The bias of the Far Left Anti British BBC takes many forms. For instance it can be non reporting of big protests or failure to give details of a suspect in a serious crime . Its like learning a language . You have to look for omissions to get anywhere closer to the truth – as opposed to the biased agenda driven propaganda of the BBC .
Start the week 26th April 2021
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Labour/BBC desperate to put a spoiler on the vaccine bounce the tories have got in the run up to elections .
But i think people are more interested in getting vaccinated ( whatever your view ) and the opening of the country again .
Thr BBC is really slumming it with a line about ‘ bodies’ rather than lockdown – without producing the witness or evidence .
Really shows how disconnected the swamp is from real life .
Covid bodies are up 50% since last Monday
6 vs 4
Now Twitter is trolling me
by throwing unevidenced Conspiracy-Theories about Boris at me
While the BBC is delighted with the Oscar winners (wimmin, blacks, ethnics) and themes (wimmin, blacks, ethnics, poverty, and senility – no, not Biden: Anthony Hopkins in The Father), Piers Morgan is less impressed.
“RIP The Oscars – these grim, woke-ravaged, fun-devoid awards were a howlingly dull train-wreck that killed the Hollywood dream stone dead”
Vlad – i think best picture took 2.5 million dollars which means no one bothered . 8 million watched the oscars – down from 23 million last years –
Good to see the woke going broke
There’s a whole slew of funnies here:
BBC own the British commercial Network UKTV
UKTV have a premium pay channel W-Channel
Yesterday just run a trailer for the Stacey Dooley series on W-Channel
Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over series two
10pm Mon 19th The Eco Warrior Family … then repeated daily
Environmentalist Roc and his children have rejected most of the trappings of 21st century life (including electricity) at their home on the remote Hebridean island of Gometra.
Roc moved into a derelict house there 25 years ago, and he and his *four children* grow their own food, chop their own wood and wash their clothes in a bucket.
They do occasionally leave their home – Roc and three of his children sometimes travel to London on a journey that involves ferries, buses and trains to participate in HS2 and Extinction Rebellion campaigns.
OK Greens that seem to walk the walk
Why don’t they mention he owns the island and is a millionaire ?
Hang on the newspaper in 2019 says this
“Roc travels to and from his London home to spend one- third of the year living off-grid on the remote isle of Gometra”
1 daughter & son are professional XR protesters who locked themselves inside the Euston Tunnel construction
“Blue and Lazer (son) were privately educated at King Alfred School, in Hampstead, north London, as there are no schools on the remote Hebridean island of Gometra – which Mr Sandford owns.
He has another daughter both daughters are from his ex-wife
But 4 children means he has doubled his own eternal CO2 footprint compared to a couple that only have 2.
“Covid: Pubs and restaurants reopen outdoors in Wales”
CCBGB, the worm is turning.
“Welsh election 2021: Rhondda constituency profile”
“They elected me to represent them in the Senedd, and I’m very much hoping that people will stick with that – continue in a different direction and not look backwards, because I think that there’s a danger that we will go backwards if people don’t re-elect me to the Senedd this time.”
She must be joking ! Wales has been going Backwards ever since she has been in the Senedd . It has been going backwards ever since Wales has been run by a Senedd.
“Crawley College: Man, 18, arrested after gunshots reported”
Hello hello, what’s going on here ?
Poor video shows moments after, he fired starter pistol at teacher, and teacher jumped him .
Teacher’s hand was knifed, other students were wondering around.
Then 30 armed police turn up *afterwards*.
Report says someone else was also injured by knife.
Both knife injuries classed as minor.
Paper says perp 18yo lives in 300K house in Furnace Green Crawley..police raided it.
The coverage for that story seems completely out of place.
The general rule is ‘terrorist’ for any activity by the far-Right and ‘Not terror related’ for any Muslim who has not been in direct contact with ISIS.
The next rule is keep the identity hidden if it’s a Muslim and let it be known immediately if he is white – along with a picture from social media, even if he is only a suspect.
So this one is hard to call who did it. For sure the police and all these witnesses know but yet again none of them seem to want to mention it.
“Boris Johnson’s flat: Top official to review funding of revamp”
Time that this ‘bunny hugger’ went and Jacob Rees-Mogg or Liz Truss took over, or the Tories are finished.
Its UKIP or The Reform Party for me.
A new magazine called The Critic has a series of articles on how the BBC feign its unibiased ‘bias’ news reporting. By Charter — it’s totally protected from critics and funding issues, its now at the end of its tenure. It has to divesrify into subscription and freeview channels i.e, UKTV, Discovery, Drama and Dave are all BBC (along with Radio 1 to 6 Radio and TV 1 to 5 – a virtual UK monopoly falling apart). Its also rare to find a new UK magazine that is willing to take on and report on past and current systematic BBC biases in a new readable magazine. So worth keeping an eye on.
Auntie Monopoly
It’s time to end the dominance of the state broadcaster.
Keeping the lid on the BBC
Dissident voices are not being heard on the BBC, writes Robin Aitken
Is there such a thing as right-wing comedy?
The issue of political balance in comedy is no laughing matter
Why should we expect BBC lifer Tim Davie to end BBC bias or high pay?
Liam Deacon
‘This is the power the BBC has and it is a power they hold with very little accountability. Those lucky enough to work there can drive the agenda and influence policy, especially with a government like this one, which is so sensitive to media stories, pundits, and movements in the polls. And critically, the BBC knows their income will keep on flowing, however poorly they represent their core audience, because the licence fee is enforced by the state.’
All interesting read series for a new magazine, worth supporting I think for its stance.
Maybe now that the BBC is directly going after nut nuts’ husband he might get round to telling them to come up with a ‘ subscription model ‘ coming in as the licence fee reduces to nothing after a few years …
Radio5’greta’ still have all this boring stuff as their ‘headlines’!
All last night, they spewed the same dull tones of a third-form autocue-reader (well, he has some sort of script if it’s radio I assume), and the terminal boredom eventually sent a happy Scrobs off to sleep as requested!
The night progs are getting much worse these days, my old iPod won’t hold a charge for more than an hour, and so I’m working on a way to take the DT crossword upstairs, remembering a clue in the dark, and spending as long as it takes to get the answer!
Got four in an hour last night! Very happy about that I can tell you! One was an absolute cow – ‘Bought back foreign currency, some to be pocketed’ (8)…
(Answers on a BBBC tax renewal notice – no stamp required)!
@Scrob same clue used in The Telegraph – Cryptic 23 November 2007
Some chance I would have got it from “bought back”
But “foreign currency, some to be pocketed” I don’t get that bit.
Stew, it’s actually from a book of DT crosswords (No 5 – Ebay), I always have one to hand during the day, but only recently, have found that it’s an even greater relaxer at night, so it now joins me (and the fragrant Senora O’Blene, I might add), for a further indulgence when sleepless in Kent!
It took me ages to solve actually, but the answer is ‘Ransomed’!
(‘Rand’, with ‘some’ interspersed, but you’d see that immediately of course)! I didn’t care much for the term ‘pocketed’ though – that’s just a bit far-fetched!
Here’s a really evil, nasty beast for you though – ‘Cox at me’, (6,3,6)
I just couldn’t get it, but it’s on a par with ‘Geg’ (9,3)!
(Never got that either, but Brian Redhead did all those years ago)!
“Oscars 2021: Audiences turn away as a sluggish ceremony leaves critics cold”
“Oscars 2021: Nomadland, Anthony Hopkins and Daniel Kaluuya share glory”
“My mum met my dad, they had sex, it’s amazing. I’m here. I’m so happy to be alive so I’m going to celebrate that tonight.”
“My mum met my dad, they had sex,.”
Maybe they should have worn a Durex ?
Oh! Independent Journalism Review has found the BBC less trusted than it thinks.
When the BBC claim to be the most trusted! It self claims – although its unsupported by hard evidence and independent Journalists around the world disagree.
We do get false news stories, a regular feature of BBC world news.
Thanks to the BBC influence and monopoly – we have as a nation fallen flat on the most trusted news globally and fallen to 33rd place globally and ahead of leading countries such as Burkino Faso (rated at 37), Botswana (rated at 38). But for the BBC – some good news is that the BBC is ahead of France (rated at 34) for unbiased news. See graph of world ranking…
This is complied by the RSF (2021 World press Feedom Index)
What always makes me laugh is the way the BBC put the button ‘Why you can trust the BBC’ next to their articles. How absolutely ridiculous : I expect the North Korean State news channel says you can trust it too.
Oh the arrogance.
UFC 261: Kamaru Usman knocks out Jorge Masvidal to cap incredible night in Jacksonville
Interesting how the BBC’S website covered the violent event in Florida
It was USA’s first crowd event, in a packed 15, 000 unsocialy distanced crowd!
BBC didn’t bitch about it though.
It had two womens title fights.
In mixed-martial-arts the biggest draw fighters get paid most regardless of sex, no equal pay nonsense here.
The woman can be super skillful too, eg here’s an American girl, Rose taking on the Chinese world champ.
And then Shevchenko’s fught
Covid: Boris Johnson’s ‘bodies pile high’ comments prompt criticism
‘Boris Johnson said he would rather see “bodies pile high” than take the country into a third lockdown’
… and then we get the cop-out which lets them say anything at all:
‘sources familiar with the conversations have told the BBC.’
and finally the only actual fact which they can attribute to anyone:
The PM has strongly denied saying the phrase, describing the reports as “total rubbish”.
How on Earth can the BBC consider it justifiable to print such deliberately leading ‘heresay’ stories without presenting any actual evidence at all – particularly about the Prime Minister ?. And for the first few lines of the report, they don’t give any indication whatsoever that the report might not be true.
I’m not passing judgement on whether Boris is right or wrong here – it’s the outrageous reporting by the BBC (yet again) which is absolutely unacceptable.
Isn’t it funny how they are always to help the agenda of the Left ?.
Maybe they are just teaching Boris what power they have if he tries to meddle with their funding.
2021-04-26 22:00
Suffolk pub explosion: Heater ‘was brought by customer’
[Disgraceful, we respect queues in the UK.
If you want to cause a big bang, get in the queue.
Behind five million Muzzies.]
[“How to Behave in Britain”
WW2 film for US servicemen.
Send a few million copies to our current “guests”.
Maybe they will realise they are not wanted, do not qualify, and return to where they belong.
In the stone age.]
Over there, over there,
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming, the Yanks are coming
The drums rum-tumming everywhere.
So prepare, say a prayer,
Send the word, send the word to beware –
We’ll be over, we’re coming over,
and we won’t come back we’ll be buried over there !
Sofagate: EU chief Ursula von der Leyen blames sexism for Turkey chair snub
As is becoming common, the BBC are using twitter as their way to push the agenda without accountability.
Sexism ?. I really rather think it’s contempt for the EU and Ursula as a person rather then her sex.
But there are no labels for that the Left can throw and sneer about with guaranteed support by the twitter mob – so it’s down to sexism or racism as usual.
After her behaviour and unbelievable arrogance around the COVID vaccine, I can’t stand the old trout either. Whatever sex she might be.
The Left have taken over most of social media these from swamping fact-checkers with Left Wing activists to filling Wikipedia with their own versions of truth.
I have seen many stories like this one:
Miscarriage rates ‘over 40% higher’ in black people
Where we get snippets of information such as ‘Black people are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease – and both conditions increase the risk of miscarriage’ and of course the racist COVID virus, but then if you check Wikipedia you find there is absoloutely no genetic difference between blacks and whites.
Bottom line to anyone without any agenda is that there a definite difference between blacks and whites and definite differences between men and women.
But it seems that the Left cannot accept it simply because it doesn’t follow their ‘equality’ rules. And as we see so often, the agenda trumps absolutely everything else.
Which of course makes them hypocrites and liars. Which they must know and are quite happy about.
A lot originates from ignorance and the medical profession failing to notify. Take Vit D for example. Blacks and Asians do not absorb sunlight as well as their white counterparts. As regards the current situation in India, this respected reporter of information concerning covid is well worth a watch:
When, over the past year or so, have you heard the Government or the NHS suggest to the public that it would be in their interest to take Vit D?
Fauci takes 80mg a day.
It’s well known that Vitamin D supplements are one of the best defences against Covid.
Shouldn’t be surprised that Vit D as well as Vit C are not easily obtainable but really I’m not at all surprised as we have a confused mess surrounding the individuals that we see, in so called charge, of the NHS- my wife and I have taken VitD Vit C and ViB12 for years and have we think built up a strong immune system on top of what we all naturally have. If such advice and the products VitD/VitC had been easily available and followed, then apart from those particularly vunerable, no one else would need a Covid vaccination. It has been reported that in making VitD too available is unprofitable for big Pharma, too bad. The whole vaccination issue is suspect, however with the immense propaganda that has been delivered to us the general public, concerning the need to be vaccinated has swept aside any conflict of opinion-just another nail added to the coffin of subjugation.
“….unprofitable for big Pharma (Vit D)”. Absolutely.
Don’t get me going on Ivermectin!
Now that the Oscars are done along come the totally useless BAFTAs. It’s just another opportunity for the luvies and Al Beeb to virtue signal BLM .
The entertainment industry is a drug ridden swamp that needs draining . Why don’t they campaign with “All lives matter – Say no to drugs”?
Construction workers are warned that they could be tested for drugs/alcohol before starting works. Perhaps the same warning should be given to the luvvies before thy can accept a prize?
it would certainly make watching the BAFTAs more interesting.
Someone in the bbc thought this was a good idea in their heads.
A tragic story no doubt, if pursuing the link, but for rando subbing, the Lurch bible takes some beating too.
“Afghan interpreters rejected for resettlement ‘face death’ after UK exit” .
The MOD should have issued them with rubber dinghies. It is beginning to appear that our Home Office only allows criminals to seek asylum here?
Too many staff.
Not enough content.
Too much money.
Liz seems like she would be a really good addition to the BEEBNABS line up.
“Coronavirus: EU sues AstraZeneca over vaccine delivery delays”
It’s time that AZ moved ‘lock stock and barrel’ over to Great Britain.
Dame Emma and Greta will fly them out in Kerry’s Lear to mass graves in the Congo as poignant headstones to the evils of Chinese capitalism.
With a full bbc film crew.
Sources say.
Informastion from a friend who works very closely with the National Grid, informs that the amount of electricity required to fuel millions of electric cars, & Vehicles , let alone all other means of transport and providing epectric power for millions of homes and offices will not be possible and certainly not without the use of fosil fuels to make the electricity-other means such a solar power and wind farms barely scratch the surface, whatever it will require massive restructuring of present electrification throughout that would most likely have to be undertaken. On the face of it and let alone anything else, millions of electric vehicles on the roads is but a dream, certainly as matters stand.
Too damn right Tarien!
Also, add the enormous amount of electricity used in the manufacture of these failing wind machines which is disgracefully high!
The buildings all these pompous arses sit in also use far more power to construct than a normal place of work, as they are the sort of place John Kerry idiots infest and who just don’t get it!
Never mind mr biden will sort it out.
…er won’t he…?
Joe replies: ‘Ah, right. Sure. OK. Er, sort what out?’
‘Have I done it yet? I thought I did that, didn’t I?’
‘C’mon Nancy. Did I do OK?’
Have a notion.
Check if it gels with bbc dogma.
If so, send in as #prasnews
TOADY Watch #1 – we couldn’t be in the mid-terms could we, with Labour floundering in the polls and needing some help from the BBC?
Very much seemed like it with the ‘first look at the newspapers*’ on the TOADY Prog with JustRemainIn Webb and Mishal Husain positively salivating on the headlines of most of the print MSM (mainstream media). Of course Boris Johnson was ignored in favour of what Sir Keir did yesterday, what Sir Keir will be saying today, what Sir Keir will do today, what somebody said about Sir Keir and what Sir Keir said, yesterday, last week, what Sir Keir said several months ago.
Ah, well, there’s only one man in town and it ain’t Sir Keir.
* The BBC trying to create problems for our AISI? I have had my first look at the papers and I note that the Daily Telegraph is missing from the BBC web-site for the second day in a row.
I wonder why?
The Mole has landed…
By Andrew McFarlane
PM tries to move past leaks
Boris Johnson
With the prime minister facing damaging claims about his conduct, he is expected to urge ministers to focus on everyday concerns when he chairs a cabinet meeting later. Boris Johnson has described as “total rubbish” reports he said he would rather see “bodies pile high” than approve a third lockdown. Meanwhile, No 10 faces scrutiny over the funding of decorations for the prime minister’s Downing Street flat, after former aide Dominic Cummings alleged there had been plans to have donors “secretly pay”.
No 10 says Mr Johnson personally met the “costs of wider refurbishment”, and the UK’s top civil servant Simon Case told MPs Mr Johnson had asked him to review how it was funded. A senior government source told the Telegraph ministers “must stay totally focused on the public’s priorities”, such as fighting Covid, delivering vaccines and creating jobs. However, our political editor Laura Kuenssberg says Labour believes the furore is starting to be noticed by voters and that one cabinet minister told her “there’s nothing we can do to control it”.
Five questions for the PM – and why the answers matter
So…. still in the realms of claim then, BBC?
And Laura ‘believes’.
Also worth pointing out, factually, that just one question that matters, to BBC staff, can see one blocked or banned.
Holding power to account when you are an unaccountable power will end badly one day.
Not a spoof.
Shouldn’t the bbc at least be asking why fake meat is so much more expensive than real meat…
Photo Ed magic.
Speaking of photo Eds…
Lurch knows who is still President.
Don’t mention the Armenians.
The BLM logo reminds me of the ” All animals are equal, but
some are more equal than others” from George Orwell’s
Animal Farm. Yes another oxymoron like deafening silence, as is
BLM, so far as black criminal gangs are concerned amongst
themselves or in fact with any of their brothers.
Maybe if the BBC were not to give them a free hand with
the excuse that they are depraved because they are deprived
would change something. But really there are two hopes for
that Bob Hope or no hope.
Katty still packing the aisles.
Laura has coined a new bbc weasel.
What’s the coup?
[Does anyone still use that bit of slang to ask what’s going on?]
A poor showing for the Tories in the up coming local elections could help unseat a Prime Minister – one who was, it should be remembered, very much a forced choice on the greater rump of those Cameron/Osborne & Theresa May era pro-EU MPs.
There Remain (so to speak) certain axes that were perhaps put away out of sight rather than buried.
Labour meanwhile has leaned from Biden that it’s best to keep your head down and let the sympathetic media and your left-leaning national institutions do all the heavy lifting.
And so it is that our vaguely conservative press titles unite with the out and out lefty press to weigh in on Boris this week with a mixture of Tory sleaze slogans and the rather kindergarten-sounding allegation of “Um, I’m telling Miss, ooooh look what naughty words he said”
I’ve been trying to get my head around Michael Gove’s apparent exclamation that the army might have had to be called in to protect the NHS from – presumably – rampaging covid sufferers attempting to batter their way into hospitals for urgent medical care. I’m afraid the image doesn’t make sense.
If the Wuhan Flu were to have been a worse emergency than it was… I struggle for terminology here as apparently an epidemic is not necessarily worse than a pandemic – it’s just that the pan bit means it is all over the world and there seems to be no obvious fixed scientific measure of degree of fatality involved. But let’s say it were ten times more deadly than it was… would people have blamed Boris? Is the blustering opportunist-Brexiteer, with a weakness for bossy posh totty, former London Mayor, really to be treated as the nation’s GP now? If you blame Boris for your Chinese illness you better take two asprin and go to bed.
There was a time in politics when it was all about the economy, stupid.
Other news is sparse. The Daily Star warns us: ‘Wokies ban the word blind‘ – so remember that next time your sat nav sends you up a “sight challenged” alley, or the kids play a game of “sight impaired” man’s bluff.
The Guardian seems to be having an existential crisis: ‘Is free will just an illusion?‘ – this in a feature they call their long read journal. I’ll give it a wide berth.
Let’s file that one along with the philosophical question: if no one goes to the cinema for a year then can there really be any Oscar awards?
My old uncle was a bit of a racist. Whenever he saw a picture such as the one on the frontpage of the Times this morning, captioned: ‘Indians mourning yesterday after a mass cremation in Dehli…‘ – he would smile and say “I’ll bet that photo was taken in Hackney Wick”
Sorry to mention this next football story but it tends to illustrate that sometimes you better be careful what you wish for: ‘Thomas Tuchel, the Chelsea manager warns UEFA that it is in danger of ruining the Champions League by expanding the group stage to 36 teams‘ – yep footie fans who got their knickers in a twist last week about too many big club matches can instead look forward to many many more thrilling away nights in Moldova watching their club tackle a team of local farmers and electricians.
And in further continental news a group of military men are threatening a coup so as to forstal a radical muslim take over.
No it’s not Bosnia or Azerbaijan or Dustbinistan… it’s much closer to home… good old wine quaffing, cheese and baggette munching, EU CAP-loving France: ‘Twenty retired generals have called for a military takeover in France if President Macron fails to halt the “disintegration” of the country at the hands of Islamists‘ (Times)
Further comment vis-a-vis Brexit would seem superfluous.
AsISeeIT- Like you I would not usually make a comment about
football on this website if it did not concern the BBC. BUT
you make a very valid point about the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE
another example of an oxymoron.
I do have a certain knowledge of what this is all about. I
have worked as a football odds consultant for over 50 years
and in fact believe it or not came up for the idea of internet
betting on WORLD football. If you like I am like
the bloke who came up with the idea of football pools who
never made any money from it!
I have also consulted with FIFA on football corruption with
regards to fixed football games. What you write about Moldova
is dead right. This is what this Super League fiasco was all about.
When Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea Manchester City.
I wont mention Arsenal and Tottenham come home from Chisnau
having their bollocks frozen off in the middle of winter after
having played “local farmers and electricians” coming back with a
couple of broken legs . We will see once again their “supporters”
booing them when they have to play a hard match on the Saturday and are not up to it.
I also know some of the “honest Joe’s and Hans” who have
worked for EUFA. Believe me this expanded Champions League
is nothing more than a GREED exercise by UEFA to fill the
UEFA coffers. To be honest , many many branches of football
are a swamp. Not just the hierarchy of the latest top clubs
involved with the proposed super League.
Foscari, I’m interested in your comment & tend to agree.
As a natural contrarian I was at once suspicious of the manufactured outage and overblown media backlash against the Super League plans. Based on little more than BBC-flavoured underdog appeal to supposed grass roots and all that lower down the pyramid tosh.
Deluded fans of Corinthian FC who play in rose-tinted shirts and rainbow boot laces, taking care not to head a shot incase the goalie catches demetia by proxy – will imagine they’ve scored a victory.
I’ve a mate who texted me bumming up the “German Model” of fan ownership to level the playing field. I messaged back reminding him of the fact Bayern Munich had bagged the Bundesliga top spot for the last 8 seasons on the bounce. He’s a civil servant and to preserve an old friendship I tend not to ask if he’s still working from home. I digress.
To declare an interest I have followed Tottenham Hotspur since my old grandad slapped two motzas down on the turnstile as a protest against entry prices going up by thr’pence (probably apocryphal). Sick to death of Spursday night football and Sunday evening league disatisfaction I don’t cling to the status quo.
Fans think owners are coining it at present but I’m not so sure. Most of the broadcast cash goes directly out the door and into player and agent pockets. The Euro League is coming one way or another as sure as EU integration – just on UEFA’s terms.
AsISeeIt-Kindred spirits !! I have been a Spurs supporter even before one of his final games for Spurs in their 10-4 victory
over Everton in 1958 where he scored once and Bobby Smith scored
four, George Robb called me to the front of the class at Christ’s
College Finchley where he was taking us for history. “Bernstein ,
when I’m playing for Spurs I don’t want to hear you shouting
out COME ON GEORGIE. It’s come on MR ROBB from you !!”
As you probably know Mr Robb was the last amateur to play
for England, taking Tom Finney’s place on the left wing in
Hungary’s 6-3 thrashing of England at Wembely in 1953.
Honestly Fed Up the last time I go off line, away from castigating
the BBC.
Laura has a Champion.
Or the other way round.
I can’t stand Boris.
He once served on a #politicsoftheleastbad basis but is now surrounded by nutters and under full thrall of more.
Trouble is the alternatives remain worse.
So letting these prevail with BBC help is not high on my agenda.
BBC ‘reports suggest’ going full Chinese whispers, per plan.
I would give an arm and a leg to see the opposition parties chew Johnson’s head off for making these remarks.
It’s called hyperbole – gettit.
Shock, horror!!
“Miscarriage rates ‘over 40% higher’ in black women” –
I heard this on Toady earlier. So, I did a little investigation. Interesting. ONS Stats: “Parents Country of Birth” bearing in mind that the total figure for 2019 (640,370) includes EU residents and others –
I calculate that of the total births for 2019, mothers (black + asian) born outside the UK amount to 28.7% of total.
The fact that the two groups breed like the proverbial fly, with blacks and their share of peripatetic fathers probably equalling ‘second cousin’ marriages with asians, needless to say, is not mentioned by our, wait for it: “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”.
No more than 10 mins research on the internet.
So, let’s gather round to help and assist these groups. Can I say, ‘Bend over backwards”?
Strikes me as strange that midwifes manage to kill so many babies and that grieving parents spend ages trying to get to the truth – and landing up in court to fight the medical mafia .
Maybe the Royal College of Midwifes should be remained …
Any factual news on Kerry leaking info to the Iranians from JezBo, American Beauty, etc?
Or is it ‘unsubstantiated’ and hence not news?
Den missing the Jen trick there.
All this sudden furore. Ah! wait, elections shortly so anything to tarnish the elected party. Do the media think we all came up the river on a banana boat?
In case you were lucky enough to miss it, apparently barbecues are now racist.
Ok, it’s not the BBC, but it comes from the same woke, white-hating, diseased groupthink that infects the beeb.
Fortunately, the sensible barbie-loving Aussies over at Sky News Aus are having none of it.
You have to laugh at the typical Australian male though , proudly stood over a barbecue thinking they’re the master of some fiendishly difficult art.
Aaron 🇬🇧 🏴
10m Replying to @rec777777
@BorisJohnson and 4 others
You know the next few days, will see a deluge of stories from “sources”. And yet, no mention of the 30 odd Labour MP’S, Councillors and Mayors arrested, or under investigation. And they wonder why #ScumMedia is trending!
Im finding it more and more difficult to comment on this site because i am using the BBC less and less .
So i wonder what the BBC os saying about the EU helga saga in which she got the sofa instead of a chair when meeting the head johnie turk – which seems to be going on despite having happened weeks ago .
I guess the competing favourites of the BBC – wimmin – muslims – EU – must cancel Themselves out meaning it is not reported at all .
I think a similar process is used for coloured on coloured stabbing type crime which gets downgraded to nothing …
Theyd rather get back to some coloured type with a chip being stopped by plod …
They are going along 100% with the story it is all about sexism and nothing to do with dislike of Ursula personally and EU.
They jumped at the chance to use their latest dirty trick to avoid censure by putting up a direct link to the twitter comment where the activists will of course pile in with support no matter what the accusation. These seems to have replaced HYS where people didn’t follow the agenda.
I can only bear to go there for a scan to see what they are up to – but very often I get so disgusted by the article, I just close it. Once you know their tricks, you can spot them very easily.
Plan B.
This organisation has recently taken the Government to court twice to push their, inter alia, climate change agenda. It has failed on both occasions to tempt the law to unwittingly support their aims in seeking to override/circumvent Government powers with legal powers.
‘Plan B’s’ website is interesting. A classic organisation that the likes of Soros will be funding – somehow. One Trustee confesses to pursuing: “…….. anti-racist, anti-capitalist and decolonial movements, including university climate and social justice campaigning as well as decolonisation through alternative education.” Prime Soros territory.
With a stated income of, “£527” how on earth can it afford two legal cases? Stinks.
High time the Government started looking into the Charities Commission and did some urgent gardening of the registered Charities.
One of the effects of Covid that I’m sure Marianna Spring could investigate if she wanted to. My wife and I rarely agree about anything political. I have always been sceptical about politicians (aka the Great Corrupt) and have had my doubts about Covid and the way it has been handled. My wife has just returned from walking the dogs along the canal and she’d come across a young woman in tears. She asked if she could help and eventually her concerns came out. She kept repeating that she couldn’t go along with it anymore and didn’t know what to do. Eventually my wife got it out of her; she was a doctor and knew that the whole issue was wrecking our lives, people were making billions of pounds out of it and taking powers that would never be given up. She even mentioned Bill Gates. She was too afraid to speak publicly as her career would be wrecked but could no longer bottle it all up.
My wife did what she could to calm her down but eventually had to leave the poor girl alone, still in tears. My wife is now a convert. This is not a story I am making up, it’s exactly has my wife told me just 10 minutes ago and, believe me, she doesn’t easily ever agree with my views.
Yes Popeye, I am quite ready to believe your wife’s experience with this young Doctor- how tradgic. Nevertheless such people wherever and whenever they can should air their concerns with their MP who is bound to respect that persons anonymity. Eventually the dirt will hit the fan-the wearing of Mask s give no real measure of defence but is used a Government fear move and unfortunately we the British have become overly compliant, made more so by when we were member sof the European Union.
US police mock dementia sufferer during arrest
Not particularly pleasant but considering the state of the world and the fact there are nearly 50 murders in the USA every single day (of which HALF are by the 10% black population), does that really warrant a front page headline on the BBC ?.
The BBC are out of control. Isn’t someone supposed to be paid to stop this sort of abuse of public money ?.
For anyone who refuses to accept the reach of the Chinese Communist Party and the slow imposition of ‘1984’ –
Some Governments will embrace the assistance the Chinese are offering.
Lorraine Kelly pushing climate lies.
Photos are identical apart from the ‘smog’ – apparently taken 2 years apart. Unfortunately it is the same picture photoshopped and deliberately mislead people. The same two figures are in the bottom right of both photographs.
Also the shadows are identical in every respect.
There’s a longer one here with the climate change ‘expert’ even dragging BLM into the virtue-signalling extravaganza.
ITV appear to have embellished
The story does seem real
but it was in an Indian newspaper on April 3rd *2020* yes one year ago
That article contains the AFTER shot but not the before
From a particular Indian city : Jalandhar, Punjab, residents said that normally they can’t see the Himalayas (Dhauladhar mountain) and then they could, coinciding with lockdown.
Resident tweets
“And a year after, we can’t even spot the water tank, situated 15 kms away!”
I don’t know how many days the mountain was visible for
On Twitter no one ever mentioned seeing the mountain then on April 3 2020 masses of tweets mostly just after Indian media reported it
One guy said 20 years ago they were visible for a few hours from outside the city
Another guy said he could see it one morning in 1998
A professional photographer took that April 3rd, 2020 shot that went viral his tweet
Lorraine used used that one
Looks to me that certain media also cleaned up his image further with photoshop.
He has not tweeted any more shot since so I guess it was just that one clear day.
Ha listen to Lorraine “one of the most remarkable things, was seeing the Himalayas, before people in *Pakistan* could see them”
Then she puts up a photo which is *India*
I’m not even sure if that mountain counts as Himalayas
.. Oh it’s “part of a lesser Himalayan chain of mountains”
If the pictures are 2 years apart the residents apparently suffer some form of OCD, The water tank has a hose in exactly the same angle and position, and someone hangs the washing in exactly the same order and colours.
WHAT?? A respectable TV news network fiddling photos to make a woke political point?
Surely not.
Next you’ll be telling me the BBC lies through its teeth 24/7/365 !!
I refuse to believe it. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation why the 2 people are in exactly the same position wearing exactly the same clothes, casting exactly the same shadows 2 years apart.
ITV didn’t do the fabricating
The clip seems to come from this
Mar 29 : Apple Announces David Attenborough Documentary ‘The Year Earth Changed’
: Apple has today announced a new original documentary for Apple TV+
Here’s a direct link to 40 seconds into the Apple trailer
I’m playing at 0.5x speed
0:40s “For the first time in a lifetime we can see the Himalayas”
imageX without mountains
0:41s imageX WITH mountains
Whatever. They didn’t fact-check very hard, did they?
Never heard of weather?
Important point the BBC basically created the fake picture
Lorraine’s guest was Mike Gunton, He’s Attenbrough’s normal producer and was executive producer on this production even though it’s exclusive to Apple TV+
Bio : Creative Director BBC NHU: Exec producer: Africa, Attenborough@90 etc.
“The Year Earth Changed” is produced by BBC Studios Natural History Unit,
directed by Tom Beard, and executive produced by Mike Gunton and Alice Keens-Soper.”
People have been tweeting him
A neighbour watches TV news and is under the illusion that it gives some perspective on the real world
She just pointed at something in the paper, and said the paper must have got something wrong
cos it says that in that London place
it was a school boy who jumped off a bridge ..yet she knows from the TV that it was a black hero who jumped off the bridge to rescue the woman.
Tuesday 20th school boy went missing at Tower Bridge
Saturday 24th *two* blokes jumped off London Bridge to save suicide woman and the black guy died.
Since TV news banged on about one event and didn’t mention the other she thinks the paper must be wrong.
a 13 yo boy jumped off Tower Bridge. He left a note.
Lady grabbed a float & jumped in after him.
She didn’t find him. Luckily she was saved.
Reminds me of the black guy who carried the white guy out from the BLM protesters who were beating him to death and was hailed as a hero.
Yet he said quite directly he did it to stop them damaging the cause. Nothing to do with saving his life. I remember the way he said it sounding like he didn’t give a damn about the guy he saved.
But of course nobody mentioned that.
Same as the guy driving the van at Finsbury Park. The Muslims were going to murder him on the spot until the Imam stopped them.
Nobody mentioned that either.
Seems like there is a lot of corruption in politics according to the BBC.
I am sure that they, being ‘balanced’ would report on this?
‘BREAKING: Met Police Investigating Labour Party Over VOTE FRAUD Allegations – Two Branches Suspended By NEC’
THE Labour Party has quietly suspended two constituency branches so far, following what has been described as ‘a significant number of serious allegations’.
Members of both East Ham and West Ham Labour branches have already received emails informing them that their branches have been suspended and that all meetings are banned with immediate effect, as both the police and the party itself carry out a thorough investigation.
In other cheerful news The i reports that sky news lose £40 million a year
Shame its not more
Brillo Tv only a month away …
Brillo Tv: don’t raise your hopes.
@Smoogie that story is 6 weeks old
(Your picture doesn’t show
But in the article both branch’s photos clearly show most of the Labour activists are Muslim)
I can’t see any change, I don’t spot any meeting
I can see the activists started a Twitter account
And that was still complaining on April 10th
TWatO Watch #1 – stirring the Downing Street ‘pudding’ some more
The BBC think they are helping Labour and Sir Keir Starmer but the BBC have forgotten that in politics just like LuvvieLand there is no such thing as bad publicity. Keir and his Party’s policies are being ignored, Mayor Sadiq Khan and his policy for London is being is being ignored. The Wee Burney north of the border is being ignored.
All the BBC can drag to the microphone is Tony Wright a ‘has been’ Labour MP and John Ashworth (Lab) who is teetering on the edge of becoming an ex-Shadow Minister.
All the while the PM remains popular in the rest of the country.
Can anyone name any of Labour policies which they hope could win them a future GE?
Under Corbyn we all knew what he stood for. His hard socialism was not popular and it cost him dearly but that was at least the focus the party had at the time.
But what about now? Are they still hard socialist? Blairite? Or something else?
No one seems to be asking these things
Seems to be whatever boris does , except more so.
They are going to have to go some mind if they are going to out green boris with with his current mad plans to impoverish 99% of the country for the sake of gaia
smoogie, nowhere near GE time – that’s year after next when that will get going.
Labour always trumpet ‘Local decisions for local people’ and push for expensive Mayors, expensive bus lanes, even more expensive cycle lanes and ‘congestion’ charges having themselves increased the congestion in the first place. But where are their policies on the BBC. Sir Keir is the ‘Invisible’ Man of politics.
I don’t post much these days as hardly ever watch BBC or listen to it. However today driving and listened to R4 –
They have been using the ” our sources” and “many journalists have it on good authority” which all means they have nader, nothing, zilch but are determined to run with a handful of nothing to try and rubbish Boris – Labour have lost the plot and offer nothing
Boris is an idiot…he should shut down the BBC who now seem to love Cummings, despite vilifying him ..hypocrites and idiots
I really can’t listen to this bilge..