The bias of the Far Left Anti British BBC takes many forms. For instance it can be non reporting of big protests or failure to give details of a suspect in a serious crime . Its like learning a language . You have to look for omissions to get anywhere closer to the truth – as opposed to the biased agenda driven propaganda of the BBC .
Start the week 26th April 2021
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“Oscars 2021: The railway station now a hosting venue.”
Who the hell watches this tripe any more ?
A bunch of virtue signalling luvies at a mutual appreciation society meeting.
I will for one will not watch the rubbish.
How about you?
Have not done for years taffman, but this last one was a special for those who wish to promote BLM, so totally obvious as to which way the results were running-well now we know that White is the out colour and Black/Coloured is the in colour-and all given its blessing by Jo Biden and his masters. Not that I have been to the cinema for a very long time and it now looks as if it will be a further long reach of time before I go again.
💯 agree taffman
Their so-called humor is more mean-spirited than funny, bereft of any intellect or wit.
They lead lives of incredible privilege while living and working in a fairytale universe pretending to be characters they are not. They are self-made people who worship their creators.
They then have the cheek to lecture people living in the real world with real, meaningful jobs on how to think and live their lives (e.g., lecturing people about cutting their carbon footprint whilst the anointed swan about on their private jets). To paraphrase Churchill, “They love the working man, they love to see him work.”
Catchup links to latest posts on the previous thread
– page 2 started 11pm Saturday
In this world of lefty anger, and tantrums, where they turn so many little things into an outrage-bus
I hope that we here, can remain traditionally British & stoic.
Libmob would would love it, if we were intimidated away from posting our opinions about holding the BBC to account.
I know there are a lot of lurkers here
and we’d be glad if they post their opinions
even if sometimes they are wrong.
The road to the truth may have some wrong turns, but we shouldn’t be afraid of setting off.
I hope I am not considered a “lurker”?
How many bbc will be at the Oscars and what does the BBC pay for their attendance? Or is it just that the bbc employees like to be with the film people because it makes them feel terribly terribly important? In recent years the Oscars has felt less and less relevant and post covid when no one is going to the cinema, even less so. And as most of the films the BBC Sunday news were highlighting appear to be virtue signalling, I won’t be watching. I don’t care what gender a film director is.
“How many bbc will be at the Oscars and what does the BBC pay for their attendance?”
The BBC doesn’t pay, the Telly Tax payers do.
Unfortunately, the ‘main’ news on R5’can’t breathe’ was all over the show like a nasty rash!
Luckily we don’t ever spend our pensions at any cinema these days, the ‘acting’ is mostly terrible, and why spend twenty quid on some poor performance by a virtue-signalling cowd of numpties, when there are so many good films in archives in Great Britain!
But like you say, Brissles, the awful BBBC fawners just adore sucking up to the nonentities!
What stands out the most about ‘I can’t breathe’ is that it was a complete lie used to resist arrest.
Are the people still using it monumentally stupid or monumental hypocrites ?. Why has nobody even pointed it out ?.
I’m afraid it doesn’t fit the narrative to ‘prove’ victimhood, JC.
We can’t expect the BBC to do anything other than see what CNN say and do and then copy them! Our autocue-readers in the US are a joke!
I rarely read anything from CNN but when I have, I’ve been amazed at the bias. No attempt at all to pretend otherwise. They are how the BBC would like to be, but can’t because the outrage would mean they would lose all that free money.
Oh I don’t know John. They seem to be making a pretty good job of it – hence this site.
The last film I really, really enjoyed was Inception. That was worth seeing on the big screen.
But it was years ago now.
“Bomb disposal team called after car stopped on M20”
Who, what and why ?
@Taffman usual story “a man”
then you run down Ladbrokes put your money down
and after holding for 48 hours the police charge and name him
..and you collect your winnings (usually ..but not in the case of the Fedex killer)
Shortly there will be a full moon. Expect maxincony and his chums to come and “fact check” us and our posts.
Be alert!
I suspect they are too embarassed about their ‘disinformation checker’ spreading disinformation on twitter about the London protests (and reporting like a spiteful 10 year old).
Though I may be wrong : one thing the Left do not have is any sense of shame.
The entire bbc machine has been mobilised to steer any attention away from the fact that the facts they check are checked in a very unique way.
Scores of BBC grand dames having a fit of the vapours in support. And some women.
Munro is head of news
These days to test tweets got the quote tweets
All except one called him out : pointing out he got ratioed etc.
One from a female praised him .. I bet you can’t guess her name.
Or humour
They lost it shortly after their loss of sense of humour JohnC.
Meanwhile, in the Natted states, the fabric of that society is being torn apart, by trying to be all things to all men. Courts, police and politicians from top to bottom, are themselves confused what that nation is about.
An example
These award ceremonies sum up the Left perfectly for me.
It’s OK to lie if it’s to advance the political agenda. The ends justify the means.
If they had real integrity, any BAME who wins an award should refuse it on the grounds they won it because of racism.
No chance of that though with these shallow, utterly self-centred hypocrites. They will grab it like greedy children.
The reaction to the usual suspects getting upset about Chad losing Best Bloke and some person of Eastern Ovaries winning Director has been funny so far.
The opportunity for social commentary clearly outweighed by mob pile on resources has clearly governed this Graun post.
The Thommo effect.
The way things are going this lot will soon be donning Mao jackets and spouting Cultural Revolution statements. I’m not sure what they will have as the little red books. It could be the ‘thought’ (singular is deliberate) of chairman Biden but that would just be the meanderings without sense. A talking cockatoo on the internet makes more cohesive statements. So it would be down the the saint “how dare you” Greta to come up with something.
Here are some of thoughts from our Great Leader
??? Genuinely confused.
If being white confers a privilege that you think should bar you from things – how is it a privilege?
Gotcha Groper: A review
The broadcasters look like they are on a mission.
Toenails all at sea.
Wow! The vessel is more than nifty!
All the regular paper culprits had her in the Med on the 19th:
“One Type 45 destroyed and an anti-submarine Type 23 frigate will be sent from the Royal Navy’s carrier task group in the Mediterranean”
Can’t be the Prince of Wales –
Suddenly she is in Pompeii? So, no air support left in the Med for the two warships?
What’s going on in the disinformation department?
These BBC pukes can’t help hating Britain can they?
I was about to note that the media had even ignored the violence that occurred on Saturday in Hyde Park. Then I saw the Daily Mail. The bloodied policeman was an obvious photo op. Having seen some of the videos being rapidly taken down, I can see why it is not all over the front pages and BBC news headlines. The crowd were listening to a band playing music. They were hardly swastika tattooed “far- right” Nazi thugs that could be used for photo ops. They looked more like the “largely peaceful” wing the BBC supports, therefore wrong optics.
It kicked off when the police came in like a Roman Cohort, expecting to be obeyed, and instead got pushed back with greater force than they expected. The numbers were too much for them to handle, especially without the Judge Dredd riot gear they would normally have.
I think they are having difficulties because the crowds are very diverse and the top brass cannot determine which box they come from.
Isn’t it wonderful news. One of Britain’s (Wales) greatest actors wins Best Actor at the Oscars. Great joy at the BBC.
Or next to zero coverage, because the award didn’t go to some dead yankee.
Aren’t we all supposed to have been brought to the rest of the world from Africa. Therefore we are all slaves. I want to know when and how, and where are my reparations?
Didn’t Anthony Hopkin’s great, great, great, great, great, great
grandfather twice removed have something to to with the
slave trade? Shouldn’t that disqualify him?
Certainly enough for Jo Brand to dob him in.
Hopkins once was captain of a slave ship.
Or was that in a Spielberg film?
Has Jon Snow been sedated?
That far back Foscari would put him with the Roman Empire, and their slave trade was 100% aok. Understandable for the period, benign and beneficial – guaranteed employment, pension, H&S, health plans etc etc. So Hoppy’s in the clear.
There’s history and there’s History, and we know which the BBC goes with.
Not Biased BBC but readers may be interested that G-TEKV is airborne this morning. This is the drone operated by UK HMCG and Border Farce out of Lydd Airport and currently in the channel busy securing our borders to rubber boat invaders.
I think you will find they are spotting the boats so that the RN can go and escort them safely to the UK.
They have one single priority : no pictures of dead people washed up on our beaches on the 6 o’clock news. Better to quietly let them in and whisk them away to 4 star hotels specially guarded to stop us finding out who is in there.
Remember none of these immigrants will ever live near the people in charge and it’s not their money they are spending.
I think the irony intended in my use of the word ‘secure’ might be lost in the typed text…
The drone has been airborne for over 4hrs and is still up, so I suspect it’s a busy day. The north easters blowing in the channel may be making the crossing difficult today.
BBC News ascends a bandwagon
“How can we not be scared?”
The Atlanta spa shootings put a spotlight on the massage industry in the US, where Asian massage workers often have to live with the assumption that Asian spas provide sex services.
Two Asian female massage workers tell us about the stigma of their profession and the sexual harassment they endure. #CutThroughTheNoise
Sadly, #CCBGB
Took my dad for a massage in Wanchai once.
Old blind guy. Thumbs like .50 cal rounds.
Sorted out the nodes a treat mind.
BBC Moaning Emole treads the predictable carpet
By Nafeesa Shan
Oscars return makes history
Story detail
The glitz and glamour of the Oscars returned once again albeit a bit differently to what we’re used to and later than planned. The red carpet was back and nominees were encouraged to turn up in person if they could, rather than dial in virtually. The 93rd Academy Awards didn’t fail to disappoint with Chloe Zhao making history by becoming the first woman of colour – and only the second woman ever – to win the best director award at the Oscars. The film she directed, Nomadland, was the big winner of the night (as predicted by bookmakers) with three awards, which also included Frances McDormand taking home best actress.
Sir Anthony Hopkins became the oldest ever acting winner, picking up his second Oscar at the age of 83 for The Father. Another British star Daniel Kaluuya, 32, won his first Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in Judas and the Black Messiah. Their trophies were handed out in one of the grand halls at Los Angeles’s stylish Union Station this year to allow for a Covid-safe ceremony, while many UK-based nominees were at a venue in London – although Sir Anthony was at neither. If you want to find out the full list of winners – and losers – take a look at this.
Find out how the Oscars unfolded, the looks from the red carpet and more about Zhao and how she made history.
The latest idiotic sub par copy trend is ‘making history’, which actually means ‘person who would prefer to be judged on their peer talent by the media actually gets patted on the head for body part differences’.
Nafessa should soon be promoted out of the cubicle gardens, perhaps making history in the process. Or not.
ITV too.
What is blatantly obvious and sticks out like a sore thumb is that in the wake of BLM, she won this because of her sex and colour. Or are we to believe it is just coincidence ?.
Yet nobody even mentions it.
Spare a thought for the white people who worked so hard but never stood a chance because of their skin colour.
The Left make me sick with their hypocrisy.
So the Chinese are now “people of colour”. Wouldn’t like to be the first to tell them that. They’re not really known for their love of other “people of colour” are they?
Does that then mean that the racist attacks on Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans and other “people of colour” who look like them regularly taking place across the US aren’t actually racist because they are being committed by others who are also/actually/really “people of colour”?
Oh, well as “people not of colour” are the only ones who can actually be racist, that’s alright then. These violent, unprovoked and racially targeted attacks are sort of like “domestics” then, or the traditional US playground knife-fight, best not get involved. If you’re white. Because you’re not “a person of colour” but everyone else is.
And best not to talk about this or report it honestly in the media because whites are bad, aren’t they.
BAME, PoC are all euphemisms for “non-white”
It shows that they divide the world into White and non-white
and think people classed in the second section should be given extra privileges
and whites not.
It’s the Left. The definitions change to be whatever suits them.
Fascism for example. Changed to mean only the Right can be fascists because it clearly meant them in the old definition.
Are the Chinese “people of colour” now too?
I think someone should have asked them if they wanted to be “people of colour”. Chinese people do not want to be counted as black, just ask them!
BBC News
“Anyone who offends the Chinese people should prepare to pay the price.”
Retailers including H&M and Nike – targeted after expressing concern over alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang – are not the first foreign companies to have faced backlash in China. But how many have bounced back?
The way that quote headline story is structured seems very BBC.
Anyway, St Jaq. of Adhern knows which side her tofu is plum sauced, and gets a pass from Nick Bryant’s one post a year BFF in BBC Something Disnunder.
Speaking of ‘news’ headline structure…
Someone should explain to poor, stupid Kate that it was most likely one of her own colleagues who used those words. I’m quite certain Boris would never say such a thing. Even if it was his sentiment, he would pick a more sensitive way of saying it.
Then again John, Enoch’s ‘…Tiber foaming with much blood’ has been deliberately misconstrued and misinterpreted for decades.
This is part of the well established leftist playbook developed by the Democrats and a MSM in the USA , start a rumour , no need for an identified source, that one of your opponents said or did something ‘wrong’ and get the tame media to keep the story running for a few days or weeks. Incredibly quite a few otherwise non affiliated but extremely credulous voters really do believe such smears and vote accordingly. Keep on making up smear stories for months or years on end and having the MSM foghorns repeat them non stop and you have swayed an election. Lenin said that ‘ a lie told often enough becomes the truth’ , sadly fir some people this is true. Of course the ‘insurance policy’ will be to fix the vote if the years of smears looks like failing!
I hope you’re right.
Things are off to a rather unusual start this morning as the BBC is keen to take us: ‘Inside the UK’s last lesbian bars‘ – surely our national broadcaster means – pre-book a table, register our IDs and sit outside?
‘There are only a handful of fixed lesbian venues operating in the UK, and some have had to rebrand to stay viable‘ – do I hear a “due to the pandemic”? Perhaps they’re all just at home knitting or shagged out after a busy day scaffolding or plumbing or working on the sewers?
‘On Lesbian Visibility Week, those who run these nights – and the people who enjoy them – talk about how things are evolving‘
Visibilty Week… I guess that means they’ll all be wearing hi-viz this week? Goes well with the contractor’s tool belt.
Of course the BBC sees part of its remit as furthering the profile of various minority groups. And blackening the name of other minority opinions – like conservatism.
Crazy days indeed, Some of our former conservative politicians appear to have taken leave of their senses: ‘Michael Gove warned Mr Johnson that soldiers would be needed to guard hospitals overrun with covid victims‘ (Daily Mail) – Gove perhaps believing his own project fear?
The FT seems to admit that the old conservatism is dead: ‘Idea of the small state is nothing but a myth‘ – I guess small state conservatism took its last gasp and finally expired along with that half a million in Neil Furguson’s computer projections.
We can’t help but note that scare stories about India are being used in the media as a warning of what might have – or might still happen here.
‘Race to get aid to India. Britain sends ventilators and oxygen devices as cases spiral out of control‘ (Metro) – so our authorities must be pretty sure we’re now safe in Britain?
Then how come the corporate/governmental advertising funded freesheet Metro still runs with an anti-anti-lockdown headline story?
‘Under attack police and protesters clash at Hyde Park and officer bleeds from cut on her head‘ – judging by the photo she was going in pretty hard with her baton against an unarmed protestor.
One might recall the mostly peaceful BLM London riots… was it 27 officers injured?
But as Nasrine Malik boasts in the Guardian: ‘Justice for George Floyd was won on the streets‘ – yep, fair trail by jury is seemingly a thing of the past.
On a slightly lighter note – although perhaps with some more sinister implications – and on a day when, like any sensible observer, one will comprehensively ignore the Oscars : ‘Old film new product. Television shows or films that came out decades ago could feature computer-generated modern product placements as advertisers seek to profit from new audiences‘ (Times)
Just think, in that Fawlty Towers episode where the Major drops the N-bomb our computer whizzes might be able to alter the scene, not only to remove offense, but to show him wearing a Fitbit on his wrist, the lastest trainers on his feet and whistling one of Rhianna’s hit songs.
9am R4 Marr show with no Marr
Title : Personal faith (3 people promoting their books that attack the church and call it white supremacist etc.)
– What it means to be a black Christian woman in the UK
is at the heart of Chine McDonald’s new book,
God Is Not a White Man
Part memoir and part theological and historical study, McDonald looks back at the role the Christian faith has played over the centuries
in perpetuating ideas of white supremacy
She tells Tom Sutcliffe that black women in the church have stayed silent too long.
– Indian born into Syrian Christian church Jeet Thayil re-imagines the story of the New Testament
through the eyes of the women suppressed and erased from the Gospels.
Names of the Women brings to life fifteen women whose importance at the Crucifixion highlights the power they once had.
He inspired to write this work by the defiance and authority of his grandmother.
– Canon Giles Fraser & the Occupy movement
In 2011 they set up camp around St Paul’s Cathedral in London, Canon Giles Fraser was caught between his pastoral care of the protestors, the needs of the church and the demands of the City of London.
He suffered a crisis of faith and mental health.
In Chosen: Lost and Found Between Christianity and Judaism, Fraser explores his own religious roots, and discovers the healing power of theology for the individual and society.
Woman’s Hour is trans today
OH Woopee Stew! Can’t believe its getting even worse-my mother, my wife all once enjoyed listening to Woman’s Hour, now sadly the interest has been lost, political grubiness abounds. They BBC are even now messing around with the Archers, a story set in an English (mainly) country town. Not the West Indies or Africa-it is not necessary to integrate persons of colour or people who are shown in the script as Gay, just leave it out and let it be what it was orignally written as. The cause of integrating peoples of colour (non White) into every aspect of TV, Magazines, Advertisements and every other possible avenue of exposure is now rampant and as a white indigenous British subject I’m sick of it and find myself questioning as to wether white is still a majority? My monday rant.
Excellent! Femis versus Trannies.
May the best man / woman / other / win.
The trannies win versus feminists, but if muslims are involved they always win, because they kill you if they don’t.
BBC tweeting more black agenda stuff
I’ve mentioned this before but this particular acting colossus got a leg up in the Harry and Paul Show playing against type.
I’ve been a fan of Paul and Harry for years, but never seen this. I creased up, and looked for the others…
That would get them cancelled now. The level of censorship these days is frightening.
In March 2021, the Court of Appeal handed down a unanimous judgment in Privacy International v Foreign Secretary ‘the Third Direction case’. The unanimous decision held permitting the Security Services (MI5) to authorise criminal conduct by agents was lawful.
One small step away from the police following…………
In the absence of any real and popular policies, Labour are trying to throw as much unfounded mud as possible at Boris and the Conservatives with the help of their PR outfit, the BBC .
They obviously don’t see that they are only talking to their sheep followers. I believe most sane and well-balanced people can see this stitch-up for what it is, a weak attempt to disrupt public opinion against Boris through vague smears.
Keep it up, you are just consigning labour to the dustbin.
digg- No one illustrated this more perfectly than Carolyn Quinn on R4 last night. She allowed anti-Tory wimmin lengthy rants and little was heard from the lone Tory voice (male). One got nothing from that hour, other than that Labour hate Tories (surprise!) and Boris, in particular. And that Quinn CAN turn this programme into another ‘Wimmin’s Hour’, if she so desires. As it is, I’ve always thought of Quinn’s programme as the ‘Labour Hour’…
Is Quinn the MOST biased of the presenters on the Biased bbc? Strong candidate surely.
Does anyone else feel patronised and talked down to when a bunch of bored presenters try show everyone how to keep fit in a feeble, half-hearted fashion?
It’s comes across as more like little kids doing hands, knees and bumps-a-daisy!
“British Star, Daniel Kaluuya” errrrrr, who ?????
All my life I have been a huuuuuge film buff. Soaking up knowledge, facts and figures of the ‘golden era’ of film making, from the 30’s onwards of Astaire & Rogers, the thrillers of Bogart, biblical epics with Charlton, musicals with Judy, Bond since the 60’s, and then it was hit and miss after that but with some very watchable Spielberg, Cooper and Nolan films. There have been a few gems of note since, but now I’ve given up altogether.
I would avidly watch the Oscars when it was first televised in the early hours, but haven’t done so for more than 20 years. There are no more blockbusters, just films that give out ‘a message’, with actors I’ve never heard of, names I cant pronounce, and storylines that are depressing.
Well sod that, I want to be entertained with a film that isn’t shot entirely down a coal mine, with actors who can articulate (which means not having sub titles), and oh yes, can we ‘be done’ with “comic” superhero films – you know, the ones that we used to pay 6d to watch at Saturday morning pictures !!!
I now take comfort that there are others like me, who subscribe to a monthly magazine called Retro – nostalgia in abundance.
Cooper = Coppola?
Spell checker strikes again?
Other than that, I couldn’t agree more – of the films nominated for Oscars this year the only one whose subject vaguely interests me is News of the World and I won’t be seeing that as it’s directed by Paul Greengrass.
Modern movies are pretty much a dead loss to me too (#!). Have a look at Wikipedia’s list of the most expensive movies – of the top six (unadjusted), four are superhero films (the other two are Pirates of the Caribbean), all costing in excess of $300m.
I think we can consider that the infantilisation of cinema.
Trick, sorry it should have been Hooper (Tom). But yes, I forgot about Coppola.
Brissles and TrickCyclist
I feel the same. For all my life up until Covid struck, I have gone to the cinema a lot. For the last couple of decades or so my impression has been that there are still some good and interesting films being made – but virtually none that are very good or excellent.
Maybe it was always thus and when we look back we only remember the great stuff. But I don’t think so. Something else has infected artistic expression. I watched a film on Netflix the other night – Stowaway. Technically, this looked good. Space looked real, much more real than Kubrick managed with 2001 back in 1968. But the blatant woke philosophy rendered the whole thing unreal. Four astronauts on a mission to Mars. Two women (one the captain) and two male BAMES. Not a white male to be seen. Even then, the two males are presented as rather self-centred, uncaring, weak and useless compared with the women. The act of heroic self-sacrifice at the end is committed by one of the females.
The whole scenario is so unlikely that we are left with the nauseating feeling that we have been tricked and that we are dealing with utter fantasy. The apparently obligatory woke ideology behind the creation of character and story development is ruining films. That in my view is why most modern films do not resonate deeply with the viewer and have a rewatchability factor of zero.
A very accurate summary. I watched it yesterday evening. When it eventually hotted up, it ended. Left me thinking what a waste of time.
Zel. So true.
Reading your comment I was reminded of Sigourney Weaver as the main protagonist in the Alien series. When these were made we didn’t even consider the ‘gender’ in charge issue, because it wasn’t even thought about !!!
It was a film to be enjoyed (or not), the pc army hadn’t quite got control of our institutions, there was no social media, diversity (what’s that ?), and mobiles were in their infancy, so we just paid our money, bought the popcorn and watched the film.
I recommend Inception as the best film of the last 10 yes IMHO.
“….we used to pay 6d to watch at Saturday morning pictures !!!”
Yes, shocked myself for recalling. The “Rex” named. Eventually turned into one of the first Bingo Halls.
Supposed to be show down day for Alex Belfield
Police said they’ll make a charging decision today.
Will they drop it, or phone him to come down or storm his house at 5am in the morning ?
His Facebook page has no news yet.
Alex on Sadiq
Having watched a video of the attack by the police I can say they brought the violence on themselves. They seemed to be trying to raid the sound equipment and/or capture a few people they could call “organizers”. Quite a few of the protesters were trying to protect the police, or at least keep the two sides apart.
Ok so i heard robinson doing the 0810 with some bloke who is apparently sec of defence … theyd gone all the way to portmouth to talk about the PM doing up number 10.
Who cares? If you want real corruption go look at the overseas aid budget funding charity industry salaries – over 10 billion of borrowed tax money for which our taxes are used to pay the interest …
Alinsky Trickery : Someone started a very busy GBNews Private Facebook group
seems to me it’s not official
It’s got a a lot of lefty posts.
The admins let you join as soon as you request.
One Admin is “Gammon Magazine : The cuntry’s favourite weekly magazine! Featuring chat, anger, stories, pin ups, and all under the cloak of freedom of speech. Get your copy out now!”
So that pretty much proves it’s a duplicitous Lefty con
The other admin is
A reviewer says “run by leftie retards with nothing better to do”
Such ambush naming trying to trick you is typical Alinsky tactic.
On the Oscars – appatently from being personally interested in Tony Hopkins playing as a man with dementia ( long queues for that one ?) – who cares about all the box ticking wokes and their virtue films ?
Go woke – go broke …
It is good to hear that Tony Hopkins couldnt be bothered to turn up for this gong or the BAFTA one –
The BBC seems to be happy that a bunch of diverse medioch luvvies got something – and for some reason it get ‘patriotic’ about British ‘wins’
Ricky Gervais again this year …. ?
– or if dementia is the theme – maybe Joe Biden?
Who has watched “Nomadsland”? Yawn.
Oh dear, just when the world was getting heartily sick of Swedish troll Greta – as evidenced by the embarrassing viewing figures of the achingly woke and boring BBC doco – up pops another wannabe SJW, I think from Mexico (don’t bother fact-checking me guys, I really don’t care) and looking about 12 and three quarters, with the wisdom and maturity to match.
But here’s the bad news: she’s even worse than our Greta !!
Her speeches are pure Marxist rhetoric, sprinkled with wokeness and topped with Political Correctness.
In her latest address to the White House, she sounded like she was just reading straight from Das Kapital, adding a few meaningless trendy words as she went.
“Ms Bastida said the global climate emergency was caused by the powerful in society who are “perpetuating and upholding the harmful systems of colonialism, oppression, capitalism and market-oriented brainwashed solutions”.
and she demanded “comprehensive, non euro-centric and intersectional climate education including literacy on climate justice, environmental racism, ancestral and indigenous wisdom, disability justice, green careers and sustainable living.”
Naturally Biden and his gang of Leftists loved it. No doubt we’ll be hearing more about Xiye from the BBC, though they may be a bit more cautious after their Greta flop.
“Doom Goblin Greta Thunberg’s TV Show Is a Massive Ratings Flop”
While the BBC worships the likes of Greta Thunberg and Xiye Bastida, Sky News Australia gives them the disrespect and mockery they richly deserve.
When oh when will we have such a channel??
(That’s the same video I posted on Sunday morning
but no one commented about it)
I watched this clip and the first thing I noticed was this Xiye Bastida’s eyes when she was on camera. It was just so bluddy obvious she was simply reading her little ditty straight off some form of ‘cheat sheets’ or teleprompter.
As the pundit on the show said, the best bit about it was the easy filling in of the ‘communist content’ bingo card – exactly – faux rage/concern.
Probably written by her revolutionary-Marxist ‘handler’ – from Venezuela perhaps, that socialist paradise where people are dying of hunger and disease.
Or perhaps a BBC hack doing a bit of moonlighting.
Hey, times are hard, a mortgage in Islington’s not cheap. Then there’s the kids’ private education, not to mention all that Champagne.
BBC Scotland did a comedy skit Lorraine Kelly Is Arrested After Complaints From Piers Morgan | Scot Squad
It’s not very funny
‘Lorraine is obsessed with him and keyed his car etc.’
But Belfield takes the angle that actual harassment is a serious real world thing, so BBC shouldn’t trivialising it by making pathetic sketches about it.
BBC News at One:
Boris knocking – No10 flat scam, ‘piled bodies’ quote.
Government knocking – Keir given another chance to appear ‘statesmanlike’.
Indian covid disaster – you may want to avoid scenes etc.
Rugby dementia timebomb.
Covid rules relaxed – in Scotland (first, naturally) and Wales.
And now the weather…..
IMF forecasts much higher economic growth, from projected 4% in January to 5.4%, breaking all post-war records. (Other sources suggest a rise of 6.8%)
BBC News at One. Sorry, no time. Perhaps we’ll try to squeeze that in at 6, or maybe 10. Mind you, its only boring old figures….
6:49am BBC put up the name of the Walton-On-Thames alleged BW killer
That’s 10 hours after @Rich posted it here
News page #1 Zaghari-Ratcliffe sentenced to a year in prison
The British-Iranian also faces a one-year ban from leaving Iran after being convicted of propaganda.
#2 Published9 minutes ago
Johnson did make ‘bodies could pile high’ remark the BBC has been told.
FFS BBC, by who ?
The rule is such extraordinary claims must be backed by extraordinary evidence.
what you can’t do is weaponise reporting by lifting certain lines up, without reporting the full context.
David Vance has put this up on Parler.
It gives a different view of how it’s going in India.
Not to be a killjoy
but from Worldometer here are the weekly trends in India
The trend is terrible : drastically up in cases and deaths for the last 3 weeks
For last 7 days : cases up 47%
For last 7 days : deaths up 90%
No European country has such fast growth
(ignore all the countries that have a low base, cos a swing of 4 deaths from 0 or 1 looks like a huge swing)
One thing is that is said is that India might be reporting way less than half the cases & deaths
Cos yes when you filter down by looking at per million population
It doesn’t look terrible
India Cases : 51st out of 200 … 1,116/million (vs UK’s 250/million)
Bear in my mind that UK has so many tests, it’s not missing many
India Deaths : 65th … at 12/million (vs UK’s 2/million)
Brazil’s stats /million are worse, but Brazil’s trend is down
Yesterday’s stats
India accounted for *half* of the cases in the entire world
India accounted for one *third* of the deaths in the entire world
And that is a new phenomenon, cos India used to be pretty low.
As I said when you rebase for million/population India is below the average.
I think that you are absolutely right to caution that the Worldometre stats are likely to be erroneous. The organisation reports the figures governments give it. Some governments don’t know accurately what is happening others may be deliberately misleading eg China and those whose economy depends on tourism eg Spain. Additionally governments use a range of different criteria for ascribing deaths to Covid or with Covid so comparison of rates between countries may be misleading.
4pm Radio4 A look back at a black playwright
BLM blah, blah, blah
4:30pm Dante’s Inferno
with “professor Akash Kumar* and Dr Paula Nasti”
..BBC can’t spell; she’s Italian it’s Paola
* He’s a Dante expert at a Indiana, US university
8pm R4 Gdansk
recent antisemitic attacks , fear that history is repeating itself.
Ruth Wodak,expert on the far-right, analyses the role that national memory plays in the politics of the present across Europe.
Obviously if there is genuine anti-Semitic violence in Poland, it should be reported proportionately.
8:30pm A doco about a Kenyan doctor who said he didn’t have enough PPE, and then died in December.
I’m sure R4 have had a previous prog about him.
Lefty Comedian Dom Joly, guess which marchers he thinks are all “c*nts” and which he thinks are all heroes
quote tweets
Will you lot please watch this for me. I suspect I’m not terribly objective……
Garry Lavin
Nah , I don’t watch the rubbish broadcast by that outfit.
Please can you give us all a brief résumé?
That show is dated 17 Feb 2015
@AngusMacNeilSNP Dec 3, 2016
“Roman Britain a Timewatch Guide” BBC4 – like much of this sort media mainly airbrushes out “Celts” who were the pre Roman Britons #Boudicca
daft woman with hair on side of face 😉 slaggin off Mortimer Wheeler. Archaeologists luv to stick boot in about him
Alice does point out that Roman could mean anyone in the Empire not just people from Rome
Others point out TV likes to make out they have a grand new interpretation , when they don’t.
From the BBC “Finding the Right Kind of Victims” unit
Anyone perhaps still wondering why Paul Dacre was replaced as editor of the Mail by Geordie Grieg, today’s headline should clarify.
Previously it left Guardian sales at Beano level as a top selling pro-tory and pro-Brexit tabloid, very much representing and giving a voice to the grass-roots public.
Now it vies with Brutus as history’s top back-stabber.
10pm BBC4 play about Nottingham Carnival
6:30pm BBC2 New series of Portillo
7:30 Panorama cancelled : Garden Rescue instead
9pm Greta final part.
11:10pm Dreaming Whilst Black (orig BBC3)
Greta tonight
“Having recovered from Covid-19, Greta ..”
.. Hang on the vast majority of the UK, never got Covid ..80% I guess
So Greta the girl who claims she will protect the planet, but she’s done a bad job of protecting herself from Covid.
8pm Channel4 “Our experts unleash their money-saving hacks on London family of six the Kofis,”
there’s a lot of snooker on BBC2, BBC4
Sound like Pearly Kings to me.
His mum gives them the flat rent free
A SKINT family-of-six who drop £1.2k a month on groceries and hundreds on shopping online managed to save more than £1k in a single day by ditching a few bad habits.
The Kofis family, from London, who appear on Channel 4’s How To Save a Grand in 24 Hours, have lived rent-free for 12 years – but haven’t been able to save a penny.
FFS They spend £40/day on food !
That’s £7/person
I reckon I could live on £1/day food if pushed
I put on R4x this afternoon and the announcer said they were “repeating the best of last weeks’ comedy from radio 4 “.
Thats good thought fedup2 – a moment of silence and then on with a repeat of something from 1977….
Not Al Beeb but Michael Heaver ………………..
“Farage Calls For TV Debate On ABOLISHING BBC Fee.”
The BBC have spent much of today today demanding Boris “comes clean” on a weird variety of claims they claim to have been given by informants.
OK, I believe that first they need to come out and put names to the shadowy figures they are quoting remarks from one after another.
It works both ways.
Lets us then evaluate the credibility of these blabbers for ourselves.
ITV locals new long Climate Change drought item
‘This is the wetter winters, drier summers that Climate change will bring’
… I’d start building a boat, based on their normalprediction performance.
Weatherman @JonMitchellITV
Bone dry! We will be focussing on the dry weather and its impacts on @itvcalendar at 6 tonight with @LisaAdlamitv and @duncanwooditv
Ha, the rain just pounded on the roof, but only for a few minutes.