCS [National Cyber Security Centre] identified a “low single-digit” number of public sector organisations that had been targeted’ – in other words possibly just the one?
Targeted… as opposed to seriously damaged.
The FT frontpage presents us with an interesting juxtaposition of foreign relations headlines: ‘Cool relations. US sanctions anger Russia’ and: ‘Siege mentality. Iran’s hardliners hail their resistance to sanctions’ – so the Biden-Boris great game here seems to be to piss off the Russians and likely drive them into alliance with the mad Mullahs.
Just the other day, I noticed the cogent comment – had covid originated in Moscow, rather than Wuhan, the west would have had no problem at all in naming it the Russian Virus and moreover demanding Putin properly explain the origin of the outbreak.
On the subject of what the teenagers might term first world problems: ‘Brothers will not walk side by side in procession from Windsor Castle’ (Telegraph) – as anyone who has ever been tasked with organising a family event will know the complications such as who sits where in relation to the top table, who has fallen out with who, and who doesn’t want to sit near the sleazy uncle, can be an equation complex enough to tax the brain of Prof Stephen Hawking. The Royals have the great advantage of a thing called protocol which will often solve the bickering. Mind you, this doesn’t prevent most of the popular press filling their frontpages in an attempt to make something of it.
So much for fake news… in cake news: ‘Snooty M&S at war over Colin’ (Daily Star) ‘Caterpillar cake wars. Colin v Cuthbert as M&S sues’ (Daily Mirror) – for those uninitiated in this battle of the brands Marks and Spencer are taking Aldi to court over their apparent lookalike children’s birthday cake.
‘Colin the Caterpillar, a sponge cake with milk chocolate and buttercream, topped with chocolate sweets and a smiling white chocolate face, was launched around 30 years ago.’ (Sky News) – I’m just surprised Public Health England haven’t used their newfound power over government to put a word in to impound both Colin and Cuthbert for their sugar content.
TOADY Watch #2 – are the environmentalists just starting to wake up to some of the damage they are doing?
TOADY was occupied at one point with COP26 due to be held in Glasgow this autumn. There are doubts as to whether it should go ahead. Should it be postponed due to the Pandemic? Should it take place ‘virtually’ which would, of course, save a great deal of CO2 emissions? That question was not put to David Shukman, BBC Science Editor, no less.
He did mention that thousands of delegates from all over the world would meet in Glasgow and that there were real “benefits in meeting face to face” but I wonder whether the contradiction has occured to this so-called Science Editor? The BBC has been pointing out that the Pandemic has caused a fall in emissions because people are not travelling so much and instead are using on-line meetings for work and leisure activities.
That single COP26 Conference would not only have thousands of delegates travelling from all over the world by boat and aeroplane and train and bus and taxi and car – all emitting CO2 – but it would have journalists, like David Shukman of the BBC, travelling from all over the world by boat and aeroplane and train and bus and taxi and car – all emitting CO2* – as well as various groups who want to ‘protest’ and ‘demonstrate’ travelling from all over the world by boat and aeroplane and train and bus and taxi and car – all emitting CO2.
Has the ‘penny dropped’ in between David Shukman’s ears and at the BBC now – finally? Have they now realised that the claimed ‘CO2 warming damage’ of COP conferences is significant? David certainly sounded a little sheepish when claiming that it should go ahead.
(* The journalists who attend COP conferences do most of the energy using, CO2 emitting, global warming of all.)
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Unverified claim.
I’ll check later, but betting Marianna is still on feet, Jon and Nick flogging their books and Lurch is reminiscing about when he had hair.
That Jez, Dan and their people get a room.
HOWEVER, I do hate the term “guys” used in conversation, which is an Americanism that’s been adopted here. Its constantly used by presenters – particularly A Place in the Sun, when referring to a married couple (man & woman), as “you guys” or “c’mon guys”.
“And they looked from Graun to ST; and back fr….”
It’s quite obvious that most Times journos live in Guardianland
commenters call them out all the time for it.
Tonight’s TV
Not much to comment on
7pm BBC4 Live coverage of the women’s football international friendly between England and Canada from the home of Stoke City FC
4:30pm Radio4
Great Lives Yasmin Alibhai-Brown picks Nigerian novelist, Chinua Achebe
Am I the first person to comment on the new site?
Yes you are! I’m about to send out a mass mail because I doubt everyone saw the Twitter update.
Don’t use twatter, don’t like its’ layout or politics. Reacted to the email.
Or yes.
One of the two.
Certainly eager. Almost… too eager.
Ps: what new site?
It’s actually the same site – but different address/URL ( instead of
How exciting. We are now on TV.
As it were.
I will do my hair. I mention this as TV folk mention this. Like… a lot. And anyone gives a flying airborne set of simians.
I of course err. Deliberately. Not the same as a lie, apparently, but lessons have been learned.
No hair to do, but looking forward to sharing stuff again.
Unchecked facts. Odd own views under corporate banners… the usual.
We thought we’d give a little help to the economy of Tuvalu. Of course now people are going to think this is just about BBC TV and not radio…
Has to be faced. And accepted. Like Evan Davis.
One supposes.
At least the diversity kudos is through the roof.
But Greta might be grumpy. I fancy visiting Fanafuti Airport, which appears to cater for C-130s.
Nice. Especially the AC. If ever over W1A.
Just sayin’.
I still feel right at home here even though I have a face made for .radio not .tv
Much to unravel here.
Of course, first up one must check with Marianna, assuming she is still not stuck on feet. Certainly for one constantly seeking so many stories requiring her expertise, the ones she runs with seem very… limited.
Assuming this one to be accurate and based on more than assertion, and the BBC is not finding such activity a bit close what they get up to as ratings is what gets pay rises even without non unique funding, one might wonder why CNN has been and is such a major ‘source’ of ‘news’ to the most trusted broadcaster in the known universe.
To the point of being pushed a lot and seldom checked.
They’re now Chicken Noodle News …
Back in the day they WERE a trusted source. This was when Ted Turner owned CNN and before Time/Warner bought the franchise.
SkyNewsAut commentator 8 min clip on the CNN sting
CNN Charlie Chester was caught on hidden camera explaining CNN’s anti-Trump campaigning, and how next they will move onto pushing Climate Change agenda etc.
He claimed the plans come from CNN top boss Jeff Zucker
The LotusEaters give a good 20 min explanation
While we were away some posts were done at
I’ll copy a few things over
Green Peter slight backtrack
Don’t kid yourself that the anti-meat bit has been removed completely
if you look at the actual BBC page, finding a vegan meal is still on the group activity list
Green Bribery
“Get your class … to join in ..a Blue Peter Climate Heroes Certificate
everyone in your group will earn their Green Badge, that includes your teacher
then parents apply for your Blue Peter Badge ID Card which will give you access to over 200 attractions”
And the new green Daily Express driven by Green energy tycoon Dale Vince is on the same anti-meat mission.
BBC : Global Warming activism
Paul has exposed 4 BBC stories whilst we’ve been away
Episode 1 of the The Doom Goblin doco
of the UK population of 67 million
how many watched 50%, 20% . 10% or 1.5% ?
Well 55% of those watching the previous prog switched
The Greta doco averaged 1.08m viewers with a 6.3% of audience share, that’s actually 1.5% of UK popn.
The same slot the week before, Masterchef, which averaged 3.56 million viewers with an 18.9% AS
BTW “the sainted Greta is on the front of the Radio Times today”
The latest racebaiting from Vine
On his C5 TV show today about the Duke’s funeral he said
“We are going to see a group of 30 people who are going to be at this very restricted funeral, and I’m imagining it will be 30 people who are white.
I’m just trying to think whether there’s anybody of colour in there and I don’t think so.
Do you think that’s a problem?”
SNP news : the cuddly toy is coming down the SNP give-away conveyor belt.
“Marxist leaders realised street revolution wouldn’t work so took up an alternative plan
of the ‘long march’ to take over society’s institutions”
8 min SkyAust clip
MSM “Covid cranks are bad
.. here have some Green cranks”
BBCnews is theatre not portraying the world as it is
but rather how libmob want it to be.
They want shipping o be bad and and dirty, so they can be green saviours.
So when they got an expert who claimed there were high Sulphur level around Suez and this must have been caused by ships waiting for the jam to clear they ran with
“Suez canal blockage caused sulphur pollution spike
When the Ever Given container vessel jammed ship traffic, the pollution was visible from space.”
Original fake news version from BBC
It was first tweeted 4:46pm pm on Tuesday
tweeted by Amos at 9:09pm
and then30 mins later a proper expert gives a correction
(a few other people also tweeted astonishment at the BBC’s bad science, and sent in complaints)
The BBC page still stayed incorrect for a day
Then an new article was written over the old
with the correction note at the bottom
The most dishonest place to put it.
“This article replaces an earlier version that incorrectly attributed the SO2 emissions over Suez to shipping.“
Stew, at least they haven’t come for oxygen, … yet.
I’m amazed at all that settled science, on which 98% of the world’s clever scientists were said to be in absolute agreement that CO2 was the cause of all our planets woes including it’s heating up to boiling point, then these clever scientists who agreed on nearly absolutely everything suddenly decide to add more and more gases and pollutants to ‘the problem’.
As a bit of a scientist myself, I have to say I hang my head in shame at the rubbish science being done by these so-called scientist people who do not seem very clever, aided and abetted – it has to be said – by the BBC.
I would have expected the Suez pollution, if it had come from the shipping jam, to have been various noxious nitrogen gases. Most shipping runs on dirty diesel, very dirty diesel, although some more modern vessels run on cleaner ‘pump’ fuel that you might put in your diesel car, van, truck or bus.
A rare occurrence during lockdown, I was in the car and decided I would try Radio 4, You and Yours which I hadn’t listened to for ages. They were just finishing one story and they lost the lady they were about to interview. A £4 billion organisation and they couldn’t hold a link. 5 minutes later we were back to the thrilling story of vital interest, why it is time growing chrysanthemums should make a come back. I think they were aiming for a niche audience. The first words out the guest’s mouth was ‘climate change’. I switched back to Classic FM,
@D yes being omnipresent I heard it
The problem with chrysanthemums is that in a garden they die over winter, so you have to mess about with cutting in order to get a flower the next year.
The truth is new varieties are harder and can withstand the winter.
23mins expert “chrysanthemums are fantastic for late in the year and as our autumns with Climate change get lovelier you are in your garden more“
At least 10 years ago there was an article in Farmers Weekly about blackcurrants. The farmers were developing new varieties that didn’t require a frost to trigger flowering because climate change meant there were never be a frost ever again in the U.K..
I think we have had a frost ever morning in April this year.
TOADY Watch #1 – normal service is resumed including the Cold War
BBC very excited this morning about China Joe getting stroppy with the Russians. Apparently, the Russians didn’t give China Joe the landslide in last November’s US Election that he was promised.
Well, that’s the Russians for you, Joe. Good job you had China in there also as back-up.
Low single-digit issues
Bothersome tech problems…? One could always blame the Ruskies: ‘West condemns “malign” Russia’ – having named our putative Putin-led enemy, the formerly patriotic Times would, uncharacteristically, appear to go all jingoistic on us and seem to want us to march off to the Crimea (again).
‘Moscow warned after US and Britain blame it for one of the biggest cyberattacks in history’ – really? Can’t say I noticed. Many’s the time I have had trouble with various internet sites – often the result of expensive duff government IT contracts – without realising my frustrations were made in Moscow.
How serious is the problem? : ‘In Britain the NSCS [National Cyber Security Centre] identified a “low single-digit” number of public sector organisations that had been targeted’ – in other words possibly just the one?
Targeted… as opposed to seriously damaged.
The FT frontpage presents us with an interesting juxtaposition of foreign relations headlines: ‘Cool relations. US sanctions anger Russia’ and: ‘Siege mentality. Iran’s hardliners hail their resistance to sanctions’ – so the Biden-Boris great game here seems to be to piss off the Russians and likely drive them into alliance with the mad Mullahs.
Just the other day, I noticed the cogent comment – had covid originated in Moscow, rather than Wuhan, the west would have had no problem at all in naming it the Russian Virus and moreover demanding Putin properly explain the origin of the outbreak.
On the subject of what the teenagers might term first world problems: ‘Brothers will not walk side by side in procession from Windsor Castle’ (Telegraph) – as anyone who has ever been tasked with organising a family event will know the complications such as who sits where in relation to the top table, who has fallen out with who, and who doesn’t want to sit near the sleazy uncle, can be an equation complex enough to tax the brain of Prof Stephen Hawking. The Royals have the great advantage of a thing called protocol which will often solve the bickering. Mind you, this doesn’t prevent most of the popular press filling their frontpages in an attempt to make something of it.
So much for fake news… in cake news: ‘Snooty M&S at war over Colin’ (Daily Star) ‘Caterpillar cake wars. Colin v Cuthbert as M&S sues’ (Daily Mirror) – for those uninitiated in this battle of the brands Marks and Spencer are taking Aldi to court over their apparent lookalike children’s birthday cake.
‘Colin the Caterpillar, a sponge cake with milk chocolate and buttercream, topped with chocolate sweets and a smiling white chocolate face, was launched around 30 years ago.’ (Sky News) – I’m just surprised Public Health England haven’t used their newfound power over government to put a word in to impound both Colin and Cuthbert for their sugar content.
TOADY Watch #2 – are the environmentalists just starting to wake up to some of the damage they are doing?
TOADY was occupied at one point with COP26 due to be held in Glasgow this autumn. There are doubts as to whether it should go ahead. Should it be postponed due to the Pandemic? Should it take place ‘virtually’ which would, of course, save a great deal of CO2 emissions? That question was not put to David Shukman, BBC Science Editor, no less.
He did mention that thousands of delegates from all over the world would meet in Glasgow and that there were real “benefits in meeting face to face” but I wonder whether the contradiction has occured to this so-called Science Editor? The BBC has been pointing out that the Pandemic has caused a fall in emissions because people are not travelling so much and instead are using on-line meetings for work and leisure activities.
That single COP26 Conference would not only have thousands of delegates travelling from all over the world by boat and aeroplane and train and bus and taxi and car – all emitting CO2 – but it would have journalists, like David Shukman of the BBC, travelling from all over the world by boat and aeroplane and train and bus and taxi and car – all emitting CO2* – as well as various groups who want to ‘protest’ and ‘demonstrate’ travelling from all over the world by boat and aeroplane and train and bus and taxi and car – all emitting CO2.
Has the ‘penny dropped’ in between David Shukman’s ears and at the BBC now – finally? Have they now realised that the claimed ‘CO2 warming damage’ of COP conferences is significant? David certainly sounded a little sheepish when claiming that it should go ahead.
(* The journalists who attend COP conferences do most of the energy using, CO2 emitting, global warming of all.)