On the previous thread I queried why UK holidaymakers would wish to reward France with their hard-earned. France, whose government has consistently adopted an ant-British punishment attitude through Brexit and beyond.
As if by magic, they have only gone and done it again.
I’ve loved the country of France and visited them for decades but I now avoid any and every French product I can. Let’s hit them where is hurts – in their pocket.
…….and a belated addition to my theme.
What a wonderful country France is in terms of treating people with coronavirus.
All round the world, 2-3% of coronavirus sufferers die.
Totals are skewed by a lack of testing during the initial outbreaks but nowadays that is pretty much sorted.
Amazingly, only about 1% of French covid sufferers die.it’s been that way for weeks.
Belgium, Eastern Europe, Italy etc etc etc have much higher fatality rates, in that expected 2-3% range.
France, with a million more cases than the UK has far fewer fatalities. Amazing. They currently have over 5000 serious cases, far higher than the peak in the UK back in January. But they nearly all survive. Amazing.
I offer two possibilities.
1. France has discovered fantastic ways of saving the lives of severe covid sufferers which have eluded other countries who do not appear to have enquired how France has done it so that they can copy the best practice.
2. France are cheating with the fatality statistics.
My bulletproof vest that I may need to be a journalist in America arrived and they sent me a Small and I had to adjust it to make it a little smaller and for a moment I was happy that I was too small for my bulletproof vest that I need to do journalism in America.
Charles Moore: The only clear difference between XR’s dream and our present Government’s policy is that XR wants Net Zero even quicker than the Government. Both are trying to force us down the same crazy path: https://t.co/fNyOFJtJOGpic.twitter.com/OB3qk9XSsW
Net Zero presumably means net zero carbon emissions. And carbon actually refers to carbon dioxide – a gas that is not just neutral but positively necessary for the continuation of plant life, and thus life itself.
These people claim they are following “the” science. When one claims one is following the science, it is necessary to state which science one is following. Science is a big discipline. Following from that, one needs to state which part of a particular science one is following, and finally which paper from which archived journal. Dates etc.
It is obvious that the people who are the most vociferous in claiming they follow “the” science, don’t even know what science is.
Agree NCBBC- if you get the opportunity listen to Prof William Happer-puts the Climate Change situ just where it should be-don’t put off by his slow American drawl this guy knows what he is talking about and in his way rubbishes the excited almost hysterical words and phrases coming out of the mouths of CC fanatics.
Western civilisation is being attacked on all fronts. The Left wants to abolish Christian faith and replace it with Marxism. Then we have the Islamists who want sharia, and crucify the rest. Then we have the money class, who just want to strip all that Christendom has created. Then we have the Climate Change Extinction lunatics. Unlike the previous, the last is quite literally hell bent on destroying plant life.
The sad thing is that the more lunatic an ideology, the more followers it has- particularly in the “educated” class like the BBC.
Thank you. Prof Happer’s diction is slow , and of course thoughtful – exactly what one would expect from a thinking physicist. Even his humour is mild and self-deprecatory.
If one watches Jacob Bronowski’s The Ascent of Man, its the same slow thoughtful speech, that tells me that here is a man who thinks.
Like you NCBBC refereshing to locate someone like J Bronowski, recall the series well, then that tells ones age! Prof Happer like Professor Bronowski are in ways succinct about their subject knowledge. We could could do with more of such well balanced scientisits. Some years ago I was a follower of Liberty GB, and I thought Paul Western who was Chairman then, spoke a lot of sense on so many fronts and over so many issues-One article was called ‘How to Destroy a Country’ written in 2014, my goodness wasn’t he so right, its happening before our very eyes and yet so many are blind.
This little story sums it up very well for those of us who were around before the Beatles. In the course of political argument, an ancient lady was told by her grandson that she came from a different generation, to which she replied ‘No I come from a different civilisation.’ Brilliant.
Paul Weston was, and probably still is, a stalwart defender of the West. His Liberty party faced innumerable difficulties. He was arrested in Bath, I believe, for insulting Islam, when all he was doing was reading from Churchill’s Frontier Wars, in the public square. The plod was unaware of the literary piece.
BBC4 The Pinker 2 hour special
Basically the same old TV junk science
They take a good basis , but then fill it with their shallow tick box agenda pushing
These days a lot of normal people can pick it all apart.
I watched this out of professional interest as much as anything else . It was 2 years old – and produced by the Boston public service broadcaster
The DT review described it as ‘horizon ‘ before it turned to woke crap like everything else the BBC does .
However – I found it muddled and based on a false assumption about numbers . If a ‘crime ‘ is not recorded then it never happened ( plod relies on this ) – so if systems don’t record crime they look better than they really are.
The 2 parter got worse as it went on and really got bogged down in woke coloured stuff – and kind of dismissed the action of states in WW2 in slaughtering for slaughters’ sake – whether it be the dirty japs or the krauts ….
I think there is better stuff online – but definitely not those dire woke ‘ted talks ‘….
My personal theory about the reason for violent crime is not fully formed but population size and density features bigly as does material aspiration
The BBC – who are so quick to link us to twitter when it suits them – tell us Trump has started his own blog. Then spend half of the article repeating the claims against him for the Capitol riots which have no bearing at all on the main article.
The big elephant in the room though is how all the MSM tell us about it then proceed to mock it with some insults a 10 year old schoolboy should be embarassed about. But very few of them tell us where it is. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk
You won’t see any of the topics he mentions on the BBC.
The new website will publish content “straight from the desk” of the former US president, who was banned by Twitter and suspended by Facebook and YouTube after the Capitol riots.
What news about the amount of residences (households ) not paying the telly tax ?
Where are the graphs showing the increase/decrease of people deciding whether to pay the racket ?
What of the demographics of the people paying the telly tax – are they young , old , white , black (sorry ,people of .. oh what the hell ) , Asian heritage , Asian heritage but resent being lumped into that bracket , bogus asylum seekers , university dons , senior civil servants , trans ?
Now if the BBC is as important as it says it is , it should make a programme about its loss .
That’s a like asking them to admit what people really think about Dr Who since they woked it. Only cherry picked twitter comments allowed.
The demographic of who actually pays it by ethnicity would be very, very interesting to see. Which is why we never will.
Apparently they have a streaming service called BBC Select, aimed at the US and Canada, $4.99 a month, but I thought that Britbox was supposed to be popular over there.
Well, I suppose as popular as having 1.5 million subscribers in a combined population of about 370 million can be.
BritBox America have even started commissioning programmes.
I have no idea who this is aimed at but it sounds awful. America?
I’m jumping way ahead of myself here and with both feet but I get the idea that somehow underlying sectarian tensions will be eased by the soothing compassion and wisdom of Islam. So then, 40 years of bombing and bloodshed between Catholics and Protestants could have been avoided if only the linen mills of Belfast had instead been more like the wool mills of Bradford? Well maybe, but not for the reason this Ballykissangelesque nonsense will be pushing.
I can tell you now this will be shite. I can’t wait for the accents.
To be fair, I doubt if any first generation immigrants watch the bBbc. Or second, third and now fourth generation to be honest. Why would they want to or feel they had to pay for the bBbc when the only television they watch is in their own language from their own countries brought to them by satellite. The bBbc’s constant pandering to them is pointless. The bBbc means nothing to them.
I know it’s still regarded as live television but I reckon most of them don’t even know they are legally required to have a licence for this.
Seems to be the case for driving.
A cut and paste from The Guardian describing how children of the BBC profit from it – all through their Production Companies….
Big businesses are paying leading BBC news presenters tens of thousands of pounds to host events, according to newly released documents that show how financial institutions are employing the public broadcaster’s leading stars.
Andrew Marr, the £360,000-a-year host of BBC One’s Sunday morning politics show, was paid at least £5,000 extra by talking to staff and clients at the wealth management firm Brewin Dolphin on a Zoom call at the end of March.
A screengrab of the call seen by the Guardian shows Marr hosted the paid external event from a meeting room in the corporation’s Broadcasting House headquarters while wearing a BBC lanyard.
Responding to a question about Marr, a BBC spokesperson said: “We understand the logistical challenges brought on by the pandemic, but we would remind all staff there is a clear difference between using meeting spaces for BBC-related events compared to anything external.”
The Radio 4 presenter Justin Webb topped the league table of BBC stars with the most paid external events, receiving at least £20,000 during the first three months of this year for external work conducted on top of his £250,000 annual salary for hosting the Today programme.
He was paid at least £5,000 for hosting a breakfast briefing for the City-based management consultancy Proxima, and similar fees from the financial services trade body CISI, the car manufacturers’ trade body SMMT and the wealth management magazine CityWealth.
The actual amount received could have been higher as the BBC register requires staff to declare only whether each booking was worth more or less than £5,000.
For years, many high-profile BBC presenters have topped up their salaries by taking substantial fees from private companies to host awards shows, moderate panel events, and interview guests. Their presence helps attracts interest to the events, while presenters often viewed this income as making up the difference between their salary and what they felt they could earn at commercial news outlets.
However, following a series of scandals about conflicts of interest potentially affecting news coverage, the BBC’s director general, Tim Davie, has required that on-air journalists and senior executives publish details of their external event bookings in a regularly updated pay register.
The new disclosure log covers only January to March 2021, when the number of events and awards ceremonies was severely curtailed due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Despite this, dozens of prominent on-air presenters still registered payments for events conducted over Zoom and other video-conferencing services, although some staff said they were disappointed that unpaid speeches to schools and charities were not included on the list.
Some of the event bookings directly cross over with the topics covered by the journalists involved. Spencer Kelly, the host of BBC World’s Click technology show, was paid at least £5,000 by chairing a panel for the technology company Cisco. The home editor Mark Easton took a similar amount from the National Housing Federation, which represents the country’s housing associations.
The BBC Breakfast host Dan Walker received more than £5,000 for hosting an event for the wealth management company St James’s Place, and a similar sum from the Co-op.
The Irish law firm Mason Hayes and Curran hired the Newsnight host Emily Maitlis for a webinar to celebrate International Women’s Day, while other companies that hired BBC staff for speaking events in this period included Google and Microsoft.
The new rules were introduced after a series of scandals including the BBC’s North America editor, Jon Sopel, giving a paid speech for the tobacco company Philip Morris, and the former editorial director Kamal Ahmed taking £12,000 to speak at a hedge fund conference.
Eyebrows were raised in the BBC newsroom when Boris Johnson announced officially in 2019 he would be standing to be Conservative party leader while being interviewed by the BBC News host Huw Edwards at an insurance industry event. Both were being paid to attend when the headline-grabbing news was broken.ENDS
That old adage about ‘its not what they say – it’s what they do ‘ springs to mind .
@Fedup2 – May 5, 2021 at 5:46 am
when they say “Big businesses” it seems to mean they are really “financial institutions”
with the whopping salaries these “stars” make, it makes sense that they are feted by the money crowd you get a nice slice of the “payed by the public” pie.
06.45 or thereabouts, the look back on this date feature. They ran a snippet of the interview with Doris following his election as Mare of London in 2021?… When asked if he’d run for Westminister in 2015 elections ‘no of course not’ was the response. Voiceover person then takes great glee in telling us he susequently ran, for the tories and won….
Why Beeb, why? We all know he lies, what’s your point?
Today programme, now promoting the Provisonal BBCs print wing, the Grauniad ‘celebrating’ 200 years of existence. No mention of it being funded by the profits of slavery, or if it would last another 100 years….
Today again, an interview with an ‘effnik’ promoting the benefits of and explaining to the local communidddy about the ‘jab’ due to uptake being low in a certain area… Background music is some sort of Bangla rap/mash noise with a rapper? uttering ‘Michael Jackson’ in relief.
Strange choices again there Beeb, what MJs preoccupation with kids and all the known links to certain ‘gangs’ of that community.
One for all the Helf Correspondents in the cubicle gardens…
This is Presidents Biden and Carter, minus masks, getting much closer than they could if they had family resident in a UK care home. Just think about that for a moment. Do you think President Biden would take risks with President Carter? pic.twitter.com/0T0pLFZIiU
Most people have commented more about the odd perspective in this photo with the Carters appearing to live in some kind of Bizzare dolls house whilst Biden is shown as a giant in the image.
One comment was that the photographer was from the Chinese Communist Party attempting to show the dear leader as almost God like in his stature, but the more obvious truth here is that this grouping never actually happened and is an example of really bad photoshopping which might be perhaps deliberate.
Just look at the twitter comment the BBC chose to show in full with the story:
‘We voted for Biden because he’s a decent human being with sound policies but also because he and Jill are giants who will crush you if you make them angry.’
Barf BBC.
My online weather, this morning, tells me there is, (albeit low) a risk of snow……………… Let me just check the calendar. Pity they don’t also add an update on, “Global Warming”.
The left changed natural variability of weather from Global Warming to Climate Change for the same reason – Climate not behave according to political requirements set by the manifesto.
Now the left have latched on to an adolescent female, prone to hysterics.
A new trial has been requested for the former police officer convicted of murdering African-American George Floyd last month. Derek Chauvin was captured on film kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes and following a trial into his death, the then Minneapolis police officer was found guilty of murder and manslaughter.
Chauvin’s legal team allege misconduct by both prosecutors and jurors in court documents. His lawyer Eric Nelson claims his client was deprived of a fair trial, arguing the process was not impartial because of pre-trial publicity. Allegations errors were made by the judge, prosecutorial misconduct and witness intimidation also feature in the document. Chauvin faces up to 40 years in prison and will be sentenced next month. His conviction was considered a milestone in the racial history of the US and was widely welcomed by Americans.
Why? Who knows? Easier pickings? Safer? All they have? Or know?
Still here are David Lammy and that nut job in the beret in the studio to ‘discuss’…
Such was the irresponsible comments from public figures, there is no way Derek Chauvin can get a fair trial in the USA, or even Norte Americano.
Chauvin’s lawyers should be able to get him free. Then he can sue the US government while in asylum in some comparatively civilised country – like Russia or China.
On Monday, a senior official from India’s federal government told journalists that there was no shortage of oxygen in Delhi or anywhere else in the country. As he spoke, several small hospitals – only a few miles from where he stood in the capital – were sending out desperate messages about them running out of oxygen, putting patients’ lives at risk.
The federal government has repeatedly insisted that there was no shortage. Experts say the shortage of oxygen is just one of the problems which show the Indian government was “caught sleeping at the wheel”, having failed to do enough to stop or minimise the damage of the second wave.
I’m guessing that the French threat to cut of the electricity supply to Jersey won’t feature in the BBC news . But what it should do is to cause an analysis of areas of UK life most at risk from enemies such as France and mitigate them –
Looks like Jersey needs to buy a few generators
– as well as examine ares when the UK can damage French interests .
“Mary Rose crew was ethnically diverse, study finds”
Yet again more Woke agenda.
A message to Al Beeb from most Telly tax payers – ‘Go woke , Go broke.’
‘Pretend black people have been prominent in historical British society like in Dr Who, not in the real world’ seems to be a new policy decision taken at board-room level (eyes look upwards like Mr Rumbold) because it’s suddenly happening simultaneously for different topics.
I really, really, really detest the mindset of those in that meeting. Ethically barren liars who think it’s OK because it’s for the greater good of the society THEY want to make. Like Hitler did.
Same ‘science’ as climate change. The minimum crew would have been 415, though very probably increased to over 700 with soldiers on the day.
Of these the remains of 179 have been found, eight selected for investigation and three found to have ‘possible’ southern Mediterranean links – from which any university educated scientist worthy of the name must deduce that a multi-ethnic crew worked the ship. Elementary, apparently.
Except that with the high incidence of mercenary use in all armies of the period, any ethnicity is most likely to have been within their ranks. And they were not part of the everyday crew.
The case for a diverse crew has been totally demolished by this chap. If any self respecting scientist put their names to this claim of diversity they ought to be ‘struck off’ . But of course the Woke scum operate under a blanket of lies and falsehoods and within a few years it will be being taught that in Tudor England there were many Africans. I’m waiting , I don’t think that it be a long wait, for some Woke idiot to claim that the diverse elements of the crew were in fact slaves chained to the benches to row the ship. The fact that it didn’t have oars won’t stop them, facts are a nuisance in pursuit of Wokism.
One of the ruse is to claim that African civilisation was one of the first in the world. Great builders etc. It turns out they are referring to Egypt. Present day Egyptians would be astonished.
Ever wondered why so many middle class young white women show up to demos especially in America? Well there is a reason, more than half of them are clincally mentally ill!
HALF-MAD: Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness
Prince Harry shows support for transgender children as controversial charity invited to mental health talks. He’s Lost The Plot!https://t.co/BMlvsUICUD
— Bob For A Full Brexit (@boblister_poole) April 24, 2019
Be fair to the boy vlad. If you’d been born ginger you would identify with lost causes too. It goes with the territory, I mean, look at that tosser Chris Evans….
He is a product of the rotten school, just like his brother, and the Arch Socialist of Cant,. the far left Socialist Workers party affiliate member David Cameron, and the current far Left PM.
Thinking today though as with most things the Left turn their hands to, only destruction and failure comes of it. They infiltrate the Tory party with far left posh boys, and what happens is they turn it into Labour and destroy the lefts main party in the process!
Hallmark movies have addressed this problem. The story is generally about a smart, good looking, intelligent and tough young woman, who has made it in the Big Apple. But she is unhappy, and shows her unhappiness in attitudes towards her employees – bitchiness to women and worse to young men. And also joining fringe groups.
Come Christmas, she goes back home after many years, to Red country, to see her grandma. She loves her gran. There, at her granny’s place, she meets a young man, who is kind and gentle to her, but there is that country toughness around him, which she doesn’t know how to handle.
You know the rest. No unhappy Karen – a pain to all. Gran’s plan worked.
“HALF-MAD: Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness”
This is, of course, complete nonsense. The Pew Study shows no such thing. This figure comes instead from the ‘analysis’ of a PhD student who describes him self as; ‘Wokeness Studies scholar’.
But even ignoring any possible claims of bias, the quoted ‘analysis’ makes no claims about the number of people; “Diagnosed with Mental Illness”.
Bill Whittle is just one more ‘opinionated’ YouTube clone churning out click-bait for cash.
Do you have any article which suggests the said PhD scholar has falsified these figures?
If not then how can you claim it to be complete nonsense ?
There may indeed claims of bias, and of course that is what this entire site is about, however it doesn’t prevent you from defending the bias of the BBC and you seldom if ever call into question the claims made by a corporation which on Worldwide media monitoring site is listed as having a Left Wing bias in its news output.
Just like Al Beeb and the Leftoids who support it, Maxi is always likely to approve ‘academic research’ suggesting BAME/LGBTQ/transgender
/Marxists/Remoaners etc are superior or warrant special attention…and that Whitey/Gammons/
heterosexuals/Tories etc are deficient, intellectually or morally so any research suggesting otherwise is false.
Al Beeb Wales……….
“For the first time, 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to vote in the Senedd elections, meaning 70,000 more people are eligible to cast their ballot on Thursday.”
Time to Abolish the Welsh Assembly.
What next , Votes for 5 year olds ?
Wee krankie has done to same in Scotland.
Weird isn’t it? You can’t drive a car or drink in a pub or gamble in a betting shop but you can vote !!!!!
16 year olds have paid little or no tax in their lives and their entire experience has been through the prism of the state, mainly through education. Why would anyone of that kind not vote for romantic ideals and more state spending to which they will contribute nothing?
And of course that is precisely the thoughts of the left who want to reduce the voting age. The only surprise is that the nationalists don’t want to reduce the voting age to about 10 and issue free sweeties at the polling stations.
I’d increase the voting age to 21.
No representation without taxation.
Even 21 is too young IMHO. People should have experience of the world before they decide who should run it. 25 would be about right.
I’ve followed up on a few famous left-wing activists from around the world who are middle-aged now and every single one was embarassed at what they did after they realised how the world really worked.
I was clearing aircraft for flight at 21. It’s all about personal responsibility.
I know 18 year old today that are mature beyond their years there are also numerous examples of more mature individuals that I question how they even get dressed of a morning. Most seem to phone into BBC radio shows.
Sadly the young people of today are being failed by the education system.
The WestWyvern
“Sadly the young people of today are being failed by the education system.”
They have been ‘educated’ ready for voting by their Marxist and Socialist teachers. Hence the push by the Welsh Assembly to get them voting young.
So young they have never paid tax, never had a real job and can’t even tidy up their bedroom.
Sadly democracy is, as admitted, at best, flawed. In many ways.
But it is the best system so far. And historically we appear to have arrived at a least worst option.
The current PM and Leader of Opposition and most of their cabinets I would not wish given access to any position of influence, including a photo booth.
A young local holiday job supermarket worker who applied to work here I would anticipate is now employing scores successfully.
Doers over talkers. Looking at you, Toenails.
I remind ours that at their age Guy Gibson was already a posthumous Wing Commander.
Sounds like you have a similar career start to me : I was signing off things like helicopter autopilot changes as fit to fly at 21.
The problem now is the targetting of young people by the Left. There’s a reason so many change to be right-wing as they get older.
Agree JohnC 25 years old would be about right-although when young men had to undergo 2 years military service, they grew up quickly and most came out around 21-22 yrs old. A friend of mine who was a year older than me, did his two years in the Army and when he came out at 21 went to the Polytechnic took A levels and got a place at Durham Uni-which as he said was of no interest before his two year service-as he said ‘it grew him up’.
Sluff, I know someone – now deceased – who was born in the mid-1950s. He had left school, gone to Uni, on a grant. Stayed on at Uni, did a Masters. On a grant. Went to another Uni and did a Doctorate, using a grant. When he reached the age of 29, people started to suggest to him that he might like to try working for a living.
Did he retire early on a full fat pension due to ‘ill-health’ as most of my wife’s cohort did, enabling several of them to spend six months a year at their European second homes? All now complaining about the time they can spend there, of course, as they did about Brexit.
(For the record, my wife only taught for 3 years after a first degree before usefully spending her time looking after our boys and me.)
Don’t know, Peter. Think he may have died while working still. Cannot for the life of me remember the year of his death. There’s no doubt that getting onto the public pay roll does mean a juicy future at pension time, especially so at the BBC.
As a very experienced software engineer, I can say without any doubt that PhD graduates make absolutely useless engineers. They are simply unable to relate to the real world and working as a team.
One whose job was risk-analysis was convinced ‘cosmic rays’ were the biggest danger to Ariane-5. We tried in vain to convince him it was a software failure. The first one blew up when both main computers crashed due to the same software bug in each one.
Another left an airborne software team saying ‘You are not my kind of people’.
Teaching is all they can do. You can’t actually fail : there is no right and wrong.
Much the same with MBA’s.
I had some working for me at two different financial institutions in the 90’s.
At one, his risk management was so good he went on to bust ABN Amro, and the other couldn’t work out the starting point for his cashflow projection from a set of financial accounts.
All theory, little idea of application.
I read a Douglas Murray piece in the Speccie a few weeks ago which claimed that children in Krankie’s schools were being taught lies about events in Scotland’s history which, if you can believe it, were anti-English. It stands to (their) reason that these indoctrinated children, who also get their daily dose of propaganda from Krankie, will vote to sunder the Union which pays for their education/health/security/vaccines, alright just about everything.
And like so many of the UK’s problems, and indeed those of the world, it can be traced back to one man, Anthony Lynton Charles Blair. He who created the devolved administrations who then went off gerrymandering their elections with votes for indoctrinated children.
Didn’t he do well!
The concerted and orchestrated ‘tory sleaze’ campaign, along with sofas, wallpaper and nanny’s doesn’t seem to have worked, hence the feverish attempts to worry the electorate into action. Nothing changes.
“pure electioneering by the media on behalf of Labour”
It is clear they are attempting to reduce the vote deficit so they can still claim a ‘win’ for Labour by showing how well it did despite all the predictions.
Perhaps but it is also discounting the heavy defeat , making it seem less bad when the results come out over the week end.It must be intensely worrying to the BBC Guardian axis of evil that despite throwing loads of shit at Boris over the past few weeks the electorate hanvt changed their voting intentions. Eventually it might dawn on the leftist retards that increasing numbers of once loyal Labour voters now regard the Labour Party with horrorand will never vote for it again.
Ordinary voters don’t like being called gammons, knuckle draggers , stupid by leftists and many Labour MPs for the entire five years since Brexit.
They don’t like Labour leaders and activists grovelling before BLM.
They don’t like Labour MPs saying that they will reverse Brexit at the first opportunity.
The voters suspect that most Labour luvvies care more about migrants than about Brits.
The astonishing thing is that the dumb left can’t understand any of this and continue their policies which alienate the voters they need to win back. Long may it continue . Eventually I hope that someone in the Tory Party realises that moving to the right will actually win votes and we get back a centre right party. Not this government of course but eventually.
Double – you are humming my tune . It’s strange how the socialists disconnected from their British white voters in favour of any ‘vulnerable minority ‘ it can link up to .
Fortunately for people of The Right – like me – the socialists will continue their mission of self destruction . I wrote a bit about Starmer elsewhere here -a barrister with no heart leading a bunch of – well not even mediocre self servers …
……it’s just a shame the tories went red .
TOADY Watch #1 – another little piece of evidence?
Nadhim Zahawi, Business Secretary and ‘Vaccines Minister’ was the Prime Interview Slot victim for a mauling by Martha. Cash for Cuteaines* was inevitably brought up by a Labour supporting BBC and Martha pushed and pushed on that one but Nadhim was not budging.
Martha missed the really big issue: the ‘P’ question. Nowt to do with ‘H’.
Why are millions of taxpayers £s being given to Porton Down, tha national secure facility for bio-weapons, and not to a BigPharma Company? Or to a Small UK Pharmaceutical Company or start-up? Would that not be more beneficial?
The really big question Martha should have asked: is the nation under attack from hostile forces using the Covid virus as a weapon?
It would have been interesting to hear what Nadhim Zahawi said in reply.
* Snuffy’s little word play: curtains, cuties and chatelaines in relation to Carrie Antoinette
Apparently so, Scrobie, it is open season on Bojo; open season on Bolsanaro, open season on Donald Trump and the BBC even hinted at the end of Bibi Netanyahu early on in TOADY this morning.
“Roll up, roll up, get your wet sponges here to throw at the person in the stocks! Only a penny a go. Come on now, it’s all for a good cause.”
Scrobie, one of the interesting things I discovered about the word ‘chatelaine’ when checking it is that the British, those perfidious Albins 🙂 , have imbued the word with a different meaning over the years compared to its French usage. And we thought the French were naughty and all that “Ooo la la!”
TOADY Watch #2 – another important question not asked
There was much hand-wringing during the first or second hour of TOADY about the fact that because of Lockdown in the UK, every little mite under the age of five will be likely to drown this summer. The swimming pools were closed due to the Lockdown and swimming classes for mothers and toddlers were not held.
I think it may have been Mishal that took this item. It obviously did not occur to her that right from the start of Lockdown, the Government were encouraging everybody to wash their hands. Remember ‘Hands + Face + Space’? Apparently not.
Secondly, I guess that Mishal may not have visited a swimming pool in her life, so she does not know that the water is full of chlorine. And other stuff. Especially with small children in it. The chance of a virus surviving in the water would, I think, be close to non-existent. Why did the Government and/or Local Authorities close swimming pools during the Lockdown?
The chattering classes here are beginning to vote in ever-increasing numbers for the Alliance Party, many turning their backs on the Unionist parties. NI’s equivalent to the Liberals, they stand for everything and nothing.
I don’t think that too many of these middle-class urban Prods realise that Alliance also want to lower the voting age, they’re too busy virtue signalling to actually realise who or what they’re voting for. They don’t seem to understand that the demographic this will suit best have nothing in common with them, much more Gaelic club than Rugby club, that the main benefactors from such a move will be Sinn Fein, a party who openly despise them.
Still as long as they can keep their holiday homes in Donegal and their twice yearly trips to Dublin for the Six Nations who cares?
Rich – I was listening the the language the BBC used to report the end of the political show trial being used against too ex paras.
‘ IRA terrorist’ is not a term they use – must be an editorial decision – the monster they thankfully killed was not fully described . The monsters’ family were able to use the trial as a propaganda weapon for Sinn Fein IRA – again – a term the BBC never uses .
Let’s all forget that death and pain and loss shall we …? Why not call them IRA Freedom Fighters ? Which I think is what the BBC wants to do ….
Yes dafydd pathettic and more so very worrying as to how little this young person knows of anything that could and no doubt will alter her life dramatically-she firstly should learn to speak her language correctly-(me and my mates- my mates and I-it should be) but never mind this follows the social media language line- me,mine, more, like, kind of, anytime soon, from the get go, you get my meaning. Of course not all youngsters are the same-its what is being taught at University or rather what is not being taught that is worrying. I agree absoultely with other folk here, the voting age should be 21 better if 25. I certainly knew more when I was 25, having lived and worked in France for three years, travelled for my company all over the UK and elsewhere. Wider perception of the world and what goes on-at 17 I was only interested in sport and girls, never mind in what the order!
Her farther was really taken aback by her awful comments…
I just think its indicative of society today, kids have it so easy and genuinely dont care unless it is of a benefit to them. But i also believe a great deal of there behaviour is driven by pier pressure and the need to be liked and not be alienated by there friends
Times have changed and not for the better. I joined the Army at 16, at the age of 18 i was pounding the streets of Northern Ireland in the late 70’s. We grew up very quickly
It brakes my heart to see the sacrifices made by so many to enable these spotty faced oinks the opportunity to vote in the first place.
They could at least educate themselves in the way of the world instead of worrying when they were going to get sh-t faced next or when were mum and dad were going to buy them the next expensive piece of technology so they could keep up with there mates.
Yes i agree, keep them away from the ballot box until they are 21. By that time they may have earned the right to vote.
Agree again in what you have said—‘I just think its indicative of society today, kids have it so easy and genuinely dont care unless it is of a benefit to them. But i also believe a great deal of there behaviour is driven by pier pressure and the need to be liked and not be alienated by there friends.’
In many ways much of the problems we have now, and not only with youngsters, is of the 45 years the United Kingdm spent under the subjugating, controlling influence of the European Union. Its almost vindictiveness, unrelenting duplicity and continued interference in this nations sovereign state, has reaped a profound atmosphere of over compliance and a designed failure amongst its citizens
Justin Webb makes £250K a year for a 4-day week as a R4 Today presenter. A BBC moonlighting register shows he made £20K+ in personal appearances this year. As he's only in demand because of a state job we are funding shouldn't he return the cash to subsidise his wages?@DefundBBC
BBC salaries are negotiated between the stars agent and the BBC
Agent “he can get £300K at ITV”
BBC should say “We’ll pay £200K and then he’ll get external income from speeches, image rights, book rights , and that’s higher cos of BBC prestige”
If the BBC is shamed by these external jobs,
then it’s their fault for writing a contract that allowed them.
I know a girl who was at Cambridge with Emily Maitlis. Never heard her say a bad word about anyone but apparently Mateless wasn’t very nice then either.
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning we got a couple of questions that a mastermind finalist would have trouble answering.
Interviewing a 40 year old firefighter who almost died from covid, he was told to say his goodbyes to his family as he wasn’t expected to live through the night.
Difficult question 1.
Would you recommend those in their forties to have the covid jab?
Difficult question 2.
(Something along the lines of) Did the nurses and doctors do a good job or were you happy with the nurses and doctors. (something like that)
They put up a 4 min clip
“Mick McTigue from Alnwick, was a healthy firefighter, but got so ill with covid a doctor told him to say his goodbyes” https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p09gp2vm
wife sounds Polish or East EU
Vax Qn .. he agreed ‘go for it’ (seems he is in the 40-45 category and has had the vax)
Qn to wife on NHS doc/nurses … finaly he replied “They are amazing”
As ever stories are created in the edit and may not reflect reality.
I note that the left wing echo chamber known as Twitter has lost 30% of its value in the past two months. Perhaps people are waking up to the fact that Twitter is silencing dissent. I wonder if that will influence the decision by Facebook on whether to continue the ban on Trump.
Perhaps the government could introduce a special social media licence that everyone would have to pay? The proceeds would all go to Twitter, but anyone who uses any social media platform (Faecesbook, WhatsCrap, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram etc) would have to pay it. A reputable company such as, say, Crapita, could be used to enforce it. All ISPs would have to provide details of sites visited by users so as to help with compliance. What a pity there is no precedent for such an englightened approach.
The BBC are delighted to give Meghan Markle’s book a favourable review and free plug.
It seems to be about herself, of course, and how important relationships are between children and dads and stuff.
Highly original. And now perhaps the Duchess of Me would consider fixing her own broken relationship with her dad, and then the one she broke up between Prince Charles and Harry.
Charles having to live with and accept the embodiment of cuckoldry must have imposed the sort of intolerable strains most of us will never have to experience.
Markle’s additions only add a little spice – though she is more than content to sprinkle in her own interests.
Its laughable, as one of the words she continually uses (amongst others in her Californian ‘speak’), is “compassion” – er, does the woman know what the word actually means ? as she’s shown none at all to her own family and is only interested in planting bombs under her in-laws !
Boris “I’m cancelling my trip to India due to Covid risk”
Boris “No the Indian delegation are still coming to Britain for the G7 meeting”
Boris “Now the Indian delegation have arrived,
.. it’s been detected some are Covid positive,
so we have asked them all to isolate in the hotel”
Boris “I’m looking forward to our world Climate meeting in Glasgow
where thousands of people will be flying in from all over the world”
Sometimes I do wonder that our Prime Minister doesn’t know wether he is on his arse or his elbow. With respect Mr Prime Minister do take a moment to think before you speak, there’s a good chap.
Stew, I thought the PM had had Covid and had a jab full of vaccine? Why is he playing chicken on going to India? Could he not find a Civil Serpent or two to accompany him (to take the minutes) who had also had both Covid and the vaccine?
Not directly the BBC – but the choices people make in voting ….starmer v Johnson . The MSM focus on the ‘character ‘ of party leaders -it dominates – so people vote for local elections with the image of leaders in their minds .
This may be a main reason that Labour loses Hartlepool tomorrow – when anyone can be bothered to see the BBC give an easy ride to Starmer – I was thinking it is really about ‘branding ‘ and ‘habit ‘.
How do you describe Starmer ? Beige – as much charisma as water . And Johnson – bright red – perhaps cola cola – fizzy – pop ….
People like coke – will all the sleaze stuff the BBC has been going on about have any effect ? No.
I think the tories will get a ‘thanks ‘ for the vaccine …but the turn out will be dire – unless – of course – they use the Biden Algorithm.
… but please after victory – take action against the BBC after what they are continuing to do – reform OFCOM – challenge the charter renewal in 2027 – use the majority .be Tory .
Alex Belfield new court news
of course the judge refused the police request to extend his bail
.. the judge laid into the police for not providing evidence with what material they have already seized etc. 20 minute video
Belfield “liars, liars, liars : The police are as corrupt as the BBC, I’ll see you all in court”
He’s swearing like hell at them
Complaining about the way in the last few weeks they’ve all declined to reply to his lawyers.
Amol Rajan has left the The Media Show
last edition today
4:30pm R4 Media Show
very long guest list so I guess the podcast version will be much longer The Decline of the Editor Amol argues that this is a golden age of media
– but a dark age for news.
Readers increasingly don’t trust what they see in newspapers. Journalists criticise each other in public.
And editors have seen much of their power shift to Silicon Valley, where algorithms now decide what people see. What can the media do to fix itself?
: James Mitchinson, Yorkshire Post , YEP
– Dorothy Byrne, Channel 4 editor-at-large;
– Kath Viner, Guardian editor
– Helen Lewis, Piers Morgan, Andrew Neil
– Brian Stelter CNN , Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner correspondent; Dean Baquet, New York Times executive editor
– the late Sir Harry Evans, former Sunday Times editor; Steve Huffman, Reddit chief executive.
Stew – I don’t think the media people take into account that a lot of people just do not spend their time ‘taking ‘ news at all – they prefer other stuff .
There are those who are fed what they want – the lefties
Another group who deal in simplicities outside the media bubble – see that politics and journalism is largely a game and come to their own conclusions about trivia like decorating number 10 or even telling lies to other politicians in parliament
And the growing number who see the media bubble as what it is – hence sites like this one .
Back to Jersey – the French company which will be cutting off 95% of electricity is EDF. On Twitter the ever feisty Kelvin McKensie suggests that in response to this obscene threat – their licence to operate in the UK be withdrawn ….
Other French companies have big interests in key UK utilities – one of which is – I believe – Thames water …
A french politician is threatening to turn off the juice to 100 000 people over fish ….
Yes but that takes a modicum of courage and the Tories have absolutely none, they are a party so devoid of courage their history stretches back nearly 100 years of sheer craven yellowness.
These three almost certainly could be deported by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories, but we all know they aren’t going to be because no one ever is!
Watching the 6pm propaganda session on BBC news – I thought it would be good to have that ‘breaking news ‘ ticker thing giving out details of BBC droids off the books income – myrie – alagia et al .
After all these characters sit up on clouds holding others to account – why not the same rule of ‘openness?’
Black obsession : Activists tweeted about Sunday’s repeat on #BBCFour #FakeOrFortune that was about two old paintings of black people
“One artist Emma Jones sic was married the famous Victorian chef #AlexisSoyer.
Not mentioned, he was also a great friend & champion of #MarySeacole during the #CrimeanWar.”
A repeat of “Fake or Fortune” is on: this is a beautiful painting, painted for the abolitionist movement by the nineteenth-century artist, Elizabeth Jones (https://t.co/Xk8gT9SfEj). Would love to know more about the history of the women who sat for it & this painting. pic.twitter.com/5fKOUS3kBI
“FFS people are people, but Channel4 seeks to divide people by skin colour
They are obsessed with it.”
StewGreen, May 1, 2021 at 9:12 pm:
“Right now the C4 Garden show has a segment where they’re doing a garden makeover for a black family with the C4 black gardener. I didn’t think that many black people are interested in gardening but if they are equally, then of course 4% of garden shows should feature them”.
So Stew is causing racial divide by pointing out the gross over-representation of black people on TV but people like you screaming ‘racists’ when they were under-represented was not ?.
Tell us maxi – do you agree that people should be represented on the media in roughly the same proportion as they are in real life or not ?.
Or will you ignore that bit (as you Lefties always do) because it’s inconvenient when the ENTIRE reason behind all of this is that you (and by ‘you’, I mean your groupthink bubble) hate people with different political views and this is a convenient way to vent that hate ?.
If you go and live in another country
your children born there belong to you more than they belong to the new country. Thus they don’t automatically get its citizenship.
Even if you live live in the country a couple of years and take citizenship, although you can register your children born there as citizens, the country can revoke this arguing that you were on some kind of probation.
This is what happened with Shamina Begum she belongs to her mother/father more than she belongs to Britain.
Tonight on BBC One at 19:30 my latest @BBCPanorama ‘Am I British’ which has taken 6 months to make. Hear some story’s from young people born here but are not classed as British some even face deportation from the only country they know. pic.twitter.com/gjM3Z1gSep
“I felt like my dreams have been crushed.” Maheraj came to Britain from Bangladesh when he was 5.
He dreams of doing medicine at university but found out he can’t this year because he’s considered a foreign student.”
So Greg McKenzie doesn’t know the difference between “stories” (plural) and “story’s” (possessive). I assume he’s a BBC journalist of some sort.
Also, I’m sick of hearing about people’s “dreams” when “ambitions” would be more appropriate. The UK has no responsibility for the realization of such dreams, especially if the person wasn’t born here.
They might hold a British Passport, but not of Britain. Not OF England/Wales/Scotland or Ireland and can never be so simply because of their colour/race, we whites likewise cannot claim to be Ghananian or Nigerian because of our colour and race.
I will award you a special prize if you ever defend your BBC against widespread woke lefty anti British bias . But methinks you prefer cut and paste trolling to get some sort of reaction to affirm your higher moral level .
Just for the record – as mod – I would take you off this site in a blink because you do not contribute to the basic reason for its’ existence – but others here find you ‘entertaining ‘…
Perhaps you’d do well on one of the numerous smug lefty R4 ‘comedy ‘ shows ….
“Foreign Secretary boosts BBC funding to fight fake news.”
“Foreign Secretary announces £8 million for BBC World Service to tackle harmful disinformation, challenge inaccurate reporting and improve digital engagement.”
This is worthy of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
There is a much cheaper way to fight disinformation: Defund the BBC, NOW!
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
tomoMar 3, 17:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I re-watched some of the Oval Office stuff – high as a kite, involuntarily sniffling – seen it before….
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just think – if the US pulls out of NATO those RAF bases they lease can become the third /…
On the previous thread I queried why UK holidaymakers would wish to reward France with their hard-earned. France, whose government has consistently adopted an ant-British punishment attitude through Brexit and beyond.
As if by magic, they have only gone and done it again.
They want to cut off the electricity from Jersey.
Truly appalling, disgraceful, unethical.
I’ve loved the country of France and visited them for decades but I now avoid any and every French product I can. Let’s hit them where is hurts – in their pocket.
…….and a belated addition to my theme.
What a wonderful country France is in terms of treating people with coronavirus.
All round the world, 2-3% of coronavirus sufferers die.
Totals are skewed by a lack of testing during the initial outbreaks but nowadays that is pretty much sorted.
Amazingly, only about 1% of French covid sufferers die.it’s been that way for weeks.
Belgium, Eastern Europe, Italy etc etc etc have much higher fatality rates, in that expected 2-3% range.
France, with a million more cases than the UK has far fewer fatalities. Amazing. They currently have over 5000 serious cases, far higher than the peak in the UK back in January. But they nearly all survive. Amazing.
I offer two possibilities.
1. France has discovered fantastic ways of saving the lives of severe covid sufferers which have eluded other countries who do not appear to have enquired how France has done it so that they can copy the best practice.
2. France are cheating with the fatality statistics.
I wonder which is more likely?
Possibility 3: A diet of frog’s legs, onions, garlic and Gauilloises provides immunity.
France cheats at everything…look at the EUSSR and the CAP.
That’s the metric system for you!
Easy way is to multiply by six then divide by ten, so there’s your answer – 8 Harrabins!
Hydrochloroquine etc maybe the route.
Ah, lovely jubbly… access for cash.
Just public paid folk capitalising on their positions of influence into a bit more dosh.
Marianna so needs one that blocks tweets.
The main thing that NPR journo covers is the abortion debate
I suppose occasional nutters try to shoot abortion doctors
Vote Boris get XR
Net Zero presumably means net zero carbon emissions. And carbon actually refers to carbon dioxide – a gas that is not just neutral but positively necessary for the continuation of plant life, and thus life itself.
These people claim they are following “the” science. When one claims one is following the science, it is necessary to state which science one is following. Science is a big discipline. Following from that, one needs to state which part of a particular science one is following, and finally which paper from which archived journal. Dates etc.
It is obvious that the people who are the most vociferous in claiming they follow “the” science, don’t even know what science is.
Agree NCBBC- if you get the opportunity listen to Prof William Happer-puts the Climate Change situ just where it should be-don’t put off by his slow American drawl this guy knows what he is talking about and in his way rubbishes the excited almost hysterical words and phrases coming out of the mouths of CC fanatics.
Thanks Tarien
Western civilisation is being attacked on all fronts. The Left wants to abolish Christian faith and replace it with Marxism. Then we have the Islamists who want sharia, and crucify the rest. Then we have the money class, who just want to strip all that Christendom has created. Then we have the Climate Change Extinction lunatics. Unlike the previous, the last is quite literally hell bent on destroying plant life.
The sad thing is that the more lunatic an ideology, the more followers it has- particularly in the “educated” class like the BBC.
Thank you. Prof Happer’s diction is slow , and of course thoughtful – exactly what one would expect from a thinking physicist. Even his humour is mild and self-deprecatory.
If one watches Jacob Bronowski’s The Ascent of Man, its the same slow thoughtful speech, that tells me that here is a man who thinks.
Thank you very much.
Like you NCBBC refereshing to locate someone like J Bronowski, recall the series well, then that tells ones age! Prof Happer like Professor Bronowski are in ways succinct about their subject knowledge. We could could do with more of such well balanced scientisits. Some years ago I was a follower of Liberty GB, and I thought Paul Western who was Chairman then, spoke a lot of sense on so many fronts and over so many issues-One article was called ‘How to Destroy a Country’ written in 2014, my goodness wasn’t he so right, its happening before our very eyes and yet so many are blind.
This little story sums it up very well for those of us who were around before the Beatles. In the course of political argument, an ancient lady was told by her grandson that she came from a different generation, to which she replied ‘No I come from a different civilisation.’ Brilliant.
Paul Weston was, and probably still is, a stalwart defender of the West. His Liberty party faced innumerable difficulties. He was arrested in Bath, I believe, for insulting Islam, when all he was doing was reading from Churchill’s Frontier Wars, in the public square. The plod was unaware of the literary piece.
BBC4 The Pinker 2 hour special
Basically the same old TV junk science
They take a good basis , but then fill it with their shallow tick box agenda pushing
These days a lot of normal people can pick it all apart.
I watched this out of professional interest as much as anything else . It was 2 years old – and produced by the Boston public service broadcaster
The DT review described it as ‘horizon ‘ before it turned to woke crap like everything else the BBC does .
However – I found it muddled and based on a false assumption about numbers . If a ‘crime ‘ is not recorded then it never happened ( plod relies on this ) – so if systems don’t record crime they look better than they really are.
The 2 parter got worse as it went on and really got bogged down in woke coloured stuff – and kind of dismissed the action of states in WW2 in slaughtering for slaughters’ sake – whether it be the dirty japs or the krauts ….
I think there is better stuff online – but definitely not those dire woke ‘ted talks ‘….
My personal theory about the reason for violent crime is not fully formed but population size and density features bigly as does material aspiration
On Thursday election day news progs can’t cover local elections
So at 5pm @bbcpm on R4 is doing a #climatechange special
just what you wanted them to do with your money.
The BBC – who are so quick to link us to twitter when it suits them – tell us Trump has started his own blog. Then spend half of the article repeating the claims against him for the Capitol riots which have no bearing at all on the main article.
The big elephant in the room though is how all the MSM tell us about it then proceed to mock it with some insults a 10 year old schoolboy should be embarassed about. But very few of them tell us where it is.
You won’t see any of the topics he mentions on the BBC.
A take of two public broadcasters….
BBC News
The new website will publish content “straight from the desk” of the former US president, who was banned by Twitter and suspended by Facebook and YouTube after the Capitol riots.
Twitter stock is sinking. They need Donald Trump more then he needs them.
What news about the amount of residences (households ) not paying the telly tax ?
Where are the graphs showing the increase/decrease of people deciding whether to pay the racket ?
What of the demographics of the people paying the telly tax – are they young , old , white , black (sorry ,people of .. oh what the hell ) , Asian heritage , Asian heritage but resent being lumped into that bracket , bogus asylum seekers , university dons , senior civil servants , trans ?
Now if the BBC is as important as it says it is , it should make a programme about its loss .
That’s a like asking them to admit what people really think about Dr Who since they woked it. Only cherry picked twitter comments allowed.
The demographic of who actually pays it by ethnicity would be very, very interesting to see. Which is why we never will.
I doubt if the tv licence goons go to ethnic districts looking for Telly tax evaders?
There are areas and communities in Northern Ireland that I doubt have ever been visited, even now.
Not to mention the five million south of the border who can watch it, and have programming aimed at and inclusive of them, totally free of charge.
Very unfair , again the British people have to pay up for the rest of the world . I understand that Al Beeb tv programs are free in the US?
Really. That’d be right.
Apparently they have a streaming service called BBC Select, aimed at the US and Canada, $4.99 a month, but I thought that Britbox was supposed to be popular over there.
Well, I suppose as popular as having 1.5 million subscribers in a combined population of about 370 million can be.
BritBox America have even started commissioning programmes.
I have no idea who this is aimed at but it sounds awful. America?
I’m jumping way ahead of myself here and with both feet but I get the idea that somehow underlying sectarian tensions will be eased by the soothing compassion and wisdom of Islam. So then, 40 years of bombing and bloodshed between Catholics and Protestants could have been avoided if only the linen mills of Belfast had instead been more like the wool mills of Bradford? Well maybe, but not for the reason this Ballykissangelesque nonsense will be pushing.
I can tell you now this will be shite. I can’t wait for the accents.
To be fair, I doubt if any first generation immigrants watch the bBbc. Or second, third and now fourth generation to be honest. Why would they want to or feel they had to pay for the bBbc when the only television they watch is in their own language from their own countries brought to them by satellite. The bBbc’s constant pandering to them is pointless. The bBbc means nothing to them.
I know it’s still regarded as live television but I reckon most of them don’t even know they are legally required to have a licence for this.
Seems to be the case for driving.
A cut and paste from The Guardian describing how children of the BBC profit from it – all through their Production Companies….
Big businesses are paying leading BBC news presenters tens of thousands of pounds to host events, according to newly released documents that show how financial institutions are employing the public broadcaster’s leading stars.
Andrew Marr, the £360,000-a-year host of BBC One’s Sunday morning politics show, was paid at least £5,000 extra by talking to staff and clients at the wealth management firm Brewin Dolphin on a Zoom call at the end of March.
A screengrab of the call seen by the Guardian shows Marr hosted the paid external event from a meeting room in the corporation’s Broadcasting House headquarters while wearing a BBC lanyard.
Responding to a question about Marr, a BBC spokesperson said: “We understand the logistical challenges brought on by the pandemic, but we would remind all staff there is a clear difference between using meeting spaces for BBC-related events compared to anything external.”
The Radio 4 presenter Justin Webb topped the league table of BBC stars with the most paid external events, receiving at least £20,000 during the first three months of this year for external work conducted on top of his £250,000 annual salary for hosting the Today programme.
He was paid at least £5,000 for hosting a breakfast briefing for the City-based management consultancy Proxima, and similar fees from the financial services trade body CISI, the car manufacturers’ trade body SMMT and the wealth management magazine CityWealth.
The actual amount received could have been higher as the BBC register requires staff to declare only whether each booking was worth more or less than £5,000.
For years, many high-profile BBC presenters have topped up their salaries by taking substantial fees from private companies to host awards shows, moderate panel events, and interview guests. Their presence helps attracts interest to the events, while presenters often viewed this income as making up the difference between their salary and what they felt they could earn at commercial news outlets.
However, following a series of scandals about conflicts of interest potentially affecting news coverage, the BBC’s director general, Tim Davie, has required that on-air journalists and senior executives publish details of their external event bookings in a regularly updated pay register.
The new disclosure log covers only January to March 2021, when the number of events and awards ceremonies was severely curtailed due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Despite this, dozens of prominent on-air presenters still registered payments for events conducted over Zoom and other video-conferencing services, although some staff said they were disappointed that unpaid speeches to schools and charities were not included on the list.
Some of the event bookings directly cross over with the topics covered by the journalists involved. Spencer Kelly, the host of BBC World’s Click technology show, was paid at least £5,000 by chairing a panel for the technology company Cisco. The home editor Mark Easton took a similar amount from the National Housing Federation, which represents the country’s housing associations.
The BBC Breakfast host Dan Walker received more than £5,000 for hosting an event for the wealth management company St James’s Place, and a similar sum from the Co-op.
The Irish law firm Mason Hayes and Curran hired the Newsnight host Emily Maitlis for a webinar to celebrate International Women’s Day, while other companies that hired BBC staff for speaking events in this period included Google and Microsoft.
The new rules were introduced after a series of scandals including the BBC’s North America editor, Jon Sopel, giving a paid speech for the tobacco company Philip Morris, and the former editorial director Kamal Ahmed taking £12,000 to speak at a hedge fund conference.
Eyebrows were raised in the BBC newsroom when Boris Johnson announced officially in 2019 he would be standing to be Conservative party leader while being interviewed by the BBC News host Huw Edwards at an insurance industry event. Both were being paid to attend when the headline-grabbing news was broken.ENDS
That old adage about ‘its not what they say – it’s what they do ‘ springs to mind .
@Fedup2 – May 5, 2021 at 5:46 am
when they say “Big businesses” it seems to mean they are really “financial institutions”
with the whopping salaries these “stars” make, it makes sense that they are feted by the money crowd you get a nice slice of the “payed by the public” pie.
Provisional BBC radio on form this morning.
06.45 or thereabouts, the look back on this date feature. They ran a snippet of the interview with Doris following his election as Mare of London in 2021?… When asked if he’d run for Westminister in 2015 elections ‘no of course not’ was the response. Voiceover person then takes great glee in telling us he susequently ran, for the tories and won….
Why Beeb, why? We all know he lies, what’s your point?
Today programme, now promoting the Provisonal BBCs print wing, the Grauniad ‘celebrating’ 200 years of existence. No mention of it being funded by the profits of slavery, or if it would last another 100 years….
Today again, an interview with an ‘effnik’ promoting the benefits of and explaining to the local communidddy about the ‘jab’ due to uptake being low in a certain area… Background music is some sort of Bangla rap/mash noise with a rapper? uttering ‘Michael Jackson’ in relief.
Strange choices again there Beeb, what MJs preoccupation with kids and all the known links to certain ‘gangs’ of that community.
Time for the off button.
Two senior citizens indulge another #PRasnews triumph.
BBC News
This odd-looking photo of the Bidens on a visit to former US president Jimmy Carter and his wife has been causing something of a stir online.
Biden Carter: What’s going on in this picture?
Always funny when bbc crisis management goes into full sombre ‘analysis’ mode.
The BBC likely has flown a full team out to assist Jon and Katty.
One for all the Helf Correspondents in the cubicle gardens…
Most people have commented more about the odd perspective in this photo with the Carters appearing to live in some kind of Bizzare dolls house whilst Biden is shown as a giant in the image.
One comment was that the photographer was from the Chinese Communist Party attempting to show the dear leader as almost God like in his stature, but the more obvious truth here is that this grouping never actually happened and is an example of really bad photoshopping which might be perhaps deliberate.
And mr biden is wearing a Starmer-suit while ‘taking the knee’ like the very same bloke!
Colossus, Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe!!
Twitter certainly think its photoshopped. And by someone who is not good at it.
One for Marianna, who doubtless once watched ‘Rising Sun’ and is a photo phake expert now too?
Gottle o’ geer.
Just look at the twitter comment the BBC chose to show in full with the story:
‘We voted for Biden because he’s a decent human being with sound policies but also because he and Jill are giants who will crush you if you make them angry.’
Barf BBC.
Not the bbc, but…
My online weather, this morning, tells me there is, (albeit low) a risk of snow……………… Let me just check the calendar. Pity they don’t also add an update on, “Global Warming”.
The stubborn failure of the climate to warm is why they renamed it the Climate Emergency. Scary! Meanwhile, it’s snowing in May.
The left changed natural variability of weather from Global Warming to Climate Change for the same reason – Climate not behave according to political requirements set by the manifesto.
Now the left have latched on to an adolescent female, prone to hysterics.
BBC Moaning Emole heads back West…
New trial request for George Floyd killer
A new trial has been requested for the former police officer convicted of murdering African-American George Floyd last month. Derek Chauvin was captured on film kneeling on Mr Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes and following a trial into his death, the then Minneapolis police officer was found guilty of murder and manslaughter.
Chauvin’s legal team allege misconduct by both prosecutors and jurors in court documents. His lawyer Eric Nelson claims his client was deprived of a fair trial, arguing the process was not impartial because of pre-trial publicity. Allegations errors were made by the judge, prosecutorial misconduct and witness intimidation also feature in the document. Chauvin faces up to 40 years in prison and will be sentenced next month. His conviction was considered a milestone in the racial history of the US and was widely welcomed by Americans.
Why? Who knows? Easier pickings? Safer? All they have? Or know?
Still here are David Lammy and that nut job in the beret in the studio to ‘discuss’…
Notice the ‘9 minutes’ lie keeps being repeated, as it was on Sly.
Filth, all of them!
Such was the irresponsible comments from public figures, there is no way Derek Chauvin can get a fair trial in the USA, or even Norte Americano.
Chauvin’s lawyers should be able to get him free. Then he can sue the US government while in asylum in some comparatively civilised country – like Russia or China.
Also moleworthy…
India is a Covid tragedy – it didn’t have to be
On Monday, a senior official from India’s federal government told journalists that there was no shortage of oxygen in Delhi or anywhere else in the country. As he spoke, several small hospitals – only a few miles from where he stood in the capital – were sending out desperate messages about them running out of oxygen, putting patients’ lives at risk.
The federal government has repeatedly insisted that there was no shortage. Experts say the shortage of oxygen is just one of the problems which show the Indian government was “caught sleeping at the wheel”, having failed to do enough to stop or minimise the damage of the second wave.
Read full story >
Vikas Pandey
BBC News
I’m guessing that the French threat to cut of the electricity supply to Jersey won’t feature in the BBC news . But what it should do is to cause an analysis of areas of UK life most at risk from enemies such as France and mitigate them –
Looks like Jersey needs to buy a few generators
– as well as examine ares when the UK can damage French interests .
“Mary Rose crew was ethnically diverse, study finds”
Yet again more Woke agenda.
A message to Al Beeb from most Telly tax payers – ‘Go woke , Go broke.’
‘Pretend black people have been prominent in historical British society like in Dr Who, not in the real world’ seems to be a new policy decision taken at board-room level (eyes look upwards like Mr Rumbold) because it’s suddenly happening simultaneously for different topics.
I really, really, really detest the mindset of those in that meeting. Ethically barren liars who think it’s OK because it’s for the greater good of the society THEY want to make. Like Hitler did.
Same ‘science’ as climate change. The minimum crew would have been 415, though very probably increased to over 700 with soldiers on the day.
Of these the remains of 179 have been found, eight selected for investigation and three found to have ‘possible’ southern Mediterranean links – from which any university educated scientist worthy of the name must deduce that a multi-ethnic crew worked the ship. Elementary, apparently.
Except that with the high incidence of mercenary use in all armies of the period, any ethnicity is most likely to have been within their ranks. And they were not part of the everyday crew.
The case for a diverse crew has been totally demolished by this chap. If any self respecting scientist put their names to this claim of diversity they ought to be ‘struck off’ . But of course the Woke scum operate under a blanket of lies and falsehoods and within a few years it will be being taught that in Tudor England there were many Africans. I’m waiting , I don’t think that it be a long wait, for some Woke idiot to claim that the diverse elements of the crew were in fact slaves chained to the benches to row the ship. The fact that it didn’t have oars won’t stop them, facts are a nuisance in pursuit of Wokism.
Years later it will be taught that most of mathematicians in Tudor England, who laid the foundations for Newton, were Africans.
One of the ruse is to claim that African civilisation was one of the first in the world. Great builders etc. It turns out they are referring to Egypt. Present day Egyptians would be astonished.
Ever wondered why so many middle class young white women show up to demos especially in America? Well there is a reason, more than half of them are clincally mentally ill!
HALF-MAD: Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness
56.3% is closer to 60% than it is to half though!
Only half?
And then there’s the other halves.
Well what a surprise: the absurdly woke husband of the absurdly woke Meghan supports an absurdly woke charity.
Be fair to the boy vlad. If you’d been born ginger you would identify with lost causes too. It goes with the territory, I mean, look at that tosser Chris Evans….
He is a product of the rotten school, just like his brother, and the Arch Socialist of Cant,. the far left Socialist Workers party affiliate member David Cameron, and the current far Left PM.
Thinking today though as with most things the Left turn their hands to, only destruction and failure comes of it. They infiltrate the Tory party with far left posh boys, and what happens is they turn it into Labour and destroy the lefts main party in the process!
Re: Karens
Hallmark movies have addressed this problem. The story is generally about a smart, good looking, intelligent and tough young woman, who has made it in the Big Apple. But she is unhappy, and shows her unhappiness in attitudes towards her employees – bitchiness to women and worse to young men. And also joining fringe groups.
Come Christmas, she goes back home after many years, to Red country, to see her grandma. She loves her gran. There, at her granny’s place, she meets a young man, who is kind and gentle to her, but there is that country toughness around him, which she doesn’t know how to handle.
You know the rest. No unhappy Karen – a pain to all. Gran’s plan worked.
“HALF-MAD: Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness”
This is, of course, complete nonsense. The Pew Study shows no such thing. This figure comes instead from the ‘analysis’ of a PhD student who describes him self as; ‘Wokeness Studies scholar’.
But even ignoring any possible claims of bias, the quoted ‘analysis’ makes no claims about the number of people; “Diagnosed with Mental Illness”.
Bill Whittle is just one more ‘opinionated’ YouTube clone churning out click-bait for cash.
Hey maxincony when are you going to post some example of Al Beeb’s blatant bias instead of trolling?
Do you have any article which suggests the said PhD scholar has falsified these figures?
If not then how can you claim it to be complete nonsense ?
There may indeed claims of bias, and of course that is what this entire site is about, however it doesn’t prevent you from defending the bias of the BBC and you seldom if ever call into question the claims made by a corporation which on Worldwide media monitoring site is listed as having a Left Wing bias in its news output.
Just like Al Beeb and the Leftoids who support it, Maxi is always likely to approve ‘academic research’ suggesting BAME/LGBTQ/transgender
/Marxists/Remoaners etc are superior or warrant special attention…and that Whitey/Gammons/
heterosexuals/Tories etc are deficient, intellectually or morally so any research suggesting otherwise is false.
Al Beeb Wales……….
“For the first time, 16 and 17-year-olds will be able to vote in the Senedd elections, meaning 70,000 more people are eligible to cast their ballot on Thursday.”
Time to Abolish the Welsh Assembly.
What next , Votes for 5 year olds ?
Wee krankie has done to same in Scotland.
Weird isn’t it? You can’t drive a car or drink in a pub or gamble in a betting shop but you can vote !!!!!
16 year olds have paid little or no tax in their lives and their entire experience has been through the prism of the state, mainly through education. Why would anyone of that kind not vote for romantic ideals and more state spending to which they will contribute nothing?
And of course that is precisely the thoughts of the left who want to reduce the voting age. The only surprise is that the nationalists don’t want to reduce the voting age to about 10 and issue free sweeties at the polling stations.
I’d increase the voting age to 21.
No representation without taxation.
Even 21 is too young IMHO. People should have experience of the world before they decide who should run it. 25 would be about right.
I’ve followed up on a few famous left-wing activists from around the world who are middle-aged now and every single one was embarassed at what they did after they realised how the world really worked.
I was clearing aircraft for flight at 21. It’s all about personal responsibility.
I know 18 year old today that are mature beyond their years there are also numerous examples of more mature individuals that I question how they even get dressed of a morning. Most seem to phone into BBC radio shows.
Sadly the young people of today are being failed by the education system.
The WestWyvern
“Sadly the young people of today are being failed by the education system.”
They have been ‘educated’ ready for voting by their Marxist and Socialist teachers. Hence the push by the Welsh Assembly to get them voting young.
So young they have never paid tax, never had a real job and can’t even tidy up their bedroom.
Voting should be restricted, at the very least, to householders.
Sadly democracy is, as admitted, at best, flawed. In many ways.
But it is the best system so far. And historically we appear to have arrived at a least worst option.
The current PM and Leader of Opposition and most of their cabinets I would not wish given access to any position of influence, including a photo booth.
A young local holiday job supermarket worker who applied to work here I would anticipate is now employing scores successfully.
Doers over talkers. Looking at you, Toenails.
I remind ours that at their age Guy Gibson was already a posthumous Wing Commander.
Sounds like you have a similar career start to me : I was signing off things like helicopter autopilot changes as fit to fly at 21.
The problem now is the targetting of young people by the Left. There’s a reason so many change to be right-wing as they get older.
Agree JohnC 25 years old would be about right-although when young men had to undergo 2 years military service, they grew up quickly and most came out around 21-22 yrs old. A friend of mine who was a year older than me, did his two years in the Army and when he came out at 21 went to the Polytechnic took A levels and got a place at Durham Uni-which as he said was of no interest before his two year service-as he said ‘it grew him up’.
Sluff, I know someone – now deceased – who was born in the mid-1950s. He had left school, gone to Uni, on a grant. Stayed on at Uni, did a Masters. On a grant. Went to another Uni and did a Doctorate, using a grant. When he reached the age of 29, people started to suggest to him that he might like to try working for a living.
He became a teacher.
Did he retire early on a full fat pension due to ‘ill-health’ as most of my wife’s cohort did, enabling several of them to spend six months a year at their European second homes? All now complaining about the time they can spend there, of course, as they did about Brexit.
(For the record, my wife only taught for 3 years after a first degree before usefully spending her time looking after our boys and me.)
Don’t know, Peter. Think he may have died while working still. Cannot for the life of me remember the year of his death. There’s no doubt that getting onto the public pay roll does mean a juicy future at pension time, especially so at the BBC.
As a very experienced software engineer, I can say without any doubt that PhD graduates make absolutely useless engineers. They are simply unable to relate to the real world and working as a team.
One whose job was risk-analysis was convinced ‘cosmic rays’ were the biggest danger to Ariane-5. We tried in vain to convince him it was a software failure. The first one blew up when both main computers crashed due to the same software bug in each one.
Another left an airborne software team saying ‘You are not my kind of people’.
Teaching is all they can do. You can’t actually fail : there is no right and wrong.
Much the same with MBA’s.
I had some working for me at two different financial institutions in the 90’s.
At one, his risk management was so good he went on to bust ABN Amro, and the other couldn’t work out the starting point for his cashflow projection from a set of financial accounts.
All theory, little idea of application.
You can’t even buy a lottery ticket now until you are 18!
The right to vote should be a privilege and must be earned.
1. Must have served in the army.
2. Must be an adult male over 21.
3. Must have paid taxes and continues to do so.
4. Not in debt.
The universal franchise has been the single most destructive policy ever, and will soon bring about the fall of old nations like Britain.
The USA, a much younger nation, is already there.
I read a Douglas Murray piece in the Speccie a few weeks ago which claimed that children in Krankie’s schools were being taught lies about events in Scotland’s history which, if you can believe it, were anti-English. It stands to (their) reason that these indoctrinated children, who also get their daily dose of propaganda from Krankie, will vote to sunder the Union which pays for their education/health/security/vaccines, alright just about everything.
And like so many of the UK’s problems, and indeed those of the world, it can be traced back to one man, Anthony Lynton Charles Blair. He who created the devolved administrations who then went off gerrymandering their elections with votes for indoctrinated children.
Didn’t he do well!
Likely not news chez W1A.
But a certain kids’ book…
BBC visual imagery is fascinating.
Here is a simple guide for simple folk.
Meanwhile our local shire radio has a ballot paper with pencil poised over… golly… the coincidence of this… Labour!
I am waiting for Laura and Lewis to turn up later at my door to personally deliver my ginger nuts.
Here’s the link to Trump’s new platform:
Very odd why the lefty rags guardian, independent and the BBC website are all warning about a heavy defeat for Labour in the Hartlepool elections.
Normally they would hush stuff like that up.
My theory, they are trying to send an electioneering message to potential Labour voters there to make sure they go out and vote.
It’s pure electioneering by the media on behalf of Labour and needs Ofcom to take a look at what’s going on.
Utterly blatant.
Not fit for purpose .
Have they reminded the voters that they need to take their own pencil?
Scrob, ‘pen’, that can’t be rubbed out……………..
The concerted and orchestrated ‘tory sleaze’ campaign, along with sofas, wallpaper and nanny’s doesn’t seem to have worked, hence the feverish attempts to worry the electorate into action. Nothing changes.
“pure electioneering by the media on behalf of Labour”
It is clear they are attempting to reduce the vote deficit so they can still claim a ‘win’ for Labour by showing how well it did despite all the predictions.
Perhaps but it is also discounting the heavy defeat , making it seem less bad when the results come out over the week end.It must be intensely worrying to the BBC Guardian axis of evil that despite throwing loads of shit at Boris over the past few weeks the electorate hanvt changed their voting intentions. Eventually it might dawn on the leftist retards that increasing numbers of once loyal Labour voters now regard the Labour Party with horrorand will never vote for it again.
Ordinary voters don’t like being called gammons, knuckle draggers , stupid by leftists and many Labour MPs for the entire five years since Brexit.
They don’t like Labour leaders and activists grovelling before BLM.
They don’t like Labour MPs saying that they will reverse Brexit at the first opportunity.
The voters suspect that most Labour luvvies care more about migrants than about Brits.
The astonishing thing is that the dumb left can’t understand any of this and continue their policies which alienate the voters they need to win back. Long may it continue . Eventually I hope that someone in the Tory Party realises that moving to the right will actually win votes and we get back a centre right party. Not this government of course but eventually.
Double – you are humming my tune . It’s strange how the socialists disconnected from their British white voters in favour of any ‘vulnerable minority ‘ it can link up to .
Fortunately for people of The Right – like me – the socialists will continue their mission of self destruction . I wrote a bit about Starmer elsewhere here -a barrister with no heart leading a bunch of – well not even mediocre self servers …
……it’s just a shame the tories went red .
TOADY Watch #1 – another little piece of evidence?
Nadhim Zahawi, Business Secretary and ‘Vaccines Minister’ was the Prime Interview Slot victim for a mauling by Martha. Cash for Cuteaines* was inevitably brought up by a Labour supporting BBC and Martha pushed and pushed on that one but Nadhim was not budging.
Martha missed the really big issue: the ‘P’ question. Nowt to do with ‘H’.
Why are millions of taxpayers £s being given to Porton Down, tha national secure facility for bio-weapons, and not to a BigPharma Company? Or to a Small UK Pharmaceutical Company or start-up? Would that not be more beneficial?
The really big question Martha should have asked: is the nation under attack from hostile forces using the Covid virus as a weapon?
It would have been interesting to hear what Nadhim Zahawi said in reply.
* Snuffy’s little word play: curtains, cuties and chatelaines in relation to Carrie Antoinette
“* Snuffy’s little word play: curtains, cuties and chatelaines in relation to Carrie Antoinette”
Ha ha ha!
“What’s your game now, can anybody play”? (The Hollies)…
Apparently so, Scrobie, it is open season on Bojo; open season on Bolsanaro, open season on Donald Trump and the BBC even hinted at the end of Bibi Netanyahu early on in TOADY this morning.
“Roll up, roll up, get your wet sponges here to throw at the person in the stocks! Only a penny a go. Come on now, it’s all for a good cause.”
Scrobie, one of the interesting things I discovered about the word ‘chatelaine’ when checking it is that the British, those perfidious Albins 🙂 , have imbued the word with a different meaning over the years compared to its French usage. And we thought the French were naughty and all that “Ooo la la!”
Any connection?
Trump launches ‘communications’ platform…
Biden administration considers chat app surveillance….
It’s getting g more and more like 1930’s Germany in the USA.
TOADY Watch #2 – another important question not asked
There was much hand-wringing during the first or second hour of TOADY about the fact that because of Lockdown in the UK, every little mite under the age of five will be likely to drown this summer. The swimming pools were closed due to the Lockdown and swimming classes for mothers and toddlers were not held.
I think it may have been Mishal that took this item. It obviously did not occur to her that right from the start of Lockdown, the Government were encouraging everybody to wash their hands. Remember ‘Hands + Face + Space’? Apparently not.
Secondly, I guess that Mishal may not have visited a swimming pool in her life, so she does not know that the water is full of chlorine. And other stuff. Especially with small children in it. The chance of a virus surviving in the water would, I think, be close to non-existent. Why did the Government and/or Local Authorities close swimming pools during the Lockdown?
Mishal missed the opportunity to ask.
Talking to my next door neighbour on Sunday and his 19 year old daughter was stood with him.She was genuinely excited about voting for the first time.
I asked her who she will be voting for and she said Labour, i said why and the reply was, ”well, nobody at UNI votes Tory, we all hate them”.
I then asked what policy attracts you to Labour, answer, ”no idea but me and my mates wont vote Tory, we all hate them”.
I genuinely despair..and how pathetic
Yes and imagine how much worse it’s going to be if the BBC and their socialist friends get their way so that 16-17 year olds get the vote too!
………like Wales……….
The chattering classes here are beginning to vote in ever-increasing numbers for the Alliance Party, many turning their backs on the Unionist parties. NI’s equivalent to the Liberals, they stand for everything and nothing.
I don’t think that too many of these middle-class urban Prods realise that Alliance also want to lower the voting age, they’re too busy virtue signalling to actually realise who or what they’re voting for. They don’t seem to understand that the demographic this will suit best have nothing in common with them, much more Gaelic club than Rugby club, that the main benefactors from such a move will be Sinn Fein, a party who openly despise them.
Still as long as they can keep their holiday homes in Donegal and their twice yearly trips to Dublin for the Six Nations who cares?
Rich – I was listening the the language the BBC used to report the end of the political show trial being used against too ex paras.
‘ IRA terrorist’ is not a term they use – must be an editorial decision – the monster they thankfully killed was not fully described . The monsters’ family were able to use the trial as a propaganda weapon for Sinn Fein IRA – again – a term the BBC never uses .
Let’s all forget that death and pain and loss shall we …? Why not call them IRA Freedom Fighters ? Which I think is what the BBC wants to do ….
Yes dafydd pathettic and more so very worrying as to how little this young person knows of anything that could and no doubt will alter her life dramatically-she firstly should learn to speak her language correctly-(me and my mates- my mates and I-it should be) but never mind this follows the social media language line- me,mine, more, like, kind of, anytime soon, from the get go, you get my meaning. Of course not all youngsters are the same-its what is being taught at University or rather what is not being taught that is worrying. I agree absoultely with other folk here, the voting age should be 21 better if 25. I certainly knew more when I was 25, having lived and worked in France for three years, travelled for my company all over the UK and elsewhere. Wider perception of the world and what goes on-at 17 I was only interested in sport and girls, never mind in what the order!
Her farther was really taken aback by her awful comments…
I just think its indicative of society today, kids have it so easy and genuinely dont care unless it is of a benefit to them. But i also believe a great deal of there behaviour is driven by pier pressure and the need to be liked and not be alienated by there friends
Times have changed and not for the better. I joined the Army at 16, at the age of 18 i was pounding the streets of Northern Ireland in the late 70’s. We grew up very quickly
It brakes my heart to see the sacrifices made by so many to enable these spotty faced oinks the opportunity to vote in the first place.
They could at least educate themselves in the way of the world instead of worrying when they were going to get sh-t faced next or when were mum and dad were going to buy them the next expensive piece of technology so they could keep up with there mates.
Yes i agree, keep them away from the ballot box until they are 21. By that time they may have earned the right to vote.
Ah well, we live in hope
Agree again in what you have said—‘I just think its indicative of society today, kids have it so easy and genuinely dont care unless it is of a benefit to them. But i also believe a great deal of there behaviour is driven by pier pressure and the need to be liked and not be alienated by there friends.’
In many ways much of the problems we have now, and not only with youngsters, is of the 45 years the United Kingdm spent under the subjugating, controlling influence of the European Union. Its almost vindictiveness, unrelenting duplicity and continued interference in this nations sovereign state, has reaped a profound atmosphere of over compliance and a designed failure amongst its citizens
Or as they would say at the BBC:
BBC salaries are negotiated between the stars agent and the BBC
Agent “he can get £300K at ITV”
BBC should say “We’ll pay £200K and then he’ll get external income from speeches, image rights, book rights , and that’s higher cos of BBC prestige”
If the BBC is shamed by these external jobs,
then it’s their fault for writing a contract that allowed them.
R4 this morning….one of the mimmin DJ,s was interviewing the daughter of the IRA Terrorist McCann. She 3 years old ( THREE)
at the time.
I switched it off.
This type of question can only fall into a category of political manipulation.
What would a 3 y/o child know or be able to say?
This type of intervention by this bBC organisation is completely out of order.
The lady asking the question and the editor of this programme should be receiving a knock at the door to come for questioning.
Close the Door on R4.
as if you needed reminding
I know a girl who was at Cambridge with Emily Maitlis. Never heard her say a bad word about anyone but apparently Mateless wasn’t very nice then either.
On bbbc radio newcastle this morning we got a couple of questions that a mastermind finalist would have trouble answering.
Interviewing a 40 year old firefighter who almost died from covid, he was told to say his goodbyes to his family as he wasn’t expected to live through the night.
Difficult question 1.
Would you recommend those in their forties to have the covid jab?
Difficult question 2.
(Something along the lines of) Did the nurses and doctors do a good job or were you happy with the nurses and doctors. (something like that)
They put up a 4 min clip
“Mick McTigue from Alnwick, was a healthy firefighter, but got so ill with covid a doctor told him to say his goodbyes”
wife sounds Polish or East EU
Vax Qn .. he agreed ‘go for it’ (seems he is in the 40-45 category and has had the vax)
Qn to wife on NHS doc/nurses … finaly he replied “They are amazing”
As ever stories are created in the edit and may not reflect reality.
TalkRadio now, tackling trust in the BBC ..YouTube fwd to 1:05pm
#1 Marr and co big cash for zoom calls
when Marr was sitting in a BBC office wearing a BBC lanyard
#2 “Is Laura K acting for Labour ?”
ex-beeboid Will Wyatt is on.
“I can’t see a problem” he says
12:35pm Rebecca Ryan DefundTheBBC on TR
BBC say “OMG someone donated £20K for No10 wallpaper.. that’s buying influence”
BBC say “what our presenters earn £150K on public speaking engagements .. that’s doesn’t buy influence”
Laura’s story “Boris has a loose relationship with the truth”
Laura “when I said that James Dyson was a big supporter and funder of Boris and the Tories, I wasn’t being truthful”
.. projection much ?
I note that the left wing echo chamber known as Twitter has lost 30% of its value in the past two months. Perhaps people are waking up to the fact that Twitter is silencing dissent. I wonder if that will influence the decision by Facebook on whether to continue the ban on Trump.
RT had an item last night saying TV networks
are suffering without Trump to bring in ratings.
Perhaps the government could introduce a special social media licence that everyone would have to pay? The proceeds would all go to Twitter, but anyone who uses any social media platform (Faecesbook, WhatsCrap, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram etc) would have to pay it. A reputable company such as, say, Crapita, could be used to enforce it. All ISPs would have to provide details of sites visited by users so as to help with compliance. What a pity there is no precedent for such an englightened approach.
The BBC are delighted to give Meghan Markle’s book a favourable review and free plug.
It seems to be about herself, of course, and how important relationships are between children and dads and stuff.
Highly original. And now perhaps the Duchess of Me would consider fixing her own broken relationship with her dad, and then the one she broke up between Prince Charles and Harry.
Charles having to live with and accept the embodiment of cuckoldry must have imposed the sort of intolerable strains most of us will never have to experience.
Markle’s additions only add a little spice – though she is more than content to sprinkle in her own interests.
Most galling was the author being printed as Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. As if for a moment she didn’t plan it all this way.
Its laughable, as one of the words she continually uses (amongst others in her Californian ‘speak’), is “compassion” – er, does the woman know what the word actually means ? as she’s shown none at all to her own family and is only interested in planting bombs under her in-laws !
Boris “I’m cancelling my trip to India due to Covid risk”
Boris “No the Indian delegation are still coming to Britain for the G7 meeting”
Boris “Now the Indian delegation have arrived,
.. it’s been detected some are Covid positive,
so we have asked them all to isolate in the hotel”
Boris “I’m looking forward to our world Climate meeting in Glasgow
where thousands of people will be flying in from all over the world”
you really couldnt make this stuff up anymore
Sometimes I do wonder that our Prime Minister doesn’t know wether he is on his arse or his elbow. With respect Mr Prime Minister do take a moment to think before you speak, there’s a good chap.
I did use quotation marks
but I was paraphrasing for effect.
Climate meeting is in the autumn.
Stew, I thought the PM had had Covid and had a jab full of vaccine? Why is he playing chicken on going to India? Could he not find a Civil Serpent or two to accompany him (to take the minutes) who had also had both Covid and the vaccine?
Not directly the BBC – but the choices people make in voting ….starmer v Johnson . The MSM focus on the ‘character ‘ of party leaders -it dominates – so people vote for local elections with the image of leaders in their minds .
This may be a main reason that Labour loses Hartlepool tomorrow – when anyone can be bothered to see the BBC give an easy ride to Starmer – I was thinking it is really about ‘branding ‘ and ‘habit ‘.
How do you describe Starmer ? Beige – as much charisma as water . And Johnson – bright red – perhaps cola cola – fizzy – pop ….
People like coke – will all the sleaze stuff the BBC has been going on about have any effect ? No.
I think the tories will get a ‘thanks ‘ for the vaccine …but the turn out will be dire – unless – of course – they use the Biden Algorithm.
… but please after victory – take action against the BBC after what they are continuing to do – reform OFCOM – challenge the charter renewal in 2027 – use the majority .be Tory .
Alex Belfield new court news
of course the judge refused the police request to extend his bail
.. the judge laid into the police for not providing evidence with what material they have already seized etc.
20 minute video
Belfield “liars, liars, liars : The police are as corrupt as the BBC, I’ll see you all in court”
He’s swearing like hell at them
Complaining about the way in the last few weeks they’ve all declined to reply to his lawyers.
also seems the torys have dropped the bbc £8m of our money
Amol Rajan has left the The Media Show
last edition today
4:30pm R4 Media Show
very long guest list so I guess the podcast version will be much longer
The Decline of the Editor
Amol argues that this is a golden age of media
– but a dark age for news.
Readers increasingly don’t trust what they see in newspapers. Journalists criticise each other in public.
And editors have seen much of their power shift to Silicon Valley, where algorithms now decide what people see. What can the media do to fix itself?
: James Mitchinson, Yorkshire Post , YEP
– Dorothy Byrne, Channel 4 editor-at-large;
– Kath Viner, Guardian editor
– Helen Lewis, Piers Morgan, Andrew Neil
– Brian Stelter CNN , Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner correspondent; Dean Baquet, New York Times executive editor
– the late Sir Harry Evans, former Sunday Times editor; Steve Huffman, Reddit chief executive.
Stew – I don’t think the media people take into account that a lot of people just do not spend their time ‘taking ‘ news at all – they prefer other stuff .
There are those who are fed what they want – the lefties
Another group who deal in simplicities outside the media bubble – see that politics and journalism is largely a game and come to their own conclusions about trivia like decorating number 10 or even telling lies to other politicians in parliament
And the growing number who see the media bubble as what it is – hence sites like this one .
Twitter showing big drop in revenue….
CNN showing huge drop in readership and thus ad revenue
Facebook same…..
Trump launches his own app…
Facebook considering restoring Trump’s account….
Back to Jersey – the French company which will be cutting off 95% of electricity is EDF. On Twitter the ever feisty Kelvin McKensie suggests that in response to this obscene threat – their licence to operate in the UK be withdrawn ….
Other French companies have big interests in key UK utilities – one of which is – I believe – Thames water …
A french politician is threatening to turn off the juice to 100 000 people over fish ….
Yes but that takes a modicum of courage and the Tories have absolutely none, they are a party so devoid of courage their history stretches back nearly 100 years of sheer craven yellowness.
Surely removing such a basic service as electricity in retaliation in a trade dispute is a violation of human rights
M. Macron, va te faire enculer connard
My schoolboy French is a bit rusty, but does that translate roughly as ‘kindly go make love to yourself in the Greek fashion’?
Vlad, close enough 😎😎
I thought I’d check the BBC for this story which they haven’t run for reasons which will become obvious.
It concerns the rape of an 18 year old White girl by three of the usual suspects, Zahid Hassan Saqib Raheel and Sholan James.
These three almost certainly could be deported by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories, but we all know they aren’t going to be because no one ever is!
Especially not one of The Chosen Ones, who can do no wrong.
Breaking News Shortly. I don’t think Facebook likes Donald Trump ?
“EU negotiator Barnier spills Brexit secrets in new book”
Interesting , very interesting.
Watching the 6pm propaganda session on BBC news – I thought it would be good to have that ‘breaking news ‘ ticker thing giving out details of BBC droids off the books income – myrie – alagia et al .
After all these characters sit up on clouds holding others to account – why not the same rule of ‘openness?’
Black obsession : Activists tweeted about Sunday’s repeat on #BBCFour #FakeOrFortune that was about two old paintings of black people
“One artist Emma Jones sic was married the famous Victorian chef #AlexisSoyer.
Not mentioned, he was also a great friend & champion of #MarySeacole during the #CrimeanWar.”
“Black obsession :…”
StewGreen, May 1, 2021 at 8:59 pm:
“FFS people are people, but Channel4 seeks to divide people by skin colour
They are obsessed with it.”
StewGreen, May 1, 2021 at 9:12 pm:
“Right now the C4 Garden show has a segment where they’re doing a garden makeover for a black family with the C4 black gardener. I didn’t think that many black people are interested in gardening but if they are equally, then of course 4% of garden shows should feature them”.
So maxi where is your evidence of Al Beeb’s bias ? Or do you support the outfit that robs from the poor to give to the rich?
So Stew is causing racial divide by pointing out the gross over-representation of black people on TV but people like you screaming ‘racists’ when they were under-represented was not ?.
Tell us maxi – do you agree that people should be represented on the media in roughly the same proportion as they are in real life or not ?.
Or will you ignore that bit (as you Lefties always do) because it’s inconvenient when the ENTIRE reason behind all of this is that you (and by ‘you’, I mean your groupthink bubble) hate people with different political views and this is a convenient way to vent that hate ?.
7:30pm Racebaiting on Panorama tonight
If you go and live in another country
your children born there belong to you more than they belong to the new country. Thus they don’t automatically get its citizenship.
Even if you live live in the country a couple of years and take citizenship, although you can register your children born there as citizens, the country can revoke this arguing that you were on some kind of probation.
This is what happened with Shamina Begum she belongs to her mother/father more than she belongs to Britain.
“I felt like my dreams have been crushed.” Maheraj came to Britain from Bangladesh when he was 5.
He dreams of doing medicine at university but found out he can’t this year because he’s considered a foreign student.”
“… Hear some story’s from young people …”
So Greg McKenzie doesn’t know the difference between “stories” (plural) and “story’s” (possessive). I assume he’s a BBC journalist of some sort.
Also, I’m sick of hearing about people’s “dreams” when “ambitions” would be more appropriate. The UK has no responsibility for the realization of such dreams, especially if the person wasn’t born here.
“most of the examples in the programme weren’t born here
but came over with parents on visitor or other visas.”
They might hold a British Passport, but not of Britain. Not OF England/Wales/Scotland or Ireland and can never be so simply because of their colour/race, we whites likewise cannot claim to be Ghananian or Nigerian because of our colour and race.
Local BBC Johnson
Lincolnshire doctor in quarantine hotel.
East Yorkshire MP gives opinion
Diana Johnson the Hull Labour MP
.. I tick the Bias Bingo card
typo “Local BBC news”
.. I was thinking of the politician’s name
“East Yorkshire MP gives opinion
Diana Johnson the Hull Labour MP
.. I tick the Bias Bingo card”
What you ‘forgot’ to mention is that the report also read out a statement from a Conservative Government spokesperson. So where is the bias?
maxi, since you are here – where’s that apology that you owe me?
“where’s that apology that you owe me?”
I’ve already replied to you, but will try again for the last time…
I’ve got no problem apologising if I’ve got something wrong, but I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. Could you be a bit more specific?
I will award you a special prize if you ever defend your BBC against widespread woke lefty anti British bias . But methinks you prefer cut and paste trolling to get some sort of reaction to affirm your higher moral level .
Just for the record – as mod – I would take you off this site in a blink because you do not contribute to the basic reason for its’ existence – but others here find you ‘entertaining ‘…
Perhaps you’d do well on one of the numerous smug lefty R4 ‘comedy ‘ shows ….
You couldn’t make it up!
“Foreign Secretary boosts BBC funding to fight fake news.”
“Foreign Secretary announces £8 million for BBC World Service to tackle harmful disinformation, challenge inaccurate reporting and improve digital engagement.”
This is worthy of Orwell’s Ministry of Truth.
There is a much cheaper way to fight disinformation: Defund the BBC, NOW!
Looks like Dom is prepping for ground for his leadership bid by buying the BBC – however I think Richie has deeper pockets ..