The bias of the Far Left Anti British BBC takes many forms. For instance it can be non reporting of big protests or failure to give details of a suspect in a serious crime . Its like learning a language . You have to look for omissions to get anywhere closer to the truth – as opposed to the biased agenda driven propaganda of the BBC .
Start the week 26th April 2021
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Stacey Dooley has spoken about the XR family I mentioned above
She said that white XR protesters don’t get punished much
(And that is true
But it’s to do with their Green-skin rather than white skin)
Anyway she said this
“This Extinction Rebellion family” “if you’re white and middle class and privately educated there aren’t going to be repercussions for you if you are arrested later down the line.”
Then Vote-Watch have spun this headline
BBC’S Stacey Dooley Claims White People Are ‘Privileged’ And Aren’t Punished For Committing Crimes
I just covered the main new part of the article
The other 70% is about BBC withdrawing a podcast last year ‘White women are Karens’
There are disturbing stories emerging that the lying media has covered up a poison gas leak from an LG plant in India which has killed 13 and hospitalised over 1000 being misreported as ‘covid’ related. Thing is that this gas leak happened in 2020 and was reported at the time the media is reusing the photos and hoping people won’t notice:
Stories in the European press will up-date photos and blame the leak on Astra-Zeneca.
For me that’s complex to parse
#1 Seems most media did report the LG leak that killed 13 in May 2020
BBC did at least 2 stories
But it wasn’t selected for banging on like George Floyd story was.
13 dead Indians aren’t as important to libmob as one special US blackman who cn be used to further BBC/libmob agendas or bashing Trump etc.
#2Now in the recent Indian Covid surge some media as the AFP has said, have caught out being clumsy by using old footage of LG victims.
Anna Brees is pointing at some recent BBC TV item
.. I’m not sure of her point.
Her lot had thought that Indian had beaten Covid by Ivermectin, as a magic early treatment.
Underneath her tweet a lot of people post example of some MSM not BBC misusing old images
The BBC are giving great relish to ‘miscarriages’, and for some reason black women suffer these more than white women. Interviewing a young black woman who has 4 children – repeat 4 children, who too has suffered a miscarriage. She described in detail her experience of this sad event, however she then went on to say how she didn’t realise that after 18 weeks you have to give birth and suffer all that goes with it.
For those having their tea, I won’t elaborate, BUT how can a woman who has delivered 4 children be so stupidly naive about the birthing functions of a woman !! I haven’t got kids, but my jaw dropped at how thick she was.
Views that you don’t here on the BBC
Andrew Bolt acts like the Emperor’s little boy as he points out Biden’s Climate suit is fake
That although MSM screamed at Trump it’s the Biden administration that is actually the insane one.
I was just about to post this exact same thing but you beat me to it!
Pure sanctimonious PC posturing by the imbecilic Biden and his far-left puppet masters.
Worse: it’s dangerous posturing, threatening as it does the West’s economies – though not China’s of course, or Russia’s, or the developing economies.
But is it really just Biden’s stupidity? I think we know the answer to that.
Tucker does anyway.
“…the third and far more radical Obama administration”.
Soros then? Where’s Malloch-Brown at the minute?
The BBC constant policy of undermining the government is well understood.
On the 6 pm news, George Alagiah (to be fair, better than some) gives out the Coronavirus statistics. He says in terms…..’there were 17 deaths, numbers are usually lower on a Monday’.
Which is true. This is a known statistical factor.
Just one small problem.
Today is TUESDAY and on Tuesday the numbers are usually not lower but higher, as the ‘weekend effect’ unravels. Hence by comparison the 6 deaths reported yesterday – Monday.
So 17 on a Tuesday is in fact an excellent figure, half of the figure last Tuesday (33).
Thus the BBC wantonly undermines good news.
I’d call that bias, wouldn’t you?
There’s been a ‘technical problem’ apparently, Sluff, so today’s Covid numbers are the same as yesterday. I saw it on the BBC’s Covid numbers page:
I get uneasy when the statistics don’t come out on time. Apparently SAGE are unable to agree UK figures so we now only get the ‘R’ rate for England.
I wonder if something is being cooked up to de-rail the road map, if you will pardon a wonderful mixing of metaphors.
Sorry up2, but in the finest traditions of accurate reporting on this esteemed site I must claim that your first para bears no relation to data on
at 4.16 pm today.
cases are nearly flat
Last Tuesday’s deaths were almost double at 33
Local ITV news
#1 Should crossbows be banned i. light of the Hull murder ?
#2 Lincolnshire Indian doctors working to help India.
This calls for a new column in Private Eye – if it’s still going (I haven’t seen a copy for years, and Ian Hotlips isn’t around any more as far as I can see)…
You saw it first here, folks, so let’s have em…
Saw the first 5 minutes of the BBC news – which has convinced me that the tories should all resign and be prosecuted for something to do with illegal decorating .
Pressure is mounting on something and they want to ‘ move on ‘…
It all seems pretty serious but the BBC is well on the case . Must be a fully independent judge led inquiry about something serious .
Anyway – any bets on the next PM ? Im thinking the minister for serious statements …
It’ll be some ineffective cowardly useless incompetent because anyone who is half decent they quickly get rid of. Imagine if they’d kept hold of someone like Nigel Farage, and after all the service he’s given the UK why hasn’t he been given some kind of an honour?
Let us not forget that the far left Tories managed to make one of the Marxist ‘green’ wimmin a Baroness so it’s not as if they aren’t making members of opposition parties peers.
Mr farage is in the States and met with the real President mr trump yesterday …
Liz Truss, Jacob Rees Mogg or Rishi Sunak.
The real Tories should have grabbed Nigel Farage but there are no real Tories any more .
Outrageous- c4 news not starting with the most important story- the uk pm carrying out illegal decorating in number 10 – instead they are leading with india running out of cremation units to dispose of victims of the Chinese virus .
Lucky the BBC gets its’ priorities right . ..
Who was that Commons Speaker who did his apartment up at taxpayers expense with Pugin wallpaper at about a grand a roll?
Not Bercow, surprisingly, but I recall he was a Labour lawyer – Derry someone wasn’t it?
Derry Irvine ( now Baron Irvine of Lairg), Blair’s Lord Chancellor. Did up his pad at a cost of £650k including wallpaper costing £59k. His parliamentary secretary was Baroness Scotland. She subsequently ripped off the Commonwealth for extravagant decoration to her grace and favour flat in Mayfair.
Blimey. I await the Wallpaper Police.
There was also Michael Martin, Speaker of the House from 2000 to 2009. Labour and Scotch like Irvine, obviously they’re only tight with their own money, his financial fiddling eventually led to his resignation and the Speaker’s Election that gave us Bercow.
“On 29 March 2008, The Daily Telegraph revealed that refurbishment of Michael Martin’s official residence, Speaker’s House, had amounted to £1.7 million over seven years” . From Wikipaedia.
Lefty #BiasedBBC & London, Guardianbubbleworld stuff
@campbellclaret has suffered from severe depression throughout his life and with his missus Fiona Millar talk about the effects it has on partners too.
They just had Owain Wyn Evans camping it up in his 3 piece suit
from a Welsh coal mine that’s converted into a zipwire park
Now back to great sage Campbell on the couch.
Now over to Deborah Meaden for business advice
She features a zero waste shop in York ..right-on.
My neighbour has renamed the prog The Freak-Show
Somehow I find myself sympathising, very slightly, more with Jonty Bravery’s catastrophic ‘autism’ than Campbell’s depression, and alcoholism.
Nauseating isn’t it.
The way the BBC wheel on Alistair Campbell regularly and repeatedly in the guise of an ‘independent expert’ rather than the guy whose employer tried to have Andrew Gilligan thrown out of his job for getting a semi-colon in the wrong place in his essentially accurate report on the Iraq sexed-up dossier.
Why is he a go-to on telly? Losing my work at BBC after they had told me to turn down an offer from Channel 4….had a bad effect on me and left me in a bad way.
I await the counselling.
And I suspect it stemmed from someone in high places not liking one of my webpages and exerting pressure…
I bet he’s depressed a few people along the way…..
FBE mob have a plan
Instead of embracing free and fair debate, they want to snuff it out.
The campaign group better named “Stop Platforming Non-Lefties”
are also pushing doom against GBnews
On the basis Murdoch is holding back on launching his own UKnews channel
This paragraph looks pretty hatey to me
Doh TalkRadio TV already exists
but it’s logical that Murdoch would wait to see how GBnews goes
..unless he has another trick.
The BBC tell us that they are worth every penny and more…
these tasty treats are well worth the licence fee
boil in the bag omelette anyone, who knew the normal method was so difficult
The BBC seem to have dropped the Boris hate-bashing stories from the home page completely. Maybe they have found out that their “sources” are a bit dodgy?
That’s not true here
#1 Labour accuses PM of lying over flat renovations
Jonathan Ashworth calls for a “full and frank explanation” of who paid for works in Downing Street.
#2 PM’s flat refurb funding to be reviewed
#3 What are the rules governing political donations?
#4 Five questions for the PM and why the answers matter
Other anti-Tory/Agenda stories
– High Court to look at PM’s Patel ‘bullying’ decision
– Harry and Meghan to join Covid vaccine concert
– NHS heroes to feature in major portrait exhibition
– ‘Firefighters don’t look like me’ : Hijabbed female fireman
– ‘The mum-shaming on social media is mind-blowing’
– Is a vegan butcher coming to your high street?
– Jodie Harsh: ‘Drag queens are the new rock stars’
Is the unofficially Have Your Say site still a thing?
It does give an error “This site doesn’t exist here”
but #2 Its logo still appears at the top of the Chrome browser tab
Google was picking them up 23 hours ago
.. now their Twitter account gone (they rarely tweeted anyway)
.. Their Facebook account blocked
“UK weather: April set to be frostiest in UK for 60 years”
More Global Warming?
April has a CET (Central England Temperature) of -0.9 C and looks set to be the coldest in nearly 40 years, it also looks like being colder than March, which is also highly unusual.
The remaining days of April are all forecast to be well below average for the Month meaning it will be well below what might be expected.
Global Warming ?
Not BBC though it might be. I’m fuming.
ITV news are reporting that the official case and death rates for covid in India are only a fraction of the true rate.
I mean. Really? This is news? Where have the journalists been for the last year?
Let’s number crunch. 1.3 billion population 350,000 cases. 3500 deaths. Lets divide by 20 to get the Uk equivalent..
65 million people, 17500 cases, 175 deaths. Does that level sound like the crisis that is manifest in India right now? Of course not. How does India measure covid deaths in homes, where the body is quickly cremated according to custom? It doesn’t.
I like India. I’ve visited more than once. No reflection on them. What totally amazes me is that only now does ITV, sorry to say, figure out covid in India is under-reported.
No wonder we are so sceptical of what we hear on the news.
The plight of India is being undermined by corrupt illegal decorating ….
…………………..time for the next thread ….
An useful link to all you serious Al Beeb de-funders…………….
“Napier Barracks: Red Cross demands closure of ex-military asylum sites”
There are a lot of veterans living on the streets that would be glad to live in these barracks.
Its time our Home Secretary started doing her job, the job she is paid for.
It’s worse than that the police actually come down and smash up PTSD veterans camps like at the Norwell View Farm near Bath
.. claimed they were looking for a weapons cache
..3 weeks now , but no charges.
Antifa Twitter said ‘yeh the guys were all flag shaggers, so it’s OK to treat them like animals’